The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Mon 25 Oct, 2021 09:04 pm
Just when you think the election mess could not get any worse, we find that it could have got much worse. Trump was considering putting Crazy Sidney in charge of elections and have the military take the voting machines. Crazy Sidney explained her case of foreign interference to the group assembled in the oval office. She said she had five affidavits to prove her case. The trouble was all 5 affidavits were from the same man, signed Spyder. Crazy Sidney claimed Spyder was a military intelligence agent. Actually, Spyder flunked out of military intelligence training and worked as an IT consultant.

When Crazy Sidney was asked by Trump’s lawyer what Giuliani’s team case was about, the democrats changing the rules or foreign interference? Crazy Sidney insisted it was about foreign interference, after all she had 5 affidavits from Spyder to prove it. There was not a person in the oval office who believed Crazy Sidney was playing with a full deck but no one wanted to point the obvious out to Trump. It would be like telling a 4-year-old that there was no Santa Clause. Trump wanted to believe so bad that he won the election he would believe the wildest tale.
Giuliani was summoned to meeting and when asked about Crazy Sidney’s case? Giuliani replied “This is gibberish nonsense.” But 40 million red neck thugs believe every word of it.

Today we have 46,415,340 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 46,312,782 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 102,558 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 757,824 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 756,352. That means that another 1,472 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 26 Oct, 2021 08:59 pm
Charlie Kirk, another red neck right radio host was speaking at a Turning Point USA event held at Boise State University and was asked by an audience member “How many elections are they going to steal before we kill these people.” Kirk is one who has been pushing Trump’s big lie over the radio and stirring these idiots up. Most of the republican party is complicit in Trump’s big lie, even though most are aware that it is just another Trump fraud. They would rather stand for a lie than tell the public the truth. Just as all those in the oval office meeting knew that Crazy Sidney multi-nation conspiracy theory was just nonsense and gibberish as Giuliani stated. They let her spread the “gibberish nonsense” all over the country and not one them informed the public of the truth.

Kirk, tried to calm the man down telling him if the republicans rise up and start killing people that all their freedoms would be taken away. Kirk does not want to take up guns and start a revolution he just wants to use Trump’s fraud to activate the base in the next election. Kirk and the other republicans pushing Trump’s big lie will reap the whirlwind. If you can convince enough republicans thugs that the election was stolen, they will do the only thing they know to do about it. Voting in fixed election is worthless killing people will replace voting in America. Kirk told the audience it is the democrats who want the republican to become violent but it is the republicans who are stoking the fire.

Today we have 46,497,719 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 46,415,340 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 82,379 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 759,932 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 757,824. That means that another 2,108 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 27 Oct, 2021 09:09 pm
When Trump called the Georgia secretary of state it was his full intention to force the secretary of state to change the Georgia election results. The conversion went on for an hour. Trump had two attorneys present on the conversation with the Georgia secretary of state, Brad Raffensperger, the idea was to intimidate and apply maximum pressure to Raffensperger to ‘fix” the election. It was very clear who was trying to rigged the election and it was not Biden.

One of the reasons Trump told Raffensperger that he believed he had won the election in Georgia was that he held a political rally in Georgia an 30,000 people showed up and the opposition rallies did not draw as many people. Political rally attendance is how elections should be determined. Trump claimed that 200,000 signatures in Fulton County had been forged. The signatures are checked when someone votes. Where did Trump get his information? From some one just as crazy as Crazy Sidney. Trump also said a substantial number of people went to the polls in Georgia and were turned away and told that a ballot had been cast in their name. Remember, Trump had instructed his followers to vote twice, once by mail and once in person.

We were lucky that Raffensperger had principals and could not be intimidated by this thug. Many politicians are more than happy to bend over for Trump and do his bidding.

Today we have 46,587,441 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 46,497,719 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 89,722 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 761,842 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 759,932. That means that another 1,910 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 Oct, 2021 09:20 pm
Trump is the front runner for the 2024 republican nomination. It is hard to believe after he lost by 8 million votes that anyone would consider letting him run again. The way the republican base reacts to him is cult like, no matter what he does the base approves of it. Trump can literally do no wrong in their eyes. In 2016, Trump endorsed allowing transgender people to “use the bathroom they feel appropriate.” Now if Biden came out to allow transgender people to use the bathroom they feel appropriate, there would have been a riot and the news on right wing media would have harped on it for months but right-wing media stayed silent. In fact, that is the first time I heard of it.

