The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Fri 27 Dec, 2019 10:40 pm
Why do you think the Police Department tell the people not to follow people when they are setting up a neighborhood watch? The police have been there and they know it is going to cause problems. Even though Zimmerman wasn’t charged he was the proximate cause of the confrontation and he was doing what he was told not to do by the police department. Try following somebody on a dark night and see what happens.
Zimmerman had a gun and was going to play cop. The directions given to Zimmerman by the police department and the home owners association was not to follow people but Zimmerman figured that gun made him all the cop he needed to be. Members of neighborhood watches are not given police powers.
If you don’t confront them what are you going to do run? My wife was recently followed out of a local Wall Mart. It was Christmas shopping season and crime goes way up. She turned around and confronted him. He went the other direction. We had a secretary at work that had someone come after her late at night with a knife on a Kroger parking lot. He tried to steal her pocketbook but she refused to let lose. They traded blows while both had a hold of the pocketbook. The thief said lady all I want is your pocket book. When the police got there, she not only had her pocket book she also had the thief’s knife. She later found her coat was cut. If she had let the thief follow her and walk up behind her he would have stuck his knife between her ribs. When you are being followed at night there is a reason.

If Travon had been white it would have made a difference. After all, why would Zimmerman follow a white boy? Most white people think the real criminals are mostly black.
I am sorry but if Zimmerman face is messed up because Travon was beating his head into the ground then Zimmerman was face down. It would not bloody his face to beat against the air. How difficult would it be to shoot someone while you are face down with your head being beat into the ground? Impossible.
It can’t have happened the way Zimmerman says it did. It is literally impossible.
Did you ever visit anyone? Were you shot for visiting them? Did someone with a gun follow you around all the time?
If there are break ins in the neighborhood it is the police department job to check them out. The police department has trained employees, that were trained for the job. The police department does not want cowboys with guns following people and they made that extremely clear to Zimmerman. I know every gun nut can’t wait to shoot somebody so they can fulfill their gun nut fantasy.
It would not matter who he was there to visit. Maybe Travon should have been required to check with Zimmerman and get his personal OK to be there. Did Zimmerman own the property? No.
It was not only the police dispatcher he was only reminding Zimmerman what the policemen had told him when the neighborhood watch was set up. The owners of the property had also instructed him not to follow people.
If he was there and living then he was living there at the time. It wasn’t like he was living a hundred miles away that night. Travon had every right to be there. Zimmerman had no right to follow him.
You have absolutely no idea who attacked who, you have only the word of a known criminal. Who was told by the police depart not to follow people.
What was it 30 people killed a month using the stand your ground defense? This will get much worse when people figure it is a get murder people free card.
There has been castle law in most all states that lets you defend your property. What it didn’t do was allow you to start a fight and then when you started to get your as whipped to take out your gun and murder the person you started a fight with.

Reply Fri 27 Dec, 2019 11:52 pm
Zardoz wrote:
Even though Zimmerman wasn’t charged he was the proximate cause of the confrontation and he was doing what he was told not to do by the police department.

Wrong. The 911 dispatcher did not instruct Mr. Zimmerman to stop following. He merely implied that it was a bad idea.

And, upon receiving this advice, Mr. Zimmerman took the advice and stopped following Trayvon.

Zardoz wrote:
Zimmerman had a gun and was going to play cop.

Wrong. Defending yourself is not playing cop.

Zardoz wrote:
If you don’t confront them what are you going to do run?

Since Trayvon was no longer being followed, he could have just went home.

Violently assaulting Mr. Zimmerman was a bit more than "confronting" him.

Zardoz wrote:
It can’t have happened the way Zimmerman says it did. It is literally impossible.

The evidence says that Trayvon started the confrontation and Mr. Zimmerman was only defending himself.

Zardoz wrote:
Did you ever visit anyone? Were you shot for visiting them?

Trayvon was shot in self defense while violently assaulting someone.

Zardoz wrote:
Zimmerman had no right to follow him.


Not that he was even following him to begin with.

Zardoz wrote:
You have absolutely no idea who attacked who, you have only the word of a known criminal.

Wrong. The evidence clearly shows that Trayvon approached Mr. Zimmerman and attacked him.

Zardoz wrote:
There has been castle law in most all states that lets you defend your property. What it didn’t do was allow you to start a fight and then when you started to get your as whipped to take out your gun and murder the person you started a fight with.

