The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Tue 10 Dec, 2019 11:52 pm
No matter how many ways they come at you if you have not done anything wrong there is nothing they can do. I have been investigated and it occupied the Police Department for a couple of weeks. Even though there were a lot of things going on in town I knew that I didn’t have anything to do with them. It never bothered me that I was investigated. I never lost any sleep over it. If I was guilty like Trump it would worry the hell out of me. That is why he is angry.
For any society to survive it has to have rules and no one can be above the law.
Unfortunately, there are many so called news sites which have no interest in the news, they are political propaganda sites and there only purpose is the spread of political propaganda. Political operatives found out, after the Fairness Doctrine was eliminated, that political literature was pretty much ignored but if you could label it news people would eat it up. It was easy to buy up old failing news paper and proclaim that political propaganda is news. The gullible never check a source they will believe anything in print or on television. There is more false information published in America now than any time in history. There are very few reliable sources in America now but when you read a story the facts should be the same in every source.
No one who is innocent has anything to fear from an investigation. Whistle blowers are protected by law and there have been many whistle blowers have been richly rewarded for their trouble. No one on the left as threatened the major broadcasting companies with taking their license. Trump is the first pathological liar to become president and he wants the news media to swear it is the god’s honest truth every time he lies to American people.
Left wing news media is a total myth. The companies that own the main stream news media are some of the biggest corporations in the world. They have their own agenda and it is to benefit the corporations. The reporters are just employees and must do what their bosses say like everyone else. Their agenda is far from left wing. Why are there no national left-wing radio shows? Because they fail to get enough sponsors because the sponsors have a right-wing agenda. If there was actually a real left-wing media it would be far different and support left-wing political ideas. Trump and other billionaires would be paying 93% income tax like they did in 50s. There is just a corporate media and a right-wing media in America today.
Earlier this year they showed one chain of 50 television stations reporting the very same right-wing pitch on all of the stations. They showed the news caster on each station repeating the exact same phrase. It would not matter what political affiliation they were, if they wanted to keep their job, they would read it as written by the order of owner of the stations. Do you think people rich enough to own a chain of televisions stations are left-wing?
The “Heller decision” and that is at least the 10th time I have posted that.
It does not change the meaning of the statemen, “a right to keep and bear arms. As long as you have an arm to bear that right has been met in full. You can have your militia armed with BB guns.
The armed right wing-nuts would overthrow the government every 20 years are so if they had access to enough armament. Like it or not the second amendment is as it is written and it is much too late to rewrite it.
Next time post a copy of the original Bill of Rights and it will show you are wrong, again.
I have absolutely no problem with granting the second amendment as it is written not imagined.
I charged people in court I know the difference. If a teenager steals a car, which is a felony, then you have no problem with stripping him of all his rights. When it says shall not be infringed that means that you can’t take someone planning a mass murderer’s AR-15 until after the massacre.
I have no problem with the second amendment as long as it is enforced as written.
Do you know who makes the laws? The definition is the correct definition. It is ludicrous to believe that two identical assault weapons that one is assault weapon and the other is not because one has an option and the other does not.
In many mass shootings no one is even killed but massacres kill up to 59 and wound over 500 it is a completely different problem.
That is a lie and you know it, there are over 40,000 deaths caused by guns each year. That is the highest amount of people killed by guns in 38 years.
This evening they ran a story of a vet with PSD who used M-16 in a mass shooting. Since the incident was filmed you hear the automatic gun fire as it completely riddled the vet’s apartment with holes and held off police for hours. The vet went into his bathroom and got into the tub and used his surveillance system to shoot at police. I thought you said they could not get an M-16 from the army. These automatics are out there and the converted AR-15s. I watched another story where they took converted assault weapons. There is no fantasy to it you might ask the cops who had to find away to stop a gun nut with an M-16
They don’t need a study to see that deaths caused by guns is at a 38-year high all they need do is count the bodies. They don’t need to imagine them but maybe they were just gun owners defending themselves. The supreme court has already laid the ground work for an all-out ban on assault weapons. In New Zeeland it only took one massacre of 50 people and in days assault weapons were banned. It seems massacres were not considered a fair price for someone to go bang, bang. Unlike the CDC study we have actual dead bodies to count so there is no doubt.
The army uses those weapons of war for a reason they were designed to fight wars with not be on the streets.
Abortion would have to be prohibited in the constitution which it is not. The constitution does not list all the things you can do. You notice the difference in gun rights which were limited to an arm to bear.
Abortion rights were not limited by the constitution unlike gun rights.
Then you will agree that you do not have a right to any weapon whatsoever for any reason whatsoever since that is how the supreme court ruled.
The Harvard study shows that 79% of Americans no longer own a gun.
The Heller decision shows you the direction gun control is headed and it will be the foundation of a thousand gun control laws.
Reply Wed 11 Dec, 2019 01:01 pm
No matter how many ways they come at you if you have not done anything wrong there is nothing they can do.

That just isn't the case, they can cost you thousands and thousands of dollars to defend yourself. People who are innocent are put in the poor house all the time because of the cost of lawyers to defend themselves from pointless investigations.

If I was guilty like Trump it would worry the hell out of me. That is why he is angry.

Trump isn't guilty and he has a right to be angry about false accusations and the lies about his campaign. You really would fit right in with an authoritarian govt wouldn't you. Talk about boot lickers.

For any society to survive it has to have rules and no one can be above the law.

We have enough rules in our society and I don't think repeating laws is doing any good. It would also appear that DNC politicians are above the law and can lie in the House chambers to the American people, it applies in the Senate as well.

Unfortunately, there are many so called news sites which have no interest in the news, they are political propaganda sites and there only purpose is the spread of political propaganda.

So you have read Vox and Buzzfeed... 2 of the biggest "news sites" that leftists claim to get their news from.

There are very few reliable sources in America now but when you read a story the facts should be the same in every source.

Except that spin is always put on news stories. Look at the Dayton Mass shooter, the spin was to hide his leftist political affliation and the opposite was true with the El Paso shooter, they made sure everyone knew the political bent of the shooter. A vast majority of the news is phrased this way.

No one who is innocent has anything to fear from an investigation.

That just isn't true, as I noted above. You can be innocent and put in the poor house defending yourself.

Whistle blowers are protected by law and there have been many whistle blowers have been richly rewarded for their trouble.

The only protection they have in the law is from retrubution in the work place. Unlike the MSM keeping the whistle blower secret, there is no privacy protections for whistle blowers.

You should also be aware that the last President to prosecute a whistle blower was Obama.

No one on the left as threatened the major broadcasting companies with taking their license.

Except Obama has several reporters spied on, had their phones tapped and emails hacked...

Trump is the first pathological liar to become president and he wants the news media to swear it is the god’s honest truth every time he lies to American people.

Haha, all politicians are pathological liars, it comes with the job description. What he actually wants is fair reporting, which the media has failed to do since he started to run for President.

The “Heller decision” and that is at least the 10th time I have posted that.

What exactly in the Heller decision makes you think you are correct? I've been waiting for a sourse but you have failed to actually provide a source. The Heller decision was pretty clear that citizens have the right to own weapons. The anti-gun crowd failed and yet you want to claim that a winning decision for gun owners was really a win for the anti-gun crowd? Post your source or give it up.

It does not change the meaning of the statemen, “a right to keep and bear arms.

Shall not be infringed, you keep forgetting the rest of the sentence. Except you do that on purpose to change the meaning of the 2nd Amendment.

As long as you have an arm to bear that right has been met in full. You can have your militia armed with BB guns.

You would be wrong, the purpose of the 2nd Amendment was in the event our govt needed to be overthrown. The FF knew it wouldn't happen unless the populace were equally armed as the govt.

The armed right wing-nuts would overthrow the government every 20 years are so if they had access to enough armament. Like it or not the second amendment is as it is written and it is much too late to rewrite it.

You keep living in that gun fever dream. It seems your own imagination is what drives your anti-gun stance, not actual knowledge or facts.

Next time post a copy of the original Bill of Rights and it will show you are wrong, again.

I've only ever post the original Bill of Rights, not some imagined version you seem to think exists. You just can't handle being proven wrong, over and over again.

I have absolutely no problem with granting the second amendment as it is written not imagined.

Yes you actually do. You seem to think the simple writting of the Amendment says there is a right to restrict the Amendment, which is false because the Amendment actually has the phrase "Shall not be infringed". You are all about infringement and not about what it actually says. Remember you were trying to originally claim that the right only belonged to the militia, but this was proven false, just like everything you claim about guns.

I charged people in court I know the difference.

You charged people with building violations, don't make yourself out to be something your not. You didn't have LEO powers, you could not arrest anyone, you wrote a ticket and people showed up in court.

When it says shall not be infringed that means that you can’t take someone planning a mass murderer’s AR-15 until after the massacre.

Keep living in the gun fever dream. You are such an extremist, that's it not even funny.

I have no problem with the second amendment as long as it is enforced as written.

There are no restrictions on the 2nd Amendment as written, it says shall not be infringed.

Do you know who makes the laws?

What sort of stupid question is that? What does it have to do with your claim that there were experts consulted on the old AWB, and you failing to provide proof that experts were consulted.

The definition is the correct definition. It is ludicrous to believe that two identical assault weapons that one is assault weapon and the other is not because one has an option and the other does not.

If one has an option that the other doesn't, then they are not identical. Identical means they are exactly the same. If one has a selective fire switch and the other doesn't, then they are no identical. You are really bad at this aren't you.
Since you like to make up definitions of words, I thought I would post this for you:
Identical: similar in every detail; exactly alike.

In many mass shootings no one is even killed but massacres kill up to 59 and wound over 500 it is a completely different problem.

There was one incident like this, you want people to think something like this happens everday. Give it up, the propaganda isn't working for you.

That is a lie and you know it, there are over 40,000 deaths caused by guns each year. That is the highest amount of people killed by guns in 38 years.

