The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Thu 9 Jan, 2020 12:20 am
There will always be limits on rights even the most cherished rights have limits. It would be easy to destroy the reputation of a young woman or a large company. Free speech does not give you the right to say anything nor does the second amendment grant you a “right to any weapon whatsoever for any purpose whatsoever.”
The world series is like the Superbowl the tickets are very expensive and they attract a national crowd. The tickets for a world series game average $1,000 pricing most local families out. To ensure that world series tickets available to people from all over the country they are distributed by a lottery system. Most federal employees don’t make enough to take their families to a world series game. A regular season would be attended by locals but world series has a nation audience.
Not according to the head of the FBI investigation of Clinton’s emails the FBI had all her emails and after separating the business emails from the private emails the FBI then returned her private emails, they were not investigating he private emails. The FBI had no authority to investigate her private emails anymore than they have to investigate yours. I know it is not from the lie factory Fox News or other Russian associated rightwing sites but straight from the FBI agent that ran that investigation he wrote a book to put the lies to rest.
Trump is now using Twitter to notify congress when he is taking the nation to war. That is government business on a private server and no republican sees anything wrong with it. All of the Trump family uses private servers to do government business.
The GOP wanted to mine Clinton’s emails for information that could be used against her in the election and they were absolutely livid that the FBI returned them.
No outcry about the Trump family. How are they going to archive all those government calls on private phones? Trump is also known to borrow any visitor phone to make calls whenever visitors are in his office.

All Clinton’s emails exist because they are on the other people’s email accounts.
BTW Clinton’s not running this year.
You are so use to lies from the right wing you can’t recognize the truth. The fact is the FBI agent that ran the investigation wrote a book and they had all the emails. Who do you think would know? The FBI agent that ran the investigation or somebody at Fox News sitting at their desk making up “news.”

Clinton is not running whatever she did or didn’t do makes no difference this year.
You and Trump believe every lie Putin tells. Every American intelligence agency, has debunked Putin’s lies just you and Trump believe that Putin was completely innocent. Putin was framed by those evil Ukrainians. Elvis is alive and well living with Putin. Read the book if you don’t believe it would do you good to read something that wasn’t a lie. You live on a diet of lies that Putin prescribed for Americans.

The DNC server was hacked long before the fishing attack on Podesta’s email account. The Russians probably provided the GOP with a security update for their server. The Russian are far more advanced than the GOP and could get into their server any time they wanted. But Russia had been grooming Trump to be president for twenty years and there was no point in getting into the Republican server they were an active part of the Trump campaign they were both on the same side. “The Russians spent several 10s of millions to get Trump elected.”

The FBI had absolutely no business with the DNC server as it contained highly classified political information before an election, just as they would have no business with the GOP server. The servers contain all the opposition research and research on their own candidates. The FBI was closely monitoring the traffic on the server and when there was unusual traffic, they discovered the Russian cyberattack done to benefit Trump.
You are supposed to be an IT person, you don’t have to have the server to know it under attack. Just as you don’t have to have radar to see the Russian bombers flying over. You can simply monitor the traffic and where it is going. You don’t think the FBI just comes by every so often and checks your server for Russians. Why do you think the FBI notified the DNC? Just psychic, I guess.
What part of the carried interest loophole don’t you understand? If it was your own money invested you already get the lower investment rate. The reason for the carried interest loophole is so you won’t have to pay the income tax rate on your income. This means all these big hedge managers get the investment rate on every dime they are paid. The ungodly greedy pay a far lower tax rate when all federal, state and local taxes are taken into account than the middle class and even the poor and Romney has the nerve to belly ache when he pays the lowest rate.

The carried interest loophole has nothing to do with investment income, it has to do with the commission the fat cats earn on somebody else’s investment.

