The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Sat 4 Sep, 2021 08:51 pm
They have not prosecuted Trump and he is now calling for a second insurrection. How many times are we going to let Trump attempt another coup? Trump on his website has stated in all caps “FIX 2020 FIRST!” What do you think he is talking about? He isn’t talking about fixing the pandemic. Trump knows his followers will do as he says. How do you fix the 2020 election? Put Trump back in office by force despite the fact he lost the election by 7 million votes.

Trump knows that a big right-wing demonstration is planned in Washington and that is Trump’s way of telling his militias and the QAnon followers what he is expected out of them. The fencing will be put back up around the Capitol in expectation of the second insurrection this year. If government is going to get control of this before many more people are killed, they are going to have to cut the head off the snake or it is going to keep biting us. Trump really believes he is going to be put back in office by his thugs. He will never give up because there are no consequences for him. No matter how many people are killed Trump will just recruit more followers. Since Trump is a time traveler, he can always escape in his time machine.

Today we have 40,765,356 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 40,703,674 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 61,682 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 665,858 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 664,935. That means that another 923 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

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Reply Sun 5 Sep, 2021 09:23 pm
The House select Committee notified the telecommunication companies to preserve the phone records of individuals being investigate for the Jan 6 insurrection. This was a way to smoke out the guilty and low and behold House minority leader, Kevin McCarthy immediately went berserk, threaten the companies if they complied with the committee request that when the republicans got back in powers those companies would no longer be able to do business in America. What is McCarthy afraid they might find? He was not one of the individuals that the committee requested phone records be preserved. What we do know is that McCarthy was in communication with Trump several times on Jan 6.

These are the same Republicans who held 19 separate investigations of Hillary Clinton over Benghazi. The republicans saw nothing wrong with using their subpoena power then. The Jan 6 insurrection was planned and used dark money to pay for the mob’s transportation to Washington. Some were flown on millionaire’s private planes. This operation was planned for weeks. The millionaires would do anything to keep Biden from raising their taxes and that was a campaign promise from Biden so they would do anything to keep Trump in office. There were people on the inside of government involved in the insurrection and the select committee will prove it if the records are not destroyed. McCarthy name was not on the list but several people he was talking to were. If he wasn’t involved, he has nothing to worry about.

Today we have 40,805,259 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 40,765,356 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 39,903 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 666,219 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 665,858. That means that another 361 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 6 Sep, 2021 08:52 pm
The republican party is big on personal responsibility but somehow it is never mentioned when it comes to the Americans still in Afghanistan. Trump signed the deal with the Taliban to get out in Feb 2020. At that point the Americans in Afghanistan knew they had to get out of Afghanistan by May 31 2021. At that point an order for every American civilian to get out of Afghanistan immediately should have been issued, only the staff of the Embassy and military personal should have remained. To wait to last was foolish, everyone could not get out at the last minute.

Why did the civilians remain and put their life in jeopardy? My brother-in-law’s brother has worked in the Middle East most of his working life and he does it for one reason, he makes about three times as much as he would for a similar job in America. These people knew for a year and a half that they needed to leave but they made the choice to stay to last minute, it is their own fault they are there now. The republican party wants people to have freedom of choice, with the exception of a woman’s body, the people remaining in Afghanistan had a freedom to choose to leave or stay, they decided to stay until it was too late. Don’t put the blame on someone else.

Today we have 40,865,794 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 40,805,259 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 60,535 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 666,559 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 666,219. That means that another 340 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 7 Sep, 2021 09:15 pm
Pillow Head had to sell his jet to fund his defense from his defamation law suit that Dominion Voting Machines had filed. Defending a lawsuit is expensive but it is going to be far more expensive if Pillow Head loses about $1.3 billion. I suspect Pillow Head is going to have to sell a lot more things after the judgement. Pillow Head said that he would provide such convincing proof at his symposium that the election was fixed that Biden and Harris “would resign for the good of the country.” The symposium came and went and Pillow Head had no proof just conspiracy theories.

Pillow Head said that he had Dominion and Smartmatic voting machines and was hiding them on his private jet but that was just another lie. It was like Pillow Head was on a drug trip and is now coming down to the unpleasant reality that there is always proof for truth but in the end lies stand alone without proof. The right was able to create an information bubble. In an information bubble no counter views are tolerated. Pillow Head had created an information bubble and his followers got their information from inside that bubble. Fox News was one of the early information bubbles and closely controlled what view points would be tolerated on Fox News. At one time in America, we had a shared experience but now the information bubbles have changed all that, Americans now experience politics in far different ways.

