The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Fri 31 Jan, 2020 01:30 pm
Zardoz wrote:
The only reason you would like to have 2,000 categories is by dividing them up it would hide the problem.

The reason why we like that the FBI shows "shootings by rifles alone" is because that makes it clear that your claims about rifles being a problem are untrue.

Zardoz wrote:
The cases in court are being ruled that way. You can get in a fight go back to your car and get your gun and shoot all kinds of people and be found innocent based on the stand your ground law. You can even shoot people that you were not fighting with. It is open season your pride has been injured.

People who do that are ending up convicted of murder.

It'll be interesting to see what happens in the Florida theater popcorn shooting case when it finally goes to trial.

Zardoz wrote:
Seven of the top ten worst massacres of all times occurred after the assault weapon ban expired. That is no coincidence. It had a huge effect on massacres. And the other thee on the top ten massacre list took place before the assault weapon ban took effect in 1994. None of the top 10 massacres took place during the ten years the assault weapon were banned. That is an unrefuted fact.

Unconstitutionally outlawing ordinary hunting rifles did not do anything to mitigate any massacres.

Zardoz wrote:
The constitution only guarantees you that you will have an arm to bear not any weapon whatsoever.

That is incorrect. We have the right to have any arm that there is no compelling government interest in restricting.

Zardoz wrote:
If there was a big outcry from the gun nut crowd over the assault weapon ban why did the gun manufactures not take it to court? Because they knew they would lose.

When progressive judges allow our civil liberties to be violated, that does not change the reality that they are being violated.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 31 Jan, 2020 02:58 pm
Selling body parts is not a bodily function.

Neither is a abortion, it's a medical procedure. The only thing being denied or restricted is a medial procedure.

Government maintains extensive control over the market place even inspecting food before it is sold.

Which has nothing to do with people having the ability to do with their bodies as they wish, like selling a portion of my liver to someone for a million dollars. My body, my choice.

Abortions can be done with pills now without a medical procedure.

Sorry, that isn't the case. Don't confuse Plan B or The Morning After pill with an abortion, they are called Emergency Contraception.

I don’t know of one single person who ever had abortion.

I've known a couple of women who have had it done and the sad part is, they used it as birth control. It could be a difference in our age group, but being in my 20's in the 1990's was a lot different than being in your 20's in the 1970's.

Abstinence is the only birth control that does fail sometime.

Abstinence is the only form of birth control that doesn't fail... you don't have sex, you can't get pregnant, all other types of birth control have a failure rate, even if they are low, it's not 100%. Not having sex is 100% guaranteed to not make babies or get an STD.

It isn’t a strawman people have a right to pursuit of happiness. It seems like happiness is killing as many people as possible as fast possible. Why should driving be privilege, if it makes you happy it is a right. BTW privilege is defined as a right.

It is a strawman, it fails the Reasonable Person standard. Not to mention murder is illegal.

Pursuit of happiness is a right and driving at 120 mph makes a lot of people very happy. Right incase a lot more than you realize.

Driving isn't a right, it's a privilege. You have a right to travel, that's what those crazy sovereign citizens use to try and get around the laws. You are starting to sound a lot like them.

Massacres are also illegal but it has never stopped anyone.

No one has asked to make them legal, another straw-man.

The law on bump-stocks has not changed there is only an executive order that can be eliminated in an instant.

That means nothing as there are no Presidents who would sign a counter order to remove them. Plus they should be good enough, that's what the entire Obama admin was built on, EO's and EA's. That's why Obama has no legacy, his "legacy" can be signed away with another EO/EA.

After Feds ban bump stocks, none turned into local police ...

Why hasn't Congress picked up where the EO/EA left off? Surely the DNC controlled House can pass a law banning bump-stocks that would make it to the Senate, it would be signed there and it's already a guarantee that Trump would sign such a law. Why isn't Congress doing it's job?

The reason this definition works is you don’t have to guess why the victims were killed.

Proving that all you want to do is ban all guns.

Was it a bank robbery, murder suicide, road rage, maybe they thought they were shooting aliens from mars? There is only one thing that matters the number of people killed and wounded.

That just isn't the case, we target our laws for specific reasons, not just vague general laws that would be overturned in the SC.

The only reason you would like to have 2,000 categories is by dividing them up it would hide the problem.

You just exposed yourself with projection, you want to hide what the real problem is, you don't want it fixed, you just want guns banned.

Dividing up the deaths allows for targeted laws on the people who are causing the problem. If we find out that a majority of the mass shooters were on anti-depression drugs, then banning the guns will not fix the problem of people on anti-depression drugs who become violent. You would be hiding the problem and it would only get worse.

The cases in court are being ruled that way. You can get in a fight go back to your car and get your gun and shoot all kinds of people and be found innocent based on the stand your ground law. You can even shoot people that you were not fighting with. It is open season your pride has been injured.

That hasn't happened, the case you are talking about is going back to court. The guy in FL who shot the guy who pushed him to the ground is going to jail. Nothing you have said here is true.

Student pleads guilty in shooting death on Northern Arizona ...

www.dailymail.co.uk › news › article-7871461 › Ex-student-pleads-g...
1. Cached
Jan 9, 2020 - A former Northern Arizona University student has admitted to fatally ... to face a second murder trial, after his first trial in 2017 ended in a hung jury. ... initially stoked fears of a mass shooting at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff. ... got ENGAGED in 2018 after ending five-year romance with Jack Antonoff.

This proves what you saying is a lie, your very own "proof" shows you to be liar.

Seven of the top ten worst massacres of all times occurred after the assault weapon ban expired.

Why are you only concerned with the most deaths in a single event, 12-14k people are killed per year in the US, you want to worry about the rare cases of mass shootings. The rest of us want to see something take place on the normal murders, which are way more frequent and effect a lot more people.

The constitution only guarantees you that you will have an arm to bear not any weapon whatsoever.

