The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Sun 10 Sep, 2017 09:12 pm
Steve Bannon told “60 Minutes” that the Republicans will likely lose the House of Representatives over the Dreamer issue. It looks like there might be a civil war between radical faction of the Republican Party and the more moderates faction. The radical faction believes like Bannon that the Dreamers are taking the jobs that belong to Americans while the moderate Republicans believe that the Dreamers are contributing to our economy. Since the Dreamers were bought to America by their parents when they were small children it is hard to blame them.

To the Dreamers that grew up in America this is the only known country they have ever known would be unjust to deport them. Deporting them to a country they never knew would be hardship on them. The Democrats no doubt will support a path to citizenship for the Dreamers but they will need the support of a few Republicans in the House and Senate to pass it. There will be a move in Congress to put pressure on Republicans to keep them for voting for any bill that lets the Dreamers stay in America.

Then the bill must be signed by Trump who has taken the nationalist stand of Bannon publicly but hinted that if Congress did nothing he would “revisit” the issue in six months. That statement seems to show that Trump will be open to solution for the Dreamers short of deportation. If the Republicans go to war with each other over the issue it may be good for the country.
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Reply Mon 11 Sep, 2017 09:21 pm
The very best predictor of what a man will do in the future is what he has done in the past. Trump has lived his whole entire life for one purpose and that is to benefit himself don’t expect him to change. No one should be surprised that Trump is now doing business with a business owned by a foreign government. This is of course illegal but that will not bother Trump in the least. To Trump laws are just temporary obstacles to get around. Trump and a partner are building a golf course in Dubai a $32 million contract for a six-lane road in a residential section of the project was given to a subsidiary of the China State Construction Engineering Corporation.

This allows Trump to take bribes if the actual cost of the project had been say $66 million by underbidding it this would amount a $34 million bribe. Trumps holdings were not put in a blind trust so Trump can revoke his trust at anytime. Trump is also has ‘exclusive benefit’ of his trust and can receive the benefits of his trust at any time. This allows Trump to take thinly disguised bribes. If we ask ourselves would Trump take a bribe I think we all know what the answer to that question would be. A man that would molest women and brag about it has no respect for women or law of the land.

Now we find out that the lawyers in White House advised Trump that he needed to fire his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, because all of his contacts with the Russians and other foreign leaders during the election. Trump decided to fly against ALA (against legal advice) and keep Kushner despite all his illegal contacts with the Russians. You should begin to see a pattern here. Trump believes that he is above the law and that there will be no repercussion if he breaks the law. It is time they teach Trump that the laws of the land apply to him also.
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Reply Tue 12 Sep, 2017 09:19 pm
The House of Representative passed a resolution condemning the KKK, white nationalists, and neo-nazis and sent it to Trump for his signature. Will Trump sign it and take a chance of alienating a good portion of his base or will he refuse to sign it? Only time will tell but it is likely Trump will attempt to offload the blame on to other groups. The position Trump has taken on hate groups has only served to embolden them. When Trump tried to place the blame in the Virginia demonstration on many different groups and said the Nazis and KKK members were “fine people” it assured more violent demonstrations.

Most politicians like to straddle the middle on controversial issues but on this issue Trump is being forced to choose a side. He can chose to support the KKK, the white nationalist, and the neo-nazis or he can sign the resolution. It will be interesting to watch Trump twist in the wind.
“The resolution formerly condemns “the racist violence and domestic terrorist attack”

From an Internet article named: “House Sends Resolution Urging Trump to Condemn White Supremacists”

Source “The Hill”
There has been an upswing in the number of hate groups and the number of people joining these groups but the most alarming part is the number of people in the middle who are more sympathetic towards the beliefs of these hate groups. The environment that Trump has created in America will let these hate groups flourish. Hate groups are nothing new they have always been with us but when the conditions are right they become popular with people that otherwise would not be involved. When the former Grand Wizard of the KKK openly praises a sitting president there is something wrong.
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Reply Wed 13 Sep, 2017 09:06 pm
Rush Slimbaugh and Ann Coulter are in hot water for saying that the hurricane in Florida was being over hyped by the media to bolster the global warming theory. Coulter said it just rained in Miami even though the ocean was clearly filling the streets. Slimbaugh and Coulter were telling their audience that: “the liberal media had cooked up the storm for ratings, retail sales and politics. Nothing to see here.” Of course Slimbaugh got the hell out of Florida saying he would not be allowed to transmit his show out of Florida while every major news media outlet in the world was transmitting their shows out of Florida. Seems strange that they would single out poor old Slimbaugh.

