The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Tue 9 Nov, 2021 09:51 pm
A woman finally put Trump in his place, on Jan 20 when Trump was being run out of Washington, Trump called Ronna McDaniel, the Republican National Committee Chairwoman, and told her he was dropping out of the republican party and starting his own political party. McDaniel told him “You can’t do that we will lose forever.” Trump replied, “Exactly you will lose forever and I don’t care.” Trump said, “This is what the republicans deserve for not sticking up for sticking up for me.”

Stickup is exactly the right word Trump expected the republicans to stickup America and make him the winner of an election that he lost by 8 million votes. But McDaniel told Trump, if he dropped out of the republican party and started his own political party that there were going to be consequences.” Trump and the republican jointly developed a list of 40 million Trump voters. Trump can rent the list out to other candidates the list is said to worth a $100 million. McDaniel said “we will ruin your list by giving it away free.”

Trump decided to not drop out of the republican party and start his own political party. He had been put in his place by a woman.

Today we have 47,536,536 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 47,438,967 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 97,569 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 778,316 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 776,397. That means that another 1,919 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Wed 10 Nov, 2021 10:39 pm
We probably have no idea how many species have gone extinct since the beginning of time. The question we need to ask ourselves are we going to be the next dinosaurs? Disease is one of the key things responsible for wiping out species. We have an advantage over all other species we can fight diseases with vaccines. The new Delta plus variant of the Trump virus is in 10 states now. The Delta plus variant is even more contagious than the Delta variant.

The unvaccinated are acting as the breeding grounds to develop even more dangerous variants. People believe that mankind is the ultimate achievement of evolution or whatever fairy tale you chose to believe. It is easy to believe that the status quo will last forever but in the end we all know that man too will vanish from the face of the earth.

The earth is a complex ecosystem and ecosystems tend to balance themselves. Mankind is destroying the earth not only for himself but all the other species on earth. We are the virus and the ecosystem will destroy us first rather than watch us destroy the ecosystem. If it must generate enough different viruses to destroy us it will. Do not become complacent, man has only walked this earth for a short portion of earth history. We cannot look back at all the species that have went extinct and claim that we alone are the only ones exempt from extinction. Worldwide 5,088,064 people have died from the Trump virus already.

Today we have 47,647,745 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 47,536,536 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 111,209 were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

Today the death toll stands at 780,102 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 778,316. That means that another 1,786 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Thu 11 Nov, 2021 10:16 pm
I don’t believe that Trump will ever be reelected but I also believe he will do terrible damage to America by helping to select and elect politicians whose only loyalty will be to him not to the republican party. Trump would be 78 by 2024, past the average life span and 82 when he left office that would make him the oldest president in history. Mom’s doctor told her she had an aging brain when she asked some questions about some problems. My mom is 93- year- old and just stopped driving this year. Trump has an aging brain and that is more than obvious to those around him. An aging brain is a one-way street it only gets worse even if you are fortunate enough to avoid dementia or Alzheimer’s. You will still experience some cognitive decline. Trump’s tips the scales at nearly 300 lbs. his suits hide his weight well but when he is in his golf shorts, he can’t hide it. He never exercises and lives on McDonalds and diet coke. Trump is not likely to even live to 2024 but he will get a number of right-wing extremists elected to congress. What will happen after the king is dead? Who will the extremists answer to?

Once Trump gone there will be huge fight in the republican party to grab Trump’s crown. The problem with cults though is that once the cult leader is gone the cult may continue for a while but it is never the same. It is the cult leader’s personality that is the glue that holds the cult together. The next cult leader is unlikely to have even a fraction of the charisma and will be viewed by many cult members as illegitimate.

Today we have 47,693,516 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 47,647,745 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 45,771 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 780,775 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 780,102. That means that another 673 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Fri 12 Nov, 2021 10:15 pm
Inflation is the poison pill that Joe Manchin and the other republicans hope to use to kill Biden’s Build America Back Better bill. The measure of inflation is being used is based on the previous year’s prices. During the first part of the Trump virus in the spring of 2020 travel had nearly stopped. I could go out and there were very few cars on the road. The price of gas is like other products based on supply and demand. The price of gasoline went below a dollar for the first time in nearly 20 years. On the other hand, I paid $4.29 a gallon in 2007 and I am currently paying 50 cents a gallon less than that now. The price of gas was artificially low because of pandemic in 2020. In In November 2019, I paid $3.04 a gallon. The price of gas is up but the inflation is not as bad as what is being portrayed. Actually, the price of gas is down compared to 2007and if the 2007 figures are corrected for inflation it would be $5.50 when baby Bush was in office. But when the second Great Depression hit the price of gasoline plunged to $1.61.

