The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Thu 19 Dec, 2019 12:18 am
Many laws are derived from court decisions. Courts make laws in three different ways. First courts decide how laws are interpreted and how they will be applied. When you see a suspect read his rights that law comes from a court decision.

Second, a body of court decisions that is used to determine how future cases are decided. You will often see an attorney site how other cases were decided and let the judge review those decisions.

Third, the judges determine whether a law is constitutional.

I can see you never had any law classes.
I think the reason that you don’t see gun nuts pulling guns as often is because brandishing laws are more likely to be enforced now. In one instance a friend and I were picking cherries in a tree that was clearly inside his fence. The old lady next door claimed the tree was hers even though it was not on her property. She would either come out with her shotgun or call the police. If she did that today she would be arrested for brandishing.
The other incident occurred within sight of first. We were playing on a church lot when the old lady across the street came out with her shot gun and tried to run us off property that she did not own. When we did not leave immediately, she started chambering shells. That is brandishing plane and simple.

When a gun nut has a gun, they think they own the world.
You are lucky your gun did not go off and kill the prowler your just one spasm of your trigger finger away from that. That is how our Republican mayoral candidate started. He saw a prowler looking into his garage. He was holding the prowler at gun point until the prowler called the police at which time he fired and paralyzed the prowler for life. Now that gun nut will likely spend the rest of his life in prison and be sued for everything he owns. Was it worth exchange his life for the prowlers?
California had 82 incident of road rage involving guns. Road rage with guns have more than doubled in three years nationally. Not everybody in California is from California and you can bet their guns are in the glove box.

Road Rage Cases With Guns More Than Double in 3 Years ...

https://www.nytimes.com › 2017/04/25 › road-rage-guns

Apr 25, 2017 - It found that cases of road rage involving a firearm — where someone ... the increase in reported road confrontations involving firearms. ... 1, with 147; followed by Texas, 126; California, 82; Tennessee, 68; and Pennsylvania, 62. ... “More guns in more cars may simply equate to more road rage incidents in ...
MSNBC is a real news organization and has panel members from both sides of the aisle. The former head of the RNC is a frequent panelist along with neoconservatives. I don’t watch MSNBC at the house but mom has it on when I am over there.
How about NBC news at whatever local channel you get it on. Most network news programs cover the same big stories with the exception of Fox which is busy working for the Trump campaign.
Looks like your Dayton mass murderer was posting “likes” on white supremacists’ posts after the EL Paso shooting. The white supremacists are about as right wing as they come. Sexual orientation does not indicate someone’s politics. Ever heard of the Log Cabin Republican’s or baby Bush’s vice president daughter? You would be surprised how many gay Republicans there are. Trump is deliberately agitating the crazies and the crazies are just looking for a cause. The right mind ser is that violence is just a means to an end.
I read your link but there are several different definitions to what a mass-shootings is some require 5 people to be killed or wounded but the most popular and accepted definition is a simple one that is just four or more people killed or wounded.
The Pulse Night club is private property not public property. Walmart in El Paso is private party.
If they all ran into the street before the uncle shot them would you consider that a mass shooting? Whether they were hells angels or Spanky and Our Gang members, if four are shot we have a mass shooting.
You can’t explain why the term especially is in your definition, can you?
I have posted that source at least twice but let me draw you a picture.
Arming Teachers Has Already Led to a Slew of Gun Accidents ...
May 05, 2018 · May 5, 2018 Arming Teachers Has Already Led to a Slew of Gun Accidents in Schools A report finds that teachers, principals, officers, and students have fired guns by mistake at least 30 times since...
The truth is it actually the top 22 massacres and even the 22nd on the list has 12 people killed and that is 3 time the amount of dead people needed to qualify as a mass murder. There are mass murders and mass shootings any time four people are killed it is a mass murder or massacre.
Reply Thu 19 Dec, 2019 11:21 am
Many laws are derived from court decisions. Courts make laws in three different ways. First courts decide how laws are interpreted and how they will be applied. When you see a suspect read his rights that law comes from a court decision.

Second, a body of court decisions that is used to determine how future cases are decided. You will often see an attorney site how other cases were decided and let the judge review those decisions.

Third, the judges determine whether a law is constitutional.

The problem with your post is that Judges are not allowed to create laws, it doesn't fall within their power or legal authority. We have 3 branches of govt, and each branch has it's own responsibility and over site. The Judical Branch which all judges fall under, is only suppose to oversee the law and make sure nothing unConstitutional goes on.

I can see you never had any law classes.

Nope, never took a law class, but law classes have nothing to do with Civic's classes and your total lack of understanding of how our govt is suppose to work and function. You are clearly deficient in your knowledge of civics, hence your claim that judges make laws.

I think the reason that you don’t see gun nuts pulling guns as often is because brandishing laws are more likely to be enforced now.

This is another portion of your gun fever dreams. The reason people don't brandish as much as you would like them to has to do with people being responsible with the weapons. There are over 400 million guns in the US, your claims against gun owners are only in your dreams and not shared with the general public.

When a gun nut has a gun, they think they own the world.

Only in your fever dreams. A simple search shows that there are about 18 million people with carry conceal permits in the US, if gun owners were as violent as you want them to be, we would have 100,000 murders per year easy. Instead we only have about 12-14k murders per year. As usual, the stats are not in your favor.

You are lucky your gun did not go off and kill the prowler your just one spasm of your trigger finger away from that.

You have no idea what you are talking about. I was going to shoot the guy because I know how to handle a gun, I didn't have my finger on the trigger. Gun training classes are a good thing for everyone to attend. The first rule of a gun, is that you assume all guns are loaded and check them before handling them.

Do you know how many pounds of pressure it takes to pull a trigger? You can't "twitch" your finger and cause a gun to go off, unless you have altered the factory trigger setting to use less pounds for pull. The average is about 6 or 7 pounds.

California had 82 incident of road rage involving guns. Road rage with guns have more than doubled in three years nationally. Not everybody in California is from California and you can bet their guns are in the glove box.

CA? The state with just about the strictest gun control laws in the country and has a population of almost 40 million people had 82 incidents of road rage? A state filled with leftist and liberal voters and utterly controlled by the DNC?

Road Rage Cases With Guns More Than Double in 3 Years ...

https://www.nytimes.com › 2017/04/25 › road-rage-guns

Apr 25, 2017 - It found that cases of road rage involving a firearm — where someone ... the increase in reported road confrontations involving firearms. ... 1, with 147; followed by Texas, 126; California, 82; Tennessee, 68; and Pennsylvania, 62. ... “More guns in more cars may simply equate to more road rage incidents in ...

You are actually using links now... I'm impressed. Now you have to not post links to pay wall articles, I can't read them for the info without subscribing to the paper.

I'm wondering what you think the answer to road rage with a gun is? I say jail time, and lots of it. There is no need to brandish a gun while driving unless you really feel you are in danger. I'm assuming a majority of these cases there was no fear for ones life, they were just pissed off. Take guns from those people, they have proven they are not responsible to own them.

MSNBC is a real news organization and has panel members from both sides of the aisle. The former head of the RNC is a frequent panelist along with neoconservatives. I don’t watch MSNBC at the house but mom has it on when I am over there.

They are a fake news organization, that pushes conspericy stories and they do not balance their coverage of events. I've watched them before, they will have someone from the "GOP" on, but that person says the same exact things the "DNC" person is saying. CNN does the same exact thing.

How about NBC news at whatever local channel you get it on. Most network news programs cover the same big stories with the exception of Fox which is busy working for the Trump campaign.

Fox covers all the same stories as the other channels, they don't cover it from a leftist or liberal standpoint. They are also the only channel who will have different people on to talk about the same subject. MSNBC or CNN will have a left and right person on, but the person from the right usually agree's with the person from the left and the person who hosts the show, they don't have opposing views on, they wouldn't last long if they did. The opposing views would show the left for the extremists they are.

Looks like your Dayton mass murderer was posting “likes” on white supremacists’ posts after the EL Paso shooting.

This is the second time you have made this claim with nothing to back it up. Links, proof, facts?

Sexual orientation does not indicate someone’s politics. Ever heard of the Log Cabin Republican’s or baby Bush’s vice president daughter? You would be surprised how many gay Republicans there are.

I'm not surprised, there are lots of gay people that are republicans and yes, I've heard of the Log Cabin Republicans. I actually have zero issues with gay people and I don't really care what they do or who they vote for.

Trump is deliberately agitating the crazies and the crazies are just looking for a cause. The right mind ser is that violence is just a means to an end.

No he isn't agitating the crazies, the crazies were already there and agitated. It is actually the left who is the most violent when it comes to politics. I already posted a link to the site that is listing all the attacks on Trump supporters. There was a story just the other day of a boy on a bus being attacked because he had a Trump hat at school one day. The attack was recorded on a cellphone and can be seen online, it was unprovoked.

I read your link but there are several different definitions to what a mass-shootings is some require 5 people to be killed or wounded but the most popular and accepted definition is a simple one that is just four or more people killed or wounded.

Don't you mean most used by anti-gun groups and media organizations? Even motherjones.com doesn't use the same definition as you do, they are pretty far left, but they are honest with their gun reporting. Heck, the FBI doesn't use your definition, the only reason why you like it is because it "increases" the number of mass shootings and increases the chances you can fool people into voting their rights away. You push propaganda.

The Pulse Night club is private property not public property. Walmart in El Paso is private party.

What are you talking about?

If they all ran into the street before the uncle shot them would you consider that a mass shooting? Whether they were hells angels or Spanky and Our Gang members, if four are shot we have a mass shooting.

You are wrong again. Those types of shootings do not count as mass shootings.

You can’t explain why the term especially is in your definition, can you?

I don't have to explain it, suicide and murder are not the same thing.

I have posted that source at least twice but let me draw you a picture.
Arming Teachers Has Already Led to a Slew of Gun Accidents ...
May 05, 2018 · May 5, 2018 Arming Teachers Has Already Led to a Slew of Gun Accidents in Schools A report finds that teachers, principals, officers, and students have fired guns by mistake at least 30 times since...

