The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Tue 21 Jan, 2020 01:55 pm
No that is a very good example of one person’s freedoms being limited because it violates the freedoms of others. You don’t think serial killers should be entitled to the pursuit of their happiness.

No one has ever been free to kill people, that isn't how it works and you are once again twisting what rights mean.

The $20,000 is an effective ban that puts those weapons out of the reach of most mass murderers.

You assume most mass murderers are poor people, the very people you claim to champion? This proves the left doesn't care about people, they care about power. Why only let the rich, who you despise, have the guns?

If I have a thousand acres and I give you one acre that does not mean that you get the other 999 acres.

The difference between Rights on land, is that no one gives us our rights, they already exist and can't be taken away. Until you understand this ideal of freedom, you can't even begin to understand what liberty and our Constitution really stands for. It's very unpatriotic of you to think the govt grants us anything, it makes you a authoritarian, which isn't about the people, it's about power.

There has been some really bad information out there about the second amendment.

Yes, and it's been handed out by the anti-gun crowd, the anti-free and anti-liberty crowd. It amazes me how you can read the Constitution, the Bill of Rights and The Declaration of Independence and still be a leftists.

The second amendment is not complex it simply says you have a right to keep and bear arms.

It also says the right to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed, which is exactly what anti-gun groups are doing. Infringing on the 2nd Amendment with their lies about where our Rights come from.

If you have an arm to bear the second amendment has been fully met. You are not entitled to the other 999 acres.

Once again, the govt doesn't grant us our rights like you want to grant land, that is not the concept developed and implemented by the Founding Fathers.

That study has been totally debunked and the real figure is estimated at 100.000, most likely 99,000 involving drug dealers protecting their stash.

More claims with no facts to back them up.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Jan, 2020 12:23 am
Hysterical liberals overreact over a couple of shootings over the weekend? Really? Even one human death is a terrible tragedy let alone 50 at a time. The murder affects not only the person that is killed but all of their family, children, spouses, parents, grandparents and grandchildren. The affect of one single murder is multiplied 10-fold.
Gun nuts however think no more of victims of massacres than if some flies had been swatted. All that matters is going bang, bang, with their guns. Gun nuts have no empathy or good sense. How could you possibly not think a mass shooting was not a terrible tragedy? That is why there is a debate about gun control the gun nuts don’t value human life.
I had no trouble with that link both show the design capabilities of the AR-15 and why it should have never been legal to start with. In the one the guy fired over 800 rounds before the barrel melted down.
That clearly shows the design capability of the AR-15 that is what they are designed to do. They can be easily modified to do just that.
A bump stock is only one of many ways to modify an AR-15.
We will let someone else keep score you might be a bit biased.
All you had to was count the number of rounds being fired in 10 seconds and multiply by 6 and you would have the rate of fire. The problem the rounds are being fired so incredibly fast you can’t possibly count them.
You really don’t believe that a law professor at a major university does not know what he is talking about? Once the local 598 case was decided by the WV supreme court it is the law. When the county attorney tells the EMS employees that is illegal for public employees to unionize, he is lying. The 598-case set the law in respect to public employees.
Seeing is believing and you can watch that video and it removes all doubt about the rate of fire.
The only possible interpretation of “shall not be infringed” is you can not take the right to bear an arm from any mass murderer, serial killer or the mentally ill. The right to keep and bear arms is not changed in any way by that statement. There have been several recent court cases making that very argument. The mentally ill just can’t wait to get their AR-15s and they will be coming to a school near you for target practice.
But it is in the second amendment. When you are granted a right to keep and bear arms it clearly means that is not any weapon whatsoever for any purpose whatsoever.
You have 5 million NRA members and 325 million Americans who want to protect their families from weapons of war. It looks like the odds are pretty good to change the constitution. Even if the constitution is not changed state and local laws can are being changed.
So far, the cases bought to enforce the “cannot be infringed” section of the second amendment have been unsuccessful but when a judge strictly interprets the second amendment the mentally will be given back their AR-15s when they leave the mental institution. That clause was inserted so there would be no due process when it came to the second amendment.
Most people get over illnesses but the gun rights are stripped for life that have a mental illness but not from those who have a physical illness. A kid that steals a car for a joy ride has his gun rights taken for life. There is no due process or appeal. Many states are now restoring the voting rights of criminals.
I am a realist and a student of history. We were a minor country until relatively recently only after WWII did America become a hyperpower and that had more to do with the movement of wealth and decimation of Europe and United Kingdom during WWII. We will probably be the shortest-lived hyperpower in history. History shows us that the ungodly greedy will always destroy a hyperpower. We are already way to far along that path for this country to be saved.
Reagan deeply admired the communists he made a known communist spy that gave the Nazis and the communists our top-secret plans for our battle ships and bombers. Reagan awarded him the highest civilian honor, equivalent to medal honor. The Republicans celebrated the spy’s birthday in the Whitehouse in the baby Bush Whitehouse. The conservative philosophy that is destroying America today came from a Russian screen writer. Reagan admired the communists and America because they were responsible for the Republicans return to power after they caused the Great Depression and the Great Depression made the communist a powerful political force in America.
The dollars spent on healthcare are there today. Healthcare is not an option like buying a new car. When someone needs health
care they are going to get it. They may well go bankrupt after the partial pay health insurance that they are paying $20,000 a year for figures out how to keep from paying most of the bill. There is no health insurance available in America anymore. You have copay insurance policies that at best pay 80%. Have a wife with breast cancer the bill is $500,000 your share is a $100,000. If it recurs a million won’t touch it. So now that you have been paying $20,000 for insurance and you are $100,000 in debt. Bankruptcy is your only option. One of the SOB that was responsible for eliminating our health insurance and replacing it with 80% junk policy stood in front of a city council meeting in tears because his wife’s breast cancer returned and he was bankrupted. Poetic just and he made far more than we did.

The money is already being spent it is just a matter of redirecting it so it isn’t wasted. The city pays $10 million for junk insurance all you need to do is instead of giving the money to insurance companies pay it in a health care tax and you would have something where the CEO of health insurance company making $8 million a year was not trying to figure out how to keep from paying for your health care. The health insurance companies have panels that try to figure out ways to keep from paying claims. These are the real death panels. They say we are not denying care we are just denying payment. They know their problems will go away because they are going to die without treatment. You can appeal but you are likely to die first. It is not personal it is just business the CEO needs a raise.
That is one of the absolute biggest lies ever told. That is what conservatism was based on one lie after another. When you give the ungodly greedy huge tax cuts, they don’t spend it in America it is invested where ever they can make the most money and they can make far more overseas. This one of the primary things that destroy a hyperpower. The ungodly greedy used the money to move our manufacturing base overseas. The ungodly greedy always chase the highest return on their money. In the 60s when the tax rate was 93% the only way the ungodly greedy could keep their money was to invest in America that gave them tax deductions. Look at all the empty manufacturing buildings now that were working businesses when Regan cut the ungodly greedy’s taxes America was a different place. We lost whole industries.

