The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Fri 7 Feb, 2020 10:31 am
That is incorrect. No massacre in the US has ever involved the use of an assault weapon.

Are you a Russian agent? Why are you helping the KGB spread lies about the President?
Reply Fri 7 Feb, 2020 03:33 pm
Are you a Russian agent?

Do you think a Communist would start a thread about Communism? I do.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 7 Feb, 2020 11:37 pm
The actual facts show that Dayton mass murderer had a change of heat and became and admirer of the El Paso mass murderer. How do we know that? The Dayton mass murderer posted hero worshiping remarks about the El Paso mass murderer on line. The El Paso massacre was the proximate cause of the Dayton massacre. Experts have long known that one massacre becomes the inspiration for the next.
An investigation puts no one in jail people have to be convicted by a jury of their peers to end up in jail. Jurys decide who goes to jail not investigations.

Do you know mistakes are made everyday in every line of work? I was driving my wife’s new car to work one morning when an idiot ran a red light and totaled it. Witnesses put his speed at 60 mph. I had driven to work the exact same way for 38years. When the I looked at the police report it showed that I was going east and turned left in front of the idiot. I was going north and was going straight. When I pointed out the mistake the Police department refused to correct the report. It still showed the idiot was at fault. Mistakes do happen Cater Page was involved with the Russians along with several other people on Trump’s campaign staff. Kushner and other met with the Russians to get help with the election from the Russians.
You will never prove that Trump would have ever been elected without the Russian’s help.
The whistleblower law was written specifically to protect the whistleblowers Otherwise there would be no purpose for a whistleblowers law. One Whistleblower pointed that the bullet proof vests supplied to police departments across America would not stop bullets. If the whistleblower had not pointed out that fact policemen would have been killed wearing those vests.

Sorry but being a spy for the Russians does not make you a whistleblower. Reporters are not whistleblowers it is just their job.

Notice that Trump is breaking yet another law, the whistleblowers law today by not only firing Vindman but firing his brother and also ruining their careers. This is how gangsters think we will not only kill you but we will kill your entire family also. It is how criminals keep people in line. Trump has now also fired Sondland who paid a million dollars to Trump for his job. Trump will probably put a hit out on his wife and children.
There is not anyone alive that has not told a lie but there is a big difference between pathological liar who lies all the time. Actually, there is something wrong with their brain and sometimes medication can make them better but Trump is unmedicated. It is difficult to work with a pathological liar, there is no subject too insignificant that they won’t make up a lie about. You and I both know you cannot work with a pathological liar.
Trump gave a speech yesterday and used note cards because he can’t read well enough to read a teleprompter. That why Trump wanders all over the place and that is why he never reads a bill he is signing or national security briefing. More made up news from Fox, books are fact checked and if there is a lie Trump sues them for $5 million he has before.
The Heller decision was not about owning guns it was about a gun permit. There was no issue with owning a gun it was about getting a permit to carry it. But what was the most significant part was the statement that “you are not entitled to any weapon whatsoever for any purpose whatsoever.” Two hundred years from now long after the gun permit issue is long forgotten that ruling will be cited over and over in gun control laws. It is the very foundation that future gun control will cite.
It is exactly as I have posted a hundred times. “Like most rights the second amendment right is not unlimited.” That is exactly what I argued. You insisted the second amendment is unlimited. “It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever for any purpose whatsoever. “That is extremely clear and that is exactly why 10 states have banned assault weapons and it is why the gun manufacturers can’t over turn them.
McDonald vs Chicago decision incorporates the Heller decision.
The restriction put in place by the Heller decision are assumed permissible and not dealt with in McDonald vs Chicago.
Translation the McDonald decision does not change the Heller decision in anyway.
That statement “Shall not be infringed” is extremely simple and does not even require a first-year law student to understand it. You think it says you are intitled to the sun and the moon and the stars, it doesn’t. “Like most right your second amendments rights are not unlimited.”
If gun rights can’t be infringed then you can’t infringe the rights of criminals and the mentally ill to keep and bear arms.
The far left formed this government 200 years ago while the conservatives of the time backed and aided England. The conservatives’ property was burnt to ground and they were sent back to England to live under a King. There is no reason for the left to overthrow a government that was designed and built by them in the first place. It will always be the right that wants to overthrow the government. Abortion is an example. The country was based on maximum freedom but the right will take the most basic of al freedoms, the freedom to control your own bodily functions.
You need to take a few law classes from practicing attorney and they would teach you how to read law. The first thing you need to is limit yourself to words on the page and to the meaning of those words.
The supreme court has ruled that like most rights the second amendment is not unlimited but yet you insist the second amendment right is unlimited. One of you is wrong, either the supreme court or you. Don’t play golf with Tiger Woods you will lose.
Reply Sat 8 Feb, 2020 10:07 pm
You said you had a small part in the Heller decision. Here is what the Heller decision states in part: “Like most rights the second amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever for any purpose whatsoever.