The actual article says this:
All told, an Associated Press review of news reports collected by the nonprofit Gun Violence Archive revealed more than 30 publicly reported mishaps since 2014 involving firearms brought onto school grounds by law enforcement officers or educators. Guns went off by mistake, were fired by curious or unruly students, and were left unattended in bathrooms and other locations.

Not quite the 30 cases of a gun going off and no children were shot in none of the incidents. The worst was students being "injured" by falling ceiling debris. The hype doesn't match the story considering how many accidents there weren't compared to the number of guns in the different schools. That's also 30 incidents since 2014, 4 years before the article was written. 30 mishaps in 4 years... those are pretty good odds.

Reply Thu 19 Dec, 2019 09:38 pm
There were several sources posted in reply to your post. I think you have probably reached the point where you need glasses. At around 40 your eyes find it harder to read small print but I recently found that I can copy the actual search results so I will post the exact copy of those results. I use to be able to copy and post anything but as the version of windows changed it would no longer work but I recently found if the cursor is on the highlighted area copy and paste works. In older versions of windows, the cursor could be anywhere on the page and it worked. Since there will be a whole paragraph posted you might not miss the sources.

I do reference things that are on broadcast news or in books. It is hard to remember the exact page of something in a book but I am not going reread the entire book to give you a page number. In any post on political philosophy there is going to be opinions but opinions are constructed from facts and facts can be referenced from sources but you might have to start reading a few books and that would do you some good.
Reply Fri 20 Dec, 2019 10:00 am
There were several sources posted in reply to your post.

For one you posted sources, now you have to make sure those sources are not paywall sources, like NYT or WP, I'm not going to pay anything to read a source and neither should anyone who follows this thread.

I think you have probably reached the point where you need glasses. At around 40 your eyes find it harder to read small print but I recently found that I can copy the actual search results so I will post the exact copy of those results.

HAHA, that's pretty funny. I just went to the eye doctor for the first time in about 10 years since I got out of the military and I actually have better than perfect vision, 20/15. My eye's are just fine and I'm 46. You might want to worry about your own health problems.

I use to be able to copy and post anything but as the version of windows changed it would no longer work but I recently found if the cursor is on the highlighted area copy and paste works.

Nothing has changed in Windows as to how copy and paste works, it's been the same for well over 10 years. If you want to make sure you copy things without issues, try using these handy dandy keyboard shortcuts.
Highlight what you want to copy first then use the below shortcuts to do the option you want:
Ctrl c will copy
Ctrl x will cut
Ctrl v will paste

If you just want to do it with a click of the mouse, then yes, you have to right-click on the highlighted area.

Since there will be a whole paragraph posted you might not miss the sources.

You will notice that I copy your entire post and reply to them in turn. I don't miss anything and I provide you with what I'm actually applying to, instead of making you hunt around for several week old posts.

I do reference things that are on broadcast news or in books. It is hard to remember the exact page of something in a book but I am not going reread the entire book to give you a page number.

In fairness, I'm not going to go out and buy a book to look up your source either. So the title of the book works fine, I can either find the book online or in reference form. Considering most of the books you reference are 20 years old or older, it should be easy to find them as reference material.

In any post on political philosophy there is going to be opinions but opinions are constructed from facts and facts can be referenced from sources but you might have to start reading a few books and that would do you some good.

I might believe this if you had the slightest idea of how and why our govt was founded.
Reply Sat 21 Dec, 2019 12:14 am
No matter how many times you repeat a lie it will never be true. An assault weapon is designed and built as assault weapon whether there automatic or semi-automatic just as cars are built as semi-automatic(manual) or fully automatic. Assault weapons were designed for one purpose and that is to massacre people as quickly ass possible. I guess there is no such thing as a standard car. All cars have to be automatic to be car by your definition. If a car has a standard transmission it can’t possibly be a car. That is about as valid as your argument about assault weapons.
NASCAR has banned all advertisement for assault weapons due to a “gradual shift.” One thing we no for sure is this ban isn’t about fully automatic assault weapons because they are already banned.
The advertisement that got Adam Lanza to buy his assault weapon was that it was a must have weapon for firefights boasting opponents were “single-handedly outnumbered” by an AR-15 owner. I guess it is true the first graders never got off the first round.

Even NASCAR is getting off the assault weapon band wagon. If you stand still you can feel the winds shifting against assault weapons. Why would NASCAR be against regular semi-automatic rifles? Answer, they are not against regular semi-automatic rifles, they are against assault weapons.
Nothing to do with school shootings? Where do you think one of the most popular locations for mass murders? Schools, if you study mass shootings you can’t get away from one of the most popular locations.
You have a real problem with reality you think if you can’t find it on the internet it didn’t happen. There is a whole world out there and not all of it is on the internet. If there is a shooting on school property it is a school shooting whether it is in the parking lot, football field, or classroom.
This is the study I was talking about. These are mass casualty shootings.
School Shooter — FBI

https://www.fbi.gov › file-repository › view

1. Cached
2. Similar
Youth violence is one of the greatest crime problems faced in the United States. The FBI has partnered with state and local governments to develop prevention ...
Missing: 41 ‎| Must include: 41
So, you acknowledge that all we need to do is make a law against it to put a limit on a right. So mass murderers had there right to happiness limited by making a law against murder. Then you should see nothing wrong with a law against assault weapons. That is just a limit placed on a right.
You still don’t get it do you, mass murderers are terrorists that spread terror and make every public place unsafe including our schools and assault weapons are what make those massacres possible. If it were only 50 killed in one incident, and that is not the case, a year it would be far too many.
Even if you call Trump’s wife a whore it is still slander and it is actionable in court. You would be surprised how many ordinary people sue for slander. Even on Judge Judy you will see people suing others for slander. It does not matter that you were lying in fact that is what makes you guilty of slander. Lying is not a defense. The civil court can and find you guilty and assess damages. Civil courts are government courts and determine if laws have been broken. I have spent decades in both criminal and civil courts.
You know that your second amendment is limited or you would have a Thompson sub machine gun and a M-16 but the reason you don’t have them is that the supreme court ruled that you are not entitled to any weapon whatsoever for any purpose whatsoever. That statement is extremely clear.
It is hard to get around facts, every right has its limits even free speech.
The reason I don’t like the numbers is because there is no reality to back them up. You might as well have a bunch of monkeys throwing darts at a board with numbers on it, they would come up with more reliable numbers. I would accept actual numbers taken from police reports but they would be far lower than what was reporter by the CDC “study.” Most criminals have their own gun and they don’t have to look for it. Someone that has their own gun is not going to be afraid of a gun. Like the burglar the state police told me about. When the state police ask him if he was afraid of a gun. He replied no, he was only afraid of big dogs. He was about 6’6” and he would just kick the door down. The reason why he was not afraid of a gun is someone with a gun hesitates but a dog bites as soon as you come through the door. Projections are not the problem; facts are your problem. There are actual figures for abortions you can bet they must report everyone by law and there is no reason to have an illegal abortion as long as legal ones are available.
Assholes have motives also mostly to benefit themselves. We use to have a cartoon of god after he created the world and he had a salt shaker that was full of assholes he was sprinkling them over the globe.
You never want to be fooled by the obvious, there is always more going on than it appears. I doubt that story is over yet if the police don’t have the second suspect in jail. Street justice begets street justice. Of hundreds of burglaries in town I don’t of a single one where the suspects came in and started beating up the resident. There are cases where they kill them as soon as they step inside but they are just collectors on drug deals. They have a simple rule if you don’t pay for the drugs you die. If a drug dealer is ripped off, he has to kill them or lose his street cred.
You create your own reality and if you decide to be a player there are people you should not play with. When something does not smell right it usually is not right.
I always read your links that way I can look for the counter information.
It is not every gun owner that is running around killing people, in fact it is not even the majority but whether it is one killed or two hundred thousand there is room for improvement and if we can save even one life that is an accomplishment. At no time in my lifetime can I remember public places be constantly under the threat of mass murders. Dealing with mass murderers would save hundreds of lives a year. That is something easily within reach by banning assault weapons.

Reply Sun 22 Dec, 2019 12:21 am
Let me see if I can explain this to you, a building inspector is required to have 10 years-experience in the construction field. The building inspector looks at and approves plans and inspects new construction projects. I never ever inspected new construction. What I did have was several law classes at both Marshall University, West Virginia University. I was hired to enforce contractor law I was going to be the bite in the inspector bark. I wrote several thousand arrest citations and signed hundreds of arrest warrants. When I went into the department there was a Building inspector, a plumbing inspector, an electrical inspector, and a Housing inspector. I was later transferred into the police department.
I didn’t write tickets I wrote arrest citations that means you could be arrested on the spot. I signed the arrest warrants and had the police took them into custody. I bought the charges not the policemen they just gave them a ride to jail.

You try and customize your own world by what facts you accept and what you reject. You telling me what job I held would be like me telling what rank you held in the military. I don’t have a clue and you have no clue what inspectors do in the building inspection department. Building inspectors are not able to write arrest citations only certain people can write arrest citations under WV law.

There are a lot of conmen in the construction industry who just took the money. You ran into a lot of out of town contractors who beat the city out of millions in taxes if they are not caught. I have shut up to 30 bars down in a single day. I very seldom issued an arrest citation for not having a permit for a deck or other building violations they were simply instructed to get their permit.

