The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Fri 6 Mar, 2020 10:33 pm
The liar and chief assured the country today that the coronavirus has been contained. It has been contained alright, between the Atlantic and pacific oceans. The republicans have long ignored Trump’s lying but now his lies will result in thousands of deaths. One expert discussed the effect Trump’s lying would have on the on the country during national emergency. It seems, when government officials lie during a national emergency the public no longer believes anything from the government at a time when it is vital, they believe the government and follow important directions.

They tested 46 people on the Grand Princes cruise ship out of 3,500. Twenty one of those 46 tested positive, for the coronavirus. The question is why weren’t all 3,500 tested? What we know from China is that some people have the coronavirus and have no symptoms. They could spread the disease and no one would know where they got it from.

A party of 13 went to Italy to ski when they returned all 13 came back with the coronavirus none were checked at the airport when they returned and spread it across America. Trump said there is a travel ban from affected countries. It looks like he does not know what he is talking about or he is just lying as usual at the very least you would think the government should be checking anyone coming into America for the coronavirus. Oh, not enough test kits.
Experts in healthcare field have conceded that the war to contain the coronavirus has been lost by the Trump administration, now the only thing left is mitigation the damages, where they will try to reduce the number of deaths caused by the coronavirus. You notice Trump went to Tennessee but not to Washington State where there is a major coronavirus outbreak. What is he afraid of it is no worse than a cold according to him?

It was reported two minutes ago that two people in Florida have died with the coronavirus that puts deaths on both coasts. We now have 330 cases of coronavirus. Don’t worry Trump says it is contained. In Italy 49 people have died in 24 hours. The death toll in America at 116 but the count will go up much faster soon. Welcome to Make America Great at least what is left after Trump is gone.

Reply Sat 7 Mar, 2020 12:10 am
In Italy 49 people have died in 24 hours. The death toll in America at 116 but the count will go up much faster soon.

Do you proofread, I guess not or do you mean that lie?
Reply Sat 7 Mar, 2020 09:21 pm
What can I say, that was an obvious mistake, it should have been 16. I had looked at several sites including using a direct search and had not come up with a good figure. I do proof read but it was late and that one slipped through. My previous posts all site the death toll correctly.
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Reply Sat 7 Mar, 2020 10:48 pm
I watched a 60-year old episode of the Twilight Zone the other day set in the 60s. It was about a battle ship that discover sounds coming from a sub sunk in the second world war. It seems that one of the officers had been on that sub and made a mistake that gave it away and caused to be sunk. In one seen you can see the ghosts of sub crew beckoning the officer to come with them. I wonder now if the ghosts of those who have died of coronavirus because CDC funds were cut are beckoning Trump to come with them.

It seems the corona virus is closing in on Trump. Twenty-seven states and the District of Columbia now have coronavirus cases. Trump nearly aborted his trip to the CDC because an employee had the coronavirus. Trump also attended the CPAC convention where at least one attendee had the coronavirus. There is a coronavirus out break in Maryland and it is likely several more attendees also had the coronavirus.

Trump was making a big thing of shaking hands with everyone. Here is a supposed germaphobe shaking hands during a pandemic. A true germaphobe would not leave the White House. Trump used the germaphobe routine as a reason that he would not have had the pee party in Russia. Now we know that is not true.

The last pandemic took Trump’s whore mongering grandfather the only question is will history repeat itself?

An official from the World Health Organization showed that even third world countries are doing a better job with the coronavirus outbreak. The death toll stands at 19.
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Reply Sun 8 Mar, 2020 09:05 pm
The state department warned the American public not to go on cruise ships because of the coronavirus and they were also going warn the American public not to go on airplanes but the Trump administration stopped that warning about the airlines because of damage to the airline’s profits. One airline in England already bankrupted last week. They are telling the public to keep a social distance of 6 ft, there is no possible way to do that on airplane. If somebody with coronavirus coughed on airplane it would cover three rows of seats. People are much closer together on an airplane than a cruise ship. Cruise ships are now making special offers so people will continue to go on Cruises even though they are no longer welcome at many ports. When passengers disembarked at on port, they were met with an angry crowd throwing rocks and bottles.

