The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Fri 3 Jan, 2020 06:00 pm
Don't be daft...

You "don't be daft".

The NHBR was ******* EPIC.

No, it did not fit the dictionary definition (which might have been four fatalities at the time). Nevertheless it was the first widely publicized example of the combination of firepower and swagger which has done so much to influence the concept and behavior of the modern "gunman". They had more firepower than the cops! And the way they calmly discarded empty magazines and replaced them with full ones and showed no regard for life...think about it...the militarization of police forces around the nation followed.

But you failed to identify the particular incident you were referring to so I didn't address that specific topic.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 4 Jan, 2020 12:17 am
If the NRA members don’t represent the NRA, who does? It is the NRA that states that one of the primary reasons to own a gun is to overthrow the government. Fifty years ago, the primary reason given to own a gun was hunting. You don’t think that influenced McVeigh’s thinking? You can see that idea reflected on the type of guns on the street now. Fifty years ago, ordinary hunting weapons were the most common now it is military style assault weapons. Once the NRA (gun manufactures) planted the idea that America people needed to arm themselves to overthrow the government assault weapons went way up. The next step is to start looking for a justification for overthrowing the government. McVeigh found that in Waco where he believed that the government was violating the religious freedom of the Branch Davidians. Afterall if your religion is child molestation it should be protected. In McVeigh’s view no religion should be subject to any law. McVeigh has hoped to spark the long-awaited overthrow of the government the NRA had preached about. McVeigh’s views don’t represent the American people but they do represent the longtime teachings of the NRA. Afterall if you need assault weapons to overthrow the government it must start someplace.

The gun manufactures use that as the justification to fill the streets of America with weapons of war and you know it. Seventy-five percent of the gun owners are republicans. That is the right.

While the San Bernardino attack did not represent all of Islam, they did represent a certain faction of Islam, remember 9/11 was not done by Catholics. McVeigh didn’t represent all Americans but he did represent a small faction that believes they must have weapons of war to overthrow the government.
That was a history lesson it has happened again and again and it will happen here eventually. There is a mathematical formula that predict at what point the revolution will take place. The ungodly greedy will accumulate wealth and once they buy everything there is nothing left to buy, once they have done that, they buy the government and use it to accumulate even more wealth. Now the government hands out to the ungodly greedy $2 billion chunks at a time. There has been a tremendous shift in wealth in America and it is being used to make the ungodly greedy even richer. Even some of the billionaires have seen the writing on the wall and have decided to completely divest themselves of their wealth in their lifetime. Others realize that it will pit the richest 1/100 of one percent against the bottom 99.99%. That is not good odds. It is like freight train coming down the tracks when the general population starts to watch their families starve to death, they have nothing to lose. There are more and more homeless people lining the streets of America while the ungodly greedy get hundreds of times more wealthy. Even people with middle class jobs can’t afford a place to live. Teachers in California, that work everyday live out of their car. At no time since the great depression have there been so many homeless.
Now is the time to put a stop to the ungodly stealing all of America’s wealth. The ungodly cannot help themselves, greed is a sickness that can’t be cured. If the godly greedy managed to accumulate all of America’s wealth they would still want more.
The NRA (gun manufactures) have used the overthrow of the government as a sales tactic to sell weapons of war. While we know that the distribution of wealth is a successful predictor of revolutions the gun manufactures are using the overthrow the government scam to sell weapons of war.
Government documents are just pieces of paper assault weapons are the means to overthrow the government. The NRA teachings that you need an assault weapons to overthrow the government inspires people like McVeigh to try. Paper does not supply ability to overthrow the government.
If you teach people it is your responsibility to overthrown the government and this is the type of weapon you need to do it that is what will happen. This puts gun nuts up to looking for a reason to overthrow the government.
The AR-15 is defined as an assault weapon under the official definition. That is a weapon of war used to assault an enemy position. Overthrowing the government is just another sales technique used by the gun manufacturers.
The federalist papers were no more than editorials published in newspapers they are in no way binding on the government than any other newspaper article is today while they may give some insight into what one particular founding father thought. Once we achieved independence from a foreign government would we ever need to do that again?
Just as Mansion and his followers hoped to start a race war McVeigh hoped to spark a revolution to overthrow the government. What do you think the terrorists’ political reason are? Overthrowing the government. The McVeigh did far better than the worst massacres.

Hate crimes reportedly jumped by 226 percent in counties - Vox

https://www.vox.com › trump-hate-crimes-study-white-nationalism

1. Cached
Mar 24, 2019 - Counties that hosted political rallies with Donald Trump as the headliner in 2016 saw a 226 percent increase in hate crimes over comparable counties that did not ... Over the course of his presidency, Trump has earned a reputation for ... have very, very serious problems,” he told reporters in the Oval Office.

The Effect of President Trump's Election on Hate Crimes

https://papers.ssrn.com › Delivery.cfm › SSRN_ID3326009_code1630706

throughout the political campaign that caused hate crimes to increase. Rather, we argue that ... Trump's rise to the presidency was associated with one of the largest upticks in hate ..... are members of the Democratic Party. We also ... conducted by the U.S. Department of Justice enforcing 42 U.S.C. § 14141, which bars state ...

When Trump got elected you should have bought stock in hate groups.
Just as I guess the guy that went to a Rabbi house and stabbed 5 Jews was really a Jew himself. There have been several attacks on Jews in that one neighborhood. Hate crimes increased 226% in counties where there were Trump rallies. It seems everywhere Trump goes hate crimes are sure to follow.
When the former Grand Dragon of the KKK comes out and publicly endorses Trump it tells you a lot about Trump’s character, birds of a feather…
Trump did a good job making sure all blacks were told all of his apartments in his buildings were already rented when they were not. The government got him for that. Trump has signed many bills and executive orders that he never bothered to read.
That Dayton mass murderer changed sides at the last minute and decided to become a hero worshipper of the El Paso mass murderer in fact that no doubt was his inspiration for the massacre.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++There have been a number of people die in the ICE facilities with no medical care until it was too late.
Reply Sat 4 Jan, 2020 12:23 am
Zardoz wrote:
The NRA (gun manufactures) have used the overthrow of the government as a sales tactic to sell weapons of war.

The NRA does not speak for the gun manufacturers.

Neither the NRA nor the gun manufacturers advocate overthrow of the government.

Neither the NRA nor the gun manufacturers sell weapons of war to the public.

Zardoz wrote:
The AR-15 is defined as an assault weapon under the official definition.

No it isn't.

Assault weapons:

a) are capable of either full-auto or burst-fire,

b) accept detachable magazines,

c) fire rounds that are less powerful than a standard deer rifle, and

d) are effective at a range of 300 meters.

This means that semi-auto-only guns are not assault weapons.

This means that guns with fixed magazines are not assault weapons.

This means that guns that fire rounds equal-to or greater-than the power of a standard deer rifle are not assault weapons.

This means that guns that fire handgun/shotgun/rimfire rounds are not assault weapons.

Zardoz wrote:
That is a weapon of war used to assault an enemy position.