This is how the reasoning of the rich works. If I own stock on company B and that companies pays income tax then the ungodly should not pay a dime income taxes. But If you work for company B and company B has already paid taxes on the money they paid you then by that reasoning nobody should ever pay income taxes. That is how asinine that argument is but they only make that argument for the ungodly greedy.
I fully understand loopholes and I am one of the few people that beat the IRS when I was audited. I had to teach them what they didn’t understand.
EIC is welfare and should have nothing to do with income tax. If government is going to give somebody a check and people with children need it don’t camouflage as a tax return. That money should be given out in monthly checks that way it would be more likely to benefit the children. Get the welfare out of the tax system and see what percentage pay taxes. If we cut the income taxes out on the first $50,000 that would take care of the EIC that would take care of the program. It is estimated out of the $56 billion spent EIC on $13.6 billion goes to fraud. It is easy program to defraud.
One of the most common crimes today is a drug rip off. And drug dealers are almost always armed. These type of crimes go unreported for the most part unless some one is shot or killed.
The flyer for local bar’s the New Year’s eve mass shooting showed a woman holding her AR-15. They were having naked twerking contests. I am sure everybody bought their AR-15 like the invitation showed. I knew these drug dealers would be from Detroit. What a combination AR-15, drugs, alcohol and sex. What could possibly go wrong. One of the holes blown through a block wall was six inches in diameter in the metal siding. That bar would have never been open if I was working. The woman that owned had a felony she had set up a drug house. I knew she could never get a liquor license. Sure enough, the bar had operated for a year without a license.
There is a law of cause an effect. Things just don’t happen they happen for a reason. That AR-15 could have been the reason but they would have just watched the place and broken in when they left. They could have easily stolen everything in the house while they were gone but they didn’t. The penalty for home invasion is much more severe than burglary. They wanted to get that guy really bad for some reason. You can have your pick of reasons but I will guarantee you there was reason.
I know how the system works and how easy it is to game the system. If you’re a criminal and want a gun you just go to gun store with your girlfriend and pick out your AR-15 and then have her purchase it. She does not have a criminal record and as soon as you are in the car, she hands it over. Just like the woman I ran into at a pawn shop she that a trunk full of guns. She had enough gums to arm a small army. If someone that was talking to himself offered to buy one of guns, she would not turn him down. Guns are bought and sold continually, if you can’t buy one at gun store just look on Craig list. A woman called me to look at a newly installed fence. She claimed her dog was getting out. The fence was only along sidewalk with no sides on it. The dog was a lot smarter than the woman. That is the way the current gun system is you just need to walk past the end.
Your right stealing a birthday gift isn’t the problem, guns are the problem. Just like the guy with the AR-15 shooting up the neighborhood in pitch dark. Nobody stole his birthday present he just wanted to kill people. He had been a hero on the high school baseball but his glory days were long gone. He was 50 and life was no longer as pleasant. He had gun and just decided to go hunting for humans one dark night. It is the gun that is the problem.
Reply Thu 9 Jan, 2020 03:37 am
Zardoz wrote:
There will always be limits on rights even the most cherished rights have limits.

Limits are allowed only when they can be justified as serving a compelling government interest.

Zardoz wrote:
It would be easy to destroy the reputation of a young woman or a large company. Free speech does not give you the right to say anything nor does the second amendment grant you a "right to any weapon whatsoever for any purpose whatsoever."

No one has ever claimed that the Second Amendment grants anything.

What the Second Amendment does is protect a preexisting right that we've had for thousands of years.

That right covers any weapon that there is no compelling government interest in restricting access to.

Zardoz wrote:
Your right stealing a birthday gift isn't the problem, guns are the problem. Just like the guy with the AR-15 shooting up the neighborhood in pitch dark. Nobody stole his birthday present he just wanted to kill people. He had been a hero on the high school baseball but his glory days were long gone. He was 50 and life was no longer as pleasant. He had gun and just decided to go hunting for humans one dark night. It is the gun that is the problem.

That is incorrect. Guns are not the problem. Murderers are the problem.

Murder victims would be just as dead if they were killed with some other weapon.
Reply Thu 9 Jan, 2020 11:55 am
There will always be limits on rights even the most cherished rights have limits.

There shouldn't be any limits on rights, and don't play that childish game, people not being free to kill people, that's a child's response and goes against common thinking and norms. The nanny statists don't think the common person has the ability to think or act for themselves and therefore has to do things that they know are good for the common man.

It would be easy to destroy the reputation of a young woman or a large company.

Would? How about is, you don't seem to be aware of "cancel culture". Obama even gave a lecture to the left about not using it as a political took against free speech. That's the difference between a liberal and a leftist, liberals still believe in free speech and expression, leftists want limits on what you can say and do. Leftists stand in stark contrast to the founding ideals of this nation.

The world series is like the Superbowl the tickets are very expensive and they attract a national crowd. The tickets for a world series game average $1,000 pricing most local families out. To ensure that world series tickets available to people from all over the country they are distributed by a lottery system. Most federal employees don’t make enough to take their families to a world series game. A regular season would be attended by locals but world series has a nation audience.

Why do you repeat what I have already said to you after you have disagreed with me? The swap isn't the normal federal employees, the "Joe's" of federal work, it's the K street types, the upper levels of management, the lobbyists and power brokers.

Not according to the head of the FBI investigation of Clinton’s emails the FBI had all her emails and after separating the business emails from the private emails the FBI then returned her private emails, they were not investigating he private emails.

You just made this up out of thin air, this isn't even close to the truth of what actually happened or to what Comey said in front of the TV camera's. Wow, you really do live in a world of delusion and fantasy.

I know it is not from the lie factory Fox News or other Russian associated rightwing sites but straight from the FBI agent that ran that investigation he wrote a book to put the lies to rest.

