The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Mon 20 Dec, 2021 08:56 pm
I am so sick of seeing the republican commercials for Dirty Joe that run constantly all encouraging people to call and thank Dirty Joe for stopping the democratic agenda. My wife called Dirty Joe’s office, but it wasn’t to tell him he was doing a good job. She told him she was a life-long democrat and voted for Dirty Joe every time he ran for office, but she would vote for a yellow dog before she would Dirty Joe again.

There were big demonstrations at Dirty Joe’s state office today involving several different groups. Do I think that will make a difference? No money speaks louder than the people and Dirty Joe is going to listen to money. If someone from WV went to Washington to talk to Dirty Joe, they would not get the time of day but if one of his rich political contributors came to his office, he would take them out to dinner. Money is all about buying access.

In Dirty Joe’s compromise proposal, he wants to eliminate the child tax care credit. The child tax care credit has been in place since 1962 and was paid out in when they got their tax refund. This year it was changed and paid out in monthly checks. It lifted a number of children out of poverty. This program spreads the money out over a year instead of a large one-time payment. The money is far more likely to be spent on family if it is in monthly payments instead of a lump sum.

Today we have 52,045,219 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 51,765,714 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 279,505 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 828,783 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 827,323. That means that another 1,460 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Dec, 2021 10:01 pm
There is only one design of the AR-15 it is the same mass murder weapon and has shown over again the semi-automatic version is every bit as a good a mass murder weapon as the full-automatic.
The add was very clearing telling people they could buy the same weapon used by the special forces.
Do you think if the mass murder just pointed his finger at them and went pow, that as many people would have died? No, it took an AR-15 to kill 50 people.
The bases of the lawsuit is, that the add induced the mass murderer to buy the gun because it would make the killing of 20 first graders a piece of cake.
We need only take the tools away that make mass murder possible. Take a mechanics-tools away and he can’t fix a car.
It is the same gun all you have to pull the trigger as fast as you can. The revolutionary concept that makes that gun so superior is the ability to chamber shells at a 900 round a minute rate. Mass Murders have killed 50 people in a matter of minutes with the semi-automatic version.
87 years ago, they had not even imagined that a gun could be built that could chamber bullets at a 900 round per minute rate.
The only limit on the AR-15 semi-automatic is how fast you can pull the trigger and with practice you would give a submachine gun a run for its money and converted it would blow them away.
You are comparing apples to oranges; I am comparing one gun to another.
I timed myself to see how many times I could pull a trigger in a minute. I could pull a trigger 98 times in a minute unpracticed and the AR-15 could keep up. I could double that with a little practice. 200 rounds could result in a whole lot of dead people.
The AR-15 is superior to both and that is why the special forces uses them.
The liability is up to the jury to decide not the insurance companies. Insurance companies do not sell unlimited policies. You buy so much liability insurance for a certain amount of money.
Trump’s lawsuit in Michigan was judged by the judge to be a frivolous lawsuit and his lawyers were responsible only for actual damages which amounted to legal fees. You cannot recover if you had good grounds for a lawsuit.
There is absolutely no way the mass murder would have happened without the Remington mass murder weapon.

Reply Tue 21 Dec, 2021 08:58 pm
Trump is planning a press conference on Jan 6. No doubt to see how much more trouble he can stir up. Trump recently said of the Jan 6 insurrection that there was a lot of love in the air that day. I think people’s concept of love can vary but I have never heard of love being beating somebody in the head with a fire extinguisher or spraying them with bear spray as being love in the in the air. I think Trump has mistaken pepper spray in the air as “love in the air.” But you have to remember Trump was not there he was hiding out in the White House, he told the crowd, “That he was going to march with them to the capitol,” and then he turned tail and ran in the other direction.

The mainstream press should do exactly what Face Book and Instagram did and juts refuse to cover his press conference. Trump cult members are now even beginning to boo Trump. When he announced at his History Tour with Bill O’Reilly that he had his booster shot the crowd booed. The Trump cult members paid $100 or more for a seat and to get the chance to boo Trump. O’Reilly had to console Trump after the show because the audience booed him.

Today we have 52,253,848 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 52,045,219 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 208,629 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 830,990 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 828,783. That means that another 2,207 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Dec, 2021 11:32 pm
The company that manufactured the mass murder weapon sold it as a mass murder weapon. The company has all kinds of experts.
The automatic and semi-automatic come down the same assemble line. There is only one design that received the patent, and both are manufactured under the same paten.
Other semi-automatics use springs to chamber the next shell which is far slower that the AR-15. That is why the AR-15 was granted a patent.
Spring loaded semis are much slower otherwise the AR-15 would not have been granted a patent.
The experts did not say that they published in an add so there could be no mistake.
That is pretty much the record for either a semi-automatic or an automatic. I don’t know of anybody that has killed more than 50 with one gun. The LA bank robbers had full automatics but killed far fewer.
Guns have been used for a long time and usually kill only one or two people, but when mass murder weapons are used the body count heads toward 50.
The future mass murderers of America have their own little corner of the internet and when they get together, they all agree they need a mass murder weapon to get the job done.
If the AR-15 had been the same as other semi-automatics it would not have received a patent.
The lawsuit states Remington was marketing the AR-15 as a weapon of mass murder, the same gun the special forces use, that would be a weapon of mass murder.
There are a lot of people in jail today who supplied the murder weapon.
The sale may have been covered by the media, but it does not tell you all of the stockholders or partners. Many want their privacy and don’t want it to be known that they own stock in a murder factory.
If everybody that sued somebody had to pay the legal bills only the rich could sue. The judge makes that decision, and it is rare and based on it being a frivolous suit.
There are only two sides to lawsuit and one side made a settlement offer.
It is the same gun, and it is manufactured under the exact same patent.
As the AR-15 ware out the firing mechanism gets sloppy, and the gun may fire in bursts. If it hasn’t happened yet it will soon as more automatics find their way to the streets.
The law against automatics does not outlaw the parts. We know they are being converted, where are the parts coming from.
The parts were sold openly in magazines, and no one was worried about going to jail.
Taking 50 caliber to school would be impossible but an AR-15 can be easily concealed under a long coat.
What if they surrounded themselves with ½ inch thick steel?
What would you need then?
Many can hit the center of bullseye you just need more practice. A laser scope might help.
The book about the NRA was written by one of the top officers of the NRA. It is an insider account.
We just see the tip of the ice burg. When bank robbers and gangs have them, they are circulating through the underground.
A gun with a ten-foot barrel would be very unique, one of a kind.
The supreme court has already ruled on that subject saying, “The second amendment right is not unlimited.” I watched a police cam show where the guy had a whole house full of AR-15s and he shot up the whole neighborhood. They found house shot up a half mile away.
The statements are true and the experts back them up.
You can ask any mass murderer the advantage the AR-15 has the ability to chamber at a 900 round a minute rate. No mass murderer could possibly ask for more. What if you can only kill 50 people in a minute? That is still pretty good.
The other semi-automatics used a spring to chamber the next shell that is much slower. That is why there is a patent for the AR-15.
It is a machine gun that can kill 50 people in a few minutes.
If you can fire at a 200 rounds a minute rate with your finger who needs a machine gun? The AR-15 is a mass murderer’s wet dream.
But a mass murder could not carry a machine gun into a school, that is why a mass murderer needs the AR-15 for.
We know what the purpose of the AR-15 is we have seen it over and over again, mass murderer.
Law enforcement is only after the fact, after 26 people were killed the only thing law enforcement can do is lock them up and wait to catch the next mass murder after fact. An ounce of prevention could save lives. Making mass murder a crime means absolutely nothing to a mass murderer they intend to go out in a blaze of gun nut glory.
The AR-15 is a mass murderer’s dream weapon because it can kill more people in the shortest time.
The exact same patented part that makes the AR-15 so desirable as an automatic is in the semi-automatic and that is what makes it a superior mass murder weapon.
It is the same gun the patented part is in both.
It is either the AR-15 or other gun that were designed using that patent. They all share that same patented part that makes them mass murder weapons.
It is either the AR-15 or copycat version of the AR-15.
Your typical spring feed semi-automatic cannot compare to the deadly speed of the AR-15 design.

