The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Wed 22 Sep, 2021 09:05 pm
Russia pushed QAnon conspiracy theories in America including the antivaccine conspiracies. Russia is about to reap what it sewed, QAnon has spread round the world including into Russia. One conspiracy theory being pushed in Russia is that, Rockefeller, who has survived seven or eight heart transplants, is behind the vaccines and that the vaccinations are designed to control population growth and destroy individuality.

Long before there was QAnon there was Jim Marrs’ 2010 book “The Trillion Dollar Conspiracy: How the new World Order, Man Made Disease, and Zombie Banks, are destroying America.” Marrs believes in a number of conspiracy theories that have the rich out to destroy the poor to control the population. One of Marrs conspiracy theories involved vaccination give to our troops during the first Iraq war. Known as Gulf War Syndrome many of our troops had unexplained illnesses. In the conspiracy theory it was caused by the solvent in the vaccines.

If the intent was for the rich to control the population it is working, 700,000 Americans have died from the Trump virus and around half that number have died after refusing to take the vaccine. Worldwide 4,732,669 have died. That is a considerable loss of population. It would not be working because of the conspiracy theories but by reverse psychology. By making people believe in conspiracy theories they go in the opposite direction. Whatever works I suppose.

Today we have 43,404,877 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 43,242,302 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 162,375 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 699,748 today, yesterday it stood at 696,867. That means that another 2,881 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Thu 23 Sep, 2021 08:57 pm
The biggest conspiracy theories are religions, for conspiracy theories to work the followers must accept the teachings of the religions by “faith.” That is exactly what happens when by “faith” QAnon followers start believing that shape shifting lizard people are taking over the world and Trump is a time traveler here to deal with them. Evangelical pastor and Wheaton College professor, Ed Setzer explains:

“People of faith believe that there is a divine plan—that there are forces of good and forces of evil at work in the world…
QAnon is a train that runs on the track that religion has already put in place.”

The conspiracy theories being pushed by QAnon are all modeled after religions concept of a world where good vs evil. The light vs the dark tale is as old time, an ongoing battle where light is expected to defeat the darkness. Religion provides a template for conspiracy theories. You simply fill in the blanks, who is good and who is evil. The trouble with a black and white world view, is that it is too simplistic but it is easy to grasp.

Today we have 43,532,491 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 43,404,877 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 127,614 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 702,798 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 699,748. That means that another 3050 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Fri 24 Sep, 2021 09:11 pm
Even the “Fraudit” can only stretch so far to cover Trump’s big lie and Cyber Ninja had to finally admit in their report that Biden did indeed win the election in Arizona. I am surprised I expected them to find that everyone had actually voted for Trump because he was the second coming of Christ. Now Texas has decided to audit two republican counties and two democrat counties but Trump won Texas by 7%. The Texas audit can’t help Trump in anyway, so why would they bother? They are trying to find some fragments of voter fraud to help add some legitimacy to Trump’s big lie. If Trump’s allies can find at least some small fragments of voter fraud they can point to that and say see Trump was right there was voter fraud.

There are no perfect elections, there will always be some voter fraud but it is only a small fraction of a percent of the overall vote and one side will offset the other and any voter fraud will be negligent and have no effect on the outcome of the election. Trump and friends knew they lost the election but they decided they could run a con game. Trump knew that 74.2 million people voted for him and if they could convince them to believe Trump’s big lie, they would rise up and keep him in office. Trump overestimated his big lie and underestimated the number of honest republicans and when he could not intimidate them, he was frustrated.

Today we have 43,669,696 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 43,532,491 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 137,205 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 705,293 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 702,798. That means that another 2,495 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Sat 25 Sep, 2021 09:04 pm
Trump continued to claim that he won in Arizona, at a political rally in Georgia tonight Trump said, “We won at the Arizona forensic audit yesterday by numbers you would not believe,” Not only did Trump lose the “fraudit” they found an additional 99 votes for Biden. Still Trump’s cult members were in the crowd in Arizona with there “stop the steal” signs, it looks like they would known by now that it is Trump who is trying to steal the election.

