The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Sat 6 Jun, 2020 08:28 pm
We are now nearing two million cases of coronavirus only in Trump world could this happen. When you elect an incompetent idiot to burn the country to ground that is what you get. Today we have 1,958,647 cases of coronavirus, yesterday we had 1,935,432 cases of coronavirus. That means another 23,215 Americans came down with coronavirus today.

The death toll stands at 111,367, yesterday the death toll stood at 110,655, That means an additional 712 Americans died today, that is another couple of crashed airlines of dead people.
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Reply Sat 6 Jun, 2020 09:44 pm
That is the day we know they have coronavirus. The article says “from 25% to 80% people who have COVID19 are unaware they have the virus.“ That does not mean they don’t have symptoms they are just not aware of them. Temperature screening is used to check people at the door of businesses. A temperature is a symptom. The children that dying don’t show symptoms till five to six weeks later when they are dying. Autopsies of victims of coronavirus have shown brain damage. I was talking to a city employee who told me one of the guys I worked with is suddenly unable to do his job. If they teach him how to do something, he can’t remember the next day. I don’t know whether he had coronavirus but it might explain how someone who worked in a high-level job cannot perform the simplest tasks. That is a hell of a range between 25% and 50%. The 25% figure is as likely to be true as the 80% figure. A lot of people are going to find out they have serious physical damage from the coronavirus years later.
I am not participating in any demonstrations the reports are already coming in with people who are coming down with coronavirus from the demonstrations. There will be plenty people who die as a result of the demonstrations. What we do know is outdoor assembles are far safer than indoor assembles. Sunlight kills the coronavirus but not at the republican convention will spread coronavirus across the entire country. Trumps public masturbation will spread the coronavirus far more effectively. Many of the demonstrators were masks. Trump wants to make sure the republican delegates don’t have to. Any demonstration will spread coronavirus and result in more deaths and a second wave of coronavirus.
The policeman that decided to stage a public execution sparked demonstration all over the world. I watched one tonight where the police had a black man handcuffed with his hands behind his back. Then the man suddenly decides to commit suicide by shooting himself in the chest while his hands were behind his back. This happens far too often in America.
The death toll is going down in some places but up in others. People are spending more time outside and sunlight kills the coronavirus but come fall everything changes and the second wave starts.
Reply Sun 7 Jun, 2020 08:41 pm
The first wave of the 1918 pandemic was not nearly as bad as the second wave. During the second wave the doctors could not tell whether the bodies were of blacks or whites because they turned blue for lack of oxygen. In the military bases the bodies were stacked and went from floor to ceiling. In the towns the undertakers could not keep up and there was nobody to collect the bodies of the dead some wrapped the bodies of the dead and put them in the closet. While others were too sick and continued to sleep with the dead bodies in the same bead. This virus can mutate and get much worse as happened in 1918 and Trump is bound and determined to launch the second wave on America by holding a political convention designed to start the second wave of the coronavirus.

Today we are just shy of two million cases of coronavirus, the count now stands at 1,977,879 cases of coronavirus, yesterday the count stood at 1,958,647. That means another 19,232 Americans came down with coronavirus today.

The death toll now stands at 112,054, yesterday the death toll stood at 110,655. That means that another 1,399 Americans died today.

If you plan on going to the republican convention take Trump’s advice and drink some bleach to kill the coronavirus.
Reply Sun 7 Jun, 2020 08:52 pm
take Trump’s advice and drink some bleach to kill the coronavirus.

Why perpetuate lies? Did you just realize the facts are on Trump's side?
Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2020 09:02 pm
We are only 329 away from having two million cases of coronavirus. We have 1,999,671 cases of coronavirus, yesterday we had 1,977,879 cases of coronavirus. That means that another 21,972 Americans came down with coronavirus today.

The death toll now stands at 112,579, yesterday the death toll stood at 112,054. That means that another 525 Americans died today.

