The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Mon 27 Dec, 2021 07:56 pm
Your mother always told you not to hang out with a bad crowd because you would be judged as being just like them. When the Christian right decided to start, not only hanging out with Trump but to make him a person to be admired by the flock they started going downhill. You can put lipstick on a pig, but it is still a pig. I wonder what our mothers would have had to say if we had told her we were hanging with a known child molester, liar, swindler and someone who brags about molesting women.

Anyone only needs look at the film of Trump and Jeffery Epstein at a party, just two wild and crazy guys leering at the teenage girls. At the end Trump term, an application for a pardon for Ghislaine Maxwell came up. The first words out of Trumps mouth were what is she saying about me? Trump was scared and had good reason to be. In the end Trump’s team decided not to pardon her and hope she is smart enough to keep her mouth shut about Trump.

Epstein was a professional black mailer and his New York mansion had cameras in every room. Epstein would set the fat cats up and then film them having sex with teenage girls and black mail the crap out of them. Epstein was a rag to riches story going from nothing to owning his own island. Before the FBI raided Epstein’ mansion somebody had taken all the film from the cameras. Trump is still sweating.

Today we have 53,621,092 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 53,222,424 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 398,668 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 839,130 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 837,854. That means that another 1,276 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Dec, 2021 08:02 pm
AR-15 would keep pace with those guns. Those guns are designed for mass murder.
Reply Mon 27 Dec, 2021 08:42 pm
A full-auto AR-15 would fire only half as fast as those guns. 900 rounds per minute versus 1800 rounds per minute.

A semi-auto-only AR-15 couldn't even begin to fire that fast.
Reply Mon 27 Dec, 2021 09:24 pm
There was a commercial running on local TV for a local gun store. The gun store was running over with weapons for mass murder. In WV we sell a lot of guns to thugs from out of state like, New York, that has stiffer gun laws. Forty years ago, polls showed most people said the reason for buying the gun was hunting. Today the majority give the reason for buying a gun as murdering human beings (self-protection). As reasons for buy a gun go hunting is listed by less than 40%. So less than 40% of the guns would be designed for hunting.
You need only look at the weapons being sold today and realize what they were designed for, and it is not hunting foxes.
They are the same gun. They have 99% of the same parts. Last count there have been 263 mass murders so far this year.
When something is designed, it is designed for a specific purpose. The design parameter for the AR-15 was to kill as many people as quickly as you can.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Any nut can purchase a gun, if you can’t buy at a gun store you can buy it from your neighbor.
The weapons are the same for all practical purposes and that is what is necessary for a really high body count mass murders.
What the rightwing media does far better than anything is manipulate people. They are propaganda stations and know exactly know which buttons to push to stampede the crowd. People are quite easily manipulated into murdering people. I had an argument with some right winger they had been manipulated. They had been manipulated about the Child Tax credit payments and they were extremely jealous of the payments. When I pointed out that the welfare for ungodly greed was costing them far more. They still more upset about 5 cents out of dollar than the 95 cents going to the ungodly greedy. The taxpayers forked over $500 million for the Mercedes factory In Alabama. You can’t possibly compare $300 month to $500 million to richest people in the world.
Barrack Obama will go down as one of America biggest heroes. In Canada one of the biggest heroes is the man that was responsible for national health care.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Even though delegates are elected in a primary once they reach the convention after the first vote they can vote for any candidate. That system has changed over the years. At one time senators were not elected they were appointed by governor of the state. Each state is allowed to make their own laws. It is a political party, and they can choose how things are done.
People are good at finding excuses for something they don’t want to do. If anyone wanted to take the vaccine, they would take it. Trump took a position against science and health regulations, once he did that it became the official position of Trump followers. Once they adopted an anti-health stance, they can’t lose face even if it kills them. That is why they won’t take the shot. They would rather die than lose face.
You can cling to excuses or swallow your pride and live. One valuable lesson I learned a long time ago was that you have to take responsibility for yourself. They pointed out that when you say he made me angry. That is a lie, they were just words, you heard the words and made a conscious decision to get mad or not. You can give your power away and let someone else manipulate you or you can take responsibility.
Reply Tue 28 Dec, 2021 05:25 pm
Zardoz wrote:
The experts not only put it writing, but they also published it.

