The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Mon 13 Jan, 2020 01:47 pm
At any time that you doubt a claim all you have to do is look, the internet is out there.

Didn't you just claim a few posts ago that you can't trust anything on the internet because it can be made up? Now you are claiming that the internet is the place to get info? You really do shift your views based on what argument you are trying to make at the time.

The fact that mass murders came with hours of each other should tell that one mass murder triggered the other. The “likes” from the Dayton shooter removes any and all doubt that El Paso mass murder sparked the Dayton mass murder.

If you would have just stuck with this claim, you would be correct. There is no doubt one shooter influenced the other, that has been the way of things since the Columbine school shooting and the FBI has told the MSM to stop hyping these shootings for this very reason.
Your claim falls apart if you think these guys did their shootings for the same reason, race based.

Of course, both mass murders can be traced to Trump stirring the racist pot to get vote from his racist base.

No they can't, that would be another leftist talking point.

Trump has done his best to start a race war just as Charles Manson before him.

He has actually done more to smooth the racial divide created by Obama, than any other President. You seem to think being against illegal immigration makes someone a racist.

It is the school massacres that have caused the school to have massacre drills. No anti-gun group was responsible for any school massacre neither was the press.

They are actually responsible for just about every mass shooting in the US, they are double responsible for any shootings that take place in "gun free zones", like schools.

If you were going to get a divorce you send your Declaration of Independence to your spouse and publish that you will no longer be responsible for her debts in the paper. The same applies to countries the Declaration of Independence was sent to the king of England.

Sorry to tell you, but that isn't how a divorce works, and one spouse ends up paying for the other spouse for either the kids and or alimony...

If this is another lame attempt to claim we can't remove our own govt, you failed with your lousy analogy, you would be better off finding some anti-American scholar who supports your wrong point of view.

Antifa has not blown up any federal buildings killing 169 people they just show up to oppose the Neo-Nazis, the KKK and the white nationalists. The weathermen underground never did anything even 1/100 of what McVeigh did.

Antifa attacks anyone who is right of Stalin, they are a communist group who fly the hammer and sickle.

Antifa has attacked the ICE facilities? How many hundreds of people were killed? Did they use a truck bomb or firecrackers?

You seem to think their violence is ok, don't be surprised what happens next if you aren't going to speak out against a violent group.

The fact is the Constitution has been amended 27 times since it was written. It has been amended in the past and will be amended in the future.

Good luck getting the votes from the states required to change anything. We won't be seeing any changes to the Constitution ever again, our nation is way to divided to come together in the numbers required to change anything.

Any judge that ruled that you were entitled to any weapon whatsoever for any reason whatsoever was an activist judge.

No judge has ruled the way you are claiming. There's a reason you didn't post the entire portion of the decision, you were wrong and you remain wrong.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Jan, 2020 01:58 pm
It should be noted, that he will lie to you by posting only a partial quote from something and then tell you that the full quote supports his claim.

The line about "any weapon what so ever"... he won't post the examples used in the ruling because the ruling doesn't say what he thinks it says.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Jan, 2020 03:43 pm
The Federalist Papers were editorials written for the newspapers at the time. Do you think that they were written in book form at the time?

I fail to see what you are trying to push here. Are you saying since they were in the paper and not in book form, that they were not important?

Why do you think Trump bent over backward to call the Neo-Nazis and the KKK were fine people? Because they are a Trump voting block like the NRA.

He didn't and you keep lying about this event, it proves you have no honor.

The former Grand Wizard of the KKK endorsed Trump and Trump loved it because they are the same type people.

Wrong again, Trump rejected the endorsement in very clear terms.
Again with a Vox link...

Trump didn’t reject anything and the former Grand Wizard of the KKK was over the moon when Trump refereed to KKK members as fine people.

Yes he did, I posted the link to the article mentioning the refusal to accept the endorsement, I've also posted the link to the full comments from that day, you are lying again.

Every massacre changes people’s minds and the massacres are getting more frequent. Ninety percent of American favor stronger gun laws, that is a super majority.

No, they are not getting more frequent, the attention the media pays to certain types of shootings is the problem. Mass shootings are less than 1% of the gun crimes in the US.

There is only one solution and that is to directly elect the president and let every American vote county. Having illegitimate president will always cause problems the will of the majority has been overturned. People have an ingrained aversion against being cheated.

That is the Communist solution, not the Constitutional solution. Our system works just fine and will continue to work for the next 200 years. The states don't elect the President, the states elect the President.

The slave states were not going to be able to count blacks at all so being able to count them as 2/3 was a huge advantage.

History really is one of your weak points. The Southern States wanted every slave counted as a single person, just like white people were. The Norhtern states knew that no blacks would be allowed to vote the way they wanted to, they would have voted as their slave masters told them to. To prevent the southern states from getting to much power, they decided to count the blacks as 2/3, reducing the power of the slave states.

I know exactly what you have done, you read Howard Zinn's "People's History" and believed every word of it, typical anti-American leftists.

When the majority of people vote against an elected president is a fraudulent election. We have an illegitimate president.

Sorry to tell you this, but that isn't how the Constitution or the Electoral College works.

As long as the Republicans get to install an illegitimate president, they will love it but let it happen to them and they will be all for eliminating the electoral college before it happens again.

It's only the anti-American left who wants to see changes to the Constitution so they can win. The left always wants to change the rules so they win, it shows exactly how unpopular they really are. It also proves the point that they don't allow for a popular vote on the Popular Vote scam they are pushing.

We have only one office in America that is not directly elected by the people and that is the most important office in the land.

It was done that way on purpose, the FF didn't want a country run by the popular vote mobs, we are a Constitutional Republic.

No matter how long it has been done wrong, that is not an argument to keep doing it wrong. There is a possible argument that we lacked the technology when the country was founded and they needed a month to get the votes to Washington but now the race can be decided that night.

The EC had nothing to do with how long it took votes to get to the capital to be counted, if it did, please post the part of the Constitution where this claim is made. You won't post it because it doesn't exist.

I doubt that it is the best system in the world because when we don’t directly vote for a president the wisdom of crowds is ignored.

Did you just say the "wisdom of the crowd"? You really haven't paid attention to the founding principles of this nation have you. Only socialists and communists talk about the group, the US was founded on the principle of individual liberty and freedom, not the group. Groups are not mentioned in any of the founding documents.

What you want is a fraudulent result, a way to game system. A loophole to make a winner out of looser. In Wisconsin they will target democratic voter areas invalidating 234,000 voter’s registrations. If you have one piece of returned mail. Like the mail from charities that you are instructed to mark refused and send back. This is how the Republicans are trying to get a fraudulent president elected. Anything the republicans can do to thwart the will of the people they are going to use the ungodly greedy money to get it done.

Sorry to tell you, but our system has been working fine for over 200 years. You don't care about the system or the people, you care about getting enough votes to end the Constitution and turn the US into a socialist/communist hell hole, just like the rest of them spread across the world by dumb leftists.

All political offices in America are determined by direct election but one. Why should one office be any different? There is no point in going half way if we are going to change it, we need to fix it till it can’t be gamed. It no longer takes a month to take the votes on horse back to Washington.

You should read the Constitution, it has your answers. You seek a regression in the political system,not an advancement, the Constitution was an advancement and like all good things, the leftists want to see it destroyed.

