The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Sat 18 Jul, 2020 09:41 pm
We had a doctor who recovered from coronavirus and committed suicide. The coronavirus is a true zombie because they know for a fact it destroys brain cells. One of the firs symptoms is loss of taste and smell. Those that have “recovered” from coronavirus have mental problems. If you end up in the hospital for any reason you have a good chance of catching coronavirus and dying from it. Do you have any direct knowledge or does all your speculation come from communist posts repeated on Fox News? Actually, the death toll is far more than what is posted. Dr Fauci has said that he has never seen any disease that attacks so many different organs. So many of the deaths are not attributed to coronavirus. Medical experts believe that there are 20% more deaths from coronavirus than are listed because the deaths are much higher this year even taking the coronavirus into account. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Figures do not lie, you might not like the answer but the figures rule. Do what Trump does when faced with fact lie your ass off there will always be suckers who believe you. There is no such thing as superficial math there is only math.
I did not do the studies but New York had plenty of protests and there was no increase in coronavirus in fact it went down to point that not a single person died on some days in the state of New York. You got your information from Fox News who make it up as they go. You cannot account for the drop in New York and claim protests made other places go up. Why didn’t protests make coronavirus cases up? Because otherwise the protestors would have been inside in bars where everybody would have been infected. Being outside diminishes the chances of transmitting the virus. New York is a fact and Fox News can’t change it all they can do is lie. The beaches are not problem it is the bars they go to after the beach that causes the problem.
Reply Sat 18 Jul, 2020 10:19 pm
We had a doctor who recovered from coronavirus and committed suicide. The coronavirus is a true zombie because they know for a fact it destroys brain cells. One of the firs symptoms is loss of taste and smell. Those that have “recovered” from coronavirus have mental problems. If you end up in the hospital for any reason you have a good chance of catching coronavirus and dying from it.

What a bunch of total ****. Laughing Laughing Laughing
Reply Sun 19 Jul, 2020 08:51 pm
I watched the Sunday Today show where the governor of Mississippi was asked why he had not mandating face masks? He tried to be on both sides the issue. It is fun to watch the Republicans try to dance around the issue and own both sides of the argument. He pointed out that masks had been mandated in 13 counties that were hot spots but masks were not mandated in the rest of Mississippi. The governor endorsed wearing masks as a good way to prevent coronavirus but would not require masks saying more people would wear masks if they were not required to so. That is like saying more people would drive the speed limit if they could ignore them.

If you wait until the coronavirus has already spread the masks won’t do as much good. The idea of using mask is keep the coronavirus from getting a hold to start with. It is like waiting until after the house is on fire to start installing a fire hydrant.

Today we have 3,834,208 cases of coronavirus, yesterday we had 3,781,985 cases of coronavirus. That means another 52,223 Americans were diagnosed with coronavirus today.

The death toll stands at 142,601 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 142,229. That means that 372 Americans died today from coronavirus.

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Reply Sun 19 Jul, 2020 09:12 pm
The autopsies don't lie and one of the first local coronavirus cases brain looked like swiss cheese after he died with coronavirus. The medical scientists know coronavirus attacks the brain because one of the first symptoms is a loose of taste and smell and that center is located in the brain. The coronavirus is not found just in the lungs. It is found in the brain and it has to destroys living cells to reproduce. The dead may be the lucky ones as we have no idea what the long term effects of coronavirus will be.

In WV we have 3,000 people who have recovered from coronavirus and a study has shown all are showing mental problems.

"New state health officer Ayne Amjad said Wednesday during the governor daily briefing while there is still a lot to be learned about the disease, they do know the patients are experiencing depression, anxiety, and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms."

From "The Herald Dispatch"
Reply Sun 19 Jul, 2020 09:17 pm
The autopsies don't lie and one of the first local coronavirus cases brain looked like swiss cheese after he died with coronavirus.

Source that bullshit.
Reply Mon 20 Jul, 2020 10:02 am
He wont because he can't that's why he is using a chemical disorder as a pointer to a tissue degenerative issue. Science is never in his favor.
Reply Mon 20 Jul, 2020 10:52 am
We had a doctor who recovered from coronavirus and committed suicide.

Are you trying to claim causality? Please provide the proof that this Dr killed himself because he recovered from Covid 19.

The coronavirus is a true zombie because they know for a fact it destroys brain cells.

We don't know that for a fact and you can't proof this claim in any way shape or form.

One of the firs symptoms is loss of taste and smell.

In some people, but that's because this is a respiratory virus, not a brain virus. You don't really know how science works do you?

Those that have “recovered” from coronavirus have mental problems.

Did you stop to think lots of people are suffering from depression right now because of the economy and other such issues currently taking place? There is no science that says the virus causes depression in people. You seem to think this is some super virus that has an effect on everything in the human body. What likely happens is the virus weakens the body enough for other issues to become prevalent.

