The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Sun 5 Feb, 2012 07:03 am
Michael Lewis in his book “Liar Poker” relates his training and experiences as a bond salesman at Solomon Brothers in the 80s. Anyone with less than a $100 million dollars to trade was considered a small trader anyone with more than $100 million to trade was considered a big trader. New salesmen fresh from training were called geeks. Lewis first position was in the London office and his first customer a German from an Austrian bank with $20 million to trade. A trader working for Solomon brothers convinced Lewis that AT&T bonds were a good investment. Lewis sold the German the AT&T bonds which lost $60,000 overnight. Lewis thought Solomon Brothers would buy the AT&T on the market but it turned out the AT&T bonds were on Solomon books and had been losing money for some time. Solomon trader was simply dumping a bad investment on the customer. The AT&T bonds eventually lost $140,000 and the German that bought the bonds for the Austrian bank was fired. When Lewis confronted the Solomon trader that directed him to the bad investment, the trader told him you work for Solomon Brothers not for the customer. This practice was known as “blowing up” the customer and justified by the by the old truism, let the customer beware. Solomon Brothers was in the business of not only marketing stock and bonds but expert advice. When you sell expert advice but commit fraud instead it is known as predator economic. How could this practice continue? Solomon Brothers said that customers had a short memory.

This was the rule not the exception on Wall Street of the 80s and beyond it was a reflection of the new national political philosophy, commie/conservatism. It was just each rugged individual clawing his way to the top of the pile anyway he could. When Psychopath is caught stealing or defrauding from other people they always justify it by saying that if he didn’t defraud the elderly couple out of their lifesavings first the elderly couple would have defrauded him. It is a poor excuse but it is usually their only justification.

According to Robert D. Hare, Ph D and author the book “Without Conscious” the five symptoms of psychopath are: glib and superficial, egocentric and grandiose, lack of remorse or guilt, lack of empathy, and deceitful. If the American commie/conservative movement was an individual it would no doubt be diagnosed as a psychopath.

Superficial and Glib: Anyone that listens to red neck right radio cannot deny how superficial and glib the voice of the commie/conservative movement is. Commie/conservatism has nothing to offer middle class America it primary objective is to further redistribute the wealth to the ungodly greedy. Not one more dollar of taxes on the ungodly greedy tax pledges anyone.

Egocentric and Grandiose: Rush Slimbaugh “talent on loan from god” line is the very definition Egocentric and Grandiose. If you looked the terms up in the dictionary Slimbaugh picture would be there. You can clearly see the grandiosity in that after presiding over 30 years of a steady decline where America has become known as a nation of thieves around the world and manufacturing is at its lowest point since the industrial revolution commie/conservatives is being touted as the ideology that will save America in the next election.

Lack of Remorse or Guilt: Do you think for a minute the commie/conservatives had any remorse or guilt about how the middle class standard of has living has declined over the last 30 years? They not only don’t feel remorse or guilt they won’t even acknowledge it happened. In fact Rush Slimbaugh goes on an on about how the middle class standard of living has improved not by using the Census facts and figures but by saying that the poor now have a $200 TV and a $20 DVD players. The commie/conservatives see no need to acknowledge the real redistribution of wealth in America where the ungodly greedy share of the wealth went up 688% in thirty years despite the fact that middle class working couples now work 32 more hours a week and have less to show for it. Slimbaugh is the worlds worst to pee on the American people’s leg and tell them it is raining. This is classic psychopath behavior Ted Bundy couldn’t have said it any better.

Lack of Empathy: Slimbaugh is the voice of commie/conservatism and there is complete lack of empathy in him as well as the political ideology. In predator economics empathy for your victim is a weakness. If the lioness in jungle displayed empathy for the pray and hesitated she and her cubs would go hungry. The commie/conservative political philosophy is modeled after the law of the jungle and empathy is a luxury it can never afford. Psychopaths much prefer the law of the jungle as it is their internal code it is the way they play the game.

Deceitful: Ever deal with a stockbroker? Michael Lewis didn’t just “blow up” one customer he continued to blow up a long list of customers. My experience with stock brokers is the same; of course I wasn’t a $3 million small account. There is no doubt in my mind that the GM stock was on the books of the stock broker and it was easy for him to defraud me out of my money, it was simple outright fraud on their part but since the I trusted them and the buy order was verbal we both know I have no recourse. There is no honor among thieves. There was a time when you didn’t deal with shady characters for a good reason but now in America you best not deal with the most honored names in the business because under commie/conservatism thieves finish first. After all my broker wasn’t working for me he was working for the company.
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Reply Mon 6 Feb, 2012 06:29 am
The Modern Conservative Movement originally had three components the extremist far right known as the John Birch Society; the hard core American communists such as Whitaker Chambers and Frank Meyer and the ungodly greedy like William Buckley. Buckley realized government could be used to redistribute the wealth of America to the ungodly greedy. The communists later staged a successful purge and forced the John Birchers out of the commie/conservative movement. The communists believed the commie/conservative movement could never be taken seriously because of the extreme right. The John Birchers believed there were communists hiding behind every bush and in most government office, much like Glen Beck today. The trouble was the John Birchers, like Glen Beck, were blind to fact that the real hard core communist were in their own political movement and they were blind sided when the communist purged them from a political movement they helped start.

Most of the founding hardcore communists are dead or not nearly as active in the commie/conservative movement because of advanced age. The ungodly greedy influence over the commie/conservative movement has grown in recent years and we may be seeing the second purge where the ungodly greedy will purge what is left of the hard core communist elements. Most of the ungodly greedy prefer to hide in the background and serve as puppet masters. The puppet is then blamed by the public for all the problems and the puppet master simply backs a new puppet in the next election. This process can go on for decades and the general public is none the wiser. Sometimes the puppet master will use their money to back candidates in both political parties that way they can’t lose.

The hard core communists responsible for the commie/conservative political philosophy could never run for public office simply because the public would never elect a communist president even though Reagan made the communists national heroes by awarding them the Presidential Metal of Freedom. The ungodly greedy in the commie/conservative movement have been content to stay pretty much in the background until recent years but now one the ungodly greedy is running for president. This may represent a major realignment and shift of power in the commie/conservative movement. The fact that the ungodly greedy believe that they no longer have to hide behind the curtain and pull the puppet’s strings but can step out onto the stage and openly push for even more redistribution wealth to the ungodly greedy shows how pervasive the effect of context is on national elections.
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Reply Tue 7 Feb, 2012 06:35 am
Usually I would wait until April 15 to do my taxes even if I was getting money back, I just hate to do the paper work and locate the documents. Most years I typically got a refund of around $200 until Bush “cut my taxes” and I had to pay $800 a year. After Obama took office my refund has been over $800 because of the $800 pays to work credit for couples. I never did figure why my taxes were so much higher under Bush as I used the short form and claimed the standard deduction for over 30 years. I just chalked it up to more commie/conservative lies as it was obvious the tax system was further rigged under the Bush administration to redistribute the wealth to the ungodly greedy. But this year for the first time after another 10% cut back in wages at work and insurance companies doing what they do best trying to defraud their customers I decided to take my furlough day and file the taxes. I used TurboTax this year to use the electronic filing feature and the report at the end stated that I paid a 5.67% effective tax rate. This was a line I never noticed before and suspect it is new now that the Romney 15% effective tax rate will become the subject of national debate. No doubt the CEO of TurboTax makes a $500 million or so and pays the 15% tax rate on most of his income so this serves a social purpose.

