The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Tue 15 May, 2012 05:33 am
The baby boomer generation has witnessed a seismic shift in political philosophy in our lifetime the question is was this shift a natural phenomenon or was the shift driven by those with something to gain from a shifting the political philosophy in America?
“The eight page memo, entitled “Attack on America Free Enterprise System,” became the blueprint for corporate dominance. Powell’s memo led to the establishment of the Business Roundtable, which amassed enough money and power to direct government policy and mold public opinion. It inspired the activities of the Heritage Foundation, the Manhattan Institute, the Cato Institute, Citizens for a Sound Economy, and Accuracy in Academe. The memo detailed ways corporations could shut out those who in “the college campus, the pulpit, the media, the intellectual and literary journals,” were hostile to corporate interests. Powel called for establishment of a lavishly funded think tanks and conservative institutes to churn out ideological tracts and attack government regulations and environmental protection. His memo led to the successful effort to place corporate-friendly academics and economists in universities and on the airwaves, as well as out those in the public sphere who questioned the rise of unchecked corporate power and deregulation. It saw the establishment of monitoring organization that pressured media to report favorably on corporate interests. And it led to the building of legal organizations to promote corporate interests in the courts and press for the appointment of sympathetic judges to the bench. “

From the book “Death of the Liberal Class”
Lewis Powell who wrote memo was general council to the US Chamber of Commerce and was later appointed to the US Supreme Court where he could encode his radical pro business agenda into the law of the land. The point being this just didn’t happen the changes in political philosophy in America was the result of an well organized army of committed zealots and funded better than the confederate armies during the civil war. Most people definition of war is too narrow. America has been involved in a civil war for the last 40 years but this civil war is not between the north and south but between the corporate interests and the working class. The corporate interests view labor as a natural resource to be exploited. Many corporations who formerly viewed themselves as American corporations now see themselves as multinational corporations who owe no allegiance to any one country. Corporations don’t view their employees as stake holders any longer but as natural resources to be exploited. This is not new attitude but a recycled one from the late 19th and early 20th century when Union Carbide saw nothing wrong with letting762 people die digging the New River Tunnel.
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Reply Wed 16 May, 2012 05:33 am
One of the most important features of politics is effective communication. It really doesn’t matter what you do if you don’t let the public know. If you had a word associating test and said tax most middle class Americans would say George Bush. But the vast majority got little or no tax cut under Bush. Bush cut the lower tax bracket from 15% to 10% but if you were paying an effective rate of 8% already and many working Americans didn’t get a tax cut under Bush. There is an effective tax rate measured by dividing the taxes paid by total income but the tax tables don’t take into account any of the tax exemptions. In the 60s a multi-millionaire might have a 93% tax rate but he paid no taxes at all and had an effective rate of 0% percent.

But Obama actually cut the effective tax rate of the workingman with the $800 per couple pays to work tax credit. There was no tax tale cut but $800 real dollars in the pocket of every working couple in America. This wasn’t a cut of $2 million for the Greedy Bastards and 2 cents for the workingman each working couple got the $800 dollars. Next the 2% social security was another $1600 for a couple making the average wage. Bush tax cuts were an illusion for many Americans but a million dollar windfall for the Greedy Bastards. But if Obama campaign doesn’t effectively communicate this to the American public he will have an uphill battle during the next election.

Most people do not do their own taxes and have no idea that Obama cut the taxes on working couples by $800. I always do my own taxes but I used Turbo Tax for the first and when I encountered the $800 pays for work tax credit I had no idea what it was. In fact I thought it was a mistake when I claimed the tax credit and I waited for six months for the IRS to ask for the money back. I follow politics closely and I was not aware of this tax credit until a year after I first claimed it. Most people don’t do their own taxes and simply write a check or wait for a refund likewise when their social security was cut by 2% they simply saw more on their direct deposit slip without connecting it to a Obama tax cut the Republicans fought tooth and nail. Most people dwell in the illusion of a Bush tax cut they never got and have no idea Obama gave them a real tax cut.
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Reply Thu 17 May, 2012 05:35 am
We all know someone who would divide things by counting one for you and two for me one for you and two for me. But what if we had someone that would divide by going one for you a million for me, one for you a million for me? This is exactly what happened with tax cuts under the last commie/conservative administration. Baby Bush gave the workingman a dollar in tax cuts for million in tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. The ungodly greedy were responsible for the workingman be saddled with the income tax in the first place. The income tax was originally passed 1913 to deal with a social problem; the vast disparity of wealth was killing America. Income tax was luxury tax placed on excess wealth no workingmen were taxed under the original tax. The original income tax exempted the first $80,000 in income. It is unfortunate that the term income tax was selected if the term “excess wealth tax” was selected instead the public would have been aware what the tax was levied against. The vast majority of Americans have never read the speech that introduced the income tax to the House of Representatives it should be required in all civics classes. The speech reprinted in the Saturday Evening Post details not only the purpose of the income tax but who would be taxed. If the term “tax on excess wealth” had been adopted when Rush Slimbaugh and others red neck right radio hosts started bell aching on the radio that the ungodly greedy were paying 50% of the income tax we could all agree with him that it was indeed wrong and correct the situation by making sure the ungodly greedy paid 100% of the tax placed on “excess wealth.” The intended purpose of the income tax was to tax only those with “excess wealth.”

