The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Mon 30 Apr, 2018 11:41 am
Did you ever hear of your source? Nor has anyone else. It is not a respected news site. It is simply a website that that suddenly sprung up Sept 6, 2016. A number of Republican propaganda sites sprung up to push the Republican tax scam. Anyone can set up a web site.

Compared to the "sources" you have put forward on this subject, which is zero...

The first lie is that it doubled the standard deduction it did not the standard deduction was $6,350 doubled it would have been $12,700 but it only went to $12,000 in 2018. Why lie? Why not say it was going up by $5,650? Because the lie sounds like it is so much more.

So, $12,700 vs 12,000? That's the big lie? Sounds like you are picking at semantics and nothing else.

The second lie is that it keeps the seven tax rates and lowers them. It does not say that primary tax rate, the first tax bracket that everyone pays was not lowered.

The 10% bracket hardly pays any federal taxes anyways, they got to see the standard deduction go up, which is what everyone in that tax bracket uses, they won't be itemizing their deductions, they don't make enough.

Paul Ryan fired the House Chaplin because he opposed the Republican Tax scam. The Chaplin served seven years but when he gave a speech saying that the Republican tax scam should have all winners instead of winners and losers it upset the Republicans.

I could careless why he was fired, in fact I find your support of a Chaplin questionable. You have already put forth your thoughts on religion and Christianity, those are quite clear. Forgive me if I don't buy into your faux rage on this subject.

Paul Ryan was so proud when he found out that a secretary at a public high school got whole $1.50 a week tax cut from republican tax scam and said she could completely pay for her Costco membership that he posted on twitter.

She will have to wait until she files her taxes to see how she will be getting more back. Any bets her return next year will be higher?

Imagine how ungrateful people can be when they got a whole $1.50 and Trump got a $100 million. The election is coming soon and pay back will be hell.

So you always pull numbers out of your ass? You wanted to pick at the source I used, but you have used zero sources, you just type and hope I'm as naive as you are and believe what you wrote.

A Monmouth University poll showed that 50% of the American people believe they will pay higher taxes under the Republican Tax scam and they are not far wrong.

Of course they believe that, the MSM and the DNC have been lying about the tax plan from the get go. It's showing how propaganda works for the left. I wonder how many of those people went and tried using the tax calculators for themselves?
Reply Mon 30 Apr, 2018 12:09 pm
When you have several out of town contractors who swindled the city out of a quarter of million dollars it is hardly a trivial matter. That kind of losses will bankrupt a city quickly. Can you imagine a football game with no referees? Without rules the game would not be possible. The contractor’s law was passed in 1991 because construction was pretty much an underground economy that had a number of criminals who worked in the field. When you pay $10,000 for a new roof and the criminal takes off with your money it is not trivial. I got a call from attorney from Texas who was representing a out of town contractor I shut down. He wanted to know what we could do about $1,000 in tickets the contractor got. I told him he had to choices, one send a check for the total amount, or two show up in court. He sent the check.

More pointless chest beating from you?

It just makes the point that beside the US constitution the others are pretty much ignored.

Which others? State Constitutions or the Puppies Handler Guild?

A city charter serves the same purpose as a constitution. Under the definition of Constitution, you will find that charter is listed as synonym.

If you want to argue that a city charter holds the same weight as a State or Federal Constitution, then you go right ahead.

I didn’t follow the arguments for or against gay marriage.

That doesn't change the fact that cases have been fought, votes cast and judicial decisions have been made on the subject. State Constitutions put against the will of the people and the people loosing. Head in the sand or not, it happened.

Years ago, I had transported a gun across state lines but I called the police department to find the legal requirement to transport the gun.

There goes your argument about "no one checks the law when traveling to another state"...

I think that we need to move beyond state rights. Every time I hear that term I think Jim Crow laws and the abomination they were.

Why? Why would you want to hand more control of your life over the the feds?

The court decision that uses reverse reasoning and say the bill rights is a restriction of the federal governments rights. Oralloy like to cite that decision also.

Which court decision was that? The Federal govt has no rights, it has a responsibility to protect the rights of the US citizens. All you have to do is actually read the Constitution, it's pretty clear that Liberty for the individual was the main focus of the Revolutionary War. Why fight a war against a repressive form of govt just to put in place another repressive form of govt? That makes no sense and shows you don't understand the reasons for the war in the first place.

Anarchy would be anyplace before government was imposed.

What are you talking about?

When the communists that founded the Modern Conservative movement used propaganda to convince the American people that the American government was public enemy number one.

You are really showing your true beliefs when you write garbage like this. do you really think anyone, besides those on the extreme left, believe any of this?

Grover Norquist, considered the second most powerful republican in America said it best, “I just want to shrink government to the point I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub.”

Which would be the complete opposite of what Communism is. Smaller govt is not Communism, you can give it up now, no one is fooled by your attempt at reverse psychology.

In all of law the case of yelling fire in a crowded theater is one of the most discussed cases. The supreme court case ruling was in 1919 Schenck v United States. The Court unanimously that the First Amendment though it protects freedom of expression, does not protect dangerous speech. The actual wording of the supreme court decision was “falsely shouting fire in a crowded theater.” That is an example of the dangerous speech that the supreme court unanimously ruled dangerous and not protected under the first amendment.

This case was overturned and holds no precidence in law. It's a BS example people use to try and limit other aspects of people's Constitutional Rights.
Here, I'll give you the link so you can actually read what is written instead of making things up.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shouting_fire_in_a_crowded_theater<br />
The First Amendment holding in Schenck was later partially overturned by Brandenburg v. Ohio in 1969, which limited the scope of banned speech to that which would be directed to and likely to incite imminent lawless action (e.g. a riot).

Stop with the fallacy.