It has yet to be established that the people who created the ad are actual gun experts.

Zardoz wrote:
They watch both go down the assembly line every day. They know for a fact the parts are interchangeable.

If they "know" that then they are definitely not experts. Full-auto parts are not interchangeable with semi-auto-only parts.

Zardoz wrote:
AR-15 or some of its knock offs have been responsible for most of the high body count mass murder.

Hardly responsible. AR-15s are no different from any other semi-auto that accepts detachable magazines.

And the same murders can be committed with other guns besides semi-autos. All that is really needed are detachable magazines for fast reloading combined with a reasonably fast rate of fire.

Zardoz wrote:
I can hit the foxes around here with a lawn chair.

I wouldn't bet on that. And even if you could hit it with a lawn chair, that would hardly kill the fox.

Zardoz wrote:
The AR-15 use all the same parts lacking just a few. They are the exact same gun with only a minor difference.

The difference between semi-auto-only and full-auto is hardly minor.

Zardoz wrote:
When it comes to mass murder the semi-automatics has far exceeded any mass murders done with the automatic version.

That's why you are wrong to say that weapons of war are a problem.

Zardoz wrote:
The patent for the AR-15 was granted because it uses the exhaust gas generated by the firing the first shell to chamber the next.


Zardoz wrote:
That is why it can chamber at a 900 round per minute rate.

The AR-15 design is not necessary to achieve that rate. 900 rounds per minute is just an ordinary rate of fire for a full-auto weapon.

Zardoz wrote:
Explosions happen in a fraction of second this is why it is so fast.

It isn't fast. 900 rounds per minute is an ordinary rate of fire for a full-auto weapon.

Zardoz wrote:
There were all kinds of semi-automatics made before the AR-15 was made none could operate at a fraction of the speed.

All semi-autos operate at the same speed: the speed of the finger that is pulling the trigger.

Zardoz wrote:
Springs have absolutely nothing to do with the speed the AR-15 chambering shells.

Sure they do. There is nothing special about the speed with which an AR-15 chambers shells.

Zardoz wrote:
The people made the guns published an add saying that the AR-15 was the same gun used by the US special services, the elite fighting groups. If you can't believe the manufacturer, who can you believe?

There is no evidence that any military has ever used a semi-auto-only version of the AR-15.

Zardoz wrote:
That is not what we are talking about, we are talking about AR-15s,

When you talk of the number of people killed with one gun, that would seem to refer to any gun.

Zardoz wrote:
no AR-15 automatic has killed nearly as many in a mass murder.

That is why you are wrong to say that weapons of war are a problem.

Zardoz wrote:
AR-15s are indeed mass murder weapons

The only thing that might make a semi-auto-only AR-15 any deadlier than other guns is the ability to accept detachable magazines.

But lots and lots of guns accept detachable magazines. The AR-15 is hardly unique in that respect.

Zardoz wrote:
every potential mass murder dreams of one day owning one.

Mass murderers do not seem to know anything about guns.

Zardoz wrote:
If mass murderers know nothing about guns, how do they end using the AR-15 type of gun.

They don't know enough to use deadlier guns.

Zardoz wrote:
You underestimate mass murderers they study other mass murders, so they don't repeat the same mistakes. Previous mass murderers are considered heroes.

They've been repeating all the mistakes so far.

Zardoz wrote:
Patents are granted for new inventions and major improvements to inventions. Since guns were invented years ago the only thing that was eligible for a patent was a major improvement.

Patents for new inventions are still open to people who invent a new type of gun.

Zardoz wrote:
I am not claiming,

But you said that Remington was claiming.

Zardoz wrote:
the AR-15 has established a record as "the" mass murder weapon.

