The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Tue 27 Dec, 2011 06:37 am
In the noisy arena of American politics the voice of the devil is almost indistinguishable from the voice of god. The latest statistic show that the percentage of sociopaths (psychopaths) in America has more than doubled in our country in the last 15 years and now stands at 4% of the American population with a much higher concentration likely at the top of economic and political ladder. Not all cultures show the same high percentage of psychopaths in Japan and China the occurrence rate of psychopath is only .014% and .015% respectively. Why the difference? America culture has begun to value and admire psychopathic traits while in Japan and China the psychopath is not held up as a roll model by their culture.

Are psychopaths born or created by environmental factors? Studies show a strong genetic factor of 50% but environmental factors may also play a factor triggering existing genetic tendencies. A culture that begins to admire the personality traits of psychopaths is likely to cultivate an explosion in its population of psychopaths. A doubling in the number of psychopath population in America in the last 15 years bespeaks of a dangerous geometric progression.

One wise man said “To raise a child correctly we need to change the culture he is born into a 100 years before he is born.” We can see that with racism in America and maybe now with current explosion of psychopaths, at the very least our cultural values play a significant roll. Racism was leaned it was a value held by our culture children were not born racists they were taught to be racist.

America values shifted in the 80s when a small group of political extremists were able to get working control of a major political party. The founding father of this political extremists movement was communists and his life long ambition was to overthrow the American government and replace with a communist utopia. His communist superiors in Moscow had instructed him that to take control of a country you must first capture the culture. The commie/conservatives used exactly that technique; they did not need a standing army to capture the culture. They moved at night silently changing public opinion like one of their leading Christian allies loved to say, “we had them in a body bag before they knew what happened “
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Reply Wed 28 Dec, 2011 06:34 am
A thousand years from now forensic historians will do an autopsy to determine what ended America hyper power status. Historians have already preformed autopsy on previous world hyper powers. At one time Spain with its mighty navy ruled the world, then Holland, followed by Great Britain. There is pattern to the rise and fall of all of the world’s previous hyper powers. A prosperous middle class is the key necessity for a hyper power. Once the wealth of a country becomes concentrated in the hands of a few the country’s decline is preordained. Currently in America commie/conservative political ideology has caused a politically driven landslide of the country wealth into the hands of the ungodly greedy. In the last 30 years the wealth of the ungodly greedy in America has skyrocketed. Until Reagan and the commie/conservatives gained power hyper wealth was kept under control with progressive tax system. The commie/conservatives turned the income tax upside down with billionaires paying 15% of their income while the middle class paid 30% income tax on their meager income.

“If you are a self-possessed man with a healthy sense detachment from your bank account and someone writes you a check for tens of millions of dollars, you probably behave as if you won a sweepstakes, kicking your feet in the air and laughing yourself to sleep at night at the miracle of your good fortune. But if your sense of self-worth is morbidly wrapped up in your financial success, you probably believe you deserve everything you get. You take it as a reflection of something grand inside you. You acquire gravitas and project like a cologne whenever you discus the singular and laudable Salomon Brothers culture.

From the book “Liar’s Poker” by Michael Lewis

The decision by Federal Reserve chairman to no longer control the money supply with fluxuations in the business cycle led to windfall profits in the bond markets. Some employees at Salmon Brothers were making $40 million a year by 1986. Of course they never saw it as windfall caused by prevailing economic winds but as a reflection of their great skills and believed they deserved every cent. This was 5 years after Reagan championed the commie/conservative revolution and many of the regulations that keep Wall Street under control since the Great Depression had been repealed. Wall Street had one again become the Wild West. The most damaging thing the commie/conservative revolution caused was a paradigm shift in America the ungodly greedy no longer saw themselves as fellow Americans but gods who ruled from Mount Olympus and others should pay just tribute to them. This attitude prevails today. The psychopaths flourish in such an environment.
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Reply Thu 29 Dec, 2011 06:39 am
One of the more common methods of proofiness is to say when event A and B happen that event A caused event B. We live in a complex society where a many event occur at the same time to single out event A and say it caused event B is more often then not wrong. Religious ideology will always cherry pick bits and pieces of reality to “prove” their religious is the “one true religion” and simply ignore events or arguments that would invalidate their “beliefs.” In political ideology often the participants know that event A in fact did not cause event B but that does not stop them from claiming that event A caused event B.

The commie/conservatives are fond of saying that event A, Reagan 70% income tax for the ungodly greedy, caused event B, an economic expansion. If these were the only two economics variables in the 80s it might lend some level of credibility to the commie/conservative claim. Scientist know that in an experiment other variables must be controlled to find if indeed event A caused event B. Outside of the laboratory that is simply not possible as many other variables cannot be controlled. What we know about the 1980s is that the economic expansion was not uniform, the financial sector exploded at the same time our core manufacturing sector continued to decline. The commie/conservative argument goes if the ungodly greedy get tax cuts it will be invested in factories but we all know the good paying factory jobs continued to disappear. Certainly if the commie/conservative claim was true manufacturing would have exploded instead of exploding manufacturing went into a 30 year downward spiral that left America with less manufacturing than anytime since the industrial revolution. But still the economy expanded but the expansion was primarily limited to the financial sector. Why did the financial sector explode in the 80s until the financial sector dwarfed the manufacturing sector? The money supply in America had been tightly controlled by the Federal Reserve. During an economic expansion the Fed expanded the money supply but during an economic contraction the money supply was lowered. In 1983 the chairman of the Federal Reserve, Paul Volcker, decided that the Fed would no longer expand or shrink the money supply to control economic cycles. The financial sector exploded following the Feds policy change. America’s primary business became borrowing and loaning money instead of manufacturing. The bond market exploded, everyone was borrowing money and buying and selling bonds. The bond market became a very lucrative profession with some bond traders making $40 million a year in the 80s. Certainly average income rose when you averaged 3 former manufacturing workers who now worked at Wal-Mart, after the factory they worked closed making $10,000 a year with a bond salesman making $40 million, the average income in the room was $10,750,000. And the commie/conservatives jumped up and down and said look how much better Reagan made life in America as the former manufacturing workers looked for a second job to supplement income and put their wives to work

It can be clearly demonstrated that the humongous tax cut Reagan gave the ungodly greedy did go directly into manufacturing but only into the manufacturing of paper and I Owe Yous. The effect the commie/conservatives claimed simply not happen. The tax cuts for the ungodly created million jobs Wal-Mart not at General Motors. In fact after 30 years of the humongous Reagan tax cuts for the ungodly greedy General Motors went bankrupt, I know that for a fact my GM stock is totally worthless.