When Trump completely changed his proposed tax cut from a middle-class tax to a $10 trillion mega tax cut for the ungodly greedy the base said nothing. The first tax bracket was 10% before Trump’s tax cut and it remained 10% after Trump’s tax cut. The republicans had actually intended to raise that tax bracket figuring the public would never know the difference and they were right. Every Americans pays taxes under the first bracket the rich pay under several more brackets that were cut. Trump screwed the base and they loved it and asked for more.

Today we have 46,685,145 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 46,587,441 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 97,704 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 763,784 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 761,843. That means that another 1,941 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 29 Oct, 2021 09:06 pm
Politics is like football game, a team sport. Imagine if a football team took to field and each player decided to run in a different direction. Now further imagine if a bigtime gambler had paid some of the players to take the ball to the wrong end of the field. That is about what we have in Washington.

When baby Bush and the republicans came up with their prescription drug program it was designed to stop a major saving on prescription drugs. The original intent of prescription drug program was to purchase the drugs for seniors in bulk and then pass the savings on to seniors. Anything bought in bulk quantities is far cheaper than being purchased individually. Prescriptions drugs are a major expense once you get to be of social security age. The military and hospitals already purchase drugs in bulk quantities.

The drug prices in America are by far the highest in the world, the same companies sell the same drugs in other countries for a fraction of the price. Now a small group of democrats have decided to block reforming the prescription program. The echo the drug industry argument that the huge profits they make are used to develop new drugs. Most of the drugs are developed as taxpayer funded universities and at the last minute the drug company steps in and pays for the final trial. If the truth be known the drug companies spend 10 times what they spend on developing drugs on commercials trying to push their existing drugs. The gamblers are willing to pay large amounts of money to get the players to grab the ball and run the wrong direction. Many of America’s seniors have choice to made buy drugs or buy food, they can’t afford both.

Today we have 46,771,979 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 46,685,145 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 86,834 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 765,722 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 763,784. That means that another 1,938 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 30 Oct, 2021 09:20 pm
An article in Rolling Stone magazine revealed that multiple members of congress “were intimately involved in the planning of Jan 6 insurrection.” Trump has even gone to court to block the congressional committee investigating the Jan6 insurrection from obtaining the White House call log. The White House call log should be public information it has been in the past. This is going to be an issue in the 2022 election when these members will be up for reelection. Will those who plotted the violent overthrow of our government be reelected? Those being backed by Trump in red states are likely to be reelected.

Trump fully believed that he could use violence to overthrow the government like in a banana republic. Trump had intended to declare martial law and use the military to seize the voting machines and then declare them corrupted. The military let Trump know in no uncertain terms that they would not be used to overturn the election. That left Trump with only “the great unwashed masses,” as he liked to call them of course, not to their faces, to do his bidding. Trump real believes his followers are no more than trailer trash, he would not spit on them if they were on fire.

Today we have 46,799,970 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 46,771,979 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 27,991 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 766,117 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 765,722. That means that another 395 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 31 Oct, 2021 09:09 pm
Lindsey Graham, when the Trump thugs were staging the insurrection at the capitol told, the sergeant-of-arms That “they gave them guns for a reason use them. You can tell that Graham was frightened to death of the rioters. That is exactly what Trump intended the mob to do. Trump had intended to use the thugs to overturn the election. Trump believed the violence would intimidate the vice president and congress to reject the electors from states that voted for Biden.

Trump spent much of his time trying to convince the vice-president that he could simply not accept the electors from states that voted for Biden and just declare Trump president. The vice-president, Mike Pence, had been Trump’s obedient lap dog up to that point, but rejected Trump’s orders this time. Trump actually still believed that he would be president even on Jan 6. Everybody in the Whitehouse knew that Trump was finished and most of them tried not to show up even Trump’s son-in-law, Jarred Kushner fled to middle east so he would not be at the Whitehouse.

Trump has caused so much more damage than people realize, there are close friends and family members that no longer speak. One of the employees I worked with for over thirty had sunny personality and was always up but now is depressed bitter woman and only keeps trying to convince others what a great man Trump is. Imagine trying to convince others that a known conman and molester is a fine man. But the preachers keep trying to convince their flock that Trump is the second coming of Christ. There is a reason I call it ignorance school.