That isn't what the 2A says, not even close. It says the Right to bear arms shall not be infringed. Your views on the Constitution are anti-constitutional.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Feb, 2020 12:16 am
The subject is massacres, not gun violence in general, and massacres are not only more frequent but far deadlier.
The Republicans in the WV legislature tried to pass a bill so every college student could carry a gun. They had enough votes to pass it but it was derailed at the last minute. You can bet the gun manufacturers were making political contributions to anyone who voted for their bill. Think how many more guns they could sell. Just as they were marketing AR-15s to college students in Huntington.

everytownresearch.org › guns-on-campus

Guns on Campus - Everytown Research

everytownresearch.org › guns-on-campus
1. Cached
Guns on Campus. The National Rifle Association (NRA) began its push to force colleges and universities to allow guns on campus following multiple high-profile campus shootings. The vast majority of states either prohibit guns on campus or else allow colleges to decide for themselves whether to allow guns on campus.3.

No, this bill would allow college students to carry guns on campus. What do we know about college students? They have immature brains and lack impulse control and like to drink a lot. What could possibly go wrong? The gun manufacturers have only one reason to exist, sell more guns. Dangerous idiots want to own guns.
In the first-place children need to know about sex to protect themselves from sexual predators usually from fellow religious cult members. I had a girl friend who mother did not want her to be told about sex she wanted it to come as surprise to her. My girl-friend’s mother had never been told about sex and it came as complete surprise when her step-father molested her and got her pregnant. Now the situation was getting ready to repeat with the next generation. My girl friend’s step father always gave me the creeps when I was around her. One day out on her step dad’s house boat she was describing an unusual sex act and someone watching it but attributing it to another girl. When I questioned her about it, she started bawling and I never understood why until years later.

Yeah don’t tell children about sex and sexual predators will absolutely love it, they will show them what you didn’t tell them.
You really don’t have a clue, do you? Ignorance is not bliss it is downright dangerous.
I don’t see that your website supports your point view. It uses no statistics and is only someone personal opinion. It ignores the 30 accidents with guns in schools that have already taken place. They are entitled to their opinion but you have to realize that is all it is, opinion.
This shooting demonstrates why mass murderers want to make sure they are armed with assault weapons. This idiot bought a shot gun when he needed an AR-15. If he had an AR-15 firing at a 130 rounds a minute, like the Pulse Night Club shooter, there would have been 5 dead gun nuts. We don’t even know with the shooter had more than two rounds. It easy to shoot someone who is out of ammunition.
The Police department has yet to decide what to do with the gun nuts. The investigation is not over. It came near being a tragedy because witnesses believed there was more than one shooter as did the other gun nut who went after their guns. Soon there would have been many shooters shooting at each other. The police were there within a minute and a half and the gun nuts should have let the police do their job.

These will be mass shootings the FBI looked at and surely you must realize that mass shootings are also shootings while not all shootings are mass shooting all mass shootings are shootings also.

One of these big female gun nuts that advocates carrying guns was shot by her toddler with her own gun. The baby got into her bag in the back seat and shot her with it. That toddler knew what guns were for, killing people. More guns more deaths.
Even qualified psychologists disagree.
If they sell me a gun and claim it is an assault weapon and I find out it is not then I have been defrauded and entitled to my money back. If the gun manufacturers want to go that route, they will need to buy back 10 million non-assault weapons.
It is not necessary to fire 900 rounds a minute to massacre 50 people it took only 130 round a minute firing rate to kill 50 people. The AR-15 is designed to fire at a 900 round a minute a rate you need only take advantage of the guns design.
We know for a fact a 130 round per minute rate can be achieved because the Pulse mass murderer was recorded firing at that rate.

You have to understand that there is a difference between firing 130 rounds in a minute or firing at a 130 round per minute rate. When people take their pulse, they don’t count for a full minute they count for 10 seconds and multiply by 6 to get the pulse rate.
A picture is better than a thousand words and those links that I posted show the AR-15 firing that fast.
You don’t have to achieve that full rate of 900 rounds a minute for a massacre. There have been many massacres already with semi-automatic assault weapons. It is the semi-automatic that are responsible for massacres.
You don’t pay attention to the definition you posted. Your definition said that murder was the killing of a human being “especially” one human being killing another. What are the other cases not specified in the definition? There is only one possibility where a human being is killed by a human being and that is suicide.
This is much like mass murders and mass shootings. All mass shootings are not mass murders but all mass murders are also mass shootings. Murder is simply the killing of a human being a subset of murders would be those killed by others but the murder category has to include human beings killed by human beings and that includes suicides. You can’t have a definition of murder as a human being killing a human being and exclude suicides.
“especially” was in the definition you posted. The word especially denotes a special case and the special case is one human being killing another. The fact it denotes a special case means there are other cases considered murder that are not one human being killing another. What do you have left?
Again, it is similar to mass shootings and mass murders they are two different things but they both fall under the definition of mass shootings. There are both sets and subsets.
That is just facts a mass murder is also a mass shooting. There are gymnastics necessary it is straight forward.
There was a third video that I posted that showed how easily an AR-15 could be modified to fire automatic. Some assault weapons, as they ware out, fire more than once with a single pull of the trigger. One of the other two videos mentions the 900 round a minute fire rate. In the video you can see 4 shell casing in the air at one time and if you could see the whole picture no doubt 10 shell casings were in the air before one hit the ground. How many rounds a minute do you think it is firing that shells can’t hit the ground.
There have been several mass shootings using modified assault weapons. One guy pinned down the whole police department for several hours using an M-4. The mass shooting in California has several modified assault weapons.

Reply Sat 1 Feb, 2020 05:41 am
Zardoz wrote:
This shooting demonstrates why mass murderers want to make sure they are armed with assault weapons. This idiot bought a shot gun when he needed an AR-15. If he had an AR-15 firing at a 130 rounds a minute, like the Pulse Night Club shooter, there would have been 5 dead

That is unlikely. The bad guy was down in about two seconds.

Plus, firing a semi-auto at such a high rate will not kill many people.

Zardoz wrote:
gun nuts.

Is name-calling really necessary?

Zardoz wrote:
The Police department has yet to decide what to do with the gun nuts. The investigation is not over. It came near being a tragedy because witnesses believed there was more than one shooter as did the other gun nut who went after their guns. Soon there would have been many shooters shooting at each other. The police were there within a minute and a half and the gun nuts should have let the police do their job.

Again with the name-calling.

The police are not going to arrest these church-goers for defending themselves.

No church-goers shot at each other.

And no, the church-goers should not have been forced to let this guy keep shooting them for a minute and a half. You're actually arguing here for having more people killed in massacres.