Twenty state continue to watch the number of coronavirus cases increase in their state. Florida reached an all-time high number of coronavirus cases in a day. This pandemic is far from over but Trump wants to treat it like it is.
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Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2020 09:11 pm
Over half of Minnesota coronavirus death certificates list something else as primary cause of death

Nice time to tell us. Had, lied to, used. That plays Hell with your numbers.
Kurt Nelson, who spent three decades in Minnesota law enforcement, paid for a public information request from the Minnesota Department of Health detailing the information on all the death certificates of those who died in the state this year through May 25. He sorted the spreadsheet officials sent him and found that of the 741 death certificates that listed COVID-19 at all as a contributing cause of death, on just 338 was the virus listed on “line A,” indicating that it was the primary cause of death. In other words, in only 44% of the cases was COVID-19 listed as the top and most immediate cause of death. In 287 of them, the virus was listed on line B, and in 116, the virus was listed on line C – with two other primary causes of death above it.

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Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2020 09:12 pm
Trump was watched live on television by millions of Americans when he told the American people to drink bleach to kill the coronavirus. All of the lying rightwing wing radio host and the all of the Fox News legion of liars can't put that genie back in the bottle. If Trump had said that at a Trump rally they would have covered it up but it was live before an audience of millions of Americans. No amount of lying by the right can ever cover up how really stupid Trump is. Trump is somebody who knows nothing and does not want to know anything. Trump goes by hunches. Trump had a hunch that the coronavirus was no worse than the common cold. We all know how that worked out.
Reply Mon 8 Jun, 2020 09:14 pm

Trump was watched live on television by millions of Americans when he told the American people to drink bleach to kill the coronavirus.

People that watched know he did not say that. The doctors working with Trump said he didn't. You are a liar.
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2020 07:11 am
That is the day we know they have coronavirus.

That is the day they test positive, that isn't the day they "came down with the virus" like you have said everyday now for several months, it's a lie and you should fix it.

The article says “from 25% to 80% people who have COVID19 are unaware they have the virus.“ That does not mean they don’t have symptoms they are just not aware of them.

Which article would that be, you haven't post any articles. Source? You know that thing that HT is always asking me for which he seems to give you a pass on...

Autopsies of victims of coronavirus have shown brain damage.

Yeah, where did you hear about this one? Did a google search and found 1 article about a German study of 6 people, no other articles have been published and you shouldn't be spreading false reports about the virus.

I am not participating in any demonstrations the reports are already coming in with people who are coming down with coronavirus from the demonstrations.

Why do you lie so much, the virus has an period of 2 weeks before it is active in someone's system and they can be tested. Damn, why do you lie so much about things that can be fact checked so easily. You lie far more often than Trump does. In fact you put him to shame with the lies you tell.

What we do know is outdoor assembles are far safer than indoor assembles.

That's not what your 2 faced ass was saying a couple of week ago when you were sure those protesters in Michigan were outside protesting, you guaranteed they would start a second massive wave of infections. Now you claim this set of protesters are going to be just fine as they were doing things safely? At least none of the protesters in Michigan were being violent and destroying property, maybe that's the secret to not getting sick outside, you have to destroy small businesses and burn things down.

Sunlight kills the coronavirus but not at the republican convention will spread coronavirus across the entire country.

Wait, you mocked this very idea by Trump when he said sunlight killed the virus, you said the same thing with FL opened it's beaches and promised they would have a massive 2nd wave of infections. Now you claim being outside and sunshine are good ways to fight the virus? Wow, you really do talk out of both sides of your face. You could at least admit you were wrong when you suddenly swap positions, it's not likely to happen. You will lie and make the claim this is what you were saying all alone. I wonder if HT will call your lying ass out this time.

The death toll is going down in some places but up in others. People are spending more time outside and sunlight kills the coronavirus but come fall everything changes and the second wave starts.

This is the weak way you cover for your lying claims. Overall, the infection rate is coming down, the very numbers you post prove it again and again, day after day. In the last 5 days alone the total counts have been coming down, you are a liar and a con-artist.