Reply Mon 30 Apr, 2018 01:41 pm
Let me see if I can clear up your misunderstanding Schenck vs United States. First let me say you are correct about the subject of the case bought before the supreme court but each case before the supreme court is representative of other similar cases and the ruling covers not only the case in question but all similar situated cases. In this case Justice Oliver Wendel Homes Jr in his opinion sites an example of dangerous speech which would not be protected under the first amendment “falsely shouting fire in a crowed theater.” That ruling tells you an illustration of what is dangerous speech and would not be protected and is as binding as if the original case was bought about someone falsely shouting fire in a crowded theater.

You can stop with your BS fallacy, it doesn't mean what you want it to and it doesn't allow you to restrict the rights of others.
The First Amendment holding in Schenck was later partially overturned by Brandenburg v. Ohio in 1969, which limited the scope of banned speech to that which would be directed to and likely to incite imminent lawless action (e.g. a riot).

Ayn Rand was educated at a communist university that is a time of life when the communists had the most influence on a young person and Rand set out to destroy America with her nasty novel.

Rand set out to warn the US about the Communists, so the US, much like it seems you have, wouldn't be sucked in by their propaganda. To think that someone speaking out against something is really for that thing, takes a leap of twisted faith.
The rest of this is revisionist history, more than likely by real communists like yourself who already wants to get rid of State Constitutions and push more power to the Central govt, just like a Communists would like.

The real communist, the ones that founded modern conservative movement needed a straw man to attack scence the cold war ended there has not been a real communist threat in over 40 years just people who use words they don’t understand.

You left's never met a communists you didn't like. You guys even sided with the Soviet's when it came to political policy in the US. Rallied against Reagan but applauded the real communists who ran Russia.

A mass shooting is a mass shooting you can’t separate how many took place in private residences and subtract them from the total.

When you play mush with the meaning of mass shootings, we can pick apart the #'s all we want to. The problem is the complete and dishonest way in which you present the issue. I provided you with several different stats on mass shootings, and even those 3 or 4 groups didn't have the same #'s. When you blatantly change the meanings of things to promote your anti-gun agenda, we will correct the record and make sure proper #'s are being used to justify your rhetoric.

Then how many took place outside and subtract them. Then how many took place in businesses and subtract them. It doesn’t work that way. Any way you look at it the problem is getting far worse each day. Why would it make any difference if you went to your neighbor’s house and he shot you with his AR-15 or if he shot you at school.

If the subject is mass shootings in the public square, or in schools, you can't just pick any sort of "mass shooting" to push the #'s up. You have been all over the place in your choice of stats and how to apply them. It's the dishonest way to debate, which is the only way the anti-gun left knows.

The study of murder suicides with cars is at least 20 years old and some older information is not as likely to make the internet. It is likely if I can find the name of the man that published the study that it can be located. Car suicides are included in the number of people killed in car accidents so suicides must be included in the number of gun deaths.

So you can't prove what you are saying, but you are still going to insist that it is a fact? Weak weak weak.

The problem we have is mass murder and mass shootings lead to mass murder. Gang violence is usually confined to one or two people but mass shootings are where four or more people are shot.

We do not have a mass murder problem, nor do we have a mass shooting problem. Your loose and varying use of "mass shootings" is proof enough that you are trying to hard to prove an issue doesn't exist.

Assault weapons are nothing more than masculinity symbol.

Keep telling yourself that.

I have no doubt that at least some mass murders are NRA members but a 100% are gun nuts.

Are we talking about mass murder or mass shootings? This is part of the problem with debating you, this BS you throw out there. Instead of continuing to use the term mass shootings, you have started to use mass murder. This switch around game you play makes debating pointless. Just move the goal posts.

I have no doubt that at least some mass murders are NRA members but a 100% are gun nuts.

It should be easy to prove, I'll give you a chance to prove it, or you can take it back and apologize to NRA members for lying about them.
I did a search and found the number to be zero. That doesn't mean no member of the NRA hasn't killed anyone, but it shows that there have been no mass shootings by any NRA member.

In WV gun ownership is probably in the 80% range as hunting is a major sport.

If WV has an 80% gun ownership rate, what makes you think the rest of the country isn't as well armed? Do you think the majority of the guns in the US are in your state?

Not only was Kucinich against the AR-15 so is the Republican governor who was a finalist in Republican presidential primary.

It's silly to put your election hopes on a single gun banning issue.

The problem with a private sale is that it allows anybody that can’t buy a gun legally simply will buy a gun from a private sale.

Do you think they will stop buying guns based on background checks? Do you think the dude selling those guns out of the back of his car in an alley is going to follow the background check laws?

I have never been to a gun show but when there is a complaint about background checks it is referred to as the gun show loophole. It looks like it would be referred to as a private sale loophole.

That's the anti-gun MSM and DNC for ya. I mean they wouldn't lie about such things would they? Of course not...
The reason it isn't a loophole, is because at the Federal level, private sales were left out of the law on purpose. Laws on personal sales were left to the states, which is where such laws should exist.

I think anything that anything that makes it harder for someone who can’t legally buy a gun helps.

Well, since you don't have the faintest understanding of what current gun laws are and how they are/aren't enforced, why should we just throw more laws on the pile?

If you put your AR-15 in the paper for sale and someone shows up on your door step who can’t legally buy a gun and you sell him the gun then the next day the FBI shows up om your doorstep after they trace the gun back to you and tell you the guy killed 30 children with your gun. If you had to have a background check done before the gun could be sold it might save lives.

I'm wondering how many of these types of shootings have taken place? Stats?

It would be much harder to locate someone that was selling guns illegally than those selling legally.

A majority of the mass shootings have taken place with legally purchased guns, so your fantasy here holds no water in the real world.

The shooter in Maryland had a specific target in mind not anyone with in range.

I love how you pretend these answers were known when the event was taking place. Stop trying to defend a failed cop in FL and degrade the actions of the cop in MD. It shows a weakness in your argument when you can't accept the facts as they were known at the time of the events taking place and instead substitute your 20/20 vision.

There are two things here, mass shooting defined as four or more shot and mass murders defined as those where four or more people are killed.

Yes, and when you failed to prove your point on mass shootings, you switched to the term mass murder as that was going to rescue your failed talking points. When the stats don't support you, you move the goal posts.

