The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Sat 25 Feb, 2012 07:14 am
One need only look at what John Kasich did to Ohio in a few short months to realize that Fox News objective is to destroy the American middle class. Kasich used the power of being a celebrity on a Fox News propaganda station to garner the governorship of Ohio. Kasich was literally propelled to the governorship by Fox News. His agenda likes Fox News agenda is destroy the American middle class by first destroying the unions. Kasich and other members of the ungodly greedy know that if collective bargaining rights are removed there is no ability of the middle class to strike a bargain. When each employee must try to strike an individual bargain with management history shows everyone suffers. The American middle class increased dramatically in the 30 years following WWII this also increased the quality of life for many Americans. The contrast between how the Hawks Nest Tunnel workers were treated and how the WV miners are treated today is striking. Union Carbide sub contractor had some of its employees deputized and these deputies used guns and clubs to force the miners back into the tunnel full of silica dust. The weekly death toll was unimaginable but still the company in search of even higher profits forced the sick and dying back in the tunnel at the point of a gun. This is simply unimaginable today and it sounds like pulp fiction. The ungodly greedy purged the history books of the incident but court documents survived and subsequent studies of the incident document it.

Were the laws any different when the Hawk Nest Tunnel incident took place? Are the ungodly greedy any different today? The laws were essentially the same and the ungodly greedy are every bit as greedy if not more so. The big difference is strong union representation. Could the Hawk Nest Tunnel incident happen today? It could if the commie/conservatives and Fox News are successful in destroying the unions. History has an uncanny way of repeating itself, especially if we don’t learn from history. Vulture capitalists exist for one reason and one reason only to make bigger and bigger profits. The easiest way to make a bigger and bigger profit is to steal from your employees to not pay them what their labor is worth. That temptation is always there. Unions are like the old fable it is easy to break one single stick but when the sticks are bundled they can’t be broken.

We have a commie/conservative mayor who has done everything is his power to break all three unions. A former policeman who is still enjoying his union won benefits in his retirement in fact he has far better health insurance than current city employees because he wisely decided that the city would not try to overturn an injunction secured by the FOP that let the Police and Fire retirees keep their Cadillac Insurance. The current policemen have a high deductible co-pay policy but the retirees have a 100% low deductible policy. The Fire and Police Unions both supported and worked for the Mayor election but three years later they have no contract and with a commie/conservative mayor there is no hope of getting a contract without a strike and the law currently prevents strikes by public employees. This ploy to destroy all the public sector unions is an organized assault by the commie/conservatives all across America the only way for the ungodly greedy to secure more wealth is to take from those who create wealth and ultimately all wealth is created by labor.
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Reply Sun 26 Feb, 2012 08:45 am
The biggest armed insurrection since the civil war took place at Blair Mountain in Logan County, WV. Logan County is a neighboring county and only a few miles from where this post is being written. The Battle of Blair Mountain was another historical event that never found its way into the WV history books of my day. The battle of Blair Mountain involved an army of between 10,000 to 15,000 union miners on one side and an army of 30,000 police and strikebreakers backed by coal mine operators on the other. “The battle ended after approximately a million rounds were fired, and the United States Army intervened by presidential order.” The Battle of Blair Mountain was key offensive in war to unionize America. This battle was key to the improved standard of living in the 50s and 60s America. Like the shot heard around the world, that million rounds were heard all over America and it empowered others across America and improved the living standard for millions. Now the Coal Operators want to strip mine Blair Mountain and shove what is left into the creek while the miners considered Blair Mountain hallowed ground and National Shrine to the America Labor Movement.

Even though the Battle of Blair Mountain eventually improved working conditions standards in the long run the results weren’t uniform. It is important to note that the Hawk’s Nest Tunnel Disaster occurred not before the Battle of Blair Mountain but in fact 6 years after the Battle of Blair Mountain the miners at Hawk’s Nest Tunnel were being beaten and clubbed to make them go to their death from breathing silica dust.

Now what we are seeing nearly a century after the Battle Blair Mountain is a major counter offensive by the commie/conservatives. The Republicans for years have tried to destroy the unions by destroying regulations on the Federal level but the commie/conservatives have radically expanded the battle front trying to not only to destroy unions but outlawing their very existence the battle is being staged not only in WV but in statehouse across America there are literally thousands of battlefronts being waged today. The enemy, the Pee Party Conservatives are hired mercenaries for the ungodly greedy. They are well armed they have the wealth of the ungodly greedy at their disposal. History teaches what happens when there is a disparity in power when there was a disparity in racial power one race ends up slaves to the more powerful. At Hawks Tunnel the ungodly greedy watched as hundreds of bodies piled up this kind of toll Americans would later find appalling when Jewish concentration camps were liberated. But American Vulture capitalists see nothing wrong with working people dying for a good cause and making the Vulture Capitalist more money is a good cause to them. Working people die in war why should they not die for bigger and better profits?

Capitalism without regulations quickly evolves into Vulture Capitalism The commie/conservatives have done nothing but eliminate regulations for 30 years and life for the middle class has got worse each and every year for everyone of those 30 years. It took decades to get those regulations on the books to control the Vulture Capitalists but once the Commie/conservatives remove the regulations they cannot be restored even when a democratic is elected president because the commie/conservative minority can block the restoration of any regulation by using the power of a filibuster. They can remove even more regulations when in the majority and hold the line when in the minority. The sworn objective of the communists who founded the Modern Conservative Movement was to destroy the American Government. They spent much of their lives trying to achieve that goal, when they found they couldn’t destroy the American government all at once they decided to change course and destroy it a regulation at a time. Now everyone that listens to red neck right radio knows that their real enemy is the American that listens to red neck right radio can tell you who the enemy is it is the American Government and those regulations that prevent you from clubbing and beating sick and dying men to make them go into a tunnel filled with deadly silica dust. But Hawks Nest Tunnel has made a tremendous profit for its owner it still generates electricity to this day. Those that died in the tunnel would be proud to know that this facility has returned the ungodly greedy a profit 100 times over its cost.