The only thing that might make a semi-auto-only AR-15 any deadlier than other guns is the ability to accept detachable magazines.

But lots and lots of guns accept detachable magazines. The AR-15 is hardly unique in that respect.

Zardoz wrote:
If you supplied the murder weapon you were party to the murder.

Someone would have to knowingly be involved in the murder plot in order to be a party to the murder. Merely supplying the gun isn't a crime if you aren't part of the murder plot.

Zardoz wrote:
That is not how it is in practice. In case of Trump, his lawyers were responsible not Trump. The judge levied the judgement against the lawyers.

OK then the insurance companies should go after the lawyers who are suing Remington. Ruin them so no lawyer will ever dare to sue another gun manufacturer.

Zardoz wrote:
The republicans tried to make a law that the gun industry could not be sued but that only applies in federal court. We have already seen that lawsuits are being bought in state courts. That only applies in federal courts.

The gun industry protections apply in all courts. The NRA made sure of that.

Zardoz wrote:
The patented revolutionary parts that makes the AR-15 is in both the automatic and semi-automatic version.

The parts are unique but not really revolutionary.

Zardoz wrote:
When I worked as a mechanic there was a similar law that said you could not let any of the R-12 freon into the atmosphere the fine was $10,000. Many shops didn't own a freon recovery machine. No one was ever prosecuted that I know of. That is how likely anyone is to ever be prosecuted for possessing the parts for the AR-15.

If there is a problem with criminals not being prosecuted for breaking the law, then the solution is to start prosecuting them.

Zardoz wrote:
If the parts are being made with a 3D printer than everybody will have the parts.

There is no if. It is clear that machine gun parts are being made on 3D printers:

But only criminals will make the parts. And that problem is easily fixed by prosecuting those criminals.

Zardoz wrote:
I don't remember Rambo shooting up any schools.

As far as I know he didn't. But the movies do demonstrate that a general purpose machine gun can be carried and operated by a single person.

Zardoz wrote:
Rifles were made for a long time and yet the AR-15 was granted a patent for a revolutionary improvement.

No revolutionary improvement. It was granted a patent for being a new gun design.

Zardoz wrote:
But he could be shooting from behind all that steel and still be threat.

Only to people within range of his fixed position.

Zardoz wrote:
You should be able to use the gun if you own one.

That does not mean it is OK to force people to make difficult shots. People have the right to have rifles so they can defend themselves from armored criminals.

Zardoz wrote:
Rifles are not the problem

Then they shouldn't be outlawed.

Zardoz wrote:
assault weapons are the problem.

No they aren't. You have already admitted above that full-auto weapons have not been a problem in massacres.

Zardoz wrote:
None are so blind as those who don't want to see. The NRA story is playing out in court.

The NRA will be fine. They are protected by both the First and the Second Amendment.

Zardoz wrote:
That was why the AR-15 was granted a patent.

It was granted a patent because it was a new design for how a gun could function.

Zardoz wrote:
It has to be an improvement to get a patent

No it doesn't. Merely being a unique design is enough.

Zardoz wrote:
being unique is not enough.

Yes it is. There is no requirement that there be an improvement.
Reply Tue 28 Dec, 2021 08:31 pm
Trump claimed that 5,000 dead people voted in the Georgia election. It turns out when they checked that Trump was off by 4,496. The republican just matched names of people that voted with the obituaries. The trouble is names are not unique with many people sharing the same name. I had to have my phone unlisted because I frequently got calls, some in the middle of the night, from people that were looking for someone with the same name. I have also read my name in the obituaries. I even went to high school with someone with the same name. The idea that you can match a name an obituary is ridiculous. Of course, Trump was probably just lying.

Dead people voting is something that comes up in every election. A lot of people that died, are still on the voter registration rolls. The problem is that dead people are not considerate enough to notify them when they die. To fix problem you might have social security notify the local voters registration office because social security is the one most likely to be notified when someone dies.

