The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Thu 26 Apr, 2012 05:31 am
A friend and I were discussing going to the 5 and 10 cent store when we were children. When I was a small child my mom would take my sister and I shopping downtown on Saturdays. Downtown Huntington was a shopping destination for a 100 mile radius and our wide four lane streets were unique. Huntington was one of the few professionally laid out cites in America with 100 ft right-of-ways and it was divided into ¼ mile long blocks. Everything was located downtown doctors, dentists, movie theaters and virtually all retail stores. It would take an hour to just to find a parking place during Christmas shopping season. My favorite of the trip was the 5 and 10 cent store where my sister and I were allowed to select a small toy. I would pick out a toy and than a second selection and try to convince my sister that that was the toy she wanted, I was 6 and my sister was 4. My mother soon put a stop to the practice and I out grew manipulating others. But this is more or less what happened in WWI when the Greedy Bastards on Wall Street loan billions to England and France in hopes of getting much richer. Everybody knows wars can go either way it is nothing more than a bet wagered by the Greedy Bastards that England and France would win the war. If they lost the Greedy Bastards money would be lost along with it. America had vowed since its beginnings to stay out of foreign entanglements, Europe had a history of almost perpetual war and the sentiment to stay out of this one was extremely strong. But the Greedy Bastards on Wall Street did the same trick I played on my sister at the 5 and 10 cent store. The Greedy Bastards said American working man you really want to trade your life to get our money back and the massive propaganda machine was formed to do the job. My grandfather fought in WWI was wounded and the wound never fully closed up in his lifetime.

Wilson had campaigned on the promise of keeping America out of the European war but when the ungodly greedy want something the Whitehouse listens even then before the power of money had grown exponentially. Wilson called it “The Committee for Public Information” now the problem was like Iraq it didn’t have to be truthful information. It spoke the language of fear masterfully and fear was used to stampede the herd toward the chosen destination. It message was so effective German emigrants were lynched like blacks on even slight rumors. Dachshunds were renamed Liberty Dogs. Sauerkraut was renamed liberty cabbage. When France could not be manipulated into the Ira War similar actions were taken renaming French Fries. Freedom Fries were served. George Creel ran the Committee for Public Information which had a “relationship” with 18,000 newspapers, 11,000 National Advertisers, 10,000 Chamber of Commerce, 30,000 manufactures, 22,000 labor unions, 10,000 public Libraries, 58,000 General Stores, and the list goes on and on. George Creel wrote in his memoir “We Advertised America”
That WWI was not fought for France alone (an indeed it wasn’t) “It was a fight for the minds of men, for the “conquest of their conviction” and the battle lines ran through every home in every country”.

“It was in this recognition of Public Opinion as a major focus that the General War differed most essentially from all previous conflicts.“

George Creel

The Day after WWI the Committee for Public Information was disbanded but those who had waged the war for men’s minds went on to jobs for government and private corporations. But it was not the end of the war for men’s minds it was simply the first volley being fired in a centuries long conflict whose battle lines runs through every home.
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Reply Fri 27 Apr, 2012 05:33 am
Wisconsin’s recalled governor Scott Walker says he will prevail in the recall election because “We have the most powerful thing on our side and that’s the truth.” Sounds like Lilly Tomlin’s child character in the giant rocking chair on Laugh-In “and that’s the truth.” The truth is not the most powerful thing on Walker side it is those crazy zany Koch brother’s billions. The Koch brothers are extremely upset, after all what is America coming to these days? In the old days when you bought an election it stayed bought. They purchased the last Wisconsin election fair and square and here they are having to buy the same election for Walker again. Do you have any idea how fast the cost of buying elections in America is going up? And now the ultimate insult the Koch brothers having to buy the same election the second time.

One of the Koch brothers was a founding member of the John Birch society. The John Birchers were considered so crazy that they were forced out of the Modern Conservative Movement by the communists like Frank Meyer and Whitaker Chambers. The communist knew that they could never make the Modern Conservative Movement a mainstream political movement as long as crazies like Koch and Welch were part of the Modern Conservative Movement. The communist purge of the radical right like Koch was successful even the communists that founded the Modern Conservative Movement faced the fact he was nuts.

Now turn the clock several years and the crazy Koch brothers purchased Wisconsin and began to implement their political agenda. When Walker began to implement the Koch brothers radical political agenda the public began to push back. The Koch brothers have billions but like all the ungodly Greedy Bastards they want more. The Koch brothers know a dollar earned is taxed by federal, state and local taxes, income is taxed but a tax dollar saved is a 100% saving. The Koch brothers’ agenda in buying the election was to cut their state and local taxes by millions. The way to cut their taxes was to take from public employees. If Koch brothers can destroy the public employee unions they can take the public employees share like taking candy from a baby, after all they are in a tough race to be America’s first trillionaires. The first Greedy Bastard to be a trillionaire gets bragging rights.
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Reply Sat 28 Apr, 2012 06:05 am
On MSNBC.com today is the story of a woman with cerebral palsy who was arrested trying to deliver her house payment directly to Wells Fargo chief finical officer, Tim Sloan, at his home. A new city ordinance in San Marino, California forbids protestors from being 150 feet from the residence and the protestors must be 75 feet from the curb adjacent to the home. Since most residential streets are narrow this would put the protestors on the neighbors lawn across the street, private property were they would be subject to laws against trespassing. One of the basic rights of citizenship in the United States is the right to stage peaceful protest but it seems certain citizens are more equal than others. The law is clearly designed to stop any protest at the Ungodly Greedy’ homes.

The home in question was Ana Casas Wilson, 49 childhood home, when she came down with breast cancer her husband a janitor, cut his hours back to care for her and got a couple payments behind after that Wells Fargo refused to accept any payments. The protest was staged to get the CFO to accept the payment.