How many times do you have to see mass murders repeated with the AR-15 designed mas murder weapons before you believe it?
Jail solves nothing, the crime is done, the victims dead. Mass murderers know by the very nature of their crime they will not get away, they just want to watch as they can pump hundreds rounds into a crowd.
Criminalizing has never stopped anyone from committing the crime it only punishes someone after the fact. Mass murder is a unique crime where the murder does not plan on living past the crime, it means absolutely nothing. The same goes for other crime.
A spring loaded semi-automatic is worthless for a real mass murder it is way too slow.
The parts are legal and sold in gun magazine. I have people show me which parts and where to order them.
The Texas law will stand. The supreme court justices were appointed by Trump, and they made a promise to stop abortion. The beauty of the law is the government is no longer involved. If they were going to stop it, they had their chance.
The judge has to follow the law and law says if someone help anyone get an abortion than they must pay $10,000. The judge has no latitude if the case is proven.
Civil suits can’t be unconstitutional. They are between citizens. It is just civil judgement. The government is not involved.
If the supreme court wanted to block it, they would have.
Reply Wed 22 Dec, 2021 09:52 pm
The republicans are now openly courting Dirty Joe. This was to be expected. In WV the governor, Jim Justice, switched from being a lifelong republican to a democrat to run for governor. After he got elected, he switched back to being a republican. Justice owns the Greenbriar, a resort for the superrich that had a secret bomb shelter for congressmen. Dirty Joe recently spent $40,000 at the Greenbriar so Justice could advise him about how to switch parties.

Dirty Joe has been raking in the dough the last two months as the rich corporations are buying his vote but that is only a tiny fraction of the money being spent buying commercials telling what a good job Dirty Joe is doing by destroying the democratic agenda and asks that you call his office and thank Dirty Joe. These commercials run every day several times a week.

Campaign contributions are nothing but open bribery and most of congressmen’s vote go to the highest bidder. It is high time that campaign contributions are outlawed and let the congressmen pay for their own campaign. Our country is run by bribery, like it or not. Our country has been going downhill for 40 years now and soon we will no longer be number one in the world. The people doing the bribing don’t have America’s best interest at heart, they have their best interests at heart.

Today we have 52,510,978 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 52,253,848 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 257,130 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 833,029 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 830,990. That means that another 2,039 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2021 08:34 pm
Zardoz wrote:
There is only one design of the AR-15 it is the same mass murder weapon

The AR-15 is not a mass murder weapon. It is a weapon for hunting foxes and coyotes, and also for home defense.

Zardoz wrote:
and has shown over again the semi-automatic version is every bit as a good a mass murder weapon as the full-automatic.

No it isn't. Full-auto is much deadlier.

Zardoz wrote:
it took an AR-15 to kill 50 people.

No it didn't. Other weapons can kill 50 people too.

Zardoz wrote:
The bases of the lawsuit is, that the add induced the mass murderer to buy the gun because it would make the killing of 20 first graders a piece of cake.

No it isn't. If that had been the basis of the lawsuit, there would be no case, since even if he was induced to buy the gun because he was fooled into thinking that this gun would make murder easier, that would not have actually changed the result of the massacre. Using an AR-15 did nothing to make the massacre easier or more efficient.

The actual basis of the lawsuit is a claim that the ads made him carry out the killings, and that he would not have committed any crime if he had not seen the ads.

Of course, either way, they can't even show that he ever saw the ads.

Zardoz wrote:
We need only take the tools away that make mass murder possible. Take a mechanics-tools away and he can't fix a car.

The trouble is, it isn't possible to take away everything that can be used to commit mass murder. And any attempt to do so would be a grave violation of America's civil liberties.

Zardoz wrote:
It is the same gun all you have to pull the trigger as fast as you can.

A semi-auto-only is not the same gun as a full-auto.

Zardoz wrote:
The revolutionary concept that makes that gun so superior is the ability to chamber shells at a 900 round a minute rate.

Not really. Guns had already been firing at 1500 rounds a minute for decades.

Zardoz wrote:
Mass Murders have killed 50 people in a matter of minutes with the semi-automatic version.

Other semi-autos that take large magazines are no different. For that matter, so are pumps and lever actions provided they take large magazines.

Zardoz wrote:
87 years ago, they had not even imagined that a gun could be built that could chamber bullets at a 900 round per minute rate.

Yes they could, as such guns were being built back then.

Not that it would matter even if your statement had been true. The law covers machine guns even if they could not be imagined when the law was passed.

Zardoz wrote:
The only limit on the AR-15 semi-automatic is how fast you can pull the trigger and with practice you would give a submachine gun a run for its money

No you couldn't. That's preposterous.

Zardoz wrote:
and converted it would blow them away.

Such conversions are illegal. And even if converted, the AR-15s rate of fire would not exceed that of common submachine guns.

Zardoz wrote:
You are comparing apples to oranges;

So are you. Semi-auto-only guns are not comparable to full-autos.

Zardoz wrote:
I am comparing one gun to another.

Semi-auto-only guns are not comparable to full-autos.

Zardoz wrote:
I timed myself to see how many times I could pull a trigger in a minute. I could pull a trigger 98 times in a minute unpracticed and the AR-15 could keep up. I could double that with a little practice.

You couldn't do that while aiming the gun.

Zardoz wrote:
200 rounds could result in a whole lot of dead people.

That is true no matter what gun is used to fire them.

Zardoz wrote:
The AR-15 is superior to both

No it isn't. No semi-auto-only is superior to a submachine gun.

Zardoz wrote:
and that is why the special forces uses them.