There should be another category called mega murders defined as those where over ten people are killed these for the most part these are done with assault weapons.

So again, when you can't prove your point about mass shootings, AR platform being used in a majority of mass shooting, you now make up words and meanings to try and back your agenda. Once again, it shows a weakness of your anti-gun argument if you have to make up special categories and make then sound scary so you can ban a gun, it shows you are loosing the fight and the propaganda you push isn't real. It will work until it is pointed out that the majority of mass shootings were done with handguns and were just as deadly as those done with a rifle.

It is the mega murder and the assault weapons that concern me and I have been very consistent.

No such thing as mega murder, you can't make up definitions to suit your needs. The majority of mass shootings in US history are done with handguns, not the AR. You don't like the AR, it scares you.

Reply Mon 30 Apr, 2018 09:06 pm

The magical thinkers in society have tried to make magic thinking the law of the land. The magic thinkers believe that a grandfatherly old man created the earth and everything in it in six days. They applied their magic thinking to when life begins and decided it was when the imaginary soul enters the fetus. When the magic thinkers decide they should use imaginary thinking to rule the land. The definition of what is alive applies to what is born. Do you know who the biggest abortionist of all times is? God. There are far more spontaneous abortions each year than abortions done by man. Most of the women who have spontaneous abortions have no idea they were even pregnant when they took place.
Since a fetus becomes a baby at birth is the tradition accepted line where would you draw the line? Sperm is alive so if you had night time emission you should quickly gather it up and rush to sperm bank where it could be used to artificially inseminate women. Otherwise you would be arrested and tried for murder. When the magic thinkers get going you are soon in the Dark Ages where ignorance reigns supreme. “Better to spill your seed in the belly of a whore.”
So, it is alright for the government to tell you what you can do with your internal body functions. There are no rights if you can’t control your own internal bodyly functions. Not even a right to a flint lock.

Men would never ever let the government dictate to them that abortion was illegal. Women are still treated like property and every corner preacher believe women must be subservient to them. They need to stick to telling fantastic stories and preaching ignorance.
Have you not paid any attention as to how many preachers are arrested for molesting under-age girls? It is an epidemic and they want to make damn sure the law makes the little girls have their babies. Anti-abortion laws are about power over women. You might be surprised how high the percentage is.
Rape victims don’t have time for birth control.
Reply Mon 30 Apr, 2018 09:11 pm
The magical thinkers in society have tried to make magic thinking the law of the land. The magic thinkers believe that a grandfatherly old man created the earth and everything in it in six days. They applied their magic thinking to when life begins and decided it was when the imaginary soul enters the fetus. When the magic thinkers decide they should use imaginary thinking to rule the land. The definition of what is alive applies to what is born. Do you know who the biggest abortionist of all times is? God. There are far more spontaneous abortions each year than abortions done by man. Most of the women who have spontaneous abortions have no idea they were even pregnant when they took place.

Gamblers are magical thinkers. I should say addicted gamblers.

Can I see some data on those spontaneous abortions. I think you made that up.
Reply Tue 1 May, 2018 02:36 am
Miscarriage is the most common type of pregnancy loss, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG). Studies reveal that anywhere from 10-25% of all clinically recognized pregnancies will end in miscarriage.

American Pregnancy
Reply Tue 1 May, 2018 09:34 am
10-25% of all clinically recognized pregnancies will end in miscarriage.

They do not call it "spontaneous abortion"? And that means between 75 to 90% survive. How many survive abortions?
Reply Tue 1 May, 2018 11:06 am
The magical thinkers in society have tried to make magic thinking the law of the land. The magic thinkers believe that a grandfatherly old man created the earth and everything in it in six days.

I'm not a Christian and I'm not a religious person but as I noted, your bias against religion, especially the Christian religion, is clear.

They applied their magic thinking to when life begins and decided it was when the imaginary soul enters the fetus.

I don't think that is actually claimed by most people, it has become accepted that life can begin when there is a heartbeat and hospitals have been known to keep very early born children alive until they can be sent home.

Do you know who the biggest abortionist of all times is? God. There are far more spontaneous abortions each year than abortions done by man. Most of the women who have spontaneous abortions have no idea they were even pregnant when they took place.

Is this another twisted flip in logic? Spontaneous abortions are the work of God? I guess if you are a religious person then maybe.

Since a fetus becomes a baby at birth is the tradition accepted line where would you draw the line?

Tell any mother her "fetus" isn't a baby and I'm willing to bet they would disagree. I always get a laugh at when leftists choose to use logic and reason vs when they choose to use emotion to rule their arguments. They do the same thing with religion, they mock it when others use it, but have no problem using religion when it suits their needs.

Sperm is alive so if you had night time emission you should quickly gather it up and rush to sperm bank where it could be used to artificially inseminate women.

I have noticed that when people such as yourself start to loose a discussion you start trying to get people to answer for things they never said or implied. They try to force you into defending others people's opinions when they can no longer defend their own.

Otherwise you would be arrested and tried for murder. When the magic thinkers get going you are soon in the Dark Ages where ignorance reigns supreme. “Better to spill your seed in the belly of a whore.”

Read above for response.

So, it is alright for the government to tell you what you can do with your internal body functions.

Abortion is a medical procedure, there are plenty of medical procedures that are made legal and illegal. You seem to think I'm against abortion, how about to talk to be about the things I have actually said instead of some other boogiemans words and thoughts.

There are no rights if you can’t control your own internal bodyly functions. Not even a right to a flint lock.

Abortion isn't a bodily function, it's a medical procedure, stop equating Constitutional Rights to a medical procedure.

Men would never ever let the government dictate to them that abortion was illegal.

Abortion is a medical procedure.

Women are still treated like property and every corner preacher believe women must be subservient to them. They need to stick to telling fantastic stories and preaching ignorance.

You don't have the faintest clue what you are talking about. As I've pointed out several times already, you bias and bigoted views on the Christian religion are clear.

