The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Thu 16 May, 2024 08:44 pm
Trump is running unopposed but he is still bleeding primary votes to Niki Haley who dropped out of the primary weeks ago. In Maryland 19.9% of the voters voted for Nikki Haley even though she was no longer running. In Nebraska 17.8% of the voters voted for Nikki Haley instead of Trump. This shows that a good portion of Republican voters are quite willing to vote against Trump even when no one is running against him. If Trump loses 20% of the republican voters he can’t win the general election. These voters are likely to vote because they bothered to vote in the primary.

Trump may have reached a tipping point where republican voters have decided to vote against him. People like Trump begin to wear thin on the public. We will know in November when the Trump bloodbath starts. Trump has warned the public and nobody is doing anything to stop it. Trump behind bars would be a good start. They would have to make sure he has no access to a computer or cell phone.
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Reply Fri 17 May, 2024 08:39 pm
One of the supreme court justices, Samual Alito, had an upside-down American flying at his house after the Jan 6 insurrection. This was a symbol used by Trump supporters to say stop the steal. Alito says it was not him but his wife that turned the American flag upside down. Now Alito has been asked to recuse himself on any Trump cases that go before the supreme court. Alito says that his wife was arguing with another woman in the neighborhood who had posted political signs that insulted Donald Duck.

Somehow this does not bother me as much as the three justices that were appointed by Trump ruling on any of Trump’s cases. Trump picked them and gave them lifetime jobs and each and every one of them is beholden to Trump for their very job. There is absolutely no way that they can be impartial it is human nature to return favors. This is a basic human nature from the gifts given to kings to obligating others by doing favors for them. Every human being is subject to obligation and no supreme court justice is above it. That is why judges recuse themselves.

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Reply Wed 22 May, 2024 08:43 pm
My internet has been out for a few days, and they told me it would be June 12 before they could repair it but when I agreed to upgrade to fiber optics it magically starting working. They are supposed to install the fiber optics 30th of May.

If you want to kill a tree you need to kill its roots. If Donald Trump wanted to kill Christianity, he would need to kill its roots and that is exactly what is happening. While the older Christians may not be offended by Trump’s lying, raping and stealing the younger Christians are offended by it and the hypocrisy of the evangelicals in general this resulting in far fewer younger people going into the ministry.

In 1990 1/3 of the preachers were below forty, today only 16% of preachers are below forty. You can’t preach the value of character and then tell the congregation to vote Trump. Either you believe what you are preaching, or you don’t. When you preach that only a nasty SOB can fight for you, the devil bought your soul cheap.

In 2007 sixteen percent of Americans claimed to have no faith by 2021 it was 30% of Americans who had no faith. The devil works in strange ways he tempted the Christians with a cheap thief and conman who bragged about molesting women, and they fell for it.
Reply Thu 23 May, 2024 03:14 am
Frog face Farage, president of the Reform Party, has said he won't stand as an MP in the forthcoming election, because he wants to help Trump, and not because he has lost every single election in which he has stood as a Westminster MP.
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Reply Thu 23 May, 2024 03:21 am
Trump can damage the religious right but I doubt very much he will have an impact on mainstream Christianity outside of the US.

The current AB of C has said he can't understand how any Christian could support Trump and his predecessor accused Trump of idolatory.

There are plenty of Christians who loathe Trump.
Reply Thu 23 May, 2024 08:35 pm
I think you are right Trump will not have an impact on Christianity outside the United States because those preachers are not trying to force their congregation to vote for a criminal and a liar.

That may also be true outside the US but the Christian vote for Trump in the last election was 80% so that does leave a few Christians who didn't vote. An 80% vote for any candidate is unheard of. That vote was a highly organized vote by people who can best be described as sheep.
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Reply Thu 23 May, 2024 08:56 pm
I occasionally I like to read a book written from people on the other side of politics. The book I am currently reading is “Team of Vipers: My 500 Extraordinary Days in The Trump White House” by Cliff Sims, Sims was the head of an Internet news service when he interviewed Trump, he later agreed to become part of the White House communication department where he became a Trump favorite.

I was reading the part where John Kelly becomes chief of staff. Kelly met with the communication department and shocked everyone when told they had to be loyal to the country first and loyal to Trump second. They were astonished that Kelly said that. They all believed they should be loyal to Trump first and country second which is what Trump believes. This tells you what was wrong with the Trump administration. Any man can go off the rails at any time and Trump is far more likely to go off the rails. If their loyalty is with Trump the country loses. Men will come and go but the country will remain.

I will be out of town tomorrow so I can run the Wheeling ½ marathon Saturday for 31st time.
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Reply Sat 25 May, 2024 08:56 pm
Trump fully expected thousands of his supporters to show up in court to support him. When that didn’t happen Trump called on the republican house members and senators to show up in court but they did him one better they not only went to court but came dressed as Trump, same red tie and sloppy jacket. A vote in congress had to be reschuled to around midnight so those house members had time to get back from attending the Trump trial in New York.