No it isn't.
Reply Sat 4 Jan, 2020 10:02 pm
Where do you think the NRA’s $30 million in campaign contributions tor Trump came from? And that is just one of many hundreds of political candidates that they fund their campaigns. Some gun manufactures pay the NRA for every gun they sell. Other gun manufacturers buy an NRA membership for everyone that buys their guns. The NRA is a small organization with only about 5 million members. NRA membership dues would only pay for a tiny fraction of their political contributions. The NRA is only a thinly veiled front organization for the gun manufacturers. Weapons of war are by far the most profitable weapons the gun manufacturers sell.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ The AR-15 and similar guns were the subject of the 1994 assault weapon ban. That defines them as assault weapons and that is why we have a legislature. If the assault weapons were not the same the parts would not be interchangeable. Are you saying semi-automatic AR-15 don’t have detachable magazines? The design parameters of assault weapons called for it to be designed to slaughter people who are relatively close not from blocks away. That is what it makes it the premiere weapon of mass murderers. The troops are now being trained to no longer use the full-automatic option because a hundred
of rounds a minute may be more effective than the 900 round a minute rate. New military assault weapon may no longer be made with full-automatic option
Assault weapons are weapons of war because that is what they were designed for. The designer didn’t set down to design a gun to shoot mice with the designer designed assault weapons to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time.
Reply Sat 4 Jan, 2020 11:54 pm
To start with children were never separated from the parents under Obama administration. It was Trump who first started taking children away from parents. It worked in Nazi Germany where Trump’s relatives are from. If it is good enough for Nazi Germany it is good enough for America. There have been pictures taken inside the ICE concentration camps when congressional delegations inspected the ICE concentration camps. I see you have been watching Fox News again remember they are official members of the Trump campaign and direct Trump as what he should do.
Fiction is always more popular than reality that is why 90% of television is devoted to fiction. Fiction sells and Fox News takes full advantage of that fact.

Donald Trump Says Undocumented Immigrants 'Infest' US | Time

https://time.com › Politics › Donald Trump

1. Cached
Jun 19, 2018 - People Are Angry President Trump Used This Word to Describe ... to President Donald Trump's use of the word “infest” to describe illegal ...
You visited this page on 12/10/19.

Trumps rallies are videotaped and there can be no doubt he said it and that is a fact. Just because Fox News doesn’t report it doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. Fox news has a vested interest in seeing Trump is reelected they are working on his campaign.

Arming Teachers Has Already Led to a Slew of Gun Accidents ...

https://www.motherjones.com › politics › 2018/05 › arming-teachers-has-a...

1. Cached
May 5, 2018 - Police respond to the Parkland school shooting on February 14. ... That's what the Associated Press found when it reviewed 30 examples from ... states have introduced 25 measures that would allow more firearms in schools.

One of the most common types of accidentalshootings is when children find a loaded gun lying around there home the same thing applies to schools.
That is because I would rather deal with an angry person without a gun than an angry person with a gun. The policeman that said “he would run screaming from the school if they armed teachers” should serve as an expert opinion. He had been dealing with the teachers for years. I never shot at anyone. I have a very long fuse but many others do not.
That is the power of search over a link. A search provides you with both sides of an argument a link only one side.
The links you post go to some of the most obscure publications I have ever run across and when cross checked they can’t be corroborated. The stuff the KBG is writing has filled the rightwing press.
There have recently been several videos of teachers and other school employees trying to beat students to death. The year may have changed but people don’t human nature is the same. Teachers can be angered by something that happened in their personal life and then take the anger out on the students.
The first massacre I remember happened in 1966 the University of Texas Tower shooting where 16 were killed. At the time it was believed to be an anomaly. It was not until 1982 that another massacre of that magnitude occurred at a trailer park. Instead of 16 years between massacres they are happening twice a day. Not only are the massacre happening more frequently most of the recording breaking massacre have happened in the last five years.

The deadliest mass shootings in modern U.S. history - Axios

https://www.axios.com › deadliest-mass-shootings-in-modern-us-history-3...

1. Cached
A shooting at a Walmart in El Paso, Texas, is No. ... Vista Mall in El Paso, Texas is one of the deadliest mass shootings in modern American history. .... weekend weather exacerbated one of Australia's worst wildfire seasons in recorded history.
You've visited this page 4 times. Last visit: 12/17/19

These aren’t mass shootings these are massacres and that is a fact.

The suicides by gun stat is 21,375

Gun violence in the United States - Wikipedia

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Gun_violence_in_the_United_States

Murder is the killing of a human being and a suicide is the killing of a human being.
Did you actually read your own source? Your source is pushing for a standard definition and that definition is four or more people wounded or killed excluding the shooter. Your source worries that the various definitions serve to underestimate the actual problem and agrees motive should have nothing to do with determining whether it is a mass shooting. Basically, your souses agrees with me.

Reply Sun 5 Jan, 2020 01:47 am
Zardoz wrote:
Where do you think the NRA's $30 million in campaign contributions tor Trump came from? And that is just one of many hundreds of political candidates that they fund their campaigns. Some gun manufactures pay the NRA for every gun they sell. Other gun manufacturers buy an NRA membership for everyone that buys their guns. The NRA is a small organization with only about 5 million members. NRA membership dues would only pay for a tiny fraction of their political contributions.

Money is of little relevance. The power of the NRA lies in the fact that people take the NRA's advice when they go into the voting booth.

Zardoz wrote:
The NRA is only a thinly veiled front organization for the gun manufacturers.

That is incorrect. The NRA defends civil liberties. Gun manufacturers don't care about civil liberries.

Zardoz wrote:
Weapons of war are by far the most profitable weapons the gun manufacturers sell.

Gun manufacturers do not sell weapons of war to the public, and do not try to do so.

Zardoz wrote:
The AR-15 and similar guns were the subject of the 1994 assault weapon ban.

That was a horrific atrocity that you committed by outlawing ordinary hunting rifles. I will not support any new gun laws until you pay compensation to your victims. And you will not get any new gun laws, at least at the federal level, without support from moderates like me.

Zardoz wrote:
That defines them as assault weapons and that is why we have a legislature.

Fraudulent definitions don't change the actual meaning of words.

Zardoz wrote:
If the assault weapons were not the same the parts would not be interchangeable.

No such weapon exists. There is no such thing as a semi-auto-only assault weapon.

Zardoz wrote:
Are you saying semi-automatic AR-15 don't have detachable magazines?

No. But the SKS doesn't have detachable magazines.

Zardoz wrote:
The design parameters of assault weapons called for it to be designed to slaughter people who are relatively close not from blocks away.

That is incorrect. Assault weapons are designed to be effective at 300 meters.

Zardoz wrote:
That is what it makes it the premiere weapon of mass murderers.

No mass murder has ever been committed with an assault weapon in the US.

Zardoz wrote:
The troops are now being trained to no longer use the full-automatic option because a hundred rounds a minute may be more effective than the 900 round a minute rate.

Their training remains the same as before. And they are allowed to use burst-fire in emergencies.

Zardoz wrote:
New military assault weapon may no longer be made with full-automatic option

They have the option of firing in three-shot bursts.

Zardoz wrote:
Assault weapons are weapons of war because that is what they were designed for. The designer didn't set down to design a gun to shoot mice with the designer designed assault weapons to kill as many people as possible in the shortest amount of time.

That's nothing to do with ordinary hunting rifles like a semi-auto-only AR-15.
Reply Sun 5 Jan, 2020 10:39 pm
We all know that the Republicans use “push polls” which are intended to influence the vote instead of gather information. Just like the push pole in North Carolina 2000 primary where voters were asked whether they would be more or less inclined to vote for John McCain if they knew he had a black daughter? In the old South you knew what the answer would be. The idea was to push the information that McCain had a black daughter. She was adopted but the “poll” avoided that fact. Polling questions can be shaped to beget an answer.
Don’t kid yourself there would be concerned parents who would not want their children to go into homes where a gun might be available for children to play with. There would be a lot of parents who would still have their children today if they had kept them out of homes with guns in them. The maps that pinpointed where the guns were would be very helpful.
Exactly what I said that Trump said “very fine people on both sides.” In effect Trump said that the Neo-Nazi thugs and the KKK were “very fine people.” The huge crowd of White Nationalists that marched around the college campus chanting “Jews will not replace us.” There has not been anything like this in the south since the KKK stopped burning crosses in black people’s front yards. This was meant to be the equivalent of burning a cross in the Jew’s front yard but according to Trump they are fine people. In Nazi Germany Nazis were considered fine people at one time and we know Trump closely studied Hitler’s writing and his friends often gave Trump the Nazi salute. There is not one Neo-Nazi, KKK member, or white nationalist that is a “fine person.
Human technology works on only part of the crops, others have to be hand-picked.