Have you not paid any attention as to how many preachers are arrested for molesting under-age girls?

It would see like it is about equal to the number of teachers, mostly female, who have been busted for having sex with their students.

It is an epidemic and they want to make damn sure the law makes the little girls have their babies. Anti-abortion laws are about power over women. You might be surprised how high the percentage is.
Rape victims don’t have time for birth control.

Once again, not sure why you want on this big abortion kick. It seems like you are more concerned with preachers and religion than anything else, it's mostly all negative and paints with a pretty wide brush. I'm going to officially label you as a bigot. Now if you no longer want to discuss your misguided notions on gun laws and gun safety, then I'll be leaving this thread for less bigoted waters.

Reply Tue 1 May, 2018 02:08 pm
How many survive abortions?

That's not a very discerning question. The purpose of an abortion is to terminate the pregnancy. For the rest of the 75 to 90% a successful birth still isn't guaranteed — nor is a happy and healthy life.
Reply Tue 1 May, 2018 04:06 pm
That's not a very discerning question.

No, it is a rhetorical one.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 1 May, 2018 09:24 pm

Most politicians are easy to corrupt but once in office they have one thing in common they want to get rich. Unions on a local level have very little money to make political contributions. A typical contribution from a union might buy his family Sunday dinner but little more. What the unions have is an endorsement and plenty of manpower to work an election. The big money in town that underwrites every political campaign and usually both sides so whoever wins they go in office is beholding to them. The union for there part only want fair treatment but the money interest will buy city property for $25,000 one day and sell it to McDonalds the next for $500,000. This mayor took over when Reagan was bankrupting cities across America by taking Federal Revenue sharing away. Things were tight but as things began to improve after 7 years or so we were in contract negotiations with the mayor who as usual claimed to be broke. When we pointed out that people in management had been given large raises. The mayor said “That the people in management had a standard of living to maintain.” That election was over for all practical purposes at that point. That took place in 80s what caused the massive drug problem was big police lays offs to sink $100s of million in the local Civic Center to bring groups of druggies to town to sing the praises of drugs and how great the drug life style is. You know the theme sex, drugs, and rock and roll. Pretty soon a whole generation was lost chasing the ultimate high.
Words have more than one meaning in different context. This is not the biblical concept of supernatural pervasive evil that takes over innocent people this is simply the evil that men do on daily basses.
You can not take a right away that you never had. You never had a right to assault weapons.
Make no mistake about it if the Feds decide to enforce the law there will be no state where marijuana is legal. The executive branch decides which laws they will enforce. Many in America now have a favorable opinion about marijuana. Because you don’t choose to use the power does not mean it does not exist.
Most of the politicians in power today are still baby boomers.
The unions and their families make up a good portion of that 50,000 people. Just because you help elect a mayor does not mean you control him. Your only option is to elect another mayor your only hope is to find one that will treat you fairly.
That is the problem when it comes to rights. If a black man has the same rights as a white man than a majority of white men can’t vote those rights away.
In the founding father’s day technology moved extremely slow. The rapid advancement of technology today was made possible by advancement of knowledge. Up until 1900 all of the world’s knowledge doubled about every 100 years. By the end of WWII the world’s knowledge was doubling every 25 years. Now human knowledge is doubling every 13 months. It is now projected with build out of the Internet that human knowledge ever 12 hours. The weapons this new knowledge will make the present assault weapons look like children’s toys. No one can see into the future and the definition of “arms” can be only what existed at the time. As you cannot see into the future you cannot define the future.
The Constitution had to be adopted by the majority and it speaks again and again about the majority rule. You cannot take a right that someone never had in the first place. Assault weapons were banned before and they will be banned again. The second amendment was written to preserve the status quo at the time it was written not to make matters thousands of times worse. No nation is free where men use the government to control women’s vaginas.
The Heller case is very clear that limits can be placed on dangerous and deadly weapons. This is the NRA big case and it is extremely clear that the second amendment is not unlimited.
The assault weapons on the streets are the same exact weapons with the exception of three parts.
Shot guns have common characteristic and can fire buckshot, the barrel is bigger than a rifle. With shot guns it is the type of ammunition they fire.
Aren’t all guns fired with hands?
You might have a civil war cannon that fires a much bigger round than a Ruger Ranch Rifle but mass murders have not found out how to drag one into a school. It is not the size of the bullets in the gun it is the number of people the gun can kill in the shortest period of time.
The NRA has made more enemies than it is paltry membership can handle. The writing prevails there will always be arms but they will be limited according to the supreme court.
You cannot see into the future and you cannot define the future. You cannot infringe a right you never had. You continue to believe that the second amendment is unlimited the supreme court has ruled otherwise.
The Gun manufacturers passed a law that prohibited the CDC from gathering statistic about gun violence to hide it. Out of this study how many used an AR-15 to defend themselves? None.
Since we are talking an about an assault weapon ban we need to know how many people used AR-15s to defend themselves. Congress loves to name things. If congress pass a law that it calls it the “save the environment bill” you can bet the law is designed to destroy the environment. Just because you come up with a name when someone is standing there with a gun it is not a gun free zone.
How many times can you pull the trigger of an AR-15 in minute? Fifty? A hundred? A hundred and fifty? Two hundred? All the other mechanisms are in place that make the AR-15 capable of firing 400 to 600 rounds a minute. I would have no trouble pulling the trigger two hundred times in a minute. It is hard to kill someone without firing a round. The more rounds fired the more people you kill.

Reply Wed 2 May, 2018 01:47 pm
Most politicians are easy to corrupt but once in office they have one thing in common they want to get rich. Unions on a local level have very little money to make political contributions.

To bad Unions from all over the country contribute to local elections to buy their politician of choice. It usually isn't the same politician that non-unions prefer. Don't try and play the "broke" union BS on me, they have plenty of money.

This mayor took over when Reagan was bankrupting cities across America by taking Federal Revenue sharing away.

So cities and towns were overspending and expected the Federal govt to make up their short falls?

You can not take a right away that you never had. You never had a right to assault weapons.

