The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Mon 13 Apr, 2020 08:49 pm
I did not see the story on the internet I follow other news sources that more reliable. The picture of unclaimed bodies being buried in mass graves listed in a previous reply should give you an idea of what is happening in New York.
Reply Mon 13 Apr, 2020 08:57 pm
They don't have to take me seriously

They don't. You should be a happy man/woman.
Reply Mon 13 Apr, 2020 08:57 pm
How Many People Have Actually Died From Coronavirus in ...
www.nytimes.com › nyregion › new-york-coronavirus-death-count

4 days ago - Andrew M. Cuomo said 799 people in New York State had died in a ... The data on deaths of people in their homes or on the street shows that ... In the last three days, 766 people were found dead in their homes, ... to bury hundreds of unclaimed bodies on Hart Island in the Bronx. ... Updated April 11, 2020 ...
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Apr, 2020 09:12 pm
All the European union also called for ouster of the corrupt Ukrainian prosecutor. Biden gained nothing. Many crooked politicians in the Ukraine had become multi-billionaires taking bribes until you read how these people live and what they own you would not believe it. As one Ukrainian put it you take the bribe because if you don’t take the bribe, they will kill you and your family.

Working for a company is not criminal in any way. Every politician in America would be in jail for their children getting jobs to buy political influence it is no different than campaign contribution which are given for the explicit purpose of buying political influence. That ambassador gave Trump’s inauguration committee one million dollars to buy his job.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Apr, 2020 09:17 pm
This is Trump’s fourth year and the buck stops with Trump. If it had been Trump’s first year you might have an argument but it is his fourth and he owns it.
Trump never missed even one round of gold worried about impeachment. He knew his guilty and the political fix was in.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Apr, 2020 09:33 pm
The H1N1 was not much of a pandemic compared to coronavirus. It was more of an inconvenience where you took a few days off work. In no way is equivalent to the Black Death, the 1918 pandemic, or the coronavirus pandemic. They may call it that but it wasn't considered serious even at the time.
Reply Mon 13 Apr, 2020 09:39 pm
The H1N1 was not much of a pandemic compared to coronavirus.

By the time this is over and stats are available it will join H1N1 as not much of a pandemic but a huge overreaction that has turned into a concerted effort to destroy the American economy from within.
Reply Mon 13 Apr, 2020 09:57 pm
If you were on trial and knew there was no possible way that you would ever be convicted it would not distract anyone. The Republicans stopped the trial when they made sure that no witnesses could be called. You can not have a trial with out witnesses and there were no witnesses. In America for it to be trial there have to be witnesses. Trump had noting to lose and he knew it.
Trump clearly was guilty of extorsion the prisons are full of people that did very similar things even a republican former presidential candidate voted to impeach him.
Anybody familiar with the criminal justice systems knows Trump was guilty. Trump’s mob buddies taught him extorsion 101. Extorsion is the mob’s life blood. You go in and tell the business owner we are going to burn your bar to ground if you don’t pay us for protection. Even if you don’t burn the bar down you go to jail for extortion. That is the exact same type of scheme Trump pulled and we know where he learned it.
There have been 10s of thousands of people convicted of extorsion and all schemes are carbon copies of Trump’s.
Trump is one of the guiltiest people in America. He swindled thousands of people out of their life savings. He could pull fraudulent scheme after fraudulent scheme and when the mob tried, they went to jail but Trump always bought his way out just as he did with “Trump University.”
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Apr, 2020 10:01 pm
Trump told the nation that coronavirus was no more serious than the flu and not to worry about it he had it under control. The Trump voters believed everything Trump says and they are dropping like flies. According Trump the coronavirus was just hoax. There will be thousands of Trump voter who won't vote for ever.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Apr, 2020 10:11 pm
Trump was not worried about something that could not happen the trail was fixed and he knew it. Dr. Fauci was extremely clear on Meet the Press when he told nation how Trump fumbled the ball and cost the country two weeks to prepare we desperately needed while he played politics with his rich political donors. They believed the country should not be shutdown and the people over 60 should be willing to die so they could keep their fortunes. That argument waged for two weeks and no action was taken. That translates into 10,000 deaths.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Apr, 2020 10:24 pm
We now have 587,752 cases of coronavirus, yesterday we had 559,409. That means that we have means we have 28,343 new coronavirus cases of coronavirus today.