Trayvon started the fight.
Reply Sun 29 Dec, 2019 12:17 am
Not all Mustangs are created equal, some Mustangs have 4cly and some have 8clys motors. While some Mustangs have completely different power plants that is not the case with AR-15s they come down the same assembly line and are exactly like in all aspects except the three small parts. So, the AR-15s are much closer in design than the Mustangs. If one AR-15 would only capable of chambering one shell a second while the other chambers 15 shells a second you might have an argument but that is not the case.
Did you watch the video I posted of the semi-automatic AR-15 firing just as fast as the automatic version using a bump stock? There were 4 ejected shell casing in the air at the same time. We know the Pulse Night Club was recorded firing at a 130 round per minute rate. Do you think your children could escape a mass murderer firing at 130 round a minute rate? There is no reason to have weapons designed for the military on the streets.
NASCAR was started as a stock car racing organization you could drive your car to the race track. We had a local drive his car to the Southern 500. He taped his headlights to keep the glass from scattering after an accident. That was the appeal of NASCAR seeing the type of car you bought at the local car dealer. Over the years they became less stock. Now only the engine block is stock even the bodies are made to resemble a Mustang but they are fabricated from aluminum. When a NASCAR team switches from Fords to Chev. They just change the body and the motors. The first race car I drove had a modified stock body and a shortened stock frame. The last car I drove was fabricated from the ground up. I could call it a Camaro one day the switch the front end and call it a Firebird the next day. Of course, that is not the case with AR-15s. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
The AR-15 semi-automatic has all of the same capabilities as the automatic version you just need to take advantage of them. If you watched the video of the full-automatic AR-15 and the semi-automatic AR-15 with the bump stock they fired at pretty much the same rate. It is just a matter of taking full advantage of the AR-15s design capabilities.
When the welder told me how to modify a semi- automatic into a full-automatic assault weapon it was in the 70s and at that time it was not illegal to do that. I really had no interest in modifying a semi-automatic to full-automatic and to this day I don’t know why he told me. I am sure he had the skills to modify it, we had a machine shop at the garage. It was obvious they were trying to restrict it because you had to buy the three pieces from three different sources.
The AR-15 are deadly enough without be converted as can be seen at the Pulse Night Club massacre. The fact that there are 10 million assault weapons on the streets already if even a small percentage is converted it would kill hundreds.
A violation of the second amendment would be taken to court and the courts decide whether someone’s second amendment rights had been violated. The only purpose of the statement shall not be infringed serves is guarantee that the gun rights of the criminals and the mentally cannot be infringed. None of the rights should be infringed. There has to be a reason for that statement something was going on at that time. It in no way expands the statement “a right to keep and bear arms.”
There is not a conservative on the planet who believes in rights when they deny the right of a woman to control her bodily functions. Control off your own bodily functions is the bases for any freedom. If you can’t support that then don’t cry about any freedom.
Abortion would be listed as a restriction not a right. How about other bodily functions would you need to have a right to breath in the Constitution? The vice president Pence has supported a bill to block a woman from having an abortion even if it is going to kill her. Only one exception and that would be rape it is alright to kills those babies.
Limits on freedom? You are all for taking away the right of women to control their own body.
So, you would have no problem with traffic driving by your house at 120 mph everyday after all they need to get to work. Serial killers are people too we should let them continue to kill. If your neighbor decided to take your car that shouldn’t be a problem. If an arsonist wants to burn your house down you might not agree with him but you should support his freedom to do so. All laws are restrictions on someone’s freedom.
But a restriction on the speed you drive is a violation of your rights. You mean the states can take your rights.
We are talking about freedom not necessarily rights.
Both types of assault weapons have trigger mechanisms. It isn’t like you are going to have change the barrel or the chambering mechanism.

Converting semiautomatic rifles to near full-auto done with ...

https://www.nydailynews.com › news › national › converting-semiautomat...

1. Cached
Oct 5, 2017 - A knife, an Allen wrench and a few spare minutes are all anyone needs to turn a regular semiautomatic rifle into a weapon capable of firing 900 ...
That is the way the stats are kept. When four or more people are killed or wounded it is a mass shooting and logged into the stats. That mass shooting took place after the bank had already been robbed.
The stand your ground law allows you to be in a fist fight go to your car and get your gun and go back and start shooting people. If they were still after this gun nut, he would not have made it back to the car and he would have been able to unlock the glove box and get his gun. What this allows is anyone that was hit to go get his gun and start executing people because he was punched. That is an actual incident at trial the jury was hung.
The killer used the stand your ground defense and the court case ended with a hung jury. The state has not decided whether to try it again. This case will establish a law if the killer is found innocent. The killer came back and shot everyone in sight because he was punched.

The trouble with the internet is anybody can print anything it is not fact checked plus what is here today is gone tomorrow. Take Trump’s tax cut plan it is one thing during the campaign and another after he was elected. On the internet you have to look for reputable sources and cross check them with other reputable sources. Books once published will be the same today as they will be a 100-years from now. Publishing companies have assets to protect and can be sued as Trump has done in the past. Publishers employee an army of fact checkers to make sure the books are accurate.
You aren’t that naive, you know why the assault weapon ban was not renewed the gun manufacturers were stuffing the crooked Republican politician’s pockets full of their blood money. You have absolutely no right to weapons designed for mass murder. There was no outcry from the public about the assault weapon ban.
Reply Mon 30 Dec, 2019 12:11 am
It does not protect the students, more gun nuts with guns only ends with more deaths and injuries in and out of schools. We had a gun fight today over one dog chasing another it is a good example of having a gun within reach. That is the type of things that will happen with guns in schools.
That is not true either the gun manufacturers are pushing for college students to carry guns. The Republicans almost passed that law last year it was only derailed at the last minute. The gun manufactures would push for a law to make it legal for elementary students to carry guns if they thought they could make a buck. In fact, some elementary students might be safer than the gun nuts that are carrying in schools now. In a match between a rank amateur with a pistol and a mass murderer armed with an assault weapon who do you think would win?
It does not always have to happen that way just enough to kill a lot of innocent bystanders. The less training the more likely innocent bystanders will be shot by the gun nuts.
The gun nuts are more likely to use their gun to run kids out of a cherry tree but when it comes to massacres it is like El Paso the guns stay in their pockets. How about Las Vegas, I am sure the cowboys had their guns but nobody was shooting back.

Arming Teachers Introduces New Risks Into Schools ...

https://everytownresearch.org › arming-teachers-introduces-new-risks-into-...

1. Cached
In fact, an armed teacher cannot, in a moment of extreme duress and confusion, be expected to transform into a specially trained law enforcement officer.

“In fact, an armed teacher cannot, in a moment of extreme duress and confusion, be expected to transform into a specially trained law enforcement officer. An armed teacher is much more likely to shoot a student bystander or be shot by responding law enforcement than to be an effective solution to an active shooter in a school.”

I don’t how many students have been wounded in the last two years but three were injured in one gun demonstration if they were not hit with bullet fragments I don’t what would have caused the injuries. Gun accidents will go up, not down as people get more comfortable, they get careless. It like with roofers at first, they are very careful because they are afraid of falling. But the more years they work they beginning to lose their fear. Those are the ones more likely to fall and be killed.
If it is a contest between bad guys with guns vs good guys with guns the bad guys are winning. After all, when have you heard of good guy with gun shooting 50 bad guys with a gun?
The story of the shooting reported that the police captain when questioned refused to call them heroes and the matter was under investigation. The shooter’s gun could have jammed and they gunned him down. Too much time elapsed for them to go to their cars and get their guns. Typical massacres are over in two minutes with far more bodies. Excited gun nuts would shoot anybody in a half mile radius.

least two people during carjacking attempts was fatally shot by ...