Now the ungodly greedy want even the Wikipedia article on the Battle Mountain rewritten it has been nominated to be checked for “neutrality.” I have never encountered another Wikipedia article nominated to be checked for “neutrality.” The ungodly have the bucks and rewrite history for a long time both the Hawk’s Nest Tunnel incident and the Battle of Blair Mountain took place within a few miles of where I grew up. I visited Hawk’s Nest as a child it is a local point of interest with a breath taking view but I had no idea that there was a tunnel underneath and no idea 743 people died building it. I was in my 50s reading a book from an author in Oregon when I found out about Hawk’s Nest Tunnel. I saw a program on an educational channel about the Battle of Blair Mountain in my thirties. You may not be able to change history but you can be very selective of what is put into the history books especially history books given to school children. Perception is far more powerful than reality.
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Reply Mon 27 Feb, 2012 06:49 am
Rick Santorum called Obama “a snob” for focusing on the importance of a college education. Santorum said colleges simply “indoctrinated” students and as commie/conservative candidate for President Santorum should know indoctrination when he sees it. The commie/conservatives run one of the biggest indoctrination networks in the free world today. The multimedia indoctrination network includes radio stations, television networks, and book publishers all designed to indoctrinate the public in the proper commie/conservative philosophy but offended that colleges are teaching children to think independently. The commie/conservatives have been audition colleges as the next big boogieman for a few years now. The biggest fear of the commie/conservative is that the next generation will learn to think for themselves and not let the commie/conservative network indoctrinate them. It seems you always hate the competition. It seems Santorum wants to keep the American people barefoot, ignorant and pregnant even though the last one only works on about half the population. But Santorum owes a huge debt to indoctrination network without it he would be just another local political has been. Also Santorum never mentions that the communist that founded the commie/conservative movement and the radical right who were considered the lunatic fringe in the 1950s got into the college indoctrination business full force in the 1960s.. They were like Rodney Dangerfield they couldn’t get any respect. The rich commie/conservative began to endow college seats so they could begin indoctrinating children on college campuses. Many of today’s commie/conservatives are a product of the Koch brothers money invested on college campuses. Santorum will never tell his audience that it is the commie/conservatives who use college campuses to indoctrinate college students he know his audience are more often then not ignorant of the truth and they have no interest in looking for the truth. I spent my share off time on college campus and college professors are individuals with different and varying views my college was not important enough to have the Koch brothers endow a political science chair where only the views of its rich contributors could be taught. That my friend is indoctrination and it was fortunate that the Koch brothers didn’t have enough money to purchase all the college political science departments.

The political indoctrination network has been pushing Santorum since day one. Santorum is one of these people who would have been better off to keep his mouth shut and be thought ignorant rather than open it and remove all doubt. Now he wants to take on the separation of church state and unfortunately America downfall is as much a product of an increasing involvement by religious cults in state matters as the commie/conservative hatred of American government. It seems we have finally have proof of God existence well maybe not God’s existence but at least the Anti-Christ existence. Who is the Anti-Christ? In the last few elections the Anti-Christ has been who ever the democratic candidate running for president and this is actually what is preached from the pulpit from some of the extreme right churches in the area. Churches have become co-opted as political organization our current mayor who was never able to get promoted above patrolman in his whole career but he used the political/religious coalition to win the election. Religious people are extremely vulnerable to narrow minded, bigoted thinking this makes them prime recruits for the commie/conservative right.

Romney $7 million dollar contribution to the Mormon Church was just a way of laundering the money. Romney $7 million contribution was tax free but he will get at least $7 million in political endorsements from the alter plus his opponent will be maligned as the American Anti-Christ. Group think is especially appealing to those who belong to religious organizations. If you can rely on the group to think for you, you evade the responsibility of thinking for yourself. You need never have an opinion of your own, the group will simply chew up the opinion and regurgitate it into your brain. Your only responsibility is to learn the company line and recite it when called on. I believe this may be a major factor in the increasing cases of Alzheimer as people no longer use their brain for what it was intended. The truism is you use it or lose it.
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Reply Tue 28 Feb, 2012 06:30 am
One of the most obvious traits that those who study psychopaths say distinguishes a psychopath from a normal human being is what they call dead eyes. I have never been a very astute observer of fellow human beings’ eyes but after Josh Powell attacked his two little boys with an ax and then he burned them while they were still alive as I watched an interview with him in the days prior to the killing you could clearly see his dead lifeless eyes. Not so much as an actual dead man’s eyes as they still moved side to side but lifeless in the way emotion animates a normal person eyes.

Romney can still not break 40% of the republican vote. Why? If you look at Romney’s eyes you can see the same dead eyes of a Josh Powell, lifeless, the lights are on but there is not a real human being behind them. When Romney says, “He enjoys being able to fire people…” you can believe him “he really enjoys firing people” in the same way a child enjoys Christmas morning. Romney lacks any genuine emotions of his own he can only observe and mimic the emotions of others, like a good actor with a wide repertoire, that can come up with the appropriate emotion for any role.

For years I read books about serial killers, it was the one aspect of human nature I simply could not understand. How could any human being derive pleasure from killing another? I studied killers from Ted Bundy to Edward Gein and all those in between. I have an unending need to understand not only that something happens but why and what the motivation was. I was sure in one of those books there was an answer, a motive, a driving force but after hundreds of books I decided that serial killers were one of life’s unsolvable mysteries. I gave most of my books about serial killers away many years ago but recent books about psychopaths involved in politics help shed some light on the old serial killer question. If psychopaths don’t have the proper connection from the intellectual mind to the emotional mind and have no genuine emotions of their own, they like most of us would crave what they do not have, serial killers feed on the emotions of others. A serial killer killing a helpless victim would be warmed by one of the mankind’s strongest emotions, terrifying fear, the same way a winter’s traveler would be warmed by a campfire on a cold winter’s night. Did you ever hear of a serial killer running his victims down with a car? Why? His victims would be just as dead and mutilated but he would miss the emotional feast.

Those CEOs like Romney who enjoy firing people have more in common with a Ted Bundy then most people realize. Those that enjoy depriving people of a livelihood are also in for an emotional feast. Losing one job generates fear and resentment. Romney didn’t have a Freudian slip when he said he enjoyed firing people that supplied services to him, he genuinely likes firing people and he thinks other people are just like him. Like most people our point of reference is us and one of the most common mistakes is to assume other are just like we are. Bundy victims willingly went to his car with him assisting a man on crutches with a package in broad daylight on a public beach. He took three victims off a public beach crawling with cops in broad daylight. Why because his victims believed he was just like them.

Romney can spend all his money and all the money of his rich supporters but he can never hide his “dead eyes.”
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Reply Wed 29 Feb, 2012 06:34 am
“The Mark of the Beast” is an emotional phrase and if we were hooked up on fMRI when that phrase was read the area of our brain where our emotional mind is located would activate and light up. The Beast is one of the primeval boogiemen in Western Society. When one of the backwoods churches starts loudly proclaiming that whoever the democratic candidate is that is running for president is in fact the “Beast” most of us would dismiss it out of hand even though the congregation strongly believes it. While there may not be a Beast that rules the netherworld of our mythology, might there in fact be a very real “Mark of the Beast.” There are in fact very real “beasts” that walk amongst us each day from John Wayne Gacy to Ted Bundy no one doubts they are not like us but while serial killers become infamous most psychopaths go unnoticed. The damage they do is not attributed to the fact that they are psychopaths. Most people don’t realize that psychopaths range all the way from a Ted Bundy to the worthless neighbor down the street who never worked a day in his life sponging off friends, relatives and the government. Whether killing, refusing to work or ripping billions off from their victims pension funds, these psychopaths are doing exactly what they want in spite of the rules everyone else follows. A law against killing does not stop a John Wayne Gacy but is there a “mark of the Beast?” Psychologist who study psychopaths tell us there is indeed a “mark of the beast” it seems the psychopaths are branded from birth with a very subtle mark of the beast. Called “dead eyes” they lack a certain animation of the eyes others posses.

If the public can be taught to distinguish “dead eyes” from normal eyes it would be a useful survival skill. If a young woman could look into the eyes of a Ted Bundy on a crowed beach on a Sunday and realize she was dealing with a psychopath she would not go with him. But if psychopaths found that there dead eyes gave them away could they learn to mimic us as the way they learn to mimic our emotions?

