The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Fri 16 Mar, 2012 05:34 am
Rush Slimbaugh and his merry band of drug addicts and alcoholics are all over the public airwaves pushing for more oil drilling at the same time America has a glut of gasoline and is exporting 27 million gallons a day. The ease which Slimbaugh lies is amazing. Does Slimbaugh know about the 27 million a day glut? I found out about the glut from Slimbaugh show, he read the story about the glut live on the air without realizing the damage it would do to his later lies. The commie/conservative talking points require that the commie/conservative circle the wagons and protect the thieving oil company executives. The big commie/conservative lie is that gasoline in America is in such short supply that the supply and demand curve is driving the price through the roof and if we just drill in all the nation forests and pollute all the oceans and beaches the price of gas will be a dollar a gallon once again. But wait America already has a huge glut of gasoline, a 27 million gallon a day glut, and the price is going up defying the law of supply and demanded. Supply and demand may be a law but it is easy to manipulate supply. The law of supply and demand works on a market and if you can ship enough gasoline out of America you can create an artificial shortage and drive price through the ceiling. It is time that American demand that oil and gasoline be declared a precious national treasure and make it illegal to export any petroleum product. That would stop the greedy oil bastards from manipulating the supply by shipping America precious natural resources out of the country.
Gasoline: The new big U.S. export
NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- The United States is awash in gasoline. So much so, in fact, that the country is exporting a record amount of it.
The country exported 430,000 more barrels of gasoline a day than it imported in September, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration. That is about twice the amount at the start of the year, and experts and industry insiders say the trend is here to stay.
The United States began exporting gas in late 2008. For decades prior, starting in 1960, the country used all the gas it produced here plus had to import gas from places in Europe.
But demand for gas has dropped nearly 10% in recent years. It went from a peak of 9.6 million barrels a day in 2007 to 8.8 million barrels today, according to the EIA.
The U.S. still imports more than half its oil. But thanks to declining demand for products made from crude, the country is now supplying the rest of the world with gasoline.
CNN Money
The gasoline being shipped out of the country is enough gas to supply both New York and New Jersey. But the commie/conservatives tell us we must “drill baby drill” all that would accomplish is shipping tour precious natural resources to foreign countries. It is high time to stop making excuses Greedy Bastards that run the Oil companies and put them on trial for price fixing. America is actually using 33 million fewer gallons a day of gasoline than they used in 2007 but the commie/conservatives tell us we need more oil refineries when demand has fallen 8.3%. When will America realize that Slimbaugh gets paid $56 million a year to lie to them The Free Market is a conman dream the conmen are free to lie, cheat and steal. The Commie/conservative want to make America a safe haven for all matter of conmen and thieves.

They say the commie/conservative blogsphere can force the National News to cover a non story we need to make sure the Nation News covers this important story of the gasoline glut to discredit the commie/conservative lies.

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Reply Sat 17 Mar, 2012 05:52 am
How will Slimbaughs “Ditto Heads” react to the news that they are being ripped off by the Greedy Bastards in the oil industry? They will deny that the American oil companies are shipping 27 million gallons of gasoline a day to foreign countries, enough to supply the needs of both New York and New Jersey. They will believe that oil exporting story was staged like the moon landing which every good commie/conservative knows was staged on a Hollywood sound stage and this rumor that the world is round is just that another lie told by the mainstream press. The picture that accompanied the article of all the tanker cars full of gasoline ready to be shipped were obviously pictures of someone’s model train set. “You can explain the most complex thing to the simplest man but you can’t explain the simplest thing to the most intelligent man if he is already convinced that he knows how it works.” That is one of the most important laws of politics and that is why political propaganda stations are so important, the quicker the lies are broadcast the harder it will be for them to be corrected because even those intelligent people who listen will be absolutely convinced that “drill baby drill” will solve the problem but truth is that 27 million gallons of gasoline a day are being shipped to foreign countries. Shipping gasoline to foreign countries is extremely profitable for the oil companies and is considered “a profit center.” If we “drill baby drill” there will not be one drop of gasoline more in the American market in fact there will be less gasoline as demand is falling and has been falling since 2007 because the older gas guzzling cars of twenty years ago have reached the end of their useable life and are being replaced with newer more efficient models. The oil industries Greedy Bastards will tightly control the supply of gasoline in American to maximize their profits; the excess American production will be put in rail tankers headed for a foreign market. But there is an upside as those who manufacture tankers for the railroad will not be able to meet the increased demand for tanker cars.

One of the most important concepts you can learn in life is to, “Never ever underestimate self-interest as a motive.” The Greedy Bastards in the oil industry want to get as many of your dollars in their pocket as possible, they are quite willing to lie, cheat and steal to maximize there self-interest. They are not in business to provide a public service or gas for you to get to work, they simply want to maximize their profit. In a Free Market you have many suppliers and many buyers but left to its own devices monopolies take over. The seven big oil companies, known as the seven sisters, now control the oil industry and can completely manipulate supply by shipping product from one market to another. The seven sisters can pay people like Rush Slimbaugh $56 million a year to spread their corporate lies, lies that benefit them. But when the public embraces the oil company lies they believe they understand how something works and “you can not explain simplest concept to the most intelligent people because they are absolutely convinced they know how it works.”

The national news this morning was explaining why the price of gasoline was going up so rapidly and they said that refineries on the east and west coast were down. How similar this explanation sounded to the contrived California electric shortage when Enron managed to get many electrical generating plants to go off line to drive the price of electric up 600% to 700%. The actual recordings of Enron employees laughing about taking the last pennies of little old ladies were recovered. This was the great commie/conservative Free Market experiment. Utilities were tightly controlled by the Public Service Commission but the commie/conservative political ideology believes Free Markets are the end all answer to every problem. California Utilities Free Market was one of the biggest disasters ever; electricity went up 700% with continual brown outs and “manufactured” shortages. The more shortages the Enron traders could contrive the richer they got, they were simply following their self interest, if the old ladies had nothing to eat that was not their problem, in a free market it is everyman for himself and let the best man win. The Greedy Bastards in the Oil industry studied the Enron model in fact many of the people that worked for Enron now work in the oil industry they were after all energy traders and they know how to play the “game.” If in fact it were a “game” this strategy might be acceptable but life is not a winner take all game.
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Reply Sun 18 Mar, 2012 08:37 am
Just how much of the gasoline refined in America is being sent abroad? To put it in perspective Americans use 336 million gallons a day but the Greedy Bastards ship 126 million gallons a day abroad. As the Greedy Bastards ship 126 million gallons a day they jump up and down and tell us the reasons prices for gasoline is going up so fast in America is that there is a shortage of gasoline in America. It is simply that we don’t have enough refineries in America or a long list of other excuses. America oil companies are now exporting 27% of the gasoline produced in America and Romney is on Fox News this morning advocating “Drill Baby Drill” to solve the contrived oil shortage. Romney has a contrived solution for a contrived problem. Romney advocates free market solutions to the non-shortage shortage problem. Even the most ardent supporter of Free Markets, Adam Smith realized monopolies can eradicate Free Market and stated:

“People of the same trade seldom meet together but that the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public or in a contrivance to raise prices. “

The seven sisters have a monopoly hold of the world oil supply. When a monopoly exists a free market is simply not possible. It is only an illusion that is trotted out to pacify the stupid. Once before the American people broke up the great oil monopoly of John D. Rockefeller. Rockefeller used every legal and illegal trick in the book to destroy his competitors. Rockefeller, like the seven sisters, controlled the supply and when he controlled the supply he controlled the price and became fabulously wealthy at the American people’s expense. If America had not broke up the Standard Oil monopoly that controlled 88% of the refined oil it is doubtful that America would have ever become a world hyper power. America would have had a giant fat tick named Rockefeller bleeding it dry if the tick had not been removed. The seven sisters control the supply of gasoline in America today every bit as well as Rockefeller did in the early twenty century the only thing now is that gasoline is much more important to our economy then it was in 1911. Only the rich privileged few had cars in 1911 and indeed only the rich could afford fuel for them before the Rockefeller monopoly was broken up.

The commie/conservatives run on the free market ideology when they know that free markets are not possible when monopolies rule but still they pedal the illusion to the useful idiots and fiddle while Rome is burning. If any one incident can demonstrate how easy it is to distort price by manipulating supply it is the export of precious natural resources to make the Greedy Oil Bastards richer. The Greedy Bastards owe no allegiance to any country or any man, they pledge only allegiance to the dollar.
“Around 3 million barrels of petroleum products are sent abroad each day. For some perspective, consider that all U.S. motorists combined use around 8 million barrels of gasoline a day.

The top countries receiving the exports are Mexico, Canada, the Netherlands, Brazil, Singapore, Chile, Panama, Japan and China.
Huff Post Business
There is an on going bidding war for American gasoline between Mexico and America the only difference between this and a regular auction is that the loser gets to pay the same price as the winner no matter how much the winner runs it up. Lies and more lies, commie/conservative radio and Fox News generate all those dire shortage lies, all the reasons for the gas shortage and high gas prices. Gasoline prices are high for one reason and one reason only the Greedy Bastards can charge what every they want and they want more and more. In fact they want it all, every penny you have and every penny you can earn. After all the market makes it is free and easy to steal America blind what Rockefeller couldn’t accomplish the Seven Sisters will accomplish.
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Reply Mon 19 Mar, 2012 05:35 am
The Republican Party is out to destroy their number one enemy the American workingman. A major offensive was launched after the 2010 elections the Pee Partiers though they had a mandate to destroy the remaining unions and especially unions that represented public employees. The baby boomer generations was nearing the point that they would be reaching for their chips but the Republicans were determined to chop their hands off before that happened. Robert Ringer book “Winning Through Intimidation” is probably the most accurate book on human nature ever written.

The information in this book is as useful as the day when it was written. I have given away several copies of this book and do not have a current copy so I will have to paraphrase from memory Ringer postulated there were only four types of people. One stated that, They didn’t really intend to cut your hands off at the wrist when you reached for your chips but they had no choice. The second type stated that they really meant to cut your hands off at the wrist when you reached for your chips even though they assured you all along that was not their intention. The third type eludes me at this time but the forth type stated, I intended to cut your hands off at the wrist when you reached for your chips and I told you upfront that was my intention. Ringer was talking about real estate deals but the lessons apply to life in general. The first type the deal went bad and you got your hands cut off at the wrist even though that was not their intention the result was the same. The second type were the crooks and conmen they intended to cuts your hands off at the wrist when you reached for the chips all along they just assured that wasn’t their intention. The last type was an outright crook and told you up front he would cut your hands off at the wrist when you reached for your chips. Ringer preferred to deal with the out right crooks because he knew from the get go they were going to cut of his hands off at the wrist when he reached for his chips and he took measures to protect himself.

The baby boomer generation was surprised to find when they reached for their chips they found their hands cut off at the wrist. When they went to collect their pensions and health insurance benefits (and soon their social security and Medicare benefits) they found their hands cut off at the wrists by republicans. This is an organized political movement trying to pose as type one saying they had no choice but to cut this generation hands off at the wrist but really they are a type 2 who fully intended to cut our hands off at the wrist when we reached for our chips. The Republican Party is doing everything in their power to destroy organized labor in America. The Republican Party power is being derived by massive amounts of money from the ungodly greedy. I learned from the race track that it is hard to beat cubic dollars and that is true where ever cubic dollars are found but it is not impossible.

Once the battle with organized labor is over the next big battle will be waged over social security. The social security was raised it was spent to fund a massive 70% tax cut for the ungodly greedy. Now it has come time to pay social security money back, either the ungodly pay the money back or eliminate social security. I hear the ungodly greedy sharpening their meet cleaver now.
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Reply Tue 20 Mar, 2012 05:32 am
It was announced yesterday that oil refineries in the northeast are being shut down because they are not generating enough profit. Gasoline is selling for close to $4 dollars a gallon and they are not making a “big enough” profit. If gasoline is $8 a gallon will that give them enough profit? The Greedy Oil Bastards got use to the price of gasoline going up nearly a 100% a year when baby Bush was in office gasoline went up 762% in his last 7 years in office. So far under Obama the price of gasoline has not reached Bush’s high price but if the oil companies can shut enough oil refineries the price of gasoline will resume its previous 100% a year price increase. This is the Enron model of free market theft. If you can control supply you can control price. There is theft by knife, theft by gun and theft by political power but theft by free market is by far the most profitable. Enron proved that shortages can be staged and how easily the public can be ripped off. Enron was a big advocate of Free Markets and smaller government. They were instrumental in getting the laws in California changed so that the Public Service Commission could no longer regulate the price of electricity in California this would let free market competition drive the price of electricity down. Surprise, surprise the price of electricity went up 700% in short order and electricity was in extremely short supply after the price went through the roof. Enron could steal money fast enough. Greed destroys everything in its path if not controlled.