The chance for the middle class to make any gains only comes around in decades. In the 1930s we gained social security and the widows no longer had to eat out of trash cans. In the 1960s we gained Medicare from 1980s on it was all about huge tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. If the Biden Build America Back Better is going to cause inflation, then the Trump tax cut for the ungodly greedy is causing several times that in inflation. Inflation is caused by too many dollars chasing too few products. A $10 trillion tax cut for the ungodly greedy is driving inflation. If the republicans are serious about inflation, they will repeal the tax cut for the ungodly greedy.

Today we have 47,834,810 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 47,693,516 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 141,294 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 782,933 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 780,775. That means that another 2,158 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

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Reply Sat 13 Nov, 2021 09:58 pm
When Trump was asked about the mob on Jan 6 chanting Hang Pence, Trump replied, “it was just common sense.” The trouble with the term “common sense” is that it is most often used by people who have no common sense. To have an angry mob chanting to hang anyone is frightening let alone the vice president of the United States. If I had been Pence, I would have knocked the hell out of Trump the next time I saw him. You would have to make that first blow count because you would only get one chance to hit him before the secret service stepped in to save him.

It is very clear that Trump had intended for the crowd violence to stop the states that voted for Biden electoral votes from being certified. After the election the adults in the Whitehouse tried to keep the nut jobs like Crazy Sidney and Giuliani away from Trump. For a successful conman Trump is extremely gullible and would believe anything he was told as long as it reinforced what he wanted to believe.

A poll shows that 28% of republicans believe that Trump will be reinstated before the end of the year. It seems to operate just like other dooms day cults who have predicted the end of the world for hundreds of years. When the world does not end on the appointed date, they simply pick another date. The Trumpies have already missed several dates. The latest one in Texas where the QAnon crowd showed up in Dallas where John Kennedy Jr was to team up with Trump and become his vice president. Did the fact that John Kennedy Jr is long dead stop the QAnon crowd from believing it? Not a chance several 100 showed up to see Trump reinstated.

Today we have 47,891,997 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 47,834,810 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 57,187 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 783,439 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 782,933. That means that another 506 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2021 09:52 pm
Is Trump world imploding? It seems the Trump family is selling their lease of the hotel in Washington. Trump would have the public believe that he owned the Hotel when in fact he was just renting from the federal government who own the Hotel outright. The Trump name is coming down and it will be a Waldorf Astoria. Many of the buildings with Trump’s name on them never belonged to Trump. Trump would lease his name to other property developers for a fee.

Trump is hard up for money again and is looking to banks to bail him out again. His golf courses are all losing money and he has boosted the membership fee from $250,000 to $350,000 to make it appear to the banks that they are not losing that much money. After Trump bankrupted his airline and casinos no bank in America would touch him. The Russian stepped in to bail him out because they knew he was going to be their candidate for president of the United States. Trump failed to deliver and hand America to Russia. It is pointless for Russia to keep giving billions to this idiot who is already going broke. History can and does repeat itself. The Washington hotel was one of Trump’s crown jewels and now it is gone. The end is near.

Today we have 47,916,190 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 47,891,997 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 24,193 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 783,565 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 783,439. That means that another 126 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2021 10:02 pm
The verdict is in and at least one of Trump’s lying friends is going to pay the piper finally. Alex Jones, one of Trump’s allies was liable for saying that the Sandy Hook massacre did not happen and was staged with crisis actors to embarrass the NRA.

The days of getting rich telling lies are coming to close. Jones is noted to be one of the biggest conspiracy theorists in the world. There is no lie he won’t tell and swear it is the god’s truth. Trump was a frequent guest on his show. Jones was also in Washington on Jan 6 fanning the flames to incite the mob.

America has a truth problem, the right believes that lying is just another political weapon in their arsenal and that it is covered by first amendment. It is not. The court system is set up as a check and balance to award damages to anybody that suffers damages from the lies. Anybody knows that you can’t make political decisions based on lies. The old saying is “garbage in garbage out” and we have seen more garbage dumped into our electoral system than any point in history.” There are now many more high-profile defamation suits going on in America than any time in history. Of course, Fox News and the other right wing news outlets can continue tell lie after lie but they may be sued out of business.