LBJ gave America the Great Society, Reagan and the commie/conservatives gave America the Great American Credit Culture. America’s personal debt is crisis is far worse than the National Debt crisis. As the financial sector exploded it became much like a drug dealer pushing credit continually, people bought lunch and groceries on credit virtually unthinkable to the previous generation. My 80 year old mother was sent an offer from a California bank to loan her a million dollars. Her property might be worth a million if it was in California but it is worth only a small fraction in WV. We know now though that many people took those ridiculous offers from the pusher man.
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Reply Fri 30 Dec, 2011 06:35 am
The foundation that commie/conservatism is built on is quite literally a myth. Ronald Reagan is far more legend than fact. The legend of Beowulf contains more facts. The legend goes something like Reagan as Beowulf slew the Grendel (communism) and Grendel’s mother solving the America’s economic problems for twenty years. That’s the myth but the historical facts do not support the legend. Thirty years of Reaganism was responsible for the biggest sustained decline in manufacturing in history. I have no illusions of what Reagan did to America. As I have to drive through valley of the shadow of death, with only the legend of Reagan to comfort me, the legend is blown away by the harsh reality. I drive through past the rotting carcasses of the once mighty manufacturing plants. American Car and Foundry plant, where my uncle retired from, employed up to 1500 men but it starkly vacant. On the other side of the valley stands the massive Owens Illinois plant, where my brother-in-law worked for two decades, plant once one of Huntington’s biggest manufactures for decades it could not survive Reaganism. Kerr Glass that paid a living wage is closed and now minimum wage telemarketers use the buildings. There are way too many others victims of Reaganism to list in this one small town. But the commie/conservatives persevere on the legend of Reaganism even today while far too few lived through Reaganism and remember the reality.

Minimum wage Telemarketing jobs and Wal-Mart jobs were what was left in the wake of Reaganism. Reaganism changed America from a manufacturing based economy to a parasite based economy where the object was to wring the last dollar out of the consumer. Telemarketers called day and night trying to sell something more pay television, insurance, finical products and more credit cards to pay for them with. They always behind a great man you find a great woman I doubt that is true unless she is his publicists. All too often throughout history it is the great publicists that blows an ordinary man’s legend up like a hot air balloon. I often wonder if there are no great men just great publicists. Many of us seem to have innate need to create heroes; we create heroes who hit a ball with a stick, a child skill, people who play act on screen, even people who rob steal. Reagan was already famous for his role in “Bedtime for Bonzo” and his many shoot up westerns and above all he had prior experience with locating the best publicists in the business.
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Reply Sat 31 Dec, 2011 07:07 am
If America is to ever recover from this 30 year downward economic spiral America must defeat the commie/conservative myth. Unlike a man, a myth is extremely hard to kill, you can come to the fight armed with a machine gun of truth but when the smoke clears the myths stands unharmed. The reason is the commie/conservative myth does not exist in a physical form in front of us, it is not tangible, not of flesh and bone; it exists only in the minds of the believers. Because the myth so strongly exists in the minds of its core followers it draws its life from them. Their belief is so strong it influences others.

Some of life’s best lessons are learned at funerals. At a funeral you can watch the actual transition from man to myth. Even women who have been severely abused by their alcoholic, drug addicted husbands suddenly become grief stricken widows and the transformation begins, they begin to edit history and the bad memories of their husband begin to hit the cutting room floor. Before long the mean alcoholic is transformed in to Mother Teresa and anyone who tries to tarnish the myth with reality does so at his own peril. We all use the custom setting on reality; we pick and chose what pieces of reality we accept and which pieces of reality we will filter out. It is a survival skill, being able to filter out the bad in our lives, even if it was a reality. If the widow continues to surround herself with all her bad memories of her husband while she is in the process of creating her current reality, the bad memories become a fixture and diminish her current reality. By denying the bad memories reality she, like the film maker is able to leave the bad parts of her life story lying on the cutting room floor.

But political ideology is a living thing and unlike the dead husband who can no longer beat his wife into submission in an alcoholic rage, a political ideology fueled by myth is dangerous because its bases is ethereal. To slay the legend of Reagan is every bit as hard as it is to convince the abused widow her husband was not the salt of the earth, she simply does not want to hear it. Reagan is the Grendel’s mother of our generation and until someone can slay Grendel’s mother America will suffer.

Reality is often an unwelcome visitor in our lives, opportunity may only knock only once but reality knocks repeatedly but most of us simply refuse to open the door, especially if it will upset your apple cart. During Reaganism the incomes of a tiny fraction of Americans “average income“ skyrocketed going up from $3,641,285 to $23,969767 while working couples worked 32 more hours a week and their “average income” went down in real dollars. It now took both husband and wife working and they made less than their fathers 30 years ago who were single bread winners. This reality is knocking on everyone’s door but the vast majority deny that Reaganism abused them than and he continues to abuse them to this day.

Escape from reality always comes at a price and this price is too high.
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Reply Sun 1 Jan, 2012 08:14 am
Mark Belling was the guest host on the Rush Slimbaugh show December 28. Belling is from Wisconsin and managed to give away some airtime to Scott Walker. Walker by this time has finally realized he has stepped in it. The links on Slimbaugh website is titled: Scott Walker.Org: “Learn About the Fight to Sustain the Wisconsin Miracle” and “Walker Blasts “Unusual” Recall Push.” It seems when a commie/conservative in government office is able to cheats one person out of what he earned over a lifetime it is considered a good job but if you can cheat 10s of thousands out of what they earned and give it in huge tax breaks to your billion dollar backers it is a “miracle.” And if you think about it really is a miracle that the Koch brothers can simply buy the government of Wisconsin and be paid back for their purchase.