The Special Forces does not use semi-auto-only AR-15s.

But they do use submachine guns.

Zardoz wrote:
The liability is up to the jury to decide not the insurance companies.

Wrong. Each insurance company will only cover up to the limits of Remington's policy with them.

Zardoz wrote:
Insurance companies do not sell unlimited policies. You buy so much liability insurance for a certain amount of money.

That is why I was correct to state that the insurance companies will only pay up to the limits of the policies that they sold.

Zardoz wrote:
You cannot recover if you had good grounds for a lawsuit.

The law says that anyone who sues the gun industry has to pay the gun industry's legal bills.

But this lawsuit is frivolous anyway, so either way the insurance companies should seize these guys' homes and retirement accounts.

Zardoz wrote:
There is absolutely no way the mass murder would have happened without the Remington mass murder weapon.

Nonsense. Other guns are just as deadly.

And the AR-15 is not a mass murder weapon. It is used for hunting foxes and coyotes, and also for defending people's homes.
Reply Thu 23 Dec, 2021 10:20 pm
Trump hopes to start another riot on Jan 6. An article on MSN documented how many weapons of war are being sold to the public over the last two years. They interviewed some Trump supporters who stay that if Trump loses the next election they will rise up and take over the government. The article stated that there will be an army of 40 million that will try to destroy America and put Trump in as dictator.

There are far more guns than people in America and it is getting far worse each year. The many of the weapons are the military style that are used for mass murder. There is no doubt that there are enough military style weapons in America to equip a large army. America has stood for over 200 years and along comes self-styled dictator who becomes a cult leader and puts everything the founding fathers worked so hard to create at risk.

It is hard to believe that 40 million Americans would really try to overthrow the government but they are the same 40 million who believe every lie Trump tells and behave just like any other cult member who will do anything their cult leader wants. There will come a time Americans regret that the gun manufacturers were allowed to spread weapons of war across America because they are about to be used for the purpose they were designed for. We won the first civil war but it cost 673,000 American lives but it wasn’t fought with weapons designed to fire at a 900 round a minute rate.

Today we have 52,788,451 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 52,510,978 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 277,473 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 834,455 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 833,029. That means that another 1,426 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
Reply Fri 24 Dec, 2021 06:24 am
Zardoz wrote:
An article on MSN documented how many weapons of war are being sold to the public over the last two years.

Exactly zero.

Zardoz wrote:
There are far more guns than people in America and it is getting far worse each year. The many of the weapons are the military style that are used for mass murder.

No they aren't. Those weapons have been illegal for 87 years now.

Zardoz wrote:
There is no doubt that there are enough military style weapons in America to equip a large army.

Yes there is. Those weapons have been illegal for 87 years now.

Zardoz wrote:
America has stood for over 200 years and along comes self-styled dictator who becomes a cult leader and puts everything the founding fathers worked so hard to create at risk.

The president who overthrew our democracy was Barack Obama. Hopefully they'll still manage to impeach him for it, so they can bar him from ever holding office again.

Zardoz wrote:
There will come a time Americans regret that the gun manufacturers were allowed to spread weapons of war across America because they are about to be used for the purpose they were designed for.

No one is going to regret a fiction that didn't happen.

Zardoz wrote:
Today we have 52,788,451 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 52,510,978 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 277,473 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.
The death toll stands at 834,455 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 833,029. That means that another 1,426 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

Your mischaracterization of the virus is the reason why so many people choose to remain unvaccinated. Shame on you for making the pandemic so much worse.
Reply Fri 24 Dec, 2021 06:29 am
Zardoz wrote:
The company that manufactured the mass murder weapon sold it as a mass murder weapon. The company has all kinds of experts.

So you cannot produce any experts who agree with your claims.

The AR-15 is not a mass murder weapon. It is used for hunting foxes and coyotes, and also for home defense.

Zardoz wrote:
The automatic and semi-automatic come down the same assemble line. There is only one design that received the patent, and both are manufactured under the same paten.

That doesn't change the fact that semi-auto-only guns are much different from full-autos.

Zardoz wrote:
Other semi-automatics use springs to chamber the next shell

As does the AR-15.

Zardoz wrote:
which is far slower that the AR-15.

No, the springs in AR-15s work at the same speed as the springs in other guns.

Zardoz wrote:
That is why the AR-15 was granted a patent.

No it isn't. Magical springs have nothing to do with the AR-15's patent.

Zardoz wrote:
Spring loaded semis are much slower

No they aren't.

And the AR-15 is a spring-loaded semi-auto.

Is there even any other kind of semi-auto?

Zardoz wrote:
otherwise the AR-15 would not have been granted a patent.

The AR-15 was granted a patent without any of your untrue claims about springs.

Zardoz wrote:
The experts did not say that they published in an add so there could be no mistake.

You cannot establish that the ad was published by any experts in guns.

Zardoz wrote:
That is pretty much the record for either a semi-automatic or an automatic. I don't know of anybody that has killed more than 50 with one gun. The LA bank robbers had full automatics but killed far fewer.

I doubt that you can establish that no WWI or WWII machine gunners ever killed a greater number of people.

Zardoz wrote:
Guns have been used for a long time and usually kill only one or two people, but when mass murder weapons are used the body count heads toward 50.

The AR-15 is not a mass murder weapon. It is used for hunting foxes and coyotes, and also for home defense.

Zardoz wrote:
The future mass murderers of America have their own little corner of the internet and when they get together, they all agree they need a mass murder weapon to get the job done.

I doubt that. But since mass murderers know nothing about guns, "what they would agree on" is not a matter of any importance.

Zardoz wrote:
If the AR-15 had been the same as other semi-automatics it would not have received a patent.

Patents are granted for unique designs even if they perform equally as well as other designs.

Zardoz wrote:
The lawsuit states Remington was marketing the AR-15 as a weapon of mass murder, the same gun the special forces use, that would be a weapon of mass murder.

Wrongly claiming that the AR-15 is such a weapon does not magically transform the AR-15 into such a weapon.

Zardoz wrote:
There are a lot of people in jail today who supplied the murder weapon.

Only if they broke some sort of law, or were a party to the murder.

Zardoz wrote:
If everybody that sued somebody had to pay the legal bills only the rich could sue.

Too bad. That's what the law says.

Zardoz wrote:
The judge makes that decision, and it is rare and based on it being a frivolous suit.

Wrong. The law says that people who sue the gun industry have to pay the gun industry's legal bills.

Zardoz wrote:
There are only two sides to lawsuit and one side made a settlement offer.

Only two of the insurance companies offered to settle, and they were wrong to do so.

Zardoz wrote:
It is the same gun, and it is manufactured under the exact same patent.

Semi-auto-only AR-15s are not the same guns as full-auto AR-15s.

Zardoz wrote:
The law against automatics does not outlaw the parts.