One thing that a conman must master is looking you straight in the eye and lying his ass off. Body language gives most liars away. Psychopaths can even beat a lie detector. Most people get nervous when they lie, they feel guilty and it shows in their body language. In any con being good and practiced liar is single most import qualification. If you are not a good liar you will never make it as conman. If you can’t get your mark to believe your lies the con will never work. Trump’s cult members will believe any lie he tells. When the results of the “fraudit” was read an it affirmed Biden won the election in Arizona the Trump cult members will ignore it because to them the world is upside down it is Trump who tells the truth and the real world that lies.

Today we have 43,725,604 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 43,669,696 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 55,908 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 706,058 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 705,293. That means that another 765 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 26 Sep, 2021 09:12 pm
Trump told the biggest lie he ever told at his rally Saturday night in Georgia, it was far bigger than “the big lie.” Trump claimed to have “a big mouth that told the truth.” If Trump ever told the truth, it was a mistake on his part. Now a politician running for the House of Representatives from Virginia has called for an audit of the votes in all 50 states and is calling for the investigation, conviction, and execution of anyone involved in voter fraud. You can tell he is a Trump cult member and believes Trump’s lies. He is retired from the Navy and spent 27 years aboard ships. Evidently, he was confined in close quarters for way too long. The problem is he got over 30% of the vote in the last election. If Marjorie Taylor Greene can get elected this nut will be shoe in next election.

Trump’s revenge will be getting a large collections of nuts cases elected to the House and Senate. They will be like termites doing major damage to our government. It was refreshing to see even Fox News reporting that Trump was lying about the election being fixed and saying the Arizona “fraudit” showed him winning by a large margin. The right-wing media has multiplied like rabbits since the election and most of them are far right of Fox News, most are still pushing Trump’s big lie.

Today we have 43,750,993 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 43,725,604 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 25,389 Americans (including my daughter) were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 706,317 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 706,058. That means that another 259 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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Reply Mon 27 Sep, 2021 09:15 pm
I have just stated reading Michael Wolf’s new book “Landslide; The Final Days of the Trump Presidency.” It looks like it will be an interesting book, it gives a lot of insight into Trump’s real character. In the summer of 2020 with Trump poll numbers falling, they decided to call in Carl Rove. Rove agreed to secret meeting with Trump. When he arrived at the White House there are fifteen people in the room with Trump. Rove was often called Bush’s brain; he was the political mastermind behind Baby Bush’s administration.

Trump ask Rove if he thought he should attack Joe Biden like he did his other political opponents? It seems that Trump believed that if he attacked Biden and Biden stepped down that the democrats would replace him with the former governor of New York, Mario Cuomo and Michell Obama would be his running mate. Rove asked Brad Parscale, Trump’s, campaign manager at the time, where in the hell Trump got that idea. Rove said that Bernie Sanders would replace Biden if he could not run as he was the runner up in the democratic primary. Parscale answered that Trump got the idea from Sean Hannity on Fox News. It was just another Fox News conspiracy theory. Trump should have known if you see it on Fox News it is just another lie. The incident tells you a lot about what Trump knows or understands.

Today we have 43,940,668 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 43,750,993 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 189,675 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 709,107 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 706,317. That means that another 2,790 Americans died today.
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Reply Tue 28 Sep, 2021 09:04 pm
People have been known to cut their nose off to spite their face and that is what the republican party is doing. As the republican party continues to support Trump’ false claims of a stolen election to assuage Trump’s huge ego, it is doing real damage to the republican party. Trump would have them believe that the election was stolen by 100s of thousands of crooked poll workers and those that oversee the election process both republican and democrat. Polls show that 67% of the republicans believe Trump’s big lie.