One of the first Headlines on Scott Walker’s website is that he has raised $5.1 million dollars from 46,976 donors, read that as $5,053,024 from the Koch brothers and their employees and a $1 a piece from the other 46,000 and they are probably out of state contributors. The site also touts that 43,409 people on face book like Scott Walker it seems like even the Koch brothers don’t like their hired help. The Scott Walker recall effort has raise over 507,000 signatures by December 15. Walker’s site didn’t list how many people didn’t like him on face book but 507,000 is a good bet.

Walker’s web site brags that property taxes are down 1% in Wisconsin but property taxes are based on property value and property value have gone down substantially for each of the last three years and some states property values have plunged. State income tax receipts are also down substantially but they were caused by the Baby Bush Depression. But if you read further down in Walker article, and most people don’t, the real story is hidden at the bottom of the article although the average property tax in Wisconsin went down by 1%, some school districts saw property taxes increase by 22% after Walker cut state aide by 8% to local schools. Other school districts saw over a 10% increase in property taxes with a 13%increase in property tax in Caseville. What a 22% increase in property taxes after the Scott Walker “miracle?” Of course Walker will not take credit for the tax increases. Walker managed to cheat the both the public and the employees at the same time that is a “miracle.”
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Reply Mon 2 Jan, 2012 07:28 am
Wars have evolved over time but the purpose of wars remain the same from the time Ogs’s tribe, armed with clubs, made war on neighboring tribes to take their food and women. The motive behind war is most often about taking economic resources from another group and usually the other group is in a different geographical area but not always. To steal economic resources all that is necessary is superior force. At one time that meant a bow an arrow and then guns and bombs but now political bribes are even more effective. Why invade a foreign country to take their riches when you can simply take from your friends and neighbors? As your mountain of wealth increases at a geometric rate and 99% of yours neighbors wealth decrease for 30 years straight you can simply deny that your bribing of politicians had anything to do with it. Anytime anyone notices the ridiculous disparity of wealth you simply march up and down the street crying that it is class warfare to accuse you of stealing the mountain of wealth.

This ever widening disparity of wealth didn’t exist before commie/conservatism changed the rules of the economic game. The first change was a 70% tax cut for the ungodly greedy few followed by a large increase in the social security tax. The ungodly greedy only pay social security tax on a tiny portion of their income while working people paid 6.2% on every penny of their income. In fact even minimum wage employee paid 6.2% of their income while a billionaire paid only0.0000062% of his income. This is one of the most regressive taxes on the federal books. The Social Security tax raise did not go into a bank for social security it was used to fund the 70% tax cut for Reagan billionaire campaign contributors. Social Security was issued an I owe you for the money in the form of U S treasury bonds. This is indeed very effective class warfare no matter how often and how long the commie/conservatives deny it. The California boy who took a penny from each checking account became very wealthy, what if instead he took a percentage from every working American? A few people would become extremely wealthy and they did.

Economic warfare is more sophisticated now then ever and the constant denials are not going to stop. It is like a rapists telling his victim who are you going to believe me or your lying vagina? And we do have a choice.
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Reply Tue 3 Jan, 2012 06:29 am
The first presidential commie/conservative primary takes place in Iowa today. By tomorrow three commie/conservative candidates will walk away and three will be eliminated. The Pee Party Candidate Michele Bachman, the winner of the Straw Poll in Iowa this summer, is bringing up the rear. Michele (Custer) Bachman is leading the Pee Party regulars into a certain ambush. The ungodly greedy have consolidated their forces behind Mitt Romney. Super Packs were outlawed by congress because they allow the ungodly greedy to make limitless contributions and to spend limitless amounts money to get their candidate elected. But an activist commie/conservative Supreme Court, many of whom owed their appointment to super pack elected candidates overturned the law. When the Supreme Curt of the land does everything in its power to make sure America political system is corrupt you know the country is in trouble. Bachman brags it is she who started the Pee Party, it was she who bought 40,000 Pee Partiers to Washington but what a difference 2 years and billions of dollars of ungodly greedy’ money can make.

The commie/conservatives can be expected to take the Republican party back to the commie/conservatives roots, to Reaganism where the party exists for the sole purpose of making the ungodly greedy richer. If the ungodly get richer the money will rain down on the rest of us like manna from heaven well at least it will ”trickle down” according to Reagan. The commie/conservatives are so much smarter then the rest of us because they have been schooled by Alisa Zinov’yevna Rosenbaum but most commie/conservatives don’t know the Russian real name they know her as Ayn Rand. Zinov’yevna came to America fresh from the communist revolution and let American know, “they are just a bunch of miserable children who struggle to remain and very badly. This is why the ungodly greedy should always be in control of the country.

The ungodly greedy are right on track to capture the presidential nomination they slaughtered the Pee Partiers when they were no longer useful to the cause of the ungodly greedy. After the 2010 election the Pee Partiers accomplished one thing and one thing only they blocked the Democrats from stopping the humongous Baby Bush tax cuts being extended. The humongous Baby Bush tax cuts put America into a downward spiral of deficit spending that it has not recovered them. Now that the Pee Partiers are no longer useful the ungodly greedy will dispatch them like the Mafia does rival mobs but come the general election the ungodly will spend billions of their money to get the Pee Partiers not to vote for their candidate but against Obama and National Care. The ungodly greedy say anybody but Obama because he wants to roll back the temporary humongous Baby Bush tax cuts for the ungodly greedy. Obama has shown us how even a small surcharge on the ungodly income would pay for a 2% payroll tax cut for a 160 million Americans, the ungodly greedy can’t let that pass.
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Reply Wed 4 Jan, 2012 06:33 am
By far the most significant outcome of the Iowa Caucuses was not that Romney won or that it was so close but that the Princes of the Pee Party lost so badly. Michele Bachman was the favorite son or daughter as the case may be, a native of the Hawkeye state who won the Iowa straw poll in August. If a Pee Party leading candidate can only get 5% of the vote in a Republican Party primary in her native state. This may be a preview of fall congressional elections it would be nice to see the Pee Party candidates get only 5% or less of the vote. One poll actually showed that Pee Partiers are less popular than child molesters and Michele Bachman proved it. The Pee Party extremists have seen their day, the Pee Party message of make the ungodly greedy richer and dirty air, dirty water and polluted land just isn’t as appealing on Main Street as it once was. Never in the history of politics has a political movement fallen so far so fast.

