The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Fri 10 Jul, 2020 08:53 pm
It never ceased to amaze me the lies that psychopaths come up in court on such short order. Trump is king of psychopaths and when it comes to lies Trump has no equals. Trump claimed today that he was doing ten times better than any other country in the world with coronavirus. What is obvious from the facts is that under Trump’s rule America has a quarter of all the coronavirus cases in the world. America has a 1, 433,881 more cases of coronavirus than the second-place country. But Trump tries to lie his way into a second term.

Today we have 3,238,219, yesterday we had 3,165,068 cases of coronavirus. That means an additional 73,151 Americans came down with coronavirus today.

The death toll stands at 135,953, yesterday it stood at 135,094. That means that means another 859 Americans died of coronavirus today.

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Reply Fri 10 Jul, 2020 10:14 pm
Affects everyone differently, at least we can agree that 135,953 Americans who died of coronavirus are affected exactly the same, dead is dead. The preliminary mortality rate is 4.2% by dividing the total deaths by the number of coronavirus cases. The final mortality rate will be double after all those in the pipeline die. I don’t know where you get your number, oh it is the lying right that put that number for those who can’t do long division. They didn’t get it from the actual figures, it is a fudge factor.

If you tell a child not to play with fire you try to instill a fear of fire for those who have no fear of fire, they burn the house down.

Fear is a necessary survival instinct without there would be no human race today. The CDC was warning pregnant women to avoid the coronavirus because mothers are dying before they give birth. The Trump administration stopped the CDC from warning them because it might scare them. The administration said didn’t they believe the Trump administration could stop the coronavirus? The answer to that is easy the Trump couldn’t stop a runny nose. The real fear we are talking about is Trump’s fear of losing the election and he doesn’t care how many people die by believing his lies.
If the surge had started after protests in New York City it would have shown a surge of coronavirus but it never happened sorry but you can peddle that lie to someone who can’t understand the graphs. That is another lie the right made up. Trump pushing states to reopen against professional advice caused the skyrocketing coronavirus against the professional medical advice. Trump was told exactly what would happen if he pushed for reopening and that is exactly what happened.
There is little doubt that the Bing Coronavirus Tracker is being hacked by every Trump supporter who wants the to keep the truth from the public but it is always corrected and repaired in a day or two. Today it never moved for twelve hours but it was soon corrected. That is the source unless it is obvious it is wrong then I will cross check with another source.
For the protests to have made effect it would have to hold true for every state there was a protest in. It has been studied by professional and there was no effect the facts don’t lie. If the protestors were not protesting, they would have been inside where the virus thrives. The protests may have actually lowered the number of coronavirus cases.

We had our own local protest or rumors of one when I returned home there were fire trucks and ambulances lining both sides of the highway. The protestor didn’t show and they soon disbanded. In studies of how the coronavirus spreads 87.5% is spread inside. Trump knows this but he will kill as many Republicans as he possibly can before election day he just doesn’t care. Trump canceled the New Hampshire rally because he could find enough people to risk their lives. Trump was holding it in an airplane hanger and claiming it was outside. It was going to be “open air” meaning the door would be open. When six foot spacing is employed Trump’s crowd will be cut by 80%. It will look like he is talking to himself and that is exactly what he is doing.

The point of rallies staged by the Boogaloos was to open up the country against medical advice and spread the virus. The virus is called a novel coronavirus because it is new and we are learning as we go. Until the study was done after the Minneapolis protests and showed that they had negligible effect it was believed it would pass as quickly outside. What has come out after studies in the last two weeks is that the virus is airborne and stays in the air for twenty minutes. You come into a building up to twenty minutes after an infected person left and you can come down with the virus. One person could infect the whole barroom. Outside the virus blows away. I don’t believe the beaches are near as dangerous as the bars and that is where most people go to after they go to the beach.
Reply Sat 11 Jul, 2020 09:24 pm
Trump wore a mask in public today for the first time. He said there was a time and a place to wear a mask. Trump was at Walter Reed Medical Center he said he was talking to soldiers some of who were recently operated on. Trump does not get it you don’t get the coronavirus from people who were just operated on. They are tested for coronavirus and quarantined until they are operated on.

Masks played a key role in holding the coronavirus cases down with South Korea having 13,373 total cases with Japan having, 20,719 total cases. A few states are now approaching South Korea total in a day. Great job by that idiot Trump.

Today we have 3,290,904 cases of coronavirus, yesterday we had 3,238,219 cases of coronavirus. That means an additional 52,685 Americans came down with coronavirus today.