Where in the Constitution does it ban the right to the AR-15? They were legal up until the unnessary 1994 AWB, which expired in 2004.

Make no mistake about it if the Feds decide to enforce the law there will be no state where marijuana is legal.

This is a prime example of States Rights as expressed in the 10th Amendment. There is no Constitutional amendment concerning the regulation of drugs, so such things should be left to the States.

Most of the politicians in power today are still baby boomers.

For now, what's sad is those baby boomers want to skip the generation behind them and hand the reigns of power to the millennial's.

The unions and their families make up a good portion of that 50,000 people. Just because you help elect a mayor does not mean you control him. Your only option is to elect another mayor your only hope is to find one that will treat you fairly.

How sad is that. If they make up a good portion of that 50k, that must mean you have a really over boated local govt, no wonder they were going broke.

That is the problem when it comes to rights. If a black man has the same rights as a white man than a majority of white men can’t vote those rights away.

Only a communist would see a problem with rights.

In the founding father’s day technology moved extremely slow.

Advancement of technology has nothing to do with our rights and the Constitution. The term "Arms" was used as generic for a reason, it encompassed any sort of current or future "arms" that would be developed or invented. They Founders saw no reason for the govt to be better armed than civilians, that is what would lead to tyranny, kind of like what your side of the aisle is trying to do now.

The Constitution had to be adopted by the majority and it speaks again and again about the majority rule.

Can you point to where it mentions this power of Majority Rule? It doesn't have anything to do with the people, it has to do with the govt's 3 branches and "checks and balances".

It is also mentioned that Majority rule but minority rights.

You cannot take a right that someone never had in the first place. Assault weapons were banned before and they will be banned again.

We have always had the right to bear arms, that can't be taken away. AW were stupidly banned and did nothing to effect the already dropping crime rates. It has been studied and proven, the 1994 AWB did nothing that it was intended to do.

The second amendment was written to preserve the status quo at the time it was written not to make matters thousands of times worse.

You have no idea what you are talking about do you. I don't know which matters you think were made worse by the 2nd Amendment.

No nation is free where men use the government to control women’s vaginas.

Talk about a narrow definition or freedom, it only applies to 50% of the population...

The Heller case is very clear that limits can be placed on dangerous and deadly weapons. This is the NRA big case and it is extremely clear that the second amendment is not unlimited.

We shall see what happens in the next few years.

The assault weapons on the streets are the same exact weapons with the exception of three parts.

This should be interesting as you have already proven you know nothing about guns or the ammo they shoot, which 3 parts are the exception? How do those parts make the gun so deadly?

Shot guns have common characteristic and can fire buckshot, the barrel is bigger than a rifle. With shot guns it is the type of ammunition they fire.

See, you are proving you don't know **** about guns again.
Shotguns come in semi-auto, pump action, single barrel/double barrel with break open actions. They can shoot different sizes of shot to include rock salt and they even fire slugs. They come in different gages which will determine the size of the barrel opening. The bigger the barrel opening, the deadlier the shotgun. A 12 gauge is much deadlier than a 110.

You might have a civil war cannon that fires a much bigger round than a Ruger Ranch Rifle but mass murders have not found out how to drag one into a school.

Silly comparisons that no one takes seriously. If you want to talk about these things, then use some common sense.
The question about the Ruger Ranch Rifle was to compare it to the AR-15, not a civil war cannon. This is how you can tell you aren't winning the debate.

It is not the size of the bullets in the gun it is the number of people the gun can kill in the shortest period of time.

Once again, spoken like someone who doesn't have the faintest understanding what what they are saying.

The NRA has made more enemies than it is paltry membership can handle.

The NRA has done no such things. The anti-gun groups in the US have made the NRA and their members into enemies. When people find out what the NRA is really about, not what the MSM tells them, people join the NRA. When all you can do is lie about a group, it shows the weakness of your argument and that those arguments can't stand on their own merit.

The writing prevails there will always be arms but they will be limited according to the supreme court.

Not if the left has their way. We already know their true aim is to rid the US of the 2nd Amendment and all guns. It's the only way the left can truely seize power.

Isn't it funny, the same groups who tell us we can't have guns and only the police should have guns, are also the very same people who for the last few years have told us we can't trust the police... Which is it?

The Gun manufacturers passed a law that prohibited the CDC from gathering statistic about gun violence to hide it.

Another popular lie told by the anti-gun left.

Out of this study how many used an AR-15 to defend themselves? None.

Are you really saying that not one single person in the US has defended themselves with an AR-15? You can't be that daft can you?
The mass shooting at the church in Texas was stopped by a guy with an AR-15.
This story is from 2013, and tells the tales of 5 people who used an AR-15 to defend either their home or business. Like a majority of the misinformaiton you tell, I have proven you wrong yet again, 5 is higher than none.

Since we are talking an about an assault weapon ban we need to know how many people used AR-15s to defend themselves.

No, you are talking about banning guns, not me. As I posted before, between 500k and 2 million defensive uses of guns per year, according to the 2013 CDC study commissioned by President Obama. You know why this isn't used more in the anti-gun debate? It doesn't fit their false narratives.

Congress loves to name things. If congress pass a law that it calls it the “save the environment bill” you can bet the law is designed to destroy the environment.

You mean like the Affordable Care Act...

Just because you come up with a name when someone is standing there with a gun it is not a gun free zone.

Read the law again, civilians are not allowed to have guns in those area's, hence the "gun free zones". Just read the law, stop trying to pick it apart and read it.

How many times can you pull the trigger of an AR-15 in minute? Fifty? A hundred? A hundred and fifty? Two hundred?

Just the AR-15 or any semi-auto gun? I've never seen how fast I can pull the trigger, I have always been more concerned with shot placement and proper shooting basics. Shooting fast doesn't mean anything when you miss what you are shooting at.

All the other mechanisms are in place that make the AR-15 capable of firing 400 to 600 rounds a minute. I would have no trouble pulling the trigger two hundred times in a minute.