Zardoz wrote:
More guns more deaths.

That is incorrect. Having guns saved the lives of these church-goers.

Zardoz wrote:
It is not necessary to fire 900 rounds a minute to massacre 50 people it took only 130 round a minute firing rate to kill 50 people.

It is unlikely that very many people were killed when he was firing his semi-auto at that rate.

Zardoz wrote:
The AR-15 is designed to fire at a 900 round a minute a rate you need only take advantage of the guns design.

Semi-autos are not capable of firing anywhere near that fast.

Zardoz wrote:
We know for a fact a 130 round per minute rate can be achieved because the Pulse mass murderer was recorded firing at that rate.

It is unlikely that very many people were killed when he was firing his semi-auto at that rate.

Zardoz wrote:
You don't have to achieve that full rate of 900 rounds a minute for a massacre.

Indeed. All of this talk about firing rates is a red herring.

Zardoz wrote:
There have been many massacres already with semi-automatic assault weapons.

No there haven't. There is no such thing as a semi-automatic assault weapon.

Zardoz wrote:
It is the semi-automatic that are responsible for massacres.

No it isn't. Massacres can be carried out with many kinds of weapons.

Zardoz wrote:
There was a third video that I posted that showed how easily an AR-15 could be modified to fire automatic.

Hardly easy. You need to have special parts. You need to have gunsmithing knowledge (and good luck finding a qualified gunsmith willing to perform illegal modifications for you). And you need specialized knowledge as to how to install the special parts.

Zardoz wrote:
There have been several mass shootings using modified assault weapons.

No there haven't.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 1 Feb, 2020 09:54 pm
Why worry about being shot with a modified AR-15 when a semi-automatic version of an assault weapon can kill 50 in a few minutes? The semi-automatic version takes advantage of all the design improvements inherent in the weapons design.
Your chances of being struck by lightening are slim but most people stay out of thunderstorms.
This is not a Disney film there is really no connection between wishing and things actually happening.
The people that track and report mass shooting would classify the mass shooting that took place after the bank robbery a mass shooting. It is a really simple definition, a shooting when four or more people are killed or wounded. It has nothing motive whether it was because they got a parking ticket or their dry cleaning wasn.t ready. A mass shooting after a shoplifting would not qualify by your definition.
I posted the video that showed how easily the AR-15s can be modified. It is only necessary for the semi-automatic to fire fast enough to kill 50 people in two minutes. Some street cars are capable of 232 mph but it is not likely anyone will ever drive it that fast. They don’t need all that speed it is the same with an AR-15 they don’t need to fire at 900 rounds per minute rate.

I think the videos showed the modified AR-15s being fired at 900 round per minute rate. Get your stopwatch out and count the rounds.

Reply Sun 2 Feb, 2020 04:49 am
Zardoz wrote:
Why worry about being shot with a modified AR-15 when a semi-automatic version of an assault weapon can kill 50 in a few minutes?

As far as I know, you are the only person who was worrying about modified AR-15s.

Indeed. Why worry about a non-existent problem?

Let's take it a step further. Why worry about semi-auto rifles when they are dangerous to the public only when you insert a large magazine in them?

Zardoz wrote:
The semi-automatic version takes advantage of all the design improvements inherent in the weapons design.

And yet semi-auto rifles are dangerous to the public only when you insert a large magazine into them.

Zardoz wrote:
I posted the video that showed how easily the AR-15s can be modified.

Hardly easy. You need to have special parts. You need to have gunsmithing knowledge (and good luck finding a qualified gunsmith willing to perform illegal modifications for you). And you need specialized knowledge as to how to install the special parts.

Zardoz wrote:
It is only necessary for the semi-automatic to fire fast enough to kill 50 people in two minutes.

A rate of fire that requires a large magazine to sustain.

Zardoz wrote:
Some street cars are capable of 232 mph but it is not likely anyone will ever drive it that fast. They don't need all that speed it is the same with an AR-15 they don't need to fire at 900 rounds per minute rate.

They do, however, require a large magazine in order to be dangerous to the public.

Zardoz wrote:
I think the videos showed the modified AR-15s being fired at 900 round per minute rate. Get your stopwatch out and count the rounds.

Such modifications are illegal unless the gun was registered more than 33 years ago.

No such registered weapon has ever been used in a crime.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 2 Feb, 2020 09:26 pm
There is not anything unconstitutional about it, the second amendment says only that you have a right to keep and bear arms. Nowhere in there does it say you have a right to 30 round clips.
The supreme court has ruled that you are not entitled to any weapon whatsoever for any purpose whatsoever. I don’t think they stuttered.
According to the online video it is extremely easy. Assault weapons were designed to be automatic so it is just a matter to bring them back to the original design. Bump-stocks are just one easy method of converting semi-automatics to full automatics.
You don’t understand that you don’t get to make up the definition of assault weapons. Not only has the Federal government defined what an assault weapon is, ten states have also made the legal definition assault weapon as a semi-automatic assault weapon.
We all know what the legal definition of an assault weapon is because it is written into the law.
Semi-automatic assault weapons are what makes massacres possible and that is why even the states are outlawing them.

Reply Mon 3 Feb, 2020 12:04 am
Zardoz wrote:
There is not anything unconstitutional about it,

Yes there is. People have the right to have enough firepower for adequate self defense.

Zardoz wrote:
the second amendment says only that you have a right to keep and bear arms.

We have the right to have enough firepower for effective self defense.

We also have the right to have any firearm that there is no compelling government interest in restricting.

Zardoz wrote:
Nowhere in there does it say you have a right to 30 round clips.

But we do have the right to have enough firepower for effective self defense.

Zardoz wrote:
The supreme court has ruled that you are not entitled to any weapon whatsoever for any purpose whatsoever. I don't think they stuttered.

We are however entitled to have enough firepower for effective self defense.

We also are entitled to have any firearm that there is no compelling government interest in restricting access to.

Zardoz wrote:
According to the online video it is extremely easy.

Hardly easy. You need to have special parts. You need to have gunsmithing knowledge (and good luck finding a qualified gunsmith willing to perform illegal modifications for you). And you need specialized knowledge as to how to install the special parts.

Zardoz wrote:
You don't understand that you don't get to make up the definition of assault weapons.

