The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Sun 26 Jan, 2020 10:07 pm
Zardoz wrote:
Clinton was impeached for lying about his sex life

Not quite. Bill Clinton was impeached for committing perjury, witness tampering, obstruction of justice, and conspiracy to obstruct justice to cover up his sex life.

There is a big difference between "lying to cover up your sex life" and "committing multiple felonies to cover up your sex life".

Bill Clinton's history of sexual assault and rape, while not part of the impeachment charges, was an additional factor in the decision to impeach him.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Jan, 2020 12:19 am
Fox news would have been taken off the air if the Fairness Doctrine was in place. A network created by right wing political operatives and that takes an active role in Trump’s political campaign. In the eighties radio talk shows were popular the host was generally neutral and the show was made up of phone calls. Now the so-called talk shows are near 100% lecture on the republican talking points of the week with a hero worship call or two. Glen Beck, Rush Slimbaugh or Sean Hannity would have been removed because they are just an arm of the republican party.
By one sided you mean the truth about Reagan, a senile old man who wanted to take care of the millionaires and tripled the national debt.
The three big networks were founded as news organization on the other hand Fox News was founded as a political tool with an agenda to elect right wing politicians to destroy America. Mainstream networks are owned by the ungodly greedy and they reflect the views of those who own them. These have a corporate agenda.
You are far more republican then most republican you don’t have an independent bone in your body. The democratic party is made up of a number of factions. If a democratic mayor needed to be taken out, I had no problem removing his labor endorsements.

Fox News is a political tool the others major broadcast news organizations have a corporate agenda. If there were any left-wing news outlets, they would have a far different political agenda than corporate news.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ They let anyone reply to editorial. They simply advertised that they would give time to anyone who wanted to present the other view point. I have been guest on radio talk shows and I have written guest editorials for the local newspaper. I also called in to radio talk shows before there were screeners to weed out opposing points of view.
You could not even imagine what a left-wing press would be like one for sure it would not have a corporate agenda that is not left-wing.
None of those programs are available in this market. They didn’t last because the corporate sponsors are simply not going to pay to air political views that cost them money. While the purpose of Republican party is to make the rich richer. Those are ideas that corporate sponsors support.
If the former head of the republican party can’t express the Republican view point than no one can. Both Republican and Democrat politician involved in current events appear weekly on Meet the Press even the Trump’s paid lackies appear claiming there are alternate facts.
Fox News was actively working on Trump campaign with offices in the Whitehouse. They actively advise Trump the best way to con the public. Many of Trump’s employees a were Fox News employees. The best way to get a job in the Whitehouse is to work for Fox News. In fact, some Trump employees kept their job at Fox and worked for Trump. About 99.9% of the stories Fox does on Trump are positive and they drone on for hours about how good that conman Trump is.
And it was Fox News that gave Trump all the questions for the debate and that is the reason Fox News will never be Trusted to hold a debate ever again. Fox News is in business of telling Trump how to answer the softball question they give him.
They recently showed a right-wing network repeating exactly the same political phrase on all forty of his stations, that is indoctrination.
See what I was telling about corporate news. Bloomberg is one of the ungodly greedy and his news organization will reflect his view not the left-wing views. When mainstream new stations were set up it was to report the news not to be a political party’s tool.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++They actually studied the news stories before the election an the mainstream news media actually did more positive stories on Trump then Clinton. That is a fact. You are just believing the Trump lies again. The pictures of Clinton collapsing were shown on every network. If you can’t believe your eyes you got a problem. Every time a politician of either party has got caught with a hot mike it was broadcast news. If you read the republican politicians who have served in the Trump administration you would know Trump is far worse off than you can imagine. His senility is far worse than Reagan’s was when he was office. If you knew even half of it you would not be able to sleep at night. His family has been alerted that he badly needs to see a doctor but the family refused to take action even though they know it true because they want to stay in power. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Unless you want to lie all the time you can’t report positive news when nothing positive has happened. Trump is digging a hole that this country will never get out of. Trump is borrowing a trillion dollars year to give huge tax cuts to the ungodly greedy. Our children will be indentured servants to rest of the world. America was the biggest creditor nation in the world and now we are the biggest debtor nation in the world. Third world countries can’t hold a light to us. The nation with the greatest wealth has become the poorest nation on the face of the earth just like Trump’s casinos and airlines went bankrupt. The Republicans were running around saying the sky was falling because of the national debt in the 90s and Clinton balanced the budget but when they got back in power, they handed out several huge tax cuts to ungodly greedy and said Reagan proved that deficits don’t matter. But when Obamacare came along the Pea Party Republicans got religion and started that the sky was falling again. But when Trump got in, they could not give enough tax cuts to the ungodly greedy, $10 trillion no problem deficits don’t matter agin.
Libraries have a lot to do with it because they show that if you give people a choice, they will overwhelmingly pick fiction. Fiction is much easier to market because you can tell people what they want to hear. Reality is unpleasant sometimes and given the choice they will choose fiction even in news. People would much rather hear that Trump is their savior, the smartest man ever to walk on the face of the earth and even though he has conned everybody he ever dealt with he his going to save them.
You really should study the history of the thirties when communism became a real political threat in America. Then you will see where these communists went, after communism got a bad name during the cold war. These card-carrying communists became the new conservatives and founded a movement. The Republican party was completely decimated after they caused the Great Depression. The communists’ leaders became the new life’s blood in republican party. Referred to as neo-conservatives they strangled the life out of the American way of life. Just as middle- class America got ahead the conservatives pulled them back down and established the pre-Great Depression- distribution of wealth again.

I know more about the establishment of the conservative movement than most living conservatives. I watched it take shape like an evil witches-brew of the greed of the ungodly greedy and those greedy for power. The people who are conservatives today are not those who have any interest in history or the origin of the modern conservative movement.
Let’s call her by her real name, Alisa Zinovyevna Rosenbaum, so everyone will know she is from Russia. Zinovyevna philosophy put forth in her book, Atlas Shrugged, is that the ungodly greedy are entitled to the wealth of the nation and the rest of the population of America should be happy with whatever crumbs they decide to throw their way.
“They are nothing but vicious animals”

Ayn Rand

That horrible abomination of a book has shaped the 30- year decline of the American middle class. Her book was a favorite of ungodly greedy who bought hundreds of copies and polluted America with them. This work of fiction did far more to destroy America than any foreign army. This work of fiction is considered the conservative bible. Didn’t I tell you people prefer fiction.
Reply Mon 27 Jan, 2020 10:42 am
The advertisement for Chev vs Ford might be for how much horsepower of how big a trailer a truck could pull but what are gun manufactures advertising? Instead of horse power gun manufacturers are advertising kill power, how many BPM (bodies per minute.)

How can you be expected to be taken seriously when you say things like this? Is this your way of admitting defeat?

So, you admit there are guns you can’t buy and that the second amendment is not unlimited.

