The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Mon 16 Jan, 2012 06:43 am
“The most difficult subjects can be explained to even the most slow witted man if he has not formed an idea of them already: but the simplest thing can not be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of a doubt, what is laid before him.”

Leo Tolstoy, 1897
This is another important feature of context, the first explanation and often the simplest explanation of even the most complicated events is accepted by the public. When billions of dollars of vested interest are at stake and national networks of magazines, newspapers, radio and televisions stations available to drive public opinion this can be a formable force to overcome. Accepted contemporary explanations of events are often dispelled by historians but dispelled too late for them to affect the outcomes. To be sure not everyone listens to red neck right radio or Fox News, the news according to Rupert Murdock. But the commie/conservative explanations of events spreads across America like a virus.

Conformity is also and important factor for context. Solomon Asch conducted an experiment where people in groups were given test to compare and decide which of a group of three lines was the same length as another line. The answer was obvious but when other members of group intentionally gave the wrong answer the subject of the experiment gave the wrong answer to conform. The answers were given orally with the experimenters confederates giving their answers before the subject of the experiment, 75% of the subjects chose to conform. Introduce authority into the equation, and television and radio show hosts are authority figures, and Stanley Milgram’s experiment showed people were willing to administer a lethal dose of 450 volts of electricity to a subject in a learning experiment if someone in a lab coat urged them to continue.

In the 80s, Howie Rubin, a Solomon trader that moved to Merrill Lynch promptly lost $250 million dollars. That is a lot of money, a quarter of a billion but 20 years later another trader named Howie in Morgan Stanley would lose $9 billion on a single mortgage trade. Someone that lost $9 billion dollars should be famous or at least infamous but even the book that related the incident, “The Big Short” by Michael Lewis, a former Solomon Brothers trader himself, didn’t give his full name. Did you ever hear about the $9 billion dollar lose on one trade on Fox News or red neck right radio? No. Why? Because it would discredit the commie/conservative myth that poor people trying to buy a home caused the crash. If a myth is to be sustained it must be protected from the truth, the context must be maintained. A single trader made $47 million a year and felt underpaid, following the money isn’t hard. No poor people got rich on mortgages but some of the ungodly greedy got rich beyond their wildest dreams. The $47 million is only a drop in the bucket as 5 hedge fund mangers made over a billion last year with one making $5 billion and you can bet he feels he is underpaid.
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Reply Tue 17 Jan, 2012 06:37 am
A political ideology is a context from which we view the world not only that a political ideology demands conformity of ideas. Many people don’t realize it but political ideologies are specifically designed to manipulate perception. While we are painfully aware of action taking place we are almost blind to the context in which the action takes place. Studies have shown that the context may be far more powerful in determining how we act than most of us would give credit. Like the subjects that gave the obvious wrong answer to the length of lines question and others who would willing to shock to death a fellow participant in an experiment. Political ideology plays a far more significant role in our lives than any of us would like to admit.
“When you are a conservative republican, you never think people are making money by ripping people off,” His mind was now open to the possibility. “I never realized there was an entire industry called consumer finance, that basically existed to rip people off.”

From the book “The Big Short” by Michael Lewis
The man quoted is Steve Eismen a staunch Wall Street republican who voted for Reagan twice. He joined right wing organizations and was surrounded by other republican. His context was every bit as republican as it could be like those who gave the wrong answer when asked the length of the line question he would take the company line.

In republican, commie/conservative, mythology wealth in America is distributed just as it should be the wealth is in the hands of those who work the hardest and for the most part wealth is not stolen but earned. But Eismen got a strong dose of reality so strong it overcame the context. Eismen began study the accounting on subprime bonds and found a very high prepayment coming in on a sector called “manufactured homes.” On the books as “involuntary prepayment” it turns out “involuntary prepayment” was actually used in place of default because it sounded better.

Eismen than found one of the companies was marketing their loans to consumers as 7.2% when in fact the loans were made at 12%. They got the 7.2% interest rate by stating that if the loan was over a hypothetical 30 years the interest would be 7.2% but the loan was for 15 years. Several consumers in Washington state figured the scam out and sued the company. The records of the Attorney General investigation were sealed by a Judge to protect the guilty. When Eismen asked the Attorney General of Washington State why he had not arrested the scam artists, he replied, “If they’re gone who would make loans subprime loans in the state of Washington?” The context of Eismen life had been overridden.

The people marketing these loans didn’t know what was in them and didn’t care? Who were they being marketed to? Pension funds, the loan companies were ripping off the poor and than selling the junk to their pension fund. Eismen saw the light that the commie/conservative myth was just a myth and a “whole industry was devoted to ripping people off.” It wasn’t the strongest or the smartest getting rich it was and is the thieves. Now the commie/conservatives are running on repealing what is left of the regulations.
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Reply Wed 18 Jan, 2012 06:34 am
It is important to note that context and the urge to conform affect all of us. No one is exempt from those forces. The best we can hope for is to be aware those forces exist and affect how we see the world. It is like we all see the world as a reflection in a fun house mirror. If we are aware of the distortions we can compensate for them to a degree. Some people are naturally more affected by conformity than others. In high school I decided that that I could no longer believe as a “little child believes” and that the arguments for religion were neither sound nor logically. I was from a religious family that lived in the center of the Bible belt; you just didn’t miss church or religious indoctrination. I told my mother when I turned 18 I would never darken the door of a church and other than weddings and funerals that been true. I often argued religion in high school as an army of one. Later I argued the same points on the internet with a local preacher that lasted for 6 months and I didn’t use a screen name. The preacher insisted on meeting in person to have coffee, I declined as I don’t drink coffee and I told him that I was afraid of the Kool Aid. The preacher through in the towel and never posted again, at least under that screen name. The early experience let me know that conformity for conformity sake could be overcome. Once one to stand up and takes a position different from the herd it gives others the courage to speak up.

All too often in politics conformity rules the day being in a political party for some people is like being on a football team, you are in it to win it. It doesn’t matter how as long as you win. The others players on your team can do no wrong and the players on the other team can do no right. This morning we are finding that Mitt Romney pays only 15% income tax on his multi-million income while working people pay twice that percentage on their meager wages. In 1913 after a public outcry over massive excess wealth of a few Congress levied a tax on “excess wealth” it was called an “income tax.” The tax was applied only to incomes in excess of $80,000. That was the context in which the income tax was passed. It is unfortunate it wasn’t named a tax on “excess wealth,” as there would be far less of an argument as who should be paying it today. There are hundreds of different taxes in America but only one type of taxes was levied on “excess wealth.” The commie/conservative commentators, like Slimbaugh and Beck, ignore all other taxes and act like income tax is the only tax in America, they ignore the hundreds of regressive taxes that other American pay. They create a false context that others buy into. Like one team member will look the other way when a fellow team member fouls a member of the other team and then take his team member’s side in the fight. But politics may be a team sport but in the end we either all win or we all lose because with politics we shape the future for our children and grandchildren. Politicians and political parties try to create very specific context for the purpose of manipulating the public and they count very heavily on conformity to do the rest. People need to break the surly bounds of conformity and look at each facet of their political ideology like they were examining fruit and grocery store
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Reply Thu 19 Jan, 2012 06:36 am
People don’t really change what we perceive as change in society usually takes place one funeral at a time. Gingrich is in the old South and the surest path to power in the Republican primary is to stir the cauldron of racism and at the same time pretend you are not a racist. You have to remember that all wealth is ultimately created by labor even exploitation of natural resources requires labor whether it is coal miners or locating the natural resources and sinking and maintaining wells. One of the biggest changes over the last 30 years was the economic requirement that women work, up until Reagan and the commie/conservatives took power it was elective if a woman worked, it was generally because it was her choice or she was a single parent. But as real wages fell, and real wages fell for the vast majority, even though a tiny minority at the top income multiplied 7 fold in real dollars, the wives had no choice but to enter the workforce. My wife had been a stay at home wife for 14 years raising our daughter but by 1986 she had no choice but to take a part time job followed later by a full time job, a story that was repeated 10s of millions of times across America in the Reagan years. My daughter generation was lucky to get a week off work to have a baby before going back to work. What happened to wealth at the top of the wealth pyramid? All of these working women created more wealth for the ungodly greedy to siphon off. Now Newt wants to turn the clock back a 100 years do away with child labor laws and put the children of the minorities in the labor force. Don’t ever doubt that Newt utopian vision of child labor for minorities will stop with children of minorities. Of course it is just to teach minority children work values because all republicans know that the minority children parents are shiftless welfare sucking scum. Something must be done? So Newt dawns his super racists cape and races to the rescue. After slavery one of the first groups of working women were the black women who were domestic help for the ungodly greedy.

