The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Sat 8 Jun, 2024 08:29 pm
Trump is running for reelection and now says that drug dealers should get the death penalty. But Trump was more than happy to turn drug dealers lose as non-violent offenders. When Kim Kardashian was campaign to get a drug dealer out of prison, Trump was more than happy to pardon the drug dealer in a Whitehouse ceremony as a non-violent offender.

There is a difference in what Trump does and what he says to get elected. Most drug dealers don’t kill their customers with guns they kill them with the poison they sell. They ruin families and destroy lives. If you are responsible for their deaths, does it make any difference whether they were killed with bullet or killed by drugs the dealer sold? In the end dead is dead. They way to deal with drugs is to eliminate the dealers, long sentences without the possibility of paroll would take them off the street. The equation is always going to be cost and reward. The cost has to exceed the reward.
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Reply Sun 9 Jun, 2024 08:29 pm
Often when you have a murder it was a murder for hire. The ringleader hires someone to do murder so he won’t be a suspect in the murder. When the murder plot is found out the ringleader is given a more severe punishment than the trigger man because the ringleader was more responsible for the murder than the trigger man.

Michael Cohen had no reason to payoff Stormy Daniels he was just the triggerman a hired gun. Cohen has already served his jail time. Trump was the man that hired the triggerman to do the job. Trump was the one who benefited by hiding his misdeeds. Trump is the one who made the fraudulent business records. Trump is the ringleader and should face the most severe punishment. To punish the man who pulled the trigger and ignore the one who was responsible for the crime is just plain wrong.
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Reply Mon 10 Jun, 2024 08:48 pm
Judge Alito is a dangerous radical who wants to take the country back 200 years when women and blacks had no rights. Alito has ruled 100% in favor in favor of conservative plaintiffs and against every liberal plaintiff. Alito is a Christian Nationalist. He believes that American is a Christian Nation, and he plans to rule that way. Alito flies the flag of the insurrection on his vacation home.

The Heritage Foundation is the group that has been picking the supreme court judges and making the supreme court the most extreme rightwing court in history of America. Even though none of these people is elected but they have managed to become very powerful. No group outside of government should have that manage power. The supreme court can turn back the clock and that is what they are trying to do. If you give them enough time, they will make lynching legal everything should be as it was in the past.
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Reply Tue 11 Jun, 2024 08:41 pm
You know what they say, the family that swindles together stays together. Trump and his siblings saw nothing wrong with swindling their relatives. A new book is coming out written by Trump’s nephew that will detail how Trump and his siblings swindled them. The nephew’s dad died before his grandfather. The nephew’s dad was Fred Trump. Trump and his siblings got together to get to pressure their dad to cheat the nephew and his family and of most of their share of the will. Trump’s dad was showing signs of senility at the time.

Ivanna participated in one of Trump swindles. Trump and family were selling condos in a building that was not built in New Mexico I believe. Ivanna would tell the marks that she would be their neighbor. The building was never built and when the lawsuits started Trump was forced to return part of the mark’s money. This building was not Trump’s building. Trump had just sold his name rights. The new book should provide more details of Trump cons.
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Reply Wed 12 Jun, 2024 08:27 pm
Fox News speaks with forked tongue. When Trump was convicted Fox News went after the justice system. A video showing how they reacted to Trump conviction and how they reacted to Biden’s son conviction show a 180-degree difference between Biden’s son conviction where Fox News said that no man is above the law and Trump’s conviction where they believed Trump should be above the law.

When Trump was convicted one of Fox News talking heads claimed America was a Banana Republic for convicting Trump but no man was above the law when Bien’s son was convicted. Trump was convicted in New York state court while Baden’s son was convicted in Federal court. Biden has nothing to do with New York state court, but Biden could at least have exserted some pressure for a favorable plea bargain for his son or demand the case be dropped. Biden didn’t do it. Nobody needed to fix Trump’s case Trump was convicted by the proof just as Trump will be convicted in all of his other outstanding cases.
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Reply Thu 13 Jun, 2024 08:35 pm
When the republicans campaigned against abortion, we knew it would be a slippery slope. What right are they coming after now? The republicans always want to take the rights away from Americans. They are not satisfied to just run their lives they want to control other people lives. Now they want to take the right away to get a no-fault divorce. In the 60s divorces were hard to come by and you had to prove grounds like abandonment, adultery, or cruelty. Just because a woman had been beat up by her husband did not mean she would be granted a divorce.

In 1969 Reagan signed into law in California that allowed no fault divorces which spread across the country. The party of Reagan is far from the extreme right republican party of today. Texas actually trying to end no fault divorce and put it in their platform and since they control all three branches of government, they should be able to implement it. A bill to end no fault divorce was introduced in Oklahoma in 2022. The bunch of radical extremists who want to take your rights is not your grandfather’s republican party.