The lie is trying to confuse suicides with murders. 60+ percent of those 40k were people killing themselves. The deaths are not caused by guns, it is caused by people. Do you blame knifes for knife crimes or the people who use the knifes? You are also not being honest about the number of deaths when broken down by the weapon used, of the 40k only 297 were murders with rifles of any kind, not just the scary looking ones you don't like.

That is the highest amount of people killed by guns in 38 years.

More claims with zero source, I'm not surprised. What you don't mention is that crime has been on the decline for the last 20 years now, even though there are more guns then ever, about 400,000,000 guns in the US, more than the population. You have also failed to provide any proof of your claim about gun ownership.

This evening they ran a story of a vet with PSD who used M-16 in a mass shooting.

Where did this happen, I tried doing a search for this claim and came up empty, zero news stories to back this up.

Since the incident was filmed you hear the automatic gun fire as it completely riddled the vet’s apartment with holes and held off police for hours.

I've found several stories of Vets in a standoff with police, but zero mention of the weapons used. You seem to be making things up again to push more propaganda.

I thought you said they could not get an M-16 from the army.

You can't. The only automatic guns that can be legally owned are those made prior to 1986 and then you have to have a federal stamp to have the gun.

These automatics are out there and the converted AR-15s.

Yes, automatics are out there, but they are usually owned by rich people, who can afford the minimum $15k price tag. As for converted AR's, you still haven't provided any proof that the conversion is as easy as you claim, let along it only takes 3 parts.

I watched another story where they took converted assault weapons. There is no fantasy to it you might ask the cops who had to find away to stop a gun nut with an M-16

What you are claiming to watch is actually a TV show or a movie. No converted or fully automatic rifles have been used in a mass shooting. ZERO

They don’t need a study to see that deaths caused by guns is at a 38-year high all they need do is count the bodies.

More claims with zero facts in evidence.

In New Zeeland it only took one massacre of 50 people and in days assault weapons were banned.

Haha, the law was passed but few people actually turned in their guns. It's estimated that there were 175,000 semi-auto rifles in NZ and so far they have maybe 30k... I would call that a failure. Much like would happen here in the US, people will not comply.

Unlike the CDC study we have actual dead bodies to count so there is no doubt.

Begs the CDC to do a study, the study comes out not in anti-gunners favor, and they call the study trash.

The army uses those weapons of war for a reason they were designed to fight wars with not be on the streets.

None of the US military services use the AR-15, they use the selective fire M-16 and M-4. In fact those weapons are being phased out in the military in favor of a new rifle, so the military doesn't really use them anymore.

Abortion would have to be prohibited in the constitution which it is not.

Abortion isn't listed in any of the Founding documents, according to you, if it isn't written down, it isn't a right.

The constitution does not list all the things you can do.

You sure are switching your story around to fit your views. You have claimed if it isn't written down in a "contract" then it doesn't exist. Now all of a sudden, our Rights don't have to be written down? The worm has turned.

You notice the difference in gun rights which were limited to an arm to bear.

I notice that there is no limitation in the Constitution on the 2nd Amendment when it comes to guns, Shall not be infringed.

Abortion rights were not limited by the constitution unlike gun rights.

Abortion isn't listed in the Constitution, how can it be Constitutional? You have claimed for pages and pages that in order for something to be Constitutional, it has to be listed in the Constitution. Guns are listed in the Constitution with the phrase "Shall not be infringed". Abortion isn't listed anywhere and therefor according to you, it would be unconstitutional, it's not in the contract...

Then you will agree that you do not have a right to any weapon whatsoever for any reason whatsoever since that is how the supreme court ruled.

The SCOTUS never ruled on that. They ruled we had the right to own guns in accordance with the purpose of the 2nd Amendment.

The Harvard study shows that 79% of Americans no longer own a gun.

You have failed to provide any such proof of such a study.

The Heller decision shows you the direction gun control is headed and it will be the foundation of a thousand gun control laws.

There are already 1000 gun control laws that don't work,what makes you think limiting our Rights will improve things? Anti-Americanism at it's best.

Reply Thu 12 Dec, 2019 12:13 am
Timothy McVeigh was a life long member of the NRA who believes that if the government does something you do not like that you should overthrow the government. That is not far for your justification for having weapons of war on the streets if the government does something you don’t like you need those weapons of war to overthrow the government. If someone is mentally ill, they act alone but in this case both Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nickols were both convicted for the Oklahoma City bombing. Timothy McVeigh was not mentally ill he was brain washed by the NRA into believing if you didn’t like what the government did then you were entitled to overthrow the government. McVeigh and Nickols were designated as domestic terrorist. Your mind set is far closer to McVeigh than you realize because it has the same source, the teaching of the NRA.
You can’t get around the 168 dead bodies in Oklahoma City bombing and the NRA justification for filling the streets with assault weapons to overthrow the government just in case they don’t like what the government is doing. The mind set is the same and the Oklahoma City bombing grew out of that mind set.
You have used that justification for citizens owning weapons of war over and over again and the NRA does the same. According to the gun nut bible citizens need weapons of war to overthrow the government. That is their main justification. The only problem is who decides when
to overthrow the government? I get it is an individual decision like McVeigh and Nickols. Who decides when those constitutional requirements have been met? I see anyone with an assault weapon will decide.
A right to keep and bear arms was never intended to be a license to overthrow the government.
What do you think terrorist are trying to do? Their intent is to overthrow the government they don’t like. That is why the term terrorist is used instead of just mass murderer. Terrorist have a political agenda. McVeigh was upset with the government actions in Waco.
The right-wing hate groups have more than doubled during Trump’s term in office. Just this week there was another attack on Jews in New Jersey and I looked for Trump to say they were fine people on both sides like he did of the Virginia killing by terrorists. The KKK and the Neo Nazis are Trumps most loyal supporters. The facts say otherwise and he is a racist bigot. I am reading Omarosa’s book and she tells how Trump referred to a black contestant on the apprentice as “uppity.” Trump openly discriminated against blacks and refused to have blacks in his apartments. Blacks were told there were no vacant apartments but he had slum properties where blacks were welcome. The Federal Government convicted him on those charges. The court decided that there is absolutely no doubt Trump is a racist and bigot.
There were 22 killed in El Paso by a Trump quoting mass murderer how many were killed at the ICE demonstrations? None. I thought so. They showed people lying in the floor dying of the flue and nothing was done. There have been several children die at those camps +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Trump has done that several times. At one of hiss rallies in Florida he egged the crowd on as they decided the solution to the illegal alien would be the same as Hitler ultimate solution for the Jews.

“People are Angry President Trump Used this Word to Describe Undocumented Aliens.”

If a gun is laying around children are going to find it and it has already happened in at least one school. If people can leave a baby in their car all day, they can sure leave their gun laying around. Sorry that is a fact it has already happened just because you can’t imagine it happening doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.
The ninth grader did in fact find the gun and wander around school with it. I already gave you the source article.
I don’t know how many times I have to list the same source before you find it.
“Arming Teachers has Already led to a Slew of Gun Accidents”

Mother Jones
I posted that source on at least two occasions you just don’t bother to read them.
If you cannot find the source this time, I will not bother to post it again. If you would bother to do a search you would have no trouble finding any article.
Very good analogy if you leave your baby in a car it is likely to die, if you leave your gun laying around someone is likely to die. Same degree
of risk.
A gun is something someone grabs in anger and there were very few of my teachers who were immune from anger. Like the cop said he would leave the building screaming if teachers had guns. They would be shooting each other. Just as at that one college when the professor didn’t get tenure, she bought her gun and tried to kill the rest of the professors. She had killed her brother when she was a teenager her family knew the police chief and got it ruled an accidental shooting. Teachers have no problem with killing people when their angry. Put a gun within reach and the killing will start.
The killings with gun are not opinions they are facts.
The article is listed in this post and there were thirty-gun related incidents with armed teachers or security guards when the article was written May of 2018 you can bet it has more than doubled by now.
The article is listed in this post but I will bet there is a more recent article showing at least a hundred teacher/gun incidents.
Projection must be a new word for you because it is evident you don’t know the meaning of the word.
I would say most murders are done because someone was angry. For you to believe the same principal does not apply to teachers is absurd. The real world does not end when you enter a school the same principals still apply.
If I was you, I would search for any article to get as much information from other sources as possible. I always check your sources because they are questionable and probably being posted by the Russians.

In just two massacres a 109 people were killed and there are massacres happening frequently now. There is something wrong with that 297 figure because there were probably 20,000 suicides with long guns. Assault weapons have been defined under the law and selective fire switch has nothing to do with it.
Mass shootings are defined in one way and that is a shooting where four or more people are killed or wounded. For instance, El Paso would be both a mass murder and a mass shooting. There were 22 killed and 24 wounded. Were four or more people killed or wounded? That makes it a mass shooting. The definition of a mass murder is four or more killed so it would be a mass murder also.
The definition is as I stated it your only difference is that the shooter(s) are not counted toward the total. It does not list exemptions for getting a parking ticket or other crimes.
Reply Fri 13 Dec, 2019 12:21 am
Polls are usually accurate to a few percentage points. Billions are spent on polls each year. While some questions can be shaped to affect the answer to the question a straight up answer to do you own a gun is straight forward.
When I visit my uncle house the first thing he does is get out his gun collection to show off his guns. Like most gun owners he is extremely proud of his collection. When someone comes to my house, I like to show off my collection of sports cars. No doubt my uncle shows off his gun collection to most of his visitors. My uncle is safe from being robbed because he deals a lot of guns some with the local mob who has made it known to the criminal element to leave him alone. A Harvard study would be valid proof anywhere.
Permits of any kind are public record and can be obtained with a freedom of information request what the person who obtained that information choses to do with it is up to them. That is the law of the land like it or not. I think that map would be like the child molester’s map and would tip parents off who do not want their children in houses where they might be accidently shot.

