The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Mon 21 Aug, 2017 09:41 pm
It looks like the greatest military mind of the last thousand years is going to show us how to win the Afghanistan War. No matter what it is Trump is the absolute greatest at it. Of course when Trump was running for president he was for pulling the troops out of Afghanistan. Bannon was the one pushing for the war to fought with contractors and the military made sure that he is gone where he can do no more damage but Bannon continued his attack from his post at Breitbart News.

What is Trump’s brilliant solution? Continue doing the same thing only more of it. Trump will not say how many more troops will be sent to Afghanistan or how their success will be measured. We will train more Afghanistan military and after they are trained the turn on our troops and shoot them. If anybody can’t see the end game here it should not be hard to realize once we train and equip and army in a country we invaded it will turn on us. If you look at world history no country likes to be occupied by an invading army and sooner or later the forces will unite against the invaders. We may think we are the best thing since white bread but they just see invaders. It sounds like a success already no way to measure any accomplishment means Trump’s ego will rule.

Afghanistan is the longest war in our history going on for sixteen years and 2,800 American lives. We have poured 6 trillion dollar into Afghanistan and the Taliban has taken back 43% of the country. If the objective of bin Laden had been to bankrupt the United States it is working long after his death. Ben Laden could have been based in any country in the world but he chose Afghanistan because that is where they bankrupted Russia. Ben Laden knew that if he could suck the United States into a war in Afghanistan that America could also be bankrupted. Bin Laden was far smarter then he was given credit for. The biggest military in the world has been fought to a standstill in one of the world’s most primitive countries. They fight from caves like cave men, Trump dropped the biggest conventional bomb on them and they continue to advance. It is a good thing we have a draft dodger to run our military.
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Reply Tue 22 Aug, 2017 09:24 pm
Trump was told he was not welcome in Arizona because his supporters, the KKK and the Neo-Nazis, are likely to clash with the locals. It was reported that the bikers for Trump would be attending the rally. It should be no surprise that the outlaw biker gangs would support Trump. Trump wants to assemble gangs of thugs that will support. You have to remember that Trumps was a big fan Hitler and his methods. Trump kept a book of Hitler’s speeches on his nightstand. Hitler used thugs to intimidate political opponents and gain control of Germany. Trump is assembling a group of thugs to intimidate political opponents this is why he was reluctant to criticize the KKK and the Neo-Nazis saying there were “fine people on both sides.” When these biker gangs start showing up at Trump rallies they will make Charlottesville look like a kindergarten class. Biker gang live and breath violence and Trump will make sure to say, “they are fine people.”

Now Trump’s campaign is no longer to make America great again make it is to “one another love one another.” Big Daddy love is going to take care of us and show us how it is done. This is one man who has made more enemies than anyone in the world with his perpetual hate speech on Twitter and now he is going to bring us together. Trump is live on the Internet now saying that he is going to make sure sheriff Joe does not have to worry about the law. Though Trump said he will not pardon him tonight because it might cause a race riot but he is making clear to the crowd of his admires that he will pardon him in the future. Sheriff Joe has arrested a lot of people for breaking the law but when Sheriff Joe breaks the law Trump will pardon him before he is even sentenced to jail. The message is clear the law is of no importance to Trump he has violated the law his entire life and his expensive lawyer and political connections got him out of trouble. I am listening to the Trump rally now and it sounds so much like a Hitler rally with the crowd chanting. These are more dangerous times than any of us realize Trump is just a little Hitler that faced with the choice would gladly use his thugs to keep him in office.

Congress questioned one of the investigative reporters, Glen Simpson, that was responsible for putting the dossier together. Christopher Steele, the top expert in the world on Russia was also responsible for the dossier. Simpson was questioned for several hours by congress behind closed doors and I believe that they probably learned a lot of Trump.
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Reply Wed 23 Aug, 2017 09:21 pm
Once Trump starts pardoning people there will be a long list of his “friends” that will want pardons. Trump owes the mafia for much of his success. When the concrete unions were on strike only Trump continued to get concrete to build Trump Tower. The concrete unions in New York were controlled by the mob. Look for Trump to pardon John Gotti and other mafia dons. Trump will most likely undo the last 20 years of the FBI’s work against organized crime. That’s all right Trump legalized silencers for their guns so at least they won’t make a whole lot of noise when they are killing each other.

