The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Thu 1 Aug, 2024 08:39 pm
“Trump boasted Wednesday that he could speak for two hours without making a mistake.” Then he proceeded to make a liar out himself. Not only were they obvious mistakes but they were major mistakes.

“Speaking at a Pennsylvania the former president referred to David McCormick as your “next governor.” He did it again 15 minutes later, calling McCormick, “Mr. Governor, Mt Future Governor.”

Well, what wrong with that? McCormick isn’t even running for governor, he is running for the senate. Everyone at the political rally knew that except Trump. How could anyone endorse someone and not even know what office they are running for?

Trump is heading down the rabbit hole of senility and it is only a matter of time before he shows up for dinner without his pants like his dad. Trump’s particular form of senility progress much faster than other types. Imagine how much damage a senile Trump can do to America.
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Reply Fri 2 Aug, 2024 07:08 pm
Jim Jordan, representative from Ohio, is requesting documents from 40 companies including Goldman Sachs, Adidas, and McDonalds. Jordan is head of the House Judiciary Committee. What is his complaint? He is complaining that these companies are not doing enough to fund right wing liar factories and social media sites. Jordan is looking for a way to force these companies to fund the right wing lies. If a company bought commercial time on NBC, they would be required to buy the same amount of commercial time on Fox News. Jordan does not believe in a free market he believes in government control.

Jordan is complaining that there is collusion going on because the companies prescribe to a company called Global Alliance for Responsible Media. If you are a company, you don’t want to advertise on a Fox News which just paid $787 million fine for lying about the election you should not have some right-wing politician telling you that you have to. Simply get good advice from a professional consulting firm is not collusion as Jordan would have you believe. If the right-wing media outlets want a bigger share of the advertising pie, they should start by not lying their asses off 24-7.
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Reply Sat 3 Aug, 2024 09:06 pm
Surprise, surprise, Trump is suspected of taking $10 million in bribes from Egyptian Intelligence service in 2017 a few days before he took office. Would Trump take bribes? Do birds have wings? I have never heard about this investigation until today. There was an investigation but Bill Barr, Trump’s hand-picked attorney general killed the investigation. The Egyptian Intelligence service with drew $10 million dollars in $100 dollar bills. They were placed in two bags weighting 200 lbs. and carried out of the bank.

Of course, a democratic congressman was just convicted in taking bribes from middle Eastern countries. The Egyptian Intelligence service will try to bribe both democrats and republicans and you can bet Trump was holding his hand out. How was Trump able to hide the investigation from the public? No doubt he used the Russian investigation to shield this investigation.

“In office Trump repeatedly praised Sisi, his administration released hundreds of millions of dollars in aid that had been held up over concerns about abysmal human rights records.”

Trump’s campaign records were subpoena in 2016 after a meeting with Egyptian Dictator Sisi and showed a $10 million dollar loan to his campaign. Trump you remember said he could pay for his own campaign.
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Reply Sun 4 Aug, 2024 09:11 pm
In a world of illusions, it is easy to use those Illusions to manipulate others. There are those who are almost born manipulators. Right now, the Christian Nationalist want to create the illusion that America was founded on a Judo Christian bases.

Jefferson’s last thoughts on the Declaration of Independence.

“May it be to the world, what I believe it will be, (to some parts sone, to other parts later, but finally to all.) the signal of arousing men to battle the chains, which monkish ignorance and superstition had persuaded them to bind themselves and to assume blessings & security of self-government. That form which we have submitted, restores the free rights to the unbounded exercise of reason and freedom of opinion. All eyes are opened, or opening, to the rights of men. The general spread of light of science has already laid open to every view. The palpable truth that the mass of mankind has not been born with saddles on their back, nor a favored few booted with spurs, ready to ride them legitimately by the grace of God.”

The Declaration of Independence was not only to declare our independence from England but also from the darkness of ignorance and superstition of religion. Religion put the saddles on the back of mankind and religion that issued the spurs to a privileged few and religion used a vale of darkness to keep men in the dark. As you read the actual document that were written and revised you get the understanding that founding fathers knew the evil that religion posed.

Now we have those on the right who want to pull the religious vale of darkness and superstition over America and call it “history.” Religion is not history it is religion, and it has its place in church. The right is so worried about children being indoctrinated about equality but can’t wait to indoctrinate them with religion.

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Reply Mon 5 Aug, 2024 08:50 pm
The American Constitution was founded to take the power away from religion, not to spread against America. Religion believed that only God could appoint the leader of country holding elections was blasphemy, the very idea that men could rule men was unheard of. One of America best Amendments was the first Amendment that grants the right of free speech. The Christian Nationalists claim that Constitution was founded on Judeo-Christians values. Let’s take a look at what Judeo-Christian values in America were prior to the Constitution. All of the American colonies had ecclesiastical judges and under common law heresy was crime punishable by being burnt at the stake.

So much for freedom of speech as a Judeo-Christian value being the foundation of our Constitution. Given the chance today the Christian church would bring back burning people at the stake for heresy so fast your head would spin. You think that radical right school superintendent, that is trying to force the bible down throats of school children in Oklahoma, would love to burn people at the stake for heresy? Do you think that school superintendent will have the children taught that the ignorant Christians practice of burning people at the stake had to be outlawed by the Constitution? Ignorance is the real Jeduo-Christian value.