Today we have 54,148,544 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 53,621,092 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 527,452 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 842,161 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 839,130. That means that another 3,031 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Dec, 2021 08:41 pm
I think you are talking about military weapons that don' have a street legal verson Let's face it 900 rounds is plenty for massacre. If you had to carry 1,500 rounds you would need a wagon. They would see you coming from a mile. Mass murders. There is too little, too much, and just right, the AR-15 is just right.
Reply Tue 28 Dec, 2021 10:45 pm
Every company approves any add for that company.
When an AR-15 is converted they use the same parts as the automatic.
Detachable magazines for semi-automatics were invented long before the AR-15. Some semi-automatic would be lucky to fire six or seven rounds a minute not nearly fast enough for a school massacre. The mass murders have repeatedly shown they know their guns and it’s the AR-15 design that works best.
The fox kept coming back, he was not shy, I caught him trying to nab a cat. I did not go buy an AR-15 to blow him away.
What makes the AR-15 so deadly is the ability to chamber shells at a 900 round a minute rate and both the semi and the automatic use that part.
It uses the same revolutionary design in both.
Machine guns use a conveyor system to mechanically chamber shells, but AR-15 uses the exhaust to chamber shells. This makes the AR-15 far less complicated and much lighter.
Using a conveyor system would not be practical for mass murder. The AR-15 is the dream weapon for mass murders.
The AR-15 semi had the capabilities to chamber at a 900 round per minute rate. This is why they got a patent, if the other semi could do the same the AR-15 would not have got a patent. If the shell is not in the chamber, it does not matter how many times you pull the trigger.
The speed that the AR-15 chamber shells was so far superior to anything being made at the time the US military bought the guns.
Whether it was a semi or an automatic they are essentially the same mass murder weapons.
When talking about mass murder you need a weapon that will do the job and the AR-15 is excellent for that job.
If I laid down both mass murder weapons you could not tell the difference.
You cannot explain why other guns are not used in high body count mass murders. Hundreds of mass murders can’t be wrong.
Mass murders know their trade and they know a mass murder weapon when they see one.
You can research anything on the internet, and they all get together so they will get the best mass weapon.
Practice makes perfect and they know the AR-15 is the best mass murder weapon available.
Guns are an old invention, and it is unlikely that there will be any new designs that will be eligible for a patent. If you could make an invisible gun, you might get a patent.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Remington was claiming that the gun they were selling was a weapon war.
Lots of guns had detachable magazines before the AR-15 but there was no epidemic of mass murder until the AR-15.
You have watched as the last mass murderer’s parents were charged with a crime for suppling the gun. They did not know he was going to commit mas murder they just supplied the gun.
What you are seeing is a changing of the guard, the time when the gun manufacturers can get rich off of pushing guns like drugs is coming to end. Just as the parents supplied the mass murder weapon so did the gun manufacturer. If one is criminally responsible so is the other.
Each state has its own laws, and some states restrict what guns are allowed in their city. Laws that give absolute immunity are unconstitutional and will be overturned time.
The patent for the AR-15 was for revolutionary improvement, up until that time the semis used springs to chamber shells no one had ever thought of using the exhaust gas to chamber shells.
If someone cracks a line and lets all the R-12 out the evidence just evaporated. To enforce that law, you had to be standing there. There are lots of laws made but not enforced.
Again, if you are not standing there who is going to know the parts were made.
But mass murderers you don’t have access to machine guns and if they did not have access to AR-15s it would solve the problem.
The patent was granted for being able to chamber 900 rounds a minute using exhaust gas to chamber the shells.
As we are finding out there are always threats that are far deadlier than a prowler. The Trump virus has now claimed 842,000 American lives and shows no sign of slowing. You can’t shoot a virus.
It should not be a difficult shot if the criminal is at your door a shot gun should take him down. Fifty years ago, before I realized how much danger I was putting my family in, I bought a gun. I told the salesman I wanted a gun that I would not have to even open the door.
Weapons that were designed as mass murder weapons should be banned. Let’s give the school children a fighting chance.