The death toll now stands at 136,621, yesterday the death toll was 135,953. That means we have an additional 668 Americans died today.
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Reply Sun 12 Jul, 2020 08:55 pm
Trump, our resident expert on every subject, now is trying to discredit Dr Anthony Fauci, the nation leading infection disease expert. White House staffers explained that Dr Fauci was not doing what was “good” for Trump. That statement explains it all. Fauci is not suppose to be doing what is “good” for Trump he is suppose what is good for America citizen. Fauci is not a political hack in Trump’s reelection campaign. It is a clear that Trump is waging a political campaign to discredit not only Fauce but the truth. The losers will be the many of the American public who will no longer believe in health measures put in place because of a deliberate wedge of misinformation designed to be “good” for Trump reelection campaign.

One 30year old man attended a coronavirus party and came down with coronavirus. His last words when he lay dying was, “I thought it was a hoax.” Where have we heard those words before? Trump used those words to describe the coronavirus outbreak.

Today we have 3,366,515 cases of coronavirus, yesterday we had 3,290,904 cases of coronavirus. That means another 75,611 Americans came down with coronavirus today the highest one-day total ever.

The death toll now stands at 137,191, yesterday the death toll stood at 136,621. That means we have another 570 Americans died today.

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Reply Mon 13 Jul, 2020 09:06 pm
Trump is hoping to maintain his alternative reality until election day but it is beginning to crumble daily. The hardcore Trump supporters will continue to drink the Kool-aide but others are beginning to see Trump as the monster that he really is. Trump retweeted a tweet of a former game show host.
“The most outrageous lies are the ones about COVID19.
Everyone is lying. The CDC, the media, the Democrats our doctors, not all but most, that we are told to trust. I think it is all about the election and keeping the economy from coming back, which is about the election. I am sick of this.”
Tweet by Chuck Woolery that Trump retweeted. This fool should have kept his mouth shut he has removed all doubt.

You can clearly see the alternate reality the Trump cult believe. Everyone is out to get Trump. All the doctors, all the scientists, all the media even 137,613 people who died from coronavirus didn’t die from coronavirus they actually committed suicide just to make Trump look bad.

Trump has not had one day of medical school but believes he knows more than all of the medical professional combined.

The reaction from Trump cult members is just like the followers of Jim Jones and David Koresh. When David Koresh told the men in his cult they could no longer sleep with their wives, that only he could have sex with them and they would also throw in their daughters. The men saw nothing wrong with his alternate reality.

Today we have 3,428,462 cases of coronavirus, yesterday we had 3,366,516 cases of coronavirus. That means another 61,946 Americans caught coronavirus today.

The death toll now stands at 137,613, yesterday the death toll stood at 137,191. That means another 422 Americans died of coronavirus or committed suicide just to make Trump lose the election. This has to be the biggest conspiracy theory of all times.

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Reply Tue 14 Jul, 2020 08:49 pm
Trump who was unable to draw a crowd in New Hampshire and had to cancel the rally used the power off his office to give his political speech on the national airwaves today instead. It was so clearly a political speech that CNN cut Trump off half way through. Trump was contrasting himself wit Joe Biden. Trump trying to cast himself as the law and order President, the trouble is that Trump is a known conman and is freeing every criminal that has covered up for him. You can’t free criminals who were convicted of multi felonies by a jury of their peers and claim to be for law and order. Trump continued to try and convince the public he has done the best in the world against coronavirus despite the fact that we have the most cases of coronavirus cases and the most deaths in the world. Despite the fact that some states are now setting record death tolls. Trump should be hiding under his desk instead of bragging about what a great job he did. Trump can’t be against immigration and employee all kinds of illegal aliens in his businesses. Trump needs to put his money where his mouth and hire 100% Americans in all of his businesses. Why doesn’t Trump hire Americans? They won’t work for what he pays his illegal aliens.

Today we have 3,483,905 cases of coronavirus, yesterday we had 3,428,462 cases of coronavirus. That means that another 55,443 Americans came down with coronavirus today.

The death toll now stands at 138,358, yesterday the death toll stood at 137,613. That means that another 745 Americans died from coronavirus today.
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Reply Wed 15 Jul, 2020 09:24 pm
Today the biggest liar took control of the of all the coronavirus patient information and directed hospitals not to send the vital information to the Center for Disease Control and send it directly to Trump’s political appointees at Health and Human Services. Trump instructed hospitals to send all COVID19 patient information to his political appointees in Washington including the number of hospital beds are occupied by COVID 19 patients. What do you want to bet there will be huge and immediate improvement in these numbers as the pandemic gets worse? Trump was the one who insisted in his first day in office that he had the biggest inauguration crowd in history. When pictures proved him a liar Kelly Ann Conway went on Meet the Press and insisted that they had “alternate facts” like there were 500,000 invisible people there that the photos didn’t show.