I do understand that. Since I'm not trying to do that, it's not really an issue for me.

Only progressives try to do things like that. And progressives are the ones who do not understand that they don't get to do that.

Zardoz wrote:
Not only has the Federal government defined what an assault weapon is, ten states have also made the legal definition assault weapon as a semi-automatic assault weapon.

Fraudulent definitions do not change what words actually mean.

Zardoz wrote:
We all know what the legal definition of an assault weapon is because it is written into the law.

Fraudulent definitions do not change what words actually mean.

Zardoz wrote:
Semi-automatic assault weapons are what makes massacres possible and that is why even the states are outlawing them.

That is incorrect. There is no such thing as a semi-automatic assault weapon.

These states are unconstitutionally outlawing ordinary hunting rifles. These states will need to pay compensation to their victims before I will support any new gun laws.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Feb, 2020 11:57 am
The subject is massacres, not gun violence in general, and massacres are not only more frequent but far deadlier.

No, the subject in gun violence in general, that's what the left is running on. You are the only one wanting to be so restrictive in your views, plus those change daily based on what your latest lie is you are going to tell about guns and gun violence.

The Republicans in the WV legislature tried to pass a bill so every college student could carry a gun.

You mean more freedom and liberty for adults? You say every college student, but I'm almost positive that the law would only apply to those who were 21 and could pass a background check, you know the standard for owning and carrying a gun.

They had enough votes to pass it but it was derailed at the last minute. You can bet the gun manufacturers were making political contributions to anyone who voted for their bill. Think how many more guns they could sell. Just as they were marketing AR-15s to college students in Huntington.

Why was it derailed at the last minute? Would be interesting to see how that turned out. As usual, you are only giving a portion of the story and not the whole story. The whole story usually makes you look like the liar you are.


everytownresearch.org › guns-on-campus

Guns on Campus - Everytown Research

everytownresearch.org › guns-on-campus

Do you really expect info from that bias anti-gun group to be taken seriously? This is the equal of me posting info from the NRA, which I have never done. You should try and post normal info, not propaganda. What am I talking about, you live on propaganda.

1. Cached
Guns on Campus. The National Rifle Association (NRA) began its push to force colleges and universities to allow guns on campus following multiple high-profile campus shootings. The vast majority of states either prohibit guns on campus or else allow colleges to decide for themselves whether to allow guns on campus.3.

Students of legal age should be allowed to carry on campus. What better way to protect yourself from a mass shooter then to be armed. You would rather people wait for the police to show up and be dead than to defend themselves, that's sad.

No, this bill would allow college students to carry guns on campus.

So what, if they can pass a background check for the gun and the carry conceal permit, they should be allowed to carry guns on campus.

What do we know about college students? They have immature brains and lack impulse control and like to drink a lot. What could possibly go wrong?

This would apply to some college students but not all college students. Just like in everything, there are people who are responsible enough to do so and others who aren't. We should just raise the age of adulthood to 21, there isn't much left kids "adults" can do at 18.

In the first-place children need to know about sex to protect themselves from sexual predators usually from fellow religious cult members.

Children don't need to know about sex to know about sexual predators, the two are not linked in anyway shape or form. You seem to have a bias against religion, I would bet there wasn't a religious bone in Jeffery Epsteins body, he had no problem having sex with kids. Do you think sexual predators only go after kids? Harvey Weinstein was a sexual predator and he went after grown women who should have known a lot about sex. As this shows, sex ed had nothing to do with sexual predators. I only see early sex ed as preping kids for predators, so they know what to expect. The left is sick with their child obsession and treating them like adults.

Have you heard of Desmond is Amazing? He's a 10 year old boy who thinks he's a drag queen, he dances and takes him clothes off for money, in front of grown adult men who throw money at him while he strips. This is the type of behavior we can expect when we expose our children to sex ed at young ages. All the left can talk about is the sexual freedom of this 1o year old... that's sick don't you think?

I don’t see that your website supports your point view. It uses no statistics and is only someone personal opinion. It ignores the 30 accidents with guns in schools that have already taken place. They are entitled to their opinion but you have to realize that is all it is, opinion.

This has got to be the funniest thing you have ever posted... you talking about opinion vs facts and websites. Yeah, you have a lot of nerve to say such things when you have a mostly complete lack of posting any proof of your claims and when you do, you use such bias websites that we know the info is inncorrect and bias. I've used the FBI and you seem to think there is a problem with those stats because they don't back your propaganda.

This shooting demonstrates why mass murderers want to make sure they are armed with assault weapons.

No, it demonstrates that you have no faith in talking about these events with any honesty, it shows you only want propaganda to drive the gun debate, not real life incidents. Guns save lifes and people are most often killed in gun free zones, ever heard the term "Fish in a barrel"? That's what gun free zones are, barrels. That's why the Pulse shooting was so deadly, it had nothing to do with the weapon and everything to do with having a small enclosed space where people can't run.

This idiot bought a shot gun when he needed an AR-15. If he had an AR-15 firing at a 130 rounds a minute, like the Pulse Night Club shooter, there would have been 5 dead gun nuts. We don’t even know with the shooter had more than two rounds. It easy to shoot someone who is out of ammunition.

When the facts of cases don't meet your propaganda requirements, you start to dismiss them for stupid reasons. Guy walks into a church and kills 2 people, he gets gunned down and you make excuses for why the shooter was killed. You love mass shootings and the death that comes with them, when mass shooters fail and are stopped by good guys with guns, you make up excuses. You are a sad individual who loves death.

The Police department has yet to decide what to do with the gun nuts.

They are not going to do anything to the people who were smart enough to have a gun for the defense of others and themselves. It's only people like you who want to punish people who did good and saved lives.

The investigation is not over. It came near being a tragedy because witnesses believed there was more than one shooter as did the other gun nut who went after their guns.

Yes, the investigation is over, there is nothing else to find out. The guy who stopped him has already received an award from the states Governor for his bravery. Case closed.

Soon there would have been many shooters shooting at each other. The police were there within a minute and a half and the gun nuts should have let the police do their job.

