The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Lustig Andrei
Reply Fri 9 Dec, 2011 12:33 am
I guess nobody posts on this thread any more.

Or reads what's been posted.
Reply Fri 9 Dec, 2011 05:52 am
@Lustig Andrei,
Lustig, actually the hits are up about 700% a day over the last month while it is still far below the number of hits I got on the local newspaper’s board before it was closed down. On a single day my post on a local board received 5000 hits and averaged about 200 a day. I had spent 10 years posting on the local boards but I have only spent a few months posting on this one. It takes a while to develop a regular following. I keep a written record of the number of hits so I can track the number of hits on particular posts.
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Reply Fri 9 Dec, 2011 06:35 am
In the late 1800s psychiatrists were able differentiate psychopaths from other mental illnesses, while most people who suffer from mental illness, like schizophrenics and manic depressives are rooted in hallucinations and delusions, psychopaths perception of reality is 20/20. Psychiatrists that specialized in studying psychopaths were able to determine that the actual physical wiring of psychopath’s brain is different. In experiments on psychopaths and a control group a count down from ten was given and a painful electric shock was administered. The subjects were told the electric shock would be administrated on the count of one. The subject’s brains were monitored on the control subjects showed stress from the count of 10 but the psychopaths brains reacted only to the shock. When the experiment was repeated after the first the psychopath’s still never reacted even when they knew how bad the shock was going to be.

Because the psychopath’s perception of reality is not altered only their reaction to reality, it allows the psychopaths to walk among us unnoticed for years. Many serial killers kill for years and friends and family have no idea. For instance if you are CEO that kills factories instead of people and makes millions doing so, the public never realizes that you are psychopath. If you are a hedge fund manager stealing the pensions and medical benefits of a generation you are admired because you were able to steal billions by manipulating stock prices.

What psychiatrists found out is that psychopaths are like shape shifters they are not quite human but quickly lean to imitate the emotions of those around them to fit in and most importantly they learn to use those emotions like a lever to manipulate others. In other words psychopaths learn to fake reality. When psychiatrist were satisfied that a child serial killer was sufficiently cured they granted him a three hour pass from the institution he used the first 10 minutes of his pass to chop a fellow inmate who had refused his sexual advances.

This is what is wrong with America today our economy is being manipulated by psychopaths and the inmates are now running the asylum. Plus the commie/conservatives want to do away with the remaining rules.
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Reply Sat 10 Dec, 2011 07:23 am
In war the enemy is often dehumanized to make it easier to kill them. It is far easier to kill “gooks” and “nig####” than it is if you thought of them as other human beings very much like yourself. But in the case of psychopaths this is actually the case. Psychiatrists who have spent their lifetime studying psychopaths found that psychopaths are not really human; they lack critical brain connection between the intellectual mind and the emotional mind. Many birth defects are obvious, a deformed arm or a cleft palate is easily observed but an internal problem with how the brain is wired can only be observed in the lab with an fMRI. Psychopaths are changelings they can never be human; they can only learn to mimic human behavior. Of course normal people would never advocate killing psychopaths on site but we have to be aware that they walk among us undistinguishable from ordinary human beings in appearance only their actions betray them. We must be vigilant, we can’t comfort ourselves by telling ourselves that everyone is just like us, they are not. They psychopaths are master manipulators and for last 30 years and they have tried to convince the American public we are just like them, the psychopaths, and some of us have indeed been taken in.

When the psychopath I referenced in yesterday post was asked why he chopped up his fellow inmate with a hatchet, striking him in the head and neck 40 times, he replied he wanted to feel what it felt like to kill someone. When it was pointed out he had previously killed three children he replied that had been a long, long, long, long time ago. The prison had spent years trying to teach this psychopath empathy but the only thing the psychopath learned and learned was to mimic empathy.

The real problem is that the most dangerous psychopaths of all are not in prison, they are on Wall Street, and in Washington DC, and in the pulpit Sunday morning.
“But surely stock market psychopaths can’t be as bad as serial killer psychopaths,” I said.

“Serial killers ruin families.” Bob shrugged. Corporate and political and religious psychopaths ruin economies. They ruin societies.”

From the book “The Psychopath Test” The Bob in the above quote is Bob Hare considered the most preeminent expert on psychopaths in the world today and he is responsible for the psychopath test named the “Hare PCL-R.”
“Sociopaths love power. They love winning. If you take loving kindness out of the human brain, there is not much left except the will to win.

“Which means you will find a preponderance of them at the top of the tree?” I said.

“Yes she said. “The higher you go up on the latter, the greater the number of sociopaths you will find there.”