Romney is currently on the morning news, his dead man’s stare is unmistakable could America make the same mistake the three young women did on a sunny day on a Washington beach and get in the car with a psychopath? I haven’t had a chance to study the films of Hitler and see if he in fact also had dead eyes but studying the ways politicians use their eyes maybe an important survival skill for America and other countries throughout the world. If Hiller could have been weeded out in the political process the 70 million people killed in this conflict might have lived, people who might have found the cure cancer or invented inventions we couldn’t even imagine. Not only did 70 million people die but their descendents were never born. My uncle was killed in WWII all because a country followed a psychopath and got into his a car with him on a warm sunny afternoon in Germany.

Spring will soon be here and the psychopath beckons, he is on crutches and need some help with his packages. Will you help him? His only victim may be your social security check or your Medicare but make no mistake about there will be victims. Some psychopaths rise to the top like cream in milk not because they are any better but because they are not constrained by rules or emotions. Romney destroyed the pensions of many and made a huge profit doing so and then he gave $7 million of it to the Mormon Church to buy his way into conman’s heaven.
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Reply Thu 1 Mar, 2012 06:36 am
The 2007-2009 Bush Depression is often compared to the Great Depression; $12 trillion dollars of wealth was stolen from pension funds and other investments by the time Bush left office in January of 2009. Far more wealth was lost during Bush Depression than the Great Depression. There were of course bank failures during the Great Depression but they for the most part were small mom and pop banks but when the commie/conservatives did away with the regulations that prevented a commercial bank from being an investment bank the banks became mega banks and investment banks unlike commercial are not required by law to keep a minimum balance on hand in case investors request their money back. Comparing mega banks to a typical local bank of 30 years ago is like comparing a corner grocery store to Wal-Mart. During the Bush Depression these huge Mega Banks were falling like dominos the banks were incestuous and hedge fund managers were borrowing trillions to buy worthless assets. If a hedge fund manager had a billions dollar of customer’s money to invest he would borrow an additional $40 billion from banks to leverage his bet. The $40 billion would be borrowed from different Mega Banks and one Mega Banks had no idea the hedge fund manager had borrowed $10 billion from one Mega Bank and another $10 billion from another Mega Bank and the other $20 billion from still other Mega Banks. The hedge fund manager stepped up to the table and wagered on this or that worthless investment hoping to unload it at a profit before others found out the investment was worthless. Since the hedge fund manager only had a billion dollars of the bet he only had 2.5% of the bet and when the bet goes down 2.5% the hedge manager has lost his billion investment and he is upside down much like any home owners found themselves in their mortgages.

By 2004 those that looked closely at the subprime bonds knew they were worthless even though they carried triple A bond ratings. Investments Banks paid bond rating Agency huge commissions to hand out AAA ratings on what amounted to junk bonds. Every one on Wall Street was getting rich except the suckers. By 2004 smart money was being placed on bets that the subprime bonds were worthless. There was no question the bonds were worthless the only questions was how long the con could last. Mike Burry placed a billion dollar bet against the subprime mortgage bonds in 2004 he was allowed to pick which bonds and he picked the ones most likely to fail. If they failed he stood to make a $100 billion on this bet and they were sure to fail. Burry bought a billion dollars in credit default swaps if the bonds failed he won and fail they did.

In the thirties during the Great Depression after many of the same things happened then as happened today the bankers became the villains and Gangsters roaming the country holding up banks became a the new Americans heroes. But after the bankers got the regulations removed and the abuses of the bankers today were far worse than during the Great Depression the Pee Party Movement blamed the American Government and instead of calling out for stricter regulations called out for even less government regulations. How is this possible? Easy, the eternal enemy of the communists that founded the Modern Conservative Movement was the American Government. In Commie/conservative mythology the American Government is always to blame. So the Pee Partiers, the hand pick puppets of the Koch Brothers took to the streets to blame a government of the people, by the people and for the people for the crimes of the ungodly greedy on Wall Street.
A recent university study of the Ungodly Greedy showed that the rich are far more likely to be dishonest and behave badly than the average American.
“While the poor might seem to have the most reason to cheat and steal, the rich are more likely to be dishonest, a new study shows.

In a series of experiments, University of California at Berkeley researchers showed again and again that upper-class individuals were more prone to unethical behavior than people from more deprived backgrounds, according to the study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

These are the people the Pee Partier Puppets want to remove the regulations from. Yeah that will work, find the most dishonest among us and let them do as they will.

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Reply Fri 2 Mar, 2012 06:37 am
Now university studies have confirmed what many of us have known all along, that the rich are some of the most dishonest among us, in fact the study shows the rich are far more likely to lie, cheat and steal than those that are not rich. For thirty years now the commie/conservative movement has pushed to remove the regulations on this very group of dishonest people telling us their lord, their god, the free market will police itself. This would be much like setting up a day care center called “Child Molesters Are Us” and employing all child molesters and than saying government is to big let’s eliminate the laws against child molesting. It has been my experience when a contract is cheated he is not usually cheated by someone from the middle class, contracts are usually cheated by doctors, lawyers, or businessmen. My father owned a concrete plant and sold an attorney $10,000 worth of concrete on the mansion he was building. After the house was built the lawyer filed for bankruptcy keeping his interest in the mansion and beating all the suppliers out of their money. You simply could not go out and repossess the concrete in the basement, walls and driveway. The attorney ended up enriching himself handsomely at everyone else’s expense. I have seen this type of scam or other similar type scams repeated 1,000s of times by those with money. One contractor was approached by a local downtown businessman who owns several multistory downtown buildings and asked to do a job for him. The contractor quickly pointed out he hadn’t been paid for the last four jobs he had done for the businessman. The businessman offered the contractor 25 cents on the dollar to settle for his previous work and quickly pointed out that was all he would get in court if he sued him and the businessmen pointed out that he had his own attorney as in fact the businessman was in fact a practicing attorney and owned a law firm.

What the commie/conservatives did was removed the regulations on theft from those who were far more likely to steal and in 2007-2008 the American people paid the price. Stealing the baby boomers pensions was like taking candy from a baby for the ungodly greedy like Romney. In fact in the University study this is exactly what happened the participants were told that the candy in the room was going to be given to children, guess who ate the candy? The rich have become so accustom to stealing that even candy for babies is not off limits.

If anyone believes for a minute that anything has changed on Wall Street they best think again. The ungodly amount of money concentrated in Wall Street is enough to corrupt heaven and now one need only bribe a minority to block any regulations from being reapplied. The minority can block any legislation now we are no longer a country where the majority rules now the minority rules or they can at least block any legislation. The same type of worthless paper is being traded today on Wall Street as was traded in 2000- 2008 it is not the same worthless paper as the taxpayers bought the first batch of worthless paper. We simply re-staked the players in the poker game we didn’t stop the game.

In commie/conservative political mythology “greed is good” and not only is greed good it is a noble moral force that will keep everyone in line. As the university study demonstrates, greed is not a moral force; it in fact causes moral corruption. America has a huge dark cloud hovering over it and that cloud is Wall Street.