I wonder how long it has been since congressional votes were reschuled so member could attend a criminal trial. The votes in congress should be held during work hours. If republicans want to attend Trump’s trial that is fine, but congress should not be shut down to accommodate the Trump clones.
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Reply Sun 26 May, 2024 08:51 pm
If you were going to buy stock, would you buy it from a known conman? Evidently a lot of people are buying Trump’s stock. Would you buy stock from a company that lost $327 million in the first quarter? Revenue was just $770k, the company has $233 million in cash. How long can that last when you lose $327 million in a quarter? This sounds like other Trump cons where there were many victims, the condos that were sold to people but were never built or Trump university.

PT Barnum said a sucker was born every day, but he was wrong there are thousands of suckers born every day and they all buy stock. Stocks when they were first started were considered gambling. I never liked to gamble. I was asked to join a card game one day at work. I told them I did not gamble. One of them replied you race cars. I told him that is not gambling, I knew going in I was going to lose money to start with. Breaking even was not an option. An old man had the best description of racing. A young man asked him about racing. He said I will tell you what son, just get you a stack of twenty-dollar bills and start burning them up if you liked that you are going to love racing.
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Reply Mon 27 May, 2024 08:48 pm
Trump was finally almost booed off the stage at the Libertarian convention. It is about time a crowd stood up to the bully. All Trump could say was “if you want to win you need to nominate me.” Trump wants to run on two different party tickets on the republican ticket and on the Libertarian ticket. That way Trump’s name would be on the ticket twice and Biden just once. I don’t think that ever happened before and it should not be legal. From the sound of the angry crowd, it does not look like Trump has a chance in hell of being their nominee. Trump was in a quandary usually he wants hecklers thrown out but, in this case, it would have been most of the audience. It is about time Trump encountered an audience that could think for themselves.

Steven King is now taking on Trump on twitter and it is going viral. King said if you want to further roll back women’s productive rights vote for Trump.

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Reply Tue 28 May, 2024 08:43 pm
As the republican party sees itself losing voters it is looking into a way to make sure that the candidate with the most votes could still lose the election. The republicans are looking to put a new way to disqualify the winner of statewide election. If the candidate of a statewide election did not win the majority did not also win a majority of Texas counties, then the candidate with the fewest votes would win. This is seriously being considered by the republican party as part of their platform.

The problem is that democrats win in big cities while republicans win in counties. The republicans are upset that Trump did get the presidency after he lost by millions of votes. The republicans could do the presidential election the same way and say a candidate for president would have to win the majority of counties in each state to win.

Other parts of the republican Texas platform include Bible classes in public school, UFO information, and calling for US military bases to be named after Confederate traitors.
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Reply Wed 29 May, 2024 09:05 pm
Many republican states are considering measures to make it easy for the candidate which lost the election to win over the candidate who got the most votes. After the republicans won the 2004 and 2016 presidential election even though they did not win the popular vote. When Trump lost the 2020 election the republicans attempted a coup, and it involved many more republicans than most people think. Most republicans in congress were willing to destroy our democracy to keep Trump in office. Trump lost the majority vote both times and still he felt entitled to the presidency.

The republicans want to change the system. If the republican system is put in place the candidate with 4% of the vote could win over a candidate who got 96% of the vote. Each county would be allowed one vote, and a majority of the county votes would be required to win a statewide election. Texas is not the only state considering a system where the candidate with the least votes wins. Republicans may pay lip service to democracy but make no mistake about it the republicans are doing everything in their power to destroy our democracy. In Texas a county with more cows than people would have the same vote as counties that had 5 million people. One man one vote, not in Texas if the republicans have anything to do with it.
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Reply Thu 30 May, 2024 08:52 pm
Trump was found guilty on 34 counts. Trump has got away with crimes all his life and it is about time he became a convicted felon. Many are still trying to minimize Trump’s crime but Michael Cohen was convicted for same crime as Trump and nobody saw anything wrong with that. Trump and Cohen were involved in the same crime. If Cohen was sent to jail for the same crime, then Trump should do the same amount of time Cohen did otherwise it is not justice.

When Trump fired the federal prosecutor in New York it was an effort to stop the prosecution of the case against him. Cohen had written his book about Trump. Trump badly wanted to prevent the publication of Cohen’s book. Cohen was let out of jail because of COVIDS and put on home confinement but then he was required to sign a release saying he would not publish his book. When Cohen refused to sign release, he was sent back to jail and put in solitary confinement. This was what Trump wanted to stop proof of his crimes from being published. No criminal every deserved jail time more than Trump.
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Reply Fri 31 May, 2024 08:42 pm
The best meme I saw today, “Donald Trump finally won the popular vote.” I guess you could say Trump won by a sacred landslide. Our system of justice is set up to allow a jury of your peers to decide whether you are guilty or innocent. Trump was convicted by every juror that set on trial. Trumps followers will be convinced that the whole country is corrupt and only a liar. rapist, and conman like Trump is not corrupt. The whole world is upside down in their view.