From the book “The Psychopath Test”
The term sociopath and psychopath are interchangeable the conversation in the above quote is with Martha Stout, from the Harvard Medical School and author of the book “The Sociopath Next Door”

The battle cry of the commie/conservative philosophy has always been to do away with government regulations. To unleash the psychopaths and let them do as they please. This is much like locking us in room with the Canadian psychopath and giving the psychopath his hatchet. The psychopaths on Wall Street have been chopping the American workingman up for 30 years. The hedge fund psychopaths will kill our economy just to see how it feels to kill the economy of the greatest country on earth. It will make them feel like a god if it was even possible for them to feel. The religious psychopaths will pit one religion against another just to watch people die and claim to be nonviolent. The political psychopath will fund and train death squads and lose them over the world.
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Reply Sun 11 Dec, 2011 08:21 am
What we can all agree on is that things in America are getting worse and have been getting worse for over thirty years now. And it is not only America that is nearing the precipice but many other countries throughout the world. When an active serial killer is working the streets and even after 20 or more prostitutes have been abducted and killed their fellow prostitutes continue working the streets and getting into cars with complete strangers that could be the serial killer. Why? They feel bullet proof, that it couldn’t happen to them, they believe they could not be manipulated by the serial killer. The evidence that our society and other society across the globe are being literally destroyed by psychopaths is undeniable as the bodies of victims of the newest serial killer. This is not just my opinion but the opinion of the leading expert on psychopaths and thousands of other health professionals who deal with psychopaths. Somehow we all comfort ourselves with belief, like the prostitutes, if we came face to face with a psychopath that he would look like the monster he is but one of the first arts a psychopath master is imitating those around him. Serial have work among us and some have even been deacons in church while they continued to kill and no one every suspected they liked to bind, torture and kill as the BTK killer was an admired deacon in church till the police arrested him.

Psychopaths like war and pestilence have always been with us throughout history then why are things getting worse? Are the number of Psychopaths increasing? No, psychopaths still make up only 1% of our population. Psychopaths are simply getting more effective. Psychopaths are master manipulators and throughout history they could only manipulate those in their closes circle of acquaintances but the advent of mass media allowed them a quantum leap in those they could manipulate. Not only that but recent discoveries by neurologists about how to most effectively influence opinions made psychopaths more proficient. But the most damming thing is that a political movement became the spokesman for psychopath’s agenda. The commie/conservative movement adopted the psychopath’s agenda as its platform. The 99% movement has it right 1% of our population, the psychopaths who walk among us, are causing most of our country’s problems. We can continue to be like the prostitutes and believe that we are bullet proof that the psychopaths will not harm us or our families but the evidence shows the country is on the highway to hell and that affects us all.
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Reply Mon 12 Dec, 2011 06:30 am
The psychopath test was developed in prisons to differentiate psychopaths from the general population. About 25% of those in prison system are psychopaths. There is a difference between those who kill because they caught their wife in bed with another man and those who kill random strangers because they simply derive sexual pleasure from the act of killing. When the psychopath test was administered to some CEOs the results showed that some CEOs actually scored higher on the psychopath test than serial killers. On Wall Street if a deal is made that cheats a pension system out of $9 billion that is referred to as a “killing.” To be sure that is not the same type of killing as killing a street prostitute but it is much more profitable and death will come much slower for those who lost their pension as they slowly starve or do without medication. The only difference is the psychopath who kills prostitutes is deemed a criminal while the psychopaths who steal billions are held up to society as roll models to be admired.

As the commie/conservatives push for even more deregulation in this election cycle it is important for the public to realize who we are dealing with. The theory behind free market capitalism is that the free market is made up of moral men and is self-regulating, no regulations are needed. If someone makes a bad deal he will learn from the experience and not repeat the mistake. But psychopaths are drawn to power like moths to flame and there is a 300% increase in the number of psychopaths on Wall Street as compared to the general population. Do we really want to remove the regulations on these psychopaths and let them do as they please?

As stated before the commie/conservative political philosophy is more of a religion than a political philosophy because it built on ideal world concepts and cannot deal effectively with real world problems. Commie/conservative pander the idea that the psychopaths who continually overdose themselves on America wealth are the ideal we should all strive for and not the sick actions of psychopaths. Thus the idea our society is based on insanity, the vast majority of Americans are sane, but they are being pushed to emulate those in our society who are insane.

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Reply Tue 13 Dec, 2011 06:35 am
If you knew what was wrong with your car you would take it to a mechanic and have it repaired but if we knew what was wrong with our society would we take steps to correct it or would we deny its existence. If our car was overheating and you denied that it was overheating it would soon ruin the motor and stop. To be sure our society is a much more complex system made up of the interaction of millions of people but if the defective parts of our society gain control of the society it is all of us who pay the price.
This---Bob was saying ---was the straight forward solution to greatest mystery of all. Why is the world so unfair? Why all that savage economic injustice, those brutal wars, the everyday corporate cruelty? The answer: psychopaths. That part of the brain that doesn’t function right. You are standing on an escalator and you watch people going past on the opposite escalator. If you could climb inside their brains, you would see we aren’t all the same. We aren’t all good people just trying to do good. Some of us are psychopaths. And psychopaths are to blame for the brutal misshapen society. They are jagged rocks thrown into the still minds.”