Metermaids write $5 tickets, I wrote $500 arrest citations. I still have my badge, you don’t go on to a construction site, with a hundred construction workers and shut it down without a badge. When I first got the badge, I kept in my back pocket but after a contractor complained I did not identify myself on a job site I always wore it on my belt after that. That was all I did was enforce laws.
Do I note a trace of jealousy?
Criminals do things for a reason and they had a reason to be there. You don’t do home invasions to beat someone up.
Dateline ran one this evening where someone came into their garage. The owner a gun nut, had been laying in wait with his shot gun for three days. He takes his shotgun and blows the teenager away. The gun nuts believed he was a hero but he was convicted of murder and got 70- years. That gun ruined his life.
Your incident isn’t over yet, there will be a rest of the story and maybe then we will know the real story.
Cops may not know much about people’s bank use but criminals do. Word quickly spreads through a neighborhood. People use to like to show off money some idiots have been known to post pictures of piles of cash. My dad like to carry cash and use to carry a $500 bill, he grew up in the depression. He was lucky the wrong person did not see it.
West Virginia is 4th on the list of highest gun owning states with 54.7% almost three times the average.

1. Alaska - Gun ownership by state in America - statistics and ...

https://www.cbsnews.com › pictures › gun-ownership-rates-by-state
It is hard to keep track of deer season it is usually the week of thanksgiving and the following week are buck season. After that there is doe season, muzzle loader season. I was running in a state park today and the guns were going off. There is a turkey season and geese season.
If we already had rights before the country was founded, they have to have a source and then that source has to be able to make them binding on a new country. Where do these rights derive that power?
Not transferable? Incapable of being taken away? They have got to come from somewhere and be defined as to what they are. It is one of these circular arguments, always was and always will be.
The executive branch can veto a law but congress can override that veto with a two thirds majority as they did when Trump vetoed the sanctions on Russia. There is nothing illegal about confiscating guns it has been done in New Zeeland. When supreme court ruled that you are not “entitled to any weapon whatsoever for any purpose whatsoever.” If you are not entitled to it then it is clear it can be confiscated. The full-automatic are tightly controlled by regulations taking them out of the corner gun store.
The supreme court has decided there is a right to privacy but like all right there are limits. Not inconsistent just making the point that all rights have limits.
That was Trump’s home state where he is known best and they know he is a clown that pretends to be his own press agent.
The will of the people is the will of the majority and the electoral college blocks the will of the people. Three small states will determine the next presidential election and 97% of the people need not bother to vote. It did favor the slave owners because if blacks didn’t count and then you could count them as halves the slave states gained many electoral votes they would not have had. A three million majority voted against Trump. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
The electoral college is a system that is easily gamed to put in presidents that were against the will of the people. Whenever an illegitimate president gets installed in office it devastates the country.
Nobody has to follow Trump on Twitter because they are published on News programs and articles, there is no doubt who they are from. Trump would eliminate the first amendment and nationalize all news outlets like the dictators he so admires. When Trump wants to take broadcast license away and even demands that Saturday Night Live must use equal time to make fun of his enemies not to mention labeling the press “the enemy of the people.” Who does that but a dictator? Nobody but Trump has ever declared the press to be the enemy of the people.
Civil courts are often asked to enforce someone rights. If you claimed that someone had broken your second amendment rights it would be a civil court case.
I don’t know how you can possibly expect to understand anything without reading books on the subject.
Anytime that you are an investment manager you are paid on a commission of what the stock makes. The rate is given on investments because you can lose the investment but Romney has no possibility of losing anything because he does not own the stocks. These venture capitalists raise the money they invest from investors and then they get a commission if their investors make money that is what the carried interest loophole is about. If it was their own money, they would not need carried interest loophole because the lower rate would apply.

Brain Capital is exactly that kind of company that is what they are in business to do. Why else would you need a loophole to cut your income taxes in half if you already got that rate. All you need do is look at Romney made his taxes public when he ran for president and he paid a much smaller percentage on his income tax then the middle class.
= ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
0 Replies
Reply Sun 22 Dec, 2019 12:31 pm
Zardoz wrote:
The only reason Martin is dead is because Zimmerman did not do what the Police department told him to do. They told him to stop following Zimmerman. When Zimmerman refuse to follow the police department's orders he was responsible for what happened.

That is incorrect. The evidence shows that Mr. Zimmerman did exactly as the 911 dispatcher advised him to do.

Zardoz wrote:
The police department told Zimmerman to stop following Martin. If you were being followed at night by a stranger would you not feel threatened. Zimmerman had assumed, he had police powers, and believed he could enforce the law. Actual witnesses say that it was only an argument and there are no marks on Martin that would show that an attack took place.

There were marks on Mr. Zimmerman that show that Trayvon was violently assaulting him.

Zardoz wrote:
Everything from the position of the body, to the lack of injuries to Martin, to witness statements say that Zimmerman was the aggressor. Even the police department knew Zimmerman was the aggressor and ordered him to stop. Martin was not following Zimmerman, Zimmerman was following Martin.

That is incorrect. The evidence shows that Mr. Zimmerman stopped following Trayvon when the 911 dispatcher advised him to stop, and that Trayvon then came up to him and initiated the confrontation.

Zardoz wrote:
That still makes Zimmerman bigger than Martin. If there had been a fist fight there should have been some marks on Martin. Zimmerman is running on adrenaline and should have done a lot of damage to Martin.

Mr. Zimmerman was not assaulting Trayvon. Trayvon was assaulting Mr. Zimmerman.

Zardoz wrote:
If Zimmerman had stopped following Martin when the police department told him to it would not have mattered if Martin was seven feet tall.

Mr. Zimmerman did stop following Trayvon when the 911 dispatcher advised him to.

Zardoz wrote:
Travon was not the bully Zimmerman was following him after the police department told him not to.

The evidence shows that Mr. Zimmerman stopped following Trayvon when the 911 dispatcher advised him to.

Zardoz wrote:
The fight took place because Zimmerman did not stop following Martin as instructed by the police department.

The evidence shows that Mr. Zimmerman stopped following Trayvon when the 911 dispatcher advised him to.
Reply Sun 22 Dec, 2019 12:37 pm
Zardoz wrote:
Read the "Heller Decision" that states "you are not entitled to any weapon whatsoever for any reason whatsoever," if you think that is an absolute right you need to reread the definition of "absolute."

We are, however, entitled to any weapon that there is not a compelling government interest in restricting.

Zardoz wrote:
Shall not be infringed applies only to "a right to keep and bear arms." An as long as you have an arm to bear that right has not been infringed.

That is incorrect. We have the right to have any weapon that there is no compelling government interest in restricting.

Zardoz wrote:
Since the second amendment is the right most likely to be repealed it is not very important.

The Second Amendment is the least likely to be repealed. It is protected by the NRA.

And it is of vital importance.

Zardoz wrote:
Not all assault weapons have a selective fire switch

That is incorrect. The requirement for a selective fire switch is baked into the very definition of the term assault weapon.

Zardoz wrote:
and most assault weapons used in massacres in America don't have one.

That is incorrect. No massacre in America has ever involved the use of an assault weapon.

Zardoz wrote:
It is on record that the Pulse Night Club mass murderer was firing his assault weapon at a rate of 130 rounds per minute.

That is incorrect. He did not use an assault weapon.

Zardoz wrote:
They have actual recordings that verify that speed. If you were in a crowed bar and had a mass murderer firing at a 130 rounds per minute rate do you think you would have a chance of getting away?

Yes. Someone firing a semi-auto at that speed will have very poor aim.

Zardoz wrote:
they got the definition of assault weapons exactly right.

That is incorrect. Their fraudulent definition of assault weapons is completely contradictory to the true definition.

Zardoz wrote:
Some of the information about how Remington marketed assault weapons is already out there and the rest will come out in court. According to Remington they were targeting the most aggressive gun nuts to sell assault weapons to. To get your man ticket punched you need an assault weapon and it does not have a selective fire switch.

Remington has never marketed or sold assault weapons.
Reply Sun 22 Dec, 2019 12:50 pm
Zardoz wrote:
They are also trying to outlaw high capacity magazines.

Since you have undermined the effort to restrict magazine size, 60 and 100 round magazines like the ones below are guaranteed to remain on the market.


Zardoz wrote:
I think the magazines should be limited to one round. That would give them two one in the chamber and one in the magazine.

That would be unconstitutional. People have the right to have weapons that are effective for self defense.
Reply Sun 22 Dec, 2019 12:52 pm
Zardoz wrote:
Assault weapons are assault weapons both the semi-automatic version and the automatic version come down the same assembly line getting all the same parts only after the assault weapons is nearly complete do most of the assault weapons get one trigger mechanism and the automatics get another trigger mechanism.

That is incorrect. There is no such thing as a semi-automatic assault weapon.

Zardoz wrote:
I read the whole article looking for that exact definition and I did not find it.

"The StG 44 was the first successful assault rifle, with features including a relatively short cartridge, controllable automatic fire, a more compact design than a battle rifle with a quicker rate of fire, and intended for hitting targets within a few hundred metres.[5]"

"After the adoption of the StG 44, the English translation "assault rifle" became the accepted designation for this type of infantry small arm."

Zardoz wrote:
Nazi Germany lost and they don't get to decide anything.

That is incorrect. Nazi Germany created the term assault weapon. They got to decide what the term means.
Reply Sun 22 Dec, 2019 10:14 pm
At any bank a baker might have a persona bank account but most of the money loaned by the bank is the investors money. Hedge funds and money investment firms like Bain Capital do just that they invest money and are paid a commission on what their investments make. If you followed the news you would know that.
Figures don’t lie but liars do figure. How do you account for the fact that I paid income tax every year for last 50 years plus even on years I made $6,000? Income tax is taken from your check and you would have to come up with enough deductions to get all your money back. Since I could never take a deduction for my Lear jet I always paid. In fact, I am still paying on my social security which I paid taxes on when I earned it. That is double tax. When something sounds to good to be true it is. That 47% figure is straight out of the ungodly greedy campaign book. They are trying get ordinary people to feel sorry for those poor billionaires. You can cry for the poor billionaires who have only a $100 billion but desperately want a trillion but I for one will not be taken in by their scam.
You are easily taken in by professional con artists. When people’s income falls below the point that they don’t pay taxes they are instructed to no longer bother to file a return. So, if those that don’t pay taxes don’t file returns that figure is an out right lie and you know it. If you want to go on believing Republican lies that is your business.
Even if you account for inflation that $6,000 would be only $30,893 in today’s dollars well be low your $50,000.
The earned income tax credit is a welfare program funneled through the income tax program. You can’t get income tax back you did not pay but you can get your welfare through the income tax program.
The EIC is a welfare program that should not have anything to do with the income tax program. If the government wants to subsidize the raising of children it should be honest about it and handle it differently. Maybe in monthly checks. When handed a big check to someone they go out and buy a bass boat or some other big-ticket item and the money doesn’t help the child and as a matter of fact it makes it worse because there are payments due on the bass boat.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 23 Dec, 2019 11:00 am
No matter how many times you repeat a lie it will never be true.

