The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Fri 6 Apr, 2012 05:13 am
Frank Meyer, considered the father of the Modern Conservative Movement, was the Political Philosopher who raised the individual to god status. The rugged individualists in America today are generally criminals. They suffer from tunnel vision and focus on only their wants and needs. A teenage drug addict has no problem stealing from his grandparents. He is focused only on his needs and wants, other are just there to serve his wants and needs. As Modern Conservatism became widespread across America we created generations of Americans with the teenage drug addict’s moral philosophy from the Greedy Oil Bastards to the Greedy Wall Street Bastards. Americans became rugged individualists, like the teenage drug addict stealing his grandmother’s social security to party on. There is no longer a sense of shared purpose or of common goals in America the individual is a be all and end all in Frank Meyer political philosophy. When Meyer founded the Modern Conservative Movement he was fresh off of trying to overthrow the governments of both England and the United States and replace them with communist governments. Meyer who had believed all his life that government was the be all and end all suddenly went all the way to the other extreme believing the individual was the answer to every question.
“The only problem from the point of view of Howard Hubler’s trades was finding a Morgan Stanley customer stupid enough to take the other side of the bet--- that is to get a customer to sell Morgan Stanley home insurance on what amounted to home insurance on a home designated for demolition. “They found one client to take the long side of the triple B tranche of some pieces of sh** says one of their former colleagues, which is complicated way of saying that they found a mark. A fool. A customer to be taken advantage of. “

“The Big Short” by Michael Lewis
Morgan Stanley was founded by among others one of J P Morgan grandson in 1935 after the Great Depression. The Glass-Steagall Act required the splitting of commercial and investment banking businesses. It is ironic that when Glass-Steagall was repealed Morgan Stanley collapsed and was bailed out by first the Chinese and then the Japanese and of course $107.3 billion from the federal government. The jargon and actions of one of America’s largest investment bank was that of a common conman the one of banks main objective was to find “marks,” “fools,” someone to take advantage of. There is little difference between Howard Hubler stealing the pension of this generation then the teenage drug addict taking his grandmother’s social security. There are only two differences one is in scale, the drug addicts steals $20s the stock broker steals billions and while stealing from your grandmother is illegal but complicated stock scams on worthless investments aren’t illegal. Conservatism has created literally millions of Howard Hublers across America, Modern Conservatism is a sickness and America has no idea how sick it actually is.

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Reply Sat 7 Apr, 2012 05:47 am
Frank Meyer philosophy is very evident on Wall Street, the Greedy Bastards on Wall Street believe success as the success of the rugged individual however failure is a social problem. When Howard Hubler made money for Morgan Stanley it was his individual brilliance, the rugged individualist at his best but when Hubler lost $16 Billion on his subprime investments he saw it as a social problem. This is Frank Meyer philosophy, Modern Conservatism, in a nut shell all accomplishments are accomplished by the individual and all failures are caused by social problems. Hubler’s unit at Morgan Stanley was suppose to produce to billion in revenue a year on subprime collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) Hubler was richly rewarded by Morgan Stanley making $25 million a year and a share of the profits. If we follow Frank Meyer’s philosophy Howie Hubler would make a King’s ransom for the scams in good years but his $16 billion mistake would be blamed on a failure of society and the losses socialized and this is exactly what happened. The red neck right radio drug addicts were fast on the draw with an explanation, it was the poor people victimizing those rich millionaires again with Robin (the Government) at their side. In other words it was a social problem caused by government not a classic conman’s scam. This is classic Frank Meyer philosophy all the success in society is the product of the individual an as such the individual reaps the reward but society is responsible for the failures Had Hubler bothered to look at the actual loans that made up CDOs he was buying he would have found a $750,000 loan to a Mexican Strawberry picker making $14,000 a year and teaser rate mortgages at 4% that reset to 14% in two years. When these mortgages reset the house payments would more than triple. Those that saw their house payment go from $1,000 a month to $3,000 a month had no chance of making the payments. But all the individuals along the subprime pipeline were getting filthy rich and isn’t that what conservatism is all about, the individual? The Individual gets rich and society pays the price.

This is how Wall Street does business the Dow Jones average is computed on the current successes, when a company goes bankrupt it is simply dropped from the average. The bankrupt company is a social problem there are only two original companies left on the Dow Jones average if all the zeroes for companies that were zeroed out were averaged into the average the average would be significantly lower. But on Wall Street failures are not a Wall Street problem they are a Main Street problem a social problem.
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Reply Sun 8 Apr, 2012 07:02 am
Political Philosophers from the beginning of time have struggled with the questions of rights of the individual verses the rights of society to strike just the right balance that will give the individual the maximum amount of freedom without doing damage to other individuals or society as whole. In the Declaration of Independence the phrase “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” is considered one of the most influential statements in the history of the English language. But we know even that statement does not provide boundless rights to the individual. There have to be boundaries, take for instance Ted Bundy who found his greatest bliss in killing and torturing other people but most of us see nothing wrong with not only stopping him from his “pursuit of happiness” but executing him. We realize his victim’s right to life far exceeded Bundy’s right to pursue happiness by torturing and killing and having sex with their dead bodies.

But though there are clear cut cases like Bundy’s others are much more complex cases that are harder to draw a line between the individual’s pursuit of happiness and damage to society. When the dead bodies start piling up it is one thing but when the Romney’s of the world steal the pensions of a generation for so called “management fees” it is harder for us as a society to appreciate the full extent of the damage done. The problem is that much of the actual damage did not take place when the initial theft took place, pensions stolen today may not be expected to be paid out until 20 years in the future. If Ted Bundy had been running around telling people he was going to kill women 20 years from now nothing would have been done because the crime had not taken place yet. But with the theft of pension the crime takes place today but the effect of the crime is still 20 years in the future. The theft of the pensions may result in far more deaths than even Bundy could imagine as the elderly will die from lack of food, prescription drugs and medical care but society will not find dead headless bodies.

America had achieved a reasonable balance between individual rights and the rights of society by the 1950s but the 1950s also spawned something else, the radical right. The radical right was first seen as just the crazy fringe right but the communist intellectuals soon joined the radical right crazies. As communist Russia became the primary enemy of America an anti communist’s movement sweep America and the McCarthy’s communist witch hunts raged on National TV. The communist intellectuals like Frank Meyer, Whitaker Chambers and other communist could no longer call themselves communists. This added something to the radical right that the movement lacked political philosophers that were talented writers. Whitaker Chambers had been a writer for “Time” magazine before the Alger Hiss trial. As mainstream would never pay attention to a crazy candy manufacturer so in a coup the John Birchers were expelled.

