The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Sun 15 Mar, 2020 09:49 pm
Life in America has really changed, it is hard to believe one of the tiniest creatures on earth could bring civilization to a stop. Some people still believe that coronavirus is just an inconvenience without understanding that experts are project a possible death toll of 2.4 million Americans on the high side. When numbers get that big it is hard for people to get their mind around them. To put that number in context we only had 418,000 Americans killed in WWII. That means coronavirus could kill 5 times as many Americans in a much shorter time period. The death toll now is only the tip of the ice burg. In New York they have 60 coronavirus patients in intensive care with only 600 more intensive care beds open.

Coronavirus has become a partisan issue with Trump voters believing that coronavirus is not a serious threat. Devin Nunes, Republican California is advising the public to ignore the medical professionals, and to ignore the restrictions.

“But I just want to say one of the things you can do: if you are healthy, you and your family, it is a great time to go out to your local restaurant, likely you can get in easy. Let’s not hurt the working people in this country that are relying on tips and wages to keep their small business going. Don’t just run to your local grocery store and buy $4,000 worth of food. Go to your local pub.”

Through the risk of death is not as bad for those who are not elderly or with a preexisting medical problem the disease is spread by everyone who gets infected. The first person in this country with the coronavirus had contact with 60 other people that the health department checked. It is easy to see what happens if each of those 60 have contact with 60 others. The governor of Ohio said on television even though Ohio has confirmed 37 cases experts believe there might be a 100,000 coronavirus cases in Ohio.

There are now 3,486 coronavirus cases in America with 66 deaths. That is 670 new coronavirus cases today and 8 more deaths. It took three pages just to print obituaries in Italy they had 330 deaths just today. Nunes does not care how far and wide he spreads the coronavirus or how many people die as long as they make a buck. This sums up the Republican philosophy only dollars are important. I will say this to Nunes some younger people to die from the coronavirus and he might be one that does. The doctor that discovered the coronavirus in China died at 33 and we have had one death in their 40s. While Nunes doesn’t mind play Russian roulette with other’s lives he maybe playing it with his.

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Reply Mon 16 Mar, 2020 09:38 pm
I wonder what Rush Slimbaugh is saying now? As of March 11, Slimbaugh was insisting the coronavirus is no more serious than the common cold. It is all a plot to make sure Trump is not reelected. He said that on the day the coronavirus was declared a world -wide pandemic by the world health organization. Ok Rush fans explain why the coronavirus is killing people all over the world? If it was just a plot to impeach Trump a few million deaths in the US would be enough. Everything is not about Trump, you may believe Trump is at the center of the world but he is not. The right-wing press politicizing the coronavirus will likely result in 10s of thousands of unnecessary deaths. This is what happens when you create an alternate universe where truth has no value.

Trump’s response to the coronavirus was the worst of the developed nations but the 84% of Trumpies claim it was the best. The death toll from the coronavirus is increasing rapidly there were 18 deaths today bringing the death toll to 85. They say we have 4,556 confirmed coronavirus cases today that is an increase of 1,070 from yesterday. Washington state has 48 deaths. New York has 10 deaths and one of the emergency room doctors with coronavirus died. The Surgeon General said there is every chance we will become the next Italy. We will just need an extra 20 pages for the obituaries.
Region Philbis
Reply Tue 17 Mar, 2020 04:47 am
chuckle chuckle
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Reply Tue 17 Mar, 2020 08:37 am
This is exactly what is meant my politicizing the virus. You seem to think it was the worst response, when in fact it was a very good response. Unlike Obama waiting till there were 1000 deaths from N1H1, Trump cut off travel from China way back in either Dec or Jan...

Reply Tue 17 Mar, 2020 08:49 pm
It is not just me that thinks it was the worst response in the developed world it is the World Health Organization and they should know. The Trump administration bought 70 highly contagious carriers of the coronavirus into America and scattered them across the country knowing full well that there was an extremely good chance they could not contain the disease. The coronavirus can live for hours in the air. The people taking the returning coronavirus patients off the planes were not sufficiently trained nor did they have proper equipment. The outbreak in Washington State is near a military base where the corona virus patients were quarantined. You are trying to contain a germ something so small you can’t see it. It was not whether it would get out but when it would get out. There are ten nursing homes in Washington State with coronavirus indicating they had a common source, most likely a doctor with ties to the military bases where the coronavirus patients were quarantined. They took a risk of getting a disease by going overseas but letting them kill 2 million Americans because they had to go on a cruise isn’t right.

