When you send in the National Guard you get Kent State and when one guns goes off, they kill everyone in sight. History can and does repeat itself.
How many car-lots were there in that few block area? If the car-lot on fire was the previous day, anybody with any sense would remove the cars. That would be very easy to do.
The government decides what is false advertising
and they did not bring a case against the gun manufactures because they are the same gun with only a slight change.
No mass murder has ever killed that many people with a regular semi-automatic. Regular semi-automatics are not designed to kill that many people that quickly. Mass murders know what type of gun they need.
You don't want to admit the ads are true but they are true.
The national guard at Kent State was not attacked but they were trained to solve every problem with a bullet. Once they were spooked, they opened fire on unarmed teenagers.
I have seen car dealers move their entire inventory to pave their lot.
In one of the first law classes I took the professor explained how he lost his first case. It was a simple case where a car had crossed over the center line and caused a head on collusion. His client was and older man and when the opposing attorney asked him why he did not try to avoid the accident? The old man said that he had the right-of-way and did not have to. The opposing attorney sighted a law that states you have to try to avoid an accident. It is called the last clear chance law. The guy that was hit head on by an idiot lost. The car dealer could have and should of, moved his cars. He had the last clear chance.
The government has stopped many drug companies from claiming without proof that their drug is a miracle cure for everything. If you are going to make a claim, then you must be able to prove it.
We have all kinds of semi-automatic weapons that have been slightly modified to automatic weapons. One gang in Los Angles specializes in converting semi-automatics to full automatics. They are being spread all over America.
The ads are meant to sell those weapons of war to the public and they are the most effective ads. Advertising those guns as good for shooting mailboxes would not sell near as many guns.
The Kent State protest was described as a peaceful protest
One of those students was paralyzed some of those killed were not involved in the protest and were just taking a break between classes.
It would also help before a riot starts.
Do you really think a janitor could fill in for a brain surgeon? Policemen are selected using psychological test to determine how they can perform in stressful situations and then they are trained how to handle riots. Putting a child in the streets with a weapon of war was a huge mistake and the civil verdict will reenforce that point.
The law either removed those drugs from market or made them stop using false claims to sell the drug.
It is a crime to use drugs, did that stop illegal drug use?
It is a crime to drive drunk, did that stop the drunken problem?
Where are the police that are going door to door and testing firing everybody's guns to see if they are converted?
Where are the police that are going door to door and testing firing everybody's guns to see if they are converted? A crime is an after the fact punishment it does not prevent automatic from spreading all over America. Murder is also against the law, but it does not prevent it.
Penalties for murder are far worse but it does not stop murder.
Less than 1% of criminals ever serve a day in jail. The law leaves us with millions of potential full automatics on the street.
There is only one answer ban the weapons of war from being sold.
The police need full automatics because they may be facing criminals armed with full automatics as in the bank robbery in California.
The bank robbery in California showed the police did not stand a chance against criminals armed with weapons converted to full-automatic.
When you can fire a few rounds a minute and the criminal is firing 60 rounds in few seconds it is not a fair fight.
Those ads helped prove the case in a civil suit the gun manufacturer lost.
You know that Kent State was bad when they run out of demonstrators to kill and start killing spectators.
It is called gun control where you actually hit what you intended to shoot. The guard at Kent just started shooting into the crowd.
We are not short of parking places local dealers take their inventory to the local mall and hold a tent sale for a week.
It was a weapon designed to fight a war with.
The gun industry has been sued many times. The Connecticut supreme court has ruled that Sandy Hook lawsuits can move forward because the gun manufacturers marketed their guns as weapons used in war.
The false advertising doctrine applies to all products. It is fraud plain and simple
Just making something criminal does not stop the activity it only allows you to punish the offenders.
If you can't go door to door to check the weapons the only people that will be caught are those who are killing people with them, after the fact.
The only solution is to ban weapons of war from the streets.
The weapons on the streets today would be far superior to any weapon of war made 87 years ago.
Why do you think the military uses full automatics? Because if they didn't, they would lose the war. Same thing applies on the streets.
If the weapons of war were banned the police would not need them either.
It is funny but I don't recall any shooting where a police officer injured 500 people.
But the mass murders of the public by public continue to rise.
That police officer didn't kill a classroom of children.
We won't miss one drug dealer we have plenty.
Five is an extremely low number of killings for a full-automatic.
When you arm a solider you take a chance.