Slimbaugh left Florida with his tale between his legs on Thursday three days before the hurricane hit. Rush if it was just an over hyped rainstorm why did you evacuate?
Limbaugh’s position is reflective of a “right-wing orthodoxy, which favors doing nothing in response to climate change on the theory it’s all an expensive boondoggle designed to victimize innocent oil and gas companies.”

USA Today

If Ann Coulter and Slimbaugh wanted to prove the hurricane was over hyped all they had to do was go to Key West and stand out in the storm like the storm chaser did. But no doubt Ann Coulter was home in New York telling the people in Florida that the storm was no big deal it was just over hyped by the liberal news media. The people who listen this trash no doubt stayed put and when they looked outside at 130 mph winds they knew it was being created by the liberal news media with wind machines for a photo opportunity to support the global warming theory. If it could be demonstrated that people stayed in Florida because Slimbaugh and Coulter were countermanding the evacuation orders and died because they believed what Slimbaugh was saying then Slimbaugh and Coulter should be charged with manslaughter. Slimbaugh can push his silly nonsense all he wants but when it meets reality the nonsense won’t stand up.

“Innocent oil and gas companies” pump 100s of millions of tons of pollution into the air every year and they are pumping 100s of million of dollars into the political system each year to make sure they can continue.
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Reply Thu 14 Sep, 2017 08:45 pm
Trump seems to be changing course in mid-stream. He still plans to build the wall but now it will be used to make sure the Mexicans can’t return home. We have a local politician who has been a councilman, served on the Charter Board and ran for mayor several times. He is admired by many people for the same reason Trump is he bad mouths other politicans. I don’t think there is anyone who he hasn’t invited out back in the alley to fight. People just get a vicarious thrill out of watching a politician abuse other politicians. But the worst thing about this character isn’t that he wants to fight it is his constant changing of his position on political matters. When some of the union members wanted to back him I pointed out that you will see Tom going by on his horse in one direction but if you wait for a while here he will come going in the opposite direction. Trump was very explicit about his position on the Dreamers saying he wanted to keep their families together in Mexico. Now Trump is close to a deal that will let the Dreamers remain in America. Trump base is very upset. Maybe it is not Trump maybe it is the horse he is riding that he can no longer control.

First Trump said the KKK, Neo-Nazis and White Nationalists were fine people but now he signed a resolution condemning the hate groups. There goes his horse again. First Trump was telling the country what fine people the Russians were and now he recently put even more sanctions on Russia for their involvement in the 2016 election which Trump denies ever happened, Why would Trump put even more sanctions on the Russian if he believes they are innocent? “If you can’t control the situation the situation will control you.” Trump is just along for the ride Washington has broke him.
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Reply Fri 15 Sep, 2017 09:16 pm
The pentagon has started canceling contracts for immigrants who have joined the armed serves. The immigrants have made it possible for the armed services to meet their recruiting quotas. If the armed services can no longer meet their recruiting quotas during a time of war we will need a draft to provide enough people for the armed services. It looks like we might have to draft Trump since he avoided the draft before. Trump five deferments have surely expired by now. Why end the immigrant-recruiting program now? Simple it provided a way to citizenship. If one group of immigrants are provided with a path toward citizenship then other immigrants could argue that they should also be granted a path toward citizenship.