Today we have 46,823,938 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 46,799,970 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 23,968 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 766,299 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 766,117. That means that another 182 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 1 Nov, 2021 09:01 pm
On Jan 5 Trump held a private meeting with the vice president, Mike Pence, to convince him to fix the election by rejecting the Biden electors. Trump asked Pence whether Pence was going to be a “patriot or a puss*”. It obvious that in Trump’s world patriot means swindler. In this meeting Trump was convinced that Pence would do his bidding on Jan 6. Trump at this stage only heard what he wanted to hear. Pence tried to make it clear to him that he was not going to violate the law.

This was Trump’s last chance, a hail Mary pass that was thrown into the grandstand. I would have liked to be a fly on Trump’s wall when Pence confirmed that Biden was going to be president. I’ll bet Trump would have strangled Pence with his bare hands if he could have found him. Pence had foiled the biggest swindle in history. This was the point when there was no more hope for Trump. He had tried the courts and lost, he tried the state legislatures and lost, he tried to intimidate election officials and lost. Now one of his confederates had put the knife in his back. Pence came to bury Caesar not to praise him. Trump was undeterred, he knew he could still destroy America from outside the Whitehouse.

Today we have 46,922,101 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 46,823,938 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 98,163 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 767,381 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 766,299. That means that another 1,082 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Nov, 2021 09:12 pm
Trump held a private meeting with Pence in the oval office on Jan 5 in order to twist Pence’s arm to make him fix the election. Pence waited until Jan 6 while Trump was on stage at the rally to release a statement making it very clear that there was no way he would reject the Biden electors in the states he had won and replace them with Trump electors. While Pence had tried to make Trump understand that he was not going to fix the election in the Jan 5 meeting by releasing a statement to the press maybe even Trump would understand it if it were in writing. Ah just one more stolen election in Trump’s mind.

As the election results were certified Puff the Magic Dragon slowly slipped into his cave. Trump had finally reached the end of his road; it was check mate there were no moves left on the board. After Trump was banned from Face Book, Twitter and Instagram, Trump offered to move all his social media to the right-wing site Parlor owned by major Trump contributors with two conditions, one that he be given 40% of the site’s revenue, and two that no one could post any negative comments about Trump. Trump’s protests about censorship seem somewhat insincere, it matters only who is doing the censoring. Trump is in the process of creating his own social network site. What do you want to bet that the terms of service will not allow you to make a negative comment about Trump?

Today we have 46,994,877 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 46,922,101 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 72,776 Americans contracted the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 768,740 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 767,381. That means that another 1,359 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 3 Nov, 2021 09:21 pm
Now that republican, Glen Youngkin, was elected governor of Virginia Trump is stepping in to take credit where credit is not due. Youngkin refused to let Trump campaign with him. He tried not to be a Trump mini-me. If Youngkin had let Trump come to Virginia Trump would have complained about the crooked election and encouraged people not to vote until he was put back in office.

Youngkin was successful in creating a boggeyman that did not exist, Critical Race Theory is not taught in Virginia schools but Youngkin was able to convince the school lynch mobs that it was a major problem. Critical Race Theory is only taught in law schools. In any con there does not have to be any truth to it you only have to convince the marks that it is true.

But Joe Manchin is the single most responsible person for Youngkin’s victory. To get elected presidents make promises to the public of what they will do when elected, Manchin has almost single handed managed to block every promise Biden made to the American public. Two years of community college was extremely important to young Americans, when it takes twenty years to pay of college loans. We are no longer competitive in the world and have to hire engineers and educated workers from foreign countries. Seniors should no longer have to pay the highest prices in the world for drugs. Hearing aids and eye care should be added to Medicare, after all eyes and ears are part of the body.

When promises are made and not kept there is no way you will get reelected and that is exactly what Manchin is doing making it impossible for democrats to get reelected. Manchin should be excommunicated from the democratic party as soon as possible then at least the public will know who he is really working for.

Today we have 47,105,468 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 46,994,877 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 110,591 Americans contracted the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 770,854 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 768,740. That means that another 2,114 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
Region Philbis
Reply Thu 4 Nov, 2021 04:24 am
Manchin should be excommunicated from the democratic party as soon as possible
agree 100%.

he's an attention whore who loves being in the spot light...

Joe Manchin should stop talking about ‘Entitlement’
Reply Thu 4 Nov, 2021 05:05 am
@Region Philbis,
Region Philbis wrote:
Zardoz wrote:
Manchin should be excommunicated from the democratic party as soon as possible

agree 100%.

That would give the Republicans control of the Senate and ensure that the Democrats would pass no more legislation. Even reconciliation would be off limits to them.