If Trump is successful in convincing them that elections in America are crooked, what is the likely result? The likely result is that the republican voters will not bother to vote in the future. Why waste your time voting when you know the election is fixed? If you vote in a fixed election, it will not matter. You might as well stay home and that is exactly what is likely to happen costing the republicans. You need only look at the senate election held in Georgia after Trump started claiming that Georgia had fixed the election. The two republicans were shoe ins, Georgia was a deep red republican state but the democrats won both seats. The republican party should have stepped in and distance themselves from Trump and called him what he was, a sore loser. They should have assured their voters that Trump lost in a free and fair election. The republicans will reap what they sewed in future elections. My dad voted in every election staying up all night to watch the returns when Kennedy was elected. As he grew older, he began to believe the system was fixed and no longer voted the last 20 years of his life. It is the older republicans who will stop voting for the rest of their life a voter block the republicans can’t afford to lose.

Today we have 44,054,794 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 43,940,668 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 114,126 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 711,222 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 709,107. That means that another 2,115 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 29 Sep, 2021 09:12 pm
People believe that the people that see on TV have a similar personality to the character they play on television but that is not true. The people knew Andy Griffith said he was nothing like the character he played on in Andy Griffith Show. Ellen was outed by one of her employees, she seemed so nice on her show but off camera she was abusive to her employees. Trump is an unashamed bully and liar in public and that is just his good points but in private the accounts of Trump behavior make Ellen look like an angel.

The following accounts of Trump’s behavior out of public’s view are taken from the book “Landslide” By Michael Wolf. If you are going to discipline an employee you take them to your office and tell them what they did wrong. To berate an employee in front of his coworkers is just a form of abuse, it is not about correcting their actions it is about humiliating them in public. It takes a sadist like Trump to enjoy that.

Trump’s lead impeachment lawyer, Bruce Castor, misspelled a couple of words in his legal brief that he wrote at 3:40 AM and Trump was livid and this coming from a man who spells at the level of a second graders. Castor tried to explain to Trump that spell check did not work on italicized words. Trump flew off the handle.

“What? That is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard. Fix it! Get it back now. Fix it NOW! The incredulous president yelled, not unusually losing his sh**.

When it was discovered in the summer of 2020 that the Trump campaign was going broke Trump needed a scape goat. It seems the Trump campaign was raising a lot of money but it was costing a lot of money to raise that money. It seems Trump did not understand the difference between gross and net income. In a room with 15 people in it Trump immediately began accusing Brad Parscale of stealing from him. He repeated the accusation over and over again and then demoted Parscale and replaced him with assistant.

Today we have 44,199,496 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 44,054,794 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 144,702 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 713,950 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 711,222. That means that another 2,728 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

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Reply Wed 29 Sep, 2021 11:49 pm
You are sadly duped.

Modern conservatives are no different from conservatives 50 years ago, or 100 years ago. They want five things.

1. To have a steady job that pays enough to buy a house.
2. To have a woman (who isn't a useless ugly fat feminist who can't cook, clean, or make love)
3. To be able to hunt, fish, and camp out on your own property without a license.
4. To worship
5. To have government leave them alone

Communism is and has always been a leftist "progressive" ideal. You're conflating corporations with conservative. Last I checked Coke and Pepsi were preaching BLM, Aunt Jemima changed its name, etc. Didn't make any of them less corporate. Nor does being corporate mean you can't be a communist. But real communists don't want any of these things.

1. They want government to tax people with enough to buy a house outright, and make it impossible to ever truly own your own place (so it can be taken from you)
2. To have everyone working for everyone else, and all money getting shifted around evenlt by government intervention
3. To have women so thoroughly unpleasant that men just give up and decide to stay single
4. Licenses to do anything, including to go outside without a mask
5. Yeah, and we don't like worship, but tolerate it if the Party is talked about in flattering terms

Conservatism has basically nothing to do with communism.
Reply Thu 30 Sep, 2021 03:12 am
1. To have a steady job that pays enough to buy a house.

Too bad that's not possible on most working people's wages.
2. To have a woman (who isn't a useless ugly fat feminist who can't cook, clean, or make love)

I didn't know that conservative women were gay. Interesting.
3. To be able to hunt, fish, and camp out on your own property without a license.

What are they going to hunt? Cockroaches?
4. To worship

Which anyone can do in the privacy of his own head.
5. To have government leave them alone

But keep those food stamps and disability checks rolling in.

