The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Tue 7 Dec, 2021 10:18 pm
One doctor on television put it simply, “Either get the vaccination or get Covid.” It seems like a very simple choice, and it defies common sense to choose Covid. The fact that 88% of the people on ventilators are unvaccinated should make anyone realize how effective the vaccine is, that stat speaks volumes. We are currently in the fifth wave, the fifth time there has been over 50,000 cases a day. We have many more waves of Covid to look forward to as long as a large portion of the population remains unvaccinated. As it looks now, we will just have to wait for Covid to kills off those who refuse to get the vaccination.

The Omicron variance continues to spread across America and can now be found in 20 states. The delta variance still makes up 99% in America but give Omicron another month and see where we are then. Delta spread very quickly. At a party in Spain 70 medical personnel came down with the virus out of a 170 people who attended the party. They had all been tested before the party and tested negative for the virus. With Christmas parties coming up we can expect to see the infection rate will shoot right up. It is a shame to lose your life over a Christmas party, but many will.

Today we have 50,270,136 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 50,148,680 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 121,456 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 812,205 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 810,246. That means that another 1,959 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 7 Dec, 2021 10:57 pm
Zardoz wrote:
When you send in the National Guard you get Kent State and when one guns goes off, they kill everyone in sight. History can and does repeat itself.

OK. So what's the problem?

Zardoz wrote:
How many car-lots were there in that few block area? If the car-lot on fire was the previous day, anybody with any sense would remove the cars. That would be very easy to do.

Not so easy in the real world.

Zardoz wrote:
The government decides what is false advertising

No. Reality is reality no matter what the government decides.

Zardoz wrote:
and they did not bring a case against the gun manufactures because they are the same gun with only a slight change.

The difference between full-auto and not-full-auto is hardly slight.

Zardoz wrote:
No mass murder has ever killed that many people with a regular semi-automatic. Regular semi-automatics are not designed to kill that many people that quickly. Mass murders know what type of gun they need.

The AR-15 is a regular semi-automatic.

Zardoz wrote:
You don't want to admit the ads are true but they are true.

I am unfamiliar with the ads. But if they are as you describe them then they are false.
Reply Wed 8 Dec, 2021 09:49 pm
The national guard at Kent State was not attacked but they were trained to solve every problem with a bullet. Once they were spooked, they opened fire on unarmed teenagers.
I have seen car dealers move their entire inventory to pave their lot. In one of the first law classes I took the professor explained how he lost his first case. It was a simple case where a car had crossed over the center line and caused a head on collusion. His client was and older man and when the opposing attorney asked him why he did not try to avoid the accident? The old man said that he had the right-of-way and did not have to. The opposing attorney sighted a law that states you have to try to avoid an accident. It is called the last clear chance law. The guy that was hit head on by an idiot lost. The car dealer could have and should of, moved his cars. He had the last clear chance.
The government has stopped many drug companies from claiming without proof that their drug is a miracle cure for everything. If you are going to make a claim, then you must be able to prove it.
We have all kinds of semi-automatic weapons that have been slightly modified to automatic weapons. One gang in Los Angles specializes in converting semi-automatics to full automatics. They are being spread all over America.
The ads are meant to sell those weapons of war to the public and they are the most effective ads. Advertising those guns as good for shooting mailboxes would not sell near as many guns.
Reply Wed 8 Dec, 2021 10:38 pm
Who needs republicans for an opposition party when you have Joe Manchin? Manchin is an army of one able to destroy the whole democrat agenda with a wave of his hand. Manchin sighted one of the main republican publications, the Wall Street Journal, as sighting inflation as being the single most important problem facing America today. Manchin had made deal that if the Build America Back Better Bill was cut in half, he would support it but when it was cut in half Manchin quickly moved the goal posts and is now trying to destroy it.

Manchin wants to sight the price of gas going up when in fact it is going down. Gasoline was now below $3 a gallon for the first time in months. That means that the price of gas has fallen 16% in two weeks. We see the price of most items quoted without tax but when the price of gasoline is quoted the tax is included and state and local taxes on gasoline make up a substantial part of the cost of gasoline. Gasoline is one of the most highly taxed things we purchase.

Our prices are not fixed by the government they are set by supply and demand. If supply is short and demand high the prices go up. But if supply is plentiful and demand low, prices fall. We are experience a period of artificial shortages because of the pandemic, when supply returns to normal prices will obey the law of supply and demand but by then any chance of passing the democratic agenda will be gone. The medical solution in the middle-ages was to bleed the patient no matter the problem. Now Manchin wants to bleed the economy now, it was wrong then and it is wrong now.

Today we have 50,422,410 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 50,270,136 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 152,274 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 813,904 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 812,205. That means that another 1,699 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Dec, 2021 12:06 am
Zardoz wrote:
The national guard at Kent State was not attacked but they were trained to solve every problem with a bullet. Once they were spooked, they opened fire on unarmed teenagers.