It was obvious when Trump was interviewed at the CDC Thursday that he did not want the American passengers from the Grand Princes allowed back into America because it would run up the numbers of corona virus victims in America. Trump would have them shot and thrown overboard if he had his way. Ted Cruz shook the hand of the man with coronavirus at the CPAC convention and will now self- quarantine. Since the Trump’s voters decided to drink the Kool-Aid that the coronavirus was no worse than the common cold it is likely there will be far fewer Trump voters alive come election time. The Trump voter’s believed Rush and Trump that it was hoax and will not bother to take precautions.
The number of coronavirus cases exploded today without the Grand Princes being unloaded, it looks like Trump will be counting coronavirus cases instead of sheep tonight. Lasts count 32 states have coronavirus cases. There are now over 500 coronavirus cases with 22 deaths.

There is also another cruise ship off the coast Fla with coronavirus trying to dock there. Universal theme park in Fla is closing due to the coronavirus.
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Reply Mon 9 Mar, 2020 09:17 pm
We are beginning to feel like an island here in WV we are surround by states with coronavirus cases. Ohio was the last state to fall with three cases near Cleveland. WV tested five last week but the results haven’t come back. Only one of Kentucky cases had been out of country and the rest including one Wal-Mart worker are community spread cases. It is incredible how fast the coronavirus has spread across country. The initial case was a 35-year old man who returned from Wuhan, China on Jan 20th.

It has been confirmed now that Trump and family have a secondary exposure to coronavirus. It seems that at least four politicians that had shook hands with the man who had coronavirus at the CPAC convention. It is likely that there will be many cases come from that CPAC convention. One politician traveled with Trump on the plane to Atlanta. Trump has tried to spread the coronavirus far and wide by shaking everyone’s hand he encounters. The other politicians self-quarantined but not Trump. Trump said he did not know anyone could die from the flu even though his grandfather died from the flue during the other pandemic.

We now have 564 cases of coronavirus in America with 26 deaths. There will be many more cases once more tests are available. There have been less than 6,000 tests done in America.
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Reply Tue 10 Mar, 2020 09:14 pm
I could not help but notice during Trump’s news conference today that he appeared to be sweating in a few areas on face like the Irian government official that had coronavirus during his news conference. Trump was not sweating as bad and maybe the lights were to close but someone better have Trump tested. They have the president and the vice president fly on different planes in case one plane crashes one would be left alive. In this case both Pence and Trump are on the same plane. If Trump has the coronavirus, he will have given it to Pence. Trump is of the age that he will likely end up on a ventilator and unable to talk or run the country. Pence could also end up on a ventilator.

Eight other politicians that attended the same CPAC conference that Trump did are under quarantine. If Trump has the coronavirus, he could have infected the whole White House. If both Trump and Pence die from the coronavirus Nany Pelosi will become president.

We now have 975 coronavirus cases in the United States it went up over 200 cases today. The death toll stands at 30. Washington State has reported 24, Fla two, California two, and new deaths reported in New Jersey and South Dakota. The coronavirus has spread into another 10 nursing homes in Washington State.
Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2020 08:54 am
So do you want to try and have a real discussion on what makes up the economy or are you going to continue to spout nonsense about tax rates?

When I talk about the economy I'm talking about all the different types of business that make up the economy and employment. IE: you claimed to be a race car driver... do you know how many companies there are that make parts for different types of cars to become race, drag, drift or other sport car types? From international companies that do JDM, to domestic car brands do you think they would continue to operate under a socialist system you want to use in the US?
Do you have any idea how many small companies are started each year? Do you have an idea of what it takes to create a small company and see it become successful? These are the types of things I would like to discuss with you, not your BS rhetoric about the "wealthy".
Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2020 08:52 pm
To start with you live in an illusion that this is a capitalist country and it has not been since the 1930s. During the 1929 capitalism failed in spectacular fashion, it languished for years afterwards. The only reason that a second American revolution did not take place was the socialist features of our government were adopted, social security, unemployment, crop subsidies, and government employment programs among other programs. Our government has features of both types of government, it is hybrid government that has tried to adopt the best of both systems.