In a minute and half, there would have been more dead people in that church. You continue to live in you gun fever dreams, those people who were armed did things perfectly, you won't admit it, but you would rather see a church full of dead christians, than 1 single dead bad guy who was trying to kill them. Your views on religion are pretty clear, you want them all dead, you were rooting for the guy with the shot gun, that's why you are concerned with him not having an AR type gun.

These will be mass shootings the FBI looked at and surely you must realize that mass shootings are also shootings while not all shootings are mass shooting all mass shootings are shootings also.

Word salad, with zero meaning. I take it the FBI isn't using numbers you approve of...

One of these big female gun nuts that advocates carrying guns was shot by her toddler with her own gun. The baby got into her bag in the back seat and shot her with it. That toddler knew what guns were for, killing people. More guns more deaths.

When you can't make a decent point, you go with throw away claims that have no bearing on the subject at hand.

Even qualified psychologists disagree.

Disagree with what, this has no relation to anything that was said in the last post.

If they sell me a gun and claim it is an assault weapon and I find out it is not then I have been defrauded and entitled to my money back. If the gun manufacturers want to go that route, they will need to buy back 10 million non-assault weapons.

You are not making any sense and no one has sold civilian AR-15's as assault weapons. If they had done so, you would have provided the proof already. Instead you are going to keep lying about it and hope others believe the propaganda.

It is not necessary to fire 900 rounds a minute to massacre 50 people it took only 130 round a minute firing rate to kill 50 people.

Keep making up numbers you can't prove. If you could prove them you would have done so already.

The AR-15 is designed to fire at a 900 round a minute a rate you need only take advantage of the guns design.

No it isn't and you will never fire an AR that fast, it isn't possible and it isn't designed to be fired that way. Keep up the lies.

We know for a fact a 130 round per minute rate can be achieved because the Pulse mass murderer was recorded firing at that rate.

No we don't know that is a fact and you have failed for 3 months or more to prove it. You keep repeating it but you fail to prove it.

You have to understand that there is a difference between firing 130 rounds in a minute or firing at a 130 round per minute rate.

You don't have the slightest idea of what you are talking about. Word salad part 2 in this post.

A picture is better than a thousand words and those links that I posted show the AR-15 firing that fast.

No you can't take a bump-stock and make the claim that AR-s fire that fast, because they don't. This is the route you took when you were not able to prove the 900 rounds per minute, you started lying again.

You don’t pay attention to the definition you posted. Your definition said that murder was the killing of a human being “especially” one human being killing another. What are the other cases not specified in the definition? There is only one possibility where a human being is killed by a human being and that is suicide.

Keep trying to tell people the sky is red.

There was a third video that I posted that showed how easily an AR-15 could be modified to fire automatic.

You posted no such video, you only posted a video of a guy firing with a bump-stock.

There have been several mass shootings using modified assault weapons.

No there hasn't been, not a single mass shooting with a modified anything, you already tried to claim a bank robbery and escape was a mass shooting, it was more lies and propaganda.

One guy pinned down the whole police department for several hours using an M-4. The mass shooting in California has several modified assault weapons.

Provide the proof or you are lying again. I'm going to say you are lying because you never get the info correct and you change the facts of a case to meet what you were saying.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 3 Feb, 2020 10:55 pm
There you go again making up your own definitions. In California a high capacity magazine is anything over 10. In Colorado any magazine over 15 is illegal. If they are illegal how can they possibly be standard, they are illegal for being high capacity magazines.

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High Capacity Magazines - Surplus Ammo

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1. Cached
... us if you have any questions. High-Capacity Magazine Sales: ... Prohibits "rifle" magazines with a capacity of more than 10 rounds. Prohibits "handgun" ...
It is the automatics that fire at the 900 rounds per minute rate, so the bump-stock modified assault weapon show the actual capability of the assault weapon. The record for the semi-automatic Assault weapon is 130 rounds per minute rate which is plenty high enough to massacre fifty people in less then two minutes.
When there is a sound recording, all you need to do is slow it down and count the shots which is actually what they did. Just as if you are driving a car that will go 150 mph does not mean that you are going to drive it that fast. The same applies to assault weapons you know what the max is but you don’t have to use it.
You still don’t understand rate of fire versus total rounds fired. You can drive down the road at 120 mph for a short distance but if you tried to drive that speed for a full hour the police would catch you. You can’t take the total rounds fired and divide by the time, all that would give you is an average rate of fire. You are looking for a maximum rate of fire. The 130 round per minute is an undisputed fact because it was recorded. That is the rate of fire and is even reported on a gun nut sight as the record.
It is the gun nut sites that have reported that figure. Your official figure will only count if it hits the bulls eye every time. That number is meaningless because many on that list did not identify the type of weapon used. It is the massacres that we need to put a stop to and there is only one solution and that is banning assault weapons.
To start the Colt was not the original designer or manufacturer AR-15 all Colt did was buy the patent. ArmaLite designed and sold the AR-15 between 1959-1964.
“Shall not be infringed” means you can’t take the gun rights from the mass murderers and criminals. There is a process to keep every right from being infringed it is called going to court.
You were given only an inch in the second amendment and think you are entitled to a thousand miles. A right is a contract between government and the American people and you are only entitled under that contract to what is written and gun laws back that up. You can wish it were different but it will not change.
The point is guns will be designed to fire faster and faster and kill more and more people. Think what a mass murderer could do if he mounted one of those guns that fired 6,000 rounds a minute in a van and went to a parade. Putting assault weapons on the streets is ridiculous.
2 million each would be a fair price for assault weapons that would be an effective ban.
I posted that how-to video right after the other to videos show how fast weapons of war fire. I t was so simple a first grader can do it. You are going to have to pay attention.
Why do you think people have always called them assault weapons? When did that change? Right after they banned them. Simple solution we’ll just call them a rifle. Nice try.
You cannot ignore the fact that most massacres are done with assault weapons.
Reply Tue 4 Feb, 2020 10:52 am
There you go again making up your own definitions. In California a high capacity magazine is anything over 10. In Colorado any magazine over 15 is illegal. If they are illegal how can they possibly be standard, they are illegal for being high capacity magazines.

It's another anti-gun definition that they made up. I wonder how many industry experts they talked to before making these laws? That's right, they don't talk to experts, they only talk to anti-gun groups who think they are experts. 30 round mags are standard capacity and anything more than that is high capacity. I've been shooting guns for about my whole life, I know these things more than you do. Don't be weak and fall back on authority, they can change their minds at will, it's the problem with relying on authority for such things.