Those deranged rioting progressives presented a threat to the Guardsmen. It is a shame that non-rioters were also killed and crippled though.

Zardoz wrote:
I have seen car dealers move their entire inventory to pave their lot.

That helps with the paving process I expect.

Zardoz wrote:
In one of the first law classes I took the professor explained how he lost his first case. It was a simple case where a car had crossed over the center line and caused a head on collusion. His client was and older man and when the opposing attorney asked him why he did not try to avoid the accident? The old man said that he had the right-of-way and did not have to. The opposing attorney sighted a law that states you have to try to avoid an accident. It is called the last clear chance law. The guy that was hit head on by an idiot lost. The car dealer could have and should of, moved his cars. He had the last clear chance.

No. He did the right thing by having armed volunteers come and protect his business.

Zardoz wrote:
The government has stopped many drug companies from claiming without proof that their drug is a miracle cure for everything. If you are going to make a claim, then you must be able to prove it.

Apparently not if the law does not require it.

Zardoz wrote:
We have all kinds of semi-automatic weapons that have been slightly modified to automatic weapons. One gang in Los Angles specializes in converting semi-automatics to full automatics. They are being spread all over America.

Possessing an illegal conversion part is a crime.

Using an illegal conversion part to convert a gun is a crime.

Possessing a gun that has been illegally converted is a crime.

The penalties for these crimes are somewhat stiff.

If there is a problem with guns being illegally converted, there are already laws in place to deal with it.

A problem that is just as big of a threat as illegally converted weapons is the fact that some police officers are legally provided with full auto weapons.

There is no need for full auto weapons in law enforcement. And any time one of these officers who have been armed with full auto weapons snaps and decides to kill people, they are then able to do so with a fully-automatic weapon.

Police will be more than adequately armed if we provide them with the same self defense weapons that are widely available to the rest of the American people.

Zardoz wrote:
The ads are meant to sell those weapons of war to the public and they are the most effective ads. Advertising those guns as good for shooting mailboxes would not sell near as many guns.

Wrong. Those guns are not weapons of war.
Reply Thu 9 Dec, 2021 09:59 pm
The Kent State protest was described as a peaceful protest until 28 guardsmen opened fire, firing 67 rounds, killing four and injuring 9. One of those students was paralyzed some of those killed were not involved in the protest and were just taking a break between classes. Up until Kent State no college students had been killed during a protest.

It would also help before a riot starts.
Do you really think a janitor could fill in for a brain surgeon? Policemen are selected using psychological test to determine how they can perform in stressful situations and then they are trained how to handle riots. Putting a child in the streets with a weapon of war was a huge mistake and the civil verdict will reenforce that point.
The law either removed those drugs from market or made them stop using false claims to sell the drug.
It is a crime to use drugs, did that stop illegal drug use?

It is a crime to drive drunk, did that stop the drunken problem?

Where are the police that are going door to door and testing firing everybody's guns to see if they are converted? A crime is an after the fact punishment it does not prevent automatic from spreading all over America. Murder is also against the law, but it does not prevent it.

Penalties for murder are far worse but it does not stop murder.

Less than 1% of criminals ever serve a day in jail. The law leaves us with millions of potential full automatics on the street. There is only one answer ban the weapons of war from being sold.

The police need full automatics because they may be facing criminals armed with full automatics as in the bank robbery in California.

The bank robbery in California showed the police did not stand a chance against criminals armed with weapons converted to full-automatic.

When you can fire a few rounds a minute and the criminal is firing 60 rounds in few seconds it is not a fair fight.
Those ads helped prove the case in a civil suit the gun manufacturer lost.

Reply Thu 9 Dec, 2021 10:46 pm
Trump is taking on Moscow Mitch, he tried taking on the republican party by forming his own party, but he was quickly put in his place by Rona McDaniel, chair of the republican national committee. Lindsey Graham tried to rally the troops behind Trump with the usual scare tactics that if the senators don’t do what Trump wants, he will make sure they are never reelected. Graham called Trump “President” even though he is no longer the “president. Moscow Mitch went ahead and defied Trump as well as 10 other republicans who voted with the democrats to create a path to raise the debt limit. It needs to be raised to cover Trump’s $10 trillion tax cut for the ungodly greedy.

Now we find that Steve Bannon and Matt Gaetz have said that an army of 4,000 patriots will take over the United States if Trump is reelected in 2024. It sounds like more of Trump’s lies, but we have to remember the Jan 6 insurrection. In that context it sounds much more plausible. We must look on the bright side Trump is the size of a water buffalo, and he may not live that long and if he does, he may be crazier than a s**h house rat.