Glen Beck explained on his show how Newt plan would be a two edge sword solving other social problems as well. He explained that Janitors in New York made way too much and 37 children could be hired for the price of one janitor. Glen beck no doubts makes millions but you notices he never says he makes too much. Glen Beck sits on his rear end and talks for a living but it is the workingman that always makes way too much. So children entering the work force as janitors would have the additional advantage of driving the wages of janitors in New York City way down. The good old southern racism has been the wind beneath the wings of Republican Party for the last 30 years. It was said that Dale Earnheart could see the wind in a draft but Newt has mastered seeing the winds of racism.

Did you every wonder why the elite Republicans always rant against abortion? Capitalism runs on a supply and demand curve and the more babies in the future workforce the lower the cost of future labor. The more children born into a family the less likely the children are to get an adequate education creating a permanent under class that can be exploited. But the context of the abortion debate is not cast against economic realities it is cast against and fueled by religious cults and it becomes a battle of a religious cult to impose their “religious beliefs” on society as a whole. Any religious cult’s backbone is conformity without conformity no religious cults would exist. When religious cults use the forces of conformity to politically rule a country that country is in trouble.
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Reply Fri 20 Jan, 2012 06:33 am
The Walker recall effort turned in a 1,128,941 signatures. That is nearly twice the number of signatures needed to recall the governor of Wisconsin; only 540,000 signatures were needed to undo what it took millions of Koch’s brother’s dollars to do. The Koch brothers have to be upset. Scott Walker ripping off of public employees would have saved the Koch brothers 100s of millions in taxes over the next couple of decades. What is this country coming to when the ungodly greedy can’t purchase an election and make it stick? If something isn’t done about this the American people might get the impression they live in a democracy. The people of Wisconsin got a peak behind the curtain and realized the great and mighty Oz was no more than two greedy old codgers pulling levers on a huge corrupt political machine. It is rumored that both Walker’s wife and mother signed the recall petition; the signatures may have to be verified though.

Why haven’t we heard that Walker has been recalled? I seldom miss the national news and there was not a word on red neck right radio. The drug addicts on red neck right radio were so proud of what the Pee Party and Scott Walker had accomplished in Wisconsin never in the history of America in such a short period of time had so many working people been cheated out of so much to benefit so few. Rush Slimbaugh was absolutely beside himself when Walker was taking all the public employee rights away in Wisconsin. Slimbaugh realized if what Walker was doing in Wisconsin that spread across America he could have seven Gulf Stream jets instead of just one messily jet, he could have a different colored jet for every day of the week.
• “Governor Walker will finally get the recognition and historical notice he deserves. He will be infamous for being one of the worst governors in American history and in the top three for a 235 year period. And the people of Wisconsin will take their historical place as true patriots, willing to fight for what a true democracy represents.”

Post from web site titled “Think Progress”
Despite constant denials from the ungodly greedy class warfare has been a reality in America for well over thirty years. In a council meeting where the council was going to impose a 1% tax on working people and but only impose a 0.001 percent tax on the ungodly greedy, one of the red neck right councilmen started the standard red neck right explanation that to tax the ungodly greedy at the same rate as the college student working at McDonalds was “class warfare.” The first two times it came to a vote I was successful rallying the troops and killing the tax break for ungodly greedy. The next week after behind the door lobbying and investment banker on council led the charge to exempt any income from the income tax over $100,000. Usually tax exemptions are based on a threshold income, with this tax the first dollar is taxed, but not a dime on any income over $100.000. This is not a 1% tax when only working people pay a 1% tax. The tax is currently tied up in court with one of the points of contention that it is not a 1% tax because of the tax ceiling. The 1 % tax only taxes wages all other forms of the ungodly income are exempt, such as dividends, capital gains and rents. This is a common tactic in class warfare the ungodly simply bribe politicians to exempt or give their major sources of income “special treatment.” Wages are taxed at 30% capital gains at 15%. Anytime someone says there is no class warfare show them the scoreboard and who is winning. It is there for all to see incomes are tracked by the government and available to the public.
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Reply Sat 21 Jan, 2012 09:40 am
Wisconsin’s governor Scott Walker says he is not worried by more than a million signatures on the recall petition. Walker didn’t have time to be worried as he was in New York where the CEO of American International Group (AIG) was hosting a fund raising dinner for Walker’s recall election. AIG, and insurance company, was given a $182.5 billion bailout by our government and now this company is using the American tax payer’s money in an effort to destroy our unions. A quirk in Wisconsin election laws allows Walker to raise and unlimited amount of campaign contributions until the recall petitions have been certified. Walker had already raised over $5 million before AIG backed fund raiser over half of the money from out of state donors and most of that $5 million from just four donors, the instate half is no doubt from the Koch brothers.

According to republican and commie/conservative myth the ungodly greedy are not waging a class war against the middle class but the evidence of this lie is overwhelming. In the next few months the ungodly greedy will give Scott Walker enough of their money to arm a small conventional army and wage a war and don’t believe for a minute the thought has not occurred to the ungodly greedy that real force may be necessary one day. Make no doubt about it Wisconsin is the biggest battle of class warfare since the Battle of Blair Mountain almost a century ago. The battle of Blair Mountain is accepted by historians as the biggest armed insurrection since the civil war. Between 10,000 and15,000 coal minors confronted an army of strike breakers and police paid for by the ungodly greedy coal operators. The ungodly greedy New York coal operators used murder to maintain their company towns. The Baldwin-Felts Detective Agency, private security guards, were used as hired killers for the ungodly greedy. This Battle of Blair Mountain took place in Logan County, WV only 50 miles or so from where I live and grew up but my West Virginia history book never even mentioned the biggest armed insurrection since the civil war. It was only after I was adult that the educational channel did a special about Blair Mountain that I found out it took place at all. The finish of a half Marathon I run each year is in Matewan, WV where the sheriff was gunned down on the court house steps in broad daylight by the ungodly greedy coal operators Pinkerton Guards.