Words are indeed magic they shape are actions and our history they start, revolutions and wars. The words propelled and sustained the American Revolution. When words are misused as in the case of mislabeling the tax on “excess wealth” the results can be catastrophic costing innocent bystanders trillions in the case of the tax on “excess wealth”
The speech that introduced the “income tax” in 1913 and the purpose of that tax were forgotten soon after the words stopped ringing in the Halls of Congress but what remained was the words “income tax.” A reasonable interpretation of the words “income tax” would be a tax placed on income and it is also reasonable to believe all income would be subject to a tax on income. This mistake allows Rush Slimbaugh and others to climb on their soap box and cry crocodile tears. If the taxes had but named “tax on excess wealth” how silly Slimbaugh’s rants would sound that the ungodly greedy were paying only 50% of a tax placed on excess wealth. The public would want to know why in the hell the ungodly were getting by paying only half of their share?

What is a fair tax cut? A percentage cut? A dollar per dollar cut? Or an increase on the amount of money that is exempt. Romney wanted to a percentage cut by 2% those in the 35% the bracket (the ungodly greedy) would get a 7% while those in the 10% bracket would get a 2% cut. Millions would be cut from the tax bill ob billionaires and a hundred or so from the working poor. A dollar per dollar would be Obama 800 pays to work tax deduction. Bill Gates and his wife got $800 credit as well as me and my wife got the same $800 tax credit. Or say we raise the amount of the tax deduction to $20,000 each. Bill Gates wife would receive $40,000 tax free as would my wife and I. Percentages tax cuts favor the ungodly greedy 10% of 5 billion dollars is a tax cut of $500 million which is what Eric Canter and Romney have proposed.
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Reply Fri 18 May, 2012 05:46 am
One for you and $16 billion for face book founder Mark Zuckerberg and you still think that redistribution of wealth is not redistribution to the wealthy? The United States is government is responsible for this tremendous redistribution of wealth to the second richest man on earth. Anybody that believes that this isn’t real class warfare and equivalent to the atomic bombs being dropped in Japan to end WWII has their head in the sand. To add insult to injury face co founder book Eduardo Saverin renounced his US citizenship the day before face book public offering saving him $67 million in taxes. So it is one for you and $67 million for Eduardo. This is how the commie/conservatives use the government to redistribute wealth.

“Facebook filings reveal that that difference is expected to be about $16 billion. The company plans to use the deductions to help it avoid taxes for years to come. It will also claim a $500 million refund for taxes paid in the last two years.”
Thousands in taxes for you and not one penny in taxes for a $100 billion dollar corporation for not only this year but for “years to come,” this is how the commie/conservatives redistribute wealth and meanwhile the commie/conservatives howl at the top of their lungs about the redistribution of wealth to buy food for poor children. The commie/conservatives are well aware of how the wealth is being redistributed in America they can count and they have seen the statistics but distract to the public from the real problem the commie/conservatives scapegoat the poor as the problem. The art of misdirection is a time honored method of Magicians but the art of misdirection is used far more effectively by politicians. David Copperfield might make a Lear Jet disappear before your eyes but the commie/conservatives will make $16 billion dollar in taxes vanish today but it comes with a kicker the commie/conservative will make the $16 billion reappear from the workingman pockets as taxes will be raised to make up for all those “years to come” when Facebook operates tax free.
The $16 billion tax break is for future stock options for executives and owners. In other words the executives are given options to buy stock at today’s prices at sometime in the future. If the stock sells for $38 today and a $100 five years later the executives exercise their options and buy the stock for $38 and sell for a hundred. The argument is the executives will pay the taxes on their windfall. The problem is the stock might actually
go down in value say it sold for $38 today and than five years later sold for $14 then nobody would exercise their option or pays any taxes but the $16 billion taxes vanishes into the pockets of the Greedy Bastards. Can you say redistributions of wealth?

In the age of the thief thieves become kings, Zuckerberg stole his idea for Facebook from others Bill Gates swiped the windows operating from its developer for pennies. But that wasn’t there biggest job their biggest theft is from the American taxpayer with their accomplices the commie/conservatives.
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Reply Sat 19 May, 2012 05:25 am
Shortly after Facebook public offering which is going to give the company a $16 billion dollar tax cut so the company will pay no taxes for “years to come.” Oregon governor, Kitzhaber signed into law the “Facebook Bill” a law that will cut the state taxes on Facebook even further. Facebook 333,400 square ft data center in Pineville, Oregon employees less than 60 people but millions in tax breaks will be handed to Facebook in order to get another data center employing less than 60 people. Oregon’s tax cut will be just the first in a long string of tax cuts and tax credits as other states use bid higher giving even bigger tax breaks and tax credits in order to get Facebook to locate in their state.

Daimler Benz was lured to Alabama to build a plant to manufacture Mercedes SUV was given a $500 million tax break. It was estimated that it would take 50 years to recover the $500 million in taxpayer money. Of course this is a redistribution of wealth where the taxes of major manufactures are shifted to the workingman in a redistribution of wealth. The taxes of states need to be standardized and special tax breaks need to be outlawed so companies can not play one state against another. If taxes are not standardized $500 million in tax cuts and incentives will just be the starting point. The trend since Reagan was elected is to stop taxing businesses and shift the tax burden to the workingman in the form of every more regressive taxes.
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Reply Sun 20 May, 2012 06:28 am
The photo opportunity that needs to stay engraved into people’s minds as the next election approaches is Baby Bush standing by the cabinet that holds the social security fund and declaring it worthless paper. This is more than just a statement of mentally retard man that daddy’s name and money got elected president this is statement of commie/conservative philosophy. The commie/conservative position is that they have already stolen the social security trust fund and even though they handed out IOUs in US treasury bonds. They have absolutely no intentions of paying back the money there position is just as Baby Bush stated it the IOUs are just worthless paper. The four social security increase during Reagan term went directly to fund the massive 70% tax cut for the Greedy Bastards.