Which is why I keep telling you that a semi-auto rifle is not an assault rifle/weapon. The key feature of those weapons is the ability to change your rate of fire from full auto to either 3 round burst or semi-auto. If a weapon only fires in semi-auto mode, it isn't an assault anything, that's the lie you keep telling and want others to believe. Your car analogy holds no water, stop trying to use it, guns are not cars.

NASCAR has banned all advertisement for assault weapons due to a “gradual shift.”

No, they likely "banned" them because of people who don't watch NASCAR attacking their money stream. The people who truly enjoy NASCAR, have no problem with those weapons, just stuck up leftist elitists who would get rid of NASCAR if they had the chance.

Nothing to do with school shootings?

A majority of mass shootings do not happen in schools, they happen in other public places.

Where do you think one of the most popular locations for mass murders? Schools, if you study mass shootings you can’t get away from one of the most popular locations.

Do you have any facts to back up this claim? The "most popular" locations are "gun free zones", places the law biding person will follow the law and not a carry a weapon. That leaves the bad guy with intent to kill others as the only person with a gun in a "gun free zone". You can thank Joe Biden for the "gun free zones".

You have a real problem with reality you think if you can’t find it on the internet it didn’t happen.

Putting words in my mouth again? If it happened, it will be on the interent, it's the largest entertainment and news provider in the world. Every news channel and news paper has their own website, what do you think lead to the death of a majority of the news papers in the US. You are falling behind in keeping up with technology and what is offered, you make it sound like the internet of today is really the internet of 1996.

There is a whole world out there and not all of it is on the internet.

You don't have the slightest idea of what happens on the Net do you?

If there is a shooting on school property it is a school shooting whether it is in the parking lot, football field, or classroom.
This is the study I was talking about. These are mass casualty shootings.

Here we go again. No, if it didn't happen during schools hours and involve kids from the school, it isn't a school shooting. A 3am drug deal gone bad in the school parking lot is not a school shooting. Go ahead, keep scaring the kids with your lies. You wonder why kids these days have PTSD that have never been in a shooting? Your terminology and lack of concise facts.

So, you acknowledge that all we need to do is make a law against it to put a limit on a right.

We should have no limits on Rights. It's the authortarians like you who think people should be limited. The purpose of our govt was limited govt and liberty for the people. You don't believe in liberty, you believe in control.

So mass murderers had there right to happiness limited by making a law against murder.

You really are a fool aren't you?

You know that your second amendment is limited or you would have a Thompson sub machine gun and a M-16 but the reason you don’t have them is that the supreme court ruled that you are not entitled to any weapon whatsoever for any purpose whatsoever. That statement is extremely clear.

If I had $20k, I could own one of those weapons...

It is hard to get around facts, every right has its limits even free speech.

Activist judges put those restrictions in place, no such restrictions were provided for in the Constitution. In fact all limits were placed on the govt, not the people.

The reason I don’t like the numbers is because there is no reality to back them up.

In fact there is, read the study.

Reply Tue 24 Dec, 2019 12:13 am

https://defconnews.com › Guns

1. Cached
Aug 6, 2019 - There were a pair of tragic shootings over the weekend which means it's time for hysterical liberals to vastly overstate the lethal capabilities of ...
What's The Rate Of Fire For An AR-15? The Liberal Answer ...

This isn’t the site that I wanted but is does show an AR-15 firing 150 rounds in 15 seconds. The second video shows a modified AR-15 firing 830 rounds before the barrel melted down. The shooter changed several 30 round clips and several round barrel clips. The rate of fire is incredible. You almost see the first graders falling.

AR-15 900 Rounds Per Minute | Anderson Arms AR15 ...

https://www.youtube.com › watch

1. Cached
Sep 17, 2018 - Welcome to THE GUNMEISTER channel. In this video I review the Anderson Arms AR-15 with a Slide Fire stock. Then I do some educational ...

This video used a bump stock but it was firing so fast that I could not count the rounds.
There is rate of fire and actual number of bullets fired in a minute. If it fires 150 rounds in 15 seconds it is firing at a 600 rounds per minute rate. By using a rounds per minute rate, it allows one gun to be compared to another much the same way MPH gives you a comparison of dragsters as they go through the traps. A 200-mph trap speed does not mean that they actual went on a 200-mile trip. Just as an AR-15 firing at 15 rounds a second would be firing at 900 round per minute rate. It is just rendering everything into a common denominator for comparison sake.

If pictures are worth a thousand words then videos should be worth thousands.
It had nothing at all to do with rpms it had to do mph and miles driven. Filing a tank with gasoline would be the same as changing clips on a gun. If you look down at your speedometer and you were doing 60 mph and you were on a 600-mile trip you would not get there in 10 hours because you would have to stop for gas but that does not mean you are not doing 60 mph.
Laws are written down so it is easy to trace their country of origin. The laws are that way because when they were written that part of America was under the control of different foreign countries. The laws and the facts speak for themselves.
They may mean the same thing but you should use the correct word. A lot of words mean the same but think what the documents would look like if the different words that meant the same were used. No only amending the constitution would do that. All that is necessary is to enforce the 2nd amendment as written it is not a license for “any weapon whatsoever for any purpose whatsoever.” The problem isn’t the second amendment it is how it has been broadly interpreted.
The constitution has been changed in the past and it will be changed in the future.
The limits I claimed have been specified by the supreme court.
The courts decide what the limits on rights are
You then believe than anyone can be stripped of their rights as long as there is due process. When someone is convicted of crime, they are not allowed to own a gun but I don’t know of any hearing held on their gun rights the only hearing on their crime. After they have paid their debt to society their gun rights are not restored.
You are going to have to accept the fact that there will always be limits on your rights.
You can live in your illusion if you want but history teaches no super power in history has ever stayed in power all some day are pushed aside. America has peaked and been on the decline since conservatism first took over in the 80s. When the conservatives stopped paying off the national debt that had been paid down by every president since WWII and tripled it to give huge tax cuts to the ungodly greedy tripling spending on the military, we don’t have, it puts America on a path downhill slide. You cannot live on credit forever and the interest on the debt is going to next superpower. Our day in the sun would never have last too long but conservatives hastened the end. Guns will not matter in the next war it will be fought with atomic bombs.
I don’t believe that 297 number for minute. That does not even come close to covering hunting accidents. You are very susceptible to NRA propaganda and anything you read on the internet. Someone can write anything and you will believe it.

Reply Wed 25 Dec, 2019 12:25 am
The problem you want to look at is a subset of gun violence and not the overall problem of gun violence which far exceeds just murders. When you go to solve a problem, you solve a piece at a time. The massacres are terrorist acts intended to create terror throughout America and they have done just that. Now set off a few firecrackers in a mall and you set off a stampede because people think it might be a mass murderer. We can no longer tolerate massacres in public places where 59 people are killed at a time and the only solution that will work is to ban weapons of war.
All gun deaths have one thing in common guns. You have watched the videos by now how would you like to have your children standing in front of one of those guns.
The problem is gun violence as a whole not a subset of gun violence.
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ You do realize that life is not a Tom Cruise movie where you can be arrested for thinking about a crime. You have a right to free speech and you can have a website where school shooting can be discussed and there is nothing the FBI can do until after the massacre takes place. It is not a crime to discuss massacres it is only a crime after the fact. Proof? There is a whole book of proof. The book “Mass Killers” references those websites. There are fans of rock stars, actors and football players and there are fans of mass murderers and they meet on line to learn the best ways to commit mass murder. They know they do this, as a mass Germany will quote the columbine mass murderers that are so admired.
For someone who believes in rights you would lock people up for free speech. Your website has nothing to do with mass murders.
I really don’t know how much worse it can get than 59 killed and 500 wounded in one incident. You want to break it down further into long guns and short guns. Next you will want to break it down into separate brand names of guns. That way you keep getting smaller and smaller numbers. You might even find one model of gun that no one was killed with. That way you could say no one was killed by that model of gun.
It is not projection there is a stack of bodies to prove it. Even someone driving too slow is enough to make a gun owner kill someone. The music too loud there is a simple solution if you own a gun.
The Heller decision is a simple search even for a first grader. I’ll draw you a picture.


https://www.law.cornell.edu › supct › html › 07-290.ZS.html

1. Cached
2. Similar
Jun 26, 2008 - ... has been prepared by the Reporter of Decisions for the convenience of the reader. ... Respondent Heller, a D. C. special policeman, applied to register a ... The operative clause's text and history demonstrate that it connotes ...
You've visited this page many times. Last visit: 11/10/19
The BLM standoff was just more common thieves and now they are in jail. The white supremacists were involved in that along with two others that were later killed in Las Vegas. The government does not kill every common thief, they just put them in jail. They didn’t prevail they are in jail.
The word that is used is the one in the Constitution. Where were they written down at? By who? The founding fathers were bound by what entity? Surely you have a copy of those rights.
The lesson we learned from 9/11 was to bomb an innocent country back to the stone ages. What Las Vegas massacres shows us is what is possible and it not only showed us, it showed the future mass murderers of America what is possible and it will happen again and again. There is simply no way to stop it short of banning weapons of war. It is not a rare occurrence the massacres are getting more frequent.
It is not rocket science, it is simple any shooting where four or more are killed or wounded is a mass shooting.
That definition is simple and counts all mass shootings. There is no reason to draw a line down the road and say those that fall on the right side of the line are mass murders and those that fall on the left side are not.
The internet does not change the fact it is speech whether it is written in a newspaper, spoken, or sent electronically. The paperboy has been replaced with electrons. The speech itself did not change or the right to free speech.