What happens when unhappy couples are forced to stay married by government? The number of deaths go up as divorce Italian style comes back into style.
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Reply Fri 14 Jun, 2024 08:31 pm
We all know people like Trump, nothing is ever their fault. Trump is perpetual victim he can never take responsibility for anything that goes wrong. Trump was responsible for the insurrection but now claims his thugs were comparable to the patriots that fought the revolutionary war. The public usually abhors a politician who claims to be a victim, but not Trump the more he claims to be victim of circumstances the more they flock to him.

A Canadian, has written a book called “Doppelganger.” The author, Naomi Klein, calls Trump “the conspiracy theorist and chief.” She won the prize for nonfiction. She says that Trump rode in the Whitehouse on a racist conspiracy theory that Obama was not really an American because he was not born in America. This appealed to all the racists who resented that a black man was president. Conspiracy theories are not only extremely popular now but extremely easy to launch. There are many Americans raised on diet of lies on Fox News who no longer value the truth. A new generation of Americans believe the only truth is what “you want to believe.”

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Reply Sat 15 Jun, 2024 08:49 pm
Most democrats accept the idea that global warming is being caused by human activity. By 2020 95% of Democrats accepted the idea that human beings are the cause of global warning. While only 29% of republicans accepted the idea by 2023. What is amazing is that 50% of republicans believed that global warming was caused by human activity in 2003. The graph for republicans goes down while the graph for the democrats goes up from 68% in 2023 to 95% in 2020.

What you are seeing is the effect of misinformation spread by Fox News and other right-wing outlets. Misinformation is very effective. This is very similar to misinformation spread by the cigarette companies. At the time scientists knew that cigarettes were causing deaths and millions in health care costs, but the cigarette companies misinformation was very effective, and people continued to smoke. Lawsuits were bought by the states later to recover the cost of treating smoker’s health problems. We lost a generation to miserable deaths because the cigarette misinformation. The states won 100s of millions because smoking was as bad as the experts said.

Ninety eight percent of climate scientists accept that global warming is real and the other 2% are quacks or paid off by the oil companies. We had the same thing with the cigarette companies who had “experts” that said smoking was safe. Only 40% of those who view Fox News accept that global warming is caused by human activity.
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Reply Sun 16 Jun, 2024 09:24 pm
Reading “Team of Vipers” by Cliff Sims was a difficult read. Sims absolutely worships the ground Trump walks on. If Trump swindled somebody it was a brilliant business deal according to Sims. Most of the books was hard to stomach but when it got to the mass murders at Parkland High School it was enough to make you sick. Trump took a hundred million dollars from the NRA to make sure weapons of war could be used by mass murders to slaughter our children.

But Cliff true to form talks about the genuine emotion showed by Trump during a press conference. He talks about people crying as they heard Trump say, “Our entire nation is praying with heavy hearts praying for the victims.” Then he goes on about no child should be unsafe going to school. Trump made absolutely certain the mass murder in Parkland had the most destructive weapons know to man to do the job. If I had been a Parland resident I would have been waiting for him with an AR-15 so it would not be an abstract phony statement, but he could actually feel what the children felt. Trump coming to town with his pockets stuffed with blood money pretending to be sorry just would not get it.
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Reply Mon 17 Jun, 2024 08:27 pm
After14 children were slaughtered at Parkland, Fla Trump actually came out in favor of taking the guns, but it didn’t last long as soon as the NRA got hold of him, they told him what his position on assault weapons was going to be. The NRA was absolutely livid after Trump suggested grabbing guns. The NRA spent a $100 million getting him elected but Trump ever obedient did as he was told. Trump is not his own man he does what he was told.

Those on the right are now trying to attribute Trump’s gun grabbing comments to Biden when in fact they were Trump’s words. What Trump’s followers don’t want to see is Trump thinking for himself. The ungodly greedy want to control our government as you can see the recent attempts to buy Clarance Thomas vote on the supreme court. Trump made a lot about being independently wealthy and he would not need wealthy donors he had his own money but as soon as he started running for office he started going to wealth donors with his hat out. That was just another Trump lie for the suckers.
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Reply Tue 18 Jun, 2024 09:00 pm
Is Trump playing the victim wearing thin with the public? Trump expected a big upswing in the polls after he was convicted in the New York case but the polls are now in and Trump did not get a rush of new voters who felt sorry for him. In fact, independent voters are not buying Trump’s con this time. Twenty one percent of independent voters say Trump conviction makes it less likely that they will vote for Trump while only 5% of independent voters say they are more likely to vote for Trump after the conviction.