A contingent of Baldwin Felts Detectives arrived in Matewan on the number 29 morning train to evict miners from company owned houses they were living in. Sid Hatfield, the Chief of Police in Matewan confronted the ungodly greed’s hired killer with an arrest warrant for the Felts brothers the felts brothers produced an arrest warrant for Hatfield. The mayor of Matewan examined the warrant and claimed it was fraudulent. Imagine a private detective agency that could arrest a chief of police. The ungodly greedy’ just decide to kill the chief of police and chief of police and go on. But unbeknownst to the Felts goons the town people had quietly surrounded from doorways, rooftops and windows. When the shooting started and it is still in dispute today who fired first, 7 of the ungodly greedy’ thugs were dead or dying on the ground with four of the towns people killed. Both of the Felts brothers were killed but Sid Hatfield survived and was later gunned down on the courthouse step by the more of the ungodly greedy’ thugs. The worm had turned it sent a message to ungodly greedy in New York that miners would no longer sit by and let the hired killers kill them one at a time. The finish of one of the half Marathon I run each year is in Matewan, WV, Matewan is a very small town today but you can bet those shots on May 19th 1920 were not only heard in New York but around the country by the ungodly greedy

Greed is as old as sin itself, human nature has not changed in the last 100 years. Given the chance the ungodly greedy will take us back to a time where they ruled by power of the gun. A time where they corrupted politicians and judges and their hired guns could gun down people in broad daylight and fear no reprisals from the law. Our grandfather’s generation participation in The Battle of Blair Mountain was a pivotal moment in our father’s lives and our lives; we may not realize it because it was expunged from our history books. The ungodly greedy can control the content of the history books but they can’t erase our history. The 15,000 armed coal minors on Blair Mountain made life better not only for themselves but the middle class across America. Blair Mountain was the first time in American history where the American working man starred directly into the face of the ungodly and didn’t blink but the ungodly greedy looking down the barrels of an army of 15,000 guns realized that those who got rich by the gun could die by the gun just as easily as their victims.

The battle of Wisconsin is every bit as important as the Battle of Blair Mountain, if the unions lose it will turn the clock back a 100years. Wisconsin will be the pivotal moment in the lives of our children and grandchildren. The ungodly greedy across America are raising enough cash to buy the recall election for Walker and in politics like in racing it is hard to beat cubic dollars. None of the public employees are getting rich, they are not the ungodly greedy, they asked only what every American wants a living wage, reasonable health insurance, a decent retirement. They want to be treated fairly and with respect. But those that are making billions want to turn the middle class against itself using the politics of envy they supposedly deplore. None of the Wisconsin public employees made $5 billion last year but you can bet the hedge fund manager making $5 billion ripped off the Wisconsin public employees pension fund by selling it worthless stock.

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Reply Sun 22 Jan, 2012 08:54 am
I’ll bet Glen Beck’s head did explode last night, Beck is always fond of yelling and screaming that he has to bandage his head to keep it from exploding when the democrats do something he doesn’t approve of . Gingrich win in South Carolina will be interpreted by Beck as a personal rejection of his teachings. He actually asked one of the callers to return all Beck’s books the caller had in his possession. Beck has been pushing for Romney like he is a paid member of his campaign staff. It seems Friday Beck was on the verge of a great depression himself. Beck thought all his time on his radio was wasted; he had failed to herd the useful idiots to vote for the candidate of Beck’s choice. Beck has redrawn the political fault lines and tells his audience that instead of democrats being the problem Progressives are the real problem and that Progressives can be found in both parties and Gingrich is Progressive. Beck has tried hard to make Progressives the new boogieman, since the decline of communism the conservatives have lacked a straw dog to attack The bond traders on Wall Street often refer to driving their victims to slaughter like a herd of cattle, Beck thought he was a real cowboy and it was round up time in South Carolina but something happened on the way to the slaughterhouse.

It was all supposed to be over by South Carolina Romney would win and everyone else would drop out of the race. But now all the months of dirty republican politics are not coming to an end they are just beginning. The Republicans have formed a circular firing squad. But the most important development is that a detectable fissure has formed in the commie/conservative movement. During the 2008 election cycle Hillary Clinton used the term Progressive instead of Liberal to describe her political philosophy and Beck soon auditioned the term Progressive to replace waning communist boogieman. Beck journey through history of the progressive movement provided him with a formable arsenal of pseudo facts. Beck now believed he could eliminate candidate by telling his audience they were progressive. Beck had devoted years of radio rants to the evils of Progressivism and Gingrich was his first test case. By Friday the writing was on the wall in South Carolina and Beck was becoming unhinged saying no one was listening to him and no one understood anything he taught them He continued to verbally assault any caller who did not back Romney.

Gingrich’s negative add assault on Romney and the ungodly greedy was intolerable to Glen Beck. Beck, now a multimillionaire and able to take advantage of the 15% income tax rate was bothered by the attack on Romney’s 15% tax rate on his 100 million dollar income. Beck finds it intolerable that the ungodly greedy should be asked to pay the same 30% income tax rate a workingman pays. It is counter to lottery winner economics when you win you win and should win the tax lottery also.

Now that 66% of the American people acknowledge the biggest social problem facing the country is the distribution of wealth and another 23% find that the distribution of wealth is a problem, the commie/conservative movement split is inevitable. When 89% of American people come to realize the tax system is being rigged by the ungodly greedy to make the ungodly greedy even richer and even the lies of the talented commie/conservative radio hosts can only hide the truth for so long. The distribution of wealth gets worse each passing day and the lies to hide it get bigger and bigger like a balloon and the balloon of lies is about to burst. Gingrich’s political ship was sinking faster than the Titanic until he started attacking Romney as one of the ungodly greedy who is nothing more than a modern day pirate who receives special tax treatment on the booty he steals. You can tell the times are a changing when the attacks on the ungodly greedy cause a literal landslide in a commie/conservative election and it was a landslide.
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Reply Mon 23 Jan, 2012 06:46 am
After 30 years, the commie/conservative myth is crumbling like the end of an old James Bond movie where the bad guy’s island falls apart and disappears under the ocean. Gingrich was leading in Iowa with 40% shortly before the Iowa caucuses but the ungodly greedy soon launched a barrage of very effective negative adds. Gingrich finished with only 13 percent of the vote. This is the way politics in America suppose to work the ungodly greedy’ money is used to destroy any opposing candidates. But the best laid plans of men and money sometimes go a fowl Gingrich came roaring back in South Carolina and destroyed Romney. How did Gingrich do it? By taking on the commie/conservative myth, the myth of Ayn Rand, well not really Ayn Rand that was not the Russian that wrote “Atlas Shrugged” real name, that was just myth within a myth. Ayn Rand was the pen name of Alisa Zinov’yevna Rosenbaum born an educated in Russia during the communist revolution Zinov’yevna book is responsible for creating the commie/conservative myth that the ungodly greedy rich are a superior race and the rest of humanity is just, “a bunch of miserable children who struggle to survive” “And if it wasn’t for you (the ungodly greedy) most of these who are here would be left helpless at the mercy at the mercy of that wind in the middle of some such plain.” That is the commie/conservative myth in a nutshell without the ungodly greedy the rest of us would be swing from a tree somewhere in Africa today. In order to enjoy a movie we “suspend our disbelief to enjoy the movie but once the movie is over our since of reality is restored to normal. Zinov’yevna’ book was a work of fiction but many of those who read the book suspension of disbelief continues to this day. Zinov’yevna novel became the basses for a political ideology, a myth. What happened in South Carolina Primary was that Gingrich began to attack the myth that Commie/conservative is based on. It was surprising that Gingrich, a leader of the commie/conservative movement, made his opponent out as a vulture capitalist. What was more surprising is that so many commie/conservatives were so eager to embrace the idea.