If you want to use tax cuts to increase spending you cut the taxes on the middle class who will spend every penny in America and it will turn over 5 or 6 times. Just another $2 million in the ungodly greedy bank account does nothing. The ungodly greedy already had all the money they could ever spend. What do they do with the extra money? To buy politicians of course and to get even more money in a vicious cycle.
The spending can be done with a proper tax structure and the debt can be paid off at the same time. We did that up until Reagan the debt was paid down for thirty years. It is not the spending it has been the 87% tax that the ungodly greedy have used to buy the crooked politicians. The huge tax cuts for the ungodly greedy have given us the most corrupt government on the face of the earth. We have the best government you can “buy.”
I still haven’t debunked that number but when we have massacres with 50 people killed and we have several a year just the major massacres would far exceed that number. The number may have been cherry picked in a year that there were fewer massacres but what we do know is the massacres are getting more frequent.
Anything from the NRA is a lie they are in business to lie much like Fox News. The FBI statics have been cherry picked and even if we accept that figure 297 people it is a huge tragedy.
Reply Wed 22 Jan, 2020 02:17 am
Zardoz wrote:
I had no trouble with that link both show the design capabilities of the AR-15 and why it should have never been legal to start with.

There is no justification for outlawing ordinary hunting rifles like the AR-15.

Zardoz wrote:
The problem the rounds are being fired so incredibly fast you can't possibly count them.

No one can aim usefully while firing a semi-auto that fast.

Zardoz wrote:
The only possible interpretation of "shall not be infringed" is you can not take the right to bear an arm from any mass murderer, serial killer or the mentally ill.

Strict Scrutiny is another possible interpretation.

Zardoz wrote:
When you are granted a right to keep and bear arms it clearly means that is not any weapon whatsoever for any purpose whatsoever.

The Second Amendment does not grant a right. It protects a preexisting right that we've had for thousands of years.

That right covers any weapon that there is no compelling government interest in restricting.

Zardoz wrote:
You have 5 million NRA members and 325 million Americans who want to protect their families from weapons of war. It looks like the odds are pretty good to change the constitution.

The odds of repealing the Second Amendment are zero.

Zardoz wrote:
Even if the constitution is not changed state and local laws can are being changed.

The Supreme Court can strike those laws down.

Not many states or localities are going to allow progressives to impose unconstitutional bans on ordinary hunting rifles like the AR-15.

Zardoz wrote:
I still haven't debunked that number but when we have massacres with 50 people killed and we have several a year just the major massacres would far exceed that number. The number may have been cherry picked in a year that there were fewer massacres but what we do know is the massacres are getting more frequent.

That number comes directly from the FBI.

2018 was chosen because that is the most recent year (as of right now) that the FBI publishes data for.


Zardoz wrote:
Anything from the NRA is a lie they are in business to lie much like Fox News.

No one can provide any examples of the NRA saying something that isn't true.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 22 Jan, 2020 02:22 pm
Hysterical liberals overreact over a couple of shootings over the weekend? Really?

Yep, hysterical leftists is what it should have said. I guess you didn't bother to read the actual article that you posted. He was making fun of how you leftists lie about what certain types of guns do in order to make them sound worse then they are.

Even one human death is a terrible tragedy let alone 50 at a time.

You don't care about people dying, you care about the power you will get from changing the Constitution. "Getting upset" about shooting deaths is nothing more than virtue signaling. If you cared about people dying, you wouldn't want to disarm the entire nation because of a couple of crazy people going crazy.

Gun nuts however think no more of victims of massacres than if some flies had been swatted.

The problem with your line of debate, is you think all gun owners are gun nuts and they all act the same. You would be completely wrong, and the 2A rally in VA this week proves my point. Not one single act of violence by a person with a gun, no arrests and they even cleaned up after themselves, unlike leftists protesters/rally attendees. Did you see the after shots from the "Women's March"? They left a mess everywhere, not a single clean space when those leftists were gone.

All that matters is going bang, bang, with their guns. Gun nuts have no empathy or good sense. How could you possibly not think a mass shooting was not a terrible tragedy? That is why there is a debate about gun control the gun nuts don’t value human life.

400 million guns in the US, what you claim about gun owners isn't true, if it was there would be far many more gun murders. The vast vast majority of gun owners are peaceful people who have a deep respect for human life and gun safety. Your claims mean nothing in the real world, only in the anti-gun world. You have zero facts to back up your claims, it more propaganda and it's bombastic.

I had no trouble with that link both show the design capabilities of the AR-15 and why it should have never been legal to start with.

The problem wasn't with the link, it was with the lies you are pushing.

In the one the guy fired over 800 rounds before the barrel melted down.

With a now illegal bump stock... that isn't how the semi-auto rifle is meant to be fired. You won't find any marketing info that pushes this 800 or 900 round per minute fire rate, it isn't physically possible to do.

That clearly shows the design capability of the AR-15 that is what they are designed to do. They can be easily modified to do just that.

Wrong, having a bump stock attached is the gun working outside of it's designed parameters, that's why they had to cheat and add a bump stock. As has been noted but you ignore, it is illegal to modify any semi-auto rifle to fire full auto. You have also failed to prove "how easy it is". You keep making the claim but fail to prove.

A bump stock is only one of many ways to modify an AR-15.

It is illegal to own a bump stock and it is illegal to modify semi-auto rifles. No mass shootings have taken place with a modified rifle.

We will let someone else keep score you might be a bit biased.

Me biased? I provide actual proof of my claims, not just words. I tell the truth you lie.

All you had to was count the number of rounds being fired in 10 seconds and multiply by 6 and you would have the rate of fire. The problem the rounds are being fired so incredibly fast you can’t possibly count them.

That isn't how it works, no one can maintain that level of fire with just their finger. That's why it's impossible for a semi-auto rifle to fire as fast as you claim, not to mention the reload which also slows down the rate of fire.

The problem the rounds are being fired so incredibly fast you can’t possibly count them.

This is where you start adjusting your first lies to align with your new lies.

You really don’t believe that a law professor at a major university does not know what he is talking about?

When it comes to guns and gun crime, no. They are educated dummies who have spent their days hiding in academia and have no real experience in what they study.

Once the local 598 case was decided by the WV supreme court it is the law. When the county attorney tells the EMS employees that is illegal for public employees to unionize, he is lying. The 598-case set the law in respect to public employees.

There should be no unions for govt employees of any level. Unions should only exist in the private sector.

The only possible interpretation of “shall not be infringed” is you can not take the right to bear an arm from any mass murderer, serial killer or the mentally ill.

Of course that's what you want it to mean, what it actually means is that the govt shouldn't be able to create any law preventing law biding citizens from obtaining and owning a gun.

The right to keep and bear arms is not changed in any way by that statement.

