The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Wed 20 May, 2020 08:46 pm
Do really believe any state wants to have higher amounts of coronavirus in their state? Bye, bye tourists, no one wants to go where there are a lot more people dying. The states that lied about having more coronavirus deaths than they actually had would lose millions in tourist's dollars. If they are going to lie they are going to make the number of coronavirus numbers lower.
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Reply Thu 21 May, 2020 09:15 pm
There are now 1,608,084 cases of coronavirus in America today, yesterday we had 1,581,903. That means another 26,181 Americans came down with coronavirus today.

The death toll now stands at 95,087, yesterday it stood at 93,806. That means another 1,281 Americans died from coronavirus today.

Coronavirus cases in Florida increased by 1,204 today, the most in a month. With Memorial Day weekend coming up coronavirus should skyrocket not only there but across the country. A 36-year old male nurse that went to Florida for an event just a couple of days before events were canceled because of the coronavirus. He came down with coronavirus and spent 6 weeks in the hospital and lost 50 lbs. Think how many more will follow in his footsteps this weekend.
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Reply Fri 22 May, 2020 08:53 pm
The cases of coronavirus continue to mount, today we have 1,634,991 cases of coronavirus, yesterday we had 1,608,084 cases of coronavirus. That means that an additional 26,907 Americans came down with coronavirus today.

The death toll now stands at 96,329, yesterday the death toll stood at 95,087. That means an additional 1,242 Americans died today. That would be the same death toll as if five airplanes had crashed today.

It is not just that coronavirus kills it is how it kills. The doctor that came down with coronavirus and works for NBC described how some patients unable to breath actual clawed at their throat. Anybody that has ever run into serious oxygen deficit knowns the feeling. Your body is demanding more oxygen and you are breathing as hard as you can but your body is going into panic mode. It is an extremely bad feeling, imagine being like that for days.

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Reply Sat 23 May, 2020 08:57 pm
It looks like Brazil has pulled up into second on the list of coronavirus cases but there is no way this third world country could possibly make as big of mess of the coronavirus pandemic. Now Trump is calling for churches to reopen across the country and as dictator he says if the states don’t open the churches, he as dictator will. Trump does not have that authority to do that but it is a good show to secure votes from the Christian right. What we do know about church services is they have been responsible for spreading a good deal of the coronavirus. Church services can be held on television and do exactly the same thing. One church service last week exposed a 180 people to the coronavirus after one attendee tested positive the next day the other 179 were told to quarantine themselves for 14 days.

Today we have 1,656,906 cases of coronavirus in America, yesterday we had 1,634,991 cases of coronavirus. That means that that another 21,915 Americans came down with the coronavirus today.

The death toll now stands at 97,414, yesterday the death toll stood at 96,329. That means an additional 1,085 Americans died today. The coronavirus epidemic has not abated in 24 states. It is projected the death toll will be over 1,000 a day in Florida and California by July.
Reply Sat 23 May, 2020 09:02 pm
It is projected the death toll will be over 1,000 a day in Florida and California by July.

Projections projecting fear. That is just perfect. Be very afraid!
Reply Sun 24 May, 2020 08:33 pm
Today we have 1,677,436 cases of coronavirus in the United States. Brazil is in second with 365,213. The United states has nearly 5 times more cases of coronavirus as Brazil. Trump has made the biggest mess in the world of this pandemic. Yesterday we had 1,656,906 cases of coronavirus. That means another 20,530 Americans came down with coronavirus today.

The death toll now stands at 98,024 remember when the Trump administration said the death toll would be 60,000?
It will be a 100,000 this week. The death toll yesterday stood at 97,414. That means 610 more Americans died today of coronavirus.
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Reply Sun 24 May, 2020 08:40 pm
Trump projected the death toll would be 60,000 and we know that did not come even close. We will be past the 100,000 death this week. Since WV opened up we went from 10 new cases a day to 70 new cases a day. That is an increase of 7 fold. Twenty percent of the deaths took place in the last two weeks. Trump will tell you to drink to cups of bleach and call the devil in the morning.
Reply Mon 25 May, 2020 02:01 pm
Trump didn't project anything, he's only repeated the numbers that have been based on the models that have been used. We are way off the fake and original model # of 2.5 million, which you were rooting for with all the gusto one could who hates his fellow Americans. We still see this same type of wanting for the death of Americans.

Reply Mon 25 May, 2020 08:36 pm
Today we are approaching 1,700,000 cases of coronavirus can 2 million cases of coronavirus be far off? Today we have 1,696,874, yesterday we had 1,677,436 cases of coronavirus. That means an additional 19,438 Americans came down with coronavirus today.