It would also guarantee that no more of Mr. Biden's judicial nominees would be confirmed.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Nov, 2021 08:37 pm
@Region Philbis,
The problem is Manchin is DINO (Democrat In Name Only) he has done everything in his power to block Biden campaign promises now. Nothing would change if Manchin is thrown out of the democratic party, he votes with the republicans now and would continue block Biden’s agenda now and would continue to block it as a republican in the future. The only thing Manchin is going to vote for is the name of the Build America Back Better bill stripped of anything useful except meaningless language that does nothing. When my union decided to back Manchin for governor in his first term, I didn’t like him then and I sure don’t like him now. He was one that you always had to hold your nose to vote for him.

It is rare that a political party controls the senate, the House and the Presidency. That is the only time anything can be accomplished and it is an extremely narrow window of time and Manchin is playing dictator. Manchin has seen the polls from WV that show 80% of West Virginias support the programs in Biden’s bill. But politicians after they are elected become far smarter than the voters they represent and Manchin knows what the people really need is a balanced budget instead of 2 years of free community college for their children. Manchin gives the illusion of principles but he supported a $10 trillion tax cut for billionaires. That $10 trillion would have made a real dent in the deficit. Manchin thinks straddling bot sides of the isle
Reply Thu 4 Nov, 2021 09:23 pm
The heads of the four largest oil companies testified before congress and all agreed that fossil fuel is causing global warming. There is no doubt, the oil companies, like the tobacco companies before them, hired quack scientist to deny the causes of global warming. The tobacco companies finally had to admit that cigarettes cause cancer and pay up millions in damages. The quack scientist have been drowned out by the truth. At this point scientist don’t know whether the earth can be saved it could just become another dead lifeless planet like Marrs without an atmosphere.

But Joe Manchin is fighting for the right for big coal and big oil to continue to pollute the atmosphere. Joe knows what is good for us and that is what is good for Joe’s big campaign contributors in the coal and gas industry. The beauty of Joe’s scheme is when the really bad effects of climate take effect Joe will be long dead.

Manchin’s car was blocked in by climate demonstrators today and they claimed that he tried to run them over. The heat is on and Manchin is just beginning to feel the heat. Manchin will get the blame for the democrats missing a golden opportunity.

Today we have 47,187,256 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 47,105,468 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 81,788 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 772,315 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 770,854. That means that another 1,461 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 4 Nov, 2021 09:31 pm
Zardoz wrote:
Nothing would change if Manchin is thrown out of the democratic party,


If he were expelled from the Democratic Party, the Republicans would immediately take control of the Senate.

All passage of Democratic legislation would immediately stop.

All confirmation of Mr. Biden's judicial nominees would immediately stop.
Reply Fri 5 Nov, 2021 08:50 pm
Politics like many other things in life is a team sport. There is no way to accomplish anything in politics without a disciplined team. If a member of the team grabs the ball and runs toward the opposite goal there have to be consequences.

The republicans have been blowing air up Manchin ass telling him he will be president if he is listed as a democrat but pushes the republican agenda. Manchin head is blown up to three times its size he might just float away on a windy day. The republicans tell Manchin the democrats are to stupid not to vote for him and the republicans will be more than grateful for him killing once in a century chance to improve America.

The republicans have control of the senate do you see anything being accomplished now. Manchin being listed as a democrats just means that nothing getting done will be blamed on the democrats.

I have not seen any judges being approved and Manchin would vote to make sure the republican candidate were approved instead.

I have played this game before when you find a rotten apple you terminate them with extreme prejudice, make sure they lose their next election and can't ever get elected again. He was a state senator, mayor, and head of the democratic party in the county. He claimed to be a labor candidate but crossed a picket line that even the governor refused to cross. I have a very long memory.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 5 Nov, 2021 09:34 pm
The republicans have done everything in their power to destroy America over the last 40 years but not without the help of few bad democrats. The old saying is “that you can pay me now or pay me later.” Reagan cut the taxes on the ungodly greedy by 71% and tripled the national debt, then baby Bush cut taxes on the ungodly greed twice more, followed by Trump $10 trillion tax cut for the ungodly greedy. That was followed by rounds of tax cuts for the ungodly greedy by the states. There is a very simple equation if you cut income you have to cut expenses.