Shades of the French Revolution? Where the ungodly greedy French said, “if the peasants have no bread let them eat cake,” shortly before they lost their heads to guillotine. While there are several federal programs to restructure loans Wells Fargo decided early on to go with foreclosure. After Wilson breast cancer was treated her financial situation stabilized and she was able to make the payments. Wells Fargo says Wilson is 16 payments behind but Wells Fargo refused to accept most of those payments. Wells Fargo CFO no doubt makes $100s of millions a year and those millions come from the profits on mortgages.

The problem is that most Americans don’t realize they are only a few missed paychecks away from the same situation that Wilson is in. The fastest growing category of those filing for bankruptcy is those who are paying for health insurance. At one time medical insurance protected people from bankruptcy due to medical expenses now medical insurance is no more than medical co-pay. The biggest lie that is used to sell medical insurance policies is the maximum out of pocket expense. When you have a major medical claim you quickly find there no limit to out of pocket expenses. There are all kinds of things the policy simply refuses to pay for whether it be a back brace or a amount you must pay for each hospitalization extra charges the insured must pay are hidden through out the policy.

The point is that anyone can now find themselves behind on mortgage payments. The police Chief executive secretary takes home $18,000 a year her out of pocket medical expenses are $6,000 that leaves $12,000 to live on. She is single and a low income housing rent is $900 a month. In America there is a major migration going on from the middle class to the working poor. Many that had their homes foreclosed on will find they have no choice but public housing but the Wells Fargo CFO will continue to make 100s of millions and make more special laws to benefit himself.
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Reply Sun 29 Apr, 2012 06:59 am
Scott Walker’s propaganda claimed that by destroying Wisconsin’s public employee unions it would bring endless prosperity to Wisconsin, the question is 2 years into his austerity program are people going to believe the actual facts or Walkers propaganda? Wisconsin is doing much worse than other states ranked 42nd in the jobs created Wisconsin had ranked 21st prior to Walker being elected. Even Michigan is doing much better than Wisconsin. In April job reports show that Wisconsin lost 4,300 private sector jobs it seems companies are leaving Wisconsin because Walker has lowered the quality of education and life in general in Wisconsin for most everyone of course there are exceptions the Koch brothers enjoyed millions in tax cut.
“Will "get government out of the way of employers ... who will then help Wisconsin create 250,000 jobs by 2015, and as we create those new jobs, we will be able to add 10,000 new businesses.”

Scott Walker
During the first two years of Walker term it shows an anemic 5,900 more jobs than when he took office meaning he will have to create another 244,100 jobs in his remaining two years in office if he isn’t recalled. If the May job losses are as bad it may wipeout
Walker’s anemic gain.

Walker was elected riding high on the back of typical commie/conservative propaganda
Now that the public can clearly see that commie/conservative ideology, that in order make life better for the working class we must first make life much worse for the working class and much better for the ungodly greedy in order to make life better for the working class in the end. The trouble is the process always breaks down right after the life gets much worse for the working class and much better for the ungodly greedy but the commie/conservative utopia for the working class remains just over the horizon, always just out of reach. The commie/conservatives like Walker tell emotional riveting tales of jobs to come and an army of the ungodly greedy factory owners riding to their rescue. But most have faced reality and know that Reagan’s tale of “Trickle Down Economics’ never happened.

When I was small we lived next door to a little boy who would pull my sister hair when ever she got next to his fence. My sister was repeatedly told not to get close to the fence on his side and invariable she would. He would beckon her to come over to the fence and she would think he changed but he would just pull her hair again. We can understand this happening to a child but when it happens to adults it is sad. The commie/conservatives have done this again and again; we knew in the 80s what the results of commie/conservatism in the early 80s. Each time the voters vote the commie/conservatives in they pick the workingman’s pockets. Each time we the workingman gets close to the commie/conservatives they are going to pick our pockets picked to give it to the ungodly greedy. In time my sister grew up and learned to stay away from the fence but the appeal of commie/conservative propaganda is so strong to some voters I suspect they will never grow up, caught in that yard going over to fence forever.
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Reply Mon 30 Apr, 2012 05:32 am
It doesn’t take long to see what is wrong in politics in America, Scott Walker has a site on the internet where you can donate any amounts just check the box in front of the amount $25, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000 $2,400, $5,000, $10,000 or fill in any amount of money and supply your credit card information. For those of us who are not members of the political donor class the thought of giving any politician $10,000 is unimaginable. To start you would have to have an extra $10,000 laying around that you don’t need and the working class is living pay check to paycheck. So who makes most of the political contributions? The political donor class, in America there is a lower class, middle class, upper class, and a political donor class. Scott Walker may well raise over a billion dollars in his effort to fight his recall; once his opponent is determined after the democratic primary is over will have only a few days before the recall election to raise any money. The democratic primary takes place May 8 and the winner will have only 4 weeks before the recall election. Of course Walker has been able to raise money for 6 months after the million recall signatures were gathered.

In racing we had a saying that it is hard to beat cubic dollars and in politics the story is the same cubic dollars almost always wins. That is why there are no poor people in Congress almost all are millionaires, is it any wonder that the millionaires in Congress vote for policies that favor millionaires? Somehow the advantage that favors candidates with money must be leveled out whether it be public campaign financing or strict limits on the total amount of campaign money to anyone candidate. The simple fact is that vast majority of Americans view points are not represented in their government.
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Reply Tue 1 May, 2012 08:45 pm
testing testing
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Reply Tue 1 May, 2012 08:49 pm
America has withstood a barrage of professional propaganda over the last 100 years. A 100 years ago America knew who the enemy was and they were doing something to subdue that enemy. But the propaganda turned the world upside down. The change in America was so radical that it would be comparable to waking up from a coma and finding that serial killers had suddenly become admired national heroes. Glen Beck was pushing the typical red neck right propaganda about income tax yesterday, how the ungodly greedy are the victims and the rest of America is free riding on the backs of the ungodly greedy. The propaganda sirens song is always the same, how the ungodly greedy are the poor downtrodden of America, the victims. The commie/conservative propaganda avoids any and all unpleasant facts after all propaganda is not about facts it is about emotional manipulation. I have never once heard Beck, Slimbaugh, or Hannity recite the actual facts of the situation that ungodly wealth is skyrocketed in the last 30 years with the average income going up 558% while the majority of American income has decreased despite the fact that couples are working an extra 32 hours a week. But the victims according to the commie/conservatives are the Greedy Bastards whose income has increased more than 5 times. It would be like considering serial killers as victims of the public prejudice against serial killers. Under commie/conservative propaganda a serial killer would just be misunderstood rugged individualists exercising their god given freedom and being victimized by big government. The propaganda would always keep the focus on the serial killers freedom being curtailed by big government. The real victims would be ignored the same way they ignore the 558% increase in the Greedy Bastards income.