The only reason full automatics are not a problem is that they are banned now if we can just ban the other weapons that are designed as mass murder weapons.
The NRA has gone into business with the Russians to develop an NRA in Russia their days as a force in American politics are numbered. They were hardly involved in the 2020 election they were too busy in bankruptcy court.
And that improvement made the AR-15 a killing machine.
Every gun is unique to itself you have to make a revolutionary improvement to get a patent.
Every gun is unique, but patents are granted for revolutionary improvements.
Reply Wed 29 Dec, 2021 01:59 am
Zardoz wrote:
I think you are talking about military weapons that don' have a street legal verson

Uzi 9mm:

It's sold as a rifle, so it can have the stock attached but the barrel needs to be 16 inches. But presumably anyone who is willing to illegally convert it to full-auto will have no qualms about sawing off the barrel.

MAC-10 .45:

It's sold as a handgun, so it can have a short barrel but it has no stock attached. But presumably anyone who is willing to illegally convert it to full-auto will have no qualms about attaching a stock to it.

MAC-10 9mm:

It's sold as a handgun, so it can have a short barrel but it has no stock attached. But presumably anyone who is willing to illegally convert it to full-auto will have no qualms about attaching a stock to it.

Zardoz wrote:
Let's face it 900 rounds is plenty for massacre. If you had to carry 1,500 rounds you would need a wagon. They would see you coming from a mile. Mass murders. There is too little, too much, and just right, the AR-15 is just right.

No full-auto AR-15 has ever been used to massacre schoolchildren.
Reply Wed 29 Dec, 2021 05:27 pm
Zardoz wrote:
I think you are talking about military weapons that don' have a street legal verson

I suppose it's true that the street legal semi-auto versions of the Uzi and MAC-10 are internally significantly different from the full-auto versions.
Reply Wed 29 Dec, 2021 06:07 pm
Zardoz wrote:
There was a commercial running on local TV for a local gun store. The gun store was running over with weapons for mass murder.

Weapons for mass murder have been illegal for 87 years now.

Zardoz wrote:
In WV we sell a lot of guns to thugs from out of state like, New York, that has stiffer gun laws. Forty years ago, polls showed most people said the reason for buying the gun was hunting. Today the majority give the reason for buying a gun as murdering human beings (self-protection). As reasons for buy a gun go hunting is listed by less than 40%. So less than 40% of the guns would be designed for hunting.

Self defense is not murder in any way whatsoever.

Zardoz wrote:
You need only look at the weapons being sold today and realize what they were designed for, and it is not hunting foxes.

Hunting foxes and coyotes is what the semi-auto-only version of the AR-15 is designed for. Home defense too of course.

Zardoz wrote:
They are the same gun. They have 99% of the same parts.

Semi-auto-only and full-auto are not even remotely the same gun.

Zardoz wrote:
Last count there have been 263 mass murders so far this year.

Most of them were carried out with handguns.

Zardoz wrote:
When something is designed, it is designed for a specific purpose. The design parameter for the AR-15 was to kill as many people as quickly as you can.

Not the semi-auto-only version. That was designed for hunting foxes and coyotes, and also home defense.

Zardoz wrote:
Any nut can purchase a gun, if you can't buy at a gun store you can buy it from your neighbor.

Americans have the right to have guns. And they have the right to have enough firepower for adequate self defense. That means at least lever-action rifles and double-action revolvers for everyone.

Zardoz wrote:
The weapons are the same for all practical purposes and that is what is necessary for a really high body count mass murders.

Semi-auto-only is not even remotely the same as full-auto, and especially not when it comes to killing people.

Zardoz wrote:
Even though delegates are elected in a primary once they reach the convention after the first vote they can vote for any candidate. That system has changed over the years. At one time senators were not elected they were appointed by governor of the state. Each state is allowed to make their own laws. It is a political party, and they can choose how things are done.

That didn't make it OK for Barack Obama to impose his own election results after he refused to stand in our election.