For years when many of ungodly greedy paid no income tax at all they used the tax tables to argue that income taxes were unfair and have the income taxes on the ungodly greedy cut even further I don’t know how far past zero taxes on the ungodly greedy can be cut but I do know that $500 million handouts to the ungodly greedy are not uncommon, in recent years both Boeing and Mercedes got $500 million handouts and the ungodly greedy were the primary benefactors as they own 90% of the stock in these companies. When the public got wise and pointed out the ungodly greedy didn’t pay what was in the tax table and began to use the effective tax rate the ungodly greedy paid which was zero for many, the ungodly greedy managed to get Reagan to cut their taxes another 70%. Now the ungodly greedy can no longer hide behind the tax table figure it is time for “proofiness.”

In order for Turbo Tax to get the 5.67% tax rate my taxes were divided by our total income. The total income line included my wife’s social security, money that was already taxed when she paid into social security in fact social security was just giving her money back that was already taxed and in fact the money she paid into was being double taxed we were paying a higher tax because it was added to the current tax year income. Turbo Tax calculations also use money that is tax exempt such as the standard deduction and dependent exemptions exempts. My actual tax rate on taxable income was 13.7% without factoring the double taxes paid on the social security which would put me well over the 15% taxes Romney paid. Of course whether standard deduction and personal exemptions are factored on his $100 million income makes no appreciable difference because such a small amount would only make a difference in the 9th decimal place and would be unnoticeable. But the standard deduction and personal exemption applies to everyone but a $19,000 exemption on a $40,000 income has a tremendous effect on the effective tax rate of the middle class but the same $19,000 exemption has no effect on a $100 million income. In fact 19,000 is less than .0019 % of Romney’s $100 million income. In fact Romney would never claim the standard deduction with a $7 million contribution to a religious cult of his choice. Watch for “proofiness” it is going to be front in center in the next election, now you see it now you don’t. .
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Reply Wed 8 Feb, 2012 06:37 am
Social Security was not always taxed. Which president decided to double tax social security income? Do you really have to be told? Ronald Reagan signed into law the double tax on Social Security in 1983. Ronald was busy cutting the taxes of the ungodly greedy by 70% and at the same time double the taxing on social security contributions once when they were paid into the social security system and a second time when they were returned to you as social security. Contributions to IRAs are tax deductible but payments to social security are taxed when you make the money. My 2009 social security statement states I paid $49,223 into social security if I retire I would get paid $1,142. I have already paid tax on that $49,223 at that rate it will take me 3.6 years just to draw the principal out and I will pay tax on my money I contributed again. Thanks to Reagan and because I have a pension I will have to pay tax a second time as the government gives me back the money I earned and paid taxes on. Reagan was modern day Robin Hood, but since he was senile he got it backwards and stole from the middle class to give to the ungodly greedy. Reagan raised the retirement age and steeply raised the social security tax and in addition levied a second round of income taxes on the new higher social security taxes.

Does it make sense that the voluntary IRAs for the rich are tax deductible but the mandatory social security payments are not? The time has come to make social security payments tax exempt just as payments to pensions and IRAs already are. Up until 1986 I paid taxes on my pension contributions and after that point my contributions to pension were tax exempt. But my $7,000 in pension contributions that were taxed will be returned tax free while the later contribution that were not taxed will be subject to income tax. Why is there a different set of rules for pension contributions that were taxed and must be returned untaxed and social security contributions that were taxed? It looks like the AARP would take the case to court. Reagan’s law cannot possibly be constitutional it gave Reagan two tax bites out of the same apple. As a union President I was often asked if management could get away with this or that any my answer was always yes they can until someone is man enough to stand up and file grievance. The shock and awe of having a Movie Star as president let Reagan do massive damage to the American economy unnoticed. Reagan was responsible for starting the biggest redistribution of wealth in history of America where the government redistributed the wealth of a nation to 13,400 people out of 300 million. Reagan cut the taxes on the ungodly greedy by 70% raised the social security tax and the retirement and then doubled taxed social security contributions.

The founding communists designed the commie/conservative philosophy as a ticking time bomb that exploded 30 years from the time the communist intellectuals gave birth to it. Even though the explosion took place 30 years ago the real damage was not evident until 2007-08. America was like a house infested with termites you had no idea there was any damage until your wife fell through the floor and the walls collapsed. By 2007-08 the illusion could simply no longer be maintained
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Reply Thu 9 Feb, 2012 06:37 am
Why is it that Reagan was known for cutting taxes but yet the public does not even know he was responsible for taxing social security contributions that had previously been taxed when they were returned to the employee that paid them? Most people do not do their own taxes and all they see when they get their tax forms back from the preparer is how much they get back or have to pay. If I had deposited the same $ 49,000 into a saving over a 44 year period that I did into social security system this money could not be taxed when I withdrew it. Any earned interest would be taxed as it was earned. If Reagan had changed the law and made people pay taxes on withdrawing the principal from a saving account there would have been a public outcry especially from the ungodly greedy who bank millions every year. But Reagan and the commie/conservatives singled out the elderly and the disabled to pay double income taxes. Reagan singled out the ungodly greedy for a massive 70% tax cut and to pay for that tax cut he doubled the tax on people on social security to pay for it. Red neck right radio hosts and red neck right authors continually tout the fact that when Reagan cut the income tax on the ungodly greedy by 70% that total tax receipts went up but not one ever mentions that Reagan began taxing social deposits that were already taxed in fact social was not subject to tax until Reagan taxed it. Like the little boy who got rich by taking a penny from each bank account in California, Reagan paid for part of his 70% tax cut from the ungodly greedy by taking a few 100 dollars from each middle class social security recipient. In fact millions of middle class Americans paid for the massive tax for the 13,400 ungodly greedy by being taxed a second time on money they earned over a lifetime. Regan fundamentally changed America into a nation of thieves where the vampire class used the government victimize the elderly and disabled.

Reagan was not Commander and Chief, Reagan was Commander and Thief. Over the last three years I have paid taxes for second time on $16,000 of my wife’s disability social security. At 15% that is $2,400 more in additional taxes on money she already paid taxes on. If you think the pennies for the little boy mounted up imagine what 26 years of taking $1,000s from millions across America amounted to. Reagan has been dead for years and that thieving commie/conservatives is still out right stealing from the American people. That my friend is one of the biggest redistributions of wealth in history literally $100 of billions of dollars was redistributed to the ungodly by taxing the social security that was already taxed over the last 26 years.

Alan Greenspan is credited with coming up with the idea of taxing social security. This is the same Greenspan that admitted deregulation of the stock market was a” mistake.” Greenspan was one of the ungodly greedy and his cut of Reagan massive tax was no doubt millions. Greenspan knew someone has to pay his taxes if the ungodly greedy didn’t and who better than those on social security, those idiots will never know what hit them. They are not smart enough to know they already paid taxes on that money when they earned it and when Reagan pees on their leg and tells them it’s raining; well it seems like a majority of Americans simply adored yellow showers. The trouble is it 26 years later and the yellow rain is still coming down and because Reagan was elected I can look forward to paying another $9,000 in taxes on money that was already taxed. Can you say scam? I never been took by conman but I put my share behind bars but Regan is in his grave but he is going to use the government to take me personally for $11,000 in taxes that I already paid.
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Reply Fri 10 Feb, 2012 06:36 am
I missed part of Glen Beck show yesterday; the station Beck show is on signal is so weak that if you cannot see the radio tower your reception is terrible. You miss bits and pieces; I just caught the end of a Beck spiel. Beck was advising a caller, a rarity on his daily 3 hour political monologue show, not to respond to something written on the internet. Beck advised the caller to not respond and he called the original poster a troll. Of course Beck’s definition of an internet troll is someone who posts irrefutable facts that Beck would rather the public didn’t know. Beck can screen his calls for his show but he can’t do the same on the internet yet the next best policy is to close his eyes and claim it doesn’t exist. I would have loved to have heard what was in the post the caller called in about, what ever it was it was probably true. When you have no counter argument or cannot disprove the facts your best bet is like Beck said don’t respond.