What is so special about the AR-15 vs the Ruger Ranch Rifle?

It is hard to kill someone without firing a round. The more rounds fired the more people you kill.

You keep saying things that are proven false. Firing faster doesn't mean **** and more "lead down range" also doesn't mean anything if you can't hit what you are shooting at. You can tell you don't know anything about guns when you talk about firing a gun like this and not to mention you talk about the least common events when it comes to guns.

Reply Wed 2 May, 2018 05:31 pm
Ayn Rand was educated at a communist university

As were most anti-communists who moved to the US and spoke out against it, they were and are warning us about the evils of communism. Don't believe Ayn, how about Lilly, she was born, raised and educated in China, came to the US and now is warning her fellow citizens that communism isn't cool. Over over bearing govt is not our friends. It's funny how she understands the Constitution and you don't.

Check out Lilly Tang Williams, this is who I voted for in the 2016 election.
Reply Wed 2 May, 2018 09:02 pm

There is a world of difference between a semiautomatic rifle an assault weapon. If they are the same then after the assault weapons are banned you can have a semi-automatic rifle since there is no difference you should be happy with a semi-automatic rifle.
When the frequency of fire is almost uninterrupted you can bet it is an assault weapon when there is a couple of seconds between rounds it might be a bolt action.
I know all I need to know about guns they were designed to kill people. All cops are trained not to be heroes, to wait for back up.
You don’t need to be gun designer to make laws that ban dangerous and deadly weapons and you can always have a semiautomatic rifle there the same remember.
To call it gun free zone is one thing but any gun free zone will be crawling with guns in a minute or two.
Mass murders are well aware of that and it does not discourage them. Congress makes all kinds of laws that are named the opposite of there purpose. ____________________________________________________________________________________
If police in Maryland had heard uninterrupted gun fire he would have known it was an assault weapon.
Your lost in the name of a law not the actual factual situation.
The most frequently stolen items in WV are guns if you own them you should not brag about your gun collection because it will be stolen. One of the firemen had a big gun safe the thieves got his cutting torch and cut out of his garage the door off the safe. So, if you have an AR-15 it will likely be stolen in your life time and used to kill people. A used car salesman had his entire gun collection stolen on a Saturday afternoon while he and his wife were upstairs getting ready to go out.
If I cut an AR-15 up with my cutting torch nobody could put it back together.
The constitution was to ensure that the majority rules.
I took most of my law classes in the 70s and 80s and that was a nonissue at the time.
Professional polling is pretty accurate. It is to expensive to question everyone. Maybe the census could add some questions like do you own an AR-15.
Don’t you have to register the gun to buy it legally?
This generation grew up on cowboy movies. Shoot em up bang, bang your dead. Monkey see monkey want. The younger generation is far less likely to hunt and far less likely to own gun. In 20 years the cowboy generation will have mostly passed and being a pretend hero won’t require a gun.

Reply Thu 3 May, 2018 11:13 am
There is a world of difference between a semiautomatic rifle an assault weapon.

Please explain this world of difference that exists between the 2 "different" rifles. What separates the Ruger Ranch Rifle, which is a semi-auto, from the AR-15 which is also a semi-auto?

If they are the same then after the assault weapons are banned you can have a semi-automatic rifle since there is no difference you should be happy with a semi-automatic rifle.

What makes the AR-15 an assault rifle and the Ruger Ranch Rifle not an assault rifle, they are both semi-auto rifles. Why should the AR be banned if it is no different than the any other semi-auto rifle?

When the frequency of fire is almost uninterrupted you can bet it is an assault weapon when there is a couple of seconds between rounds it might be a bolt action.

What's the difference between an assault weapon and a semi-auto? It might be a bolt action, or it could be a pump action or it could be a lever action. In reality, until someone puts eyes on the gun, you won't know what you are facing. Can you tell the difference between a semi-auto handgun and a semi-auto rifle?

I know all I need to know about guns they were designed to kill people. All cops are trained not to be heroes, to wait for back up.

Your bias towards guns is clear. You have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to police response the the difference situations they are trained for. When it comes to a mass shooter event, they do not wait, they are to engage the shooter and stop the threat, not wait while more people are killed. Here, more proof you don't know what you are talking about.

You don’t need to be gun designer to make laws that ban dangerous and deadly weapons and you can always have a semiautomatic rifle there the same remember.

You don't need to be a gun designer, but you should have a basic understanding what guns you are talking about. You need to explain the difference between a semi-auto rifle and what you consider an assault weapon. You keep using terms I don't think you really understand, you have picked up on the buzz words that make guns sound scary.

To call it gun free zone is one thing but any gun free zone will be crawling with guns in a minute or two.

Daft, that's the word for your silly response. According to your earlier replies, someone can kill 30 people in just about a minute and if cops only have handguns, they shouldn't have to engage a shooter. Your words, not mine. Remember the cop at Parkland who stayed outside and didn't engage the shooter, the excuse you made for him? This is you talking out of both sides of your face.

Mass murders are well aware of that and it does not discourage them. Congress makes all kinds of laws that are named the opposite of there purpose.

Keep making excuses for pathetic govt, that you seem to want to hand more power to...

If police in Maryland had heard uninterrupted gun fire he would have known it was an assault weapon.

A semi-auto handgun can fire just as fast as a semi-auto rifle. Once again stop making excuses for a cop who failed to do his job, and stop limiting the bravery of the cop who actually did his job and engaged an active shooter.

Your lost in the name of a law not the actual factual situation.

The facts remain, that civilians are not permitted by law to have guns in certain locations, making those area's gun free zones. Please, stop being daft.

The most frequently stolen items in WV are guns if you own them you should not brag about your gun collection because it will be stolen.

Do you have any facts to back up this claim? You sure seem to post a lot of "facts" but don't actually provide any proof. That's a poor skill when debating.

One of the firemen had a big gun safe the thieves got his cutting torch and cut out of his garage the door off the safe. So, if you have an AR-15 it will likely be stolen in your life time and used to kill people. A used car salesman had his entire gun collection stolen on a Saturday afternoon while he and his wife were upstairs getting ready to go out.