Many on the right have insisted that the numbers of coronavirus cases are overblown to make Trump look bad but actually the true numbers of coronavirus are only a fraction of what is out there. The testing sample in Florida shows 13% of the sample is infected. That means 13% of the 21,993,000 people in Florida are infected. Instead of 300,000 that testing has found the true number is 2,988,848 people infected with coronavirus. Trump will cure this pandemic on paper before the election.

Trump has informed the CDC that their primary job is not to manage diseases but to get Trump reelected. Four former heads of the CDC wrote an editorial stating that the CDC has never been used as a political tool. That is why Trump took control of the coronavirus numbers.

Today we have 3,483,905 cases of coronavirus, yesterday we had 3,348,905 cases of coronavirus. That means another 135,000 have been diagnosed with coronavirus today.

The death toll now stands at 138,358, yesterday the death toll stood at 138,358. No new deaths today Trump has control of the numbers one day and he has already cured the pandemic on paper in one day. Funny that Florida reported a record amount of deaths today 112. California reported 140 deaths and Texas reported 110. Trump is a world champion liar and that is only three states.
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Reply Thu 16 Jul, 2020 08:58 pm
They have now followed up on 3,000 West Virginians who have recovered from coronavirus that are now dealing with mental health problems. What they do know from the study is that many former coronavirus patients are experience depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms. Imagine a country, if you will, full of people with post traumatic stress disorder. There was an employee of the Today show on who had recovered from coronavirus and he said it was like his brain was in a fog after he had coronavirus. He said he still has trouble concentrating. A doctor was on same program who had recovered from coronavirus and described the same problems with his brain. Contrary to what Trump said this virus is far more dangerous than the common cold.

Today we have 3, 533,905 cases of coronavirus, yesterday we had 3,483,905. That means another 50,000 Americans were diagnosed with coronavirus today.

The death toll stands at 138,358 the same as it was two days ago. According to the counter no deaths have occurred in the last two days. But we do know that the states are having record setting death tolls. Florida had 156 deaths today. California had 118 deaths. Texas had 129 deaths. There were 403 deaths in just those three states today.
Region Philbis
Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2020 02:57 am

45 is cooking the books... greaaaaaaaaat... Rolling Eyes

"read my tweet - no new deaths" can be his campaign slogan... set the font in blood red...


Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2020 02:18 pm
@Region Philbis,

45 is cooking the books..

The CDC is cooking the books. Another agency weaponized to put Trump down. The level of corruption was never higher than under Obama.
Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2020 04:05 pm
You stupid jerk. Trump has loaded up the CDC with his crooked followers at the top where the decisions are made.
Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2020 04:21 pm
You stupid jerk.

Why do you break the rules so blatantly? Entitlement? There can't be a rational excuse.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2020 05:28 pm
coldjoint wrote:

45 is cooking the books..

The CDC is cooking the books. Another agency weaponized to put Trump down. The level of corruption was never higher than under Obama.

The CDC Has Politicized the Pandemic, Says Senior Administration Official

A senior administration official who spoke to UncoverDC expressed serious concern about politicization at the CDC, saying “We have scientists who are working against the release of diagnostics that will help heal the American people, and we in the administration are concerned they will do the same thing with a vaccine. CDC has been doing studies and presenting analysis that is designed to hurt the President. They are laying out junk science, that is designed to discredit the President, and they are putting out reports that are designed to frighten the American people. They are leaking, they are talking to the media, and removing data from the website and doing whatever it takes to interrupt the Presidents coronavirus response.”

Backing what I have said. It does not hurt.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2020 09:01 pm
It is always entertaining to listen to red neck right radio, the lies are getting bigger each day. The more desperate they get the bigger the lies they tell. Rush Slimbaugh was telling his audience that all 300-testing site in Florida were reported 100% of the people tested for coronavirus had it but you could only find the story on Fox. That is why FOX is known as all lies all the time. Testing percentages are reported daily in the county they are tested in none has ever reported 100% positive the highest I have seen is 46%. The average for all of Florida was 20% yesterday. Why would Slimbaugh tell such an outrageous lie that is easily debunked? To muddy the water and make people think that there is no truth, the Putin solution. Will any of Slimbaugh”s listeners check the actual facts? No. Any time it comes they will say that the number of reported cases is a lie and use the Slimbaugh lie to back up their argument.