Frank Meyer’s political philosophy would focus on individual rights at the expense of overall good of society. It is an appealing personal philosophy because all decision are predicated on the individual under the theory if all individuals are maximized than society is maximized. But simple political philosophies spring from simple short sighted political philosophers. Meyer’s short sighted political philosophy overlooks the fact of cannibalization, that the fastest way to get rich or maximize yourself is to economically cannibalize your fellow countrymen. The Greedy Oil Bastards and the Greedy Wall Street Bastards are recent examples of the cannibalization of America. No one that has lived the last 40 years in America can believe that America is headed in the right direction our political philosophy is our road map to change the direction we are going we must abandon the road map the disaffected communist wrote in the 50s and 60s. We must strike a new balance, we must recognize the real predators in our society, those who do widespread damage and realize it is not their right to steal anymore than it was Bundy right to kill.
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Reply Mon 9 Apr, 2012 05:41 am
Commie/conservatives are always publicly advocating for “Free Markets” but in actuality the commie/conservatives are “anti-Free Market” but pro monopolies. Monopolies destroy free markets. If you listened to red neck right radio Slimbaugh and Beck defended the 766% increase in the price of gasoline and they are always defending the big oil and the Greedy Oil Bastards as the victim of big government. Not only did the commie/conservatives push for deregulation of electricity in California they supported that monopoly as they “browned out” California and increased the price of electricity over 700% over a short period of time. Think of what a devastating effect it would be on your budget if your electric bill went from a $100 a month to $700 a month. What would you cut out to keep your family warm? But we may have not seen the most harmful monopolies yet.

What would happen if the Greedy Bastards could get a monopoly in the food industry? Not possible? Think again, “According to the USDA, four packers, IBP, ConAgra, Smithfield, and Cargill handle 80% of all steer and beef slaughter.” The seven sisters of beef? No make that the four sister of beef. Once there is a buyer’s monopoly they can dictate the price they pay for beef and farmers have no choice but to sell to the only buyer available. The beef monopoly can not only dictate the price they pay the farmer they can dictate the market price. A lower court awarded $1.28 billion verdict against IBP for manipulating the price it paid for beef by using captive supplies to negatively manipulate cattle prices. Unfortunately the verdict was overturned. Tyson Foods which had a monopoly in poultry market acquired IBP. Without government control “Free Markets” end in monopolies.
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Reply Tue 10 Apr, 2012 05:38 am
It is hard to believe that has been nearly four years since American Greed gone wild collapsed the world economy. It wasn’t just the American economy that was destroyed but the economy of many other countries who bought the worthless investments created from whole cloth. A Bank in England, USB, actually cut off access to their customer’s savings because of their losses on American Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDO) and subprime mortgage bonds. The commie/conservatives can argue all they want that that they hadn’t bought the world economy to within hours of total collapse but the evidence shows otherwise when one of the biggest banks in the world suspends depositors access to their money 1929 was perilously close.

“Greg Lippmann had imagined the subprime mortgage market as a great financial tug of war. On one side pulled by the Wall Street machine making the loans, packaging the bonds, and repacking the worst of the bonds into CDOs and then, when they ran out of loans creating fake ones out of thin air; on the other side his noble army of short seller betting against the loans. The optimists versus the realists. The sellers of credit default swaps versus the buyers. The wrong versus the right.”

From the book “The Big Short”

Now the same people who caused the great crash want to be re-elected they see nothing wrong with what went wrong and are endorsing the same policies. For instance Romney sees nothing at all wrong with “when they ran out of loans, creating fake ones out of thin air” this is simply a buyer beware problem to Romney. According to Romney the Free Market should be totally free and the buyers should beware. How different the story pandered to the public on red neck right radio and the well researched version of a Wall Street insider. According to red neck right radio it was the evil poor that were responsible for this mess aided by the government who made these poor innocent bankers loan the poor money for a house. The Greedy Wall Street Bastards were getting rich beyond their wildest dreams and notice “when they ran out of loans” they “created fake ones out of thin air.” Do you think for a moment that the poor caused this problem? The banks were going through neighborhoods pushing loans on the poor so they could create even more subprime bonds. You always follow the money and none of the poor made multi-million dollar salaries or bought castles in England.

On Wall Street the Greedy Bastards motto is that “customers have a short memory” in other words you can cheat them today and cheat them again later. Republicans are counting on voters having a short memory in fact after only two years after the republicans caused the second Great Depression even more radical commie/conservatives were elected to a majority in the House of Representatives with the same policies that caused the world wide economic collapse. Our grandparents did not have a short memory after the first Great Depression it was 20 years before a republican would be elected president again. We live in a fast food society and there is disconnect between our vote or lack of a vote and the real life consequences. When the economy collapsed few credited Reagan that old B rated movie actor, or that his hero worship of communist intellectuals, making two of the communists national heroes by awarding them the Presidential Medal of Freedom, but make no mistake about it Reagan’s worship of a Free Market Utopia was responsible for “they created fake ones out of thin air.”

They say over a trillion dollars was lost on Wall Street but that is not true, like energy is neither created or destroyed it simply changes forms, money is neither created or destroyed it simply changes pockets, The Greedy Bastards on Wall street, one who lost $9 billion on a single trade kept every dollar they earned and most not only kept their outrageous salaries but continued to get outrageous bonuses while the tax payer bailed them out.

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Reply Wed 11 Apr, 2012 05:55 am
The $3 trillion war in Iraq war sat a precedence to pay for past wars taxes were raised. But when Bush declared war on Iraq the wealthiest among us got a $1.6 trillion dollar tax cut. The $3 trillion dollar costs of the Iraq war was calculated by a Nobel award winning economist and calculated not only the cost of the war but the future costs incurred by the war for all the medical cost for all those who were mangled both physically and mentally and those costs will continue for another 50 years after Iraq is just a memory. The first question before invading Iraq was how to cut the cost. The baby Bush administration decided after cutting the ungodly greedy taxes by $1.6 trillion to cut the pay of soldiers that had been given a raise prior to the Iraq war and if they could just cut the soldier’s combat pay and separation allowance for family expenses back home of soldiers headed for Iraq a few million could be saved. Each soldier would have faced a $225 a month pay cut. Congress blocked the Bush administrations pay cut but Baby Bush became the military’s hero you can bet all the military votes Bush received in 2004 few knew about Bush’s plans to cut their pay.