The constitution can and must be changed it has to updated as everything must eventually be updated and the second amendment statement that “cannot be infringed” because when you get a judge who strictly interprets the constitution, they are going to be selling AR-15s outside the mental institutions door.

Read the Constitution

There are a number of minor political parties, matter of fact you can form your own.

I've often wondered why the DSA didn't start their own party and instead forced their way into the DNC.

I doubt there will ever be a major third major party if it was going happen it would have happened because Trump, who has completely torn the Republican party apart.

Sorry to tell you, but it's the DNC who is getting torn apart by the extreme left DSA and their push for socialism.

Putin candidates are always populist candidates like Trump who favor destroying western civilization.

Weak is the political person who thinks Trump works for Putin. The Mueller report cleared Trump of any wrong doing.

Trump has stood against everything the Republican party stood for except lower taxes for the ungodly greedy.

Trump so far has stood against the religious right, that is who had put a hurting on the GOP. I see any form of religion in politics as leftist, they want more govt control for their own purpose and to control people. The religious right is losing control of the GOP and that is a good thing for the GOP to get back to their roots of individual liberty and freedom mixed with less govt and lower taxes.

There is a strong never Trump movement in the Republican party.

The people who are married to the swamp are the one's who are against Trump. Those who don't want smaller govt and less spending, that runs opposite of what the GOP has stood for. The quicker they leave the party, the quicker I might consider joining the GOP again.

By now you should have seen the site I posted about how easily an AR-15 can be converted to full-automatic. It can be easily converted because it was originally designed to be fully-automatic.

No, I haven't seen you post any such thing and it isn't an easy thing to do.

The law defined what an assault weapon is, is a closed case and you can’t just make up an absurd definition and say that is it. The law said they could not sell them and they stopped selling them between 1994-2004.

Sorry, that was a bad law that has since expired and has no bearing on todays laws. It used a defunct definition that had no input from actual gun experts. Still waiting for you to prove that claim.

The republicans cast the deciding votes on the 1994 assault weapon ban so they were very involved in the process.

Casting a vote has noting to do with how a law was written. I'm waiting for you to prove that there were gun experts involved in the drafting of that failed law.

In is only common sense to look and see what guns are being used in most of the massacres.

Sorry, that is not common sense. What would be common sense is to look at how many of those guns are owned and used in violent crime. Mass shootings make up less than 1% of actual gun crimes and rifles of any type are used in less murders than any other weapon. 297 people killed with rifles of all types doesn't speak well to the scam you are trying to pull on the US population. More people are killed with knifes each year than rifles.

The intent of the law was to stop the massacres and it would have if there had not only been a ban but made it illegal to own an assault weapon. It would have saved thousands of lives.

That was not the intention of the law, it was to simply restrict guns that Dems found to be scary looking. There were very few if any mass shootings at that time in US history, it was all because the guns looked scary. We can prove that was the case because they included BB/pellet guns because they looked scary, it had nothing to do with mass shootings, the Columbine shootings didn't take place until the middle of the ban, proving that the ban had no effect on gun crimes.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Jan, 2020 12:25 am
Judges don’t create law they make law. I was at a labor law class one night when a law professor from WVU who was teaching the class came up and asked to shake my hand. He said that he always wanted to meet somebody from AFSCME local 598 because we had written the law in respect to public employees unionizing in the state of WV. He said that was the case he taught in his law classes.

Right now, the County Emergency Medical Technicians (EMT) are trying to unionize. The county is telling them that it is illegal for public employees to unionize. The problem is that the county attorney is dead wrong. The supreme court ruling on the AFSCME vs the City of Huntington is in effect the law that governs.

Common law is not made up by common men it is the body of court decisions on previous cases. It is effect case law. In a court of law lawyers will site similar case rulings to make their case and judges reads the cited cases and make a decision based on them.

You know very little about the law and how it works. If you did not depend on previous cases each case would have to be argued from scratch.
Law classes have a lot to do with the law and how it works. When the WVU professor said your local wrote the law in regard to public employees unionizing in WV do you think he knew what he was talking about?
While brandishing a gun may be less-common massacres are far more common. Do you think that is more responsible? There may be 400 million guns but most of them are owned by 3% of the people.
Forty thousand gun-deaths is plenty considering that only one in five Americans own a gun.
The trigger pressure varies from gun to gun and some are known to have a hair trigger. Do you think the Republican mayor candidate knew he had his finger on the trigger before he shot and paralyzed someone on the phone with the police department? When people get excited, they do not realize what they are doing. A common car accident is when someone steps on the gas instead of the brake but that is not the problem it is what comes next. After they hit the gas and the cars moved forward, they get excited and floor the gas pedal going through the building. One woman was on her cell phone when she drove through a brand-new gas station. She told her friend she was talking to that she just ran through a gas station. When the emotional mind takes over the rational mind takes a back seat.
AS long as you can’t make it illegal for anyone to bring a gun into the state gun control is just a joke, gun control has to be nationwide to work. Road rage is a problem without a gun involved, road rage with a gun involved is a murder looking for a place to happen. How would you like if one day your son was driving to slow and the other drivers pulls up beside him and kills him? But then even one killed would be too many. That actually happened to one guy’s wife. The gun nut killed her because he had a gun. It would not be leftists and the liberal with the guns it would be the right-wing gun nuts.

I had not been able to get the copy to work on a link for about ten years since a version of windows was changed. I got it to work by accident the cursor must be on the link when you hit copy. The pay wall has more to do with you as most newspapers give you three articles free. If one does not work, I just change to a different computer and you have an additional three free. I have several different computers so I can just switch. The local paper gives you three free articles a month but I take the paper so I can get them free but I don’t bother. I think in the future pay wall articles will be the rule not the exception.
Everybody has what they call a certain amount of what they consider personal space around them and criminal claim more space around them as their personal space. Everybody knows somebody that gets into that personal space and it makes you very uncomfortable but when we get in a car that personal space becomes larger. It is your safe space that you need on the road. When someone cuts you off, they violated that space and your safety. What you may consider a safe space someone else may not. When someone’s safety space is violated they react with fight or flight. Many will take flight but others go into fight mode. When those with guns go into fight mode if they have a gun within reach, they will use it.
If the former head of the Republican Party can not give the Republican side of every political argument no one can. Bill Kristol a noted neoconservative is a frequent panel member and he has a good republican pedigree his dad was a card-carrying communist that let the communist party pick his wife. Many Republican strategists also serve on panels. The moderator of the 4-5 pm show worked in the baby Bush administration communication department. You will never ever see that on Fox News because Trump would not allow it. Fox News works on Trump’s campaign. You will never see the former head of the DNC.
Any time I have ever watched Fox News it is just one easily debunked lie after another. They don’t even do good lies. Sometimes one of Fox News personalities will even take apart the lies of Sean Hannity to show what an absolute idiot he is pedaling wild ass conspiracy theories. I will bet that if you survey the Fox News viewers are as under educated as the Trump voters. MSNBC panel members do have opposing view points and you can always tell which are Republicans and which are democrat by their opinions.
I posted a link yesterday that show the El Paso massacre sparked the Dayton massacre. Monkey see, monkey do.
It is surprising gay people are Republicans because the republicans portray them as the antichrist. One of the authors who did the hit job on Clarence Thomas’s accuser was gay and eventually found the republicans like Grover Norquist were just using him. The author went backed and checked the details of Anita Hill’s story and was able to confirm the details even the store where Clarence Thomas purchased the porn, he was using to sexually harass Hill with. Thomas lied his way onto the supreme court just as Kavanaugh did.
Trump opened his campaign as a racist saying the Mexicans were nothing more than drug dealers, gang member and rapists. Then he said they were an infestation. At his rallies when he asked the crowd what to about the infestation? The crowd replied kill them. The El Paso massacre happened within a few weeks after Trump’s rally and the mass murderer was quoting Trump. The bad part of it is Trump employees all kinds of illegals. It is not personal it is just business with Trump.
Children should never be involved in politics. His parents just might as well of painted a target on his chest that said shoot me. For every reaction there will be an equal and opposite reaction. Trump’s politics are getting people killed.