Of course it shouldn't be, but you anti-gun authoritarian type people seek to control what can and can't be owned by the general public.

There have been several recent court cases making that very argument.

Which ones are those? Centainly not Heller or McDonald, those disagree with just about everything you think about the 2nd Amendment.

The mentally ill just can’t wait to get their AR-15s and they will be coming to a school near you for target practice.

There are laws preventing this from happening.

But it is in the second amendment. When you are granted a right to keep and bear arms it clearly means that is not any weapon whatsoever for any purpose whatsoever.

Our rights are not granted by the govt, you need to stop spreading this lie.

You have 5 million NRA members and 325 million Americans who want to protect their families from weapons of war.

Sorry to tell you, but your 325 million, is the entire popultion of the US, and they don't all agree with you. There is also more than the NRA when it comes to gun rights groups, the NRA is just the most well known, but there are several.

It looks like the odds are pretty good to change the constitution. Even if the constitution is not changed state and local laws can are being changed.

No, you don't even have close to the bare minimum needed to change the Constitution and those state laws you are referring to are going to be challenged and they will lose. The 2nd Amendment will prevail.

So far, the cases bought to enforce the “cannot be infringed” section of the second amendment have been unsuccessful

Heller and McDonald disagree with your assessment.

but when a judge strictly interprets the second amendment the mentally will be given back their AR-15s when they leave the mental institution.

That isn't how this is going to work. You can't infringe on the general public with unspecific laws. Targeting mentally ill people and criminals isn't against the 2nd Amendment or the Constitution.

Most people get over illnesses but the gun rights are stripped for life that have a mental illness but not from those who have a physical illness.

What kind of pointless point are you trying to make?

A kid that steals a car for a joy ride has his gun rights taken for life. There is no due process or appeal.

That isn't the case, it only happens if they are charged as an adult and with a felony. If they are charged with a misdemeanor, it doesn't effect their ability to own a gun.

You are proving a point that you don't even understand the laws that are in effect, how are you going to add more laws that you don't understand? Anti-gun people are the dumbest people.

Many states are now restoring the voting rights of criminals.

That's because the DNC is desperate to continue to win elections. They can't win with people who can vote, so they try to extend it to criminals and kids and illegal immigrants. They can't win with the general population of the US, they are starting to see the extremism of the leftists and it scares them, it's scaring them into the Right of Center camp.

I am a realist and a student of history.

You are neither of those things. History is one of your weakest area's so you turn to propaganda history, not real American History. You and Howard Zinn are 2 peas from the same pod.

We were a minor country until relatively recently only after WWII did America become a hyperpower

Recently... you mean 70 years ago? We have been the only real super power since the USSR collapsed in the late 80's and early 90's. Your favored country lost the cold war thanks to Ronald Reagan.

and that had more to do with the movement of wealth and decimation of Europe and United Kingdom during WWII.

Wow, one of the few things you have gotten correct about US history.

We will probably be the shortest-lived hyperpower in history.

It's been 70 years and the only country that looks to take the super power mantel is China. Another communist country that I'm sure you think is doing a good job for it's people...

History shows us that the ungodly greedy will always destroy a hyperpower. We are already way to far along that path for this country to be saved.

No, that isn't what history shows us. It shows us that socialism and communism have destroyed strong countries and made them weak. It only brings starvation and death to it's population. This has never happened in a capitalistic country. Venezuela is a perfect example of the destruction brought about by socialism, it used to be one of the richest and power countries in south America, now it's a shadow of it's former self and the people are dying.

Reagan deeply admired the communists he made a known communist spy that gave the Nazis and the communists our top-secret plans for our battle ships and bombers. Reagan awarded him the highest civilian honor, equivalent to medal honor. The Republicans celebrated the spy’s birthday in the Whitehouse in the baby Bush Whitehouse. The conservative philosophy that is destroying America today came from a Russian screen writer. Reagan admired the communists and America because they were responsible for the Republicans return to power after they caused the Great Depression and the Great Depression made the communist a powerful political force in America.

That's a nice alternative history you have written out here, good thing not a single word of it was true or eve real. The propaganda you push is funny.

The dollars spent on healthcare are there today. Healthcare is not an option like buying a new car. When someone needs health
care they are going to get it.

You do realize that there is a difference between healthcare and health insurance?

They may well go bankrupt after the partial pay health insurance that they are paying $20,000 a year for figures out how to keep from paying most of the bill. There is no health insurance available in America anymore.

Insurance only costs as much as it costs because of govt regulations and no other reasons. You can look at the cost of "unregulated" medical procedures like boob jobs and elective plastic surgery and see how a lack of regulation has caused the tech to improve and the cost to fall drastically from what the original costs were. Regulation only makes things more expensive and doesn't encourage what you want to take place.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2020 12:19 am
The longest journey begins with the first step. You can never solve a big problem all at once. You need to solve a problem in small steps. The biggest problem with gun violence is massacres. The terrorist impact of massacres far exceeds the body count. You can see that in how every school in nation must devote precious resources to hardening schools and massacre drills.

Massacres are the easiest part of the gun problem to solve. Simply banning assault weapons and confiscating the assault weapons now on the streets will all but put an end to massacres. After New Zeeland banned assault weapons, they put a stop to the major massacres.
We can put a stop to massacres in America by voting all of the crooked politicians taking the gun manufacturers’ money out of office and banning assault weapons. If you don’t have the right tool for the job it doesn’t get done.
The supreme court has ruled “you do not have a right to any weapon whatsoever for any purpose whatsoever.” And that is a strict interpretation of the second amendment as written. The second amendment simply gives you a right to bear arms and as long as you have an arm bear you have everything that the second amendment granted to you.

Any sheriff who refuses to enforce the law can be removed from office for malfeasance. Sheriffs are some of highest paid politicians in the country because they are paid on a percentage of taxes collected. While the sheriffs might talk the talk after the first few were removed from office the others would fall in line. If sheriffs could simply decide what laws they would enforce and what laws they would not enforce the sheriffs would be more powerful than the legislature. If they want to give up a $400,000 a year job and go back to making $20,000 a year more power to them but someone will take those jobs and enforce the law as written.

Virginia has had several massacres and people no longer want to live in a war zone. If you want an assault weapon join the military and they will give you one.

The gun laws are constitutional I don’t know how much clearer the supreme court can make. The supreme court decides what is constitutional not the gun manufacturers. Basically, there is no such thing as an unconstitutional gun law as long as you have an arm to bear.
The only motive in most of the massacres in Americas is to kill as many people as possible as fast as possible. Most mass murderers are not political junkies with big political goals, there are a few exceptions but most just enjoy watching people die. There have been terrorist acts from the extremes on both left and right but they never intended to just massacre people and the death toll in those incidents was a tiny fraction of a massacre.
To most people fire crackers sound very close to gun shots. There have been massacres in malls recently it would be far better to run from fire crackers then find yourself face to face with a mass murderer and his AR-15. An ounce prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Suicides are often a permanent solution to a temporary problem. After I was first married, I got into an argument with my wife she was so upset she grabbed a bottle of pills and took all the pills. I don’t even remember what the fight was about but it was minor. A trip to hospital to get her stomach pumped and she was fine. If there had been a gun in the house, she would have died 48 years ago. She never had any desire to commit suicide since. She was young and it was an impulse.