Zardoz wrote:
People are good at finding excuses for something they don't want to do. If anyone wanted to take the vaccine, they would take it. Trump took a position against science and health regulations, once he did that it became the official position of Trump followers. Once they adopted an anti-health stance, they can't lose face even if it kills them. That is why they won't take the shot. They would rather die than lose face.

They don't trust the vaccine because you (not you alone of course, but all the rest of the left who is doing it too) use the vaccine and virus for political attacks.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Dec, 2021 08:29 pm
Trump always carried on calling the mainstream news media fake news but now Trump wants the supreme court to read a Washington Post article. Trump wants to use the Washington article to prove to prove his case that he should not have to comply with the House Select Committee subpoena for White House records pertaining to the Jan 6 insurrection. The lower courts have ruled that Trump no longer has executive privilege. The judge told Trump in order to exercise executive privilege you have to be the executive.

Trump is at the end of his legal rope and is desperate to keep the information from the committee. The article in question was an interview with Bennie Thompson, the chairman of the House Select Committee, in the article he states the information may be turned over to the Justice Department for possible prosecution. Trump thinks it is highly unfair id evidence of a crime is uncovered by the committee that it could be used to prosecute him. So therefor he is asking the supreme court to keep the evidence away from the committee. Trump wants to skate once again, and he wants the supreme court judges he appointed to help.

Today we have 54,656,866 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 54,148,544 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 508,322 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 844,272 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 842,161. That means that another 2,111 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Dec, 2021 08:58 pm
You don't know whether a conversion is even possible for the Uzi like it is for the AR-15.
You don't know whether a conversion is even possible or whether parts are even available. The only gun I know that can be easily converted is the AR-15 and that parts are sold to make the conversion.
Same as above.
The semi-automatic is capable of 200 rounds a minute way more than you need for a school massacre.
Reply Wed 29 Dec, 2021 09:02 pm
The AR-15 automatic is not significantly different from the AR-15 semi-automatic.
Reply Wed 29 Dec, 2021 09:33 pm
A full-auto AR-15 is vastly different from a semi-auto-only AR-15.
Reply Wed 29 Dec, 2021 09:46 pm
I don’t know about you but 50 people not only qualifies as a mass murder but a record mass murder with one mass murder weapon.
Many so-called self-defense killings turn out to be set ups to conceal a murder.
There is only one design of the AR-15 and it was designed as a mass murder weapon. There are not two designs.
You could not tell them apart for a million dollars.
The high body count mass murders are only possible with a weapon designed for mass murder. The mass murders carried out with pistols are mostly murder suicides.
There is only one AR-15 designed and patented and patent covered both.
I will agree that you have a right to muzzle loader because that was state of art when second amendment was written.
The guns are exactly the same manufactured under the same patent with only tiny modification. There are not two patents just one. I don’t know of a mass murder with an automatic that killed a fraction of those done with semi-automatics.
A political party can appoint who they want to run for office. The general election is the election. In most states only democrats are even allowed to vote in the democratic primary and the same for republicans. It is not a requirement for every presidential candidate to run in every state. If they collected enough votes in 30 states to get the nomination they aren’t required to run in every state.
The fact is politics is the determining factor for taking the vaccine. Polls show far more democrats have taken the vaccine than republicans. If it was based on mistrust of the vaccine they would be about the same. Not taking the vaccine is predictable by what pollical party you belong to. During one period of a few months 160,000 more republicans died from the Trump virus than democrats.
Reply Thu 30 Dec, 2021 01:31 am
Zardoz wrote:
You don't know whether a conversion is even possible for the Uzi like it is for the AR-15.
You don't know whether a conversion is even possible or whether parts are even available. The only gun I know that can be easily converted is the AR-15 and that parts are sold to make the conversion.
Same as above.

Any semi-auto can be converted to full-auto. All you need to do is design a full-auto sear that will fit in that model of gun.