The commie/conservatives have two answers for every problem tax cuts for the Greedy Bastards and even more tax cuts for the Greedy Bastards. Eric Canter new commie/conservative budget dose exactly that it cuts the tax rate on the ungodly greedy another 29%. The country is running at large deficit and Canter is going to give the ungodly greedy a 29% tax cut. Of course the commie/conservatives will explain that cut taxes always results in increased tax revenue. That make sense less is more. They always cite Reagan’s massive 70% tax cut and say that taxes actual went up but like many other situations they conveniently leave out the fact that Reagan raised social security 4 times during his term and social security was factored into his budget like other tax revenue to offset the massive budget deficits. Propaganda is an emotional argument targeting the emotional mind and deliberately ignores any facts that don’t support the argument.

In propaganda there is always the victim, in commie/conservative propaganda the victim is the ungodly greedy. Victimization appeals to the emotional mind most of us envision ourselves as the guy in the white hat riding in to save the lady distress. The trouble as many have found out on the highway the lady distress may be a set up to rob you. We have to look at who is losing their shirt and who is getting far richer. There is only one set of facts over the last 30 years the ungodly Greedy Bastards are getting far richer while the majority of Americans are losing ground.
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Reply Wed 2 May, 2012 05:35 am
In Huntington politics before each election we assure ourselves that it can’t get any worse than it is now but inevitable it does get worse. Each group of politicians is indeed worse that the group of politicians that proceeded them. In Huntington the ungodly greedy succeeded in making themselves tax exempt and in shifting their share of the tax burden onto the working poor. If you work in Huntington, whether you live in Huntington or neighboring states, you are charged $3 a week just to drive down the Huntington streets to pay for the ware and tear on the streets. But if you just purchased the newspaper for $80 million and 80,000 lb trucks roll in and out your steel mill the politicians rushed to make sure you paid not one single penny for the massive damaged caused by the steady stream of semi trucks. But a working mother making minimum wage has to pay the multimillionaires share of the repairs to the road.

In the 1960s Kennedy started the ball rolling by cutting the ungodly greedy taxes on the ungodly greedy from 91% to 70%. Then Reagan cut the taxes on the ungodly greedy from 70% to 28%. Clinton was able to raise the taxes on the ungodly greedy 39% from Reagan 28%. Baby Bush cut the taxes on the ungodly greedy again and lowered the income tax on capital gains and dividends to 15% the primary income source for the ungodly greedy. But that wasn’t the most devastating part the cuts in Washington paved the way for state and local tax cuts on the ungodly greedy. State and local were already regressive in nature and the cuts made them more regressive or eliminated the local tax on the ungodly greedy entirely.

A local income tax was written and passed in Huntington last fall called an “occupancy tax” because all business income was exempt from the tax. Instead of a minimum amount of money being exempted from the tax any income over a $100,000 was also exempt. Only $100,000 of a multimillionaire income could be taxed. Huntington is a college town so a college student struggling to get an education working a part time job would pay the full 1% tax but the millionaire doctors would pay .001% percent of his income. Of course the ungodly greedy took that to court and stopped even $100,000 of their income being taxed. The judge simply sat on the case and refused to make any decision at all until the temporary program the tax was written time elapsed.
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Reply Thu 3 May, 2012 05:31 am
The poor economy led to a tsunami of commie/conservatives being elected across America in 2010. The commie/conservatives believed they saw an injustice and they were going to correct it. The injustice? The ungodly greedy were facing increased regulations after causing one of the biggest economic collapses in American history. The commie/conservatives couldn’t believe what was happening in America after all everyone knew it was the lying poor people that caused the economy to collapse. The working poor had simply suckered the Wall Street city slickers. The economy had absolutely nothing to do with the ungodly greedy creating $100s of billions of synthetic investments out of thin air and then leveraging them by borrowing 40 times their investment. Called buying on the margin made famous during the 1929 stock market crash, the big investment banks borrowed 40 times the amount they had to bet on paper created out of thin air. Of course the results were the same as they were in 1929 with far more money lost in 2007-2008 than in 1929. But money on Wall Street is not in fact lost, just as energy is neither created destroyed it simply changes form, the money on Wall Street is neither created or destroyed it simply changes hands from the suckers that place the bets to those that collect the bets.

After the commie/conservatives eliminated the law that keep investment banks separate from commercial banks the Big Investment Banks spent most their time trolling for suckers. Much of America wealth was held in baby boomers pension funds and the investment banks targeted theses suckers. Conmen use the ego of the victim, like you use the steering wheel on a car, to manipulate them by flattering their victims and telling them how smart they are. The victim becomes putty in their hands. The managers of the pension funds egos were stroked as they were told how smart they were as they invested billions of the pension funds they were managing in worthless paper. Many of the CEO of the investment banks did not even understand the worthless paper be generated by their underlings let alone the managers of the pension funds and the rating agencies rated worthless paper as triple A meaning their was no risk whatsoever. But the managers of the pension funds did not want to appear unsophisticated after all this was their field. Losses of $500 million for even in a small state like WV pension fund was not uncommon. Once the pension fund suffered huge losses they upped the contribution from 6% to 18% the taxpayers must pay up, after all we all we know it is the ungodly greedy that are the real victims here, the commie/conservatives told us so.