If you are not a licensed machinegun dealer, possessing those parts will get you ten years in federal prison.

Zardoz wrote:
We know they are being converted, where are the parts coming from.

The parts are being made with 3D printers.


Zardoz wrote:
The parts were sold openly in magazines, and no one was worried about going to jail.

If you are not a licensed machinegun dealer, possessing those parts will get you ten years in federal prison.

Zardoz wrote:
Taking 50 caliber to school would be impossible

Taking a general purpose machine gun to school would be possible, if a shooter had one.

Again note the movie Rambo.

Zardoz wrote:
but an AR-15 can be easily concealed under a long coat.

So can any other rifle. The AR-15 is no different from other rifles in this regards.

Zardoz wrote:
What if they surrounded themselves with ½ inch thick steel?
What would you need then?

If they were surrounded with that much weight, then they would not be able to move and would not be able to harm anyone.

Zardoz wrote:
Many can hit the center of bullseye you just need more practice. A laser scope might help.

Telling people to rely on difficult shots violates their rights. The courts will not allow you to outlaw rifles.

Zardoz wrote:
The book about the NRA was written by one of the top officers of the NRA. It is an insider account.

It's leftist propaganda.

Zardoz wrote:
We just see the tip of the ice burg. When bank robbers and gangs have them, they are circulating through the underground.

So it goes.

Zardoz wrote:
A gun with a ten-foot barrel would be very unique, one of a kind.

No it wouldn't. But even if it was, it would not count as a new mechanism for how a gun functions.

Zardoz wrote:
I was talking about the outside of the barrel.

Simply engraving a pattern on the outside of a barrel won't get a patent because it is not a new mechanism for how a gun functions.

That doesn't change the fact that a new mechanism for how a gun functions will get a patent if it is unique, even if it is not superior to other designs.
Reply Fri 24 Dec, 2021 08:37 pm
There is no way that you need a mass murder weapon that fires at a 900 round per minute rate to hunt a fox or any other animal. There are plenty of weapons designed for hunting instead of one designed for hunting people.
There is absolutely no question that the mass murders took place and no question what type of weapon were used.
What you have to realize that it was an AR-15 style weapon, there are now many knock offs made. The patent for the revolutionary parts that make the AR-15 so deadly, has long since expired meaning anyone can now manufacture a weapon of mass destruction that can fire at a 900 rounds a minute rate. The other weapons that are used for mass murder, use the AR-15 design.
The add was clearly intended to glorify mass murder. In a crime other people often aid and abet in the crime. The shooter no doubt watched war movies where the hero killed forty or fifty of the enemy soldiers. The add showed him how he could obtain the same gun used in the movies. All he needed now was targets. Even if the shooter had not been personally exposed to add, he could have been exposed by a secondary source and that source may be able to testify to that fact. The insurance companies don’t share your confidence and they have much more information. .+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
We are talking about the large mass murders with over 20 victims. The definition of a mass murderer is one where 4 or more people are killed. In Las Vegas 500 people were injured. Take the weapons that are capable of firing at a 900 round a minute rate off the streets and the mass murders would go way down. There are still thousands of guns that were actually designed for hunting and fire far fewer rounds per minute. The mass murder mania started with the AR-15 and will not stop until it is banned.
There were many semi-automatics before the AR-15, and it is not the automatic feature that has been used in the mass murder with 50 or more dead. The revolutionary part of the AR-15 is the ability to chamber bullets at a 900 round per minute rate and the AR-15 semi-automatic can do the same. That is what makes the best weapon in the world for mass murder.
The military may have full machine guns that can fire 1,500 rounds but those weapons are already banned from the street. The AR-15 design is far superior to anything legal on the street.
Pump and lever guns would only be able to fire a tiny fraction of the 900 rounds rate. Maybe fire or six rounds a minute and the crowd would have run away to safety. The other guns no doubt use the AR-15 design to chamber rounds.
The thing is the AR-15 chambers shell as fast as a machine gun. That speed was not necessary for a semi-automatic, but it made it the perfect mass murder weapon.
That has been proven again and again in mass murders. The mass murderer was recorded firing 50 rounds in a minute, and he had to change a clip out during that time.
Being illegal does not stop anybody from converting an AR-15. It only means they may go to jail after the fact. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++A the difference2021 car to 1930 car is a direct comparison a 1930 tricycle to 2021 car is apples to oranges. The semi-automatic and full-automatic are the same gun, they come down the same assembly line. If you laid them side most people could not tell them apart. That is apples to apples. t+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
When 99% of the parts of one gun are used to make the other, they are comparable.
Do you think people with full-automatic aim each round? A mass murder is not going to aim, he is going to shoot into the crowd, and he is bound to hit someone. He can judge where his rounds are going as each head explodes. Do you think the mass murder in Fla aimed 50 times in a minute? Mass murder is not the same as target shooting. Time is of the absolute essence in mass murder.
If 200 rounds a minute could result in a lot of dead people, we should do something to stop it.
We don’t know the firing rate on all machine guns, but I’ll bet some would have a time reaching 200 rounds a minute rate.
Remington would not have run the add if the special forces did not use that gun. It may have had a different numerical designation, but it was the same gun.
Any judgement will be against Remington if it exceeds the limit on Insurance Remington will be responsible for the rest. Judges don’t mention insurance companies because juries award much higher judgements if they know that an insurance company is involved.
I don’t think there are special laws for suing the gun industry. When I was president of the union, I sued the city over a contract extension granted by a former mayor. We lost but there was no mention from the city about paying their legal bills.
The other guns that are just as deadly are knock off versions of the AR-15.

Reply Fri 24 Dec, 2021 10:07 pm
Is it possible that Trump could raise an army of 40 million to overthrow the government of the US? We have reached a point in US politics that I have never seen before. In every other election people supported their candidate but when the election was over it was over, people accepted the results win or loss. No candidate every thought to come out and claim the election was fixed, that the other side cheated. Trump had started early by laying a foundation for his later lies. Trump started before the 2016 election claiming that the only way, he could be beat was if they cheated.

After the election and Trump won, when Trump found out that Hillary had won the popular vote Trump insisted that he had won the popular vote instead of Hillary and he set up a commission to investigate. Trump’s commission quietly died without finding any voter fraud. In the summer of 2020 Trump started beating the cheating drums again claim that absentee ballots would be crooked. Trump encouraged Republicans to vote twice, to vote by absentee ballot and again at the polls. I don’t know but that sounds a whole lot like cheating to me, and it was Trump pushing it.

So, Trump has spent a whole lot of time creating an alternate reality for his followers. That is why when he made his cheating allegations, they were so easily accepted by his followers. Would they die for him? I have no doubt that they are so far down the rabbit hole they can’t find their way out. They have already had political rallies when audience members asked when they could start shooting. The hardcore Trump supporters already want to take over America. It takes very little effort to push someone in a direction they already want to go.