It is not one person that found Trump guilty it was all 12 who found Trump guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt. Our country is built on our system of justice, if Americans stop believing in our justice system the country would collapse. You can’t believe that one person is guilty and another one not because of his political affiliation. A system where all republicans are innocent and just victims of a corrupt justice system and democrats are running the justice system just to victimize republicans is ridiculous. A few years ago the republicans considered themselves the law-and-order party now they consider our justice the criminal and the criminal a victim.

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Reply Sat 1 Jun, 2024 08:55 pm
Did Trump try to fix the jury? Throughout the trial Trump referred to his juror. Had Trump purchased a juror to make sure the jury would be deadlocked? Was he doubled crossed? One of our local police captains was involved in Jimmy Hoffa trial where they actually bought a juror but as luck would have it, they got caught. Fixing juries is not uncommon with the mob.

Trump actually believed that there would be at least one Trump loyalist on the jury who would save his ass. This loyalist would not consider whether Trump was guilty he would just be loyal to Trump and vote not guilty. It looks like Trump was wrong again. Trump was found guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt by all twelve jurors. Now Trump is angry beyond belief, and you know what he does when he is angry. Trumps lawyers managed to get all the personal information on all the jurors. Guess what happens to those jurors when all their personal information is leaked online. It will make what happened to those Georgia election workers look like child’s play. Imagine what happens when your “god” is convicted by mere mortals. One potential juror quit after Fox News released personal information about her job and the neighborhood where she lives. Trump will tell you he retaliates.
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Reply Sun 2 Jun, 2024 08:33 pm
House Speaker, Kevin McCarthy, is defending the republican party nominating Donald Duck for president. In some states felons cannot even vote let alone run for public office. Donald Duck was firmly against letting felons vote in FL. Trump would not have been allowed to vote if the reform had not taken place.

McCarthy says that Trump admitted partial responsibility for the insurrection to him. Why would you want to put Trump back in office after he admitted being responsible for the insurrection. Trump admitted to being one of the biggest traitors in the history of the United States and the republicans want to put him back in office. McCarthy and a lot of other republicans were finally through with Trump after the insurrection until they saw Trump had not lost his political backing. They put there fingers up to see which way the political wind was blowing and decided to jump back on the Trump train.
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Reply Tue 4 Jun, 2024 08:45 pm
What is so amusing is Trump crying cheat all this time while he was actively cheating to win an election he lost by millions. It is high time but the people who cheated for Trump are now being prosecuted. Trump plan was to create a number of false electors from states he lost in hopes when the false electors presented themselves at the elector college the legitimate electors would be dismissed because there was doubt which set electors were legitimate. At that point the states in doubt would not be counted throwing the election to Trump.

Those on the right see nothing with cheating to win after all cheating to win is the Trump way. This is fraud in the worst way. This fraud was to take control of the United States. What bothers me is that has taken so long to prosecute the Trump thugs. These prosecutions are being done by the states, but I wonder why they were not prosecuted by the Feds it was a national election they were trying to steal. There are now five states who have filed charges against the Trump thugs who tried to steal the election. In Wisconsin a judge is among those being charged for committing fraud for Trump.

I got fiber optics but lost power in the house.
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Reply Wed 5 Jun, 2024 08:49 pm
During the French Revolution, Robespierre called for the “enemies of the people” to be put to death. Lenin had labeled opponents of the communist party “enemies of the people” and “outlaws,” and called for them to be arrested “immediately.” Mao ominously warned of “enemies of the people” seeking “sabotage his “socialist revolution.”

From the book “Team of Vipers” by Cliff Sims

Trump speaks the language of dictators because he thinks and acts like a dictator. Now on Trump’s social network a video is calling for “unified Trump Reich.” “The imagery, language, and the narrative of the video evoke the rise of Nazis and Adolph Hitler. As their tactic Trump campaign claimed that sharing the “unified Reich’ was an error mistake but they left it up for hours.”

Everyone takes for granted that our way of life will continue forever no matter who is in the Whitehouse. We in the United States take for granted that our life style will continue forever nothing can be further from the truth. History teaches that just one man can be the catalyst that destroys a civilization.
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Reply Thu 6 Jun, 2024 08:37 pm
It seems losing is contagious, Trump lost Arizona in the 2020 election but returned to Arizona during the 2022 midterm election to endorse a slate of candidates. They all lost including Keri Lake. Now Trump has returned to Arizona for a political rally and no doubt will lose again.

Trump despised early voting and absentee ballots and told his followers not to do it, Trump has now completely reversed himself and suddenly he is all for early voting and absentee ballots. It seems took a drubbing in early voting and on absentee voting.

Trump’s political rally was held in a mega church. Churches are tax free but must maintain the separation of church and state to keep it. A mega church brings in millions of dollars using the church to hold political rallies is a direct violation of the separation of church and state. Everyone has turned a blind eye to this problem but this would be a good test case.
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Reply Fri 7 Jun, 2024 09:20 pm
A group of republicans are spending $2 million dollars on a media campaign to try and stop the supreme court from granting Trump complete immunity from prosecution for anything done while he was president. The two-week campaign is between June 7 -23 and is concentrate in battleground states. Donald Duck will be thrilled to see what his fellow republicans are doing to help him out.
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