At work we were talking about touch pads verses I pads and out Traffic Safety Officer was bragging about how expensive his new I-Pad was. He paid well over $1,200 for his I-Pad; he is allowed to spend almost unlimited amounts of government on whatever new technology is available. My daughter bought my HP touch pad for $99. He bragged about how superior his I-Pad was. Later I ran across the fact Apple doesn’t make I-Phones or I-Pads they are manufactured by a company called Foxconn Technology Group and the Apple logos are simply stamped on at the Foxconn Technology Group manufacturing plants. The real name of the company making the I-Pads and I-Phones is Hon Hai Precision Industry Co, Ltd doing business as Foxconn. Foxconn also makes the Kindle, Xbox 360, Wii, and the Playstation3 they are the biggest exporter in Greater China. But that is not the interesting part.

It seems the working conditions are so bad in Foxconn plants that their employees frequently commit suicide by jumping to their deaths at work. In an effort to solve the embarrassing problem before a visit of Apple Executives, Foxconn took the bull by the horns, no they made no effort improve working condition, they installed suicide nets to thwart those pesky employees from committing suicide. Imagine if a pesky employee committed suicide and his head splattered all over the $4,000 suit of an Apple executive or worse yet landed on an Apple executive. Now if Foxconn employees are going to commit suicide they are going to have to do it on their own damn time and not on company time. Any employee caught committing suicide will be immediately fired and docked two hours pay. Over 17 Foxconn employees at one plant committed suicide. The employees were eventually given a dollar an hour raise. This strategy may have to be adopted in America now since pay cuts are more common than raises, any volunteers?

Why are the working conditions so bad that employees in China are committing mass suicide? Easy, predator economics in America, when the Chinese tried to legislate workers rights in China the American Chamber of Commerce and American Multi-Nationals moved to stop it. Suicides don’t effect the bottom line employees can be replaced. Predator capitalism has a long history in the United States including Hawks Nest tunnel where over 700 people died after being clubbed and beat by law enforcement officers to force them back into tunnel filled with silica dust. The Chinese have no idea yet what predator capitalism is really like here in WV they didn’t give the employees the luxury of committing suicide if they wouldn’t go to their death willingly they forced them. This is what happens when you have vast accumulations of wealth, when you have vast disparity of wealth you have even more vast disparity of power.
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Reply Sat 11 Feb, 2012 09:11 am
A friend was telling me about a program on Public Broadcast Radio called “A Call for Fairness in the Tax Code” some of the information he related interested me and a few days later I asked if he remembered the names of the guests. He not only supplied the names he gave me the website where the show was being rebroadcast. I have never listened to educational radio but it was like taking a step back over 30 years in time. This is what political radio was like before the Reagan and the commie/conservatives eliminated “The Fairness Doctrine.” There were three guests one on the extreme right from the “Wall Street Journal” still pushing “trickle down economic” One on the left in favor of Obama “Buffet Rule” which would require billionaires to pay the same percentage of tax on their $5 billion income someone making $50,000 a year and one guest somewhere in the middle that you did not hear much from. This allowed both sides to present their arguments at the same time and point out the obvious flaws in each side’s arguments. This was a breath of fresh air from the political propaganda stations with their non stop political monologue that were created by the commie/conservative movement post elimination of the “Fairness Doctrine.”

The same tired old disproved arguments were trotted out by Steven Moore, member of the “Wall Street Journal’s” editorial board. While Jarred Bernstein with the Center on Budget Policy Priorities pushed for “Buffet Rule.” The other guest was Alice Rivlin, founding Director of the Congressional Budget Office. Moore batting for Wall Street Journal was pushing for even bigger taxes cuts for the ungodly greedy saying more tax cuts would create jobs. When it was pointed out America biggest economic expansion took place in the two decades when nominal tax rate was more than 90% Moore could only call for only call for more and bigger tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. I will have to agree with Moore that after the Bush Tax Cuts for ungodly investment really soared, the trouble was that the investment was in China. There indeed was a record amount of American money invested in China. It seems the best thing we can do to foster investment in China is to extend the Bush tax cuts. When American money is concentrated in the hands of the few, the first law of capitalism will kick in and that money will flow to where it will generate the most return and today that is China. The best thing we can do for China is to use our tax system to concentrate the money in the hands of the ungodly greedy so it can be packaged and invested in China. The middle class will spend their dollars in America they will not invest it in the newest Foxconn plant in China or in suicide nets to stop the employees from killing themselves.

One of the basic tenets of proofiness is that if in fact A and B happened at the same time then it follows that A caused B and if all other variables are ruled out in a laboratory experiment that might be the case. But in the real world is far more complex and variables cannot be ruled out. When Moore argues that when A, Reagan tax cuts took place it caused B, an economic expansion but yet when he is faced with the fact that when taxes were over 90% an even bigger economic expansion took place he sticks to the company line. When faced with the fact that America moved to back of the industrial world bus after the Reagan tax cuts he points to the millions of jobs created. But the jobs created by the commie/conservatives were at Wall Mart, Target and telemarketing firms. The jobs lost paid three times as much as the jobs the commie/conservatives created.

Moore continually pushed the lie that the ungodly greedy pay the corporate income tax in addition to their income tax. Wall Mart paid income tax before they paid my wife that means she was being double taxed because she also owned stock in Wall Mart before she retired so that means she was an owner as well as employee and she had already paid corporate income tax. That means the ungodly greedy should never pay any income tax, a tax that was originally levied only on excess wealth, because the corporations they own already paid tax. Isn’t it strange how perverted the tax code has become? The hedge fund managers draw a $5 billion salary and have bribed the government till their salaries are an exception to all other salaries for tax purposes. Those who make big bucks on stocks do not keep stocks for long periods of time both buying and selling billions in stock in a few hours. They simply speculate like any other gambler that stock will be worth more in an hour than it was when they bought it. To argue that corporate income tax affected the value of their speculation for an hour is simply absurd. Than of course Moore simply trots out the maximum tax rates from the tax tables 35% and acts as if all companies are actually paying this rate when he knows companies as big as General Electric are not paying a dime on billions of profits. The tax table lie is as old as tax tables. The tax table lie was used to lower the ungodly greedy personal taxes they called the 90% tax rate confiscatory when in fact the effective rate after deductions for two multimillion dollar mansions and million dollar motor homes was far less than the middle class. Why do people lie because lies are so effective? In the Movie “Chicago” the wife walks in on her husband in bed with two women. Her husband says what are you going to believe me or your lying eyes? The commie/conservatives do this every day the American people can clearly see what is going on in America today but when the drug addicts on commie/conservative radio ask them what are you going to believe me or your lying eyes a course of fanatics call in and say you of course.

I have never ever heard anyone on the right ever sight the effective tax rate for corporations, that is the actual rate of taxes they paid but they always sight the highest possible tax table rate, even when Uncle Sam is handing ½ billion dollar checks to these same corporations who pay no taxes.

The tax debate was on Diane Rehm Show on 2/5/12 a rebroadcast is available by googling the shows name.
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Reply Sun 12 Feb, 2012 07:49 am
One of the radical rights arguments for making capital gains a special class of income and giving special treatment under the tax code is that by cutting the tax on capital gains to half of the income tax on wages it would spur economic development. But the illusion and reality are quite different; there was already too much money on Wall Street in the 80s. After the 1973 oil crisis the Arabs were allowed to raise the price of oil and exchange they agreed that oil would be traded in dollars and to invest the lion’s share of the profits in the United States. By the 80s the rising price of oil caused and ever increasing foreign investment, also Saving and Loans and maturing Pension funds had billions to invest. Since there were only so many companies and so much stock to invest in the law of supply and demand kicked in. When demand far exceeds supply the price soars and the stock market between 1960 and 1980 was relatively flat hovering around a 1,000 points but never breaking that 1,000 point mark. The next 20 years between 1980 and 2000 the Stock Market looked like it took a case of Viagra, it broke 10,000 points, a 9,000 point increase in twenty years. This was in fact a product of supply and demand and any time you see a 900% increase when the stock market was relatively flat for the previous twenty years you are looking at a balloon being inflated. Just as the price of gasoline goes off the chart with strong demand stocks do the same. The problem in the 80s wasn’t too little investment it was too much and the behavior of the stock market shows it.