If you read this in a "book", you claim exists, then you read pure propaganda or a scifi alternate universe type book because that isn't how any that those events with her email happened. With claims like this, you are now putting everything you have ever claimed into question not to mention your mental acuity.

Trump is now using Twitter to notify congress when he is taking the nation to war. That is government business on a private server and no republican sees anything wrong with it.

I've already tried to explain to you the difference between Hillary's privately owned server in her own house, and Trump using a publicly available service that everyone uses, I don't always agree with his use of the platform, but then again I don't use twitter.

All of the Trump family uses private servers to do government business.

You would be wrong. There was a single story in 2017 about his daughter still using a private email account, and she stopped doing it and turned over all of her emails for archive purposes, unlike Hillary Clinton.

The GOP wanted to mine Clinton’s emails for information that could be used against her in the election and they were absolutely livid that the FBI returned them.

You would be wrong again. This never took place, Hillary never turned over her email server. Even if she had, the FBI would have had control of the server, and Obama was still in charge of the Federal govt, there were no FBI friendly people in high places during the Obama admin.

No outcry about the Trump family. How are they going to archive all those government calls on private phones?

I don't know, how did they archive all those calls on private phones during the Obama admin? Obama was the first President to use a cellphone and social media, what rules were crafted and were followed?

Trump is also known to borrow any visitor phone to make calls whenever visitors are in his office.

Do you have any actual proof of this, or was it written in another anti-Trump book that was debuked as lies? Did you see the one author doing an interview with one of the channels that wasn't FoxNews. When asked about some details that were proven false, he pretended to have mic issues and left the interview. Funny thing is, he never did another interview about that book and it rapidly dropped from it's sales position.

All Clinton’s emails exist because they are on the other people’s email accounts.
BTW Clinton’s not running this year.

You are now backtracking and admitting that she never turned over all her govt related emails?

You are so use to lies from the right wing you can’t recognize the truth. The fact is the FBI agent that ran the investigation wrote a book and they had all the emails. Who do you think would know? The FBI agent that ran the investigation or somebody at Fox News sitting at their desk making up “news.”

Again, you are living in a fantasy world, she never turned over her email server to the FBI. Just like the DNC never turned over their "hacked" computers to the FBI, it was all done by 3rd party private companies, not the FBI. This book you are reading is either lying to you or doesn't exist.

You and Trump believe every lie Putin tells. Every American intelligence agency, has debunked Putin’s lies just you and Trump believe that Putin was completely innocent.

I have never said such things. I have never defended Putin and it's weak of you to suggest such things. Either provide the proof, or apologize.

The DNC server was hacked long before the fishing attack on Podesta’s email account. The Russians probably provided the GOP with a security update for their server. The Russian are far more advanced than the GOP and could get into their server any time they wanted.

You don't seem to understand how network or computer security works, don't pretend to understand it. Do you really think the GOP politicians are the ones doing the security? No, they either hire an outside company to do it or they hire someone into the RNC as an employee.

What really happened is that the RNC had better IT people working for them and kept their system up to date, where the DNC didn't have as good of people working for them. People like you seem to forget the guy the DNC had working for them who was arrested for stealing info from govt computers...

The FBI had absolutely no business with the DNC server as it contained highly classified political information before an election, just as they would have no business with the GOP server.

The GOP actually provided access to their servers for the FBI to investigate, that's why the GOP wasn't hacked, they saw the security in place and would have looked over all patches and updates applied to the servers and the network equipment that would have been in use.

The servers contain all the opposition research and research on their own candidates. The FBI was closely monitoring the traffic on the server and when there was unusual traffic, they discovered the Russian cyberattack done to benefit Trump.

You can't say they had no access and then claim they did. The FBI NEVER saw the server nor the network. All they did was take a report from the DNC and accept another report from a 3rd party company. The FBI can't rule on anything with any certainty because they didn't do the investigation, except in this case since the FBI leaders were friendly to the DNC and Hillary Clinton, they would repeat anything they were told.

Did you not learn anything from the Horowitz report? The FBI under Obama was dirty, we will be finding out much more when the Durham report is released, it's already turned into the a criminal investigation, but the MSM won't report that, they were complicit in the lies told about Russian collusion.

You are supposed to be an IT person, you don’t have to have the server to know it under attack.

You have to have access to the network, which the FBI didn't have either.

Just as you don’t have to have radar to see the Russian bombers flying over. You can simply monitor the traffic and where it is going. You don’t think the FBI just comes by every so often and checks your server for Russians. Why do you think the FBI notified the DNC? Just psychic, I guess.

Fantasy world again. The FBI didn't notify the DNC of the hack, the DNC notified the FBI of the hack. The FBI has no legal authority to do such monitoring inside the US, that would be a major violation of the Constitution. You might be thinking of the NSA, National Security Agency, they monitor such things, not the FBI. The NSA would notifiy the FBI of anything going on, but that would only be in relation to the Govt servers and not the internet in general.