The type of ink used in 1700s was not specified in the constitution either it has nothing to do with free speech. Speech has not gone up from one bullet every five minutes to 10 rounds a second. Speech is still at the same rate. Nobody is gunning down 59 people and wounding 500 with words. An arm had a very specific meaning when the constitution was written.
Civil courts are the ones you go to when your rights are violated. Criminal courts are just to prosecute criminals. Civil courts are responsible for enforcing the constitution. Roe vs Wade was a civil case.
The limit on the second amendment was decided by the supreme court and carries the force of law. That supreme court ruling is an exact reading of the constitution as written. The activist readings are one that say second amendment entitles you to the most deadly and dangerous weapons in the world.
They may be 1% of overall murder but they are responsible for 100% of massacres with 50 or more killed and massacres are the real problem.
We do have gangs but they are not armed with automatic assault weapons and submachine guns. Do you think automatic assault weapons would make them more dangerous or less dangerous? If the youth of today didn’t have guns it would be a far different world.
That might fire a few lead balls in a few seconds, not 10 rounds a second like the AR-15. And the range would be far different. I always said a musket would be legal.
It isn’t most mass shootings I am worried about it is the massacres. The stats are in my favor it is 100% of the massacres that kill 50 or more people are done with assault weapons. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
I can prove how that bill was written because that is the same procedure is used for all bills. You don’t understand that even people that owned assault weapons cut them up and realize they should be banned.
That is not the same principal. Gun manufactures market their weapons for the purpose of killing people. They appeal to worst possible element. Their advertisement that owning this gun will punch your man ticket. Or this is the way to win a firefight. The purpose of a car is to get place to place the purpose of a gun is to kill people. Killing people is there intended purpose.
The definition is four or more people killed or wounded there are no exception listed. You just want to make up exceptions.
A regular 22 would be semi-automatic ordinary rifle. It could never be converted to a full-automatic.

New Fox News poll has support for impeaching and removing ...

https://theweek.com › speedreads › new-fox-news-poll-support-impeachin...

1. Cached
Dec 16, 2019 - There is a clear partisan split in the impeachment polling — 85 percent of democrats and a new high of 45 percent of independents favor ...

That is Fox News showing 50% favor impeachment and 41% are against impeachment. Fox News is propaganda all day and that is the best they could do.
Reply Wed 25 Dec, 2019 09:28 pm
The vote to impeach was indeed by partisan. Justin Amash was elected as a Republican from Michigan. When it became obvious that he was supporting impeaching Trump he was drummed out of the Republican party and became an independent. As far as I am concerned and the people that voted for him, he is still a republican. Even at that bipartisan is two and the democrats and the independents make two.

I think it should be against the law to switch political parties after you are elected. If you want to switch do it before the election. We have governor that was elected as a democrat and switched to a republican after he was elected. That is a fraud as far as I am concerned.
Reply Thu 26 Dec, 2019 11:18 am
1. Cached
Aug 6, 2019 - There were a pair of tragic shootings over the weekend which means it's time for hysterical liberals to vastly overstate the lethal capabilities of ...
What's The Rate Of Fire For An AR-15? The Liberal Answer ...

This doesn't say what you think it says, you saw the chart, which the guy discredits in the article.
So far you are 0-1

This isn’t the site that I wanted but is does show an AR-15 firing 150 rounds in 15 seconds.

Which video would that be? If you are referring to the "def-con-news" page, I'm not going to go through that entire site trying to find a video you claim exists.

The second video shows a modified AR-15 firing 830 rounds before the barrel melted down.

Modified... so not a normal AR-15, a modified AR.
You are 0-2

This video used a bump stock but it was firing so fast that I could not count the rounds.

A bumpstock... which is nothing more than another type of modification. So you haven't found any proof that an AR-15 can fire the amount of rounds you say it can.
You are now 0-3

There is rate of fire and actual number of bullets fired in a minute. If it fires 150 rounds in 15 seconds it is firing at a 600 rounds per minute rate.

First off you haven't even proven that it can fire 150 in 15 seconds, that would require a modified full auto gun with at least that size of magazine. It isn't possible and you have proven nothing.

Laws are written down so it is easy to trace their country of origin. The laws are that way because when they were written that part of America was under the control of different foreign countries. The laws and the facts speak for themselves.

What are you talking about? The only laws in the US that we as citizens have to follow are US laws. You seem to be reaching to make some point.

They may mean the same thing but you should use the correct word.

Considering you can't even prove the rate of fire of a weapon, I'm going to stick with my word choice for the purpose of our idea exchange. Unalienable/inalienable is just fine and acceptable.

All that is necessary is to enforce the 2nd amendment as written it is not a license for “any weapon whatsoever for any purpose whatsoever.” The problem isn’t the second amendment it is how it has been broadly interpreted.

You are talking out of both sides of your face again. The way the 2nd Amendment is written includes the phrase Shall not be infringed. What other meaning could such phrase mean?

Your claim of "any weapon" isn't in the Constitution and was not the main ruling in the Heller case.

The constitution has been changed in the past and it will be changed in the future.

It has and I'm sure it will again. You still don't have the Constitutional requirements to change the 2nd Amendment.

The limits I claimed have been specified by the supreme court.

What limits? The Constitution has no such limits on the ownership of guns. Just wait, more proper Constitutional rulings will be coming up on guns, you are going to be very unhappy.

You then believe than anyone can be stripped of their rights as long as there is due process.

That's pretty much what the 4th and 5th Amendments say, it's all about due process. Even the liberal catch all of the 14th has it's own due process clause.

When someone is convicted of crime, they are not allowed to own a gun but I don’t know of any hearing held on their gun rights the only hearing on their crime. After they have paid their debt to society their gun rights are not restored.

Neither are their voting rights. Are you saying that you think that once someone has paid their debt to society, that they should have 100% of their Constitutional Rights restored?

You can live in your illusion if you want but history teaches no super power in history has ever stayed in power all some day are pushed aside.

What illusion would that be? Are you actually looking forward to the fall of your own country?

America has peaked and been on the decline since conservatism first took over in the 80s.

We all know you are a communist, and Reagan beat the communists. Is this why you think we are on the decline?

When the conservatives stopped paying off the national debt that had been paid down by every president since WWII

Just stop with the BS, you don't care about the national debt, if you did you wouldn't support socialist spending. The National Debt has never been zero since we started running one. When did we finish paying for WWII? I'll give you a hint, it wasn't until the end of the 20th Century. As for the National debt, you still want to spend trillions on free health care and other socailist dreams, you know as well as the next person, that "taxing the rich" and "taking all their" money won't pay for even a small percentage of the spending you want. Why do you think socialism has failed EVERYWHERE? It goes broke.

tripled it to give huge tax cuts to the ungodly greedy tripling spending on the military, we don’t have, it puts America on a path downhill slide.

Considering the Cold war and the weak economy Reagan was left to work with, tax cuts were required to boost and stimulate the economy. It worked, it was one of the greatest paths to prosperity we had seen in a couple of decades.

You cannot live on credit forever and the interest on the debt is going to next superpower.

Yet you encourage socialist spending that we can't afford. You actually think Bezos has a billion dollars? I hope you realize he's only worth that on paper, that includes the value of his company and it's stocks. I don't think you really understand our modern economy.

I don’t believe that 297 number for minute.

Of course you don't, it disproves how deadly rifles are and proves what you push is propaganda.

That does not even come close to covering hunting accidents. /quote]
Do you think every hunting accident leads to death?

You are very susceptible to NRA propaganda and anything you read on the internet. Someone can write anything and you will believe it.

You discredit yourself. Those numbers came from the FBI, not the NRA. Why is it when the propaganda gets disproved, you want to blame the NRA? Just about every stat I use in relation to guns comes from the US govt, not from anti-gun groups. It's ok for you to use anti-gun propaganda but when I use govt sources, it's the evil NRA boogieman.
Reply Thu 26 Dec, 2019 01:54 pm
The problem you want to look at is a subset of gun violence and not the overall problem of gun violence which far exceeds just murders.

Yet you want to look at the smallest subset of gun violence, mass shootings, and apply motives and gun control laws based on that smallest subset of gun violence. Based on what you use to promote gun control laws, you have no room to talk about limiting anything.

When you go to solve a problem, you solve a piece at a time.

You aren't trying to solve anything, you are looking for a way to ban a constitutional right. If you were really concerned with gun violence, you wouldn't be spending time on gun control, where millions and millions of gun owners do no harm, you want to take from them and turn them into criminals. Look what is taking place in VA. The governor wants to increase the prision budget based on people who won't comply with unconstitutional gun laws. He wants to use the National Guard to enforce the laws because the Sheriffs have refused. This is exactly the totalitarian type moves the left if historically known for and our Constitution was written to prevent, the very reason the 2nd Amendment exists.

The massacres are terrorist acts intended to create terror throughout America and they have done just that.

Some of the mass shootings have been terrorist acts, but they haven't all had the same political aim. After all, that's the point of terrorism, a political point of view and spreading terror. We could have an honest talk on this subject but you have a bias and won't admit that there are leftists who have committed mass shootings or wanted to commit mass shootings.

Now set off a few firecrackers in a mall and you set off a stampede because people think it might be a mass murderer.

You can thank the MSM for that. They have spent a lot of time instilling fear in people so their favored gun control laws can be passed. The smallest subset of gun violence and the media promote it like and talk about it like it is the only violence in the US.

The problem is gun violence as a whole not a subset of gun violence.

No, specific gun violence should be the target. There is nothing you can do about suicides with a gun. Sure just over half of suicides are done with a gun, but if someone wants to kill themselves, they will do it. More people have died of drug overdoses per year, more than 70k, than suicide. We live in a free country and laws don't prevent people from doing themselves harm.