America has fought two major wars without having to institute a draft. During the Vietnam War the draft was a major bone of contention. There were major demonstrations on most college campuses against the draft in the 60s. It is an unpleasant fact that when we go to war some people have to do the fighting and the dying. Faced with going off to fight a war in a foreign country or staying home most people like Trump will go to great lengths to avoid being forced to join the military. If the immigrants are willing to join our military why stop them? If they serve should they be entitled to citizenship? Absolutely, if they are willing to put their life on the line to defend America the least America can do is grant them citizenship.

It is not only what is being done but how it is being done. In order to cancel the immigrants contracts they are texting the immigrants and asking if they are going to reenlist but they are given only 10 minutes to decide. If they don’t reenlist there contract is canceled. The Whitehouse is evidently pushing this to gain favor with its anti immigrant base. I wonder how many people in the anti-immigrant base want to take the immigrants place and die in Afghanistan? I don’t think the line would be very long and bringing back the draft may be the only solution.
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Reply Sat 16 Sep, 2017 09:44 pm
You know it is a good day when you see Trump supporters burning their “Make America Great Again Hats.” This shows that his base is beginning to crack. Trump’s hard line supporters who voted for him because he promised to deport all of the illegal aliens when he got in office, even the illegal alien he is married to, heck it will be much cheaper than a divorce. Trump’s first divorce came during a string of his bankruptcies and scared some of the biggest banks in the world to death because if she managed to get half of what remained of Trump’s assets they would be in a world of hurt.

Bannon has now declared war on the establishment Republicans and with the Trump base ready to burn him along with his stupid hats should make for an interesting mid term election. If the Republicans are busy fighting among themselves it will be hard for them to fight the democrats also. This fight was inevitable after the Tea Party began to gain more control of the Republican Party. The ultra rich that are the driving force behind the Tea Party. Many of the ultra rich were at one time libertarians they not only have radical political beliefs they have the money to buy politicians that will do their bidding. If a politician they have invested millions in votes against their interests he is summoned to their estate where it made very clear that they will finance his opponent in the next primary if he does not vote as told.

The Koch brothers have done their best to unify the money of the ultra rich into one fund so the rich would speak with one voice. They hold meetings where money is raised to support the Kochtopus, which reaches into every corner of life in America. The Kochtopus reaches into Universities, think tanks, political action organizations and many other activities. The Supreme Court Citizen United decision took the lid off of money that the ultra rich could spend during an election. But this had a draw back also as each one of the ultra rich wants to own his own pet president and that could be seen in the Republican primary where 16 people ran for the nomination. Each one of the ultra rich could and did select a candidate that best matched their radical political beliefs. Sheldon Adelson spent $20 million to get Newt Gingrich the nomination and Gingrich changed his views to conform to Adelson. Another one of the ultra rich spent $5 million to get Rick Santorum the nomination. The problem with the ultra rich is they make their money in different ways an end up fighting each other to benefit their political interests.
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Reply Sun 17 Sep, 2017 09:24 pm
It looks like another hurricane is likely to hit Florida. There are now two active hurricanes in the Atlantic and another tropical storm. Maria is now a category one hurricane and expected to go to a category three soon. Maria is following the same path that Irma followed if it continues along that path it will hit Florida. Sine Rush Slimbaugh and Ann Coulter believe these hurricanes are nothing more than hype they should have no problem standing out in the 100 mph winds. Holocaust deniers have become popular on the right but now we have to put up with hurricane deniers. It is easy to deny something that happened in the distant past because you were not there but how do you deny something that is taking place in the present before your very eyes?