Now, can you point out where the OP is advocating any of the points on your list of what "real communists" supposedly want?

I didn't think so.

Conservatism has basically nothing to do with communism.

Neither does your caricature of communism.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Sep, 2021 08:49 pm
1) The conservatives want what they are told to want by the ungodly greedy and for the last 40 years that has been bigger and bigger tax cuts for the ungodly greedy and they have got just that.

2) I can see that you don't have a clue what is important in a woman.

3) Anybody can hunt and fish without a license, your chances of being caught are slim to none. I have been checked just once in the last 50 years in WV.

4) We have as many churches as bars, I don't know of anyone who has been stopped other than during the pandemic when they became super spreader events and then they could worship on television.

5) The no government type is fine until their neighbor takes a gun and shoots up their house and then they can't wait to call the government for help.

Communism originated in Russia our government was designed by liberals, the conservatives helped the enemy and were sent back to England .

1) America is number 1 in home ownership and loans are available with no money down loans to everyone.

2) Of course you are talking the government handing out 500 million handouts to the riches people in the world.

3) You have such miserable opinion of women it would indeed be impossible to find one who meets your qualifications.

4) If you didn't need licenses to drive 5 and 6 year old would be driving. Game would be hunted out of existence without licenses.

5) Everyone is free to join the cult of their choice.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Sep, 2021 09:22 pm
Pillow Head is up to his old tricks again, he has gone to Idaho to prove how badly Trump was cheated. To start with Trump won Idaho by more than 30% and got all Idaho’s elector votes. If Trump had not got Idaho’s votes Pillow Head might have a case. I guess pillow head will claim that Trump was cheated unless he got 100% of the votes.

Pillow head claimed that the vote was electronically manipulated in all 44 counties. The trouble is that 7 of Idaho’s counties do not use electronic voting machines. Sounds like Pillow Head is making up charges as he goes along. The republican Idaho Secretary of State office told Pillow Head they wanted his charges in writing. As soon as they got them it was obvious, they were bogus. Since Pillow head is being sued for over a billion for his lies, I bet he hated to put his lies in writing. Pillow Head claimed that Biden won Butte County by 130 votes, when Trump had actually won Butte County by 1,202 to 188. There is no lie so ridiculous that Pillow Head won’t tell it. He has no clue but he can always lie. Is there a job opening for a professional liar?

Today we have 44,314,424 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 44,199,496 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 114,928 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 716,847 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 713,940. That means that another 2,907 died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 Oct, 2021 09:14 pm
What is the price of lying? Alex Jones found out today that his lie about the Sandy Hook school massacre being staged by crisis actors to discredit the NRA and supporters of the second amendment. Jones was ordered to pay $100,000 in legal fees with the damages to the families to be determined. Alex Jones’s program “Info Wars” is a favorite of Trump’s who appeared on his show several times. If more law suits are bought against these lying right wing dirtbags it would slow down some of their lying.

Jones had to admit that the slaughter of 20 first grader and six teachers did take place and was not a staged act. Jones defense was that he was mentally ill, “a form of psychosis made him question whether it was staged when it occurred in 2012.” The devil made him do it, no doubt, and maybe the devil will help him pay the $100,000

Jones is deliberately trying to undermine the credibility of the mainstream news. If you can make people believe in one lie it is easier to make them believe other lies. Poles now show that over 50% of republicans want to succeed from the union based on lies, that is how effective lies are.

Today we have 44,443,405 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 44,314,424 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 128,981 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 718,984 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 716,847. That means that another 2,137 Americans died today from the Trump virus, a including a local 32-year-old EMS worker with three children.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 Oct, 2021 09:08 pm
Rudy Giuliani admitted in court that he got his proof of election fraud from the internet. We all know that “everything you read on the internet is the God’s truth.” Giuliani was asked if he investigate or even met any of the people who provided affidavits? His answer was no he did not have the time. One headline was “Giuliani is Screwed.” Giuliani is being sued by one of Dominion former employees who was slandered by Giuliani and Trump’s other lawyers. What was that line, “fools rush in where wisemen fear to tread?”