This disease runs it course in fourteen days why not leave these highly contagious people out of the country until they were over it? Long after the death toll had gone through the roof in Italy reporters were returning to the US and not even being checked or screened in anyway.
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Reply Tue 17 Mar, 2020 09:39 pm
We are now up 6,478 coronavirus cases in the United States now, a week ago we had only a 975. That is an increase 564% in a week. The death toll is now 108 with 55 deaths in Washington State. New York now has the most coronavirus cases with 1,706 far more than Washington State at 1,076. Twelve states now have more than a 100 coronavirus cases.

A church in Georgia was found to be the source of an outbreak of coronavirus but they have decided to continue to spread the disease. They will close Wednesday night services but will continue Sunday services. One man in the choir almost died after a Sunday services when they checked 8 other choir members tested positive. The preacher said well a couple other people had coronavirus. Churches are one of the major sources of coronavirus infection and should be shut down along with restaurants and bars. If they won’t shut down arrest them and put them in jail. Freedom of religion does not give them the freedom to spread deadly diseases.
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Reply Wed 18 Mar, 2020 09:01 pm
The number of coronavirus cases soared past 8,500 today with a death toll of 140. A two-year old and a sixth month old baby were diagnosed with coronavirus today. That is over 2,000 more coronavirus in a day and 32 additional deaths. The graph that plots the number of coronavirus and number of deaths are nearly vertical lines the opposite of the stock market graph.

But that is not the worst of it we are all aboard the Titanic and Trump is the captain. An Ice burg has been sited and Trump has set course directly for that ice burg. As soon as the stock market started down the socialist, formerly known as capitalists, started demanding the government start printing trillions to cover their losses. It looks like the government is going to print at least $4 trillion. The deficit this year will be at least $5 trillion. The trouble with printing money is it makes the existing money worth far less due to inflation. They typical pay check will be worth only 25 cents of a dollar soon. Everybody in America will see a 75% cut in their take home pay in real dollars after the coronavirus is gone. We should have had a balanced budget going in to this disaster instead the Republicans cut the ungodly greedy’ taxes by $10 trillion. We should have money set back for a rainy day.

This started with Reagan when he tripled the national debt instead of paying it off. The national debt would have been paid off in the early 90s if it continued to be paid back at the rate every previous president except Reagan paid it. After that every time the Republicans got in power they said Reagan “proved that deficits don’t matter” it was like kids who broke into a candy store they handed out huge tax breaks to all their ungodly greedy campaign contributors. Now deficits matter.

This is history repeating itself it happened in 1918 and was far worse killing 60 million people world-wide. They did not completely destroy the economic health of the country. The difference is that Trump is in charge and we are seeing a repeat of his casino and airline disaster and Trump’s dad is dead now and this mess is far to big for his daddy can’t bail him out.
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Reply Thu 19 Mar, 2020 09:05 pm
There is an old saying that says, you can have anything you want you just can’t have everything you want. That statement is especially true in government if you want massive tax cuts for the ungodly greedy then other departments must be cut. The military has war games to spot the weaknesses in the military. What many people don’t know is our health system also do a sort of war games. The scenario was called “Crimson Contagion”

“The simulation’s sobering results---contained a draft report dated October 2019 that had not been previously reported—drove home just how underfunded, unprepared, and uncoordinated the Federal government would be for a life or death battle with a virus which no treatment existed.”

“By then it was too late: 110 million are expected get sick leading to 7.7 million hospitalized and 556,000 deaths”

Sources: The New York Times

This was something we knew was coming and still the Trump administration did nothing. The ungodly greedy have been very successfully ot draining the treasury but they can’t spend it if they are dead.

Even if we excuse the Trump administration for doing nothing in October but once the pandemic was underway in January there should have been a Marshall Plan underway in our Health Care System. It is a shame that Trump and the Republicans were not as interested in the healthcare as giving the ungodly greedy 10 trillion in tax cuts. If the 10 trillion was spent on healthcare we would be far better off.

There are now 14,316 cases of coronavirus in America with 218 deaths. New York had 344 new cases today and 4 deaths.