Most Pee Party congressmen running in the next election will claim they were never real Pee Party candidates in the first place; they were never really the extremists they pretended to be to get elected. The Pee Partiers got elected on platform of throw the incumbents out but now they are the incumbents. The Pee Party has established beyond a doubt that they represent the 13,400 richest people in America and not the other 299,986,600 Americans by singing Norquist pledge not to raise taxes by even a dollar on any billionaire even though the country drowning in debt driven by several humongous republican tax cuts for the ungodly greedy over the last 30 years and a $3 trillion dollar war of aggression on a country that had nothing to do with 9/11. The cost of the Iraq war will go on for a generation, just because the troops left the cost of caring for 10s of thousands of both physically and mentally injured soldiers will need a lifetime of expensive medical care. The armaments depleted in the Iraq war will take billions to replenish. The Iraq and Afghanistan wars were the first wars ever fought in the history of the United States without raising taxes to pay for them not only were taxes not raised to pay the bill but humongous tax cuts were given to the ungodly greedy instead. The excuse for the humongous tax cuts for the ungodly greedy was to spur the economy but history has taught us nothing spurs and economy like war. What in fact happen to the ragging economy that a war usually provides, the money that would have provided a ragging economic boom was redirected to hands of the ungodly greedy by the humongous tax cuts. The Pee Party was put in place to defend the line of the ungodly greedy and maybe, just maybe, by the looks of the Bachman results John Q Public is getting wise to it.
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Reply Thu 5 Jan, 2012 06:34 am
Free Market, Free Market, Free Market that what Rush Slimbaugh says should rule the American economy but even Rush’s faith had to be shaken not stirred yesterday when he found out that America was not a importer but exported a record amount of gasoline, diesel fuel and jet fuel. That right America exported more gasoline, diesel fuel and jet fuel then it had in 60 years. According to commie/conservative economic theory the supply and demand cure always rules. A large supply of a product drives the price down while a scarce supply drives the price up. This was exactly the argument made during the record gas prices during the Baby Bush years. The argument went a low supply caused 688% increase in the price of gasoline going from 50 cents a gallon in December of 2001 (92.9-42.9 cents tax = 50 cents) by 2007 gasoline was bring $4.36 a gallon $4.36-.42 cents tax left us with an unheard of $3.94 price per a gallon of gasoline, an increase $3.44 cents since Bush took office. That was a 688% increase in a few short years. Exxon awarded its CEO a $400 million retirement after he engineered the biggest rip-off of the American people in history.

Last year according to Rush’s report America had the largest glut in gasoline, diesel fuel, and jet fuel in America’s history. If the law of supply and demand in fact works the price of gasoline should have been the lowest ever recorded. But instead as supply rocketed upward price also went up. The commie/conservative argument for the 688% gas price increase was America simply did not have enough oil refineries to refine the oil. Now it seems America has become the refinery to the world refining and exporting a 60 year record amount of gasoline, diesel fuel, and jet fuel. Slimbaugh was trying hard to think of a way to blame Obama but realized his arguments would amount to absolute and complete heresy of his commie/conservative political ideology. This proves beyond a shadow of doubt the foundation of commie/conservative political ideology is wrong. The simpleton’s idea that the supply and demand curve is a free and independent agent and that price rises and falls with supply overlooks the fact that today’s market is complex and open to manipulation. Rush sounded like what a deer looks like in the headlights, completely unable to spin the truth, he robotically read the report that impeached almost everything he ever said or believed.

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Reply Fri 6 Jan, 2012 06:33 am
Polls show Mitt Romney with a huge lead in New Hampshire; this is the way the favorite son vote is suppose work, it is suppose to be an advantage. Unlike the pee party Princes, Michele Bachman, who eked out only 5% of the vote.

Romney primary residence has been in his $10 million dollar mansion in New Hampshire but he voted ion last year’s special election in Massachusetts for Scott Brown. In order to vote in Massachusetts Romney listed his residence as being in the basement of his son’s home. Most people didn’t believe that a man worth $500 million, who owns so many mansions that without a written list he can not even remember them, was living in basement of his son’s home. Romney son’s home is 8,000 square feet so big it evidently requires a separate address just for the basement.