From the book “The Psychopath Test
In science fiction movies like “Them” special glasses are required to see the aliens but we don’t need special glasses to see the aliens, the psychopaths, among us, their actions and character traits give them away. Psychopaths are master manipulators, for instance you can see the psychopath in Rush Slimbaugh clearly shinning through when Slimbaugh tells American retirees that they are only going to get 5 or 10 cents out of a dollar of their pensions. Slimbaugh relishes telling retirees nobody should be paid for not working if they expect to eat they should expect to work. Number 2 on the psychopath test is a “Grandiose sense of self-worth.” Slimbaugh score is off the chart on this one he often refers to himself as “Talent on loan from God.” Number 8 on the psychopath test is “Callous/lack of empathy” anyone that thinks a 93 year old woman should work just to eat couldn’t even define the word empathy let alone be capable of genuinely feeling it. But then Rush Slimbaugh concept of work is sitting on his as# lying for a living.

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Reply Wed 14 Dec, 2011 06:34 am
The Republican Party has formed a circular firing squad, police departments have done this in the past and the outcome is never good. The theory behind such a long primary is that all of the candidate’s dirty laundry will be aired in the primary and will lose its potency as ammunition in the general election. The only thing that they have succeeded in doing so far is making all factions of the party unhappy. Last week Rush Slimbaugh was saying Newt Gingrich was the people choice and there was nothing the party regulars could do to stop. You could tell this week that Slimbaugh has called on the carpet as he backed off his support for Gingrich. Gingrich is simply not electable in a general election his own party deposed him when he was Speaker of the House. Gingrich is widely disliked by members of his own party, of the 70 active members of the House of Representatives who were in the House of Representatives when Gingrich was speaker, not one would endorse Gingrich for president though they have endorsed other candidates for president.

Mitt Romney is the party establishment choice but what Romney does best is lose election he is a perennial loser Romney has lost 22 out of 25 general and primary elections. In addition Romney is a destroyer of companies he guts them like a fisherman guts fish. The communities Romney destroyed have long memories and the ghosts of Christmases past will rise up and haunt him in the general election.

Al Dunlap a former CEO of Sunbeam is a case study in the book “Psychopath Test,” Romney is a CEO cut in a similar mode to Dunlap. Dunlap enjoy firing people, we all have our war stories, but most of Dunlap war stories were about firing people. Dunlap related how he told one employee that he sure had a nice sports car but it was a shame you no longer had a job. Each time Evil Al closed a plant down and decimated a community the Sunbeam stock shy rocketed and Evil Al and his buddies on Wall Street made a killing but soon there was no longer much to close and Evil Al and his buddies started cooking the books with a make believe $60 million. Evil Al and his buddies got caught making off with the cookie jar.

Somewhere in Romney background the public will make similar discoveries. Romney is generally disliked is it because he might score high on the psychopath test and the general public can tell he is faking emotions he doesn’t have.
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Reply Thu 15 Dec, 2011 06:34 am
The recall Scott Walker effort is off to a flying start with over 300,000 people signing the recall petition in just 12 days. Walker has already conceded that he will be recalled and has launched his campaign for the recall election. At leas the billionaire Koch brothers will have to cough up millions more to pay for Walker’s election campaign. There is absolutely no doubt that the billionaire Koch bought the last election for Walker and the Koch brothers will try and buy the recall election also. In the last election the Koch brothers spent $3.4 million for negative ads against Walker opponent in addition they contributed $43,000 directly to Walker’s campaign. The Koch brothers gave the republican Governor’s association $1 million and $65,000 of that was returned to Walker. The Koch brothers will have to spend even more for the Recall election.

In the conversation Scott Walker had with an individual he believed to be one of the Koch brothers, Walker told him they had considered hiring thugs to cause trouble and rough up the protestors in the State House but was afraid the violence would reflect negatively on him. At one point Walker tells the Koch impersonator that one of the democrats that fled the state house is a friend of his he has worked 20 years with but when the Koch impersonators tells him he will call the democrat Walker quickly instructs him not to because the democrat is not “one of us.” There in lies the problem while Walker has significantly lowered the standard of living in Wisconsin for the vast majority a tiny minority the “us” enjoyed huge tax cuts. Scott Walker doesn’t see himself as an average citizen of Wisconsin he sees himself as a member of a tiny elite group the “us.”

At a party at Walker’s house for Walker’s republican friends, Walker parade a picture of Ronald Reagan around the room and explained how Ronald Reagan destruction of the Air Traffic controls union was responsible for fall of the Berlin wall and the defeat of communism. It seems unions are the enemy, unions represent communism to Walker, and the tiny elite ”us” deeply resents any workingman organizing having any say in politics.
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Reply Fri 16 Dec, 2011 06:35 am
When the governor of Wisconsin tells the Koch brother impersonator that a member of democratic legislature is not “one of us” you see clear an undeniable evidence of “class warfare.” The first step in any war or a baseball game is choose up sides, and be able to tell who is “one of us” and who is not. Of course the ungodly greedy don’t want to get their hands dirty, they have hired an army of mercenaries, like Scott Walker, to wage the war. Even though the cost of fighting this 30 year war is staggering, in political bribes, the ungodly greedy have managed to turn a large and enduring profit.