It is the automatics that fire at the 900 rounds per minute rate, so the bump-stock modified assault weapon show the actual capability of the assault weapon. The record for the semi-automatic Assault weapon is 130 rounds per minute rate which is plenty high enough to massacre fifty people in less then two minutes.

Keep talking about things you don't understand or want to understand.

When there is a sound recording, all you need to do is slow it down and count the shots which is actually what they did.

You sound like a bigger idiot every time you comment on guns and their capabilities.

You still don’t understand rate of fire versus total rounds fired.

I understand it just fine, it's you who doesn't know what they are talking about. There is a rate of fire, and then there is the cyclic rate of fire.

You can drive down the road at 120 mph for a short distance but if you tried to drive that speed for a full hour the police would catch you.

Sorry to tell you, but your car analogies don't work with guns, and the more you try to force it the dumber you sound.

It is the gun nut sites that have reported that figure. Your official figure will only count if it hits the bulls eye every time. That number is meaningless because many on that list did not identify the type of weapon used. It is the massacres that we need to put a stop to and there is only one solution and that is banning assault weapons.

You have failed at every turn to provide any proof of your claims on fire rates of the AR platform. Keep repeating your lies.

To start the Colt was not the original designer or manufacturer AR-15 all Colt did was buy the patent. ArmaLite designed and sold the AR-15 between 1959-1964.

This is info that was provided to you over a year ago, you were one of the fools who thought AR stood for Assault Rifle.

“Shall not be infringed” means you can’t take the gun rights from the mass murderers and criminals. There is a process to keep every right from being infringed it is called going to court.

You are talking out of both sides of your face on this subject. It seems our rights only conform to Zardoz's definition of what Rights are... The Constitution seems to mean nothing unless it's interpreted by a leftist.

You were given only an inch in the second amendment and think you are entitled to a thousand miles.

No, we were given the whole 1000 miles, it's people like you who think we are only allowed a mile. Rights don't work that way and you have no Constitutional backing for your claims.

A right is a contract between government and the American people and you are only entitled under that contract to what is written and gun laws back that up. You can wish it were different but it will not change.

The Constitution makes no limits on Rights known. In fact the Constitution is there to control and limit the govt, not the people. It wasn't a contract in which we agreed to be controlled, it's the other way around, limits were placed on the govt, not the people.

The point is guns will be designed to fire faster and faster and kill more and more people.

They can design the guns to fire as fast as they want to, there is physical limitations on how fast you can actually fire a semi-auto rifle. One trigger pull, one bullet.

Think what a mass murderer could do if he mounted one of those guns that fired 6,000 rounds a minute in a van and went to a parade. Putting assault weapons on the streets is ridiculous.

There you go again, wanting to limit our rights based on your fantasy of gun fever dreams. We aren't going to allow our rights to be limited any longer, you will find that out in the summer when the SC rules in favor of gun owners.

2 million each would be a fair price for assault weapons that would be an effective ban.

You are crazy and only want rich people to own guns. How are you going to have your socialist blood letting if only rich people can afford guns? This just goes to show you don't believe half of what you claim, you are a totalitarian/authoritarian and only want control, you will say anything that gives you more power.

I posted that how-to video right after the other to videos show how fast weapons of war fire. I t was so simple a first grader can do it. You are going to have to pay attention.

You posted no such thing, stop lying. You posted a video with a guy shooting with a bump stock and nothing more. You are going to have to stop lying.

Why do you think people have always called them assault weapons? When did that change? Right after they banned them. Simple solution we’ll just call them a rifle. Nice try.

That's because the media has been lying to the American people since the 1990's with the BS propaganda. People who actually know what they are talking about don't use those terms, they are made up media terms to make semi-auto rifles sound and look scary.

You cannot ignore the fact that most massacres are done with assault weapons.

Yes I can ignore such claims because it isn't true. You have some list of big shootings yet you switch back and forth on your meanings and word choices based on emotion only. I can point to plenty of mass shootings and mass killings that didn't use those weapons, in fact they are used in less than 1% of mass shootings, those are stats from the FBI, not your bias anti-gun sites.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Feb, 2020 10:17 pm
Zardoz wrote:
There you go again making up your own definitions.

Progressives are the only ones who make up fraudulent definitions.

Zardoz wrote:
the bump-stock modified assault weapon show the actual capability of the assault weapon.

Bump stocks are not used to modify assault weapons. Assault weapons are already capable of firing multiple shots with one trigger pull.

Zardoz wrote:
The record for the semi-automatic Assault weapon is 130 rounds per minute rate

There is no such thing as a semi-automatic assault weapon.

Assault weapons:

a) are capable of either full-auto or burst-fire,

b) accept detachable magazines,

c) fire rounds that are less powerful than a standard deer rifle, and

d) are effective at a range of 300 meters.

This means that semi-auto-only guns are not assault weapons.

This means that guns with fixed magazines are not assault weapons.

This means that guns that fire rounds equal-to or greater-than the power of a standard deer rifle are not assault weapons.

This means that guns that fire handgun/shotgun/rimfire rounds are not assault weapons.

Zardoz wrote:
130 rounds per minute rate which is plenty high enough to massacre fifty people in less then two minutes.

Actually it is way too high if a massacre is the goal. Few people will be killed by firing a semi-auto that fast.

Zardoz wrote:
Your official figure will only count if it hits the bulls eye every time.

It is the aimed shots that cause most of the deaths.

Zardoz wrote:
It is the massacres that we need to put a stop to and there is only one solution and that is banning assault weapons.

Not when no assault weapon has ever been used in a massacre in America.

Zardoz wrote:
"Shall not be infringed" means you can't take the gun rights from the mass murderers and criminals. There is a process to keep every right from being infringed it is called going to court.

The courts say that you are not allowed to impose restrictions that are so draconian that they prevent the exercise of a fundamental right.

The courts also say that you cannot restrict a fundamental right at all unless the restriction can be justified as serving a compelling government interest.

Zardoz wrote:
You were given only an inch in the second amendment and think you are entitled to a thousand miles.

The Second Amendment does not give. It protects a preexisting right that we've had for thousands of years.