HOLLINGS: Well, the truth is...ah, shoot, well, we all know there's Washington's math problem. Alan Sloan in this past week's Newsweek says he spends 150%. What we've been doing, Mr. Chairman, in all reality, is taken a hundred billion out of the Social Security Trust Fund, transferring it over to the spending column, and spending it. Our friends to the left here are getting their tax cuts, we getting our spending increases, and hollering surplus, surplus, and balanced budget, and balanced budget plans when we continue to spend a hundred billion more than we take in.

The above paragraph was taken from an exchange between Senator Hollings and Allen Greenspan during a 1998 senate budget hearing.

When Baby Bush got elected and Clinton left office with a surplus the Greedy Bastards stepped in and said the $100 billion dollar a year social security surplus was their money and they wanted returned to them. But it was the American workingman’s social security that was responsible for the surplus the Greedy Bastards claimed. The ungodly greedy bastards already got the social security surplus once under Reagan when he cut their taxes by 70% now they got it for the second time under Bush and the deficits have never stopped.
“It should be obvious from the above that the government has for decades been taking the money intended to pay Social Security benefits and spending it as general revenue. The Social Security trust fund is filled with Government IOUs, and those people who insists Social Security is solvent are operating in the faith that T-bills are always good, because the taxpayer can always be forced to redeem them.

From the site “What Really Happened
The question is can the ungodly greedy be forced to return the money they stole? Certainly not if Romney is elected, Romney is one of the Greedy Bastards and he would have to sell one of the nine or ten mansions he owns with the elevator for his cars in it. The commie/conservatives will not dishonor any of the US Treasury bonds they own they will make the social security trust fund bonds special exceptions to dishonor them.
But there is a problem. There are so many T-bills in the Social Security fund that when the baby-boomers start applying for benefits, the sudden surge of T-bills being presented for payment would collapse the Federal System, because there are not enough young taxpayers to carry the extra load.

From the site “What Really Happened”
Of course you the young taxpayers cannot afford to pay it back and they shouldn’t the Greedy Bastards got the money in tax cuts by saying it was their money but now it seems the young should pay back what the Greedy Bastards stole.

The Internet site than reproduced several Newspapers with Headlines where Bush is calling for massive social security cuts. The same president who gave massive tax cut to billionaires “to give the people back their money” so the money we paid in social security was given to Bush’s billionaires friends but it is not fair for the young taxpayers to pay back what was stolen by the Greedy Bastards. The Greedy Bastards stolen booty will be left to their children tax the inheritance at 99% and return the stolen money to the social security trust fund where it came from in the first place. The social security trust fund was not the ungodly greedy money it never was. The ungodly greedy paid no more into the social security trust fund than the middle class but they took the lions share of it in tax cuts.

The social security trust fund was one of the biggest redistributions of wealth in history wee can’t correct by electing one of the ungodly greedy as president. If history Romney will raise social security tax, raise the retirement age and give massive tax cuts to the ungodly greedy with the surplus. After all it is the ungodly greedy’ money all the money belongs to the sick few in gospel according to them.
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Reply Mon 21 May, 2012 06:12 am
It is said those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it. When ever a president is elected you elect not only a president but a political party and a political philosophy. Even though the political party may be represented by a different individual in the next election his policies will be consistent with the political party he represents. The best way to gain and insight in to what the next president policies will be like is to look at his predecessor from the same political party. Baby Bush spent his first term giving the Social Security Trust Fund to his richest campaign contributors. Accounting practices put the huge social security surplus into the general fund. Clinton left office with budget in the black, a surplus but that surplus was mainly if not all a surplus of excess social security payments. When Baby Bush took office the Greedy Bastards said give us back the people’s money the trouble was it wasn’t excess taxes it was excess social security payments. Social security is a highly regressive tax the rich pay a very small percentage of their income in social security while the middle class and poor pay full 6.4% while the CEO of ConocoPhilips paid $6,200 or .00000004% of his $154.7 million salary into social security. But when the social security surplus was divided up by Baby Bush and his fellow commie/conservatives better than 90% of the social security surplus went to the ungodly greedy because they paid the most into it when in fact that was the biggest lie of the 21st century the workingman paid over 99% of the social security surplus. The press, the thin black line that should protect the public dropped the ball in not informing the public what was happening and an informed public is a necessary for every democracy.

Baby Bush did not go after social security until he was reelected in 2004 but when he was reelected he went after social security with a vengeance lying to the public and telling them that the Social Security Trust Fund was worthless paper when it was held in US treasury Bonds. It is one thing to lie but it is quite a different thing to lie to accomplish a political goal. Why was the press so concerned over whether Clinton lied about whether Clinton had sex with that woman but not concerned in the least about Baby Bush lies about social security? Do you really believe in a main stream media bias? When the biggest lie of the 21st century has never made the mainstream press.

Compare the massive tax cuts for the ungodly greedy paid for with the social security surplus to Obama 2% social security tax cut for everyone. One for us, a million for them even when it is our money that was being divided up, can you say massive redistribution of wealth?
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Reply Tue 22 May, 2012 06:10 am
For an idea or a political philosophy to gain widespread acceptance it must first reach the “Tipping Point,” a point where enough people accept the idea as true to influence others. This does not mean the idea or philosophy is necessarily correct only that enough people believe it to be correct to make it mainstream. Why do you think the commie/conservatives spend billions on red neck right radio? This is how they mainstream their radical right philosophy. The Right Wing Noise Machine is made up of several right wing think tanks, newspapers, magazines, 100s of radio stations, and television news network, many owned by Red Rupert, sometime known as Rupert Murdock. Murdock is in the propaganda business with the Red Chinese in China. Billions of dollars are spent each year by those who stand to benefit to change the tipping point.