Derivatives are simply that they are derived from a stock or bond. A credit default swap is derived from a bond. In other words you are purchasing a bet that the bond will default. But you don’t own anything it is just like a bet that a horse will win the Kentucky derby but in this case you are betting the hordes will break his leg and someone will shoot it. The problem was some like Mike Burry looked at the x-rays of the horses legs and knew which already had hair line fractures before the race and placed a billion dollars in bets. When the legs broke like Burry knew they would the bookie (AIG) who he placed the bets with could not pay the $100 billion payoff but the U S Government bailed the bookies out. These bets are still being bought and sold on Wall Street everyday by those that are two big to fail.
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Reply Sat 3 Mar, 2012 07:31 am
Have you ever encountered someone at work who made a big mistake that cost the company a good deal of money only to try and blame others for his mistake? This is what the commie/conservatives did; they know exactly what caused the great stock market crash of 2007-2008. But like the guy in the office that made a major mistake they try to get out in front of it and change the focus they quickly get out of the spotlight and shine it on someone else. No matter what happens they are never at fault when something goes wrong but when something goes right they are the first to take credit no matter who was actually responsible, again they know perception always trumps reality.

Was the disastrous stock market crash of 2007-2008 predicted? Many of the books that looked at the reality of the stock market deregulation by the commie/conservatives did in fact tell the public that deregulation would in fact result in another Stock Market Crash. But the warning fell on deaf ears as the push for even more deregulation by the commie/conservatives drowned out ever other voices. Deregulation, deregulation, smaller government, more deregulation, it was like a religious cult chant coming from the right despite the fact that the typical redneck right commie/conservative on the street had no understanding of credit default swaps or $100 million interest only subprime mortgage bonds he pushed for even more complex and worthless finical vehicles to invest his pension fund in. If the Buddha came back to earth and said the Chinese people had it right there really never was a Jesus Christ or a Mohamed they were just ordinary people that people made legends of, do you think it would change anyone’s beliefs? No, people would still go on believing in the religion of their choice. Because they take it by faith, they believe like the bible tells them to believe, as a little child believes. The redneck right believes in Commie/conservative political ideology like a little child believes that is why it is said commie/conservative more closely resembles a religious cult instead of political movement. It is much easier to believe as a little child believes than pull your head out of the sand and see what is actually going on instead of having your vision focused on very selective portions of reality by the commie/conservative political propaganda network. Simple solutions are created for simple people the problem is simple solutions don’t solve complex problems.

Prior to the stock market being regulated after the Great Depression it was like a rollercoaster gyrating wilding up and down but once the proper regulations were in place it gave America decades of relative stability before deregulation once again destabilized the stock market. It is an undeniable fact that regulations stabilized the stock market but commie/conservative political ideology not only denies the obvious historical facts but denies the obvious current reality were many of the failed financial instruments were made possible by deregulation. The complex financial instruments made possible after deregulations were so complex that only a few of the mathematical geeks understood them or the risks involved and even the heads of the investment banks did not understand them or the risks involved. The worst part is they really didn’t care as long as the billions came rolling in only after the walls came tumbling down did they notice they were in the penthouse of a house of cards.

If you had just slid off a wet road and crashed your car into a telephone pole because your tires were bald you would probably make sure you had good tread on your tires on the next trip. You did not need a crystal ball to foresee the 2007-2008 stock market crash and the Bush Depression that closely followed it. All you needed was to be a student of history most of the stock and bond scams were tried before with the same results. After the Great Depression the best minds in the country looked post mortem at what went wrong and regulated the stock scams to make it more difficult for predators to steal from the public. The public outcry was to regulate the banks who had stolen their money. But now the cry from the Pee Partiers is for even more deregulation. In the Great Depression the local banks failed and your grandfather lost his money but instead of letting the banks fail this time and they were just hours away from doing that the government bailed them out this time so there wasn’t the same localized level of loss. Since the public didn’t lose the money they had in the bank they have no idea how serious the 2007-2008 Stock Market Crash was. One of the biggest accumulations of wealth in American history is the baby boomers pension funds. People had the same degree of loss today and maybe even more but because it was in their pension funds they lost they didn’t take the loss as hard. Your money in the bank is real, you can hold it in your hand in a moment notice but your pension money is money in your future and we know that the future is uncertain. The baby Boomers pension funds were the target of the commie/conservative deregulation and now the commie/conservatives are pushing for even more deregulation.
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Reply Sun 4 Mar, 2012 07:31 am
After a long period of Republican control of government caused the Great Depression it was 20 years before the public would even consider a Republican for President and even then it was an a political war hero who had been courted by both political parties. Far more wealth changed hands during the Bush Stock Market Crash of 2007-2008 then during the stock market crash of 1929 but the effect upon our economy of the Bush stock market crash of 2007-2008 was not nearly as severe. It was like being in a head on collision with air bags the economy was still injured but limped away. In 1929 the economy was not equipped with airbags but by 2009 economists had thoroughly studied the Great Depression and became experts on what went wrong managing the economy after the 1929 Stock Market crash. The appropriate steps were taken to soften the blow of the most severe stock market crash in history; an air bag was put in place to lessen the impact of the Bush Stock Market crash. It worked and by 2009 the Bush Depression was officially over even though its effects still rippled through the greater economy. What was the reward for ending what would have been a depression far more severe than the Great Depression? The Pee Party movement who proclaimed loudly it was just plain wrong to take freedom from Americans and they loudly proclaimed that the freedom to steal from your fellow man was one of the basic freedoms protected by the constitution. Regulations that prevented theft by making and wild ass bets with your pension fund dollars were an infringement on the freedom of your stock broker and just plain wrong. In fact if your stock broker had a good tip on which horse that would win the 5th race at Dover Downs he should have his god given freedom to bet your house on it and in fact betting on horses would have been a much better bet than some investments made on Wall Street on triple A bonds. In fact if anyone actually looked at the individual mortgages that made up the $100 million dollar mortgage bonds it was like betting on a horse with a broken leg. But some did study the individual mortgages that made up the bonds and bet against them and made fortunes. It was like the best rating agencies looking at a horse with a broken leg and giving it a triple A rating. The rating agencies and the investment banks had such an incestuous relationship that the rating agency would give junk triple A rating. The lubricant that made the incest possible was money and plenty of it. Bonds that had been rated triple B could be repacked with other bonds that had been rated triple B by the same rating agency and 80% of the triple B bonds would now be rated triple A