I can buy any gun, there is nothing in my background check that would prevent it. The only limiting factor is the price of the weapons, which it seems you want rich and wealthy people to have all the weapons.

It is just a matter of where the line is drawn. The advertising being used in the Sandy Hook law suit is the public advertising in magazines. Gun manufacturers are marketing kill power and assault weapons should be rater BPS (bodies per second.

Please share this advertising you are talking about. I've seen lots of gun advertising and and nothing I have seen come close to the claims you are making. More lies and propaganda.

I don’t have a problem with regular guns it is the assault weapons that were designed to fight wars with that make massacres possible that have to go.

You don't know what a regular gun is, semi-auto rifles are regular guns, nothing special about them.

Four or more people killed or wounded is the definition that is gain widespread acceptance. This makes it simple enough that everyone knows what is being talked about.

No it doesn't, it is a propaganda term and nothing more.

There is a difference between a regular 22 rifle and one that was designed to fight wars with. There are lots of regular rifles that are not designed like AR-15s.

No there is no difference, I can by an AR that shoots .22 LR, I can get an AR that shoots 9mm or even 40 SW. You can get an AR in any caliber you want, this is part of the lie told by anti-gun groups. The AR is a normal semi-auto rifle, just like a Ruger Ranch Rifle, it even shoots the same exact caliber of rounds.

Reply Mon 27 Jan, 2020 11:51 am

No there is no difference, I can by an AR that shoots .22 LR, I can get an AR that shoots 9mm or even 40 SW.

So what?

It's still a gun designed like an AR15. As opposed to a regular .22LR which resembles the classic sporting arms which were sold in my grandfather's day.

What's your point, comrade?
Reply Mon 27 Jan, 2020 01:11 pm
Guns designed like an AR-15 are regular guns.

They are available in .22LR as well:
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Jan, 2020 01:27 pm
One of the house members who was an elected republican voted to impeach Trump.

He switched parties before the vote, there were no GOP votes for impeachment, but there were 3 Dem votes against impeachment. More bipartisan against impeachment than for it.

The Republican senators have been threatened by the thugs that surround Trump that if they vote for impeachment, or vote to hear witnesses or subpoena documents for Trump’s impeachment they will find their heads on pike.

More lies from you? This never happened, it was actually the DNC who treated their members to vote for impeachment and removal or they would be in trouble.

This clearly witness tampering a crime in of itself. This is why no Republicans will never vote to impeach him.

This never happened, you are lying and spreading lies. I'd say you should be ashamed of yourself, but you feel no shame, you are a communist.

If Trump was beheading people on national TV not one republican would vote to impeach him.

You are ******* crazy.

They have decided Trump is a king and is above every law in America. In every criminal trial, witnesses can be subpoenaed as well as documents.

I guess the Dems should have gone to court of have their subpoenas enforced, without the courts, those requests are worthless and can't be used to jail people. There was a reason they didn't go to the SC, they knew they would have lost and impeachment would be dead on arrival. Instead the Dems cheated, like they always do.

Amash was not a democrat when he voted. Amash changed his registration to an independent so that means the democrats and an independent voted to impeach Trump.

Nice try.

Amash district is one of the most reliable republican districts in America. So much for your theory.

He's going to lose his next election, the people who voted for him didn't like his change, he isn't there for his own reasons, he suppose to be representing the people who voted him in, he has betrayed them,he was always a Dem in GOP clothing. A single president shouldn't effect the party membership, this was always the guys plan, he knew he couldn't win as an independent.

The first thing Justice did as a republican was put the state billions in debt to take care of the contractors who contributed to his campaign.

You are lying again, no one gov can put their state in that much debt, that happens over many administrations. How many DNC govs did you have prior to him being elected that ran up deficits, bet you won't answer. I checked your state, it's had Dem governors since 2001, I was right, dems ran up the budget and you try to blame the one GOP.

There are hundred s of democrats put in appointed state offices. When Justice switched parties, he fired many the democrats and replaced with republicans. That was a fraud plain and simple.

The Gov can fire anyone he wants to as part of his cabinate. Did you have a problem when Obama came into office and fired everyone? No you didn't, being a dem doesn't mean you get to keep a job for life.

Just as Trump has upped the deficit to trillion dollars a year four times higher than Obama.

Do you ever get tired of being wrong? Obama had trillion dollar deficits, how do you think the national debt went from 9 trillion to 20 trillion in 8 years of Obama? The only time he didn't have trillion dollar deficits is when the GOP refused to rubber stamp everything Obama wanted. The GOP kept him and his spending in check. Left to his own, Obama like any other dem would have driven the national debt to 30 trillion, just like the current stack of DNC candidates want to do. They know there isn't enough money in the world to do what they want to do.

Remember Trump bankrupted 8 businesses, America is next.

You are wrong again, it was 4. If America was going to be next, it would have been under Obama, he added 10 trillion to the national debt, double what any other President had done before him. Bush added about 5 trillion, Obama said hold my beer and doubled it.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Jan, 2020 04:41 pm
It's still a gun designed like an AR15.

Do go on. What's your problem with the design of the AR-15?

Make your point, comrade!
Reply Mon 27 Jan, 2020 09:12 pm
Most guns are designed to kill people but assault weapons are designed to massacre large numbers of people in record time.
Reply Mon 27 Jan, 2020 09:27 pm
Most guns are not designed to kill people. Hunting rifles are designed for killing game animals. Self defense guns are designed to rapidly incapacitate an attacker.

Target shooting rifles are not designed for harming living things. How many people were killed in the most recent Olympic biathlon?

Assault weapons have been tightly restricted for the past 85 years, and people are only allowed to have them if they were manufactured and registered more than 33 years ago.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Jan, 2020 10:19 pm

Most guns are designed to kill people but assault weapons are designed to massacre large numbers of people in record time.

No, that's what you've been programmed to think. A pistol-grip does not make a rifle especially dangerous; neither does a flash suppressor. You are not the first to fall for that propaganda, and you won't be the last.

The civilian version of the AR-15 is not a select-fire rifle. The military does not use the civilian version of the AR-15 because it is not a select-fire rifle. A non select-fire rifle does not serve their purpose.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 27 Jan, 2020 11:51 pm
It was not what Zinovyevna (Rand) was against it was what she was for. She was one of the first advocates of absolute greedism. She believed that all of country’s wealth belonged to the top 1/100 of 1% and if they chose to spread some crumbs on the ground for the other 99.99%, they should be damn grateful for what they got.

“They are nothing but vicious animals. They are greedy, self-indulgent, predatory, dollar chasers who …”

This is what she thought of average Americans.

But it is not only the wealth the beast of fields shouldn’t have it is any type of power, political or otherwise. After all horses are powerful and useful but “they are just beasts of the field.”

That nasty Russian b**** bought her boy friend home and told her husband if he did not like it, tough. She was the leader of a political cult. She hated socialism so much that she made damn sure to cash her social security checks.
The guns already on the street are a massive market for criminals and the mentally ill because they don’t need background checks to buy them.