Test balloons are floated to see if it is possible to change the public’s point of view. A test balloon is when an idea is put forth to see how the public will react. In 2001 Baby Bush floated a test balloon that the Clinton surplus was “the people money” this of course was a lie, the Clinton surplus was primarily excess social security payments that would be needed in the next decade to pay social security benefits to baby boomers. But the test balloon floated, the public bought the “people’s money” idea. By 2005 Baby Bush floated another test balloon by this time over trillion dollar in social security had been committed to Bush tax cuts for the extremely wealthy, now the test balloon was the country could no longer afford to pay the baby boomers social security and it would be unfair for the baby boomers to expect their children to pay back the US Treasury bonds that that make up the Social Security Trust fund. This test balloon was shot down by a generation which saw it social security taxes increased to fund massive tax cuts for the ungodly greedy.

This generation had to pay more social security taxes than any generation before it and had to work longer to collect it and now as they approached retirement the commie/conservatives were taking the football away again like Lucy did when Charlie Brown went to kick it. The commie/conservatives put the cut of the baby boomers social security on the back burner but it did not go away. Now as a new commie/conservative presidential candidate looms on the horizon they are strangely quiet about cutting social security but the commie/conservative budget has already been written by Eric Canter with another whopping 30% tax cut for the ungodly greedy.

Build it and they will buy it philosophy is short sighted you build a house from the foundation up and you build an economy not by producing goods but building a foundation of working people who can afford to buy the goods. If you told people that you would build the roof of your house first and worry about the foundation later they would think you crazy but this is exactly approach the commie/conservatives take with the economy. How did this take place? By using the commie/conservative noise machine to drive their political philosophy to the tipping point.
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Reply Wed 23 May, 2012 06:33 am
Yet another scam hits Wall Street as Facebook stock losses billions it seems certain inside investors knew Face Book stock would tank and placed their bets on huge looses on Facebook stock. It looks like Morgan Stanley might be involved tipping off their favorite inside investors. Under Commie/conservative political philosophy even America oldest and most trusted institutions operate like common conmen. Commie/conservative philosophy dictates in a perversion of the golden rule that life is everyman for himself, it is better to steal from someone else before they can steal for you. In the paranoid mind of the commie/conservative no one can ever be trusted, no institution, no government, no individual.

Our reality is a product of our philosophy. Our philosophy is much like the script is to a play, it directs the players and their actions. In the last 40 years, the years that the commie/conservative philosophy has dominated national politics can anyone say that life in America has improved? Prior to 1980 could we imagine a major investment bank operating like a conman and ripping off the pension funds for the benefit of a few Greedy Bastards and a cut for themselves? Facebook began as a rip off of the ideas of others and will end up as a rip off of the public. Under commie/conservatism the everyman for himself philosophy shines through. Commie/conservatism likes to pretend it is about morality but in reality other than the window dressing of abortion and forced respect for ever mutating religious cults it is one of the most immoral political philosophies. It is a predator’s political philosophy it is about eliminating the rules, the government regulations that stand in the way of predators.

Who were the biggest losers when the Facebook stock plummeted? Surely not Mark Zuckerberg he simply picked a figure out of a hat for what his rip off was worth. The figure was simply imaginary however the loses to American pension system who bought Facebook stock at $38 a share and may find out that is only worth 50 cents share. That is like buying a car for $20,000 only to discover it has no motor or transmission and is worth only $500. We can protect ourselves from purchasing a car with no motor or transmission by inspecting and driving it but none of us are capable of analyzing a company as complex as Facebook and setting a fair price. We must trust others who are no longer trustworthy.

Morgan Stanley said in their defense that they followed regulations, of course the commie/conservatives have eliminated most of the government regulations. Morgan Stanley knew the Facebook stock was not worth what it was being sold for but sold it at that price anyway. As in any con someone profited, money is neither created or destroyed it simply changes hands. Who profited? Zuckerberg will make billion in real dollars he will lose imaginary dollars and play the victim. Morgan Stanley will make 100s of millions if not billions but the big pension funds will lose billions and ultimately the pension of the workers will be cut or eliminated but in lottery winner economics that is a good outcome. In lottery winner economics the purpose is to create lottery winners 1 out of 100,000 is a good return let the others starve to death. Commie/conservatism is the philosophy of the rugged individualist it does not recognize life is not about 1 in 100,000 getting rich. Commie/conservatism is like 10 people being in a lifeboat and commie/conservative starts planning to kill and eat the other 9 when they could have cooperated and rowed the life boat to a nearby island.
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Reply Thu 24 May, 2012 06:16 am
For over 40 years now America has undergone what Paul Krugman, a Nobel Awarding winning economists, called the Great Divergence. Of course the Great Divergence is the ever widening disparity of wealth in America between the middleclass and the top 1/100 of 1%. The biggest social problem facing America today is not abortion or gay marriage they will not destroy America but the ever widening disparity of wealth will destroy America as effectively as a barrage of atomic bombs. In fact the focus on gay marriage and abortion has been used to misdirect the attention of the American people away from the ever widening disparity of wealth in America. American began as an egalitarian country where wealth was far more evenly distributed than today. Experts from many fields are focusing on the problem and it causes today. Though there is no consensus the majority agree that there may be more than one contributing cause but many believe the primary cause is government policies. The redistribution of wealth is not being driven by the ungodly greedy working harder or longer hours many poor people now work three jobs at hard labor.