Seven members of Trump’s National infrastructure advisory council quit today saying in a letter that Trump was a threat to homeland security. This will be the third Trump council that has been abolished because so many people have resigned.

Trump is getting so unstable now that James Clapper, the former director of national intelligence is worried about Trump having access to the nuclear codes. Can anyone ever remember a president that the former director of national intelligence worried about having access to nuclear weapons? We use to worry about the Russians having access to nuclear weapons but now we have to worry about Trump having access to nuclear weapons.

Now even the hardcore Trump fans are getting tired of hearing his ranting and raving. In Arizona as Trump continued to rant people began to slip out of the arena. They came all that way to listen to ravings of a madman. Trump’s popularity continues on its downward spiral. Trump approval rating is in the 30s. More and more people will begin to see Trump as the primary danger to America. There is valid grounds to impeach him and the process should be expedited. Even the Republicans must realize he is a danger to every American.
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Reply Thu 24 Aug, 2017 08:57 pm
Trump says if congress does not fund his nonsense wall he will shut the government down. Trump told us time and time again that Mexico was going to pay for that wall. For once it is time the country to hold him to his word let him make Mexico pay for that wall. If Mexico won’t pay for the wall then forget about that wall. If Mexico is going to pay for the wall the US taxpayers should not have to pay a cent for the wall. A government shutdown could severely damage our economy but Trump will likely shut the government down. If I was Congress I would not give him one red cent for the wall since he said Mexico was going to pay.

Trump’s great wall will only cover a portion of the border between the US and Mexico. I once had a homeowner call and complain about a fence she had paid for. The company she hired were simply crooks whose work was substandard. When I looked at the fence it was terrible they had tried to jury rig the fence and the gate didn’t close right. The homeowner complained that her dog was going to get out. The fence only went along the front portion of property with no fence on the sides of the front yard. It seems the dog was smarter than the homeowner. He did not have to worry with the gate when he could simply go around the end of the fence. Trump wall will cover less than half of the US Mexican border. Trump is like the stupid homeowner who figures that the dog will not find his way past the fence. If there is over a thousand miles of border with no wall the Mexicans will simply go to where there is no wall. Trump’s wall is simply a political stunt that appeals to the ignorant.
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Reply Fri 25 Aug, 2017 09:03 pm
With hurricane Harvey coming ashore Trump’s handling of Harvey will make baby Bush’s handling of Katrina seem like a cake walk. Trump has been selling key government jobs to his richest political donors and there are simply more jobs than rich political donors. If there are not enough rich donors to go around the Trump administration has shown very little interest in filling the jobs. Hundreds of key government jobs have not been filled eight months into the Trump administration. Ordinarily it wouldn’t make a difference but with a category four hurricane coming ashore and dropping three foot of rain a full team at FEMA is very important. Trump has been to busy out campaigning for 2020 to concern himself with the more mundane but import functions of government. What does a businessman know about handling a major disaster? Trump has no experience whatsoever handling disasters. It is like hiring the janitor to do your brain surgery. Trump’s key qualification was having no qualification for the job. Several of those key jobs in FEMA remain unfilled.

If the press would ask Trump what qualifications he has to handle a major disaster? Trump would be quick to point out that he no doubt is the greatest hurricane fighter alive. All we need to do is send Trump to Corpus Christi and with all his hot air he could simply blow that bad old hurricane back out to sea. There is an episode of the Twilight Zone where the owner of the country store always claimed to be the very best at every endeavor always a key to every historic event in his lifetime. After he is abducted by aliens and returns his friend just think it is just another of his lies. His friends at the country store give the world greatest liar award for his birthday. Every time I see that episode I think that Trump has him beat hands down.