Today we have 50,535,791 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 50,422,210 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 113,581 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 815,269 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 813,904. That means that another 1,365 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Dec, 2021 11:25 pm
Zardoz wrote:
The Kent State protest was described as a peaceful protest

Not by me.

Zardoz wrote:
One of those students was paralyzed some of those killed were not involved in the protest and were just taking a break between classes.

I know. That is terrible.

Zardoz wrote:
It would also help before a riot starts.

Unfortunately there isn't a magic car storage lot available for businesses to suddenly store their cars on short notice.

Zardoz wrote:
Do you really think a janitor could fill in for a brain surgeon? Policemen are selected using psychological test to determine how they can perform in stressful situations and then they are trained how to handle riots. Putting a child in the streets with a weapon of war was a huge mistake and the civil verdict will reenforce that point.

What civil verdict?

Mr. Rittenhouse was not carrying any weapon of war.

Zardoz wrote:
The law either removed those drugs from market or made them stop using false claims to sell the drug.

That is a law for medicine. What does it have to do with guns?

Zardoz wrote:
It is a crime to use drugs, did that stop illegal drug use?
It is a crime to drive drunk, did that stop the drunken problem?

So it goes.

Zardoz wrote:
Where are the police that are going door to door and testing firing everybody's guns to see if they are converted?

That's not allowed. People have civil liberties in America.

Zardoz wrote:
Where are the police that are going door to door and testing firing everybody's guns to see if they are converted? A crime is an after the fact punishment it does not prevent automatic from spreading all over America. Murder is also against the law, but it does not prevent it.
Penalties for murder are far worse but it does not stop murder.
Less than 1% of criminals ever serve a day in jail. The law leaves us with millions of potential full automatics on the street.

Again, so it goes.

Zardoz wrote:
There is only one answer ban the weapons of war from being sold.

Weapons of war were banned 87 years ago. The only weapons of war that are used in crimes today are either already illegal, or have been legally given to police officers who then chose to break the law.

Zardoz wrote:
The police need full automatics because they may be facing criminals armed with full automatics as in the bank robbery in California.

No they don't. The police need to make precise accurate shots that do not kill innocent bystanders.

And if the police did need full autos for self defense, the general populace would have the same need.

Giving the police full autos that they don't even need just magnifies the carnage when a police officer decides to become a murderer.

In 1988, police officer Roger Waller used his submachinegun to moonlight as a hitman and carry out a contract killing against a drug dealer.

In 2002, police officer Edward Lutes used his submachinegun to murder five people that he considered his enemies.

In 2019, US Navy sailor Gabriel Romero used his automatic rifle to shoot three people at Pearl Harbor, killing two.

In 2021, US Army trainee Jovan Collazo used his automatic rifle to hijack a school bus full of kids.

These are the cases where legally owned full autos are used in crimes. And it has nothing to do with civilian gun ownership.

Zardoz wrote:
The bank robbery in California showed the police did not stand a chance against criminals armed with weapons converted to full-automatic.

The fact that the criminals had full autos was not the problem. The problem was that the police could not penetrate the criminals' body armor.

The solution is for the police to be armed with rifles and AP ammo.

Civilians have the right to the same level of armament in case they are attacked by criminals in body armor.

Zardoz wrote:
When you can fire a few rounds a minute and the criminal is firing 60 rounds in few seconds it is not a fair fight.

It doesn't matter how many times someone misses. What matters is aimed fire that actually strikes the target.

Zardoz wrote:
Those ads helped prove the case in a civil suit the gun manufacturer lost.

The manufacturer should appeal, and then seize the plaintiffs' houses to pay the manufacturer's legal bills.
Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2021 10:22 pm
You know that Kent State was bad when they run out of demonstrators to kill and start killing spectators.
It is called gun control where you actually hit what you intended to shoot. The guard at Kent just started shooting into the crowd.
We are not short of parking places local dealers take their inventory to the local mall and hold a tent sale for a week.
It was a weapon designed to fight a war with. The gun industry has been sued many times. The Connecticut supreme court has ruled that Sandy Hook lawsuits can move forward because the gun manufacturers marketed their guns as weapons used in war.
The false advertising doctrine applies to all products. It is fraud plain and simple
Just making something criminal does not stop the activity it only allows you to punish the offenders.
If you can't go door to door to check the weapons the only people that will be caught are those who are killing people with them, after the fact.
The only solution is to ban weapons of war from the streets.
The weapons on the streets today would be far superior to any weapon of war made 87 years ago.
Why do you think the military uses full automatics? Because if they didn't, they would lose the war. Same thing applies on the streets.

If the weapons of war were banned the police would not need them either.

It is funny but I don't recall any shooting where a police officer injured 500 people. But the mass murders of the public by public continue to rise.

That police officer didn't kill a classroom of children. We won't miss one drug dealer we have plenty.