Now the question for the baby Bush Administration was how to pay for the Iraq Congress recommended rolling back the $1.6 trillion dollar tax cut for the ungodly greedy. The Baby Bush administration would not hear of even $1 to taken from the ungodly greedy after all Bill Gates had more wealth than the bottom 45% of couples and he needed much more. So if the $1.6 trillion in tax cuts tax cuts can’t be touched where is the money to fight the war to come from? Social Security of course the poor and the middle class can afford to pay for the Iraq war with their social security. The ungodly need their money to pay for $100 million yachts in a race to see who can buy the biggest. After the Bush administration “borrowed” $160 billion of social security to pay for the beginning of the Iraq war. After the massive “loan” of $160 billion of “Social Security Alan Greenspan suggested that social security payments to the elderly needed to be cut. That right there was a surplus in social security that was being used to fund the Iraq war and the commie/conservatives wanted to cut social security payments.

“In 2004, the deficit will be $420 billion. But that is only part of the picture. That doesn’t include the $160 billion they’re taking from Social Security, which is already on track to be in the red when baby boomers retiree. That’s why Alan Greenspan advocated Social Security benefits cuts.”

From the book “Straight Talk from the Heartland” by Ed Shultz

These same people are running for election again counting on you having a “short memory” a few at the top may be different but the 1000s who make up the backbone of administration will be the same baby Bush administration appointees.
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Reply Thu 12 Apr, 2012 05:15 am
After weeks of horror stories on the National News of record gasoline prices this summer the price of gasoline has began to decline could it be the public began to hear the truth about the Greedy Oil Bastards setting a record for exporting 21 million gallons of gasoline a day breaking a record set in 1949. The Greedy Oil Bastards were shipping 21 million gallons a day out of the country enough to meet all the gasoline needs of the states of the states of New York and New Jersey. Once even a portion of the public became aware that the Greedy Oil Bastards were shipping out record amounts of refined gasoline it became more difficult for them to publicly claim that there was a shortage of oil in America or a shortage of refineries. When is the last time you heard a commie/conservative presidential candidate say “Drill Baby, Drill” this had been almost a daily occurrence prior to the knowledge that record amounts of gasoline were being exported now that chant is seldom heard because the commie/conservatives are afraid the public just might know the truth was just as they suspected all along that gasoline shortage like the electricity shortage was contrived by Greedy Oil Bastards ripping the public off with the help of their commie/conservatives buddies.

The commie/conservatives were ramping up the gasoline shortage to be a huge campaign issue but on this morning news it seems they have decided not to make a major issue of the gasoline shortage that in fact never was. The two major issues that the commie/conservatives have chosen is the war on women, it seems Romney has come up with more lies claiming that 93% of the people who lost their job during the commie/conservative caused Great Recession were women. Romney’s lies were immediately discredited with actual figures showing that only 39% of those who lost their job in the commie/conservative Great Recession were women. The other issue Romney hopes to focus on is the economy. What no “Drill Baby, Drill”? Is Romney afraid that the public will finally connect the dots that while gasoline was going up 766% the commie/conservatives pockets were being stuffed with $500 million in bribes from the Greedy Oil Bastards, so called campaign contributions?

The Greedy Oil Bastards had planned to use the price of gasoline to manipulate the Presidential election by raising the price to $6 dollars a gallon or more this summer but to create a shortage in America they had to develop foreign markets for American refined gasoline. How much American refined gasoline is being shipped to foreign countries is something only those inside the oil companies knew. But the massive amounts of gasoline being exported to foreign countries is monitored by the government and the news of record amounts of gasoline exported hit industry publications on the internet but other than the Los Angles Times, no doubt in article on page 35, no mainstream news sources has reported on the story. This is pretty much like the man bites dog story, all the stories about trade are about America importing more and more but a story about record exports should be a page one story and the lead story on every network news show. A real American success story exporting more than we did since 1949 but no one bothered to brag. Why? Because there was another more record being set. Record gasoline prices for that time of year because? You guessed it gasoline supplies were supposedly in short supply and they were because a record amount of American gasoline was being exported to foreign countries. Liberal Media? If there was any such thing as liberal media they would have been all over this story in fact they would still be on this story every day. There is no liberal media just the media that says what their rich sponsors pay them to say.
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Reply Fri 13 Apr, 2012 06:07 am
The Scott Walker recall election is set for June 5th, make no doubt about it this is one of the most important election of the century. It pits the commie/conservatives and their ungodly greedy allies against American union movement. A massive organized assault against working people was launched after the 2010 mid terms elections. Since the commie/conservatives bought their communist philosopher’s greed based philosophy to the Whitehouse the American working couple is working 32 more hours a week for less than their fathers did when Reagan took office and one man has as much wealth as the bottom 45% of American couples. But having 45% of the wealth is never ever enough they want more and more. Commie/conservatives are a one trick pony they have one and only one solution for every problem more tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. Multi-Billion dollar corporations paying no taxes what so ever, no problem $500 million hand out of taxpayer dollars are becoming more common every day. But the working couples working an extra 32 hours a week is simply not earning the ungodly greedy enough money fast enough, 64 or even 96 hours would create much more wealth for the ungodly greedy. The working couples received no benefit what so ever for working an extra 32 hours a week they make less than their father 30 years ago but labor creates wealth and a tremendous amount of wealth was created in America. This increased wealth was created by working couples working 32 more hours a week, where did it go? Into the pockets of the ungodly greedy each and every dollar, now those same dollar generated by the extra 32 hours a week are being used by the ungodly greedy to wage a class war on the workingman. In the same 30 years the ungodly greedy income soared 560% from $3,641,285 to $20,328,482. But that is not enough that extra income is being used to fund the ungodly class war and take even more wealth. Money is liquid political power and it is destroying America as we have known it.