They had a case on one of the court-shows a few years back where a guy saw a Hillary sticker on a car at a theater. He got out of his car and started keying the car. He denied it but there was a witness. A bumper sticker on car is one thing but putting a hate monger’s hat on a child is another. Child protective services should remove that child from the home before the parents get him killed as a political pawn. Trump badly needs martyrs for the cause and he does not care how many have to die. Your site is also being used to launch Trump’s campaign what a coincidence.
Here we go again, just as Trump favorite conspiracy theory said Sandy Hook was faked now the Russian are saying the El Paso massacre was faked using actors no doubt.
Reply Tue 14 Jan, 2020 11:38 am
Judges don’t create law they make law.

They have zero constitutional responsibility to make or create laws, that what legislators are for.

You know very little about the law and how it works. If you did not depend on previous cases each case would have to be argued from scratch.

Is this your desperate attempt to get around you lack of knowledge on the Constitution and Civic's 101?

While brandishing a gun may be less-common massacres are far more common.

Brandishing a gun is actually illegal in a lot of cities and states. If you are pulling your gun, you had better have a good reason for doing so, or you will end up in jail.

There may be 400 million guns but most of them are owned by 3% of the people.

You keep failing to provide any proof of gun ownership, yet each time you talk about it, the number seems to get smaller and smaller. A couple of months ago, it was 40%, then a few weeks ago, it was 7% and now you seem to think it's only 3%... you actually have no idea how many gun owners there are in the US, and we know there are less crimes each year but more guns in civilian hands.

Forty thousand gun-deaths is plenty considering that only one in five Americans own a gun.

Zero proof provided for your claims on gun ownership, but we know there are only about 12k murders per year. Of your 40k number, a majority of those are suicides, not gun crimes, it isn't illegal to kill yourself.

The trigger pressure varies from gun to gun and some are known to have a hair trigger.

It doesn't vary that much, and if you have a "hair trigger", that's because you thought you knew what you were doing and made the adjustments yourself, they did not come from the factory that way, it would be a safety hazard. Whenever you seem to say something is known, it means you are either lying or don't know what you are talking about.

Do you think the Republican mayor candidate knew he had his finger on the trigger before he shot and paralyzed someone on the phone with the police department?

I don't know what he was doing and I'm not going to guess as to his training. I know you have a tendency to not be fully honest in the things you post, it's why you fail to use links for a majority of what you claim.

When people get excited, they do not realize what they are doing. A common car accident is when someone steps on the gas instead of the brake but that is not the problem it is what comes next.

Actually most car accidents come from people not paying attention to their suroundings. You will find old people get in most of the accidents where the wrong peddle was pressed. Cell phones are the reason for most car accidents.

AS long as you can’t make it illegal for anyone to bring a gun into the state gun control is just a joke, gun control has to be nationwide to work.

But you can make it illegal for certain types of guns to be brought into the state. CA is a perfect example, if you move there, you are still responsible to make sure your guns meet CA laws, they do not have them "grandfathererd" in.

Road rage is a problem without a gun involved, road rage with a gun involved is a murder looking for a place to happen.

It doesn't seem road rage with a gun is that big a problem, except for you in the gun fever dream you live in.

How would you like if one day your son was driving to slow and the other drivers pulls up beside him and kills him?

When you only tool you have is making up things that might or might not happen, you have lost the debate. You have failed to produce any real facts on the problem, instead you jump to fantasy.

It would not be leftists and the liberal with the guns it would be the right-wing gun nuts.

You are funny, we already know the left had been violent and has attacked people and places with guns. Did you forget about the dude who bought the chic-fil-a sandwiches and was going to kill people who worked at the family planning council? There are just as many left-wing crazies as there are right-wing crazies.

But then even one killed would be too many. That actually happened to one guy’s wife. The gun nut killed her because he had a gun. It would not be leftists and the liberal with the guns it would be the right-wing gun nuts.

How quickly you lefties forget about the violence from your side. Remember the Family Research Council was attacked by a guy after he bought Chic-fil-a sandwiches and disagreed with both groups stance on gay marriage.

There was also the Bernie supporter who open fired on the GOP baseball game practice, hitting one GOP politician and a Capitial Hill LEO. Yeah, it's the right who only does these things...

I had not been able to get the copy to work on a link for about ten years since a version of windows was changed.

Trust me, any change that took place in Windows had no effect on your ability to post links, it was purely operator error.

I got it to work by accident the cursor must be on the link when you hit copy. The pay wall has more to do with you as most newspapers give you three articles free.

If you highlight the link, it doesn't have to be on it. As for pay walls, they are not a good source because not everyone pays for the service. They do indeed give free ones but it's per month, so read 3 articles in my free time and there is no more left to read your "sources".

Everybody has what they call a certain amount of what they consider personal space around them and criminal claim more space around them as their personal space.

You have this a little wrong, it isn't that they claim more, it's that they don't care about other people. Much like a socialist/communist, they think what you have belongs to them and they are going to take it by force.

Everybody knows somebody that gets into that personal space and it makes you very uncomfortable but when we get in a car that personal space becomes larger. It is your safe space that you need on the road. When someone cuts you off, they violated that space and your safety. What you may consider a safe space someone else may not. When someone’s safety space is violated they react with fight or flight. Many will take flight but others go into fight mode. When those with guns go into fight mode if they have a gun within reach, they will use it.

All of this lame explanation just to point out that people with guns will use them? You need to step back into reality and realize you don't have a problem with sane gun owners, you have a problem with irresponsible gun owners. I know lots of gun owners, far more than you know and not a single one of them acts the way you want gun owners to act.

Any time I have ever watched Fox News it is just one easily debunked lie after another.

I'd ask you for an example, but you won't provide one, instead you will talk about generalities and not make your point or prove it. If Fox News is so bad, how come they lead in every demographic and time slot? They do double the viewership of CNN and MSNBC. They also haven't been sued and had to pay for their lies, like CNN just did.

MSNBC panel members do have opposing view points and you can always tell which are Republicans and which are democrat by their opinions.

No they don't, its all Orange Man bad and the GOP is racists.

I posted a link yesterday that show the El Paso massacre sparked the Dayton massacre. Monkey see, monkey do.

Except you have lied about the motivation for the shooting. You tried to claim the Dayton shooter was a racist just like the El Paso shooter. We know that's a lie because the Dayton shooter was another Bernie supporter.

It is surprising gay people are Republicans because the republicans portray them as the antichrist.