Zinov’yevna attack on America did far more damage to America than any of 9/11 hijackers did or could have even imagined. Hitler’s master race in Germany did not survive his death but the master race Zinov’yevna created is alive and well in America today. Zinov’yevna’ myth destroyed the longest economic expansion in American history and it is the gift that keeps on giving as it continues to destroy America to this day. What is encouraging though is a measurable shift in the tectonic plates of American politics. The ungodly greedy may find it harder to sell Zinov’yevna’ myth in the future.
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Reply Tue 24 Jan, 2012 06:35 am
When it was announced before the South Carolina primary that ABC would air an interview with Newt Gingrich second ex-wife where she would reveal that Newt ask her for an open marriage where he could have his Kate and Edith too, many thought it would be the kiss of death to his surge in the polls. Surely the Christian Right in the Deep South would be appalled they were against gay marriage and Newt idea of marriage would at least include many other females. After all wasn’t the Christian Right up in arms over Clinton, that was the one BJ if not heard round the world it was at least herd about a round the world. But Sarah Palin said, that Newt’ ex-wife the open marriage revelations would not hurt Newt’s popularity but in fact Newt’s popularity would soar and in fact Newt popularity continued to grow. Why? Are the Southern Christians secret swingers? Well that may be part of the explanation but context and conformity had more to do with it then the number of swingers in South Carolina. One of the first rationalizations was it didn’t matter when Clinton did it. Rationalizations are seldom the actual reason behind someone’s actions.

In Sam Sommers book “Situations Matter: Understanding How Context Transform Your World” he relates an experiment that shows the power of conformity over groups. College students are asked to view a paper with 407 dots on it and estimate the number of dots and once the dots have been estimated the students are divided into two groups, over estimators and under estimators. The students are actually divided randomly but they believed they are with fellow over estimators or under estimators. This sets up a group mentality, like republicans and democrats or Earnheart and Gordon fans. When students were given two decks of cards both decks had cards listing positive and negative things about each group, students remember about 70% of positive things about their group but only 57% of the negatives. The students also remembered 69% of the positive things about the other group but they remember 87% of the negative things about the other group. This shows a definite group based mentality to edit reality in favor of the in group. Also the experiment allowed the students to distribute money to fellow students. Over estimators favor over estimators by 69% but under estimators favored under estimators by 94%.

Group mentality can clearly be observed in dot estimators imagine how much more powerful it is in life log republicans and democrats. The dot estimators only met each other a few minutes before the experiment but democratic and republicans have worked a lifetime to make their political ideology the political ideology of America. The Christian Right sees no need to examine Newt’s open marriage they only need to show that morality doesn’t matter to the other side so why should morality matter to the Christian Right? What? If it is true all is fair in love and war it is more true that all is fair in politics. Politics is more often about which side wins or which side loses then it is about character.

The Christian Right will point out that Newt’s creativity morality was ancient history occurring 20 years ago. Isn’t it funny how age lends a holier than thou attitude about morality? I suspect Newt age and his ability to rise to the occasion had more to do with his repentance than any moral change of heart. Newt is now be surrounded by bevy of young pretty hero worshipers and that is a combination that is almost irresistible. If Newt were 20 years younger we would have another John Edwards.
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Reply Wed 25 Jan, 2012 06:33 am
A massive redistribution of wealth is taking place today but this is not the government redistribution of wealth to the poor that is part and parcel of the commie/conservative myth. Once again the wealth of the ungodly greedy is being redistributed to government, well not quite the government but at least to the employees of government and those who hope to be. But this unicorn of wealth is not distributed to all government employees just to elected public employees and those who hope to get elected. When the ungodly greedy heard the state of the Union address last night and found out that they might have to pay the same percentage of income tax on their $5 billion dollar incomes that working couples have to pay, the ungodly greedy declared war and the ungodly greedy choice of weapon of mass destruction is their check books. If the ungodly greedy weapons of mass destruction would light up the sky like bombs each time they wrote a multi-figure check to a crooked politician it would make Shock and Awe look like the kid next door Fourth of July fireworks show. Just because you don’t see it happen doesn’t mean it doesn’t do as much damage to America as a million pounds of explosives did to Iraq.

The ungodly had their calculators out an additional 15% of $5 billion would cost them $750 million in taxes. They can choose to do nothing and pay the $750 million or they can spend that $750 on buying politicians for one year and continue to get the extra $750 million each there after. What do you think they will do? Spend $750 million now and keep billions in the future? They will gamble on corruption and human nature.

Ungodly greedy, sometimes referred as the political donor class, use their check books to reshape American laws to benefit themselves. Billions of dollars are spent by the ungodly greedy each election cycle to influence the outcomes of election, in other words buy the election. Once the politicians “purchased” by the ungodly greedy are in place they do more damage than a termite infestation. Billions of dollars will change hands between now and election time anytime that amount of money changes place it is usually taxed. There are sin taxes placed on things such as cigarettes and liquor in our society, why not put a 100% tax on any political contribution to candidate, super pack or organization that uses money for political activity. We will call it the Deficit Tax and all of the billions in tax receipts will be applied to pay down the deficit and no other purpose. This will be a voluntary tax; the only ones who will pay this tax will be those who chose to make a political contribution. This tax must be paid at the same time the political contributions are made. All foreigner countries and foreigners who make political contributions would have to pay the tax on political contributions. Also a data base would be made available on the internet that showed who made the political contributions and to which politicians went. For instance you could call up the Koch brother’s contributions and see how many other Scott Walker they own. When a bill went before congress that benefited the Koch brothers you could check and see if all the politicians they owned voted for it. We might not be able to stop it but we can sure tax it.

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Reply Thu 26 Jan, 2012 06:39 am
Most of the chatter on red neck right radio was about how unfair it would be to make the hedge fund manager making $5 billion a year salary pay the same percentage of taxes as his secretary. Whether the commie/conservatives want to acknowledge it or not what made America great was a progressive income tax, America was a second rate power at best in 1913 when the income tax was passed, Great Briton was the worlds hyper power. No country can be a great country without a strong government. A strong government can exist only if it is sufficiently funded. Many rugged individuals in a geographical area without a strong government are just a group of people. Governments are the referee within a country and are responsible protecting the country for invading hoards. The commie/conservative dream of destroying our government was bequeathed to them from the communist who founded the modern conservative movement. Frank Meyer and Whitaker Chambers among other founding communists life long mission was to destroy the American government. The best way to destroy the government is to starve it. Grover Norquist who brags on national news (the second most powerful conservative in America) who controls most of congress, over 2/5 of the Senate and 8 of 9 of the republican presidential candidates said “He just wants to shrink (the American) government to the point that he can drag it in the bathroom and drown in the bathtub.”