Now Trump is trying to distance himself from Crazy Sidney, he no longer takes her calls and she is banned from all Trump properties. Trump is doing more than just trying to avoid Crazy Sidney’s bill. As the Trump’s lawyers are shown to be liars and swindlers in court Trump needs to put distance between himself and them. They might make Trump look like a liar by associating with them.

Trump is now suing to get back on Twitter. Trump’s lawyers are contending that the constitution granting free speech, that means that the government cannot interfere with public’s right to free speech. Trump lawyers would also make private enterprises grant the right to free speech in their businesses, churches or even homes. If Trump wins the Moonies can invoke their right free speech in your church. If you were in a restaurant and a drunk started calling wife a whore and a slut he could not be asked to leave because the restaurant owner has no choice but to grant the old drunk free speech. If it is your playpen, you make the rules, if others don’t want to play by the rules, they are out of there. A world where you don’t have to abide by the rules would be nightmare. If Trump wins, I will go to the local churches and start giving lectures on atheism. They can’t stop me because they are required to grant free speech according to Trump.

Today we have 44,490,897 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 44,443,405 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 47,492 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 719,694 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 718,984. That means that another 710 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 3 Oct, 2021 08:54 pm
Why does Trump and his followers think the election was stolen? On election night after the Florida results came in, the Trump camp declared victory, the party had started and Jarred Kushner called Trump and congratulated Trump on his victory and then the rains came. This would be like a driver in the Daytona 500 pulling into victory lane after only five laps and declaring himself the winner and complaining the race was stolen when the real winner completes the full 200 laps.

The first sign of blue tidal wave coming came from Fox News at 11:30 when Fox News called Arizona for Biden. The Trump camp got on the phone with everybody at Fox News to have them recant the Arizona news. Nothing worked and they called Rupert Murdock himself to try and get Fox News to say it wasn’t so. Murdock informed the Trump camp there was no way that they would recant Biden’s Arizona victory. Murdock detests Trump even though Fox has made money on Trump being president.

Trump surround himself with yes men who were scarred to tell him the truth. No one in the Trump administration ever wanted to be the bearer of bad news so the bad news of reality never reached Trump. They were careful to tell Trump what he wanted to hear. Trump lives in an information bubble where all bad news is filtered out, an alternate reality if you will.

Today we have 44,518,437 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 44,490,897 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 27,540 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 719,933 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 719,694. That means that another 239 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 4 Oct, 2021 09:23 pm
The Trump cultists have a plan to “deconstruct the administrative state” (American democracy). Trump’s righthand man, Steve Bannon, is behind the planning. The president would no longer be elected by the people the partisan state legislatures would decide which slate of electors would be sent to the Electoral College. All republican state legislatures would send the republican slate of electors to the electoral college. If the vote was 6 for Trump and 6 million for Biden the state legislatures would still send the republican slate of electors.

There is one way to break this republican gerrymandering of our election process up, do away with the electoral process and elect the president by popular vote. Every other politician in America is elected by popular vote, the president is the only exception.

If you don’t think the republicans can stop the American people from being able to elect the president, think again. Think the courts can stop the republican plan? The supreme court has already ruled in Bush vs Gore in 2001.” In a concurring opinion, the Justices argued that state legislatures have plenary power to run elections and can even pass laws giving themselves the right to pass laws giving themselves the right to appoint electors.”

Today we have 44,677,509 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 44,518,437 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 159,072 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 722,254 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 719,933. That means that another 2,321 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 Oct, 2021 09:03 pm
Trump fell off the Forbes’ richest 400 list, he is $400 million short of the list. Not only did Trump lose the election he also failed to make the list, he has been losing money and is now worth $600 million less in the last two years.

When it came to the election Trump is not very good with figures. People that deal in real estate think figures are elastic. For instance, Trump would buy a property for $10 million and then tell the county that it was only worth $1 million for property tax purposes. If the county protested the evaluation, Trump would tie them up in court for years. Then when Trump went to bank to borrow on it, he would insist the property was worth $20 million. It is no wonder Trump could not understand why he could not inflate his vote count and shrink Biden’s vote count. In Trump’s world numbers are fluid and you can make them what you want.

