The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Fri 29 May, 2020 08:43 pm
What Twitter posted was the history of mail in ballots in America and they pointed out there is absolutely no history of serious fraud in that history. That is a fact it is not opinion. Trump not only wanted to make up lies he also wanted to stop the truth from being printed. After the fairness doctrine was killed by Reagan and the conservatives they over talk radio and use call screeners to block anyone from calling in with the truth. Now they want to take over the internet and tell their lies and prevent the public from ever hearing the truth. They did it once and they are trying to do it again.

In every election there are disputed ballots and there always will be. Your solution for military then would be that they should not be able to vote because a few ballots are lost. Since the military reliably votes Republican that might be a good idea. It is alright for Trump to vote a mail in ballot but others should not have the same privilege. If anyone is going to commit fraud it is Trump he is one of the most experienced people in America when it comes to committing fraud.
Reply Sat 30 May, 2020 09:10 pm
Twenty-four states continue to show an increase in cases of coronavirus. There are now over one million eight hundred thousand cases of coronavirus. Today we have 1,805,745, yesterday we had 1,781,644 cases of coronavirus. That means we have an additional 24,101 cases of coronavirus.

The death toll today stands at 105,159, yesterday the death toll stood at 104,128. That means another 1,030 Americans died today from the coronavirus.

There is a tale of two countries, one led by a total idiot, the other a third world country that shared a border with China. One has only1,805,745 cases of coronavirus with 105,159 deaths. The country that shares a border with China was Vietnam, has 348 cases of coronavirus with no deaths.

Vietnam took steps to stop the epidemic long before Trump was insisting the coronavirus was no worse than a cold and he would contain it. One of the key things that Vietnam could do that can’t be done in America was that the name of any individual with coronavirus was published and anyone that had contact with that individual was either quarantined by the government or asked to self-quarantine. In America people are not entitled to know who has coronavirus because of privacy regulations that were put in place during the AIDs outbreak. Many politicians caught AIDs during the outbreak and when word leaked out their political careers were destroyed. Laws were quickly passed to protect them but those same laws made the spread of coronavirus much worse in America because access to information is vital during a pandemic. AIDs carried a stigma because of the core group of victims but a pandemic chooses its victims randomly and there is no stigma for being a victim of a pandemic.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 31 May, 2020 04:53 pm
What Twitter posted was the history of mail in ballots in America and they pointed out there is absolutely no history of serious fraud in that history.

That's a nice trick they played, but the problem is they are working off of old data that doesn't apply to what it happening to day. Their claims of future results have no bearing in fact, it is only opinion and that is why they were wrong. This article from May of 2020 disproves Twitters claim and proves they are pushing the election for the DNC.
A West Virginia postal carrier has been charged with attempted election fraud after eight mail-in requests for absentee voter ballots had their party affiliations altered, including five from Democrat to Republican, federal prosecutors said Tuesday.

I don't care who cheated, it proves that it takes place, so Twitter was wrong again because they were basing their "facts" on past knowledge, not current news and events.

Trump not only wanted to make up lies he also wanted to stop the truth from being printed.

Twitter was wrong as shown above. They tried to fact check an opinion on future events with another opinion based on faulty and incomplete information.
What Twitter did was try to influence an election with faulty data, that's why they are going to lose their protections.

After the fairness doctrine was killed by Reagan and the conservatives they over talk radio and use call screeners to block anyone from calling in with the truth.

Don't be dumb, all radio shows use call screeners, it keeps the loonie toons like yourself from spouting your lies on the radio. In fact they likely used call screeners back then as well, you just never called a radio station. I used to call the local lefty radio shows here in CO, they use call screeners as well. Keeps the calls focused on the subject the host wants to talk about.

Now they want to take over the internet and tell their lies and prevent the public from ever hearing the truth. They did it once and they are trying to do it again.

You have this backwards as usual. The left wants to censor anyone who doesn't agree with their truth. Can't say the truth because the left doesn't believe in it, much like a vast majority of your posts don't fit reality.

In every election there are disputed ballots and there always will be.

You just said in the last post that all ballots get counted. Why are you suddenly backtracking?

