The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Tue 18 Feb, 2020 11:56 pm
The only push poll I know of for sure was the one done by the Republicans and Fart Blossom against John McCain. Perhaps you can cite one used by the democrats.
People have their likes and dislikes. It is human nature to form cliques. You will find them in schools, at work and in politics. There will always be people you like and people you don’t and that will influence the decision you make.

The trouble with Hillary was the right-wing press generate two billion dollars in negative press starting in the last century when her husband was president. Hillary was one of the first to push for national healthcare which scared the hell out of insurance companies and healthcare providers. At the time even GM decided that national healthcare was inevitable if America wanted to compete in the world marketplace. She had quite a following in the 90s. The republicans knew she would one day run for president. The vested interest had 20 years to generate bad publicity, much a like slow lynch mob.
The fact is gun are dangerous. I would not want a child of mine playing in a house where there were guns any more than I would want them going into house where they were giving the children gasoline and matches to play with. Gun nuts argue they must have loaded guns laying around otherwise they are useless. Children should never be around that.
Last year we had a four-year old shoot his two-year old brother. This happen all the time where children find a gun in the home. Children are far more likely to pick up something they are told not to and show it to their friends. In one city they tried to make a law that all guns had to have a gun locked or be locked up. The gun nuts insisted that guns would be useless if they were locked up. That means in gun nut houses they are loaded and laying around somewhere.
One thing we know for sure is gun nuts kill far more people than child molesters. A house where a child molester lives are marked on maps on the internet. Gun owners are far more dangerous, and their houses should be on maps to warn parents of the danger. Child molesters are dangerous, and they don’t have a right to privacy gun owner are more dangerous and waved their right to privacy.
That was word for word what Trump said the Neo-Nazis, the KKK and the white nationalist “were very fine people” and the context that remark was made in was Charlottesville after a Neo-Nazis dove a car in to a crowd of peaceful protesters and killed one and injured others. That is the context Trump remark was made in.
My mom still owns a farm though it is non-working and I worked construction when I was going to college. We could put a house up and underroof in a days-time.

There is a recent study of our food production industry showed that if illegal aliens are deported our food production would completely collapse and lead to sky-rocketing prices and to starvation in America. You simply can’t deport 20 million people and expect the job to get done. There is a third consequence Trump would go out of business because his businesses depend on cheap illegal alien labor.
Most people know who Cesar Chaves was. He represented the illegal aliens against the rich farm owners. Who do you think were members of the farm workers union? Americans haven’t been the primary farm labors since the Grapes of Wrath was written.
The neighborhood watch captain was told absolutely not to follow people on several occasions. Being neighborhood watch captain did not make him a policeman or give him any police powers. The word watch means exactly that “watch” not to follow.

Acting suspicious? Really going to the store to buy Skittles is suspicious. They actually found the Skittles at the murder seen. There was one person out of place and that was Zimmerman. The police dispatcher testified during the trial that Zimmerman was told not to follow anyone.

It does not make any difference whether Martin lived there, or he was guest, Zimmerman would have murdered him either way.

Zimmerman has a criminal record but anytime somebody is charged with a crime it is plea bargained down to lesser charge. Wife beating is typically pled down to lessor charge to save the county from expense of a trial. In Zimmerman case they used a pretrial diversion the charges would be dropped. After Zimmerman took wife beating 101, it took care of his first charge. This is why Zimmerman decided to take up child killing instead.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Feb, 2020 09:35 pm
The child went to the store to buy some Skittles he was doing nothing wrong. It was Zimmerman that was stalking him. There was a hearing held to see if the stand your ground law would be applicable in Zimmerman’s case. The government decided Zimmerman’s action were not covered by the stand your ground law and the government charged him with murder.

That isn’t a real lawsuit that was a publicity stunt for a movie glorifying the killing of child by a gun nut that. Few people had heard of the movie. If you can’t afford to buy advertising for a movie you stage a publicity stunt that gets you free publicity. I doubt that Zimmerman dared to attend the premier because there was an angry mob that surrounded the theater and Zimmerman would have face armed adults instead of unarmed child. The theater canceled the showing of the film about child killing when they found out what their theater was rented for.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 19 Feb, 2020 10:18 pm
The police dispatcher that told Zimmerman not to follow Martin testified in court that he told Zimmerman not to follow Martin. The Police dispatcher did not say I would advise not to follow Martin, he told him not to follow him. That is only one of the three times Zimmerman was told not to follow people. When the neighborhood watch was set up the police department makes it extremely clear the members of the neighborhood watch are not being given police powers they can only watch, that is why it is called a neighborhood watch.
Zimmerman acted as if he had been deputized not just there to watch. Testimony at trial showed that Zimmerman had been told a third time by the property owners not to follow people. Three times is a charm.
Zimmerman has been charged three times with assaulting women. Once for assaulting his wife, then with assaulting two different girlfriends. When he beat up his wife, they did a pretrial diversion and made him take a class for wife beaters. Zimmerman is a coward’s, coward just the type who carries a gun. He needs to carry a gun because if one of those women finds him, they may bust a cap in his head.

