Every company approves any add for that company.
When an AR-15 is converted they use the same parts as the automatic.
Detachable magazines for semi-automatics were invented long before the AR-15. Some semi-automatic would be lucky to fire six or seven rounds a minute not nearly fast enough for a school massacre. The mass murders have repeatedly shown they know their guns and it’s the AR-15 design that works best.
The fox kept coming back, he was not shy, I caught him trying to nab a cat. I did not go buy an AR-15 to blow him away.
What makes the AR-15 so deadly is the ability to chamber shells at a 900 round a minute rate and both the semi and the automatic use that part.
It uses the same revolutionary design in both.
Machine guns use a conveyor system to mechanically chamber shells, but AR-15 uses the exhaust to chamber shells. This makes the AR-15 far less complicated and much lighter.
Using a conveyor system would not be practical for mass murder. The AR-15 is the dream weapon for mass murders.
The AR-15 semi had the capabilities to chamber at a 900 round per minute rate. This is why they got a patent, if the other semi could do the same the AR-15 would not have got a patent. If the shell is not in the chamber, it does not matter how many times you pull the trigger.
The speed that the AR-15 chamber shells was so far superior to anything being made at the time the US military bought the guns.
Whether it was a semi or an automatic they are essentially the same mass murder weapons.
When talking about mass murder you need a weapon that will do the job and the AR-15 is excellent for that job.
If I laid down both mass murder weapons you could not tell the difference.
You cannot explain why other guns are not used in high body count mass murders. Hundreds of mass murders can’t be wrong.
Mass murders know their trade and they know a mass murder weapon when they see one.
You can research anything on the internet, and they all get together so they will get the best mass weapon.
Practice makes perfect and they know the AR-15 is the best mass murder weapon available.
Guns are an old invention, and it is unlikely that there will be any new designs that will be eligible for a patent. If you could make an invisible gun, you might get a patent.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Remington was claiming that the gun they were selling was a weapon war.
Lots of guns had detachable magazines before the AR-15 but there was no epidemic of mass murder until the AR-15.
You have watched as the last mass murderer’s parents were charged with a crime for suppling the gun. They did not know he was going to commit mas murder they just supplied the gun.
What you are seeing is a changing of the guard, the time when the gun manufacturers can get rich off of pushing guns like drugs is coming to end. Just as the parents supplied the mass murder weapon so did the gun manufacturer. If one is criminally responsible so is the other.
Each state has its own laws, and some states restrict what guns are allowed in their city. Laws that give absolute immunity are unconstitutional and will be overturned time.
The patent for the AR-15 was for revolutionary improvement, up until that time the semis used springs to chamber shells no one had ever thought of using the exhaust gas to chamber shells.
If someone cracks a line and lets all the R-12 out the evidence just evaporated. To enforce that law, you had to be standing there. There are lots of laws made but not enforced.
Again, if you are not standing there who is going to know the parts were made.
But mass murderers you don’t have access to machine guns and if they did not have access to AR-15s it would solve the problem.
The patent was granted for being able to chamber 900 rounds a minute using exhaust gas to chamber the shells.
As we are finding out there are always threats that are far deadlier than a prowler. The Trump virus has now claimed 842,000 American lives and shows no sign of slowing. You can’t shoot a virus.
It should not be a difficult shot if the criminal is at your door a shot gun should take him down. Fifty years ago, before I realized how much danger I was putting my family in, I bought a gun. I told the salesman I wanted a gun that I would not have to even open the door.
Weapons that were designed as mass murder weapons should be banned. Let’s give the school children a fighting chance.
The only reason full automatics are not a problem is that they are banned now if we can just ban the other weapons that are designed as mass murder weapons.
The NRA has gone into business with the Russians to develop an NRA in Russia their days as a force in American politics are numbered. They were hardly involved in the 2020 election they were too busy in bankruptcy court.
And that improvement made the AR-15 a killing machine.
Every gun is unique to itself you have to make a revolutionary improvement to get a patent.
Every gun is unique, but patents are granted for revolutionary improvements.