The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Wed 15 Apr, 2020 12:46 am
New York City adds thousands to COVID-19 death toll who never tested positive for the virus

For the uninformed.
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Reply Wed 15 Apr, 2020 08:29 am
This is the long way of saying you have no source to back another stupid claim you made. So far you are right on schedule.
Reply Wed 15 Apr, 2020 09:19 pm
We continue to lead the world in coronavirus cases and now have 641,919 cases of coronavirus, yesterday we had 612,576 cases of coronavirus. That gives us an additional 29,343 new cases of coronavirus today.

The death toll is now 28,399, yesterday it was 29,778 that would mean that it is a -1,379. Evidently the figures are being adjusted for some reason. New York had intended to add another 3,700 deaths that were obviously from coronavirus but were not tested because they did not want waste the tests on the dead.
If you take the death toll from the thirteenth, which was 23,675 and subtract from the death toll from today which is 28,399 you would get an two day increase in the death toll of 4,724 divide it by two and it would give a daily death toll of 2,362. The John Hopkins counter stated that we set a record for the most coronavirus deaths in a day 2,228.
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Reply Wed 15 Apr, 2020 09:22 pm
Like it or not NBC news is a source and it is far more reliable than the internet. If you are into right wing propaganda or Russian propaganda the internet is the place for you. There is a whole world beyond the internet.
Reply Wed 15 Apr, 2020 09:25 pm
Like it or not NBC news is a source and it is far more reliable than the internet.

NBC, owned by Comcast, are Chinese suck puppies. They are as dishonest as the NYT and WP.
Reply Wed 15 Apr, 2020 09:29 pm
We are in throws of one of the worst pandemic in history. A nurse that was interviewed today said she had never seen anything like it. She people with coronavirus walked into the emergency room and two hours later were on ventilators. The statistic with coronavirus just getting started are already far worse than H1N1. More people have died in two weeks of coronavirus than die of the flu in a year.
Reply Wed 15 Apr, 2020 09:31 pm
We are in throws of one of the worst pandemic in history.

No. We are nowhere close to that. A ridiculous statement.
More people have died in two weeks of coronavirus than die of the flu in a year.

A lot of those people die with the flu not because of it, just like Covid19.
Reply Wed 15 Apr, 2020 09:39 pm
That sounds like every other conspiracy theory the radical right pushes. You did not hear Rush Slimbaugh tell his listeners the coronavirus it was no worse than a cold or Trump say just a hoax to stop his reelection. It sounds very similar to what Trump was telling the public. Why do you think there are 28,399 dead Americans? They did not take it seriously because the right tried to say coronavirus is no more serious than a cold. I was listening to Slimbaugh show the other day and Rush claims the hospitals are not overrun there are thousands of empty rooms it is just a hoax to keep Trump from being reelected, no doubt actors one and all.
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Reply Wed 15 Apr, 2020 09:49 pm
The number of deaths would be correct if New York had added the additional 3,700 believed to have died of coronavirus. It only listed an additional 700 deaths from New York that day. At some point the other 3,778 deaths that doctors certified on the death certificate as dying of coronavirus and another and another 6,589 that were later verified as coronavirus by lab tests will be added. That is another 10,000 plus.
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Reply Wed 15 Apr, 2020 09:52 pm
When you think a station that was started as a subsidiary of a political party is a good source you won't lean anything but lies.
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Reply Wed 15 Apr, 2020 09:57 pm
My sources have been valid sources for years. If a reporter is caught lying, they are fired. Even some of the biggest names in journalism were fired when they filed false stories. On Fox News if you are caught telling the truth you are fired for not lying. On Fox your primary purpose is to get Republican politician elected no matter what lies you have to tell. The end always justifies the means.
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Reply Wed 15 Apr, 2020 09:59 pm
Your world is so small if you think the internet is the only source in the world.
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Reply Wed 15 Apr, 2020 10:19 pm
For the years the American people trusted the American news media until a senile B movie actor got elected and eliminated the fairness doctrine. Which meant political parties could own news channels and the Republican set up Fox news and began lying to public in a bid to get more Republicans in office by lying. At that point in order to justifies lies they would insist it wasn't them lying it was the other sources that quickly discredited their lies that were lying. You always have to have an enemy, a straw man to attack. There was no left or right in the news media until Fox stated that lie. The news was just that the news. The news did not tell you how to think it only reported what actually happened, the news the people decided what to think of it.
Reply Wed 15 Apr, 2020 10:37 pm
There was no left or right in the news media until Fox stated that lie.

You know nothing. Walter Cronkite was the first to come out against policy. He opposed the Viet Nam. Please rewrite history somewhere else. It won't work on this thread.
Reply Thu 16 Apr, 2020 04:21 am
Edward R. Murrow denounced McCarthy. As with Cronkite, it's not "left " or "right" for a newscaster to comment on stories in the news.
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Reply Thu 16 Apr, 2020 08:57 pm
Today we have 675,243 cases of coronavirus, yesterday we had 641,919 cases of coronavirus. That means we had an additional 33,324 cases of corona virus today. We are well on our way to a million cases and Trump will make it much worse. The curve maybe flattening in New York but not across the rest of America.

The death toll now stands at 34,562, yesterday it was 28,399. That means that 6,163 more Americans died today. That is the entire population of a small town wiped out in 24 hours. A lot of the other major cities are now coming on line.
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Reply Thu 16 Apr, 2020 09:06 pm
Almost the entire baby boom generation opposed the Vietnam War. Walter Cronkite was just reporting what was actually going on in America. There were even major demonstration near Marshall University campuses and there were never demonstrations at any other time. The military slaughtered unarmed students at Kent State because they were protesting the Vietnam War. The radical right always wants to start a war for no reason. The Iraq war was pushed by Fox News even though they had nothing to do with 9/11. This was a grass roots change not a news media driven change.
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Reply Thu 16 Apr, 2020 09:24 pm
Most of the nation is under lockdown and we are the epicenter of the pandemic that has never happened in the history of America. If that isn't bad enough I don't know what would be. In a war we would not lose as many Americans as we have now.
When a doctor states on a death certificate that you died of coronavirus that is what you died of. Just because you have an underlying condition, and 25% of Americans have an underlying medical condition, doesn't not mean you would not live a normal life. My wife for instance has crohn's disease. It is an auto immune disease. She takes medication to suppress her immune system. She has lived with it for 25 years and it is under control. My daughter has told her if she gets the coronavirus she is dead. Many people have diabetes and that is an underlying medical condition that will likely end in death if they get the coronavirus. It is not just the people that have one foot in the grave already who will die from this.
Reply Thu 16 Apr, 2020 10:01 pm
In a war we would not lose as many Americans as we have now.

We have lost many more to war. You are being a drama queen.
Reply Fri 17 Apr, 2020 02:30 am
We have lost many more to war.

Both the Civil War and WWII lasted a lot longer than this current pandemic has to this date. We have over 30,000 deaths due to covid-19 in three months. That's well over what we lost in Afghanistan and Iraq — and well on the way to matching US deaths in WWI — so Zardoz isn't being a "drama queen"; you're merely putting your ignorance on display. As usual. For comparison, the 1918 influenza outbreak eventually killed over 600,000 USAmericans, a greater total than any war to date.

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