Trump will never be able to do a decent job as president because he is to busy running for president in 2020. Just how bad a job he is doing as president will become very evident in the next few days. Everybody recalls the films of bodies floating down the streets in New Orleans get ready for more of the same. The mayor in Corpus Christi is getting a jump on it though he is instructing those that remained behind to use a magi marker to put their name and social security on their arm. This will make identifying the dead easier. If more hurricanes happen during Trump’s administration FEMA might invest in dog tags for resident of hurricane zones.
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Reply Sat 26 Aug, 2017 09:20 pm
It looks like there is a communist style purge going on in the Trump administration. The globalists, like Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump are purging the nationalists, like Bannon and Gorka. So much for the” Make America Great Again” they can get rid of those awful hats and replace with the “Make The Rich Richer” hats. Just another looser voted off the island with more to follow. Getting the new alt-right gone out of the administration should be a good thing but there are worse faction remaining in the Whitehouse. In the history there have never been so many ultra rich in position of power. People that are ultra rich and most of them have been that rich since the day they were born cannot imagine life any other way. They lack the perspective of what the average American faces everyday. It is simply human nature to act to benefit oneself. The rich will push for laws that directly benefit themselves.

It takes millions of dollars to run for a political office in the federal government today. Our government is now made up almost entirely of millionaires and unlikely to change any time soon. The founding fathers intended for the government to be a representative government but now only a tiny fraction of the population is represented. In order to get elected to office a politician must now spend several times the salary of the job to get elected. The Supreme Court ruling that money in politics is equivalent to free speech and therefore should be unlimited has magnified the corruption in our government. We often take for granted our government and believe that just because it has existed for more than 200 years that it will continue to exist for hundreds of years in the future but even the best computer program deteriorates over time and must be maintained. The founding fathers designed our government in a time that is hard for us to even imagine. The forces that are working so hard to enslave the government did not exist in the founding father’s time. It would be impossible for the founding fathers to design a government to immune from forces that did not exist until 200 years later.
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Reply Sun 27 Aug, 2017 09:10 pm
A Trump Tower in Moscow? Yes, Trump was working a deal to build a massive Trump Tower in Moscow during 2015 and 2016. How much more proof do we need to show that Trump had one reason to run for president, to make himself richer? The emails and details of the deal are being turned over to Congress for their investigation. The deal was not scrapped until late in 2016 after Trump was elected president. It shows that Trump intended to use in position in politics to benefit himself personally. The Russian born real estate agent putting the deal together urged Trump to come to Russia and that he could get Putin to say “great things” about Trump.

Trump cannot avoid the temptation to sell the United States Presidency to the highest bidder. Trump only serves one God and that God has always been and always will be money. Trump needs money to feed his ego each dollar reaffirms his belief in who he is. Just as those 20 page folders filled with good things said about him and are supplied to him twice each day money serves the same purpose it feeds his massive ego. Trump already has business interests in many different countries around the world and in each case that he can benefit himself Trump will chose to benefit himself. Normally while a politician is in office his business assets are placed in a “blind trust” which is run by an outsider who makes the decisions about the business assets independent of the politician. Trump did not do this. Trump’s assets were put under the control of his children and you bet that the children check with him on every significant business decision. This system allows Trump to get the maximum financial benefit out of his political office.
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Reply Mon 28 Aug, 2017 09:30 pm
The Special Council, Robert Muller, is closing in on Trump. Muller is now questioning why Trump concocted a false explanation for his son’s meeting with the Russians at Trump Tower aboard Air Force One. Most people would have a subordinate craft a false explanation, not Trump he just had to do it himself. This is still following the Watergate script Nixon was not guilty of the Watergate break in he was guilty of trying to cover it up after the fact. Trump has done everything in his power to stop the investigation even firing the director of the FBI in an attempt to stop it. Once Trump realized that he is powerless to stop the investigation Trump only alternative is to try and cover it up. The problem with cover-ups is that the conspiracy widens and involves even more people than the original conspiracy. If you are going to commit a crime it is best if you are the only one involved. Serial killers are so successful because they are the only one involved. When the serial killer is finally caught his neighbors are amazed because many seemed to be just ordinary family men.