We know there are huge major black markets for guns. WV is a major supplier for New York city. Criminals or the mentally ill that are blocked from buying a gun legally will always buy from a private-sources. People who not blocked from buying legally will buy legally while others will purchase guns for the criminals and mentally ill and then sell them in a private sale.
Now 75% of the people want to hear from the witnesses Trump blocked from the hearings and the Republicans have finally decided to break rank with 10-20 expected to vote to hear John Bolton. Boulton book already show Trump is lying through his teeth.
Much of the Republican defense had nothing to do with Trump. If you had tuned in at 4 PM you would have thought Hunter Biden was on trial. They could not say he did anything wrong but there might have given the appearance of something wrong. The republicans have an excellent chance to get rid of the senile old man and run someone else.
ISIS had taken control of a good portion of Iraq and Syria and since Trump abandoned the Kurds that were fighting ISIS they will rebound.
Never ever underestimate a religious cult far more people have died in the name of religion then for any other reason. Tell someone they are going to go heaven if they kill people and they will believe every word of it. ISIS took land faster than Hitler.
ISIS built an army from scratch that was more powerful than many countries.
We had no business in Iraq to begin with. If baby Bush had not invaded Iraq there would be no ISIS. How could you possibly call a fellow NRA member a liar? You should have seen Moore interview Charlton Heston.
Do you actually believe anything on YouTube? Have you seen some of the people that contribute to You Tube?
Hitler had nothing to do with the left whenever you see a dictator take control of a country it is right wing ideology. Just as taking control of the bodily functions of a woman is right wing politics today.
There are many other sources for Tucker Carlson endorsement of Russia’s take over of Ukraine. It was widely reported.

www.washingtontimes.com › news › dec › tucker-carlson-us-should-b...

Tucker Carlson: U.S. should back Russia over Ukraine ...

www.washingtontimes.com › news › dec › tucker-carlson-us-should-b...
1. Cached
Dec 3, 2019 - Fox News host Tucker Carlson said Monday that the U.S. "should probably take the side of Russia," coming to the defense of the country's ...
Here is one source you have used before and there are at least 10 other sources for that republicans support of the Russian invasion.

I look for Fox News to become a supporter of Russian invasions. Trump has to pay the Russians back for making him president.
Do you actually believe it should be open season on anyone visiting anyone? Zimmerman is a life long criminal with a long rap sheet who went hunting children. Notice Zimmerman doesn’t take on adults unless they are women.
Unfortunately, much of the information on the web is inaccurate and you are only as good as your sources. Imagine if I used Fox News, nothing would be true. It does not matter whether it was his uncle, his dad’s finance, his girlfriend, or his sister it should be free from child predators like Zimmerman. If it had been a white boy Zimmerman would be in jail today.
You must be talking about the quote “You do not have a right to any weapon whatsoever for any purpose whatsoever. You have since posted those very words.
The people that require an arsenal are much like the Las Vegas mass murderer.

The gun numbers: just 3% of American adults own a collective ...

www.theguardian.com › us-news › nov › the-gun-numbers-just-3-of-...
1. Cached
Nov 15, 2017 - You've heard the ...

www.theguardian.com › us-news › nov › the-gun-numbers-just-3-of-...
1. Cached
Nov 15, 2017 - You've heard the ...

Reply Tue 28 Jan, 2020 12:03 am
Zardoz wrote:
Hitler had nothing to do with the left

Sure he did. The Nazis were socialists.

Zardoz wrote:
Do you actually believe it should be open season on anyone visiting anyone?

Self defense against a would-be murderer like Trayvon is hardly open season.

Zardoz wrote:
Zimmerman is a life long criminal with a long rap sheet who went hunting children.

No he isn't.

Zardoz wrote:
Notice Zimmerman doesn't take on adults unless they are women.

All he does is defend himself from people who try to murder him.

Zardoz wrote:
Imagine if I used Fox News, nothing would be true.

Fox News is just as reliable as any other news source.

Zardoz wrote:
It does not matter whether it was his uncle, his dad's finance, his girlfriend, or his sister it should be free from child predators like Zimmerman.

Defending yourself from a would-be murderer like Trayvon is hardly predation.

Zardoz wrote:
If it had been a white boy Zimmerman would be in jail today.

Not at all. People have the right to defend themselves from white murderers as well.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Jan, 2020 10:08 am
So what?

The point was, he was wrong, there is no difference between a rifle that shoots .22 LR or .223 or 5.56, they are all semi-auto rifles.

It's still a gun designed like an AR15.

You mean a semi-auto rifle... you, him and the anti-gun left have given the AR magical powers, that no other semi-auto rifle seems to have. Being designed like something is pointless if it doesn't operate the same way. You should know this, you were in the military and fired the M-16.

As opposed to a regular .22LR which resembles the classic sporting arms which were sold in my grandfather's day.

So once again, we are back to how the weapon looks. It goes to show the lefts only concern with guns is how they look and has nothing to do with how the works.

What's your point, comrade?

My point is that Zardoz and you are full of **** when it comes to guns.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Jan, 2020 01:13 pm
Fox news would have been taken off the air if the Fairness Doctrine was in place.

Every cable news channel currently on the air would be off the air if the Fairness Doctrine was in place. CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, they would all be gone as none of them present a fair case on anything.

A network created by right wing political operatives and that takes an active role in Trump’s political campaign.

Unlike CNN and MSNBC being shrills for the DNC and working closly with that party to win elections? Rolling Eyes

In the eighties radio talk shows were popular the host was generally neutral and the show was made up of phone calls.

I like how you threw in the "generally neutral", which means they weren't neutral at all.

Now the so-called talk shows are near 100% lecture on the republican talking points of the week with a hero worship call or two.

I take it you never listened to left-wing talk radio... Ed Schultz would have Bernie on all the time, it's how I know Bernie was a socialist, he used to admit it on Shultz's show all the time. People would accuse me of trying to smear Bernie, but I was only pointing out what the man himself said.

Glen Beck, Rush Slimbaugh or Sean Hannity would have been removed because they are just an arm of the republican party.

Just like every talk radio program currently on the radio, no one would be immune from the law.

The three big networks were founded as news organization on the other hand Fox News was founded as a political tool with an agenda to elect right wing politicians to destroy America.

No, they were not founded as news organizations, they were founded as entertainment channels that came from old radio channels, I love Lucy, Honeymooners, Father Knows Best, they would only do a single 30 minutes of news a night, not something you build an entire channel around now is it.

You are far more republican then most republican you don’t have an independent bone in your body.

Haha, you actually have no clue as to what you are talking about. I left the GOP for a couple of reasons and one of them had to do with the stubborn Social Conservatives who wouldn't let go of gay marriage, they were sticking with the religious people and ignoring the non-religious people. I actually have some pretty good liberal leanings.