You can continue to argue gun rights are unlimited but the court decision rules.
The supreme court ruled that you do not have a right to any weapon whatsoever.
The Heller decision says you are wrong along with 10 states that have banned assault weapons. There is no reference anywhere to “a compelling government interest” in the statement “it is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever.” Even if we were to accept that, stopping massacres would be a very compelling government interest.
The old saying is you had to be there. It seems that applies to massacres as well. There is a program currently on ID, “In Memoriam” that does the next best thing. Many of the people in Las Vegas were recording the event. As the mass murderer opens fire, many thought it was firecrackers. The mass murderer is firing every bit as fast as the videos I posted on the assault weapons and only pauses long enough to pick up another assault weapon. Put yourself in the dark in a crowd of 20,000 people no way to move and no place to go. That film covers three of the biggest massacres in America and should be required watching for anybody that thinks assault weapons should be legal in America. At the end it lists the locations of the hundreds of locations of mass shootings that have taken place since Las Vegas.
Watch the film of the Las Vegas massacre and if stopping that is not a compelling government interest nothing is.
Reply Sun 9 Feb, 2020 10:47 am
Zardoz wrote:
It is exactly as I have posted a hundred times. "Like most rights the second amendment right is not unlimited." That is exactly what I argued.

It is nothing like what you argued.

You argued that the government can pass any gun laws that it wants to. The courts say that a fundamental right can be restricted only if the restriction can be justified as serving a compelling government interest.

You argued that the government can impose restrictions that make self defense difficult. The courts say that a restriction can never be so draconian that it impedes the exercise of a fundamental right.

Zardoz wrote:
You insisted the second amendment is unlimited.

I've never seen him say this.

Zardoz wrote:
"It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever for any purpose whatsoever.

It is however a right to have firepower adequate for effective self defense.

It is also a right to have any weapon that there is no compelling government interest in restricting.

Zardoz wrote:
"That is extremely clear and that is exactly why 10 states have banned assault weapons and it is why the gun manufacturers can't over turn them.

Ordinary hunting rifles are not assault weapons. And the bans on these ordinary hunting rifles will be overturned at some point, as there is no compelling government interest to justify outlawing an ordinary hunting rifle.

Zardoz wrote:
One of you is wrong, either the supreme court or you.

No. The Supreme Court agrees with Baldimo.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Feb, 2020 10:53 am
Zardoz wrote:
Here is what the Heller decision states in part: "Like most rights the second amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever for any purpose whatsoever.

We do however have the right to have any weapon that there is no compelling government interest in restricting.

We also have the right to have enough firepower for effective self defense.

Zardoz wrote:
You can continue to argue gun rights are unlimited but the court decision rules.

The only time that I argued for unlimited rights was when you denied the legitimacy of court rulings and said that we need to focus on the text of the Constitution.

As long as you are back to accepting the validity of the courts, I am back to arguing compelling government interest.

Zardoz wrote:
The supreme court ruled that you do not have a right to any weapon whatsoever.

They also rule that a fundamental right cannot be restricted unless the restriction can be justified as serving a compelling government interest.

They also rule that a restriction cannot be so draconian that it prevents the exercise of a fundamental right.

Zardoz wrote:
The Heller decision says you are wrong

That is incorrect. The Heller decision backs me up 100%.

Zardoz wrote:
along with 10 states that have banned assault weapons.

They are not banning assault weapons. They are banning ordinary hunting rifles like the AR-15.

They are the ones who are wrong. They are committing a grave atrocity against the American people.

Zardoz wrote:
There is no reference anywhere to "a compelling government interest" in the statement "it is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever."

They didn't need to say it. After 75 years of Supreme Court rulings, it is settled law at this point.