What do Enron and Oil companies have in common? A very few suppliers allow them to easily manipulate supply and when you manipulate supply the sky is the limit for price. Make no doubt about the oil companies are going to interject themselves into this election cycle just as they did into past election cycle. Look for the oil industry to contribute a billion dollars in this election cycle to commie/conservative politicians but this will be the first time that the price of gasoline will be used as a political weapon to defeat a sitting president. The Greedy Bastards from Enron are now working for big oil companies and the shut downs of refineries is just getting started.
“Drought, delays in approval of new power plants,[4] and market manipulation decreased supply. This caused 800% increase in wholesale prices from April 2000 to December 2000.[5] In addition, rolling blackouts adversely affected many businesses dependent upon a reliable supply of electricity, and inconvenienced a large number of retail consumers.”

An 800% increase in prices in just 8 months just think what you would do if electric bill went up 800% in 8 months? You might get an opportunity to see what you would do if the price of gasoline goes up 8 more times in the next 8 months. If you can manipulate the supply of electricity so the price of electricity so it goes up 800% in 8 months you can do the same with gasoline. Do you think for a minute that people would not pay $30 a gallon for gasoline and stand in long lines to get whatever small amount was available? People might not buy as much but they would still buy gasoline. When the next commie/conservative you run into starts telling you how great the Free Market is tell how well it worked out in California when prices went up 800%.
Many countries have found there is only one way to deal with ungodly greed of the seven sisters nationalize their assets.

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Reply Wed 21 Mar, 2012 05:36 am
With the fast approaching Enron style contrived gasoline shortage this summer it is important for the public to be reasonable, after all $400 million just doesn’t go as far as it use to. It is just not fair for the public to expect a CEO from a major oil company to retire on a measly $400 million. The oil refineries being shut down because they are just not making enough profit are in the Northeast. Enron used rolling blackouts during the contrived electricity shortage to paralyze the public with fear so they would literally pay any price Enron asked for electricity. The oil companies now have the Enron playbook and they have already begun to implement the plan by closing down “unprofitable refineries. By closing the northeastern oil refineries the oil companies will begin targeting towns with contrived gas shortages. These towns will be “blacked out” and no gasoline will be available for a week or two in these areas. The Northeast was carefully chosen by the oil companies for their terrorist attack for the same reason Al Qaeda chose the same area for their terrorist attack, because of the proximity to all the major television networks. The images of cars stranded beside the highway out of gas and horror story after horror story on the evening news will convince the American people to pay any price the oil companies ask for gasoline and set off a gas panic across America with long lines of angry people at the pumps to top off their tanks.

Make no doubt about the timing of the oil company’s terrorist attack is designed to take out the President. It is a double edged sword, Obama is already being held personally responsible for the rising price of gasoline, but massive amount of campaign cash will be raised by the oil companies. Thanks to the Supreme Court there is no limit to the amount of political bribes that the oil companies can make. The oil industry contributed $500 million in bribes in order to buy baby Bush the 2004 election and was richly rewarded by being able to run the price of gasoline up 766% during the baby Bush terms in office. Bush kept a windfall profit tax from being imposed on the massive profits of the oil companies. During Obama term the gasoline prices have not even reached the level they were during Bush last year in office and the oil companies knew a windfall profit tax would be imposed if they continued to run the prices up but now with Obama term coming to an end they believe they can pull off an act of economic terrorism and take Obama out before he can retaliate with a windfall profit tax. If the American people fall for this obvious tactic there will be no end to the increase in gasoline prices because the next president may owe his very soul to the Greedy Oil Bastards.

This winter the oil industry has been shipping 33 million gallons of gasoline a day to Mexico, South America and Europe and now as driving season dawns in America they shut the refineries down because they are “unprofitable?” Seems they were making quite a profit shipping gasoline out of the country. This is a tale of two political ideologies the free market utopia illusion represented by Enron and the Oil industry or a government big enough to stop the American people from being ripped off. When one oil company CEO retired with a $400 million retirement the next one feels entitled to $800 million, the next feels entitled $1.6 billion and so on it has to be stopped and the free market will never stop the abuse of the American people by the Greedy Bastards. Think about it in free market ideology you are depending on the Greedy Bastards to police themselves.
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Reply Thu 22 Mar, 2012 05:21 am
The big difference between the internet and the traditional news sources is that a conventional news source reports the news its editors or editorial board deem important but the internet allows you access to millions of different news sources, conventional or otherwise. The problem is that to locate a certain news stories on the internet you must first know what to search for and do a search for that topic. The advantages of the internet are that information tends to remain on the internet for much longer periods of time and a simple search can locate several different sources about the topic. When the evening news is over or the day’s news paper thrown away it is hard to find or reference a certain story. Conventional News sources depend on advertising dollars to pay their bills and do not want to alienate large sponsors. The big story on American oil companies exporting a record 126 million gallons of gasoline a day went virtually unnoticed. I was lucky to locate the stories on the massive exports of gasoline. I got the lead from an unlikely source, Rush Slimbaugh read a story about the record exports of gasoline breaking a record set in 1949. Slimbaugh is getting old and he read the story before he realized what an impact it would have on the lies he was telling. He referenced the story one time and one time only and resumed the commie/conservative lie that it was a shortage driving the price of gasoline up. Which is it Rush are we exporting a record amount of gasoline or there is a shortage? They can’t both be true. But detailed records of gasoline exports are kept. Americans have substantially reduced the amount of gasoline they use with a near a 10% reduction over the last 5 years but no matter how much American cut back on consumption there will be a perpetual shortage because it is so simple to manipulate supply. There is the utopian theory of the Free Market and the harsh reality of massive and ongoing theft.

I would suggest everyone do a search for “Record Gasoline exports” on several different search engines, posting hyperlinks is not one of my talents. One search result dated March 22, 2012, states that record amounts of gasoline exports is not effecting the price of gasoline. The law of supply and demand dictates price. Reduce supply and price will skyrocket, one way to reduce supply is to export it out of the market. This particular site is worried that the American people will realize that if A is true B is true. If you ship a record amount of gasoline out of America you create a shortage in America. Gasoline exports have risen by 266% compared to 2007. Wait wasn’t 2007 when Americans were lined up in gas lines and paying record prices? Baby Bush was saying the cause was a shortage of gasoline and the oil companies were shipping gasoline out of the country. The gasoline shortage you hear about on red neck radio is lie told by those who are paid $56 million a year to lie to the public.

Instead of opening the National Oil Reserves to drive price of gasoline down simply ban the export of gasoline which would put much more actual gasoline in the market. The commie/conservatives have told the same lies so often they no longer care whether the public knows they are lying to them or not. The commie/conservatives expect the useful idiots to act as if the lies are true and feel sorry for the Greedy Bastards. The useful idiots are expected to believe as a little child believes and they do.
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Reply Fri 23 Mar, 2012 05:34 am
The book about Enron was titled “The Smartest Guys in the Room: The Amazing Rise and the Scandalous Fall of Enron” the parallels between Enron’s manufactured electricity crisis in California and this summer’s manufactured gasoline crisis are unmistakable. The Enron guys might not have been the smartest but they were sure some the most morally bankrupt in the room. Enron would launder electricity by selling electricity generated in California to Nevada and then buy it back again so they could charge several 100% more for the same electricity. The Greedy Oil Bastards are selling gasoline manufactured in America to Europe and then buy gasoline manufactured in Europe. Sound familiar? California electricity being sold to Nevada to run the price up 800% and Greedy Bastards are exporting gasoline to Europe and then buying gasoline from Europe.