Rush Slimbaugh is now trying to say he was taken out of context, which is the standard excuse every time he says something stupid. Slimbaugh has tapes of all of his programs instead of just saying he was taken out of context why does he simply play the tapes and show everyone how he was taken out of context? That would be easy to do if indeed he was taken out of context but impossible if he wasn’t taken out of context. Rush said the liberal media had cooked up the storm for ratings, retail sales and politics. Nothing to see here folks. Now can you think of any possible context that Slimbaugh could have put those words into that would change their meaning? That statement clearly agrees with Slimbaugh philosophy according to Slimbaugh there is no such thing as global warming therefore there cannot be more severe hurricanes caused by global warming. Under Slimbaugh philosophy if one does not exist than the other cannot exist. Than clearly if Irma was not created by global warming it must have been created by the liberal news media. You can’t blame Slimbaugh he gets paid by the Koch brother who pump millions of tons of pollutants into the atmosphere each year to make statements like that and they are willing to pay to ensure that they will be able to keep doing it free from government regulation. With Maria headed for Florida don’t be surprised for Slimbaugh to claim that it is also being created by the liberal news media.
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Reply Mon 18 Sep, 2017 09:36 pm
Now we know how the FBI knew the details of Trump Jr. meeting with the Russians it seems one of the participants in the meeting was wire tapped. Trump Tower wasn't wire tapped one of the individuals in the meeting was wire tapped and had been since 2014. There had been a major investigation going on into three US firms who were working for the Russians. These firms were being paid million of dollars to positively influence the US public opinion of the former president of the Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych. Yanukovych's Party of Regions was both corrupt and pro Russian. Putin needed a pro Russian government in the Ukraine so Russia had a vested interest in the outcome Paul Manafort's work. Of course Paul Manafort was Trump's campaign manager and he was already under investigation and wire tapped prior to becoming Trump's campaign manager. This association may explain Trump's over the top pro Russian position.

The other two consulting firms involved besides Manafort's firm are the Podesta Group and the Mercury LLC. Since Manafort was wire tapped we are going to know a whole lot more about the meeting Trump Jr. set up with the Russians. Trump Jr. won't be able to use Slimbaugh's excuse that he was taken out of context since we have the whole and complete context. Basically Manafort was on the Russian's payroll while he was Trump's campaign manager and in a position to influence Trump's position on Russia. None of the firms had registered as agents for a foreign government until long after the investigation became public.

Carter Page, once identified as Trump's national security advisor was being cultivated by Russian spies was also wire tapped by the Justice Department. It is said that where there is smoke there is fire but where there is a wild fire there can be no doubt.
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Reply Tue 19 Sep, 2017 09:29 pm
Prosecutors working for special council Robert Muller have notified Paul Manafort that he is going to be indicted and so the game begins. Now it will be time to play let's make a deal they no doubt have enough evidence to put Manafort away for a good long time. The prosecutors will offer Manafort a deal if he cooperates with the prosecution they will cut his jail time. Manafort home in Virginia was raided in the predawn hours and Manafort's financial records were sized. Manafort had concealed most of his money in offshore accounts.

Manafort was also reported to have ripped off the Russian mob for a million dollars. With all of Trump's mafia connections I would not be surprised if Manafort ended up as part of a foundation for a hotel like happened to Jimmy Hoffa. Trump and his lawyer were responsible for ending the Justice Department wiretap on Manafort. Here we find Trump guilty of interfering with a legal investigation sanctioned by a court of law. Trump believes that he is all powerful and above any law only time will tell if he gets away with it.

Maria has turned into another category five hurricane. The early predictions had forecast it to remain a category one but the predictions had to be upgraded several times. So far Maria is not projected to hit mainland but that can change. Hurricane Jose has made a second complete circle in the Atlantic and is expected to be a factor in weakening Maria and keeping it away from the East Coast. Since these two hurricanes will occupy the same space one has to wonder if these two hurricanes could join and form a super storm. Maria was just a tropical storm two days ago and now it is a category five hurricane and tropical storm Lee is following behind Maria. Global warming predicts that parts of the world will become uninhabitable. Some of the islands had 80% of the structure demolished and now another category 5 is bearing down on them. If these storms continue these islands will be uninhabitable.
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Reply Wed 20 Sep, 2017 08:59 pm
When the super rich tried and failed to buy the 2012 presidential election they turned their money and attention to winning control of the state legislatures and governors races and they were far more successful at that. The Republicans took control of many state legislatures. They also won many governors races. This was accomplished with 100s of millions in dark money. The rich are now pooling their money and letting professional political consults decide where their money will be the most effective. The Koch brother hold two meeting of the super rich each year to raise money. Meals are auction off like a charity would do except in this case the super rich bid millions trying to out do each other. The money is laundered through different organization like Americans for Prosperity and others. When an organization makes a contribution to candidate the public has no idea who is funding that organization.