Five is an extremely low number of killings for a full-automatic.

When you arm a solider you take a chance.

If the weapons of war were not on the street, he would have had to use a handgun to highjack a bus.

How do you think all those compares to all the mass murders in the last two years?
It is a little hard to stick your head up if the criminals are shooting 30 rounds a second at your head. It sure makes it hard to aim no matter what type of rifle you had.
When you are being covered with gun fire it would be hard to return fire.

The gun manufacturers did appeal all the way to the Connecticut supreme court and lost.

Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2021 10:52 pm
The number of death threats made against election workers and election officers has grown significantly since the past election. Some election workers have had to leave their homes and change their appearance. The threats were so serious the FBI advised some election workers in Georgia to leave their home. But even though there are thousands of threats there are few arrests. This needs to be taken seriously and these people need to be jailed. A minimum 10-year jail sentences would break some of this up.

Even Kanye West’s publicist went down to Georgia to try to get poll workers to confess to a crime they did not commit. What this is going to do is drive the honest people out of the election process. It won’t be worth being threatened and having your children threatened. This will leave us with the people who are making the threats being the ones manning the polls. If they would use death threats to intimidate poll workers to change the results of an election, imagine what they will do if they are working the polls.

The police don’t believe that this is a serious crime but enforcing the laws against death threats underpins the foundation of our democracy.

Today we have 50,705,257 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 50,535,791 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 169,466 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 817,326 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 815,269. That means that another 2,057 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Dec, 2021 11:44 pm
Zardoz wrote:
You know that Kent State was bad when they run out of demonstrators to kill and start killing spectators.

The National Guard didn't kill bystanders intentionally. They intended to fire on the dangerous rioters.

Zardoz wrote:
It is called gun control where you actually hit what you intended to shoot. The guard at Kent just started shooting into the crowd.

The crowd was the target.

Zardoz wrote:
We are not short of parking places local dealers take their inventory to the local mall and hold a tent sale for a week.

The world doesn't work that way. The local mall wants those spaces to be available for their customers to park in. You can't just come and occupy their property without their agreement.

Not to mention the fact that the rioters would simply target the local mall if that were done.

Zardoz wrote:
It was a weapon designed to fight a war with.

No it isn't.

Zardoz wrote:
The gun industry has been sued many times. The Connecticut supreme court has ruled that Sandy Hook lawsuits can move forward because the gun manufacturers marketed their guns as weapons used in war.

Remington should keep appealing, and then seize the plaintiffs' houses to pay Remington's legal bills.

Zardoz wrote:
The false advertising doctrine applies to all products. It is fraud plain and simple

I haven't seen any evidence that the rules for medical claims apply to gun marketing.

Zardoz wrote:
Just making something criminal does not stop the activity it only allows you to punish the offenders.

So it goes.

Zardoz wrote:
If you can't go door to door to check the weapons the only people that will be caught are those who are killing people with them, after the fact.

It is possible to catch someone with illegal weapons without them killing someone.

Someone recently designed a part that easily turns a Glock handgun into a machinegun. They made instructions for making the part with 3D printers. They released the design onto the internet for the entire world. Now anyone with a Glock and a 3D printer can easily make a machinegun.

The police are still managing to confiscate weapons without them being used to kill.


Zardoz wrote:
The only solution is to ban weapons of war from the streets.

That has already been done. It was done 87 years ago.

Zardoz wrote:
The weapons on the streets today would be far superior to any weapon of war made 87 years ago.

Only if they are already illegal. Or in the hands of police officers.

Zardoz wrote:
Why do you think the military uses full automatics? Because if they didn't, they would lose the war. Same thing applies on the streets.

The military uses tactics that are unacceptable for police use. The police need to be sure to never harm innocent bystanders.

Zardoz wrote:
If the weapons of war were banned the police would not need them either.

Except for police officers, weapons of war have been banned. It was done 87 years ago.

And no, the police do not need them. The only thing the police need are the same self defense weapons that the rest of us have.

Zardoz wrote:
It is funny but I don't recall any shooting where a police officer injured 500 people.

Keep arming the police with weapons of war that they do not even need and pretty soon you will be able to recall it.

Zardoz wrote:
But the mass murders of the public by public continue to rise.

So do murders by police officers who are equipped with weapons of war that they don't even need.

Zardoz wrote:
That police officer didn't kill a classroom of children.

Keep arming the police with weapons of war that they do not even need and pretty soon it will happen.

Zardoz wrote:
We won't miss one drug dealer we have plenty.

So you are OK with police officers murdering people with weapons of war?

Zardoz wrote:
Five is an extremely low number of killings for a full-automatic.

The police officer managed to murder 100% of the people that he had a grudge against.

Zardoz wrote:
When you arm a solider you take a chance.