The unions and the laws they created stand in the way of the ungodly greedy making the American working couple work an extra 64 or 96 hours a week. How do you get people to work more hours? Cut their pay or their benefits. The American Farmer learned this lesson during the Great Depression when crop prices went down the farmers did the only thing they knew they produced more which drove the prices further. After Walker made severe cuts to public employees property taxes in some counties sky rocked. How many school teachers in Wisconsin are working two or three more jobs to pay for what Walker is taking away? A teacher that has worked all nigh at the Quickie Mart to pay the Medical Bills the high priced insurance policy no longer covers is not a very good teacher.

Make no mistake about what is at stake in Wisconsin is the American quality of life who will have it and who will not. The ungodly greedy have the best guns, tanks and planes (they own the news media and will carpet bomb Wisconsin with lies and distortions everyday 24-7 till the election) that money can buy and the American working man is armed only with sticks and stones but the ungodly greedy are few and we are legion but to fight a war we must agree who the enemy is, they may pretend to be our friends and give an occasional handout to fund an art gallery but we can count and that giant rushing sound is not a tornado but the life being sucked out of the American workingman. Let the workingman in Wisconsin send a resounding message heard round the world because the rest of the world is also seeing a redistribution of wealth unheard of in history, commie/conservatives is a world wide sickness that should be treated as such.
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Reply Sat 14 Apr, 2012 05:46 am
The Scott Walker carpet bombing of lies in Wisconsin is being funded by billionaires across the country, if the billionaires are successful in keeping Walker in office they know it will spread across the country. If there is one thing that billionaire hate worse than income tax its property tax now that baby Bush and the commie/conservatives turned the income tax into a regressive tax where billionaires pay a rate 50% less than the middle class property tax is next. Property tax is a flat tax based on a percentage of the value of the property own. There is currently no 50% tax cut for the billionaires on property tax like the Bush 50% rate cut on income tax. Guys this is simply not fair billionaires are going without in America. When is the last time you saw a chauffer driven Rolls Royce? A mansion with a hundred servants just to maintain the grounds? These things were common for the billionaire’s grand parents in the 1920s. America focus should be on how to bring back the 1920s lifestyle of the ungodly greedy. After all their grandparents were mere millionaires and they had mansions with 100s of acres of grounds, the servant’s quarters were bigger than millionaire’s houses today. How can we bring back the lifestyle of the ungodly greedy?

With property tax the more you own the more you pay, that is just plain wrong the baby Bush and commie/conservatives fixed the income tax so now the property tax should be fixed also. We solved this problem in Huntington with when a recent occupancy tax was passed. An occupancy tax was passed instead of an income tax to avoid taxing the income of the ungodly greedy. Only wages are taxed by an occupancy tax, business income, rents, capitals gains, and dividends are exempt but even though most of the income of the ungodly greedy was exempted this was not enough. Next a ceiling was put on the tax and any income over $100,000 was exempted also. This is basically the model the commie/conservatives are pushing for income tax nationally of course the base was widened there is no minimum exemption earn a dollar pay tax on that dollar unless that dollar is over a $100,000. This is the widen the base the commie/conservatives are always talking about. How will the ungodly greedy fix property tax? Like the income tax make all commercial property exempt because commercial property is a job creator plus put a $100,000 ceiling on property that can be taxed. This should bring back the fabulous mansions of the Great Gatsby era.

Something must be done first to bring down expenses. After all the ungodly greedy want to be fair to their subjects and they don’t expect the middle class to make up for all that property tax they are not going to pay so expenses must be cut also. The ungodly greedy see no reason why a school teacher should make anymore than a Wall Mart or McDonalds employee after all they only work 10 months a year isn’t that 16.6% more than a 12 month employee, besides the ungodly greedy are not sending their children to public school. After all the ungodly want to be fair and 16.6% is a lot of money after all. This is where Scott Walker comes and why it is so important to win the recall election. If Scott Walkers wins the ungodly greedy win across the country if Walker loses it sets back the ungodly greedy’ rape of America back by 10 years. If Walker is recalled he will be only the third governor recalled in American history. The last governor recalled was Grey Davis after the Enron scandal. After the commie/conservatives in California got their way and electricity was “deregulated” the price of electricity skyrocketed more than 700% like gasoline and Romney’s big dream for America “deregulation, and more deregulation.” Why wasn’t baby Bush recalled? Effective carpet bombing of lies the real “shock and awe” was not in Iraq but in America the lies were bursting all over the place during the “gas shortage” and “electric shortage “ in California and Romney carpet bombing of America is just beginning.
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Reply Sun 15 Apr, 2012 06:27 am
In the bible Mosses and his tribe would annihilate another tribe, even killing all the male children and steal the wealth of that tribe this was how traditional redistribution of wealth worked. Now we are more civilized and those who steal no longer order the slaughter of all male children of the victims. In Mosses time if you were powerful enough to take it you took it and slaughtered the others. I always wondered why preachers never preached on Sundays about the righteous Mosses ordering the slaughter of innocent children since they make such a big thing about the Egyptians slaughter of their first born while Mosses ordered the complete and total slaughter of all male children not just the first born. Sort of goes against their peace and love image doesn’t it. But even though it is no longer stylish in our Judo-Christian culture to raid and slaughter the tribes of neighboring towns the concept of if you are powerful enough to take the wealth you are entitled to it is alive and well in America today as it was during Mosses’ time.

The commie/conservatives political philosophy has pushed this concept though lottery winner economics where the winner, the most powerful, is entitled to everything and the other 99.99% of Americans should be happy with what ever “trickles down.” Reagan described the commie/conservative economy theory just that way “Trickle Down Economics.” In Trickle Down Economics the government would be used to redistribute the wealth to the richest among us, then in theory the ungodly greedy would create all of these jobs and everyone in America would get rich in theory, this is known as utopian thinking. Human beings have the ability to imagine anything and this is instrumental in solving problems. We can imagine sky scrapers or vehicles that fly through the air but often as not our imagined solutions went up in flames in the ground. We can watch a plane explode when it hits the ground and go back to the drawing board and make the hundredth design change but when one imagines a political utopia it is more apt to be wrong than right just because one can imagine a political utopia doesn’t mean you can create one. It has been 30 years since Reagan launched his political Utopia called “Trickle Down Economics” and we heard only a giant sucking sound as what little wealth the middle class owned trickled upward at an ever quicken pace.