Let’s change the situation to a house where there was a gun. One of guys at work was on vacation in Myrtle Beach when he got a call that his son committed suicide. He was young and had a fight with his girl-friend, then he took his dad’s shotgun and blew his head off. When they came home, they had to scrape his brains off of the ceiling. Another friend’s son did the same thing. Then there are those that if you don’t succeed and only blow off half their head do it again. I know of a couple that made a complete mess of themselves.

You can always find something else where more people were killed. There were 60 million people killed in WWII but that does not mean we should not try to do anything about incidents where fewer people were killed. That is much like the idiot’s defense when the guy is caught, he lists several other people who have committed worse crimes than he has and have not been arrested. I always told them I don’t have them but I have you and you are going to jail.
Social media has got many people fired. There is an old saying, it is better to be quiet and thought a fool then to open one’s mouth and remove all doubt. Some people don’t have a filter and whatever pops into their mind they write on social media. We had a woman that had a high paying government job she started posting that Michell Obama was an ape. She no longer has a high paying government. Teachers who are openly racist don’t last long. The police department had a policy that you could not post on social media. I ignored it because I was not posting locally and it was under a screen name. I have been posting for twenty years. I was banned from a couple local boards because my opinions were not popular with local politicians. At one point I told them I don’t know where all the bodies are buried but I do know which way they were headed when they left city hall.

There is no freedom between your employer and you, that is only between the government and you. As an employee you are a representative of your employer’s business when your conduct hurt’s your employer’s business they will retaliate.
Not all websites are same but there are web sites that are devoted to mass murder and where the FMMA (Future Mass Murders of America) gather to read the manifestos of past mass murderers. It is where they discuss their feeling and profess their admiration of those legendry mass murderers who have died a heroes’ death. Just as the internet radicalized the terrorist is doing the same for mass murderers.
The Las Vegas massacre is not an isolated event there are many others. The Las Vegas shooter just showed the budding mass murderers what could be done with a little planning. The other potential mass murderers are learning and shooting for the record.
There is a difference between your gun rights and what you imagine your gun rights are.
At one time you could buy dynamite at a hardware store. If you had a tree trunk you wanted removed you put a few sticks of dynamite under it and blew it out of the ground. You had millions of people who lawfully used dynamite. The problem was if you didn’t like your neighbor you just put a few sticks under the floor board of his car and it took care of the problem. Car bombings were about as frequent as people shot with AR-15s today. You can make a bomb but it was much easier to just use dynamite.
Breaking it down hides the problem. The magnitude of gun violence is problem but it will only be solved one piece at a time.
You have to admit that massacres are a problem. America was not always that way with the advent in mass distribution of assault weapons America has changed for the worse.
Massacre are the easiest portion of gun violence to solve. The solution is simple and within reach. I, only reported the facts from history. It is a very simple equation and occurs every time the rich manage to steal 99% of a country wealth. The ungodly greedy are far from innocent they used money to buy are political system and rip the rest of us off and they will continue till there is nothing left to steal and a bloody revolution is the only choice. That is hardly original it is just the teachings of history. Some of the ungodly greedy are divesting themselves of all their wealth because they know what history has instore.
There are a number people who want to put a stop to massacres.
The actual Heller decision is 25 pages long but the relevant parts are all that is necessary. The heller decision was a bout a gun permit but the decision also laid the frame work for all of the state and local laws that banned assault weapons. When it says you are not entitled to any weapon whatsoever it allows state and local jurisdictions to establish laws.
You are the one complaining about all the murders in Chicago and now you want to poor gasoline on the fire. The simple fact is more guns in Chicago the more murders. That 2010 decision explains why the Chicago’s murder rate has skyrocketed.

The Chicago case was remanded back to the court of appeals meaning it does not bind the supreme court because it is court of appeals decision. It in no way changes the supreme court decision that you are not entitled to any weapon whatsoever. It does not rule that you are entitled to any weapon whatsoever.

Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2020 01:28 am
Zardoz wrote:
Simply banning assault weapons and confiscating the assault weapons now on the streets will all but put an end to massacres.

Assault weapons are not on the streets, and no assault weapon has ever been used in a massacre in the US.

Zardoz wrote:
The supreme court has ruled "you do not have a right to any weapon whatsoever for any purpose whatsoever."

We do however have the right to any weapon that there is no compelling government interest in restricting.

Zardoz wrote:
The second amendment simply gives you a right to bear arms and as long as you have an arm bear you have everything that the second amendment granted to you.

The Second Amendment does not give or grant anything. It protects a preexisting right that we've had for thousands of years.

And that preexisting right allows us to have any weapon that there is no compelling government interest in restricting.

Zardoz wrote:
Any sheriff who refuses to enforce the law can be removed from office for malfeasance.

Only if the voters are unsatisfied with their performance. And voters will tend to be happy with a sheriff who refuses to violate their rights.

Zardoz wrote:
The gun laws are constitutional I don't know how much clearer the supreme court can make.

Why does the Supreme Court strike down gun laws then?

Zardoz wrote:
Basically, there is no such thing as an unconstitutional gun law as long as you have an arm to bear.

Every single gun law that cannot be justified as serving a compelling government interest is unconstitutional.

Zardoz wrote:
The Las Vegas massacre is not an isolated event there are many others.

What other incident involved firing into a large crowd with a bump stock?

Zardoz wrote:
There is a difference between your gun rights and what you imagine your gun rights are.

That is incorrect. There is a difference between our gun rights and what you imagine our gun rights are.

Zardoz wrote:
Breaking it down hides the problem.

Breaking it down shows that rifles are not any problem at all.

Zardoz wrote:
You have to admit that massacres are a problem.

Efforts to outlaw pistol grips are not designed to address massacres.

Zardoz wrote:
America was not always that way with the advent in mass distribution of assault weapons America has changed for the worse.

There has never been any mass distribution of assault weapons in America.

Zardoz wrote:
There are a number people who want to put a stop to massacres.

Attempts to outlaw pistol grips have nothing to do with trying to stop any massacres.

Zardoz wrote:
The heller decision was a bout a gun permit but the decision also laid the frame work for all of the state and local laws that banned assault weapons.

The Heller ruling did not authorize any gun laws that cannot be justified as serving a compelling government interest.

Zardoz wrote:
When it says you are not entitled to any weapon whatsoever it allows state and local jurisdictions to establish laws.

ONLY if those laws can be justified as serving a compelling government interest.