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Reply Tue 6 Aug, 2024 08:46 pm
Louisiana governor says if your children don’t like the 10 Commandments posted in schools to look the other way. How about this why don’t you hang the ten Commandments in your church as I think back of all the churches, I attended wedding and funerals at not one bothered to post the Ten Commandments in the church. Why all this now? To drive the Christian herds to polls. The case of Ten Commandments being posted in a public place has already been decided by supreme court and decision was they could not be posted in public places.

Making public schools religious fantasy factories has also been through the courts and separation of church and state has been upheld. The Governor of Louisiana says to remember this is a democracy and the majority rules, but many laws were passed in Louisiana legislature by a majority and the governor vetoed them. So much for majority rule. People like that Governor would throw the Constitution away because the majority could always take the minority’s rights away. We are also a country of laws.

America is now seriously being compared to pre-Nazi Germany and the comparisons are striking. Like Hitler when he first entered government Trump ignores the constitution and violates whenever it pleases him.
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Reply Wed 7 Aug, 2024 08:38 pm
Every religious school in America should be checked to see exactly how many religious schools have copies of the Ten Commandments posted on their property. The results would no doubt surprise most people. Why then would the religious right want them posted in public schools? Christianity is a dying cult in America. It is decline so fast that less than 50% of the country will be Christian in the next few years. A dying cult desperately needs to recruit new members for its cult. Where would be the best place to recruit new cult members? Schools where children have not reached the age of reason. That is why they want in the school doors.

The City of Huntington is full of churches one of the biggest Baptist churches in town is now defunct. One of the local hospitals bought the property which has been vacant for 20 years. I can remember sitting in the preacher’s front room with my dad at Christmas time when I was a child. The other big Baptist church was bought by Marshal and what was left of membership meets in old ice rink. Another large church on 18 St had only four elderly members. The Christian right cults are absolutely determined to get a hold of children to molest their minds. Donald Duck has done more to destroy Christianity than any army could do. While some Christian were easily taken by Trump’s scam others detest him and see him for what he is. When their preachers try, to force the conman down their throats they then see what Christianity actually is and stop going to church.
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Reply Thu 8 Aug, 2024 08:52 pm
The Oklahoma school superintendent wants the schools to teach the history of Christianity in America. This idiot is totally ignorant of the real history of Christianity in America if he did, he would want it hidden. Think Valad the Impaler the Christians in Florida had a novel solution to people who would not convert they killed them by the hundreds and hung them in trees with signs on them that they refused to convert. This is Christian love at work. These murdering Christians even were praised by the pope himself.

It is funny how unpleasant things find them left out of most of history books, but they still survive in more detailed textbooks. When you mix government and religion you create a ticking time bomb, and it is not whether it is going to explode but when it will explode. Some other lovely Christians, the Puritans in New England decided to burn 700 Pequot Indians to death. The commander said that “God laughed today” as he watched the slaughter, and there is no doubt that he did in my mind did. The people may change but murdering ignorant philosophy has not changed in 2,000 years. The real history of Christianity is something to be ashamed of instead of proud of.

The facts of real history of Christianity were taken from:
“The Founding Myth by Andrew L. Seidel”
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Reply Fri 9 Aug, 2024 08:45 pm
The problems with religion start when they acquire the power of government. In America right now religion is now pushing to get more government power. When the supreme court ruled that abortion could be outlawed by the states this had been a long battle to acquire government power over women. So far, the religious right can’t have people executed for helping women get abortions, but they can send them to jail for a long period of time. It is only a short step before they declare it murder and having people executed for not following their cults rules.

The governor of Louisiana was very specific that the majority would rule in Louisiana. In area where there was a religious majority, they would write the laws and rule even though we have a constitution. When the religious right gains the power to execute members of the general population, we are not very far from the dead French Argonauts hanging in the trees in Florida with signs around their necks saying they refused to convert. We are much farther down that road then most people realize. Religion is a cancer that lays dormant for long periods of time. History repeats itself and religion has a long history of repeating. It is much like the scorpion’s tale it is their nature.

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Reply Sat 10 Aug, 2024 08:49 pm
What we are seeing in America parallels to the killing of the French Huguenots for not converting. Once again, we are seeing religion gain limited control of government. The abortion back lash began with the religious question of when God put the soul in the fetus. Religious is dangerous because of imagination. They imagine a soul; no proof has ever been found and no proof will ever be possible. Then they imagine a God and no proof will ever be possible. They put their imaginary components together and came up with an imaginary answer.

Now the religious decided to enforce their imaginary problem but for them to be able to enforce it they need a mix of religion and government. In 1565 Spanish Admerial Pedro Menedez starts murdering French Huguenots because they refused to convert. Why? Because Admerial Pedro imagined he knew God’s will. There was only one true God and what an insult it was to that God if they refused to convert.

