The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Fri 1 May, 2020 07:08 am
If you want to know a secret, there are millions of people who have already had it and are better, the current testing isn't telling the full story. Did you know they are now doing antibody testing? NY has already done a phase of random testing and discovered that roughly 21% of people in the state were testing positive for C19. When they do the math, that comes out to about 2 million people in NY alone, do you know what that does to the mortality rate? According to Gov Cuomo, that brings the mortality rate down to less than 1% and places it at .5%. Far far less than what you and the media have been reporting for weeks now, while the virus is deadly, it is only deadly to a certain portion of the population, those who have already weak systems and chronic health problems. You like the MSM are only spreading fear and no hope, you want this to be worse so you can use it against Trump in the fall. I got some sad news for you, it won't work.
Reply Fri 1 May, 2020 07:44 am
Did you know they are now doing antibody testing?

Did you know antibody tests aren't that accurate at this time?
There has been concern that some of the tests might confuse the coronavirus causing the current pandemic with one of several coronaviruses that cause the common cold.
"Lots of tests confuse the two," Relman said.
The tests would then end up telling people they had antibodies to the pandemic coronavirus when they didn't, and people might think they're immune when they're not.
A few days after the phone call, the NAS scientists wrote a letter to the White House frankly apprising them about the quality of antibody tests.
Results from antibody tests "should be viewed as suspect until rigorous controls are performed and performance characteristics described, as antibody detection methods can vary considerably, and most so far have not described well-standardized controls," according to the letter.

Far far less than what you and the media have been reporting for weeks now, while the virus is deadly, it is only deadly to a certain portion of the population, those who have already weak systems and chronic health problems.

So it's not a problem?
You like the MSM are only spreading fear and no hope...

Hahahaaa — they are indeed spreading hope. Hope that Trump will lose the election!
...you want this to be worse so you can use it against Trump in the fall.

It doesn't matter if the virus isn't as bad or whether it's actually worse — it's not the virus which is being judged, it's Trump's response to it.

You never supplied proof that the OP "wants more death" and now you're repeating this charge against him and the MSM, again not supplying any evidence to back up your obvious lie.

Don't you have a lockdown protest to go to?
Reply Fri 1 May, 2020 08:29 am
Did you know antibody tests aren't that accurate at this time?

Then maybe you should direct the comments I made to the leaders of NY city and state, they made the comments, I'm just repeating what they said.

So it's not a problem?

Not one that requires leaving myself and 30 million Americans without jobs. It was never as deadly as they want us to think it was. Even if the mortality rate is 1%, that still doesn't justify wrecking the economy, you quarantine the sick and vulnerable, not the healthy.

Hahahaaa — they are indeed spreading hope. Hope that Trump will lose the election!

Thank you for exposing the real plot behind the media hype of this virus and the continued closing of the economy. Don't you find it funny that the very same people who insisted Trump had no power to reopen the country were the same people telling him to go ahead and close the country down and were ready to blame him for not closing it down.

It doesn't matter if the virus isn't as bad or whether it's actually worse — it's not the virus which is being judged, it's Trump's response to it.

Trumps response to the pandemic has actually been very good, compared to what the media is trying to portray.

You never supplied proof that the OP "wants more death" and now you're repeating this charge against him and the MSM, again not supplying any evidence to back up your obvious lie.

Since you hold the OP to no such standards for the continued lies he tells, I am under no obligation to provide such proof of the truths I tell. We know the media and Zardoz and people like you want more death, you've already said this isn't about the virus but Trump's response to it. With more deaths you can point to Trump's "death count". We all know this is the aim of the media and their flunkies the DNC.

Don't you have a lockdown protest to go to?

I provided my moral support, didn't need to go down there, it's almost an hours drive to Denver from where I live. I've been waiting for the economy to open up so companies will lift their hiring freezes so I can get another job. I'm getting unemployment and the Fed kicker but that still pays far less than what I was making while working, so I'm hoping to be working again soon. How long do you think it's going to be before people start loosing their houses? I bet you can't wait for those numbers to go up as well, more ammo for your war against Trump and the American people.

Reply Fri 1 May, 2020 08:31 am
BTW, I love the way you are continuing to protect Zardoz from his own comments. Are you going to earn a medal for your bravery or do you earn a knighthood?
Reply Fri 1 May, 2020 09:53 am
I love the way you are continuing to protect Zardoz from his own comments.