One of the CEOs interviewed in the book a “The Psychopath Test” as a model of the modern day psychopath, appears to be Romney role model as their M O is the same. Buy a company, gut it like a fish, after the value is gone, sell what is left and bank your misbegotten millions.
“Bain Capital's acquisition of Ampad exemplified a deal where it profited handsomely from early payments and management fees, even though the subject company itself ended up going into bankruptcy.[39][51][55] Dade Behring was another case where Bain Capital received an eightfold return on its investment, but the company itself was saddled with debt and laid off over a thousand employees before Bain Capital exited (the company subsequently went into bankruptcy, with more layoffs, before recovering and prospering).[52] Bain was among the private equity firms that took the most such fees.[47][51] Romney said in retrospect: "It is one thing that if I had a chance to go back I would be more sensitive to. It is always a balance. Great care has got to be taken not to take a dividend or a distribution from a company that puts that company at risk. [Having taken a big payment from a company that later failed] would make me sick, sick at heart."[47]”
Eight fold profits for Romney’s company and company goes into bankruptcy. Of course when the company went bankrupt Romney’s company had all ready cashed their chips in and the Dade Behring stockholders stock was worthless Romney and his band of thieves had absconded with their 8 fold profit. The massive loss of our manufacturing sector has left America with less manufacturing since the industrial revolution. Corporate raiders like Romney were modern pirates who took advantage of the laws Reagan and the commie/conservatives repealed. People believe if a company survives bankruptcy that the stockholders are fine, but in many bankruptcies a new owners makes off with the company and the stockholders are left with nothing. GM is now a profitable company but even though I owned hundreds of shares before the bankruptcy my GM stock is totally worthless and someone like Romney and friends owns the company.
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Reply Sat 7 Jan, 2012 07:32 am
There are no great politicians just great publicists and this is also holds true for political ideologies where a literal army of publicists constantly create and maintain the public persona of a political ideology. We live in a world where cold blooded killers not only become heroes but become legends. From Billy the Kid to Bonnie and Clyde the cold blooded killers are immortalized in movies and books where they are not only humanized but idolized. Joseph Campbell, who devoted his lifetime to the study of religion and mythology, found they all had one thing in common, the “heroes’ story.” Where a person, god, ect is cast in the heroes’ role. Even though the stories vary in detail the underlying theme never does, it is always the hero who triumphs by overcoming insurmountable odds and overcoming the impossible. It is James Bond saving the world or John Wayne saving the town. Humans have a primeval urge to seek out heroes. Heroes are created out of the most unlikely characters; Bonnie and Clyde were considered to be nothing more than low life gas stations bandits by other gangsters of their time. Clyde even tried to rob a bank that had been closed for three days before he tried to rob it. But the publicists who cast Bonnie and Clyde as modern day robin hoods left most of the truth on the cutting room floor but I suspect most of us are more concerned about the narrative then the truth. Prostitution may be world’s oldest profession but the story tellers have been with man since the beginning of time.

A publicist sees a person like a sculpturer sees a block of marble he sees not what is there but what could be there. Billions are spent each year manufacturing heroes, it is big business, the public loves a hero and will spend billions for souvenirs of their favorites. Heroes are made from men who hit ball with a stick, run with a ball in their hands, catch a ball, drive a car faster then their competition, and of course anyone that can act in a story about a hero.

The need for hero worship is so deeply ingrained in the human soul it is easily exploited. The commie/conservative movement has always cast itself as James Bond out to save the world. We all know politician and their publicists will throw all the sh*t up on the wall just to see what sticks but what the public don’t notice is when their back is turned the publicists are busy scrapping the sh*t off the wall they don’t want the public to remember. Time not only heals all wounds it allows us to forget more than we realize. Let us see what the commie/conservatives publicists scrapped of the wall in the last 20 years.
“In the late 1980s, the lid blew off a decade worth of rotten investments, phony promises, fraudulent business practices, and voracious greed in the United States saving and loan (S & L) business, which president Reagan had deregulated in the early 1980s. Without pressure to conform to the rules under strict governmental oversight, certain S & L personnel began to freedoms with their depositors’ money that led, in a gradual building avalanche of debt, to a finical disaster of unprecedented proportions. At the time of this writing, the projected cost to U. S. taxpayers of what has become known as the S & L bail-out approaches $1 trillion dollars- more than the entire cost of the Vietnam War.

From the book “Without Conscious: The Disturbing World of the Psychopaths Among Us” by Robert D. Hare PhD.
It is important to note the author of the book is Canadian and not involved in the American political scene so he doesn’t spin the facts. On the Today Show this morning the commie/conservative presidential candidate, John Huntsman was pushing for even more “deregulation.” Each time one of these commie/conservatives starts pushing “deregulations” the commentator should ask him how “deregulating the S & L industry worked out. More than 20 years has passed since the Reagan deregulation of the S & L industry and the commie/conservatives believe they have scrapped this sh*t of the wall and the public has forgotten that the S & L deregulation cost the taxpayers a $1 trillion dollars. Up until the commie conservative “deregulation” the Saving Loans were the foundation of the community.
“The CEOs of the home mortgages were the saving and loans presidents. The typical saving and loan president was a leader in his tiny community. He was the sort of fellow who sponsored a float in the town parade; that said it all didn’t it? He wore polyester suits, made a five figure income and worked one figure hours. He belonged to the lions or Rotary club and also to a less formal group known within the thrift industry as the 3-6-3 Club. He borrowed money at 3% lent it at 6%and arrived at the golf course by three in the afternoon.”

From the book “Liar’s Poker” by Michael Lewis
But when the commie/conservatives loosed the psychopaths it was open seasons when the S & L were deregulated.
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Reply Sun 8 Jan, 2012 08:05 am
Regulations are as popular as the IRS and in fact the regulations at the IRS are one of the reasons it is so unpopular. No wonder the commie/conservatives like to run on a platform of deregulation. Regulations are universally unpopular; being against regulations is almost like being for mom and apple pie. But what if there were no regulations at the next busy intersection you came to? The regulation is the red light remove it and everybody at the intersection had complete and total freedom to do as they please. You no longer had the red tape of stopping for the red light you would no longer have to waste precious seconds of your life stopped at a red light.

Of course there are always outlaws those who see no need to need to follow regulations. So what happens when the outlaw exercises his freedom of not having to obey the regulation? I was driving to work in my wife’s a brand new Honda CRV the first payment wasn’t due for two weeks. I drove through that intersection for the last 38 years. The idiot exercising his freedom not to follow the regulation of stopping for red lights hit me at 60 mph according to witnesses. He then hit me the second time so he could run. He was also exercising his freedom to drive with no license and no insurance. He was followed from the scene by witness and later arrested.