Zardoz wrote:
You are the one complaining about all the murders in Chicago and now you want to poor gasoline on the fire. The simple fact is more guns in Chicago the more murders. That 2010 decision explains why the Chicago's murder rate has skyrocketed.

Statistics are very clear that gun availability has little impact on homicide rates.

Zardoz wrote:
The Chicago case was remanded back to the court of appeals meaning it does not bind the supreme court because it is court of appeals decision.

It is a Supreme Court decision, and it binds all lower courts.

Zardoz wrote:
It in no way changes the supreme court decision that you are not entitled to any weapon whatsoever. It does not rule that you are entitled to any weapon whatsoever.

We do however have the right to have any gun that there is no compelling government interest in restricting.
Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2020 02:23 pm
The longest journey begins with the first step. You can never solve a big problem all at once.

Tell that to your leftist communist buddies who like to push through massive changes to the law.

You need to solve a problem in small steps. The biggest problem with gun violence is massacres.

No, that is not the biggest problem with gun violence, mass shootings make up less than 1% of the gun deaths in the US, the vast majority of gun violence in the US is in the inner cities and it deals with gang violence.

The terrorist impact of massacres far exceeds the body count. You can see that in how every school in nation must devote precious resources to hardening schools and massacre drills.

You are mostly wrong, not that many schools are "hardening" against such attacks. There are a few schools who made headlines with such claims, but that isn't the majority.

Massacres are the easiest part of the gun problem to solve. Simply banning assault weapons and confiscating the assault weapons now on the streets will all but put an end to massacres.

Except a majority of mass shootings are done with handguns, and not rifles.

After New Zeeland banned assault weapons, they put a stop to the major massacres.

They had one mass shooting, saying new laws prevented new ones is a lie, you can't prove what effect the new laws had without first understanding how many people didn't comply with the new laws. In reality, mass shootings are rare and the new laws had zero effect on something that was already rare.

We can put a stop to massacres in America by voting all of the crooked politicians taking the gun manufacturers’ money out of office and banning assault weapons. If you don’t have the right tool for the job it doesn’t get done.

Tell that to the people who have killed with bombs and large trucks...

The supreme court has ruled “you do not have a right to any weapon whatsoever for any purpose whatsoever.”

You keep lying about this ruling and I've posted the real ruling, why do you keep lying about what was written?
Here's the rest of the ruling that you keep lying about:
For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons.

And that is a strict interpretation of the second amendment as written. The second amendment simply gives you a right to bear arms and as long as you have an arm bear you have everything that the second amendment granted to you.

No it isn't, it's a lie pushed by you and a few others on this site. I posted the rest of the ruling, not the partial sentence you think encompasses the entire ruling. You are a fraud and a liar!

Any sheriff who refuses to enforce the law can be removed from office for malfeasance.

If that's the case, then how come none of them have been removed for failing to abide by immigration laws?

Sheriffs are some of highest paid politicians in the country because they are paid on a percentage of taxes collected.

What sort of crack are you smoking. That would be a portion of the taxes they actually have to go collect, not plain taxes paid. Why do you lie so much in your claims?

While the sheriffs might talk the talk after the first few were removed from office the others would fall in line.

Sheriffs are elected by the people, if the people have no problem with what they are doing, no one is going to remove them from office. If they can ignore constitutional immigration laws, then they can ignore unconstitutional gun laws.

Virginia has had several massacres and people no longer want to live in a war zone. If you want an assault weapon join the military and they will give you one.

The deadliest shooting was done with a handgun and that is the worst in VA history. No other mass shootings have taken place there, more lies to push your anti-constitutional laws.

To most people fire crackers sound very close to gun shots. There have been massacres in malls recently it would be far better to run from fire crackers then find yourself face to face with a mass murderer and his AR-15.

Look at your drastic language change to push more propaganda. You moved from mass shootings to everything being a massacre now. There haven't been many mass shootings at malls. More lies.

An ounce prevention is worth a pound of cure.

That's why people should be arming and training themselves. When seconds count, the police are only 1o minutes away. The last Texas church shooting was a perfect example. Instead of waiting for the police to arrive to such an event, the church put in place an active shooter plan, and it worked to perfection. The shooter was stopped in 6 seconds instead of being able to shoot for untold minutes and kill an unknown number of people. Good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns on a daily basis.

The Las Vegas massacre is not an isolated event there are many others.

Wrong, the Vegas shooting was an isolated event, there has been nothing like it before and there has been nothing like it since. We also made bump stocks illegal after this shooting.

The Las Vegas shooter just showed the budding mass murderers what could be done with a little planning. The other potential mass murderers are learning and shooting for the record.
There is a difference between your gun rights and what you imagine your gun rights are.

No, there is a difference between what my gun rights actually are, and what you think they actually are. I'm correct and you are wrong. That's why you have to lie about SC rulings to try and make your point. If you were correct, you wouldn't have to lie and use propaganda.

Breaking it down hides the problem.

Wrong, breaking it down exposes the lies told by the anti-gun groups.

The magnitude of gun violence is problem but it will only be solved one piece at a time.

It won't be solved by taking guns away from law biding citizens and restricting their ability to buy guns.

You have to admit that massacres are a problem.

No, I don't have to admit it because I don't think we have a massacre problem, that's you playing games with the language again. Did you get a hold of a focus group study that says that word is more effective than mass shootings?

America was not always that way with the advent in mass distribution of assault weapons America has changed for the worse.

Mass distribution? You mean people buying legal guns? More word games by someone loosing the gun debate.

Massacre are the easiest portion of gun violence to solve. The solution is simple and within reach. I, only reported the facts from history.

You have reported no truths, only propaganda. You even stoop so low as to lie about a SC ruling.

It is a very simple equation and occurs every time the rich manage to steal 99% of a country wealth.

That isn't even close to the case and has NEVER happened in history. You are lying again. At the current count, it's claimed the "wealthy" own 40% of the wealth in the US. The only place the wealthy get 99% of the wealth is in socialist and authoritarian countries. It has never happened in a free and capitalist country.

The ungodly greedy are far from innocent they used money to buy are political system and rip the rest of us off and they will continue till there is nothing left to steal and a bloody revolution is the only choice.

More Marxist propaganda. In reality, the wealthy are business owners who have created a business that others work for, it's a fair exchange of services. The workers take on no risk when they work for a company, that is done by the owner of the company or the board. If the company fails, that worker isn't going to lose anything but a job, they won't be out millions in investment or their entire life savings if the owner is still involved.

You much like AOC, don't understand how business works, why should anyone listen to anything you have to say on the subject.

Some of the ungodly greedy are divesting themselves of all their wealth because they know what history has instore.

History has nothing in store because there has never been a capitalist country that has failed. They only failed after they got involved with socialism, which fails everywhere it is tried.

The actual Heller decision is 25 pages long but the relevant parts are all that is necessary.