4 Labor-Intensive Crops Farmers Wish They Had Robots To ...

https://www.npr.org › sections › thesalt › 2015/09/07 › 4-labor-intensive-cro...

Sep 7, 2015 - Many fruits and vegetables must be harvested by hand because it's hard and costly to design machines that won't damage them. But as farm ...

You have never been on a farm, have you?

You didn’t get to make that choice, did you? The large farm owners did and they picked the one that gave them the biggest profits. This has been going on for over a hundred years and it was not considered a problem until the racists started
Why would anyone follow someone at night? Robbery and rape are two of the more common reasons. We had another robbery last night around the college campus. What do you want to bet the robber didn’t drop down from a helicopter? He had followed his mark until he picked the place to rob him.

I had a friend who had won a good deal of money gambling in an after-hours club. As he left he was followed from the club fearing that he was going robbed he was watching his surroundings when he heard a gunshot and felt a burning in his back side. He ran all the way to his car. When he got home, he found the back pocket of his jeans blown off and a crease where the bullet had cut on his rear end. He had derringer in his pocket that had went off. His wife had a good laugh.
Zimmerman was criminal and he is still criminal with a long criminal record. The stand your ground law just allows criminals like Zimmerman to go around killing children. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
The police dispatcher was only one of many that told Zimmerman not to follow people. When the neighborhood watch was set up the police department told Zimmerman and others that they were not to follow people as did the property owners but Zimmerman is a criminal and he never follows orders especially from the police department.


Reply Sun 5 Jan, 2020 11:07 pm
Zardoz wrote:
Zimmerman was criminal and he is still criminal with a long criminal record.

No he isn't, and no he wasn't.

Zardoz wrote:
The stand your ground law just allows criminals like Zimmerman to go around killing children.

Setting aside the fact that Mr. Zimmerman is not a criminal, no it doesn't.

Zardoz wrote:
The police dispatcher was only one of many that told Zimmerman not to follow people. When the neighborhood watch was set up the police department told Zimmerman and others that they were not to follow people as did the property owners but Zimmerman is a criminal

No he isn't.

Zardoz wrote:
and he never follows orders especially from the police department.

Setting aside the fact that it wasn't an order, Mr. Zimmerman did in fact follow the advice that he was given, and ended his pursuit.

I hear that Mr. Zimmerman is now suing the Martins for defamation. Good for him! I hope that he ends up seizing all of their money.
Reply Sun 5 Jan, 2020 11:20 pm
December 4, 2019

BARTOW, Fla. (AP) -- Neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman, who was acquitted of the 2012 killing of Trayvon Martin, is suing the teen's parents, family attorney, the attorney's book publisher and prosecutors who tried his case, claiming he was defamed when they allowed a witness to give false testimony in an attempt to incriminate him.

Zimmerman's lawsuit, filed Wednesday, said a trial witness pretended to be the last person to talk to Martin by phone before he was killed when the witness was actually the half-sister of the caller.

According to the lawsuit, Brittany Diamond Eugene didn't want to testify that she had been talking to Martin before he was killed. So her half-sister, Rachel Jeantel, pretended that she was talking to the teen before he was fatally shot. Jeantel ended up testifying at Zimmerman's 2013 trial in Sanford, Florida.

Reply Mon 6 Jan, 2020 12:46 pm
If the NRA members don’t represent the NRA, who does?

Except you don't get to pick the negative actions of a single person and apply those actions to an entire organization, that is called the exception, not the rule. Do we get to proclaim the actions of Dr. Kermit Gosnell as the actions of all abortion doctors? Or is he a stand alone person who doesn't represent all abortion doctors?

It is the NRA that states that one of the primary reasons to own a gun is to overthrow the government.

No, it isn't the NRA who claims this, it's actually the Constitution that claims this, as well as the Declaration of Independence. I'll point out again, that US history and it's founding isn't your strong suit, you get everything wrong.

Fifty years ago, the primary reason given to own a gun was hunting.

The primary reason given to own a gun for the last 200 plus years has been the 2nd Amendment, hunting has nothing to do with it. Hunting isn't mentioned in the 2nd Amendment.

You don’t think that influenced McVeigh’s thinking? You can see that idea reflected on the type of guns on the street now.

No, I don't think that influenced him, people are crazy and come up with their own motivations based on what is happening. There were a bunch of crazy militia people in the 90's, Bill Clinton brought out the crazy.

Fifty years ago, ordinary hunting weapons were the most common now it is military style assault weapons.

So you are basing your complaint off of how the weapon looks and not how it actually functions? This is the word games played by the leftists. It isn't a military weapon, but it looks like one, so they should be illegal.

Once the NRA (gun manufactures) planted the idea that America people needed to arm themselves to overthrow the government assault weapons went way up.

This has been explained to you as well, the NRA isn't the gun manufactures lobby, that's the NSSF, National Shooting Sports Foundation. Keep telling people lies, it's all the left is good at. You are also failing to recognize that it's the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution that put the idea in people's heads, that's the way our country was founded.
You would also be wrong about people's motivation in purchasing these weapons, people buy them for many reasons, you want to claim that all gun people are the same, they are not. Some people buy them simply because they are popular and they want one, they have no intention of overthrowing the govt.

It's also funny to see you claim the left is about Revolution and the right is about overthrowing the govt... What's the difference?

The gun manufactures use that as the justification to fill the streets of America with weapons of war and you know it. Seventy-five percent of the gun owners are republicans. That is the right.

You sure do throw a lot of numbers around with zero proof to back up your claims. How about you start.

While the San Bernardino attack did not represent all of Islam, they did represent a certain faction of Islam, remember 9/11 was not done by Catholics. McVeigh didn’t represent all Americans but he did represent a small faction that believes they must have weapons of war to overthrow the government.

That was a history lesson it has happened again and again and it will happen here eventually.

No it won't, they already tried in the early 2010's remember the Occupy Wallstreet crowd? They failed to move the bar, we won't be having a war between economic classes because mobility is still something that takes place. Your views on the economy are flawed.

There is a mathematical formula that predict at what point the revolution will take place.

There is? Share it with me then if it really exists. So far it only exists in the minds of wanna be socialists/communists, it also the only place such "revolutions" have taken place, and each time it's a total disaster for those countries. Socialism and communism have failed everywhere they have been tried.

The ungodly greedy will accumulate wealth and once they buy everything there is nothing left to buy, once they have done that, they buy the government and use it to accumulate even more wealth.

Spoken as someone who doesn't understand what is really going on with an economy. You still think tax breaks for a company mean you are actually giving them cash... you don't understand private business, you worked for the govt your whole life. You haven't built anything or created anything but a race car, which wouldn't exist in the economy you want in the US.

Now the government hands out to the ungodly greedy $2 billion chunks at a time.

Yeah, where does that happen? What you are referring to, is companies keeping more of what they made. You still think that money belongs to you and the govt, it doesn't.