The republicans always complain about political correctness but it is never politically correct to acknowledge that the ungodly greedy are now actively engaged in class warfare and have been for over 30 years. All one needs to do is follow the money and you can follow the Koch brother’s money marching directly into politicians like Scott Walker pockets. This war is one of the best financed wars in mankind’s history though the ungodly greedy’ money is not being used to buy guns, bombs and tanks, like a banana republic. The ungodly greedy’ army of mercenaries is not only loyal but they don’t self as mere useful employees they see themselves as “one of us.” While in fact the Koch brothers would actually be offended by Walker’s use of the term “one of us” they better than anyone else know that Scott Walker is no more than prostitute that they wouldn’t allow to lick their boots let alone anything else. But Walker blissful ignorance makes him a more useful mercenary. The Night Stalker uncle told him that during Vietnam War he had a Vietnamese woman perform oral sex on him an as he climaxed he blew her brains out look for Walker political career to suffer a similar fate. Such are the abuses of those who hold power over use commit.
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Reply Sat 17 Dec, 2011 09:04 am
The Scott Walker recall effort has now gathered 507,000 signatures in only a month. The recall effort needs only 540,208 signatures. It looks like Wisconsin residents will get a nice Christmas present this year Scott Walker’s scalp tacked up over their mantle. The recall effort still has another month to gather signatures and by that time most Wisconsin residents will have signed the recall petition. No word yet as to whether the Koch brothers signed the recall petition, after Walker’s telephone conversation with the Koch brothers impersonator was made public, it was found that Walker failed to ask for and verify the super secret pass word for that day. The Koch brothers are said to be livid over Walker’s lapse of security measures. While the Koch brothers love to have puppets they don’t want the public to see the strings, it ruins the illusion.

While megalomaniacs like Grover Norquist make a point of making the public aware of their army of puppets who do their bidding the Koch brothers prefer the more traditional method, they stay in the background and let the public have the illusion of a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Of course it is those like the Koch brothers that corrupt the process and make it easier for the megalomaniacs like Grover Norquist to cease power.

After 2010 election victories the radical right mounted major offensives against the working people in both Ohio and Wisconsin. Ohioans rallied and repealed the advance made by the right and now it seems Wisconsin is about to show the nation that radical right candidates can be taken out of office as fast as the Koch brothers can say, buy that election. Why are we seeing such a massive offensive launched by the radical right now? It is an old story, as old as time itself, when a bargain is struck if both sides exchange something of equal value at the same time there is no problem but if one party gets the benefit now and agrees to pay for it later, often when it comes time to pay the party that received the benefit sometime ago sees no point in paying for it now. With public employees and working people the ungodly greedy reaped the benefits many years ago and now that it is time to pay their end of the bargain they refuse. A local contractor was approached by one of the millionaires in town to do a job for him. The contractor pointed out to the millionaire, that he had not been paid for the last three jobs he did for him. The millionaire told him that he would pay him 25 cents on the dollar for the other jobs or the contractor could just sue him. He said that is all you will get when you hire a lawyer and sue me anyway. The millionaire said besides I have my own attorney (he was a lawyer). This is the code of the ungodly greedy they have been bleeding the system dry with huge tax cuts for themselves for 30 years and if the system has to pay the bills it made, the taxes on the ungodly greedy must go back up where they belong. The ungodly greedy fully expect to make the offer Rush Slimbaugh is so fond of repeating on his show, we will give this generation only 5 or 10 cents on the dollar of your pension and this is already a reality for many in the private sector. Slimbaugh said none of his employees will ever get paid for not working (a pension). If you expect to eat, you need to expect to work until the day you die. This affirmed each time a make a trip to Wal-mart and mistake an elderly person beside me as customer only to realize it is an elderly employee stocking the shelves. Now we have government organizations that specialize in finding the elderly jobs. We have another elderly person starting work Monday and this is the third hired for our department this year. These people have already fulfilled the Rush Slimbaugh prediction that if they are going to eat they are going to work till they die. In fact in the 8 years my wife worked at Wal-Mart several elderly employees in fact died. The door greeter job changed not because someone quit but more often because they died. When the elderly must work they take the entry jobs the younger works traditionally hold causing high unemployment and an over supply of labor driving wages down.

We are on the verge of commie/conservative utopia, a world where the master race lives like kings and the vast majority slave till the day they die. We are at a cross roads we can do nothing and accept the commie/conservative utopia or we can stop electing the Scott Walkers and John Kasichs. The ungodly greedy don’t want their fair share they want it all, they have literally stolen the pensions of a generation and that just wetted their appetite for more.
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Reply Sun 18 Dec, 2011 09:43 am
As long as I can remember I have been intellectually curious, as I child I always wanted to know what made things work. Never satisfied with just knowing it works I wanted to understand how it worked. In junior high I got a model called the visible V-8 the kit it contained a working replica of a V-8 motor. While the model was never quite completed I thoroughly understood the theory of the internal combustion engine and gave reports in class to fellow 7th graders. I managed to qualify for a new electronic theory program in high school and majored in electronic and mechanical engineering in college.