On election night when the tide began to turn toward Biden, Trump’s staff was afraid to bring him any bad news, they feared his anger as Trump would attack the messenger. Trump lived in an information bubble where any news that Trump was losing the election was not tolerated. It was no wonder Trump thought he won, nobody waned to tell him.

Today we have 44,781,200 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 44,677,509 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 103,691 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 724,728 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 722,254. That means that another 2,474 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 6 Oct, 2021 09:03 pm
The Georgia Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, has written book about how Trump tried to steal the election in Georgia. There is little doubt in anybody’s mind that Trump committed a number of crimes in Georgia. The question is will he be prosecuted for those crimes?

“These charges potentially include criminal solicitation to commit election fraud; intentional interference with performance of election duties; conspiracy to commit election fraud; criminal solicitation; and state RICO violations.”

From a Newsweek article titled “Raffensperger Went on TV and Said Biden Won Georgia in Audit and Recount”

After Raffensperger was on TV on Jan 2 and said Biden won, on his way home from the TV station he got a call from the Whitehouse that Trump wanted to speak to him. When Trump called, he said “those results were dangerous.” A very clear threat by Trump that if Raffensperger did not reverse the election results he would be in physical danger. I am surprised that Trump didn’t dispatch a mob to go after Raffensperger.

Trump was right about one thing thought, there was election fraud but it was Trump that was committing the fraud.

Today we have 44,913,970 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 44,781,200 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 132,770 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 727,274 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 724,728. That means that another 2,546 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 7 Oct, 2021 09:00 pm
Trump is trying to destroy America from the sidelines, he was not able to do enough to destroy America during his four years in office. Trump is doing his best to keep the senate republicans from raising the debt ceiling. One of the reasons the debt ceiling has to be raised is Trump’s $10 trillion tax cut for the ungodly greedy over 10 years. That means that the government has to come up with a trillion dollar for the Trump tax cot every year. Biden $3.5 trillion infrastructure plan has not even passed yet so the reason we need to raise the debt ceiling is because the Trump tax cut for the ungodly greedy.

Many of the fortune 500 companies no longer pay taxes, as well as the richest people in the world, like Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk. The republicans have cut the taxes on the ungodly greedy 8 times in the last forty years. How far past zero can the republicans cut the taxes on the ungodly greedy? The republicans always ground their argument using the tax percentage listed in tax tables but no one pays that percentage. That is just a starting point before the tax deductions are taken and there are millions of tax deductions for the ungodly greedy and that is how Bezos and Musk make billions and pay no income tax. The alternative minimum tax needs to be put back in force to make sure the ungodly greedy pay a minimum of 25% of their income in taxes no matter how many deductions they have.

Today we have 45,021,267 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 44,913,970 cases of the trump virus. That means that another 107,297 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 730,206 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 727,274. That means that another 2,932 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 8 Oct, 2021 09:13 pm
Trump is taking a victory lap because more people have died in 2021, 353,000 deaths, that died in 2020, 352,000 deaths. Only Trump would be proud of 352,000 people dying on his watch. The pandemic was still just getting started in March of 2020 and Trump can also take credit for most of the first month of 2021 before Biden takes office. If those changes are taken into account Trump is responsible for far more deaths.

But Trump is also responsible for most of the 353,000 deaths this year because the vast majority occurred in people who refused to take the vaccine. Trump politized this disease from the very beginning, and this may be first disease in history that was ever politized. Trump made not wearing a mask a political statement and served as the example. Trump very words still echo across America “the coronavirus is no worse than the flu.” For republicans not taking the vaccine became a red badge of courage and a sign of loyalty to Trump and his stupidity.

Trump can say he was not responsible for the unnecessary 353,000 deaths this year but the facts show that he was. Trump is like a serial killer found in a sea of dead bodies saying it was their fault for being there.

Today we have 45,135,620 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 45,021,267 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 114,335 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 732,477 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 730,206. That means that another 2,271 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

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