If you end up in the hospital for any reason you have a good chance of catching coronavirus and dying from it.

Actually no it doesn't. My father in law was in the hospital in the last couple of weeks for a hernia surgery and my neighbor had some other health issue and was in the hospital for 2 weeks, neither one of them has C19 both have been tested. My wife was in the hospital to take care of her dad while he was in, she also has not shown any virus issues. She hits the end of her "2 week quarantine" before she interacts with the public. If she was exposed, I would be exposed, we sleep in the same bed.

Do you have any direct knowledge or does all your speculation come from communist posts repeated on Fox News?

The only people making "communist" posts is you, the self admitted communist.

Actually, the death toll is far more than what is posted.

No it isn't, it's going to be far lower than hyped by people like yourself who have been after death masturbation porn.

Dr Fauci has said that he has never seen any disease that attacks so many different organs. So many of the deaths are not attributed to coronavirus.

Dr. Fauci is starting to revel himself as a germaphobe who can't be trusted with scientific knowledge or models. We know he lied about masks to keep people from panic buying and admits it to the public. How many people got the virus back then because of this ignoring science for political purposes?

Medical experts believe that there are 20% more deaths from coronavirus than are listed because the deaths are much higher this year even taking the coronavirus into account.

Which medical experts would those be? We already know hospitals have been pumping up the numbers for more govt money... numbers are inflated on purpose and for monetary gain. Notice how other deaths have dropped to almost zero? Shoot yourself with a gun, test positive for the virus and get counted as a virus death, it's a scam.

Figures do not lie, you might not like the answer but the figures rule. Do what Trump does when faced with fact lie your ass off there will always be suckers who believe you. There is no such thing as superficial math there is only math.

People lie and manipulate numbers, the numbers are not at fault. Incentive causes people to lie and scam the public.

The rest of your post is the same typical leftists propaganda, it serves no purpose to continue to respond to your lies and mistruths. I'll wait for the next post filled with leftist lies.

Notice how you provide ZERO proof of any of your claims? You can always tell when the death count isn't going your way, your posts get longer, to hide the numbers at the bottom.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Jul, 2020 11:03 am
I've seen quite a few reports of neurological damage following a covid-19 infection. As the disease is still new, it's difficult to get anything more than anecdotal reports.

Wide-ranging and often 'bizarre' symptoms can persist weeks and even months after first falling ill

Perhaps the scariest emerging long-term effect of COVID-19 is its potential impact on the brain. A June 2020 study in Neurology found evidence that some patients with severe COVID-19 illness exhibit signs of brain damage or brain injury (though the authors note that this is uncommon).

Covid-19 also seems to affect the central nervous system, with potentially long-lasting consequences. In one study from China, more than a third of 214 people hospitalized with confirmed Covid-19 had neurological symptoms, including dizziness, headaches, impaired consciousness, vision, taste/smell impairment, and nerve pain while they were ill. These symptoms were more common in patients with severe cases, where the incidence increased to 46.5 percent. Another study in France found neurologic features in 58 of 64 critically ill Covid-19 patients.

We know he lied about masks to keep people from panic buying and admits it to the public.

No, we don't "know" that. He was speaking about N95 masks not homemade cloth masks, and he was speaking at a time before the first round of openings took place when people were expected to be sheltering in place.
Reply Mon 20 Jul, 2020 08:39 pm
Medical professionals have estimated that coronavirus will be responsible for an additional 10,000 cancer deaths from breast cancer and colon cancer in the next ten years because people are not getting medical check-ups.

Trump is now calling Fox News fake news and this time he got that right this time. When Trump was faced with actual facts, he did what he does best lie. Trump sighted numbers from a European study that leaves out several countries. How can you possibly crow about having 25% of the deaths in the world while you have only 4% of the population? Trump tried to dance around the mask controversy taking on both positions by saying he thinks masks are a real good idea but that good idea should not be mandatory. Trump crowd about a simple test he took to see how far his senility had advanced and lied as always.

We have 3,895,803 cases of coronavirus today, yesterday we had 3,834,208 cases of coronavirus. That means that another 61,595 Americans were diagnosed with coronavirus today.

The death toll now stands at 143,042, yesterday the death toll stood at 142,601. That means another 441 Americans died today.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Jul, 2020 09:15 pm
You guys have no other source but the internet. One of the doctors on the team that did the autopsies was interviewed on one of the network news shows I am sure the work was published in the medical journals.
Reply Tue 21 Jul, 2020 01:10 am
If the interview took place on TV, it would be available online. There is not one single television network in the United States that does not have it webpage that theybuse to rebroadcast all of their stories.
Reply Tue 21 Jul, 2020 01:12 am
We are coming up on the end of July, where are some more recent articles with current facts, not 2 month old supposition. You can do better than that can't you? Besides, 2 of your 3 links did not link to active Web pages. Try again
Reply Tue 21 Jul, 2020 04:29 am
We are coming up on the end of July, where are some more recent articles with current facts, not 2 month old supposition.