Death count:
June 2nd: 1,078
June 3rd: 948
June 4th: 1,043
June 5th: 1,016
June 6th: 712
June 7th: 1,399
June 8th: 525

The down side to this is we will likely see an increase in infection rates now that hundreds of thousands of people have been protesting, looting and rioting in the big cities and with Antifa people being shipped in to create havoc and then leaving, the spread will be wide.

People are spending more time outside and sunlight kills the coronavirus but come fall everything changes and the second wave starts.

The 2nd wave is only about 1 1/2 weeks away now since the protests, rioting and looking took place the US the past week. The left should be very proud of themselves, what small businesses they couldn't destroy with the pandemic lock down, they will finish with the rioting and looting started by Antifa.

Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2020 07:22 am
Trump was watched live on television by millions of Americans when he told the American people to drink bleach to kill the coronavirus.

He never said that and he never told anyone to drink anything, it was people like you and the loony left who said people should drink bleach. Go ahead, post the fact check on the bleach comment. You won't because it never happened. What you will find is lots of articles that twisted what he said and then failed to mention he said to that medical doctors should be involved.

All of the lying rightwing wing radio host and the all of the Fox News legion of liars can't put that genie back in the bottle.

No genie to put in the bottle, he never said to drink anything and you are a massive liar who doesn't tell the truth.

Trump had a hunch that the coronavirus was no worse than the common cold. We all know how that worked out.

Go ahead and rewrite history. He repeated what everyone else was repeating at the time. China and WHO lied to the world and said for a month that the virus couldn't be spread person to person, and the world believed them, even though Taiwan already had proof that it did spread person to person, but WHO and China suppressed that information so the virus would spread around the world. China also "locked-down" travel around China but let their people fly around the world to spread the virus.

You can get off your partisan communist hype. China is going to pay for what they did to the world.
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2020 10:20 am
Yeah, where did you hear about this one?

I heard about it as well. There are quite a few stories about it; some are inconclusive but it's not simply made up.

March 19, 2020

April15, 2020
April 17, 2020
Wait, you mocked this very idea by Trump when he said sunlight killed the virus...

No, Trump was talking about shining an ultraviolet light on the body or using it internally somehow. UV light will kill virus particles if they are exposed to to it but it won't prevent infection is someone coughs on you and you inhale respiratory particles which contain the virus, even if you are outdoors.
Overall, the infection rate is coming down...

Which is what you'd expect given the stringent measures which were taken in the viral hot spots. These were in urban areas with big populations. The drop in new cases in those places is very encouraging but the virus continues to climb in rural areas, just at a much slower rate. The nature of a pandemic is that as long as people are still getting infected they have the potential to transmit the disease to others. But the extensive shut downs were successful in flattening the curve in the hardest-hit areas.
...with Antifa people being shipped in to create havoc and then leaving...

I know you're not going to provide any evidence of this. What do you mean "being shipped in"? You mean individuals who want to destroy property and exploit civil unrest couldn't just decide to head there themselves — they had to be "shipped"? What, they rented buses or arrived via Uber — that should be easy to document! What about the boogaloo boys — who shipped them in?

Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2020 11:07 am
I heard about it as well. There are quite a few stories about it; some are inconclusive but it's not simply made up.

March 19, 2020
April15, 2020
April 17, 2020

So old information based on when they knew nothing. Did you see WHO said that asymptomatic can't spread the virus and when they do it's rare? How about the CDC who recently said that it was almost impossible to get infected with the virus from contact with items. Yet you want to post and rely on 2 month old data when a majority of that data has been proven false. That goes for the use of the HCQ stuff that was mocked by the MSM and the left, it's been proven to work.

No, Trump was talking about shining an ultraviolet light on the body or using it internally somehow. UV light will kill virus particles if they are exposed to to it but it won't prevent infection is someone coughs on you and you inhale respiratory particles which contain the virus, even if you are outdoors.

Guess what is emitted in Sun light? Yeah, UV light, sunlight has always been known as an excellent disinfect and Trump was mentioning this when he said infections would go down in the summer, that was also mocked and people pointed to the spread in FL, which ended up having a much better outcome vs NY which tried to kill off their elderly by putting sick people in their retirement homes.