The Greedy Oil Bastards actually make the argument that the export of massive amount of American manufactured gasoline to South America makes no difference in the price of gasoline in America. Why? Because the Greedy Oil Bastards say they would simply shut excess gasoline manufacturing down to drive the price through the roof anyway and they know that by experience. America is now exporting enough gasoline a day to fill the needs of both the states of New York and New Jersey.

No doubt the Keystone Pipeline will become a big issue in the upcoming election. Where is most of the gasoline manufactured in America being shipped from? The Gulf of Mexico. Where is the Keystone Pipeline going to? The Gulf of Mexico. If Canada was going to ship oil into the United States why would it need to be piped clear across America? So it can be shipped to South America. You ship to a sea port so it can be exported.

Enron was Reagan’s culture based on greed coming of age it represented greed for greed’s sake. The commie/conservatives actually believe that a culture based on who can steal the most from their fellow man and be unmolested by the government regulations against theft is indeed utopia. The real effects of the commie/conservative greed based political ideology didn’t happen till long after Reagan left the Whitehouse and retired into dementia, he left us with a lottery winner mentality where a few winners take almost everything.
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Reply Sat 24 Mar, 2012 05:32 am
There is a well known truism about computers that states: “Garbage in, garbage out.” In other words if the input data is garbage the out coming data is also worthless garbage. The human mind is no different if the information coming in is garbage the actions taken as a result will also be garbage. If the American people are told repeatedly that gasoline prices are going up because there is a shortage of gasoline in America and the only way to solve the problem is to “drill baby drill” they will vote for those in who will slaughter the environment and destroy our National Forests and nature preserves.

Why are the commie/conservatives pushing so hard for drilling on public property? Because it is extremely profitable, oil leases on private land is much more expensive while public oil leases are sold at fire sale prices usually by politicians who accepted huge bribes from the oil companies and were employees of the oil companies prior to accepting their jobs in government to oversee the leases on public and will return to employment in the oil industry shortly after their term in office ends. The cheaper the raw material the higher profit margin, with American oil companies exporting 33 million gallons of gasoline a day breaking a record set in 1949 the profit is tremendous but if the oil companies can extract oil from public land at $20 a barrel instead of paying $106 a barrel on the market the profit margin goes off the charts. It is a win, win situation for the Greedy Bastards in the oil industry they ship America’s precious natural resources to South America and Europe and make wind fall profit and at the same time “create” a gasoline shortage in America.

Red neck right radio continues to feed the gasoline shortage garbage to the American people everyday in an effort to get the American people to give them garbage out by electing more of the Greedy Oil Bastards’ cronies. Do the red neck radio hosts know the gasoline shortage is a lie? Sure they do, Slimbaugh provided me with my original lead for the record gasoline exporting story by reading it on the air. It is not like I would believe anything Slimbaugh had to say without first verifying it from at least 10 different independent sources but indeed this story was verifiable. So Slimbaugh is deliberately feeding the American people garbage and this will help the Greedy Oil Bastards rip the American people off for billions this summer. This is why Slimbaugh gets $56 a year to lie to the American people and he flies around the world in his own private jet.

As soon as Reagan and the commie/conservatives took power they eliminated the “Fairness Doctrine” this allowed the establishment of a garbage in network in America that rivaled the garbage in Network in Nazi Germany or Red China. Most don’t people realize what passes for free speech is actual quite expensive, Slimbaugh is paid $56 million a year to lie to the American people over the public airwaves. Slimbaugh and others try to pass their self off as “entertainment shows” when in fact there can be no doubt their objective is propagation of propaganda, this is like big time wrestling trying to pass itself as a sport.
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Reply Sun 25 Mar, 2012 07:51 am
The whole argument by the commie/conservative right as to why gasoline prices shot up 766% (the actual rise in price in gasoline if the tax is left out of the equation and no other product has the price of taxes computed in its rise in price) during baby Bush's term it was short supplies of gasoline and not enough refineries now the article entitled “Record US Gasoline Exports Do Not Appear To Be Driving Gasoline Prices – Analysis”
says the price of gasoline has nothing to do with supply and demand curve it has simply been what we knew all along it was simply the function of the greed of the Greedy Oil Bastards. Monopolies like the oil monopoly simply control the supply; they ship oil out of the country or shut refineries down to drive the price through the ceiling. Other countries found there is one way and one way only to deal with the Greedy Oil Bastards nationalizes their holdings.

The basic premise of this article is no matter how much gasoline is shipped out of the country the Greedy Oil Bastards have complete control of supply. In other words there is no Free Market the Greedy Oil Bastard’s monopoly has complete and total control of a rigged market.

This above comment was placed on the article’s web site entitled “Eurasia Review News and Analysis” but it is “awaiting moderation” it seems no comments have made it through “moderation”

We know that are senses are filters as wells as receivers, our eyes only see certain frequencies of light, our ears only hear a portion of the sound frequencies, our noses only smell certain odors. We quickly learn to filter out most of the information surrounding us and focus on the important information. In an open field we will quickly notice a rabbit making a break for it but we don’t notice the tress in the distance or the sound of the highway in the distance until we hear squalling brakes and a loud crash. Focusing our attention is key, one day my wife and I were at a local mall and noticed across the river a black bear raiding trash cans so much of our attention was focused on the bear that we could have stepped on a snake. This is the only time I every saw a black bear outside a zoo and it was not far from a crowed mall.

Propaganda stations and even real News Networks focus our attention on a narrow band of information. They have focused our attention on the rising price of gasoline when gasoline goes up a penny it is National News. What if the news media instead focused our attention on the oil companies shipping 500 thousand 42 gallon barrels of gasoline out of the country a day? What if the American people were shown a story about long gas lines and a gas shortage and then shown film of the 500 thousand barrel of gasoline a day being shipped to South America? When the commie/conservatives politicians started running commercials saying “drill baby drill” counter them with pictures of miles of gasoline filled tanker cars headed to Mexico. The American people need to know no matter how much we “drill baby drill” the only thing that is going to happen is the lines of taker cars filled with gasoline going to Mexico is going to get longer.