The democratic party is made up of a number of factions.

Not anymore they aren't. The DNC is currently made up of extreme leftists who would have burned JFK at the stake.

Fox News is a political tool the others major broadcast news organizations have a corporate agenda.

No they don't, they have the same agenda as the DNC, it can be seen in the way they pick their news stories and how they report them. You seem to have forgotten that CNN was once called the Clinton News Network...

If there were any left-wing news outlets, they would have a far different political agenda than corporate news.

You really are blind as to how the world really works don't you. The news organizations support and promote the DNC and the new extreme leftists of the party. Do you really think AOC and the squad are main stream or even close to holding middle ground views? The New Green Deal is nothing but socialist dreams that come up just short of Communism.

They let anyone reply to editorial.

Sure, anyone could reply to an editorial, but not everyone's opinion would have been published or even given the time of day.

They simply advertised that they would give time to anyone who wanted to present the other view point.

That says nothing about guaranteeing that all views would be seen and heard, only that some of them would be presented, usually the ones that fit closest to the views of the news channel. Opposing views I'm sure made the stage, but I'm also postivite that they would select a point of view that wasn't as strong as the other, so they picked the "winner".

I have been guest on radio talk shows and I have written guest editorials for the local newspaper. I also called in to radio talk shows before there were screeners to weed out opposing points of view.

So a guy who was part of the DNC political machine, picking and choosing who could run in your city was selected to have his point of view in the news... thank you for proving my point.

You could not even imagine what a left-wing press would be like one for sure it would not have a corporate agenda that is not left-wing.

We have a left-wing press, there is nothing to imagine, it is happening everyday here in the US.

None of those programs are available in this market. They didn’t last because the corporate sponsors are simply not going to pay to air political views that cost them money.

So what you are saying is that left-wing views don't pay the bills and are not popular?

While the purpose of Republican party is to make the rich richer. Those are ideas that corporate sponsors support.

That's where you are wrong. The GOP wants to see everyone make more money and pay less taxes. They want everyone to be able to start a business and become a millionaire.

If the former head of the republican party can’t express the Republican view point than no one can.

You seem to think speaking against Trump is a Republican point of view. That's the point of view of the "never Trumpers", and isn't held by the GOP in general. He can say all he want's, that doesn't mean he is speaking as a member of the RNC.

Fox News was actively working on Trump campaign with offices in the Whitehouse.

More lies being told. Every major news organization has an "office" in the WH, it's where their reporters hang out and prep their stories.

They actively advise Trump the best way to con the public. Many of Trump’s employees a were Fox News employees. The best way to get a job in the Whitehouse is to work for Fox News. In fact, some Trump employees kept their job at Fox and worked for Trump. About 99.9% of the stories Fox does on Trump are positive and they drone on for hours about how good that conman Trump is.

You say all this like not one person from the Obama admin left and went to work for any news organization. You really are blind to how things work aren't you?

And it was Fox News that gave Trump all the questions for the debate and that is the reason Fox News will never be Trusted to hold a debate ever again. Fox News is in business of telling Trump how to answer the softball question they give him.

That is a straight up lie being told to cover for the fact that CNN gave Hillary the debate questions. You have done this before, when Hillary or some left-wing person gets busted doing things, you try and claim Trump was doing the same thing. Provide the proof and stop making the claim.

See what I was telling about corporate news. Bloomberg is one of the ungodly greedy and his news organization will reflect his view not the left-wing views. When mainstream new stations were set up it was to report the news not to be a political party’s tool.

Bloomberg is the worst kind of leftist, he will believe anything that give him more power and control. He's anti-gun and has spent millions across the US trying to undermine the US Constitution. He tried to ban soda's in NY, that's a control freak with power issues, he is the definition of a nanny state.

They actually studied the news stories before the election an the mainstream news media actually did more positive stories on Trump then Clinton.

Who did a study and can you provide a link to this study? No you can't because you are lying again, no such study was done with those claims you just made. Where did you find this trash, Vox?

The pictures of Clinton collapsing were shown on every network. If you can’t believe your eyes you got a problem.

They showed it, but they refused to say there was something wrong wit her, they used her talking points. They never really questioned if she was healthy enough to be President, we were told it was sexist to ask such quesitons.

Unless you want to lie all the time you can’t report positive news when nothing positive has happened.

That's the problem, the news isn't reporting the good stuff. Stock market is at an all time high, and has been since Trump took office. GDP has grown under Trump despite the tariffs. New trade deal signed with Mexico and Canada, a new phase one trade deal with China. People's income is higher than it was 4 years ago and they are paying less taxes on what they do make. Immigration if finally starting to come under control, Trump has Mexico stopping illegal immigrants at the southern Mexico border instead of allowing them to come up to the US. Things are really good right now, my 401k is through the roof.

Trump is digging a hole that this country will never get out of.

No, he is filling in the hole created by the socialist Obama, who was giving our country away to other countries. Times are only bad if you are a socialist and you don't see your political dreams coming true.

Trump is borrowing a trillion dollars year to give huge tax cuts to the ungodly greedy.

Everyone has received a tax cut, including you. What did you make of Obama doubling the national debt from $9 trillion to $20 trillion?

Our children will be indentured servants to rest of the world.

That was where we were headed under leftist rule. Trump has stopped that because he believes in US sovereignty and doesn't want us tired into a bunch of international agreements that did nothing for the US.

America was the biggest creditor nation in the world and now we are the biggest debtor nation in the world.

You don't know what you are talking about. This might explain how you are wrong and not properly understanding what is taking place:

Third world countries can’t hold a light to us. The nation with the greatest wealth has become the poorest nation on the face of the earth just like Trump’s casinos and airlines went bankrupt.

You really are crazy aren't you? We are not even close to what you are claiming, we are still one of the richest countries in the world, no one comes close to what we generate and create. No country exports as much oil and natural gas as the US. We are doing just fine if we can get our out of control socialist spending under control. We need to stop sending so much money to other counties that don't care about our best interests.

You really should study the history of the thirties when communism became a real political threat in America.

There is some actual truth from you.

Then you will see where these communists went, after communism got a bad name during the cold war.

Communism didn't get a bad rap, it created it's own bad rap by killing millions of people in the coutries where it was being used. Communism is responsible for almost 100 million deaths in the purges that followed it's rise.

These card-carrying communists became the new conservatives and founded a movement.

They turned their backs on communism because it's real aims had been exposed, they were lied to and millions died at the hands of communists spreading their lies.

The Republican party was completely decimated after they caused the Great Depression.

Sorry to tell you, but the GOP didn't start the Great Depression, more lies being told by a communist.

I know more about the establishment of the conservative movement than most living conservatives. I watched it take shape like an evil witches-brew of the greed of the ungodly greedy and those greedy for power. The people who are conservatives today are not those who have any interest in history or the origin of the modern conservative movement.