Supply then tries to rise to meet demand but the limited number of companies in the United States were declining by 1980 American manufacturing was headed toward the lowest point since the industrial revolution. The answer was to manufacture paper like Junk Bonds, Credit Default Swaps, and Subprime Bonds once the commie/conservatives repealed the regulations put in place after the Great Depression Wall Street could take any bet and make it a security where it could be sold on the open market.

Junk Bonds were bonds sold by companies that were not considered credit worthy. IBM could sell its bonds because they were considered credit worthy by rating agencies but Junk Bonds were designed to generate much higher interest to make the gamble more attractive. But soon they were more buyers for Junk Bonds then companies wanting to issue bonds. The holders of Junk Bonds quickly found that they could take control of the any company if they owned the company’s Junk Bonds. If the company defaulted the Junk Bond owners now owned that company. That is when the cannibal’s ball took place in America, why wait for a company to default? Junk Bonds could be issued to simply buy the company without the company issuing any Junk Bonds of its own. Wall Street had what was equivalent to 40 day flood in 80s except it was flooded with money from not just here but all over the world. Now anyone with a telephone could become a corporate raider by simply issuing junk bonds. Companies with sound pensions system soon became targets and the modern day pirates no longer had to wait for the pension money to be invested to steal it. They could set sail in their pirate ship with their sails filled with junk bond money to anywhere in America, buy the company and gut it like a fish and sail away with chests of gold that Black Beard’s ship couldn’t even hold. The difference is the American Navy could sink Black Beard’s ship but when the pensions of a generation were stolen by the Romney’s of the world nothing was done. The courts simply told the employees that the Junk Bond pirates owned the company and they now owned their pension fund and could do as they pleased with it.

The Capital gains tax rate between 1952 and 1963 was 52% these were prime years for an improving standard of living for the middle class Americans. When the capital gains taxes were radically cut the standard of living for the middle class went into a decline. The capital gains tax has now been cut by 72% and Wall Street gambling resulted in a major depression the first since the Great Depression. The commie/conservatives used Government policy to concentrate money on Wall Street with devastating results, America became a nation of thieves from Wall Street to our courts, and predator economics became the accepted norm.

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Reply Mon 13 Feb, 2012 06:35 am
Many people do not realize how much government directly affects their lives. There is a disconnect between their personal lives and the actions of government. Many people in America don’t vote or if they do they often have no idea who they are voting for, placement on the ballot is enough is often enough to make a difference on who is elected. Some people think it makes no difference who is elected. It would be like coming to a fork in the road and believing that whichever fork you took they would go to the same destination. Reagan gave massive 70% tax cuts to the ungodly greedy and he “expanded the base” by applying income tax to social security for the first time in history. Reagan also raised the payroll taxes by raising the tax on social security. Reagan raised the taxes on the middle class while cutting the taxes on the ungodly greedy, Reagan called it “Trickle Down Economics” in other words if they raised your taxes and gave it to the ungodly greedy it would trickle back down. Even though several rain dances have been done the money that went up stayed up and the ungodly greedy accumulated 688% more, now the commie/conservatives realize the term ”trickle down economics” is offensive to most Americans so they decided to call it “supply side economics.” There is no difference in the economic theory only the name was changed to protect the guilty. In supply side economics the theory is if you build it someone will buy it. Create supply and demand will follow this economic fantasy is counter to every economic theory since the beginning of time but the commie/conservatives do not have to sell this to those with a PhD in economics they are trying to sell this to those who work at Wall Mart, it is not quite as hard a sell. Even Henry Ford realized demand was the key to economic development; he intentionally paid his employees more so they could afford to buy his cars. He didn’t produce more cars in hopes someone might buy one, supply side economics, Ford instead decided to stimulate demand and Ford is still healthy company today.

Obama like Ford believes the key to any economy is demand no matter how much supply is manufactured and warehoused supply will not create an economy. Obama could have cut the taxes on the ungodly greedy like Reagan and Bush this is exactly what the republicans were pushing for but instead he gave each working couple $800 a year cut in their taxes this money was spent and triggered demand. Bush’s billions in cut in taxes to a few billionaires was just invested in more manufacturing in China and did nothing for America don’t get me wrong some of that money may have trickled down in China. After the pays for work tax cut Obama pushed for and got a temporary 2% cut in social security tax. This was another $1,000 tax cut on working people making and $1,800 tax cuts for working couple with a $50,000 a year income.

Government can make the difference it can decide between a $750 million dollar tax cut for a billionaire or a $1,800 tax cut for the average American couple. The $750 million dollar tax cut was an actual tax cut last year for a hedge fund manager that made $5 billion dollars. While you paid 30% nominal rate on your salary he paid 15% nominal rate on his $5 billion. The commie/conservatives want the corporations endowed with all the rights of an individual but none of the responsibilities their next move is to exempt all corporations from the tax code further redistribution the wealth. It is the path of no return.
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Reply Tue 14 Feb, 2012 06:36 am
Rush Slimbaugh was giving the Catholic Church Hell yesterday because it seems they had lost their moral compass in the 1930s when the Catholic Church fully supported Franklin Roosevelt new Social Security program. The church taught at one time that it was the children responsibility to support their elderly parents. If societal paradigm could be shifted back so the elderly parents were the children’s responsibility to support we Rush believes we could do away with social security today. Rush was of course discussing some paper written by an author I was not familiar with but Rush loved the author’s ideas. Rush and the other ungodly greedy have been the primary beneficiary of our social security contributions for over 30 years now. The baby boomers generated a massive surplus in social security system in what was designed as a pay as you go system. The working generation was expected to pay for the retiree’s social security. But the baby boomers generation was expected to pay not only for the current retiree’ social security but to pay for their own social security in advance. Reagan raised social security rates 4 separate times and the primary beneficiaries were Rush Slimbaugh and the ungodly greedy because the social security trust fund along with record deficits were used to fund the massive 70% cut for the ungodly greedy.

Why would Slimbaugh want social security to end now and the elderly be the responsibility of their children? Easy this is the first year that social security will not have an operating surplus and will have to use the interest generated by the Social Security Trust Fund to pay benefits. There are no excess social security payments to pay for Slimbaugh’ and the ungodly massive 70% tax cut. The social security trust fund had peaked and has been getting smaller each year for several years making the deficits larger. Soon the social security trust funds treasury bonds become due and payable to the baby boomer generation but the government has only one possible way to pay the trillions of dollars they borrowed back, raise taxes on the ungodly greedy. The ungodly greedy’ tax cut was made possible only by raising the social security tax on the Baby Boomers, like the kid in California who took pennies from each bank account and became a millionaire, the ungodly greedy took dollars from every taxpayer and became rich beyond their wildest dreams.