Each regulation serves a purpose, when Reagan deregulated the S & L industry the resulting collapse cost the taxpayers a trillion dollars and was as predictable as removing red lights from intersections. But remember unlike red lights where everybody loses some people became billionaires when the S & L collapsed.
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Reply Mon 9 Jan, 2012 07:07 am
It is easy to see how important even minor regulations are, even a simple red light saves lives. Do regulations impinge on our freedom? You bet anyone that has hit every red light when they were late for work believes their freedom has been compromised. Ever sat through a series of red lights in the middle of the night in a strange town without another car on the road? You can see there are no cars why not run the red light? At 3 AM it seems like a foolish regulation but there is a reason for it. If we let people decide when they would follow the regulation and when to ignore we would have no regulation.

In the 45 years I have been driving my insurance had never had to pay a claim on me or my wife. But my uninsured motorist had to pay for the damages because an idiot that ran the red light had no insurance. The car was replaced and the medical bills paid but some areas of our lives are much more complicated, the financial sector touches all of our lives. It is easy to see why red lights are necessary but not as easy to see why investments banks and commercial banks have to be separate. After the Great Depression the train wreck was closely examined to see what went wrong and what they could do to keep it from happening again. A series of laws were put in place to stop abuses in the financial sector and they worked for over a half a century. A series of red lights were put in place to stop financial abuses. But Reagan and the commie/conservatives platform was to remove these regulations. Once the red lights were removed, the collisions were inevitable. In the intersections, self interest collided with morality, where self interest is a Hummer and morality a motorcycle.

Disaster follows deregulations like a shadow. The deregulation of the Saving and Loan industry was followed by the collapse of many Saving and Loans eventually costing the taxpayers a trillion dollars. But some of those in the Saving and Loan industry made billions. They bought the failed Saving and Loans for pennies on the dollar at government fire sales and the Saving and Loans had billion of collectable loans many of which were long term mortgages made before Reagan’s deregulation.

Currently the republicans are running on the platform of removing even more of the red lights on Wall Street (the rest of the regulations). Haven’t the republicans done enough damage to the American taxpayer?
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Reply Tue 10 Jan, 2012 06:36 am
The Saving and Loans just the first wave of commie/conservative tsunami of course the main wave of the economic tsunami hit in 2007 and 2008. According to experts America was within hours of not only total and complete economic collapse but economic tsunami would likely have caused a complete collapse of the government. The cause of both economic disasters was deregulation; the removal of red lights at the economic intersections of America allowed the self interest of the ungodly greedy run wild, unbridled. Robert Hare spent his life studying psychopaths and designed the psychopath’s tests. He spent much of his time in prisons because about 25% of the prison population are psychopaths. When Hare was asked where he would have went to study psychopaths if he couldn’t have studied them in prison his answer was the Canadian stock exchange, Hare is a Canadian. Hare said the second highest concentration of psychopaths is likely in the financial sector. Psychopaths have no conscience, no empathy and are purely creatures of self interest. A psychopath sees nothing at all wrong with torturing and killing someone for his own amusement.

When the commie/conservatives “deregulated” the Saving and Loan industry the psychopaths were waiting in the wings. It would be much like “deregulating” murder and letting self interest rule the night. The serial killers would rejoice, sharpen their knives and say it is going to be a hell of night. While it is easy for the public to read about a serial killer and understand his actions are the cold calculated actions of a killer the distinction is much harder to make when the psychopaths make a large killing of a pension fund by selling it worthless paper. You have a cut up dead body on one hand and a worthless pension fund on the other. But the difference is the psychopaths who make “killings” on Wall Street are richly rewarded for their actions and rewards from golden stars in grade school to gold later in life is how society keeps score and it is how we measure men. Psychopaths in Christian society are seen as being rewarded by god, if god smiled on them with all those riches he must be a good man. It is a just world isn’t it? Maybe we should ask the victims of other psychopaths. Do we really want commie/conservatives to “deregulate” so the psychopaths on Wall Street can cut us up?
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Reply Wed 11 Jan, 2012 06:34 am
Mitt Romney believes his win in New Hampshire was a win for “Free Enterprise.” Exactly what is “Free Enterprise?” “Free Enterprise” is an economic system that is “free” of regulations or at best has a bare minimum of regulations. “Free Enterprise” is one of the buzz words like freedom, motherhood and apple pie that are always bannered around in political campaigns. We are all for freedom but soon realize limits must be imposed in a civilized society, for instance not even the staunchest advocate of freedom would advocate your next door neighbors freedom to rape and kill your eleven year old daughter. No civilized society has ever existed without laws. Regulations are the backbone of any civilization much like property boundaries set limits on our property, regulations place limits on not only our freedom but the freedom of others. Most of us would advocate the freedom of property owner to do as he likes with his property but if a neighbor accumulator junks his property up and your real estate agents tells you that you will have to sell your property for $40,000 less to because of your neighbors junk you start looking for regulations to protect your property value.

Psychologists know that certain words have not only an intellectual impact but an emotional impact; this is a repeatable experiment that can be observed in the laboratory. But there are exceptions; these words have no emotional impact on psychopaths. But psychopaths are very observant about the effect of these words on others. The word free or freedom have an emotional impact on most of us as being deprived of our freedom even though it is limited by regulation is precious to us. But to psychopaths the words with emotional impact are weapons used to manipulate others.

Free Market sounds good, a market where the motto is buyer beware. Where the rule of the jungle replaces all regulations, freedom appeals to something deep in our soul. But when the particulars of situations are examined regulations become a better alternative to the “Free Market.” In a “Free Market” or a market where regulations have been gutted by the commie/conservatives a smaller company like Bain Capital can buy a larger company by using the pension fund of the company it is buying as collateral. Once the company like Bain Capital completes the sale it is free to pay itself a “management fee” out of the pension fund bankrupting the pension of thousands of past and present employees. There is no limit to the “management fee” the acquiring company can name any price it likes. These employees who paid a lifetime into the pension fund are cheated out of their pension and turned over to the taxpayers where they get pennies on the dollar of their pension. This is classic “free market” even the courts can’t stop the theft because the commie/conservatives deregulated the market place. The law jungle say if you can steal it, steal it, if you can rape it, rape it. Survival of the strongest once meant physical strength but now it is the politically strong who threaten us. If the pension the employees saved a lifetime was in their house and Romney and friends came to steal it the employee would be justified in blowing them away with their shot gun. But Romney wants a “Free Market” where he and his friends are free to steal and those who are not as politically powerful are powerless to stop him.