You are indeed out of your mind and crazy with pro-communist ideals. You pegged yourself when you tried to claim communism got a bad rap during the cold war. Yeah, bread lines and killing millions of people will cause that to happen and give you a bad rap.

I guess you chose to ignore the truth about communism when the Khrushchev Report was released.

Let’s call her by her real name, Alisa Zinovyevna Rosenbaum, so everyone will know she is from Russia.

Anyone who has read her books knows she's from Russia, she spoke out against Communism, plain and simple. It's why you spend so much time attacking her, she told the truth about communism and now she must be silenced and discredited. It's a tactic used to discredit people who speek the truth. Religious organizations do the same thing, it's nothing new.

Zinovyevna philosophy put forth in her book, Atlas Shrugged, is that the ungodly greedy are entitled to the wealth of the nation and the rest of the population of America should be happy with whatever crumbs they decide to throw their way.

That isn't even close to what she says. She says the people who are the wealth generators should be allowed to keep all of what they make, she wasn't a fan of welfare as she say it as nothing more than communism with another name. She didn't believe in forced charity as the leftists do.

“They are nothing but vicious animals”

Ayn Rand

Why do you leave out the import part of either speechs or court rulings?
Here's the entire portion of what you are being misleading about.
“I am older than you. Believe me, there is no other way to live on earth. Men are not open to truth or reason. They cannot be reached by a rational argument. The mind is powerless against them. Yet we have to deal with them. If we want to accomplish anything, we have to deceive them into letting us accomplish it. Or force them. They understand nothing else. We cannot expect their support for any endeavor of the intellect, for any goal of the spirit. They are nothing but vicious animals. They are greedy, self-indulgent, predatory dollar-chasers”

She was referring to the leftists and their wanton greed for other people's earnings and money.

That horrible abomination of a book has shaped the 30- year decline of the American middle class. Her book was a favorite of ungodly greedy who bought hundreds of copies and polluted America with them. This work of fiction did far more to destroy America than any foreign army. This work of fiction is considered the conservative bible. Didn’t I tell you people prefer fiction.

It laid bare the lies of socialism/communism. The only thing she destroyed was those who would change and destroy the US to make it look more like the failed USSR, much like you want to do.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Jan, 2020 02:40 pm
It was not what Zinovyevna (Rand) was against it was what she was for. She was one of the first advocates of absolute greedism. She believed that all of country’s wealth belonged to the top 1/100 of 1% and if they chose to spread some crumbs on the ground for the other 99.99%, they should be damn grateful for what they got.

You are still confused, it had nothing to do with thinking all the money in the world belonged to them, they wanted to keep what they had earned.

“They are nothing but vicious animals. They are greedy, self-indulgent, predatory, dollar chasers who …”

She was talking about the socialist/communist politicians who thought and still think all the money someone makes belongs to the govt and not the person who earned the money.

This is what she thought of average Americans.

But it is not only the wealth the beast of fields shouldn’t have it is any type of power, political or otherwise. After all horses are powerful and useful but “they are just beasts of the field.”

I can't help but think you have pulled this out of context, like you do with everything.

That nasty Russian b**** bought her boy friend home and told her husband if he did not like it, tough. She was the leader of a political cult. She hated socialism so much that she made damn sure to cash her social security checks.

This is surprising, I would have thought you were ok with womens rights and their ability to do with their bodies as they saw fit. If she decided to have an affair, that was her choice, who are you to talk against her, did it have an effect on your marriage? You are just being a nasty misogynist who wants to control women. What's wrong, did she forget her place as a wife?

She hated socialism so much that she made damn sure to cash her social security checks.

She was forced to pay into it, why shouldn't she get her own money back?

The guns already on the street are a massive market for criminals and the mentally ill because they don’t need background checks to buy them.

So what are is going to change when you force law biding gun owners to do more background checks? Nothing, the crooks will still have their guns, but legal gun owners will have to jump through hoops to maintain their 2nd Amendment Right.

We know there are huge major black markets for guns.

We don't actually know that, and the market is small because guns are legal. If you make guns illegal, then we will indeed have a major black market for guns.

WV is a major supplier for New York city. Criminals or the mentally ill that are blocked from buying a gun legally will always buy from a private-sources. People who not blocked from buying legally will buy legally while others will purchase guns for the criminals and mentally ill and then sell them in a private sale.

The problem is this is already federally illegal, you won't make the problem go away when you ban them, you will make the problem worse. How that war on drugs working out? Do you think the "war on guns" would be any better?

Now 75% of the people want to hear from the witnesses Trump blocked from the hearings and the Republicans have finally decided to break rank with 10-20 expected to vote to hear John Bolton.

That is another lie. If there were more people to be heard from, then the DNC shouldn't have voted for impeachment and should have gone to the SC to get a ruling. They failed to do their jobs, and now they want the Senate to do their job for them. The DNC has failed.

Boulton book already show Trump is lying through his teeth.

Wasn't that just perfect timing, the day Trump lawyers start to present their case, and there is another leak from another book... the American people aren't stupid, they see what the left is doing, and the DNC is going to pay for it in Nov when Trump is re-elected and they lose the House and the GOP gains seats in the Senate. We won't see a DNC president for at least 10 years if they don't step away from the extreme leftism.

Much of the Republican defense had nothing to do with Trump.

Because Trump didn't do anything wrong.

If you had tuned in at 4 PM you would have thought Hunter Biden was on trial. They could not say he did anything wrong but there might have given the appearance of something wrong. The republicans have an excellent chance to get rid of the senile old man and run someone else.

That's because Hunter and Joe Biden are crooks and should be under investigation. Have you seen Joe on the campaign trail? He isn't even close to a threat to Trump, Joe doesn't know where he is or who he is talking to most of the time, he just wants to sniff little girls hair.

ISIS had taken control of a good portion of Iraq and Syria and since Trump abandoned the Kurds that were fighting ISIS they will rebound.

ISIS is dead, they have been beaten and defeated, the Kurds have nothing to do now. ISIS will not be back, we killed their leader. You'd know that if the MSM was honest in their reporting.

They had to lie about video footage of a gun range and tell the American people it was video of the Kurds being bombed.

Never ever underestimate a religious cult far more people have died in the name of religion then for any other reason. Tell someone they are going to go heaven if they kill people and they will believe every word of it. ISIS took land faster than Hitler.

ISIS is dead, don't let the leftist media lie to you. They weren't even honest that it was Obama who allowed for the creation of ISIS when he pulled out of Iraq and left all those US weapons and vehicles behind.

ISIS built an army from scratch that was more powerful than many countries.

You mean the same group Obama called the JV team? You do realize everything ISIS has done took place while Obama was President. Trump has ended ISIS, Obama supported them.

Do you actually believe anything on YouTube?

That all depends on what I'm watching and who is presenting.

Have you seen some of the people that contribute to You Tube?

Yes I have, and a majority of the people I watch on Youtube are normal looking people, although I'm not sure what you are implying. You should check out Tim Pool or Jimmy Dore.