Zardoz wrote:
Even if we were to accept that, stopping massacres would be a very compelling government interest.

Not when gun control has nothing to do with trying to prevent massacres. Outlawing pistol grips on semi-auto rifles is not in any way an attempt to save lives.

Zardoz wrote:
The old saying is you had to be there. It seems that applies to massacres as well. There is a program currently on ID, "In Memoriam" that does the next best thing. Many of the people in Las Vegas were recording the event. As the mass murderer opens fire, many thought it was firecrackers. The mass murderer is firing every bit as fast as the videos I posted on the assault weapons and only pauses long enough to pick up another assault weapon.

He did not use assault weapons. He used bump stocks.

Zardoz wrote:
Put yourself in the dark in a crowd of 20,000 people no way to move and no place to go. That film covers three of the biggest massacres in America and should be required watching for anybody that thinks assault weapons should be legal in America.

Those massacres had nothing to do with assault weapons.

Zardoz wrote:
Watch the film of the Las Vegas massacre and if stopping that is not a compelling government interest nothing is.

That's why courts allow the government to restrict access to bump stocks.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 9 Feb, 2020 11:21 pm
The second amendment address the whole American population and that is the reason that the plural of the term is used.

You are on the totalitarian side of the fence. Any political party that believes that they have the right to control the bodily function someone else is by far the most totalitarian of all. Controlling objects is a justifiable responsibility of government controlling bodily functions is totalitarian.
If you buy a bottle of medicine, they will list the active ingredients which are usually only a percent or two. The second amendment is like that. Those six small words are the active ingredient the rest just filler. Shall not be infringed is meaningless because all rights shall not be infringed according to courts. That is just wishful thing on your part. Do you really thing that “shall not be infringed” actually means you are entitled to any weapon ever built?
You having an arm bear does not prevent the government responsibility to control guns. As long as you have an arm to bear you have everything that the second amendment gave you.
The whole Heller decision is 25 pages long. You only posted a tiny portion. Again, it is very much like active ingredients. There are two sentences that govern the paragraph. “Like most rights the second amendment is not unlimited.” It seems you edited that out of the paragraph because it tells you your second amendment right is limited. But you keep contending the second amendment right is unlimited. I wonder who is right you or the supreme court.

The second governing sentence is: “It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever, in any manner whatsoever, for any purpose whatsoever.”
McDonald vs Chicago incorporates the Heller decision.
The restrictions put in place by the Heller decision are assumed as permissible and not dealt with in McDonald vs Chicago.
The McDonald vs Chicago in no way changes Heller decision in any way.
You would have a very hard time making the 10th amendment work. The constitution never gave the right to Federal Government to make abortion illegal but they did. There were no cars in 1791 so the federal government could not make regulations on car pollution or any type of pollution for that matter. Everything invented after 1791 could never be regulated.
There are limits to your privacy rights. For instance, if you are a suspect in a crime a warrant can be obtained to search your house or car. They can even get a warrant to take your DNA. Those are limits placed on privacy they would not apply to abortion. A person has a right to privacy of their bodily functions as long as they are not involved in criminal activity.
The supreme court has ruled: “Like most rights the second amendment is not unlimited.” That is extremely clear.
“Shall not be infringed” does not mean unlimited, look it up in the dictionary.
I will guarantee you if someone was found standing outside an elementary school with an assault weapon he would be arrested and charged with terrorist threatening. There is no way they would take the chance that the idiot could just pivot and start shooting at the school children.
You can not post the entire 25-page Heller decision you need only post the relevant points.
All you have to do is look and see who is shot and killed and that is usually the gun owners, their children, their wife and their neighbors. The Harvard study will have been done to the highest standards as Harvard has a reputation to uphold unlike the NRA who has taken up with the Russians.
To start with the study never ever said anybody was “saved” only that they defended themselves or their property. So, if someone was in your neighbor’s cherry tree and you came out and defended yourself with your shotgun from the children next door this would be part of the stats. If you used your shotgun to stop the children from playing in the church yard across the street that is part of the stats. The only ones defending themselves are the drug dealers and both parties have guns. Guns are tools of the trade of criminals, like a hammer is a carpenter’s tool.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 10 Feb, 2020 10:06 pm
In politics money talks louder and longer than anything else. It is the same way with the NRA the vast majority of the NRA funding comes from the gun manufactures. In the last election the NRA gave $30 million to the Trump campaign and that is only one of thousands of politicians they buy. The membership dues of the $5 million members would not even put a dent in that sum. Who has that deep of pockets? Only the gun manufacturer could come up with that kind of money. When you contribute that amount of money you own that organization.
The NRA is a front organization that worked so well that the Tabaco companies tried to copy it. They did not want it to look like the tobacco companies were lobbying congress but if it were only an organization of ordinary citizens smokers who would lobby congress it would look just like the NRA.