Today we have 41,206,672 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 40,865,794 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 340,878 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 669,022 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 666,559. That means another 2,463 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 8 Sep, 2021 09:07 pm
When people don’t want to do something, they look for excuses to rationalize why they decided not to take the vaccine. One of the wide spread conspiracy theories is that Bill Gates is putting micro chips in the vaccine so he can track everyone movements. Come on, people do you really believe that your life is so interesting that a billionaire wants to follow your every movement? All of these people who are suddenly so afraid of being tracked have no problem buying a cell phone that can and does track their every movement. My granddaughter can’t get away with going anywhere her parents don’t want her to go without her parents knowing exactly where she is in real time. The first thing cops do on true crime shows is find where their suspect was when the murder committed. If he says he was in another town they will tell him he wasn’t because his cell phone shows him at the murder scene. You are already being tracked, why would Bill Gates go to the trouble to put microchips in the vaccine when you are already carrying your own microchips?

Politics has far more to do with why people are not taking the vaccine. If taking the vaccine was a just personal choice, we would expect to see a similar number of democrats and republicans refusing to take the vaccine but that is not what we are seeing. Far more republicans are refusing to take the vaccine then democrats. No matter what they say, republican politics is leading their followers down the wrong road, like the Pied Piper and with the same result.

Today we have 41,397,587 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 41,206,672 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 190,915 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 671,183 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 669,022. That means that another 2,161 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

Region Philbis
Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2021 04:54 am

you'd think they'd all be jumping at the chance to take the Trump Vaccine...
Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2021 08:59 pm
The Kracken (Crazy Sidney) was asked to pay $200,000 in legal expenses for filing a frivolous lawsuit. Crazy Sidney is going to be spending a lot of time in court trying to explain why she tried to pull off one of the biggest cons in history. Do you think Trump will help her out with her legal expenses? I doubt it, Trump never paid her bill for legal services. Trump is notorious for not paying his bills. Crazy Sidney was one of Trumps campaign lawyers. I guess we do owe Crazy Sidney because she went down to Georgia and told voters not to vote in the rigged senatorial elections that helped give the democrats control of the senate by electing two democrats in the Georgia senate runoffs.

Rudy Giuliani is having a bad year, first Trump refused to pay him and now his law license has ben suspended in New York and Washington DC. It could not have happened to worse person. Now Giuliani can’t even sue Trump for the legal fees he is refusing to pay. Most people will only remember that lawsuits were filed over the election and not that the lawyers who filed the frivolous lawsuit are being disciplined because they had no evidence that any election fraud took place. The last election had one of the biggest turnouts in history but if people believe the election was rigged, they won’t bother to vote. Republicans win elections by keeping people from voting.

Today we have 41,561,156 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 41,397,587 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 163,569 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 674,547 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 671,183. That means that another 3,364 Americans died today from the Trump virus today.
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Reply Thu 9 Sep, 2021 09:08 pm
@Region Philbis,
When Trump was in office it looked like the situation might have been reversed as many Democrats were afraid of vaccine that was developed so fast and Trump had tried to push it through so fast but once the vaccine was approved for experimental use by the FDA the elderly that had seen so many of their friend die, lined up in record numbers to get the vaccine. But once Biden started pushing the vaccine the republicans decided to play being a mule and refusing to take the vaccine. You have heard about people who cut their nose off to spite their face, the republicans would rather die to spit their body.
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Reply Fri 10 Sep, 2021 09:18 pm
Pillow Head moved Trump’s reinstatement date has moved back to the end of the year. Trump reinstatement date has been changed more times than the end of the world cults changed the date for the end of the world. Since QAnon followers believe that Trump is a time traveler sent here to deal with the shape shifting lizard people, why does Trump just jump in his time machine and do the election over again? Why? Because if Trump could go back in time an do the election over, he would just lose again. It would be like the movie “Ground Day.”

After Pillow Heads world shaking symposium ended, he went down to Mar-a-Lago to consult with Trump. Pillow Head took several of his election experts, they called themselves “election truthers.” Pillow Head really believed that the supreme court would vote unanimously to reinstate Trump after they saw the evidence from his symposium. I think the chances are far greater that we will find of one of those shape shifting lizard people that a time traveling Trump is looking for.