Today we have 52,939,324 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 52,788,451 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 150,873 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 837,623 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 834,455. That means that another 3,168 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 25 Dec, 2021 03:18 am
Zardoz wrote:
The supreme court has already ruled on that subject saying, "The second amendment right is not unlimited."

That does not give you license to violate the Second Amendment.

Zardoz wrote:
I watched a police cam show where the guy had a whole house full of AR-15s and he shot up the whole neighborhood. They found house shot up a half mile away.

The result would be the same if he had shot up the neighborhood with different guns.

Zardoz wrote:
The statements are true

No they aren't.

Zardoz wrote:
and the experts back them up.

No they don't.

Zardoz wrote:
You can ask any mass murderer the advantage

I could. But since such people don't know anything about guns, I prefer not to.

Zardoz wrote:
the AR-15 has the ability to chamber at a 900 round a minute rate.

So does every other semi-auto.

Zardoz wrote:
No mass murderer could possibly ask for more. What if you can only kill 50 people in a minute? That is still pretty good.

Mass murderers could ask for much much more. Submachine guns are much deadlier than semi-auto-only rifles. And I bet they'd like to have some hand grenades as well.

Zardoz wrote:
The other semi-automatics used a spring to chamber the next shell

So does the AR-15.

Zardoz wrote:
that is much slower.

No it isn't. The AR-15's springs are no faster than the springs in other semi-auto guns.

Zardoz wrote:
That is why there is a patent for the AR-15.

No it isn't. The AR-15's patent has nothing to do with magical springs.

Zardoz wrote:
It is a machine gun that can kill 50 people in a few minutes.

A semi-auto-only weapon is not a machine gun.

Zardoz wrote:
If you can fire at a 200 rounds a minute rate with your finger who needs a machine gun?

No one can fire a semi-auto that fast, especially not while actually aiming their gun.

Zardoz wrote:
The AR-15 is a mass murderer's wet dream.

Mass murderers don't know anything about guns.

Zardoz wrote:
But a mass murder could not carry a machine gun into a school,

Sure they could. At least if they had one they could. The fact that they've been illegal for 87 years might cause some difficulties in acquiring one. But if they could manage to acquire a general purpose machine gun, they could certainly carry it into a school and conduct a massacre with it.

Again note the movie Rambo. He didn't shoot up a school of course. But the movie shows how it is possible for a person to carry and fire a general purpose machine gun.

And it isn't necessary to have a weapon as large as a general purpose machine gun. An Ingram MAC 10 submachine gun fires 1200 rounds per minute. With an MacJack installed it fires 1800 rounds per minute.

Zardoz wrote:
that is why a mass murderer needs the AR-15 for.

No mass murderer needs an AR-15 for anything. Other guns work just as well.

Zardoz wrote:
We know what the purpose of the AR-15 is we have seen it over and over again, mass murderer.

The purpose of an AR-15 is hunting foxes and coyotes, and also home defense.

Zardoz wrote:
Law enforcement is only after the fact, after 26 people were killed the only thing law enforcement can do is lock them up and wait to catch the next mass murder after fact.

Your proposal to ban most guns will not solve anything either. It will only violate people's civil liberties and get more people killed.

Zardoz wrote:
An ounce of prevention could save lives.

Except your proposal is much more than a mere ounce. It would commit a grave violation of the civil liberties of every single American.

And your proposal would do nothing at all to save any lives. It would actually result in more people being killed.

Zardoz wrote:
Making mass murder a crime means absolutely nothing to a mass murderer they intend to go out in a blaze of gun nut glory.

Your proposal to ban most guns will not solve anything either. It will only violate people's civil liberties and get more people killed.

Zardoz wrote:
The AR-15 is a mass murderer's dream weapon

That's because mass murderers don't know anything about guns.

Zardoz wrote:
because it can kill more people in the shortest time.

Submachine guns are much deadlier than semi-auto-only rifles.

Zardoz wrote:
The exact same patented part that makes the AR-15 so desirable as an automatic is in the semi-automatic and that is what makes it a superior mass murder weapon.

Nothing in that patent makes any gun a mass murder weapon.

Zardoz wrote:
It is the same gun the patented part is in both.

A semi-auto-only is not the same gun as a full-auto.

Zardoz wrote:
It is either the AR-15 or other gun that were designed using that patent. They all share that same patented part that makes them mass murder weapons.

Nothing in that patent makes any gun a mass murder weapon.

Zardoz wrote:
It is either the AR-15 or copycat version of the AR-15.

No it isn't. Mass murderers prefer to use handguns.

Zardoz wrote:
Your typical spring feed semi-automatic cannot compare to the deadly speed of the AR-15 design.

The AR-15 is a typical spring fed semi-automatic. And it is no faster than other semi-automatics

Zardoz wrote:
How many times do you have to see mass murders repeated with the AR-15 designed mas murder weapons before you believe it?

Most mass murders are committed with handguns.

Zardoz wrote:
Jail solves nothing, the crime is done, the victims dead. Mass murderers know by the very nature of their crime they will not get away, they just want to watch as they can pump hundreds rounds into a crowd.

Your proposal to ban most guns will not solve anything either. It will only violate people's civil liberties and get more people killed.

Zardoz wrote:
Criminalizing has never stopped anyone from committing the crime it only punishes someone after the fact. Mass murder is a unique crime where the murder does not plan on living past the crime, it means absolutely nothing. The same goes for other crime.

Your proposal to ban most guns will not solve anything either. It will only violate people's civil liberties and get more people killed.

Zardoz wrote:
A spring loaded semi-automatic is worthless for a real mass murder it is way too slow.

The AR-15 is a spring loaded semi-automatic.

Zardoz wrote:
The parts are legal and sold in gun magazine. I have people show me which parts and where to order them.

If you are not a licensed machinegun dealer, possessing those parts will get you ten years in federal prison.

Zardoz wrote:
The Texas law will stand.

I doubt it.

Zardoz wrote:
The supreme court justices were appointed by Trump, and they made a promise to stop abortion. The beauty of the law is the government is no longer involved.

The government is still involved. Our courts are part of the government.

Zardoz wrote:
If they were going to stop it, they had their chance.

They will have many more chances to stop it.

Zardoz wrote:
The judge has to follow the law and law says if someone help anyone get an abortion than they must pay $10,000. The judge has no latitude if the case is proven.

Judges can throw out unconstitutional laws.

Zardoz wrote:
Civil suits can't be unconstitutional.

Sure they can be. They merely have to violate people's civil liberties, or be based on a law that violates people's civil liberties.

Zardoz wrote:
They are between citizens. It is just civil judgement. The government is not involved.

Courts are involved. Courts are part of the government.

Zardoz wrote:
If the supreme court wanted to block it, they would have.

I think they'll still get around to it.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 25 Dec, 2021 04:13 am
Zardoz wrote:
There is no way that you need a mass murder weapon that fires at a 900 round per minute rate to hunt a fox or any other animal.