That is how the NRA markets guns is that the necessary to overthrow the government. At one time the most common reason for owning a gun given in polls was hunting but now one of the most common answer is to overthrow the government. That is the argument for the second amendment is that the government must be overthrown every few years.

Assault weapons were designed as weapons of war and then marketed to the public as macho weapons. The gun to win any firefight with.
The assault weapon bans were not passed to ban automatic-assault weapons all of the assault weapon bans are to ban the semi-automatic assault weapons. Semi-automatic version of assault weapon is the version responsible for the majority of modern-day massacres.

Gun manufacturers “promote their AR-15s by advertising that the most elite branches of the military—including special forces, Seals, Green Berets, and army rangers—have used them.”

That is straight from the horse’s mouth and even they say the AR-15 is a weapon of war used by the most elite military forces.
You can say what you want but the facts according to the gun manufacturers is that they are weapons of war.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 11 Feb, 2020 10:36 pm
The NRA is a relatively small organization with only 5 million members out of a population of 330 million. The NRA’s power comes from the gun manufacturers’ money. It is like the Wizard of Oz, a tiny little man behind the curtain with a huge megaphone. “Full of sound and fury and signifying nothing.”
He who supplies the money controls the organization and in this case it is the gun manufactures who control the NRA.

To sell the assault weapons to public they told them they were the “same” guns being used by our elite military units, special forces, SEALS, Green Beret, and Army Rangers. That is how the gun manufacturers flooded the streets of America with weapons of war.
The very people that manufactured the assault weapons claimed they were the very weapons of war used by our elite military units and they should know, they designed and manufactured them. There is no way these weapons of war should have ever been allowed on the streets. Some cities are already buying back guns
If we give the gun manufacturers the last word, they define weapons like the AR-15s as assault weapons.

The government says they are assault weapons and the gun manufacturers say they are assault weapons. Where does that leave you?
When will you admit that assault weapons were designed to kill large numbers of people quickly whether they have a detachable magazine or not?
In the typical massacre the mass murderers don’t shoot from 300 meters they like to put the assault weapon to the head of their victims and watch the brains blow out of their head. The assault weapon lets them gain control of the room then it is like shooting fish in a barrel.
Neither the gun manufacturers or the government agree with you. Out of the top ten massacres of all times seven have been done with assault weapons.
The military has realized that full-automatic is not the most effective use of an assault weapons.
The semi-automatic assault weapons on the streets can fire in three round bursts, just pull the trigger three times quickly.
The people that made the AR-15 don’t agree with you they say the AR-15 is the same gun used by our elite military units. That marketing technique is about to come back and bite them in court.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Feb, 2020 10:35 pm
Zimmerman has a long rap sheet and it is posted on the internet. Zimmerman is a wife beater which explains why he likes to hunt children.

In 2013 Zimmerman estranged wife called 911 to report he had assaulted her and her father and then threatened her with a gun.

In November of 2013 Zimmerman was charged with felony aggravated assault after pointing a shotgun at his girlfriend.

In January 2015 he threw a wine bottle at a different girlfriend.

You can tell by Zimmerman’s actions he was actively looking for a victim to kill. If you point a gun at someone often enough you are going to kill someone. You can tell Zimmerman solved his problems with a gun.
There is a hearing to determine if a shooter can use the stand your ground defense and it was determined that Zimmerman could not use that defense. If the shooting had been deemed justified Zimmerman would not have been charged as a criminal.
Zimmerman’s 911 call was recorded and the police dispatcher testified at Zimmerman’s trial that Zimmerman was told not to follow Martin. Zimmerman was also told not to follow people by the policeman who set up the neighborhood watch and the property owners also made it clear that they were not to follow people. Zimmerman was actively looking for someone to kill.
When did Zimmerman stop the pursuit? Right after he killed Martin is when he stopped.