West Virginia was one of the states targeted by the super rich and true to form the Republicans took over the legislature for the first time in a hundred years. The governor was a Republican who switched his registration from Republican to Democrat a few months before he ran for election then after he won he switched his registration back to Republican so now we voted for a Democrat but the Republicans have complete control of the state. As always the Republicans give huge tax cuts to the super rich and cut the funding to the colleges in the state so that an education will become unaffordable for the middle class.

In North Carolina a multi billionaire who owns a string of discount stores managed to get appointed as budget director where he cut the funding to the universities than he offered $500,000 contribution of his own money to the University if he could control what was being taught to the students. He would replace the text books with one that taught conservative political ideology. This is been happening all over America. The Koch brothers have endowed seats at several big university like Harvard for their millions they get to select the professors and voting records are checked as well as political affiliations. It is very important we realize how the ungodly are using the money they got under the Regan tax cuts for the super rich.
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Reply Thu 21 Sep, 2017 09:05 pm
The Democrats saw a problem and tried to solve it the Republicans don't see a problem with health care they believe it should be every man for himself. If you can afford fine if you can't you are just a useless eater and should just die. Here we go again with yet another Republican solution to healthcare or should we say non solution to healthcare. The Republicans want to replace healthcare with a system of block grants. Instead of the federal government trying to assure access to affordable health insurance each state would be allocated so much money for healthcare that they could spent as they saw fit. Instead of one solution for healthcare there would be 50 different solutions instead of living in America we would live in 50 different principalities with different rules in all fifty states.

Block Grants are not new they were common in the 70s to the middle 80s. The program was called federal revenue sharing and the argument was since population of each state paid income tax that the Federal Government should return a portion of those taxes to the states. The city of Huntington got $2 million each year in Federal Sharing. This became a good portion of the city budget but Reagan and the Republicans decided to cut the program out so they could cut the taxes on the super rich. The city had to eliminate whole departments and layoff large number of employees along with radically raising taxes. This shifted the tax burden from the ungodly greedy to the middle class. The income tax was progressive but local taxes are regressive.

If the Republicans pass the Trump healthcare each year they will cut the block grants the states receive and it will be a battle each year when the budget is written when cuts need to be made they will be made from healthcare. The tax that was placed on ungodly greedy to fund the Affordable Healthcare Act is the only tax that the ungodly greedy can't find a sharp tax accountant to beat. This whole purpose of the Republican attack on healthcare is to stop a flat tax on the ungodly greedy. Both Social Security and Medicare Taxes are some of the most regressive taxes in the world because they were paid only on the first $100,000 of income and any income over that figure was free from those taxes.
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Reply Fri 22 Sep, 2017 09:19 pm
It looks like the Trumpcare is in trouble once again now John McCain says he cannot vote for his friend's bill. He listed his reasons and among them was the fact that no one has any idea how many millions of people will lose their healthcare under the new bill. John McCain is not owned by the ungodly greedy Koch brothers they cannot call him in to their office and tell him how to vote like they can hundreds of other Republicans. McCain is one of the few old style politician left who actually reads a bill and considers how it will effect his constituents. The new breed of politicians read a bill to see how it will effect the top one hundredth of one percent those that put them in office. John McCain has nothing to lose he has brain cancer and will not have to worry about raising money for reelection. If there is a great by and by it is doubtful that helping the ungodly greedy get richer will make you any points. When you are facing eternity no matter what your beliefs you are beyond the influence of money. As one gets closer to death money no longer has any meaning only time is of any importance.

On Meet the Press Today the head of Cleveland Clinic was interviewed about Trumpcare and he noted it would be a disaster for Hospitals. He noted that most hospitals in America are already in trouble and operating in the red. A shove over the edge from Trumpcare could destroy healthcare for everyone. If Trumpcare passes it is likely that another 22 million will lose health insurance. The Hospitals will have to make a choice to keep taking in people without insurance and go bankrupt like so many hospitals already have or to let no one in the door without insurance. Hospitals in California already operate that way an emergency case is stabilized and sent elsewhere this is how a hospital in California was actually got named St Elsewhere.