Gasoline started out as a waste product from refining oil now once again gasoline is a waste product. In addition to the 500,000 barrels of gasoline exports the United States is exporting an additional 850,000 barrels a day of other petroleum distillate. The other petroleum distillates are far more valuable meaning the gasoline is simply a byproduct. Even though gasoline exports have went up 266% since 2007 the export of gasoline will continue to rise exponentially and the commie/conservatives will continue to run around like Chicken Little chanting drill baby drill.
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Reply Mon 26 Mar, 2012 05:32 am
After posting a comment yesterday on “Eurasia Review News and Analysis” the sight that ran the article entitled “Record US Gasoline Exports Do Not Appear to Be Driving Gasoline Prices- Analysis.” Eurasia Group, the publishers of Eurasia Review, is described as the world’ largest political risk consultancy. In other words the Greedy Oil Bastards were paying this firm to assess the political risk of exporting 500,000 barrels of gasoline a day to South America Mexico and Europe while at the same time claiming that the steep price rise in gasoline in America was being driven by a shortage of gasoline. Like all other games if the Eurasia Group assessment shows that the American public is basically ignorant of the fact that 21 million gallon of gasoline (enough gasoline to fuel meet all of the needs of the states of New York and New Jersey) a day is being exported then it is business as usual for the oil companies. If on the other hand the Eurasia Group sampling of public opinion finds that the American public is outraged because 21 million gallon of gasoline is being exported than the oil companies at very least need to go into damage control mode.

The Eurasia Group assessment was made necessary to measure how widespread the knowledge of the exporting of the 22 million gallon of gasoline a day is. If the mainstream news media does not report the exporting of 22 million gallon of gasoline a day how will the general public find out. The news of the exporting of the 22 million of gasoline a day appeared in the Los Angles Times and CNN Money but most people news source is Network Television News and the story is at least as important as the next penny raise in gas prices and should be reported every time gas prices rise. The argument from the commie/conservatives is that the mainstream news media is in the pockets of the liberal establishment. My argument is that the mainstream mews media is in the hands of the ungodly greedy who pay for the advertising. This instance shows without a doubt that the oil companies are receiving special treatment every possible reason for a gas shortage is paraded before the public on the evening news, oil refinery fires, wells shut down because of hurricanes and shutdowns for switch over to summer fuels but nothing is ever said about massive amounts of fuel being exported overseas. The internet has a massive amount of information but to find it you have to know it is there in the first place in order to find it. This situation is much like the conman coming into and elderly ladies home with a squirt gun while it is raining and when she is not looking he squirts water on the ceiling and tells her the roof is leaking. The oil companies are crying shortage while we know they are exporting 22 million gallon a day.
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Reply Tue 27 Mar, 2012 05:32 am
I had a friend who borrowed his buddies 57 Chevy in the 70s. The 57 Chevy was a highly prized classic throughout the 60s and 70s. He was downtown and a big gust of wind blew a woman full skirt above her waist. Talk about distracted driving Bruce never noticed the stopped car in front of him. Bruce could not tell you the color of the car he hit but he still remembers the color of the woman panties. We are all like Bruce in some respects we can all tell you how much the price of gasoline has gone up. The gas price signs draw our attention much like Marilyn Monroe drew attention standing over that grate. But we are so distracted that few of us notice that the oil companies are now exporting a record amount of gasoline. In 1949 the last time America exported this much gasoline, America was drowning in cheap gasoline and gas wars the rule not the exception. Drill baby drill is just a distraction like the skirt blown up in the wind. Each time Sarah Airhead says “drill baby drill” we should hear “steal baby steal” because that is what is going on in America today. Supply has absolute nothing to do with the price of gasoline in America today as long as the oil companies can control the supply of gasoline by exporting record amounts of gasoline to foreign countries. In 1949 when America was exported the same amount of gasoline we had a good portion of the world’s oil refineries.

Now the Greedy Oil Bastards expect us to believe America has an oil shortage and a refinery shortage at the same time they are exporting record amounts of gasoline. The Greedy Oil Bastards are peeing on the America people’s legs and telling us it is raining and Sarah Airhead is standing there telling us see I told you it was raining. I always wonder how Sarah Airhead managed to be picked to run for vice President. The Greedy Oil Bastards put over $500 million into the last election and Sarah Airhead no doubt was their chosen spokesperson. Steal baby steal, no Sarah the slogan is “drill baby drill” steal baby steal is what we do but our slogan is drill baby drill.

The American people have simply got to pay less attention to the skirt being blowing in the wind (price of gasoline) and more attention to what is causing the skirt to be blown up (record exports of gasoline). If we could put Marilyn Monroe look alike with full skirts on street corners throughout town on a windy day it would no doubt cause a record amount of car crashes. We are being distracted every bit as effectively by the Greedy Oil Bastards as long as we blame our government for the contrived shortage of gasoline the Greedy Oil Bastards will get richer and richer.

The commie/conservatives always blame the government even when their prized Free Market is obviously a Rigged Market controlled by monopoly. The commie/conservatives always blame government intervention for every problem and they seek to strangle government in every way. It is not government intervention that causes a problem but lack of government intervention that causes the problem. The Greedy Oil Bastards are exporting record amounts of gasoline to create a contrived gasoline shortage in America and influence the upcoming election. When a monopoly deliberately conspires to create a shortage of a commodity by exporting large quantities of that commodity the government should be able to stop the Greedy Oil Bastards from exporting precious natural resources. Likewise when the Enron style shutdowns are used to manipulate prices if the intent to manipulate price can be proven the Greedy Oil Bastards should be jailed for theft of billions of dollars from the American people. Just as our sight is limited to a narrow band of light spectrum theft is a wide spectrum and only a narrow band of the theft spectrum is currently illegal. We are all victim of thieves everyday and the vast majority don’t carry a gun. There are many more thieves and ways to steal than most people can even imagine.
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Reply Wed 28 Mar, 2012 05:35 am
The commie/conservatives continually chant “redistribution wealth,” redistribution of wealth” and the villain in all their tall tales is always the US government. But in our society is that really how wealth is redistributed? In America monopolies are responsible for redistributing much more of America’s wealth than government. In the late 60s the, seven sister, the oil monopoly cut America up like a pie. Like the Mafia they divided the America into territories and each one of the seven sisters was assigned its territory. Competing refineries were closed, in this area if you buy gasoline no matter what brand you buy it comes from the local Marathon refinery. When prices are raised they are raised territory wide in minutes. In other areas one of the other seven sisters owns the only oil refinery. Regional monopolies eliminate competition and price fixing was not exception but the rule, since the wholesale price of gasoline is the same to all retailers no competition a free market for gasoline is only an illusion. To the uninformed they see many different brands of gasoline appearing to compete for your business but for those who look behind the curtain they see only one supplier. Prices in the entire territory are extremely uniform and may not vary by ¼ of a percent. The gasoline monopoly has resulted in one of the biggest redistribution of wealth in the last 100 years.