Suing Martin would be useless, he is dead and has no assets. What is going on is a publicity stunt for a move made about the case. The movie maker has made movies proving that Elvis is still alive and Paul McCartney is actual dead and has been replaced by an imposter. You know the type those movies are made for Trump voters who believe anything.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Feb, 2020 10:46 pm
That lawsuit is a publicity stunt for a movie about the Zimmerman trial. The film maker is type that makes movies claiming the Holocaust nor the moon landing never happened. Trump voters love that type of movies. I don’t think even Zimmerman attend the movie premier at on Fla theater there were ten blocks of angry protestors and the theater decided they would not show that piece of trash.

You can sue anybody for anything. Get the publicity for the lying film than cancel it the next day. Have you seen the movie at a theater near you? You won’t it is just more gun garbage no doubt filmed with gun manufacturer’s money. It a shame Zimmerman did not show up to the Fla premier he would have finally got to point his gun at many others who would shoot back.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Feb, 2020 04:51 pm

Seeing as how you can't be honest with any discussions on the 2nd Amendment and the endless loop has gotten tedious, I figured we would try and talk about a modern day economy and what it is really made out of. Are you game, are you only interested in your propaganda and lies? Can we have a real discussion?
Reply Thu 13 Feb, 2020 09:26 pm
You of course are talking about the Obama economy that was handed to Trump on a silver platter. You might remember Obama took over at the depth of the Republican second great depression. Obama took the economy from the depth of the second great depression and put it on an upward trajectory all Trump did was ride the wave, he did not create the wave. The massive tax cut for the ungodly greedy was like pouring gasoline on a fire.
The stock market obeys the law of supply and demand. The ungodly greedy own most of the stock, the stock class, if you give them a $10 trillion tax cut, demand for stock goes way up and as demand goes up price goes up. But when you borrow ten trillion to give tax cuts to the ungodly greedy it is like a weigh sled at a truck pull. To start that debt is easy to pull but as it gets closer to the truck it stops it in its tracks.
With Trump’s mega tax cut for the ungodly greedy, when it is fully paid out in ten years means most of our tax dollars will go to pay interest on the Trump debt. Like Trump’s debt destroyed his casino the debt will destroy America. The problem is effect and cause are separated by 10 years, and Trump will be long gone when his last bankruptcy takes place and the Trump voters will blame whoever is in office then.
Trump’s only real economic experience is in just two fields bankruptcy and Russian money laundering. Trump has a PHD in bankruptcy, he has bankrupted eight businesses, three casinos and an airline among them. Trump is so stupid that he went into business against himself he operated three casinos within a few blocks of each other. Only an idiot goes into business against himself. Trump buys a property for $50 million, the real estate market collapses, and the Russians buy it for a $100 million.

The future indicators of the stock market are already pointing to a collapse that may be far worse than 2008. Trump is very experienced in collapses he knows just how to go about it.

The law suit against the gun manufacturers has ended the gun debate after proving that gun manufacturers marked assault weapons as the same weapons used by our elite military units, Navy SEALS, army rangers, special forces and Green Berets. That ends that argument, doesn’t it?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 14 Feb, 2020 05:02 am
...and the endless loop has gotten tedious

And you just noticed this???
Can we have a real discussion?

It's doubtful. You've been posting lies and propaganda for two ******* years, why would you stop now?
Reply Fri 14 Feb, 2020 08:48 am
You've been posting lies and propaganda for two ******* years. Why would you stop now?

And what propaganda are you ******* talking about?
0 Replies
Reply Fri 14 Feb, 2020 10:57 am
And you just noticed this???

Nope noticed it a long time ago, I had hoped that repeating the truth would break through his dim mind and break the hold that communism has on him. I was wrong, Lenin was right, there are useful idiots everywhere in communist belief.

It's doubtful.

I know it's doubtful, see my above comments about useful idiots and communism.

You've been posting lies and propaganda for two ******* years, why would you stop now?

I've been nothing but honest and truthful, the lies and propaganda have been pushed by Zardoz the floating empty head and with a little help from you, isn't that right Comrade?