What part of the carried interest loophole don’t you understand? If it was your own money invested you already get the lower investment rate. The reason for the carried interest loophole is so you won’t have to pay the income tax rate on your income. This means all these big hedge managers get the investment rate on every dime they are paid. The ungodly greedy pay a far lower tax rate when all federal, state and local taxes are taken into account than the middle class and even the poor and Romney has the nerve to belly ache when he pays the lowest rate.

The carried interest loophole has nothing to do with investment income, it has to do with the commission the fat cats earn on somebody else’s investment.

I'll admit, I was confused on the types of investment, went and did some research. I'll have to agree with you, it looks like there could be room for the changes. Altough I have to admit, I can't blame them and I would use such things to pay less taxes if I could.

This is how the reasoning of the rich works. If I own stock on company B and that companies pays income tax then the ungodly should not pay a dime income taxes. But If you work for company B and company B has already paid taxes on the money they paid you then by that reasoning nobody should ever pay income taxes. That is how asinine that argument is but they only make that argument for the ungodly greedy.

That's isn't what they want at all, that's a caricature of what you think they want. No one likes paying taxes and everyone wants a lower tax rate, it isn't just the rich.

I fully understand loopholes and I am one of the few people that beat the IRS when I was audited. I had to teach them what they didn’t understand.

So you are admitting that like a rich person you don't want to pay what you really owe?

EIC is welfare and should have nothing to do with income tax. If government is going to give somebody a check and people with children need it don’t camouflage as a tax return. That money should be given out in monthly checks that way it would be more likely to benefit the children. Get the welfare out of the tax system and see what percentage pay taxes. If we cut the income taxes out on the first $50,000 that would take care of the EIC that would take care of the program. It is estimated out of the $56 billion spent EIC on $13.6 billion goes to fraud. It is easy program to defraud.

So as I said, people who get it don't actually pay anything in federal income taxes, they get more back from the feds than they pay into the system. Likely people who are getting the EIC are also already getting a social welfare payment of some sort already. How much more free money do you think they need, have you seen our economy and unemployment numbers?

One of the most common crimes today is a drug rip off. And drug dealers are almost always armed. These type of crimes go unreported for the most part unless some one is shot or killed./quote]
Common robbery is the most common crime, not a drug rip off. You seem to have a fascination with drugs and drug dealers. If they are almost always armed, why would someone then try to rob them, that doesn't make any sense.

The flyer for local bar’s the New Year’s eve mass shooting showed a woman holding her AR-15. They were having naked twerking contests. I am sure everybody bought their AR-15 like the invitation showed.

What are you talking about? Are you saying there was a mass shooting at a bar on New Years eve and the bar was inviting people to the bar with their guns?

There is a law of cause an effect. Things just don’t happen they happen for a reason. That AR-15 could have been the reason but they would have just watched the place and broken in when they left. They could have easily stolen everything in the house while they were gone but they didn’t. The penalty for home invasion is much more severe than burglary. They wanted to get that guy really bad for some reason. You can have your pick of reasons but I will guarantee you there was reason.

It doesn't matter what the reason was if there was one, they broke into his house and were assaulting him, they shot at his pregnant wife and she returned fire with better aim. You looking for an excuse for them to be the bad people speaks more about you than it does them. It's been a couple of months since that shooting, any updates from the police? Nope, none, the people were innocent of any wrong doing and a bad guy is dead.

I know how the system works and how easy it is to game the system. If you’re a criminal and want a gun you just go to gun store with your girlfriend and pick out your AR-15 and then have her purchase it.

That is called a straw purchase and is illegal. If caught and those people do eventually do get caught, they go to federal jail.

[quoteGuns are bought and sold continually, if you can’t buy one at gun store just look on Craig list.

Once again, there are already laws against such activities, if those laws were actually enforced, instead of creating new laws, we would all be safer.

Your right stealing a birthday gift isn’t the problem, guns are the problem. Just like the guy with the AR-15 shooting up the neighborhood in pitch dark. Nobody stole his birthday present he just wanted to kill people. He had been a hero on the high school baseball but his glory days were long gone. He was 50 and life was no longer as pleasant. He had gun and just decided to go hunting for humans one dark night. It is the gun that is the problem.

No, it isn't the gun, it's the person. You like to talk about the exceptions and not the rule. There are over 400 million guns in the US, crimes rates have been dropping since the 1980's and we have only added more guns and crime has gotten lower. The only connection between gun ownership and crimes rates is that more guns equals less crime when people can protect themselves. Unfortunately you seem to think anyone protecting themselves is the criminal and the real criminal is the victim.