I lived in a quiet middleclass neighborhood when I was first married and we thought nothing of letting my daughter ride her bike a quarter mile or so. Most of the houses were nice and well kept up but there was one old trailer on a nearby street. One day the girl friend of the guy in the trailer was gunned down in broad daylight in the front yard. When the police got into the trailer there were all kinds of bullet holes in the end of the trailer all long with naked pictures of the gun nut with his teenage daughter. This gun nut was target practicing shooting his gun in the trailer. The story was that the daughter killed the girl friend in an argument over using the car. The neighbors always believed he killed her and his daughter took the fall because she would not do as much time. The trailer was towed off but a few years later the guy built a home on the property with the help of a republican councilman. The neighbors were outraged he was back in the neighborhood. Strangely enough the house soon burnt down. He never came back after that. A map of gun owners would have tipped the neighbors off and children would not be allowed within a block of that home.
Again, that is a case of wishful reading on your part. You listen to far too many spin doctors. Do you know for instance that Fox News took an active part in Trump’s campaign sending him daily talking points and analyzing the speeches of opponents? If NBC or ABC had done the same for Clinton the republicans would be outraged. Fox News has nothing to do with the news it is simply another campaign information outlet. Trump remark “That there were both fine people on both sides was directed at the KKK and the Neo-Nazis. It caused even Jewish members of the Trump cabinet to threaten to quit over Trump’s remarks calling the KKK and Neo-Nazis “fine people.” Trump was addressing the people involved in the Charlottesville riot. That was the KKK and the Neo-Nazis. That was a main Trump voting block and he can’t afford to offend them. The Neo-Nazis and the KKK celebrated Trump’s remarks.
It has been the rich land owners and people like Trump that caused the illegal immigration problem. Without those illegal aliens Americans would starve top death because the crops would root in the fields without millions of illegals aliens to pick the crops. Are you going to take a job picking crops for 50 cents an hour? This is nothing more than white racism the KKK could never do better in the old south it was the blacks who were going to take over.
Trump does not hire many Americans at his golf courses and resorts he goes out of the way to hire illegals and the word gets around. Trump personal maid at his New Jersey golf course was an illegal alien. When she and others were hired the submitted obvious fake papers and were told not worry about it. Later they were told they would have to have better forgeries and were directed to a place to get them but it was going to be expensive. The illegals told the Trump officials they could not afford them on what Trump paid. The Trump official told them they would loan them the money. This happens over and over at Trump properties. Trump pretends to be the anti-immigration president but when it comes to his businesses, he is pro-illegal immigration. It is not personal it just all about the bottom line. The illegals that ran the bull dozier to build Trump’s golf course worked for a tiny fraction of what an American heavy equipment makes. Hiring illegals is against the law but the funny things is Trump is never prosecuted.

The way to stop illegal aliens is to prosecute the rich businesses owner who hire them. The illegals come here for the jobs. Put the people who own the massive farms in jail. That is how you end illegal immigration.
When Trump send ICE to all of his businesses, I would believe he is cracking down otherwise you knowing he is just lying as usual.
It was his dad’s finance’s apartment that is much closer than girlfriend.
Whether it was 12 or 17 Travon was a child and Zimmerman was a criminal stalking a child after dark. That should be a crime in itself.
When someone is being followed at night there is really only one motive. Zimmerman is a known criminal and he is not going to do what the police department tells him to do. Someone following anyone at night is asking for it. If the situation had been reversed and when Zimmerman was followed and caused the confrontation then when the fight takes place and Travon is getting beat-up he pulls the guns and blows Zimmerman away Travon would have been convicted of murder. There will be no stand your ground law for blacks if the killed whites.
It is never a recommendation from the police department they don’t do suggestions they give orders. The order is for your own good as Zimmerman soon found out.
I don’t even like being followed in the daytime in a car let alone at night walking. As you come out of town the road narrows from two lanes to one. It is clearly marked that the left lane ends and there is a no passing sign a quarter mile before it narrows. The idiots always run it and try to force their way in where the left lane ends. You end up with a lot of road rage there if they can’t run you out of the road. I will give a little but I am not going off the road and I will take the lane back. A guy in a pickup thought he would force me out of the road. It didn’t happen and he was angry and followed me when I turned off on to a narrow one lane road. I knew the road by heart and got away from him and turned my van around and was waiting on him when he came over the hill. That old 400 would really roll. I thought I will see how good he is at playing chicken. He came to a screeching halt and we had a conversation about who had the right away and about following me. He never followed me again.

In contracting field there are a disproportionate number of criminals and I don’t like to be followed.

Reply Sat 14 Dec, 2019 12:04 am
What do you think Zimmerman was doing? Prowlers or suspicious persons are generally handled by the police dept. Neighborhood watch organizations were set up to watch not stalk children. When you give a wife beater a gun and let him start stalking children it is a recipe for trouble. That wife beater was pretending to be a cop.
“Jennifer Lauer works in real estate, and was living in the Retreat at Twin Lakes at the time of the incident. Lauer testified she was in her living room watching Celebrity Apprentice with the volume up pretty high. Lauer testified she didn’t see anything because her blinds were closed, and her statements were based on what she heard. She heard voices in her backyard, but was unable make out any words or how many people were talking, but assumed it was two people due to the pattern. She said the sounds were coming from the left (north) outside her window. Lauer said the voices sounded flustered instead of confrontational.”

Source: Zimmerman trial transcript.

Other eyewitnesses place Zimmerman on top of the teenager. Yet other witnesses heard a loud argument with one loud aggressive voice and another meek voice. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
I know you feel you know more about what happened than the actual eyewitnesses on the scene.
And another expert witness will testify it didn’t happen that way. Expert witnesses are hired and paid to say what the defense or the prosecutor want to hear. If they don’t testify whatever the defense wants to hear they won’t be called as expert witnesses anymore. You have not watched many trials.

Dr Vincent Di Miao is a hired gun. He is an expert witness who is being paid handsomely by the defense to testify to what they want to hear.
Zimmerman was told repeatedly not to follow people but Zimmerman was a criminal who beats his wife and he is not going to listen. Professional boxers are not classed by height they are put into weight divisions. They don’t put boxers with some who weighs a lot more because it is not considered a fair fight. Zimmerman would not be able to fight in the same weight class even in a Golden Glove match.
You need to read the actual trial transcript. You are just reading the defense’s arguments.
When the neighborhood watch was set up the police department instructed them, they were not to follow people. The homeowner’s association also repeatedly told Zimmerman he was not to follow people. Otherwise you would have child molesters following children around.
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Witnesses confirm that it was Zimmerman that confronted Martin. Just let someone follow you at night at see how that works out. A month ago, one of our renters walked to a gas station/store after dark. He was followed and struck over the head and robbed. He just kept on walking see how that worked out.
The forensic expert was nothing more than a hired gun. You tell him what you want him to say and he will say it as long as he gets paid.

It is better than letting someone come up behind you and knock you unconscious and rob you. If a criminal is following you at night, and that is most likely who is following you at night, somethings wrong and Zimmerman is a criminal. It was Zimmerman that was there for the confrontation not Martin, he just went to the store.
Why do think Zimmerman was charged with beating his wife? Maybe he did not instigate the fight maybe he just knocked the hell out of her when she said something he didn’t like. You can bet the fight with Martin started the same way.
The neighbor who killed 3 of his neighbors used the stand your ground defense, had there been just one gun nut on the jury he would have walked.
Isn’t it funny how the whole world is always picking on poor Zimmerman? Here Zimmerman had a perfectly good chance to use his gun and he chickened out. I guess he only shoots unarmed children.
Reply Sat 14 Dec, 2019 10:52 pm
Thirty-thee states now have some form of a stand your ground law but the law has inspired so many killings that now ten states have introduced laws to repeal the stand your ground laws. But do you know who will be in the state houses stuffing the politician’ pockets with cash? The gun manufactures, stand your ground laws are very good for business.

At least 30 people are killed each month as a result of stand your ground laws.
No projecting necessary. In NASCAR they don’t call it cheating just a very close reading of the rules. In a close reading of the Stand your ground laws make it is very obvious that all one needs do is start a fight, then take your gun out of your pocket and kill them. The perfect murder done in public in front of a hundred witnesses and there is nothing anyone can do.
You have no clue as to what projections is. It is a good thing that 79% of Americans don’t own a gun.

“A couple was driving to a Huston mosque during Ramadan when they collided with another car. The person who hit their car pulled up alongside the couple, “Go back to Islam.” The husband opened his car door and stepped out. He was shot by the other driver in seconds. Months latera Harris County grand jury declined to indict the shooter for murder after he invoked the stand your ground law as a defense.

Source: “The Inherent Danger of Stand Your Ground Laws”
Zimmerman had been repeatedly told by police department and the Homer owners association “not to follow people.” Anytime one of these neighborhood watches is set up rule one is not to follow people. You violate the rule you should pay the price.
It is a matter of record.

Source: Democrats Pick Up Most House Seats in a Generation”: NPR
There is the link, read and weep.
Trump tells so many lies that even the internet cannot keep track of all of them. Since Trump’s tax plan was posted on the Internet and was later changed a link won’t do any good. As usual that information comes from a book that the information can’t be erased later. The Republican intent was to raise taxes on those making less than $50,000 by two percent but it was blocked in the end but many are now paying more income taxes under the Trump tax cut.

“Donald Trump wants to Eliminate Income Taxes for 31 million Americans”
Under the Trump plan a married couple first $50,000 would be tax exempt. This lie is how he got elected but the sad part is gullible think they got that tax cut.
You cannot provide a link to something once it is changed.
“America is Divided by Education”

Source: The Atlantic
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ That is the way the world you can take somebody to the truth, or the canceled Republican checks in this case, but you can’t make them believe the truth. This isn’t written by Democrats it is written by the people that worked for the Republicans in the 2016 election.