I'd ask what you think I have been lying about, but you like the rest of the brain dead leftists won't come forward and say what it was, instead you will be vague and never make your point.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 14 Feb, 2020 11:23 pm
The NRA, as organization, has been bad for America. The NRA has corrupted America’s political system to sell more guns and is responsible for the majority of the massacres because they kept the 1994 assault weapon ban from being extended.
No that was actual pole of gun owners. Years ago, when asked what the top reason for owning a gun was, it was hunting but now one of the top reasons listed to own a gun is to overthrow the government. This is because the NRA has pushed that as a justification for pushing assault weapons in America.
You can’t remake the poll.

“Two out of three Americans see the second amendment as a safeguard on tyranny.” You need a gun to overthrow the government. Years ago, most people were more practical, they were satisfied with their government, they even idolized it. When they were polled, they actually answered with what they used their guns for, hunting.
When you push the idea that overthrowing the government is everyone’s prerogative it is only a matter of time before the Timothy McVeighs start coming out of the woodwork.
The gun manufacturers made it very clear to the American people that the AR-15s were the same weapons used by our elite military units, like the Navy SEALS, army rangers, special forces, and Green Berets.
All you have to do is follow the money and there is far more gun manufacturers’ money running through the NRA then membership dues. Did the NSSF (National Shooting Sports Foundation) contribute $30 million to Trump’s campaign? It is unlikely they contributed 30 cents because the gun manufacturer’s money is routed through the NRA to launder the money so it does not appear to come from the gun manufacturers.

The gun manufacturers, manufacture the reason to own weapons of war just like they manufacture the assault weapons. It takes very little to convince the public they need to be armed to the teeth like military elite units. You need to be armed for that next firefight or at least that next school massacre.
The difference is that once the revolution is over it is over. It is not an ongoing process.
At one time 52% Republicans owned a gun and 48% of democrats owned a gun but that has radically changed.

The gun numbers: just 3% of American adults own a collective ...
www.theguardian.com › us-news › nov › the-gun-numbers-just-3-of-...

www.theguardian.com › us-news › nov › the-gun-numbers-just-3-of-...
1. Cached
Nov 15, 2017 - Facts show owning more than 40 guns is actually fairly common in ... Only 22 to 31% of Americans adults say they personally own a gun. ... and about 75% were the current wives or girlfriends of the people who killed them.
Missing: Republicans

0 Replies
Reply Sun 16 Feb, 2020 12:17 am
Most of the ungodly greedy have held the majority of America wealth for generation some families for hundreds of years. Though there are a few lottery winners in each generation. We all know that every monopoly game ends when all the wealth is accumulated by one player. The rules have been reversed and the middle class pays a higher tax rate than the wealthy and just as a monopoly game ends when all the wealth is accumulated so will America end.

You have to remember he who has the money makes the rules and they make rules to protect their wealth. Take social security the poor pay social security on every penny they make the ungodly pay it on less than 1% of their income. It is easy for the ungodly greedy to pass their wealth from generation to generation in trusts without it being taxed. Right now, there is old money and new money and they fight to make laws to favor one group over another.
The deal was that they would divest themselves of their wealth by the end of their lives not immediately. Gates holds the patent for windows, that is the operating system for most computers. He will have a huge income for life, it is hard to divest yourself of what you have not got yet.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++It Isn’t the way I feel so much as it is the lesson that history has taught us since the beginning of time. Greed is not a virtue it is one of the seven deadly sins. In 2010 they did make a difference creating Obamacare and placing a tax on excess wealth to pay for it. The ungodly greedy were livid and created a front group to overturn the tax on greed. What seems to have fallen apart is the ungodly greedy’ movement to overturn Obamacare.
The middle-class income adjusted for inflation has gone down ever since Reagan bought the conservatives to power. Reagan was determined to cut the economic pie in a way to favor the ungodly greedy. He did this by giving the ungodly greedy a massive tax cut of 60% and at the same time raising payroll taxes 5 times. This was a massive incentive for greed and salaries for the ungodly greedy went through the roof. The ungodly greedy (top 1/100 0f 1%) went up an average $20,328,342 between 1970 and 2000. Any increase in middle class income was wiped out by Reagan 5 social security tax increases. The economic pie began to resemble Pac man with it about to google up the middle class’s share.

The middle class is far worse off because of the cost of health insurance that has increase like a geometric progression and it is not only the increase in cost of health Insurance, it was what it no longer covers. For $22,000 a year you get a policy that covers only 80% of your medical bills. If you get cancer you will owe an addition $100,000 after your $22,000 a year policies finishes paying. That still doesn’t take into account the deductibles and co-pays.