Having "access" to healthcare is not the same as actually having health insurance. The Republicans think that having access is the same as having insurance. If you made $20,000 a year and a health insurance policy cost $19,000 technically you have access if you spend most of your income on health insurance. This is just a Republican fantasy used to sell their bill to cut the one and only true tax the ungodly greedy can't get out of paying.

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Reply Sat 23 Sep, 2017 09:17 pm
After the Koch brothers' candidate lost the 2012 presidential election they really did some soul searching trying to figure out what went wrong. They took a hard look at the last twenty years. After all they had spent over $700 million trying to beat Obama and that should have been plenty enough to buy the election. What is the world coming to if you can't buy an election for $700 million? They made a startling discovery from their surveys most people believed that the top one percent was out to benefit the top one percent and that is a true statement. The ungodly greedy have decided that to win elections they must convince the bottom 99% that the top 1% has their best interests at heart. That would be a lie but it would not be the first lie the ungodly greedy told to get ahead.

As the ungodly further studied the problem they decided the population can be divided into thirds, one third of the country is conservative, one third is liberal, and a middle third politically between the other two. The Koch brothers know that they have no chance selling their theory that greedy is the answer to every economic question to the liberals but they believe that the middle third is fertile ground. In the twenties there was no questions in the minds of most Americans for the economic conditions it was the robber barons. Our grandfathers did not believe that it was the poor who were responsible for the Great Depression they were just along for the ride. In the 60s this began to change and the poor became the scapegoats. They were the enemy who were stealing from the workingman. You seldom hear the outrage about the ungodly greedy shifting the tax burden to the middle class. The ungodly greedy now pay a much smaller percentage of taxes on their nine figure incomes than the middle class when "all" taxes are taken into account. The ungodly greedy gripe about the benefits given to low wage earners, like housing, medical care, and food stamps but this benefits the ungodly greedy by providing an army of minimum wageworkers for the ungodly greedy. Some of the biggest fortunes in America were made because their workers were being subsidized by the middle class. If you are homeless, hungry, and without transportation you are not going to make it to Wal-Mart. Without a place to shower customers would avoid their stores. Judge Judy thoroughly believes every poor person is stealing from her personally even though she has more millions then she could ever spend. But that is not the point that guy with the bad back is the enemy if he can't work then let him and his family starve. After all he could have got his own TV show.
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Reply Sun 24 Sep, 2017 09:26 pm
Most people have heard the word "freedom" but only a few understand the true meaning of the word. In America people confuse the symbols the symbols of freedom for actual freedom. The flag is a symbol of our freedom as is the National Anthem these are only symbols they are not principal that the United States was founded on. To the founding fathers freedom was worth dying for but as soon as Americans got their hard earned freedom others started figuring how to take that freedom away. We have been here before when the flag was burned during demonstrations the laws against flag burning were struck down by the Supreme Court and the Court decided that burning the flag was indeed free speech. Assaulting a symbol of Freedom is not the same as assaulting the principal.

Trump is not on the side of freedom he is trying to take freedom away. Trump is dictating how people must behave during the playing of the National Anthem. It is a form of idol worship to worship the symbol and at the same time take away people's right to freedom. Trump was caught on film listening to the National Anthem and his illegal alien wife had to tell him to place his hand over his heart. Should not only standing but placing your hand over your heart be required during the playing of the National Anthem? If Trump thinks the football players that don't stand during the playing of National Anthem should be fired then shouldn't Trump should also be fired for not placing his hand over his heart? Taking freedom in the name of worshiping symbols makes sense only to the foolish. One of the easiest things world to become is bigot and decide that our way of behaving should be required of everyone else and for Trump it is far easier than for anyone else.
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Reply Mon 25 Sep, 2017 09:44 pm
They tried to buy her vote for a billion dollars and she turned them down flat. With the price of bribery going through the roof the Koch brothers will have to put some more skin in the game. The billion dollar bribe was placed in front of Susan Collins the Senator from Maine. She was one of the Republicans who voted against the last, last ditch effort to repeal Obamacare. The Republican rewrote their bill putting an extra billion for Maine and more money for Alaska which also had a Senator who voted against repealing Obamacare. They thought they could use the money to pressure her into voting for repeal. If she voted against the bill they could say that she not only didn't vote for repeal but she cost Maine a billion dollars. You can bet there will be primary opponent running against Collins with a blank check from Koch brothers. You can beat cubic inches but it is almost impossible to beat cubic dollars.