The red neck right talk show hosts are always fond of saying only 47% of the American people pay income tax, the tax on excess wealth. Slimbaugh was running this lie yesterday o rallying the troops so he could keep the 15% tax rate on his millions in investment. Slimbaugh is the highest paid liar in history, fond of saying that only 47% of the people pay income tax is one of the best examples of proofiness in America. We know that the commie/conservatives consider lying to gain a political advantage the best way to accomplish political goals. Frank Meyers considered the “father of Modern Conservative Movement was trained by the very best communist in the world in advanced lying. Do you ever remember a time when you didn’t pay income tax? I have my very first income tax return when I was making $1.65 minimum wage and I paid income tax. So who are these 53% low lifes that are not paying income tax? Our parents who no longer work and are on social security and children who were born yesterday, the disabled, those hurt in coal mines and other dangerous occupations to make more money for the ungodly greedy. But when this lie is endless repeated on red neck right radio and it is a lie, the sitting drug addicts never points out that millions of six year old offenders don’t pay income tax because they don’t have an income. The communists always believed if a lie is repeated often enough by enough people in the media it will become the “functional” truth as opposed to the truth. The “functional truth” is also known under the more common name, propaganda.

Red neck right radio is the best possible environment to plant, fertilize and grow propaganda. In all the times this lie has been repeated and has been repeated again an again the public has never been allowed to question what is a very obvious lie. Why? Call screeners and time delay broadcasts. When a lie is repeated endlessly in the media and it is never called by the public before long people accept the lie as the truth. This is why America had a “Fairness Doctrine” and this is why the commie/conservative Reagan eliminated it almost as soon as he took office. The “Fairness Doctrine” required that opposing points of view be given air time to combat lies and keep propaganda networks from controlling their target audience.

The next time you drive past an elementary school remember how unfair Slimbaugh thinks it is for these tykes not to being paying income tax on the income they don’t have. Sean Hannity is another red neck right radio host that is so comfortable telling this lie. It is time to bring the “Fairness Doctrine” back and require that equal air time be given to exposing the lies of the commie/conservatives when they are told. That call screening be ended on any radio show that bills itself as talk show and to cut a caller off for anything other than profanity or other very limited offensives would be against the law. Equal time should be divided between caller and the show hosts instead become a political monologue.
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Reply Fri 27 Jan, 2012 06:37 am
The commie/conservative red neck right radio hosts launched their counter attack to defend the 15% income tax on the salary of those making $5 billion a year and other ungodly greedy. The plan the commie/conservatives have settled on is to pee on the American people and tell them it is raining. What? You have to admit this same plan has worked for well over 30 years now. When you are in trouble it is best to get back to basics and peeing propaganda on the American people has always worked before. Glen Beck has decided to tell his faithful followers that Romney is actually paying 50% income tax not 13.9%. That right Romney is actually paying 50%. Beck wants us to feel sorry for the poor, poor little rich man. Most of us have no trouble doing percentage on a calculator you take the taxes Romney paid and divide it by the money Romney made last year, simple. But wait just a minute Beck says, there are invisible taxes on the ungodly greedy, that is right now besides being abducted by UFOs it seems we have to worry about being hit with invisible taxes. But you say we saw Romney tax return and didn’t find a line for invisible taxes. This is where the peeing part comes in. Beck reaches into his magic hat and pulls out invisible taxes. It seems that if Romney owns stock he can claim to have paid the income taxes of the company he owns stock in. What? Prince may have come up with purple rain but I know for a fact there is no such thing as yellow rain. To start with the 35% is a nominal rate before deductions and many companies as big General Electric pay no tax at all. That is the first lie embedded within a lie. Stock speculators like Romney may own stock no more than 15 minutes before it is sold, to make a claim that the income taxes were paid in that 15 minutes Romney owned the stock is absurd beyond belief even for Beck. If Beck argument was valid than anyone who works company could say the company already paid taxes on the money they paid their employees so the employees actually paid 50% taxes instead of 15%. In fact in big construction jobs the general contractor pays income taxes on the whole project, than the sub contractors pays income tax on the same project and then the sub contractors sub contractors pays taxes on his part of the job by the time you get to the employees of the last sub contractor of the subcontractor the employee at the bottom rung of the job have paid 120% taxes ( 35% for the General + 35% for the first subcontractor + 35% for the sub of the subcontractor + 15% for the employee.) if you count Glen Beck’s invisible taxes that is. This is why propaganda is so effective because some of the most absurd arguments seem reasonable if you aren’t exposed to the counter argument. It was one of the darkest days in American history when the commie/conservative Reagan eliminated the “Fairness Doctrine.”

Glen Beck says he plans to make this tax situation a comedy routine to communicate the point to his audiences at his live shows. I imagine many people even on the radical right will fail to see the humor in the ungodly greedy billionaires only paying 15% income tax while they pay 30% but if you just add in the 35% invisible taxes you will see how fair it really is.

The other argument the commie/conservatives are trying to make is the difference between nominal and effective tax rates. The nominal rate is the percentage of taxes listed in the tax tables but the effective rate you pay is different. What is amusing is the commie/conservatives always argued the nominal rate when they want to cut taxes on the ungodly greedy even when they know that many of the ungodly greedy paid no taxes they would point out the 70% nominal income tax rate in the tax book to further cut the taxes. Now all of a sudden when the nominal rate for the ungodly greedy is only 15% the commie/conservative reverse the argument because the middle class nominal rate is twice as high. The commie/conservatives want to use the effective rate. Why? Because a good portion of the middle class income is not subject to income tax, the standard deduction and deductions for dependents are not subject to income tax of course these apply to ungodly greedy as well but a $9,000 exemption on a $5 billion income is negligible but $9,000 exemption on a $37,000 income is huge. Now comes the proofiness where apples and oranges are compared to get a false answer. By calculating the effective income tax rate on the middle class by lumping in their tax exempt income severely skews the calculation making their tax rate seem much lower than it actually is. But when the $9,000 exemption is lumped into a $5 billion dollar income it effect would be in the 4th or 5th decimal point. The weather forecast from now to the election day is for yellow rain heavy at times.
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Reply Sat 28 Jan, 2012 07:38 am
America is a society based on instant gratification, from instant coffee to fast food time is of the essence. We go through a drive through and east a hamburger on the way to our destination. Taco Bell even used to have a clock measured the seconds it took to get your order. The trouble was we began to believe in instant politics where both political problems and political solutions were created as instantly as the hamburger at the drive thru. We wanted to go to the polls and purchase a $5 political pizza without waiting the 20 minutes to have one made. The problem is it takes literally decades for a political philosophy to be encoded into law or for those laws to be removed. The damage we saw in 2007-2008 was caused by removing regulations that kept the stock market under control. The 2007- 2008 great depression was predictable repeat of the 1929 stock market crash and Great Depression, remove the force of law and the stock/bond market becomes a casino where the house can fix the game and fear no reprisals. The players are thousands of miles away and they are unable to tell the roulette wheel is fixed. There was far more lost on Wall Street in 2007-2008 than the in the first Great Depression, no the money wasn’t lost it simply changed hands it was redistributed. Michael Lewis calls it the “Big Short” sort of like being able to bet on which horse finishes last at incredible high odds.

Reagan and the commie/conservatives based their 1980 political campaign on removing “regulations.” Another word for regulations is of course laws. The specific laws targeted by the commie/conservatives were the laws put in place to keep another Great Depression from ever happening again. Wall Street had been the biggest Casino in the world in the 1920s a bet could be placed on literally anything. Wall Street insiders hungered for the days of the Wild West casino and when and the old B movie cowboy actor coupled with and extremist right wing movement came along the investment bankers saw their chance.