This would be much like going to a rape trial where the jury was made up of Pee Partiers who became outraged because the rapist’s god given freedom was being regulated by the government. Make no doubt about it the American people were raped by those on Wall Street to the tune of $12 trillion dollars during the Bush Stock Market Crash and they didn’t even bother to take our panties off. But the Pee Partiers rode in to rescue the rapists not the victims. If you look at any criminal activity it is only a crime because there is a regulation against, a law that makes it illegal. You can look at any crime and say the law against it infringes on the freedom of the criminal. In some European countries a woman could be kidnapped raped and she was expected to marry the rapist instead of prosecuting him. In this case the Pee Partiers came down soundly on side of the rapists and were outraged that rapist’s freedom was being curtailed. After all for predatory economics to work and make no doubt about it the commie/conservatives want predator economics, you can not have prey protected by the government, the next thing you know predators will have to buy a hunting license and register with the government.
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Reply Mon 5 Mar, 2012 06:36 am
A good professional can pass bigotry off as if it were mainstream opinion but those that pass bigotry off as main stream opinion sometimes cross the line and that is what Rush Slimbaugh did last week. Slimbaugh was quickly reprimanded by his sponsors as six of his sponsors cancelled their sponsorship of his show by the weekend and Lord Slimbaugh had to tender a public apology before all his sponsors cancelled. Slimbaugh is noted for having an ego on steroids and having to apologies would be enough to put him back on drugs. The Georgetown coed that testified before congress about the availability of birth control was a main talking point on all red neck talk shows last week and there was no lack of abuse from anyone of the red neck right hosts but Slimbaugh’s dirty old man took over as he demanded that the Georgetown coeds send him their sex videos in exchange for Slimbaugh paying for their birth control. To start with Slimbaugh was not paying for the Georgetown’s coeds’ birth control. The coeds were mandated by Georgetown to pay for insurance and insurance policy that did not cover birth control the only prescription that most of the women would need.

Slimbaugh and the other red neck right radio hosts are in the business of stirring up the emotional minds of their listeners. Not once did Slimbaugh or any other red neck right radio host mention the fact that Georgetown mandated that coeds carry insurance. But Slimbaugh and the other liars tried to stir up public resentment by trying to convince their red neck right audience that it was they not the coeds who were paying for the coed’s birth control. The commie/conservatives are desperately clutching at straws trying to come up with issue for the general election. The commie/conservatives morphed birth control into a religious freedom issue. Unfortunately many of the women who need birth control the most are least able to afford it. Georgetown, Notre Dame and Catholic hospitals are major employers and the employees pay at least for a portion of the medical insurance. This insurance is made much more expensive if birth control is not covered as the two most expensive groups to cover are those from birth to six months and those from 60-65. That cost is borne by all who are covered by that insurance policy.

I was surprised that when Slimbaugh started calling for the coeds to send him their sex video’s that he wasn’t taken off the air altogether but I guess he is his own producer and I suspect he has set up an incestuous amplification situation by surrounding himself with yes men. Slimbaugh always talks about the sense of entitlement but it was Slimbaugh in his mind who was entitled to the coeds sex videos. The dirty old man is archetype in our society and you always wonder where the transition point is between adult and dirty old man I believe that Slimbaugh may be transitioning before a national audience.

If all of Slimbaugh sponsors cancel will the Koch Brothers fund Slimbaugh show? There is little doubt that Koch brother industries would pay any amount to keep Slimbaugh show on the air. The sponsors who advertise on Red Neck Right Radio’s political interests are pretty much aligned and they view their sponsorship as much a contribution to a political cause as an advertising cost. Slimbaugh’s actions have to be extremely dysfunctional for them to cancel their advertising and his actions were extremely dysfunctional. You can always tell when a man’s sex life has stopped he spends his time talking about it instead of doing it or in Slimbaugh case he talks about it and wishes for sex videos.
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Reply Tue 6 Mar, 2012 06:36 am
It seems Rush Slimbaugh couldn’t apologize fast enough after his sponsors started deserting him. Even after Slimbaugh apologized in writing and repeatedly apologized on his program on Monday the sponsors continued to abandon a fast sinking ship. Slimbaugh is said to be paid $56 million a year to lie by his distributor according to NBC news. Now Rush Slimbaugh and the other Red Neck Right talk show hosts are suddenly in an uproar about freedom of speech. What? These are the same people that took freedom of speech from the American people on the publicly owned air waves. Each one of these useful idiots sit behind an army of call screeners who make sure there is in fact no freedom of speech or anything that resembles it on their show. If someone gets beyond the army of call screeners and expresses an opinion that Slimbaugh doesn’t want the American people to hear they are quickly cut off most of the time before the delay allows them to be heard over the air.

While the obvious object of Slimbaugh show is to deprive other Americans of the freedom of speech he and the other red neck right radio hosts are outraged when they are deprived of their freedom of speech. Slimbaugh sold his soul to the devil a long time ago his job was not to uphold freedom of speech but to push the political ideology of his sponsors and by screening calls to use smoke and mirrors to make it look like it was the dominant politically ideology of America. But Slimbaugh forgot that he is just a puppet on a string, just an employee paid to say what his sponsors want him to say. When the employee says something that offends their boss they are simply fired. There is no freedom of speech in the employer’s work place. The constitution does not guarantee you freedom of speech in your employer work place.

Many people suffer from the illusion that freedom of speech exist in the media or on the internet, it doesn’t. If you express an opinion other than the opinion of the particular internet site, especially if they strongly disagree with your opinion they will simply delete your post. If you repost the opinion you will be banned from that site and when protest of free speech crop up the site will inform them there is no such thing as free speech on their site only the opinions their sponsors are willing to pay for.

The founding fathers knew that freedom of speech is an essential right for our democracy and later the “Fairness Doctrine” protected that right in the medium of radio and later television. But one of the commie/conservatives first targets after they took power was the “Fairness Doctrine.” Once the commie/conservatives eliminated the “Fairness Doctrine” any pretence of freedom of speech was gone. Slimbaugh makes his living out of depriving the American people of their freedom of speech why should he be surprised when he finds he has no freedom of speech? Slimbaugh’s sponsor’s big bucks don’t pay for free speech they pay big bucks for speech that furthers their political ideology and benefits them.

How many of Slimbaughs sponsors have daughters at Georgetown? Slimbaugh has yet to apologize for his most perverted remarks. He simply apologized for two words, slut and prostitute, out of his three day monologue. His voyeuristic comments of being entitled to view the sex tapes of Georgetown coeds is at the heart of his sponsors discontent the part of Slimbaughs brain that self-sensors verbalizing inappropriate thoughts is no longer functioning as it should, this in fact maybe the calm before the storm.
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Reply Wed 7 Mar, 2012 06:38 am
How important is freedom of speech to our society? Freedom of speech to our form of government is like oxygen to us. It is simply that important if there is no freedom of speech our society won’t long endure and that freedom of speech must be extended to all our electronically enhanced methods of communication. America has been turned inside out and upside down by the commie/conservative propaganda. After the Great Depression the American people knew who was at fault and they knew what the problem was and they were able to fix it and it did not reoccur for 80 years until the commie/conservatives repealed those regulations. But ask most of the red neck right today what caused the 2007-2008 Bush Depression and it won’t be the crooked bankers and conmen on Wall Street who caused it but the government, the commie/conservative biggest enemy is always our government. How? The government made these banks loan money to poor people to buy houses. This is the commie/conservative explanation that was repeated thousands of times on red neck right radio, most people could repeat in their sleep. It wasn’t lack of regulations but too many regulations that caused the Bush Depression according to the commie/conservative myth. After 30 years of removing the major regulations that prevented most types of theft on Wall Street when $12 trillion was lost in the biggest economic collapse since the Great Depression the commie/conservatives told the public that Wall Street was over regulated even though they had removed almost every regulation that was placed on Wall Street after the Great Depression.