My background gave me a good understanding of mechanical devices but it didn’t prepare me for venture into politics. I quickly mastered the politics at work and was President of the local union within 3 years. The next step up was to try and take control of city politics. Employees are forbidden by law to run for office so the next best thing was to try and elect those who were best qualified. I was able to build a coalition between my local, the police local, the fire department local and the district labor council. We held a joint conference selected and endorsed 7 candidates that were affirmed later by the locals. Six of those candidates were elected and our one lose was a candidate endorsed by a local millionaire. It would be nice if that is where the story ends but our 6 candidates were soon co-opted by the local millionaires and city continued to decline. The unseen hand continued to control as it seems, like Scott Walker, they too wanted to be “one of us.”

Understanding mechanical devices is easy compared to understanding people, the operation of mechanical devices follow rational rules but people are more complex and even the best often irrational. Many attempts have been made to come up with a set of rational rules that reliably predict the action of men but none has been successful. In fact experiments show that irrational decision may be the rule and not the exception in some cases. When I would try to make a rational argument and show someone how they would benefit often they would stonewall you, with no rational argument of their own, the old version of the parent’s argument “just because.” Until I discovered the concept of “Personal Reality.” Not only is our experience of reality unique but we are each in the act of creating that reality. Take a couple who bought a house in the country, the man finds the peace and quiet of the woods enchanting while his wife feels isolated and scared. Whose reality is correct? They both are, each one’s reality is a unique interaction between their previous life experiences and their freewill to pick and chose what aspects of the current reality they chose to internalize and use to structure their current personal reality and what we chose to reject.

People senses are effective filtering devices, our eyes see only a small spectrum of light waves, and our ears hear only a small band of sound waves. But while our eyes and ears are designed to filter out certain frequencies our conscious minds pick and chose which aspects of reality to internalize or reject. This makes the communication of political concepts an exceptionally difficult undertaking.

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Reply Mon 19 Dec, 2011 07:36 am
Most of us are comfortable with the idea that there is a consensus reality that we all share. When we encounter someone that is mentally ill it is obvious to all that their reality is different than ours. But if we observe others closely it becomes apparent that their reality is also different though not as radically different as someone that would be classified as mentally ill. In fact on definition of mental illness may be an inability to grasp reality. Everyone has encountered someone whose personal reality has changed radically after joining a religious organization. The religious leader is able to use charisma and manipulation to alter the personal reality of his followers. The followers believe so strongly that the religious leader’s personality reality is as strong as the physical reality of a tree. Unfortunately politics and religion suffer from the same defects and sometimes our society mixes religion with politics.

You can argue religion with someone and a religious cult and their answers will always be consistent, second coming, rapture, going to heaven ect. When it is pointed out that god in fact may not exist they can list a thousand proofs. People’s political beliefs are often held as strongly as their religious beliefs and we can see how many millions are strongly influenced by religions beliefs centuries after the charismatic leader’s death. No wonder it is so easy for a Hitler to rise to power. Charismatic leader understand the concept of personality and are able to espouse certain commonly held beliefs, by using these commonly held beliefs they set up rapport. You can watch this method used on talk radio where they will start out discussing violent crime and we can all certainly agree we are against violent crime then they will move on to political ideology and try to set up the rapport.
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Reply Tue 20 Dec, 2011 06:30 am
The “We are 99%” protest is on winter hiatus for the most part, the homeless became a problem for many of the protests. When those who had organized the local protest decided to go on winter hiatus the homeless remained on site and a couple of weeks later the police and sanitation department cleared the site in front of Chase bank. It remains to be seen whether the protest can maintain its momentum over the winter and resume in the spring.

The commie/conservatives continue to be absolute champions of the 1% despite the fact now that 65% of the Americans want to see the taxes raised on the ungodly greedy. If ours is a government of the people, by the people and for the people how can congress ignore the will of the people? How? How indeed, there are $100s of millions of reasons, the ungodly greedy simply bribe the politicians to do their bidding and ignore the will of the people. If 99% of the people wanted the taxes raised on the top 1% it would make no difference to the congressmen who are on the payroll of the ungodly greedy. They signed a pledge and care nothing about the will of the people. Clearly in congress now money talks and the majority of Americans can just pound salt.

How do we begin to correct the problem? To start with we need to target those who have signed Grover Norquist pledge, not one dollar more taxes on the ungodly greedy. These lowlifes sign Norquist’ pledge in exchange for millions in bribes from the ungodly greedy. If these politicians were members of a board of directors of a private corporation and took bribes from another corporation for their vote on their company doing business with the company that bribed them, they would go to jail. There is no real difference between the two except now the ungodly greedy are rubbing the public’s nose in it and flaunt it with a very public pledge. Politicians vote’s on important issues are bought and paid for before they are ever elected. When a politician signs Norquist’ pledge he is signing a contract, he is selling his vote on any future tax increase in exchange for campaign bribes. The no tax on the ungodly greedy tax pledge is a contract signed in blood by the politician.