The Second Amendment protects our right to have enough firepower for effective self defense.

The Second Amendment also protects our right to have any weapon that there is no compelling government interest in restricting.

Zardoz wrote:
A right is a contract between government and the American people and you are only entitled under that contract to what is written and gun laws back that up. You can wish it were different but it will not change.

That contract entitles us to enough firepower for effective self defense.

It also entitles us to any weapon that there is no compelling government interest in restricting.

You are correct to note that this contract is not going to change.

Zardoz wrote:
The point is guns will be designed to fire faster and faster and kill more and more people.

No they won't. Machine guns are a mature technology.

Zardoz wrote:
Think what a mass murderer could do if he mounted one of those guns that fired 6,000 rounds a minute in a van and went to a parade.

If your post gives someone the idea of doing this, you will be culpable (morally at least) for the massacre.

Zardoz wrote:
Putting assault weapons on the streets is ridiculous.

Machine guns are not assault weapons.

Machine guns have been tightly regulated for the past 85 years. People are only allowed to have them at all if they were manufactured and registered more than 33 years ago.

Zardoz wrote:
2 million each would be a fair price for assault weapons that would be an effective ban.

Machine guns are not assault weapons.

Machine guns have been tightly regulated for the past 85 years. People are only allowed to have them at all if they were manufactured and registered more than 33 years ago.

Zardoz wrote:
I posted that how-to video right after the other to videos show how fast weapons of war fire. I t was so simple a first grader can do it. You are going to have to pay attention.

Hardly easy. You need to have gunsmithing knowledge (and good luck finding a qualified gunsmith willing to perform illegal modifications for you). You need to have special parts. And you need specialized knowledge as to how to install those special parts.

Zardoz wrote:
Why do you think people have always called them assault weapons?

People have never called them assault weapons. They have always been ordinary hunting rifles.

Zardoz wrote:
When did that change? Right after they banned them. Simple solution we'll just call them a rifle. Nice try.

There was no change. These guns have always been ordinary hunting rifles.

Zardoz wrote:
You cannot ignore the fact that most massacres are done with assault weapons.

That's not a fact. No massacre in the US has ever been carried out using an assault weapon.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 4 Feb, 2020 10:35 pm
You can tell the difference Trump’s tweet about top secret information it is about a private document that was paid for by both republican and democrats. It was given to John McCain who gave it to the FBI. It can never be top secret because it was already public but Trump thinks he can Classify Mary has a Little Lamb. There is an ongoing investigation about Trump and Russia being paid for by both big republican donors and democrats

The biggest leakers in the Whitehouse are Trump’s children and Jarred Kushner.

There is a difference between being a whistle blower and a criminal that relays top secret information to the Russian showing our troop movements.

Obama is not running for president. What Obama did or did not do is not relevant to this year’s election.
Of course, there will always be retaliation against those who act as spies for foreign governments. The whistle blower that turned Trump in for his crime followed procedure to the letter he did not run to Russia to complain.
Nobody is trying to overthrow an election. Every president is aware they can be removed from office for committing crimes such as extortion. When you can’t remove a president from office you don’t have a president you have a king for four years who does not have obey any law of the land. A lifetime criminal like Trump can do a lot damage in four years that would take 20 years to correct. The Founding Fathers put impeachment in the constitution for a reason they knew a criminal would one day be elected.
There is only one Oklahoma bombing but with the NRA now working hand in hand with the Russians and convincing all the gun nuts that it is their responsibility to overthrow the government it is only a matter of time before the next Oklahoma City bombing. We all know the right would overthrow the government in a minute if they thought they could. You can bet if Trump was impeached and thrown out of office there would have been skirmishes all over America with the Trump supporters like the Neo-Nazis, the white nationalist, the KKK and other right-wing extremists. They no doubt would blow up a few buildings also.
Reply Tue 4 Feb, 2020 11:40 pm
There is a difference between being a whistle blower and a criminal that relays top secret information to the Russian showing our troop movements.

That is total bullshit. Do we have troops sneaking up on Russia?
Reply Wed 5 Feb, 2020 09:18 pm
You must be a Fox Fantasy News fan.

No spy in history ever turned over as much top-secret information to the Russians.

Assigned in 2009 to an Army unit in Iraq as an intelligence analyst, Manning had access to classified databases. In early 2010, she leaked classified information to WikiLeaks and confided this to Adrian Lamo, an online acquaintance.[14] Lamo indirectly informed the Army's Criminal Investigation Command, and Manning was arrested in May that same year.[15] The material included videos of the July 12, 2007, Baghdad airstrike and the 2009 Granai airstrike in Afghanistan; 251,287 U.S. diplomatic cables;[16] and 482,832 Army reports that came to be known as the "Iraq War Logs"[17] and "Afghan War Diary".[18] The material was published by WikiLeaks and its media partners between April 2010 and April 2011.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 5 Feb, 2020 09:56 pm
Obama was trying to stop people like Manning that was spying for the Russians.

Trump is trying to out people who are showing that he is corrupt and working with foreign governments to cheat on the next election.
Just as elections are part of the Constitution so is Impeachment. It is both foolish and dangerous to think that a corrupt president should not be impeached. Today Romney gave us the first bipartisan impeachment in history. The founding fathers knew that no man should ever be above the law not even for four years.
The Whiskey Rebellion did make the history books while the Battle of Blair Mountain was edited out of history. At one time Churchill said that the victory writes the history and he was going to write that history and he did. It is not so much the people that write the history we have to worry about, it is the people who edit history that are dangerous. Now every school board in the country edits history and cuts out the what they don’t want the children to learn, usually the truth. History in America is beginning to be a fiction shaped to fit political beliefs.
Reply Wed 5 Feb, 2020 10:41 pm
Zardoz wrote:
Obama was trying to stop people like Manning that was spying for the Russians.

Obama set Manning free.

Zardoz wrote:
Trump is trying to out people

In civilized societies, defendants have the right to confront their accusers.

Zardoz wrote:
who are showing that he is corrupt and working with foreign governments to cheat on the next election.