Wrong, that isn't the majority of the GOP, that's a small group that is leftover from the Religious Right days, which are coming to an end in the GOP, thank God.

Trump opened his campaign as a racist saying the Mexicans were nothing more than drug dealers, gang member and rapists.

That's what your racist ears heard, that isn't what he actually said. He said Mexico doesn't send their best people, which is true, they send their poor people who Mexico won't take care of. Some of those people, as he said were rapists, drug dealers and gang members, he wasn't wrong. He never said they were all bad people, just some.

Then he said they were an infestation.

He didn't use that term until recently, and of course he again isn't wrong, there are over 20 million illegal immigrants in the US, and it is an infestation. We like legal immigrants, we don't like illegal immigrants.

At his rallies when he asked the crowd what to about the infestation? The crowd replied kill them.

That never happened.

The El Paso massacre happened within a few weeks after Trump’s rally and the mass murderer was quoting Trump.

Once again, that proves nothing but you like to link things together that aren't linked.

The bad part of it is Trump employees all kinds of illegals. It is not personal it is just business with Trump.

If there are illegals working for the Trump organization, then I'm pretty sure he didn't know about it. No more than the former gov of CO who had employed an illegal immigrant who killed a police officer.

Children should never be involved in politics.

Then how come the left is always getting children involved as political pawns?

His parents just might as well of painted a target on his chest that said shoot me.

Who's parents?

For every reaction there will be an equal and opposite reaction. Trump’s politics are getting people killed.

No, it's the left's reaction to the policies that are getting people killed.

They had a case on one of the court-shows a few years back where a guy saw a Hillary sticker on a car at a theater. He got out of his car and started keying the car. He denied it but there was a witness.

You mean like the time a bunch of racist black people in Chicago pulled a white guy out of his car and assaulted him because he had a Trump bumper sticker?

They had a case on one of the court-shows a few years back where a guy saw a Hillary sticker on a car at a theater. He got out of his car and started keying the car. He denied it but there was a witness.


A bumper sticker on car is one thing but putting a hate monger’s hat on a child is another.

At 16 or 17 years old, those children are old enough to dress themselves and pick what they want to wear. You are a bigger hate monger than Trump, I haven't heard Trump say he really hates anyone, you on the other hand, have called for the deaths of people and the stealing of their processions, your constant use of the term "ungodly greedy", shows who the hate monger really is.

Child protective services should remove that child from the home before the parents get him killed as a political pawn.

He would only come to harm because of the violent left. The right typically doesn't attack someone for political beliefs, only the left does that, Antifa being the prime example.

Trump badly needs martyrs for the cause and he does not care how many have to die.

He has no such need for martyrs, he is pretty popular and people are liking what he is doing with the economy. It's the left is in constant need of martyrs, it's why the left only deals with emotion and not facts or reality.

Your site is also being used to launch Trump’s campaign what a coincidence.

My site? What site would that be?

Here we go again, just as Trump favorite conspiracy theory said Sandy Hook was faked now the Russian are saying the El Paso massacre was faked using actors no doubt.

Trump never said such a thing, why do you have to lie so much? No one pays attention to what the Russians say except you and the extreme left. Russia is now the new boogieman for the left. What you fail to realize is that the Russians are playing you for dupes, not the right.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 14 Jan, 2020 10:16 pm
By defining mass shootings as any shooting where four or more people are wounded or killed puts it in line with definition of mass murder which is any shooting that results in four or more people killed. Trying to define mass shootings by the motives is a waste of time as the motive is just speculation, we will never know the motive for a mass shooting for sure. To define a mass shooting as the location where it takes place is a waste of time. To define a mass shooting as to whether the victims are related to the shooter is also a waste. Just simplify it to just four or more people killed or wounded.

What Is A Mass Shooting? Why We Struggle To Agree On ...

https://gunsandamerica.org › story › what-is-a-mass-shooting-why-we-stru...

1. Cached
Aug 4, 2019 - Unfortunately, everyone seems to define mass shootings a little differently. Traditionally, it's been a combination of two factors: how many ...

You wanted to contend that to be a mass shooting it had to take place on public property as opposed to private residence.
There have been several definitions of mass shooting in the past but the definition used by the group studying gun violence will become the standard definition of mass shootings because of its simplicity.
The killing of a human being is the killing of a human being. Even your own definition says especially the killing of one human being by another. Why do you think the word especially was used it makes the killing of one human being by another as only one type of murder?
That is thirty-gun accidents too many. How many ceil tiles do you think one bullet would knock down. At best there would be a tiny hole in a ceiling tile and that amount of debris would not even injury a fly let alone three children. For three children to be injured the bullet had to fragment when it hit a solid object.

3 students injured when California high school teacher fires ...

https://www.nbcnews.com › news › us-news › 3-students-injured-when-cal...

1. Cached
Mar 14, 2018 - 3 students injured when California high school teacher fires gun during ... Seaside High student injured when teacher accidentally fired gun in ...

This story tells you the students were injured by bullet fragments. This idiot teacher was checking to see if the gun was loaded. How? By pulling the trigger of course. We had a couple policemen do the same thing with shot guns. If the shot gun is not loaded it is fine but it sure makes for a big hole in the roof of police car if it is loaded.
Reply Wed 15 Jan, 2020 10:54 am
By defining mass shootings as any shooting where four or more people are wounded or killed puts it in line with definition of mass murder which is any shooting that results in four or more people killed.

This allows the media and anti-gun groups to lie about the number of real mass shootings and to try and effect our Constitutional right to own a gun. You want easy propaganda, not real facts and studies as to why people do what they do.

Trying to define mass shootings by the motives is a waste of time as the motive is just speculation, we will never know the motive for a mass shooting for sure.

Yet you always seem to find the "racists" of interest when it comes to motivation and so disinterested in the reasons when the shooter seems to be left leaning. Motive actually tells you a lot about the motivation for the crime and can be used by law enforcement and other professionals to see where services or other studies can be done to lessen these types of crimes.
We know a majority of mass shooters are actually on mental health drugs of some sort or another.

To define a mass shooting as the location where it takes place is a waste of time.

That's because a majority of mass shootings take place in "gun free zones". You don't care about the location because you don't want to know the truth about the danger of "gun free zones", and how many people they have actually killed.

To define a mass shooting as to whether the victims are related to the shooter is also a waste.

This is also important because it also points to motive and would also include the location. In reality you don't want anyone to know the facts of a case, you want to tell them it's bad and guns should be banned.

What Is A Mass Shooting? Why We Struggle To Agree On ...

Did you even bother to read your own article and what it was actually pointing out? Let me give you a clue, it doesn't make a claim one way or the other and in fact cautions users on how to use sources and how those sources are using the info:
"So how do you count mass shootings? It depends on what you care about. Often we start with fatalities and injuries and then motivation, circumstances, or other factors. When you see mention of the number of mass shootings, it’s important to contextualize the numbers in relation to the source of the data.

Each resource that tracks these incidents abides by their own definition, which they should make available on their site or along with their reporting.

If another news organization is citing a stat, pay attention to where it’s coming from and which types of gun violence are included or excluded. Certain resources have pros and cons (more on that below) and should be used accordingly in reporting and in understanding the news you read.