If the US government had not given him a weapon of war then he would not have had a weapon of war to kill people with.

Zardoz wrote:
If the weapons of war were not on the street, he would have had to use a handgun to highjack a bus.

Weapons of war were made illegal 87 years ago. He only possessed a weapon of war because the US government gave it to him.

Zardoz wrote:
How do you think all those compares to all the mass murders in the last two years?

The murders that were committed by police officers and soldiers are the only murders that were committed with legal weapons of war.

Weapons of war were outlawed for the rest of us 87 years ago.

Zardoz wrote:
It is a little hard to stick your head up if the criminals are shooting 30 rounds a second at your head. It sure makes it hard to aim no matter what type of rifle you had.
Zardoz wrote:
When you are being covered with gun fire it would be hard to return fire.

The police will have to do their best. We can't have them spraying unaimed fire all over the place.

Zardoz wrote:
The gun manufacturers did appeal all the way to the Connecticut supreme court and lost.

Remington should keep appealing and then seize the plaintiffs' homes to pay Remington's legal bills.
Reply Sat 11 Dec, 2021 10:27 pm
Police are trained where they can take a shot and where they can't take a shot. Obviously, you don't fire when you are firing into a crowd. On the other hand, soldiers are trained to shoot at anything that moves.
The National guard was there to control the demonstrators not to kill the college students.
Most malls have 90% more parking places then they need on an average day, the only time I ever saw the mall parking lot even close to full was on black Friday.

Most malls are on the outskirts of town far from the action.
Assault weapons were designed as military weapons, a deer rifle was designed to hunt deer with. Military weapons were designed to hunt human beings with.
I believe Remmington was going bankrupt because of their legal expenses.
False advertising is fraud and fraud is actionable whether for drugs or dog food.
In the case of weapons of war just making it illegal to possess them is not enough, they must be banned.
You can't go into someone's house to check for military weapons without a search warrant and you can't get a search warrant without showing cause. That would ensure that the country is full of full-automatic weapons of war.

Three D printers are not common so that is not a big threat yet.

Police may be confiscate a few because the criminals have committed other crimes, they did get a search warrant for.
The weapons of war on the streets today are far more advanced than anything even imagined 87 years ago.
The AR-15 is far superior to Thompson submachine gun and that is the reason the army uses it.
You can only fight fire with fire and since the full automatics are on the streets the police have to be able to fight back.
Before the Thomson machine guns were banned the police departments used them. Ater they were banned they stopped using them. It would be the same for the AR-15s.
Police can kill people during their job, so they are not as likely to kill people just to see how it feels.
The problem that needs to be solved is the mass murders by people who just want to know what it feels like to kill people, mass murders by police is not the problem.
So at least you now admit that they are weapons of war.
Grudge killings are one of the leading reasons for murder whether it is the public or a police officer.
Soldiers need a weapon of war for their job.
Weapons of war are on the streets, and they are far superior to anything that was banned 87 tears ago.
The only the AR-15s were not banned 87 years ago is that they were not invented at the time.
The police seem to do far better than the National Guard.
Remmington or whatever is left of it will be sold in bankruptcy to pay for all the judgements against them.

Reply Sat 11 Dec, 2021 10:54 pm
Now Trump’s plan to take over America has come to light. The 38-page document details how it was to be done. All electronic votes would be declared void and Pence would replace all the democratic elector with republican electors he selected. Afterall, Trump had heard a rumor that the voting machine companies had conspired to beat him and if you can’t believe Crazy Sidney who can you believe. Sidney had the proof, five affidavits, even if all 5 were from the same person.

We don’t realize what a dictator Trump was, he actually believed that he could wave his hand and 80 million votes would just disappear. The only problem with Trump’s plan was it depended on the vice president to do the actual dirty work. If Pence had gone along with Trump, Trump would be president today. They talk about a thin blue line separating us from criminals, but this line was far thinner our democracy hung on a line thinner than a spider thread. It showed us that the electoral college will be America’s downfall until a presidential election is determined by popular vote American elections are subject to all kinds of manipulations.

Today we have 50,762,671 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 50,705,257 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 57,414 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 817,789 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 817,326. That means that another 463 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Dec, 2021 03:58 am
Zardoz wrote:
Police are trained where they can take a shot and where they can't take a shot. Obviously, you don't fire when you are firing into a crowd. On the other hand, soldiers are trained to shoot at anything that moves.

Unless police officers snap after they have been given a weapon of war that they do not even need. Then they kill whoever.

Zardoz wrote:
The National guard was there to control the demonstrators not to kill the college students.


Zardoz wrote:
Most malls have 90% more parking places then they need on an average day, the only time I ever saw the mall parking lot even close to full was on black Friday.

That doesn't mean you can just occupy their parking lot without permission.

