The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Fri 3 Jul, 2020 09:15 pm
Trump is holding one of those coronavirus parties at Mount Rushmore no word as to how much money they are paying to the first person that comes down with coronavirus. At least this Trump bad idea is outside and should not result in as many cases of coronavirus. Trump only drew 7,000 people tonight but many protesters. The Indians were livid about Trump’s stunt that endangered them and their land. So many of secret service agents came down with the coronavirus that Pence’s trip to Arizona had to be postponed. So, the Trump coronavirus express moves on to South Dakota and they are bringing their own coronavirus with them.

I was in Wal Mart today and about 50% of people were wearing masks. A study shows that 89% of the people are wearing masks across the country but this is Trump country because of coal and abortion. I thought these people are casting a vote one way with the mask or another without wearing a mask. The problem is that they really don’t realize what they are voting for, if you don’t wear mask you are voting to close the country back down. You are voting to close the schools. You are voting to make the depression much worse by putting more people out of work. You are voting to close the beaches and bars. You are voting to kill your own children when the coronavirus return in a couple of months. Just remember votes have consequences. In this election you have the choice of the illusion spun by politicians and the medical and economic realities.

Today we have 2,847,649 cases of coronavirus, yesterday we had 2,741,841 cases of coronavirus. That means that another 105,841 came down with coronavirus today. The Bing Coronavirus site was not working correctly yesterday so the average of the two days would be about 53,000 for each day.
The death toll now stands at 131,509, yesterday it stood at 130,147. That means another 1,362 Americans died. This also needs to be divided by two to get the average for the last two days because the site counter was inactive for over 24 hrs.
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Reply Fri 3 Jul, 2020 09:28 pm
Health officials have had the ability to put people in mandatory quarantine to stop the spread of contagious diseases for over a hundred years. That takes all your rights away. You do not have the right to spread a contagious disease. One woman with coronavirus was placed in quarantine, she decided to just go anywhere she liked, she said it was her right. She was arrested. Wearing a masks is not a political issue it is done to prevent the spread of a contagious and deadly disease.
Reply Fri 3 Jul, 2020 10:31 pm
You have been had by Communist propaganda. I doubt you will ever recover.
Reply Sat 4 Jul, 2020 09:23 pm
The coronavirus is spreading faster and faster. Today coronavirus set a new record high of 11,458 cases in FL, just shy of the record set in New York in April of 11,571. Trump is doing everything in his power to spread coronavirus across America with a huge-fireworks display complete with an overflow crowd in Washington DC this evening. Trump has undone all the benefit of the two-month shut down. Trump is rolling out a new slogan Monday “the virus is not going away, so just live with it or die your choice. Trump previous solution was hoping the virus would just disappear. His new solution is to let the virus run wild and kill as many people as possible. It is obvious that Trump cannot handle the virus like the other countries have. Trump is a senile old man who can’t handle the situation and he should resign.

Fox news says the deaths are going down but there are more deaths each day. The surge in deaths will lag behind the increase in daily coronavirus cases by at least two weeks. When the surge in deaths happens in a couple of weeks Fox News will be silent or say that 5,000 a day is much better than 6,000 a day.

Today we have 2,859,696 cases of coronavirus, yesterday we had 2,847,659 cases of coronavirus. That means another 12,037 Americans came down with coronavirus today. The Bing coronavirus counter continues to malfunction as we continued to set a record for the 26-straight day with an average of 48,361 for the past week.

The death toll now stands at 131,549, yesterday the death toll was 131,509. That means another 40 people died today. Again, the Bing coronavirus tracker seems to be malfunctioning because the average death toll was 487 last week.

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Reply Sat 4 Jul, 2020 09:27 pm
I don't have to worry about communist propaganda. I just have to worry about staying alive until Trump is thrown out of office. This situation can be handled and other countries are handling only in Trumpland is the coronavirus overrunning the country and that is because he is a senile old man who knows nothing and understands less.
Reply Sat 4 Jul, 2020 09:45 pm
I just have to worry about staying alive until Trump is thrown out of office.