The cold war terrified the older generation of certain words and socialism was one. They were terrified to point that they thought social security was capitalism program, nothing can be further from the truth.

You need only look at what is happening on Wall Street now as the stock plunge the taxpayer’s money will be used to bail out all kinds of businesses. In a capitalist system it is sink or swim on your own. We will shortly be bailing out all the nations billionaires.

Do you remember what happened to the stock market when Baby Bush was in? It crashed losing far more money than what was lost during the Great Depression. It took 8 years to stabilize and bring it back up, but it took Trump only three years to crash again just like his casinos and airlines. The stock market was already predicted to crash before the coronavirus came along. Most economists believed stocks were 20% over priced. They gave five reasons the market would collapse and only one was the coronavirus. When you mess with supply and demand curve you can drive price up by altering the amount of demand but when you do that you do it at your own peril. Say a new sports car comes out that MSRP of $50,000 everybody wants to be the first to own it. The dealers realize they can get $60,000 for it but the car is only worth $50,000 when demand dies down. Stocks obey that same law too many dollars chasing too few stocks.

I watched many businesses start and the majority fail within the first year because they are under-capitalized.
Reply Wed 11 Mar, 2020 09:32 pm
Trump did a press conference with the nation’s bankers today. Did he look doped up? He must have been the egomaniac actually let other people talk. This is Washington answer to everything, throw money at it and hope it goes away. I don’t think any amount of money will make this go away.

Now Trump is going to ban travel from Europe. The problem is the coronavirus is in 42 states already, that is like closing the barn door after the horses is already out. America is already on course to have millions of coronavirus cases and nothing will change that. Right now, what needs to be done is strengthen the medical system by securing enough buildings to house the sick and being able to move medical equipment to where it is most urgently needed. In Washington state they had to buy a Hotel to put the sick in.

Now a staff employee for a senator from Washington State has tested positive for coronavirus. A professional basketball player for the Utah Jazz tested positive fort coronavirus right before the game with the Oklahoma City. The game was cancelled along with the rest of NBA’s games for now.

The NBA had resisted playing games without spectators now maybe not playing at all will be better. It is billionaires who own those basketball teams and they could care less how many people die of coronavirus as long as they can stuff more dollars in their pockets.

There are now more than 1.240 cases of coronavirus in the US and 37 people have died. Coronavirus has spread across 42 states. Maybe Trump should ban Americans from flying overseas.
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Reply Thu 12 Mar, 2020 08:41 am
So what you are saying is that you don't want to have a serious discussion about what makes up the modern day economy. Good to know you can only deal in rhetoric and lies.
Reply Thu 12 Mar, 2020 08:27 pm
It would be impossible to have a serious discussion about the economy without talking about the billionaires and the tax rates that helped make them billionaires. The difference in wealth soared after the Reagan tax cuts. The difference can be graphed with the middle-class income increase for 30 years as a bar graph of 1/8 of an inch but a bar of 62 feet to represent the increase in wealth of the top 1/100 of one percent. If you take those factors out there is very little to discuss.
Reply Thu 12 Mar, 2020 09:35 pm
The coronavirus continued to destroy Wall Street. There were no capitalists on Wall Street today they were all socialists with their hands out for government money. Telling the government to bail this one out but not that one. The Trump administration decided to announce they would throw three trillion dollars at Wall Street but the stock continued to plunge for the worst day since 1987.