It makes no difference if they were married to Kermit the Frog, Fusion GPS was working for the Republicans when the report was written an only after the primary sold the information to the Democrats +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

Reply Mon 16 Dec, 2019 12:14 am
You are just cherry picking the statistics. There are far more people killed with long guns. To start with accidental shooting are ignored. Hunting accidents, which involve long guns, killed 486 people in 2017. Long guns are also a popular way to commit suicide, which is the murder of a human being. But the glaring problem is that assault weapons are the overwhelming choice of those who want to massacre as many people as possible as fast as possible. The typical first grader or a mall shopper would like to have at least as much of a sporting chance as a deer is given.
To you even 297 people is an acceptable cost to play with an assault weapon. If a whole class room of first graders is killed so what, you just want to play with a gun.
In England and Wales only 3% of homicides are done with guns while in America 73% of homicides are done with guns.
We are not worried about the vast majority shooting, as solutions will be much more complex. It is the massacre that we are trying to stop and the solution is simple, ban assault weapons. New Zealand had a major massacre killing 50 people. They banned assault weapons in a matter of day and that put an end to massacres in New Zealand. See how simple that is. In fact, New Zealand banned most semi-automatic weapons.
The gun manufacturers and the NRA have been spreading pointless death for years. A pointless fear might be a fear of ghosts but if you wake up in the morning and see the report of 59 people killed and 500 injured in massacre or you are a first grader and see where a class of first graders are massacred by a gun nut the fear is reasonable. Not everybody texts and it least you have the last clear chance to avoid a car accident. There is no way to avoid bullets come at you.
That is a comprehensive study done by the FBI. What more could you want?
Baby Bush could have prevented 9/11 but he was too busy vacationing on his ranch to even talk to Nation Security advisor. It was known that al Qaeda had already done a dry run with an airplane in Italy but baby Bush had no time to listen.
The problem with assault weapons is not that you cannot overthrow the government with them but that they make massacres possible.
Thing happen for a reason, action and reaction. In the 90s the republicans had submitted their plan to take over the Middle East, country by country and replace their government with a clone of our government. Imagine if countries in the middle east had a plan for the New Arab Century where they planned to replace our government and culture with one modeled on theirs and make our country Muslim. Do you think we might fight back or stand silently by? The republicans had a plan for a New American century and Baby Bush was finally there to implement it. They couldn’t fight bin Laden because they couldn’t find him. I would have been well past retirement age for the military by 9/11.
That is not a study that is a guesstimate and nothing more.

Crooks generally laugh at anybody who works for living. The chances for spending time in jail for most property crimes are remote. The local police department no longer bothers to even send a policeman out to make a report when an outbuilding or car is broken into. They tell you to call a clerk at the police department who will take a report over the phone. There is no effort to finger print or check the crime scene. There is only a 4% chance that the crook will get any jail time. I use to know the percentages of how many were caught and how many turned others in and got off, how many got home confinement and the few that went to jail. Crooks think you are a fool for working.
To start with crooks interested in stealing, break in when nobody is home. The penalty for home invasion is far more severe than simply burglary. There was a reason they went into that house when it was obvious someone was home. They could just as easily of held them at gun point and stolen anything they wanted. But they started beating the guy up. They had a score to settle with him. The score was so serious they didn’t take control of his wife and let her go get a gun. They were pretty distracted to do that. They were angry at him for a reason.
They could have taken control of the wife as soon as they came in the house but they didn’t because they were there to settle a score with her husband.
It is very obvious that they were not there to steal they had a score to settle with him. I read the story but there is more to it then what the victims are telling.
That is no surprise that it has been a month without finding anything most crimes are not solved. Do you think that if the victims had a stash of drugs, that they kept them after the police were called? Not a chance they would be flushed and there would be nothing left to find. If victim did not pay for his drugs there would be nothing left to find. Do you think the police will help the drug dealers collect their debt? Most shooting in America happen between criminals, except massacres.
The point is that you are trying to make it look like the only weapon that you can defend your home with is an AR-15 and that is not the case people defended their home long before the AR-15 was invented. Homesteaders held off tribes of Indians with primitive rifles. Now that was a home invasion.
Don’t worry you are never going to have to fight the government unless you think like Timothy McVeigh. You fight the government at the ballot box or working for your political party. If you put your mind to it you can make a difference.
The story had to do with a tax preparer’s office being robbed. The idiot got his AR-15 and started shooting through the walls without a clue what or who he was going to hit.
If they are rights they cannot be read as a restriction on government that is just the shadow not the substance.
Do you not understand that the constitution can be changed and the bill of rights is part of that constitution? In fact, we have changed that constitution in the past by adding amendments. If we can add we can take away.
Does someone that has been admitted to a mental institution get due process? No. The criminal is convicted of a felony but there is no due process on the question of owning a gun. If the second amendment can’t be infringed then it can’t be infringed for any reason. There is nothing in the amendment that stipulates how to go about stripping a person of their gun rights it simply says cannot be infringed.
Who wrote the bill of rights? The government.
That is exactly what I said. Did you read your source? The final version of the Declaration of Independence “unalienable.” The final version, which is the Declaration of Independence use unalienable. There was no doubt many other words that they considered throughout the Declaration of Independence but the final version only uses one.
A contract is often written by one party and the other party simply accepts it to make it valid. A lese is that way it is not negotiated the renter can sign or look elsewhere.

Reply Mon 16 Dec, 2019 01:09 pm
Timothy McVeigh was a life long member of the NRA who believes that if the government does something you do not like that you should overthrow the government.

Couple of points here.
1-Timothy McVeigh no more represents the NRA then the San Bernardino shooters represent Islam. Do you think these people represent the entirety of Islam?
2- It isn't what the NRA believes, it's what is actually written down in our Founding documents, we do have the right to overthrow a tyrannical/authoritarian govt. that was the purpose for having a 2nd Amendment, it had nothing to do with hunting.
It's funny how people like you love to talk about mass shootings, but fail to mention the shootings like this one. Always wanting to blame the "right" when it is actually spread out over many different belief systems.

That is not far for your justification for having weapons of war on the streets if the government does something you don’t like you need those weapons of war to overthrow the government.

See point 2 above.

It also isn't much different from what you have claimed here, killing the rich in the revolution, which you have claimed is perfectly ok.

If someone is mentally ill, they act alone but in this case both Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nickols were both convicted for the Oklahoma City bombing. Timothy McVeigh was not mentally ill he was brain washed by the NRA into believing if you didn’t like what the government did then you were entitled to overthrow the government.

The NRA brainwashed no one, the founding documents of our nation say we can overthrow the govt. You have already said you were ok with this as long as people are attacking and killing the rich people. Take your fake crap somewhere else.

McVeigh and Nickols were designated as domestic terrorist. Your mind set is far closer to McVeigh than you realize because it has the same source, the teaching of the NRA.

They were rightfully so considered domestic terrorists for what they did, but to say they were encourged by the NRA is a leftists anti-gun lie. As I have pointed out, our ability to overthrow the govt comes from our founding documents, not the NRA. The NRA fights to keep the 2nd Amendment, in the event we ever have to revolt.

You can’t get around the 168 dead bodies in Oklahoma City bombing and the NRA justification for filling the streets with assault weapons to overthrow the government just in case they don’t like what the government is doing. The mind set is the same and the Oklahoma City bombing grew out of that mind set.

You are just talking **** now, your propaganda won't work here.

You have used that justification for citizens owning weapons of war over and over again and the NRA does the same.

You are the only one here who claims the AR15 is a weapon of war. It isn't, not one single military in the world uses a semi-auto rifle for their soldiers. You don't have the faintest clue as to what you are talking about. The justification for overthrowing the govt isn't the NRA, it's the Declaration of Independence that is our justification.

A right to keep and bear arms was never intended to be a license to overthrow the government.

Actually yes it was. The FF had just fought a war of Independence, they knew it would have to be fought again, so they drafted the 2nd Amendment. You continue to prove you have never read the Federalist or anti-Federalist papers. If you had, you wouldn't be saying this stupid stuff, your US history is lacking in big ways. You take the communists interpretation of the Constitution, which is the Federal govt is supreme, which is exactly the opposite of what the FF were doing with the US.

What do you think terrorist are trying to do? Their intent is to overthrow the government they don’t like.

Terrorists by nature are not trying to overthrow govts, they are trying to induce fear into a population for political reasons. As has been pointed out before, not one single NRA member has been responsible for any mass shootings, ZERO!

The right-wing hate groups have more than doubled during Trump’s term in office.

No they haven't, and you have zero proof of your claims.

Just this week there was another attack on Jews in New Jersey and I looked for Trump to say they were fine people on both sides like he did of the Virginia killing by terrorists.

You are indeed the King of Propaganda, the shooting was committed by Hebrew Black Israelites, which are racist against anyone but themselves.
You also have the story wrong on the good people quote, what you claim is a lie and not the truth.

The KKK and the Neo Nazis are Trumps most loyal supporters.

That just isn't so, your propaganda is foolish.

The facts say otherwise and he is a racist bigot.

Leftist facts say this, not the real facts. If he's a racist, he's doing a horrible job by signing the First Step lawt as well as the EO on antisemitism from just the other day.

There were 22 killed in El Paso by a Trump quoting mass murderer how many were killed at the ICE demonstrations?

10 were killed by a Bernie support in Dayton OH, notice how you only point to mass shootings that fit your propaganda?

None. I thought so. They showed people lying in the floor dying of the flue and nothing was done. There have been several children die at those camps

Only one person has been killed, it was the attacker. There has also been 5 attacks on ICE facilities and lets not forget the deaths of cops. Your side has actually been more violent in the last few years than the Trump supporters.

They showed people lying in the floor dying of the flue and nothing was done.