Your solution for military then would be that they should not be able to vote because a few ballots are lost.

You said that, no one else. Typical leftist claim, accuse others of exactly what you plan on doing.

It is alright for Trump to vote a mail in ballot but others should not have the same privilege.

You are too thick to to understand this but I'll try anyways. Trump requests an absentee ballot. What the DNC controlled states want to do is mail a ballot to everyone on the voting rolls, regardless if they want a mail in ballot or not. What they haven't done is make sure they have clean voter rolls, so an apartment complex will likely have multiple ballots mailed to the address and that's a problem that the left doesn't want to talk about.

If anyone is going to commit fraud it is Trump he is one of the most experienced people in America when it comes to committing fraud.

No, it would be the left, their extremist ideology isn't popular and the only way they can win is to cheat. Like they lied about Russian bots during the 2018 election and it was the DNC who was doing it.

Reply Sun 31 May, 2020 05:20 pm
What a maroon . . . so I guess all of our servicemen and -women overseas won't get to vote because the Republicans are peeing in their little lace panties for fear of election fraud. That goes for all the diplomatic corps, and those working in the overseas offices of American businesses, too.

Whatever bullshit Plump pukes up, his lickspittles hurry to repeat.
Reply Sun 31 May, 2020 08:29 pm
his lickspittles hurry to repeat.

You think they would spy for him like Obama's suck puppies did?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 31 May, 2020 08:43 pm
What a maroon . . . so I guess all of our servicemen and -women overseas won't get to vote because the Republicans are peeing in their little lace panties for fear of election fraud.

Those ballots by service people are requested ballots, not just sent to a random APO address.

That goes for all the diplomatic corps, and those working in the overseas offices of American businesses, too.

Once again, all of those ballots are requested by the voters and not randomly sent.

Whatever bullshit Plump pukes up, his lickspittles hurry to repeat.

Keep repeating the lies, it isn't helping you. It seems the lickspittles are those hoping for lose election laws so they can be exploited.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 31 May, 2020 09:05 pm
During the election racism was the wind beneath Trumps wings now he is reaping the whirl wind. Trump’s theory was divide and conquer to set one race off against another. Trump was a known-life-long racist as was his father something about being from Germans extraction. When going gets tough the tough get going and when the riots started at the Whitehouse Trump did like he did when draft for Vietnam war came along, he got the hell out of town. Trump never intended to attend the launch because he never bothered to attend the first attempt.

Today we have 1,824,634 cases of coronavirus in America, yesterday we had 1,805,745 cases of coronavirus. That means that an additional 18,889 Americans came down with coronavirus today.

The death toll now stands at 105,746, yesterday the death toll stood at 105,159. That means an additional 587 Americans lost their lives to coronavirus today.
Reply Sun 31 May, 2020 09:39 pm
During the election racism was the wind beneath Trumps wings now he is reaping the whirl wind. Trump’s theory was divide and conquer to set one race off against another. Trump was a known-life-long racist as was his father something about being from Germans extraction.

Everything you say about Trump "racism" is a leftist MSM lie. He has done more for black people since he came into office then Obama did in 8 years. All Obama did was pay lip service to racial issues and stoke the flames of racial division.

When going gets tough the tough get going and when the riots started at the Whitehouse Trump did like he did when draft for Vietnam war came along, he got the hell out of town.

More lies from the left. Trump is still at the WH, he hasn't evacuated, they told the press to do so, he's still there.

Trump never intended to attend the launch because he never bothered to attend the first attempt.

What do you care about the launch, a year ago you didn't care what Space X was doing, in fact you poop pooped the idea of what they were doing as not being that important or original. Besides, Trump was at the launch, there is a picture on an NPR article of him standing there with the rocket launching in the distance. Do your lies ever stop, or do you just change them to a different lie when confronted?

Today we have 1,824,634 cases of coronavirus in America, yesterday we had 1,805,745 cases of coronavirus. That means that an additional 18,889 Americans came down with coronavirus today.

No, that means 18,889 people were tested, they came down with it more than a week ago. You seem to think getting virus is a death sentence, when in reality it has well over a 95% survival rate. The death rate when all said and done will be below 1% and you will look like a fool who was intent on spreading fear.