When the police department tells you not to something there is a reason. They are not in the advice business. The police department does not advise you not to run a stop signs. They tell you not to run stop signs and if you do there are consequences.
If Zimmerman had stopped following Martin, there would never have been a child killing. Then you are trying to say it was Martin who was following Zimmerman.
When a neighborhood watch is setup, they make it extremely clear that they have not been deputized and have no police powers. When the policeman that setup the watch tells them not to follow people, he means it. When the property owner tells them not to follow people it is not advice.
Zimmerman never stopped following Martin until the child was laying dead on the ground. When a policeman tells you something it is not advice and when you are on someone else’s property and they tell you not to follow people that is not advice.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Feb, 2020 12:32 am
When the FBI looked at the stats on the stand your ground laws one thing stood out, in the stand your ground incidents where the victims were white, they were more than twice as likely to be convicted than if the victims were black. If Zimmerman had killed a white child, the chances of him being convicted would have went way up. Thus, the stand your ground laws are just legalization of modern day lynchings.
Politicians are required to report campaign contributions and their amount.

Web results

These lawmakers receive the most campaign money from gun ...
www.marketwatch.com › Economy & Politics › In One Chart

www.marketwatch.com › Economy & Politics › In One Chart
Aug 10, 2019 - 1 recipient of campaign donations from gun-rights backers in the ... That's according to data from OpenSecrets.org, a website tracking money in politics that's run ... The big decline has come as the NRA deals with shaky finances and infighting ... In terms of lobbying outlays, gun-rights groups have disclosed ...
People also search for

Who are the top 10 recipients of NRA money? - AJC.com
www.ajc.com › news › national › senators-house-members-who-offer...

www.ajc.com › news › national › senators-house-members-who-offer...
1. Cached
Feb 28, 2018 - However, the bulk of the contributions have gone to House and ... For the complete list from the Center for Responsible Politics, click here.
OJ was found innocent of murder in criminal court but the civil court he was found responsible for his wife’s murder. If Travon’s parents had sued Zimmerman in civil court, he would have been convicted in civil court because Zimmerman acted as if he had police powers.

As noted from the FBI stat had Travon been white Zimmerman would be in prison today.
You missed the target further then you will ever know. If it had been the broadside of the barn you would have missed the barn. Psychology is not your strong point.
The Harvard Study is hard to locate. Even with a direct search there are so much stuff piled on top of it locating is very difficult. A 2007 Harvard research is easier to locate than the 2018 study. This study seems to answer some of the questions. Even that stand your laws just create more gun violence.

A new, huge review of gun research has bad news for the ...
www.vox.com › 2018 › guns-shootings-studies-rand-charts-maps

www.vox.com › 2018 › guns-shootings-studies-rand-charts-maps
1. Cached
Mar 2, 2018 - The findings, while limited, point in one direction: Gun control can save lives. ... By German [email protected]@vox.com Mar 2, 2018, 8:00am EST ... But studies have gone on — just without federal funding. ... The research, compiled by the Harvard School of Public Health's Injury Control ...

Guns in America have to be registered or at some do. That would give you idea of how many people have guns. The NRA use to count gun owners by counting how many people were in a house with a gun. If there was a mother and a father and 8 kids according to the NRA there were ten gun owners. Now there is only one gun owner and people who live in a house with a gun. Most gun owners are proud of it and will brag about owning a gun.

If you put a fence only on one side property and expect to keep your dog in the yard it won’t happen. There is absolutely no reason to have a background check unless you are going to check the backgrounds on all gun sales. Even the dog can figure out if there is a fence on one side property all he needs to is go the other direction. It is the same way with guns, if a criminal wants a gun he knows there is a fence at the gun store so he just get Craig list out and buys a gun anyway. Same way if a mentally ill mass murderer and want an AR-15 if he goes to the gun store, they will turn him down but a few minutes on Craig List and he is ready for the next big school massacre. For too long we have had a once sided fence for gun control and any dog will tell you that will never work. It is either universal background or nothing.
If you worked at company and there was explosion that killed 59 and injured 500 it would national news and there would be something done to make sure it would never happen again. If the company said they would not do anything to improve safety and let it happen over and over again the public would make sure that company was put out of business. If that same company would then buy politicians to prevent any safety regulations being passed and argue that they are only killing 300 people a year. Do you think the public would tolerate it?
That is the way it is with gun manufacturers well it is only a few hundred human beings killed in massacres why bother. The gun manufacturers fight every safety regulation. It doesn’t matter how many are killed and paralyzed. This would not be tolerated by any other manufacturer in America. The problem would be stopped, or they would be out of business.

The 59 people killed and 500 injured in Las Vegas and the 50 killed and wounded 53 in the pule Night Club are not emotions you can count the facts by the bodies you count.
The only reason Zimmerman got off was that he killed a black child instead of a white child that is the only reason he was not convicted. The jury would have looked it quite differently if the child was white. The jury already has stereotype of black people as criminals.
The insiders in the Trump administration believed that Trump would start WWIII because if Trump had ordered the bombing of Iran, Iran is allied Russia and they would be duty bound to step in and protect Iran. Congress also believes Trump was about to start WWIII and a bipartisan bill is being passed to prevent the senile old idiot from getting us all killed and taking Trump’s power to start a war with Iraq without prior approval of congress. They fully understand how close we came to a world war because he is senile.
Trump spends hour each day in front of a wall of TV set to every news channel he is only worried about his appearance on cable news. The tail wagging the dog incident worked for three day not a word was mention about impeachment. It was a short term fix. Trump would need to keep assonating more foreign leaders.