You going to have to hang on until early 2025.
Reply Sun 5 Jul, 2020 08:48 pm
If you have ever argued with a woman and when she realizes she is losing the argument, what happens? She simply changes the argument to something she can win. The argument may be 30 years old or older. This is usually a woman’s technique but Trump is now using it. The coronavirus is the biggest problem facing the country today and Trump has doe the worst job in the world so he wants to make the election about the statues of racists like him.

Today we have 2,932,047 cases of coronavirus, yesterday we had 2,859,696 cases of coronavirus. That means that another 72,351 Americans came down with coronavirus today.

The death toll stands at 132,007, yesterday the death toll stood at 131,549. That means another 458 Americans died today from coronavirus.
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Reply Sun 5 Jul, 2020 09:00 pm
Trump has no chance of winning the election he has led the nation into a national tragedy. No president who has led the country into a national tragedy and got reelected. Trump has said he could shoot someone in middle of 5th Ave and get reelected but 132,000 Americans who died because Trump flew planes full people with coronavirus back from overseas and scattered them all across like spreading grass seed is too much even for Trump. There was Johnny Appleseed and now we have Trump the spreader of coronavirus.
Reply Mon 6 Jul, 2020 01:34 pm
Trump has no chance of winning the election he has led the nation into a national tragedy.

Covid 19 is not Trump's fault. Sane people know that. They also know Trump delegated responsibilities to the governors and said the Federal government would help. Democratic governors wiped out small businesses in their states and sent seniors to die at nursing homes. 31,000 in NY.

The economy will keep Trump in office and a wave of patriots will be voting for sure now, and there are more than you think.
Reply Mon 6 Jul, 2020 08:46 pm
Next Trump is taking his coronavirus express to New Hampshire. Trump knows the coronavirus has let up somewhat in northeast he will bring his traveling band of coronavirus spreaders to New Hampshire. All of Trump’s ground people were in Oklahoma where the coronavirus was spreading rapidly. Trump knows how to go about it you take the coronavirus from the hot spots to the cooler ones, much like carrying fire from place to place to start another fire.

Today we have 2,992,350 cases of coronavirus, yesterday we had 2,932,047 cases of coronavirus. That means an additional 60,303 Americans came down with coronavirus today.

The death toll now stands at 132,399, yesterday it stood at 132,007. That means another 392 Americans died today.
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Reply Mon 6 Jul, 2020 09:13 pm
Trump loves to take credit for things he doesn't have anything to do with but he never takes the blame for anything he caused. Trump is to blame for the United States having 1,366,279 more cases of coronavirus then any country in the world. Nobody in the world did such a horrendous job as Trump. The numbers don't lie and all you have to do is look at the number of coronavirus cases. Trump flew people with coronavirus back into America and put them at military bases all over the country that did not have the equipment or training to handle the coronavirus. Most of the coronavirus in America came from Europe and people flying back from Italy when it was at the worst were not even checked for their temperature at the airport. Trump announced in January that the virus was not a threat this was equivalent to looking over the horizon and seeing an invading Russian army and saying it is not a threat. That exactly what it was an invading army and Trump said it was no threat.

I don't know what country you live in but America has depression era unemployment and thousands of more businesses are closing as we speak. Our unemployment rate is 11% the worst since the Great Depression and it is getting worse everyday.
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Reply Tue 7 Jul, 2020 08:59 pm
The coronavirus epidemic continues to rage across America and Trump now wants to campaign on the fact there were only 133,936 Americans killed by coronavirus so far. Trump claims millions of people would have been killed by coronavirus if it weren’t for him. If two million had died of coronavirus Trump would claim that ten million would have died if not for him. It is a simple game. Trump is basing his campaign on the death rate going down but he best not look now because the death rate is going up, 1,537 Americans died of coronavirus today.