Wall Street was simply so corrupt after the commie/conservatives removed the regulations that scams that had not been possible since the Great Depression were suddenly legal again. Even Wall Street insiders would ask each other how they were going to F them and they knew that was the standard operating procedure of course they weren’t going to just F each other they were going to F the public and the pension funds. Matter of fact I just got my statement back from my broker and it is zeroed out after 12 years of investing they charged me to lose every penny and I didn’t even loan any poor people money to buy a home. Anyone that is interested in the actual facts of what happened on Wall Street should read “The Big Short” by Michael Lewis he was a broker and does an excellent job of explaining the complex interactions on Wall Street. The scams on Wall Street involved most major investment banks and the rating agencies. Every time Moody’s and Standard and Poor’s gave junk bonds a triple A rating these investments banks made a fortune selling them. The Standard and Poor’s and Moody’s didn’t look into the actual mortgages that made up the bonds they simply used the average credit rating of those that borrowed the money. We all know the problem with averages; you can offset a large number of low credit ratings with a large number of high credit ratings. The problem is the low credit ratings were almost sure to default. They were called bar bell bonds because of the large number of low credit ratings offset by a large number of high credit ratings. This was a manner of fruit packing placing the good fruit on top and the rotten on the bottom out of sight but as long as the average credit rating was 615 it got a triple rating, everyone knew it was a scam but everyone on Wall Street was getting fabulously wealthy. This is what happens when regulations are removed those on Wall Street knew they were building a house of cards but they like other conmen were getting rich and when the house of cards collapsed they would take their winnings and move on, let the suckers be damned.

When the commie/conservative propaganda channels explanations that it was the government over regulations of Banks becomes the accepted explanation not only is the real problem hidden from the public but it prevents us from solving the problem and things on Wall Street are worse today then they were when our economy collapsed in 2007 the only difference is that the players were staked again with taxpayer money. That money is being used to fund even more complex scams because the regulations have not been restored and the next collapse is inevitable. The commie/conservatives will drag us all down without freedom of speech on public airwaves.

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Reply Thu 8 Mar, 2012 06:38 am
Rush Slimbaugh has lost 33 sponsors and two affiliates over his comments about the Georgetown coeds sex life. Slimbaugh had hoped to score a might blow for commie/conservatives everywhere only to have it blow back on him. Slimbaugh badly wanted to make birth control for American women a religious rights issue. But instead he made the commie/conservative argument looks ridicules. The commie/conservatives had big hopes of making women birthday control the defining issue in the upcoming election as they have made abortion the primary argument for many in past elections. Many of the women who need birthday control the most are least likely to afford it. If insurance companies are required to supply birth control pills instead of making them an exception from other prescription drug programs there would be fewer abortions and we all know commie/conservatives want more abortions because they get political mileage out of abortions. When Baby Bush came to Huntington in 2004 he was accompanied by large box trucks with large pictures of aborted fetuses on the sides of the truck. There is nothing like trucks be driven constantly through town with pictures the aborted blood and guts on the side of them. That is just how the commie/conservatives play the game and it works on the ignorant like a miracle. The Catholic Church fills the church yard with small flags each representing an abortion and lost future earning from those prospective new Catholics. The best way to get more Catholics is simply to raise them.

Religious freedom is the perfect issue for the commie/conservatives. Commie/conservative mythology is not based on Joseph Campbell’s hero’s story but commie/conservatives political mythology is based on the victim story. In today’s world it is much easier to identify with the victim’s story than the hero’s story. You cannot listen to red neck right radio with out hearing that they are the victims of the main stream news media, the victims of the government, the victim of reverse racism, the victims of the welfare queens, the list is endless. Now their religious freedom is the next and newest victim. Abortion worked so well for so many years because the fetus was the ultimate victim innocent and helpless. Why play the victim? Righteous angry grants instant access to the emotional mind the anger is a strong motivating force. Studies have show that people have an inborn drive for revenge. If they feel they have been victimized they will often take a loss to inflict a loss on others as punishment. The intellectual mind is the gate keeper but if you can bypass the intellectual mind by making someone believe they are the victim then once you get direct access to the emotional mind the intellectual mind will become an ally instead of a gate keeper and start generating rationalizations for the actions of the emotional mind. Hitler knew that if he convinced the Germany people that they were victims that it would generate a powerful political movement. When the Germany people were convinced they were victims of the Jews millions died when the Germany people were convinced they were the victim of reparations they started a world war and 70 million people died.

The commie/conservatives are the anti matter of political philosophies.
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Reply Fri 9 Mar, 2012 06:52 am
The battle over free speech rages on at least the battle over who should be entitled to exercise the right of free speech and who should be able to deprive others of the right of free speech. Slimbaugh is doing what commie/conservatives do best playing the victims role. Slimbaugh was quick to jump out his car and throw himself on the ground and start yelling police brutality when the meter maid put a parking ticket on his Rolls- Royce. The commie/conservatives want everyone to know that Slimbaugh is the real victim here. After all it was Slimbaugh right of free speech that was violated. In the first place the right of free speech is a right granted between the government and an individual to ensure that individual can criticize the government and even that is limited to truth. Free speech does not give anyone the right to tell lies to further a political agenda. There is no such thing as freedom of speech at work, for instance freedom of speech does not grant you the right to give your employer’s trade secrets to his competitors or to call a woman a slut unless you can prove it. Rush Slimbaugh makes $56 million a year by depriving others of their right to free speech and using the public airwaves to project a monolithic political philosophy.

In fact Slimbaugh rant where he called Sandra Fluke a slut, prostitute and filled in other graphic details of what Slimbaugh imagined Fluke’s sex life might be including the number of times of sexual intercourse a day. The constitution did not grant Slimbaugh the right to call Fluke a slut or a prostitute if in fact it is not true. The right to free speech does not include the right to slander. The accusation has lost a little of its sting but in Rush’s day calling a woman a slut was one of the worst public insults that could be made and those that made the accusation in public were met with a quick right hand.

Slimbaugh spent no time throwing himself on the ground and yelling police brutality as sponsors after sponsor pulled their ads for Slimbaugh’s lurid rant about how he imagined Fluke’s sex life. Every time I search for the number of advertisers who pulled their ads from Slimbaughs show it is like thermometer going up in a heat wave. The latest count is 49 advertisers who have pulled their advertising including the American Heart Association whose ads were free. When free ads are pulled it is very telling. Slimbaugh’s show is now being aired on a New York radio station with dead air time where commercials belong.