If Slimbaugh and the ungodly greedy can convince the useful idiots that Social Security is un-American and unconstitutional as Rick Perry wrote in his book, or immoral by some outmoded religious standard, maybe they can kill it. The republicans fought social security from day one. Social security is big government personified to the republicans when they speak of shrinking government they mean eliminating social security, Medicare, unemployment and workers compensation. Each time I hear a crowd full of Republican useful idiots cheer a “I am going to shrink government speech” I wonder how many would cheer when they found their social security had been “eliminated” to shrink government and they were now the responsibility of their children like it says in the bible if they happened to have any children still alive. Slimbaugh has no problem with that, no children? Go back to the system that was in place before social security, eat out of trash cans this was epidemic before social security elderly women that outlived their spouse simply ate out of trash cans. Slimbaugh will tell you how fortunate you are today the garbage is of a much better quality than it was 80 years ago, your standard of living has improved. Slimbaugh is a psychopath there is no empathy he simply is not capable of empathy.
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Reply Wed 15 Feb, 2012 06:34 am
Under commie/conservatism America has become a nation of thieves, we no longer manufacture anything in America to amount to anything so the fastest growing industry in America is stealing from each other. Whether it is raising social security to fund a 70% tax cut for the ungodly greedy or selling worthless paper to pension funds the theft industry is becoming not only more sophisticated but the theft is enforced by our courts, the same courts that were conceived by our founding fathers to protect the public. It was a sad day in America when the corporate raiders looted pension plans across the country for billions and the courts took the corporate raiders side. The commie/conservatives cloak themselves in the purple robes of morality and strut up and down the street loudly proclaiming themselves to be holier than thou but make no mistake about it when conservatism is distilled down to its core values it is only the psychopath’s code that lays at its epicenter. The psychopath reasons that everyone is just like him, that everyone else is out to steal from him so in his mind he is simply doing what everyone else would do to him if they got the chance. Stock Brokers buy a lot of stock, some stock they buy are winners and make the company money but other stock they bought loses the company money. The brokerage industry employees hundreds of thousands of salesmen that sell stock to the public and pension funds, their job is to get the losing stock off the companies books and sell the bad investment to the public. We all know good salesman can sell ice to an Eskimos but Eskimos know much more about ice than the public about stock. The salesmen have much more information about the stock of company than the public so taking advantage of public is like taking candy from a baby. An investment bank should not be able to unload the bad investments on their books to their customers; there is a glaring conflict of interest that thinly borders on theft. Of course the investment bank not only unloads its bad investments it gets a commission on the sale and a second commission when the customer has to unload the bad investment.

How do the investments banks stay in business? Their motto is that customers have a short memory. The American public is basically honest and like the psychopath they believe everybody else is pretty much like themselves. If you are honest you understand that there are thieves in our society but you think of the thief as being the one hold a gun to your back in a dark parking lot not someone in a $1,000 three piece suit and surely not a hundred year old investment bank. I recently saw a commercial run by a major brokerage firm that they would buy stock from the open market for their customers, presumably instead pushing the bad investments they made on their customers. Sticking their customers with their bad investments has evidently become a major problem for this investment house. The public is beginning to catch on to the commie/conservative culture of theft but as soon as the public becomes aware of one financial scam the commie/conservatives will eliminate more “regulations’ making hundreds more financial scams “legal.”

Dylan Ratigan in his book “Greedy Bastards” asserts that the problem in America is that the interests of the customer and the seller need to be aligned. In a typical finical interaction if you put your money in a saving account the bank pays you interest and loans your money to someone else and both the bank and you make money. Your interest are aligned the bank benefits and you benefit. If you are mugged in a dark parking lot your interest and the robber interest are not aligned one wins and one loses. The American financial sector today is much more like being mugged in a dark parking lot than putting money in a saving account. In the case of the investment bank the interest of the bank which is losing money on its bad investments is not aligned with the customer’s interests. Never ever underestimate self interest as a motive.
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Reply Thu 16 Feb, 2012 06:41 am
Slimbaugh and Glen Beck had hoped to turn the next election into a religious war and have been doing everything possible to incite a religious war over a recent ruling that under the new health care policy birth control must be provided to employees. This ruling did not apply churches and employees of churches but where churches had expanded in to more mainstream activities such as schools and hospitals the ruling applied to those employees. The Catholic Church objected to directly supplying birth control and the morning after pills so a compromise was reached and it was decided that the insurance companies would supply birth control. Even after the compromise Beck and Slimbaugh still hoped to fan the fires of a religious war by terming contraceptives as a religious issue. Slimbaugh, Beck and other red neck right media personalities hoped to mask the real issue in the next election, 89% of American people now believe that the distribution of wealth is America biggest social problem facing America today, not abortion, not gay marriage, not the distribution of contraceptives. Abortion, gay marriage and racism have been the go to issues that fueled conservative’s victories since Reagan. Recent poles show that 66% of Americans strongly agree with the statement that distribution of wealth is America’s biggest social problem and another 23% agree to a lesser degree.

Slimbaugh and Beck know that if the central issue in the next election is the distribution of wealth the commie/conservatives candidates will lose in a landslide as well as substantial loses in the Senate and House of Representatives. Americans seldom agree this strongly on a single issue while a comparable percentage of Americans might agree crime was bad but this high a percentage agreement that the distribution of wealth is the primary social problem of our time shows a major paradigm shift in the last thirty years. In fact the distribution of wealth may have eclipsed crime as the primary social problem.

Slimbaugh and Beck are desperate, paying for box trucks with enlarged pictures of aborted fetuses to drive up and down the road is not herding the ignorant to the polls like it did to get baby Bush elected. The right wing propaganda machine thought the contraceptive issue would make American’s forget about the distribution of wealth problem. But the problem is even the vast majority of Catholic women use birth control and do not follow the archaic teachings of the church some estimates run as high as 99%. There is an easy way to tell the number of catholic women that don’t use birth control they are the ones with 10 or more children. Slimbaugh and Beck were disappointed to read that only 6% of the Catholics found the supplying contraceptives an issue.

Beck and Slimbaugh were quick to point out that the insurance companies would simply pass the increased cost for contraceptives onto the church but the problem with Beck and Slimbaugh is that neither can count. When I served on our insurance committee we found the two most expensive age groups were those between 60-65 and those from 0-6 months, a typical premature baby in neonatal intensive care cost over $500,000 and other medical costs rivaled those with cancer or open heart surgery. In fact covering the cost of contraceptives will result in major savings.

We are not the first American generation to find the distribution of wealth is the primary social problem a century ago our Great Grandfathers faced the same distribution of wealth that we do today. If they had not took the bull by the horns and come up with a solution to the problem our lives would have been severely impacted this generation we benefited from their solution at least in our early years. History is simply being repeated. How did they solve the distribution of wealth problem? A tax placed on excess wealth and only excess wealth. It was called an income tax and only excess income was taxed that means only income in excess of $80,000 was taxed. No workingman paid the tax on “excess wealth” but they made one mistake they left the ungodly greedy with enough money to buy our political system and buy it they did. The distribution of wealth threatens America today as surely as it did 100 years ago in 1913 great grandfathers levied a tax on “excess wealth.” The commie/conservatives perverted this tax on “excess wealth” to a tax on wages it is time to reset the clock.
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Reply Fri 17 Feb, 2012 06:34 am
The Pee Party members did their best to block extension of 2% cut in social security tax in December and paid a steep price as the Republicans in Congress approval rating fell to an all time low of just 7%. Slimbaugh, who gets all excited every time the Presidents approval rating falls below 50% of course had nothing to say about the low approval rating for congressional republicans. The Pee Partiers seemed to have learned their lesson this time around though. The Pee Partiers did not try block the extension of the Social Security tax this year and it appears it will be signed into law later this week. The Pee Partiers are staunch supporters of the outrageous tax cuts for billionaires, these tax cuts have cost America trillions in lost revenue over the last ten years indeed just one Hedge Fund Manager’s tax cut was $750 million last year. This one man alone stands to get a $7.5 billion dollar cut in his taxes over the next ten years.