The death toll now stands at 99,459, yesterday the death toll stood at 98,024. That means another 1,435 Americans died today.
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Reply Mon 25 May, 2020 08:45 pm
With numbers increasing 700% since things have opened up we may hit the 2.5 million figure yet. One thing we know for sure is it won't be 60,000 and that figure came from the Trump administration as did the 80,000 figure and now the 240,000 figure. The Trump administration coronavirus projections are done by seeing how many coronavirus cases there are today and adding a few thousand. I am a realist while the Trump administration is busy firing anybody that tells 1he truth.
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Reply Tue 26 May, 2020 02:47 am
We still see this same type of wanting for the death of Americans.

Baldimo makes this accusation repeatedly but refuses to provide any evidence that this is the case. I haven't read one account where anyone suggests that they want a higher death toll in the USA. Ironically, the people who are clamoring for the end of social distancing and popularizing the use of unproven drugs are the ones who will be responsible for greater rates of infection and higher numbers of fatalities. Maybe they are the ones Baldimo is talking about.
Reply Tue 26 May, 2020 08:30 am
Baldimo makes this accusation repeatedly but refuses to provide any evidence that this is the case.

The proof is in Zardoz's posts, what other proof is required. It's not like he is providing any proof of his claims, why should I be held to a different standard? That's right, he's a leftist communist and you always support those of a like mind.

I haven't read one account where anyone suggests that they want a higher death toll in the USA. /quote]
Then you aren't paying close enough attention to Zardoz's posts.

Ironically, the people who are clamoring for the end of social distancing and popularizing the use of unproven drugs are the ones who will be responsible for greater rates of infection and higher numbers of fatalities.

Tell that to NY, the state with the highest death and infection rate. Then again, FL has eased restrictions several weeks ago and the death Zardoz was hoping for never happened. In fact FL continues to see cases drop while NY is still seeing a rise. DNC politicians have killed more people with their tyranny then RNC have with the rules of freedom.

Unproven drugs? You mean a drug that has been on the market for over 60 years vs a "vaccine" that was just invented? You've lost your **** on this one. I've taken the drug Trump was claiming to be on while I was deployed. Unproven... go talk your stupid **** somewhere else and to people who are dumb enough to believe what you say.

Maybe they are the ones Baldimo is talking about.

Nope, we are talking about the tiny tyrants who work for the DNC and are trying to make their citizens suffer with no jobs.
Reply Tue 26 May, 2020 11:44 am
The proof is in Zardoz's posts, what other proof is required.

Provide one quotation from the OP's many posts on this subject where he wishes for a higher death toll.
It's not like he is providing any proof of his claims, why should I be held to a different standard?

What "claims" are you speaking about? OP provides total numbers of infections and fatalities which are easily obtained in the news, no further proof is required.
That's right, he's a leftist communist and you always support those of a like mind.

That's just juvenile name-calling — you can't provide any evidence that OP is a "leftist communist" either.
Tell that to NY, the state with the highest death and infection rate.

It's not the fault of NY that the NYC metropolitan area is the destination of millions of international travelers. Trump was quick to ban entry to non-US citizens from China while on the other side of the country tens of thousands of unscreened travelers were arriving from countries with known outbreaks of covid-19.
But while the revelers shunned face masks and ignored social distancing guidelines, the virus keeps spreading unabated, killing both the elderly and the young.

By Tuesday morning, more than 1,660,000 Americans have been infected with the coronavirus, and more than 98,000 have died, according to Johns Hopkins University.

The number of new cases keeps rising in 18 states -- including Georgia, Arkansas, California and Alabama.

MONTGOMERY, AL — Between Saturday morning and Sunday morning, more than 400 new cases of COVID-19 were confirmed in the state by the Alabama Department of Public Health. The state has now confirmed 14,175 cases of the virus, up from 13,766 reported Saturday morning.

The ADPH has confirmed 551 deaths from COVID-19, an increase of 10 from Saturday morning. Although Jefferson County added 41 new cases in the last 24 hours, the state's largest county did not report any fatalities.

Tuscaloosa County reported three deaths in that span with 20 new cases of COVID-19. Tuscaloosa County's death total was more than any other county in the state over the last 24 hours.

The pandemic isn't over.
Unproven drugs? You mean a drug that has been on the market for over 60 years vs a "vaccine" that was just invented?

It's been proven to be effective for malarial infections, not coronavirus.
Unproven... go talk your stupid **** somewhere else and to people who are dumb enough to believe what you say.

Yes, unproven. Can't you calm the **** down and discuss things in a civil manner?
Nope, we are talking about the tiny tyrants who work for the DNC...

Oh boy, I was waiting for you to trot out that stupid line of argument again. The Democratic National Committee doesn't hire people "to make their citizens suffer with no jobs." You, on the other hand, apparently like seeing people suffering with no jobs so you can blame the economic crisis on Democrats. Why not just admit we're in the midst of an unprecedented pandemic and that there is no clear road ahead, no magic cure, and that it won't "miraculously" just go away?
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Reply Tue 26 May, 2020 09:04 pm
We have now surpassed the one million seven hundred thousand mark, at 1,716,155 cases of coronavirus today, yesterday we had 1,696,874 cases of coronavirus. That means another 19,281 Americans came down with coronavirus today.