Today we have 48,072,898 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 47,916,190 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 156,708 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 784,779 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 783,565. That means that another 1,214 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Tue 16 Nov, 2021 10:05 pm
We will really never know how close Trump came to destroying America. In the book “Betrayal” the author Jonathan Karl relates an interview with Trump about the Jan 6 insurrection. Trump was “gleeful” when talking about the insurrection. Trump believed that it would have worked if the circumstances had been a little different. America would be just another third world banana republic where the government was ruled by the mob. You can tell by Trump’s tweets on Jan 6 that he saw nothing wrong with the insurrection calling those who participated “special people.”

We are also learning that Trump’s ally, a retired four star, called his former employee in an attempt to get the military to overturn the election. Meanwhile back at the ranch Crazy Sidney was hard at work looking for the CIA directory, Gina Haspel. Crazy Sidney, had it on good authority (QAnon) that Haspel had fled to Europe with an election server that would show that millions of votes had been switched. Haspel had been injured and was being held by a foreign power. Crazy Sidney called the Defense Department in an effort to get them to locate her. It would have been simple as Haspel was in Crazy Sidney fantasy world. This would not even make a good movie as nobody would believe this could ever happen.

Today we have 48,161,377 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 48,072,898 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 88,479 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 786,268 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 784,779. That means that another 1,489 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

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Reply Wed 17 Nov, 2021 10:10 pm
It was bad enough when the radical right got involved in politics but when they started practicing medicine without a license, we are all in trouble. When those on the right heard from an unqualified idiot on talk radio that horse wormer was the cure for the Trump virus, they knew they would never have to get vaccinated. When they got the Trump virus all they would have to do is take the horse wormer and they would be cured. A teacher in Florida filed a lawsuit to make the hospital treater her with horse wormer. The hospital agreed to give her a low dosage but that was not enough to suit her. The teacher died from the Trump virus after twelve weeks but the lawsuit lives on.

It is hard to explain to those on the right why the first drug pushed by Trump, hydroxychloroquine, does not work. We all know that one drug that is very effective for one disease is not effective on other diseases. Picture a snake oil salesman coming to town, he says his snake oil will cure the Trump virus. What the crowd observes is that 90% of the people using snake oil lived after they got the Trump virus. That is what is called antidotal proof. What is not factored in is that 90% of the people that did not drink snake oil lived. The Trump virus does not kill everyone who gets it, over 90% live but it is very easy to deceive people and every snake oil salesman knows you can make millions. Fake cures have been an extremely profitable industry. So, the next time someone say they know someone who took hydroxychloroquine and lived point out that so did 90% of the others who did not take it. What the right does not tell you is how many people took it and still died.

Today we have 48,287,925 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 48,161,377 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 126,548 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 787,984 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 786,268. That means that another 1,716 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Thu 18 Nov, 2021 10:01 pm
People live vicariously through others whether it is a sports hero, a rock star or even an outlaw. When your hero throws the winning pass, you can imagine yourself as doing that. Even outlaws like Jesse James and Robin Hoods’ legend far outlasted their lifetimes. The fantasy of being able to break all the laws and never facing any consequences is an attractive fantasy. Many people feel there are way too many laws now. Laws now even stipulate how high your grass can be. So, it is no surprise that when someone comes along that breaks all the laws without consequences that they become a cult hero,

Trump became a cult hero because he broke the rules and thumbed his nose at the establishment. Trump saw nothing wrong with breaking rules. When he sexually assaulted women and bragged about it, he wasn’t ashamed of it he was proud of it he didn’t have to face any consequences. That is like the quarter back passing the winning touchdown to Trump a war story. In fact, Trump thought he should have been awarded a metal for not getting venereal disease while others fought in Vietnam. A metal for those who beat the draft.

Electing someone president who breaks all the rules was extremely dangerous. Electing Jesse James president would have been a mistake, he may have been famous but he too had no respect for the rules. If Jesse James had run for president many people would have voted for him. We have many famous outlaws whose legend out lived them.