The republicans destroyed America’s secondary education system it is now so expensive that many of most talented young adults prefer working at McDonalds to starting life $500,000 dollars in debt for an education. They have no chance of ever paying off the loan and will be in debt most of their working life. The Build America Back Better bill did not solve the problem but it was a start before Manchin decided he would single handedly destroy America chances of remaining a world power for long. Two years of free community college is a start. China is already developing weapons that are far superior to anything America has now. The republican party has only one agenda and that is cut the taxes on the ungodly greedy and it uses misdirection on issues like abortion, guns and social issues to enable its primary goal.

Today we have 47,280,449 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 47,187,256 cases of the Trump virus. That mans that another 93,193 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 774,673 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 772,315. That means that another 2,358 Americans died from the Trump virus today.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Nov, 2021 09:19 pm
After 13 house republicans voted for Biden’s infrastructure bill the Trump faction of the republican party is calling for them to be ousted. The republicans, like Manchin, want to block anything from being accomplished in Washington. After all, that is another $1.4 trillion dollar could be used for more tax cuts for the ungodly greedy and that is the republican party primary objective.

The republicans tax cuts for the ungodly greedy are cumulative since they are percentage cuts. Thus, the Reagan tax cuts are compounded by the baby Bush tax cuts and then the Trump tax cuts. There has been a complete change in the perception of the ungodly greedy since the beginning of the 20th century. In the early 1900s the ungodly greedy were portrayed as robber barons that were robbing the country blind. This led to the passage of income tax, which was a tax placed on excess wealth it was never intended to tax the working man. By the second half of the twentieth century the ungodly greedy completely reformed their previous image and became captains of industry and heroes that were responsible for all of America success. Once their image had been reformed then they went about lowering the tax on excess wealth and shifting the tax burden to the middle class. When the progressive income tax was shifted to state and local governments it was in the form of regressive state and local taxes. Any tax cut for the middle class was more than offset by increasing state and local taxes.

Today we have 47,313,412 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 47,280,449 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 32,963 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 775,095 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 774,673. That means that another 422 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Nov, 2021 10:03 pm
I was having a discussion with the personal director the other day and she believed that the outbreak of the Trump virus was about over. I pointed out that there was a new outbreak in Europe led by countries with low vaccinations rates. England had cases of the Trump increase by 18% one week and 25% the next week. Some countries have a 300% increase since October. China has another major outbreak and one need only remember how the Trump virus spread across the world before. China can and does enforce measures to prevent the spread of the Trump virus.

The rate of spread in Europe indicates we will have a major outbreak by winter. Colorado has a major outbreak now and laws were passed that hospitals can now refuse services if they are full, they can decide who will get treated based on who has the best chance of living. They should refuse to treat anyone who refused to take the vaccination because 99.8% of those who are dying from the Trump virus in hospitals are not vaccinated. As the next wave gets worse more states will pass similar laws.

The Green Bay quarter back who refused to take the vaccination had no problem taking horse wormer. There is absolutely no reliable proof that horse wormer protects you from the Trump virus. Where did he hear that horse wormer was effective against the Trump virus? On the radio a rightwing radio host claimed it would work. But the fact that 99.8% of the people dying in the hospitals ware unvaccinated does not register with him. No doubt he has been hit in the head way to often. If I wanted medical advice, I would not trust a man who lies for living.

Today we have 47,336,577 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 47,313,412 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 23,165 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 775,218 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 775,095. That means that another 123 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Nov, 2021 10:12 pm
During Giuliani’s deposition for his defamation trial, he was asked if he had checked out the fraud allegations, he made against the Dominion voting machines? Giuliani answered that he never checked them out. When Giuliani was asked why he didn’t check his allegations out he had a simple answer? He said he did not have the time. Giuliani made these allegations in a court of law as the God’s truth and really had no idea whether there was any truth to them. This explains why Trump’s lawyers were thrown out of court 60 times they had no evidence it was just a con. This also explains why Giuliani can no longer practice law.

Trump’s court cases were all about the public’s perception they had no proof but Trump’s strategy was not to convince a judge it was to convince the public in the court of public opinion and it worked while none of the 60 judges believed one word of Trump’s lies 80% of the republicans did. No one could imagine hearing a rumor and filing a lawsuit based on the rumor that even you had no idea was true. None of the republicans will pay any attention to the fraud done by the Trump legal team. First impressions rule the truth does not matter to those who want to remain blind. You can lead a republican to the truth but you can’t make them believe a word of it.

Today we have 47,438,967 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 47,336,577 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 102,390 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 776,397 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 775,218. That means that another 1,179 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies

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