Reply Thu 9 Jan, 2020 09:28 pm
Both of the courts are government courts in fact it is only the type of cases that make the difference. A judge can preside over a criminal trial in the morning and a civil trial in the afternoon. They even use the same court room. The appeals courts as well as the supreme court hear both type cases in effect there is only one government court system that hears both type of cases it is only the type of cases that are different.

Reply Thu 9 Jan, 2020 09:35 pm
The Trump’s are deleting their personal emails everyday and they are using their personal cell phones to do government business. Where is the Republican outcry and the FBI investigation? The President has told Congress they would be notified of future military action via Twitter personal servers. Where is the Republican outcry? The president borrows visitors’ cell phones to make phone calls he does not want logged into the government record. Where is the Republican outcry?
Reply Thu 9 Jan, 2020 09:41 pm
The previous two secretaries of state used private servers and absolutely nothing was said. Trump is constantly doing government business everyday on Twitter private servers and that does not bother any Republicans. If it is illegal Hillary it is illegal for Trump but nobody cares.

BTW Clinton is not running this year.
Reply Thu 9 Jan, 2020 09:46 pm
I don't think there is any such thing as a Twitter private server.
Reply Thu 9 Jan, 2020 10:25 pm
The previous two secretaries of state used private servers and absolutely nothing was said.

Sounds like you're trying to make a case for the idea that once a precedent has been set for illegal activity, anyone committing the same act later is immune to prosecution.

Douglas Cox, a law professor at City University of New York who studies records preservation said that the argument that Clinton complied with the letter and spirit of the law is unsustainable. He said that the fact that Clinton's staff--rather than a State Department federal records officer--chose which emails to destroy is "honestly breathtaking." Her private employees don't have the authority to decide what does or doesn't count as a federal record. Further, when she was making these choices, she was acting as a private citizen, not a government employee.

She received training on how, and how not, to handle sensitive material. What baseless excuse would you like to make for her?

WASHINGTON — Government investigators said Friday that they had discovered classified information on the private email account that Hillary Rodham Clinton used while secretary of state, stating unequivocally that those secrets never should have been stored outside of secure government computer systems.

Mrs. Clinton has said for months that she kept no classified information on the private server that she set up in her house so she would not have to carry both a personal phone and a work phone. Her campaign said Friday that any government secrets found on the server had been classified after the fact.

But the inspectors general of the State Department and the nation’s intelligence agencies said the information they found was classified when it was sent and remains so now. Information is considered classified if its disclosure would likely harm national security, and such information can be sent or stored only on computer networks with special safeguards.

She knew that she was legally bound to not do exactly what she did do.
Reply Fri 10 Jan, 2020 09:39 am
Both of the courts are government courts in fact it is only the type of cases that make the difference. A judge can preside over a criminal trial in the morning and a civil trial in the afternoon.

They can but they don't. They have the 2 different courts for several reasons, case load being one of them and expertise in cases another. My father-in-law is a judge, he only words certain types of cases because of the type of court he resides over, mostly civil cases with some traffic court. You won't find a traffic court judge presiding over a murder case, unless he is transferred to criminal court from civil court.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Jan, 2020 09:44 am
The Trump’s are deleting their personal emails everyday and they are using their personal cell phones to do government business.

Do you ever get tired of making things up? Do you ever get tired of not presenting proof of your claims?

Where is the Republican outcry and the FBI investigation?

The real question is this, if they were doing what you claim, why didn't the DNC include any of that info in the impeachment? I'll tell you why, because they aren't using private email serves and deleting the emails.

The President has told Congress they would be notified of future military action via Twitter personal servers.

He did? When did he say this?

Where is the Republican outcry?

There is none because he isn't doing anything wrong, if he were the DNC would have included such actions into the impeachment hearings and we would have more than 2 weak articles.

The president borrows visitors’ cell phones to make phone calls he does not want logged into the government record. Where is the Republican outcry?

Once again making claims that simply aren't true. You want to know why Trump is going to win in Nov? Because of people like you and the DNC.
Reply Fri 10 Jan, 2020 10:01 am
...why didn't the DNC include any of that info in the impeachment?

Because the DNC had no role in the impeachment hearings. That's the job of Congress, not the party committees. In addition, the House leadership made the decision to focus narrowly on the Ukraine issue and not bring up every other potentially impeachable offense.
Reply Fri 10 Jan, 2020 10:17 am
Because the DNC had no role in the impeachment hearings.

They have been trying to impeach him since he won in Nov 2016, they have been working on this as a political strategy since Hillary lost, it was one of their main battle cries of the 2018 election, all the DNC candidates ran on impeachment and their base believed them.

That's the job of Congress, not the party committees.

You would think so but that isn't what happened here, this was a purely partisan to include the hearings and the vote to impeach. The only bipartisanship showed was in voting against the hearings and the impeachment. This was a DNC run scam from day one.

In addition, the House leadership made the decision to focus narrowly on the Ukraine issue and not bring up every other potentially impeachable offense.