Then why are you pushing the irrelevant parts of the decision so strongly and lying about the main point of the decision?

The heller decision was a bout a gun permit but the decision also laid the frame work for all of the state and local laws that banned assault weapons. /quote]
It did no such thing, the only restrictions mentioned in the ruling were ones that already existed, they created no new restrictions to the 2nd Amendment.

When it says you are not entitled to any weapon whatsoever it allows state and local jurisdictions to establish laws.

That isn't what it said, that's why you don't post the entire decision you are referencing.
It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons. Pp. 54–56.

That's the entire section you only mention parts of, read it again. It says nothing like you are claiming.

You are the one complaining about all the murders in Chicago and now you want to poor gasoline on the fire. The simple fact is more guns in Chicago the more murders. That 2010 decision explains why the Chicago’s murder rate has skyrocketed.

That decision has nothing to do with gangs committing crimes, as noted in your partial citation, it didn't allow already prohibited persons from owning a gun. You really should read the entire part you are lying about and not just the words you like.

The Chicago case was remanded back to the court of appeals meaning it does not bind the supreme court because it is court of appeals decision. It in no way changes the supreme court decision that you are not entitled to any weapon whatsoever. It does not rule that you are entitled to any weapon whatsoever.

You continue to lie about the ruling, I'll continue to post what it actually says.
It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons. Pp. 54–56.

You are a liar and a fraud!!!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2020 02:26 pm
Zardoz wrote:
The Chicago case was remanded back to the court of appeals meaning it does not bind the supreme court because it is court of appeals decision.

It is a Supreme Court decision, and it binds all lower courts.

Don't believe a word he says, he is trying to confuse you. Heller had nothing to do with Chicago, that was the McDonald case and he hasn't even started lying about that one yet.

Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2020 03:01 pm
Lying requires intent to deceive. I believe that his incorrect statements are being made in good faith. People can be unintentionally mistaken.
Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2020 03:27 pm
Lying requires intent to deceive. I believe that his incorrect statements are being made in good faith. People can be unintentionally mistaken.

He has full intent to lie, it's why he only posts portions of rulings or news stories, if he posted the whole thing, we would instantly know he is lying. You will notice that there are at least 3 other people who read this thread and seem to like all the lies he tells and thumbs down our post of truth. Leftist propagandists, they are making Marx and Stalin and Hitler very proud with their lies.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 23 Jan, 2020 03:40 pm
Lying requires intent to deceive. I believe that his incorrect statements are being made in good faith. People can be unintentionally mistaken.

In my opinion, he certainly is willful in his intent to deny that a semiautomatic rifle is not an assault weapon. Or, it could be a legitimate case of cognitive dissonance.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Jan, 2020 12:16 am
You could not have sighted a better example of the right trying to overthrow the government. These were known thieves with guns trying to take what is not theirs. What if some of the militias decided they were going to use a gang of gun thugs to take your house? Unfortunately, criminals have a 96% chance of never serving a day in jail for their crimes. This is the case with the Bundy’s it sets an example for the militias to rob banks, steal cars and trucks. If the Federal government has no property rights than no one has property rights.

Make no mistake about it, this was an overthrow of the government with the help of judge that is trying to make a political future for herself. This makes an extremely good case for eliminating the second amendment. When you have militias using guns to take over someone else’s property. Outlaws are often popular with the general public like Bonnie and Clyde, Machine Gun Kelly and John Dillinger. As long as they are not killing you, they become heroes and their fame lasts for generations.

It looks like Brian Cavalier, Bundy’s body guard, spent a year and eight months in jail.
Do you think reducing something to writing makes it real? Then all of science fiction would be real as soon as it was written. Thomas Pain, the primary driving force for the revolution, was an outright atheist. Most of the other found fathers were deists and believed that god only started the ball rolling and did not interfere in the lives of men. The founding fathers fully realized what horrible monster organized region was as it blazed across Europe and England burning little old ladies at the stake. The most horrible instruments of torture ever seen were created by the religious trying to torture the devil out of people when all they need do was look in the mirror to find the devil. To us that is ancient history but to founding fathers it was contemporary history and all that need happen is a preacher declare you were a witch. Fiction lingers in language long after people realize the fraud.

In many courts you no longer have to swear on a bible if you object to swearing to tell the truth on a book of lies. Even Trump wanted to be sworn in using his own book, The Art of the Deal, instead of a bible.
Afghanistan was complicity in that they gave safe haven to Osama and al Qaeda. They deserved what ever they got. Iraq had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11 it was made up whole cloth by the Republicans who wanted to take Iraq’s oil. We all watched on tv as Shock and Awe resulted in a million innocent people killed for no reason. Even Hitler could not kill as many innocent people in such a short period of time. I am sure Hitler would be smiling in hell if it existed.
Terrorism is a completely different ball game then a conventional war. Terrorists know no borders they travel all over the world. You know exactly where to find the enemy in a conventional war. You can bomb their country or defeat their army but terrorism is more like an organization of criminals. Obama took out more terrorist then anyone else. It is the only way to fight criminals. Pushing an innocent country for something a criminal organization did was unjust but had Iraq been harboring Osama then taking him out with a drone would have been the answer not killing a million-innocent people.
Mass shooting happen everyday now and they are becoming even more frequent. Remember mass shootings are defined as four or more people killed or wounded. Your 297 figure is only for those killed so there are at least 1500 wounded. The Las Vegas mass murderer killed 59 but wounded 500 hundred. Some people came under fire in two mass murders in less than year. That is an extremely good chance of being murdered by a gun nut.
You can post the entire 25 pages of the Heller decision but it will never change (f 2) that states: Like most rights, your second amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.”
Your contention is that your second amendments rights are unlimited and the supreme court clearly says “like most rights, your second amendment right is not unlimited.”

End of argument every gun law in the united states is a limit on your second amendment right. How is your right limited? Simply by making gun control laws
I don’t know how you missed it but supreme court says your second amendment right is limited.
It is much like having a model A Ford and then buying a new Lincoln. Man, always finds a way to improve things and mass murderers are no different it is no surprise. Seven of the most-deadly massacres of all times occurred in the last four years. That is unheard of. You and I both know that the future mass murderers of America are going to make big improvements and kill many more people than are killed now. Why because the history of massacres predicts the future of massacres.
The cost of assault weapons is beyond the reach of many.
Assault weapons are also harder to conceal and if you are a gang member driving around town it is easier for the police to spot an assault weapon in the car but mass murderers are only planning a one time event and they want to watch a lot of people die so assault weapons are ideal for massacres. One of the union officers got the bright idea that he was going to get a pawn shop to donate an assault weapon to the union so it could be raffled off to raise money for the union. He was going to require each member to sell ten chances at 10 dollars each. It fell through. I know a few union members that might have used it to clean city hall out if they won it.