In Collier County, Florida today the positive testing percentage was 46.3% meaning one out of every two people tested positive. The positive testing percentage had been 1% in WV.

Today we have more than three million cases of coronavirus, the actual number is 3,048,072 cases of coronavirus, yesterday we had 2,992,350 cases of coronavirus. That means we that another 55,722 Americans came down with coronavirus today.

The death toll now stands at 133,936, yesterday the death toll stood at 132,399. That means another 1,537 Americans died today, yesterday only 392 Americans died.
Reply Wed 8 Jul, 2020 04:47 pm
The coronavirus epidemic continues to rage across America

It is not raging. The vast majority of cases are mild or asymptomatic. More testing equals more cases. Herd immunity is not that far away. The pandemic is as good as over. The media won't tell you the truth.
Reply Wed 8 Jul, 2020 09:03 pm
Cases of coronavirus in Oklahoma have nearly tripled after Trump’s spread the coronavirus around rally. Trump had no busines holding that big a gathering no one else would have been allowed to do it. The day of the Trump rally there was 331 cases a day, two weeks after the Trump’s rally the daily count of coronavirus cases stands at 858.

Today we have 3,109,500 cases of coronavirus, yesterday we had 3,048,072 cases of coronavirus. That means that another 61,428 Americans came down with coronavirus today. We are now setting records daily, far worse than April when the virus was at its worst setting a record of 36,138 during the April. Now we are double that. Trump has done everything in his power to make this pandemic worse.

The death toll stands at 134,291, yesterday the death toll stood at 133,936. That means that another 355 Americans died today.
Reply Wed 8 Jul, 2020 09:23 pm
We are breaking records almost everyday. We have nearly double the daily cases we had in April. Hospitals are overflowing in a number of states and victims are being sent 200 miles to other hospitals. The results of autopsies on 5% of the coronavirus victims show the damage done by the virus is far worse and far more wide spread then first thought. They now know it attacks the brain, the kidneys, the spleen, the liver among others. It also causes blood clots. You may think you had a mild case and walk down the street six months from now and drop dead of a stroke. The coronavirus cannot reproduce on its own it need to invade a living cell the cell it causes that cell to explode producing thousands of copies of itself. They know from the autopsies that the coronavirus is using the victim brain cells to reproduce. You may think you had a mild case only to find six months from now that you can't find your way home or you may not know your own name. Scientist are only learning how dangerous this virus. It is like handling a bomb.
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Reply Wed 8 Jul, 2020 09:35 pm
Herd immunity2was a pipe dream. Scientist now know the immunity lasts only a few months. It is a coronavirus, like the common cold, how many people do you know that have herd immunity to the common cold?

More testing does not cause more hospitalizations and the hospitalization curve is a mirror of the coronavirus curve. When you tested and 1% was positive you might justify it but when you test shows that 50% of the people have coronavirus it is another matter. Testing has nothing to do with that. The increase is being driven by the spread of the disease. That is another Trump lie that the doctors shot down real quick. We have double the coronavirus we had in April.
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Reply Thu 9 Jul, 2020 10:13 am
Funny, the deaths due to Covid had been dropping like crazy. 355 dead yesterday and in April at the height of the virus, we were seeing 2600-2700 dead a day, now it's under 400... this is what I mean when I say you are cheering for the virus and against the people. You do your daily death masturbation count and the rest of us will keep moving forward.

I find it funny that you blame Trump and his rally, but yet there is no mention of the thousands and thousands that attended protests, riots and looting that took place for the entire month of June... and caused the massive spread we are currently seeing. We are seeing the largest spread of the virus among those that are young and those are the same people that were doing the protests, rioting and looting. Propaganda at it's best is what you and the media are doing.