For 50 years the regulations put on Wall Street gamblers acted as the finger in the proverbial dike but the finger in the dike also blocked outrageous $5 billion a year profits. Reagan and commie/conservatives removed the finger in the dike and only a small amount water got through at first but by 2007 it was evident the dike had failed completely. By 2008 the gamblers had broke the house and the house now looked to government for them to re-stake them, not to stop the game with regulations but simply to re-stake them so they could get back in the game. Reagan ran on smaller government but the government continued to grow but the regulations were removed.

In the seventies wall street gamblers could trades stock and bonds if you had a stock in General Electric it could appraised like a diamond ring at a pawn shop. General Electric stock had a known value. Like wise with a local utility company or government issued bonds you new they had a value and it could be verified. But there was not enough chips in the game to suit the Wall Street insiders so once the regulations were removed they created Frankenstein bonds much like the fictional Dr Frankenstein put dead body parts together to make Frankenstein the bond traders at Solomon Brothers stitched $300 million dollars worth of mortgages together. Unlike bonds for General Electric or a local Utility company no one could possibly know whether each individual mortgage was good. Now a firewall had been established between the value of the investment and any investor who might buy the bonds. This lends itself to fruit packing where the best fruit is placed on top to hide the rotten fruit hidden below. This was a conman’s wet dream where he could sell worthless paper for millions. A Saving and Loans in Michigan could unload their bad paper by sell $300 million in mortgages to the Solomon brothers. The Solomon Brothers would combine the $300 Michigan Saving Loans mortgages with $700 million mortgages from other S&L across America and than split it into Interest Only and Principle Only bonds. The interest only bond holders got the interest payments and the principal only bond holders got the principal payments. These bonds were cut up into “tranches.” The first tranch got the highest interest but also took the highest risk any defaulted or prepayments were applied to this tranch first. When the first tranch was fully paid back or defaulted on the next tranch absorbed the losses only the fifth tranch had the any hope for the investment to run the15 or 30 years.

This type of fraud was downright illegal in most states and Solomon Brothers extensively lobbied the Reagan and the commie/conservatives who then happily dynamited the dike put up against fraud. The commie/conservative myth of poor people storming the white house gates to get affordable mortgages as the cause of the 2007-08 depression is just a cover myth to hide extensive fraud. The states knew fraud when they saw it and made it illegal but the commie/conservatives went where even fools fear to tread.
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Reply Sun 29 Jan, 2012 07:45 am
Michael Lewis, in his book ”Liar’s Poker” provides us with an actual history of the mortgages bonds. Lewis was an insider who worked for the Solomon Brothers where the mortgage bonds were first developed and marketed. In the early days Solomon Brothers like other inventors had a virtual monopoly on the Mortgage Bonds only when the original Solomon traders were hired away by other Wall Street firms did the Mortgage bonds become widely traded by other firms. Lewis’s version is accurate and traces the origin of America’s downfall back to the late 70s when Mortgage bonds were created by Bob Dall and Lewie Ranieri and were only legal in a few states. But we live in age where myth is more believable than reality. Truth is less important than compatibility with one’s political ideology. The spirit of truth is conjured only to validate one’s political mythology.

It is tale of two types of bonds born at the same time Michael Milken Junk Bonds and Ranieri’ Mortgages Bonds. The major difference was Milken was convicted and sentenced to 10 years in jail while Solomon Brothers and Ranieri simply lobbied the Reagan administration to invalidate all state regulations against their “Junk Bonds.” While Milken was languishing in jail and banned from trading securities for life while the Solomon Brothers and Ranieri got rich beyond their wildest dreams. If you are a serial killer you dream of repealing the regulations against murder. If you sell junk bonds you want to remove the regulations against selling junk bonds you simply elect a senile old actor as President.

In the last 30 years the American middle class has experienced a steep decline in their standard of living driven by redistribution of wealth to the financial sector. The typical working couple now works nearly twice as many hours as their fathers did and make less in real dollars. The myth is the middle class living standard of living rose after the commie/conservatives did away with the regulations but the reality cannot be denied. No couple that works 32 more hours a week standard of living rose when income in real dollars was less. Steve Eismen a Wall Street annalist was one of the first to closely analyze the Mortgage Bonds where he found defaults were being labeled as “involuntary prepayments.” Eismen believed that the subprime loans were an effort to mask a social problem, the declining middle income could be masked by low interest loans. Second mortgages exploded during this period when credit cards were maxed out a second mortgage was obtained to pay the cards off and buy a new car. In 1996 65% of subprime mortgages were fixed rate mortgages by 2005 75% of subprime mortgages floating rate mortgages the perfect recipe for total collapse when interest rates went up on a $200,000 mortgage there was little chance that the loans could be repaid.

This is how the myth of an improving middle class was sustained, by credit, by spending today what you would not earn till twenty years later. The harsh reality is that you can not spend the same dollar twice but you can pay back that same dollar many times with interest. The opium of middle class America was cheap credit but once hooked it is hard habit to break. Many Americans are now waking up and realizing the redistribution of the nation’s wealth to financial sector was a mistake and now 89% of the American now believe that redistribution of wealth to the ungodly greedy is a problem. The first step in solving any problem is realizing there is a problem; America has now reached that point.
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Reply Mon 30 Jan, 2012 06:41 am
Romney is up by 15% percentage points in Florida with 42% to 27% for Gingrich almost a mirror image of the South Carolina primary where Gingrich won with 40.4% to Romney 27.8%. How could things have changed that much in a few weeks? Cubic dollars from Wall Street and the ungodly greedy simply bought the election for Romney. In 2009 the ungodly greedy on Wall Street spent $220 million dollars lobbying against new regulations such as capital requirements and lobbying in favor of spending cuts to get the budget deficit under control. In other words cut social security and Medicare so more money can be put into Wall Street. This is the major problem with vast concentrations of wealth it is used to corrupt the political system. What do the ungodly greedy on Wall Street want for their money? More deregulation of course. When one man can make $5 billion dollars a year ripping off pension funds after deregulation imagine what he can make with even more “deregulation.” Deregulations is of course one of Romney campaign platforms. After Gingrich took a populist stand against Romney brand of “vampire capitalism” in South Carolina the ungodly greedy on Wall Street rolled out the big bucks they planed to spend in the general election. If the ungodly greedy lose the primary they have lost not only the election but the illusion. If they lose the illusion that the guy scamming the pension fund for $5 billion a year is a job creator instead of a vampire sucking the life blood out of America they are in real trouble. They can stand to lose election but not the illusion, if attacked from both the right and left they are in real trouble. Like the Great and Terrible Oz once America gets a glimpse behind the curtain they will see nothing but thieves and more thieves.

When Alan Greenspan was asked in a congressional hearing after the 2007-08 economic crash whether he was wrong when he advocated deregulation he answered yes, the lesson to be learned from the 2007-08 crash was that deregulation was in fact the cause of the crash. Now as the election draws nears Romney is running on a platform of more deregulation smaller government. If we no longer regulate banks they need not have any capital requirements in other words they can loan money when they have none, they simply borrow the money they lend from another bank. If there loans go bad there is no need to worry there deposits are insured by the taxpayers and the taxpayers will pay for the losses. This is what happened with the big investments bank they had no real capital of there own and were leveraged 40 to 1 on their bets in other words they borrowed $40 dollars for every dollar they bet on bad investments. Romney will make sure that no new regulations are put in place and any remaining regulations left over from the Great Depression are removed after all why worry the Investment Banks are to big to fail and no matter what they do the taxpayers will have to bail them out. The last bailout cost each American $12,000 in additional debt. After all Romney was a “Vampire Capitalist” himself and his “blind trust” will continue to operated by a stand in “vampire capitalist” pinch hitting for Romney. Never ever underestimate self-interest as a motive and Romney self-interest will always lie with “Vampire Capitalism” not the American people.