You do realize that life is not a Tom Cruise movie where you can be arrested for thinking about a crime.

Thankfully because we have a Constitution. Trust me, the modern day leftists would arrest people for thought crimes. I mean look at people who have lost jobs because of what they do in their private lives and doesn't spill over into their work lives. People get exposed and then lose jobs, we already know the left don't believe in Free Speech and consider any opinion outside their own to be hate speech. Without a 1st Amendment, those people with different views would be arrested and put in jail. The Gov. of VA is already starting talk like a totalitarian.

For someone who believes in rights you would lock people up for free speech. Your website has nothing to do with mass murders.

I've never said any such thing. It's the left who thinks hate speech exists and should be a crime. You weren't originally talking about "mass shooting" sites, you were talking about normal gun websites being extremist and I once again proved you wrong. The vast majority of "gun" websites deal with lawful issues and stopping mass shootings.

I really don’t know how much worse it can get than 59 killed and 500 wounded in one incident.

Gotta love taking an extreme event and applying it to general events. You have a single incident of that magitude and we shouldn't be getting rid of our rights because of one person, or even a few people. Our rights and Constitution are stronger than that.

You want to break it down further into long guns and short guns.

Yes, that's how you get to the bottom of the problem where there are millions and millions of gun owners who do nothing wrong and you want to limit their rights due to a few bad actors.

Next you will want to break it down into separate brand names of guns.

I would only break guns down by manufactures based on good or bad the gun is, not all guns are equal in quality.

That way you keep getting smaller and smaller numbers. You might even find one model of gun that no one was killed with. That way you could say no one was killed by that model of gun.

Transference is a bitch isn't it.

It is not projection there is a stack of bodies to prove it. /quote]
No, it's projection. Mass shootings are the smallest subset of shootings and you want them to be the largest subset and you talk about them like they are. I say projection because of how you speak about guns. You are the only one between us who has talked about killing innocent people. Remember "kill the rich" subject from about a year ago? You are the one obsessed with mass shootings. You are likely to do one simply so you can show how deadly they are. So yes, projection is your affliction.

The Heller decision is a simple search even for a first grader. I’ll draw you a picture.

I knew what it said, I was waiting on you to produce the entire quote instead of just the dozen or so words you think make your argument. I knew you would never post the whole thing, it says nothing about me now being able to own an AR-15, which was the point you were trying to make and failed. Below is the entire portion you keep pointing to. It doesn't say what you think it says and already provides the examples of what they were talking about, such as dealing with carrying guns in govt buildings and restrictions on felons.

I'll also point out that a couple years later, McDonald vs Chicago also ruled in favor on gun owners and the 2nd Amendment and clarified protection under the 14th Amendment for gun owners and their due process Rights.

(2) Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons.

McDonald vs Chicago:
McDonald v. Chicago, 561 U.S. 742 (2010), is a landmark[1] decision of the Supreme Court of the United States that found that the right of an individual to "keep and bear arms," as protected under the Second Amendment, is incorporated by either the Due Process Clause or Privileges or Immunities Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment against the states. The decision cleared up the uncertainty left in the wake of District of Columbia v. Heller as to the scope of gun rights in regard to the states.

Initially the Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit had upheld a Chicago ordinance banning the possession of handguns as well as other gun regulations affecting rifles and shotguns, citing United States v. Cruikshank, Presser v. Illinois, and Miller v. Texas.[2] The petition for certiorari was filed by Alan Gura, the attorney who had successfully argued Heller, and Chicago-area attorney David G. Sigale.[3] The Second Amendment Foundation and the Illinois State Rifle Association sponsored the litigation on behalf of several Chicago residents, including retiree Otis McDonald.

The oral arguments took place on March 2, 2010.[4][5] On June 28, 2010, the Supreme Court, in a 5–4 decision, reversed the Seventh Circuit's decision, holding that the Second Amendment was incorporated under the Fourteenth Amendment thus protecting those rights from infringement by state and local governments.[6] It then remanded the case back to Seventh Circuit to resolve conflicts between certain Chicago gun restrictions and the Second Amendment.

The BLM standoff was just more common thieves and now they are in jail.

How many people do you think were found guilty? Not the Bundy's, they were cleared and the courts read the riot act to the federal agency for misdeeds.

You would be surprised to know very few people did any time for this "crime" and most of them had charges dropped against them.

The word that is used is the one in the Constitution. Where were they written down at? By who? The founding fathers were bound by what entity? Surely you have a copy of those rights.

You should try reading our founding documents if you have any questions. If you think God doesn't exist so the Constitution is worthless, then you are a worse person than I thought and you really are a totalitarian at heart. The Constitution was meant to keep people like you check.

The lesson we learned from 9/11 was to bomb an innocent country back to the stone ages.

Afghanistan was already living in the stone age, I know, I've been there. That's the weak lesson you learned, I learned we shouldn't be so quick to give up our rights for protection. How do you account for Obama bombing more countries than Bush did and killing more people with drones?

It is not rocket science, it is simple any shooting where four or more are killed or wounded is a mass shooting.

Keep repeating the lie and exaggeration of mass shootings in the US. People have PTSD from such things because of people like you and the propaganda you push. Mass shootings are rate and getting killed with a rifle is even more rare.

The limit on the second amendment was decided by the supreme court and carries the force of law.

No such restrictions were placed on the 2nd Amendment by the SC. The Heller decision doesn't say what you want it to say and the examples they give in the ruling do not match what you want.
"The Supreme Court held:[46]

(1) The Second Amendment protects an individual right to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, and to use that arm for traditionally lawful purposes, such as self-defense within the home. Pp. 2–53.
(a) The Amendment’s prefatory clause announces a purpose, but does not limit or expand the scope of the second part, the operative clause. The operative clause’s text and history demonstrate that it connotes an individual right to keep and bear arms. Pp. 2–22.
(b) The prefatory clause comports with the Court’s interpretation of the operative clause. The “militia” comprised all males physically capable of acting in concert for the common defense. The Antifederalists feared that the Federal Government would disarm the people in order to disable this citizens’ militia, enabling a politicized standing army or a select militia to rule. The response was to deny Congress power to abridge the ancient right of individuals to keep and bear arms, so that the ideal of a citizens’ militia would be preserved. Pp. 22–28.
(c) The Court’s interpretation is confirmed by analogous arms-bearing rights in state constitutions that preceded and immediately followed the Second Amendment. Pp. 28–30.
(d) The Second Amendment’s drafting history, while of dubious interpretive worth, reveals three state Second Amendment proposals that unequivocally referred to an individual right to bear arms. Pp. 30–32.
(e) Interpretation of the Second Amendment by scholars, courts and legislators, from immediately after its ratification through the late 19th century also supports the Court’s conclusion. Pp. 32–47.
(f) None of the Court’s precedents forecloses the Court’s interpretation. Neither United States v. Cruikshank, 92 U. S. 542, nor Presser v. Illinois, 116 U. S. 252, refutes the individual-rights interpretation. United States v. Miller, 307 U. S. 174, does not limit the right to keep and bear arms to militia purposes, but rather limits the type of weapon to which the right applies to those used by the militia, i.e., those in common use for lawful purposes.
(2) Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws imposing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms. Miller’s holding that the sorts of weapons protected are those “in common use at the time” finds support in the historical tradition of prohibiting the carrying of dangerous and unusual weapons. Pp. 54–56.
(3) The handgun ban and the trigger-lock requirement (as applied to self-defense) violate the Second Amendment. The District’s total ban on handgun possession in the home amounts to a prohibition on an entire class of “arms” that Americans overwhelmingly choose for the lawful purpose of self-defense. Under any of the standards of scrutiny the Court has applied to enumerated constitutional rights, this prohibition – in the place where the importance of the lawful defense of self, family, and property is most acute – would fail constitutional muster. Similarly, the requirement that any lawful firearm in the home be disassembled or bound by a trigger lock makes it impossible for citizens to use arms for the core lawful purpose of self-defense and is hence unconstitutional. Because Heller conceded at oral argument that the D.C. licensing law is permissible if it is not enforced arbitrarily and capriciously, the Court assumes that a license will satisfy his prayer for relief and does not address the licensing requirement. Assuming he is not disqualified from exercising Second Amendment rights, the District must permit Heller to register his handgun and must issue him a license to carry it in the home. Pp. 56–64.
The Opinion of the Court, delivered by Justice Scalia, was joined by Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. and by Justices Anthony M. Kennedy, Clarence Thomas and Samuel A. Alito Jr.[47]"

That supreme court ruling is an exact reading of the constitution as written. The activist readings are one that say second amendment entitles you to the most deadly and dangerous weapons in the world.

Read above, they didn't say what you think they said. You limited the ruling to a dozen words and left out the examples of what they are saying as to the limitations.

They may be 1% of overall murder but they are responsible for 100% of massacres with 50 or more killed and massacres are the real problem.

Now look who's limiting the meanings of things to fit their agenda. There have only been 2 mass shootings with close to those numbers. Pulse had 49 dead and Las Vegas had 59. You want to base the 2nd Amendment off of what happened in 2 of the rarest of shootings in the US? One done by a guy with zero political ideology and the other done by a Muslim who was ashamed of being gay? These are the very types of things our Constitution was written to prevent, not the shootings but the overreaction by weak people.

We do have gangs but they are not armed with automatic assault weapons and submachine guns.

Most of them are not armed with any rifles. A majority of those people are using handguns.
Guess what, you still can't buy those types of weapons in most places unless you have a Class III firearms license.

Do you think automatic assault weapons would make them more dangerous or less dangerous? If the youth of today didn’t have guns it would be a far different world.

If you think guns are the reason for our violent youth, then you don't understand kids or guns.

That might fire a few lead balls in a few seconds, not 10 rounds a second like the AR-15. And the range would be far different. I always said a musket would be legal.