There has been a tremendous shift in wealth in America and it is being used to make the ungodly greedy even richer.

No there hasn't been, there is also a change in who has the money all the time. The same super wealthy people from 20 years ago are not the same wealthy people today. I will also point out that a majority of the people in the top 10 wealthiest people in the world, all agree with your leftist views on society...

Even some of the billionaires have seen the writing on the wall and have decided to completely divest themselves of their wealth in their lifetime.

You are actually falling for that scam? Bill Gates has pretty much given away all of his wealth, and yet he still keeps increasing his wealth by the billions each and every year. Last year he earned 26 billion, so much for divesting his wealth.

Others realize that it will pit the richest 1/100 of one percent against the bottom 99.99%.

You are once again assuming that everyone feels the same way as the socialist/communists. The anti-wealth left had their chance in 2010 to make a difference, they failed to prove their point and the movement fell apart, people don't and won't believe the lies told by the left.

That is not good odds. It is like freight train coming down the tracks when the general population starts to watch their families starve to death, they have nothing to lose. There are more and more homeless people lining the streets of America while the ungodly greedy get hundreds of times more wealthy. Even people with middle class jobs can’t afford a place to live.

I guess you don't understand how property works either. We are actually doing better now in our economy for the general population than at any time in US history. Your Marxist claims have no bearing in the real world.

Teachers in California, that work everyday live out of their car.

They don't work everyday, they get at least 3 months off a year in the summer and all the same vacation days kids get. If they are living out of ther cars, they need to find a better line of work. The places you are worried about have failing school system already, and we already spend more on education per year then a majority of our 1st world allies. Money isn't the issue, it's how the failing school districts choose to spend their money.

At no time since the great depression have there been so many homeless.

You are not being completely honest now are you? The places with the highest homeless populations are once again the cities and states run by the left. Have you seen the streets of LA and San Francisco? Leftist cesspools who are failing their people and bringing back things like leprosy and the plague, things not seen in the US for decades, are making a return thanks to leftists policies. Lets also not forget the heroin and fentanyl addiction issues running through the country.

Now is the time to put a stop to the ungodly stealing all of America’s wealth. The ungodly cannot help themselves, greed is a sickness that can’t be cured. If the godly greedy managed to accumulate all of America’s wealth they would still want more.

Business isn't theft, you have a twisted version of who does what for what they make. I'm guessing you were not someone who was phased by the lies told by the Communists that were exposed by the Khrushchev report.

The NRA (gun manufactures) have used the overthrow of the government as a sales tactic to sell weapons of war. While we know that the distribution of wealth is a successful predictor of revolutions the gun manufactures are using the overthrow the government scam to sell weapons of war.

There is no such predictor of revolutions, there are only the rantings of mad men who Purged their own populations to get rid of those who didn't want to be communists.

Government documents are just pieces of paper assault weapons are the means to overthrow the government.

So you have no respect for the founding documents of this nation nor what our nation stands for... why even bother being an American? You could move to any country in the world with socialism and be happy.

If you teach people it is your responsibility to overthrown the government and this is the type of weapon you need to do it that is what will happen. This puts gun nuts up to looking for a reason to overthrow the government.

You are out of your mind. The only people screaming revolution right now are people like you and the others on the left. #resistance? Does that ring a bell?

Besides, our founding documents are what teach us we have the right to overthrow the govt, not a private group of gun rights activists. You should try reading about the actual history of our nation, not revisionist history written by leftists who don't love this country.

The AR-15 is defined as an assault weapon under the official definition. That is a weapon of war used to assault an enemy position. Overthrowing the government is just another sales technique used by the gun manufacturers.

Not ever in US armed conflict, has the US military used AR-15's in any war, they do not have a selective fire switch. Stop with the lies.

The federalist papers were no more than editorials published in newspapers they are in no way binding on the government than any other newspaper article is today while they may give some insight into what one particular founding father thought.

I can tell you have never read the Federalist or anti-federalist papers.

Once we achieved independence from a foreign government would we ever need to do that again?

Those papers dealt with more than just leaving the Crown, they also dealt with the Constitution and what was meant behind each of the Amendments, they were far more than "editorials" and they were written by the very people who wrote the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, so it is more than "one man's opinion", it was the primary opinion.

Just as Mansion and his followers hoped to start a race war McVeigh hoped to spark a revolution to overthrow the government. What do you think the terrorists’ political reason are? Overthrowing the government. The McVeigh did far better than the worst massacres.

This is a very weak line of thought. McVeigh represented a small group, himself and his buddy Nicholes, they had no support from any other group in the US, and their wanting for a revolution to overthrow the govt was never going to happen. Such acts of terrorism turn people off, and they should.

I notice you have failed to mention the Weather Underground, they also thought they could overthrow the govt. They mailed bombs and created panic with their acts of terrorism, why don't you mention them? Oh, that's right, you agree with their views and I'm sure you supported their acts. Did you know that Obama started his political campaign at Bill Ayres house, he was one of the leaders of the Weather Underground. Does that make Obama a radical?

Hate crimes reportedly jumped by 226 percent in counties - Vox

https://www.vox.com › trump-hate-crimes-study-white-nationalism

You are going to complain about my sources and then you go and use Vox as a source? Wow, talk about the pot calling the kettle black. How about you use a more main stream source and not extreme leftist rags. They have made so much **** up in the last 3 years, that they can not be trusted with any news, they straight up lie for clicks online, it's how they make their money.

Just as I guess the guy that went to a Rabbi house and stabbed 5 Jews was really a Jew himself. There have been several attacks on Jews in that one neighborhood. Hate crimes increased 226% in counties where there were Trump rallies. It seems everywhere Trump goes hate crimes are sure to follow.

You are going to have to do better than claims by Vox. What does the FBI crime stats say?

You also realize that a good chunk of those "hate crimes" have been proven to be fake and made up?

When the former Grand Dragon of the KKK comes out and publicly endorses Trump it tells you a lot about Trump’s character, birds of a feather…

It actually tells you nothing. But what does tell you something is that Trump disavowed any and all such support for his campaign. Of course you wouldn't know that, you don't watch unbias news.

Trump did a good job making sure all blacks were told all of his apartments in his buildings were already rented when they were not.

You have to reach back to the 1970's for something like that, it shows how weak you and the left really are. Hillary got a rapist off by claiming the little girl he raped really wanted it... you were still going to vote for her.
You will also notice Trump wasn't a racist until he ran against Hillary, until that point, he had won many awards for the service he provided to minorities, the leftist lies will never stop.

That Dayton mass murderer changed sides at the last minute and decided to become a hero worshipper of the El Paso mass murderer in fact that no doubt was his inspiration for the massacre.

Changed sides... yeah, keep telling yourself that. He was a leftist who went on a shooting spree, one of his victims was his own sister. His attack was not motivated by the racist killings of the El Paso shooter. That is a lie you are telling.

There have been a number of people die in the ICE facilities with no medical care until it was too late.

Very few people, who came to the US knowing they were going to be detained and they got sick along the way. It sucks, but no one asked them to come here and break our laws and then be detained. We don't owe illegal immigrants anything.

Reply Mon 6 Jan, 2020 01:58 pm
To start with children were never separated from the parents under Obama administration.

Actually they were, the media is lying to you. Those picture published of kids in cages were actually taken during the Obama admin, not the Trump admin. Those facilities being used were all built during the Obama years for that exact purpose. The difference is Obama didn't seperate kids at the same levels that Trump did, Trump was following the law that was written and signed back in the 1990's under Bill Clinton.