In 2010 the commie/conservatives stormed Washington DC to make the world safe for the ungodly greedy after all big government was about to take the “freedom” of the ungodly to steal the public blind. Eric Canter new budget not only wants to keep the baby Bush tax cuts but wants to give the ungodly greedy an additional 29% tax cut as the deficits go into the trillions. Canter says they will eliminate some deductions but you can bet the ungodly greedy will have those deductions restored the next year along with new ones. New tax deductions are written into the tax code each year for the ungodly greedy. Tax Laws are written by the tax lawyers of the ungodly greedy submitted to congress and passed by congressmen who have no idea what they voted on. The commie/conservatives are so corrupt if the ungodly greedy say I don’t want to pay any taxes a law will be written exempting that family from paying taxes. Bob Dole, former commie/conservative presidential candidate got a special law passed to exempt the Galileo Wine fortune from the inheritance tax.

The commie/conservatives always cast this play as David verses Goliath story with the ungodly greedy being the poor little David facing a massive giant government. But for those of us who look closer we know where the real political power is the ungodly greedy money. It is not the ungodly greedy who were the victim in 2007-08 nor were the ungodly the victims in 1929. The ungodly greedy were not standing in soup lines in 1929 they watched the Great Depression from their mansions and the ungodly greedy did not loses their pensions in 2007-08 they simply watch it on TV from their Castles in England. But not to worry the commie/conservatives are riding to the rescue of the ungodly greedy.
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Reply Fri 4 May, 2012 05:39 am
Yesterday Sean Hannity was telling his listeners they could expect to work to the day they die because the country could no longer afford Social Security, Medicare, and fringe benefits of any kind. The ungodly greedy want more, they always want more, and all wealth is ultimately created from labor even natural resources must be located, recovered, processed and delivered to market. The outlook for the ungodly greedy in America is indeed gloomy as the baby boomers generations moves into retirement, 3 million baby boomers are retiring each year, and the baby boomer generation was one of the most prolific wealth creators in America history. As the baby boomers retire they not only stop generating wealth for the ungodly greedy they expect to collect the social security that was increased 4 times by Reagan to finance a 70% tax cut for the ungodly greedy. Since social security increases on the working class were put directly into the pockets of the ungodly greedy in “massive tax cuts” the social security trust fund exists only in US Treasury bonds. The taxes increase necessary to repay 30 years of giveaways to ungodly greedy will be staggering. Hannity and the commie/conservative solution is simple, simple solutions always work for simple minded people, let’s face it America’ workingmen have an obligation to keep the ungodly greedy in the lifestyle they became accustom to. Hannity’s solution is to eliminate any form of retirement and make the baby boomers work until the day they die. Like ringing the last drop of water out of a sponge the ungodly greedy are going to try and ring the last penny of wealth out of the baby boomer generation. Rush Slimbaugh says that no member of the baby boomer generation should expect to eat if they do not continue to work; he says none of his employees can expect to eat if they stop working.

The baby boomer generation has carried the ungodly greedy on our backs for the last 30 years and like an ex-wife they fully expect us to carry them for the next 30. Reagan put the baby boomer generation to sleep with the communist style propaganda that if the government tax structure was changed to make the ungodly greedy even richer that it would create an economic utopia for workingman, well they say hindsight is 20/20 and the baby boomers can look back over the last 30 years and see if the commie/conservatives philosophy made life better for them or their children. There can be no doubt that the ungodly greedy benefited tremendously there income increased 6 fold on average, contrasted with working couples working 32 more hours a week and making less in real dollars than their father working alone.

Hannity and Slimbaugh propaganda is so powerful that many of their listeners will accept the propaganda and plan to work for their entire life and stand by and watch as the hard earned fringe benefits are taken away. Propaganda creates an alternate reality for those who believe. Imagination is a powerful gift but it to quickly morphs into alternate reality and once one accepts the alternate reality as reality it does indeed pass for reality. Slimbaugh has been pushing this alternative reality for some time but this is the first time I have herd Hannity pushing it but then again I don’t catch his show as often.

The baby boomers may not realize it but they are currently in negotiations with the ungodly greedy over their social security and Medicare benefits the baby boomers have it at least on paper but the ungodly actually have the actual dollars in tax cuts in their pockets. When negotiating a union contract I might ask for a $1 an hour when we were making $3 and but you we would settle for 30 cents a year. You always sat your demands higher than you expected to get. This is what the ungodly greedy are doing with social security their propagandist tells the typical red neck right followers that they are not going to get any social security and now the questions becomes how much less will you take? The commie/conservatives have convinced the younger generation there will be no social security for them and they are plunging head long toward retirement with no pensions and no expectation of collecting a dollar of social security. They have stoically accepted working until they die as their fate and they make no effort to pay into the voluntary sham schemes that are called defined contributions “pensions.” If the communists had set off an atomic bomb in Washington DC in 1980 instead of electing Reagan it wouldn’t have done near as much damages to America as electing Reagan.
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Reply Sat 5 May, 2012 04:48 am
This Tuesday will be the Democratic primary in Wisconsin and we will finally know who the Democrat who will run against Scott Walker in the recall election next month. The most likely Democrat to win the nomination is Tom Barrett the current Mayor of Milwaukee. The polls show a dead heat between Walker and Barrett with almost undecided it seems most people have made up their mind. But the same Wisconsin poll shows that Obama has 51% to 42% lead over Romney. Walker has raised campaign contributions from all over the country and has $25 million to spend in the recall election. Walker has been able to campaign for 5 months since he was recalled although he has a 23 year old opponent in the Republican primary but he isn’t likely to be a serious competitor for Walker. The successful democratic candidate will have only a month to campaign before the recall election giving Walker both a huge time advantage and a huge money advantage.