'In all reality, there were three shooters.' Oklahomans kill an ...

https://www.washingtonpost.com › news › national › 2018/07/13 › feature

Jul 13, 2018 - Two Oklahoma citizens killed an active shooter, and it's not as simple as it ... A gunman who had injured three people was fatally shot by two ..

The gun nuts were considered active shooter handcuffed, put on the ground, and taken to the police department. One of the shooters was ana former police officer now a security guard. The people in the restaurant thought there were three active shooters.
Neither of the shooters were aware of each other and had come close to setting up a circular firing squad.

Would heroes be handcuffed and hauled to the police department?
“The FBI examined 160 shootings between 2000 and 2013 and found most of the violence ended when the assailant stopped shooting, committed suicide or fled.” Unarmed citizens successfully restrained shooters in 21 of those incidents, according to the FBI.” Only 5 incidents were stopped by armed civilians and most of them were armed security guards.
Source: the above reference
That is the FBI stat and in this case the police department was there in a minute and took the other to active shooters into custody. The Dayton massacre was over in a minute.
Don’t ever quit your day job to be psychologist. One thing I have had a lifetime to become a gun nut and yet I have no desire to own a gun let alone go around shooting people. We have plenty of people to do that.
If that was the case then all these gun nuts could return the assault weapons because they have been defrauded by the gun manufacturers who sold them to win firefights.
The human body when trained can exceed all expectations. The AR-15 is capable it is just a matter of training your trigger finger. We know the Pulse Night Clube mass murderer fired his at a 130 rounds per minute rate. Even that makes escape almost impossible. One of the references posted in yesterday post listed the 900-round figure. You only had to watch the videos of the AR-15s being fired with four casings in the air at the same time to know how fast it is being fired.
Suicides are the killing of a human being. Murder is the killing of a human being. Suicides are a subset of murders they maybe a special case but they will forever be the killing of a human being. That is why the word especially was used in your definition. There is no other possible case but suicide. The word makes people uncomfortable but it is a human being killing a human being. The same with mass murders and mass shootings not all mass shootings are mass murders but all mass murders are mass shootings. There can be two different categories that fall under a major category.
I posted a link that shows you how to quickly make any AR-15 fire automatically with a paperclip and a few other parts.
You act like modify an assault weapon that was already designed to fire automatically in the first place is a mountain to high to scale. It is not, evidently it is far easier than you imagine.
The danger of having 10 million assault weapons that can be easily modified to automatic is terrible. All bank robberies may not be mass shootings but some mass shootings may also be bank robberies.
Well now that you know how easily the assault weapons can be converted you will realize how many are out there.
Reply Mon 30 Dec, 2019 10:50 am
Not all Mustangs are created equal, some Mustangs have 4cly and some have 8clys motors.

The very same theory applies to AR-15's, some are semi-auto and some are full auto. Wait, no they aren't, they only make the AR in Semi-auto, civilians can't buy a full auto AR. You have failed again and been easily disproven.

While some Mustangs have completely different power plants that is not the case with AR-15s they come down the same assembly line and are exactly like in all aspects except the three small parts.

Guess what, all Mustangs come off the same assembly line, just like you claim the AR does.

That isn't the case either. You can get the AR in many different calibers including 9mm and .22 LR. If you know any math, you would know the AR shoots a .22 LR bullet. .223 is what the AR shoots, at least the most common round.

Did you watch the video I posted of the semi-automatic AR-15 firing just as fast as the automatic version using a bump stock?

I sure did, and it's pointless as the bump-stock has been made illegal to own. Plus it required modifying the AR to shoot that way, it doesn't do it directly out of the box. It's really sad that you have to use a modified or converted AR to get to your lie about the round per minute.

There were 4 ejected shell casing in the air at the same time. We know the Pulse Night Club was recorded firing at a 130 round per minute rate.

Gotta love you you anti-gun people want to push the minority of shootings as if they are the majority. When all you have left in a debate is emotion, you have lost the debate.

Do you think your children could escape a mass murderer firing at 130 round a minute rate? There is no reason to have weapons designed for the military on the streets.

You still haven't proven this rate of fire with any facts from the manufacture. As to your claim about my kids, they are graduated and are adults. When they have kids, I hope the schools they go to have armed guards on campus and at even trained and licensed teachers who are carrying. Did you see what happened this weekend when some dude tried to shoot a church? 5 people were armed and 1 of them killed the shooter in just seconds. No guns, and that shooting would have equaled the other Texas church shooting. Instead good guys with guns stopped the bad guy.

You do realize the irony that all guns are weapons of war... that was the original purpose behind the creation of the gun. Based on your faulty logic, all guns should be removed because they were all based off of the same war like design from several hundred years ago. A gun is nothing more than an advanced bow and arrow.

NASCAR was started as a stock car racing organization you could drive your car to the race track.

You don't even have the history of NASCAR correct. It was started by a bunch of guys who were bootleggers during prohibition, they wanted to see who had the fastest get-away car. You really do suck at this history thing.

We had a local drive his car to the Southern 500.

I had a 1999 Pontiac Grand Prix Pace-car that ran at the Southern 500 at Darlington. One of the best and fastest cars I ever owned.
This isn't my car, but it is the exact model and year with the lights and all.

The AR-15 semi-automatic has all of the same capabilities as the automatic version you just need to take advantage of them.

There is no such thing as an automatic AR-15 on the civilian market, they aren't made for civilians and they can't buy them no matter how much money they have.