Why now is the problem receiving so much attention? Because it has continued unabated for 43 years many economists believed that the economy would be self correcting with fluctuations in the distributions of wealth but in my working lifetime there have been no fluctuations. When reliable statistics first provided economists with the distribution of wealth in America the industrial revolution was causing a large shift in the distribution of wealth and the constitution of the United State was amended in 1913 to permit a tax levied on “excess wealth.” At the time the tax on excess wealth was passed in 1913 the top 1% had 18% of the wealth. Now the top 1% has 24% of the wealth and climbing with no end in sight. It is important to note that the tax on excess wealth was only 1% and the top 1% share of the wealth continued to climb to 24% in 1929 at the beginning of the Great Depression. Due to changes in government policies from social security to laws that strengthened labor unions the top 1% share of the wealth declined from 1930 until 1979 when it began to grow again.

When Baby Bush was asked if his policies were responsible for the ever widening disparity of wealth in America, the only cause he believed for the ever widening disparity in wealth was the education gap even though America now has more college educated people then any point in history but what can you expect from a college cheer leader. In fact many people with a college education make less than a union carpenter with a high school education. In fairness those with a college education make more on average than those with a high school education but this in no way accounts for the huge wealth disparity between the 1% and those of us in the 99%.
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Reply Fri 25 May, 2012 05:33 am
There are only 12 days left before the Recall Election in Wisconsin and Scott Walker is leading in recent polls one showing Walker ahead of Tom Barrett by 50% to 45% and another 50% to 42%. It is unfortunate that the recall election is a rematch of the last gubernatorial election in Wisconsin where Barrett lost by 5 points. The voters had already decided between these two men before and it will be hard to get voters to change their minds even with Walker greed driven politics dragging Wisconsin toward a depression as other states rebound. Many of the effects of Walker’s lottery winner political philosophy will take years to do severe damage and by that time like the damage done by Ronald Reagan many will blame others for the damage caused years ago. Political Philosophy is like a bullet fired from a gun once it leaves barrel it stays on course until it destroys its target.

As lotteries spread state by state in the 80s it was a reflection of the political philosophy of the time. In the 30s, 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s Americans believed that wealth should be distributed more equally through out the population and in fact that is what happened through those decades. But the 80s bought not only the commie/conservatives to power but their political philosophy that life should resemble a lottery where millions lose and a few get fabulously wealthy. The commie/conservatives assure us that indeed everyone can win the lottery but most of us realize that like in state lotteries the winners are made possible only by others who lose.

It is striking in the decades Americans believed that wealth should be more evenly distributed in fact it was more evenly distributed and those at the top portion of wealth significantly declined while the middle class not only grew but there share of wealth increased. Once the commie/conservatives shifted the paradigm by eliminated the Fairness Doctrine and creating a propaganda network unequaled in any of the communist countries not only did the paradigm shift but the wealth of America was redistributed to the ungodly greedy.

“Prosperity mostly reigned from 1945 to 1973, and for half a century encompassing Great Depression, World War II, and the three decades that followed, incomes became more equal and stayed that way. In a landmark 1992 paper, the economic historians Claude Goldwin (of Harvard and the National Bureau of Economic Research) and Robert A. Margo (then of Vanderbilt now of Boston University) termed this the Great Compression. Others have simply called it “the Golden Age.”

From the book “The Great Divergence: America’s Growing Inequality Crisis and What We Can Do About It” by Timothy Noah

Why would Americans want to trade the Golden Age for Koch brothers’ whore Scott Walker’ lottery winner economics? The Koch brothers will get billions but the American people will lose.
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Reply Sun 27 May, 2012 07:15 am
What is appealing about gambling? At the heart of any gamble is the conman’s promise of something for nothing or at least next to nothing. When the outcome is too good to be true the rule of thumb is to avoid that transaction. If a conman offered you a scheme where you could make millions for a dollar only investing a few dollars most of us would run not walk away. But if the government offered the same scheme many would line up to buy chances on the scheme. Increasing during our lifetime gambling has become more pervasive government has not only looked the other way but became an active participant only to happy to take its share of the cut in taxes. But eventually the government decided to cut the middle man out and run its own gambling operations.

Gambling in the 60s was majorly conspicuous consumption for the rich, you could brag to your other rich friends that you lost a few 100 grand at the casino last weekend and would never really miss it. Like any other form of conspicuous consumption it was meant to impress others with your wealth. Wealth in a bank account is just a number in a book but multi-million dollar mansions, $500,000 cars, and trips to Las Vegas says look at me I have made it in a way a bank account would never show. In the 60s gambling was considered sinful to much of mainstream America but the paradigm shifted in the 80s as real income began to drop people began to look to gambling to replace some of their lost real income. If it could not replace their income at least it bought the illusion that one day it could be replaced.

But as the paradigm shifted we saw not only direct government involvement in gambling but the winner take all attitude began to be reflected in other government policies. A recent example would be the $16 billion tax exemption for Facebook not only did Mark Zuckerberg and his partner Eduardo Saverin get fabulously wealthy on the public offering their company will be “tax free for years to come.” Saverin renounced his citizenship a day before the public offering to avoid US taxes on his billions. The hedge fund managers saw the taxes on their salaries cut in half and several hedge fund managers make billions a year. The original intent of the 16th amendment was to tax “excess wealth” but hedge managers are considered lottery winners and entitled to special treatment under the tax laws so the law was rewritten to cut their taxes on their billions of dollars income from 35% to 15% a 57% cut on their income tax.

