The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Mon 24 Jun, 2024 08:52 pm
Trump is now raising money by saying he was tortured in jail. Trump spent 20 minutes in the Fulton County Jail to get his mug shot taken but he put on the mugs that he was tortured.

“I want you to remember what they did to me. They tortured me in the Fulton County Jail, and Took My Mug Shot. So guess what? I put it on a Mug for the Whole World To See,” the fund raising e-mail said.

I wonder whether Trump was waterboarded of had his fingernails pulled out in those twenty minutes.

It is fun to see a good liar ply his trade. They start out telling small lies to see if anyone will call them on it. When they get away with small lies, they tell bigger lies. If that works, they start telling outrageous lies. Do you really think Trump’s secret service detail would stand by while he is tortured? No doubt Trump confessed to being a witch after he was tortured. Trump is always talking about witch hunts.
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Reply Tue 25 Jun, 2024 08:52 pm
If you were actively working to destroy the United States would that not be an insurrection? Would you not be subject to jail time. There now six states have people actively working to drop out of the union, Texas, Florida, New Hampshire, California, Alaska, Louisiana. The Texas republican party is the only party pushing for a state wide referendum on the question.

Most people will just write them off as nuts but their intention is clearly to destroy the country. It is time to make it clear to them that they are engaging in an insurrection and will face prosecution and jail time. To just ignore them and hope they will go away is like ignoring a rattle snake. The time to kill a movement is when it is just starting before it gets a large following.
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Reply Wed 26 Jun, 2024 08:51 pm
Trump now wants Biden to have a drug test before the debate. He wants to make sure that Biden is not taking any performance enhancing drugs like caffeine. So, Biden would not be able to drink coffee or coke, or even eat chocolate It looks like Trump is already working on his excuses for why he lost the debate. It won’t be that Trump that lost the debate it would be the performance enhancing drugs that beat him.

Trump has also offered to be drug tested but you can bet that only certain drugs would be tested for. It would be interesting to see just how many drugs that Trump is taking they would likely find a few illegal substances in Trump’s blood. This is the first time that any candidate for president has demanded a drug test for a debate.
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Reply Thu 27 Jun, 2024 08:50 pm
Marjorie Taylor Greene was being interviewed by an Australian television station about Julian Assange release. To start with I can’t understand why anyone in Australian would have any interest in Greene to start with. The Queen of Q-anon has demonstrated that she is a full-blown nut job. Greene was doing alright as long as the questions were about Assange but when the interviewer asked Greene if she would accept the election results if Biden won the election she went from zero to livid in 3 seconds. Greene claimed that the interviewer was getting marching orders from the democratic party.

She further claimed that the station was the ABC of Australia but the one thing she didn’t do was answer the question. Why would she not answer the question? She knows what the answer is. If Biden wins the election, she will never accept the results. She has not accepted the results of the 2020 election. If Biden wins the election Greene will publicly endorse violence to install Trump. The NRA has flooded the country with weapons of war, and you are about to see what their intend use is.
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Reply Fri 28 Jun, 2024 08:37 pm
“Oklahoma ‘Immediately’ requires schools to teach the bible: ‘Strict Compliance is expected’

The republicans want to everything to go by the constitution until they don’t. They want to ignore the part of the constitution that stipulates a separation between church and state. The Christian Nationalists want to make sure America is a Christian nation whether there is a constitution or not.

It is hard to believe that the superintendent of schools in Oklahoma has the power to dictate that fairy tales be taught in all of Oklahoma schools. This same idiot tried to use state money to create a catholic charter school and got shot down in court. If he can’t do that then all schools will have to teach the bible like it was a real subject. This will go to court and this loser will lose again.

America was the most irreligious country on the face of the earth. If it had been created by Christians, we would have a king today and still be burning witches at the stake. The bible requires all leaders of state to be appointed by God and rule by the divine right of kings. The most important thing the founding fathers was to take the country from the superstitious and ignorant. While the constitution was being written the ignorant Christians were burning their neighbors at the stake.
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Reply Sat 29 Jun, 2024 08:44 pm
Trump’s lies are harmful to every person in the United States. Trump now says that the ocean will rise only 1/8 of an inch over the next 497 years. The sea level is rising faster than that in a year. Trump says it will make more seafront property. As sea level rises it will make for more sea front property, but the previous seafront property will be underwater. Trump wants to make a joke out of global warming, but it is Trump that is the joke.