Reply Thu 9 Jul, 2020 08:45 pm
Trump is at it again overriding the health professionals at the CDC. Trump knows more than any expert in any field in the world. He is a regular superhero with super powers. Trump operates on instinct, the very stable genius, believes his instincts are far superior to any professional who has spent a lifetime in their field. How did that workout with the first bout with coronavirus? The CDC had set certain conditions that they had to meet before the states could reopen. What happened? The very stable genius, overrode the health professionals and forced the states to reopen. Now we have over 60,000 cases of coronavirus while Europe countries have a 1,000-cases a day. Trump took a mess and converted into to a super mess. The CDC was told that it was, “as if the president and his administration can’t fix and it is getting worse.” I would say the CDC has it 100% right.

Everybody is always picking on Trump and even the viruses are plotting against Trump. When Trump boards the plane to leave Washington for the final time, he will declare like Nixon “you won’t have Trump to kick around anymore.” Don’t you hate people that feel sorry for themselves all the time.

Today we have 3,165,058 cases of coronavirus, yesterday we had 3,109,500 cases of coronavirus. That means another 55,558 Americans came down with coronavirus today.

The death toll now stands at 135,094, yesterday it was 134,201. That means another 893 American died today because Trump is a complete idiot.

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Reply Thu 9 Jul, 2020 09:17 pm
You do realize you don’t die from coronavirus the day you get it. It takes from four to eight weeks it is especially long agonizing death. The current surge did not start eight weeks ago. This surge of coronavirus only started about the 14 of June but only became super bad during the last two weeks. The graph on the Bing coronavirus counter shows 810 deaths on the day you are referring to the graph is the final count taken a day later. I am just reporting the facts as an observer. If it was in my power, I would eliminate the virus both my wife and I have a much larger chance of dying from it and my daughter is treating coronavirus cases each day.

The demonstration took place outside and the virus is instantly killed by sunlight. When they studied Minneapolis there was no discernable increase in coronavirus after the demonstrations. After Trump rally in Tulsa they are finding the cases of coronavirus skyrocketed and Trump was told that would happen and he didn’t care. Trump was told to hold his rally offered outdoors but he refused, he just doesn’t care how many people he kills. Experts now know the virus lingers in the air for up to 20 inside, outside it would blow away. This is why at a meat packing over a 1,000 people come down with coronavirus but people working outside are far less likely to come down with it.
Reply Fri 10 Jul, 2020 05:31 pm
You do realize you don’t die from coronavirus the day you get it. It takes from four to eight weeks it is especially long agonizing death.

More opinion being pushed as fact. It effects everyone differently, not to mention less than 1% of the people who get it die and 95% plus of the people who do get it don't show symptoms. You are trying to spread fear, why? Do you think it helps or is it purely politics? Don't worry, we know it's politics.

This surge of coronavirus only started about the 14 of June but only became super bad during the last two weeks.

You would be wrong again, the surge started the moment thousands of people went out and started protesting, rioting and looting for the entire month of June... once again propaganda.

The graph on the Bing coronavirus counter shows 810 deaths on the day you are referring to the graph is the final count taken a day later.

Good for the Bill Gates covid tracker, I was looking at the Google page. You said yourself a week or so again, that the Bing page appeared to be broken and not working right, now you are going to use them as a source? Why not provide the source...

I am just reporting the facts as an observer. If it was in my power, I would eliminate the virus both my wife and I have a much larger chance of dying from it and my daughter is treating coronavirus cases each day.

No, you are providing propaganda with your talk of th virus only spreading when Trump supporters are together but ignore the protests, riots and looting by hundreds of thousands of people that started this massive surge we are seeing.

The demonstration took place outside and the virus is instantly killed by sunlight.

So was the Michigan protest you said would spread the virus, and the Memorial Day festivities that were blammed for spreading the virus and now you will blame the 4th of July in a few weeks. Yet all of those events took place outside and you seemed to revel in the fact that people were going to get sick and die... yet now you claim events held outside are safe because the virus is killed instantly by sunlight?

I'll let you sort of the intellectual dishonestly out of the statements you have made about outside events held for holiday events...

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