Note again the existence of 3D printed auto sears for Glock handguns:

Zardoz wrote:
The semi-automatic is capable of 200 rounds a minute

No one can fire a semi-auto 200 times in one minute.
Reply Thu 30 Dec, 2021 08:27 am
Zardoz wrote:
I don’t know about you but 50 people not only qualifies as a mass murder but a record mass murder with one mass murder weapon.

The semi-auto-only AR-15 is not a mass murder weapon. It is designed for hunting foxes and coyotes, and also for home defense.

Zardoz wrote:
There is only one design of the AR-15 and it was designed as a mass murder weapon. There are not two designs.

The semi-auto-only AR-15 is a different design from the full-auto AR-15. If it were the same design, it too would be full auto.

Zardoz wrote:
You could not tell them apart for a million dollars.

It is easy to tell them apart. One is semi-auto-only, and one is full-auto.

Zardoz wrote:
The high body count mass murders are only possible with a weapon designed for mass murder.

We've only had one such case: the Las Vegas concert shooting.

Zardoz wrote:
There is only one AR-15 designed and patented and patent covered both.

There is a full-auto version and a semi-auto-only version.

Zardoz wrote:
I will agree that you have a right to muzzle loader because that was state of art when second amendment was written.

The Constitution is not restricted to obsolete technology. If it were, the government could censor the internet because it isn't an old-fashioned printing press. And the police could use electricity to torture people into making false confessions since we didn't have electric power in 1791.

Even under the restrictive interpretation of the Heller ruling, we have the right to enough firepower for an adequate self defense. And that means we have the right to at least have lever-action rifles and double-action revolvers.

Zardoz wrote:
The guns are exactly the same manufactured under the same patent with only tiny modification.

Modifying one means that they are not exactly the same.

Zardoz wrote:
There are not two patents just one.

That doesn't matter.

Zardoz wrote:
A political party can appoint who they want to run for office. The general election is the election. In most states only democrats are even allowed to vote in the democratic primary and the same for republicans. It is not a requirement for every presidential candidate to run in every state. If they collected enough votes in 30 states to get the nomination they aren’t required to run in every state.

That does not give Barack Obama the right to overturn the results of Michigan's primary and impose his own results.

If he did not want to run in Michigan's primary then he should have accepted not getting any votes in that primary.

Zardoz wrote:
The fact is politics is the determining factor for taking the vaccine. Polls show far more democrats have taken the vaccine than republicans.

That's because you are using the virus as a theme for attacks against Republicans.

Zardoz wrote:
If it was based on mistrust of the vaccine they would be about the same.

The people who mistrust the vaccine are the people who you are targeting with your virus-themed political attacks.

Zardoz wrote:
Not taking the vaccine is predictable by what pollical party you belong to. During one period of a few months 160,000 more republicans died from the Trump virus than democrats.

It's all because you use the virus as a theme for political attacks.
bobsal u1553115
Reply Thu 30 Dec, 2021 10:52 am
Bull ****! They differ by a couple of dollar part that a sixth grader than change out without a tool. Or he needs a small flat file and it will fire the same ammunition at the same rate.

An AR-15 is based on the M-15, the predecessor to the M-16 - they had a tendency to jam in firefights. A lot of my buddies liberated an AK-47 at the opportunity offered itself as ricky tic as possible. You never served, did you?

If you had, you wouldn't keep repeating that bilge wash.

Reply Thu 30 Dec, 2021 10:58 am
@bobsal u1553115,
bobsal u1553115 wrote:
Bull ****!

Nope. Reality is not BS.

bobsal u1553115 wrote:
They differ by a couple of dollar part that a sixth grader than change out without a tool. Or he needs a small flat file and it will fire the same ammunition at the same rate.

That sixth grader will get ten years in federal prison for doing such a thing.

bobsal u1553115 wrote:
An AR-15 is based on the M-15, the predecessor to the M-16

No it isn't.

bobsal u1553115 wrote:
You never served, did you?

Progressives always pry into other people's private business when they want to distract from the fact that they are wrong.

bobsal u1553115 wrote:
If you had, you wouldn't keep repeating that bilge wash.

Everything that I've said is true.

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