Of course the Pee Partiers signed their soul away to the devil himself, Grover Norquist, they pledged not to put even one dollar more tax on anyone making from $23 million to $5 billion a year These 13,400 tax cheats are the ungodly greedy. Did the ungodly break the law to cheat on their tax? No why cheat on your taxes when it is so simple to have the Republicans change the tax code so you pay a tax rate 50% less than even the middle class. The most profitable investment in America today is not Microsoft or shares of Face Book it is a political contribution. Political contributions have a 100 to 1 benefit ratio. For every dollar invested in politician you can expect a $100 in return. If you invest $7.5 million in politicians to ram the Bush Tax cuts through congress you can expect a $750 million a year tax cut of course your felloe billionaires are expected to do their part also. Of course the billionaire only invested the $7.5 million once but there is of course a maintenance fee every two years for House of Representatives and every six years for senators.

“Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely”

Lord Acton

And absolute power is absolute wealth our government is so corrupted by money that one ungodly greedy family is capable of having special laws written to make themselves exempt from the tax code. Bob Dole championed special legislation to make the Galileo Wine fortune exempt from inheritance tax. Imagine one family and the congress of the United States makes a special law just for them, a law that saves them millions. The billionaire hedge fund managers are another case, special legislation was passed to tax their salary not as a salary but as a capital gain cutting their taxes in half. Historically you can always tell when a government is corrupted when a tiny minority are easily able to get special treatment. The Pee Partiers have signed sworn pledges to preserve the special privileges treatment of the tiny few.

When the Pee Partiers tried to block the cut in social security taxes and at the same time stood up to be the great defenders of the special privileges for ungodly greedy suddenly many Americans that suffered from political induced blindness began to see again. Slimbaugh, on his radio show, made fun of the $40 a week as an insignificant amount of money that was so small it wouldn’t matter to anyone. It is all about context to someone with Slimbaugh’ millions $40 is just a 30 seconds of fuel for his jet, who would bother with that? Note Slimbaugh minimize the social security cut by using the figure for a week instead of for the year. Most in Congress are millionaires and have no idea what $40 means to a workingman but they understand what $750 million tax cut means to a billionaire hedge fund manager.
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Reply Sat 18 Feb, 2012 06:54 am
Read em and weep, that was what Rush Slimbaugh was doing yesterday, it was as if he was dealt the worst hand of cards he had ever been dealt in a high stakes poker game. The commie/conservatives thought they had been dealt four aces when the contraceptive issue broke by spinning it as a religious freedom issue they hoped to win the next election. Slimbaugh saw himself as the self appointed head of a modern lynch mob stirring up the useful idiots to a fever pitch. Like a drunken karaoke singer dreams of winning on American Idol, the next morning’s hangover brings the reality that he can’t sing, Slimbaugh had to come to terms with reality. Reality set in when the fact that 98% of Catholic women, counter to church teachings, already use birthday control. Slimbaugh then try to discredit the study pointing out that pregnant Catholic women were excluded from the study. Slimbaugh just doesn’t understand that once you are pregnant it is too late to take birth control. Those who were actively trying to get pregnant were also excluded from the study at any one time many women are trying to have children Those approaching or over the age of menopause were also excluded trying to prevent something that can’t happen is also a waste. Slimbaugh did not mention if the gay Catholic women were excluded also, why protect yourself from something that is not going to happen, that would be like using an umbrella on a sunny day.

The bad news didn’t stop there, next one of the major financial backers of the commie/conservative favorite son candidate Rich Santorum weigh in on the contraceptive question telling women that birth control was cheap and available to everyone they could simply take an aspirin and hold it between their knees. Santorum is already seen as a religious bigot by many Americans. He is the presidential candidate most likely to tell the public he is receiving messages directly from God, personally delivered by flying saucer and his followers are the most likely to believe it. Beck and Slimbaugh were turning back flips because they had spent a billion dollars in air time trying to paper Obama with the bad deeds of Jeremiah Wright and everyone else Obama ever met and could not understand why Foster Friess comment for women to just keep their legs together closed didn’t go over well with women. The difference is Friess is one of Santorum’s major financial backers and an active part of Santorum campaign. Church for many is simply a social club, the herd thing to do, to be sure there are some religious fanatics that will cling to every word the preachers say but most people are like shoppers in a grocery store picking out things they like and rejecting or simply ignoring teachings they disagree with but a large financial backer is trying to back someone who will brings his ideas to the Whitehouse. When you spend $330,000 to back a candidate and this is just his down payment, the major contributions will be made in the general election, where you can expect a 100 to 1 return on your money. There is no comparison between the amount of influence over the candidates exerted Friess over Santorum and Wright over Obama.

Santorum took to the airwaves using the victim defense; the commie/conservatives favorite defense is the victim defense. An old joke goes that one day a man returns to find his car being ticketed. He says he knows what his rights are and he throws himself to the ground loudly yelling police brutality. An angry crowd gathers and overturns the meter maid’s three wheeler. Any time a commie/conservative is caught up in something they throw themselves to the ground and start yelling press brutality, that the main stream press is beating them up with a billy club. This is exactly what Santorum did he threw himself on the ground and proclaimed he was being beaten up and used the Jeremiah Wright incident to prove that he was in fact the real victim here. Everyone in America has heard the Jeremiah Wright story at least 300 times and it is still getting air time 4 years later. Few stories have every received as much air play as the Jeremiah Wright story but even after just one day Santorum is on the ground yelling press brutality. The comparison is simply outrageous; there is no comparison to the amount of press given the Jeremiah Wright story to the Friess story. What so offends Slimbaugh and Santorum is that they see the pres job as not only to report but to make the public believe it. That is the job of a propaganda network and Slimbaugh failed. The trouble is you can lead the public to ignorance but you can’t make all of them believe it.
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Reply Sun 19 Feb, 2012 07:59 am
The job of the news media is to report the news but the job of the propaganda stations is to indoctrinate the public in other words not only to report the news but to tell you what opinion you should hold about the day’s event. The propaganda stations are guilty of exactly what they accuse the main steam media except they are guilty of it to a far greater degree. The propaganda stations don’t report a full range of news they report a very narrow band of highly selective news that was carefully selected to reinforce their political ideology. People’s perception is designed to focus on what is here not on what is not here. If you walk into a room that had held a hundred objects you are likely to notice what is there but unlikely to notice the few that are no longer there. Our perception was designed that way. Our distant ancestors walking through the jungle didn’t notice that yesterday flowers had fallen but focused their attention on the tiger that was stalking them. The ability to focus our attention is an important survival skill even today. A woman may barely notice several people going through a dark lot but she focuses her attention on the one walking the same direction she is, he may be predator intent on stealing her pocket book. She would not be able to describe the other people in the parking lot but the predator’s face who stole her pocket book will be indelibly imprinted into her memory. A secretary at work was recently mugged in a Kroger’s parking lot by a mugger with a knife. At one point they both had a hold of the pocket book trading blows. The exasperated mugger said lady I just want your pocket book. Finally the mugger gave up. When the police arrived she said you see who has the pocket book and she not only had the pocket book but the mugger’s knife. You can bet she can see his face to this day.

Focused attention is indeed an important survival skill but when propaganda artists use focused attention to push a political ideology it is dangerous. In the propagandist’s myth the predator is any opposing political ideology; they skillfully focus their follower’s attention on the predator, like our distant ancestors focused on the tiger stalking them. Once the propaganda artist like Slimbaugh and Beck have focused your attention it is easy for them to take the rest of the furniture out of the room. You are too busy focusing on the predator that might strike and eat you at any moment. Slimbaugh and Beck are telling their followers that if they lose this election it is the end of the world, it seems the predator of predators will eat us all. Fear is one of the most powerful motivating forces and that drug addict Slimbaugh is well aware of that.

As an example let’s look at the way commie/conservatives talking heads are trying to deal with the improving unemployment figures. The commie/conservatives did everything in their power to keep the Bush recession in full force. Their declared mission from the day after the election was to beat Obama in the next election. Never were so many legislative programs blocked by so few in history. The commie/conservatives did everything in their power to prolong the recession in order to make unemployment their trump card in this election now despite their best effort to stop it unemployment is steadily improving.