Global warming is affecting every citizen in the United States as the climate is changing all across the country not just the sea front. Tornadoes were something that happened out west. We seldom if ever had tornadoes but this year there was a record number of tornadoes in May including one within 5 miles of the house. That is the first time that I ever saw the damage from a tornado in person. June around here is not really hot but this year we have been in oppressive heat wave in the 90s most days. Over 97% of the scientist say global warming is not only real but poses a real threat to life on planet earth. You can bet Trump will say after America becomes unlivable that he was just joking.
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Reply Sun 30 Jun, 2024 09:04 pm
The debate is over and Biden did major damage to himself. Trump did not inflict the damage Biden did it himself. It was very evident that Biden lost his train of thought. Biden has an aging brain, that is what the doctor told my mom she is 96. We should never have a president with an aging brain. There was a reason that social security was originally set up for those over 65, it wasn’t just a government program to hand out money, it recognized that as people get older, they are no longer as sharp as they once were, and the government was willing to give them a pension. I have personally experienced one of Biden senior moments and I am just 74, all of sudden you just lose your train of thought, and you do your best to cover it up by changing the subject.

Now the Biden campaign is telling us to support him because the polls are close. Come on Biden is running against a thief, child molester and a rapist not to mention a convicted felon. Trump masterminded an insurrection to take over America by force. He should have been hung on Jan 6. Biden should be ahead in the polls by 90%. Biden claims to want to help the country. If he is half the man he claims to be he will resign for the good of the country. Biden has his place in history he has nothing left to prove. This election is too important for one man’s ego to cost us our country. If Biden doesn’t drop out we will have a rapist in the White House again.
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Reply Mon 1 Jul, 2024 08:45 pm
The supreme court is bending over backwards to cover Trump’s ass. The supreme court ruling today shows just how far they will go. Some of the Jan 6 Trump thugs were convicted of obstructing official proceedings. The meeting to certify Biden as president had to be stopped because the Trump thugs had invaded the capitol. Only after the Trump thugs had been driven from the capital could the meeting resume. It is clear the meeting was obstructed, and it is also clear that it was the Trump thugs who obstructed an official proceeding.

The supreme court ruling ruled that a meeting could only be obstructed by “evidence tampering, such as record or documents, in an official proceeding.” This ruling will turn lose some of the most vicious criminals on the streets. These Trump thugs tried to beat to death the capitol police to gain access to kill the vice president and members of congress. Most of the Trump thugs were convicted of more than one charge and will remain in jail even despite the supreme court ruling.
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Reply Tue 2 Jul, 2024 08:31 pm
One thing for sure Trump is no lawyer. He believes he just got a get out of jail free card not only previous felonies but future felonies. As bad as the supreme court ruling was, it only gave Trump immunity for “official acts.” Trump considers fraud an “official act” Trump believes that his fake elector scheme was an “official act.” Trump knew full well he lost the election so he hatched a scheme where he would send a slate of fake electors from each of the battleground states to the congressional meeting to certify Biden’s election with hopes that the legitimate electors would not be counted because the confusion over the fake electors.

Trump always believed that he should be able to do any crime and never be prosecuted. Trump has been able to run through the rain drops without getting wet most of his life but the supreme court ruling it will exempt Trump from some of his criminal acts but there are still many things he does not have immunity from. Staging an insurrection to stay in office is hardly an “official act.” Trump not only believes he has immunity but any information about his crimes is also immune. I Have never heard of proof of crimes being immune. Trump evidently did not take any law classes in college because he doesn’t believe in it.
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Reply Wed 3 Jul, 2024 08:32 pm
Fox News had an article on the Oklahoma superintendent ordering the bible to be taught in public schools. This was done to try an influence the upcoming election. This will cement the religious right’s vote this fall. Since it is not going to take place until this fall, there will be plenty of time to overturn this bigot decision and I don’t think there is a court in the land that will not rule against the Oklahoma superintendent, but it still will have achieved it intended purpose.

When prayer was banned in public schools it looked like religion was out of public schools for good but everything old is new again. I wonder how the Oklahoma superintendent would like to see someone mandate his children be taught Vodou in public schools. That is a religion also. What about the Koran it is also a history of the Middle East and the bible is also a history of the Middle East. The bible is not a history of America, America didn’t come along until hundreds of years after the bible was written. What we teach the children that you can kill somebody for gathering firewood on Sunday because of your superstitions. Witchcraft would be another religion taught in schools if we are going to teach absolute ignorance in public schools.
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