An attempt to investigate Democratic crimes is neither corruption nor cheating.
Reply Thu 6 Feb, 2020 09:58 pm
Manning did far more time in jail than Trump and we all know Trump should be in jail. Manning was held in custody for 7 years the typical time served for murder.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The law is the law for most people but not for Trump. There were many witnesses and documents that showed Trump’s extorsion. It is not necessary for every accuser to be confronted. The whistleblower only sparked the investigation, he had no first hand information but the phone call. The phone call was made public that is the sum total of what the whistleblower knew. Trump publicly admitted to extorsion. Trump was not ever going to confront anyone because once Trump stated lying his ass off in court, he would be jailed for lying. Trump’s attorneys’, made it very clear to him he should never ever be under oath because he would go to jail. Trump is a pathological liar and his first impulse when confronted is to lie his ass off. When Trump was first notified of the Russian investigation, he said how could they do that? I have never been to Russia and I don’t know any Russians. The truth is Trump has made many trips to Russia over the last twenty years, including holding the Miss Universe pageant there and his building are full of Russian Mafia. But the under educated believe every lie Trump tells.
Trump was not in the least interested in investigating anything all he wanted was a news conference announcing an “investigating” he could care less whether they did anything he just needed them to announce it. It was a political publicity stunt plain and simple. If every politician whose children were given jobs because of their dad was in politics, every politician in America would have to resign. When Trump went to China his daughter was immediately granted 14 patents by the Chinese that take an average of 7 years to grant. These patents will be worth a hundred times what Hunter Biden made. The Trump family is cashing in far more than any politician in history.
Reply Thu 6 Feb, 2020 10:35 pm
Zardoz wrote:
Manning did far more time in jail than Trump and we all know Trump should be in jail.

No. Trump should be in the White House.

Zardoz wrote:
Manning was held in custody for 7 years the typical time served for murder.

His sentence was 35 years I believe.

Jonathan Pollard served 30 years for providing intelligence only to a friendly ally. Is there any reason why Manning's sentence should not have been at least as long as Pollard's?

Zardoz wrote:
The law is the law for most people but not for Trump.

It's more a matter of Trump having done nothing wrong.

But if he had done something wrong, the Democrats' precedent with Bill Clinton would have indeed made Trump above the law.

Zardoz wrote:
There were many witnesses and documents that showed Trump's extorsion.

It is normal practice for administrations to withhold aid until other countries do what they want.

Zardoz wrote:
It is not necessary for every accuser to be confronted.

It is in civilized countries.

Zardoz wrote:
The whistleblower only sparked the investigation, he had no first hand information but the phone call. The phone call was made public that is the sum total of what the whistleblower knew.

That is incorrect. The whistleblower maliciously fabricated a fake narrative that made it seem that Mr. Trump's innocent actions were somehow wrong.

The whistleblower did this because he was a pro-Obama zealot who did not like Trump.

When Obama was president, the whistleblower helped Obama carry out the very same acts that the Democrats pretended were wrong for Trump to carry out.

Zardoz wrote:
Trump publicly admitted to extorsion.

It is normal practice for administrations to withhold aid until other countries do what they want.

Zardoz wrote:
Trump was not ever going to confront anyone because once Trump stated lying his ass off in court, he would be jailed for lying.

In a trial, the defendants' lawyers do the confronting for the defendant.

Zardoz wrote:
Trump was not in the least interested in investigating anything all he wanted was a news conference announcing an "investigating" he could care less whether they did anything he just needed them to announce it. It was a political publicity stunt plain and simple.

How do you know? Are you a mind reader?

But even if that is actually true, so what?
0 Replies
Reply Thu 6 Feb, 2020 11:29 pm
When I was being investigated, I did not hire an attorney, I did not go talk to the people they were interviewing to have them change their testimony. I knew up front I had not done what they were investigating me for and the Mayor had to tell me they found absolutely nothing. Most people have no idea they are being investigated until they are charged. You do not have to notify anybody they are under investigation.
BTW Trump is still under investigation at it is funded by both republican and democrats’ deep pockets.
If you have not done anything it is impossible to prove you did.
Prosecutors are use to working with criminals who may have not done the particular crime but have done other crimes that can be found. Look at Al Capone they could not prove the crimes he committed but he went to jail for Income Tax evasion.
Trump grew up with mafia. He hung out where they hung out. Trump business partner was a Russian Mobster who had been jailed for stock fraud scheme and cutting someone up in a bar fight. When Trump was asked about his mobster business partner, Trump said he didn’t know him. The Russian mob and other mobsters are the one who are the resident in Trump Towers. Trump buys a property for $50 million and a Russian Oligarch step in and buy for a $100 million. The Oligarchs are the ones that have stolen most of the wealth in Russia. The unions are petty criminals compared to the Mafia Trumps runs with.
The Fusion GPS book is just reporting the actual facts from the people that were involved not something made up by the right wing lie factory. Fusion had been in business for years and worked for the biggest law firms in the country with a spotless reputation. There primary business was investigating litigants involved in lawsuits. Some of the Fusion partners were part of the right-wing press, Wall Street Journal. This explains why the Republicans hired them to investigate Trump. The Republicans were having what Fusion found out about Trump published by the right-wing press. They continued to pay Fusion and publish the information even for a while after Trump was nominated.

Nothing about dossier has been prove inaccurate yet. For instance, the Trump pee party. Trump says he is a germaphobe and would not do that. But yet we know for a fact that Trump and party planned the Russian Miss Universe at a Sheldon Adelson’s Pee Bar where the entertainment is watching women “peeing” on each other. It was supposed to be simulated but if you have a taste for simulation why not the real thing? Trump defense is like a child molester saying I would not molest that little girl I am a germaphobe. If you can sit and eat your lunch while that is going on there is something wrong with you and you are not a germaphobe. Just because Trump denies it does not mean it didn’t happen. Steele’s dossier was shared with the British service which has an entirely different take than our Russian collaborators in the right-wing press. Does it prove the Pee Party in Russia happened? No, but it makes it more likely than not that it did. We had a mayor that had similar tastes he paid the lady of the evening to pee on him. Once the police found out about it the whole department offered to pee on him for free.
The English Intelligence services were flabbergasted that a Russian asset was elected President of the United States.
This board is all about editorials. That is what the posts are is mini-editorials.

But there is one glaring and unalterable fact about assault weapons and that is they are responsible for 7 out of the top 10 massacres and in a few years, it will be all ten.


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