Zardoz wrote:
Assault weapons were designed as military weapons, a deer rifle was designed to hunt deer with. Military weapons were designed to hunt human beings with.

Except for weapons that are given to soldiers and police officers, assault weapons and military weapons were outlawed 87 years ago.

Zardoz wrote:
I believe Remmington was going bankrupt because of their legal expenses.

No. Remington went bankrupt because their owners didn't even seem to care about guns and made some poor business choices.

Remington did not have legal expenses because they had liability insurance. It is the insurance companies who are really being sued.

Those insurance companies should keep appealing and then seize the plaintiffs' homes and retirement accounts to pay the insurance companies' legal bills.

Zardoz wrote:
False advertising is fraud and fraud is actionable whether for drugs or dog food.

Well if you are that upset that someone falsely marketed a hunting rifle as a weapon of war, go sue them.

Zardoz wrote:
In the case of weapons of war just making it illegal to possess them is not enough, they must be banned.

That is a nonsensical sentence. "Making them illegal to possess" and "banning them" is the very same thing.

Zardoz wrote:
You can't go into someone's house to check for military weapons without a search warrant and you can't get a search warrant without showing cause. That would ensure that the country is full of full-automatic weapons of war.

No it wouldn't. First, law abiding citizens are not going to make illegal weapons.

Second, as that article showed, the police are already managing to catch the criminals who illegally convert weapons to full auto.

Zardoz wrote:
Three D printers are not common so that is not a big threat yet.

If illegal conversions are not a big threat then stop worrying about them.

Zardoz wrote:
Police may be confiscate a few because the criminals have committed other crimes, they did get a search warrant for.

OK. So problem solved.

Zardoz wrote:
The weapons of war on the streets today are far more advanced than anything even imagined 87 years ago.

The only weapons of war on the streets today are either already illegal, or in the hands of police officers who don't even need them.

Zardoz wrote:
The AR-15 is far superior to Thompson submachine gun

No it isn't. Submachine guns fire full auto.

Zardoz wrote:
and that is the reason the army uses it.

The Army does not use the AR-15.

Zardoz wrote:
You can only fight fire with fire and since the full automatics are on the streets the police have to be able to fight back.

That isn't true. The police can fight back without spraying random bullets all over cities.

Zardoz wrote:
Before the Thomson machine guns were banned the police departments used them. Ater they were banned they stopped using them. It would be the same for the AR-15s.

Since AR-15s are ordinary hunting and self defense weapons, there is no reason to ban them.

Zardoz wrote:
Police can kill people during their job, so they are not as likely to kill people just to see how it feels.

It doesn't matter why a police officer decides to murder people. If you give the police weapons of war that they do not even need then you are asking for trouble.

Zardoz wrote:
The problem that needs to be solved is the mass murders by people who just want to know what it feels like to kill people, mass murders by police is not the problem.

I do not agree that it is not a problem when a police officer is given a weapon of war that he does not even need and then murders people with it.

Non-police officers are already forbidden from having weapons of war.

Zardoz wrote:
So at least you now admit that they are weapons of war.

I admit that machineguns are weapons of war.

That has nothing to do with hunting and self defense weapons like the AR-15 however.

Zardoz wrote:
Grudge killings are one of the leading reasons for murder whether it is the public or a police officer.

The public is forbidden from having weapons of war. For some reason you want to arm the police with weapons of war that they do not even need.

Zardoz wrote:
Soldiers need a weapon of war for their job.

That sailor did not need to be carrying a weapon of war for whatever job he was doing at Pearl Harbor that day.

Zardoz wrote:
Weapons of war are on the streets, and they are far superior to anything that was banned 87 tears ago.

The only weapons of war that are legally on the streets are the ones that have been given to soldiers and police officers.

Zardoz wrote:
The only reason the AR-15s were not banned 87 years ago is that they were not invented at the time.

Wrong. There is also the fact that there is no reason to ban ordinary hunting and self defense weapons like the AR-15, and doing so would be a violation of the Second Amendment.

Zardoz wrote:
The police seem to do far better than the National Guard.

Not when the police spray full auto rounds.

Zardoz wrote:
Remmington or whatever is left of it will be sold in bankruptcy to pay for all the judgements against them.

Wrong. Remington has already been sold and it had nothing to do with any lawsuits. It was because of because of poor business decisions by their (now previous) owners.

Sine Remington had liability insurance, the lawsuits are actually going after insurance companies, not after any Remington assets. Those insurance companies should keep appealing, and should seize the plaintiffs' homes and retirement accounts.
Reply Sun 12 Dec, 2021 10:24 pm
The computer dropped the reply I will try again tomorrow.
Reply Sun 12 Dec, 2021 11:09 pm
The big lie has more lives than a cat. If you want Trump’s support, you must preach the gospel of the big lie. If you don’t Trump will support your opponent in the republican primary this spring. Trump has now backed former senator David Perdue in the governor race in Georgia. Trump is livid at the current governor for not cheating for him. Trump fully expected Kemp to simply “find” enough votes to throw the election. Now it is payback time and Trump will do everything in his power to destroy Kemp’s political career for not cheating.