It was Trump who first started taking children away from parents. It worked in Nazi Germany where Trump’s relatives are from.

Except Hitler didn't release the kids in 20 days like the US is doing. Stop believing in the lies of the media.

If it is good enough for Nazi Germany it is good enough for America.

Another difference that you and the media seem to forget, is that the Nazi's actually did this to their own people, German citizens. We are not doing this to US citizens, we are doing it to illegal immigrants who illegally entered the US. I have no sympathy for those who violate the laws of our sovereign nation. So you know, this was all brought on by Obama's soft stance on illegal immigration and his dereliction of duty to protect our borders.

There have been pictures taken inside the ICE concentration camps when congressional delegations inspected the ICE concentration camps. I see you have been watching Fox News again remember they are official members of the Trump campaign and direct Trump as what he should do.

Those pictures didn't show anything wrong. The lies that came from those visits should be exposed. No one was drinking out of a toilet, but the media won't tell you that, they have socialists to promote for political office.

Fiction is always more popular than reality that is why 90% of television is devoted to fiction. Fiction sells and Fox News takes full advantage of that fact.

You have presented no facts. It's CNN and MSNBC who have seen their viewers leave after they figured out they were being lied to for the last 3 years.

Donald Trump Says Undocumented Immigrants 'Infest' US | Time

https://time.com › Politics › Donald Trump

1. Cached
Jun 19, 2018 - People Are Angry President Trump Used This Word to Describe ... to President Donald Trump's use of the word “infest” to describe illegal

So what, he isn't wrong and that isn't a racist connotation. There are an estimated 20 million illegal immigrants in the US, that isn't a small portion of the population. Leftists and socialists/communists infest our nation, is that racist to say? No it isn't. Let me provide you with a definition of the word infest:
to spread or swarm in or over in a troublesome manner.

Arming Teachers Has Already Led to a Slew of Gun Accidents ...

https://www.motherjones.com › politics › 2018/05 › arming-teachers-has-a...

1. Cached
May 5, 2018 - Police respond to the Parkland school shooting on February 14. ... That's what the Associated Press found when it reviewed 30 examples from ... states have introduced 25 measures that would allow more firearms in schools.

One of the most common types of accidentalshootings is when children find a loaded gun lying around there home the same thing applies to schools.

Yeah, you've already posted this tripe. 30 incidents vs how many teachers and armed LEO are in schools? Any bet the 30 incidents are less than 1% of the population? Not to mention this article is almost 2 years old, any updates? Not likely.

That is because I would rather deal with an angry person without a gun than an angry person with a gun.

So would I, but I don't do things that set people off to be mad in the first place. I haven't been in a fight since high school and I don't plan on being in any in the near future. You must be some sort of jerk to be in so many fights as an adult.

That is the power of search over a link. A search provides you with both sides of an argument a link only one side.

Seeing as how you don't provide anything for about 99% of what you post, don't lecture me on anything. Get yourself in line before trying to correct me.

The links you post go to some of the most obscure publications I have ever run across and when cross checked they can’t be corroborated. The stuff the KBG is writing has filled the rightwing press.

Obscure? I post from main stream sites or from govt sites. Don't play games because the facts don't fit your propaganda. ABC, CBS and NBC are obscure sources?

Just as a heads up, just about everything you post that is anti-American, comes from old USSR propaganda. If anyone is a prop of the Russians, it's you and your fellow leftists.

There have recently been several videos of teachers and other school employees trying to beat students to death.

Haha, most of those video's is teachers defending themselves from out of control kids who have partents who let them run around wild.

Speaking of a search, you should check out this link and see why teachers are leaving their violent schools.

Teachers can be angered by something that happened in their personal life and then take the anger out on the students.

It isn't the teachers, it's the students.

The suicides by gun stat is 21,375

Gun violence in the United States - Wikipedia

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Gun_violence_in_the_United_States

Murder is the killing of a human being and a suicide is the killing of a human being.

You provided a link to Wikipedia, but not the article. What's funny is that the 21,375, doesn't appear on that page, at all. So where did you get that #? In fact I did a simple search for that # and gun suicides and I got no returns that listed that number. It doesn't matter what the number is, it still relates to 60% of gun deaths as suicide, not murder.

Murder is the killing of a human being and a suicide is the killing of a human being.

You will never provide a real definition that has this meaning in it. Murder is killing another person, suicide is killing yourself. They are both types of death, but they are not types of murder. You will never find anywhere a claim that someone murdered themselves, but you will find a reference to killing themselves and suicide.

Did you actually read your own source? Your source is pushing for a standard definition and that definition is four or more people wounded or killed excluding the shooter.

The important part is the many definitions of mass shooting, and they very plainly say there is no one definition. They do say they are going with one of the definitions, but they aren't setting it in stone. You must have a problem with reading comprehension, much like you think the Constitution is a limit on the people and not the govt.

Reply Mon 6 Jan, 2020 03:08 pm
We all know that the Republicans use “push polls” which are intended to influence the vote instead of gather information.

Everyone uses push polls, the GOP is no exception.

Just like the push pole in North Carolina 2000 primary where voters were asked whether they would be more or less inclined to vote for John McCain if they knew he had a black daughter?

That was indeed dirty and shouldn't have been done. It doesn't change the fact that both sides play dirty. Bernie should have beat Hillary in the 2016 primaries, the DNC played dirty and Hillary won the nomination. It wouldn't have mattered anyways, Hillary was the best bet they had to beat Trump, and she couldn't pull it off.

Don’t kid yourself there would be concerned parents who would not want their children to go into homes where a gun might be available for children to play with.

Anyone who lets a child play with a gun should be shot. That's irresponsible to the extreme. Of course with the way you think about things, you think all gun owners leave their guns out for people to play with.

There would be a lot of parents who would still have their children today if they had kept them out of homes with guns in them.

Do you have any stats to back up all these kids being killed in other people's homes? From what I was able to find, it was about 79 kids killed by an accidental discharge, but it doesn't say how many were in their own homes vs other homes.

The maps that pinpointed where the guns were would be very helpful.

First off, people have privacy in their homes and the govt doesn't have a right to keep that information and hand it out to the public. I see this as a major 4th, 5th and 14th Amendment violations. It was also be handy for all those people you claim steal guns from people.

Exactly what I said that Trump said “very fine people on both sides.” In effect Trump said that the Neo-Nazi thugs and the KKK were “very fine people.”

No, not exactly what he said, you removed the context from the comment, just like a good propagandist does, just like a chunk of the MSM did and then continues to push a myth about what happened.

Human technology works on only part of the crops, others have to be hand-picked.

Nice find of an article from 2015, almost 5 years ago. Did you bother to read your own article? They mentioned the technology moving forward to harvest these types of crops, they didn't say it could never happen. Why are you supporting the modern day slave owners? People shouldn't be doing these jobs any longer.

You have never been on a farm, have you?

Yes I have been to a farm, my grandfather owned one, but he didn't farm, he owned animals. Spent many summers working at the local sale barns in IA where they lived.

It might also surprise you that I was a carpenter for 4 years in my late 20's, before I got into working with enterprise level computer servers.

You didn’t get to make that choice, did you? The large farm owners did and they picked the one that gave them the biggest profits. This has been going on for over a hundred years and it was not considered a problem until the racists started

What will give them the bigger profits is having machines work the fields instead of people, as the article YOU posted said, they will get a much lower per unit price for machine picked food then human picked food.

This has been going on for over a hundred years and it was not considered a problem until the racists started complaining.