Hitler had nothing to do with the left whenever you see a dictator take control of a country it is right wing ideology.

You are 100% wrong, all dictators are leftists. In the left/right power struggle, if you want more and more control, you are a leftist.

Do you actually believe it should be open season on anyone visiting anyone?

I never said such a thing, why are you putting words in my mouth?

Zimmerman is a life long criminal with a long rap sheet who went hunting children.

You are lying again, he doesn't have a criminal record. If he did have one, the Obama DOJ wouldn't have cleared him of any wrong doing and given him his gun back. Criminals are not allowed to legally own a gun.

Notice Zimmerman doesn’t take on adults unless they are women.

I guess you missed the story I posted about some guy trying to shoot him and that guy getting thrown in jail...

Unfortunately, much of the information on the web is inaccurate and you are only as good as your sources

Is that your weak defense for being wrong about everything dealing with the case. Only you have all the correct info?

. Imagine if I used Fox News, nothing would be true.

You use Vox, and nothing they say is true, they are the biggest liars in "news" media. Did you see CNN had to pay the Catholic kid off to keep out of court?

It does not matter whether it was his uncle, his dad’s finance, his girlfriend, or his sister it should be free from child predators like Zimmerman.

It makes a big difference when you lie about the facts of the case, like you did for weeks until you were finally honest.

If it had been a white boy Zimmerman would be in jail today.

Wrong, it would have been the same result. The only difference is the nation as a whole would never have heard of Zimmerman because the media doesn't care when people of the same color kill each other. Why do you think "Black lives matter" except when it's blacks killing blacks, which is over 80% of deaths in the black community.

You must be talking about the quote “You do not have a right to any weapon whatsoever for any purpose whatsoever. You have since posted those very words.

What I did was post the entire quote which showed you were lying about the SC ruling, and you continue to lie about the ruling even after I have posted the entire quote. You lie by omission.

The people that require an arsenal are much like the Las Vegas mass murderer.

What's that suppose to mean? We have no idea why the Las Vegas shooter did what he did, the FBI looked for 2 years and couldn't find a motive. You seem to magically know what he was like and why he owned the the guns and did the shooting. Have you shared this info with the FBI?

The gun numbers: just 3% of American adults own a collective ...

More lies by omission I see. I can tell you are lying when you fail to post the entire claim or you post a partial of the article title. What that article says is that about 133 million firearms are owned by 3% of the population. That still leaves 400 million firearms unaccounted for in the article. Like I said, that number was a lie an I was right. You are pushing more propaganda as you lie about facts.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 28 Jan, 2020 11:02 pm
The policemen that set up the neighborhood watch made it very clear that the watch members are not being given police powers and they are not to follow people. They are there to watch only. The property owners reinforced that by also telling watch members not to follow people. In the report Zimmerman wrote the night he killed the child he wrote “The dispatcher told me not to follow the suspect and that an officer was in route.” It seems like even Zimmerman clearly understood what he was told but his urge to go child hunting was just too strong. Zimmerman had been following Martin in his car no doubt from the store. Zimmerman did not stop following Martin until he killed him.
Zimmerman did take his gun and played cop.
Martin went to the store to buy some Skittles and they were an exhibit in court. Martin was not following Zimmerman he just went to store.
It was Zimmerman that was hunting a child not the other way around.
The witness describes people running and shouting “no.” The voice shouting no was identified as Martin’s by his mother. Who do you think was chasing who? Who had a gun?
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Martin made a simple trip to store to buy candy it was Zimmerman that went after a child making a trip to buy candy. There is no other way to look at. Martin was not looking for Zimmerman.
Zimmerman reported that he had been following him in his car before he got out on foot to follow him.
The evidence you have is Zimmerman’s story the story of a known liar. If the evidence had supported Zimmerman’s story, he would not have been charged with murder to start with. They would have ruled it self-defense and not charged him with murder. Once the attorneys get involved it comes down to who has the best attorney.
Travon didn’t start the fight the witness says people were running with someone shouting no and that voice was Trayvon’s. This is result of a legalized murder law, called stand your ground law, it is just legalized child hunting.

Reply Wed 29 Jan, 2020 02:08 am
Zardoz wrote:
The policemen that set up the neighborhood watch made it very clear that the watch members are not being given police powers and they are not to follow people. They are there to watch only. The property owners reinforced that by also telling watch members not to follow people. In the report Zimmerman wrote the night he killed the child he wrote "The dispatcher told me not to follow the suspect and that an officer was in route." It seems like even Zimmerman clearly understood what he was told but his urge to go child hunting was just too strong. Zimmerman had been following Martin in his car no doubt from the store. Zimmerman did not stop following Martin until he killed him.

The evidence shows that Mr. Zimmerman stopped following Trayvon once the dispatcher advised him that it was a bad idea.

The confrontation did not occur until four minutes after Mr. Zimmerman halted his pursuit.

Zardoz wrote:
Zimmerman did take his gun and played cop.

Self defense is not playing cop.

Zardoz wrote:
Martin went to the store to buy some Skittles and they were an exhibit in court. Martin was not following Zimmerman he just went to store. It was Zimmerman that was hunting a child not the other way around.

The evidence shows that Trayvon came up to Mr. Zimmerman and violently assaulted him.

Zardoz wrote:
The witness describes people running and shouting "no." The voice shouting no was identified as Martin's by his mother. Who do you think was chasing who? Who had a gun?

The evidence shows that Trayvon came up to Mr. Zimmerman and violently assaulted him.

Zardoz wrote:
Martin made a simple trip to store to buy candy it was Zimmerman that went after a child making a trip to buy candy. There is no other way to look at. Martin was not looking for Zimmerman.

The evidence shows that Trayvon came up to Mr. Zimmerman and violently assaulted him.

Zardoz wrote:
The evidence you have is Zimmerman's story the story of a known liar.

The location of the confrontation is evidence.

The confrontation happened in the same spot where Mr. Zimmerman was located when the dispatcher advised him that pursuit was a bad idea.

This shows that Mr. Zimmerman ended his pursuit upon receiving that advice, and that the confrontation (four minutes after the pursuit had already ended) had to therefore be initiated by Trayvon approaching Mr. Zimmerman.

Zardoz wrote:
If the evidence had supported Zimmerman's story, he would not have been charged with murder to start with. They would have ruled it self-defense and not charged him with murder.

That is what originally happened.

Then progressives demanded to lynch an innocent person, and they sent in a corrupt prosecutor to file unjustified charges.

Zardoz wrote:
Travon didn't start the fight the witness says people were running with someone shouting no and that voice was Trayvon's.

The evidence shows that Trayvon came up to Mr. Zimmerman and violently assaulted him.

Zardoz wrote:
This is result of a legalized murder law, called stand your ground law, it is just legalized child hunting.