There have been no photos taken of these facilities since the photo's taken during the Obama years showing kids in cages. You also have to remember, the most kids or adults can be held in these facilities is 20 days. No concentration camps here, only in the minds of the leftists. You didn't care when Obama had kids in cages and kids were dying. It's political for you and nothing more, if you cared about the illegals as you claim, you would open your house up and all that land you have. You won't because you don't have the courage of your convictions.

Trump has done that several times. At one of hiss rallies in Florida he egged the crowd on as they decided the solution to the illegal alien would be the same as Hitler ultimate solution for the Jews.

“People are Angry President Trump Used this Word to Describe Undocumented Aliens.”


Infest? This shows exactly why people are no longer trusting the media and it has it's lowest ratings in years, well everyone but Fox News, they lead the other news stations in viewers of all ages and colors.

If a gun is laying around children are going to find it and it has already happened in at least one school. If people can leave a baby in their car all day, they can sure leave their gun laying around. Sorry that is a fact it has already happened just because you can’t imagine it happening doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

More BS propaganda with no proof of your claims. You can keep repeating yourself, but until you come up with some links to your claims, it's all propaganda.

I would say most murders are done because someone was angry. For you to believe the same principal does not apply to teachers is absurd. The real world does not end when you enter a school the same principals still apply.

The only absurd claim is yours. I never said it wouldn't happen, I said people are not as bad as you claim them to be. You also only have issues with people when guns are involved, how many times have you shot at people because you were mad?

If I was you, I would search for any article to get as much information from other sources as possible.

If you think I post the first article I come across, you would be sadly mistaken.

I always check your sources because they are questionable and probably being posted by the Russians.

My sources are mainstream sources for the most part, you just disagree with what they say because you are a propagandist. I've posted claims from the CDC and other govt agencies, how could they be Russian?

A gun is something someone grabs in anger and there were very few of my teachers who were immune from anger.

Your teachers? You are talking about schools from the 60's... our schools of today are nothing like the schools of the 60's, let alone how the teachers act. If you had that many angry teachers, you shouldn't have been such an asshole. I've only ever seen 1 teacher get mad at the students, you seem to have pissed them all off. Maybe it's you!

In just two massacres a 109 people were killed and there are massacres happening frequently now.

No, they are not. Stop letting the MSM drag you around by your scared little nose. You want to take the largest mass shootings in US history and claim they happen all the time, the stars are not in your favor. In fact a majority of what you call mass shootings, are not even mass shootings. I've already debunked CNN's list of "school shootings".

There is something wrong with that 297 figure because there were probably 20,000 suicides with long guns. Assault weapons have been defined under the law and selective fire switch has nothing to do with it.

More claims with zero proof. The problem is murder is not suicide, they are 2 different things. 297 is the correct number of people killed with rifles.

Mass shootings are defined in one way and that is a shooting where four or more people are killed or wounded.

You would be wrong. You are using YOUR definition of a mass shooting. There was an article released last week talking about the definition and how there are many definitions.

Reply Mon 16 Dec, 2019 01:39 pm

I think you meant to say that most questions can be shaped to get a specific answer, like "Do you think we should have background checks?" The majority would say yes, they would also more than likely not know that background checks are already federal law. This type of answer would then be used by the anti-gun left to push for background checks, which already exist. Lately it's the push to get laws passed that don't allow spousal abusers to not have guns. The problem, this law already exists in federal law.

I think that map would be like the child molester’s map and would tip parents off who do not want their children in houses where they might be accidently shot.

You live in a fantasy world of gun violence to the extreme.

Again, that is a case of wishful reading on your part.

Wrong again, its wishful thinking on your side. His complete remarks, not filtered by the anti-Trump media:
Here's a more complete quote:

"You had some very bad people in that group, but you also had people that were very fine people, on both sides. ... I saw the same pictures as you did. You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of, to them, a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name. ... So you know what, it's fine. You're changing history. You're changing culture. And you had people — and I'm not talking about the neo-Nazis and the White nationalists, because they should be condemned totally — but you had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and White nationalists. Okay? And the press has treated them absolutely unfairly. Now, in the other group also, you had some fine people. But you also had troublemakers, and you see them come with the black outfits and with the helmets and with the baseball bats. You had a lot of bad people in the other group."

It has been the rich land owners and people like Trump that caused the illegal immigration problem. Without those illegal aliens Americans would starve top death because the crops would root in the fields without millions of illegals aliens to pick the crops. Are you going to take a job picking crops for 50 cents an hour? This is nothing more than white racism the KKK could never do better in the old south it was the blacks who were going to take over.

We have the technology to pick those crops without the use of human hands. In fact very few crops can't be picked by machines. I'd rather pay more for my fruits and vegetables than have millions of illegal immigrants in the country. I'm all for prosecuting the business owners just as much as the people who cross the border illegally, neither one of them is in the right.

When someone is being followed at night there is really only one motive.

You are projecting again.

Zimmerman is a known criminal and he is not going to do what the police department tells him to do.

He isn't a known criminal, if he was, he wouldn't be allowed to legally own a gun. The Obama DOJ investigated him and found no problems with the case, they cleared him and gave him back his gun. You have no legs to stand on.

It is never a recommendation from the police department they don’t do suggestions they give orders. The order is for your own good as Zimmerman soon found out.

Sorry to tell you, a police dispatcher has zero law enforcement powers, they are not cops and they are not the police, they are civilians.

It is never a recommendation from the police department they don’t do suggestions they give orders. The order is for your own good as Zimmerman soon found out.
Reply Mon 16 Dec, 2019 01:41 pm
You can keep talking about Zimmerman all you want to. Just remember it was the Obama DOJ who also investigated him and cleared him of any wrong doing, they even returned his gun to him. You are wrong and Zimmerman is still walking around, even though someone like you tried to shoot him, he ended up in jail, not Zimmerman.
Reply Mon 16 Dec, 2019 01:59 pm
Thirty-thee states now have some form of a stand your ground law but the law has inspired so many killings that now ten states have introduced laws to repeal the stand your ground laws.

Do you have any facts to back up this claim or is it more of your BS claims without facts to back you up?

But do you know who will be in the state houses stuffing the politician’ pockets with cash? The gun manufactures, stand your ground laws are very good for business.

At least 30 people are killed each month as a result of stand your ground laws.

Once again, a claim without proof. Where do you pull this stuff from, your ass?

No projecting necessary. In NASCAR they don’t call it cheating just a very close reading of the rules. In a close reading of the Stand your ground laws make it is very obvious that all one needs do is start a fight, then take your gun out of your pocket and kill them. The perfect murder done in public in front of a hundred witnesses and there is nothing anyone can do.

No, that isn't the case with Stand Your Ground at all, that's more of your gun fever dream, you live in.

You have no clue as to what projections is.

I know exactly what projection is, it's you claim other people will do horrible things, when in reality it is you who would do those horrible things.

It is a good thing that 79% of Americans don’t own a gun.

You have continued to use this claim, but you fail to provide any proof of it. No links...
You got your claims from the anti-gun group Everytown USA? No wonder you don't know what you are talking about, they don't either and they lie.

Zimmerman had been repeatedly told by police department and the Homer owners association “not to follow people.”

This never happened. He was told by a police dispatcher, no additional warnings from the police or the HOA. Proof, links or facts?

It is a matter of record.

Source: Democrats Pick Up Most House Seats in a Generation”: NPR

A generation... meaning they didn't break the record for taking seats from an opposing party, they had a good election and better than they had had in a long time. Show's the weakness of the DNC. You are going to be very sorely disappointed when the GOP takes the House back and leaves the DNC the minority party for the next 4 years.

“Donald Trump wants to Eliminate Income Taxes for 31 million Americans”
Under the Trump plan a married couple first $50,000 would be tax exempt. This lie is how he got elected but the sad part is gullible think they got that tax cut.

If the opposing party won't vote for the changes you want to make, that doesn't make you a liar, it means the other party doesn't want to play ball and you won't get what you want. In the mean time, he passed a different tax plan and millions of people saved money on their taxes, while a few rich people living in high tax states, had to pay more because they lost their tax write off.

It makes no difference if they were married to Kermit the Frog, Fusion GPS was working for the Republicans when the report was written an only after the primary sold the information to the Democrats

You would be wrong again. You would also be on the verge of lying again. No surprise from you though. The report was written by the DNC and Clinton buddies. I guess you missed the Senate hearings last week on the Horowitz report, not surprised, the MSM didn't broadcast them. In fact Comey was on a full fledged "my bad" tour on the news channels this past weekend. He's telling a different story this past weekend than he told a year ago. I sure hope Durham has Comey in his sights.

Reply Mon 16 Dec, 2019 02:22 pm
The report was written by the DNC and Clinton buddies.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 16 Dec, 2019 02:37 pm
You are just cherry picking the statistics.

Wrong again, I'm actually going through the stats and explaining them in context, which you are failing to do.

There are far more people killed with long guns.

Fact's, proof or links? You make these claims and then fail to back them up with any proof.

To start with accidental shooting are ignored. Hunting accidents, which involve long guns, killed 486 people in 2017.

Links, facts or proof?
I did a simple search with your "quote" and it came back with nothing close to what you claim.
Doris Lin
Updated November 26, 2019
According to the International Hunter Education Association, in an average year, fewer than 1,000 people in the United States and Canada are accidentally shot by hunters, and of these, fewer than 75 are fatalities. In many cases, these fatalities are self-inflicted by hunters who trip, fall, or have other accidents that cause them to shoot themselves with their own weapons. Most of the other fatalities come in hunting parties, where one hunter shoots another accidentally.

Long guns are also a popular way to commit suicide, which is the murder of a human being.

Suicide isn't murder and vice versa. You are the only person I know who links such things together.

To you even 297 people is an acceptable cost to play with an assault weapon. If a whole class room of first graders is killed so what, you just want to play with a gun.

More of the gun fever dream for you. My gun ownership has nothing to do with people who kill each other, they didn't use my guns.