In discussions or when sharing information, be mindful of the source. It’s often easy for a tweet or a Facebook post to exclude or drop the citation. Without the context each definition provides, these numbers lose their meaning."

You wanted to contend that to be a mass shooting it had to take place on public property as opposed to private residence.

That's because shootings that take place on private property are usually different crimes, domestic vs non-domestic. Different types of crimes have different types of motivation and causes.

There have been several definitions of mass shooting in the past but the definition used by the group studying gun violence will become the standard definition of mass shootings because of its simplicity.

You didn't bother to read your own article, if you did, you wouldn't have written this. There are several different groups who are studying gun violence, not just one group and they all come up with different answers to the question. You simply want the studies that are going to lead to strict gun laws, that's your only aim and it's a dangerous aim when it comes to our Constitutional Rights.

The killing of a human being is the killing of a human being. Even your own definition says especially the killing of one human being by another. Why do you think the word especially was used it makes the killing of one human being by another as only one type of murder?

You are still going on about this? You are wrong no matter how to try and spin it. Can you even find a person who agree's with you, the definitions of murder and suicide sure as hell don't.

That is thirty-gun accidents too many.

I happen to think one US citizen killed by an illegal immigrant is one to many, but you would never support a total ban on illegal immigrants.

This story tells you the students were injured by bullet fragments.

The story doesn't say that at all, it says they were hurt from debris falling from the ceiling. It was one of the parents of the students "hurt" who claimed it was a bullet fragment. You continue to lie by omission to try and prove a point. When you have to do such things, it proves you have no point to make because you have to lie to make it, that's what propaganda is.

This idiot teacher was checking to see if the gun was loaded. How? By pulling the trigger of course.

That teacher is an idiot, no one teaches to check if a gun is unloaded by pulling the trigger, that was an idiotic mistake and that person shouldn't be teaching gun safety.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 15 Jan, 2020 10:27 pm
The pay wall sources will be the best sources because you get what you pay for. Even pay wall sources provide a few free news stories. I encountered a blocked pay wall article the other day and just switched to a different computer and read the article.
This is where a search is superior to a link. When you do a search, it will list several articles about the subject from many different sources. Once you know the subject all you need to do is run a search and it should provide non-pay wall articles about the same subject.
That is not the vision you lose due to aging, you lose the ability to read small print. Your distance vision is fine but it seems like small print keeps getting smaller and smaller. At 46 you are past due but you will be looking for reading glasses soon.
I never use the key board to copy and paste I just use the mouse. I had always been able to able to use the mouse in the earlier version of windows. It never worked after the version of windows changed except on “Word.” Now I have to play with it several times to get it highlighted but when you hit the copy on the pull-down menu it would not copy. Finally, I found out if the cursor is in the highlighted area it will copy.
I still think providing the proper search criteria is better.
I have books that are 40 years old but almost all the books I have read about Trump have copyright date 2016 or later. I have read books about Trump from both republican and democratic authors. I have read books about Trump from members of his administration and from without. I have read books about Trump before he ran for president and even a book written about Trump supposedly by Trump.

I am just finishing Omarosa’s book and was pleasantly surprised. She had considered Trump as her mentor. I think she tried to be honest about her point of view. Her statement about her being a member of the Trump cult who was blinded but can now see describes what is happening in America. She feels sorry for the senile old man who cannot remember two sentences long enough to give a speech. A man who signs bills and executive orders without ever reading them.
Our government was founded to gain independence from England and away from the belief in the divine right of kings. It was the revolutionary belief that people could govern themselves without a king.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 16 Jan, 2020 10:11 pm
Zimmerman was not made a policeman. He had absolutely no authority to stop people or follow them. A neighborhood watch is just that a neighborhood watch. If you see something say something to the police department. When the neighborhood watch was set up by the police department Zimmerman was told not to follow people. If he had done as he was told the child would be alive today. Zimmerman did exactly what the police dispatcher told him not to. What part of “don’t follow him” don’t you understand?
If someone were following you on a dark night what would you do? Wait on him to knock you in the head? We know that Zimmerman was the aggressor, it was him that was following Martin. Zimmerman has a gun in his pocket and he is playing policeman. Martin was simply going to store. If a gun nut has a gun on him that will make him think he owns the world and he will act like it. Studies show just having a gun will make someone more aggressive.
The witness testimony said a loud argument took place before the shot was fired. You can bet Zimmerman stopped Martin to start the argument. Zimmerman would have done just like our Republican mayoral candidate did pull his gun to hold Martin at gun point until the police arrived. At this point Zimmerman would be guilty of kidnapping the child. That when the fight started.

Zimmerman was out looking for a fight. Zimmerman is a wife beater and that is why he picked on a child. No evidence will ever show who started the fight but we know who was looking for a fight
If Zimmerman had stopped following Martin there would not have been a child killing. Zimmerman was overheard making remarks that the police never got there on time. Are you now saying it was Martin who was following Zimmerman? Why would he follow him? Martin was not playing policeman like Zimmerman was?
The child killing would have never taken place if Zimmerman had stopped following Martin.
The only evidence is the child killing and that only takes place if Zimmerman continues to follow the child and confront him.

Reply Thu 16 Jan, 2020 10:38 pm
Zardoz wrote:
Zimmerman was not made a policeman. He had absolutely no authority to stop people or follow them.

Mr. Zimmerman never tried to stop anyone. No authority is required in order to follow someone.

Zardoz wrote:
When the neighborhood watch was set up by the police department Zimmerman was told not to follow people. If he had done as he was told the child would be alive today. Zimmerman did exactly what the police dispatcher told him not to.

That is incorrect. The dispatcher did not tell him to not follow. He merely implied that it was a bad idea.

And upon receiving this advice, Mr. Zimmerman stopped following Trayvon.

Zardoz wrote:
What part of "don't follow him" don't you understand?

The dispatcher never said that. He merely implied that it was a bad idea.

And Mr. Zimmerman took that advice and stopped following him.

Zardoz wrote:
We know that Zimmerman was the aggressor, it was him that was following Martin.

That is incorrect. We know that Trayvon was the aggressor. Mr. Zimmerman had stopped following Trayvon upon receiving the advice that it was a bad idea.

Zardoz wrote:
Martin was simply going to store.

That is incorrect. Trayvon was casing houses so that he could break into them later that night when he was high on PCP.

Zardoz wrote:
The witness testimony said a loud argument took place before the shot was fired. You can bet Zimmerman stopped Martin to start the argument.

The evidence shows that Trayvon came up to Mr. Zimmerman and started the fight.

Zardoz wrote:
Zimmerman was out looking for a fight.

No he wasn't.

Zardoz wrote:
Zimmerman is a wife beater

I doubt it.

Zardoz wrote:
and that is why he picked on a child.

Trayvon was not a child.

Zardoz wrote:
No evidence will ever show who started the fight

That is incorrect. The physical evidence shows quite clearly that Trayvon started the fight.

Zardoz wrote:
If Zimmerman had stopped following Martin there would not have been a child killing.

There wasn't a child killing. And the evidence shows that Mr. Zimmerman did stop following Trayvon.

Zardoz wrote:
Are you now saying it was Martin who was following Zimmerman? Why would he follow him? Martin was not playing policeman like Zimmerman was?

No one was playing policeman. Trayvon came up to Mr. Zimmerman and assaulted him because Trayvon was a violent thug.