The Republicans keep saying Obamacare is a failure but how are you going to measure success? We known that under Obamacare 24 million more Americans gained access to healthcare. All the versions of Trumpcare strip 20 million people of their new found healthcare. It seems like the purpose of a healthcare bill is to insure that people have health insurance. Why do the Republicans believe that depriving people of healthcare is a success? The Republicans have a different measure of success. The Republicans measure the success of the Healthcare bill by how much money it saves the Koch brothers and their billionaire friends. The most coveted tax cuts by billionaires are the taxes that were put on them to fund Obamacare. Obamacare was not funded by income tax but by making all the billionaires income subject to a Medicare tax just like all of the income of the middle class has always been subject to Medicare tax. The rich have always found enough tax deductions to cut income tax down below what the middle class pays but no billionaire can deduct one red cent from their Medicare tax. The Republicans promised big tax cuts to the rich and in order to do it they need to kill Obamacare.
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Reply Tue 26 Sep, 2017 09:26 pm
Tonight we found out what Trump's endorsement was worth. His endorsement was worthless in the Alabama Senate race. The candidate that Trump made trips to Alabama to campaign for, Luther Strange, was already in the Senate temporally appointed by the last Governor who resigned because he was being investigated for having an affair. It seems that Strange was the prosecutor investigating the Governor and the Governor was "way behind and wiling to make a deal." Sending the person that is prosecuting you to Washington is tried and true method of obstruction Justice, Trump deeply admire the governor methods. Maybe Trump can get Muller appointed the CEO of Exxon or any other job that he might like.

Roger Stone, one of Trump's cronies, was questioned before the House Intelligence Committee today testifying that he did not collude with the Russians. He was questioned for three hours but he refused to reveal the people who were the go between that helped him communicate with Wikileaks. He claimed the person was a member of the press so he will not reveal the people he was working with names. From this day forward all Russian spies will carry credentials stating that they are members of the press that way no one will have to revel their identity. This sounds like a lawyers ploy to me. They have it wrong it is usually members of the press who refuse to identify a confidential source. It has never been members of the press who identity is kept secret. The members of the press are the one writing the stories and their identity is public. After all they write and sign their stories. No one that is under investigation can refuse to identify a coconspirators because they have press credentials. You cannot even claim the 5th to keep from incriminating someone else. Stone knows more than he is telling, One has to wonder if is coconspirators are members of the Russian press.
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Reply Wed 27 Sep, 2017 09:29 pm
Gamblers are experts on body language they can tell when someone says one thing and their body language says another. Everybody has a tell and Trump is no exception. When Trump says "believe me" you know he is lying. Trump frequently uses those words and they are always hiding a lie. He used them today telling the American public that his tax plan purpose was not to benefit the extremely wealthy but to benefit the middle class. Ok let's see how Trump's plan benefits the middle class. Trump plans to eliminate the personal exemptions for the middle class. Rewriting the tax tables may save a few bucks in income tax but Federal cuts to state and local government will be made up by increasing state and local taxes. What exemption will not be eliminated. The deduction for Trump's jet airplane will not be eliminated. The carried interest loop hole will not be eliminated that allows trillionaire hedge fund mangers or soon to be trillionaires to be taxed at 15% about half of what the middle class pays. They are given a special tax break and they are allowed to treat their salary like capital gains.