The death toll has now passed a 100,000, now standing at 100,175 dead Americans, yesterday the death toll stood at 99,450. Another 725 Americans died today.

During the 1918 pandemic one of the biggest mistakes that was made was holding a huge parade in Philadelphia after the H1N1 flue was spreading there. The medical experts tried to stop the parade but could not, the politicians went ahead and pushed it through. The flu spread wildly through the city after that.

History finds a way to repeat itself, now Trump is trying to force the governor of North Carolina to let him hold the Republican National Convention there with 50,000 people tightly packed into a convention center with the cases of coronavirus going up in North Carolina. This would not only spread the coronavirus in North Carolina but all across America as the delegates would come from all 50 states. It seems it is alright to shut the country down to stop the spread of coronavirus but not the Republican convention. Trump believes the coronavirus will just “disappear.”
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Reply Wed 27 May, 2020 09:13 pm
It is hard to believe what a total and completely mess Trump has made out of the coronavirus response. We not only have nearly four as many coronavirus cases than any country in the world we have nearly a third of the world’s coronavirus cases. Today we have 1,734,794 cases of coronavirus in America, yesterday we had 1,716,155 cases of coronavirus. That means another 18,639 Americans came down with coronavirus today.

The death toll now stands at 101,700 dead Americans, yesterday we had only 100,175 dead Americans. That means another 1,525 Americans died today.

Trump is throwing a fit because his lies on Twitter were called out and the truth printed. Trump cries out freedom speech, which shows how totally ignorant he really is. Freedom of speech is only between you and the government. A business does not have to grant anyone freedom speech it is there business and their rules. If you go into Walmart and call the manger’s wife a whore, he can ban you from Walmart. Why isn’t Trump worried about the freedom of speech on the Rush Slimbaugh show? Call screeners make absolutely sure that no one can point out the Trump lies that Slimbaugh is pushing. When the shoe is on the other foot Trump cries like a baby. Trump has been lying so long he thinks freedom of speech means the freedom to lie and he thinks Twitter must print his lies like they are the God’s truth.
Reply Thu 28 May, 2020 01:55 am
Twitter didn't post any truths, they cloaked opinion as truth while ignoring a recent news story about a mail Carrier who committed voter fraud.
Reply Thu 28 May, 2020 08:29 pm
It is a good thing that Trump was not president during the 1918 pandemic, everyone would have died and Trump would be telling the public to drink bleach to kill the virus. We now have 1,758,422 cases of coronavirus, yesterday we had 1,734,794 cases of coronavirus. That means an additional 23,678 Americans came down with the coronavirus today.

The death toll now stands at 102,917, yesterday the death toll stood at 101,700. That means an additional 1,217 Americans died today from the coronavirus.

Dictator Trump is throwing a fit and trying to strong arm Twitter and Face Book into posting his lies and he wants to change the law so they can’t show the public the actual truth to the public.

There are so many cases of coronavirus in parts of the country that the hospitals are overwhelmed and patients must be shipped 90 miles away to find a bed.

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Reply Thu 28 May, 2020 08:35 pm
No, twitter posted the actual facts not opinion. Our entire military has used mail in ballots for over half century without any significant problem with fraud. Trump himself uses a mail in ballot and he would commit fraud if he possibly could and he has not found a way to commit fraud yet. Trump's "opinion" is contrary to the actual facts and Twitter printed the facts and Trump hates facts. Trump is not just a liar he is a super mega liar.
Reply Fri 29 May, 2020 02:00 pm
You are absolutely wrong, Twitter did not post any facts about a future event nor someone's opinion when all they post about is someone else's opinion on the future.

Sorry to tell you this, but there are news stories every election cycle with absentee and military ballots either getting lost or not being counted. We have already seen news stories this election cycle of multiple ballots being mailed to a single address because voting rolls have not been properly updated. That is an utter lack of election security and I'm not surprised to see the left and the dnc in favor of less election security.
Reply Fri 29 May, 2020 08:24 pm
We have not made it to a million eight hundred thousand cases of coronavirus yet but we will by Sunday. Today we have 1,781,644 cases of coronavirus, yesterday we had 1,758,422. That means another 23,222 Americans came down with the coronavirus.

The death toll now stands at 104,128, yesterday it stood at 102,917. That means an additional 1,211 died of coronavirus today. It seemed so outrageous when 800 people died in Italy in one day. We have averaged over that for two months now. Everybody should have done what Trump told them to do and drank the bleach. That was Trump’s solution so fewer people would die of the coronavirus because bleach killed them first.
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