Zardoz wrote:
The child killing would have never taken place if Zimmerman had stopped following Martin.

There wasn't a child killing. And the evidence shows that Mr. Zimmerman did stop following Trayvon.

Zardoz wrote:
The only evidence is the child killing

There wasn't any child killing.

Zardoz wrote:
and that only takes place if Zimmerman continues to follow the child and confront him.

No child was being followed.

Trayvon was not being followed either. Trayvon was the one who initiated the confrontation.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Jan, 2020 10:26 pm
Do you really think constant massacres are not a compelling reason to ban weapons of war? If you had to place a value on your child’s life what would it be? How about a whole class room full of children? Or 59 lives and 500 injured at a rock concert? That is a compelling government interest if there ever was one.
If it had been the intention of the founding fathers to give you a right to any weapon whatsoever, they would have worded the second amendment that way, they did not for a very compelling reason. Granting you a right to have a weapon to bear is not the same as granting you a right to any weapon whatsoever. You also know this from the current laws that ban the full-automatic version of assault weapons and current state bans of semiautomatic version of assault weapons.
On one side there are 5 million NRA members allied with the Russians on the other side there are 325 million parents who are determined to protect their children from gun nuts armed with weapons of war. That is a pretty good start.
No that is a recently made up requirement made up by those who want school massacres to continue until the end of time. The 1994 assault weapon ban makes no reference to a selective fire switch and neither do any of the state assault weapon bans reference a selective switch. Automatic assault weapons were already effectively banned.
Almost all massacres use assault weapons that were banned under the 1994 assault weapon banned. Assault weapons are the one must have ingredients for a massacre.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++An There is no requirement for an assault weapon to have a selective fire switch that is just an option for that type of weapon. Just like a convertible top is an option for a car. Both cars serve essentially the same purpose as both version of assault weapons do the same thing, kill lots of people very quickly.
Someone with an assault weapon firing at that speed killed 49 people in a matter of minutes. Out of the 202 rounds fired by the Pulse Night Club mass murderer he killed 49 and wounded 53. It looks like his aim was excellent because we don’t know how many victims were hit multiple times. The facts show your theory is wrong.
When the factories build assault weapons, they all come down the same assembly line and only at the end are some selected to get the optional selective fire switch.
There is only one thing we will agree on is Remington has decided that America is flooded with assault weapons and they will no longer sell them in America.
Reply Fri 17 Jan, 2020 11:14 pm
Zardoz wrote:
Do you really think constant massacres are not a compelling reason to ban weapons of war?

Any justification for banning a weapon of war would not apply to an ordinary hunting rifle like the AR-15.

However, it should be noted than no weapon of war has ever been used in a massacre in the US.

Zardoz wrote:
If you had to place a value on your child's life what would it be? How about a whole class room full of children? Or 59 lives and 500 injured at a rock concert? That is a compelling government interest if there ever was one.

That's why bump stocks were outlawed. But it's nothing to do with ordinary hunting rifles like the AR-15.

Zardoz wrote:
If it had been the intention of the founding fathers to give you a right to any weapon whatsoever, they would have worded the second amendment that way, they did not for a very compelling reason.

They specified that we have the right to have the sorts of military weapons that are needed to fulfill our militia duties.

Zardoz wrote:
Granting you a right to have a weapon to bear is not the same as granting you a right to any weapon whatsoever.

The Second Amendment does not grant. It protects a preexisting right that we've had for thousands of years.

And that right covers any weapon that there is no compelling government interest in restricting.

Zardoz wrote:
You also know this from the current laws that ban the full-automatic version of assault weapons and current state bans of semiautomatic version of assault weapons.

There is no such thing as a semi-automatic version of an assault weapon.

Zardoz wrote:
No that is a recently made up requirement made up by those who want school massacres to continue until the end of time.

That is incorrect. The requirement for a selective fire switch has been part of the definition of assault weapon from the very beginning.

Zardoz wrote:
The 1994 assault weapon ban makes no reference to a selective fire switch and neither do any of the state assault weapon bans reference a selective switch.

That law used a fraudulent definition.

Zardoz wrote:
Almost all massacres use assault weapons that were banned under the 1994 assault weapon ban.

That is incorrect. That law banned ordinary hunting rifles. It did not address assault weapons.

Further, most massacres use ordinary handguns, not rifles of any kind.

No assault weapon has ever been used in a massacre in the US.

Zardoz wrote:
Assault weapons are the one must have ingredients for a massacre.

No assault weapon has ever been used in a massacre in the US.

Zardoz wrote:
An There is no requirement for an assault weapon to have a selective fire switch that is just an option for that type of weapon. Just like a convertible top is an option for a car. Both cars serve essentially the same purpose as both version of assault weapons do the same thing, kill lots of people very quickly.

That is incorrect. The selective fire switch is one of the main requirements for a gun to be considered an assault weapon. Guns that do not have a selective fire switch are not assault weapons.

Zardoz wrote:
Someone with an assault weapon firing at that speed killed 49 people in a matter of minutes.

Where is the evidence that he killed a lot of people when he was firing at that speed?

Zardoz wrote:
Out of the 202 rounds fired by the Pulse Night Club mass murderer he killed 49 and wounded 53. It looks like his aim was excellent because we don't know how many victims were hit multiple times. The facts show your theory is wrong.

What facts? Let's see some evidence that a lot of people were killed at the moment that he was firing at that speed.

Zardoz wrote:
When the factories build assault weapons, they all come down the same assembly line and only at the end are some selected to get the optional selective fire switch.

That is incorrect. All assault weapons get a selective fire switch. Otherwise they are not assault weapons.

Zardoz wrote:
There is only one thing we will agree on is Remington has decided that America is flooded with assault weapons and they will no longer sell them in America.

Remington has never marketed or sold assault weapons.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Jan, 2020 09:30 pm
The best way to eliminate high capacity magazines is to eliminate the guns they fit. Load the gun the old fashion way one bullet at a time.
The second amendment didn’t grant a right to a 30 round magazine it granted only a right to an arm to bear.
Reply Sat 18 Jan, 2020 10:54 pm
Zardoz wrote:
The best way to eliminate high capacity magazines is to eliminate the guns they fit.

High capacity magazines can be made fit any gun that accepts detachable magazines.

The best way to eliminate high capacity magazines (if we were to do such a thing) is to restrict access to high capacity magazines.

Zardoz wrote:
Load the gun the old fashion way one bullet at a time.

That would be unconstitutional. People have the right to have enough firepower for adequate self defense.

Zardoz wrote:
The second amendment didn’t grant a right to a 30 round magazine it granted only a right to an arm to bear.

The Second Amendment doesn't grant anything at all. It protects a preexisting right that we've had for thousands of years.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Jan, 2020 09:31 pm
The semi-automatic assault weapons are subject of the 1994 assault weapon ban as well as the state assault weapon bans.
The first cars were all made with standard transmissions, later they made cars with automatic transmissions but they are both cars. Both semi-automatic and full-automatic assault weapons are assault weapons. The vast improvement made in design of the AR-15 made it an ideal weapon for massacres.
Nazi Germany dose not get to make the laws in the United States and neither does the NRA. The laws in the United States were all designed to ban semi-automatic assault weapons. The state laws were also written to ban semi-automatic assault weapons.
Reply Sun 19 Jan, 2020 09:42 pm
That is incorrect. There is no such thing as a semi-automatic assault weapon.