Even with Walker’s time and money advantage it is hard to believe that Walker is even close in the polls, since Walker took office Wisconsin has been on a downward spiral plunging radically on the rankings of states creating new jobs falling from 21st to 42nd in the national ranking of states creating new jobs. But like America after Reagan took office life in Wisconsin is getting much better for the top 1/100 of 1%. In Wisconsin the top 1/100 of 1% would be the Koch brothers and a few of their closest friends. In lottery winner economic, the commie/conservative economic theory, if only a tiny fraction of Americans do better it is considered a success. After all that is how a lottery works the vast majority loses and the winners gains hand over fist. In Wisconsin the Koch brothers benefited tremendously at the expense of the working people. I can see how the Koch brothers would spend millions of their dollars and vote for Walker, they benefited but the vast majority lost and have only Walkers broken campaign promises to show for it. Why would they even consider voting for him? Divide and conquer pitting the private sector against public sector. First the public sector benefits and pensions were taken and now they pit those in private sector who have been the biggest losers in Reaganomics against those who still have a few benefits left. The politics of resentment works instead of making everyone life better making everyone life worse is the goal and end product of Reaganomics, everyone except the ungodly greedy that is.
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Reply Sun 6 May, 2012 07:23 am
The commie/conservatives are counting on the voters having a short memory because if the voters remember what happened in 2007 and 2008 no commie/conservative candidate could possible win an election. In 2007 and 2008 Americans watched as the biggest banks in America failed one after another. This generation had heard about the Great Depression when banks failed and people’s money was lost. Many in our grandfather’s generation never trusted banks again and found hiding places for their money on their property. That generation did not have a short memory they never forgot, no republican was elected president from 1932 until 1952. They placed the blame squarely where blame belonged on a long period of Republican control of American government. They held the politicians who created the mess accountable. The republicans rode a wave of fear back into power. The paranoid fear of Russian communist was responsible for the Republicans return to power in Washington in the 50s. The images of the mushroom clouds in Japan and vast destruction on a scale never before seen were engraved in the minds of every American. War had changed no longer did armies just attack armies now civilian populations were the object of warfare. America geographical isolation from Europe had kept the American continent relatively safe but now one plane could destroy a city. When Whitaker Chambers public admitted being a long time communist spymaster and exposed some of the communist spies who worked for him and testified how he had turned America military secrets over to the Russians and Nazis before WWII fear reached a fever pitch in America and those in the grips of fear are easily manipulated. Whitaker Chambers was one of the founders of the Modern Conservative Movement and later lionized as a true American hero by Ronal Reagan who awarded him The Presidential Medal of Freedom.

Contrast that with 2010 when just 2 years after the commie/conservatives made the biggest economic mess in 80 years the public short memory sent even more extreme commie/conservatives to Washington. These commie/conservatives even though they were a minority were able to block any and all meaningful reforms. Our government is structured to be run by the minority as a 2/3 majority is necessary to move any bill through Congress because any bill can be filibustered and a 2/3 vote is necessary to override it. Until America can be run by a simple majority as opposed to being obstructed by the minority it will continue to spiral downwards. Imagine a presidential election that took a 2/3 super majority to win, it would be virtually impossible to elect a president by super majority. This is what is happening in a Congress total grid lock is now the normal. The party that losses the Presidential election immediately starts waging war the next day by obstructing every move made by the other party.

The world as we know it was within hours of ending in 2008 when all banking was close to being suspended, now the questions becomes will American public elect the same people that flew the American economy into a hillside in an effort to make the ungodly far more wealthy than they are now? Is their memory really that short?
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Reply Mon 7 May, 2012 05:13 am
“I made a mistake in presuming that the self-interest of organizations, specifically banks and others were such that they were best capable of protecting their own shareholders and their equity in the their firms”

Alan Greenspan

Greenspan, one of Ayn Rand most loyal disciples and very close friend and admirer of Rand, is finally admitting that a political philosophy based on self-interest is a failure. Ayn Rand the author of “Atlas Shrugged” was a Russian named Alisa Zinov’yevna Rosenbaum who migrated to the United States after the communist revolution. Zinov’yevna, unlike Sarah Palin, could actually look out her window and watch the communist revolution. Zinov’yevna went to Hollywood and became a screen writer and later a writer of fictional novels one of the fictional novels, “Atlas Shrugged” was quickly adopted by the radical right like Alan Greenspan to be the model economic philosophy for America. It took years for the radical right to saddle America with this Russian screen writer’s fictional economic philosophy but Reagan showed us when it comes to economic philosophy a Russian fiction writer can come up with a far better economic philosophy. Zinov’yevna philosophy bought the old world distribution of wealth to America. Now her disciples like Alan Greenspan may abandon her but other on the radical right will read Zinov’yevna fiction and continue to try and make it reality.

The self-interest of employees and the self-interest of the shareholders are not aligned and are at cross purposes. It is how the pie is divided the employees self-interest is to get the lion’s share for themselves. One CEO of a large corporation is known to take a 50% cut of the profit for himself and the record is replete with CEOs who continued to take record salaries while the company went bankrupt. Why did the employees of investment banks buy and sell worthless paper before the 2007-08 crash? Because they were paid in large commissions and their interest was short term never beyond their next check if the bank bankrupted they simply moved on. The shareholders interests were long term but only the major shareholders can influence the company’s policies or elect directors. The vast majority of shareholders are simply along for the ride and can’t influence the direction of travel or how the economic pie is sliced. In Zinov’yevna fiction companies are owned and operated by the CEO stockholders owned companies are seen as creeping communism anything less than lottery winner economics is simply unacceptable.
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Reply Tue 8 May, 2012 05:59 am
What is truth? Most people would be satisfied with the dictionary definition of truth as a verifiable or indisputable fact but what passes for truth in our society is often simply what the majority believes or in many cases wishes to believe. After mass psychology was employed prior to WWI any number of groups became interested and proficient at manufacturing the truth. The “tipping point” is the point that propaganda morphs into the truth once a majority accepts something as true the majority’s power comes into play many more will accept the propaganda as true if they know others accept it as true also. Once the vast majority accepts something as true the group becomes intolerant of others who do not believe as they do. Prior to WWI the vast majority of Americans wanted to stay out of any war in Europe but after mass psychology shifted public opinion those expressing the previously held majority opinions against the war were severely beaten. The majority is often intolerant of the minority those who believe they have “truth” on their side squelch others. Mass psychology is very much like turning a herd of stampeding steers once you turn the lead few the herd will follow.