We may not be able to stop the bribery but maybe we can make them at the very least be ashamed of bribing politicians and flaunting it. Bribery should take place where it always took place in backrooms of cheap hotels. The days of handing out the ungodly greedy’ bribes on the House floor and then bragging about it need to come to an end.
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Reply Wed 21 Dec, 2011 06:34 am
We live in an age of fast food an instant coffee, journeys that took days now takes hours. We tend to look at problems that way, as instant, with equally instant solutions. But the current bad economy was 30 years in the making; it will not be fixed overnight or in a few years it may well take 20 years to repair the damage as it did after the Great Depression. Glen Beck always laments that Obama ran on hope and change has basically changed America but says nothing about the radical ideological changes made by Reagan and the other commie/conservatives in the 80s. These radical economic changes are what led to the greatest economic collapse since the Great Depression in 2007-2008. The commie/conservatives resigned and molded America’s economy into their ideology/religion view of an economic utopia. Trickle Down Economics was designed muck like God designed rain, if government could be used funnel all America wealth to the ungodly greedy the wealth would trickle back down on the rest of us like rain from heaven, the wealth would then be re-funneled to ungodly greedy and trickle down in endless cycles like rain. It was a brilliant economic theory arrived at in a night of binge drinking. At least it seemed like a brilliant idea while they were drunk but unfortunately for country was the commie/conservatives still thought it was a brilliant idea after they finally sobered up. What could be more natural than a cycle of evaporation and rain?

Rush Slimbaugh and the radical right are pushing the idea that the unemployment rate would be 11% if the same number of people that were seeking work now as in 2007. The idea they are pushing is that people are just discouraged and no longer looking for work. But what they don’t want people to know is that 10,000 baby boomers are retiring everyday that is 3,650,000 retiring each year. Though there are also youngsters entering the labor market they can not offset the massive baby boomers retirements. Also a significant number in this age range die. So if Slimbaugh and Beck can just divide apples by oranges they can come up with the wrong answer and swear it is the truth. That is text book proofiness. This is how you spread ideology, Slimbaugh’ implication is clear Obama is administration is cooking the books and lying to the public, it has nothing to do with 10,000 baby boomers a day retiring. Of course many of these baby boomers in future years will have to return to workforce when they find they can not survive on whatever small fraction of their pension they are left with. And they find their pension evaporated up into the hands of ungodly greedy and never tricked back down.
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Reply Thu 22 Dec, 2011 06:33 am
Rush Slimbaugh was extremely upset to find that President Obama approval rating is surging. What a drug addict like Rush Slimbaugh to do? There is a poll for that. While most legitimate polling organizations show Obama’s approval rating at or close to 50% the Rasmussen poll list Obama at minus 18. That would really make Slimbaugh’ day. That would be even better than the last batch of drugs Slimbaugh’ maid scored for him. More drugs might make Rush feel better but it won’t stop Obama’s approval rating from rising.

Evidently the Rasmussen poll was founded to further the methods of “proofiness” and raise push polling to an art form. Push polling is done to “push” public opinion not to measure public opinion like legitimate polling organizations. How in the world does Rasmussen come up with a minus 18 rating while legitimate organizations show around 50%? When the facts discredit the opinion you want to push, compare apples to oranges. Rasmussen polls those that strongly disapprove of Obama job performance and those that strongly approve of Obama job performance than he subtracts those who strongly approve from those who strongly disapprove 39%-21% = -18. Now once Rasmussen gets his -18 he can use his “poll” results to push public opinion. Rasmussen is able to avoid the tricky problem of those in the middle, and any legitimate poll results, by only sampling the extreme ends of the political spectrum. I would not be surprised to find that the Rasmussen poll was financed by the Koch brothers or other wealthy commie/conservatives.

Many people have a strong drive to fit in, to be like others in their crowd. They want to ware the same close, have the same haircuts, drive the same cars and hold the same social and political opinions. Push polls are designed to legitimize counterfeit political positions and make them palatable to the general public. Large groups of people are much like herd animals and can be herded by the proper methods. Most people want to fit into the crowd and they look to others for affirmation.

Rasmussen labels his website “Daily Presidential Tracking Poll” but he calls his result the “Presidential Approval Index Rating.” To his credit he does explain how he arrived at his proofiness but his sight does not supply what its title say it does, Obama’s actual approval rating. the actual
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Reply Fri 23 Dec, 2011 06:35 am
It looks like the two month Social Security payroll tax cut may pass the House of Representatives after all. Fellow republicans have convinced the Pee Partiers that if they continue to block the payroll tax cut for 160 million Americans the next election will look like Custer’s last stand with the Pee Partiers in the roll of Custer’s Calvary. Despite the fact the Pee Partiers will have no choice but to pass the Social Security payroll tax cut but they did manage to take care of their billionaire backers with a bill that requires much less paper work from businesses this will grease the tracks and make it easier to cheat on their taxes. The billionaires will save billions on taxes so they can help buy the next election for the Pee Partiers.

You realize that this completely ruined Rush Slimbaugh’ Christmas. Slimbaugh and Grover Norquist are big advocates of tax cuts unless the tax cuts are for working people. But neither wanted to see a tax cut for a 160 million people instead of a tax cut that vast majority went to only 13,400 Americans those that payroll Norquist’ ”America for Tax Reform.” America for Tax Reform wants to abolish income tax on all forms of income except wages. Norquist’ organization lobbies and lobbies with billions in campaign contributions for the elimination of all taxes on capital gains, dividends, interest, and all taxes on corporations. Norquist’ organization believes only wage earners should be taxed.