The commie/conservative driven paradigm shift that divided America into a very few winners and a vast majority of “losers.” The paradigm shift changed the expectations for a half century Americans had expected incomes to get more equal and for a half century they did but when paradigm shifted to make lottery winners type distribution of wealth acceptable income got more and more unequal for the past 43 years. The commie/conservative are not concerned with the good of all Americans they want to set up a lottery where a very few become rich beyond their wildest dreams and the vast majority lives below third world standards. Homeowner insurance is possible because no one knows whose house might burn down if we knew up front who was going to collect those of us would not collect would not bother to pay insurance we wouldn’t need. If we knew up front who was going to reap vast majority of the economic benefit from the labor of the vast majority we might decided not to participate and I think that time may be closer than we know. Lottery winner economics is fantastic for the few winners but everyone else loses.
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Reply Mon 28 May, 2012 11:10 am
How important is distribution of wealth to a country economic well being? Many attribute the poor distribution of wealth in South America for it retarded economic development. America’ early egalitarian distribution of wealth provided the large advantage that made American the world’s economic hyper power. In South America land was owned by a few landed gentry and supported large group of peasants. The alarming thing is now America distribution of wealth is actually worse than several South American countries and the commie/conservatives are doing everything in their power to make it worse.
But according to the CIA (whose patriotism I hesitate to question), income in the United States is now more unequal than in Uruguay, Guyana, and Venezuela, and roughly on par with Argentina. Income inequality is actually declining in Latin America even as it continues to increase in the United States. Economically the richest country on earth is beginning to resemble a banana republic.

From the book The Great Divergence”


If the Republican budget passes the ungodly greedy will get another 29% cut in their income taxes and the distribution of wealth will be far worse than it is today. All economic hyper powers in history have one thing in common a strong and prosperous middle classes. America middle class has been under constant assault for the last 43 years even though the commie/conservatives deny that open class warfare has taken place. The commie/conservatives can deny it all they want but the trouble is it is hard to deny statistics. Political philosophy is subject to spin but it is much harder to spin statistics but not impossible.

The ungodly greedy have been taking a bigger and bigger share of America’s economic pie every year for the last 43 years by using bribed politicians to do their bidding. Commie/conservatives like Grover Norquist openly buy politician’s votes for the ungodly greedy and brag about it on Meet the Press. The Commie/Conservative majority on the Supreme Court ruled that money is Free Speech and that the ungodly greedy can spend any amount of money to buy political favors. The Commie/conservatives will destroy America, just not as fast as the real Communist who founded the Modern Conservative Movement would have wanted. I had a large boulder roll off the hill while I was moving a hillside to build the garage it was almost 6 foot in diameter it was an extremely hard boulder and I could only break off only small piece at a time. I used a sledge hammer each day to break the boulder up until I was wore out but in a month I had destroyed the boulder and hauled it off. That is what the commie/conservatives are doing to America it has just taken them longer.
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Reply Tue 29 May, 2012 05:32 am
During the 99% demonstrations last fall the sign I carried simply read 30 Years of Greedism is Destroying America.” The sign is still in my office at work so it can bother some of the commie/conservative rank and file there. If the commie/conservatives knew that they were destroying America would they change course? No, I don’t believe they would. Winner take all economics is their political philosophy. The signs that life for the middle class, the vast majority of Americans, is getting worse are unmistakable. The answer the commie/conservatives have is if you don’t like just rich like the top 1/100 of 1%. But Americans now have a much smaller chance of advancement than even socialist countries only Great Briton ranks behind America. The old European countries with rigid class structures now provide better chances for advancement. The biggest predictor of a child’s class is in fact the class of his father. Showing that hard work will get you ahead is for the most part an illusion. The working poor often work longer hours and hold more than one job but never get ahead. But these results are acceptable as long as it is the illusion that governs and reality is ignored.

Experiments show that most people believe the world is just. The just world hypothesis can be easily demonstrated by showing a group people different photographs of people with a brief biography and have the subjects rate the individuals. But the biographies are not real and are switched with different groups. One picture might say how the man started his own company and became rich while another might say that his child died and he had another child that was retarded. The individual who got rich was rated as a far better human being than the one whose child had died. There is indeed a just world bias. Religion more than any other factor is responsible for the just world hypothesis. That God is the referee and he takes care of the righteous. So if a hedge fund manager cheats millions out of their pension he is a good human being because he is making billions. If a billionaire buys enough politicians to have the tax eliminated on his fortunes we all know that it is the secret hand of God who is responsible for his “good fortune.” As a country we tend to judge people on outcomes instead of actions. Even Mob Bosses that made large contributions to the Catholic Church were honored for their “contributions.”

In old west someone caught cheating at cards was often shot on the spot but now those that cheated millions out of a pension that they worked a lifetime for become heroes. But there was no difference between the card cheat and those who cheat people out of their pensions except for the scale of the crime and the proximate distance to their victims. If an employee had bet his pension on a card game and watched someone claim with 5 aces would he sit silently by and think what a hero this guy was for cheating him. After all God would not have dealt him 5 aces if he didn’t intend for him to win the pension.
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Reply Wed 30 May, 2012 05:56 am
It seems Wisconsin recalled governor Scott Walker may be headed to jail instead of the governor’s mansion. Many of Walkers staffers have already been ensnared in the investigation of Walker blatant use of taxpayer facilities and taxpayer paid employees to campaign for governor while he was a Milwaukee county executive. Walker has denied any knowledge of a computer less than 20 feet from his desk was being used by his employee to raise massive amounts of campaign funds for his first run for governor. Walker, like most criminals, has already set up a legal defense fund. His rich friends decided to set up the fund for Walker’s defense in March. You can bet the Koch brothers have kicked in a few million.