If you watched the video of the full-automatic AR-15 and the semi-automatic AR-15 with the bump stock they fired at pretty much the same rate. It is just a matter of taking full advantage of the AR-15s design capabilities.

There was no automatic AR, it was an illegal modified AR and the bump stock is illegal as well. Nothing you have said here relates to current laws. You are living that gun fever dream again.

The AR-15 are deadly enough without be converted as can be seen at the Pulse Night Club massacre.

Are you trying to imply that the Pulse shooter was using a modified AR? I think you are making things up again to push your propaganda.

The fact that there are 10 million assault weapons on the streets already if even a small percentage is converted it would kill hundreds.

You are living in a fantasy world where everyone converts their guns. Just the fact that there are over 10 million of these guns out there, and less than 300 murders per year with all rifles, just shows the propaganda you are pushing.

A violation of the second amendment would be taken to court and the courts decide whether someone’s second amendment rights had been violated.

The courts are bias and don't actually rule based on what the 2nd Amendment says. There is no provision in the 2nd Amendment that limits what can be owned by citizens. Activist judges have ruled that our Rights are limited, the Constitution said no such thing. The only limits that should exist are those on the govt, not free citizens.

The only purpose of the statement shall not be infringed serves is guarantee that the gun rights of the criminals and the mentally cannot be infringed.

Really? That's why the FF put the 2nd Amendment in the Constitution? You have really lost it and are pushing the limits of sanity yourself.

None of the rights should be infringed.

I agree with you, if they are in the Constitution, there should be no infringement on any rights, that wasn't the intention of the FF when they created this country based on Liberty and Freedom. To people like you, Liberty is what you say it is, and freedom gets the same treatment.

There has to be a reason for that statement something was going on at that time. It in no way expands the statement “a right to keep and bear arms.”

Yeah, they had just finished fighting a King and they wanted to make sure the people that came after them didn't have to do the same thing, fight a totalitarian govt ever again. Do you even understand why our country was founded? Did you ever take US history?

There is not a conservative on the planet who believes in rights when they deny the right of a woman to control her bodily functions.

A woman has full control of her body functions, she is limited in being able to kill the unborn baby she conceived with a man. Abortion is a medical procedure and we are limited in what medical procedures we are allowed to have. I'm all for body attonomy, but it should apply to everyone. I should be allowed to sell my kidney or a portion of my liver to someone, shouldn't I, after all it is my body.

Control off your own bodily functions is the bases for any freedom. If you can’t support that then don’t cry about any freedom.

As noted above, should I be allowed to sell my kidney or a portion of my liver to a rich person who needs it? If you don't think I should, then you claims of bodily functions means nothing. Should people be allowed to become prostitutes and sell their bodies as they see fit?

Abortion would be listed as a restriction not a right.

Abortion isn't listed as a Right in the Constitution anyways.

How about other bodily functions would you need to have a right to breath in the Constitution? The vice president Pence has supported a bill to block a woman from having an abortion even if it is going to kill her. Only one exception and that would be rape it is alright to kills those babies.

Abortion isn't a bodily function if a doctor has to preform it, abortion is a medical procedure. Except it's the only medical procedure where you are allowed to kill another person. Doctors took an oath to do no harm, how can they abort healthy babies because they are an inconvenience to the mother? This is the sign of a failing country.

Limits on freedom? You are all for taking away the right of women to control their own body.

You mean limit their access to a medical procedure that harms another human being?

My personal opinion on abortion is this, I don't like the idea of women using abortion as a simple birth-control procedure. They can do what they like, I'm not in support of banning abortions. In my 20's, my ex-wife had at least 3 friends that had had at least 3 abortions a piece, not because they were in danger, but because they were to lazy to use real birth-control and had the abortion simply because being pregnant would have hampered their party life styles.

So, you would have no problem with traffic driving by your house at 120 mph everyday after all they need to get to work. Serial killers are people too we should let them continue to kill. If your neighbor decided to take your car that shouldn’t be a problem. If an arsonist wants to burn your house down you might not agree with him but you should support his freedom to do so. All laws are restrictions on someone’s freedom.

Strawman much?

But a restriction on the speed you drive is a violation of your rights. You mean the states can take your rights.

No it isn't, there is no Constitutional Right to drive a car, you only have the Constitutional Right to travel, which can't be stopped. When you make claims like this, it proves you don't understand what a right really is, nor do you understand the Constitution.

Converting semiautomatic rifles to near full-auto done with ...

I don't know how many times you have to be told, bump-stocks are now illegal and it is illegal to modify any type of semi-auto rifle to fire full auto. Read the laws and stop making things up.

That is the way the stats are kept. When four or more people are killed or wounded it is a mass shooting and logged into the stats. That mass shooting took place after the bank had already been robbed.

Once again, that is your choice of definition and the only reason you like that definition is because it makes mass shootings appear to happen more often then they really do. It's propaganda. Mass shootings do not combine other crimes, they are their own crimes.

The stand your ground law allows you to be in a fist fight go to your car and get your gun and go back and start shooting people.

No it doesn't. No one single state has such a provision on the books, you have to stop lying about gun laws.

If they were still after this gun nut, he would not have made it back to the car and he would have been able to unlock the glove box and get his gun. What this allows is anyone that was hit to go get his gun and start executing people because he was punched. That is an actual incident at trial the jury was hung.

Got any links to the case and the facts or just your bias opinion?

You aren’t that naive, you know why the assault weapon ban was not renewed the gun manufacturers were stuffing the crooked Republican politician’s pockets full of their blood money.

Wrong, it wasn't renewed because it had no effect on gun violence for the 10 years it was in effect.

You have absolutely no right to weapons designed for mass murder. There was no outcry from the public about the assault weapon ban.

Actually we do, it's written into the Constitution as the 2nd Amendment.

There was no outcry from the public about the assault weapon ban.