A semi-auto-only AR-15 is not a mass murder weapon. Neither does it fire at 900 rounds per minute.

Zardoz wrote:
There are plenty of weapons designed for hunting instead of one designed for hunting people.

Semi-auto-only AR-15s are not designed for hunting people. They are designed for hunting foxes and coyotes, and also for home defense.

Zardoz wrote:
There is absolutely no question that the mass murders took place and no question what type of weapon were used.

There is no question that most mass murderers prefer handguns over AR-15s.

Zardoz wrote:
What you have to realize that it was an AR-15 style weapon, there are now many knock offs made. The patent for the revolutionary parts that make the AR-15 so deadly,

There are no parts that make a semi-auto-only AR-15 unusually deadly. It is no different from any other semi-auto-only rifle that takes large magazines.

Zardoz wrote:
has long since expired meaning anyone can now manufacture a weapon of mass destruction that can fire at a 900 rounds a minute rate.

Except they can't. Full-auto weapons are against the law.

Zardoz wrote:
The other weapons that are used for mass murder, use the AR-15 design.

Most mass murders are carried out with handguns.

Zardoz wrote:
We are talking about the large mass murders with over 20 victims. The definition of a mass murderer is one where 4 or more people are killed. In Las Vegas 500 people were injured. Take the weapons that are capable of firing at a 900 round a minute rate off the streets and the mass murders would go way down. There are still thousands of guns that were actually designed for hunting and fire far fewer rounds per minute.

This was already done 87 years ago.

Zardoz wrote:
The mass murder mania started with the AR-15

No it didn't.

Zardoz wrote:
and will not stop until it is banned.

The existence of AR-15s has nothing to do with the prevalence of mass murder.

Zardoz wrote:
There were many semi-automatics before the AR-15, and it is not the automatic feature that has been used in the mass murder with 50 or more dead. The revolutionary part of the AR-15 is the ability to chamber bullets at a 900 round per minute rate

There was nothing revolutionary about that. Guns had already been firing at 1500 rounds per minute for decades.

Zardoz wrote:
and the AR-15 semi-automatic can do the same.

No it can't. No semi-auto can fire that fast.

Zardoz wrote:
That is what makes the best weapon in the world for mass murder.

Submachine guns and hand grenades are far better for mass murder.

Zardoz wrote:
The military may have full machine guns that can fire 1,500 rounds but those weapons are already banned from the street. The AR-15 design is far superior to anything legal on the street.

There are plenty of other weapons on the street that are just as good. Any other semi-auto that takes large magazines for example.

Zardoz wrote:
Pump and lever guns would only be able to fire a tiny fraction of the 900 rounds rate.

Just like semi-auto-only AR-15s.

Zardoz wrote:
Maybe fire or six rounds a minute and the crowd would have run away to safety.

Pump and lever guns fire faster than that.

Zardoz wrote:
The other guns no doubt use the AR-15 design to chamber rounds.

No, there are a wide variety of semi-auto mechanisms.

Zardoz wrote:
The thing is the AR-15 chambers shell as fast as a machine gun.

As does any other semi-auto.

Zardoz wrote:
That speed was not necessary for a semi-automatic,

It is inherent in all semi-autos.

Zardoz wrote:
but it made it the perfect mass murder weapon.

No it doesn't. It makes no difference at all.

Zardoz wrote:
That has been proven again and again in mass murders. The mass murderer was recorded firing 50 rounds in a minute, and he had to change a clip out during that time.

No mass murder has ever proven that semi-auto-only rifles are superior to submachine guns.

Submachine guns are far deadlier than semi-auto-only rifles.

Zardoz wrote:
Being illegal does not stop anybody from converting an AR-15. It only means they may go to jail after the fact.

It doesn't stop anybody from converting any other weapon either.

Zardoz wrote:
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

Except your proposals will not cure anything. All they will do is violate people's civil liberties.

Zardoz wrote:
2021 car to 1930 car is a direct comparison


Zardoz wrote:
a 1930 tricycle to 2021 car is apples to oranges.

Comparing full-auto to semi-auto-only is apples to oranges as well.

Zardoz wrote:
The semi-automatic and full-automatic are the same gun,

No they aren't.

Zardoz wrote:
they come down the same assembly line. If you laid them side most people could not tell them apart. That is apples to apples.

Semi-auto-only is not comparable to full-auto.

Zardoz wrote:
When 99% of the parts of one gun are used to make the other, they are comparable.

Not when one is full-auto and one is semi-auto-only.

Zardoz wrote:
Do you think people with full-automatic aim each round?

No. But it doesn't matter because mass shooters do not use full-autos.

Zardoz wrote:
A mass murder is not going to aim, he is going to shoot into the crowd, and he is bound to hit someone. He can judge where his rounds are going as each head explodes. Do you think the mass murder in Fla aimed 50 times in a minute? Mass murder is not the same as target shooting. Time is of the absolute essence in mass murder.

That's why mass murderers kill so few people. They don't have any idea how to shoot.

Zardoz wrote:
If 200 rounds a minute could result in a lot of dead people, we should do something to stop it.

That was done 87 years ago.

Zardoz wrote:
We don't know the firing rate on all machine guns,

Sure we do.

Zardoz wrote:
but I'll bet some would have a time reaching 200 rounds a minute rate.

An Ingram MAC 10 fires at 1200 rounds per minute.

Pop a MacJack in it, and it fires at 1800 rounds per minute.

Zardoz wrote:
Remington would not have run the add if the special forces did not use that gun. It may have had a different numerical designation, but it was the same gun.

The Special Forces have never used semi-auto-only AR-15s.

Zardoz wrote:
Any judgement will be against Remington if it exceeds the limit on Insurance Remington will be responsible for the rest.

Except Remington is now a hollow company with no assets. The plaintiffs will not be able to touch the new Remington. So all they will get, if they win, is the insurance.

Nothing to worry about anyway. What are the odds that the plaintiffs will be able to get the jury and all the appeals courts to disregard reality?

It is theoretically possible that they will win. But I wouldn't bet money on it.

Zardoz wrote:
I don't think there are special laws for suing the gun industry.

Well, there are.

And those laws say that the plaintiffs have to pay the gun industry's legal bills.

Zardoz wrote:
The other guns that are just as deadly are knock off versions of the AR-15.

No they aren't. There are all sorts of semi-auto designs. And there is a pump weapon (a Remington no less) that takes large magazines as well. I don't see it in the lineup of the new Remington yet though.
Reply Sat 25 Dec, 2021 04:23 pm
oralloy wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
but I'll bet some would have a time reaching 200 rounds a minute rate.

An Ingram MAC 10 fires at 1200 rounds per minute.
Pop a MacJack in it, and it fires at 1800 rounds per minute.

