The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Tue 23 Nov, 2021 07:51 pm
Zardoz wrote:
Are you saying that the mayor just decided to let the rioters destroy the city and told the police department to stand back

That too, but I was referring to the traitors who sabotaged Mr. Trump's efforts to send in the National Guard.

Zardoz wrote:
but let the gun nuts take over?

Freedom hating progressives have no choice but to let people carry guns. People have rights in America.

Zardoz wrote:
The dealership was not protected by a 17-year-old and there was film of it burning to the ground.

That may have been from the day before he got there.

Zardoz wrote:
The gun is designed for war

No it isn't. It is an ordinary self defense gun.

Zardoz wrote:
and is marketed by its makers as the same weapon used by the special forces.

If that is the case, then the marketing is untrue.
Reply Tue 23 Nov, 2021 09:52 pm
The republicans have always been a states-rights party, where the states took care of their own problems at least until Trump who claimed he was in complete control of everything and there was no such thing as state's rights. Riots are a police problem not a problem for an army. Remember what happened at Kent State? The national guard have only one solution to the any problem kill, that is what they are trained to do. Trump had hoped to get a bunch of people killed so he could use it to run on for reelection.
You must be speaking of the freedom to shoot someone in the back four times while they are running away.
The fire was the car lot if it had been from the day before there would have been no car lot for Rittenhouse to guard.
The manufacturer knows what they designed that gun for and they market it as a weapon of war. If you want a weapon that can kill 50 people in a few minutes, that is the gun for you.
The ads have to be true because they are the experts who designed and sold it. ____________________________________________________
Reply Tue 23 Nov, 2021 10:32 pm
Kyrsten Sinema is about to find out that Trump is not the only one to primary someone. Sinema believed her path to political history was to kill Biden’s agenda. She would run as a democrat and vote as a republican. Sinema may be able to prevent the democrats from achieving anything but there is a price to be paid. Polls show that two possible primary opponents are out polling her two to one. She does not have to run until 2024 but her chances of winning the primary are slim to none.

The Build Back Better Bill as it was originally written would have put us back on the path to be competitive in the world again. Sinema is no doubt drowning in money from big republican donors to do their bidding. One of the oldest principals known to man to manipulate people is to give them something. This principal obligates the person that is given the gift. The principal is often used by charities who will send a small gift in hopes the person will reciprocate and it works to the tune of millions. Any senator that tells you they can take large campaign contributions and not reciprocate is lying to you and themselves. Kyrsten has her hand in the cookie jar.

Today we have 48,835,216 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 48,748,557 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 86,659 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 796,319 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 794,864. That means that another 1,455 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

Reply Wed 24 Nov, 2021 08:00 pm
Primarying Kyrsten Sinema is a great way to hand that Senate seat back to the Republicans.
Reply Wed 24 Nov, 2021 08:01 pm
Zardoz wrote:
Riots are a police problem not a problem for an army.

When the police are not keeping order in society then it is time to send in the National Guard.

Zardoz wrote:
The fire was the car lot if it had been from the day before there would have been no car lot for Rittenhouse to guard.

The damage from the previous day's fire was indeed severe.

Zardoz wrote:
The manufacturer knows what they designed that gun for and they market it as a weapon of war.

If so, then they market it falsely.

Zardoz wrote:
If you want a weapon that can kill 50 people in a few minutes, that is the gun for you.

Nah. It is little different from many other sporting and self defense guns.

Zardoz wrote:
The ads have to be true because they are the experts who designed and sold it.