I believe that it is not so much what Slimbaugh has said as what the advertiser fear he will say in the future with his dirty old man mind set. Also Slimbaugh was rallying his troops to boycott the advertisers that had pulled their advertisements including some advertiser who had been with Slimbaugh for 25 years. This must scare the daylights out of advertisers that after they spent millions on advertising on Slimbaugh showed that he will do everything in his power to stop the ditto heads from using the products of those who advertised on his show. Slimbaugh might be showing early signs of dementia and Slimbaugh will be a mean spirited type in his dementia one that can and is doing his best to inflict millions in damages on those who once paid for his political monologue. Slimbaugh sees himself both as king and victim and that is a dangerous combination once the mental wiring begins to go bad, Slimbaugh is like a suicide bomber looking for a place to explode.
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Reply Sat 10 Mar, 2012 07:25 am
Have we reached the point of no return? Our society is now so corrupted by the vast concentration of wealth in the hands of the few that the chances are very remote that anyone can alter the path. We are joined on the path to hell by the very commie/conservatives that wild eyed “belief” in the “Free Market” is little different from the Heaven’s Gates cult belief that if they committed suicide that they would be taken up to a passing comet.

“They interpreted passages from the four gospels and the book Revelation as referring to UFO visitation. In particular, they emphasized a story in Revelation which described two witnesses who are killed, remained dead for 3 1/2 days, were revived and taken up into the clouds. They look upon earth as being in the control of evil forces, and perceived themselves as being among the elite who would attain heaven. They held a profoundly dualistic belief of the soul as being a superior entity which is only housed temporarily in a body. Applewhite said that bodies were only “the temporary containers of the soul…The final act of metamorphosis or separation from the human kingdom is the ‘disconnect’ or separation from the human physical container or body in order to be released from the human environment.”

Religion Top 10 Cults
The commie/conservative “belief” in the Free Market is every bit as strong as the Heaven’s Gate Away Team belief in UFOs, the trouble is the Heaven’s Gate away Team had the decency not to try and take the rest of us with them. History repeats itself and Thomas Frank in his book “Pity the Billionaire” tells us that this is not the first time that the death of the Free Market was foretold. When unions posed a balancing force to the Free Market in the early 20th century the right proclaimed the death of the Free Market. When regulations were put in place by FDR to regulate the free Market the right again proclaimed the death of the Free Market. But like the space ship hidden in the tail of comet the Free Market never existed in the first place there were always some regulations. The regulated “Free Market” provided 30 years of prosperity for the baby boomers followed by 30 year of a falling standard of living when the regulations were removed.

The radical right knows no middle ground there is only black or white, life to them is a 1950s western there are those in the white hats and those in the black hats. Those on the left are not pushing for a Soviet style central planning but reasonable regulations and enforcement. The extreme position is taken by those who “believe.” The Heaven’s Gate Away Team had nothing on the right; the evidence shows that the fraud on Wall Street occurred after the regulations were repealed. But like the Heaven’s Gate Away Team when you believe no amount of evidence to contrary will ever dissuade you.
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Reply Sun 11 Mar, 2012 07:11 am
The commie/conservatives are running around like Chicken Little telling everyone the world will end if Obama is re-elected. But the Great Depression of 2007-2008 was caused by a long period of Republican control of government just as a long period of Republican control and worship of the Free Market preceded the Great Depression. Instead of worshiping a golden cow the commie/conservative’s golden idol is the Free Market. It is no coincidence that perversion in religion and political philosophy so often involve gold. In western society gold serves as a storage battery that stores power. The more gold you have the more claims you have on other people’s goods and time. The more gold you have the more power you have and the more access you have to those with direct political power.

“What good does it do for a man to gain the world and lose his soul?” What made our government so successful was that our founding fathers designed a government with a balance of power. The trouble is that a government with a balance of power can not long exist in a society where the balance of power has been obliterated. America has indeed gained the world but lost it soul along the way. The commie/conservatives have nominated greed as a replacement for America’ soul. The commie/conservatives believe that greed is a perfect moral force that will equitably distribute economic wealth. Those who work the hardest will get the biggest reward and those who do not work as hard will receive a smaller reward. This view is of course a utopian view each human being has only 24 hours in a day but the vast accumulation of wealth quickly betrays their theory flaws. But like all good religious cults the skill that makes believing possible is the ability to block out any and all evidence to the contrary out.

The cold hard fact is the fastest way to get rich is not hard work but theft. There are people who have worked hard for a lifetime in factories slaving beside blast furnaces putting away money into a pension system. Along will come a Romney and company who will steal the pension fund and gut the company leaving a shell that will collapse after it is sold. Romney work in stealing the pensions of thousands in no way compared to the lifetimes of work it took to create the wealth Romney stole. We all of course know thieves work hard and many hours are devoted to figuring out how to steal from others but in Greedism the hard work of thief is recognized and rewarded. Greedism is naturally predatory and it is the victim’s responsibility to protect their wealth. The factory workers should have taken control of the pensions before Romney could get control of them. In Greedism it is always the victims who are at fault like the rapist who blames the 80 year old woman for bending over for his raping her.
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Reply Mon 12 Mar, 2012 05:36 am
The Scott Walker recall effort in Wisconsin is moving along nicely and it looks like the Republicans will be unable to block the will of the people a second time. We are all familiar with Russian style elections where two candidates run but represent the same special interest groups. In Wisconsin the two of the most probable candidates to run against Walker in the recall election do not have widespread support by the unions that pushed the recall election One of the candidates, Cathleen Falk, touted a $10 million dollar cut she made to public employee salaries. She is bragging about how much how much damage she did to the standard of living of public employees in Wisconsin. She is one of the possible likely opposition candidates to Scott Walker in the recall election. In a poll she only holds 48-47 advantage.

The other likely candidate, Tom Barrett, current mayor of Milwaukee lost to Walker by 5 points in the 2010 election and he is openly opposed by a couple of public employees unions because of decisions he made about public schools and cuts made to the city budget.

No doubt times are tough and the Bush Depression has been especially tough on public employees. This will be my third year with my hours cut back 10%. The housing bubble greatly inflated housing prices and with it property taxes. The public sector especially school systems are susceptible to cuts in property taxes. Unfortunately government expenses like private expenses expand to meet available income. But when the housing bubble burst the reality of shrinking tax receipts was harsh.

It is hard to believe that as unpopular as Scott Walker is that the only two likely candidates barely beat him in a recall election. One city manager we had would make a political contribution to all of the candidates running for city council so no matter who won he had supported them. The group that runs the politics in most regions is like the city manager they support who ever is running so no matter who is elected they are beholden to them. The money of the ungodly greedy makes it possible for someone to run for governor without it, it is the impossible dream.

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Reply Tue 13 Mar, 2012 05:35 am
The illusion of American politics and the realities are often quite different. Many people never get a glimpse behind the curtain to see the little man pulling the levers. I have spent nearly 38 years working for a city of roughly 50,000. I have been president of the AFSCME local on several occasions over the years and dealing with local politics was part of the job description. The city had a city manager form of government for the first 11 years I worked there. City managers were easier to deal with and more professional. The union local tried to stop the city from changing back to the mayor form of government as the last time the city had a mayor of government city payroll checks had been worthless paper. The Union International representative asked me to go see a State Senator who was pushing the Mayor form of government. I told him hat the state Senator knew where to find me and he could come see me. The International Rep asked me to do it as a personal favor and since the International had provided a lawyer for parity lawsuit we recently won I complied. I went to the Senator’s place of business and we had a heated discussion about the pros and cons of the mayor form of government verses the manager form of government. The Senator told me how he had been instrumental in changing the city to the current manager form of government from the mayor form in the 50s. But he claimed times were different now and it was time to change back to the mayor form. Times were indeed different alright he wanted to be mayor and use it as a stepping stone to be governor. When he realized he was not going to change my mind he tried to intimidate me and told me that taking a stand against the mayor form of government better be the unions position and not just my personal position. The union continued the demonstrations but lost the election by 700 votes and the Senator did indeed become a two term mayor but his mistreatment of the union eventually led to him being blackballed by labor and 18 years have now passed and he never won another election. He is a political radio host today and chairman of the county Democratic Party.