I do remember four people killed in Benghazi but what people don’t remember 4,424 Americans killed in Iraq for the lies of the Republicans sent over there to die fighting a completely innocent country. The people on that committee were responsible for getting those 4,424 and they were directly responsible. It was like those 4 Benghazi were worth far more than the 4,424, the absolute audacity. There were no hearings about those responsible for those 4,424 deaths and those committee members had blood on their hands.
There is a big difference in web site changes and completing eliminating a major campaign promise that no one making 50,000 or less would pay income tax. That is exactly how a con works. The conman promises the victim if you cash this $5,000 check for me and send me $3,000 you can keep two thousand. Of course, the check is bad, but conman got his thee thousand. That is exactly what Trump made a campaign promise to get elected but as sone as he was elected, and the American people went to cash the check it was bad, and Trump made the tracks disappear. Bannon, when he was working in the White House kept Trump campaign promises on a black board to make sure Trump kept his word, but it seems that the tax cut for the middle-class campaign promise disappeared altogether. Trump need not keep his word because he lies more than anyone in history. Most people making less than $50,000 didn’t get a tax. There was no tax cut to the first tax bracket. I made $65,000 and I got $1.48 cents a year tax cut and Trump put the country another $10 trillion in debt for that. I still have to write $500 check on my social security which is money I already paid taxes on once. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
You are forgetting one hell of a lot of Federal employees who get checks from the government. The poor don’t get 1 cent back that they haven’t paid other then those with children who get an earned income tax credit. The taxes went up when the tax brackets were cut from 18 down to just two brackets under Reagan. The middle class saw their taxes on their first bracket of 0% on their first $9,474 disappear and be replaced with 15% tax at same time the ungodly taxes were cut from 70% to 28%. There were only two tax brackets, 15% on the first $57,738 and 28% on anything above that. Going from 0% to 15% was one hell of raise and everyone in the middle class had to pay that raise.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 21 Feb, 2020 10:12 pm
At this point I don’t think you can tell a lie from the truth. You live on a steady stream of lies and after so many lies it makes the truth seem like lies. The Fusion actual negative research being published on a right-wing news site it is a fact that is impossible to deny. It was the Republicans that first hired Fusion GPS to check Trump’s background.

Fusion GPS, had not only done extensive background research on Trump, that research was paid for by Republican deep pocket, but much of that research was published on a right-wing news source.
You can read Fusion’s background reports on the right-wing media. Even for a period after Trump had secured the nomination the Republicans continued to fund Fusion’s research. Only then did Fusion decide to approach the democrats to see if they could sell the information the republicans paid for. Fusion would have never been involved if the republicans had not hired them. Fusion GPS business was in doing research for lawyers involved in lawsuits. All these are facts that were testified under oath in republican controlled congressional hearings. Even one lie and the avenging republicans would have made sure that Fusion employees would be jailed.
The Republicans have been feeding you s*** for so long you have absolutely no idea what the truth is.

Writing a Book involves one person but publishing a book requires a publishing house and hundreds of people. Any published claim is checked by army of fact checkers to make sure the assets of publishing house are not put at risk by liable suits. There is no better source of information then a book.

Putin has taken control of the right he has convinced them there is no truth, just lies, and you can pick the lies that best suit your beliefs.

This was Putin objective and he has fully achieved with the right. If there is no truth, or people believe there is no truth, there can be no America. It can not exist if truth becomes a myth.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 22 Feb, 2020 10:39 pm
That study has been totally debunked they showed the factors used to arrive at the conclusion were faulty. Obama cannot be responsible for every federal employee who makes mistakes.
I knew that study was wrong from just looking at their conclusion. How many criminals do you think we have out of 330 million people? According to FBI there are 97,350,000 people in America with a criminal record. Guns are the tools of the criminal trade, just as a mechanic’s tool of trade is a wrench, or a hammer is the tool of a carpenter’s trade. Even if a 100,000-criminals used a gun to defend themselves this would be a tiny fraction of the criminal population and they are the ones most likely to use a gun to defend themselves.
Not according to gun manufacturer, they insist the assault weapons sold to the America public are very same weapons as used by all the elite military units, like the Army Rangers, SEALS Green Beret and special forces. Just what you need to win a fire fight. Who would know better than the manufacturers of the assault weapons?
According to Colt America has been flooded with assault weapons to the point they will no longer sell them to the public.

The gun manufacturers disagree with you and if they say they are assault weapons, they are assault weapons.

The government says they are weapons of war and the gun manufacturers say they are weapons of war and they have killed 59 people at a time.
If guns are not the difference between the murder rate in America being 450% higher maybe most people in England are born without arms. The majority of guns in America will eventually result in someone death. The equation is simple more guns more deaths. In England less guns result in less deaths, 450% less.
Then you agree that Travon Martin should not have let Zimmerman walk up behind him.
Your second amendment rights are not unlimited according to supreme court. Even after the supreme court ruling you continue to insist gun rights are unlimited. The supreme court overruled you. Massacres are a compelling government interest.
The gun manufacturers say the assault weapons are the very same assault weapons used by the elite military units.
There can be no more compelling government interest than the slaughtering of school children.
The only people whose gun rights are infringed are the criminals and the mentally ill. Everybody else has an arm to bear.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 23 Feb, 2020 11:33 pm
To start with the CDC is the CDC under Obama or baby Bush it is doubtful that Obama appointed a single employee. The CDC is not a political organization. The only political inference with the CDC was done by the Republican congress that passed laws to keep them from doing any study that showed guns in a bad light.

The extreme bottom end of that study is 500,000 not a 100,000. The range of that study was from 2.5 million to 500,000. That study was completely debunked by showing the fudge factors that were plugged into the equation.