When the plane hits the ground and explodes the design engineer can’t deny the fact his design failed, he has to face the facts and he or others will work to prefect his design but in politics when the political plane hits the ground. The politicians will stand beside the wreck and proudly proclaim it success. They will claim the pilot fell asleep or just decided to commit suicide, they will always find a number of excuses anything. It is like a ball team one side will always take the side of their teammate even if they know the teammate was wrong. Of course in politics it is far worse the sophistication of mind science today is beyond anything imagined even 20 years ago. They can stand beside the remains of a crashed plane or a crashed economy and make it disappear before your very eyes as effectively as a David Copperfield. If the designers of planes didn’t learn from their failures we would have a Wright Brothers plane, a novelty that flew from one side of a field to the other today and we could imagine a plane that flew over oceans.

Greed metastasized on Wall Street during the baby Bush administration with the economy going up in a mushrooming cloud but the conmen who sold the worthless paper made $10s of million and those who knew and shorted the worthless paper made $10s of millions. One trader lost the company $9 billion on a single trade but he made $47 million for himself handling the worthless paper. There is a solution for greed it is called taxes our grandparents managed to keep greed under control by controlling the driving force of greed by taxing extreme greed extremely, 93% for the upper bracket. The crooks made the money and when the bomb exploded the only losers were the taxpayers. But there was a bright side the crooks only have to pay taxes at ½ the rate the middle class does so they can shift the burden of their $9 billion loss on one trade to the middle class.
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Reply Mon 16 Apr, 2012 05:34 am
The red neck right drug addicts always lead the charge by yelling “redistribution wealth” how unfair it is for the ungodly greedy’ tax dollars to go to help feed a young couple and their children working a minimum wage jobs but you never hear the term redistribution of wealth when the tax dollars are going to the ungodly greedy, sort of like poor people are just plain crazy but the ungodly greedy are eccentric. Most of the redistribution in America has been indirect but now redistribution of wealth is direct from the federal government to the ungodly greedy up till now redistributions of wealth have been held down to the $500 million range with both Boeing and Daimler Benz getting that amount while Toyota turned down a similar amount because of the absurd health costs in America and built their plant in Canada instead. But the $306 Billion government handout to guarantee Citigroup’s assets, is equivalent to “nearly 2% of the US gross domestic product and roughly the combined budgets of the department of Agriculture, Education, Energy, Homeland Security, Housing and Urban Development, and Transportation was presented as undisguised gift.” This “$306 billion gift” was made to a few ungodly greedy who owned Citigroup.

This was one of the most stupendous redistribution of wealth in history; greed knows no end our children’s children will be paying for this $306 billion redistribution of wealth to the ungodly greedy their entire lifetime and this was just one of many. After the Greedy Bastards on wall pulled of their con by creating over a Trillion dollars in counterfeit securities and they were trading for a penny on the dollar the United Government bought up all the counterfeit paper created by the conmen for a 100 cents. Placing the blame on poor people who bought houses is absurd when years ago when I bought a television set on credit my credit was not only checked but employment and salary were independently verified. With the advent of credit cards the verification stopped and the cost of bad loans was passed through to others who paid their loan. Now the ungodly greedy create counterfeit paper and the government pays the tab.
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Reply Tue 17 Apr, 2012 05:34 am
Imagine going to a casino with a billion dollars of someone else’s money to gamble with, if you win you keep a percentage of the winnings but if you lose you incur none of the losses only the other people money is lost. No matter how skilled you are you are likely to make millions for yourself even if you lose the initial billion dollars of other people’s money. The bigger the gamble the more money you will make and since you share none of the loss you will look for the bigger risks with the best possible chance for a large return for yourself. Sounds like an improbable situation doesn’t it? Actually this situation became the norm on Wall Street before the great crash. Investment Banks had traditionally been partnerships until Salomon Brothers went public Salomon Brothers was no longer owned by partners it was owned by the public, the stock holders. This revolutionized Wall Street as partnerships became publicly owned. The CEO and others were just employees and their millions in compensation was based on their winning bets and they saw no loss in compensation for losing bets. A partner in an Investment Bank suffered the loss if a billion dollar bet went bad (he was gambling with his money) but not so the employee so as investment banks went public their behavior became much more risky. Even the employee that lost $9 billion in one single trade suffered no personal loss he kept all his multi-millions in compensations although he did leave the firm he was rich hundreds of times over.

What happened on Wall Street was an evolution of greed; the reward and the risk were separated. Those who were rewarded shouldered none of the risk and those who took the risk saw little of the reward because the losses offset the gains. Is it any wonder bank employees were going door to door encouraging people to borrow money, this actually happened in some neighborhoods because the demand for loans to create subprime mortgage bonds was so high and so profitable. My elderly mother was sent a solicitation for a million dollar loan from a bank in California pre approved. Is it any wonder Collateralized Debt Obligations were being created out of thin air when the supply of loans to create subprime bonds ran dry?

This is greed raised to an exponential power the so called “free market” at work. To be sure free markets have a place and where there are a large number of buyers and a large number of sellers they function well but when monopolies control supply they become a nightmare. But to try and apply a free market solution to every problem is asinine most people would like to go to Las Vegas and be able to gamble with a billion dollars of someone else’s money and keep a percentages of the winnings and have no possibility of losing any money. At a lower level the loss of a job might have such severe economic consequences that it might alter the risk taking behavior but after an “employee” has made 10s of millions of dollars the economic consequences to the employee hold no real threat except to his personal greed and he is likely to move on an gamble for another company. The idea that every situation is the same, that everything is black or white, is the mantra of a right wing zealot and when zealots lead we know what happens. When we are children we share the world view of a zealot, everything is pretty much black or white but as we mature the shades of gray become more evident and we abandon the one solution fits all situations but the zealots never mature and they clings desperately to their illusions.
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Reply Wed 18 Apr, 2012 05:33 am
The ungodly greedy are pretty much like the scorpion that stings the frog and they both drown, it is their nature but there are not that many of them to do significant damage to society if their greed is controlled by the rest of society. The problem since 1980 is the greed mongers, those that glorify and encourage greed, they are legion and they are the problem. The Greed Mongers hope to benefit in some way from the ungodly greedy either directly from associating with the ungodly greedy or indirectly through “Trickle Down Economics. The Greed Monger does not have the right stuff to actually ever become one of the ungodly greedy be admires and lusts for that lifestyle and tells himself that one day he will in fact be one of the ungodly greedy. The Greed Mongers lives vicariously through the ungodly greedy they are a big fan of “Lifestyles of Rich and Famous.”