You are from the Rush Slimbaugh economic school. If a family has a big screen television, they are rich. You can buy a 55-inch television for $238 dollars now. It isn’t what you make it is what you own. The first television I bought after I was married was 23 inch and cost $3,154.24 in todays dollars. Owning big screen television today means you are far worse off economically than you were in the 1970s. But Slimbaugh thinks that makes you better off. Most people today are like Trump living on credit.
Where do we spend many more times on, than the rest of the world? Medical care? School teachers used to be considered middle class and entitled to a middle-class lifestyle.

You are talking about someone with a college education and the economy is so bad they can work full time and not afford a place to live. It clearly shows that the real American economy is far worse than the stock market shows.
Each year the homeless are found frozen to death. We have always had homeless but the numbers are now as bad as they were during the great depression. The economic numbers indicate how good the ungodly greedy are doing since the Trump massive tax give away.
Business isn’t theft but buying politicians is. When the money is used to raise the taxes on the middle class to pay for enormous tax cuts for the ungodly greedy that is theft.

The Republicans nearly handed the country over to the communists, like Whitaker Chambers, because they had let the ungodly steal most of America wealth. Roosevelt was starring down that revolution we have talked about and there is only one thing that could stop and that was to build a strong middle class. He did that by making the unions stronger and giving the working class some of the power. One thing that is glossed over in the history books is how close America came to being a communist country because of the greed of the few. When men are hungry revolution is not far off.
As far as cult of personality that more than describes Trump.
The NRA want to justify the ownership of guns as they are needed to overthrow the government. As if, the gun nuts are what is keeping the government on the straight and narrow.
We have seen in country after country that gun nuts have no respect for a government of any kind.
To start with America is far more socialist then capitalist even the biggest businesses in America are on the government dole with their hand out for even more government money. The government decides winner and losers by handing out $2 billion dollar chunks of cash money to big business. Capitalism vanished 70 years ago all you have is the illusion.
You think the rabid right would not grab their AR-15s and start a revolution, watch what happens when Trump gets beat and refuse to leave the White House. You will see why the right wants those AR-15s.

You should have learned from Timothy McVeigh and right-wing groups like the Sovereign Citizens who already teach that the government has no control over them. They are big gun nuts and have been involved in several shootouts with government officials.
The gun manufacturers have settled this question marketing these weapons as the very same weapons the elite military units use to make war.
The Federalists papers are not part of the Constitution or the Declaration of independence. They are opinion pieces written as editorials. They were written by the founding fathers but are not binding government documents though they give you some insights as to the opinion of a particular founding father.
The Federalist Papers are either official documents of the United States or they are simply the opinion of some of the founding fathers. BTW not all of the founding fathers participated in writing those editorials.
Timothy McVeigh was far better at making bombs the Weather Underground managed to blow themselves up while making a bomb. Their bombs were more like large firecrackers compared to McVeigh bomb.

In most cases terrorists are not successful in sparking a revolution but that does not keep them from trying. The Weather Underground was not considered a major problem at the time they were more of an irritation.
There are enough far right fringe groups out there like the Sovereign Citizens all that is needed is a leader to bring them together to make them dangerous.
I am not familiar with VOX it looks like it was established by former Washington Post writer. I doubt that VOX was the original source of that article, they just reprinted it.
I don’t think a good chunk of hate crimes are fake. In this case you had an actor using it as a publicity stunt, he did not end up dead as the woman in Virginia incident. Do you think she faked her death? Many of the hate crimes end with people dead or severely injured. Those were not faked.
We know Trump loved the KKK’s endorsement because he said they were fine people after a woman was killed by the rabid right in Virginia. Someone in Trump’s campaign no doubt made the decision right before the election. The Trump campaign did not turn down their money.
Trump the racist is out there currently in his biographies. That court decision is detailed to show Trump’s complete lack of character. His actions made him a racist not Hillary she only reported it.
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Reply Sun 16 Feb, 2020 09:57 pm
Actually, inspiration is widely understood. Musicians are often inspired by women and a number of songs are named after women, such as Rosanna, inspired by an actress. Movies are often labeled inspired by a true story. What inspires a mass murderer? Experts say it is often other mass murderers among other things. We know that Trump’s racist ranting inspired the El Paso mass murder because he used Trump’s very words to describe Mexicans. It was like dominos falling because the Dayton mass murderer was inspired by the El Paso mass murderer.
What, Trump lurers illegal aliens from all over South America to come work as cheap labor in his businesses all the time. Half of the people in one obscure small town in South America worked for Trump and they were all illegals. The illegals included a heavy equipment operated who worked for tiny fraction of what an American heavy equipment operated made. He did the work on Trump’s New Jersey golf course. Don’t kid yourself that many of people were promised jobs from farmers and businessman.