Perdue has filed yet another lawsuit over the 2020 election claiming that there were irregularities with absentee voting ballots in Fulton County, a democratic strong hold. How long before this lawsuit is tossed out of court along with all the others? The election is over and no amount, of lawsuits will ever change that fact but the grift goes on and Trump has swindled the public out of over $100 million with this grift and they are still counting. Any reasonable person knew Trump never had a chance of being reelected he made America by far the worst place on earth during the pandemic. Trump finally found something that he was the best at. He succeeded in making America #1 we were the capitol of the Trump virus in the world. We had 25% of the cases and 25% of the deaths and we had only 4% of the world’s population.

Today we have 50,801,455 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 50,762,671 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 38,784 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 817,956 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 817,789. That means that another 167 Americans died today from the Trump virus today.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Dec, 2021 05:59 am
I hate it when that happens to me. Especially when I've typed a lot.

There are web browser addons that will record everything you have typed into the browser for the past day, that can really help out with things like that.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Dec, 2021 08:37 pm
Most of my posts are done on Word and cut and pasted to the web site but I have been getting into habit of using the web site to post replies since most are short. I had forgot just how much it can cost you when somethings goes wrong. I had almost finished my reply when I decided to wipe off the mouse when, I looked back at the screen the entire post was gone. An hour and a half of work gone.
Police officers involved in mass murders are not a big problem in America.
When you bring the National Guard and the students who were protesting the Vietnam War together is like bringing gasoline and matches together. The students resented the National Guard and the National Guard resented the students.
You can use the mall parking lot without their permission but if you are going to have a tent sale, I suspect you will have to pay rent.
If you laid a full-automatic down beside the semi-automatic version of the same gun, most people could not tell the difference. They are designed for mass murder.
Insurance companies protect themselves and they don’t insure against stupidity. Insurance policies are very specific about what they cover and advertising your product as the most advanced weapons war would be foolish.
My point, and the point of the lawsuit, is that they are weapons of war.
Banning the sale of weapons of war is different than making them illegal to own. Stop them at the source is much more effective than banning their ownership.
Law enforcement only get the automatics after a crime is committed. It is likely that less tan .01% of the automatics are caught by the police. I think that every law-abiding gun owner would love to own a full-automatic. If some fire power is good more fire power is better.
I think illegal conversions are far more common than you realize. The gang in L A is practically operating a factory doing the conversions.
The knowledge and the parts to make these conversions has been common knowledge for 50 yeas now. How many do you think have been converted?
Do you really think it makes any difference if you are killed by an illegal weapon or a legal one? Those type of guns appeal to certain personality types, and they are not stable personalities.
When a major improvement is made to an invention a patent is granted and a patent was granted for the AR-15 because of the revolutionary improvement. The Thompson cannot fire half as fast as an AR-15. That is why they were granted a patent.
The special forces use the AR-15 according to Remington and they sold them to them.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ If you told the policemen that they would be expected to go into a shootout with somebody with a full-automatic without access to the same amount of fire power, they would quit on the spot.
They are state of the art hunting weapons if you are hunting for humans. They were designed for mass murder, and they are extremely good at.
We know the police have those weapons but they not going to a night club and killing 50 people.
Do you really believe that you could stop someone with a full-automatic firing 30 rounds in a few seconds?
Why are machineguns banned? The number of bullets they can fire in a few seconds. The AR-15 can fire far more.
The public may be forbidden but that does not stop the criminals and the police have to deal with them.
Soldiers need tools and weapons are the tools of their trade.
We know bank robbers are using full automatics, so they are on the streets.
The only reason that machine guns are banned is the high number of rounds they can fire in a few seconds the AR-15 fires even more.
There has not been a case when police officers opened fire on a bunch of college students.
I don’t believe Remington was insured against stupidity. This was a business decision that went wrong. The laws will soon be made that are modeled on the Texas abortion law that will allow people to sue gun manufacturers out of business.
Reply Mon 13 Dec, 2021 10:05 pm
One of the big questions during the Jan 6insurrection was where in the world was the National Guard? No one understood why it took them so long to respond. Now we may have an idea. Trump’s Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows, assured an event organizer that National Guard would be there to protect the Trump protestor. Trump had a history of trying to use the United States military against American citizens and the military had been trying to resist. If the Guard believed they were going to be used by Trump they may have deliberately delayed showing up at the Capitol.