Funny you say that because there was no real evidence against Trump in the impeachment hearings, the best Nancy could come up with is not agreeing with their partisan witch hunt, in that case, the DNC could have gone to the SC and gotten a ruling for Trump to cooperate with the hearings, she didn't because she knew they didn't have a leg to stand on.

They didn't bring up any other impeachable office because there haven't been any, if there were, the DNC would have presented the info in the hearings, instead they provided witness's who under oath and direct questioning failed to provide the DNC with what they wanted. They refused to have the "whistle-blower" Eric Ciaramella testify in the hearings and instead Shiff for brains used the first day of hearings to fabricate a bogus phone call. You know he already had that speech made up before the release of the phone transcripts and had to move forward with it because he had nothing else and no witness to back his fantasy script.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 10 Jan, 2020 10:42 pm
At any time that you doubt a claim all you have to do is look, the internet is out there. The fact that mass murders came with hours of each other should tell that one mass murder triggered the other. The “likes” from the Dayton shooter removes any and all doubt that El Paso mass murder sparked the Dayton mass murder. Of course, both mass murders can be traced to Trump stirring the racist pot to get vote from his racist base.

Alleged Dayton Shooter Reportedly Liked Posts About El ...

https://www.forbes.com › sites › isabeltogoh › 2019/08/06 › dayton-mass-...

1. Cached
Aug 6, 2019 - New Yorkers Remember Victims Of Mass Shootings In El Paso And ... Tweets liked
by the account hours before the killings show he was likely ...

Think of the brain as pathway through a very grown up area to your favorite fishing hole. There is fork in the path and you always take the left fork. The right fork continues to grow up. It is much easier to always take the left fork but one day after you haven’t caught anything the last couple of times you decide to go down the right fork. It is hard to change but it is not impossible if the reward is high enough.

Trump has done his best to start a race war just as Charles Manson before him.
It is the school massacres that have caused the school to have massacre drills. No anti-gun group was responsible for any school massacre neither was the press.
If you were going to get a divorce you send your Declaration of Independence to your spouse and publish that you will no longer be responsible for her debts in the paper. The same applies to countries the Declaration of Independence was sent to the king of England.
Antifa has not blown up any federal buildings killing 169 people they just show up to oppose the Neo-Nazis, the KKK and the white nationalists. The weathermen underground never did anything even 1/100 of what McVeigh did.
Antifa has attacked the ICE facilities? How many hundreds of people were killed? Did they use a truck bomb or firecrackers?
The fact is the Constitution has been amended 27 times since it was written. It has been amended in the past and will be amended in the future.

Any judge that ruled that you were entitled to any weapon whatsoever for any reason whatsoever was an activist judge.
I have watched several churches get into arguments over what this or that meant and split into smaller and smaller churches. Some have vey few members but hey they have it their way.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Directed toward a particular figure? You mean like Jesus Christ.

The Southern Baptists will tell you that Mormons are just a religious cult, magic underwear and all. 6.3 million doesn’t seem like a small group.
Reply Fri 10 Jan, 2020 10:50 pm
Zardoz wrote:
The fact is the Constitution has been amended 27 times since it was written. It has been amended in the past and will be amended in the future.

The only time that the Constitution was ever amended to restrict freedom, is also the only time that a constitutional amendment was subsequently repealed.

And you can't even get your pistol grip ban voted out of committee in the Democratically controlled House. Given the very high bar that it takes to pass a constitutional amendment, there is no way that you will ever harm the Second Amendment on the NRA's watch.

Zardoz wrote:
Any judge that ruled that you were entitled to any weapon whatsoever for any reason whatsoever was an activist judge.

That is incorrect. The Constitution does not authorize any limitations to our rights. The activist judges are the ones who say that rights can be limited.
Reply Sun 12 Jan, 2020 07:01 am
Ninety percent of the American people want stronger gun control laws that is what is called a super majority. There is no way that 5 million NRA members working with the Russians can stop a supermajority from making common sense gun reforms. All you need to do is count the numbers because it seems that 90% of the American people indeed want to stop the weapons of war from being on the streets of America. Several states have already banned the weapons of war and the supreme court has ruled that “you are not entitled to any weapon whatsoever for any purpose whatsoever.” It seems a lot of Americans have come down on the side of freedom, freedom from being killed by rabid gun nuts.