The next lie that Slimbaugh comes up with is that someone killed in a motorcycle accident was listed of dying with coronavirus. The coronavirus is causing so much brain damage it is possible that the guy should have never rode the motor cycle. It is more likely the guy was injured in the motorcycle accident but died in the hospital as a result of coronavirus.

Glen Beck had a story a couple weeks ago that nobody presymptomatic or who was asymptomatic could pass the virus which is an outright lie that will cost thousands their lives. One guy who had posted on face book that he was not going to wear ***** a mask died. His dying words was just because you don’t know somebody that has coronavirus does not mean it is not real, he was 31 years old.

The Bing coronavirus counter seems to be back on line making up for the lost data. Perhaps they have found a source that Trump has not been able to block yet. Today we have 3,677,453 cases of coronavirus, yesterday 3,483,905 cases of coronavirus. That means that another 193,548 Americans have been diagnosed with coronavirus. We had about 75,000 cases and the counter is just catching up.

The death toll stands at 140,888, yesterday the death toll was 138,358. That means that we have another 2,530 dead Americans. The counter has not moved in three days so it would average 843 deaths per day. America has 25% of the deaths from coronavirus but only 4% of the world’s population yet Trump crows about how he held the death toll down.
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Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2020 09:07 pm
@Region Philbis,
Trump is out to create an "alternate reality." Can you imagine if 300 of Florida's testing sites had reported 100% positive for coronavirus. It would be the biggest story in the country meaning everybody in Florida had the virus but the story can only be found on Fox. Trump is not the only one out to create an alternate reality.
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Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2020 09:14 pm
Everybody is out to get poor little Trump first it was the virus and now it is the CDC. Did you ever notice Trump is never ever at fault for anything?

The CDC is not cooking the books when you apply sound statistical methods you will find we have at least ten times the amount of coronavirus cases listed by the CDC. The whole population is not being tested only a tiny fraction the coronavirus in that fraction can be applied to the whole population.
Reply Fri 17 Jul, 2020 11:04 pm
and now it is the CDC.

Yep, it sure is.
Reply Sat 18 Jul, 2020 11:30 am
Affects everyone differently, at least we can agree that 135,953 Americans who died of coronavirus are affected exactly the same, dead is dead.

Actually we can't agree on that, we know the numbers have been cooked. Shoot yourself in a suicide attempt and end up int he hospital and then die a few days later of the gun shot wound. They test you for the virus and you test positive, they claim your death was from the virus. It's amazing how many deaths have been considered C19 related and yet the virus didn't really kill them. In most cases an autoposy was never done to prove cause of death, just the presence of a positive death was enough to get it listed.

The preliminary mortality rate is 4.2% by dividing the total deaths by the number of coronavirus cases. The final mortality rate will be double after all those in the pipeline die.

Sorry to tell you, but your superficial math doesn't count. We know the rate is much much lower, below 1% and likely below .5%. Keep pushing that propaganda.

I don’t know where you get your number, oh it is the lying right that put that number for those who can’t do long division. They didn’t get it from the actual figures, it is a fudge factor.

Your entire line of post over the last 3 months have been fudge factor. Ignoring the spread of the virus during the protests is part of the problem, where claiming the beaches are going to be a place where it will spread like wild fire. You can't keep your own propaganda straight.

Reply Sat 18 Jul, 2020 09:00 pm
Trump can’t admit it when he is wrong. Today he tried political double talk. Thirty-nine states now have mandatory mask rules and medical professionals agree that wearing mask will vastly slow the transmission of virus but Trump can’t make himself say that there needs to be a federal mask law. Trump likes to point out that Dr Fauci had advised against masks early on in the pandemic. The reason was that there was a dire shortage of masks for health workers. Masks have been used for a hundred years to prevent the transmission of infectious disease. Trump wants the economy open so he can get reelected but he can’t bring himself to wear a mask or mandate others were one. Everybody make choices in life Trump is making the wrong one.

Today we have 3,781,985 cases of coronavirus, yesterday we had 3,677,453. That means another 104,532 Americans were diagnosed with coronavirus today.

The death toll stands at 142,229, yesterday the death toll stood at 140,888. That means another 1,341 Americans died today.
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Reply Sat 18 Jul, 2020 09:03 pm
Paranoia is irrefutable proof of a sick mind.
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