Most gangs use hand guns, we had one house, in a very good neighborhood that had forty bullet holes in it and they didn’t manage to hit anyone in the house. I don’t think they were using hand guns. We also had a deputy sheriff’s car shot up with an assault weapon.
In the fifties switch blades knives were the thing but you didn’t have 50 people killed. There will always be violent people what we don’t want to do is make them more efficient killers. I had a foreman that got in a bar fight and I can remember him recounting watching a guy’s guts spill out on the ground after he cut him open but no bystanders were cut. What assault weapons have done is made it possible for the violent people to kill 50 people instead of one.
You just poste the supreme court decision your second amendment right is not unlimited. Didn’t you read that? Not be infringed is not a statement of a right it only means you can’t take the right of mass murders and the mentally ill to have a gun to bear.
At least 7 of the top ten massacres of all times used assault weapons. That is because a massacre, is also a mass shooting and a mass murder. A mass shooting is four or more people killed or wounded. A mass murder is four or more killed. A massacre is ten or more killed.
Why do you think 10 states have already enacted copies of the 1994 assault weapon ban and why hasn’t the gun manufactures went to court to overturn them? If you have the major gun manufactures marketing semi-automatic assault weapons as assault weapons for 20 years, and they have the ads, they can’t suddenly claim assault weapons are not assault weapons. The key words in mass marketing those guns was assault weapons. The gun manufactures can’t take back those ads. No legislature ever makes a law without conferring with experts sometimes it goes on for days.
There is no way of knowing exactly how many people cut up their assault weapons what we do know is some of them filmed it and posted on You Tube.
If guns were not designed to kill people what is their purpose? Why do you target practice? To be better at killing people.
Who has the guns, drug dealers, murders, rapists, and thieves? Guns are the tools of their trade.

Reply Fri 24 Jan, 2020 03:49 pm
You could not have sighted a better example of the right trying to overthrow the government.

They weren't trying to overthrow anything, they were protecting what was theirs from govt intrusion, it looks like they were right and the Obama admin was wrong. No surprise there as Obama like you is an authoritarian who thinks the govt is in control and not the people.

These were known thieves with guns trying to take what is not theirs.

They were not "known" thieves, that's more propaganda by anti freedom and liberty people. But it was theirs, until the govt tried to take it away from them. They won their court case and the govt lost theirs.

What if some of the militias decided they were going to use a gang of gun thugs to take your house?

You mean like the leftists want to do with their push for socialism? These people actually believe in personal property, unlike you and your ilk, so they won't be taking anyone's things any time soon. That's what socialists and communists do.

Unfortunately, criminals have a 96% chance of never serving a day in jail for their crimes.

Making up more stats, you love that propaganda don't you.

This is the case with the Bundy’s it sets an example for the militias to rob banks, steal cars and trucks. If the Federal government has no property rights than no one has property rights.

It does no such thing, they didn't take anything from anyone, they protected their own stuff from the federal govt, who was going to take their livestock. It's your ilk who goes about taking things that don't belong to them.

If the Federal government has no property rights than no one has property rights.

Once again, that isn't how rights work. The federal govt was never meant to own property, that land belongs to the states, not the federal govt. In fact there are very specific guidelines in place that mentions the govt "owning" property and what it entails.

Make no mistake about it, this was an overthrow of the government with the help of judge that is trying to make a political future for herself.

Not even close, she put the govt in their place and reminded them of the limits on their power. The Constitution puts limits on the govt.

Do you think reducing something to writing makes it real?

This means nothing, try making sense.

In many courts you no longer have to swear on a bible if you object to swearing to tell the truth on a book of lies. Even Trump wanted to be sworn in using his own book, The Art of the Deal, instead of a bible.

Why do you tell so many lies? Trump was sworn in on a Bible and his book was never mentioned, except by the lying media and liars like you.

Afghanistan was complicity in that they gave safe haven to Osama and al Qaeda. They deserved what ever they got.

I would agree, it's why I joined the Army when I did. I spent 9 months in Afghanistan and 5 months in Pakistan after the 2005 earth quakes.

Iraq had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11 it was made up whole cloth by the Republicans who wanted to take Iraq’s oil. We all watched on tv as Shock and Awe resulted in a million innocent people killed for no reason. Even Hitler could not kill as many innocent people in such a short period of time. I am sure Hitler would be smiling in hell if it existed.

The US didn't kill no where near that many civilians, the majority of the civilian deaths in Iraq was due to the Iran backed terrorists who were killing anyone and everyone. That dude we killed the other week, he was behind a massive chunk of the attacks on civilians.

Mass shooting happen everyday now and they are becoming even more frequent.

No, they don't happen everyday and they are not becoming more frequent, that's your gun fever dream again. What you are doing is claiming every shooting is a mass shooting, when gang violence is not a mass shooting.

Remember mass shootings are defined as four or more people killed or wounded.

Wrong again, that is your definition, there is more than one definition.

Your 297 figure is only for those killed so there are at least 1500 wounded.

When you can't beat the stats, you start to make up numbers. You have zero proof that 1500 people were wounded, that is completly made up. You are lying again.

The Las Vegas mass murderer killed 59 but wounded 500 hundred.

You are lying again, it was just over 400 that were wounded by gun fire.

Some people came under fire in two mass murders in less than year. That is an extremely good chance of being murdered by a gun nut.

Wrong again, it was 2 people who were involved in 2 different shootings, Las Vegas and the Thousand Oaks shooting.

You can post the entire 25 pages of the Heller decision but it will never change (f 2) that states: Like most rights, your second amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.”

You are wrong, that's why you won't post the entire ruling. Here again is exactly what it says, and it doesn't say what you claim it says. You are lying and making things up.
For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons. Pp. 54–56.

Once again, it doesn't claim what you say it does.

The cost of assault weapons is beyond the reach of many.

You are confusing semi-auto rifles with full auto rifles again. The cost of a semi-auto rifle is well within reach of the average citizen, and can be purchased for as little as $500, I wouldn't buy one of those, but they are available. What's out of reach of the average American is the full-auto weapons which are heavily restricted, not banned, and can only by purchased by the people you hate the most, wealthy people. Good luck finding one for under $20k. Is that what you want, only the rich to have such weapons? Your socialist revolution wouldn't make it very far would it?

You just poste the supreme court decision your second amendment right is not unlimited. Didn’t you read that?

There were no limits placed on the 2nd Amendment or gun ownership in that court decision. You didn't read the whole thing, you read a few words and guessed at their meaning.

Not be infringed is not a statement of a right it only means you can’t take the right of mass murders and the mentally ill to have a gun to bear.

You fail the "reasonable person" test, not surprising since nothing you say is reasonable.
The amendment says, The right to bear arms shall not be infringed. If you want to get technical, a background check is an infringement but most people don't agree, so no one is trying to stop background checks.

Why do you think 10 states have already enacted copies of the 1994 assault weapon ban and why hasn’t the gun manufactures went to court to overturn them?