There are no limits placed on people with the 2nd Amendment, the limitations are placed on the govt, Shall not be infringed. Notice how anti-gun people leave this out of the 2nd Amendment.

It isn’t most mass shootings I am worried about it is the massacres. The stats are in my favor it is 100% of the massacres that kill 50 or more people are done with assault weapons.

Weak stat that only covers 2 mass shootings. You like to use the terms interchangeability, depending on what propaganda you are pushing.

I can prove how that bill was written because that is the same procedure is used for all bills.

You can't prove **** or you would have done so by now, you have nothing but excuses and more explanations. No firearms experts were talked to when crafting this law.

You don’t understand that even people that owned assault weapons cut them up and realize they should be banned.

People? You mean a dozen people who likely shouldn't have had those weapons in the first place. You should cut off your own dick to prevent more rapes in the US.

That is not the same principal. Gun manufactures market their weapons for the purpose of killing people.

They market their weapons as target shooting or self-protection devices, if that means killing someone who shouldn't have been in your house, then so be it. They do not market them for mass shootings, that's your own opinion that has no basis in reality.

They appeal to worst possible element.

Again, your own bias opinion.

Their advertisement that owning this gun will punch your man ticket.

Vs owning the rifle of their competitor. You know much like Chevy vs Ford?

Or this is the way to win a firefight.

Yes because many of those weapons are sold to military or police forces only. Those would be true assault weapons with a selective fire switch. Have you ever been to Smith and Wesson website? They have a section for military and LEO only, civilians can't buy those weapons. Govt and police contracts are worth a lot of money. Why do you think Remington stopped making AR platforms? It had nothing to do with the weapons and everything to do with losing their military contract a couple of years ago and them not selling as many of the AR platforms as their competitors do.

The purpose of a car is to get place to place the purpose of a gun is to kill people. Killing people is there intended purpose.

That's true, but those weapons are more often never used or not fired in self-defense. You are worried about the bad guys, but you want to disarm the good guys, that's totalitarian thinking for you.

The definition is four or more people killed or wounded there are no exception listed. You just want to make up exceptions.

Yes there are, as the article I posted showed, there are several different definitions for mass shooting. Yours isn't the only one and it isn't even the most accepted one. That definition is only used to hype deaths and scare people, propaganda.

A regular 22 would be semi-automatic ordinary rifle. It could never be converted to a full-automatic.

You really have no idea what you are talking about do you, you are hung up on converting things even though no mass shootings have been done with such weapons? They sell full auto 22 rifles, if you have the license for it. You should really do more research before saying such things, it just makes you look stupid.

Reply Thu 26 Dec, 2019 02:00 pm
The vote to impeach was indeed by partisan.

No it wasn't. The vote total shows you are lying.

Justin Amash was elected as a Republican from Michigan. When it became obvious that he was supporting impeaching Trump he was drummed out of the Republican party and became an independent.

He wasn't drummed out of anything. He likely sits in a discrict that went for Hillary in the last election and shows promise of him losing his seat if he didn't switch parties. He was a Dem when he voted, there were no GOP votes for impeachment. But there were 2 Dem votes against impeachment and 1 Dem who voted present.

I think it should be against the law to switch political parties after you are elected. If you want to switch do it before the election. We have governor that was elected as a democrat and switched to a republican after he was elected. That is a fraud as far as I am concerned.

I have mixed feelings on this one, I'm not a fan of people switching parties, but there also shouldn't be a law against it either. You are big govt, so of course you support laws on everything. You ever wonder why we have the highest prison population for a country our size? We have way to many laws for a free nation.

Reply Fri 27 Dec, 2019 12:15 am
The Fairness Doctrine started in 1949. It applied to editorial content and it allowed people with different opinion time to air their opinion. What hurts this country now is people are not exposed to both sides of political arguments. You did not have this toxic partisan environment that we have now until Regan eliminates the Fairness Doctrine. As long as people were exposed to both sides of a political argument, they were free to decide for themselves on each issue. People were free to considered each political issue on its merits. America is no longer like that people decide to join a political cult where all the political views are dictated by a political cult. Political parties now more closely resemble a religious cult where the head of the cult dictates how its members think. News papers had editorial boards that were both Republican and Democrat and you knew which was which but that nothing like the far-right radical Fox News that was a full participant in Trump campaign.
There is no such thing as a left-wing press and there never will be. There is a corporate press which is owned by big corporations and is about as opposite left-wing political philosophy as possible. Where is the left-wing Rush Limbaugh? He does not exist. Why? Because the show is paid for by large corporations by advertising. The country would be far better off with the Fairness Doctrine where everyone would be exposed to both sides of political issues.
I know that was true for a fact. As llong as television stations reported the news, they were fine but when they decided to start doing editorials on the news casts, they were required to give broadcast time to someone on the other side of the issue. The station was WHTN (which was right-wing) and the editorials where on Friday night and they always followed them up with an offer of time for anyone that wanted to respond and many ordinary people took them up on the offer.
Fox News may have two people but they are being paid to say the exact same thing. I believe it was a first for a television station to be an active member of Trump political campaign.
MSNBC used the former head of the Republican party as a panel member do you think Fox News ever had on a former head of the democratic party as a panel member? Oh, that right they never have panels, just indoctrinators.
When a station is founded by news people it one thing but when a station was founded by political operatives, we know they had one objective and that was to indoctrinate the gullible so they will vote Republican. They exposed nothing but the prejudices of the right.
The fact was that Trump was given 10 times as much air time as Clinton during the run up to the election. Tell me again how biased CNN was. The actual facts speak for themselves.
If you go to library there are 5 times more fiction books then those based on fact. CNN was set up as a 24-hour news station, but lies are always more attractive than the truth.
The right has been extreme from the time that Russian, Alissa Zinovievna Rosenbaum, define what the modern conservative movement was about. Most political movements have their roots in America but the roots of modern conservative movement are as Russian as it founders. She changed America but not for the better.
The guns purchased through private sales were already on the streets they don’t change the actual number of guns on the streets. The estimate place private gun sales at 22% of sales. We also know that since 1994 3 million people that were stopped from purchasing a gun out of that group 35% were felons. No doubt 70% of private sales went to felons.
According to Fox the figures are 50% for impeachment and 41% against. But that is a moot point Trump has been IMPEACHED all we are talking about now is his punishment. Trump is the only president in history to be impeached during his first term in office.
ISIS was the biggest threat to our national security since Hitler. Give them enough time and they would have built a movement far worse than we have seen in the last fifty years. It was religious based and there is nothing more dangerous on earth than a religious cult because they are true believers. ISIS was a hundred time worse than Al Qaeda.
ISIS was born of baby Bush’s invasion of Iraq, when you attack an innocent country for no reason that is what happens.
Bill O’Reilly has a new network that is no doubt worse than Fox. My mom had it on the other day. It looks like it is being filmed in someone back yard. They were running films about Hitler’s Germany. I don’t know whether it was for a role model or history lesson on what happens when the extreme right gets control of a country.

Tucker Carlson Goes There Again: Backs Russian Invasion Of ...

https://www.huffpost.com › entry › tucker-carlson-fox-news-russia-ukrain...

1. Cached
Dec 3, 2019 - Tucker Carlson Goes There Again: Backs Russian Invasion Of Ukraine ... apparently including Russia's invasion and annexation of Crimea.

Fox News' Tucker Carlson admits 'I'm rooting for Russia' |

Trevon was staying with his father fiancé.
A criminal court requires proof beyond a reasonable doubt but a civil court it is a preponderance of the evidence decides the case. A preponderance only requires, slightly more proof on one side. OJ was found innocent in criminal court of murder but guilty in civil court.
The lawsuit is being filed at the bequest of a film maker who is promoting his new film. The film maker has made a documentary showing that Elvis is still alive and Paul McCartney is dead and has been replaced by a clone. In other words, it is a publicity stunt.
I hope you noticed the words “insufficient evidence” that was for a criminal case the bar is much lower in a civil court.
It was not only the 9/11 dispatcher that told Zimmerman not follow people. The Police Department that set up the neighborhood watch instructed him not to follow people. The people that owned the apartment complex told him not to follow people. Zimmerman was on notice and he ignored the instructions.
If you found the link you have the quote.

Remington, Centuries-Old Gun Maker, Files for Bankruptcy as ...

https://www.nytimes.com › 2018/03/25 › business › remington-bankruptcy-...

Mar 25, 2018 - One of the oldest U.S. gun manufacturers borrowed heavily after the ... The move was expected amid the company's mounting debt and declining sales. ... After 20 children and six adults were killed in 2012 at Sandy Hook ...

Why Colt Can't Stay Out of Bankruptcy - Investopedia

https://www.investopedia.com › Business › Company Profiles

1. Cached
Jun 25, 2019 - Very few gun manufacturers have the kind of history that Colt has. ... So, what went wrong at an iconic company that made guns used to "win the West"? ... In fact, the company's first bankruptcy was in 1842, just six years after it ...

There is a couple.
The trouble most of the guns are owned by a small percentage of people.
Reply Fri 27 Dec, 2019 02:20 pm
What hurts this country now is people are not exposed to both sides of political arguments. You did not have this toxic partisan environment that we have now until Regan eliminates the Fairness Doctrine.

You would be lying if you think there was no toxic environment prior to the removal of the Fairness Doctrine. I've seen the one sided news coverage of Reagan from the 1970's and 80's, you are either lying or naive.

As long as people were exposed to both sides of a political argument, they were free to decide for themselves on each issue. People were free to considered each political issue on its merits.

People still have those same freedoms and they now have more choices for their news content. Prior to CNN, all we had were the local news and then the stuff coming from the big 3 networks. If you think they informed everyone, you would be sadly mistaken, partisanship has been around for a very long time. Prior to 1949, we never had such rules and the country was running just fine.

America is no longer like that people decide to join a political cult where all the political views are dictated by a political cult. Political parties now more closely resemble a religious cult where the head of the cult dictates how its members think.