There was an insurrection going on and Trump had intended to send the National Guard to aid the insurrectionists. Trump during his history tour commented how much he admires dictators. There is a reason Trump admires dictators he wants to be one. If Trump could have put enough of his lackies in position in the defense department he would have used the military to stay in power. One of his generals Michael Flynn had advocated imposing martial law to take the voting machines and for Trump to declare himself president elect. There were elements of the military that would have supported a Trump’s coup.

Today we have 51,018,282 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 50,801,455 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 216,827 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 819,315 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 817,956. That means that another 1,359 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Dec, 2021 07:33 am
Zardoz wrote:
When you bring the National Guard and the students who were protesting the Vietnam War together is like bringing gasoline and matches together. The students resented the National Guard and the National Guard resented the students.

That's why we arm the National Guard. That way they will win any confrontation with troublemakers who resent them.

Zardoz wrote:
You can use the mall parking lot without their permission

I doubt that.

Zardoz wrote:
They are designed for mass murder.

That is incorrect. AR-15s are designed for hunting and self defense.

Zardoz wrote:
Insurance companies protect themselves and they don't insure against stupidity. Insurance policies are very specific about what they cover and advertising your product as the most advanced weapons war would be foolish.

The fact remains, Remington was insured. Remington is already under new owners due to the previous owners' poor business decisions, but those new owners do not have to worry a bit about the lawsuits. The lawsuits are being dealt with by the insurance companies.

Those insurance companies should keep appealing, and then seize the plaintiffs' homes and retirement accounts.

Zardoz wrote:
My point, and the point of the lawsuit, is that they are weapons of war.

Your point is wrong. The point of the lawsuit is wrong. They are not weapons of war.

Zardoz wrote:
Banning the sale of weapons of war is different than making them illegal to own. Stop them at the source is much more effective than banning their ownership.

Making them illegal to own stops their sale automatically.

Their sale was stopped 87 years ago,

Zardoz wrote:
Law enforcement only get the automatics after a crime is committed. It is likely that less tan .01% of the automatics are caught by the police.

Such is life.

Zardoz wrote:
I think that every law-abiding gun owner would love to own a full-automatic. If some fire power is good more fire power is better.

The thing about law abiding people is, they follow the law.

Zardoz wrote:
I think illegal conversions are far more common than you realize. The gang in L A is practically operating a factory doing the conversions.

Such conversions are already illegal. If this gang is breaking the law, arrest them and prosecute them.

Zardoz wrote:
The knowledge and the parts to make these conversions has been common knowledge for 50 yeas now. How many do you think have been converted?

Not many.

Zardoz wrote:
Do you really think it makes any difference if you are killed by an illegal weapon or a legal one?

Are you proposing that we change the law so that machine guns are no longer illegal?

Zardoz wrote:
Those type of guns appeal to certain personality types, and they are not stable personalities.

Plenty of stable personalities would own them if they were made legal to own.

Zardoz wrote:
When a major improvement is made to an invention a patent is granted and a patent was granted for the AR-15 because of the revolutionary improvement.

No, the patent was merely granted because it was a unique design.

Zardoz wrote:
The Thompson cannot fire half as fast as an AR-15. That is why they were granted a patent.

Wrong. Submachine guns fire much faster than AR-15s.

Zardoz wrote:
The special forces use the AR-15 according to Remington and they sold them to them.

I think it is pretty unlikely that the Special Forces use AR-15s.

Zardoz wrote:
They are state of the art hunting weapons if you are hunting for humans.

No they aren't. AR-15s are state of the art hunting weapons for foxes and coyotes.

Zardoz wrote:
They were designed for mass murder,

No they weren't.

Zardoz wrote:
and they are extremely good at.

The AR-15 isn't any good at mass murder when compared to an actual weapon of war.

Zardoz wrote:
Why are machineguns banned? The number of bullets they can fire in a few seconds. The AR-15 can fire far more.

No it can't.

Zardoz wrote:
The public may be forbidden but that does not stop the criminals and the police have to deal with them.

Such is life.

Zardoz wrote:
We know bank robbers are using full automatics, so they are on the streets.

Such is life.

Zardoz wrote:
The only reason that machine guns are banned is the high number of rounds they can fire in a few seconds the AR-15 fires even more.

No it doesn't.

Zardoz wrote:
I don't believe Remington was insured against stupidity.

They were insured against liability however. Remington's new owners do not have to worry about the lawsuit. That is now being dealt with by the insurance companies alone.

"Since then, Remington has been dissolved in bankruptcy court, and four insurance companies have taken over the former company's defense."

"The lawsuit was in national headlines last in July, when two of Remington's four insurance companies offered each of the nine families a $3.6 million settlement. The families have yet to respond."


Zardoz wrote:
The laws will soon be made that are modeled on the Texas abortion law that will allow people to sue gun manufacturers out of business.

Neither the NRA nor the US Supreme Court will allow such laws to exist.
0 Replies

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