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Reply Tue 31 Jan, 2012 06:38 am
In the commie/conservative myth the mythical redistribution of wealth to the poor is driven by “envy.” Envy is of course is one of the seven deadly sins, certain words are designed to impact the emotional mind not the intellectual mind. No one wants to be thought guilty of one of the seven deadly sins. Every conman knows emotional words are important tools in the art of manipulation. Words like kill, death and envy have emotional impact but words like pencil, board and sky do not. Psychopaths are immune to emotionally laden words but masters of the art of using them to manipulate others. Every day on red neck right radio you will hear the word “envy” repeated to as the explanation why the rest of Americans object to the real massive redistribution of wealth to the psychopaths on Wall Street. But another of the seven deadly sins lies at the heart of America’s problems, “greed.”

I have always had two principal objections to the massive and pervasive amount of greed that has dominated the last 30 years, the commie/conservative years. Neither one have anything to do with “envy.” One of course is that absolute wealth leads to absolute political power and corruption that is a lesson history teaches us. The second is that when wealth is consolidated the hands of the few like other commodities it makes it extremely easy to export the wealth of a country. In 2008 after the great investment banks gambling losses were covered by the taxpayers, America expected to recover from the second Great Depression but the recovery was slow and anemic. Why? American housing was no longer considered a safe investment and America’s wealth which was no concentrated was simply exported to China. Now that the ungodly greedy had severely damaged or destroyed the American economy China was seen as the next big thing. The ungodly greedy owe no loyalty to any country their only loyalty is to greed. This was the next logical step, when a conman sucks his victim dry he moves on to the next victim. To believe for one minute that the ungodly greedy have America best interest at heart is a myth in itself when it comes down to more money for the ungodly greedy or the good of America there is no contest.

The Federal Open Market Committee is a policy making body of the Federal Reserve the minutes of the meetings use to be destroyed but now these minutes of the meeting are made public after 5 years. At the 2005 a the Dallas Federal Reserve President, Richard Fisher was bitter about the amount of Chinese’ goods being shipped into America despite two new export only ports being built in China to ship Chinese goods to America there were just not enough Chinese goods being shipped into America to suit Fisher. Why? Because flooding America with cheap Chinese goods causes de-inflation in America and lowers the wages of the American working man. Fisher no doubt one of the ungodly greedy or at least an ungodly greedy wannabe dose not look for a tide that raises all American boats but a tide that will raise his yacht. Psychopaths like Fisher, are not rugged individualists they are the type that would trample children to get into a lifeboat of a sinking ship and then claim they tripped and fell over the bodies of the children and just happened to fall into the life boat.
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Reply Wed 1 Feb, 2012 06:37 am
As America approaches the eve of an important historical election a new long term study from Brock University in Ontario shows that:

“Low-intelligence adults gravitate toward socially conservative ideologies the study found. The ideologies, in turn, stress hierarchy and resistance to change, attitudes that contribute to prejudice.


The children in the study had their intelligence assessed at ages 10 or 11, and as adults age 30 to 33 their level of social conservative and racism was measured. Gordon Hodson, a psychologist, that led study was quick to point out that that this was general trend and there of course would be some exceptions to the rule. There might be some intelligent conservatives and some dim witted liberals. But this may explain why the commie/conservatives have put America into a 30 year downward spiral. Those with the least intellectual ability have been determining the future course of America for the past 30 years. Yesterday at lunch we were discussing how much worse off we were than we were before the commie/conservatives fundamentally changed the face of America. Unless you lived through 50s, 60s and 70s you can not even imagine the damage done to America by the commie/conservative Regan and his band of pirates.

When you took a job you had to consider the whole compensation package not just dollars per hour. Benefits had a value and a cost as we were reminded in every negotiation session. But all too often today when people try to assess how well off they are today they look only at the gross dollars at the end of the year. Most people are caught up in the illusion of money. The game of money is like dealing with a short change artist you start with a hand full of $10 s but you end up with a hand full of $1 sure you have more $1 bills than you had $10 but you have less purchasing power. Say you had 10 ten dollar bills to start and you ended up with 70 one dollar bills. If you measure height of your stack of one dollar bills it is much higher than the stack of $10 bills you had but you can not buy as much with the $70 as the $100 you had. That is what we look at the stack of bills. Most people get caught up in the illusion and have no idea how much worse off they are today than they or there fathers were 30 years ago. In fact most people don’t want to know how much worse life is today than it was 30 years ago; the path of least resistance is to comfort yourself with the illusion. I have always adjusted my salary for inflation. But the cuts in fringe benefits have made the actual cut in total compensation far more severe than the cuts in wages. Thirty years ago medical insurance was provided by the employer at no cost to employee. Even when I was working at gas station medical insurance was provided at no cost while I worked part time. Now the cost of medical insurance to the employee ranges from $2,000 to $10,000 a year and some no longer cover dependents, others will cover only one child even if you have five children. When those changes and changes to retirements are taken into account the typical worker may make less than 50% in total compensation than his father did for doing the same job. This generation is like the frog placed in water that was bought to a slow boil. We got so comfortable thinking we were in a warm winter’s bath we never noticed the knives being sharpened. And we still have awakened.
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Reply Thu 2 Feb, 2012 06:36 am
In order to enjoy a movie like Avatar one needs to “suspend disbelief” in other words if you keep telling yourself the movie was total nonsense you would not enjoy it. In fact you would not enjoy most movies without the ability to suspend disbelief. The “suspension of disbelief” is a fairly recent concept but man’s ability to suspend disbelief predated movies and even books. The origin of ability to suspend disbelief accompanied political philosophy in our history when one decides on a political ideology one also decides to “suspend disbelief.” Faced with the facts that show their political ideology has done real and continuing damage to America they simply “suspend disbelief” and accept which ever obvious lies are pandered to them by party leaders. Suspension of disbelief allows us to enjoy movies and books but when we elect to alter our perception of reality by exercising the suspension of disbelief over reality harm is sure to follow. In Germany a whole country suspended their disbelief and believed that German had a master race that was destined to rule the world. Even as their country was being bombed into submission many Germans still suspended their disbelief. Once the “Final Solution” was in full swing and six millions Jews were being marched into gas chambers the German people took refuge is their suspension of disbelief, they believed the gas chambers were simply a solution to a political problem.

To deny reality is a luxury we can no longer afford it is time we stopped suspending disbelief. We have to examine the quality of our lives and our children’s lives. We understand that like the frog we have been boiled very slowly over a 30 year period. In fact we were boiled so slowly and the change was over such a long period of time that it was hard to notice the change in water temperature. When I was in high school my drivers Ed teacher took me up to a local boat ramp and put two cones down and instructed me to drive between them each time I passed him he would signal me to drive faster finally I hit one of the cones. What I didn’t know was when I passed through the cones behind my back he was putting the cones closer together each time finally the cones were to close together to drive through. He told me he had only one student over a number of years who didn’t try to drive through the cones when they were to close together. This is how our standard of living changed a little bit each year over a long period of time. But the problem now is the middle class is about to hit cone and discover commie/conservatives have been moving them closer together each year for thirty years.

