When the FBI looked at the stats on the stand your ground laws one thing stood out, in the stand your ground incidents where the victims were white, they were more than twice as likely to be convicted than if the victims were black. If Zimmerman had killed a white child, the chances of him being convicted would have went way up. Thus, the stand your ground laws are just legalization of modern day lynchings.
Politicians are required to report campaign contributions and their amount.
Web results
These lawmakers receive the most campaign money from gun ...
www.marketwatch.com › Economy & Politics › In One Chart
www.marketwatch.com › Economy & Politics › In One Chart
Aug 10, 2019 - 1 recipient of campaign donations from gun-rights backers in the ... That's according to data from OpenSecrets.org, a website tracking money in politics that's run ... The big decline has come as the NRA deals with shaky finances and infighting ... In terms of lobbying outlays, gun-rights groups have disclosed ...
People also search for
Who are the top 10 recipients of NRA money? - AJC.com
www.ajc.com › news › national › senators-house-members-who-offer...
www.ajc.com › news › national › senators-house-members-who-offer...
1. Cached
Feb 28, 2018 - However, the bulk of the contributions have gone to House and ... For the complete list from the Center for Responsible Politics, click here.
OJ was found innocent of murder in criminal court but the civil court he was found responsible for his wife’s murder. If Travon’s parents had sued Zimmerman in civil court, he would have been convicted in civil court because Zimmerman acted as if he had police powers.
As noted from the FBI stat had Travon been white Zimmerman would be in prison today.
You missed the target further then you will ever know. If it had been the broadside of the barn you would have missed the barn. Psychology is not your strong point.
The Harvard Study is hard to locate. Even with a direct search there are so much stuff piled on top of it locating is very difficult. A 2007 Harvard research is easier to locate than the 2018 study. This study seems to answer some of the questions. Even that stand your laws just create more gun violence.
A new, huge review of gun research has bad news for the ...
www.vox.com › 2018 › guns-shootings-studies-rand-charts-maps
www.vox.com › 2018 › guns-shootings-studies-rand-charts-maps
1. Cached
Mar 2, 2018 - The findings, while limited, point in one direction: Gun control can save lives. ... By German
[email protected]@vox.com Mar 2, 2018, 8:00am EST ... But studies have gone on — just without federal funding. ... The research, compiled by the Harvard School of Public Health's Injury Control ...
Guns in America have to be registered or at some do. That would give you idea of how many people have guns. The NRA use to count gun owners by counting how many people were in a house with a gun. If there was a mother and a father and 8 kids according to the NRA there were ten gun owners. Now there is only one gun owner and people who live in a house with a gun. Most gun owners are proud of it and will brag about owning a gun.
If you put a fence only on one side property and expect to keep your dog in the yard it won’t happen. There is absolutely no reason to have a background check unless you are going to check the backgrounds on all gun sales. Even the dog can figure out if there is a fence on one side property all he needs to is go the other direction. It is the same way with guns, if a criminal wants a gun he knows there is a fence at the gun store so he just get Craig list out and buys a gun anyway. Same way if a mentally ill mass murderer and want an AR-15 if he goes to the gun store, they will turn him down but a few minutes on Craig List and he is ready for the next big school massacre. For too long we have had a once sided fence for gun control and any dog will tell you that will never work. It is either universal background or nothing.
If you worked at company and there was explosion that killed 59 and injured 500 it would national news and there would be something done to make sure it would never happen again. If the company said they would not do anything to improve safety and let it happen over and over again the public would make sure that company was put out of business. If that same company would then buy politicians to prevent any safety regulations being passed and argue that they are only killing 300 people a year. Do you think the public would tolerate it?
That is the way it is with gun manufacturers well it is only a few hundred human beings killed in massacres why bother. The gun manufacturers fight every safety regulation. It doesn’t matter how many are killed and paralyzed. This would not be tolerated by any other manufacturer in America. The problem would be stopped, or they would be out of business.
The 59 people killed and 500 injured in Las Vegas and the 50 killed and wounded 53 in the pule Night Club are not emotions you can count the facts by the bodies you count.
The only reason Zimmerman got off was that he killed a black child instead of a white child that is the only reason he was not convicted. The jury would have looked it quite differently if the child was white. The jury already has stereotype of black people as criminals.
The insiders in the Trump administration believed that Trump would start WWIII because if Trump had ordered the bombing of Iran, Iran is allied Russia and they would be duty bound to step in and protect Iran. Congress also believes Trump was about to start WWIII and a bipartisan bill is being passed to prevent the senile old idiot from getting us all killed and taking Trump’s power to start a war with Iraq without prior approval of congress. They fully understand how close we came to a world war because he is senile.
Trump spends hour each day in front of a wall of TV set to every news channel he is only worried about his appearance on cable news. The tail wagging the dog incident worked for three day not a word was mention about impeachment. It was a short term fix. Trump would need to keep assonating more foreign leaders.
I do remember four people killed in Benghazi but what people don’t remember 4,424 Americans killed in Iraq for the lies of the Republicans sent over there to die fighting a completely innocent country. The people on that committee were responsible for getting those 4,424 and they were directly responsible. It was like those 4 Benghazi were worth far more than the 4,424, the absolute audacity. There were no hearings about those responsible for those 4,424 deaths and those committee members had blood on their hands.
There is a big difference in web site changes and completing eliminating a major campaign promise that no one making 50,000 or less would pay income tax. That is exactly how a con works. The conman promises the victim if you cash this $5,000 check for me and send me $3,000 you can keep two thousand. Of course, the check is bad, but conman got his thee thousand. That is exactly what Trump made a campaign promise to get elected but as sone as he was elected, and the American people went to cash the check it was bad, and Trump made the tracks disappear. Bannon, when he was working in the White House kept Trump campaign promises on a black board to make sure Trump kept his word, but it seems that the tax cut for the middle-class campaign promise disappeared altogether. Trump need not keep his word because he lies more than anyone in history. Most people making less than $50,000 didn’t get a tax. There was no tax cut to the first tax bracket. I made $65,000 and I got $1.48 cents a year tax cut and Trump put the country another $10 trillion in debt for that. I still have to write $500 check on my social security which is money I already paid taxes on once. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
You are forgetting one hell of a lot of Federal employees who get checks from the government. The poor don’t get 1 cent back that they haven’t paid other then those with children who get an earned income tax credit. The taxes went up when the tax brackets were cut from 18 down to just two brackets under Reagan. The middle class saw their taxes on their first bracket of 0% on their first $9,474 disappear and be replaced with 15% tax at same time the ungodly taxes were cut from 70% to 28%. There were only two tax brackets, 15% on the first $57,738 and 28% on anything above that. Going from 0% to 15% was one hell of raise and everyone in the middle class had to pay that raise.