Actually there was, but the media as always only focused on the anti-gun people and not the pro-gun people.

Reply Mon 30 Dec, 2019 11:42 am
It does not protect the students, more gun nuts with guns only ends with more deaths and injuries in and out of schools.

Sorry to tell you, but you are wrong and the stats don't support claims. We have more guns in the US now then we did in 1994, and the gun violence has gone down. More guns does not equal more deaths, it's actually the opposite. If people are taught how to properly handle guns, gun accidents go down as well.

That is not true either the gun manufacturers are pushing for college students to carry guns.

You are wrong again. Got any facts to back up this claim?

The Republicans almost passed that law last year it was only derailed at the last minute.

You mean for legal adults to protect themselves on campus? You are so worried about gun violence, you don't want people to protect themselves, you rather they get killed waiting for a police response. Instead you project onto others what you would do if you had a gun. Weak people have a tendency to project all sorts of things on others.

The gun manufactures would push for a law to make it legal for elementary students to carry guns if they thought they could make a buck.

You mean like abortion supports do, pushing sex ed on young kids who then try out sex and get pregnant? It seems the abortion does exactly what you think the gun crowd does. Why push sex on elementary school kids, or any adult subjects onto kids? Sounds like a bunch of adults want to have their pedophile pick of the crowd, that's the only reason to push sex ed so young. Get them interested when they are young and they will have a client base for a life time.

Arming Teachers Introduces New Risks Into Schools ...

https://everytownresearch.org › arming-teachers-introduces-new-risks-into-...

Your bias is showing. This is the same as me posting facts from the NRA, which I have never done. I'll be ignoring this link as it's only purpose is the get rid of the 2nd Amendment.

If it is a contest between bad guys with guns vs good guys with guns the bad guys are winning. After all, when have you heard of good guy with gun shooting 50 bad guys with a gun?

Unlike you, I've actually provided plenty of facts to back up my case of good guys with guns. There was another church shooting this weekend and 5 people were armed when the bad guy started shooting, he was taken out in seconds and only 2 people died, instead of 26 in the Springs Church shooting.
Good guys with guns stop bad guys with guns everyday, to bad the media spends so much time trying to disarm the populace instead of protecting our rights. This alone proves how leftist the MSM really is.

Would heroes be handcuffed and hauled to the police department?

Yes, they would, the police have to figure everything out, once the story is clear, the people were released and sent on their way. Those guys were hero's, they stopped anyone else from dying.

“The FBI examined 160 shootings between 2000 and 2013 and found most of the violence ended when the assailant stopped shooting, committed suicide or fled.”

160 incidents from 2000-2013? You will also notice that they examined "shootings", not mass shootings.

Unarmed citizens successfully restrained shooters in 21 of those incidents, according to the FBI.” Only 5 incidents were stopped by armed civilians and most of them were armed security guards.
Source: the above reference

You will actually see the number of citizens stopping such shootings climb as there are more and more people getting their CCW permits, of which there are already millions in the US. We should also encourage women to get those permits, guns are great equalizers against the bad guys.

Don’t ever quit your day job to be psychologist.

HAHA. I've diagnosed you pretty accurately, I think I have a knack for it... just kidding, I don't need a psychology degree to see your crazy.

If that was the case then all these gun nuts could return the assault weapons because they have been defrauded by the gun manufacturers who sold them to win firefights.

Your opinion on gun marketing means little to nothing. You consider anyone who owns a gun to be a gun nut, your bias is pretty clear.

The human body when trained can exceed all expectations.

Sure in some cases. I know who the fastest shooter in the world is, and he can't shoot a semi-auto to the point of 900 rounds per minute. What you fail to realize is that those numbers are only possible with a full auto rifle and unlimited ammo so you don't have to reload. No semi-auto in the world can fire that fast.

The AR-15 is capable it is just a matter of training your trigger finger.

No you can't, it isn't possible, the AR is a semi-auto and those firing rates can only be done with a full auto rifle.

We know the Pulse Night Clube mass murderer fired his at a 130 rounds per minute rate. Even that makes escape almost impossible.

He did not fire that fast, stop cheating with the math. When you fail to prove your big point, you cheat and try to do with small points where it's easier to hid your cheating. That's why you NEVER have posted the link with the 900 rpm claim, it doesn't exist for semi-auto rifle.

One of the references posted in yesterday post listed the 900-round figure. You only had to watch the videos of the AR-15s being fired with four casings in the air at the same time to know how fast it is being fired.

See, you have to cheat to get the numbers you want. A semi-auto rifle can not fire that fast, no matter how you try to cheat it. In fact the only way to get close is to cheat my modifing the rifle, which is illegal and against the law, or using a bump stock which is also now illegal.

Suicides are the killing of a human being. Murder is the killing of a human being.

Wow, you are still trying with this one. Suicide is killing yourself, murder is killing someone else. They have different meanings and standards, they are not the same thing.

Suicides are a subset of murders they maybe a special case but they will forever be the killing of a human being.

No they are not, they are 2 different catagories and not the same thing. Why not post the definition of suicide and murder? Oh, I already did that and proved you wrong. You are like a dog with a bone.

That is why the word especially was used in your definition. There is no other possible case but suicide.

That word wasn't in my definition of suicide, it was linked to the murder definition.

The word makes people uncomfortable but it is a human being killing a human being. /quote]
It is a human killing themselves, nothing more nothing less. Unless it's a murder-suicide. Why don't they call them murders-murders? Because suicide and murder are 2 different things.

The same with mass murders and mass shootings not all mass shootings are mass murders but all mass murders are mass shootings. There can be two different categories that fall under a major category.

That is some special and concerning mental gymnastics you have gone through to prove nothing.

I posted a link that shows you how to quickly make any AR-15 fire automatically with a paperclip and a few other parts.