First gun: Uzi, three magazines
Second gun: MAC-10, one magazine
Third gun: MAC-11/9 with a MacJack installed, three magazines

Another MAC-11/9 with a MacJack installed. Guns make a nice angry buzz when they empty a 32 round magazine in one second.
Reply Sat 25 Dec, 2021 07:59 pm
If it had been zero-gun sales, every gun store in America would be out of office. There have been enough weapons of war sold to arm an army.
Those type weapons have been used for mass murder over and over again. Same weapon that comes down the same assembly line.
No, those weapons are in the hand of gun nuts who take sound shots, if they hear a sound they will shoot in that direction. Those weapons have been used for mass murder for the last fifty years.
Baraka Obama did an excellent job. How did he overthrow the government? By putting a fraction of taxes back on the ungodly greedy?. Trump made sure the richest people in the world did not pay a cent in income tax also many fortune 500 companies no longer paid income tax. Or was it making health insurance available to everyone and make it so they could afford it?
It may be hard to predict the future but it is easy to tell which way the wind is blowing.
I am not making it worse but seeing the number of dead each day from the Trump virus may encourage some to take the vaccine.
Trump turned nearly 50% of American against all of the necessary health measures issued by the CDC. Trump was booed the other day for telling the crowd he got his booster shot. Remember Trump told people it was no worse than the flu.

Reply Sat 25 Dec, 2021 10:04 pm
The experts not only put it writing, but they also published it. They watch both go down the assembly line every day. They know for a fact the parts are interchangeable.

AR-15 or some of its knock offs have been responsible for most of the high body count mass murder. I can hit the foxes around here with a lawn chair.
The AR-15 use all the same parts lacking just a few. They are the exact same gun with only a minor difference. When it comes to mass murder the semi-automatics has far exceeded any mass murders done with the automatic version.
The patent for the AR-15 was granted because it uses the exhaust gas generated by the firing the first shell to chamber the next. That is why it can chamber at a 900 round per minute rate.
The shell is chambered by the exhaust gas from the fired shell. Springs have ben around for hundreds of years and would not be eligible for any patent.
The AR-15 harnesses the exhaust gas from the explosion to chamber the next shell. Explosions happen in a fraction of second this is why it is so fast.
There were all kinds of semi-automatics made before the AR-15 was made none could operate at a fraction of the speed.
Springs have absolutely nothing to do with the speed the AR-15 chambering shells.
The people made the guns published an add saying that the AR-15 was the same gun used by the US special services, the elite fighting groups. If you can’t believe the manufacturer, who can you believe?
That is not what we are talking about, we are talking about AR-15s, and no AR-15 automatic has killed nearly as many in a mass murder.
AR-15s are indeed mass murder weapons and every potential mass murder dreams of one day owning one.
If mass murderers know nothing about guns, how do they end using the AR-15 type of gun. You underestimate mass murderers they study other mass murders, so they don’t repeat the same mistakes. Previous mass murderers are considered heroes.
Patents are granted for new inventions and major improvements to inventions. Since guns were invented years ago the only thing that was eligible for a patent was a major improvement.
I am not claiming, the AR-15 has established a record as “the” mass murder weapon.
If you supplied the murder weapon you were party to the murder.
That is not how it is in practice. In case of Trump, his lawyers were responsible not Trump. The judge levied the judgement against the lawyers.
The republicans tried to make a law that the gun industry could not be sued but that only applies in federal court. We have already seen that lawsuits are being bought in state courts. That only applies in federal courts.

In most courts it is forbidden to even mention insurance of any kind.
The patented revolutionary parts that makes the AR-15 is in both the automatic and semi-automatic version.
When I worked as a mechanic there was a similar law that said you could not let any of the R-12 freon into the atmosphere the fine was $10,000. Many shops didn’t own a freon recovery machine. No one was ever prosecuted that I know of. That is how likely anyone is to ever be prosecuted for possessing the parts for the AR-15.
If the parts are being made with a 3D printer than everybody will have the parts.
I guess that is why I was instructed not to buy the parts from the same source. At about the same time one of the sheriff’s cars was riddled with bullet holes. I don’t know whether a full-automatic was used but there were hundreds of holes in the car. One of the big drug dealers was sending a message.
I don’t remember Rambo shooting up any schools.
Rifles were made for a long time and yet the AR-15 was granted a patent for a revolutionary improvement.
But he could be shooting from behind all that steel and still be threat.
You should be able to use the gun if you own one. Rifles are not the problem assault weapons are the problem.
None are so blind as those who don’t want to see. The NRA story is playing out in court.
That was why the AR-15 was granted a patent.
It has to be an improvement to get a patent being unique is not enough.
Reply Sat 25 Dec, 2021 11:26 pm
Joy to the world, Marjorie Taylor Green has decided she is going to court the Christian right. She is working to restore Christian values in our government. She hasn’t heard of one of the founding principles of our country, the separation of church state. The founding fathers were well aware of what religion was. The Christians were already engaged in their favorite sport burning people at the stake if they did not believe in their religion. These were people that you needed to keep as far away from government as possible, sort of like Marjorie Greene.

The Christian right’s ambition has been to become the official state religion, after all they have not burnt anyone at the stake for a while. The Christians have watched as their membership declines by the millions and other major world religions gain a foot hold.

I hope Marjorie isn’t successful in bring back the Christian principal that anyone working on Sunday will be put to death. Mosses did it and what is good enough for Mosses should be good enough for America. After all, if there is nothing to do on Sunday you might as well go to church.

Today we have 53,026,765 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 52,939,324 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 87,441 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus.

The death toll stands at 837,779 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 837,623. That means that another 156 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Dec, 2021 07:57 pm
One of the oldest churches in America is closing for good on Dec 31. Call it the Trump effect. The church has a 221-year history it, persevered the civil war, WWI and WWII but not Trump. Only Trump could kill it. The First Presbyterian Church of Bellefonte, PA is closing due to lack of membership. The church that began when there were only 16 states in the union is down to 25 members. It is impossible for 25 elderly people to maintain the huge stone building.

When Jerry Falwell launched the Moral Majority, the first Christian right venture into politics they alienated half of their congregation. When the church became more like a meeting of the republican party it alienated more. People didn’t go to church to be told who to vote for.

Then along came Trump, a grifter and a world class liar, a child molester who openly bragged about molesting women. Trump was a world class swindler also. But according to Christian right Trump was almost the second coming of Christ. This alienated even more people but especially the next generation who can spot a hypocrite from a mile away. You can’t claim to be selling character and then make Trump a cult hero. You can’t maintain a congregation if the young people don’t join. When the Trump virus hit many of the older members of the congregations died with no one to replace them it was a death blow for many churches.