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Reply Fri 20 Mar, 2020 09:10 pm
I have ben reading a book about the 1918 pandemic and the striking thing was how fast is spread. Epidemiologists estimated the 1918 pandemic killed as many as a 100 million people world-wide. Two thirds of the deaths occurred in a period of 24 weeks even though the pandemic lasted two years. “Some coughed so hard that autopsies would later show they had torn apart abdominal muscles and rib cartilage.” The outbreak began with 19 sailors on the first day, 87 were hospitalized the next day despite isolation 600 were hospitalized the third day. What this should have taught us is that we should always be prepared. You can’t play catch up with a pandemic. We should never forget that history can and does repeat itself.

The coronavirus outbreak started in Washington state but New York now has 8,403 cases with 46 deaths and no recovered cases while Washington state has 1524 cases with 87 deaths and 124 recovered cases. There are over 550% more cases in New York even though the first cases in New York was not found till after a month after the first case in Washington state. The New York medical system is about to be completely overwhelmed. The parameters that will be used to decide who lives and who dies will soon be in force. People will die simply because we do not have enough medical equipment to treat them all. This will be the second pandemic. Now that all the college kids that went on spring break and spread the coronavirus all over the country, they will be the once who have first dibs on the ventilators and respirators.

Scientists believe that there is a genetic component in this disease and some people will be far more likely to die than others. We currently have 19,650 coronavirus cases with 263 deaths and 147 recovered cases. Last Monday we had only 4,456 coronavirus cases with a death toll of 85. Coronavirus is exploding across the country.
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Reply Sat 21 Mar, 2020 08:51 pm
China has the most coronavirus cases but America is catching up fast with 27,111 coronavirus cases. We were number 5 on the list of most coronavirus cases yesterday but moved up two positions today to third out of a hundred countries. We passed Germany and Spain today. If the Trump administration is doing such a great job how come we have more coronavirus cases than 97 other countries? It doesn’t take a genius to count. While Russia comes at 46th with 306 cases and they share a border with China where the outbreak started. The United States has more deaths at 323 than Russia has total cases.

As Trump steps up and pats himself on the back, we know what a terrible job he is actually doing. The numbers don’t lie Trump lies.
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Reply Sun 22 Mar, 2020 08:58 pm
Senator Rand Paul tested positive for coronavirus today this makes the third congressman to be infected with coronavirus. Paul did not show any symptoms but he would be a carrier and has exposed several other senators like Mitt Romney who will now have to be quarantined for fourteen days at the time of a critical vote. When Trump heard Romney was exposed to the coronavirus he said “gee that is too bad.” Trump was overjoyed and it showed. Trump thinks it is pay back for Romney voting to impeach him.

As you look at the graph of each country’s coronavirus cases America graph is far steeper than China’s or Italy’s meaning the infections is spreading much faster in America than any other country. We now have 35,213 cases of coronavirus with 466 deaths. There were only 27,111 coronavirus cases yesterday that is an increase of 8,102 new cases in 24hrs. The death toll was 323 yesterday, it is 466 today that means a 143 Americans died from the coronavirus today look for that to double tomorrow.
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Reply Mon 23 Mar, 2020 09:12 pm
The coronavirus is exploding across America, we had 35,213 coronavirus cases yesterday, today there are 44,054 cases of coronavirus an unbelievable one day increase of 8,841. The increase yesterday was 8,102. Tomorrow it will be over 10,000. The death toll yesterday was 466 today it is 560 that is 94 more people dead in one day.

One birthday party in Connecticut with 50 guests ended up with 25 became infected and spread the disease across America. One guest went back to South Africa with it.

Trump is like the captain of the Titanic, now he says hold my beer and watch this. It seems Trump has got tired of the country being shut down and wants to end it after the fifteen days. He has decided the cure is worse than the disease that is doing too much damage to the economy and Trump wants to run for reelection on how good the economy is. Let’s see lots of people die or Trump gets reelected? That is a no brainer for Trump. Trump is leaning toward taking the restrictions off and letting everybody get the disease and God will decide who lives and who dies.
Reply Mon 23 Mar, 2020 10:01 pm
Trump has got tired of the country being shut down and wants to end it after the fifteen days. He has decided the cure is worse than the disease that is doing too much damage to the economy and Trump wants to run for reelection on how good the economy is. Let’s see lots of people die or Trump gets reelected? That is a no brainer for Trump. Trump is leaning toward taking the restrictions off and letting everybody get the disease and God will decide who lives and who dies.