If the weapons of war were not on the street, he would have had to use a handgun to highjack a bus.
How do you think all those compares to all the mass murders in the last two years?
It is a little hard to stick your head up if the criminals are shooting 30 rounds a second at your head. It sure makes it hard to aim no matter what type of rifle you had.
When you are being covered with gun fire it would be hard to return fire.
The gun manufacturers did appeal all the way to the Connecticut supreme court and lost.
Police are trained where they can take a shot and where they can't take a shot. Obviously, you don't fire when you are firing into a crowd. On the other hand, soldiers are trained to shoot at anything that moves.
The National guard was there to control the demonstrators not to kill the college students.
Most malls have 90% more parking places then they need on an average day, the only time I ever saw the mall parking lot even close to full was on black Friday.
Assault weapons were designed as military weapons, a deer rifle was designed to hunt deer with. Military weapons were designed to hunt human beings with.
I believe Remmington was going bankrupt because of their legal expenses.
False advertising is fraud and fraud is actionable whether for drugs or dog food.
In the case of weapons of war just making it illegal to possess them is not enough, they must be banned.
You can't go into someone's house to check for military weapons without a search warrant and you can't get a search warrant without showing cause. That would ensure that the country is full of full-automatic weapons of war.
Three D printers are not common so that is not a big threat yet.
Police may be confiscate a few because the criminals have committed other crimes, they did get a search warrant for.
The weapons of war on the streets today are far more advanced than anything even imagined 87 years ago.
The AR-15 is far superior to Thompson submachine gun
and that is the reason the army uses it.
You can only fight fire with fire and since the full automatics are on the streets the police have to be able to fight back.
Before the Thomson machine guns were banned the police departments used them. Ater they were banned they stopped using them. It would be the same for the AR-15s.
Police can kill people during their job, so they are not as likely to kill people just to see how it feels.
The problem that needs to be solved is the mass murders by people who just want to know what it feels like to kill people, mass murders by police is not the problem.
So at least you now admit that they are weapons of war.
Grudge killings are one of the leading reasons for murder whether it is the public or a police officer.
Soldiers need a weapon of war for their job.
Weapons of war are on the streets, and they are far superior to anything that was banned 87 tears ago.
The only reason the AR-15s were not banned 87 years ago is that they were not invented at the time.
The police seem to do far better than the National Guard.
Remmington or whatever is left of it will be sold in bankruptcy to pay for all the judgements against them.
When you bring the National Guard and the students who were protesting the Vietnam War together is like bringing gasoline and matches together. The students resented the National Guard and the National Guard resented the students.
You can use the mall parking lot without their permission
They are designed for mass murder.
Insurance companies protect themselves and they don't insure against stupidity. Insurance policies are very specific about what they cover and advertising your product as the most advanced weapons war would be foolish.
My point, and the point of the lawsuit, is that they are weapons of war.
Banning the sale of weapons of war is different than making them illegal to own. Stop them at the source is much more effective than banning their ownership.
Law enforcement only get the automatics after a crime is committed. It is likely that less tan .01% of the automatics are caught by the police.
I think that every law-abiding gun owner would love to own a full-automatic. If some fire power is good more fire power is better.
I think illegal conversions are far more common than you realize. The gang in L A is practically operating a factory doing the conversions.
The knowledge and the parts to make these conversions has been common knowledge for 50 yeas now. How many do you think have been converted?
Do you really think it makes any difference if you are killed by an illegal weapon or a legal one?
Those type of guns appeal to certain personality types, and they are not stable personalities.
When a major improvement is made to an invention a patent is granted and a patent was granted for the AR-15 because of the revolutionary improvement.
The Thompson cannot fire half as fast as an AR-15. That is why they were granted a patent.
The special forces use the AR-15 according to Remington and they sold them to them.
They are state of the art hunting weapons if you are hunting for humans.
They were designed for mass murder,
and they are extremely good at.
Why are machineguns banned? The number of bullets they can fire in a few seconds. The AR-15 can fire far more.
The public may be forbidden but that does not stop the criminals and the police have to deal with them.
We know bank robbers are using full automatics, so they are on the streets.
The only reason that machine guns are banned is the high number of rounds they can fire in a few seconds the AR-15 fires even more.
I don't believe Remington was insured against stupidity.
The laws will soon be made that are modeled on the Texas abortion law that will allow people to sue gun manufacturers out of business.