You would be wrong again, like you are so often. Do you know who Ceasar Chavez was? He was a farm picker who started the unions out west for farm workers, do you know who he really hated and attacked as often as possible to keep them away from the fields? Illegal immigrants who were causing rate for the jobs to drop because they would work for anything. This is nothing new but leftists forget about history all the time, except where they can use it as a political tool.

Why would anyone follow someone at night?

In the case we are talking about, the neighborhood watch captain. He saw someone who didn't live in his neighborhood acting suspicious and there had been a lot of break-in's over the last few weeks. He called the police and followed him to make sure he wasn't breaking into homes.

It was nice to see you finally admit you were wrong about him living there and who he was there to visit. It only took you 4 times to get it correct. What was funny was seeing you write it out like it was what you were saying the whole time.

Zimmerman does not have a criminal record, if he did the Obama DOJ wouldn't have given him his gun back after he was cleared of any crimes on the federal level.

Reply Mon 6 Jan, 2020 09:24 pm
You can try and hold Obama responsible for what each and every one of the of 200,000 federal employees do but it is impossible to personally oversee that many employees. Zimmerman was the proximate cause of that murder and should be held responsible either criminally or civilly.
Reply Mon 6 Jan, 2020 09:32 pm
Self defense is not murder. There is nothing for Mr. Zimmerman to be held responsible for.

It is the Martin family who are being sued by Mr. Zimmerman, and rightly so.
Reply Mon 6 Jan, 2020 11:12 pm

These Are the States That Have 'Stand Your Ground' Laws ...

www.takepart.com › article › 2015/05/27 › these-are-states-have-stand-your-...

Here is an endless list of just the congressional candidates who are paid off with the NRA’s blood money.

List of congressional candidates who received campaign ...

That was exactly the case with Zimmerman he was told not to follow people and any reasonable person would know that following somebody at night was likely to start a fight. That is exactly why Zimmerman was told not to follow people but criminals like Zimmerman don’t do what they are told to do by the police department. Zimmerman’s actions resulted in the fight and he bought his gun to fist fight. You can bet the police department did not know Zimmerman was on patrol with a gun.
Don’t give up your day job, you would never make it as psychologist.
The fact that 79% of Americans don’t own a gun comes from a Harvard study.

Just one in five Americans obtains gun without background ...

https://www.theguardian.com › jan › guns-state-background-checks-study

Tis one that shows how fast public opinion is changing on stronger gun laws.

Harvard IOP youth poll finds stricter gun laws, ban on assault ...

https://iop.harvard.edu › about › newsletter-press-release › harvard-iop-yo...

Zimmerman was repeatedly told not to follow people at night and he refused to follow even simple directions.

Trial of George Zimmerman - Wikipedia

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Trial_of_George_Zimmerman

Under the “prosecution case” the testimony shows that Zimmerman was told not to follow people when the neighborhood watch was set up. The property owner did not think they even needed a neighborhood watch. When Zimmerman called 911 he said, F**** punks, these assholes always get away.” You, can tell Zimmerman is on the hunt. He can do the police’s job better than they can. Nobody will get away from him even if he has to kill them.
Now that the senile old man has started WWIII the world will finally realize how senile Trump actually is. WWI was started by assassination Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary who was not nearly as popular as the general, Trump had killed to take the headlines away from impeachment. White House insiders that have know Trump for years approached the Trump family about taking Trump to a doctor to treat his senility. The Trump family ignored the advice and now others will pay for Trump’s senility with their lives. The election will be landside when the public realize the Trump family kept him in power rather than admit he was senile just to hold on to power. Trump is just another senile old man who should have retired 5 years ago.

Come on, Trump’s website changed as soon as he was elected instead of tax cuts for the working people Trump replaced them with cuts for the richest .01% who got millions in tax cuts. The Republicans wrote the tax cut for the ungodly greedy and that is the sixth huge tax cut the for the ungodly greedy that Republicans have made since Reagan while raising taxes on the middle class. The democrats clawed back some of the cuts the ungodly greedy got from Republicans.
Steele wrote 14 different for Fusion GPS after the Republicans hired them to investigate Trump and most of them were paid for by the Republicans. Most of the Fusion report was already written be fore they marketed the information paid for by the Republicans to the democrats after Trump secured the republican nomination. All you have to is read a book and you will find everything that you believe is a lie some KBG agent in Russia made up and put on Fox News or other rightwing lie factories.
Reply Mon 6 Jan, 2020 11:22 pm
Zardoz wrote:
That was exactly the case with Zimmerman he was told not to follow people and any reasonable person would know that following somebody at night was likely to start a fight. That is exactly why Zimmerman was told not to follow people

That is incorrect. Mr. Zimmerman was merely advised that it was a bad idea.

Zardoz wrote:
but criminals like Zimmerman

That is incorrect. Mr. Zimmerman is not a criminal.

Zardoz wrote:
don't do what they are told to do by the police department.

That is incorrect. Upon receiving the advice that it was a bad idea, Mr. Zimmerman stopped following Trayvon.

Zardoz wrote:
Zimmerman's actions resulted in the fight

That is incorrect. Trayvon started the fight by violently assaulting Mr. Zimmerman.

Zardoz wrote:
Zimmerman was repeatedly told not to follow people at night

That is incorrect. Mr. Zimmerman was merely advised that it was a bad idea.

Zardoz wrote:
and he refused to follow even simple directions.

That is incorrect. Upon receiving the advice that it was a bad idea, Mr. Zimmerman stopped following Trayvon.
Reply Tue 7 Jan, 2020 10:22 am
These Are the States That Have 'Stand Your Ground' Laws ...

www.takepart.com › article › 2015/05/27 › these-are-states-have-stand-your-...

33 states, which is a majority. Not only that but according to the article you posted, 13 more states were looking to enact such laws. That would bring the count to 46 states, only 4 short of all states. Seems like you are in the minority on this subject. You also gotta love how they waited till the very end to throw in a bunch of stats that have no sources.

Reading about the news site, they admit to being a SJW news site, that brings with it a major amount of political bagage that doesn't allow for news reporting. Isn't this something you seem to be against? Let me guess, if they agree with your bias, then they are ok to publish their bias as truth.

Here is an endless list of just the congressional candidates who are paid off with the NRA’s blood money.

List of congressional candidates who received campaign ...

What list? Will this list contain the amount of money that was donated? You like to lie about the dollar amounts.

That was exactly the case with Zimmerman he was told not to follow people and any reasonable person would know that following somebody at night was likely to start a fight.

Sorry to tell you this, but we actually have zero responsibility to listen to orders from the police. They can make a recommendation but they don't issue orders in normal circumstances. I'll also point out again, that the Obama DOJ cleared him of any wrong doing and returned his gun to him.

Don’t give up your day job, you would never make it as psychologist.

I would make a good one, I pegged you for what you are.

The fact that 79% of Americans don’t own a gun comes from a Harvard study.

Because it comes from Harvard, it must be correct? How about you publish the actual link to the study, I've been hunting for your study and I can't find it even on the Harvard web site, here's the search, no results for your study:

A study I did find said 30% of people admitted to owning a gun... that means they are taking people's word about gun ownership without a way of finding of if the info they have is correct. As I have said, no one I know would admit to strangers in a survey if they owned a gun, it's none of their business. This is why any study looking at gun ownership is going to be a best guess and won't be accurate. There are over 400 million guns in the US, do you really think they are owned by so few people? The only way to know for sure how many gun owners there are in the US would be for the govt to enact gun registration, which is unconstitutional.

Just one in five Americans obtains gun without background ...

About 20% half as much as Obama and the MSM lied about a few years ago. I'll also note that this isn't a loophole either, background checks on private sales were left out of the federal law on purpose, not forgotten as some anti-gun people would have you believe.