How does Walker combat statistics showing that Wisconsin is now ranked 50th out of 50 in job creation? Simple, Walker just manufactured his own set of statistics and hopes the public can not tell the difference between the national statistics and the home cooking done by Walker and his criminal associates. Walker and his filthy rich friends are also relying on push poles. The object of a legitimate poll is to measure public opinion but the object of a push poll is to manipulate public opinion. One of the most famous uses of a push poll was baby Bush’s use of a push poll against primary opponent John McCain in the South Carolina primary where people were asked if they would vote for John McCain if they knew he had fathered an illegitimate black daughter? In fact the McCains had adopted a daughter of color but he was not the birth father. The push poll achieved its objective of starting a whisper campaign in part of the old south where white men often had illegitimate black children but the practice was publicly frowned upon. Polls are easily manipulated by how and what questions are asked. If you want a poll that shows you in the lead it is simple matter to commission one. Once you have a poll that shows you in a commanding lead you can tout it to the press to suppress the opposing vote. If people think their candidate can’t win they will be far less likely to vote.

The poll showing Walker with a commanding lead is being touted but recent polls show the race in a dead heat with Walker lead at 1% with a 4% margin of error. A search results for Scott Walker Recall Polls returned a site that showed a result from only 10 minutes ago reporting of a new poll coming out this afternoon but directly below that search result was one from the Los Angles Times that showed Walker with a lead of 8 points lead . The trouble is that Tom Barrett had just won the democratic primary on the 8th of May and did not starting airing commercials till the 14th the day of the poll. But yet this poll is the on that tops the search results and that is being pushed on the news even though it can’t possibly be accurate. A good example of trying to manufacture reality instead of measuring it.
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Reply Thu 31 May, 2012 05:35 am
The new poll in the Scott Walker recall conducted by Marquette University shows that Walker has a 7 point lead over his challenger Tom Barrett. The poll was reported on a Washington Post column site entitled the “The Fix” which seems appropriate. In the same poll Obama leads Romney by 51% to 43% which seems somewhat unlikely since most people would be likely to follow party lines.

In America we are engaged in a race to the bottom of the food chain. The race to the bottom of the food chain started in America when Ronal Reagan and the commie/conservatives came to power in 1981. The American private sector workers were driven down the food chain by commie/conservative by a get the rich richer policies. The law was changed by Reagan so the pension systems of private employers could be drained and put into the pockets of the ungodly greedy like Romney. The pensions that weren’t drained were converted to 401Ks where the older workers were cheated out of 100s of thousands of dollars. The employees were told the new 401Ks would make them rich but instead most workers ended up with only $50,000 that would provide $300 a month for life this compared to a $3,000 a month pension. If you owned a large international airline and wanted to drain your pension system you simply ask the President to allow you to change your pension system from a pension system to a low return saving account that the airline no longer had to make a contribution. The employees had no say whatsoever in eliminate the defined benefit pension only the sitting commie/conservative president had a say and he of course took large bribes from the airline.

The commie/conservatives have almost completely destroyed pension and medical benefits for the private sector retirees and the next target is public employees. Walkers hope is that the private sector employees who have lost everything will aid him in taking the public sector benefits. Most public employees were paid far less than private sector employees over their lifetime and took fringe benefits instead dollars. But now when it comes time to collect Walker and other commie/conservatives want to cheat them out of what they worked for so they can put another few million in the billionaire Koch brothers’ pockets.
“The public supports asking government workers to pick up more of the tab for their own benefits because 65 percent say public sector workers receive better pension and health care benefits than private sector workers, 22 percent say benefit levels are about the same, and just 7 percent believe private sector benefits are better than those in the public sector.”

“The Sacramento Bee”

Commie/conservatives hate class warfare except when they can use it to destroy America. What, the politic of envy and division being promoted and used by the commie/conservatives? It seems the politics of envy and division is wrong only if it involves envy of the ungodly greedy. There is nothing wrong with unequal outcomes as long as the ungodly greedy are concerned but unequal outcomes among working people is just plain wrong. All working people should have equal outcomes and they should be equal with the poorest among us. Unequal outcomes are reserved for the ungodly greedy who deserve it.
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Reply Fri 1 Jun, 2012 05:58 am
Wednesday Recalled Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker inadvertently admitted to reporters that he was the subject of the John Doe Criminal Investigation.

“Walker, in a rare moment of candor, stated to reporters that he would not use the criminal defense fund to pay for the legal defenses of his aides, who have been charged with crimes ranging from child enticement, to theft from veterans and the families of fallen soldiers, to misuse of taxpayer resources to illegally campaign for Scott Walker, and would instead use the funds for himself or his campaign.”
It is no surprise that those who find it easy to take public employees bargaining rights would be child molesters and steal from veterans and families of fallen soldiers. In commie/conservative political philosophy of predator economics you are entitled to anything you can take. If you are politically strong enough to take it you are entitled to it. This is why Walker saw nothing wrong with using taxpayer paid employees to campaign for governor, it is his political philosophy and like all criminals he believed he wouldn’t get caught. Why would Walker even bother to run for governor again when he knows his likely destination is prison? Because he feels that if he is a sitting governor he can manipulate the legal system. I can’t wait till Walkers gets to prison where he took the prison guards collective bargaining rights away. Walker will be spending a lot of long unsupervised nights with Bubba.

The homes and offices of Walker’s top administration officials have been raided by the prosecutor. Kelly Rindfleisch who ran Walker’s first campaign for Governor has been charged with four felonies and tried to use Walker’s political muscle to have her case transferred to a Republican Judge in a Republican county. The states appellate court denied Rindfleisch political manuver.