In England and Wales only 3% of homicides are done with guns while in America 73% of homicides are done with guns.

So what? The UK doesn't have a 2nd Amendment to protect their gun rights, instead they have a record high knife crime, which is worse than it is here in the US. In the UK, you have zero hope of protecting yourself on the street.

New Zealand had a major massacre killing 50 people. They banned assault weapons in a matter of day and that put an end to massacres in New Zealand. See how simple that is. In fact, New Zealand banned most semi-automatic weapons.

Good for NZ, have you seen the compliance rate with the new law? Also, NZ doesn't have a Constitutional right to own guns, we in the US do. Of course you did, I already posted that story. You ignored it as usual.

The gun manufacturers and the NRA have been spreading pointless death for years.

People make their own choices, there are millions of gun owners in the US, and if we were as violent as you claim we are, there would be 100k murders per year. Except there isn't, so gun owners are not as violent as you would make us out to be or want to be. That's where I claim the projection from you. If you had a gun, you would be the violent one.

That is a comprehensive study done by the FBI. What more could you want?

You never linked or posted any studies from the FBI. You make vague claims and then refuse to mention your source for weeks at a time.

Baby Bush could have prevented 9/11 but he was too busy vacationing on his ranch to even talk to Nation Security advisor. It was known that al Qaeda had already done a dry run with an airplane in Italy but baby Bush had no time to listen.

You are talking more ****. It's easy to look back after events and see the signs.

The problem with assault weapons is not that you cannot overthrow the government with them but that they make massacres possible.

This is why there was no restrictions on the 2nd Amendment, it was to allow the civilians to have the same weapons as the military, and don't go to the stupid nuke claim, that only comes from the anti-gun left when they are loosing the gun debate.

If they are rights they cannot be read as a restriction on government that is just the shadow not the substance.

That is exactly what they are. Rights to the people are a restriction on the govt.

Do you not understand that the constitution can be changed and the bill of rights is part of that constitution? In fact, we have changed that constitution in the past by adding amendments. If we can add we can take away.

You are the idiot who thinks it can be changed with a simple majority, just because they want it changed. That isn't how it works, you will never have the 2/3 required in Congress or the 3/4 of the states to do what you want. I think I understand what it takes to change the Constitution very well, you seem to be lacking the proper knowledge.

Does someone that has been admitted to a mental institution get due process?

Yes, they can only be held against their will for 72 hours. After that it has to go to the courts. Try looking up the law before making claims.

No. The criminal is convicted of a felony but there is no due process on the question of owning a gun. If the second amendment can’t be infringed then it can’t be infringed for any reason. There is nothing in the amendment that stipulates how to go about stripping a person of their gun rights it simply says cannot be infringed.

Really, is this what desperation looks like?

Who wrote the bill of rights? The government.

Wrong, James Madison wrote the BoR, not the govt.

That is exactly what I said. Did you read your source? The final version of the Declaration of Independence “unalienable.” The final version, which is the Declaration of Independence use unalienable. There was no doubt many other words that they considered throughout the Declaration of Independence but the final version only uses one.

The words mean the same exact thing, there is no difference in what they mean or how they are used. You are trying to make a point over nothing but trying to prove me wrong and I wasn't wrong, we were both right.

Reply Mon 16 Dec, 2019 10:56 pm
The point being that “all rights” have their limit, there is no such thing as an absolute right whether it is second amendment or the fourteenth amendment. The supreme court is the one that stated the fourteenth amendment gave us a right to privacy but even that right has limits it seems
A world Series is a national crowd not an area crowd they come from all over the country and will be representative of the electorate in the next election.
Clinton gave all the emails to the FBI to start with and the FBI sorted them and gave Clinton back her personal emails then she was free to do whatever she wanted with her personal emails just as you can. The FBI agent that ran the investigation related the actual facts of the case. After Clinton was given her personal emails back the Republicans wanted them to mine them for personal information to use in the upcoming election. You live in such a distorted world when live on radical right information, it is a world where the lies are truth and the truth are lies. You would whether hear a good lie than the truth any day. Is it illegal to delete your personal emails?
There were several Russian attacks on the DNC email accounts including the one that came 30 minutes after Trump publicly promised the Russian they would be richly rewarded if they found Clinton’s missing emails.
When the FBI first made contact with the DNC about the Russian military break in into the server, they contacted a low-level employ with no authority. The second FBI contact came somewhat later with a higher-level employee. To open up the DNC server to the FBI before an election would release all their strategy for the upcoming election which would be sure to find it’s way to the RNC you can bet.
It is called the carried interest loophole and was especially written just for people like Romney. You do understand what a loophole is don’t you? He can earn the money today and not pay any taxes on in for twenty years. The billionaires don’t cheat on their taxes they just payoff the politicians to write loopholes just for them and they keep paying to keep the loophole in place. Every time the politicians talk about eliminating the carried interest loophole the billionaires pay off like a Las Vegas slot machine to keep it in place. It seems there is plenty of money to go around. If you don’t like the rules and you have enough money to bribe enough politicians the sky is the limit. I have fifty years of tax returns that say that 47% is nothing more than another republican lie. There was not one year where I didn’t pay income tax, not even when I earned $6,000 a year. They have revised the Romney lie it was 50% didn’t pay income tax, a tax levied only on “excess wealth” but now excess wealth is the one thing that is least likely to be taxed. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Even criminals have the right to defend themselves and we know they do because they are the most likely ones to get shot and that is a daily occurrence. That is because someone is always coming after them.
If you are robbing someone, by taking his drugs you mean. Those guys had a score to settle. If they were there to rob him all they need do was hold them at gun point but that was not what they were there for. If they had wanted to kill him, they had guns. They had another reason to be there. It is not about gun owners but I suspect far more criminals, own guns than the general population. If 79% of general populations don’t own guns 95% criminals probably own guns. There are far too many other indicators that shows something else was going on and just owning a gun may be an indicator.
The test is if you feel someone stole the birthday gift that is your reality. Just as in the stand your ground law it is not what happened but your perception of what is happening that makes the difference. It takes the law from what a reasonable man would do to whatever perception of reality you have.
If you were a businessman and stood to lose several of your regular customers because you had somebody that backed up all of a psychopathic liar’s lies in public in your place of business, what would you do? The interesting thing about freedom speech is that it is between the government and citizens not between businesses owners and customers. If you say something in a place of business that the owner doesn’t like he can show you the door. He did not grant you freedom of speech and it is not binding on him in his place of business.

Reply Tue 17 Dec, 2019 10:39 am
The point being that “all rights” have their limit, there is no such thing as an absolute right whether it is second amendment or the fourteenth amendment. The supreme court is the one that stated the fourteenth amendment gave us a right to privacy but even that right has limits it seems

There should be a limit to the limit on Rights. There is no limits listed in the Constitution, just the activist judges who think they know better.

A world Series is a national crowd not an area crowd they come from all over the country and will be representative of the electorate in the next election.

No it's not, TV viewers might be national, but it's usually the fans of the teams who go to events, or people who love baseball. As for those attending, do you really think the average Joe can afford World Series Tickets? No, they can't, stub hub was showing tickets for the game available for 1,200 each, outside the price for the average person but perfectly affordable for those employed in DC on K Street. You are going to be very disappointed by the 2020 election.

Clinton gave all the emails to the FBI to start with and the FBI sorted them and gave Clinton back her personal emails then she was free to do whatever she wanted with her personal emails just as you can.

That's what she was suppose to do, but didn't do. Her lawyer went through the emails and deleted them, and then handed over what was left to the govt. She NEVER turned over her full emails, that's why the GOP was after her for the private server, it prevented the proper archives from being created. They had to find 30k emails because they were deleted, they even found emails on Anthony Weiners laptop, remember? There was zero reason for Clintons emails to be on his laptop. You yourself even claimed she didn't hand them all over because you thought the FBI was going to release the emails to the GOP... you don't even remember your own bullshit.

The FBI agent that ran the investigation related the actual facts of the case. After Clinton was given her personal emails back the Republicans wanted them to mine them for personal information to use in the upcoming election. You live in such a distorted world when live on radical right information, it is a world where the lies are truth and the truth are lies. You would whether hear a good lie than the truth any day. Is it illegal to delete your personal emails?

You are lying right now! Clinton NEVER turned her email server over to the FBI, she had it wiped clean with Bleachbit prior to the govt getting involved.

There were several Russian attacks on the DNC email accounts including the one that came 30 minutes after Trump publicly promised the Russian they would be richly rewarded if they found Clinton’s missing emails.

You mean the 30k emails that she deleted and never turned over to the FBI, the FBI never even saw the DNC server, it was looked at by a third party company. There was no such promise made for her emails, you are lying again and making things up. You also have zero proof that the DNC hack took place within 30 minutes of Trumps claims.
There was also an attempt by the Russians to hack the GOP servers, but the GOP had the security updated and the Russians got nothing. You also fail to mention that the DNC was hacked because of a phishing attack, Tony Podesta failed to heed the warnings about such attacks and got played. This lead to the DNC hack, nothing Trump said.

When the FBI first made contact with the DNC about the Russian military break in into the server, they contacted a low-level employ with no authority.

The FBI NEVER saw the DNC server, they only got to see a report written by a third party company.

The second FBI contact came somewhat later with a higher-level employee. To open up the DNC server to the FBI before an election would release all their strategy for the upcoming election which would be sure to find it’s way to the RNC you can bet.

The FBI never saw the server. You have been lying for this entire post.

It is called the carried interest loophole and was especially written just for people like Romney.

You mean it was written for people who had already paid income taxes on their income and wanted to reinvest that money and then pay a lower income tax on that money? It isn't a loophole either, the left loves to call purposely designed laws that doesn't meet their standards, loopholes.

You do understand what a loophole is don’t you?

I sure do, I doubt you understand what they are.