We are up to at least 1,663 cases of coronavirus in America and forty deaths. Forty-five states now have coronavirus cases and people in New York are being told to keep their windows shut. This would indicate health officials believe the coronavirus can be carried in air and transmission may not require close contact with an infected individual. A woman who lived up the street from a Hotel in Boston where guests were infected with the coronavirus has the symptoms of the coronavirus but can’t get the test because tests for the coronavirus are in short supply.

The wife of the Prime Minister of Canada has tested positive to coronavirus. The typical Trump voter continues to believe coronavirus is not a serious problem. One in a Florida retirement community said she has always been a hand shaker, and was not going to stop even though there are several coronavirus outbreaks in Florida and many in that retirement community travel abroad to infected areas and were frequently on cruise ships. That one Trump voter will make the coronavirus outbreak far worse. She believes what Trump said that the coronavirus was a hoax and fake news. America will pay the price for believing Trump’s lies.
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Reply Fri 13 Mar, 2020 09:53 am
It would be impossible to have a serious discussion about the economy without talking about the billionaires and the tax rates that helped make them billionaires.

That's just the problem, you are hung up on the billionaires and not worrying about small business owners, which actually make up the backbone of this economy. You also fail to recognize the fact that our economy has expanded since the 1980's and we now have things like the internet and smart phones and all sorts of other items and inventions that we didn't have all those years ago.

The difference in wealth soared after the Reagan tax cuts. The difference can be graphed with the middle-class income increase for 30 years as a bar graph of 1/8 of an inch but a bar of 62 feet to represent the increase in wealth of the top 1/100 of one percent. If you take those factors out there is very little to discuss.

Is that why Bernie has stopped complaining about millionaires?

Reply Fri 13 Mar, 2020 08:35 pm
That is exactly the point the economy has expanded but the middle standard of living has shrunk. All most all that expansion has gone to the top 1/100 of 1%. Why? Because all of that excess wealth is used to buy the government and make rules putting another $10 trillion in their pockets and that is just from the last tax cut. It is the mega businesses like Wal Mart that supply most jobs. Nobody makes a decent living in a mom and pop business except mom and pop. Their employees are subsidized by the government for housing, food in medical care. If that is the backbone of the country the country can’t stand up.
Millionaires are not the problem it is billionaires that are the problem and soon it will be trillionaires. The more wealth they accumulate the bigger the problem. We have a speed limit and there should be a wealth limit.

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Reply Fri 13 Mar, 2020 09:06 pm
Harry Truman said “The bucks stops here.” Now that it has become obvious that Trump was responsible for the shortage of tests for the coronavirus tests, Trump says, the bucks stops anywhere but here. Trump has absolutely refused to take credit where credit or in this case blame belongs. Third world countries did far better with coronavirus testing than America.

We now have 2,204 confirmed cases of coronavirus in America with 49 deaths. The coronavirus has now spread throughout 49 states. West Virginia is the only state without a reported coronavirus case.

Reply Fri 13 Mar, 2020 09:08 pm
I don't see any reported in Montana yet.
Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2020 12:51 am
OK now I do.
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Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2020 08:26 pm
West Virginia finish last in a number of things but in this case finishing last in the coronavirus out break is a good thing. Still no outbreak here but it is just a matter of time.
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Reply Sat 14 Mar, 2020 08:56 pm
The coronavirus outbreak is beginning to ramp up now with the death toll up to 58 today with total cases 2,816. They are now showing maps on CNN with the death toll in each state. That is 9 deaths today and another 612 cases of coronavirus just today. To put that in perspective last Friday death toll stood at 13 with 330 coronavirus cases and seventy of those had been repatriated.

The outbreak is world-wide wit Spain now closing all stores other than grocery stores and pharmacies. A man in Italy is in the apartment with his dead sister decaying body for over 36 hours as funeral homes have refused to pick up the body. You can tell it is getting bad when even the funeral homes are turning down business. People talk about healthcare being overwhelmed but never think that funeral homes will be easily overwhelmed. They may reach the point of burning infected bodies in the streets, but not to worry Trump and Rush claims it is just a hoax.
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