The case has been dubbed the John Doe criminal corruption probe to keep Walkers name from the public before Tuesday election but when Walkers public stated his criminal defense fund was not going to pay for the defense of his aides it left no doubt he was going to use it to defend himself. Under Wisconsin law it is illegal to raise a legal defense fund if it is not going to be used for the defense of their agents or the politician in question. Walker, in a Romney like moment (I enjoy firing people), now let the public know he is in fact the John Doe in the John Doe criminal corruption probe.

Some sources say that Walker is channeling Richard Nixon. Walker’s gross arrogance will bring him down.

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Reply Sat 2 Jun, 2012 04:50 am
The article from the Madison, Wisconsin news paper, the “Isthmus” begins:

“With new arrests every week, the FBI probe of Scott Walker's closest aides and supporters is continually uncovering stories that would be front-page news in any other political era.”

The date of the story wasn’t yesterday or even a month ago it was 26th of January a major FBI investigation of a recalled governor with new arrests every week and it wasn’t even being covered in the Wisconsin press. This investigation and the arrests and search warrants should have been not only a regional story but a national story of interest. Walker should have been arrested by now he began his legal defense fund in March it is no longer a question of will he be arrested but when will he be arrested. It looks like that with the recall election looming Walker decided to steal all he could before he was recalled. The FBI has located secret e-mail accounts where bids were fixed and given to Walker supporters.

Walkers own spokesman Cullen Werwie has been given immunity in the FBI probe. It looks like Werwie has decided to sing rather than join his boss in prison. While stealing money from widows and orphans of fallen soldiers may be a new low for some but for Walker and his associates this is just business as usual.

Two of Walkers long time aides were caught trying to entice young girls on the internet using Walkers name. Don’t you love it when government officials work together for a common goal?

Walker claims to blown the whistle on aids stealing from the fund for widows and orphans but Walkers lies were easily spotted as Walker reappointed Kavanaugh to the county Veteran Service Commission 12 months after it was known that Kavanaugh stole the money.
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Reply Sun 3 Jun, 2012 06:55 am
Scott Walker is now pushing a Right to Work Law in Wisconsin. Right to Work Laws are misnamed as they are typically a Right to Work for Less. Right to Work Laws are intended to weaken Unions it allows freeloaders a free ride. The typically union negotiating committee will spend thousands of hours negotiating a contract for union employees but in a Right to Work State not only will the union employees get all the future raises in wages and increased benefits but the freeloaders will get the same raises and increased benefits. If you have six heavy equipment operators and four are union and two are nonunion each will receive the same raise and increase benefits. This would be similar to making paying your electric bill optional if you paid your electrical bill you got electric but if you decided not to pay you would still get electric service. How long do you think the electric company would stay in business if everybody could get electric for free? There would be no such law made to provide other services for free. If a lawyer was representing a group people one could simply decide not to pay, the lawyer’s cut would come off the top.

When someone takes a job at the city where I work they not only get benefit of the most recently negotiated contract but they instantly get the benefit of every contract negotiated in the last 40 years. Hundreds of thousands of unpaid hours by union members were necessary to negotiating those contracts but when someone is hired they believe they are paid that much and given that fringe benefit package because they are that good, nothing could be further from the truth. In the 70s the union negotiated a prescription drug benefit that had a co-pay of $4. My wife doctor pulled me aside one day and told me that she would need an expensive drug that would be difficult to afford. I was working as a mechanic at the time and it was obvious that we were unlikely to be able to afford that drug. I told him it made no difference about the price my part would only be $4. If my union had not fought for that benefit the outcome could have been different. The benefit had been recently acquired at the time and it made a big difference.

The city employees often walked out to get a nickel before the union was organized. All the wages and benefits that it took strikes and lengthily negotiations to secure are just given to new employees as they are hired they have no idea of the history behind what was given to them. Why not take a free ride after all the union is not writing your pay check? Why? Because it will go back to where it was faster than most people think. It is the old divide and conquer strategy if you can eliminate solidarity by Right to Work Laws you indeed can earn the Right to Work for Less. Sucks always believe it is their great job skills that are responsible for their wages and benefits when in effect it is those that carried them on their shoulders. The administrative employees were given each of the union benefits, sometime they were union organized programs like the prescription drug and prescription eyeglass programs. So the union was not only secured wages and benefits for union employees but administrative employees also. At least some of the administrative employees would acknowledge that the union was also their bargaining agent. The Walkers of the world will destroy the middle class if they can.
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Reply Mon 4 Jun, 2012 05:32 am
It is up to the voters in Wisconsin now the recall election is tomorrow. Polls over the weekend show the race between Walker and Barrett is a virtual toss up when the margin of error is factored in. Public Policing Polling in a poll taken on June 2nd and June 3rd showed Walker with a three point lead at 50 to 47 but the margin of error was 2.8%. The number of undecided voters is insignificant and turnout likely will determine the election.

Walker is outspending Barrett 25 to 1 the ungodly greedy across America have opened their pocket books to Walker in a more for the ungodly greedy movement. In a story about the Wisconsin recall election on NBC news they mention that the unions were putting money into the election but never mention they were being outspent by a factor of 25 to 1 in out of state money from the ungodly greedy. This is the so called “Liberal News Media” that presented only the facts that the unions were spending money on the election not the fact that the ungodly greedy from across the country are spending 25 times as much.

If Walker wins it won’t tell us anything about political philosophy it will only demonstrate that any election can be bought. After 2 years Walker has taken Wisconsin to 50th out of 50 in job creation the worst performing state in the union but then it is hard to beat cubic dollars.
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