He is right. If it helps his re-election that works for me. You want to surrender to a disease?
Reply Tue 24 Mar, 2020 08:29 pm
Trump already surrendered to the coronavirus in February when he could not contain it like they did in Wuhan China. The battle was over Trump lost after that we entered a mitigation phase the only thing that we can do is try to is limit the damages. In other words, by taking all these precautions maybe we can keep the death toll under a million without them the mortality rate of coronavirus will give us a death toll of 10 million.

If Trump remove all the safety measures and open America for business, he will never live to run for reelection. Trump is enormous, ever seen him in golf shorts, that jackets hides a lot of fat. Ones he is infected the fat will prevent him from breathing and he will be just another dead idiot. Trump must weigh 300 lbs. That makes him very unlikely to survive if he gets infected.
Reply Tue 24 Mar, 2020 09:00 pm
The infection rate of the coronavirus is so bad in New York people are fleeing the city going to other parts of the country. The problem is these people are likely already infected and not showing symptoms yet and will spread coronavirus all over America. Florida is requiring anybody coming from New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut, by plane to be quarantined for 14 days. What about those coming by car?

The worst is yet to come, we have not seen anything yet. Every time I refreshed the coronavirus tracker page today it went up by 2,000. The cases are doubling every three days in New York. There are 25,695 coronavirus cases in New York. That means that 47% of the coronavirus are in New York but the infection will be coming to the rest of America.

We had our first coronavirus death here today at a local hospital but since she lives in another state her death is counted in that state. We now have 54,896 coronavirus cases in America. Yesterday we had 44,054 that is an increase of 10,842 cases in one day. The death toll now stands 778 yesterday it was 560 that is additional 118 deaths today. Tomorrow will be much worse.
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Reply Tue 24 Mar, 2020 10:41 pm
Trump already surrendered to the coronavirus in February when he could not contain it like they did in Wuhan China.

They did a great job containing it. 148 countries are infected. Next.
Reply Wed 25 Mar, 2020 08:33 am
If he believes the numbers coming out of China, then I have some Ocean front property in Arizona I could sell him. He must also realize that the death rate in the US is 1.2-1.4 %. Which is far lower than it was in China and Italy. This won't stop the left from cheering for more deaths. Zardoz's claim of 1 million dead isn't going to happen even based on the worst case. Can you imagine if someone from the right was talking like this?
Reply Wed 25 Mar, 2020 08:25 pm
China could not stop Trump from bring Americans back from a zone where an epidemic was taking place. China did not let the coronavirus spread across the rest of China the vast majority of the cases were contained in Wuhan. There is nothing China could do with idiots like Trump.
Reply Wed 25 Mar, 2020 09:14 pm
Just because Trump lies all the time does not mean everybody else does. The World Health Organization has people in China that can verify the numbers. All the time the pandemic was going on in China we had journalists sending back film. China was not hiding what was going on why lie about the numbers? Just to make Trump look bad? Everybody in the world is conspiring against Trump.

The problem with your calculation is that you are figuring your mortality rate using active cases where the disease has not run it course. Only 393 people have recovered the other 63,372 are still sick and many of those will die making the mortality rate much higher. You can’t accurately figure the mortality rate until after the disease has run it course. There were 216 deaths today according to CNN and that is just the tip of the ice burg.

World Health Organization put the mortality rate at 3.4% and doctors over here were surprised that our mortality rate is actually higher. If you apply the mortality rate that the World Health Organization has determined to the 330 million Americans, we are looking at 11 million dead if Trump decides to turn the country lose and one of those will be Trump. But Trump could care less his businesses are going bankrupt again.
Reply Wed 25 Mar, 2020 09:32 pm
We now have 68,203 coronavirus cases, yesterday we 54,896 that is 13,307 new cases. There are 1,027 deaths due to coronavirus, yesterday it was 778. That is 249 deaths today.

The bailout bill will not bail out Trumps businesses because he has a conflict of interest and his businesses are not in a blind trust as required by law. That also applies to senators and other government officials. Trump will set a record for number of businesses bankrupted by one idiot if the Russians don’t bail him out again.
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