Today we have 53,222,424 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 53,026,765 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 195,695 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 837,854 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 837,779. That means that another 75 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Dec, 2021 11:00 pm
If seeing is believing, then you can watch one of the You Tube videos that demonstrate the AR-15 firing capabilities. You can slow it down and count the rounds. You can actually see at least ten shell casing in the air at one time.
The AR-15 semi is the same gun as the AR-automatic and has the key feature that makes the AR-15 so deadly.
You can tell that to the families of the 50 killed in mass murder in FL. I don’t know of any case where 50 foxes were killed by hunter. The AR-15 was conceived and designed for a purpose and that purpose is killing people.
Almost all of the high body count mass murders were done with AR-15 or copy-cat versions. We are not talking about low body count mass murders.
Semi-automatics have been around for a long time before the patent for a revolution new design was granted for the AR-15. What makes the AR-15 such killing machine is the ability to chamber rounds at a 900 round per minute rate and both versions have those parts. If there were no parts that made the AR-15 more deadly there would be no need for a patent. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
What a mass murderer looks for in a gun is one that can fire the most bullets in shortest amount of time and the AR-15 design is that murder weapon. 200 rounds a minute is enough and the AR-15 semi-automatic is capable.
You are talking about mass murders where only a four are murdered. Those are mostly murder suicides where the people are shot in their sleep. High body count mass murders are done almost exclusively with AR-15 style weapons.
The ban 87 years ago did not stop the mass murders of today. Most people bought guns to hunt with now they buy them to murder people with.
It is a documented fact that mass murders in America started at about the same time the AR-15 was first introduced. They go hand in hand. It is when gun violence was being glorified. It was the birth of the gun nut, up till that time a gun was just a tool used to hunt with.
Just like a hammer has nothing to do with a nail. We need only look at the high body counts mass murders and there are two parts, a shooter and a mass murder weapon. You can’t say one has nothing to do with the other.
You are comparing apples to oranges, the AR-15 is not a machine gun it is an automatic. Machine guns use completely different way to chamber shells.
The AR-15 semi-automatics are only limited by how many times you can pull the trigger, 200 rounds a minute rate is a conservative estimate. Do you know what that could do in a crowed night club? I forgot we do know, 50 dead.
You don’t know what mass murders are looking for, they want to look their victims in the eye when they die. A bomb would take all of the fun out of it. You would have to leave the area and they want to take all the credit for their hard work. Submachines guns are banned as the AR-15 should be.
All the other dangerous weapons on the streets use the AR-15 design to achieve that rate of fire.
Not the same a pump and lever gun would be lucky to fire five or six rounds a minute an AR-!5 semi could fire at a 200 rounds per minute rate.
Even if the pump and lever gun fired a round or two more it could not hold a candle to an AR-15 semi that can chamber at a 900 round per minute rate.
There may be other ways to chamber shells but not near as fast as the AR-15. Once the AR-15 patent ran out, there was no need to reinvent the wheel.
The other semi could chamber shells but not nearly as fast as the AR-15.
The AR-15 is a mass murder weapon and we have seen it demonstrated time and time again.
Submachine guns were legal in America at one time, and I recall only one mass murder on St Valentine’s Day massacre and that was the mob, and they needed several shooters. Any school kid can do far more damage.
Depending on the design it may be impossible to convert other semi-automatic to automatic. The AR-15 should have been designed that any attempt to convert it would destroy the gun.
You have no right to a weapon of war you have a right to a muzzle loader only.
You believe that comparing two guns that look identical is apples to oranges.
You could compare any two guns because they both guns, or if you will apples to apples.
It would be just like two Chev trucks coming down the assemble line you put an automatic in one and a standard in the other there is no question they are comparable. The fact that you have to shift the standard doesn’t make it a different truck. The same goes for the AR-15s.
Standard and automatics trucks are comparable as are AR-15s.
You would have a hard time convincing GM that a Chev truck with a standard is not a Chev truck.
But even mass murders with semi-automatic are not going to bother to aim when shooting into a crowd.
That was the beauty of the AR-15 even a school kid using the AR-15 for the first time can kill his limit of school children. When you have that many rounds you don’t have to make them count. Do you really think 50 killed is low?
87 years ago, the Thompsons were being used to rob banks, the big money got them banned but today they are not robbing banks with AR-15. Maybe if bank robbers all started robbing banks with AR-15s they might get them banned but they are not good for robbing banks just mass murders.
There is a difference between an automatic and a machine gun. That is why they refer to one as a machine gun and the other an automatic.
That is two more guns that should be banned along with the AR-15s. Are there semi-automatic street versions of those guns that fire that fast?
The semis and the automatics are the same guns just as the Chev trucks. Remington was fully aware of that when they ran the adds.
The horrific nature of the Sandy Hook massacre provides an incentive to find someone to punish and the people that supplied the weapon are in the chain of things that happened to cause the massacre. They provided the mass murder with a weapon designed for mass murder. This was probably one of the highest number of people killed with a Remington gun in one shooting.
The Federal government makes laws that govern federal court.
The gun manufactures can be sued for negligence entrustment if they continue to manufacture guns that they know that are intended for use in a crime. That says it all about manufacturing and selling AR-15 so many have been used in crimes. That is why Remington decided to stop selling the AR-15.
There were horses and wagons before the car but there was no reason to reinvent the wheel. There were different versions, but they were all cars. The AR-15 is the same way, there are only a few ways to chamber shells and the method used by the AR-15 was revolutionary. The other gun manufacturers are not going to reinvent wheel when they already have the most superior design available for free, they are not going to reinvent the wheel.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Dec, 2021 06:23 am
Zardoz wrote:
If it had been zero-gun sales, every gun store in America would be out of office.

"Zero weapons of war sold" does not mean "zero guns sold". They have sold plenty of common hunting rifles like the AR-15.

Zardoz wrote:
There have been enough weapons of war sold to arm an army.

Not in the past 87 years there hasn't.

Zardoz wrote:
Those type weapons have been used for mass murder over and over again. Same weapon that comes down the same assembly line.

No they haven't. Mass shootings with an actual weapon of war hardly ever happen.

Zardoz wrote:
No, those weapons are in the hand of gun nuts who take sound shots, if they hear a sound they will shoot in that direction.

No weapons of war are in the hands of any such people.

Zardoz wrote:
Those weapons have been used for mass murder for the last fifty years.

I doubt that anyone can name a mass murder using a weapon of war other than the Las Vegas concert shooting.

Zardoz wrote:
Baraka Obama did an excellent job.

Hardly. But that doesn't matter. It would still have been wrong for Barack Obama to overthrow our democracy even if he had actually done a good job.

Zardoz wrote:
How did he overthrow the government?

By stealing the 2008 Michigan primary instead of receiving votes from the voters.

Zardoz wrote:
I am not making it worse

Sure you are. Your use of the pandemic to make political attacks is the reason why so many people now do not trust the vaccine.

Zardoz wrote:
Trump turned nearly 50% of American against all of the necessary health measures issued by the CDC.

You are the one who turned them against it, with your misuse of the pandemic to make political attacks against Mr. Trump.

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