Slimbaugh and Beck continually try to exploit the unemployment figures by trying to discredit the figures. By continually pointing out that the unemployment figures are coming down despite the fact that there are few jobs today than a few years ago. On the surface this argument appeals to common sense if there are fewer jobs today than four years ago unemployment should be going up not down so obviously Obama administration must be cooking the books the drug addicts arguments go. But it is what Slimbaugh leaves out of the argument, what he doesn’t report that is the most important factor. The biggest influence on the unemployment figures today is that 10,000 baby boomers are retiring every day, over 3,650,000 are retiring each year to be sure a few are entering the work force but America has never seen such a massive retirement. Now Slimbaugh is doing exactly what he accuses the mainstream media of doing but while the main stream media routinely reports unemployment figures they don’t use them to continually hammer a political ideology into the heads of their audience. You can bet Slimbaugh and Beck know as well as everyone else what is driving the unemployment figures down and you can also bet they will go to great pains to keep their audience from knowing the truth. In few years after all the baby boomers retire there may not be any unemployment, where anyone who wants to work can find a job. Of course who ever is in office will take credit for solving the unemployment problem.
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Reply Mon 20 Feb, 2012 07:05 am
Rick Santorum clearly demonstrated that he was a religious bigot Saturday in Columbus, Ohio. Why would anyone running for President want to be a bigot? Bigotry is extremely appealing to zealots and zealots make some of the most loyal and hardest working campaign workers. Religious bigotry is one of the oldest forms of bigotry and no doubt predated racial bigotry. When Hitler was growing up he was ambivalent about Jews. In his twenties he was exposed to literature pushing religious bigotry. Hitler quickly realized that religious bigots could be manipulated and would make loyal followers. Hitler had no ax to grind with the Jewish people but he rode a tidal wave of religious bigotry to power in Germany. Santorum hopes to ride a similar tidal wave of religious bigotry to power in next election.

The majority of Americans have never been the victim of racial bigotry but all Americans have been victims of the brand of religious bigotry that Santorum was pushing Saturday. I was raised Catholic in an area that was densely populated by protestants and you often encountered the attitude that my god is the one true god and you family is worshiping a false idol. But this was not confined to just Catholics or Jews but each protestant sect believes the other protestant sect is based on “some phony theology.” That is why those words came so easily to Santorum Saturday. These words from a religious bigot are almost reflexive. Bigots uses phrases like these to shield themselves from intelligent arguments much the same way a Knight from the Middle Ages uses his shield to fend off a blow from an opponent’s sword.

Santorum said Obama politics were based on some “some phony theology.” The commie/conservatives are always claiming that the democrats are trying to spur class warfare but the republicans are always trying to ignite a religious war to distract from the fact the ungodly greedy are stealing the rest of us blind. But when Santorum pits one brand of protestant against another and you will notice the Santorum is telling his mostly white audience in Columbus, Ohio that the black church Obama attended is teaching “some phony theology.” Santorum attack was not only meant as attack on Obama’s religion but a thinly veiled racial attack. In other words Blacks may call themselves Christians but they follow “some phony theology.”

Santorum is barred from waging an election campaign based on racism by political correctness but if the racial issues cloaked in religious issues, like Reagan exploited racism in his speeches by using an imaginary black welfare queen that collected her welfare in a Cadillac to raise the spectrum of racism in the old south. It is still fashionable to be racist but one has to be more subtle.

Religion is like any other business it has to convince its customers that it is better than the religion down the street. The best way to accomplish this goal is to convince your “customers” that your competitors are teaching “some phony theology.” Religion is big business and gets a cut out of a huge economic pie and the money never seems to make it to god. Give me that old time religion; give me that old time religion and you can bet that religious bigotry goes hand in hand with it.
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Reply Tue 21 Feb, 2012 06:33 am
Newt Gingrich was fond of calling Obama the “food stamp” President in the South Carolina primary. We all know that the government no longer issues food stamps now low income people are given a re-loadable card and allocated a certain amount of money each month to buy food. Why was the term, “food stamp President” so effective for Gingrich in South Carolina? The same reason Reagan launched his Presidential campaign in the old south in a city where the civil rights workers were murdered and he talked about a fictitious welfare queen collecting her welfare in a Cadillac to corner the racist vote. Food stamps in the old south congers up the image of ghettos of lazy blacks buying steak with the food stamps that you pay for out of your tax dollars, this serves a two fold purpose it stirs the politics of resentment and it reminds voters that Obama is black. The problem is far more white people are receiving assistance buying food than black people. The typical American receiving assistance to buy food is changing now the elderly retired woman up the street may be getting a few dollars a month to buy food. The young family up the street who work everyday at minimum wage jobs qualify for assistance to buy food. A couple of generations ago the young man would have worked in a factory and made a good living but those doors are now closed.

The baby boomer generation is retiring at the rate of 10,000 a day and finding that they are the poorest generation to reach retirement since the Great Depression. Virtually all private sector baby boomers were cheated out of a major part or all of their pensions. The commie/conservatives sanctioned Vampire Capitalists like Romney to rob the pension plans blind. This made Romney and his fellow Vampire Capitalists rich beyond their wildest dreams, so rich in fact Romney can drop $40 million of his own money on his favorite hobby trying to get elected President.

It is a sign of the time but in my office we have went through four people in hire the elderly program a program where they find jobs for those who retired and found out they can no longer afford to eat. Many in the baby boomer generation retire only to find the harsh reality that retirement is a luxury they cannot afford. They have worked hard for a lifetime only to find themselves cheated out of their pension entirely or with a tiny fraction of the pension they worked for. One of the women in the work the elderly program was in her middle 60s with $600 a month social security and $500 a month rent and $16 dollars in food stamps. She worked at Sears and was cheated out of her pension. Sears was bought by a bankrupt K-Mart with junk bonds and guess what disappeared? The pension plan of Sears’s employees. Don’t worry it is legal to steal the pension fund this has been repeated 10s of thousands of times since the commie/conservatives took office. There is no way to make the math work. Many of the 10,000 baby boomers a day who are retiring will find themselves in the same situation and they too will apply for their $16 a month in food stamps. It is not Obama fault that a generation was swindled out of the pension they worked so hard for, it is the fault of a political philosophy that believes in predator economics where if you can steal it you are entitled to it.

So the increase in the number of people getting assistance to buy food is not a sign of Obama failure but a sign of the success of 30 years of class warfare being waged against the middle class by the ungodly greedy.
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Reply Wed 22 Feb, 2012 06:37 am
If the economy continues to improve despite all the efforts of the commie/conservatives to make it worse, the commie/conservatives won’t have an issue to run on. All they can run on is to say we crashed the economy before and now that is better we want to crash it again. Some Americans might not mind seeing history repeat itself but it has been a struggle for many and most would not want to turn the clock back to 2007-8. With the economy slip, slip, slipping away as the main issue in the next election the commie/conservative will try and manufacture an issue. It is much like having a fight with your wife once she finds she is on the losing end she will simply shift the subject of the argument to any former argument in which she won. Women keep a mental list of all the arguments they ever won and roll their favorites out at the drop of a hat. They may not be able to win the current argument but using the art of misdirection they can distract you from the current argument.