A study showed that if Trump deported all the illegal aliens our food production industry would completely collapse along with Trumps businesses that depend on illegals for cheap labor.
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Reply Tue 18 Feb, 2020 12:13 am
There never was any separation of children from their parents during the Obama administration and even members of the Trump organization considered it the most inhumane operation since Nazi Germany. The films were current no one had ever considered doing something like that until that racist took control. What this does is show you will believe anything the right-wing press makes up. This is what Putin and Trump hoped to create in America. An alternate news media that generates alternate “facts.” This way the American public will have no way to ever know what the truth is. The Putin administration has already done this successfully in Russia and America was next.

There was a news report on the web yesterday about a guy who makes up the most outrageous stories and post them on the web and face book. He clearly labels the stories as satire so people won’t believe they are true. But stories are sent round the web to the right-wing nuts. They send the stories to all their right-wing friends except they remove the satire label so their friends will believe the stories are true. That is how you get information like that somebody makes it up.

The world has not seen anything like that since the concentration camps in Nazi Germany.
Hitler didn’t release anyone. Why would he put Jews on a train and take them hundreds of miles and dump the children on the streets after twenty days. Look at the actual films of the concentration camps the children are there. This comes from some right-wing liar that will tell you the Holocaust never took place. Hitler just wanted to make sure the Jews had a job, I guess.
Hitler shipped Jews to the concentration camps from all over Europe if they just didn’t dig a massive hole and shoot them where they stood. Hitler had no problem with killing foreigners. Hitler like Trump sees others as beneath him, he is smarter and far superior to anyone on earth. When you see yourself as far superior to others like Trump then other are just an infestation and you can treat them anyway you so please.
Your kidding. My dogs are treated far better. Would you like to see your children put in cages at school pretty much like Vietnam prisoners of war? The lies were not told by the actual film of what was happening. The lies were made up by the right to try and hide the ugly truth. The media won’t tell you that because it is absolute lie.

It does not trouble you that Fox News is an active part of the Trump reelection campaign with offices in the White House? Hope Hicks just returned from Fox News to try and keep Trump under control. They have a reason to lie and they do an excellent job of it. CNN and MSNBC just report the news they are not working for some political candidate.
There are many illegals aliens who were openly invited into this country by people like Trump. It would be nice if the right got exactly what they wanted and ran every illegal out of the country then they and their families could starve to death. Experts have shown our food supply system would completely collapse. America would be a mad max world where people killed for what little food was left.
When you say the illegal aliens are an infestation, it would be like an infestation of roaches. Like Trump’s crowd at his rally said after he asked them what are you going to do? They would chant, ”Kill them,” and soon after that rally that is exactly what they did. Context is important. Trump knew what he meant.
If the guns are not in schools there would be 30 less incidents.
The fact is that if a gun is present it makes a more hostile environment and violence is much more likely occur.
A search provides with all the counter arguments but a link does not.
I think you need to go back and look at the sources you posted. I seldom see you post anything from the government other than the FBI stats. Most of sources you post I have never heard of and will probably disappear tomorrow.
Do you think arming the teachers in violent schools would make them less violent or more violent? Not one of the teachers stated that a violent school was their reason for resigning.
Teachers are human and they fight with their spouses and that anger goes to school with them. That is human nature.
Suicide makes people uncomfortable it is often hidden by the family. When you look in the obituaries you seldom see suicide listed as a cause of death. People don’t want to come to terms with it and see it as a major cause of death. We know that the killing of human being is murder. Suicide is the killing of a human being. When society quits hiding from that fact it will be listed in the stats as murder and as a subset suicide.
You provide the definition that said that murder was the killing of a human being, especially the killing by another human being. “Especially” denotes that it is not the only case of murder. What do you think the other cases are involving the killing of a human being? There is only one I know off.
I understood the definition but the best definition is that a mass shooting is where four or more people are killed or wounded. This is the most commonly used definition.
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