Today we have 48,398,455 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 48,287,925 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 110,530 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 789,155 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 787,984. That means that another 1,171 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Fri 19 Nov, 2021 10:21 pm
The jury today acquitted Kyle Rittenhouse on all counts. Monday deer season starts in WV but that court decision just established a “human season” that is all year round. Even in the old west you could not claim self defense after you shot someone in the back four times. No judge in the old west would ever believe that a coward who shot somebody in the back four times did it in self-defense. But times have changed and the NRA actively lobbied state legislatures to make murder legal and they were far more effective in state legislatures than at the federal level.

Now the legal standard for murder is whether the shooter believes they are in danger. It does not matter whether a reasonable man would believe he is in danger, the standard used under most of our laws. It does not matter whether the danger is real only the shooter gets to decide if they are in danger. When reality is no longer the standard it is time to go hunting humans. Under this standard a gun nut on drugs suddenly decides the people in a mall are demons coming after him, he can kill everyone in sight because in his perception he is in danger.

To look at the picture of the assembled gun nuts with their AR-15s in Minnesota it looked like a group ready to go hunting and you can bet they just could not wait to start killing people. They just had to get a picture to remember the occasion. Now in America if someone gives you a dirty look you can just kill them after all when that guy looked at you, you just knew you were in danger. When what would a reasonable man do standard is replaced by what would a gun nut like to do standard America becomes a much more dangerous place. We are seeing more and more road rage shootings, now if you have been cut off on the highway that means your life was placed in danger, you can shoot them four times in the back and the judge in Minnesota will set at the defense table and help them. When is someone shot in the back four times not a victim?

Today we have 48,521,586 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 48,398,455 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 123,131 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 791,098 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 789,155. That means that another 1,943 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
Reply Fri 19 Nov, 2021 10:36 pm
This was a clear case of self defense. Those guys were trying to do serious harm to the poor kid and he was right to protect himself.

The standard is still "what would a reasonable man do". It is just that a reasonable man will act to protect himself when progressives try to harm him.
Reply Sat 20 Nov, 2021 09:30 pm
That kid should have never been there in the first place. When you walk out into a battlefield you assume the risk, you are there to do battle. You can't shoot people in the back four times when they are running away and claim self defense when you are armed with a weapon of war and they have a skate board. At the very least he could have waited to see if the guy was going to attack again and shoot him while he was coming towards him. The coward could have fired a warning shot over his head it would have got the victims attention, few people will go toward a gun being fired in their direction. Most people in the crowd is they had an active shooter and they tried to stop him.

The standard is no longer what "a reasonable man would do" the standard now is what would a cowardly gun nut do. If the shooter decides he is in danger he can kill anybody in sight and it is only his perception that matters under the NRA stand your ground laws, that was made clear in court. Where is the danger when someone is running away from you as fast as he can? If the gun nut decides he is in danger from someone running away he can execute anyone and the court decision affirmed that is indeed the case.
Reply Sat 20 Nov, 2021 10:19 pm
The republicans wanted to punish the blue states that charge high property taxes by taking away the tax break for state and local taxes. The idea was if the democrats lost the tax break for their homes, they would vote republican for lower taxes. Odd logic since republicans were responsible for raising their taxes in the first place. Many in the middle class saw their income tax go up by thousands in these high property tax states. Now the democrats want to restore the tax break and there is some infighting.

I watched a program on ID that showed a home that cost a half a million in New York, around here that home would not have sold for a $100,000, it belonged to a stock trader on the floor of the New York stock exchange. The property taxes in New York would have far exceeded the $10,000 deduction limit. The guy ended up robbing banks after he lost his job to keep his house.

It is one thing to tax income but property taxes tax the same income forever. When I was young, I looked forward to paying the house off but after I paid it off, I found I was paying more in property tax. It was like I did not own it and instead of paying the bank I now had to pay the county. If I don’t pay the property tax the government takes the house and auctions off to get their taxes. Property tax is an archaic tax and should be replaced with an income tax. You should only have to pay taxes on your income once, not 70 times on income you earned 50 years ago an invested in property. That is what property tax does it taxes the income you made 50 years ago over and over again. You never truly own anything. After I pay taxes once they should never be able to tax that same dollar again.

Today we have 48,558,229 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 48,521,586 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 36,643 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 793,539 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 791,098. That means that another 2,441 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

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Reply Sun 21 Nov, 2021 04:41 am
Zardoz wrote:
That kid should have never been there in the first place.

Unfortunately the left was preventing the government from protecting local businesses from rioters so the kid had to step up and do the government's job.