As the OP points out, the internet isn't the best source of information, nor should it be considered the only source. Do a search on "neurological effects of covid-19" and you can find many articles. For some reason you seem to wish to deny that this coronavirus is a serious disease.

Here's a recent article:

COVID-19 Linked to Major Neurological Conditions Including Stroke, Brain Swelling

from this Oxford study

Reply Tue 21 Jul, 2020 09:55 am
Care to point out in that article where it talks about people's brains looking like Swiss cheese? That was the claim made by Zardoz.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Jul, 2020 08:58 pm
Trump thinks people have had time to forget his pushing bleach as a cure for coronavirus. Trump’s poll number have fallen radically since then. Trump is now one of the least trusted people in America when it comes to the coronavirus. Trump spent much of his times reading from notes including saying that wearing a mask was patriotic. I’ll bet Trump choked on those words. But when Trump was asked about Ghislaine Maxwell? He said that I guess she lived in the same city but wished her well. There are films of Trumps and Jeffery Epstein cavorting at Mar-a-Largo like best friends but Trump did not say weather the plans are complete for Maxwell’s staged suicide.

Today we have 3,970,671 cases of coronavirus tomorrow we will have over four million cases of coronavirus. Yesterday we had 3,895,803 cases of coronavirus. That means that another 74,868 Americans were diagnosed with coronavirus today.

The death toll stands at 144,173 today, yesterday it stood at 143,042. That means another 1,131 Americans died of coronavirus today.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Jul, 2020 09:07 pm
It is possible that the interview with doctor that did the autopsies but I would not have a clue as to how to find. I highly doubt all 24 hours programing of 500 television stations finds itself on line. But the autopsies finding will definitely be written up in medical journals so doctors will know what to expect.
Reply Wed 22 Jul, 2020 10:09 am
Don't you think it's a little odd that when pressed for proof of your claims, they all seem to mysteriously never be on the Internet when everything is on the Internet. All you are proving is that you are lying and you never saw such an interview or news broadcast. He should very easily be able to provide the channel you were watching it on, there are not that many in your local area.
Reply Wed 22 Jul, 2020 08:48 pm
Kellyanne Conway was able to give the Trump’s administration “alternate facts” with a straight face today, quite an accomplishment. She listed the reasons for the epidemic huge surge and scolded the states for reopening before they met the CDC guidelines for reopening. But she failed to mention that it was Trump sending his Boogaloo friends in with their assault weapons to lay siege to state capitals to force the states to reopen too early. Trump would chant liberate Michigan, liberate Virginia and other states. Trump forced the states to open to early. But Trump knows Hitler's principal better than most and Hitler said:

“The receptivity of the great masses is very limited, their intelligence is small, but their power to forget is enormous.”

That is what Trump is counting on, that enormous power to forget.

Today we broke the 4,000,000 cases of coronavirus barrier. We now have 4,038,967 cases of coronavirus, yesterday we had 3,960,671. That means that another 78,296 Americans were diagnosed with coronavirus today. California has now surpassed New York for the most cases of coronavirus and Florida should surpass New York in a week.

The death toll stands at 145,384, yesterday the death toll stood at 144,173. That means that another 1,211 Americans died today. Just as predicted the death toll spike lags behind the spike in coronavirus cases.
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Reply Wed 22 Jul, 2020 08:59 pm
What I think is a little odd is that you think everything is on the internet, it is

https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiEtY6Nr-LqAhVbVc0KHezKAnMQFjABegQIARAB&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.washingtonpost.com%2Fhealth%2F2020%2F07%2F01%2Fcoronavirus-autopsies-findings%2F&usg=AOvVaw3cr_3CJc4HsRx9Sb0kLhnYnot. You need to have more sources of information than just the internet.
Reply Thu 23 Jul, 2020 08:39 pm
Trump’s press conferences are so much closer to reality when he has to read what others have written down for him. Trump had to cancel the Republic Convention in Jacksonville. The Republic National convention was originally scheduled for Charlotte North Carolina but when they told Trump social distancing and other safety measure would be enforced Trump moved the convention to Jacksonville. Several Republican senators had already refused to go to Jacksonville. Now Trump claims he is cancelling the standard convention with 25,000 people and may hold a tele-convention instead so he won’t spread the coronavirus. Son of gun he had absolutely no problem holding political rallies with thousands and spreading the coronavirus a few weeks ago in Oklahoma and Arizona. Somebody has finally got Trump under control.

Today we have 4,106,616 cases of coronavirus, yesterday we had 4,038,967 cases of coronavirus. That means another 67,649 Americans diagnosed with coronavirus today.

The death toll stands at 146,419 today, yesterday the death toll stood at 145,384. That means another 1,035 Americans died today.

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