Tis one that shows how fast public opinion is changing on stronger gun laws.

Harvard IOP youth poll finds stricter gun laws, ban on assault ...

Youth poll... the very people most fooled by lies in the media and from our politicians. A majority of the news on guns isn't logic driven, it's emotional driven. It's why our Rights are not decided by a simple majority.

Zimmerman was repeatedly told not to follow people at night and he refused to follow even simple directions.

That just isn't the case. Zimmerman was cleared by the Obama DOJ of any wrong doing and had his gun returned to him, the feds wouldn't return his gun to him if he had a criminal record.

Now that the senile old man has started WWIII the world will finally realize how senile Trump actually is.

If Obama didn't start WWIII with all the bombs and drones he used on other countries, Trump isn't going to start it with the killing of a terrorist. You lefties really need to get past this emotional issue you have with Trump.

WWI was started by assassination Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary who was not nearly as popular as the general, Trump had killed to take the headlines away from impeachment.

Nothing has happened with impeachment since before Xmas, this was in direct reaction to the attack on our embassy. Trump isn't weak like Obama was, he wasn't going to let Americans die while he watched via a drone camera. Remember the 4 people killed in Benghazi, Trump is going to do everything in his power to not repeat the mistakes of Obama and Hillary?

Come on, Trump’s website changed as soon as he was elected instead of tax cuts for the working people Trump replaced them with cuts for the richest .01% who got millions in tax cuts.

More lies. So you know, every campaign changes their website after they have been elected, why have a website that still says campaign? As for the tax cuts, they really did go to everyone, not just the rich. That's another lie told by the left. The only people who didn't see a tax cut were those who make a lot of money and have more than $10k in state taxes, you know people in NY, IL and CA.

The Republicans wrote the tax cut for the ungodly greedy and that is the sixth huge tax cut the for the ungodly greedy that Republicans have made since Reagan while raising taxes on the middle class. The democrats clawed back some of the cuts the ungodly greedy got from Republicans.

Not one tax cut has included a tax raise for the middle class. All tax cuts apply to all income levels, it's the fair thing to do. The only people who get checks from the govt at tax time are poor people, who get back more in a refund then they pay into the system all year, that's what's breaking the bank.

Steele wrote 14 different for Fusion GPS after the Republicans hired them to investigate Trump and most of them were paid for by the Republicans.

This is all lies that has been exposed. Nothing you have said here is truthful.

Most of the Fusion report was already written be fore they marketed the information paid for by the Republicans to the democrats after Trump secured the republican nomination.

More lies that have already been exposed.

All you have to is read a book and you will find everything that you believe is a lie some KBG agent in Russia made up and put on Fox News or other rightwing lie factories.

A book written by the very people who are trying to cover their own asses now that the dossier has been exposed as trash, with not a single truthful line in it.

Reply Wed 8 Jan, 2020 12:10 am
I know where you get your stats like the one that is between 500.0000 and 2.5 million. That turned out to be a 100.000 after they showed them where the error was. It seems liked they relied on “misconception” to come up with their figures.

• Murder - number of victims by weapons used | Statista

https://www.statista.com › Society › Crime & Law Enforcement

1. Cached
2. Similar
Sep 30, 2019 - How many murders have been taking place in the US? ... Number of murder victims in the United States in 2018, by weapon ... Rifles, 297.
This shows that 6,603 people killed with hand guns and 2,963 people were killed with firearms not specified. That was for the year 2018. Though it lists rifles at 297 but rifles are not assault weapons. But there are 2,963 people killed with firearms not specified no doubt the assault weapons.
This one shows 486 accidental in 2017

Hunting Accident Statistics: Injury & Fatalities by US State ...

https://www.targettamers.com › guides › hunting-accident-statistics

1. Cached
Jump to A Hunting Tale of Numbers - These numbers tell a story – a story of how hunting related injuries and ... Not only is it fair to say hunting is a way of life for several millions of people in the North ... Western Colorado 9-year study ... “Australian External Cause Deaths Engaged Hunting Activities” PDF.
‎Hunting Accident Statistics ... · ‎Hunting Injuries & Accidents
You visited this page on 12/14/19.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Suicide is the killing of a human being by a human being. It may be a special case of murder but it meets all the qualifications for murder.
As long as we continue to flood the streets with weapons of war, we will continue to have bigger and more frequent massacres. America
The murder rate in America is 450% higher than the United Kingdom when all types of murder are taken into account. The difference is easy availability of guns, murder made easy. Here you have zero chances of protecting yourself from someone with a gun. He just walks up behind you puts the gun to your head and pulls the trigger and all the AR-15s in the world won’t protect you.
Yes, you can own a gun just not any gun whatsoever for any purpose whatsoever. You are confusing the right to have an arm to bear with the right to bear any gun whatsoever. The second amendment does not say any weapon whatsoever.

Laws are often not enforced rigidly at first but are phased in. Not wearing a seat belt was not a primary offence at first but now it is. Talking on cellphone in your car was not a primary offence at first but now it is. Just getting the weapons of war out of the local store will save many lives. I watched video of a gun nut with his AR-15 taking on the whole police department in the dark in a small-town tonight. The guy had been a big baseball star in high school but decided he would start throwing bullets instead of baseballs.
Killing 60 people at time is as violent enough. You had to watch that guy with his AR-15 taking on the cops for no reason other than he wanted to kill people to see how violent gun owners are?
The sources are posted you evidently can’t do a search. I could post the whole internet and you still could not find it.
When al Qaeda made a dry run with an airplane it would have been evident to first grader would know what to expect. The fact that baby Bush was to busy vacationing on his ranch to even talk to the guy in charge of national security tells you it was not important to him. Baby Bush and the neoconservatives were looking for any excuse to invade Iraq from day one.
The supreme court has ruled there are restrictions, “you can’t own any weapon whatsoever for any purpose whatsoever. That sure sounds like a restriction on the second amendment to me. In fact, several states have an assault weapon ban now and they have not been overturned.
If I give you something does not mean I am restricted in any way.
I did not say anything about a simple majority but the constitution has been changed in the past and 5 million NRA members is not a super majority.
We are talking about that mentally ill person owning a gun. If he is involuntary committed, he loses his gun right forever. There is no hearing to determine whether he can own a gun. The only hearing is to determine if he is ill. His gun rights have been infringed. That line needs to be removed from the second amendment because we have lots of people that their gun rights should be infringed.
That is what facts look like.
James Madison was part of the government and he wrote the bill of rights in that capacity.
The dispute is not whether they mean the same it is what actual word was in fact used.

Reply Wed 8 Jan, 2020 03:58 am
Zardoz wrote:
I know where you get your stats like the one that is between 500.0000 and 2.5 million.

It comes from the CDC and the Obama Administration.

Zardoz wrote:
That turned out to be a 100.000 after they showed them where the error was. It seems liked they relied on “misconception” to come up with their figures.

No such error.

No such misconception.

No such statistic.

But even if the number had really been that low, that would still be a lot of people defending themselves with guns every year.

Zardoz wrote:
But there are 2,963 people killed with firearms not specified no doubt the assault weapons.

No one has ever been murdered with an assault weapon in the US.

Zardoz wrote:
As long as we continue to flood the streets with weapons of war, we will continue to have bigger and more frequent massacres. America

We've never flooded our streets with weapons of war.

No weapon of war has ever been used to commit a massacre in the US.

No one has ever been murdered with a weapon of war in the US.