What a foolish thing to say. If you notice, it's your comments I've singled out for criticism. I'm not "protecting" anybody — as if people on an online forum need to be protected. What do you need protection from — words on a computer screen? Are you going to show me where I, the OP, or the media want more death and economic ruin? Of course not, because this is just a lie.
Trumps response to the pandemic has actually been very good, compared to what the media is trying to portray.

Yeah, 60,000 deaths is something to crow about. Even if the disease disappeared tomorrow, Trump's response would disqualify him from re-election. The denials, the delays, and the divisiveness in the midst of a pandemic reveal him for what he is — a self-indulgent, intellectually-clumsy huckster with no intention of bringing this country together and no vision beyond maximizing the GDP at the expense of the poor, the environment, and our nation's standing in the world community.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 May, 2020 10:08 am
. . . you quarantine the sick and vulnerable, not the healthy.


However, I'm afraid that that bit of logical reasoning isn't going to make any sense to the critical thinking-challenged poster you were addressing.
Reply Fri 1 May, 2020 10:54 am
Ha-ha, someone thinks Baldimo needs to be protected! He does seem to get picked on unmercifully.

. . . you quarantine the sick and vulnerable, not the healthy.

Absolutely! But quarantine and social distancing aren't the same.

The problem was that so little was known about this virus and the earliest models of successful strategies, in China and So. Korea, relied on quarantine, social distancing, and testing. If we'd been able to implement widespread, accurate testing in the earliest stages of the pandemic we could have nipped the infection earlier. But as you know, testing was delayed. We allowed a lot of people to return to this country from Europe (and even China after the travel ban) without testing them. As the country opens up again we'll get a better picture and then we can see if the temporary nationwide shutdown was necessary. But public health experts shouldn't be criticized for taking the most cautious approach. The need for developing a response to a potential pandemic has been known for a long time. With luck, we'll learn from this and next time we'll be better prepared.
Reply Fri 1 May, 2020 11:08 am
Ha-ha, someone thinks Baldimo needs to be protected!

Protected? You need to reread what I wrote. Telling Baldimo about others' lack of critical thinking skills when it comes to who should be quarantined does not equal defending him. And just for the record, I've never seen a case in which Baldimo needed protecting, and least of all from you.
Absolutely! But quarantine and social distancing aren't the same.

Is that your argument against the idea that the vulnerable are the ones who should be quarantined?
Reply Fri 1 May, 2020 12:20 pm
South Korean scientists conclude people cannot be infected with coronavirus more than once

I believe them over the WHO any day.
Multiple tests that ostensibly showed 260 patients becoming reinfected were the result of false-positive testing, according to the Korea Herald.

“The process in which COVID-19 produces a new virus takes place only in host cells and does not infiltrate the nucleus. This means it does not cause chronic infection or recurrence,” said Dr. Oh Myoung-don, a Seoul National University hospital doctor, during a Thursday press conference.

Easy enough to understand?
Last week, the World Health Organization warned against attempting to develop "herd immunity" to the virus, saying there is no evidence catching the virus could protect people from future infections.

“There is currently no evidence that people who have recovered from Covid-19 and have antibodies are protected from a second infection,” the WHO said in an April 24 statement.

Remember they have lied and have no trouble doing it again. The panic hurts America that is the direction their information has taken.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 May, 2020 09:01 pm
America now leads the world in coronavirus cases, in fact we have nearly 13 times as many coronavirus cases as China where they have had much longer. Today we have 1,128,460 cases of coronavirus, yesterday we had 1,092,338. That means that another 36,122 Americans came down with coronavirus today.

The death toll stands at 65,435, yesterday the death toll was 63,538. Another 1,897 Americans died today with coronavirus.

Nearly 900 people were infected with coronavirus at a meat packing plant in Indiana. A Walmart store in Massachusetts had to be closed because so many of the employees had coronavirus. Since the Republicans open up coronavirus cases have already increasing by 86% in some states in a day.
Reply Fri 1 May, 2020 09:25 pm
What we do know about the antibody is that they are not very accurate and it will be a long time before the results will be dependable. There is all sorts of scam testing going on out there now. One testing laboratory in Kentucky was offering "test" for $250 at several locations, except they were complete scams. The Host of Inside Addition took the antibody test and was told she had coronavirus. She went to her doctor who tested her and she tested negative. There are more scam artists and incompetents then at the Republican National convention all claiming to be doing testing. In some states the mortality rate is 10%. Using the global figures give us a preliminary mortality rate 7.1% and a third of those cases are in the United States.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 May, 2020 09:28 pm
Since the Republicans open up coronavirus cases have already increasing by 86% in some states in a day. 