The only thing you showed was your inability to be honest. You posted a video of people firing either modified AR's, which is illegal to modify and you showed a video with a bump-stock, of which is also illegal to purchase and use. All of this because you can't find the proof that AR's can fire 900 rpm. You've been at this for months, I would have thought it would be easier to just publish the manufactures stats on the guns. You won't do that because the manufactures know their semi-auto rifles don't shoot that fast. You have lost but you won't stop with the lies and propaganda.

You act like modify an assault weapon that was already designed to fire automatically in the first place is a mountain to high to scale.

Well it must be because there have been zero mass shootings with a modified AR and no mass shootings with a fully auto rifle.

It is not, evidently it is far easier than you imagine.

You are the only one who imagines such things, it's part of your gun fever dreams, your own little projection on the world.

The danger of having 10 million assault weapons that can be easily modified to automatic is terrible.

Except you are living in fear for no reason, this modified shooting fest has never happened. I'm sure if people like you keep talking about how easy it is, someone will actually do it. Then you only have yourself to blame for wishing such things to happen. You want to world to live like it's a Tom Cruise movie, thought crimes.

All bank robberies may not be mass shootings but some mass shootings may also be bank robberies.

No, not one single bank robbery has been considered a mass shooting except by you. You are the only one who thinks this and have gone to great lengths to make it seem like one. Notice none of the anti-gun groups share your claims about bank robberies?

Well now that you know how easily the assault weapons can be converted you will realize how many are out there.

No, I know it's not easy to modify a gun for full auto. It's only the gun uneducated who make such claims.

You are going down this road because you failed to prove semi-auto's can fire 900 rpm, so now you have to make things up to prove your point. Good luck with that, it only makes you look slow and desperate.

Reply Mon 30 Dec, 2019 11:06 pm
If magazines were limited to one round mass murderers would have to kill people one at a time and give the police a fair chance to catch them. Thirty round magazines are considered high capacity and mass murderers often show up with several extra clips.
By now you should have read several sources that not only confirm that fact but show you assault weapons firing at that rate. Seeing is believing.
Sorry but it is a fact. The Pulse Night Club shooting was recorder and the rate of fire was determined from the recording. Assault weapons are built to fire at a 900 round per minute rate the only limit is the trigger finger not the assault weapon.
We have no idea how many rounds a practiced shooter could fire from an assault weapon. A mass murderer does not have to fire 900 rounds a minute, only firing at a 130 rounds a minute is good for a 50-victim massacre. Once you are firing at over a 100-rounds a minute rate that good enough for most massacres.
The second amendment does not say no restrictions you are wishful reading again. It says you have a right to keep and bare arms and that right is met in full as long as you have an arm to bear. They have developed a machine gun that can fire 6,000 rounds a minute mounted in helicopters and armored vehicles. Next you would insist that you need one to protect yourself from the upcoming Zombie apocalypse. You could mount one in the back of your pickup. If one gun can fire 6,000 rounds a minute firing only 900 should be easy.
Semi-automatics are easily converted as the original design was intended to be automatic. They are just dummied down versions of the automatic. That is wishful thinking on your part the legal definition designates semi-automatic assault weapons as assault weapons. You just made that requirement up out of thin air. Even the gun manufacturers sold them as assault weapons and you know that.
You will always find exceptions for every rule and it is the same with school shootings. It may have been a mass shooting with a pistol but it was not a massacre that requires an assault weapon.

Reply Mon 30 Dec, 2019 11:24 pm
Zardoz wrote:
If magazines were limited to one round mass murderers would have to kill people one at a time and give the police a fair chance to catch them.

Sorry. No. That's unconstitutional. People have the right to have enough firepower for effective self defense.

Zardoz wrote:
The second amendment does not say no restrictions you are wishful reading again. It says you have a right to keep and bare arms and that right is met in full as long as you have an arm to bear.

Wrong. The Second Amendment protects our right to have any weapon that there is no compelling government interest in restricting.

Zardoz wrote:
Semi-automatics are easily converted as the original design was intended to be automatic.

No they aren't. It's not very easy at all.

Zardoz wrote:
That is wishful thinking on your part the legal definition designates semi-automatic assault weapons as assault weapons.

Wrong. There is no such thing as a semi-automatic assault weapon.

Assault weapons:

a) are capable of either full-auto or burst-fire,

b) accept detachable magazines,

c) fire rounds that are less powerful than a standard deer rifle, and

d) are effective at a range of 300 meters.

This means that semi-auto-only guns are not assault weapons.

This means that guns with fixed magazines are not assault weapons.

This means that guns that fire rounds equal-to or greater-than the power of a standard deer rifle are not assault weapons.

This means that guns that fire handgun/shotgun/rimfire rounds are not assault weapons.

Zardoz wrote:
You just made that requirement up out of thin air.

Wrong. It is part of the definition of the term "assault weapon".

Zardoz wrote:
You will always find exceptions for every rule and it is the same with school shootings. It may have been a mass shooting with a pistol but it was not a massacre that requires an assault weapon.

No assault weapon has ever been used in any school shooting in the US.
Reply Tue 31 Dec, 2019 06:12 am
You're working under the presumption that the term "assault weapon" is restricted to one definition which describes one particular type of firearm. But in real world usage the term can be rather loosely applied.

Here's the government definition:

12276.1 (a) Notwithstanding Section 12276, "assault weapon" shall also mean any of the following:
1. A semiautomatic, centerfire rifle that has the capacity to accept a detachable magazine and any one of the following:
A. A pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon.
B. A thumbhole stock.
C. A folding or telescoping stock.
D. A grenade launcher or flare launcher.
E. A flash suppressor.
F. A forward pistol grip.