The commie/conservative political philosophy glorifies greed and has succeeded in creating a critical mass of greed mongers in our society. The commie/conservative dominated Supreme Court has declared political bribery as “free speech” and ruled that no limit can be placed on political bribery. At no time did the Founding Fathers imagine that the right of “free speech” would include the right to bribe politicians. The commie/conservatives always howl about an activist court no Supreme Court decision in history has been more activist then this one.

In upside down totalitarianism instead of a revolution and putting in a dictator they simply gain control of the courts and reinterpret the constitution and bill of rights to make things like bribery “free speech.”
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Reply Thu 19 Apr, 2012 05:38 am
The Baby Boomer generation was born in the wake of United States victory in WWII with the United States at not only the peak of its military power but its economic power. This generation can never remember a time when the United States was not one the primary world political powers and economic power, this generation took this as their birth right. If in the baby boomers’ life time it always was then it surely it always will be. But history says otherwise all previous world hyper powers ascended to the pinnacle of power and then declined. From the Roman Empire to Great Briton the results were predictable.

“One of the most pathetic aspects of human history is that every civilization expresses itself most pretentiously, compounds its partial and universal values most convincingly, and claims immortality for its future existence at the very moment when the decay that leads to death has already begun.”

Reinhold Niebuhr, “Beyond Tragedy”

It is not a question of will the end come? But only a question of how soon and how much will we speed up the process of decay? The status quo is as it is today so shall it be from now on is an illusion. While giving lips service to the fact that life is finite most people take comfort in the illusion of their personal immortality until the inevitable signs of aging can’t be denied any longer and like Don Juan they realize their death is out there stalking them just out of sight ready to attack. The 50s were America’s Golden Age but even then a small band of malcontents, recently disenfranchised communists, joined the radical right extremists, soon the communists purged the radical right extremists from their own political movement and concocted a new political philosophy one where the primary operative principal was greed. The Communists like Frank Meyer and Whitaker Chambers looked at the America of the 1950s and decided they knew a better way that they were put on earth to improve America but then again they had worked for a lifetime to make America a communist country. When Frank Meyer and Whitaker Chambers openly called themselves communists only a small fringe element in America listened to their ravings about making America a communist country. But when the communists camouflaged themselves by calling themselves conservatives Reagan and others idolized the communists, Reagan even made the communists official National Heroes awarding them the Presidential Medal of Freedom.

I believe that each human being or country is born with the seeds of its own destruction. Each strand of DNA carries at it end a string of useless information at its end but each time the DNA replicates the string at the end shortens once the harmless DNA string is gone the principal DNA is damaged and cancer often results. Likewise a country is born with dissidents or extremists who fester and multiply. Frank Meyer looked at 1950s America and decided he and his merry band of communists could fix what was wrong with 1950s America and improve it. Of course History will eventually have the last word at least whoever writes The Decline and Fall of the American Empire. But no matter what future historians write the Baby Boomer generation knows first hand because they experienced the America prior to Frank Meyer and the other communist’s philosophy becoming not only the dominate political philosophy but a dominate social philosophy as well. We are now 30 years down the path the communist Frank Meyer selected for America ask yourself how much further down this dead end do we want to take our children? Most of his lifetime Frank Meyer believed that a communist America was the very best path for America but yet Frank Meyer select the path America has taken over the last 30 years.

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Reply Fri 20 Apr, 2012 05:37 am
I have been a union officer most of my 39 years with the city including being president and vice president. It was interesting to observe the changes in the generations. When I was hired the city union had only been organized a few years earlier. Working in a union shop was a big factor in my decision of taking the job with the city. In the 70s there was runaway double digit inflation and Nixon had even implemented price controls to try and get inflation under control. If you could not get regular pay raises your wages were eaten up by inflation quickly. A union contract was negotiated between the employees and specified wages increases and benefits. Professional union negotiators were flown in from Washington D C to help the local negotiating committee. A new contract took effect a only few days after I was hired that provided an 8.5% pay raise along with fully paid health insurance the employees had been paying 50% of their health insurance $30 dollars was the employees share at the time. That would be equivalent to a $1.50 raise today and half of the insurance would be $5,400.

There has not been a raise since the local commie/conservatives administration was elected not only has there not been a raise since 2007 but in addition many of the fringe benefits have been stripped and one of proposal before council yesterday was charging the employees $5,400 a year for their health insurance. My generation walked across the street to get a nickel raise before the union. But the current generation got their job with all the benefits and good wages when they got their job a gift. When commie/conservative Reagan was elected and the city took millions in massive cuts in Federal Revenue Sharing the union held its own. When a local group of commie/conservative businessmen, who called themselves “We Care” got involved in the city contract negotiations they actual wrote their own contract proposal that would have stripped most of the city employee’s benefits and put the rest on hold for instance the 100 days of sick time you earned over the last 20 years would be put on hold if you had a heart attack you just could not use it. You would not be paid even though you had earned the days in previous contract. The three unions, Fire, Police and AFSME fought back roving picket lines were thrown up not around City Hall but in front of the “We Care” businesses. A picket line thrown up at lunch at time around a large well know restaurant owned by a “We Care” member. He came out in tears proclaiming it was his wife that was a “We Care” member. One of the local garage owners was rumored to be a member but his business was on shaky ground so I was going to make absolutely sure that he was a member before the pickets were placed in front of his business. When he was asked whether he was a member, he denied it but said the “We Care” businessmen were a fine group of people. At which point I told him the “We Care” businessmen were a bunch of low lifes trying to take food out of baby’s mouths and if they want to put their hands in our pockets we will put our hands in theirs. He later made up a bunch of lies and told them in front of council. Telling council that I had come to his house and placed a bag sh** on his porch and sat it on fire. One of the councilmen, who later became a circuit court judge, kept repeatedly asking if they got a picture of the bag of “sh**. The mental picture of someone down taking a picture of a bag of sh** was too much and I could not stop laughing. A police Lieutenant was assigned to do a major investigation and the interviewed everyone I worked with but since it was a lie to start with nothing was ever found.