The death toll now stands at 105,746, yesterday the death toll stood at 105,159. That means an additional 587 Americans lost their lives to coronavirus today.

You don't even notice that the death numbers you post are getting smaller each day? Even the daily swings of 500-1200 each day are getting smaller.

With all the riots and looting going on, I wonder why you haven't mentioned those people spreading death, like you implied the Michigan protesters were. It goes to show you aren't interested in truth, you care about politics and spreading left wing lies.
Reply Mon 1 Jun, 2020 02:42 am
He has done more for black people since he came into office then Obama did in 8 years.

Trump presided over an economic expansion that had begun eleven years ago. Many lower income USAmericans saw some wage gains during this time but most notably in states which raised their minimum wage rates. Trump has done little or nothing to help black USAmericans specifically or poor people in general.
All Obama did was pay lip service to racial issues and stoke the flames of racial division.

That's just the standard right-wing line. It was those who opposed Obama who engaged in racially divisive behavior.
Trump is still at the WH, he hasn't evacuated, they told the press to do so, he's still there.

Yeah, really showing leadership:
The darkened White House added to an image of a president under siege. On Friday, Secret Service agents rushed President Trump to an underground bunker that has previously been used during terrorist attacks.

Reply Mon 1 Jun, 2020 06:44 am
The fat boy in the White House came up with this "Make America Great Again" sh*t precisely for a racist motive. When did America stop being great I'd ask people, and got an embarrassed silence in return. That's because the underlying message was that America stopped being great when a black man was elected and then (gasp!) re-elected. This clown in the biggest scum bag ever to disgrace the executive mansion.
Reply Mon 1 Jun, 2020 10:10 am
Trump presided over an economic expansion that had begun eleven years ago.

You are only partially right. Trump oversaw an expansion in growth from a stagnant economy that hadn't really done anything in the final 2 years of Obama's term. It was the reason for Obama giving his "magic wand" and "new normal" speech, he hadn't seen economic growth since at least 2014, it stalled and was pretty flat. It didn't shrink but it didn't grow either.

Many lower income USAmericans saw some wage gains during this time but most notably in states which raised their minimum wage rates.

That is just flatly wrong, the wages grew because unemployment was low and business was having hard time finding good workers, the same thing happned in the mid 1990's. It's the only way you see real wage growth and not artifical growth because of minimum wage. All of the low wage jobs here in CO were advertising wages above the increasing min wage because you only get good people when you offer better pay than your competitors.

As for the rest of America, they had the same effect on their wage rates for the same reason, a strong healthy economy and low unemployment cause people to leave jobs for better ones, that only happens if they are getting paid more or get better benefits. Do you have any idea how many small businesses there are in the US, or were prior to the pandemic lock down?

Trump has done little or nothing to help black USAmericans specifically or poor people in general.

Once again that is a lie. He created the 2nd wave of economic growth that had passed most Americans up under the Obama admin. Once again, I'll point you to the number of small businesses that existed and were flourshing. We will see what happens now with the pandemic lock down being lifted but the protests, riots and looting taking place, I'm not sure small businesses in those cities will recover. I feel the most sympathy for the minority business owners who were destroyed. Thankfully in this time of gifting money websites, this guy might just make a come back, the same can't be said for all small business owners.

That's just the standard right-wing line. It was those who opposed Obama who engaged in racially divisive behavior.

It's the truth and a lot of black people were starting to see the truth of such things. Trump signed the FIRST step Act, what did Obama do besides talk about such things?

Yeah, really showing leadership:
The darkened White House added to an image of a president under siege. On Friday, Secret Service agents rushed President Trump to an underground bunker that has previously been used during terrorist attacks.

That says nothing about evacuated, the Secret Service moved him to a bunker in the WH. You know as well as I do that he has zero say about being moved when the Agents say it's time to move. It doesn't work like it does in the movies. That's pretty weak, even for you.

The president spent Sunday out of sight, berating opponents on Twitter, even as some of his campaign advisers were recommending that he deliver a televised address to an anxious nation.