2. A semiautomatic, centerfire rifle that has a fixed magazine with the capacity to accept more than 10 rounds.

3. A semiautomatic, centerfire rifle that has an overall length of less than 30 inches.

4. A semiautomatic pistol that has the capacity to accept a detachable magazine and any one of the following:
A. A threaded barrel, capable of accepting a flash suppressor, forward handgrip, or silencer.
B. A second handgrip.
C. A shroud that is attached to, or partially or completely encircles, the barrel that allows the bearer to fire the weapon without burning his or her hand, except a slide that encloses the barrel.
D. The capacity to accept a detachable magazine at some location outside of the pistol grip.

5. A semiautomatic pistol with a fixed magazine that has the capacity to accept more than 10 rounds.

6. A semiautomatic shotgun that has both of the following:
A. A folding or telescoping stock.
B. pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon, thumbhole stock, or vertical handgrip.

7. A semiautomatic shotgun that has the ability to accept a detachable magazine.

8. Any shotgun with a revolving cylinder.

A. "Assault weapon" does not include any antique firearm.
B. The following definitions shall apply under this section:
1. "Magazine" shall mean any ammunition feeding device.
2. "Capacity to accept more than 10 rounds" shall mean capable of accommodating more than 10 rounds, but shall not be construed to include a feeding device that has been permanently altered so that it cannot accommodate more than 10 rounds.
3. "Antique firearm" means any firearm manufactured prior to January 1, 1899.
This section shall become operative January 1, 2000.

On the other hand, Wikipedia says:
Assault weapon is a term used in the United States to define some types of firearms. The definition varies among regulating jurisdictions but usually includes semi-automatic rifles with a detachable magazine, a pistol grip and sometimes other features such as a vertical forward grip, flash suppressor or barrel shroud.

You can make up your own definition and apply it consistently but don't expect everyone else to use the term in an identical manner.
Reply Tue 31 Dec, 2019 06:26 am
The only people here who are making up definitions are the progressives.

When progressives try to use their fraudulent definitions to justify saying things that are not true, those of us who defend reality are going to correct their untrue claims.

I realize that facts make progressives sad. But reality is reality no matter how desperately progressives try to deny it.
Reply Tue 31 Dec, 2019 08:35 am
The only people here who are making up definitions are the progressives.

No one is "making up definitions" here. People are citing existing definitions which explain how they are using the terms. That's my point — "assault weapons" is a flexible term; it's not like a scientific constant or something that everyone agrees on. It's unfortunate, but not an uncommon phenomenon. The good thing is that it can save you a lot of effort trying to "correct" other people. Just use the term consistently yourself, note how other people are using the phrase, and respond to people in a manner which shows you understand what they mean.
Reply Tue 31 Dec, 2019 11:21 am
If magazines were limited to one round mass murderers would have to kill people one at a time and give the police a fair chance to catch them. Thirty round magazines are considered high capacity and mass murderers often show up with several extra clips.

This is where I can prove the left doesn't listen to gun experts and had none in crafting those laws. 30 round magizines are actually standard capacity, not high capacity. Anything over 30 rounds would be considered high capacity. Anti-gun people have been making these laws with zero input from the gun community or gun experts.

By now you should have read several sources that not only confirm that fact but show you assault weapons firing at that rate. Seeing is believing.

No, you haven't provided any sources to back up this claim, you keep using your own uneducated opinion. You have been high disingenuous in this debate and provided video's of modified rifles or rifles using bump stocks, you haven't provided the actual claims you said were made by the manufactures. This is how we know you are full of ****.

Sorry but it is a fact. The Pulse Night Club shooting was recorder and the rate of fire was determined from the recording.

Using your math that isn't based on how the shooting actually happened. He was in the club for 10 minutes firing off rounds, you can't create a rate of fire from that. You couldn't even do it for the Las Vegas shooting. For all your claims of 900 rpm, they guy who was using actual bump stocks only fired off 1100 rounds in 10 minutes. You need to either prove you point or stop using fake propaganda.

Assault weapons are built to fire at a 900 round per minute rate the only limit is the trigger finger not the assault weapon.

Once again prove it with manufacture stats or stop making the claim. I checked the Pulse shooting, there were 202 shots fired during the entire event, and that included the fire fight with the police. You claims of 130 rpm is bogus and no expert will back your claim, only other uneducated anti-gun people. You continue to confuse fire rate with cyclic rate.

We have no idea how many rounds a practiced shooter could fire from an assault weapon.

Yes we do actually and it isn't the 900 number you claim. I've already posted the official numbers on how fast they fire, but you ignored it because it didn't fit your propaganda. Just like the number of people murdered with rifles, you ignore that number because you already have your own misinformed bias in play.

A mass murderer does not have to fire 900 rounds a minute, only firing at a 130 rounds a minute is good for a 50-victim massacre. Once you are firing at over a 100-rounds a minute rate that good enough for most massacres.

You still have to prove that's how fast those rifle fire, you refuse to provide official documentation because it doesn't fit your lies.
I'll try again with the numbers for Colt, the original maker of the AR-15.
You also have to remember that there is a difference between fire rate and cyclic rate. You anti-gun people have a tendency to use the cyclic rate, which isn't really viable on a semi-auto gun.

The second amendment does not say no restrictions you are wishful reading again.

It actually does, that's why the phrase "Shall not be infrniged" was written into the 2nd Amendment, because the FF knew there would be people like you in the country.

It says you have a right to keep and bare arms and that right is met in full as long as you have an arm to bear.

That isn't how Rights work, the 2nd Amendment says Shall not be infringed, and any gun law passed in an infringement. Hence only activist judges have ruled in favor of gun laws.

They have developed a machine gun that can fire 6,000 rounds a minute mounted in helicopters and armored vehicles.

So, what's your point? It isn't a machine gun, it's called a Gatling Gun or a mini-gun, and they have been around for a very long time. They were first invented in 1861, so they have been around for well over 100 years. The only thing that has changed is they went from a hand crank to an electric motor to drive the turning of the barrels.

Next you would insist that you need one to protect yourself from the upcoming Zombie apocalypse. You could mount one in the back of your pickup.