Free Market and Freedom are indeed emotionally powerful words that impacts all of us but we must realize that they are not one dimensional while you may see being free from regulations is appealing it may not seem quite as appealing if neighbors boys had freedom to gang rape your wife. Since the commie/conservatives eliminated some of the most important financial regulation the American Workman has been getting gang raped by the ungodly greedy and Romine can’t wait to eliminate more regulations.
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Reply Thu 12 Jan, 2012 06:32 am
Social scientists have determined that the context of an interaction is often is the majoring determining factor of our actions. In other words we may act in completely different ways even if the operative action is the same if the context is different. Take an employee who saved an entire life time for his retirement, he doesn’t trust banks and the money is in a safe in his basement. A druggie desperate for his next fix breaks into his house while he is away and steals the safe. In this context we have no problem because there is a regulation against theft. Because there is a “regulation” against theft the druggie can be arrested and the money returned. The operative action is the theft of the pension. Now let’s vary the “context” in this case a 40 year employee has invested his retirement in the company pension plan. He considers his pension money in a far safer place than his neighbor who had his in his safe in the basement. One day he comes to work and finds that Bain Capital bought his company. Mitt Romney decides the pension plan of the company this man has worked for will pay Bain Capital a $100 million “management fee.” This makes the pension fund insolvent and the bankrupt pension plan is turned over to the government. The man is given 30 cents on the dollar of his pension and told he is damn lucky to get that. The man’s union takes the case to court and the judge explains that pension funds were “deregulated” by Reagan and the commie/conservatives and the “free market” will now determine who is entitled to their pension. The law of the jungle now prevails and those who are politically more powerful are entitled to your pension.

The action in both cases is the same the pension is stolen from both workingmen the only real difference is the context. The workingman whose pension was stolen from his safe is able seek and receive redress from the government while the other workman was denied redress from the courts because of “deregulation.” Deregulation did nothing but legalize theft. Did deregulation spur the economy? Of course all the money that was safely tucked away in pension plans in America was used to build numerous multi-million dollar mansions for the thieves like Romney. While the drug dealer went to jail Romney got rich and is passing himself off as a national hero. The story about the pension plan is a true story of a big business in this area that was a major player in the Manhattan Project only the names and details have been changed to protect the guilty. If this pension theft had happened only once it would be too many times but this story has repeated itself 1,000s of times since the commie/conservative “deregulated” pension plans. Flocks of Mitt Romneys have descended on the American manufacturing sector leaving America with the less manufacturing than any point since the Industrial Revolution.

What if the local sheriff had a nephew that was a drug addict and the sheriff decided since America is a country of made up “rugged individualists” why should there be a “nanny state” where the government protected people from theft. After all Wayne County has plenty of gun stores. So this sheriff decides if he can “deregulate” Wayne County his job will be much easier and he won’t have to arrest his nephew every time something is stolen in Wayne County. That seems pretty far fetched because of the context but that is exactly what happened in the other context. Stealing the pensions of entire generation has made a select few wealthy beyond their wildest imagination. Most Americans are unable to separate the operative action from the context of that action. There is utterly no difference between stealing a pension from a basement or a corporate account and no real difference between thieves one steals because he is addicted to drugs the other because he is addicted to money.
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Reply Fri 13 Jan, 2012 06:33 am
Until people are able to separate the context in which an operative action takes place from the operative action we will leave our selves open to theft. A friend recently had his garage broken into and a number of expensive tools stolen. In this context everybody understands the operative action as a theft. But in other contexts it may be much more difficult to differentiate the context from the operative action. Several years ago I went to a stock broker to invest a few thousand in my IRA. I had decided on a particular stock to invest in but was quickly dissuaded by the broker who told me having all the money in one stock would be foolish and since my funds were limited to buy a mutual fund that owned thousands of different stocks. The investment quickly made 50% but tanked as soon as baby Bush was elected leaving less than 12% of the principal. It languished for years gaining and losing a few hundred dollars but by 2008 less than 5%. At this point I had decided so little remained that it was time to stop listening to the “experts” who expert advice led to a loss of 95% of the initial investment. I called the broker and told them to sell the mutual fund and buy stock and Ford which was selling for a few dollars a share. But when I got my statement I found the broker bought GM which everyone knew was going bankrupt. Since the order had been placed over the phone it would be my word against the broker. No doubt his company owned a lot of GM stock and was desperate to unload it and he would be paid a premium commission to sell the company GM stock before it was worthless. Ford stock was selling for $6.68 a share when I gave him the buy order. It is selling for almost twice that now. I would have made close to 100% instead of losing the entire 12 year investment. Most people would think of that as simply bad luck or a bad investment. But when the context is separated from operative action it is no different than the garage break in. It was a well organize and very effective theft. You can bet the broker didn’t hear GM when I said Ford he knew exactly what he was doing. He knew his company had to unload their soon to worthless GM stock on someone.

This theft scam was repeated on 100s of thousands of Baby Boomers trying to save for their retirement, until we see that theft is theft whether they break into your garage or sell you worthless paper, the operative action is theft only the context is different. It took a rock to break the window in the garage but superior knowledge of what you are selling is as effective a tool. And the Commie/conservatives want even more deregulation.

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Reply Sat 14 Jan, 2012 08:01 am
Shortly after Reagan and the commie/conservatives came to power the biggest redistribution of wealth in history began. One of the most enduring commie/conservatives talking points over the last 30 years has been the redistribution of wealth. In this commie/conservative myth the wealth of the ungodly is seized by the evil government and used to feed evil poor children. The ungodly lament how hard life is in their $100 million dollar mansions and how they had to buy the smaller version of the Gulf Stream Jet. Remember the truth is never important, what is of importance is what you can make people believe. The distribution of wealth in America is carefully tracked by the government and if the commie/conservative myth were true it could be easily verified. It is easy to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that a redistribution of the ungodly greedy wealth has not taken the ungodly greedy are far more wealthy then they were 30 years ago in fact about 688% more wealth. But it turns out redistribution of wealth has taken place over the last 30 years but not from the ungodly greedy to the poor but from the middle class to the ungodly greedy.