Often the “truth” is manufactured from propaganda the majority will often squelch the minority view point. Mob censorship is often far more brutal and severe than government censorship. Chris Hedges a reporter for the New York Times specializing on the Middle East was giving a commencement speech at Rockford College in 2003 when he began to criticize the Gestapo like tactics employed by the Israeli Army against the Palestinian the crowd began to shout him down they were not interested in hearing the truth or any facts which might disrupt their propaganda generated illusions. Hedges was not only forcibly removed from the podium but was ultimately forced out of his job at the New York Times. Propaganda is so strong that once the public opinion gels it will not tolerate any facts to the contrary. In popular propaganda the Israelis are cast as the guys in the white hats and the Palestinians are cast as the evil guys in the black hats. Somehow because the Jews had been victims of the Nazis the world believes they can do no wrong because they were one time victims but reality is quite different it is the abused child, the victim, who grows up to be the child abuser. When two shoulder fired rockets were fired in to Israel doing no damage the Israeli army retaliated by killing thousands of Palestinians a kill ration that would have made even the Germany Gestapo extremely envious. When a report on the human rights violations was published by a Jewish judge among others it was suppressed and Israelis retaliated against the South African judge.

What passes for Truth is often what propaganda deems it to be.
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Reply Wed 9 May, 2012 06:27 am
Ignorance, like radioactive elements has a half life; it changes one funeral at a time. When I was growing up racial discrimination was often the subject of the evening news. Let’s face it the ignorant need a tackle dummy something to take their frustrations out on. Racial ignorance changed one funeral at a time as the last generation ignorance was buried with them but this generation came to accept that black people were just people but they too needed a group to discriminate against and the gays and lesbians were custom made for the task. They weren’t like black people who could be singled by their skin color. Gays and lesbians looked like the rest of us so no one could say the bases for discrimination was skin color. Now discrimination could be based on actions, sex among gays which was recently decriminalized in many states. At one time a black man having sex with a white woman could result in him being imprisoned.

Yesterday’s landslide vote in North Carolina to ban gay marriage can be seen as a triumph for ignorance over reason. The chare for ignorance was led by churches, the religious bigots who have been in the forefront in every ignorance movement since the beginning of recorded history. Civilizations are a result of organization but their natural state is disorder. America has never had a shortage of ignorance but America now manufactures more ignorance than any other product. How could a generation who helped end discrimination against blacks pick up the flag and champion discrimination against Gays and Lesbians? Leaned ignorance that is manufactured in the minds of religious bigots. My Sunday mornings were spent in church when I was child but now I spend them training for triathlons, bike riding and swimming. I do a 26 mile loop on the bike and there are several churches on my route that I refer to as ignorance schools where ignorance is not only taught but learned. The automatons come marching out of the ignorance schools convinced that Obama or whoever the democratic nominee is the anti-Christ and Gays are bad. Yesterday 41% voted for a convicted felon for serving time for President against Obama. You bet the ignorance schools were beating the Anti-Christ drums last Sunday and leading a key get out the ignorant vote. This generation decided it was wrong to discriminate against blacks but in church they were taught that God wants you to discriminate against Gays and Lesbians in fact he commands it.

The bible is not a book about peace and love it is a book about ignorance, killing and gratuitous violence. When Mosses orders the wholesale slaughter of children because one tribe refused to let them pass across their territory you have to remember that even Hitler did not command that all the children of countries he invaded be put to death. When the preachers struts across their stage and says that the bible says homosexuals are an abomination ask him if the bible doesn’t also say that the path to true bliss is to take your children out and bash their heads on the rocks. Maybe large piles of rocks should be dumped in front of every church in the country so the faithful can bash their kid’s brains out on the rocks after all if you want to take one passage from the bible as literal than you need to take them all. Don’t look for the reference in the Catholic bible they deleted it but it remains in the King James version.
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Reply Thu 10 May, 2012 06:33 am
Tuesday Presidential Primary in West Virginia provided some surprising results, I wasn’t aware that anyone else was running against Obama for the democratic presidential nomination but wasn’t really surprised to see some minor candidate running. But the results were surprising Mike Judd a convicted felony imprisoned in a Texas prison got 41% of the vote to Obama 59% and Judd was the outright winner in 9 counties in coal country. The local news ran the only available picture of Judd his mug shot after the election. Most people who voted for him were surprised to find Judd would be in prison until June 2013 and unable if elected to take office in January. More surprising however was that Romney got only 75,000 votes while Judd got 70,000. Judd should consider running as independent as the election shows that many people have no problem voting for a convict. One wonders how a Texas convict could even get on the ballot.

The big coal companies have owned West Virginia for a century or more and it is not unusual for the owners of companies to dictate how their employees vote. They tell them if you don’t vote for whatever Republican is running that the company will go out of business and they won’t have a job. The fact that Obama won’t let big coal companies kill people at will doesn’t go over well with the coal companies. When I go to the half marathon at Ohio University I drive past one of the big electric generating plants. I can see the smoke from the enormous smoke stacks 20 miles away. The electric company had to buy the entire nearby town because of the filth generated by the plant. My aunt lives within 10 miles of the plant and the population of that area has a severely elevated cancer rate. Dead zones will eventually have to be created around these massive generating plants. In West Virginia the corporate propaganda rules when the employees are told any air pollution regulations will results in their job loss they surround the castle like the mob looking for Frankenstein Monster. But if you ask these same people if someone killed your child would you do something about it? They would be the first to go after their child’s killer. But if the killer was big coal and the motive was bigger profits they would bury the child and go to work the next morning to earn the big coal operators more profits. Whether a child is killed by a child molester or dies of the air he breathes air laced with mercury the result is the same the child id dead but if profit is made by coal companies that dead is justified. A couple 100,000 people a year die in America each year as a result of air pollution many of them children many find that acceptable if it isn’t their child.