The fact is guns are the tools of the trade of criminal and with nearly 100 million people with criminal record the most likely to use of guns for self-protection would be criminals. A 100,000 would only be about a 1/10% of criminals.
No, your definition was clearly intended to include suicide when it used the word especially.
No, you can’t say that when there are 2,963 people killed with weapons that were not specified. In many cases if the murder weapon is not found they have no way of knowing what type weapon was used and a lot of murder weapons are never found.
Even if it were a hundred it would be a good portion of your 293 figure.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ To believe what you have to say, we would have to believe the person who committed suicide was not a human being, maybe they were really a horse or a rabbit. If a human being kills a human being it is a murder. Your only way to escape your definition is to prove that the person that committed suicide was not a human being. I have stuck word for word to your definition.
We are talking about massacres not mass shootings. Massacres were virtually unheard of in America 60 years ago. What made them possible? What also happened 60 years ago? The advent of the AR-15 and its wide distribution to America’s mass murderers. Why were massacres so uncommon before the AR-15s became common?
The fact that America murder rate is several times higher than most civilized countries in well known.

List of countries by intentional homicide rate - Wikipedia
en.wikipedia.org › wiki › List_of_countries_by_intentional_homicide_r...

en.wikipedia.org › wiki › List_of_countries_by_intentional_homicide_r...

It is the weapons of war that need to be taken off the streets. You know the ones the gun manufacturers say are the same ones used by our elite military units. When they are used on the streets of America it is senseless blood bath. The ones you need for a fire fight.
What you don’t read English. That statement is extremely clear. Like other rights your second amendment rights are not unlimited. You are not entitled to any weapon whatsoever for any purpose whatsoever. Those statements are clear concise and not rocket science. You can add the other 25 pages of filler if you want but the actual decision is summed up in those two sentences.
When the supreme court says, “It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever for any purpose whatsoever.” The supreme court is not going to go case by case and tell you what type of weapons you can own and what type you can’t. What the decision is to make it extremely clear to gun nuts that the type of weapons can be regulated by government. That is why 10 states have banned assault weapons and others will follow and that is why those laws will be upheld by the supreme court. You are not entitled to any weapon whatsoever and the second amendment is not unlimited. The full supreme court is 25 pages not one paragraph. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
The sources I posted have been word for word as I have written.
Baby Bush’s written security briefing told him that Al Qaeda was going to attack America with airliners. These books are part of the historical record Bush was told. The only way Osama could have made it any clearer was to have drawn Bush a picture of the World Trade Center with airplanes crashing into it. But Baby Bush would have never bothered to look at it, he was too busy on his ranch. He spent half of the summer of 2001 on vacation. They Saudi’s didn’t dare attack while Clinton was president the Saudis were personal friends of the Bush family and flew over for Bush’s mother birthday party. The Saudi knew when the attack happened Bush and the conservatives would blame Iraq and attack them. From day Bush took office they knew they would need an “incident” to be able to attack Iraq and kill a million-innocent people. Invading Iraq and killing a million people as the neo-conservatives would not have stopped the attack. Bush could not take out Osama in 7 years after the attack and it wasn’t a rumor then.
Let me see if I get this right telling you that you can’t own any gun whatsoever is not a restriction on owning a gun. That is a very clear restriction on gun ownership.
There have been restrictions on the types of guns you can own since the government went after the Thompson machine guns and you know that. More restrictions are coming as more states get tired of watching their children being slaughtered.
I notice that the NRA is keeping a low profile since their alliance with the Russians has become public. A lot of NRA members don’t want to be partners with Russia. The changes to gun laws is spreading across America and the NRA can buy enough politicians to get control of the Federal government but they can’t buy all 50 state legislatures.
Mental problems are like cancer it comes back and 95% of the population is subject to depression and that is the root cause of most massacres. Should we take the guns from the 95% that have mental disease? There are no perfect bodies and no perfect minds.
Shall not be infringed is a throwaway line. It goes without saying that all rights shall not be infringed.
You have never posted the full Heller decision. The supreme court has never issued a one paragraph decision. A supreme court decision will always lay out the legal arguments and explain why they made that decision. Your reading of the Heller decision is just wishful thinking on your part.
James Madison is one of the founding fathers and his opinion would carry substantial weight.
If you want to quote something you should at least use the right words without using a substitutions.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 24 Feb, 2020 10:36 pm
There is no more compelling interest than the continual massacres in America.
There are no preexisting rights, that is why we have a bill of rights to define what rights we have. If we had all these preexisting rights, there would be no need for a “Bill of Rights.”

What law adopts and defines these preexisting-right?
Where would you even find a copy of what rights are preexisting.

Assault weapons are weapons of war. The gun manufacturers stated that the assault weapons are the very same ones used by our elite military units, the Seals, Green Berets, Army Rangers, and the special forces and they should know they manufactured them. Assault weapons are the key to ongoing massacres there is a compelling government interest in protecting our children from being slaughtered.
Assault weapons were designed to kill as many people in the shortest amount of time. Even the gun manufactures brag that they are the same weapons of war used by our elite military units.