If the ads are as you characterize them, then the ads are not true.
Reply Wed 24 Nov, 2021 09:19 pm
You control the situation or the situation controls you. Sinema is the tail wagging the dog. She will never ever win a democratic primary again. The Trump virus is going to get far worse this year than anything we have seen before and it will be very difficult for anyone in office to get reelected. Angela Merkel, Chancelor of Germany, said that Germany is experience a wave of the Trump virus that is far worse than anything they have previously seen. That is coming to America like a tidal wave. When you are in office you are blamed for everything that takes place during your term in office.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 24 Nov, 2021 09:35 pm
When you send in the National Guard you get Kent State and when one guns goes off, they kill everyone in sight. History can and does repeat itself.
How many car-lots were there in that few block area? If the car-lot on fire was the previous day, anybody with any sense would remove the cars. That would be very easy to do.
The government decides what is false advertising and they did not bring a case against the gun manufactures because they are the same gun with only a slight change.
No mass murder has ever killed that many people with a regular semi-automatic. Regular semi-automatics are not designed to kill that many people that quickly. Mass murders know what type of gun they need.
You don't want to admit the ads are true but they are true.
Reply Wed 24 Nov, 2021 10:31 pm
Kevin McCarthy, the republican house minority leader, in speech the other night blamed Biden for not getting the Trump virus under control. What we do know is it is the unvaccinated that are driving the Trump virus. The republicans have done everything in their power to convince people that they have a right to ignore all of the health regulations and not bother to get vaccinated. The democrats have done a good job getting their vaccinations with 90% being vaccinated but 42% of republicans are unvaccinated.

The republicans decided that they would make health regulations a political football. They led by example ignoring and ridiculing the health regulations sent a message to their base. It was a sign of political commitment to the republican party not to wear a mask in public and start a fight on an airline. The results have been obvious, 150,000 dead from June to October, from the Trump virus, the vast majority republicans. The republicans went to court to stop health regulations. By this time next year there will be another 500,000 dead republicans, deaths that could have been avoided by getting a vaccination. Imagine betting your life on what a bunch of stupid politicians told you and ignoring the medical expert’s advice. What you are seeing is manipulation at its best, the republicans manipulated people to ignore the health experts in hopes of winning the next election. It is much like watching a woman manipulating her boyfriend to kill her husband, she doesn’t care about either one. The republicans don’t care either you are just a pawn in their political game.

Today we have 48, 969,792 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 48,835,216 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 134,576 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 798,242 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 796,319. That means that another 1,923 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 25 Nov, 2021 10:04 pm
Trump said the virus would just disappear one day but that was just another one of his lies. We will soon enter the third year where we will have to fight this virus and it looks like it is about to get much worse. There is no light at the end of the tunnel yet just death. The new variant out of Africa has several different changes that make it much more dangerous and it appears the vaccine may not offer any protection from it. Hong Kong has two cases of the new covid variant. One case was from a traveler from South Africa but the other was in the hotel room opposite the traveler. The University of Hong Kong believes the other person became infected because of the air flow between rooms. Imagine if you can catching the virus without even being in the same room. How fast do you think that is going to spread?

Countries have already began banning travel from South Africa. The UK has already banned flights from South Africa. The Untied States need to follow their example as soon as possible. Trump waited until the virus was seeded all over America before he put a travel ban in place. Trump was afraid if he put a travel ban in place the stock market would crash and hurt his election chances. It does no good to close the door after the horse got or in this case the virus got in. Seconds matter now one plane load of people from South Africa could infect the entire nation. A pound of prevention now could be worth billions in cures later.

Today we have 48,999,737 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 48,969,792 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 29,645 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today. (holiday many not reporting today)

The death toll stands at 799,551 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 798,242. That means that another 1,309Americans died today from the Trump virus.

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Reply Fri 26 Nov, 2021 10:13 pm
The price of oil and the stock market, both plunged today on news of the new Trump virus variant found in South Africa that it has now been named Omicron. The United States will restrict travel from Africa on Monday. Cases in South Africa have increased by 13-fold since Nov 9th that is increase 1,300%. Up to 178,000 travelers arrive in the United States each day from overseas. The Delta variance spread around the world in record time becoming the dominate strain in a few months. The question scientist have now, is will the Omicron variant become the dominate strain? It is to early to tell.

The good news so far is that the Omicron does not seem to cause as severe of illness but that can change. The Omicron variance evolved in South Africa a country that is only 24% vaccinated. Scientist have speculated that the variance evolved in someone with compromised immune system like AIDS/HIV that had long haul coronavirus because of the extraordinary number of mutations. Each and every unvaccinated person is another opportunity for the virus to mutate and become even more deadly.