It is natural to want to protect your family from the rabid gun nut type and there is only one way to do that and that is to ban the weapons of war other countries have done it and America will do it. Friday night ID had yet another story of a rabid gun nut gone wild with his AR-15 his neighbors didn’t like his constant firing of his AR-15 the gun nut had a solution just kill all the neighbors that way he could fire his AR-15 and take care of the problem at the same time. After he killed his wife and the neighbors, he assaulted the school but a fast-acting teacher locked the school down and got the kids hid behind their desks while the gun mam fired through the windows of the school until his gun jammed. Welcome to America where every gun nut has the freedom to kill as many people as he wants.
The supreme court has been very clear in stating that what the second amendment does not entitle you to is “any weapon whatsoever for any purpose whatsoever.” Some states have already banned weapons of war and with the supreme court ruling their laws can’t be overturned.
Reply Sun 12 Jan, 2020 07:17 am
Zardoz wrote:
Ninety percent of the American people want stronger gun control laws that is what is called a super majority. There is no way that 5 million NRA members working with the Russians can stop a supermajority from making common sense gun reforms.

We stopped it. It is stopped.

Zardoz wrote:
All you need to do is count the numbers because it seems that 90% of the American people indeed want to stop the weapons of war from being on the streets of America.

Weapons of war have been tightly restricted for the past 85 years in the US. In addition to those tight restrictions, people are only allowed to own a weapon of war if it was manufactured and registered more than 33 years ago.

Zardoz wrote:
It is natural to want to protect your family from the rabid gun nut type and there is only one way to do that and that is to ban the weapons of war other countries have done it and America will do it.

No one has ever used a legally-registered weapon of war in a crime in the US. It is very unlikely that there will be any push in the US for stricter laws than we already have.

Zardoz wrote:
The supreme court has been very clear in stating that what the second amendment does not entitle you to is "any weapon whatsoever for any purpose whatsoever."

I'm not saying that you are wrong to support activist judges. I'm saying that you are wrong to falsely accuse judges who uphold the Constitution of being activist judges.
Reply Sun 12 Jan, 2020 09:28 pm
The true weapons of war are the AR-15s, the AK-47s and the other assault weapons designed for war and then modified the design slightly to put them on the streets. Even the troops are being trained to not use the full-automatic mode. The weapon is dangerous enough in single shot mode as we have seen time after time. One gun nut goes off and kills 59 people. That why there was an assault weapon ban in place between 1994-2004 and it banned the very assault weapons that have made almost all the modern-day massacres possible.
Assault weapons need not be registered if bought second hand and because they are designed to be full-automatics it is just a matter of modifying them and modified assault weapons have been used in crimes.
The activist judges are the reason the streets are running full of our children’s blood. The second amendment is clear you “have a right to keep and bears arms.” That entitles to bear an arm and as long as you have an arm to bear that requirement has been met. The activist judges are the one who take the inch of the second amendment and enlarge to a 100-miles that is not there. Those are the activist judges.

Reply Mon 13 Jan, 2020 12:07 am
The Federalist Papers were editorials written for the newspapers at the time. Do you think that they were written in book form at the time?
Why do you think Trump bent over backward to call the Neo-Nazis and the KKK were fine people? Because they are a Trump voting block like the NRA.
The former Grand Wizard of the KKK endorsed Trump and Trump loved it because they are the same type people.

Nazis and white supremacists are running as Republicans ...

https://www.vox.com › nazis-russell-walker-arthur-jones-republicans-illino...

1. Cached
Jul 9, 2018 - Their party's candidates are either a card-carrying Nazi, a Holocaust ... Neo-Nazi leader: 'Trump is controlled by the Jewish lobby' – video.

Trump didn’t reject anything and the former Grand Wizard of the KKK was over the moon when Trump refereed to KKK members as fine people.
Every massacre changes people’s minds and the massacres are getting more frequent. Ninety percent of American favor stronger gun laws, that is a super majority.
I had already posted the fact most peoples vote has no effect on the election probably two months ago. In WV if Trump confessed to being a mob member and had killed 200 people they would still vote for Trump. Even though the coal mining jobs are down from Obama term and many Coal companies went bankrupt during his term Kentucky will go for Trump. Every time he lies to them, they just love it.
There is only one solution and that is to directly elect the president and let every American vote county. Having illegitimate president will always cause problems the will of the majority has been overturned. People have an ingrained aversion against being cheated.
The slave states were not going to be able to count blacks at all so being able to count them as 2/3 was a huge advantage. The south would have received far fewer electoral votes. When the country was founded only white men who owned property could vote.
When the majority of people vote against an elected president is a fraudulent election. We have an illegitimate president.
As long as the Republicans get to install an illegitimate president, they will love it but let it happen to them and they will be all for eliminating the electoral college before it happens again.
We have only one office in America that is not directly elected by the people and that is the most important office in the land.