But other things also happened since these cuts were also intended for fire and police. One night at a trucking business owned by a “We Care” businessman a police car rolled up and shot the windows out of the trucks? Who are you going to call? Do you really want that guy back? As a Jewelry store of another “We Care” businessman burned the firemen chanted “who cares, we care.” Before long “We Care” decided they didn’t care any longer. It still took a strike vote to stop the losses but they were stopped.

But this generation doesn’t owe the unions a thing they got it all for nothing when they were hired it was the city that gave them the sick time and good wages. Strike or do anything to earn what they got, no way. They believe a union is like lawyer, you hire him lay back and wait on him to do the work. They don’t understand the word Union it is everyone working together to make life better for everyone. If you mention strike in a union meeting now the tails go between their legs and they starting skulking out of the room. They tell you strikes ate illegal. But when you decide to become beggar you will get only a beggars share and that has never been so apparent as last night. When the head of the parking pointed out if his employees had to pay $450 a month for Health insurance they would have to pay the city for working there as they only took home $400 a pay. God better help the next generation because it is apparent they can’t help themselves.
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Reply Sat 21 Apr, 2012 06:09 am
No single expense has increased so much in my lifetime as medical expenses. While percentage increase in gasoline prices is close but the impact has been offset by cars that get much better gas mileage. In the 80s the vehicle I drove averaged 7 miles to a gallon the vehicle I replaced averaged 24 miles to a gallon. Even though I paid more for gasoline I used far less. But medical insurance has increased 2,800% in that same time period. A medical policy that cost $720 a year in 1974 cost over $20,000 in 2008. If the same rate of increase continues for the next 34 years as the last, and there is absolutely no reason to believe it will not, medical insurance will cost our children $560,000 a year 2042. The average wages at the current level of increase will be about $140,000 a year. It will take 4 full time jobs just to pay the medical insurance. The Insurance companies met the increasing cost of medical insurance cost head on and shifted the cost of medical to the consumer. By using higher and higher deductibles and paying for only a percentage of medical claims the insurance companies have the best of both worlds they collect premiums but pay no claims for 80% of the insured. This is an insurance company’s dream, selling insurance and get out of paying most of the claims. It would be like wrecking your new car and finding the insurance company had not only a deductible but would pay only 80% of your $40,000 car or that your homeowner’s policy would only pay 80% of your $100,000 house.

The commie/conservatives say that Free Market is the solution to the soaring cost of medical insurance. But it has been the free market at work over the last 40 years that gave us a 2800% increase. Everyone was free to price gouge as much as he felt like it and gouge and gouge some more they did if you look at most towns the amount of property owned by doctors has paralleled the soaring cost of health care. Some doctors have become so wealth now they simply find enough places to stash the money. Most doctors simply don’t have enough hours in the day to manage that amount money and often the son-in-laws are used. They simply can’t invest it fast enough in multi-story apartment buildings and commercial buildings. There has been a huge redistribution of wealth anytime something increase 2800% you have a redistribution of wealth.

In America the commie/conservatives believe the health care industry exists to make a profit for doctors and hospitals. Non profit is just illusion because even if no corporate profit is taken declared there is no limit to the amount of salaries paid to the principals.
If we look at the problem upside down, that profits are the reason for the health care industry to exist, not to provide good health care, than eventually only the wealthy will get health care in America. A free market works well for television sets where there are many manufacturers. A) No one has to have a television set so the purchase is discretionary. B) One could buy a used television set. C) One can put off the purchase till the prices fall. When the HDTV came out they sold for $5,000 and few people purchased one at that price now that same TV can be bought for less than $500. Someone having a heart attack doesn’t have any of those options that make a free market possible. A) He is taken to the nearest hospital and he can not select his doctor the doctor on call is assigned his case. B) He can not put off the Heart Attack until the Hospital has the buy one get one free special next week. C) Used health care is not available. The very parameters that make free markets function efficiently in other areas of the economy do not exist in the health care portion of the economy and while 4 may be the answer 2+2 it is not the answer to every math equation. Because one solution is right for one particular equation we can not deduce from that that it is the correct solution for all problems and when 2+2 yields 2800% that should tell us we have a problem.
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Reply Sun 22 Apr, 2012 06:56 am
Greedism is destroying America, the open worship of personal greed as a solution to every problem over the last 30 years has done irreparable harm to this generation and at least the next couple of generations. Greedism is major platform of the Conservative Movement, once a political movement of the radical right fringe until the communist intellectuals joined forces with them. Once the communists became established they purged the more rabid radical right elements because they knew as long as the ravings of the extreme rabid right were associated with the fledgling political movement that they could never make their political movement acceptable to mainstream America. The John Birchers saw communist behind every tree but failed to see the real communists they were in bed with until after they had been purged. The history of the John Birch society lists a familiar name in Wisconsin politics, Fred Koch as a one of its founders. Robert Welch, a retired candy maker should have retired to Florida instead of founding a political movement and been confined in a nice nursing home instead of running amok with Fred Koch’ money.
“According to Welch, "both the U.S. and Soviet governments are controlled by the same furtive conspiratorial cabal of internationalists, greedy bankers, and corrupt politicians. If left unexposed, the traitors inside the U.S. government would betray the country's sovereignty to the United Nations for a collectivist New World Order, managed by a 'one-world socialist government.'"[27][28] Welch saw collectivism as the main threat to Western Civilization, and liberals as "secret communist traitors" who provided cover for the gradual process of collectivism, with the ultimate goal of replacing the nations of western civilization with a one-world socialist government. "There are many stages of welfarism, socialism, and collectivism in general," he wrote, "but Communism is the ultimate state of them all, and they all lead inevitably in that direction."[28]

You can clearly see from the above that commie/conservatism and the John Birch Society show a common parentage the paranoid fears of rich senile old men. The DNA of both movements is a match and they share many values. The belief that feeding hungry children, welfare, somehow leads to communism is absurd even on the surface but not to the paranoid. The belief the United Nations is an evil conspiracy against the United States is echoed on red neck right radio today. It seems you can purge the John Burge Society from your political movement but you can’t purge their paranoid ideas. When Robert Welch began floating the idea that President Eisenhower was a communist the communist intellectuals realized he and his followers had to be purged if Modern Conservatism was ever to be taken seriously. It is a shame they didn’t get rid of other elements of Welch political philosophy as well but the communist intellectuals were smart enough to realize that many elements of Welch’s paranoid political philosophy were shared by the base of the fledgling movement and separating them was like separating Siamese Twins, the surgery was delicate.