You sure do love to spread propaganda don't you. The virus has a incubation of about 2 weeks, you don't open up the country and the next day see massive case increases, you really are a fool.

You also fail to understand that there are millions of people that have already had it and are now better. Just look at the anti body testing that has taken place in New York and California. Even governor cuomo and mayor DE blasio have commented on the 21% positive anti body testing. That indicates at least 2 million people in and around New York which shows the mortality rate for this virus is less than one percent. In fact cuomo said it was likely 0.5%.
Reply Sat 2 May, 2020 03:22 am
The virus has a incubation of about 2 weeks, you don't open up the country and the next day see massive case increases, you really are a fool.

There's no implied cause and effect in the timeline. Indeed, infections are increasing in the reopening states. Friday, Iowa reopened 77 counties on the same day the governor reported 740 new infections, a one-day high. In Georgia there were 618 new cases Thursday, and 1,228 new cases Friday. Obviously these people contracted the disease previously. Testing would have detected that. But we don't even have enough testing capability to test the senate.
Just look at the anti body testing that has taken place in New York and California.

As I informed you yesterday the antibody tests are not accurate. False positives and false negatives. The administration doesn't want accurate widespread testing because, as Trump stated at the CDC, he wants the numbers kept low. The "covid-19 is not serious" narrative has been developed as a gamble, Trump's reelection being the prize. Of course they would popularize the inaccurate results from the antibody tests which make the disease seem less serious.

Antibody surveys suggesting vast undercount of coronavirus infections may be unreliable
Reply Sat 2 May, 2020 03:29 am
Protected? You need to reread what I wrote. Telling Baldimo about others' lack of critical thinking skills when it comes to who should be quarantined does not equal defending him. And just for the record, I've never seen a case in which Baldimo needed protecting, and least of all from you.

What I actually wrote was that nobody needs "protection" on an online forum.
I wrote:
I'm not "protecting" anybody — as if people on an online forum need to be protected. What do you need protection from — words on a computer screen?

Attacking Baldimo's lack of critical thinking skills doesn't equal defense of the OP, who doesn't need "protecting" either.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 May, 2020 06:06 am
I believe them over the WHO any day.

Sure he does, because it's a right-wing site and prints stories which reflect its bias, which in turn confirm his.

Instead of basing policy on selected news stories it would be safer to wait for more conclusive research. The Korean study may be correct; it may not be. It's worth taking the time to get this right and design our response on research which has been replicated in more than one laboratory.
Reply Sat 2 May, 2020 11:53 am

Sure he does, because it's a right-wing site and prints stories which reflect its bias,

Did you see the scientific evidence supporting the claim? Science has no bias, some scientists do, but I do not see it here.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 May, 2020 08:48 pm
We now have 1,157,782 cases of coronavirus in America, yesterday we had 1,128,460. That means we had an additional 29,322 cases of coronavirus today.

The death toll now stands at 67,046 and that will soon surpass the third Trump administration estimate of 74,000 by August. Yesterday the death toll was 65,435. Another 1,161 died today.

The coronavirus will have long reaching and devastating economic impact on our lives. The Republicans have been planning the best way to screw the workingmen out of their pensions for 10 years now. The coronavirus provides them the best opportunity. The Republicans love it when a plan comes together. The coronavirus will economically devastate most state budgets. Mitch McConnell, senate majority leader says, that he will not bail out the states that they can go bankrupt. With enough Republicans judges now in place they will decide who gets what during bankruptcy. The working people who paid into the pension system for 40 years will be stripped of their pensions but the rich bond holders who bought their bonds last week will be fully compensated plus interest. The Republican attitude is the same as Rush Slimbaugh, nobody should ever receive a cent for not working. You work till you die period and it won’t be long for Rush now.