The 1913 income tax law was written to tax “excess wealth” not wage earners and 1913 no wage earners paid any income tax. The first $80,000 in income (in today’s dollars) was exempt from income tax. The Pee Partiers now want to broaden the base by making those on social security and minimum wage pay the taxed levied on “excess wealth.” The money of the ungodly greedy has corrupted not only our present government but corrupted laws that were written almost a century ago. The complete and total corruption of our government is the goal of Norquist and other commie/conservatives and “excess wealth” is their weapon. This is the best argument as why large concentrations of wealth are dangerous to our way of life.

The Social Security payroll tax cut galls Norquist and Slimbaugh because the vast majority of most income tax cuts go to those at the very top of the income scale. But the Social Security payroll tax is 2% for working people while the Pension Fund manager that made $5 billion got only .000044% tax cut. You can see why Norquist is upset; a tax cut that where the wealthy did get thousands of times more. Slimbaugh can do the math also and knows his $2,200 social security tax cut won’t pay 5 minutes flying time on his Golf Stream jet here the Bush Tax cuts was worth a couple hundred thousand, Slimbaugh could fly to Paris for lunch with that. .
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Reply Sat 24 Dec, 2011 09:54 am
Sometimes the big lie is easy to tell but it is getting harder to make people believe it isn’t the obvious lie it is. Red neck right radio had to go with the second stringers this week because Rush Slimbaugh, Glen Beck and Sean Hannity were on vacation this week. Slimbaugh rotated his second stringers including one who has a thick foreign accent. Slimbaugh is fond of using this foreigner when he can’t make it to work; I believe his name is Mark Steyn. I for one resent having a foreigner telling the American people how to run our country but then I resent Slimbaugh version of a warped reality. Steyn is Canadian but was educated at King Edward’s School in the United Kingdom. Evidently that is where he learned to master the thick English Aristocrat accent along with the sense of absolute entitlement to all a country wealth that has been the mark of aristocrats since the beginning of time and is the mark of the ungodly greedy in America now. Steyn aristocratic upbringing must be very appealing to Slimbaugh who fancy himself a true aristocrat of wealth.

The big lie the second stringers were pushing this week was that it was the Pee Party republicans that were pushing the 2% social security tax cut and were the true champions of cutting taxes on the middle class when they clearly knew the history of the social security payroll tax cut and knew it was extracted by Obama last year over the figuratively dead bodies of Pee Party members. The price Obama paid for the Social Security payroll tax cut for the middle class was a 3 year extension of the massive Bush tax cuts for multi-billionaires. Taking back even a small portion of the Bush tax cut for multi-billionaires would pay for the social security tax cut for a 160 million Americans. This is exactly what Obama proposed to do this year to pay for his one year extension of the social security payroll tax cut but Grover Norquist blocked it when he reminded his puppets in the Senate that they would lose millions in bribes in the next election if even one cent in taxes was put on any multi-billionaire. The Senate republicans than put a $700 charge on anyone buying a house over $200,000 but unlike a small tax on billionaires this will only pay for 2 months of the social security payroll tax cut. The Pee Party members did everything in their power to block the social security tax cut last year and had hopped to load the social security tax cut bill down with enough other items to kill it. For instance making the Canadian oil pipe line exempt from environmental regulations, all oil pipe lines are subject to rupture and drowning the surrounding country side in oil except now it won’t be in an uninhabited forest in Alaska. Bills should not be allowed to have unrelated riders placed on them. If there is a vote for a social security tax cut then it should not be tied to a vote to destroy the environment.

The second stringers simply lost the game this week the American people know the Pee Partiers are a wholly owned subsidiary of the multi-billionaires and it was the billionaire’s money that bought them their office. The multi-billionaires frequently remind their subjects it was them that put them into office and that they can take them out of office any time they don’t obey. All the multi-billionaires need do is have Grover Norquist get on national TV and rattles the no tax on any billionaire pledges all the Pee Partiers signed. Norquist is like the Devil who has a signed contract for the Pee Partiers soul.

This is all setting the stage for the next battle over the expiration of the Bush Tax cuts in 2013. The Pee Partiers will be forced to vote against continuing the tax cuts for a 160 million Americans while at the same time voting for tremendous tax cuts for their multi-billionaire clients. So 160 millions will be pitted against 13,400 ungodly wealthy and their tremendous fortunes. Obama is just one move from checkmate but you can never underestimate the tremendous power of ungodly wealth and coupled with government corruption. It use to be that bribing of politicians was done in backrooms but now those who do the bribing make the rounds of the Sunday morning news programs and flaunt their signed contracts. America will change one mind at a time.
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Reply Sun 25 Dec, 2011 10:52 am
What will commie/conservatives find under their Christmas tree next year? Will they still be able to hold a majority in the House or will the Pee Party members disappear like Custer’s soldiers at Little Big Horn? The Pee Party members have bought our government as close to a screeching halt as it has ever has been. In one recent poll the Pee Party earned the dubious distinction of actually being less popular child molesters. No doubt America has elected some child molesters to office but the trouble is they weren’t running on the child molester’s party ticket. Maybe someone will develop an internet site with a map to track where the Pee Partiers live so we can protect our children from them also. The commie/conservatives have also asked Santa for control of the Senate and Whitehouse next year. The five hedge fund managers who made over a billion dollars last year are hoping the commie/conservatives get their wish also.