In the book, Perfectly Legal: The Covert Campaign: To Rig Our Tax System to Benefit the Super Rich --- And Cheat Everyone Else,” David Kay Johnson shows that over a 30 year period the growth of the bottom 99% (this figure includes many well to do people) was $2,710 a year while the growth of the top 1/100 of 1% $20,328,482. The middle class couples actually made less and worked 32 hours more a week. So how is it possible that the commie/conservatives can get Americans to believe the myth and not the truth? Simple, it is the context not the operative action that governs. Quite frankly there are many more poor people than there are ungodly greedy. So the context is made up of many poor and only a very few ungodly greedy, most people have family members or acquaintance who makes so little they get government assistance, but the ungodly greedy are so few and they are concentrated in certain areas of the countries. While we see the welfare check or food stamp card we don’t see the ungodly greedy several million dollars raises, for instance in “a study by Equilar, a private research company, found that the median CEO salary had risen to $10.8 million last year a 23%pay raise.” It seems in even the worst of times a $2.7 million raise is in order. A raise of $2.7 million is not real to us we can’t even grasp the amount of money but the poor in front of us at a gas station purchasing a Mountain Dew and a candy bar with their food stamp card is a real to us. Ever encounter a CEO in his Rolls at a gas station send his chauffer into get a Mountain Dew and a Candy bar and leave a $1,000 dollar tip? The context sells the commie/conservative myth.

But the problem is the myth has been used to set government policy over the last 30 years. For instance we all know that Reagan used the commie/conservative redistribution myth to cut taxes on the ungodly greedy by 70% but few know that 1981 a tax break was given to the Saving and Loan industry that allowed them to recover all the taxes they had paid over the last 10 years. In other words if you lost money you could get the taxes back you paid 10 years ago. Do you think Reagan would have let the working man get his taxes back that he paid ten years ago? At this time many in America were moving from the Rustbelt to the Sunbelt. The Saving Loans in the Rustbelt had surpluses of deposits and few loans while the Sunbelt had many loan applicants but little cash to make loans. So the mortgages in the Sunbelt were bundled and sold as bonds to Saving and Loans in the Rustbelt. But mortgages were long term with 30 to 35 year maturity dates and often had a low interest rate to sell them a Saving and Loan sold them at 65% of value. Interest had skyrocketed after the Fed stopped regulating the money supply. Low interest mortgage loans were worth significantly less in periods of high interest loans. The Saving and Loans wrote them off as a tax loss and recovered their taxes they had paid a decade earlier. Even then if you look closely you could see the trillion dollar train wreck coming. The government is subsidizing the ungodly greedy and the subsidy will run out. In the meantime back on Wall Street traders of these bonds made up of mortgages are making $40 million a year. This government policy was created based on the commie/conservative myth of redistribution of wealth and led to a trillion dollar redistribution of wealth from middle class Americans to the ungodly greedy and this was just the tip of a very, very large ice burg that led to the $8 trillion redistribution of wealth in 2008.
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Reply Sun 15 Jan, 2012 08:59 am
Both political and religious ideologies are in the reality manufacturing business. We all know people that selectively filter reality to the point that is drastically altered and we all to a degree have the ability to filter out some unpleasant aspects of our reality. The guy at work that continues to pursue a woman long after she has made it very clear she wants nothing to do with him, tells himself she is just playing hard to get. When he is forced to resign he blames the supervisor and refuses to accept any responsibility for his fate. The other people at work have no problem seeing that the aggressor was completely at fault. In fact one similar case in California a spurned suitor came back and killed several people in an effort to kill the woman he blamed for losing his job. Political ideologies are simply groups of people and people in groups are subject to the same type of flaws as individuals. Groups sometime act as almost like they were individuals and sometimes a group will feed on the worst elements in the group, a lynch mob is capable of acts that most of the individuals in the group wouldn’t do on their own.

The commie/conservatives were quick to manufacture an explanation for the 2007 – 2008 economic collapse. The reasons for this collapse are extremely complicated but in the commie/conservative myth the poor are the villains just as the poor are they are cast as the villains in the commie/conservative redistribution of wealth myth. Much like the retarded boy bought in by the police and forced to confess to a murder he didn’t commit it is easy to blame the poor. In the redistribution of wealth myth it is just a matter of following the money and in the 2007- 2008 economic collapse it is a matter of following the money. Did you notice any of the poor getting extremely wealthy in the years prior to the 2007-2008 economic collapse? You didn’t miss anything it didn’t happen. But one small group got extremely wealthy during the last 30 years there was a giant sucking sound on Wall Street. Once the Reagan and the commie/conservatives repealed the regulations that were put in place after the Great Depression to make sure a Great Depression didn’t occur again it was open season for fraud of all kinds. There was a reason for regulations in the first place. After the commie/conservatives myth was sold to America the rest was inevitable as going downhill on a sled. When the commie/conservatives removed the “regulations” Wall Street became the biggest casino in the world. In most casinos the house always wins in the long run but on Wall Street the employees of the house were the real winners.

But what if you could go to Las Vegas casino and your loses were insured. That right you got to keep your millions in winnings but your loses are insured by the American taxpayers. That is right when Wall Street began bundling and trading mortgages in $100 million dollar bonds the American taxpayers insured their investment. How do you manage to lose on insured investments? Fraud, massive fraud, and gambling, why did was no one arrested? The regulations on many kinds of fraud were removed by the commie/conservatives. When public caught the commie/conservatives green handed (up to their eyeballs in bribes) the commie/conservatives quickly said it wasn’t us it was the evil poor people that caused the economic collapse and the myth marches on disguised as reality.
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