Today we have 41,741,693 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 41,561,156 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 180,537 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 677,017 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 674,547. That means that another 2,470 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 11 Sep, 2021 09:04 pm
What happened to the Arizona audit of Maricopa County? Cyber Ninjas has taken months to audit the votes in one county. They are finally supposed to issue a final report sometime this week. Even the republican senators are calling the “audit” a fraud. The Arizona senate only provided $150,000 to pay for the “audit,” rest of the millions of dollars was provided by rich Trump donors. It looks like the audit needs to be audited. There of course is always a winner and in this case Cyber Ninjas made off with millions. That is money that didn’t go into Trump’s pockets.

Even the Republicans senators who have criticized the audit have received death threats as well as their families. One republican senator who criticized the audit was booed off the stage during a Trump rally. The Mafia uses death threats to get their way and Trump was raised in Mafia hang outs in New York. He grew up on tales of murder and mayhem. The mobsters were his heroes and you can tell it in the way he acts. Trump’s father needed the mobsters’ help with zoning when he developed property and mobsters controlled the zoning. It is no wondered Trump figured if the mob killed a few politicians on Jan 6th he would get to stay in office. That is the way his heroes did it.

Today we have 41,816,668 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 41,741,693 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 74,695 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 677,737 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 677,017. That means that another 720 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 12 Sep, 2021 09:08 pm
They say a coward dies a hundred deaths but a brave man only one. The same could be said about politicians most will suffer their loss only once but others like Trump will suffer his election loss thousands of times, each time he lost a court case, each time he tried to force election officials to just “find” a few thousand votes. When pillow Head held his cyber symposium Trump’s hopes soared only to lose again. Trump, interviewed, on the Gateway Pundit said that the election is going to be decertified but Trump will just suffer another loss.

I don’t care how many times Trump loses the election it won’t change things but he is doing real damage to the country. A couple was shot and the wife killed by a Trump voter who was upset that they had voted for Biden and had a Trump doll hanging in front of their house. The shooter believed in a lot of the same conspiracy theories that Trump voters believe. That Jews kill babies in satanic rituals and drink their blood. The QAnon believers seem to believe that every bad horror movie was true. They believe that by torturing or killing children that you can harvest a blood product known as adrenochrome from the blood of children. QAnon believers believe that drinking the adrenochrome is responsible for keeping the Hollywood elite young. I believe there was a horror movie with the same plot.

You can teach the ignorant but cult members have to be reprogramed and it is a much harder process.

Today we have 41,853,362 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 41,816,668 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 36,694 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 677,988 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 677,737. That means that another 251 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Sep, 2021 09:07 pm
They held a rally down in Kentucky featuring Trump defenders, like crazy Sidney, Pillow Head, “Randi” Giuliani and Lin Wood. Kentucky is Trump country where 90% of the people voted for Trump in some parts of the state. They conservatively expected a turnout of 10,000 people but virtually no one came, Only, 300 people attended the rally. The catch was that while some of the Trump rallies were free this admission cost from a $150 to $500. It seems like the Kentuckians were unwilling to put their money where their mouths were. This rally showed that the sore loser’s popularity is going down and people no longer want to hear Trump endless complaints about a ‘fixed election.”

No doubt, Crazy Sidney and Pillow Head had hoped to raise a lot of money for their legal defense fund but with only 300 attendance they will end up having to pay the rent on the civic center out of their pockets.

Meanwhile, Lin Wood was busy trying to make a hospital give horse wormer to a QAnon Guru, Veronica Wolski. She had campaigned against the Trump virus conspiracy. She was famous for hanging a banner over a highway that said, “Never Comply.” That should be the words on her tombstone. By giving these people, who are already extremely ill, horse wormer it is bound to cause a huge shock to an already weak system and hasten their death. The attorneys should be disbarred for practicing medicine without license. One can only wonder if Veronica had not been dewormed with horse wormer whether she might have lived. If horse wormer was the cure, why didn’t she live?

Today we have 42,140,028 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 41,816,668 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 323,360 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 680,273 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 677,988. That means that another 2,285 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Sep, 2021 08:58 pm
The Christian right has claimed that whoever the democrat is that running for president is the antichrist, I guess we should have expected that they would claim that whoever the republican running for president would be the second coming of Christ. Now they have done just that claiming that Trump is the second coming of Christ and putting it on a billboard in Georgia. It is pictured with a biblical quote. The “quote” is Romans 8:17 “Unto us a son is given and the government shall be upon his shoulders.” Of course, the quote is wrong but as long as you are lying you might as well lie some more.