No matter how long it has been done wrong, that is not an argument to keep doing it wrong. There is a possible argument that we lacked the technology when the country was founded and they needed a month to get the votes to Washington but now the race can be decided that night.
There have been 27 different amendments to keep making losers the president is a bad idea for a number of reasons. The first illegitimate president caused us to invade an innocent country and kill a million people simply because the neoconservatives had decided to take over the middle east.
I doubt that it is the best system in the world because when we don’t directly vote for a president the wisdom of crowds is ignored. No doubt every country in world believes they have the best system in the world. We are behind in a lot area our medical care not only costs more than any country are life span is not as long.
What you want is a fraudulent result, a way to game system. A loophole to make a winner out of looser. In Wisconsin they will target democratic voter areas invalidating 234,000 voter’s registrations. If you have one piece of returned mail. Like the mail from charities that you are instructed to mark refused and send back. This is how the Republicans are trying to get a fraudulent president elected. Anything the republicans can do to thwart the will of the people they are going to use the ungodly greedy money to get it done.
All political offices in America are determined by direct election but one. Why should one office be any different? There is no point in going half way if we are going to change it, we need to fix it till it can’t be gamed. It no longer takes a month to take the votes on horse back to Washington.
The constitution can and must be changed it has to updated as everything must eventually be updated and the second amendment statement that “cannot be infringed” because when you get a judge who strictly interprets the constitution, they are going to be selling AR-15s outside the mental institutions door.
There are a number of minor political parties, matter of fact you can form your own. I doubt there will ever be a major third major party if it was going happen it would have happened because Trump, who has completely torn the Republican party apart. Putin candidates are always populist candidates like Trump who favor destroying western civilization. Trump has stood against everything the Republican party stood for except lower taxes for the ungodly greedy. There is a strong never Trump movement in the Republican party.
By now you should have seen the site I posted about how easily an AR-15 can be converted to full-automatic. It can be easily converted because it was originally designed to be fully-automatic.
The law defined what an assault weapon is, is a closed case and you can’t just make up an absurd definition and say that is it. The law said they could not sell them and they stopped selling them between 1994-2004.
The republicans cast the deciding votes on the 1994 assault weapon ban so they were very involved in the process. In is only common sense to look and see what guns are being used in most of the massacres. These were the guns that made massacres possible. The intent of the law was to stop the massacres and it would have if there had not only been a ban but made it illegal to own an assault weapon. It would have saved thousands of lives.
I have worked with some very smart attorneys. When we filed for parity the lower court judge bought the city argument that unions were not legal for public employees in the state of WV. So basically, that terminated our contract on that basses that the union was illegal. We got an injunction and appealed. The argument in front of the state supreme court was whether it was legal for a city to deal with a union. The court asked how many years has the city been contracting with the union? We had been contracting for 20 years. The courts then asked the city and you just now decided it was illegal? When the ruling from the supreme was handed down it stated that even though there was not a law that said you can have a public employee’s union there is no law prohibiting it either. If the city signed the contract, they bound by it.

The attorney was the United Mine Workers attorney and he was the best I ever saw in a court room. I said you were taking a pretty good chance if you could not overturn the lower court decision. He told me he already knew how the supreme court decision was going to turn out.

The NRA attorneys are no different they knew before the fact they would lose. That is why they never took the 1994 assault weapon to court. Some states now have assault weapons bans.
Reply Mon 13 Jan, 2020 06:58 am
Zardoz wrote:
The true weapons of war are the AR-15s, the AK-47s and the other assault weapons designed for war and then modified the design slightly to put them on the streets.

Such weapons are not on the streets. They have never been on the streets.

Zardoz wrote:
That why there was an assault weapon ban in place between 1994-2004 and it banned the very assault weapons that have made almost all the modern-day massacres possible.

That is incorrect. That was a ban on ordinary hunting rifles. It had nothing to do with assault weapons.

Further, assault weapons have never been used to commit a massacre in the US.

Zardoz wrote:
Assault weapons need not be registered if bought second hand

Yes they do. It's 10 years in federal prison if you don't.

Zardoz wrote:
The activist judges are the reason the streets are running full of our children's blood.

The only activist judges here are the ones who say that gun control is allowed. No part of the Constitution authorizes the restriction of a fundamental right.

Zardoz wrote:
The second amendment is clear you "have a right to keep and bears arms." That entitles to bear an arm and as long as you have an arm to bear that requirement has been met.

That is incorrect. No part of the Constitution authorizes restricting a fundamental right.

Further, the Second Amendment specifies that it covers the sorts of military weapons that militiamen need in order to carry out their duties.

Zardoz wrote:
The activist judges are the one who take the inch of the second amendment and enlarge to a 100-miles that is not there. Those are the activist judges.

That is incorrect. The activist judges are the ones who pretend that the Constitution allows restrictions to be placed on fundamental rights. No part of the constitution authorizes such restrictions.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 13 Jan, 2020 07:00 am
Zardoz wrote:
The constitution can and must be changed it has to updated as everything must eventually be updated and the second amendment statement that "cannot be infringed" because when you get a judge who strictly interprets the constitution, they are going to be selling AR-15s outside the mental institutions door.

So you acknowledge that the only actual activists are the judges who allow gun control?

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