Today we have 49,050,408 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 48,999,737 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 50,671 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 799,137 today, yesterday the death stood at 799,551. That means that the count must have been adjusted downward for some reason.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 27 Nov, 2021 10:12 pm
How does a tiny virus spread all over the world in just a few months? It does not drive a car or fly a plane. It is those world travelers on vacation or those that must travel for work. Two flights from South Africa arrived at an Amsterdam airport today and 61 of them were infected with COVIDS it is unknown how many were infected with the new variant Omicron. If that many people were already infected many others were infected but at a stage that testing would not reveal they were infected yet. Amsterdam will most certainly have a rapid spread of Omicron now it is already seeded. Israel has already stopped all flights while the United States ban will only block some flights. For instance, all American citizens will be flown back to America no matter how infected they are along with commercial flights.

The Omicron variance is targeting a different age group and is hitting the age group in their twenties and early thirties the hardest. This will be a switch as this was the same group that held COVID parties to see who would catch it first. I doubt it will be quite as funny this time around.

Today we have 49,077,695 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 49,050,408 cases of the Trump virus. That means another 27,287 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 799,312 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 799,137. That means that another 175 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 28 Nov, 2021 10:15 pm
Trump told over 13,000 verified lies while he was in office. Now that he is out of office, he has probably told the same lie 13,000 times, that the election was stolen from him. When did Trump’s lies become dangerous? During the pandemic people working on the task force were instructed not only to lie but to make up data. They were given to data points and were instructed to make the data fit those points because the numbers of deaths were hurting Trump’s reelection chances. As the political people stepped in the professional health experts lost access to Trump.

The book “I Alone Can Fix It” by Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker gives a very detailed insiders account, 527 pages worth of what was going in the Whitehouse. Trump’s only goal was to get reelected the only reason he was worried about the pandemic al all was how it was going to affect his reelection campaign. This explains why the United States had far more cases and far more deaths than any country in the world. You can never underestimate self-interest as a motive. We all know where Trump’s self-interest was and America paid an extremely high price for that measured in American deaths.

Today we have 49,099,590 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 49,077,695 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 21,895 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 799,414 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 799,312. That means that another 102 Americans died today from the Trump virus. (the 4-day holiday has affected the count because not all hospitals report over the holidays)
0 Replies
Reply Mon 29 Nov, 2021 10:04 pm
First senator Joe Manchin insisted that Biden’s Build Back better bill had to be cut from $4 trillion to $1.7 trillion before he would vote for it. Now Manchin wants to completely kill the bill altogether. The only hope to pass the Build America Back Better bill was through the reconciliation process where it can be passed with 50 votes that the democrats have. Joe is now trying negotiate with the republicans to get the democrats to have a simple a reconciliation where the Build America Back Better bill would be dropped and the republicans would support raising the debt ceiling.

The bill would not be dead but would require 60 votes in the regular process and that would be completely impossible since 10 republican votes would be required. Then the political theater would start, Manchin would declare his support for the Build America Back Better bill and vote for it, knowing full well that it has absolutely no chances of passing. But when ask about it he could use the congressional record to show that he voted for it.

Now the inflation that Joe wants to tame is letting up. In just a few days the price of oil plunged nearly 20% on word of the rapidly spreading Omicron variance. This may plunge America into a depression where another round of stimulus checks may have to handed out but most of that money will go to the big corporations and ungodly greedy but that will be fine with Joe. The republicans continue to spend millions of dollars for commercials for Joe, for doing the republicans bidding.

Today we have 49,297,359 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 49,099,590 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 197,769 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 801,282 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 799,414. That means that another 1,868 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2021 10:23 pm
Is Donald Trump killing Christianity? What we do known for sure is that Christianity went in to a steep decline during Trumps years in office. Evangelicals dropped from 20% of the population in 2012 to 15% of the population in 2018. That a huge decline with a population of 330 million that is a drop of 16.5 million in just 6 years and the new polls will show the decline is continuing. Pew research shows Christianity overall has dropped 8% with only 71% of Americans calling themselves Christian. White evangelicals have fallen from 23% in 2006 to just 17%. Now 62% of white evangelicals are at least 50 years old. It seems the young are no longer embracing the big lie.