The death toll today stands at 23,765, yesterday it was 22,701. That means death toll is down to 1064. That means that it must have killed off most of the Trump voters in New York.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Apr, 2020 05:27 am
What "other" reliable news sources? I can play that game also.

I saw that this whole corona virus thing is completely made up and everything is being staged to get everyone too scared so the government can crack down and make the next president leader for life. Now, you won't find that anywhere online cause you know, it is only reported in reliable news sources that only I know about. I'd tell you what those sources are but I'd rather not.

Do you see how stupid that sounds?
Reply Tue 14 Apr, 2020 08:56 pm
We now have 612,576 cases of coronavirus, yesterday we had 587,752. That means there was 24,824 more coronavirus cases today. We have 438,516 more coronavirus cases than any other country in the world. This could only happen if we had a total and complete idiot like Trump in charge. Almost a half million more cases of coronavirus than any other country in the world doesn’t just happen. It happens when politics overrides the medical professionals and Trump wants to do it again.

Today the death toll stands at 29,978, yesterday it was we had 23,765. That means there was an additional 6,213 died today that is twice as many people who died on 9/11 in one day. That is a record amount of deaths.

The Indians believed that everything had a spirit, the rocks, the trees, the mountains and even the earth. It is of course a fairy tale as are all other religions. Trump has done everything he can to destroy the earth for one dollar more. Now it looks almost like the earth is striking back for all Trump’s transgression. The coronavirus is surging in the Washington DC metro area and closing in on Trump. With the shutdown some people are actually breathing clean air for the first time in their lives, they can actually see the sky.
Reply Tue 14 Apr, 2020 09:00 pm
Today the death toll stands at 29,978, yesterday it was we had 23,765. That means there was an additional 6,213 died today that is twice as many people who died on 9/11 in one day. That is a record amount of deaths.

The death toll is a seriously flawed number. You should know what is being said about it, do you?
Reply Tue 14 Apr, 2020 09:10 pm
In one meat packing plant in South Dakota there are 300 cases of coronavirus. It took 300 cases for the Republican governor to finally shut the plant down. This plant provides 5% of the nations meat and will lead to national shortages. Today we had 6,213 deaths in one day twice the amount killed on 9/11. Do you think we should have just ignored 9/11? We now have lost 10 times as many people as we did on 9/11. If the shutdown had not happened we would have lost at least 2 million far more than all of America's wars in history. You spend too much time listening to Rush Slimbaugh. He is dying of lung cancer and could care less. He is going die anyway and is trying to pull the rest of the world into the grave with him.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Apr, 2020 09:11 pm
Stick around you will lean something.
Reply Tue 14 Apr, 2020 09:29 pm
Stick around you will lean something.

I know how to lean, thanks anyway.
Reply Tue 14 Apr, 2020 09:30 pm
The national broadcast news has been the most reliable sources of information for 70 years. When Fox News came along it was a 24/7 campaign commercial for the radical right. It was founded by life long political operatives for the purpose of being a 24/7 political commercial. It is easy to post fraudulent information and disguise it like it came from a major news organization on the internet.

That is exactly the type conspiracy theory Trump believes in. Trump has often been a guest on one of the popular conspiracy shows where the host claimed that Sandy Hook massacre never took place that it was done by actors to make the NRA look bad. They finally banned the lying SOB fort all his lies. The Russian were able to post all kinds of lies in the 2016 election and Trump family reposted the lies. The internet is not nearly reliable as the evening news.
Reply Tue 14 Apr, 2020 09:33 pm
It is very obvious that you can't separate the truth from political propaganda and that makes it very difficult to learn anything.
Reply Tue 14 Apr, 2020 09:40 pm
It is very obvious that you can't separate the truth from political propaganda

Me? all you are spouting is rhetoric and propaganda. It is what most Communists do.

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