The Christians have completely prostituted their religion in pursuit of political power. Can you imagine if there were a real god how absolutely insulted, he would be by comparing him to the scum of the earth. God would no doubt strike that preacher who did that dead, so quick that he would go straight to hell without passing go. QAnon defends Trump for all the rapes and sexual assaults as well as other crimes as just cover for Trump. It does not matter how many crimes Trump commits it is just cover so the shaping shifting lizard people won’t know who he is. This is what religion in America is coming to, once they got a taste of political power, they lost sight of their religious ideals.

Today we have 42,288,205 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 42,140,028 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 148,177 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 682,341 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 680,273. That means that another 2068 Americans died today from the Trump virus.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Sep, 2021 08:56 pm
It used to be to invade a country you needed to have an invading army. That is no longer the case, since the advent of world wide web it is easy to stage a cyber invasion of any country. You can recognize an invading army by their uniforms but in a cyber space invasion there are no uniforms and it is easy to conceal their real identity. Russia has conducted a major ongoing cyber invasion of America for the last several. The Russian invasion didn’t end with Trump’s victory. America is not Russia only target, as other major European countries are also being attacked. The difference is that Americans are 15 times more likely to be taken in by Russian propaganda than Europeans. It seems that European children are taught classes on critical thinking. They take stories from the internet and show how to tell fake information from facts.

When a study was conducted of how effective Russian propaganda was in Europe it was 1.73% while the Russian propaganda was effective on 15.25% of Americans. One of the major pushes of Russian propaganda now is the antivaccine movement. It just shows that the Russians don’t need guns to kill Americans. The Russians will be responsible for killing at 200,000 Americans without ever firing a shot, of course their victims needed to cooperate.

Today we have 42,479,780 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 42,288,205 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 191,575 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 685,023 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 682,341. That means that another 2,682 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Sep, 2021 08:56 pm
It is about time, finally the Capitol Police have filed a lawsuit against Trump, Roger Stone and the others who egged on the Jan 6th insurrection. The suit was filed Aug 26th and it is nice to see that Trump and Roger Stone are a defendant in the suit. Stone was given 40 months in jail for witness tampering and lying to the federal government about Russian dealing with the 2016 election. Trump pardoned Stone in his last 24 hours in office. Trump can’t get stone out of this lawsuit. Stone was seen with the several members of Oath Keepers the night before the insurrection. Three of them were arrested after the insurrection. Stone also had several interactions with the Proud Boys prior to the insurrection.

The Capitol Police were severely beaten by Trump’s thugs and should be entitled to hundreds of millions in damages. Stone held a rally on the evening 5th describing it an epic struggle between the light and the dark. Stone is going on right wing radio shows across the country trying to raise money for his legal defense fund. No doubt many right wingers will give their hard-earned money to defend this conman.

Today we have 42,634,054 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 42,479,780 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 154,274 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 688,486 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 685,023. That means that another 3,463 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Sep, 2021 09:27 am
Trump was ushered into office by a lot of Russian hard work. The Russian understood more than most Americans that Trump would tear the fabric of American society apart but Trump was not their whole battle plan.

“Russian psyops (psychological operations) have systematized and weaponized online trolling. Reportedly, thousands of Russian citizens are employed full time as internet trolls, clicking and commenting day and night to champion the Motherland’s interests. A post with thousands of likes tends to be recommended by social algorithms into prioritizing more than one with a few likes. Trolls trick the algorithms into prioritizing the content they rally behind. And when the algorithms bring up the troll ridden posts on users’ timeline, users more often click on them and believe the content, because they believe many other people liked it. Thus, trolls have perfected the art of tricking both computer programs and people on social media. But what if this art can be used for good instead of evil?”

From the book “Pastels and Pedophiles: Inside the Mind of QAnon”

People have a tendency to conform so when they see a post with many likes they are more likely to believe it is true even if it sounds unreasonable, like shape shifting lizard people and time travelers.

Today we have 42,799,907 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 42,634,054 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 165,853 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 690,714 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 688,486. That means that another 2,228 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Sep, 2021 09:10 pm
Of those who participated in the Jan 6th insurrection 65% had a prior diagnoses of mental illness, such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Bipolar, or other mental diagnoses. Compared to 21% of the general population. Trump used them like a gun, he pointed them at the Capitol and pulled the trigger. Trump told them he was going to march with them but quickly turned tail and returned to the White House to watch it on his wall of TVs.