In the 60s you didn’t see the sun for days in some big cities because temperatures inversions kept the air pollution close to the ground it was acceptable that a couple 100 people would die during one of these temperature inversion just as a couple hundred deaths during a hurricane was acceptable. But the difference is that hurricanes were a natural occurrence and smog was generated by man. If nothing had been done in the 60s with the smog we could not even imagine what our life would be like. Air pollution regulations bought us more efficient cars otherwise we would still be driving cars that got 5 miles per gallon and generated clouds of smoke. Just because the air pollution is not as bad today does not mean the air is not still polluted, the big particles have been taken out but many of the particles that are expelled today are so small they are not visible to the naked eye at a distance from their source but that doesn’t mean they are not harmful especially to those with breathing difficulties like asthma. Cars remained basically unchanged for decades using carburetors. Fuel injection had been around for 40 years before it became common in the 90s it was air pollution regulations that replaced the old point system with electronic ignition. Detroit was drug kicking and screaming into the future by air pollution regulations. Few of us would want to drive a car that got 5 mpg and had to have points and plugs every 10,000 miles.
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Reply Fri 11 May, 2012 06:24 am
How do you measure success? Wisconsin recalled governor, Scott Walker, measures success by how many jobs are lost. Wisconsin was the only state to show an actual job loss of 23,900 jobs from March of 2011 to March of 2012. It seems the propaganda that putting all the money in the hands of the ungodly greedy did not have it advertised affect. According to Walker if he could just cut the throats of all of the public employee by eliminating their collective bargaining rights there would be an absolute invasion of the ungodly greedy bringing jobs on top of jobs. Walker’s propaganda can now be compared to the harsh reality that Wisconsin is the only state in the United States that is actually losing jobs in a recovery. Walker asks the question are you going to believe your lying eyes or are you going to believe me. Numbers are something everyone in Wisconsin can understand and in the last year the state of Wisconsin has lost enough jobs to populate a small city. But Walker insists his policies are working despite huge and persistent job loses he resorts to proofiness pointing out that Wisconsin unemployment is around 7%. Of course we don’t know what the unemployment figure was before Walker took office. How could the unemployment percentage go down while Wisconsin continues to loose 23,900 jobs? Simple unemployment percentage is a percentage of people unemployed if large number of people leave the state because of poor paying jobs that Walker stripped the benefits from and total compensation is both wages and benefits. An employee gets only 2/3 of his wages after deduction but benefits are 100% as they are exempt from taxation. When Walker striped the benefits like paid health insurance the employees not only lost the benefit but it stripped their meager wages to pay the taxes on benefits they already had. If you have to pay $400 a month for health insurance you must earn an extra $600 a month. This made it a compounded pay cut and many of the 23,900 are likely to have been Wisconsin good teachers after taking a $7,200 pay cut which is just the beginning if Walker has anything to do with it. Jobs in others states became much more appealing. If those leaving Wisconsin and those retiring shrink the labor pool far enough the percentage of unemployed goes down even with huge job losses. If Wisconsin lost a million jobs but 2 million people left the state for decent jobs the unemployment percentage would drop and Scott Walker and the commie/conservatives would crow about lower unemployment rate despite a million lost jobs.

Milwaukee mayor, Tom Barrett, won the democratic primary and will face Walker in the recall election. Walker has raised $25 million since 20011 while Barrett has raised only $831,000 with only a month until the election the fact that it is a dead heat with Walker holding a 30 to 1 advantage in money is surprising. This is by far the most important election in America for the workingman. If Walker and his ungodly greedy friends buy this election it will spread across America like plague and when the total compensation package declines for large number of public employees it will decline for private sector employees as wll. Make no doubt about the Wisconsin election is about distribution of wealth the ungodly greedy like the Koch brothers realize if they can get a five fingered discount on government service they can put millions more in their own pockets. If the thousands of state workers who maintain the highways to get the Koch brothers goods to markets compensation can be cut the Greedy Bastards get even richer. The commie/conservatives first targeted was federal tax cuts for the ungodly greedy but trillions in tax cuts over the last 30 years was not enough, it is never enough. Now state taxes are the next target and local will follow. In Huntington all of the city taxes were eliminated on multi-million dollar manufactures and shifted to the working poor in form of a sales tax. The occupancy tax tied up in court will tax the poor 1,000 higher percentage than millionaires. This is class warfare and the war is nearly over and the workingman is losing and has yet to join the battle.
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Reply Sat 12 May, 2012 04:30 am
Romney true character is beginning to show, it seems he was an intolerable bully in high holding down and assaulting fellow classmate with scissors cutting the students hair. Everyone went to school with a “Romney” or someone just like him. Bullying has gained much attention recently with a number of recent deaths because of bullying. By the time a child has reached high school his character has been pretty much molded. Romney bullying goes hand in hand with his remark “I enjoy firing people.” Romney will derive pleasure out firing people because it is much bullying people in high school. Being a bully affected Romney career choice. Romney choice to become a corporate raider let him put his bullying skills he honed in high school to work. Instead of scissors he used his daddies wealth and political connections to assault others taking their jobs and stuffing the pensions they worked 30 years for in his pocket. Romney no doubt is a psychopath and derives his pleasure from the pain of others just as he enjoyed cutting the hair of the gay student.