The regional oil monopolies placated the Greedy Oil Bastards thirst for wealth in the last half of the twenty century but greed is progressive once you get more, you want much more. Greed is an unquenchable thirst. The seven sisters were never satisfied with a fair profit they rigged the market place to make astronomical profits and redistributing the wealth of the American people into the hands of the ungodly greedy few, less than 1/100 of 1%. But even with complete regional monopolies the seven sisters wanted more and into politics they forged with a king’s ransom they sought to buy the Whitehouse in 2000 and 2004 but even that was not enough. The seven sisters remembered the mid seventies when the Middle East war caused a shortage of gasoline and skyrocketing gas prices. So now they excused the skyrocketing gas prices as caused by a shortage of oil. The commie/conservatives made the rounds of the News and Talk shows blaming the shortage of gasoline that doesn’t exist except in the press releases from the oil company’s public relations departments, on not enough oil. Meanwhile back at the oil refineries we are shipping 22 million gallons of gasoline a day to foreign countries and gas consumption in America is down by almost 42 million gallons a day since 2007. This is the real redistribution of wealth in America.
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Reply Thu 29 Mar, 2012 05:32 am
As gas prices go through the roof the seven sisters are forced to close one of the largest oil refineries in the world because of a world wide glut of gasoline caused by a world wide recession. In a true free market the rule of supply and demand governs, when supply goes up price goes down. But when there is a world wide glut of gasoline the price of gasoline is going through the roof and we are being told there is a shortage. Yesterday I paid 30 cents more a gallon for gasoline than I paid two weeks ago. This is proof positive that the Free Market political ideology that commie/conservative preach doesn’t exist but in their imagination. Supply of gasoline is going up, up, up and the price of gasoline is going up, up, up. There may still be some products areas where there are enough suppliers that the laws of supply and demand still works but monopolies are not subject to law of supply and demand and never have been this is why monopolies were outlawed in America. This is why Standard Oil monopoly was dismantled by the government in the last century. The Standard Oil monopoly function much like the seven sister monopoly today the same abuses were common. And never ever doubt that redistribution of wealth is the purpose of a monopoly.

The refinery being closed is in the US Virgin Islands and was at one time the fifth largest refinery in the world but currently is only the eighth largest in the world. Why is it being closed? Because it is not profitable anymore, when gasoline was selling for 50 cents a gallon (the actual price of gasoline minus the tax) at the end of Baby Bush first year in office the refinery was making record profits but now with gasoline selling for 700% more the poor Greedy Oil Bastards simply can’t make a profit. It seems this old oil refinery is oil fueled while the newer refineries in the US are fueled by natural gas which makes it much cheaper to refine gasoline. What? It is now much cheaper to refine gasoline but the price of gas keeps going up. But as the price of refining gas goes down the free market dictates price goes down. Free Markets and Monopolies are polar opposites and where monopolies exist Free Markets can’t.

Isn’t it funny how when you are stuffing $400 million into the pockets of Greedy Oil Bastards for a retirement package pocket that even when the price of gasoline goes up 765% suddenly the refinery can’t make a profit anymore. As the price of gasoline went through the roof the Greedy Oil Bastards simply stuffed their pockets, their back packs and their cars with all the wind fall profits this is the “real” redistribution of wealth in America and no matter how much they get they want more. It is a hard fought competition for the mentally and morally corrupt in our society when one gets $400 million the next feels entitled to $800 million and the next one wants $1.6 billion and now some want and get $5 billion a year. In 1999 Bill Gates was worth $81.5 billion and had as more wealth than the bottom 45% of Americans households combined. In America the race of the morally and mentally bankrupt was in full swing and Gates was in the lead. Greedy they name is conservatism.
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Reply Fri 30 Mar, 2012 05:37 am
The Greedy Oil Bastards managed to get a story on NBC evening news trying to explain the skyrocketing price of gasoline in America they had to explain even though there is a huge glut of gasoline in America there is a world wide shortage of gasoline in developing countries and so the Greedy Oil Bastards are shipping gasoline out of America at a record pace. The Greedy Oil Bastards wanted to remind the American people that in a so called ”Free Market” they can ship every gallon of gasoline out of America and there is absolutely nothing anyone can do about it including the President. The Greedy Oil Bastards were raping the Middle East countries by paying them far less for the oil than they did for shipping it over here. The Middle East countries got tired of being swindled and nationalized the oil company’s assets in their countries. Americans know where monopolies exist no free markets are possible. The Greedy Oil Bastards have been raping America for the last 11 years and it is time to put a stop to it.

The world wide shortage of oil would make sense but there is a huge glut of oil in America in fact there is so much of a glut of oil in America that finished product like gasoline and diesel fuel cannot be shipped out of America fast enough. The Greedy Oil Bastards can’t have it both ways claiming there is shortage of oil while in fact there is huge glut of oil in America. You cannot export record amounts of gasoline without a glut of oil. In fact so much gasoline is being produced in America as a waste product during the “cracking” of crude for much more profitable petroleum products that foreign markets had to be developed to dump the massive amounts of “waste” gasoline.

In twenty years of dealing with criminals one the first things you find out is they spin lie after lie. If you disqualify one of their lies with facts they will almost instantly spin a new lie to fit the new facts. In magistrate court over a hit run driver that demolished my wife’s month old Honda CRC the police officer said the hit and run driver’s explanation was he had no brakes. I thought that explains why he was driving 60 mph in a 25 mph zone and hit me the second time to push my car out of the way and continue driving. Cars have had duel independent braking systems since 1966 and odds that both fail at the same time are negligible. The Greedy Oil Bastards spin lies every bit as quick as other criminals they hope to find a lie that will pacify the public and as long as the record amount of gasoline exports remains out of the mainstream news media and the public awareness the Greedy Oil Bastards will try to come up with more lies and “Drill baby, drill. It is the evil government who is preventing these benevolent oil Bastards from providing the American public with 50 cent gasoline again.
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Reply Sat 31 Mar, 2012 01:50 pm
I checked the internet to find price of oil in 2008 as I believe it was far higher than the current price of oil. The cost of refining the oil into gasoline has dropped sharply when refineries switched to being fueled with natural gas instead of oil fueled refineries. If the cost of raw material and processing have dropped significantly than the price of gasoline should have gone down instead of up without taking into account the greed factor. But the greed factor is predictable, greed is unidirectional and only goes up it never drops. The Greedy Oil Bastards want more and more of your dollars, the more they get the more they want and they are in a position to take it. The historical table showed that oil sold for $91.48 in 2008 and I thought it was much higher but a closer examination shows that is the average price for the entire year. The price oil fell significantly after a baby Bush depression began. The price of crude oil reached a $147.30 in July of 2008 with gasoline price reaching $4.239 in that same month. Crude oil is now selling for around a $107 dollars and gasoline is at $4.19 the Greedy Oil Bastards are paying 27% less for oil and still charging almost the same price for gasoline. If oil reaches what it did in 2008 gas will cost at least $5.21 and probably. Now the Greedy Oil Bastards are running around like Chicken Little saying the sky is falling, “oil shortage,” “oil shortage” and we know it is a lie because they are exporting enough gasoline each day to supply all of New York state and the state of New Jersey.