This case had nothing to do with stand your ground. Self defense is hardly murder. Self defense is not hunting.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Jan, 2020 12:12 am
Some Mustangs are even convertibles and soon there will be all wheel drive Mustangs but despite the differences they are all Mustangs. Just like assault weapons there may be differences but they all were designed for the same purpose, to massacre as many people as possible as fast as possible. Can semi-automatics massacre large amounts of people? We get that answer every time there is another massacre.
Assembly lines may run convertibles mustangs one day and the same assembly run hard tops the next day. The line is dedicated to mustangs but it has to accommodate the various options. There is no difference with assault weapons.
How many people took their bump-stocks and turned them in to ATF or destroyed them? The bump-stock ban is just an executive order not a law meaning it can be changed by executive order. So, no doubt the country is flooded with bump-stocks. Have you seen even one person sent to jail for possession of a bump-stock? And you are not going to. That is just wallpaper they have absolutely no intention of enforcing Trump’s executive order. If another massacre occurs using bump-stocks the mass murder will be charged but the penalty for murder is far more severe than for possession of a bump-stock. Meaning there is no penalty for possession of a bump-stock.
What the Pulse night club showed us was what was possible. Lindbergh showed us what was possible with an airplane and now thousands of planes make the trip from New York to Paris.
I don’t have to prove the rate of gun fire at the Pulse night club. The massacre was captured by security camera with sound recording. All they had to do was count the gun shots.
Even if your children are grown you will have grandchildren who will serve as targets for gun nuts.
The Texas church shooter could not have killed many more because he did not have the main ingredient for a massacre, an assault weapon. He had a shot gun and that was probably his only two shells.
The weapons of war now are far more efficient designed to massacre large amounts of people in record time.
The bootleggers running cars on Sunday afternoon gave away very quickly to a professional racing organization with factory backed cars. I lived through a lot of NASCAR history. We had a local track that had Grand National races. Richard Petty and Bobby Allison put on a good show. They let the pony cars run with the full-size cars. Petty was running away with the race in his Plymouth but had trouble lapping Allison. Finally, he pushed Allison out of the way. Allison came around and shook his fist at Petty pit crew. When Petty went to put another lap on Allison, Allison tried to shove him into the guard rail. Neither of them ever drove moonshine. By that time Junior Johnson was the only hold over that was a former moonshiner. Darlington was built in 1950 and started 75 cars in 25 rows of 3. Darlington in the 50s was where a local driver named Paul Spencer drove his car to Darlington to race in the 500. By 60s stock cars were being professionally engineered by the big three and no local drivers had a chance to compete any longer. NASCAR became a multi-million-dollar business.

I still have almost every issue of Stock Car Racing magazine for 15 or twenty years.

That looks like a nice car. Pontiacs won a lot of races in NASCAR in the 60s.
All you need do is modify the semi-automatic version.
I watched a shootout with the police on Body Cam and the guy was armed with an M-4 he pinned the police down for hours. It took an armored car to take him out.
It is only an executive order that bans the bump-stocks meaning it will disappear quietly when the public is not paying attention. Trump already abolished hundreds of executive orders.
The point was that the AR-15 was not modified but it was still extremely deadly. The military is now discovering that the M-16 may be more effective in single shot mode.
If these were single kills it might not be as big a problem but the massacres are now up to 50-60 people an incident and we know the record will soon be broken. The people doing the massacres kill just to watch people die. If you don’t pay your drug dealer and he kills you that is one thing but being killed simply for going to school or a rock concert is another thing.
There is only one solution take the weapons designed for massacres off the streets.
You of course mean like abortion that women should be able to control their bodily functions without the government dictating to them. If I deed you 100 acres of my 5000-acre farm you are saying you are entitled to all 5,000 acres. That is what you are doing with the second amendment that only gives you a right to an arm to bear it does not say all present and future weapons. The writing is extremely clear as long as you have an arm to bear you have your full second amendment rights.
That is exactly why the statement cannot be infringed was included in the second amendment and no other amendment. You have to understand it in the context it was written. At the time it was written Indians were a problem and people hunted to feed their families. Take away a man’s right to bear an arm and not only would the man die but his family would also. None of the rights was meant to be infringed but the second amendment was a special case. Now the Indians have gone to reservations and nobody hunts to feed a family.
There will always be limits on rights because there will always be conflicts where the exercise of one man’s rights will violate another man’s rights.
I fully understand why the country was founded. You have to live in the real world because overthrowing the government is an impossibility. We are living under King Trump now that’s about as authoritarian as we have ever had. I had history but I have learned far more about history by reading because it seems many things are left out of history books.

You can hardly compare freedom of a market place to freedom to control your own bodily functions. The government has always controlled the market place but it hasn’t always controlled a woman bodily-functions. Not being able to buy a bump-stock can’t be compared to forcing a woman to have a child she does not want and can’t possibly feed. They have forced so many drug addicts to have babies that can never function right and will cost taxpayers million of dollars each to keep alive. But every conservative that voted to abolish abortion will be outraged when his taxes are raised to support the children of the drug addicts.

Reply Thu 30 Jan, 2020 06:52 am
Zardoz wrote:
Some Mustangs are even convertibles and soon there will be all wheel drive Mustangs but despite the differences they are all Mustangs. Just like assault weapons there may be differences but they all were designed for the same purpose, to massacre as many people as possible as fast as possible.

Assault weapons have been very tightly restricted for the past 85 years. People are also only allowed to have them if they were manufactured and registered more than 33 years ago. No assault weapon has ever been used in a massacre in the US.

The only things that are useful for massacring people that are easily available to the public are large detachable magazines.

Zardoz wrote:
Can semi-automatics massacre large amounts of people?

The lethality depends on whether they are long guns and on the size of the magazines that are used.

Zardoz wrote:
Assembly lines may run convertibles mustangs one day and the same assembly run hard tops the next day. The line is dedicated to mustangs but it has to accommodate the various options. There is no difference with assault weapons.

Assault weapons have been very tightly restricted for the past 85 years. People are also only allowed to have them if they were manufactured and registered more than 33 years ago. No assault weapon has ever been used in a massacre in the US.

Zardoz wrote:
How many people took their bump-stocks and turned them in to ATF or destroyed them? The bump-stock ban is just an executive order not a law meaning it can be changed by executive order. So, no doubt the country is flooded with bump-stocks.

I have considerable doubts.

Zardoz wrote:
Have you seen even one person sent to jail for possession of a bump-stock? And you are not going to. That is just wallpaper they have absolutely no intention of enforcing Trump's executive order. If another massacre occurs using bump-stocks the mass murder will be charged but the penalty for murder is far more severe than for possession of a bump-stock. Meaning there is no penalty for possession of a bump-stock.

The penalty is a mandatory 10 years in federal prison.

Zardoz wrote:
What the Pulse night club showed us was what was possible. Lindbergh showed us what was possible with an airplane and now thousands of planes make the trip from New York to Paris.

The shooter at the pulse night club used large detachable rifle magazines.