Those laws do not address assault weapons. They are unconstitutional bans on ordinary hunting rifles.

A semi-auto-only AR-15 is just an ordinary hunting rifle, and it is no more suitable for massacres than many other ordinary hunting rifles.

Nazi Germany coined the term "assault weapon". As such, they were the people who decided what the term means.

The NRA has considerable say over what gun laws Congress does and doesn't pass.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Jan, 2020 11:43 am
Do you really think constant massacres are not a compelling reason to ban weapons of war?

No, because there are not constant "massacres" with the AR platform. We know for a fact that less then 1% of gun crimes are mass shootings with scary looking guns. We know for a fact that less than 300 people per year are killed with rifles of all kinds. Once again, the stats are not in your favor, that's why you don't use real stats, they don't back up your propaganda.

If you had to place a value on your child’s life what would it be?

Another part of your emotional BS. When you fail at logical arguments, you leftists always resort to using kids as weapons in your un-American schemes to limit the Constitution. There is never a plan from the left to expand on Constitutional Rights, only limit them.

If it had been the intention of the founding fathers to give you a right to any weapon whatsoever, they would have worded the second amendment that way, they did not for a very compelling reason.

That is exactly what they did, when they put in Shall not be infringed. That's it's whole purpose is to say we can have any weapon we want for any reason. Why was this phrase only applied to the 2nd Amendment and not the others? It proves you are wrong.

Granting you a right to have a weapon to bear is not the same as granting you a right to any weapon whatsoever.

Shall not be infringed is a pretty clear indication that there are no limits on the 2nd Amendment. The entire purpose of the Bill of Rights and the Constitution is to place limits on the govt, not the people. You leftist always have this confused because you are all totalitarians at heart.

You also know this from the current laws that ban the full-automatic version of assault weapons and current state bans of semiautomatic version of assault weapons.

A good portion of those laws are going to be deemed un-Constitutional in the very near future, likely this year.

On one side there are 5 million NRA members allied with the Russians on the other side there are 325 million parents who are determined to protect their children from gun nuts armed with weapons of war. That is a pretty good start.

You do realize that there is no 2nd Amendment right in Russia, much like you want here. I fail to see how Russia comes into play with our Gun rights. You and others on the left have failed to explain this.

325 million parents? That would make the entire population of the US to be parents... you do realize that isn't possible and means you are lying again about your stats.

No that is a recently made up requirement made up by those who want school massacres to continue until the end of time.

You would be wrong as usual. It was the only definition of such weapons until the anti-gun left started on their un-American crusade to get rid of the 2nd Amendment. The made up requirement was done in 1994 as a way to start a ban on all guns. We all know none of the laws you enact are going to reduce gun violence, so that means when one law fails, they will come up with a new law, further limiting the 2nd Amendment until this game goes on and on until we can't have guns period. That's the aim of the anti-gun left. Once the guns are gone, they can get rid of the Constitution and try and institute socialism and then communism. It's always the plan of leftists, they have repeated this model across the world and only brought misery and death to those nations.

Almost all massacres use assault weapons that were banned under the 1994 assault weapon banned. Assault weapons are the one must have ingredients for a massacre.

You have zero facts and stats to back up this claim, it's nothing but an emotional plea, no facts.

An There is no requirement for an assault weapon to have a selective fire switch that is just an option for that type of weapon.

As usual, you would be wrong. That selective fire switch is the only piece required on a rifle for it to be an "assault weapon". If it doesn't have one of those, it's a plain semi-auto rifle, there is no such thing as a semi-auto assault rifle, they don't exist, it's a made up term by dumb anti-gun activists.

Someone with an assault weapon firing at that speed killed 49 people in a matter of minutes. Out of the 202 rounds fired by the Pulse Night Club mass murderer he killed 49 and wounded 53.

The speed at which is was firing, which you have zero info on, had nothing to do with how deadly the shooting was. It was deadly because people were packed into the club and he didn't have to aim, he did what's called "spray and pray". If he was aiming, he would have had a much deadlier shooting spree than he had. He was in the club for over 10 minutes shooting people before he was engaged by the police and killed. So your claim of 202 rounds means nothing because it was a 10 minute shooting spree, not the couple of minutes you have lied about.

When the factories build assault weapons, they all come down the same assembly line and only at the end are some selected to get the optional selective fire switch.

How do you know this? Have you been to a gun manufacturing plant and seen how they do it? No, you are making things up as you go along because that's all the emotional argument has to fall back on, made up stats and no facts.

There is only one thing we will agree on is Remington has decided that America is flooded with assault weapons and they will no longer sell them in America.

Their decision to stop selling those guns had nothing to do with too many of them, they failed to sell any because people were not interesting in buying Remington's version of the weapon. They were loosing money because they lost their military contract and people are buying better made AR platforms. Me personally, I'm going to go to either Stag Firearms or Danial Defense as both companies make AR platforms with a left-hand ejection port for us left-handed shooters. Should those be illegal as well because the FF didn't mention left-hand ejection ports?

0 Replies
Reply Mon 20 Jan, 2020 10:59 pm
What you don’t understand is that you don’t get to decide what the definition of an assault weapon is. However, the government can decide what the definition of an assault weapon is and they have. Not only did the federal government make a law banning assault weapons ten state have followed suit and it is the semi-automatic assault weapons that are the subject of those bans. The gun manufactures marketed the semi-automatics as assault weapons. It is only after the 1994 that they decided to call them by another name. It like saying one day that Mustangs aren’t cars they are tractors. You can say that but you can never make it true.
NASCAR can see the shift in public opinion, it seems school massacres are just not as popular as they once were. When I was kid, we had a cap pistols and played cowboys and Indians now that kids have replicas of AR-15s they can play school massacre.
It really does not have anything to do with the majority, this is not an election, it has to with the fact that school shootings have become so common that every school in country must practice massacre drills. Any school massacre is one too many.
In reality there is no such thing as gun free zone as gun nuts don’t pay any attention to signs without metal detectors in place. 4,432 guns were confiscated at airports last year but without metal detectors those gun nuts would have carried their guns onto the planes. I have known people to walk into a prison with their gun. There were 45 school shooting in 46 weeks last year.
The internet may report most of the big news incidences but the worlds knowledge is still contained in books. The internet may report on a book and read a paragraph or two on air but the vast majority is contained in a book. The internet is like junk food but the main course of knowledge is still books.
I spend plenty of time on the internet but I spend more time reading. The internet has it limits.
It is a school shooting if it takes place on school property. Most mass murderers who are responsible for school massacres are not students. If a mass murderer just kills foreign exchange students is it a school shooting? After all they are not even Americans.
You are the one that doesn’t believe in freedom of any kind, when you do not believe a woman has a right to control her own bodily functions, you can’t say you believe in freedom. Freedom of bodily functions is the very foundation of all freedoms. You want to deprive a woman of control of her bodily functions and let somebody else control her bodily functions. Once that is taken away all other freedoms will follow. There are no absolute freedoms and there never will be.
No that is a very good example of one person’s freedoms being limited because it violates the freedoms of others. You don’t think serial killers should be entitled to the pursuit of their happiness.
The $20,000 is an effective ban that puts those weapons out of the reach of most mass murderers.
If I have a thousand acres and I give you one acre that does not mean that you get the other 999 acres. There has been some really bad information out there about the second amendment. The second amendment is not complex it simply says you have a right to keep and bear arms. If you have an arm to bear the second amendment has been fully met. You are not entitled to the other 999 acres.
That study has been totally debunked and the real figure is estimated at 100.000, most likely 99,000 involving drug dealers protecting their stash.
Reply Mon 20 Jan, 2020 11:17 pm
Zardoz wrote:
What you don't understand is that you don't get to decide what the definition of an assault weapon is.