The big question has still not publicly been answered. Who paid for the insurrection? It was expensive to bus or fly 10,000 insurrectionists to Washington. Somebody had to provide the money to bankroll the insurrection. You can bet it was paid for with millions in dark money. Some of the insurrectionists were flown from Texas on a private jet. Who owns private jets? The ungodly greedy. Who had the most to lose if Trump did not get reelected? The ungodly greedy made off like bandits getting millions in tax cuts from Trump. Biden had already stated that those massive tax cuts would be rolled back if he got elected. The public is entitled to know which millionaires funded the insurrection. Most of the millionaires don’t want to be out front they want it to look like it is the everyday man is staging the insurrection while they remain in the background. They are the same ones who provided millions for the Arizona “fraudit.”

Today we have 42,866,805 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 42,799,907 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 66,898 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 691,562 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 690,714. That means that another 848 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Sep, 2021 09:06 pm
Trump has decided to get rid of Moscow Mitch. Mitch is the senate minority leader. Trump is looking for a senator who will run against McConnel for the senate leadership post when McConnel’s term ends. It is clear that Trump thinks he is running the Republican party even though he is no longer in office. Most of the republicans became willing Trump lap dogs during Trump’s term in office. Any republican that had enough nerve to stand up to Trump was going to face retaliation from Trump and his thugs. Trump has decided to run his QAnon friends in the primaries to beat those who have stood up to him.

Can you imagine a senate and house of representative full of QAnon followers? They would spend their days looking for shape shifting lizard people, it would be like the X Files. Even though Trump is out of office he is still doing real and lasting damage to America. The sooner Trump is locked up the better it will be for all Americans. There is a criminal case in Georgia for election fraud against Trump and a recording of Trump trying to get the Georgia Secretary of State to fix the election. If Trump is found guilty of election fraud, he should be sent immediately to jail instead of being out on bail during his appeal process.

Today we have 42,900,906 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 42,866,805 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 34,101 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 691,880 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 691,562. That means that another 318 Americans died from the Trump virus today.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Sep, 2021 09:18 pm
As more and more information comes out about what went on after the 2020 election it is clear that the right intended to stage a coup. They tried to use a social media campaign to override the voters decision. When Linsey Graham asked Trump to provide proof of voter fraud, he couldn’t and what he did send was just BS and conspiracy theories. Trump’s accusation had no names of the people that made the accusations.

Trump asked Giuliani to send the “proof” to Lindsey Graham. Graham had the “proof” checked and he said the “the proof was suitable for a third grader.” Senator Mike Lee from Utah also had Trump’s “proof” checked out with similar conclusions.

A law professor, John Eastman, had circulated a legal opinion, that if the battle ground states put forth 2 set of electors, one for Trump and one Biden, that those states could be disregarded when the electoral college met. After reading his legal opinion at the Jan 6 rally he was fired the next day. The legal opinion was dismissed by most other legal scholars. But Trump tried to use the rogue legal opinion to keep Pence from certifying the 2020 election.

Today we have 43,107,288 cases of the Trump virus (including my son-in-law), yesterday we had 42,900,906 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 206,382 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 694,617 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 691,880. That means that another 2,737 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Sep, 2021 09:13 pm
Documents were introduced into court today that the Trump administration had investigated the accusations of election fraud and found them to be false. But even when they knew the allegations made in court by crazy Sidney were completely false, they continued to act as if they were true in public. Every conspiracy theory needs a master mind at its core. When creating a conspiracy theory, you need an evil villain for your audience to hate. Hollywood movies often provide a villain for the audience to hate. This allows the story teller to emotionally manipulate his audience.

In this case the Trump administration settled on Eric Coomer, Dominion’s one time director of product strategy and security, he was cast as the villain in Trump’s loss. According to crazy Sidney conspiracy theory, Coomer was working with George Soros, Venezuelan officials, and with a massive amount of communist money. Giuliani and crazy Sidney held a press conference at Republican National Headquarters to present their new and improved lies at a time when the Trump administration knew it was all lies. The time has come to pay the piper and Coomer’s chances look good to collect a six-figure settlement. Freedom of speech does not allow you to lie and slander. The trouble is these same defendants are already being sued for billions.

Today we have 43,242,302 cases of the Trump virus, yesterday we had 43,107,288 cases of the Trump virus. That means that another 135,014 Americans were diagnosed with the Trump virus today.

The death toll stands at 696,867 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 694,617. That means that another 2,250 Americans died today from the Trump virus.
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