The State Senator was suppose to be the labor candidate but in his two terms the union only received one pay raise and that was when he was running for re-election. In a negotiation session with the Senator turned Mayor, he told us there was no money for pay raises, we pointed out that large pay raises were being handed out at city hall and he told us “those people have a standard of living to maintain.” Just as if we didn’t, after all we had acquired a taste for eating. The labor candidate was much more interested in those who had a “standard of living to maintain” it seems. The union giveth and the union taketh away. The Senator lost the primary in his next bid for Mayor.

The candidate that beat senator in the primary 18 years ago is the current candidate for mayor. After he beat the Senator in general election the Senator and the other defeated democratic candidate worked behind the scene for the successful republican candidate in the general election. In the current election the current mayor and the opposing candidates are backed by the same group of people. They will answer to the same group of people and they both will do the bidding of the small man behind the curtain who is pulling the levers. Politics is much like Halloween where the powerful put on the disguise of one candidate and when the public grows tired of them they simply put on the disguise of another candidate. America’s elections have far more in common with elections in Russia than we want to realize. An endless parade of candidates can be elected and tossed out of office but only the faces change but when all is said and done the man behind the curtain remains the same.
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Reply Wed 14 Mar, 2012 05:33 am
When Newt Gingrich made an issue out vulture capitalism during the South Carolina Primary his popularity soared and he won victory over Romney by 12.6%, Gingrich also crushed Santorum by more than a 23% margin. Gingrich had finally found a winning strategy simply attack the corrupt capitalists like Romney nut Gingrich quickly backed away from attacking the vampire capitalists like Romney. By the Florida primary Gingrich abandoned his attacks on the corruption in our society and resumed attacking democrats and lost big time by 15 points in just a few weeks. Why did Gingrich abandon a winning strategy? “Maxwell Siler’s Hammer” came down upon his head the ungodly and the commie/conservative came down on Gingrich head like a hammer. That and $20 million dollars in campaign contributions from one family to keep his mouth shut about vulture capitalism.

If the commie/conservative rank and file can be turned so rapidly against “vulture capitalism” it demonstrates that a large fault line is appearing in the Republican Party. The distribution of wealth problem is not going away by November and it is getting worse each and every day. Glen Beck was belly aching about new regulations that would require a company to report the CEO’s salary and how many times higher the CEO’s was over the average employee’s salary. To give you an idea how out of whack America has become in the first part of the twenty century the rule of thumb in America business was that CEO’s salary should be no higher than two and one half times the average workers salary. Now of course in many cases the CEO’s salary is many thousands of times higher than the average worker’s salary and each day that multiplier is going up with no end in sight. Why would Glen Beck and the commie/conservative ungodly greedy be opposed to a requirement to report this income disparity? Because they know it is open theft. They know what a factory produces is the product of labor and they object to advertising that theft. This information is publicly available from most publicly held corporations already but the reporting requirement will centralize the information and allow it to be tracked. Like their name sake “vampire capitalists” prefer to work in the dark and shun the light of day.
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Reply Thu 15 Mar, 2012 05:28 am
Every day there is another news story about the increase price of gasoline. Each time the price of gasoline increase a penny it is worth five minute story on the evening news. Obama approval rating has an inverse relationship with gasoline prices as gasoline prices increase Obama approval rating goes down. You might remember the oil and gas industry spent over a half a billion dollars in 2004 election cycle to get Baby Bush and other republicans elected. The actual price gasoline went up 762% from December 2001, Bush’s first year in office. The price of gasoline was 92.9 cents a gallon and over 42.9 of that was tax, so the actual price of a gallon of gasoline was 50 cents. On July the 5th I paid $4.239 a gallon and continued to pay well in excess of $4 for the months of May, June and July of 2008. I would drive 50 miles to get the cheapest price often to within sight of the oil refinery in the neighboring state so I bought at the best price in a three state area. I keep meticulous records of my gasoline purchases to track the gas mileage and have since I was 16. If you subtract the 42.9 tax from the price of a gallon of gasoline that means the actual price of a gallon skyrocket to $3.81 and increased 762% during Baby Bush term in office. Nothing in my 60 year lifetime went up 762% in such a short period of time with the exception of medical insurance. The sound at the cash registers during Baby Bush’s term was just the sound of the oil industry recovering their political contributions plus a 100 to 1 profit.

Even though the price of gasoline has not even reached the actual dollar price it was 4 years ago and the price with inflation factored in is much less. The public has a short memory and may put the same people back in office that raised price of gasoline by 762%. If the price of gasoline went up the same percentage under Obama that it did under Bush, the price of gasoline would be $30.98 a gallon. Thieves count on their victims having a short memory. The motto on Wall Street is; customers have a short memory.

At $30.98 a gallon imagine how many politicians the Oil companies could buy. This rapid rate of increase actually happened during Baby Bush’s term not Obama’s. For the oil companies to defeat Obama all that is necessary is jack the price of gasoline back to what it was during the summer of 2008 and you must remember the oil companies need to raise the billion dollars they will make in campaign contributions this fall and in fact no doubt that was why the gasoline prices are being jacked up so high in 2008. The money for the oil company campaign contributions has to come from somewhere and the oil companies have only one source the American people.

The usual suspects for the raise in the price of gasoline will be trotted out again this summer, short supply, not enough refineries, rumors of war in the Middle East, a fire at an oil refinery or a hurricane warning in the Gulf. But what the American will not hear is that America is exporting more gasoline than any time since 1949 and one of the profit centers is in the export of gasoline, jet fuel and diesel.

The internet blares with headlines “How Long Can the Oil Industry Keep This Hidden? _______________________________________________________________________

“COLUMN-Surging U.S. oil exports cannot stay hidden forever-Campbell”

“Reuters) - America's periodic gasoline price debate is usually a mix of willful ignorance and cynicism that achieves little but oil executives must be hoping the latest episode dies down before the United States' massive fuel exports get much attention.

After all, exports of diesel fuel, and increasingly gasoline, are now crucial profit centers for many U.S. refineries, hard pressed by shrinking domestic demand.

As long as the export trade was concentrated in diesel, refiners were relatively shielded from populist ire by the fact that few consumers buy diesel fuel regularly.

But with exports of gasoline reaching nearly 650,000 barrels per day in December, or more than the combined consumption of drivers in the states of New York and New Jersey, the situation may soon get less comfortable.
Whether or not the industry is prepared for the inevitable backlash that will come when these figures are discussed in public is unknown."
Why is this story not the lead story on the National News? American oil companies are exporting 650,000 barrels of gasoline a day. The oil companies are simply peeing on the American people’s leg and telling them it is raining.

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