If you don’t like the rules and you have enough money to bribe enough politicians the sky is the limit. I have fifty years of tax returns that say that 47% is nothing more than another republican lie. There was not one year where I didn’t pay income tax, not even when I earned $6,000 a year. They have revised the Romney lie it was 50% didn’t pay income tax, a tax levied only on “excess wealth” but now excess wealth is the one thing that is least likely to be taxed.

Your 50 yars of returns are useless in this case. You never had the EIC to bolster your return, we actually have that now a days. The 47% claim is exactly truthful, those making less than about 50k a year usually get more back in a return then they pay into the system, the IRS's own numbers back this up.

Even criminals have the right to defend themselves and we know they do because they are the most likely ones to get shot and that is a daily occurrence. That is because someone is always coming after them.

You are not allowed to "defend" yourself when committing a crime, that's not how self-defense works.

If you are robbing someone, by taking his drugs you mean. Those guys had a score to settle. If they were there to rob him all they need do was hold them at gun point but that was not what they were there for. If they had wanted to kill him, they had guns. They had another reason to be there.

All those words to make an innocent family the bad guys because they shot some bad guys with an AR15. You are really a piece of work, to defend a bunch of home invaders.

It is not about gun owners but I suspect far more criminals, own guns than the general population.

Except we know that isn't the case because we know exactly how many guns are sold via gun shops and sporting good stores, they have to submit to the federal background check. They broke more records on Black Friday with the amount of guns sold. You don't know how the system works and yet you want more gun laws? You are the person the FF warned us about, you are the reason for the 2nd Amendment.

The test is if you feel someone stole the birthday gift that is your reality.

Sorry, but that isn't a reason to kill your neighbors. The guy has already claimed he has PTSD from his military service, his claim of self-defense went no where, he's in jail for murder. Case closed, now pass the potatoes.

If you were a businessman and stood to lose several of your regular customers because you had somebody that backed up all of a psychopathic liar’s lies in public in your place of business, what would you do? The interesting thing about freedom speech is that it is between the government and citizens not between businesses owners and customers. If you say something in a place of business that the owner doesn’t like he can show you the door. He did not grant you freedom of speech and it is not binding on him in his place of business.

You are repeating something I have already said. I pointed this out when I talked about the difference between civil court and criminal court. You tried to make it sound like the govt pulled people into civil court for free speech issues. Now you are "clarifying"?

BTW, this isn't the first time you have argued against something only to turn around after several posts and claim the comment was yours. You really are a weak debater aren't you.
Reply Tue 17 Dec, 2019 11:41 am
Is it illegal to delete your personal emails?

It is if you're the Secretary of State and you're being investigated.

She broke the law, and no amount of talk will change the facts about that.
Reply Tue 17 Dec, 2019 09:13 pm
The FBI had separated the government related emails and returned her private emails. Trump deletes government related emails everyday to Twitter and no Republican sees anything wrong with it at all. He is doing government business on his Twitter account everyday and that is on a private server.
Reply Tue 17 Dec, 2019 09:35 pm
Clinton violated the law. She should have been charged with gross negligence.

Comey said: "although there is evidence of potential violations of the statutes regarding the handling of classified information, our judgement is that no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case," and then added, "prosecutors necessarily weigh a number of factors before bringing charges. There are obvious considerations, like the strength of the evidence, especially regarding intent. Responsible decisions also consider the context of a person’s actions, and how similar situations have been handled in the past."

He said no reasonable prosecutor would bring such a case. Actually that statement is not valid. Either he lied, or he is unaware of a case from a year ago in which the FBI charged Bryan Nishimura, a Regional Engineer for the U.S. military in Afghanistan with unauthorized removal and retention of classified materials. And he did so without malicious intent. That's what Hillary did.

This is from Section 793 of the U.S. Code:

(f) Whoever, being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document, writing, code book, signal book, sketch, photograph, photographic negative, blueprint, plan, map, model, instrument, appliance, note, or information, relating to the national defense, (1) through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, or (2) having knowledge that the same has been illegally removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of its trust, or lost, or stolen, abstracted, or destroyed, and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction, or destruction to his superior officer

And here is what Comey said about Hillary Clinton's actions:

"Although we did not find clear evidence that Secretary Clinton or her colleagues intended to violate laws governing the handling of classified information, there is evidence that they were extremely careless in their handling of very sensitive, highly classified information."

"There is evidence to support a conclusion that any reasonable person in Secretary Clinton's position, or in the position of those with whom she was corresponding about those matters, should have known that an unclassified system was no place for that conversation."

"None of these emails should have been on any kind of unclassified system, but their presence is especially concerning because all of these emails were housed on unclassified personal servers not even supported by full-time security staff, like those found at agencies and departments of the United States government -- or even with a commercial email service like Gmail."

"Only a very small number of the emails containing classified information bore markings indicating the presence of classified information. But even if information is not marked 'classified' in an email, participants who know or should know that the subject matter is classified are still obligated to protect it."

"We do assess that hostile actors gained access to the private commercial email accounts of people with whom Secretary Clinton was in regular contact from her personal account. We also assess that Secretary Clinton's use of a personal email domain was both known by a large number of people and readily apparent."

"She also used her personal email extensively while outside the United States, including sending and receiving work-related emails in the territory of sophisticated adversaries. Given that combination of factors, we assess it is possible that hostile actors gained access to Secretary Clinton's personal email account

Hillary Clinton was grossly negligent. What does the statute say about that?
Reply Wed 18 Dec, 2019 12:13 am
It looks like the Dayton shooter had a last-minute conversion following the El Paso massacre and posting likes to white supremacist’s postings after the El Paso massacre that is when he decides to massacre people. People’s political beliefs can change on a New York minute. That was what was on his mind before the shooting.
They always say follow the money and now millions of school dollars are being spent to harden schools, pay for massacre drills, and armed security guards. When children have to go to school and worry that some gun nut is going to use them for target practice it is the perfect recipe for Traumatic Stress Disorder.

PTSD in Kids: The Lasting Trauma of School Shootings ...
Mar 01, 2012 · According to the National Center for PTSD, as many as 77 percent of kids who witness a school shooting may develop post-traumatic stress disorder, a mental health condition triggered by a scary or...

Surviving a Shooting Means Surviving Trauma - Fatherly
Feb 22, 2018 · Of those shootings, 16 have been defined as “mass” shootings — in which four or more people were shot by assailants. Some of those mass shootings have been at schools and some have not. There’s been an average of about five school shootings per month.
• Author: Lizzy Francis

If 77% of the kids that witness a school massacre develop PTD it will affect many more from being under constant threat. The problem with the threats from the USSR never happened school shooting happen five times a month.
The Declaration of Independence was written for benefit of the King of England to state the reasons for withdrawing from the English Empire.

The problem is who is going to decide when the government “becomes destructive to these ends.” Timothy McVeigh made his decision that the government had “becomes destructive to those means” and he paid with his life and 184 others. Do the Republicans get to decide that the government has “become destructive to those means?” Or do the democrats decide? The Neo-Nazis? The KKK? Or do we have an election where 2/3 have to decide? That question would seem to preclude that from ever being anything but a fantasy for anyone except the Timothy McVeigh type.
The constitution has been changed in the last century so we know that can happen and all rights have limits there are no absolute rights.
It went much further than Martin Luther. Christianity shattered like a mirror dropped from a ten-story building. Very few churches don’t get into a fight over the interpretation of scripture and sperate into new churches.
Organized religious are no more than religious cults but they fail to recognize that but they will always say that other church up the street is just a religious cult. They can clearly see the competition but when the mirror is held up to their face, they don’t see it.
The Federalist Papers are basically the guest editorials arguing pro and cons of the various proposals for the constitution. Who do you think wrote the constitution? The founding fathers.
The Neo-Nazis were a fringe group until Trump was elected and they were part of the coalition that elected him. Most political candidates return the political contributions from hate groups, not Trump. To Trump a vote is vote no matter where it comes from. This legitimized them. If the president is glad to get the endorsement of the former Grand Wizard of the KKK then they must be fine people. I watched a documentary yesterday about the Nazis in Germany and the pictures of huge piles the dead bodies and mass graves the size of shopping centers. How could anybody even align themselves with that rabid racism? The huge piles of glasses, shoes and clothes that were stripped from the victims of the Nazi’s gas chambers really makes you think. These pictures should be shown in every high school to prevent creeping racism. Of course, the Neo-Nazis claim the Holocaust never happened, no doubt staged by the same actors that staged the Sandy Hook massacre.
The founding fathers built a mechanism into the constitution so that it could be changed by the people as the conditions change.
Saturday Night Live got it right when they highlighted that in the next election there is no reason at all for 97% of Americans to bother to vote in the presidential election, the election will be decided in three small battle ground states. When 97% of the electorate vote is meaningless it discourages anyone from bothering. And the Republicans have been busy in those states stripping 234,000 of mostly democratic voters of the right to vote. When you can cut the cut the contest down top three states, cheating becomes very much easier. The electoral college was designed to give the slave states more power in the elections. We have already had two fraudulent Republican presidents and unless the antiquated system is changed, we will see more but the first time a democratic president wins with a minority of the vote the Republicans will go through the roof and call for a retroactive change. Whenever you have an illegitimate president you are going to have problems. When the majority of the country voted against the president there will always be problems. The way the electoral college setup is as if we were 50 separate countries and each country holds its own isolated election. We are either one nation or we are not.
It is the fault of system designed to serve a world that no longer exists.
What would be the best way to solve your problem? Elect the president by popular vote that way your vote counts the same as everyone else. In the next election 3% of the population will decide who is elected president.
The principal America was built on was one man one vote, or majority rule. You see that at work in the congress, local and state elections even every other election for federal office.
The two-party system we could decide the presidential election by popular vote and still have a two-party system.
You might have some credibility if assault weapons did not look exactly alike with all the same parts with the exception of three tiny parts. The only difference those three tiny parts make is it is an automatic assault weapon. All the superior capabilities of assault weapon but one.
Any time a law is written they use experts in that field and you can bet any time a gun control law is written the gun manufactures are there for their input. If the gun manufactures thought they could have overturned the 1994 assault weapon ban they would have filed suit. They have an army of lawyers so why didn’t they file suit? Smart lawyers always know how a case will come out before they file. They knew that if they lost in the supreme court assault weapon bans would be legal in all 50 states. That is what happened when they took the Heller case court. That decision makes assault weapon bans legal.
Reply Wed 18 Dec, 2019 12:45 pm
It looks like the Dayton shooter had a last-minute conversion following the El Paso massacre and posting likes to white supremacist’s postings after the El Paso massacre that is when he decides to massacre people. People’s political beliefs can change on a New York minute. That was what was on his mind before the shooting.