Which is what you'd expect given the stringent measures which were taken in the viral hot spots.

There is no proof the lock down had any effect based on what we are now finding out about the virus, being in public as you mentioned above isn't as deadly as we were initially told. In fact the only way it seems people usually get it is very much the same way they get a cold and the flu. It also looks like a vast majority of those who get infected are asymptomatic and can't really spread the virus. The best advice we could have had was to quarantine the sick and maybe enforce the use of masks and at the extreme limit gatherings. Hell, even door testing people for temps seems to be working, but locking down the entire country was pointless and only succeeded in killing off a strong economy.

These were in urban areas with big populations.

Good point, why was it necessary to lock down suburban and rural areas then? Once again the "experts" were wrong to a very strong degree, they overreacted because of the media hype.

The nature of a pandemic is that as long as people are still getting infected they have the potential to transmit the disease to others. But the extensive shut downs were successful in flattening the curve in the hardest-hit areas.

Once again I'll point you to the "facts" pointed out by the experts as of the latest news. The states that were hit the hardest were also the states that had the strictest lock downs in place and or forced sick people into retirement homes where massive amounts of old people died and made up a majority of those deaths in those states.

I know you're not going to provide any evidence of this.

Why should I, the mayor of Minneapolis didn't provide any proof of his claims about outside involvement, he tried to say it was right leaning groups who tried to start the riots. I'm sure you believed them when they made their claims, we know the media believed them and pushed the lie. When some other news agencies looked into, it turned out that a majority of the people arrested were actually locals or from Minnesota and not from out of state.
You once again gave Zardoz a pass on his claims and even covered for him by provided 2 month old info to back his claim. It was a weak and pathetic attempt to cover for the bullshitter liar.

What about the boogaloo boys — who shipped them in?

They did a peaceful protest in Michigan back a couple of weeks ago and they were mocked and derided as wanting to kill grandma. The media hyped their cause as dangerous and said they were going to cause the 2nd wave of virus spread... funny a couple of weeks later all that sort of criticism is gone from the current protests, riots and looting. In fact there is very little mention of the virus concern until about this morning. In a few weeks we will see the spread increase and people like you will blame the Trump yet again.

I would love to see some proof that these guys were involved in the rioting and the looting, painting BLM all over the cities... yeah, this should be a good one. Are you going to claim white guys wearing Hawaian shirts are the boogaloo boys?

I've seen video's of white guys with guns standing with black guys with guns protecting small businesses from the rioters and looters, those were not Antifa punks, those were true Patriots, standing like a single brotherhood to protect others. How many black businesses were destroyed by the rioters and looters? We know it wasn't the peaceful protesters who did it, but the rioters and the looters. Do you really think a bunch of racists could have run around those streets in minority neighborhoods and done damage and not been caught? One the other hand we have plenty of video's of middle class white kids who support BLM going around black neighborhoods spray painting BLM on the buildings. Black people are telling them to get lost becuase others are going to blame the black people for it.
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2020 11:24 am
Did you see WHO said that asymptomatic can't spread the virus and when they do it's rare?

Did you see this?
Coronavirus Live Updates: W.H.O. Walks Back Claim That Asymptomatic Transmission is Rare
“All of the best evidence suggests that people without symptoms can and do readily spread SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19,” scientists at the Harvard Global Health Institute said in a statement on Tuesday.

Guess what is emitted in Sun light?

I know that. But, as I said, it won't cure the disease if you've become infected.
Good point, why was it necessary to lock down suburban and rural areas then?

It was precautionary. And the steadily-climbing rate of infection shows that it was probably a good idea. So what happens when someone from a rural area who's asymptomatic decides to visit someone in an urban area? I don't understand why you think a country like ours can be hit with a pandemic and no economic consequences will result. How many deaths would it take to convince you that covid-19 was, and remains, a serious problem?
It was a weak and pathetic attempt to cover for the bullshitter liar.