We know that 81% of the evangelicals voted for Trump in 2016. Christianity has become a political party wedded to the republican party. It is one thing to push the big fairy tale but quite another thing to back a sexual deviant for president. The young are turning away from Christianity because of the hypocrisy. I came from a devout catholic family that never missed church on Sunday or religious holidays. In high school I realized there was no way that logic and magical thinking could ever be compatible. I use to spend hours arguing in class, with others students. Our teacher had quit and there was no one else qualified to teach the subject. I told my mom on when I turned 18, I would never go to church again, I kept that promise. My mom uses to tell people it was the atheist teachers that were responsible but I didn’t have one. I had never even read a book on the subject it was the hypocrisy of how the Christians acted and how they lived that convinced me. While the older generation sees nothing wrong with backing a liar and common thief for president the younger generation does. The Christians have to decide what is more important being a religion or a political party. You can’t say character is the most important thing and then support someone with no character. One church in town had only six members left and they were all over 60. They had a big building but no one wanted to go there.

Today we have 49,428,913 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 49,297,359 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 131,554 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 803,045 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 801,282. That means that another 1,763 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Dec, 2021 09:55 pm
I think a good example of churches getting involved in politics is the current controversy over vaccinations. Marcus Lamb died today, a televangelist who founded the Daystar Television Network, who was leading the charge against vaccinations. Lamb has a worldwide viewership of 2 billion. What did Lamb die from? The Trump virus. Think how much damage this one idiot could do. Think how many people died because they trusted him. Lamb’s target group are the elderly shut ins that are contemplating the end of their lives the most at risk to the virus. In magical thinking this idiot is the voice of God on earth.

Lamb, on his website called implementing the vaccine mandate, a sin against “God’s holly Word.” Lamb also said, “that vaccines are the most dangerous thing that children face.” Instead of the vaccination Lamb took horse wormer. Somebody should have explained to this idiot the virus is not a worm and killing your worms won’t help. If you go into a court of law to represent someone and you do not have a law license you are committing a crime, practicing law without a license. You should not be able to tell people not to take the vaccine as you are practicing medicine without a license. There are quite enough quack doctors without adding quack televangelists. I truly hope Lamb suffered because he is responsible for more deaths than all the serial killers put together in history.

Today we have 49,573,122 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 49,428,913 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 144,209 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 805,004 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 803,045. That means that another 1,959 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 2 Dec, 2021 10:05 pm
Polls show that 50% more people are dying in red states as in blue states. There is a reason for that, ignorance is being nourished and health regulations ignored. Now we are finding out that is not all, health studies showing how effective masks are were not only being withheld but hidden from the public. While the governor actively campaigned against masks knowing full well just how effective masks are. The governor of Missouri, Mike Parson, ignored the report and tried to eliminate mask mandates in Missouri.

The study showed that jurisdiction with mask mandates saw an average of 15.8 cases per 100,000 residents per day while those without a mask mandate had 21.7 per 100,000. The study was buried by Parson and even cabinet members were not allowed to see the results of the study. Why would anyone not want to save the people of their state from a horrible death? The upcoming 2022 election? The republican strategy is to kill off as many people as possible with their weapons, ignorance and misinformation. At least that is according to the article “With the New Omicron Variant Looming, Republicans are Bribing People to Avoid Taking the Vaccination.” Five states have passed laws to make those who quit their jobs because they refused the vaccination eligible for unemployment. So, you can quit your job and ride unemployment, just another reason not to get vaccinated.

The republicans believe they can cause all these deaths and blame them on the democrats and they will get elected on top of a mountain dead bodies. Seems counterproductive to me, dead people don’t vote but nobody accused the republicans of being smart.

Today we have 49,716,825 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 49, 573,122 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 143,703 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 806,390 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 805,004. That means that another 1,386 Americans died from the Trump virus today.

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Reply Fri 3 Dec, 2021 10:10 pm
Arrest warrants have been issued for the gun nut parents of the Michigan school shooter. They have each been charged with four counts of manslaughter. I hope their sentences run consecutively that will give them a nice long time to think why bought a 15-year-old a semiautomatic handgun for Christmas. It is not bad enough that he was 15 years old but he was also depressed and having trouble in school with authorities. This may be the first parents charged for not being responsible gun owners, but they should not be the last. The 15-year-old is not old enough to own a gun in Michigan, but it did not stop the parents from buying him a gun. The gun was just placed in an unlocked drawer where it was easy to get at.