Oh boy, more claims with no proof, links or facts. It's just more of your personal opinion put forth as "facts".

Didn't you claim in this thread already that once someone has a belief that it is wired into the brains and can't be changed? You specifically said once it was wired into their brains that it can't be changed, now you are claiming it can change in a heartbeat? You really do say whatever you want to try and make a point.

They always say follow the money and now millions of school dollars are being spent to harden schools, pay for massacre drills, and armed security guards. When children have to go to school and worry that some gun nut is going to use them for target practice it is the perfect recipe for Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Once again, you are making a claim not in evidence and based on your own opinion.

I don't doubt some of these kids will have PTSD, that happens with traumatic events. We can also put some of the blame on how the media and anti-gun groups hype and promote these shootings. You like those articles but you don't like the articles blaming the media and anti-gun groups for a lot of the fear and spreading of such shootings.

The Declaration of Independence was written for benefit of the King of England to state the reasons for withdrawing from the English Empire.

It wasn't written just for the King, it was also written for the people of the the new country. We do indeed have the right to over throw a tyrannically govt, it's in the founding documents and the reason for the 2nd Amendment.

The problem is who is going to decide when the government “becomes destructive to these ends.” Timothy McVeigh made his decision that the government had “becomes destructive to those means” and he paid with his life and 184 others.

In the 1970's it was Obama's friend and campaign party launcher Bill Ayers and his buddies at the Weather Underground, lately it seems like it's Antifa.

Do the Republicans get to decide that the government has “become destructive to those means?” Or do the democrats decide? The Neo-Nazis? The KKK? Or do we have an election where 2/3 have to decide? That question would seem to preclude that from ever being anything but a fantasy for anyone except the Timothy McVeigh type.

You are way to monolithic to have such a discussion with. You claims go to the right-wing, but it's actually the extreme left-wing who has been screaming the loudest for the last couple of years. Do I need to remind you that Antifa has already been involved in such things like attacking the ICE facilities. Do they have the final say on what our govt does with illegal immigrants?

The constitution has been changed in the last century so we know that can happen and all rights have limits there are no absolute rights.

You can say this all you want to, you don't have anywhere close to the votes needed or required to change the Constitution. That's why the left is trying to make all those changes at the state level, they know they don't have the votes at the Federal level.

The Constitution disagree's with your claims and only activist judges have ruled that there are limits on our Rights, the Constitution has no such limits.

It went much further than Martin Luther. Christianity shattered like a mirror dropped from a ten-story building. Very few churches don’t get into a fight over the interpretation of scripture and sperate into new churches.

It didn't shatter like a mirror either, it stopped being a monolithic group with all the same beliefs but it still spread across the world. As evidenced by the founding of the US and the spread of Christianity through the new world.

Organized religious are no more than religious cults but they fail to recognize that but they will always say that other church up the street is just a religious cult. They can clearly see the competition but when the mirror is held up to their face, they don’t see it.

You don't seem to understand what a cult is...
Cult: a system of religious veneration and devotion directed toward a particular figure or object.
"the cult of St. Olaf"
a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister.

In relation to religion, a cult would be a group outside the "normal" church or group. Christianity isn't a cult, but people who are Christian who handle snakes, that would be a cult.

The Federalist Papers are basically the guest editorials arguing pro and cons of the various proposals for the constitution. Who do you think wrote the constitution? The founding fathers.

They weren't guest editorials. Who do you think wrote the Federalist Papers, it wasn't all the FF, it was 3 specifically, and one of them wrote the majority of the Federalist Papers, it was the ones who actually wrote the founding documents. Do I need to give you their names again? James Madison, John Jay and Alexander Hamilton, not exactly guests, now where they?

The Neo-Nazis were a fringe group until Trump was elected and they were part of the coalition that elected him.

They are still a fringe group who holds no power in the GOP.

Most political candidates return the political contributions from hate groups, not Trump. To Trump a vote is vote no matter where it comes from.

Do you have any proof to back this up or is it just more of your opinion? You provided some links in the post, congratulations, now do it with the rest of the tripe you post.

If the president is glad to get the endorsement of the former Grand Wizard of the KKK then they must be fine people.

You must be reffering to David Duke... He actually rejected any support from David Duke, you must only be paying attention to some news and not all of the news.

The founding fathers built a mechanism into the constitution so that it could be changed by the people as the conditions change.

Except they made it very hard to change the Constitution and you don't have the 2/3 of Congress or 3/4 of the states. The 2nd Amendment isn't going anywhere.

Saturday Night Live got it right when they highlighted that in the next election there is no reason at all for 97% of Americans to bother to vote in the presidential election, the election will be decided in three small battle ground states.

That's because a majority of the states already know how they are going to vote. CA will never vote for Trump. I also find it funny that you are taking your queues from a comedy show that hasn't been funny in 20 years. I'm actually looking forward to this weeks show with Eddie Murphy hosting, it will be the first SNL I've watched since the late 90's.

When 97% of the electorate vote is meaningless it discourages anyone from bothering. And the Republicans have been busy in those states stripping 234,000 of mostly democratic voters of the right to vote. When you can cut the cut the contest down top three states, cheating becomes very much easier.

Agreed, that's why I support the states dividing up their votes based on where the votes come from. CO has 9 votes, they should be split up, not put on one person. Although I'm sure you have no problem with states being locked into "blue" states, you only have a problem with "red" states.

The electoral college was designed to give the slave states more power in the elections.

That is a revisionist lie! Making slaves court as 2/3 of a person instead of a whole person, weakens the vote, it makes those states less powerful.

We have already had two fraudulent Republican presidents and unless the antiquated system is changed

We haven't had any fraudulent presidents, they have all won the election based on the rules laid down in the Constitution. The only thing fraudulent is your claims.

, we will see more but the first time a democratic president wins with a minority of the vote the Republicans will go through the roof and call for a retroactive change.

You mean they will play the same stupid games the DNC plays now?

Whenever you have an illegitimate president you are going to have problems.

Only the left has a problem with the Constitution and how it works. They can't win by the Constitution, so they seek to have it changed so they can win.

When the majority of the country voted against the president there will always be problems.

We have NEVER elected a President based on the "majority" of the country, the President has always been elected via the Electoral College.

.The way the electoral college setup is as if we were 50 separate countries and each country holds its own isolated election. We are either one nation or we are not

We are 1 nation made up of 50 states, do you not understand how it works? Do you think the 10 Amendment is just a throw away line?
The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.

It is the fault of system designed to serve a world that no longer exists.

There is no fault and our system has worked for over 200 years, it's still the best system in the world.

What would be the best way to solve your problem? Elect the president by popular vote that way your vote counts the same as everyone else. In the next election 3% of the population will decide who is elected president.

Sorry to tell you, but our nation doesn't run based on what the "majority" wants, it has to balance against the Constitution. If you want your vote to count, talk to your state legislature and have them change how your EC votes are handed out. You will never have the votes to change the EC, that's why the left is going around the Constitution with the "popular vote compact". You will notice that not one state put the "compact" to a vote of the people, they all voted on it in their state houses. They know if left to the people, they wouldn't play along.

The principal America was built on was one man one vote, or majority rule.

That is not what this country was built on. It was built on Liberty, Freedom and self determination. It was also not built on majority rule, if that were the case there would be no need for a Constitution to make sure the minority was protected from the majority.

You see that at work in the congress, local and state elections even every other election for federal office.

Except the majority don't always get their way, what they pass must be balanced against the Constitution.

When laws were passed that said no illegal immigrant was allowed to get CA public services, like schools and the such, it was passed by the majority, but was overturned because it infringed on the minority.

The two-party system we could decide the presidential election by popular vote and still have a two-party system.

Why a 2 party system, there is nothing in the Constitution that limits the number of parties to 2, we could have 10 parties, why the limit?

You might have some credibility if assault weapons did not look exactly alike with all the same parts with the exception of three tiny parts.

Talk about credibility, you have failed at every turn to provide any proof that 3 parts make the difference between a semi-auto and a full auto rifle. You keep making the claim but fail to provide the proof.

The only difference those three tiny parts make is it is an automatic assault weapon. All the superior capabilities of assault weapon but one.

Sorry to tell you, but there is no such thing as a semi-auto assault rifle. By their very nature semi-auto rifles are not assault rifles because of the most important feature of those weapons, a selective fire switch. No switch, no assault rifle.

Any time a law is written they use experts in that field and you can bet any time a gun control law is written the gun manufactures are there for their input.

Since you can't prove that they used "experts" to write the law, you are falling back on vague claims again.

The left would never allow real gun experts into such settings, they would disprove everything the left says about guns. They might get "experts" who don't like guns and will agree to what the anti-left gun politicians want.

If the gun manufactures thought they could have overturned the 1994 assault weapon ban they would have filed suit. They have an army of lawyers so why didn’t they file suit? Smart lawyers always know how a case will come out before they file. They knew that if they lost in the supreme court assault weapon bans would be legal in all 50 states. That is what happened when they took the Heller case court. That decision makes assault weapon bans legal.

No it doesn't.

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