Trump is going to cut the taxes on the middle class but he is going to eliminate the estate tax entirely on the ungodly greedy. The estate tax now only applies to estates over $5 million so it only taxes the richest of the rich. As you would guess this will make a huge whole in the federal budget. The estate tax is by far the most important tax in America because it has a two fold purpose. It taxes an income of the rich and the money is income to the children of the ungodly greedy it was not theirs in the first place. The other purpose of an estate tax is to keep the wealth of America becoming concentrated in the hands of a few families which has historically been the case. So the Trump tax cuts will go somewhat like this here is $2 for you and $60 billion for the heirs of Charles Koch Here is $2 for you and $60 billion for David Koch's heirs. I don't know but it looks like Trump is out to swindle the American people.
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Reply Thu 28 Sep, 2017 09:16 pm
The Alternative Minimum Tax became law in 1969 because 155 of the ungodly greedy paid not one cent of income taxes on their multi-million dollar incomes. The purpose of the Alternative Minimum Tax was to make sure this never happened again no matter how many deductions the ungodly greedy came up with they would have to pay at least some tax. It was a national scandal when the richest among us paid no income tax. The rich will always cite the highest tax tables bracket as how they are taxed but none ever pay the 39.6%. Now Trump wants to eliminate the Alternative Minimum Tax. Why? So the ungodly greedy can get away without paying a cent in income taxes.

When Trump 2005 tax return is examined Trump had to pay Alternative Minimum Tax and it increased his income tax by $31 million on an income of $153 million without it he would have paid only $7 million a tax rate of 5%. Get the picture? Trump is benefiting Trump. Do you think you will get to pay only 5% of your income? Trump wants to eliminate the estate taxes, the Alternative Minimum Tax, and cut taxes on family owned businesses from 39.6% to 25%. This cut will allow some of the biggest hedge funds to cut their taxes down not to 35% but to 25%. At least one of these hedge funds has made better part of a trillion dollars in the last 6 years.

There is a reason Trump ran so many businesses into bankruptcy and give him enough time he will bankrupt America. Make no doubt about no matter how Trump lies over 50% his tax cut will go to the top 1%, the ungodly greedy while the other 329 million Americans can divide what is left and when it is divided by 329 million it won't amount to much. It would be like everybody winning the lottery once it was divided you might get back what you paid for your ticket.
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Reply Fri 29 Sep, 2017 09:22 pm
All the conservatives could talk about was the national debt while Obama was in office but now all that they say is "never mind." The deficit was a major driving force that helped create the Tea Party. Now those same people that were elected with Tea Party support are preparing a budget that will add $1.5 trillion to the National Debt over the next decade. The Tea Partiers shut the government down over raising the debt limit. When the Obama administration proposed helping the working people that had been swindled out of their homes by the crooked banks the Tea Partiers said no it would add to the deficit. Now Trump's tax cut is going to add $6 trillion to the National Debt over the next 10 years and the Tea Partiers can only say "frankly we don't give a damn."

It shows that Tea Partiers never really cared about the deficit in the first place they just used it as an excuse to obstruct progress. Almost every element of Trump's tax cut plan will benefit him. The corporate tax cut from 35% to 20% will benefit Trump directly. The cut on profits from family owned businesses from 39.6% to 25% alone will save Trump millions. Eliminating the Alternative Minimum Tax when applied to Trump's 2005 tax return would have saved him $31 million. But of course we are still not done add to that the elimination of the Estate Tax and Trump's billions can be passed down tax free. The amount of tax Trump will save when all his tax cuts are totaled up will be staggering but remember the tax cuts is for the middle class.

I had a minor in mathematics but I am having a hard time understanding how raising taxes is cutting taxes. Trump wants to cut the top tax rate from 39.6% to 35% and the 30% bracket would drop to 25% but Trump's tax cut raises the bottom rate from 10% to 12%. When is a raise in the tax rate a tax cut? If the tax rate is raised it is not a tax cut. A study of Trump's tax proposal show that the bottom 71% of tax payers would get only a $60 tax cut a year while Trump would get 100s of millions.

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