The trouble is that it is not only me it is the experts that made and designed the mass murder weapons that agree.
The semi-automatic and full-automatic are the same gun and were made under the same revolutionary patent for using the exhaust from firing one round to chamber the next round. This makes even the semi-automatic far superior to other semi-automatics. It can actually chamber the rounds faster than you can pull the trigger.
The experts don’t make me wrong they make you wrong.
The semi-automatic version is almost as deadly with over 50 people killed in a few minutes. As mass murder go that is nearly a record.
If it was not designed for mass murder it does one hell of a job.
How many mass murders have happened with a gun that wasn’t designed for mass murder? The mass murders speak for themselves.
The only reason the AR-15 was granted a patent was that it was far superior to other semi-automatics.
That is only because the full-automatic kills more, evidently 50 killed in a few minutes is just not enough.
That remains to be seen whether you could melt down the barrel with a semi-automatic. The number of rounds fired by semi-automatic is only limited by how many times the trigger can be pulled and we know that one mass murder in Florida was recorded firing 50 rounds in a minute.
If I remember right the video was of a converted AR-15 that belonged to a collector with a full license to own machine guns.
Most court cases end with the first verdict and only a few are appealed and of those appeals only a fraction will be successful.
We sued the city in the 80s over parity in our contract. We lost in circuit court, but the WV supreme court remanded it back to circuit court where we won in a jury trial. There were only two levels, circuit court and state supreme court.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Remington built and marketed a weapon designed for mass murder to the public they should have foreseen that it was likely to be used for that purpose. The person that supplies the death weapon to a murder is also guilty.
You have no idea who is involved in the sale of the company and whether it was sold at a fair market value. Most companies, ones they realize they are guilty or liable, will do everything possible to protect their assets.
They will never be able to seize anyone’s home this is not a frivolous lawsuit. The defendants have already made a settlement offer.
When the AR-15 comes down the assembly line it can be either a full-automatic or a semi-automatic. It is the same gun.
When a mass murder takes place, we don’t get all the details and I doubt the police would test fire the murder weapon to see if it was an automatic. They look exactly alike, and the small parts are internal.
The parts were openly sold in magazines, full automatics might be illegal but not the parts. Where do you think these people that have full automatics got the parts? There are no laws against parts the government would have to have a source to repair their automatics.
They would be very likely to have an AR-15 since it is far superior to a machine gun. The AR-15 in the video was owned by a collector with license to own them.
In my 42 years with the city, I cannot recall one criminal ever being arrested with a bullet proof vest. Most are too poor to afford one.
Head shot with a shot gun should not be hard, especially with a wide pattern.
I have read the book on the NRA and there were some real criminals heading the NRA and they are being prosecuted by the federal government even while Trump was still in office.
I don’t see many people being prosecuted for converting AR-15s even when law enforcement is aware of who is doing it.
Then let’s make it a ten-foot barrel, is that unique enough.
Gatling guns fire fast also but you can’t put one under your coat and walk into a school and kill twenty first graders. Machine guns are illegal but AR-15s aren’t, we need to correct that.
I was talking about the outside of the barrel.
There are none so blind as those who refuse to see. The AR-15 takes advantage of all the design advantages of the full-automatic except one. The semi-automatic AR-15 is still capable of chamber shells at as fast as full-automatic and it is limited only by how fast you can pull the trigger.
The AR-15 is a modern-day machine gun that is limited only by how fast you can pull the trigger. How many times could you pull the trigger? 200? 300?
The US military assigned it a different number M-!6 but as the experts at Remington made clear it is the same gun with only slight differences.
How many people does it take to carry that machine gun? Its size would make it impractical to kill 20 first graders with.
To start with he did not design the AR-15 as a semi-automatic it was designed as a full-automatic, but they could not sell that on the street because full-automatics are illegal they had to dummy it down a little to be able sell it on the street. There is only one design that is slightly modified. He never went back and designed a different gun they just modified the automatic.
That is exactly why every effort should be made to stop murder. If you want to stop a carpenter from building a house, take his tools. If you want to stop a mass murderer, take his tools, AR-15.
You are comparing oranges to apples.
The AR-15 is a full-automatic that has been restricted.
What that does not explain is why other weapons are not the choice of mass murderers. The AR-15 are the overwhelming choice of mass murders because the design is so superior. If you really want to kill a number of school children that is your best bet.
Most of the criminals are carrying guns though it is illegal and they will spend ten years in jail.
The AR-15 is the same design just slightly modified.
There are advantages for every design while one may be better for war anther may be better for school mass murders.
There is no law that outlaws parts, the same parts may be used in several other applications.
The supreme court had a chance to stop the Texas law and they decided to green light it.
The government does not enforce that law.
It is only a civil suit that decides the disputes between citizens.
The supreme court has already green lighted the Texas law, it is now in full effect in Texas.