I don't need an excuse to own any weapon, just simply wanting one should be enough in a free country. They would be very expensive and few people would own them.

Semi-automatics are easily converted as the original design was intended to be automatic.

Another lie you keep repeating without any proof. If they are so easily converted, how come none have been used in a mass shooting? You continue to live in a gun fever dream, where only you and your ilk have good intentions and everyone else is evil personified.

They are just dummied down versions of the automatic. That is wishful thinking on your part the legal definition designates semi-automatic assault weapons as assault weapons. You just made that requirement up out of thin air. Even the gun manufacturers sold them as assault weapons and you know that.

No, they actually haven't sold them as assault weapons, and if they did, you would have provided proof for this claim already. Assault weapons must have a selective fire switch or they are just semi-auto rifles. I'm still waiting for proof that the anti-gun Dems had gun experts involved in crafting the defunct 1994 law.

You will always find exceptions for every rule and it is the same with school shootings. It may have been a mass shooting with a pistol but it was not a massacre that requires an assault weapon.

Keep making things up, it isn't helping your case.

Reply Tue 31 Dec, 2019 11:24 am
So agree to your made up language so you can further push for more gun laws that have no effect on gun violence. Yeah good idea. Just like leftists of old, control the words and you control the debate. Assault weapons require a selective fire switch. That 1994 law didn't even use firearms experts to craft the law, the left looked at a scary gun and started picking out the scary features and making those "assault weapons". You were in the military, you know what an assault weapon is, why are you playing this stupid game?
Reply Tue 31 Dec, 2019 12:11 pm
When I was in the military no one referred to the firearms we used as "assault weapons". I don't know what your beef is. I'm just trying to point out that there's no one universally agreed upon definition of the term because it's used to describe different types of weapons, often by people who don't know that much about firearms. It's a descriptive term that was applied to weapons which were already in use. So instead of constantly repeating the same arguments here about whether or not a gun meets your definition of "assault weapon" just accept that people may be using the term differently, determine what they mean, and deal with the point they are trying to make.
Reply Tue 31 Dec, 2019 12:47 pm
When I was in the military no one referred to the firearms we used as "assault weapons".

Did you use a semi-auto rifle in the military or did you use a fully automatic with a selective fire switch?

I don't know what your beef is. I'm just trying to point out that there's no one universally agreed upon definition of the term because it's used to describe different types of weapons, often by people who don't know that much about firearms.

My beef is that when trying to educate those fools on guns, we have people like you who want to muddy the water with more confusing terms instead of saying what things actually mean.

It's a descriptive term that was applied to weapons which were already in use.

Wrong, it's was a made up term applied to scary looking weapons that the anti-gun crowd didn't like. It's the job of people who do know to educate those who don't know.

So instead of constantly repeating the same arguments here about whether or not a gun meets your definition of "assault weapon" just accept that people may be using the term differently, determine what they mean, and deal with the point they are trying to make.

You are 100% wrong here. The terms must be accurate because they are using their uneducated terms to ban guns that shouldn't banned. People like Zardoz make up the abilities of weapons and then insist they are correct when they have been proven wrong many times. There is no AR-15 in the world that can shoot 900 rpm, it's impossible without adding a bump stock or modify the gun. I'm sure you are ok with their propaganda, but I like my 2nd Amendment just how it is.

Reply Tue 31 Dec, 2019 12:57 pm
The terms must be accurate because they are using their uneducated terms to ban guns that shouldn't banned.

Just avoid using the descriptive term. Then you won't be muddying the water. You can refer to any specific firearm by its proper identifying name instead of continuing to use a misleading or misunderstood name.
Reply Tue 31 Dec, 2019 01:14 pm
Just avoid using the descriptive term. Then you won't be muddying the water. You can refer to any specific firearm by its proper identifying name instead of continuing to use a misleading or misunderstood name.

I'm not the one muddying the waters, I'm using the correct terms and definitions. You could stop muddying the waters by also correcting people, but you won't because you agree with their aims. You should be addressing this to the anti-gun people, not the pro-gun people.
Reply Tue 31 Dec, 2019 01:27 pm
You could stop muddying the waters by also correcting people, but you won't because you agree with their aims.

You could stop trying to tell me what I think and whose aims I agree with.
The definition varies among regulating jurisdictions...

There is no one correct set of terms and definitions. Is that too complicated for you to understand?
Reply Tue 31 Dec, 2019 01:46 pm
You could stop trying to tell me what I think and whose aims I agree with.

I could, but I won't because I'm correct. If I wasn't correct, you would be correcting me.

There is no one correct set of terms and definitions. Is that too complicated for you to understand?

Actually there is and the gun experts have been trying to get the proper terms used, but the MSM and the anti-gun left have been working in concert to make sure the terms are muddy so they can ban the guns. If the terms are used correctly, people realize that no laws will have an effect on what the left wants done and their only aim is to limit the 2nd Amendment and then get rid of it. All of the DNC candidates have been pretty clear on what they want to do, it's shameful you are a party to it.

Reply Tue 31 Dec, 2019 02:39 pm
If I wasn't correct, you would be correcting me.

Actually I wouldn't. Because whether I agree or disagree with someone else's aims has nothing to do with the discussion I'm having with you. I'm suggesting that the use of the term "assault weapon" is imprecise and that arguing about "what it really means" is a waste of time. There must be twenty pages of it here on this thread. Since there are only a handful of us taking part in this discussion I can state with some certainty that alleged misuse of the term here will not have any impact on the 2nd Amendment.
All of the DNC candidates have been pretty clear on what they want to do, it's shameful you are a party to it.

There aren't any "DNC candidates" as the national committee is already staffed. New candidates for positions in the DNC won't be chosen until after the 2020 election. I have no connection to the MSM, the antigun left, any candidates, or the DNC so it's pretty hard to see how I can be a "party" to anything.

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