Rich Santorum made what many thought was a misstep over the weekend when Santorum said that Obama political philosophy was based on “some phony theology.” This was a very carefully calculated and worded to shift the focus of the election from the economy, a subject that Santorum can’t possibly win on, to religious and racial bigotry which bought the commie/conservatives to power in the first place. Bigotry is a powerful force in any election and it should never be underestimated. Bigots are extremely easy to manipulate and there is no bigotry like religious bigotry and churches manufacture bigots faster then General Motors manufactures cars. Santorum wasted no time after his speech bring up the right and reverend Jeremiah Wright this was the real object of the “some phony theology” remark was to once again cast the national spotlight on Rev Wright. The commie/conservatives lost the last election because of the crashing economy but believe they won the Rev Wright argument. Sure enough after Santorum’s “some phony theology” remarks Rev Wright dam America speech was being dusted off and played for the three hundredth and first time on the National News by Monday.

Santorum’s hopes to not only divide Americans along religious fault lines but racial fault lines as well. If Santorum can convince middle class Americans that black people are different not only in the color of their skin but in the phony theology they follow they can comfortable vote against any black man because they know black churches are based on “some phony theology.” While it would be politically incorrect to vote against anyone strictly based on the color of their skin it is not political incorrect to vote based on religious bigotry. Santorum and many other commie/conservatives would love to turn America into a theocracy just as the Muslims transformed their countries into theocracies. A theocracy would be the perfect cover for the current extraction capitalism because then redistribution of wealth to the ungodly greedy would simply be “god’s will.”

Some Churches in America have become little more than wholly owned subsidiaries of political movements and as such should under the law lose their tax exempt status. Let’s solve the debt crisis by taxing churches as any business. That way when Romney gave $7 million to his church in an effort to buy their loyalty the government would get 35% in taxes. It would be a shame to see the religious zealots in America turn back the clock 2,000 years but the Middle East was at one time far more advanced then the western world but the adoption of religion spread ignorance like a plague across the land and their distant ancestors would be appalled in the widespread ignorance in their homeland today. After the passage of time all theology is found to be “some phony theology.”
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Reply Thu 23 Feb, 2012 06:35 am
Yes, the devil made me do it! It seems the devil is alive and well at least according to Rick Santorum. Some of Santorum 2008 speeches on the devil have been made public. Don’t you just love it when a politicians lecture the public on morality. Politicians rank only slightly higher than child molesters and used car salesmen on the morality scale but child molesters and used car salesmen don’t usually feel qualified to lecture us on morality. But politicians always feel well qualified to lecture us on morality. In fact the politicians always tell us how much better off we will be after their vision of morality is implemented.

While many Americans believe in god far fewer believe in the devil. The devil was not created at the same time as god he was dreamed up a few 100 years later. A religious cult always needs a good boogieman to scare the faithful into coming to church. A big red guy in a red suit with horns and a pitch fork may not be up to the standards of most horror movies monsters today but in his day he was quite scary. Dracula and Frankenstein could only kill you but the devil could burn you in lakes of fire for all eternity. Now there is a threat that will make your blood run cold. Every successful politician like every big time wrestler has to have his opponent. Reagan’s boogieman was the Russians and the evil empire. Bush’s boogieman was Osama bin Laden but Bush can now sleep at night Obama took care of bin Laden. In the “The Power of Myth” Joseph Campbell tells us that religions are based on the hero story. The Hero’s Story is common theme throughout the world the names and character change but the theme from tiny pacific islands to American Indians tribes remains the same. Preachers typically cast themselves as the hero trying to save their flock from the evil devil. Most politicians try to recreate the Hero’s Story by casting themselves as the Hero but most are not ambitious enough to cast the devil as the boogieman. Santorum says if it worked for Billy Graham it will work for him.

Rush Slimbaugh was as busy as a cat with diarrhea covering up sh** yesterday. When Slimbaugh rolls out the heavy artillery you know it is going to get deep and sure enough Slimbaugh had rolled out no less than five vintage Ronald Reagan quotes to show that Santorum should not be institutionalized. The Reagan quotes were about evil and Slimbaugh wanted the audience to believe that evil and Satan was synonymous and of course they are not but his audience will believe anything Slimbaugh tells them. Ted Bundy and John Wayne Gacy were evil but they were not the devil. They made evil choices but when they made that choice there was no imaginary devil behind them with a pitch fork making them kill. They killed because they enjoyed killing.

Many people cannot deal with things internally but if they can externalize them they can deal with them. The evil is not only externalized but personified in the devil now that evil has been personified one can literally wrestle with the devil in fact if the d is dropped from devil it becomes evil. The fact that evil resides in the word devil has to be a subliminal. Many people would rather go through life with the classic cartoon image of a little devil on one shoulder and an angel on the other rather than believe that they must make complex decisions in a complex world themselves without a devil or an angel whispering in their ear. Most people’s choices in life are driven by self interest but restrained by our emotional mind capacity for empathy and fair play. We tend to believe that because our emotional mind binds us to empathy and fair play that all others are constrained as we are but some people lack the connections in their brain from the intellectual brain to the emotional brain and as a result have no empathy. These people can steal, rape, and kill for sheer enjoyment of it. To understand evil we personified evil into the devil.
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Reply Fri 24 Feb, 2012 06:34 am
The newly elected governor of Ohio, John Kasich’s approval rating has reached a new low and now stands at 33% this may not be the all time low approval rating for a newly elected Ohio governor but it is close. We have had to put up with Propaganda stations since Reagan did eliminated “The Fairness Doctrine” that insured both sides of political be presented to public not a one sided political monologue. Kasich may be unique as he was a professional propagandist on Fox News. That foreigner, Red Rupert, who owns Fox News along with a good portion of the rest of our media, has decided to move to the next logical step and cut the middle man out. Why just use propaganda when you can elect your own employees. That is right Kasich was one of good old Red Rupert employees he had in own show on Fox News before he ran for governor of Ohio. Kasich was also a frequent guest host on the O’Reilly Factor as well as being a frequent on the Sean Hannity shows.

Kasich did in Ohio what he did best, destroy lives. Kasich had been the managing director of Lehman Brothers from 2001 to 2008 when Lehman Brothers handled more worthless paper than counterfeiter. Kasich walked away with $10s of millions but Kasich is an equal opportunity destroyer the stock holders and employees lost everything. Kasich managed Lehman Brothers into the biggest bankruptcy in history. Lehman brothers had $ 639 billion dollars in assets but Kasich “managed” Lehman Brothers to $619 billion in debts.

Many people who watch Fox News and found Kasich charming as a talking head but few knew he was responsible for the biggest bankruptcy in history. Electing Kasich to governor would be like electing Ken Lay of Enron after the bankruptcy of Enron as the Governor of Texas. Ken Lay was widely considered a major crook by the public but Kasich who did much worse then Lay had ever imagined was elected governor of Ohio with in years of Bankrupting. Lehman Brothers had been in business for 164 years starting business in 1844. But in just 8 short years Kasich had went through the $639 billion in assets. Of course Kasich simply he was a victim, the commie/conservatives are professional victims, they are never at fault they are simply a victim. Who was Kasich a victim of? The poor people, yes the poor people, I often see the poor driving up in down the road in their Ferraris, surely if they made off with trillions they would have Ferraris by now wouldn’t they? The red neck right news media blames the poor but Lehman Brothers didn’t loan to poor people money they weren’t a saving and loan, they packaged, bought and sold $100 million dollars mortgage bonds. They had every opportunity to check the assets they bought and sold but they didn’t bother. By 2004 it was widely known that the mortgage bonds were worthless. Mike Burry starting studying the assets of $100 million dollar bonds and found a $100 million dollars worth of interest only loans, the mortgages paid only the interest, nothing on principal and they were floating rate mortgages a sure bet to default. Burry began placing bets they would fail. Called credit default swaps he would pay 20 cents on the dollar if mortgage failed they had to pay him the $100 million. But even after people like Kasich knew the paper was worthless they continued not only to trade them like they worth something and let others like Burry place a billion bets they would default and default they did. But propagandist on red neck right radio will explain to you everyday how the poor people took those city slicker Banksters. Don’t you hate it how those victims ended up with millions.
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