What difference does it make to you if he gives a speech or not, you and the rest of your leftist buddies will find fault with it and the media will lie about what he said to push the DNC narrative, remember, this is an election year and the elites have no intention of fighting a fair fight against him.
We have already caught the Gov of Minnisota and the Mayor of Minneapolis lying about who they arrested. They claimed it was a majority of people from out of state, that has been exposed as a lie:

Reply Mon 1 Jun, 2020 10:35 am
The fat boy in the White House came up with this "Make America Great Again" sh*t precisely for a racist motive.

Nice unqualified opinion you got there. It was because we were growing weak in the eyes of the world because we had a President that was more concerned with his appeal to the world instead of actually doing anything of substance for the US. We went from actively killing people in 2 countries when Bush left office and we had expanded that to 7 countries in the 8 years of Obama, this from the guy who got a Noble Peace Prize for just being elected. He was called the "droner in chief", because of his extensive use of Predator Drones over seas, he even used one to kill an American citizen. He was also called the "deporter in chief", but you all forgot about those criticisms. Trump was actually interested in bringing our troops home from many places overseas.

When did America stop being great I'd ask people, and got an embarrassed silence in return.

Ask Michelle Obama and the rest of the left, they agreed with her when she claimed America had never been great. In fact the majority of those on the left don't think it was ever great, so what do you care about making it great again?

That's because the underlying message was that America stopped being great when a black man was elected and then (gasp!) re-elected. This clown in the biggest scum bag ever to disgrace the executive mansion.

Once again, that's your unqualified opinion, and an opinion from someone who never thought America was great in the first place. The left believes America was founded and rooted in racism, don't play games, you know it's true. It's been using this line of thought for the last couple of decades to cause strife in the US. Howard Zinn ring a bell? How about the NY Times 1619 Project? The left lives in revisionist history and uses that to undermine the foundations of the founding of this nation. The blatant misuse and fake history of the 3/5th's compromise currently being pushed by the left is a perfect example of the lies.

This clown in the biggest scum bag ever to disgrace the executive mansion.

This clown is what people like you have brought to the US. He's the symptom, not the cause, he's also likely going to be reelected in Nov because of people like you. If Joe Biden is the best the DNC could come up with, then Trump is going to win. Unless you think they are going to pull Biden in Aug when they do the convention? Remember, if black people don't vote for him, they aren't really black...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 1 Jun, 2020 09:55 pm
I’ll try this again I wrote the reply last night on the able 2 know site. Then I hit the wrong tab and it erased my whole post. That is why I use word.
The article from May involves only eight ballots in a primary election. No one is elected to office during a primary. Five of the ballots were changed from democrat to republican meaning those who requested those five ballots would now be able to vote for Trump for president. They could only determine who the republican candidate would be in the general election. Since three votes went the other way it would not make any difference in the outcome of the election. It certainly does not constitute massive voter fraud. Not to mention the fact the mail man was caught and the mistakes were no doubt corrected as the WV primary has not been held yet. The system worked and stopped the voter fraud.
Past knowledge are in indeed facts, things that may or may not in happen in the future are only fortune telling and we all know what that is worth. You can’t use fortune telling as facts.
Twitter is trying to save America from the Russian plan to destroy America. To let Trump post, lie after lie without showing the truth would be malpractice on their part. The truth is important and when we let lies pass for the truth unquestioned the end of America as we know it is in sight.
Twitter has a sacred duty to the public not to publish lies they have a duty to publish the truth. There is no such thing as a future-facts. The only things that are facts are things that have occurred. Twitter like all forms of publication has a sacred duty to see that the public gets the truth Twitter isn’t Fox News or talk radio where their mission statement is to lie and lie some more. Facts are not faulty data. Trump’s lies are faulty data.
I know how talk radio works I sat behind the desk as the calls came in. Anyone knows that talk radio uses a delay so they can block anything from being aired not to mention that the talk show host can hang up on any nut case. You don’t need a call screener for that. Real talk radio never screened calls because it was a discussion not a political indoctrination. A good talk show has an open forum instead of concentrating on getting a particular slate of political candidates elected.
I have listened to Rush Slimbaugh for twenty years and his call screeners only take calls from people who agree or are one of his groupies. Most of Slimbaugh show is not spent taking calls most of his time is used for political indoctrination. On a three hour show he may take one or two calls.
While every ballot is counted some are disputed. Remember the hanging chads in Fla? Both parties examine the ballots and they can challenge a ballot if the signature does not match the signature on file. Challenged ballots go before the full committee and are either allowed or voided.
If Trump can vote mail in ballots then everyone should have the same right especially since the pandemic will result in thousands of additional deaths from standing in long unnecessary lines not to mention the poll workers who certainly won’t be able to avoid exposure to the coronavirus.
The same procedure is there the ballot is mailed and the person votes and mails it back. It has worked for military and it will work for everyone else. What republicans want to is stop certain portions of the population from being able to vote. They make democratic district with so few voting precincts that the wait may be up to 8 hours to vote. Go to a neighboring republican area precinct and there is no wait. This is why the Republicans want to stop mail in ballots, they would not be able to screw the public out of being able to vote. Few people will wait 8 hours to vote and the republican know it. Imagine what would happen if everyone could vote? How do you think the voter records can be kept up with 106,000 people dying from coronavirus and those who died from following Trump’s advice and drinking bleach?
The arrest warrants have been issued for the Russian responsible for posting lies for Trump and setting up the Russian bots for Trump. The Russians even organized a black lives matter rally.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 1 Jun, 2020 10:13 pm
Today we have 1,847,626 cases of coronavirus, yesterday we had 1,824,634. That means that another 22,992 Americans came down with coronavirus.