I found there is only one solution for thieves put them in jail and give back the money they have stolen to the rightful owners. Thieves never stop stealing on their own, they just steal more and more, they feel rightfully entitled to everything their victims have. This is the real sense of “entitlement.” When I was racing I worked as a mechanic and another employee was stealing us blind. Each mechanic kept several thousand dollars worth of tools at work and tools regularly disappeared one day when an expensive tool that had never been used disappeared from my box I started looking for the thief. There had been jail trustees washing police cars and I was sure I had found the thief but another employee informed it wasn’t the trustee but another employee who had been stealing for years. I later encountered the employee at a Flea Market selling the stolen tools I bought some and turned them over to Police Department to see if the markings could be recovered. Sometime tools that have been struck with markings can be bought back with an acid treatment even after they have been ground off. Unfortunately the markings were engraved and could not be recovered. The thief was brazen enough to inform us that those tools were as much his as ours as we got a tiny replacement supplement from the city. That is exactly the way the Greedy Oil Bastards feel exactly like that thief felt your money is just as much theirs as it is yours.
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Reply Mon 2 Apr, 2012 05:33 am
It has been a busy weekend I ran a 3 mile race in Huntington on Saturday and the Ohio University ½ Marathon on Sunday. It is often harder to find the time to write during racing season.

We all believe that we can recognize a thief, but all kinds of thieves pick our pockets every day without our realizing what happened. As much as 40% of our income may be stolen on any given day. I recently suspended the car insurance policy on a 20 year old car in order to suspend it I had to add comprehensive coverage that I had dropped years ago. I was surprised to find that comprehensive coverage was almost as much as the liability coverage. The car is locked in a block garage so there is a near zero chance of loss to insurance company. The comprehensive on the much newer SUV I am driving is about half of the 92 model. Why? Because no doubt there is a much higher theft rate for this sports car and more are found burnt, no doubt by the owners who purchased the cars and reported them stolen. The car insurance allows the thieves to take $200 out of my pocket every year to cover owner theft and arson.

House insurance is the same. A local banker owned a house he couldn’t sell for what he thought it was worth. He sold it on a land contract to a man with a reputation for arson soon the man’s wife was in the hospital and the house caught fire while he was visiting her. The local fire department put out the fire there was a new corvette in the garage the man made no attempt to remove the car and the house caught fire again by the time the fire department got back to the fire station. The house and corvette were a total loss. The insurance claim was no doubt paid to the banker as he was the owner of record. The deed in land contract doesn’t change hands until the last payment. Of the $1,000 a year for homeowners insurance you can bet $100 goes to pay the claims of thieves.

Many younger people don’t have medical insurance and don’t pay their medical bills. I have a nephew who was involved in a serious accident on his four wheeler his injuries required him to be life flighted to a neighboring city. Even though he has a good job he has refused to pay his medical bills those bills are paid by those of us who have medical insurance in the form of higher bills for our services.

The Greedy Oil Bastards might not meet our conventional profile of a thief but they are in fact major league thieves. Our conventional idea of a thief is a masked man with a gun but this profile is accurate for only a tiny fraction of the thieves in our society. Thieves in our society are much more likely to be wearing a $3,000 three piece suit and be running an oil monopoly. A few dollars stolen here and a few dollars stolen there are but the tip of a very large iceberg where oil monopolies steal billions. The thieves we see arrested on the news each night are just bush leaguers we may also see some of the major leaguers but they are not being arrested they are telling us the latest lie about the shortage of gasoline while they are shipping 500,000 barrels of gasoline to Mexico, Brazil, and Europe.
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Reply Tue 3 Apr, 2012 05:34 am
What would our ancestors that founded America have done if a necessity of life was raised 766%? I guess we will never know for sure but history tell us that when tea, a beverage, was raised a few pennies the tea was dumped in Boston harbor. Dumping a few oil tankers in the harbors would make a mess that would take years to clean up and would be bad for the environment so that’s out. When any commodity goes up 766% in 7 years you can bet thieves are at work. That means the price of gasoline went up an average of close 110% a year in just 6 1/2 years during baby Bush’s term. If a Chevrolet that cost $20,000 in December of 2001 went up as much as gasoline did during those same 6 ½ years it would cost $153,200 in July 2008. Something tells me they would not be selling very many Chevrolets. The difference there is a free market for cars with many different manufactures of automobiles. But the seven sisters hold a complete and total monopoly in the gasoline market, price fixing is the norm, no one can doubt that driving down the road as the price is the same to the tenth of a cent at gas station after gas station. Free markets and monopolies can’t coexist, you either have a monopoly controlled market or a Free Market you can’t have both. But monopolies use Free Markets as cover for their operation. Each time the public contemplates action against monopolies they put on their free market uniform and loudly proclaim Free Market, Free Market when nothing can be further from the truth.

Monopolies are the exact antithesis of a free market they control supply by shipping 21 million gallons of gasoline out of America each day. They control the price by price fixing one call from the local refinery raises the price at every gasoline station they supply. Free markets have many competitors competing against each other to sell the most products. They strive to make the most profit by maximizing their market share this is done by competing for quality and price. Monopolies on the other hand work on another theory that of creating shortages Enron style. When monopolies take over they force all smaller suppliers out of the market place. Last century Rockefeller created his monopoly by pricing his price below a competitor in one area while raising in another area he controlled once the competition was eliminated he could raise his price to what ever he wanted. Rockefeller monopoly was busted by our grandfather’s generation they simply would not tolerate monopolies.

Since dumping the oil in harbor is simply too messy and anti trust suits against multi-nationals are impractical what can be done? We have to face the fact that America has found other way to deal with monopolies. Utilities have a monopoly, they have no competition and left to their own devices would raise prices 766% and this is exactly what happened in the California when the Public Service Commission deregulated the California electric market. Oil companies have every bit as effective a monopoly as utilities have. Public Service Commissions have been very effective controlling prices on water, electric, and natural gas. The Public Service Commission allows a fair profit at a fair price. Gasoline is just a natural extension of the Public Service Commission powers. The free market is simply an illusion that the seven sisters hide behind, we put a stop to Enron we don’t have to let the Greedy Oil Bastards abuse us and our children. It is a very simple concept, you take control of the situation or the situation takes control of you.