Compare Moscow Mitch’s attitude, when other natural disasters that hit Republican states. When it comes to bailout the airlines Moscow Mitch had no problems giving them hundreds of billions but not the states.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 2 May, 2020 09:14 pm
That was a major article on the internet and the demonstrations to open back have been going on for a couple weeks. People are asked to quarantine for 14 days to see if it develops but you can show symptoms in a few days. You are expected to be over it in 14 days if you are lucky enough to live through it. Coronavirus is not a partisan issue there are only the cold hard facts that can be counted in coffins for as far as can be seen. You better check your medical facts, you don't have a clue.

The Head of the CDC said the antibody tests are unreliable not to mention some testing is out right fraud. There are other coronavirus and COVID-19 is the 19th variation it is quite likely that people with antibodies for other coronavirus types may give a false positive and may explain why part population was not vulnerable. Scientists believe that the immunity children seem to have comes from having several colds which are another type of coronavirus.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 3 May, 2020 09:18 am
There's no implied cause and effect in the timeline.

Are you ever going to be done defending Zardoz? He sure did make such a claim, his quote is below. If you don't think he was making a direct connection, then you are more lost than I thought you were.
Since the Republicans open up coronavirus cases have already increasing by 86% in some states in a day.

As I informed you yesterday the antibody tests are not accurate. False positives and false negatives. The administration doesn't want accurate widespread testing because, as Trump stated at the CDC, he wants the numbers kept low. The "covid-19 is not serious" narrative has been developed as a gamble, Trump's reelection being the prize. Of course they would popularize the inaccurate results from the antibody tests which make the disease seem less serious.

You would be 100% wrong, he wants as much testing as we can pump out. The more tests that are done the more we can show this virus wasn't as deadly as the left was claiming it was. The mortality rate for this sickness is going to be less than 1% the more testing that is done the more the truth comes out. It's the left who doesn't want the full blown testing, and why they spend so much time trying to discredit the antibody testing, it will prove they blew this up past what it really had to be. The only people I see fighting the testing are those from the left.

[url]Antibody surveys suggesting vast undercount of coronavirus infections may be unreliable[/url]
Did you bother to read the article or did you just post it because the title fit your narrative? The article is more hopeful than the title leads you to believe, it didn't counter the claim I made, it just tried to state that there "might" be some inaccuracy in the testing, doesn't mean the testing is worthless or doesn't work. If there were a 2% difference as they claim, it still points to more people having been sick then we really knew about and still drops the mortality rate to less than 1%.

Reply Sun 3 May, 2020 09:45 am
Are you ever going to be done defending Zardoz?

Are you ever going to learn how to read?

"Since I awakened this morning, it's already gotten ten degrees warmer, and even more further inland."

People make observations like this all the time. They take an arbitrary point in time and note what happens after that.

The only people I see fighting the testing are those from the left.

I haven't seen anyone "fighting" the testing. I don't even know how one would go about doing that. No one is objecting to the testing; most of the criticism of the antibody tests comes from the medical community and is cautionary, as we still don't know that much about the virus.

...it just tried to state that there "might" be some inaccuracy in the testing...

Which is precisely the point. Responding to a serious public health emergency requires accurate, proven data, not wishful thinking. When the tests are improved and demonstrated to be more accurate than they are now, public health officials will be able to assess the danger and make better-informed decisions.

If there were a 2% difference as they claim, it still points to more people having been sick then we really knew about and still drops the mortality rate to less than 1%.

So what? I don't have anything invested in these numbers; I just want to know that they can be believed. As I said, there's still much we don't know about this disease. It's obviously quite deadly to some percentage of the population, in very ominous ways, and we know that it can be spread by people who aren't showing symptoms. That indicates a need for extensive testing and no one outside of Trump's inner circle thinks that there's been enough testing in the USA.

Here, maybe you can understand this:

Infectious disease specialists warn that reopening the country is a “big mistake” that will “cost lives.” Juliette Kayyem, CNN’s national security analyst, said today: “There will be more dead people. Just say it. It’s an experiment we’re living in real time.” Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the administration’s leading infectious disease specialists, warned that reopening was “a really significant risk.” Trump today revised estimates of dead upward, saying “hopefully” we will lose fewer than 100,000 people.

Indeed, infections are increasing in the reopening states. Today, Iowa reopened 77 counties on the same day the governor reported 740 new infections, a one-day high, and warned that a backlog on test data would likely mean higher numbers over the weekend. She then began to talk of reopening of churches. In Georgia, where Governor Brian Kemp was among the first to reopen his state, there were 618 new cases Thursday, and 1,228 new cases Friday.

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