The problem is that there is no other type of weapon that makes massacres that easy. Assault weapons just make it easy to make more and more people dead. This isn’t going to get better it is going to get much worse. I watched a movie based on the Oslo, Norway. This mass murderer wanted to impose his radical right-wing ideas on the country by killing people. After he bombed the Prime Minister’s building, he went to an island where a summer camp was taking place and began slaughtering children and because it was a small island with no police force, he was able to kill 77. He had the same right-wing agenda on immigrants that Trump is pushing over here. America no longer holds the record for a massacre with an assault weapon but soon we will have the record back because we have thousands of times more assault weapons than Norway.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 26 Feb, 2020 12:17 am
If you have a right to happiness and you are a serial killer what makes you happy is killing people, so limits are placed on rights. You would not want to interfere with anyone’s right to happiness. If you were the only person in the world there would be no problem with your rights interfering with someone else’s but that is not the case. Picture life as a highway with many people on it. You are in a hurry and decide to start running red lights. You run the light and kill a family of five. You say I was in hurry and it is my right not to stop. Freedom of speech is limited. It is not the right to lie and slander others.
All rights have limits.
There is long history of court decisions against those who use lies as weapons of mass destruction.
The republican party has long been the party of the ungodly greedy the democratic party has long been the party of the workingman. The K street crowd will be nearly 100% republican there might be a few exceptions but very few. I was watching one of the finical networks and they were panicking that the first victim of the coronavirus would be Trump’s presidency. He was almost in tears as stock plunged nearly 2,000 points in two days. The CDC has admitted that coronavirus is going to spread widely across America. Smaller government, the conservatives are about to get a taste of smaller government. Trump and the Republicans have stripped the CDC of much of their funding. We don’t even have a reliable test kits available for coronavirus, but we have smaller government. Rush Slimbaugh is telling his audience it is just a cold nothing to worry about. Slimbaugh says 98% people will live, why worry? The mortality rate from coronavirus is actually 3% meaning that it is likely 9.9 million Americans are likely to die. Compare this to the flu with a mortality rate .1% this means the mortality rate for the coronavirus is 30 times higher than the flu and we have already lost over 14,000 from the flu so far this season. Welcome to smaller government.
There is a bright spot though one type of stock will go way up, invest in the funeral homes and companies that make caskets there is going to be a big shortage.
I have read both Comey’s book and Andrew McCabe’s book. McCabe is the one who ran the actual investigation of Clinton’s e-mails. The right-wing news media had no part in the investigation they just sit down at their keyboards and make up lie after lie. They have no inside information jus lies.
The book is “The Threat” by Andrew McCabe unlike the “stories” Fox News and other right-wing lie factories who have a deadline for tonight lies a book requires the labor of many fact checkers and many others to make sure it is accurate. A hundred years from now the books will be used to construct history and lies on Fox News will be long forgotten. Read the book if you are not allergic to the truth.
By law all government business must be done on a secure government server. Twitter is not a secure government server. What if twitter is hacked and someone impersonating the talking idiot sends us to war. That why Trump of all people should never be doing government business on twitter.
Hillary was using public servers and only for a short while when she started for a short while did she use an old apple computer for a server. I have had several of my old computers professionally destroyed. I go through one every two years there would be a pile to the ceiling if I didn’t. I still have an old Apple IIE.
With all the fuss Trump made about Hillary’s emails that Ivanka would know better. Just as the FBI went through Hillary’s emails on Huma Abedin computer, they separated the private emails from the government e-mails. They had no interest in private e-mails. Trump uses anybody’s phone that visits the White House to get around the government regulations.
You and I both know -email accounts can be accessed and downloaded from any number of places. I could access my e-mal account from anywhere and download the e-mails. If I had to find the server to get my e-mails I would be in bad shape. They could have downloaded her e-mails just by getting the password.
By using his guest’s private phones Trump is in as much of a violation as Hillary was.
It appears in several books that Trump borrows his guest’s phones so he can get around government regulations. Why don’t you visit him? I’ll bet he would ask to see your phone.
I don’t know which book you are referring to.
According to the FBI agent who ran the investigation Clinton turned over all the e-mails. The FBI sorted them into government related and private. The FBI had no interest in her private e-mails and returned them. At some later date the Republicans were dissatisfied with the FBI’s job and wanted to mine them for political information by that time they were gone. Isn’t it funny that the Fox News commentators are not running around like their heads are on fire about Ivanka doing the same thing?
There is absolutely no doubt the FBI had Hillary’s e-mails. How did they get them if she didn’t turn them over?
The Republican would not turn over their computers that not only contain all the background research on the opposition but also all of dirty little secrets on their own candidates. That research is worth billions. The FBI did not need the democrat’s server, they were not after the democrats they were after the Russians that staged the attack. The FBI was aware the Russian were attacking the DNC server. That would have been like America turning the government servers to Russia so they could prove it wasn’t the Russians who were attacking the servers.

The FBI went through the e-mails after they got Abedin’s computer and the FBI stated they did not know if they could do it that quickly.
You are supporting Trump and Trump says that Putin is innocent, and he believes him. You can’t support Trump without drinking the Kool-Aid. If your in for a dime you are in for a dollar.
The Russians had no interest in hacking the Republican server. Putin and the Russian were out to help elect Trump. They had no reason to hack their server. That is the real reason the Russians never bothered. That is like bragging on your security system when no one even bothered to break in.

The Russian were doing everything in their power to get Trump elected why would they break into the Republican server and get all their emails and have Russia publish them? The Russian are not that stupid they knew Trump would take care of them. Trump abandons the military bases in Syria and the Russian took control of them the next day. That’s payback for all of the Russian help during the election.
The FBI monitors the traffic on web and that is how they uncovered the Russian attack on the DNC server. On the internet you leave track no matter how hard you try to erase them there is somebody that can follow them. The Russians were not physically in the DNC server there in the real world. The FBI already knew who was attacking the server that is why they notified the DNC. As long as the Russians are not physically in the DNC server you need to look elsewhere. As soon as Trump publicly called for a Russian cyberattack it took place in less than 30 minutes. To say that you could not possibly know that the attack came from Russia without looking at the server is a lie made up by Fox News and others working for the Russians.

It is much like as if the FBI watched the Russian missiles on radar and then saying you can’t tell the missiles came Russian unless you examine the bomb site. The radar tells the story and the internet monitoring is our radar. All 17 American intelligence agencies made it extremely clear who was responsible. But if one Russian supporter at Fox News says no it ain’t so the ignorant will believe it and invite the Russian back for round two.