Tone it down, will you? Those were the first articles I found. Obviously, if taste and smell are affected, there's some connection to the brain. Why are you always so put out about everything? Why the need to insult people all the time? Why the need for name-calling? Can you show that those articles are wrong? If not, why question their legitimacy?
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2020 11:48 am
Did you see this?
Coronavirus Live Updates: W.H.O. Walks Back Claim That Asymptomatic Transmission is Rare

No one should care what the WHO says. They are proven liars like China and our media.
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2020 02:31 pm
Tell that to the guy you're defending:

Baldimo wrote:
Did you see WHO said that asymptomatic can't spread the virus and when they do it's rare? How about the CDC who recently said that it was almost impossible to get infected with the virus from contact with items.

He was quick to use WHO info when he thought it would help his argument.
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2020 02:35 pm
He was quick to use WHO info when he thought it would help his argument.

People do that all the time. You do it yourself. One example is the use of Bible quotes by people that hate religion.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2020 09:02 pm
We now know that members of the National Guard that managed the protest in Washington DC have come down with the coronavirus but Trump still insists on a 50,000-delegate republican convention elbow to elbow. It is much harder to spread coronavirus outside but inside a packed convention it is a sure bet.

Today we have 2,017,335 cases of coronavirus, yesterday we had 1,999,671 cases of corona virus. That means another 17,664 Americans came down with coronavirus today.

The death toll now stands at 113,517, yesterday the death toll stood at 112,579. That means another 938 Americans died today
0 Replies
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2020 09:13 pm
You obviously must live in a cave with no access to the news media. When Trump first discovered that bleach was the cure for coronavirus it was all the media could talk about for the next three days. Up until Trump's stunning discovery that bleach killed the coronavirus Trump had been holding daily press conferences of up two hours a day after recommending drinking bleach he canceled all those press briefings because he did not want to take the questions about drinking bleach. When Trump turns down two hours of national television time a day you know he made an idiot out of himself.
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2020 09:40 pm
it was all the media could talk about for the next three days.

Of course it was. They repeat a lie until enough people actually believe it. Those people are not too bright, and the media is anything than honest.
Reply Tue 9 Jun, 2020 10:38 pm
When someone tests positive for coronavirus, they have coronavirus. It effects different people in different ways. Many may not see the effects of the virus until six months down the road. But the most important thing is once they have coronavirus, they can spread whether they have symptoms or not.
You are the one that came up with the 80% figure and did not site that it was a range from 25% to 80%. You should have known where you got it from.
I got that information about the brain damage from the local hospital it was one of their first coronavirus patients. That report is 100% accurate.
The people were self-reporting that they had coronavirus so others would know they had been exposed to coronavirus. National Guardsmen that were at the demonstrations are testing positive. The median time period for developing coronavirus is 4-5 days so half will develop coronavirus in less than 4 days. Fourteen days is the quarantine period that you will not develop it. You know the old saying, you would be better off to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, then to open it up and remove all doubt. If you spent as much time researching as you do writing, you would be better off.
Just because it is safer outside than inside you are still exposing people to a deadly virus. It is like firing a gun into a crowd you might not hit anyone but you are taking a chance. The Nazi on the right with there weapons of war were just a war waiting to happen.
Let’s be very clear that it was a scientific study that said sunlight and bleach kill the coronavirus. Trump then took the results of that study and decided if bleach kills the coronavirus then all you needed to do was drink the bleach and the problem would be solved. My sister is from Florida and the coronavirus is out of control in Fla and the second wave begins. You understand even with sunshine killing the coronavirus people don’t spend all day outside. Matter fact my sister and most other FLA residents don’t go outside until after the sun goes down because of the excessive heat. The sunlight doesn’t kill the coronavirus already inside people. Trump would recommend cutting people apart to let the sunshine kill the coronavirus.
The count is up and down and the highest death count was June 7. Do you really think that all six members of Antifa bothered to protest? Members of Antifa might even be racist. One thing for sure 1,399 deaths was higher than any other number.
Even Republicans senators like Romney were walking with the protestors, no word as to whether he did any of the looting. Romney already looted the public with his tax breaks for the ungodly greedy.

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