Trump portrays himself as nailed to a cross by his political opposition. The idea is to make his followers feel sorry for him and his act has worked good up to this point. It has worked so well that some small-town churches have actually bought billboards proclaiming Trump as the second coming. A conman can make some people believe anything.
Reply Wed 19 Jun, 2024 05:41 am
Zardoz wrote:

some small-town churches have actually bought billboards proclaiming Trump as the second coming.

Maybe they know their Yeates.
Reply Wed 19 Jun, 2024 05:50 am

Pictures don't lie:
Reply Wed 19 Jun, 2024 08:11 pm
I don't know why it surprised me in the 2004 election while we waited for the candidate to arrive a group of religious people were spreading the lie that the democratic candidate was the anti-Christ.
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Reply Wed 19 Jun, 2024 08:13 pm
That would make a good campaign poster for Trump.
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Reply Wed 19 Jun, 2024 08:31 pm
I have found something Trump and I agree on. Trump now says, “Fox News can’t be trusted.’ Usually, Fox News is Trump’s best friend but now Paul Ryan said, “That Trump is unfit for office.” That angered Trump who thinks of Fox News as part of his campaign staff. After Fox News had to pay over $700 million for lying about voting machines in the last election, they have found that lying can be expensive.

What will happen to Fox viewers if Fox begins to tell the truth about Trump? They will no doubt have withdraw symptoms after all they have lived on a steady diet of lies for years. Many will move on to more extreme lie stations for their fix but maybe some will recover.

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Reply Thu 20 Jun, 2024 08:45 pm
What would happen if Fox News told the truth? It would make Trump and Marjorie Greene mad as hell and sure enough that is what happened. A new Fox News poll shows that Biden is beating Trump among rural voters with Biden getting 50% and Trump getting 48%. Rural voters have been a key supporter of Trump. If he loses them, it is likely that he will lose the election. Fifty-seven percent of voters over 64 support Biden. This group is the most likely to vote. Sixty-four percent of white women with an educational degree support Biden.

Why are Trump and Greene so angry with the poll? Trump calls it a trash poll on his Truth Social. Greene says it is 100% wrong. Trump and Greene are use to Fox News being part of their campaign machinery and to lie about the poll to convince people that Trump is doing better than he is and to depress the Biden vote. But Fox News has learned an important lesson about lying. If Fox News had falsified the poll, they open themselves up to another $700 million lawsuit.
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Reply Fri 21 Jun, 2024 08:56 pm
Some people thought that the civil war put an end once and for all about whether states could withdraw from the United States. Marjorie Taylor Greene recently bought up the issue again suggesting red states could succeed from the blue states. We all know she is a nut case and the men in the white coats are gaining on her, but now the Texas republican party is backing an independence referendum in 2024. Five other states are involved in this independence movement, and you can bet it is the republican party pushing this “independence movement.”

Has the republican party lost its mind? No, the extremists have gained power, and many others are willing to follow their lead. Fox News was the first to claim there is no actual reality and only what you believe it to be. There now is a whole generation that was bought up on Fox News lies. They are not tethered to a shared reality. Why not destroy the United States and split it up into individual states. Your state might come out better off. History? They make it up as they go along, you just delete the parts you don’t like. We indeed live in the best of times, but we are teetering on a cliff, and it will only take a few Marjorie Taylor Greene to push the country over the cliff.
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Reply Sat 22 Jun, 2024 08:23 pm
The anti-immigrant Trump suddenly proposed that when an illegal immigrant graduated from college that they be given a green card when they get their diploma. That is quite a change from the anti-immigrant president and his campaign is trying to walk back his comments. It is not what Trump said but what he didn’t say. He said nothing about the illegal immigrants that served in our military, some gave their lives for our country and others were severely and permanently injured. If any illegal immigrants should be given a permanent green card they earned it.

Trump does not think much of military or the people that serve in the military. Like Trump asked General Kelly, I don’t understand what is in it for them and that is the way Trump sees the world, what is in it for him. When it came time for Trump to do his duty Trump found a doctor to say he had heel spurs. Trump was a draft dodger and why anybody that served in the military would vote for Trump I can’t understand.
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Reply Sun 23 Jun, 2024 08:34 pm
Trump now has another idea and wants to set up an immigrant fighting ring. No doubt the prize would be a green card. Trump gets crazier by the day. Trump is big on fights and even appeared in wrestling match. Wrestling is the only thing that is more fake than Trump. Trump claims he told his friend, Dana White, president of the Ultimate Fighting Championship, that he should start a spinoff competition featuring migrants as part of his rift on immigrants. He was giving a speech at the Freedom and Faith Coalition “Road to Majority Conference” in Washington.

Trump would probably have the immigrant matches fought to the death that way Trump could bring back a touch of the Roman Empire. This would be a win; win situation for Trump he could eliminate immigrants and provide entertainment for himself. Every day I think Trump can’t get any stranger, but I could not be more wrong. What next from Trump? Feeding immigrants to the lions.

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