The death toll stands at 106,570, yesterday the death toll stood at 105,159. That means another 1,411 Americans died today from the coronavirus.

It is hard to believe that Vietnam would be superior to America in their handling of the coronavirus. Vietnam shares a border with China but ended up with only 348 cases of coronavirus with not one single death compare that to Trump’s reaction that the coronavirus is no worse than a cold.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 2 Jun, 2020 03:07 am
Trump signed the FIRST step Act, what did Obama do besides talk about such things?

Do you really think Obama would have refused to sign a similar bill if it had been presented to him? And I'll bet black and other non-whites are really thrilled to see the militarized police departments being deployed against them.
He created the 2nd wave of economic growth that had passed most Americans up under the Obama admin.

By emptying the treasury during a period of economic growth (when it should have been bringing in revenue) he's hampered the country's ability to respond to the pandemic and to climate disruption. He's only interested in bribing the electorate in hopes of being re-elected.

Think of it — less than 5% of the world's population and the USA has over a third of the case worldwide.
Reply Tue 2 Jun, 2020 03:24 am
hightor wrote:
And I'll bet black and other non-whites are really thrilled to see the militarized police departments being deployed against them.

Maybe they should stop looting and burning if they don't want the police to step in and manage their behavior.
Reply Tue 2 Jun, 2020 03:26 am
hightor wrote:
It was those who opposed Obama who engaged in racially divisive behavior.

No it wasn't. As soon as Obama was reelected the left started spouting all sorts of race-related kookery.
Reply Tue 2 Jun, 2020 04:07 am
As soon as Obama was reelected the left started spouting all sorts of race-related kookery.

Do you have any examples? Do you mean the Black Lives Matter movement? Because that wasn't spearheaded by Obama, it was a reaction to police killings of black people and the acquittal of Zimmerman; hardly divisive, it was a movement supported by many white people.
Reply Tue 2 Jun, 2020 04:21 am
hightor wrote:
Do you have any examples?

The day after the election the left suddenly started falsely accusing everyone who disagreed with Obama or opposed him in any way of being racists.

hightor wrote:
Do you mean the Black Lives Matter movement? Because that wasn't spearheaded by Obama, it was a reaction to police killings of black people and the acquittal of Zimmerman; hardly divisive, it was a movement supported by many white people.

I don't mean them, but they are extremely divisive.
Reply Tue 2 Jun, 2020 04:36 am
hightor wrote:
Do you have any examples?

Here's an example of a claim that opposition to Obama was racism:

There wasn't any of that sort of nonsense from the left before his reelection.

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