Do you honestly believe this? Remind me again, how many mass shootings have taken place with stolen guns? 1, Sandyhook. You can't prove anything you have said besides some stories that don't really apply to what you have stated. Were any of those stolen guns traced to committed crimes or murders? Facts please.

If I cut an AR-15 up with my cutting torch nobody could put it back together.

That depends on how you cut it up. You actually have to cut across the chamber, most of those fools cut the barrel and stock off and left the working parts in perfect order. Those people did smart gun owners a favor.

The constitution was to ensure that the majority rules.

The Constitution does no such thing, but of course you are a communist, so of course you think it is about the "collective". Tell me, which of the Amendments mentions the rights of the majority? The Bill of Rights is about individual Liberty and Rights, nothing about the majority.

I took most of my law classes in the 70s and 80s and that was a nonissue at the time.

Without quotes, I have no idea what you are talking about.

Professional polling is pretty accurate. It is to expensive to question everyone. Maybe the census could add some questions like do you own an AR-15.

It is only "accurate" in that it can be used to find a result you want based on the questions you ask. Use confusing language that is designed to steer people towards a response is easy to do.

Why would the census ask such a question? What business is it of the federal govt what types of guns you own? The only reason to ask, would be to gain a list so they could be confiscated, it would serve no other purpose.

Don’t you have to register the gun to buy it legally?


This generation grew up on cowboy movies. Shoot em up bang, bang your dead. Monkey see monkey want.

Which generation are you talking about? There has been zero correlation between violence in movies and video games and violence in the real world.

The younger generation is far less likely to hunt and far less likely to own gun.

Not sure why you are equating gun ownership to hunting, the 2 are not linked, not even in the Constitution.

In 20 years the cowboy generation will have mostly passed and being a pretend hero won’t require a gun.

You are living in a dream world. There are more gun owners out there then you think and it has nothing to do with your wild imagination or transference.
Do you use pretend hero in a way to deflect from the numerous uses of guns for self-defense. You had asked for and I provided at least 5 cases where people used the AR-15 for personal defense.

Cowards always doubt the courage of others...

Reply Thu 3 May, 2018 09:15 pm

Sounds like a good idea to me if it penetrates a bullet proof vest ban it.
Even if they steal it from the poorest among us to give it to the richest? If history has taught us one thing it is that when the rich game the system till they have 99% of a country’s wealth it is game over the middle-class revolts and roasts the rich on spits and feeds them to their wife. The typical distribution of wealth is that 4% people have 96% of the country’s wealth and 96% of people have 4% of the wealth but the rich are never satisfied their greed knows no bounds they will never be satisfied until they have a 100% of country’s wealth. The middle class will not fight to keep their share but the rich will fight to the death to keep all their wealth. The rich take more and more but when the rich take 99% of the country’s wealth the revolution starts. At that point their families are starving. This is what happened in Vietnam they stood by and watched the food being shipped out of the country while their families starved. When the rich destroy the middle-class the country fails and America is failing now. If wealth was just wealth it would be a problem but wealth is not just wealth it is political power and that powered is used like a gun to take even more wealth.
You at least should be able to follow along your posts are answered line by line. You should be able to put your post on one screen and follow my reply on the other. When I get to the book store I will get a book on windows 10 and see what they changed.
No, I paid income tax and even after income tax was withheld I had to pay more income tax. I still have the tax returns.
Do know anything about the history of income tax? Income tax was a tax levied on “excess wealth” this tax was to be paid only by the wealthy. No working man paid income tax. The ungodly greedy shifted a tax that was levied against them onto the poor. The Republicans in the House had intended to raise the 10% tax bracket to 12% and call it a tax cut.
Before Reagan took over the first tax bracket was 0% on the first $3,400 ($11,648.66 in todays dollars) but Regan cut the taxes on the rich 60% but what happen to the 0% bracket well Reagan raised it to 15% and told all the stupid Republicans what a huge tax cut they got and they honestly believed 15% was better than 0%. Go figure. It was so nice of baby Bush to cut the tax bracket that had been 0% under Reagan up to 10%
I was married and I paid income tax in 1972 if you made $1,000 after the standard and personal exemptions you 14% income tax.
I can tell you don’t do your own income taxes because the way you figure you would be in jail. A family making $50,000 with three children would get $24,000 standard deduction plus $6,000 for the children child credit meaning they would pay the entire 10% bracket and part of the 12% paying much higher taxes than last year. Like I said Republican tax scam. The Pew Research Center is one of the leading propaganda centers in America. If you want to compare taxes the one thing Pew doesn’t want you know is that those over $200,000 have over 80% of the income but pay only 58% of the tax that was levied on excess wealth and they are responsible for a 100%. Gee isn’t funny they would leave out how much of the wealth they have which is the only important comparison. They call it a “Fact Tank” when it a lie tank. When all taxes, local, state, and Federal are taken into account what group pays the smallest percentage? The ungodly greedy.
What skews the tax system is the child tax credit which is a welfare system that pays tax refunds to those who pay no taxes. Remove the welfare program and it will change the tax return equation.
When you do a tax return even a short form you get both the standard deduction and a personal exemption for each individual at least you did till this year When Trump took it away. In a long form the game is trying to beat the standard deduction by itemizing deductions instead of claiming the standard deduction and you can still opt out of taking the standard deductions. This is why fewer people will itemize deductions and may still end up paying higher taxes.

Reply Fri 4 May, 2018 10:34 am
Sounds like a good idea to me if it penetrates a bullet proof vest ban it.

This is why people like you shouldn't be allowed to create or even have a say in gun laws. As I have pointed out, it's a ban on all guns in slow motion. Once it starts, it won't stop.

Even if they steal it from the poorest among us to give it to the richest? If history has taught us one thing it is that when the rich game the system till they have 99% of a country’s wealth it is game over the middle-class revolts and roasts the rich on spits and feeds them to their wife.