The mother was a big gun nut even sending a letter to Trump thanking him for protecting her gun rights. Well, you better be careful what you wish for because you might just get it. They better tell them there are no gun rights in jail and when they meet some of their fellow inmates, they may wish they had a gun. A picture of the mass murder, Ethan Crumbley, praying was posted on the internet by media outlets and people are complaining it is “racist.” Praying has nothing to do with race it is all about fairy tales.

Today we have 49,878,049 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 49,716,825 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 161,224 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 808,116 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 806,390. That means that another 1,726 Americans died today from the Trump virus today.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Dec, 2021 10:04 pm
Talking about tone death, Representative Thomas Massie of Kentucky, posted a Christmas card like with his whole family holding weapons of war and his daughter weapon appears to be pointed at her mother’s head. The bodies of the children killed in the latest school shooting are not even buried yet and this gun nut family can’t wait glorify gun violence. I know one thing this guy is likely to get a visit from thieves because it looks like there are several thousand dollars of guns there. Thieves can get a high percentage of the value of stolen guns than just about anything else they can steal.

The gun nuts are up in arms because the school shooters parents are looking at long jail sentences for 4 counts of involuntary manslaughter. If this can happen to them it can happen to all gun owners who don’t secure their weapons. They may not be able to put Rittenhouse to jail, but they can jail the idiot that supplied the weapon of war to a minor. I have always believed that when a child is killed because a gun nut left a loaded gun laying around the house, he should have gone to jail for the killing. This case may change how “gun accidents” are viewed.

Today we have 49,934,791 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 49,878,049 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 56,742 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 808,608 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 808,116. That means that another 492 Americans died from the Trump virus today.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 5 Dec, 2021 09:59 pm
The last two weeks on Meet the Press, the host, Chuck Todd, has questioned anti-vaccine senators as to why people should not be required to take the vaccinations as it endangers other people lives? They are absolutely outraged and say that a person has absolute freedom of their own body even if many others might die because they didn’t take the vaccination. Then Todd switches the question and asks the anti-abortion senators if the government can’t make people take a vaccination during a worldwide pandemic, how can government take control of a woman’s body for nine months? You can’t believe that men have absolute freedom of government of their bodies but women do not.

Both senators completely backed up looking for a way to way to justify their irrational positions. They claim to be prolife but we know one person with the Trump virus can spread it to 254 others and of those 25 will likely die. That is not a prolife position and shows their prolife stance is just that a political position that is designed to get them votes. Both senators are angry that government should be able to control their bodies, but they have campaigned for government to control women’s bodies for years.

Today we have 49,969,856 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 49,934,791 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 35,065 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

Today the death toll stands at 808,763 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 808,608. That means that another 155 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Dec, 2021 10:06 pm
The republicans revealed exactly how pro life they really are. The republicans are supporting a bill to stop the vaccine mandates for private businesses and that would add another couple of 100,000 people to the death toll from the Trump virus. But they are not saying a word about right to life it is all about freedom of one’s own body now. One thing we know this virus kills and some hospitals are operating at twice their capacity now. The second thing we know for sure is the way you get the virus it is passed directly from one person to other. As of today, 810,246 Americans have died from this virus and we will reach a million dead early next year. This is absolutely unheard of in our life time. Of course, Joe Manchin, the pretend democrat is planning to vote with the republicans.

Why would any politician vote to get another couple of 100,000 Americans killed? They think it will get them votes, freedom is a big issue except when it comes to women’s bodies who the republicans believe should be controlled by the government. Politicians have taken over the public health measures, and they have no qualifications as health experts. They are practicing medicine without a license the CDC should have decided what health measure should be taken without interference from the politicians. It was like having the janitor do your brain surgery and the results have been about the same. America continues to lead the world in deaths with 810,246 and we have 15% of the deaths and only 4% of the world’s population which is way down from the 25% of the world’s death when Trump was in office. It seems the vaccine mandates are making a difference.

Today we have 50,148,680 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we ha 49,969,856 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 178,824 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 810,246 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 808,763. That means that another 1,483 Americans died today from the Trump virus today.
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