Welch died in 1985 but he passed his fear of one world government on to Glen Beck and other paranoid red neck right radio hosts. It is amazing how Welch was rejected as a crazy by the conservative movement but yet many of his ideas gained mainstream acceptance on the right. It sort of like your mother should have told you, don’t put that idea in your mind you don’t know where it came from.
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Reply Mon 23 Apr, 2012 05:33 am
Now that Santorum has dropped out it looks Romney will be the commie/conservative presidential candidate this fall. Romney is the poster boy for the ungodly greed. If Romney had been convicted of robbing a bank most people would not even consider voting for a crook for president but yet Romney took many times more than that from the companies that he raided pension plans. In the 16th century pirates ships flew the Jolly Roger in the 20th century the corporate raiders disguised themselves as legitimate businessmen but the object was the same to take the treasure and run. The treasure in the 16th century was large chests of gold but the treasure in the 20th century was simply seven figures in a bank account. The gold often as not belonged to the King of Spain and it is definitely a crime when the poor steal from the rich but when the rich steal from the poor it is just good business.

The corporate raiders have stolen billions from both current and future retirees once the pensions systems are gutted the retirees become the taxpayers problem and the retirees are given welfare like stipend for a pension amounting to pennies on the dollar. Romney and his fellow raiders laugh all the way to the bank. The pension scandal was one of the biggest redistributions of wealth in America during this generation. The retirees from Sears, at one time the number one retailer in America, recently found out their pensions are worthless. Sears was bought by K Mart shortly after K Mart emerged from Bankruptcy no doubt the assets of the pension system was used as collateral for K Mart to purchase Sears. Once K Mart purchased Sears the pension plan can be raided for “management fees” which take precedence over the retirees’ claim on their pension plan. Once payment of the “management fees” render the pension system insolvent it time to turn what’s left over to the taxpayers.
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Reply Tue 24 Apr, 2012 05:35 am
Like it or not we live in the age of mass propaganda we are bombarded day in and day out with massive amounts of propaganda, we are literally drowning in a sea of information. Magazines, newspapers, television and radio not to mention the internet put untold amounts of information within our reach. The problem is that propaganda laced with large doses of opinion is often passed off as legitimate information. In America when the word propaganda is mention we think of Nazi Germany or Red China but it never occurs to most of us that we are not only susceptible to propaganda but subjected to us each day in America everyday. It is easier to see the faults of others and deny our own faults. But mass organized propaganda has been used in the United States since the dawning of 20th century. The key principal of propaganda is that a man’s actions are governed not so much by the rational mind but by the emotional mind and groups are even more open to manipulation of the emotional mind.

“What Freud and the mass psychologist, and in turn their godchildren the mass propagandist rediscovered was a deep psychological truth grasp first and perhaps best by the philosophers and rhetorcians of Classical Greece. Greek philosophers did celebrate reason as nous, as a reflection of divine truth enacted in the human mind. But the Greek philosophers were trained in rhetoric before dialectics. Logical argumentation had to have an emotional resonance if it were to sway and shape public opinion.”

From the book “The Death of the Liberal Class” By Chris Hedges
By the beginning of the twenty century many psychologist had turned from the study of individuals to the study of groups. Group psychologist had noted that the actions of groups were often different then the actions of individuals. Lynch mobs are the classic example they were often composed of church going individuals they would lynch blacks on the slightest provocation. As a pregnant black women complained that her husband was lynched she was strung up alongside of him her belly sliced open and the fetus head ground beneath the heel of one of lynch mob. Once it was widely understood that influencing groups was quite different than trying to influencing an individual mass psychology was born. The interaction in between individuals in groups is what makes group psychology different. In the same way a small steam of electrons modulates a large powerful steam of electrons. Clothing manufacturers often look for trend setters; a celerity wearing your product is very effective in selling the product. Celebrities affect politics as much as they affect clothing lines, a popular celebrity espousing a political view point is as affective as selling clothing. There are political celebrities as well, when they adopt a political position, millions across America quickly adopt the same political position as fast as they would buy the latest fashion they adopt political positions because it is “in fashion.” In group psychology conformity is an important feature after a black man was lynched in Chicago his body had gasoline tossed on it and burnt his fingers were cut off and handed out to children as souvenirs you can bet no one in the group saw anything wrong with that shades of Nazi Germany to be sure on a smaller scale but still the seeds were there.
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Reply Wed 25 Apr, 2012 05:34 am
By the turn of the 20 century psychologists had been began to study the psychology of crowds and the psychology of politics. Studies of individuals only yielded part of the answer of human psychology. Books such as “The Crowd” by Gustave Le Bon, “Instincts of the Herd in Peace and War” by Wilfred Trotter, and “Human Nature in Politics” by Graham Wallace, their understand of group psychology laid the ground work for modern propaganda. Every weapon ever developed, no matter how destructives, has been used on an enemy. Mass propaganda rivals the atomic bomb in its destructive though there may be no big explosion. Mass propaganda is responsible for countries going to war. All the bombs that rain down on Iraq in shock and Awe were direct result of a mass propaganda campaign waged by professionals.

A massive war propaganda campaign was mounted by the Wilson Administration to take America in WWI. Wilson propaganda machine was so massive that it rivaled an army in scope and even made up German War atrocities to further enrage the American public. As bad as war is it is unbelievable that you would need to make up atrocities. But mass propaganda has more dependent on emotional manipulation then facts. The Wall Street Banks had loaned massive amounts of their money at lucrative interest rates to England and France during WWI and if the Germany won the Wall Street Bankers money would be lost.

The history of propaganda so is important to us today because we are literally surrounded by propaganda every day of our lives, once Pandora box was opened there was no going back. The study of Wilson effective propaganda machine led to the development of the massive commie/conservative propaganda machine today. Not only that but corporations developed there own massive propaganda machines to enhances their own interests. The Seven Sisters of the Oil industry use propaganda to drive the price of gasoline up. The America public is told that gasoline is in such short supply that prices are going through the roof while in fact they are drowning in excess gasoline shipping 21 million gallons a day (a day) out of the country enough to meet the needs of the States of New York and New Jersey but propaganda is not about facts but emotion manipulation. There is no limit to the price gasoline will bring if the public believes the oil company propaganda, it is an emotional reaction
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