Thank you Mr. Marx.

You at least should be able to follow along your posts are answered line by line. You should be able to put your post on one screen and follow my reply on the other. When I get to the book store I will get a book on windows 10 and see what they changed.

Here, here is a post on how to use the quotes, it really is simple and you will kick yourself.
No, I paid income tax and even after income tax was withheld I had to pay more income tax. I still have the tax returns.

Sounds like you didn't pay your fair share...

Do know anything about the history of income tax? Income tax was a tax levied on “excess wealth” this tax was to be paid only by the wealthy.

"Excess wealth" isn't a term used in the laws. It was simply on incomes of a certain amount, from what I read, it was $600. What you also failed to mention, which doesn't surprise me, is that those first income taxes also expired after a few years.

No working man paid income tax. The ungodly greedy shifted a tax that was levied against them onto the poor.

I notice your limited usage of "working man". It was the govt who got greedy when they saw all the money they were collecting from the tax, they wanted more. The 16th Amendment which gave us our modern day income tax, is barely 100 years old. I always find it laughable that greedy is wanting to keep as much as your own income as possible. It's not greedy to take the income of others and continue to try and get as much as you can.

The Republicans in the House had intended to raise the 10% tax bracket to 12% and call it a tax cut.

Shouldn't everyone pay their fair share, even the poor?

Before Reagan took over the first tax bracket was 0% on the first $3,400 ($11,648.66 in todays dollars) but Regan cut the taxes on the rich 60% but what happen to the 0% bracket well Reagan raised it to 15% and told all the stupid Republicans what a huge tax cut they got and they honestly believed 15% was better than 0%. Go figure. It was so nice of baby Bush to cut the tax bracket that had been 0% under Reagan up to 10%

Do you have some links to these facts? If I recall, the DNC was in charge of The House, you know where the purse strings are controlled. In fact they were in control of The House for about 40 years, from the mid 1950's until the mid 1990's.

I was married and I paid income tax in 1972 if you made $1,000 after the standard and personal exemptions you 14% income tax.

You are really going to compare your taxes from 1972, to taxes today? Do know how intellectual dishonest that is? How many changes have been made to the tax code in the last 45 years?

I can tell you don’t do your own income taxes because the way you figure you would be in jail. A family making $50,000 with three children would get $24,000 standard deduction plus $6,000 for the children child credit meaning they would pay the entire 10% bracket and part of the 12% paying much higher taxes than last year.

Have you run these #'s through any of the available 2018 Tax calculators? You should really try it, instead of just using your own math.

The Pew Research Center is one of the leading propaganda centers in America.

According to who, the Communits of America?

If you want to compare taxes the one thing Pew doesn’t want you know is that those over $200,000 have over 80% of the income but pay only 58% of the tax that was levied on excess wealth and they are responsible for a 100%.

The income inequality myth put forth by your ilk... I like how you also are trying to confuse income with wealth, more intellectual dishonesty. There is no such thing as "excess wealth" in the US tax code, it's a leftist lie and the real propaganda used to dupe the masses. Who determines what is "excessive wealth", you?

Gee isn’t funny they would leave out how much of the wealth they have which is the only important comparison.

Another lie used by Communists. Marx would be proud of you, being the useful idiot that you are.

They call it a “Fact Tank” when it a lie tank. When all taxes, local, state, and Federal are taken into account what group pays the smallest percentage? The ungodly greedy.

The poor, who pay almost no taxes and receive more in govt assistance then they pay into the system. The poor do not pay their "fair share". Woot woot, it's a Bernie Bro.

What skews the tax system is the child tax credit which is a welfare system that pays tax refunds to those who pay no taxes. Remove the welfare program and it will change the tax return equation.

So take away a tax credit that is used only for the poor? If you make over a certain amount, you do not get the Earn Income Tax Credit.

When you do a tax return even a short form you get both the standard deduction and a personal exemption for each individual at least you did till this year.

You have never been able to use the Standard deduction and the itemized deduction. It has always been a choice between the 2. The vast majority of Americans about 60%, use the standard because they would get a better deduction. You really have to stop with the deception on how the tax code works.

The rest of your post, was lying about the tax code.

Reply Fri 4 May, 2018 10:36 am
Thank you Mr. Marx.

Don't call him/her a communist it upsets/him/her. Laughing Laughing Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Fri 4 May, 2018 08:32 pm

I know who voted for Trump. The hayseeds, the people that are ignorant of history, the people who are ignorant political science, the racists, the American Nazis, the Russians and now we know how the Russians paid for Trump’s election. It seems the massive amount of money the NRA spent to get Trump elected that at least part of the money came from Russia. The NRA was Trump’s biggest campaign contributor. It seems like a Russian banker is a lifetime member of the NRA and has set up a chapter in Russia. Meet the Press Daily broke the story today that the NRA is being investigated as a Russian stooge. A good deal of the money to elect Trump came from Russia.
Most politicians have what they call a home state advantage not Trump. His home town, the people that knew him best, New York. Trump only got 39.5% of the vote in New York City.
Home school children are not socialized with their peer group. Socialization is as important as other subjects in school. This sets up recipe for a mass murder since most mass murders are loners. The Sandy Hook mass murder, Adam Lanza, was home schooled.
Religion is no more than imagination you might as well believe in the ninja turtles. Imagine a world where the main religion was ninja turtles and their followers wanted to make laws according to the ninja turtles stories. Come to think of it, it might be better.
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Public education is what made America great it not only offered and education but required children to get an education. My sister is a teacher in a southern Republican state with no union but the schools are pretty much the same union or not.
When you eliminate a $4,000 personal exemption for a child and replace with an exemption for $10,000 that most parents can't afford it just takes the $4,050 exemption.

Private school tuition it is meaningless for the middle class who could never afford it in the first place. The Republican tax scam takes from poorest to fund Trump’s personal $100,000 million tax cuts.

Reply Sat 5 May, 2018 07:57 pm
Karl Marx to resign, ditch legacy due to sexual misconduct


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