Zardoz wrote:
The murder rate in America is 450% higher than the United Kingdom when all types of murder are taken into account. The difference is easy availability of guns, murder made easy.

Statistics are quite clear that gun availability has little impact on homicide rates.

Zardoz wrote:
Here you have zero chances of protecting yourself from someone with a gun. He just walks up behind you puts the gun to your head and pulls the trigger and all the AR-15s in the world won’t protect you.

The chances are far from zero. Just don't let anyone walk up to you and put a gun to your head to begin with.

Zardoz wrote:
Yes, you can own a gun just not any gun whatsoever for any purpose whatsoever. You are confusing the right to have an arm to bear with the right to bear any gun whatsoever. The second amendment does not say any weapon whatsoever.

The Second Amendment protects our right to have any gun that there is no compelling government interest in restricting.

Zardoz wrote:
Just getting the weapons of war out of the local store will save many lives.

Weapons of war have never been sold in local stores to begin with.

Zardoz wrote:
The supreme court has ruled there are restrictions, “you can’t own any weapon whatsoever for any purpose whatsoever. That sure sounds like a restriction on the second amendment to me. In fact, several states have an assault weapon ban now and they have not been overturned.

Restrictions are allowed only if they can be justified as serving a compelling government interest.

Zardoz wrote:
That line needs to be removed from the second amendment because we have lots of people that their gun rights should be infringed.

What you need to do is stop infringing people's rights, and heavily compensate the people whose rights you've already infringed.
Reply Wed 8 Jan, 2020 11:28 am
I know where you get your stats like the one that is between 500.0000 and 2.5 million. That turned out to be a 100.000 after they showed them where the error was. It seems liked they relied on “misconception” to come up with their figures.

Yeah, I got it from the 2013 CDC study. Are you claiming that the CDC under the Obama admin lied about those numbers? Are govt provided numbers not to be trusted?
There was no error and that 100,000 is on the extreme low end. A vast majority of defensive gun uses do not entail anyone getting shot, it requires the criminal seeing a gun and fleeing the scene of the crime, that's exactly how my defensive gun use went.

• Murder - number of victims by weapons used | Statista

https://www.statista.com › Society › Crime & Law Enforcement

1. Cached
2. Similar
Sep 30, 2019 - How many murders have been taking place in the US? ... Number of murder victims in the United States in 2018, by weapon ... Rifles, 297.

Are you finally admitting that number is correct?

This shows that 6,603 people killed with hand guns and 2,963 people were killed with firearms not specified. That was for the year 2018. Though it lists rifles at 297 but rifles are not assault weapons. But there are 2,963 people killed with firearms not specified no doubt the assault weapons.
This one shows 486 accidental in 2017

That number was for all rifles, not just hunting rifles, all rifles. You just can't accept the facts that the weapons you hate the most are used the least in murder. That # didn't come from the website you posted, it came from the FBI crime stats.

Hunting Accident Statistics: Injury & Fatalities by US State ...

Did you notice your failure here? Less than 100 deaths from hunting accidents, you tried to claim that there were hundreds per year.

Suicide is the killing of a human being by a human being. It may be a special case of murder but it meets all the qualifications for murder.

Suicide is the killing of a human by themselves, there is no other interaction with another person. No, it doesn't meet any qualifications for murder, murder is the killing of another person, plain and simple. Look at the word and definition manipulation you have to go through to try and prove your point.

As long as we continue to flood the streets with weapons of war, we will continue to have bigger and more frequent massacres.

Sorry, but you have zero stats to back up this claim. Mass shootings are less than 1% of the total gun crimes in the US, the stats are not in your favor, all you have is emotion and emotional words to go along with your propaganda lies. Remember the stats you posted above, the majority of murders and mass shootings are done with handguns or other types of guns. The media likes to hype the shootings with semi-auto rifles so it gives the appearance that they happen more often than they really do.

The murder rate in America is 450% higher than the United Kingdom when all types of murder are taken into account.

Big surprise, more stats with no backing evidence.

The difference is easy availability of guns, murder made easy. Here you have zero chances of protecting yourself from someone with a gun.

You would be wrong again, remember the lady who killed the home invaders, they had a gun and shot at her, she shot back and hit one of them. If you got your wish on the 2nd Amendment, no law biding citizens would be allowed to have guns, but you know the criminals would have all the guns and the death toll for innocents would rise. We already see such things happening in states with lots of gun control and high murder rates, like all of the major cities in the US.

Yes, you can own a gun just not any gun whatsoever for any purpose whatsoever.

You keep using that phase and it doesn't say what you think it does. No restrictions on weapon ownership in that SC decision:
Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms.

You are confusing the right to have an arm to bear with the right to bear any gun whatsoever. The second amendment does not say any weapon whatsoever.

The SC made no such decision on the types of weapons you can own, I posted the full opinion above.

The sources are posted you evidently can’t do a search. I could post the whole internet and you still could not find it.

You have only recently started posting your sources, like in the last week or so, but then it's only a couple and so far they haven't backed anything you have claimed.

When al Qaeda made a dry run with an airplane it would have been evident to first grader would know what to expect. The fact that baby Bush was to busy vacationing on his ranch to even talk to the guy in charge of national security tells you it was not important to him. Baby Bush and the neoconservatives were looking for any excuse to invade Iraq from day one.

You suffer from an extreme case of hind site. We could take this all the way back to Clinton and his failure to take Islamic terrorism seriously after the first WTC attack, instead of treating like a property crime, he was to busy getting blowjobs from interns. He also had plenty of opportunity to take out OBL prior to leaving office. We also now know that the Saudi govt paid for a dry run 2 years prior to 9/11, that was firmly during the Clinton admin. So you can point fingers all you want but we know were the failures lie and it isn't all on one person.

The supreme court has ruled there are restrictions, “you can’t own any weapon whatsoever for any purpose whatsoever. That sure sounds like a restriction on the second amendment to me.

Sorry but I already post what those restrictions are, and it has nothing to do with owning an actual weapon and they place no restrictions on gun ownership that were not already in place for people like felons. Stop the lies.

In fact, several states have an assault weapon ban now and they have not been overturned.

They are making their way to the SC, no rulings on gun ownership for law biding citizens have been handed down, stop the lies.

I did not say anything about a simple majority but the constitution has been changed in the past and 5 million NRA members is not a super majority.

You have hinted plenty of times that the change will be easy, you have the votes. You don't have the votes.

We are talking about that mentally ill person owning a gun. If he is involuntary committed, he loses his gun right forever.

That is true, but it shouldn't be that way. If they can prove they are "better" then they should be allowed to own a gun in the future.

There is no hearing to determine whether he can own a gun. The only hearing is to determine if he is ill. His gun rights have been infringed. That line needs to be removed from the second amendment because we have lots of people that their gun rights should be infringed.

No, we will not be removing the most important phrase in the 2nd Amendment. You can play all the logic and words games you want to, but we won't be changing anything.

That is what facts look like.

You have no idea what facts look like. You lie about the SC decision on Heller even though I have posted the full decision at least twice, you keep on lying about what it says. There is no misunderstanding, it gives specific examples of what was meant by the phrase, not the lies you keep telling.

James Madison was part of the government and he wrote the bill of rights in that capacity.

This means nothing, it has no context. Try again.

The dispute is not whether they mean the same it is what actual word was in fact used.

Until you can stop lying about SC decisions, you have no room to argue about word choice and usage. A majority of the crap you post is based on a lie. It doesn't matter what word was used, the meaning doesn't change between the 2 words and it doesn't change the meaning of the Declaration of Independence. You are wrong about Rights, so you diddle about a word, typical leftist diversion.


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