Romney will not only put a stop to social security and Medicare or cut it till it is insignificant and most importantly he will enjoy doing it just like he enjoyed torturing others. This is a commie/conservative come true the republican party fought social security tooth and nail when it was passed under Roosevelt and tried in every way to repeal it for the next twenty years. When commie/conservatives say smaller government they don’t mean less money spent on defense they mean no social security and no Medicare that would indeed shrink government. All the raises in the social security under Reagan went directly into the pockets of the Greedy Bastards and the social security trust fund is in US Treasury Bonds which are simply I owe yous from the ungodly greedy and they are not about to pay the money back willingly.
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Reply Sun 13 May, 2012 06:21 am
The vast majority of us were not bullies when we were growing up. We did not get off making other peoples lives miserable. I often wondered what happened to bullies later in life. Do they become the wife beaters and child abusers? After high school everybody goes there different ways and I have never been one to try and track people down. I have always been amazed by the fact that people you saw everyday in high school you seldom or never saw again. I only had a few encounters with a bully. I was at local skating rink in when I was in high school and a bully told me not to take the hand of the next girl in an advanced couples skate which of course I did and he violently tried to break the connection and told me he and his gang would take care of me after the evening was over. Huntington had to primary High Schools and his gang was from the west end. The skating rink was at 1st St about the center of town. I had a few friends with me from the east end and we waited but the bully seemed to be nowhere in sight finally the bully came sneaking around the corner and I remarked it doesn’t look like there will be any fight here tonight. He remarked you just go out and wait on us we will be there. The bully himself never did show up but he did send a substitute, someone to do his fighting for him and a 25 year accomplice. As I removed my jacket the 25 year old threw a cup of pop in my face and the bully substitute got a free punch in. My grandmother could hit harder. From then on out you could not get with in 6 feet of the bullies substitute with all the wild kicking and prancing. I asked him where his pocket book was? By that time a cop stepped in to break it up. I never had any more trouble with the West End gang. I often wonder whether the bully lost face with his gang when he refused to show up.

There is a local politician from the West End who looks very similar to the bully but after all those years I don’t know for sure whether that is him or not. The politician is fond of trying to goad other city councilmen into going out into the alley to fight him. So far no one has taken him up on his frequent invitations but if they did I wonder whether he would show up. The politician is in his 60s now and may get reelected this year. The point being if you’re a bully I think it is a distinct personality type and I don’t think your going change. Their tactics might change, obviously they are not still going to be shaking down smaller children for their lunch money, by the time they are adults they will be shaking down companies like Romney did for their pension funds. The principal is the same using bulling tactics to take what rightfully belongs to others. The world is full of Romneys who would take everything you have and laugh about it.

The leading commie/conservative spokesmen like Rush Slimbaugh state frequently on the radio that there should be no pensions or social security. In the world according to Slimbaugh nobody should every be paid for not working the commie/conservative principal is if you don’t work you should not eat. Slimbaugh figures those that are not working are useless eaters and since they are not helping to make Slimbaugh or some other Greedy Bastard rich they should not expect to eat. In reality Slimbaugh political philosophy has much in common with Nazi Germany it is just a short step from they should not be entitled to eat to putting the older people in gas chambers to “put them out of there misery.” The propaganda Slimbaugh wants the public to believe is that all the social security and increases in social security the baby boomers paid was spent on the retirement of previous generations and there is no social security left for this generation that the social security trust fund is “worthless paper.”

When baby Bush stood beside the cabinet that held the social security fund for a photo opportunity and said the US treasury bonds were just worthless paper he meant that the commie/conservatives would simply dishonor the US Treasury bonds that make up the social security trust fund. That is what they call floating a test balloon to see if the public would accept the propaganda that US Treasury Bonds are “worthless Paper. Of course the US Treasury bonds held by all the Greedy Bastards would be honored by the full faith and credit of the US Government. The commie/conservatives argument is to create to distinct classes of US Treasury Bonds one for the US Treasury Bonds held by the Greedy Bastards and another for the US Treasury Bonds held by working Americans in their Social Security accounts. America could simply not afford it when Reagan gave the Greedy Bastards 70% tax cuts. Reagan raised Social Security 4 times so the working people paid for the Tax cuts with their social security. Social Security is thrown into the same pot with income tax and massive social security surpluses offset massive Reagan deficits. Reagan knew he could steal from the Baby Boomers generation and the theft would not be discovered till long after his death.
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Reply Mon 14 May, 2012 05:33 am
This generation somehow confused what is moral with what is legal they are not the same standard. What is legal is subject to change anytime the Greedy Bastards decide to have their puppets in government change the law or completely do away with the law. At one time alcohol was illegal but the Greedy Bastards that made huge fortunes for pushing this particular drug eventually bought enough politicians to make it legal again. The slaughter of the innocent began; it is bad enough the lives of the addicts are ruined but those that never used alcohol are slaughtered every weekend on the roads. Alcohol is still legal in America and the victims are legion. But is it moral to supply a huge number of addicts with their drug of choice, it is highly profitable alcohol is often marked up 300% to 400%. There are only major consequences after a victim is killed. Last year a 14 year old girl was killed in a head on collision just outside of town with a lifelong drunk known as “Creature.” Creature had at least 7 drunk driving convictions with only minor consequences. Creature was thrown through the windshield and died on the highway. The cars were used at the 14 year old high schools this year to show the high school kids the consequences of drinking and driving. Do you think it will dissuade even one teenager from getting drunk after the Greedy Bastards have spent 100s of millions in advertising to convince the teen to use alcohol? By the time a teenager is 18 he has been subject to thousands of highly persuasive commercial telling him how much fun using alcohol is. Is that moral?

By the 80s much of the wealth of America was tied up in pension funds. The Greedy Bastards went to Reagan and said to get the economy going we need to get our hands on the wealth in the pension funds. That wealth is just stagnant but if we could just get our hands on the money. Soon Reagan was telling the American people that the American pension was “over funded” at the same time he was declaring that social security was under funded and raising not only the retirement age but raising social security taxes and unheard of 4 times in 8 years. Soon the laws were changed so that pension fund was treated as an asset of the company and once the company was taken over by a corporate raider like Romney he could simply help himself to the pension fund of the acquired company. Were the pension funds the property of the employees who paid into them for 30 years or the CEO who bought the company last week? We all know that stealing the pension funds was not illegal because the laws simply were changed at the bequest of the Greedy Bastards and court case after court case was lost. The courts ruled for the Greedy Bastards over the employees who earned the pensions.

It used to be that laws simply codified morality but is not the case in America massive runaway wealth has distorted our legal system to the point what is legal and what is moral are not necessarily the same thing. Unfortunately many Americans still believe what is legal is the same thing as what is moral.

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