As for Grover Norquist his Christmas wish is to use the billionaire’s money to elect enough toy politicians who have signed his no tax on billionaires pledge to make up a super majority in the Senate and the House. Can you imagine an America where a super majority of both the Senate and the House are toy politicians who signed Norquist’ pledge? Of course Norquist doesn’t have to waste a Christmas wish on putting a toy politician in the Whitehouse. Norquist knows if a commie/conservative get elected to Whitehouse that 8 out of 9 of the commie/conservative presidential candidates have already signed Norquist’ no new taxes on billionaires pledge.

If this happens next year Norquist can march his toy politicians around in Washington reciting how “they are giving the vast majority of the tax cuts to the middle class” while cutting out all taxes on the ungodly greedy. It will be just like Baby Bush never left office. Norquist will make sure all capital gains, dividends and profits are exempt from taxes only wages will be taxable except for billionaires whose wages will still be classified as capital gains as they are now. Norquist’ toy politicians have long tried to convince the public the only way to increase tax revenue is to cut taxes on the ungodly greedy after Reagan cut taxes they exclaimed tax revenue went up but hey never tell the public that when Reagan cut taxes he eliminated many deductions and made many tax avoidance schemes illegal, of course the commie/conservatives have not only restored them but they created many more. If you take the commie/conservatives argument to its illogical conclusion and they do on talk radio each day, eliminating all taxes on the ungodly greedy will cause endless prosperity and tax collections will go off the charts when only wage earners pay taxed. America will be a tax utopia and the ungodly greedy from around the world will flock to America creating untold jobs. Commie/conservatives believe greed is really the little engine that could in disguise. If America can just hook its star to greed there is no end to what can be achieved.

Greed in reality is the Grinch that stole Christmas for many of this generation but one thing for sure is that Norquist army will try to stage an invasion of Washington next year.

Have a Merry Christmas this year because next year Christmas reality may be like a visit from Scrooge’s ghost of Christmas future.
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Reply Mon 26 Dec, 2011 07:23 am
One of the guest hosts on the Slimbaugh show was lamenting the improvements in the economy and was afraid Obama and his stimulus plan would be given credit for the improving economy. But this same host and the rest of red neck right radio would be more than happy to blame Obama 24-7 if the economy hadn’t improved. It seems it is a lose, lose situation for Obama, if the economy improves it is just improving because sooner or later the economy was bound to recover and the Obama’ stimulus packages had absolutely nothing to do with it. But if the economy doesn’t improve Obama is at fault. Now you really can’t have it both ways, the commie/conservatives want to have their Kate and Edith too.

There is far more at stake here than just the next election, if in fact Obama stimulus packages worked it is absolute devastating for commie/conservative political ideology. Since Reagan and commie/conservative adopted “Trickle Down Economics” the working economic theory was if more and more money was directed to the ungodly greedy concentrating the wealth of America in the hands of the ungodly greedy the so called job “creators” it would cause a sustained economic boom. According to the gospel of commie/conservative once all the wealth of America was concentrated in the hands of the ungodly greedy it would rain down on the rest of America but even the commie/conservatives didn’t believe it would be a down pour it would simply “trickle down.” Trickle down economics is designed like the water fall for your pond; a pump (government) is used to pump the water (wealth) to the top of the water fall and then gravity cause the water to go down the fall and into the pond. For thirty years the commie/conservatives used the government to pump more and more wealth to the very top of the economic food chain; by 2008 the government had redirect so much wealth to the top that it led to the biggest economic collapse since the Great Depression. Quite simply the commie/conservative theory was pumping so much wealth to the top of the water fall that the pond was drying up.

If the American people discover the truth that the commie/conservative economic theory was the “biggest lie of the last century” then the commie/conservatives are not only in trouble in this election but in all future elections. The commie/conservatives battle cry is supply side economics but our economy is created by demand as many companies have found out it is demand that drives economies. A company can have a huge supply of widgets but if there is no demand for widgets it is a failure. It is the demand that is the driving force in any economy if you kill demand by bleeding the middle class you are in fact killing the driving economic force in the country. The contrast between the Baby Bush tax cuts and Obama social security payroll tax are as different as night and day. The Bush tax cuts redirect billions to the ungodly greedy. The commie/conservatives are fond of saying that 50% of Americans pay no income tax if that were true 50% of the American people received not one cent from the Bush tax cuts. But Baby Bush said by far the people at the bottom economic latter got most of that tax cut. Which one of those statements is a lie? Probably both, taking the source into account. By contrast the Obama tax cut went to a 160 million Americans, 13,400 at the top or a 160 million, Americans will get the chance to decide in the next election.

It is a little more complicated then the question which came first the chicken or the egg? Was there supply before demand or does demand in fact drive supply? The last 30 years of commie/conservatism demonstrated that you can have all the supply in the world but if you kill off demand increasing supply has no effect in fact it just drives the economy over the cliff.
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