All criminals believe the FBI is dirty. Do you know who wants you to believe that, the criminals and Putin.
The FBI was way ahead of the Russians they were monitoring them all along. There is absolutely no doubt the FBI detected the attack without access to the network.
You have no idea of what the actual facts of the Russian attack or the sequence they took place. The FBI called the DNC to notify a Russian attack was underway. The DNC did nothing because the FBI had talked to a lower level employee. The FBI had to get a hold of a higher-level employee a couple of weeks later before the DNC even knew they were under attack by the Russians and do something to stop it. I don’t know where you got your version, no I do, if it is a lie or just plain ignorance it is from right-wing media.

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Reply Wed 26 Feb, 2020 11:12 pm
I am glad you looked into the carried interest loophole this is just making the rich far richer. Congress has tried to eliminate it, but this is where huge expansive amounts of money buy our political system. Both old and new money invest huge amounts of money on Wall Street and the hedge fund mangers believe their salary should not be taxed the same way the middle class is. The hedge fund managers make billions but no matter how many billion they make they want more. The hedge managers pretty much own the Republican party but that was not enough they have been buying democratic politicians like the Clintons. The ungodly greedy are overrepresented in our political system but the middle class has little to no representation in congress. If the middle class had decent representation, they would do away with that tax loophole for the superrich.

The ungodly greedy are spending billions to lower their taxes and would like to eliminate any and all taxes on investments using the argument that if you own stock in a company you are in fact an owner and since the company already paid taxes you should not have to pay taxes at all. The ungodly greedy own most of the stock and that is how they derive their income. Saving a dollar in taxes is far better then making a dollar in income because you get a whole dollar if you save on taxes, but you only get 60 cents of a dollar you make after taxes. Where do you think ungodly are concentrating their effort?
The taxes on the ungodly greedy have been cut from 93% to 37% now. That is a 60% tax cut.
That was no more than enforcing the tax rates in their own tax book. I had discovered in my reading that if you made under $50,000 that year that you did not have to pay taxes on what you earned on selling stock. Once I bought that up they stopped trying to collect taxes on the stock that was sold. That was not a loophole that was just the structure of the tax book that year. It was worth its weight in gold to watch the expression on the IRS auditor’s face when she realized she lost the argument. If I had not read that information for an argument on the internet, I would have paid a lot of taxes I did not owe.
The people that get EIC paid income tax. After the income tax is paid the government pays them welfare much like Bezos pays income tax and then is given billions of tax dollars back. No doubt if all the government taxes dollars he is given, city, state, and Federal he gets more from government then he pays in taxes. When you are getting $2 billion hands outs it is hard not to get rich. For years Bezos did not show one dollar in profits and paid not a dime in taxes at the same time he was taking billions in government business welfare. In that time period, like Trump, he accumulated enough tax credits for loses that he would not pay any taxes for ten years.
We have 93 million people with criminal records. The beauty of drug rip offs is the victim cannot report it to police. I did see one dim wit called the police to report she had been ripped off by a rug dealer. She was adamant that the police go in and get her drugs. The police told her they could not help. Since these crimes go unreported the stats would be inaccurate. It is a case of my gun is bigger than yours if the robber has an AR-15 most drug dealers know that a pistol won’t make any difference. Plus, the gun is going to be at your head before you have a chance to pull their gun.
Only 2 hours into the New Year there was a mass shooting in Huntington where 7 were wounded. The event was advertised with a poster of a woman holding an AR-15. A sure sign this was going to be a tough crowd. Since the poster featured an AR-15 they had to be promoting assault weapons and alcohol. The bar was full of bullet holes so evidently, they had guns inside. Remember the old time western with the bar fights. These Detroit drug dealers improved on that they love to have Saturday night shoot outs. Some bars try to stop them from bringing their guns into bar, but they always manage to get them in.
When we have 93 million Americans with criminal records there is a pretty good chance that they were criminals. The mob in New York was not known for killing innocent people. They killed other criminals for the most part. That type move in their own circles. Things happen for a reason the criminals could have killed them as soon as they opened the door. Why would they beat him? They wanted something out of him. If they killed him, they would not have got the information, so they were going to beat it out of him. The only other explanation is they got the wrong address. I doubt there will ever be any updates.
If you can’t buy a gun at a gun store it does not stop, you from buying a gun. You just buy one from an individual. That individual has no way of knowing that you have a criminal record.
It is like a fenced yard that has a fence only on one side unless you do a background check on all purchases there is absolutely no reason to do any background checks. The trouble with laws is they are enforced after the fact. So, after the mentally ill mass murderer kills 50 people you can charge him with having an illegal gun.
Studies show your assumption is dead wrong. In states with more guns crime is even higher. Why? Guns are a criminal main tool. They find the incidents of rape is higher Why? guns are what rapists use to gain control of a woman. Murders are higher. Why? Because guns are the best way to murder people. They looked at your theory and actual stats show the opposite.
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Reply Thu 27 Feb, 2020 09:14 pm
You have to types of server private and government. Do you think Twitter is on a government server like Trump?
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Reply Thu 27 Feb, 2020 10:03 pm
The Republicans made such a big deal over Clinton being on a private sector server but when Trump does the very same thing the Republicans are absolutely silent. Trump has informed congress that he will notify them by twitter when he takes us into a war. Colin Powel advised Clinton how to do her e-mail. Trump’s children and other department heads have used private sector servers to do government business and the sky did not fall and the Republicans will never say word. It was just a brickbat they used on Clinton. Trump also asks visitors for their cell phones so he will not be on the government record. I think the lady protests way too much.