Neither do progressives.

Assault weapons:

a) are capable of either full-auto or burst-fire,

b) accept detachable magazines,

c) fire rounds that are less powerful than a standard deer rifle, and

d) are effective at a range of 300 meters.

This means that semi-auto-only guns are not assault weapons.

This means that guns with fixed magazines are not assault weapons.

This means that guns that fire rounds equal-to or greater-than the power of a standard deer rifle are not assault weapons.

This means that guns that fire handgun/shotgun/rimfire rounds are not assault weapons.

Zardoz wrote:
However, the government can decide what the definition of an assault weapon is and they have.

Their fraudulent definition does not change the actual meaning of the term.

Zardoz wrote:
Not only did the federal government make a law banning assault weapons ten state have followed suit

Those laws do not address assault weapons. They are unconstitutional bans on ordinary hunting rifles.

Zardoz wrote:
and it is the semi-automatic assault weapons that are the subject of those bans.

There is no such thing as a semi-automatic assault weapon.

Zardoz wrote:
There has been some really bad information out there about the second amendment.

And all of it comes from the left.

Zardoz wrote:
The second amendment is not complex it simply says you have a right to keep and bear arms. If you have an arm to bear the second amendment has been fully met.

The Second Amendment protects our right to have any weapon that there is no compelling government interest in restricting.

Zardoz wrote:
That study has been totally debunked

No it hasn't.

Zardoz wrote:
and the real figure is estimated at 100.000

No it isn't. It is 500,000 at a minimum.

Although even if it was only 100,000 cases of lawful self defense every year, that would still be a lot of self defense.

Zardoz wrote:
most likely 99,000 involving drug dealers protecting their stash.

These are all cases of lawful self defense.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 21 Jan, 2020 01:41 pm
What you don’t understand is that you don’t get to decide what the definition of an assault weapon is.

Actually I do, as an American I'm free to decide just about anything I want to and I don't have to accept the fake and misused definition created by a bunch of anti-gun politicians. I'm still waiting on you to provide some proof to your claim of firearms experts being used to craft that law. It's just another in a long line of bullshit and propagandistic claims you can't and won't prove.

However, the government can decide what the definition of an assault weapon is and they have.

They were wrong and have no standing to create such a definition when they have zero knowledge of the subject. Much like you, they know nothing about guns but want to speak as experts.

Not only did the federal government make a law banning assault weapons ten state have followed suit and it is the semi-automatic assault weapons that are the subject of those bans.

That bullshit law hasn't been in effect for almost 20 years. 10 states is a minority of states and they will all be losing court cases on the subject, much like NY is going to loose and VA is going to loose.

The gun manufactures marketed the semi-automatics as assault weapons.

Another bullshit claim you can't prove.

NASCAR can see the shift in public opinion, it seems school massacres are just not as popular as they once were.

Sorry to tell you but a majority of school shootings have not taken place with rifles, like all gun crimes, they are mostly committed with hand guns.

It really does not have anything to do with the majority, this is not an election, it has to with the fact that school shootings have become so common that every school in country must practice massacre drills. Any school massacre is one too many.

No, school massacres are not the common, only in the gun fever dream world you live in. They have drills because it could happen, when in reality they account for less than 1% of all gun crimes and the guns you fear most account for less than 300 murders per year.

In reality there is no such thing as gun free zone as gun nuts don’t pay any attention to signs without metal detectors in place.

You are right, there is no such thing as a gun free zone because the people who want to kill people don't care about signs. It isn't the NRA killing people, it's people with mental health issues or someone who thinks they have an axe to grind.

4,432 guns were confiscated at airports last year but without metal detectors those gun nuts would have carried their guns onto the planes.

You seem to have an irrational fear of guns. How many guns do you think were in checked bagage if they caught that many on people or in carry on luggage? Besides, it's been illegal to fly with a gun since well before 9-11, so I'm unsure what your point was... people forget to take their guns out of their bags?

There were 45 school shooting in 46 weeks last year.

I thoroughly debunked this in another thread, there were only 6 school shootings in that 46 week time-frame, CNN is lying and full of ****.

The internet may report most of the big news incidences but the worlds knowledge is still contained in books.

Those books have already been moved to the internet, you can download them via many different "e-readers". What you also fail to see is who controls those printing presses that put out the books. When there are only a few companies that publish physical books instead of e-publish, they get to pick what is published and what isn't. You continue to do books and lets others control what you read, I'll continue to find things across the internet that isn't controlled by a bunch of leftists/SJW's.

I spend plenty of time on the internet but I spend more time reading. The internet has it limits.

You actually have that backwards, the internet doesn't have limits, physical books have limitations as they can't be updated with new materials like an e-book can. You are also limited in who "publishes" what you read, some big company has that control, not you. With the internet, people self-publish and can put their books on the big sites that offer ebooks.

It is a school shooting if it takes place on school property.

If your a simpleton like those on the left. If you have any intelligence you would know if it doesn't take place during school hours and involve students of the school, it isn't a school shooting.

Most mass murderers who are responsible for school massacres are not students.

This is where you start playing with the language and won't use school shootings but of course aim for the worst of the shootings, not the most common type of shooting. It's another weakness in your character and debate style. The slimy duck and dodge tactics you use aren't worth of debate let alone a response.

If a mass murderer just kills foreign exchange students is it a school shooting? After all they are not even Americans.

What sort of twisted logic is this? When you can't debate the topic like a real person, you revert to twisted logic that no one has used but you. Get lost with that weak ass ****, stop making things up that no one said.

You are the one that doesn’t believe in freedom of any kind,

Here comes more of that weak sauce you keep making up.

when you do not believe a woman has a right to control her own bodily functions, you can’t say you believe in freedom.

So agree with a medical procedure as the be all and and all of American rights, or you don't believe in freedom? More weak ass arguments from the left.

Freedom of bodily functions is the very foundation of all freedoms. You want to deprive a woman of control of her bodily functions and let somebody else control her bodily functions. Once that is taken away all other freedoms will follow.

No, it isn't. Abortion wasn't a "right" until the 1973, well over 50 years after the founding of our nation. Abortion isn't mentioned in the Constitution because it's a medical procedure, and not a right. Based on your weak logic, I should be allowed to sell one of my kidneys to the richest person I can find, for as much money as they will pay me, my body my choice.

There are no absolute freedoms and there never will be.

and yet in the sentence before you were asking for women to be able to do with their bodies as they please and yet here you are declaring rights have limits. Tell me again were abortion is specifically mentioned in the Constitution, and then we can talk about guns, which are specifically mentioned in the Constitution as our 2nd inalienable right. Without the 2nd Amendment, all other amendments are gone, we have no way to defend our rights. The left doesn't want Rights, they want power over the people.
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