The events seem quite different, but they are more alike than one might believe on the surface. True the Christians have not been able to kill the abortionist. While they can’t take all their lives, yet they can take a major portion of it in prison. They do have a sign on their Chest on their uniform. It always bothered me that the Christians believed they were put on earth to manage everyone else’s life. If they would just stick to managing their cult it would be one thing, but they want to run everybody’s life. The Christian cult’s next project is no fault divorce. They want to making getting a divorce much more difficult.
Reply Sun 11 Aug, 2024 04:21 am
Or this could be aresult of trying to distance religion from politics.

In order to have an established church we needed to have a broad church, from elements of Puritanism through to Catholicism.

After the establishment only members of the C of E could sit in the House of Commons, hence Disraeli converting, but there was no other punishment.

I'm not saying there were not religious atrocities prior to that, Henry V had people burnt at the stake for reading the Bible in English, but once Anne passed the Actof Union, and Bill of Rights it was over.

The UK is one of the least religious coutries in the world, and I think a lot of that is down to having an established church, religion becomes another aspect of government, like waste disposal.

C of E bishops still sit in the House of Lords and when they do talk publically it'son very broad moral issues like Housing and Child Poverty.

I'm not claiming to be right, but if you look at the two countries yours has the religious right threatening to take over the government, whilst over here it's a tiny, almost insignificant, minority.
Reply Sun 11 Aug, 2024 08:25 pm
What we need to do is stop living in the middle of imagination land. We can't have people imagining all sorts of Gods and demons and then using the power of cults to convince people that they are real.

Just as Fox news was fined hundreds of millions for spreading lies that damage the general public and hold back the development of civilization.

There have always been religious atrocities from the inquisition to the mass murders and body hangings in Floridia. It is built into the philosophy. To start there were many gods and people accepted other countries God's. When it changed to only one true God. That started a war that will never end.

Reply Sun 11 Aug, 2024 08:34 pm
I hit the wrong button.

The reason our Constitution has an amendment that that we will have a separation between church and state. The founding Fathers saw the religious murders and killing across the Colonies. If the church held the power of life and death over the population the mass murders would continue and there were many in America.

Over there they may have defanged religion, but it is only sleeping, and it is only a matter time before it comes roaring back. One powerful speaker can quickly gain control of millions of followers.

Reply Sun 11 Aug, 2024 08:57 pm
If every man has a soul than souls are one of the most common things on earth but one has never been found. Even with the most powerful electron microscope no one can see a soul. Who are you going to believe your eyes or that lying preacher? America has dwelt way too long in Imagination Land. Reality is much harder to deal with and why we say people escape into fantasy. We have a large movie industry that can take us into worlds were the laws of the universe don’t apply but religion has been doing that for thousands of years.

Hevan and hell have never been located or will they ever be. Man has gone into space and no heaven has ever been located. With our powerful telescopes we can see lightyears into space. What a conman knows is that he needs to get his victims to believe. Once he gets them to start believing in him, he can tell them anything and they will take his word for it. Did you ever hear the saying, “if it is too good to be true it is?” What about eternal life? Would you say that was too good to be true?
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Reply Mon 12 Aug, 2024 01:32 am
You don't really know the British character.
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Reply Mon 12 Aug, 2024 01:33 am
Zardoz wrote:
To start there were many gods and people accepted other countries God's.

The Romans pretty much wiped out the Druids in Britain.
Reply Mon 12 Aug, 2024 08:23 pm
The Romans were simply taking territory. They were not taking property for their god.

Rome was not on a religious crusade.
Reply Mon 12 Aug, 2024 08:55 pm
Religious cults are like lynch mobs on steroids all it takes is a spark to set them off. Religious groups are established on the premise that their sect has the only one and true God and their mission is to force everyone into their cult and if not that to use government to make them obey their cult’s rules. The very people who pay lip service to religious freedom are the very ones given the chance who would take it away.

Religious cults are dictatorship whose rule hasn’t changed in 2,000 years. The world as it existed 2,000 years has changed radically but their philosophy remains frozen time. All of man’s knowledge has increased many time in 2,000 years. Not only about science but about man’s understanding of himself. As new knowledge replaces ignorance philosophy have to adapt and change. The belief that knowledge of 2,000 years is perfect is asinine.
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Reply Tue 13 Aug, 2024 08:43 pm
The real history of Christianity in America is far different than the lies they would like taught in schools. Christianity thy name is intolerance. Even today Christianity displays an intolerance for gays, transsexuals, and cross dressers. Their philosophy is not about tolerance. Many religious sects came to America looking for religious freedom and fleeing the religious intolerance in Europe but as soon as they got to America, they were every bit as intolerant of other religious sects as they were in Europe.

How were they intolerant? They burnt members of the other religious sect at the stake. Think about that for a minute? Burning a live human being at the stake for not belonging to your religious sect. Not even our worst psychopaths, like Tedy Bundy or Jeffery Dalmer could burn a live human being. We would believe today that only a psychopath could do such a hideous thing. But these Christians were not psychopaths they were ordinary human beings under the influence of Christianity. Christianity brings out the absolute worst in people at least some of the time.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Aug, 2024 02:50 am
You need to check your history re the druids.

It was religious, and their god was Nero.

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