First of all, name the 10 states you think have some form of the 1994 law. Second, it's never the gun manufactures who take the unconstitutional laws to court, it's an individual person who takes them to court. In every one of those states, those laws are making their way through courts and will end up in the SC, just like NY's law that they tried to pull but the SC didn't buy.

If you have the major gun manufactures marketing semi-automatic assault weapons as assault weapons for 20 years, and they have the ads, they can’t suddenly claim assault weapons are not assault weapons.

No gun manufacture markets it's semi-auto rifles as assault weapons. They will market their police and military versions as assault weapons, but what's funny is that the govt calls those same weapons their agents use, defensive weapons... why is mine an "assault weapon" and theirs a defense weapon?

No legislature ever makes a law without conferring with experts sometimes it goes on for days.

This is awesome. You can't provide the fact of an expert being used to craft the 1994 law, so instead you just make a general statement with less proof than your original statement? Provide the facts or give up.

There is no way of knowing exactly how many people cut up their assault weapons what we do know is some of them filmed it and posted on You Tube.

That's because the idiots who illegally cut up their guns were the only one't to film it. It was typical leftist virtue signaling.

If guns were not designed to kill people what is their purpose?

No one said they weren't designed to kill people, what is disputed is your claim that they were designed for massacres, that's your own bias and lack of knowledge speaking.

Why do you target practice? To be better at killing people.

I target practice for the simple reason that if you are going to defend your family, you want to make sure you hit the target.
This is a funny thing about anti-gun people. You begged for someone to do a circular firing squad and at the same time you make fun of people who target shoot... it's trying to "shame" people in both directions, but it shows what real idiots you leftists are.

Who has the guns, drug dealers, murders, rapists, and thieves? Guns are the tools of their trade.

If you had your way with gun laws, those are the only people who would have guns. Law biding citizens would be left unarmed and dead thanks to you and your ilk. Because we have a 2nd Amendment, there are millions of armed law biding citizens who respect the law and the guns they own. The latest tally is over 400 million guns, with only 13k murders per year, we know for a fact that the vast majority of gun owners are not a threat to their fellow citizens.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 24 Jan, 2020 10:05 pm
The advertisement for Chev vs Ford might be for how much horsepower of how big a trailer a truck could pull but what are gun manufactures advertising? Instead of horse power gun manufacturers are advertising kill power, how many BPM (bodies per minute.)
So, you admit there are guns you can’t buy and that the second amendment is not unlimited. It is just a matter of where the line is drawn. The advertising being used in the Sandy Hook law suit is the public advertising in magazines. Gun manufacturers are marketing kill power and assault weapons should be rater BPS (bodies per second.
I don’t have a problem with regular guns it is the assault weapons that were designed to fight wars with that make massacres possible that have to go.
Four or more people killed or wounded is the definition that is gain widespread acceptance. This makes it simple enough that everyone knows what is being talked about.
There is a difference between a regular 22 rifle and one that was designed to fight wars with. There are lots of regular rifles that are not designed like AR-15s.
Reply Fri 24 Jan, 2020 10:31 pm
Zardoz wrote:
So, you admit there are guns you can’t buy and that the second amendment is not unlimited. It is just a matter of where the line is drawn.

The line says that guns can only be restricted if the restriction can be justified as serving a compelling government interest.

Zardoz wrote:
I don’t have a problem with regular guns it is the assault weapons that were designed to fight wars with that make massacres possible that have to go.

Those weapons have already been tightly restricted for the past 85 years. People are also only allowed to own them if they were manufactured and registered more than 33 years ago. No such weapon has ever been used in a massacre in the US.

Zardoz wrote:
There is a difference between a regular 22 rifle and one that was designed to fight wars with.

Yes. And the semi-auto-only AR-15 is just a regular .22 rifle.

Zardoz wrote:
There are lots of regular rifles that are not designed like AR-15s.

There are also lots of regular rifles that are designed like AR-15s.
Reply Sat 25 Jan, 2020 05:34 am
And the semi-auto-only AR-15 is just a regular .22 rifle.

Doesn't a "regular .22" refer to a gun using rimfire ammo?
Reply Sat 25 Jan, 2020 05:56 am
The context seemed to be "war fighting guns" versus "not war fighting guns".

A semi-auto-only AR-15 would seem to fall into the "not warfighting" category.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 25 Jan, 2020 08:42 pm
One of the house members who was an elected republican voted to impeach Trump. The Republican senators have been threatened by the thugs that surround Trump that if they vote for impeachment, or vote to hear witnesses or subpoena documents for Trump’s impeachment they will find their heads on pike. This clearly witness tampering a crime in of itself. This is why no Republicans will never vote to impeach him.

If Trump was beheading people on national TV not one republican would vote to impeach him. They have decided Trump is a king and is above every law in America. In every criminal trial, witnesses can be subpoenaed as well as documents. Without that ability very few criminals would ever be convicted. Trump was totally corrupt when he was elected and now with the help of the Republicans he has totally and completely corrupted America.
Amash was not a democrat when he voted. Amash changed his registration to an independent so that means the democrats and an independent voted to impeach Trump. That is two meaning the impeachment is bipartisan. Amash district has voted republican in every presidential election since 1992. There have been only 5 democrat congressmen since 1842 and congressmen are elected every two years. Amash district is one of the most reliable republican districts in America. So much for your theory.
When we voted for democratic governor you also vote for a democratic administration also. There are hundred s of democrats put in appointed state offices. When Justice switched parties, he fired many the democrats and replaced with republicans. That was a fraud plain and simple. The voters voted for a democrat not a republican posing as a democrat. The first thing Justice did as a republican was put the state billions in debt to take care of the contractors who contributed to his campaign. Just as Trump has upped the deficit to trillion dollars a year four times higher than Obama. Remember Trump bankrupted 8 businesses, America is next. Every trip to Mar a lago costs tax payers $1.3 million and no doubt made 50 trips he goes almost every week. Those trips are paid for with your tax dollars. They will have to double taxes just to pay for Trump’s every week vacations.
Reply Sat 25 Jan, 2020 10:13 pm
Zardoz wrote:
They have decided Trump is a king and is above every law in America.

Like the Democrats decided with Bill Clinton?
Reply Sun 26 Jan, 2020 09:23 pm
Clinton was impeached for lying about his sex life and few men would have answered truthfully about their sex life. But Clinton did testify under oath something Trump will never do. Clinton was not a career conman. Tapes have now come out showing Trump saying “take her out” referring to the Ukrainian ambassador. Who talks like that? A mob boss that is who. At that time lying was worst possible thing a president do. Trump has already told hundreds of lies about this incidence and the republican answer is all politicians lie. What a difference twenty some years make. Trump has done nothing but lie and has set a new world land speed record for the most lies told in the shortest time. Trump own lawyer told Trump he could never take the stand because if he did, he would end up in an orange coveralls.

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