Zardoz wrote:
When you walk out into a battlefield you assume the risk, you are there to do battle. You can't shoot people in the back four times when they are running away and claim self defense when you are armed with a weapon of war and they have a skate board.

He was not armed with a weapon of war. He had an ordinary self defense weapon.
Reply Sun 21 Nov, 2021 09:24 pm
I have worked in a police department and they are definitely not left leaning. If the police department had requested help they could have got qualified and experienced help from police departments in a two hundred mile radius instead letting a 17 year old kid lose with a weapon of war. There is a reason policemen are trained to handle situations like this.

The shots were fired a fraction of a second and the reason that happened is that the gun he had was designed for war.
Reply Sun 21 Nov, 2021 10:00 pm
Property tax is one of the taxes that allows the government to take your home if you don’t pay the tax. You may owe only a few hundred dollars on a million-dollar farm and the government can take property that has been in your family for a hundred years. In California as property taxes continued to escalate the older home owners could not afford to pay the property and lost the homes that they worked all their lives for. Retired people income is based on what they earned during their life time but taxes continue to go up because the younger generation wants bigger and newer schools. California decided to give seniors a senior discount so some of them might be able to stay in their home. Most states have now followed California’s lead.

Most families invest about 30% of their after-tax yearly income in their home. The income going into the home has already been taxed once but it will continue to be taxed for the next 60 plus years every year and if you are a few months late you will lose your home. The American dreams is to own your own home but it looks as you are just leasing your home from the government. Each year the county auctions the property of those who can no longer afford to pay the property tax, there has to be a better way. Income should only be taxed once not 60 times.

Today we have 48,592,810 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 48,558,229 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 34,581 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 793,651 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 793,539. That means that another 112 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 22 Nov, 2021 07:37 am
Zardoz wrote:
I have worked in a police department and they are definitely not left leaning.

The people who prevented the police department from receiving needed assistance, however, were left leaning.

Zardoz wrote:
If the police department had requested help they could have got qualified and experienced help from police departments in a two hundred mile radius instead letting a 17 year old kid lose with a weapon of war. There is a reason policemen are trained to handle situations like this.

And yet the police failed to protect the car dealership. It took a kid stepping up and doing their job for them in order to save the car dealership.

Zardoz wrote:
The shots were fired a fraction of a second and the reason that happened is that the gun he had was designed for war.

Wrong. His gun is not designed for war. It is an ordinary self defense weapon.
Reply Mon 22 Nov, 2021 09:26 pm
When it comes down to situation that requires policing the police department makes those decision. Are you saying that the mayor just decided to let the rioters destroy the city and told the police department to stand back but let the gun nuts take over?
The dealership was not protected by a 17-year-old and there was film of it burning to the ground.
The gun is designed for war and is marketed by its makers as the same weapon used by the special forces.
The guy that ran over 48 people and killed five in parade over the weekend could be found innocent under the legal theory that got Rittenhouse off. After all, he was in a knife fight and in danger so he has the same right to kill people Rittenhouse did. He was in danger and nothing matters but his perception.
Reply Mon 22 Nov, 2021 10:12 pm
What is the price of lying? We are just beginning to find out. A judgement was entered against two Colorado lawyers who filed a frivolous lawsuits trying to get the election overturned for Trump. They went into court and sued based on lies and rumors, they had no proof and never tried to verify that anything they were alleging had any truth to it. It was a dog and pony show for an audience of one, Trump.

The judgement for lying in court is $187,000. This is not a punitive judgement but simply awards legal fees to all the defendants. There were several defendants included in the catch all conspiracy theory, Dominion, Face Book, the Center for Tech and Civic Life and the states of Michigan and Pennsylvania. The states only ask for $11,000 in legal fees but face book was much more expensive, Face Book hires good lawyers and was awarded $50,000. Dominion and CTCL were awarded $62,930.

The judge noted that this type lawsuit is what causes insurrections. These lawyers were as bad as QAnon making up conspiracy theories. They had little more than rumor but hoped to legitimize in court. It is called a frivolous law suit when someone has absolutely no proof of their allegations they are making. It is not the court’s job to investigate rumors the plaintive must be able to prove their allegations in court. The burden of proof in a civil action is on plaintive.

Today we have 48,748,557 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 48,592,810 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 155,747 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 794,864 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 793,651. That means that another 1,213 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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