Zardoz wrote:
I don't have to prove the rate of gun fire at the Pulse night club.

If you don't support your claims, then your claims will have no credibility.

Zardoz wrote:
The massacre was captured by security camera with sound recording. All they had to do was count the gun shots.

That rate of fire was the result of having large detachable magazines.

Zardoz wrote:
The Texas church shooter could not have killed many more because he did not have the main ingredient for a massacre, an assault weapon. He had a shot gun and that was probably his only two shells.

No massacre in the united states has ever been committed with an assault weapon. The main ingredients for massacres are large detachable magazines.

Zardoz wrote:
The weapons of war now are far more efficient designed to massacre large amounts of people in record time.

Weapons of war have been very tightly restricted for the past 85 years. People are also only allowed to have them if they were manufactured and registered more than 33 years ago. No weapon of war has ever been used in a massacre in the US.

The only things that are useful for massacring people that are easily available to the public are large detachable magazines.

Zardoz wrote:
That looks like a nice car. Pontiacs won a lot of races in NASCAR in the 60s.

Shame on Barack Obama for murdering Pontiac. Of all of the bad things that he did, that is probably the worst.

Zardoz wrote:
All you need do is modify the semi-automatic version.

That can be said of any gun that has ever been made.

Zardoz wrote:
I watched a shootout with the police on Body Cam and the guy was armed with an M-4 he pinned the police down for hours. It took an armored car to take him out.

It sounds like he might have had large magazines.

Zardoz wrote:
The point was that the AR-15 was not modified but it was still extremely deadly.

It's only that deadly when there is a large magazine inserted into it.

It's no deadlier than many other rifles would be with that same large magazine inserted into them.

Zardoz wrote:
The military is now discovering that the M-16 may be more effective in single shot mode.

The US military already fully understands the M-16.

Zardoz wrote:
If these were single kills it might not be as big a problem but the massacres are now up to 50-60 people an incident and we know the record will soon be broken. The people doing the massacres kill just to watch people die. If you don't pay your drug dealer and he kills you that is one thing but being killed simply for going to school or a rock concert is another thing.
There is only one solution take the weapons designed for massacres off the streets.

The only things that are on the streets that are useful for massacres are large detachable magazines.

When you focus on harmless weapons like a semi-auto-only AR-15, you undermine efforts to deal with those magazines.

You are wrong however about such restrictions being the only solution. It is possible that red flag laws and tighter background checks will solve the problem without any need for magazine restrictions.

Zardoz wrote:
If I deed you 100 acres of my 5000-acre farm you are saying you are entitled to all 5,000 acres. That is what you are doing with the second amendment that only gives you a right to an arm to bear it does not say all present and future weapons. The writing is extremely clear as long as you have an arm to bear you have your full second amendment rights.

The Second Amendment protects our right to have any weapon that there is no compelling government interest in restricting.

Zardoz wrote:
That is exactly why the statement cannot be infringed was included in the second amendment and no other amendment. You have to understand it in the context it was written. At the time it was written Indians were a problem and people hunted to feed their families. Take away a man's right to bear an arm and not only would the man die but his family would also.

The Framers had the option of protecting people with a standing army.

Zardoz wrote:
Now the Indians have gone to reservations and nobody hunts to feed a family.

Plenty of people still hunt for food.

Zardoz wrote:
There will always be limits on rights because there will always be conflicts where the exercise of one man's rights will violate another man's rights.

Limits on a fundamental right are allowed only when those limits can be justified as serving a compelling government interest.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 30 Jan, 2020 11:09 pm
Selling body parts is not a bodily function. Government maintains extensive control over the market place even inspecting food before it is sold. Pregnancy long preceded the Constitution by thousands of years. The Founding Fathers were very careful to make sure that church and state were separate and that religious cults could not make religious beliefs the law of the land. The antiabortion movement is led by the religious cults to impose their belief system on the rest of the country by law. The founding fathers did not want religious cults to rule for good reason someone who believes in fairy tales has a problem to start with. If anything, ever violated the separation between church and state this does. You still can’t speak English it is a fetus and only after it is born does it become a baby. Using the wrong terminology causes a lot of the problem.
Abortions can be done with pills now without a medical procedure. I don’t know of one single person who ever had abortion. I had some cousins who got pregnant in their early teens but they simply went to unwed mother’s home and put their babies up for adoption. Pregnancy does a lot of damage to a young girl’s body and they should have had abortions but they were Catholic. The orders in Catholic Hospitals were to let the mother die if it would save the baby. Abstinence is the only birth control that does fail sometime.
It isn’t a strawman people have a right to pursuit of happiness. It seems like happiness is killing as many people as possible as fast possible. Why should driving be privilege, if it makes you happy it is a right. BTW privilege is defined as a right.
Pursuit of happiness is a right and driving at 120 mph makes a lot of people very happy. Right incase a lot more than you realize.
Massacres are also illegal but it has never stopped anyone.
The law on bump-stocks has not changed there is only an executive order that can be eliminated in an instant. It looks like few if any bump-stocks have been turned in.

www.vagazette.com › news › va-vg-bump-stocks-0503-story

After Feds ban bump stocks, none turned into local police ...

www.vagazette.com › news › va-vg-bump-stocks-0503-story
1. Cached
May 3, 2019 - On the national level, the ATF has decided not to track the number of bump stocks turned into its offices for disposal, according to Washington ...
The reason this definition works is you don’t have to guess why the victims were killed. Was it a bank robbery, murder suicide, road rage, maybe they thought they were shooting aliens from mars? There is only one thing that matters the number of people killed and wounded. The only reason you would like to have 2,000 categories is by dividing them up it would hide the problem.
The cases in court are being ruled that way. You can get in a fight go back to your car and get your gun and shoot all kinds of people and be found innocent based on the stand your ground law. You can even shoot people that you were not fighting with. It is open season your pride has been injured.

www.dailymail.co.uk › news › article-7871461 › Ex-student-pleads-g...

Student pleads guilty in shooting death on Northern Arizona ...

www.dailymail.co.uk › news › article-7871461 › Ex-student-pleads-g...
1. Cached
Jan 9, 2020 - A former Northern Arizona University student has admitted to fatally ... to face a second murder trial, after his first trial in 2017 ended in a hung jury. ... initially stoked fears of a mass shooting at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff. ... got ENGAGED in 2018 after ending five-year romance with Jack Antonoff.
Seven of the top ten worst massacres of all times occurred after the assault weapon ban expired. That is no coincidence. It had a huge effect on massacres. And the other thee on the top ten massacre list took place before the assault weapon ban took effect in 1994. None of the top 10 massacres took place during the ten years the assault weapon were banned. That is an unrefuted fact.
The constitution only guarantees you that you will have an arm to bear not any weapon whatsoever.
If there was a big outcry from the gun nut crowd over the assault weapon ban why did the gun manufactures not take it to court? Because they knew they would lose.


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