If the Greedy Oil Bastards submitted to the Public Service Commission the $400 million retirement for the last Exxon CEO the Public Service Commission would not allow that as a legitimate business expense and maybe allow a $30,000 a year pension. If the oil company wanted to be so generous to a retiring 5 year employee it would come from their profits of the oil company and not be allowed as a legitimate business expense.
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Reply Wed 4 Apr, 2012 05:36 am
In a world turned upside down the people would see the price gougers as heroes and the government that tried to stop their theft as the villains. The purpose of propaganda is to turn the world upside down. If any other commodity price had raised 766% in just 6 ½ years the American people would be up in arms. Never have energy prices raised so fast as they did during the baby Bush years. Gasoline went from 50 cents a gallon, when the tax was removed from the retail price of gasoline, to $3.60 a gallon. What happened in Washington D C prior to the steep rise in gasoline prices? The National Energy Policy Development Group (NEPDG) was created by baby Bush in March of 2001. energy predate Cheney If secret meetings were held with the price gougers and been
“The Energy Task Force, officially the National Energy Policy Development Group (NEPDG), was a task force created by then-U.S. President George W. Bush in 2001 during his second week in office. Vice President Dick Cheney was named chairman. This group was intended to “develop a national energy policy designed to help the private sector, and, as necessary and appropriate, State and local governments, promote dependable, affordable, and environmentally sound production and distribution of energy for the future."[1][2]
The Bush Transition Energy Advisory Team,[3] shaped the administration’s supply-side energy policy administration and was a precursor to the Energy Task Force.[4]

There is often a danger in connecting two events in a cause and effect relationship simply because one event preceded the other but in this case the energy summit was convened to affect energy policy. The price of energy is a very significant part of energy policy. It is important to note that by the time the Bush administration was elected it was a wholly own subsidiary of the oil industry, the oil industry spent 100s of millions to buy the election of baby Bush and still the majority of the American people voted against baby Bush. Who was not represented at the Energy Summit? The American people and Cheney told the American people they were not even entitled to know the energy companies who participated. Why? Because they knew the policy was to drive the price of gasoline through the roof.

“America faces a major energy supply crisis over the next two decades,” Secretary of Energy Spencer Abraham told a National Energy Summit on March 19, 2001. “The failure to meet this challenge will threaten our nation’s economic prosperity, compromise our national security, and literally alter the way we lead our lives.” The Energy Task Force was developed to decrease American dependency on foreign petroleum, which the National Energy Policy deemed would have a negative effect on the US economy, standards of living and national security.[6]
The Task Force was composed of Vice President Dick Cheney and the Secretaries of State, Treasury, Interior, Agriculture, Commerce, Transportation and Energy, as well as other cabinet and senior administration-level officials. According to the GAO, these members held ten meetings over the course of three and a half months with petroleum, coal, nuclear, natural gas, and electricity industry representatives and lobbyists. None of the meetings were open to the public and no non-federal participants were involved. The first phase of the project was to inform the President of current energy supply problems and changes needed to the economic policy. This was completed on March 19, 2001, while the second phase, the presentation of the National Energy Policy, was completed on May 16, 2001.”
“America faces a major energy supply crisis over the next two decades?”

__________________________________________________ That proved to be a lie as we are now exporting 21 million gallons of gasoline a day to South America which has vast natural resources. If they are lying about that what else are they lying about? Of course the public wasn’t allowed to participate or even attend and not even entitled to know who attended according to Cheney. [7]

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Reply Thu 5 Apr, 2012 05:34 am
The very soul of America is rotting with greed. Each generation believes the next generation has lost all the moral values of the previous generation but the rot of greed is not confined to just one generation it crosses all the current American generations. The greed in the oil industry is just a symptom of an overall sick society. In a world turned upside down greed would be the guiding value and today Americans follow greed like it was Mosses leading the Jews through the desert. In the 80s the commie/conservatives dressed greed up and told America greed was it savior if they would just worship greed the god of greed would take care of everything. For over thirty years greed has been the primary guiding value in America, you need not ask if you are better off today then you were 30 years ago, the figures don’t lie and the vast majority of Americans are far worse off today while a tiny few, 1/100 of 1%, are fantastically better off with just one individual owning more wealth than the bottom 45% of American families combined.

Did the communists, like Frank Meyer and Whitaker Chambers, who founded the Modern Conservative Movement purposely design the Modern Conservative philosophy to destroy America? What is known for sure is that Frank Meyer and Whitaker Chambers dedicated most of their life to overthrow the government of the United States. The Conservatives would have you believe that they had a come to Jesus moment and suddenly became the great saviors of America people but Chambers and Meyer were not only students of history but lived and participated in an explosion of communism in the 30s when communism was growing at a 10 fold rate every 4 years. Reagan lionized Chambers, a known communist spy, by awarding him the Presidential Medal of Freedom the highest civilian award possible equivalent to the military of honor and Reagan openly praised Frank Meyer as a preeminent political philosopher while he was in the Whitehouse.
“"It was Frank Meyer who reminded us that the robust individualism of the American experience was part of the deeper current of Western learning and culture. He pointed out that a respect for law, an appreciation for tradition, and regard for the social consensus that gives stability to our public and private institutions, these civilized ideas must still motivate us even as we seek a new economic prosperity based on reducing government interference in the marketplace. Our goals complement each other. We're not cutting the budget simply for the sake of sounder financial management. This is only a first step toward returning power to the states and communities, only a first step toward reordering the relationship between citizen and government."

Ronald Reagan
Frank Meyer evidently learned his respect for law when he was thrown out of England for trying to start a communist revolution in England.
Reagan and other conservative’s operating theory was that Meyer, Chambers and the other founding Communists had given up their life long dream of a communist America and suddenly switched sides late in life but did they give up their dream of a communist America? They lived through the 30s and knew that greed was the force destroying America and yet greed became the backbone of the new philosophy the communist founded. Greed is very much an individualist concept there no concept of society as a group, there is only individual competing for scare resources with no moral scruples the only object of the game is to win. If only the communists could elevate greed to the place of honor it enjoyed in America in the 20s communism would again be a viable alternative. The oil companies, Wall Street and other American institutions have all accepted the communist’s philosophy that greed is good and if greed is good more greed is better. Greedism is taught in America’s best business schools there is no concern for victims then targets on a video game. When you adopt the individual as the pinnacle of a philosophy you blind yourself to the reality that in the long run it is societies that survive the test of time individuals simply come and go.

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