This is why I'm a registered Independent, and you are still part of the DNC, you love your cult.

News papers had editorial boards that were both Republican and Democrat and you knew which was which but that nothing like the far-right radical Fox News that was a full participant in Trump campaign.

Far right radical Fox News... that's funny considering CNN, MSNBC, NBC, ABC and CBS are all run by the left. Hell, Mark Zucker who runs CNN has already said he wants to run for political office as a Dem. You haven't seen such bias out of Fox News. CNN even took the time to make sure they handed off debate questions to Hillary Clinton.

I know that was true for a fact. As llong as television stations reported the news, they were fine but when they decided to start doing editorials on the news casts, they were required to give broadcast time to someone on the other side of the issue.

I didn't doubt this claim, it was the claim that anyone could go on the air and rebut a claim. You know damn well they never let average Americans on to refute anything, it was left to the political operatives or the "people in the know".

There is no such thing as a left-wing press and there never will be.

You are either lying or being naive.

There is a corporate press which is owned by big corporations and is about as opposite left-wing political philosophy as possible. /quote]
I'm beginning to think you are naive.

Where is the left-wing Rush Limbaugh?

You mean Ed Shultz, Thom Hartman, Randi Rhodes, Mario Solis Marich, Stephanie Miller or The Ring of Fire radio show? Those left-wing radio hosts? I didn't have to look all these people up, I used to listen to them when there was leftist radio here in Denver. The only reason such radio has failed to take root is because left-wing radio just doesn't do well and it's unpopular.

Fox News may have two people but they are being paid to say the exact same thing. I believe it was a first for a television station to be an active member of Trump political campaign.

Who said anything about 2 people? I'm not talking about paid contributors, those aren't the opposing sides I'm talking about, those are paid hacks. I'm talking about when there is real news with some opposing views, they will bring on the person behind the story and someone else who has a different opinion and neither of them are paid by Fox News.

I believe it was a first for a television station to be an active member of Trump political campaign.

Haha, is that what you call not being 100% negative about Trump all the time? They had plenty of negative reporting against Trump, just not to the same level as the other Clinton fan networks.

MSNBC used the former head of the Republican party as a panel member do you think Fox News ever had on a former head of the democratic party as a panel member?

Michael Steel? If I recall, he was anti-Trump, so much for a balanced panel. As for having any heads of the former DNC on, they have mostly been active politicians and refused to appear on Fox News because they knew they wouldn't get the softball questions they get from the DNC friendly MSNBC and CNN. Also the former head of the DNC had to step down the week of the convention because of several scandals including the CNN question hand off prior to the debate.

To be fair, they do have the former head currently working for Fox, Donna Brazile is a paid contributor. What I find funny about that, is that she was also the one who gave Hillary the questions... If you haven't figured it out by now, they are all a big scam.

Oh, that right they never have panels, just indoctrinators.

If you consider a panel to be people all saying the same thing, then that is indoctrination. I'd rather watch two people with opposing views than a panel of 5 with one opinion.

When a station is founded by news people it one thing but when a station was founded by political operatives, we know they had one objective and that was to indoctrinate the gullible so they will vote Republican.

You mean like Bloomberg News? You know he has prevented his "news station/paper" from any investigation of him or his DNC fellow candidates during the election. Does that sound non-bias? News stations or papers are not started by journalists, they are started by businessmen who hire the "journalists" who write for the paper.

The fact was that Trump was given 10 times as much air time as Clinton during the run up to the election.

It was all negative press, the MSM was trying to destroy him. If you compared favorable coverage on the standard liberal MSM, you will see it was almost 100% positive for Hillary as well as the cover they provided her when she was caught falling down several times. They protected Hillary at all costs and they everything they had at Trump, including hot mic events. He still won. A good portion of the electorate are no longer falling for the leftist campaign tricks and are ignoring them. It's sad really because it has turned into a "party who cried wolf", they have used the same tactics so many times over the last couple of decades, it will be ignored when someone really is a threat. I made the same warning to GOP people and their constant anger of everything Obama did.

Tell me again how biased CNN was. The actual facts speak for themselves.

As noted, when you report 100% negative coverage of one candidate and cover-up stories for the other candidate, it shows plenty of bias. Did you read what Bloomberg was doing with his paper and news channel during the election? No investigations of him or the DNC candidates, but Trump is fair game. Yeah, no bias there from a news paper/channel.

If you go to library there are 5 times more fiction books then those based on fact. CNN was set up as a 24-hour news station, but lies are always more attractive than the truth.

Libraries have nothing to do with news reporting and the bias from the left. More distraction from you.

The right has been extreme from the time that Russian, Alissa Zinovievna Rosenbaum, define what the modern conservative movement was about.

It's funny when you try to equate your lies about the Conservative movement to the anti-Communist movement. You being a supporter of socialism of course have to try and tar and feather the people who push your lies back into your face.

You have no idea what the Conservative movement was or is about, you are a big govt liberal who wants to see an end to states rights and the end of the Constitution.

Most political movements have their roots in America but the roots of modern conservative movement are as Russian as it founders. She changed America but not for the better.

Ayn Rand spoke out against the scourge of socialism/communism. She was also anti-religion, you should love her just for that. Leftists who try and discredit those who speak out against communism, always crack me up.

The guns purchased through private sales were already on the streets they don’t change the actual number of guns on the streets.

Pointless throw away statement that means nothing. Try again.

The estimate place private gun sales at 22% of sales. We also know that since 1994 3 million people that were stopped from purchasing a gun out of that group 35% were felons. No doubt 70% of private sales went to felons.

Who estimates what? This is another one of your bogus stats with zero proof or evidence to back it up. How can you quote these things with nothing to prove you aren't talking out your ass?

According to Fox the figures are 50% for impeachment and 41% against. But that is a moot point Trump has been IMPEACHED all we are talking about now is his punishment. Trump is the only president in history to be impeached during his first term in office.

Those polls were from 2 weeks ago, what do they say now? Much like the MSM polls, support for the fake impeachment is dropping and is turning against the Dems. 2020 is going to be ugly for the DNC, you are going to cry for months.

ISIS was the biggest threat to our national security since Hitler.

That isn't even close to the truth, they were never a major threat to the US. Well they were a treat when Obama wasn't doing background checks on "refugees" and ISIS fighters were hiding in the civilian population, that was a danger to the US. ISIS was no threat, they were worried about creating their Muslim religious dictatorship.

Give them enough time and they would have built a movement far worse than we have seen in the last fifty years.

You are giving them way to much credit. I can see you were hooked by Obama's lies.

It was religious based and there is nothing more dangerous on earth than a religious cult because they are true believers. ISIS was a hundred time worse than Al Qaeda.

Only in their violence to non-believers. They did nothing else new that the Taliban did when they were coming to power, blowing up old Buddhist statues was my first introduction to the Taliban. Much like the American left, ISIS and the Taliban went around destroying histories they didn't agree with and erasing them from existence. That's what power hungry leftists do.

ISIS was born of baby Bush’s invasion of Iraq, when you attack an innocent country for no reason that is what happens.

ISIS was a full on creation of Obama's foreign policies. He couldn't wait to get troops out of the ME and claim a victory. In the process he fully armed ISIS with US weapons and technology and then they went on a holy war across Iraq and into Syria. Of which Obama then had to try and fix his own mistake by sending arms and troops to Syria. Sorry to tell you, but ISIS was an Obama invention and excuse to drop more bombs than Bush did and also use drones more than Bush did. Obama was called the bomber/droner in chief.

Bill O’Reilly has a new network that is no doubt worse than Fox.

Bias much? I'll be honest, I lost respect for him back during the 2008 DNC convention. He got the chance to interview and left-wing liar, Michael Moore and he hyped the interview for days. When it was finally time to lay into Mr. Moore, he did nothing but throw him softball questions. He was done with me from that point forward.

My mom had it on the other day. It looks like it is being filmed in someone back yard.

In this day and age, that actually doesn't mean much. You can find a lot better coverage of the news on Youtube sometimes, much less corporate spin and favoritism. It also forces you to be more selective about what you watch, instead of just accepting what the corporate overloads tell you.

They were running films about Hitler’s Germany. I don’t know whether it was for a role model or history lesson on what happens when the extreme right gets control of a country.

More revisionist history from the left. Hitler was a leftist, anytime you want more power for the govt and less power for the people, that is a leftist stance. Just because they favored "nationalism" doesn't make them right wing. Right wing doesn't mean more govt power, it supports the opposite. Hence the reason why your claims about the "modern conservative movement" are such a joke.

Tucker Carlson Goes There Again: Backs Russian Invasion Of ...

https://www.huffpost.com › entry › tucker-carlson-fox-news-russia-ukrain...

1. Cached
Dec 3, 2019 - Tucker Carlson Goes There Again: Backs Russian Invasion Of Ukraine ... apparently including Russia's invasion and annexation of Crimea.

Fox News' Tucker Carlson admits 'I'm rooting for Russia' |

You will have to excuse me if I don't believe anything that comes from the Huff post, one of the most leftist mags in the US. Arianna Huffington is one of those people that when her political affiliation changed, so did the news coverage of the news organization she owned.

Trevon was staying with his father fiancé.

This is the 3rd time you have said someone different he was staying with. I've said from the start that it wasn't his families house, it belonged to his dad's girlfriend. Took you 3 weeks or more to finally admit the truth.

It was not only the 9/11 dispatcher that told Zimmerman not follow people. The Police Department that set up the neighborhood watch instructed him not to follow people. The people that owned the apartment complex told him not to follow people. Zimmerman was on notice and he ignored the instructions.

You have a habit of making things up when you get proven wrong. You know like he was staying with his Uncle...

If you found the link you have the quote.

Speaking of quotes, it would be nice to know what you are talking about. I checked the post you are replying to and there is nothing in that post that relates to what you said.

The trouble most of the guns are owned by a small percentage of people.

Still waiting for you to prove this one. Thankfully our Rights have never depended on how "popular" they are.


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