In commie/conservative political philosophy they advocate lottery winner economics that world view where the winner takes. Whitakers Chambers called their economic philosophy “the wisdom of the deep slums” basically the “Law of Jungle” where there are two types of people predators and prey. A philosophy where the strong were preordained to take from the weak, there was no morality involved it was simply the way of the world. Chambers got his lessons in economic philosophy not from Harvard or Princeton but from One Eyed Annie’s pimp. The pimp lived off a one eyed whore who worked the river boats in New Orleans. Chambers, one of the communist founding fathers of the modern conservative movement and Ronal Reagan personal hero, was a major influence on the commie/conservative movement. Glen Beck has spent hours ranting about a minor bit player that use to have a job in the Whitehouse supposedly being a “communist.” But never mentions all the communist that Reagan awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor equivalent. Beck ability to “suspend disbelief” is unsurpassed.
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Reply Fri 3 Feb, 2012 06:40 am
There are many adjectives being applied to capitalism these days, vulture capitalism, vampire capitalism and extraction capitalism are but a few. Even Newt Gingrich in South Carolina primary used the term vulture capitalism to describe Romney’s brand of capitalism. In Dylan Ratigan’s new book “Greedy Bastards: How We Can Stop Corporate Communists, Banksters, and other Vampires from Sucking America Dry’ he takes a look at what passes for capitalism in America these days. Vampire capitalism sound a little campy but may well be an accurate description of what is going on in America today. It can be easily demonstrated with facts and figures that the America middle class is the victim. For instance China places a 25% tariff on America goods imported into to China while America charges only a 2.5% tariff on Chinese goods sold to America. It seems cheap labor may not be China only advantage over American workers. The Chinese have a 10 to 1 advantage in tariffs. It is hard to compete in a race where your competition is given a head start. When I was racing certain body designs were handicapped and had to weigh more than the others. My car had a wedge designed and had to weigh a 100 lbs more than conventional designs. I came up light on the scales and made a lap low on the track picking up some mud that made the car heavy enough. My handicap was only a 100 lbs for a more aerodynamic body style but if the handicap had been 10 to 1 my car would have had to weigh 225,000 lbs while the competition car weigh only 2,250 lbs, a race car weighing close to a quarter million lb would not even had a chance. But yet that is the advantage given to the Chinese by our government.

How did the Chinese get such advantage from our government? China does not get to set the amount of tariff placed on their goods shipped into America. Our government set the tariffs. Why allows this? Ratigan’s answer is Greedy Bastards. I would say this is the product of 30 years of government policy that exacerbated the redistribution of wealth to the ungodly greedy. The redistribution of wealth, driven by the 70% roll back on taxes on the ungodly greedy, also hastened a redistribution of political power in America. American corporations no longer believed they were American corporations they now believed they were multinational corporations who owed no loyalty to any country. At one time in America the unions were powerful enough to stop trade deals that were detrimental to American workers but after the rise propaganda stations the unions were targeted by billions of dollars of air time as the enemy of the American people each year on red neck right radio. The relentless attacks of over a quarter of a century took their expected toll on the unions and they were no longer powerful enough to offset the power of the Greedy Bastards and stop the Greedy Bastards from cutting a 10 to 1 deal with the Chinese.

Now one in four industrial workers in the world are Chinese. When the Chinese government decided to make laws to protect the rights of Chinese workers it was no surprise that American Chamber of Commerce in China and other American based multi-nationals lobbied the Chinese government to quash any law that would grant Chinese workers rights. The story is the same in America as well as China when too few have too much everyone suffers world wide because it hard to beat cubic dollars. Cubic dollars = cubic politic power.
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Reply Sat 4 Feb, 2012 07:45 am
One of talking points Rush Slimbaugh, Glen Beck and other red neck right radio hosts use is that Obama said he wanted to fundamentally change America. The same red neck right radio hosts proudly proclaim that Reagan made America a center right country. So in the 80s Reagan and the commie/conservatives political ideology fundamentally changed America. Is there anyone today that looks back and say that the commie/conservative fundamental change in America made life better? Before the commie/conservatives came to power a trade deals with the Chinese where the Chinese were the Chinese could charge a tariff 10 times higher on American goods shipped into China than the tariff charged on Chinese goods shipped into America would not have happened. China had already cut the value of it currency in half giving goods manufactured in China a huge advantage over their already extremely low labor costs. It’s as if the commie/conservatives not only tied the hands of the American workingman behind their backs but tied their legs together and gave their Chinese opponents two by fours and called it a fair fight.

Why would America do this? Because America fundamentally changed by the commie/conservative political ideology in the 80s. The fundamental change was in are perception of how we saw ourselves and other’s responsibility to each other. Commie/conservatives political philosophy teaches that America is nothing but a geographically defined area populated by rugged individualists where each man tries to claw his way to the top of the heap anyway he can. In the commie/conservative philosophy there is no sense of a country with shared values and a sense that we are all interdependent and will ultimately all succeed or fail as a country. Cutting your neighbors throats with 10 to 1 trade deals may make a few individuals rich beyond their wildest dream but it ultimately weakens America. They get to the top of the heap by lowering everyone else standard of living. We have to have a shared vision, one where we realize that we are all in the same boat and we will ultimately sink or swim as a whole, to be sure a few Greedy Bastards will claw their way to the life boats and migrate to other countries when things go really bad in America but most will go down with the ship. The good ship America hit the rocks of commie/conservatism 30 years ago and we have been taking on water ever since to keep the boat from sinking we will have to develop a sense of shared purpose the very opposite of what commie/conservatism has taught us for 30 years.

When you look closely at the values of commie/conservative philosophy and you distill them to the core values what you have left is the values that if found in an individual strongly contributes to a diagnosis as a psychopath. Can a political philosophy, like an individual be diagnosed as psychopathic? For instance one of the other philosophies the right was famous for, Nazism could be classified as a psychopathic. Psychopaths have a very simple philosophy of life to win at any cost, whether it is killing little boys or making a “killing” on Wall Street, the “law of the jungle” applies to all situations. Politically philosophy are simply someone’s philosophy of life written down that eventually develops a following. If an individual can be a psychopath, and we know he can, he can surely develop a psychopathic philosophy because it is a reflection of his personal philosophy. The numbers of psychopaths in American over the last 30 years has dramatically increased while percentages of psychopaths in other cultures have only a small fraction of what is found in America. It is believed that that the shared values between the commie/conservative philosophy and psychopaths make the psychopaths more social acceptable in America.

Who were the men responsible for the modern commie/conservative philosophy? A number of communists who dedicated their lifetimes trying to overthrow the American government, Frank Meyer, considered the father of Modern Conservatism, Whitaker Chambers, a communist and Nazi spy, and James Burnham were among a few. Could the communists deliberately design a psychopathic political philosophy to destroy America, to accomplish what they could not accomplish in life or is the psychopathic values commie/conservative philosophy is imbued with just part of their psychopathic personalities? I somehow doubt that the communists that founded the Modern Conservative Movement were intelligent enough to deliberately design a psychopathic political philosophy that could destroy a country as effectively as an atomic bomb but it is certainly not beyond the reach of current technology. After all these communists did not want to kill a child or a woman, their lifetime ambition was to kill America.
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