She did receive training from her predecessor Colin Powel who showed her how he handled his e-mail.

Why isn’t Ivanka under investigation by the FBI for using a private sector server? It is hard to tell how many classified e-mails she sent that threatened national security. The use of private sector servers is not a big deal if Trump’s children do it and she can’t say she didn’t know after Trump had crowds of idiots at his rallies “chant lock her up.” What possible excuse could she have for doing the same thing?
Reply Fri 28 Feb, 2020 08:35 am
1. Clinton exclusively used a private email account to conduct State Department business. Powell did not.

2. Clinton had a private email server, located at her house. Powell did not.

3. The rules governing electronic communication changed considerably--and got more strict--between Powell's time in office and Clinton's.

This from the essential WaPo Fact Checker:

Colin Powell says:

"Her (Clinton) people have been trying to pin it on me,"

"The truth is, she was using [the private email server] for a year before I sent her a memo telling her what I did,"

And even if their actions were equal, are you advocating the idea that if you can prove that someone else got away with something illegal, then those who follow in their footsteps are immune from prosecution?
Reply Fri 28 Feb, 2020 10:12 pm
Sometimes you can drive two hours at 100 mph before you get a ticket other times you can’t drive 30 seconds at a 100mph before you get a ticket. The penalty is the same for the 30 seconds or two hours. When Ivanka did it was the same crime. When Trump does it is the same crime. It is obvious that you believe it is only a crime to use a private server if you’re a democrat. There are numerous instances of the Trump administration members using private servers.

For the most part Hillary e-mails was on private sector servers only briefly was an old apple computer used as a server.

The details of the rules may have changed but the main thrust of the law remained the same.
Powell does admit to sending her memo telling her what he did whether it was a year later or not. What do you want to bet that memo was sent by e-mail? If it was against the law, he should never have sent it and advised her by phone it was illegal. He never says he told her it was against the law.
That is exactly the point if Trump and company all did the same thing as Hillary why are they not being investigated by the FBI?
If they all did the same thing, why has there never been an FBI investigation of Ivanka? Why hasn’t the FBI investigated the extensive use of private sectors servers by Trump? What about the FBI investigation of Trump’s other department heads? Definitely not treated the same.
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Reply Sat 29 Feb, 2020 10:39 pm
In China the government suppressed the news about the coronavirus and made the outbreak worse. Will Trump repeat the same mistake? Make no mistake about it Trump will do the same thing. It is in Trump’s best interest to minimize the coronavirus outbreak in the United States. Rush Slimbaugh has said on his show that the coronavirus no more serious than the common cold. Trump is a big fan of Rush’s and believes every word he hears on right wing media. Trump is like the president of the hair club he is not only the president he is also a client.

It was very obvious when Dr Anthony Fauci, the director National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease, was demoted from his position and Trump put a politician, VP Pence put in charge. Pence is a Politian not a doctor, he is totally unqualified to head the effort. Pence was put in charge to muzzle the doctors and keep them from let the public know what is going on. When Fauci was interviewed he refuse to answer questions and it was obvious he was not allowed to answer it.

The news on the coronavirus is extremely hard to follow now. It keeps changing from hour to hour. Yesterday we had one unexplained case of the coronavirus in California. This morning we had three new unexplained cases, another in California, a school employee in Washington state, and a high school student in Oregon. It looks as they don’t have a source in common. By afternoon it was confirmed that two residents of a nursing home in Washington have tested positive for coronavirus and fifty others in the nursing home are showing symptoms of the coronavirus. This is considered and outbreak but is not being widely reported. The article that reported was only on MSN for a short time.

The first death has been reported in Washington State this will be the first of many to come. The death was reported as a woman 57 years old then later as a man 53 years old. The details keep changing. Trump imposed a travel ban on China but it looks like there should be a travel ban on California, Washington state, and Oregon. We had one death in Washington and two confirmed cases from the nursing home are not being widely reported. Why? Political interference.
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Reply Sun 1 Mar, 2020 10:15 pm
I spent most of this evening reading a series article linked into one thread on MSN that covered the coronavirus. That is by far the longest article I have ever seen on the Internet. The articles covered the coronavirus in countries all over the world and in four hours I only read half of it. Even the Louvre Museum in France is being closed until future notice because people are coming from Northern Italy to pick up Leonardo Vinci works which were that were on loan to Louvre. The Louvre has 10 million visitors a year.

Yesterday they said there was one case of coronavirus in Washington State. What we know now is there are eight confirmed cases. DNA studies of virus samples show that it has been circulating for six weeks in Washington State. There are none so blind as those who don’t want to see. That is the case here even though there were obvious cases of coronavirus they were not tested because there were few test kits so only people who had been overseas to infected areas were tested. We will end up with more cases of coronavirus than any other country in the world because the money had been stiped from the CDC and other health department for a fool’s errand to build to build the wall. The statement: You can have anything you want but you can’t have everything you want applies to countries also.

Washington state cannot help but be a major outbreak but what of the rest of the United States? Yesterday the map showed 9 states already have the coronavirus, today it went up to 11 states. It is on both coasts, Rhode Island has two cases one is unexplained case. Massachusetts has now also reported a case.

The undereducated were on a mission to put someone with absolutely no government experience in as president. It would be like having brain surgery and saying you wanted the janitor to do it instead of the doctor. Now they will be able to quantify their mistake in dead loved ones.
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Reply Mon 2 Mar, 2020 10:22 pm
The death toll continues to rise, we had one dead on Saturday now there are six dead. Coronavirus was in nine states Saturday and now has spread to thirteen including New York, Florida and other east coast states. The New York case flew back on an airplane and was checked for a fever and let go. She came down with the virus in a few days. Now they are going back and checking others that were on the plane with her.

Now the Trump administration says they have been telling us all along that this was going to spread across the country, just get use to it. This begs the question why did they bring all these people back into the country with the coronavirus and quarantine them if they believed the virus was going to overrun the country anyway? Which is it they thought they could contain the virus or they couldn’t possibly contain it?

In Washington state there are so many people with the coronavirus they are purchasing a hotel to put them in. There are now 91 confirmed cases of coronavirus not the 22 Trump claimed. Trump had 45 people with the coronavirus flow back into the country from the cruise ship in Japan. Why not leave people over there until they were cured? Illinois is now reporting more cases of the coronavirus one person had flown back from China on the 22 Feb long after flights from China should have been banned.

Make no doubt about the coronavirus is predator muck like a pride of lions that thins out a herd, of gazelles of the old and weak. The flu usually serves this purpose and we have already lost 16,000 to flu so far this year. Coronavirus will take many more beyond that. Here we are in a 100-year pandemic with an idiot that bankrupted eight businesses in charge.
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Reply Tue 3 Mar, 2020 10:28 pm
Another day and three more deaths in Washington state. Of the thirty first responders who responded to the nursing home in Washington twelve are now showing symptoms of the coronavirus. There are now over a 120 confirmed case of coronavirus in America. The disease continues to spread across the country with fifteen states now reporting cases. North Carolina has its first case of the coronavirus it seems the person was exposed at the Washington State nursing home and returned to North Carolina.

It is evident information is still being controlled because the ninth reported coronavirus death actually occurred, not today, but on the 26th day of February. That or they are going back and checking on people that died and been given another cause of death. One thing for sure the death toll will go over 10 tomorrow.

New Hampshire has two cases now and they were instructed to self-isolate. On ignored the order and went to an invitation only event at a Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center. This must be a doctor or someone involved in the medical field. Quarantine must not be voluntary they need to be mandatory. One of people that was returned from overseas and placed in voluntary quarantine decide he would just walk off, they immediately made his quarantine mandatory.

The coronavirus is proving far more deadly than first believed the death rate 3.4%. In Italy 79 people have died all of them over 63 while children seem to have an immunity with a tiny fraction of infections compared to adults. If you are over 60 now would be a good time to hibernate.
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Reply Wed 4 Mar, 2020 10:30 pm
California has now declared a state of emergency due to the coronavirus. The last count I had for California was two cases but now they are listing 53 cases of the coronavirus in addition they have a cruise ship off shore with many passengers and crew showing coronavirus symptoms. This is the same patient that died of coronavirus had originally sailed on the same ship, the Grand Princes, that continued on to Hawaii after the patient got off the boat.

How do you go from 2 cases of coronavirus to 53 overnight? China got in trouble for withholding information from the public but I suspect far more information is being withheld from the American public to help Trump’s reelection chances. In China you knew how many new cases of coronavirus there were each day and how many deaths. In America where we have 50 states there does not seem to be a central clearing house to give the public reliable figures.

In Washington State they believe that between 300-500 might be infected. Many people are sick and upset that they can’t be tested. Not enough tests and not enough laboratories to check the tests. Washington state knew they had a coronavirus case in January 20th but the public didn’t know about it until much later and evidently no plan was put in place to stop its spread.

It has hit closer home today as WV has three probable cases the tests were sent to the CDC and they expect results in 5-10 days. By that time is should have spread throughout the state. America under Trump is like living in a backwoods country. The suspected cases either traveled to infected countries or had contact with someone who had the coronavirus. That is one pitiful response to a national emergency. I wonder how many people will die due to Trump’s total incompetence?
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Reply Thu 5 Mar, 2020 10:35 pm
The idiot and chief has spoken, he says he has a “hunch” the death rate from the coronavirus is less than 1% while the World Health Organization, the experts in the field, put it at 3.4%. In America we had 10 deaths in the first hundred cases making closer to 10%. There was another death today in Washington State and a concession vendor at Seattle Seahawks stadium tested positive for coronavirus. Here is your hot dog with a side of coronavirus. The trouble with taking the number of deaths with the number of reported cases of coronavirus is that many of the cases have yet to run their course and many deaths may take place further along during the course of the disease making the death rate even higher.

Trump is trying to make the coronavirus less serious then what it is. Why? The coronavirus is hurting Trump’s reelection chances. Trump and the right-wing media are telling their followers that the coronavirus is no more serious than the common cold or flu. That is why Trump is lying about the death rate putting it in line with death rate from the flu. The Trump followers are all over social media claiming that the coronavirus is no more dangerous than the flu or common cold. When a good portion of the population ignores the seriousness of coronavirus it will lead to a far more serious spread of the coronavirus and far more deaths in America than what took place in China. This is a case where Trump’s lies can be counted in deaths. One need only look to see how seriously China reacted to coronavirus and compare it to what is going on in America.

We now have 200 confirmed cases of coronavirus in 17 states. California has 50 cases. The first man to die was on a cruise ship Grand Princes on a cruise to Mexico, when the ship got back to port in San Francisco 600 people who were shipmates of the dead man disembarked to all over America in February. They are now trying to track them down and test them. San Francisco found two cases of coronavirus that are community spread without any known source. You should not be able to sleep at night knowing that all that stands between you and the coronavirus is that lying Trump.
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