Political conspiracies involve way too many people to keep quiet and those involved are not hardened criminals who are use to being interrogated. Once the Feds starting putting pressure on these people they will fold. The Feds interrogated one of the former city employees over an asphalt scam where the thickness of the asphalt was short. The Feds made it very clear to him up front that if he lied in any way he would go prison for perjury knowing that you will go to jail for lying the same as stealing makes quite an impression on someone. Loyalty only goes so far before self-interest takes over. Most of the people involved in the Trump conspiracy are going to talk and it will be impossible to keep secrets. Newt Gingrich was right when right after the election he advised Trump to pardon all his aides but that might involve hundreds of pardons and since they are not charged yet how would Trump pardon them.
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Reply Tue 29 Aug, 2017 09:15 pm
Many think the Tea party was a grass roots political movement that started from the bottom up but in fact the Tea Party was financed, professional organized and shaped by the billionaires like Koch brothers. Listening to Glen Beck this morning he sounds very sincere as he was raising money to get Christians out of the Middle East where they had become targets for ISIS. Beck always sounded like a conman to me with his personal stories but now there is proof that Beck is a conman. Beck was front and center in the Tea Party movement organizing rallies on air. The question is was there a reason he was pushing the Tea party agenda? Turns out there was a million of them. How would you like to make a million dollars for simply reading the ideological position of a think tank and pass it off to your listeners as your opinion?
“Freedom Works it was later revealed, also had hired some help. The tax-exempt organization quietly cemented a deal with Glen Beck, the incendiary right-wing Fox News television host who at the time was a Tea Party superstar. For an annual payment that eventually topped $1 million dollars, Beck read “embedded content” written by the Freedom Works staff. They told him what to say on air, and he blended the promotional material seamlessly into his monologue, making it sound as if it was his own opinion. The arrangement was described on ‘Freedom Works’ tax disclosures as “advertising services.”

From the book: “Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right”

Written by: Jane Mayer

The Tea Party was professionally organized movement where professionals schooled the Tea Party members telling exactly when to interrupt town meetings held by Congressmen and exactly what to say when they interrupted them.
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Reply Wed 30 Aug, 2017 09:19 pm
Hurricane Harvey was predicted by scientists, for years we have been told that as global warming get worse we would begin to see “super storms.” There is no doubt that Harvey was one of the super storms that will become common place in the future in fact it may be only taste of what we will have to cope with. At one time global warming was accepted as a fact by 71% of American people and by both Democrats and Republicans. But all of that changed after the rich and the oil and gas industry poured billions into campaign contributions. But even that was not enough they poured billions into think tanks who developed a campaign to indoctrinate the public. Now global warming is just another political ideology.

The first thing the oil and gas industry lawyers decided was they did not have to disprove the science all they had to do was introduce reasonable doubt in the public mind. Every word of their campaign was “focus group tested” to ensure it had maximum emotional impact on the public.

Next they used the cigarette company’s model of enlisting “experts” to deny that global warming was taking place. Today we all know what happens to people who smoke eventually. Those experts who testified that ingesting 256 different poisons were not unhealthy are forgotten and the science is an accepted fact. Some “authors were paid a million dollars to write books that criticized the science behind global warming. One of the more famous authors who criticized global warming was an astronomer and had absolutely no training in environmental science but he had a PhD and most people would follow up to see what his degree was in.

It is easy to not worry about something if it is hundreds of years in the future but what if the effects of global warming will terminate most life on earth in our grandchildren’s lifetime? The latest science indicates that only a small fraction of the earth will be habitable by the turn of the century. The world as we know it would be gone and replaced with a world Mad Max couldn’t imagine. Famines would be rule not the exception those that had the habitable land would defend it to the death. As the polar ice caps melts the permafrost will free up 7 times more carbon dioxide. I can’t help remembering the coal industry executive who thinks miners would rather do away with the environmental and safety regulations so they would make higher wages. It doesn’t matter how much you make if your dead you can’t spend. The rich will never understand that making another dollar is all that is important and that is what the opposition to global warming is all about another dollar for the rich.
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Reply Thu 31 Aug, 2017 09:24 pm
Trump is looking for a way to deport the “Dreamers” the children of illegal aliens who were bought to this country as small children but are now adults. They have lived almost their entire lives in the United States. Many have served in the military and fought in foreign wars. Trump on the other hand was a coward who avoid the draft using no less than five deferments. If anyone ever earned their citizenship those that served in the military are entitled to it. If we are going to deport anyone it should be Trump. He refused to defend this country. Putin seems to like Trump a whole lot let’s see if Russia will take him.

Trump has waged a campaign against illegal aliens and all the while he is married to one. His wife is in this country illegally and when the subject came up during the campaign Trump promised to show the press her paper work. It never happened and Trump just figured the public would forget about it and for the most part that is what has happened but some still remember. Trump cannot be the only source for those documents they should be public documents. If the documents can’t be located then we will know surprise, surprise that Trump lied again.

Trump’s son and son-in-law along with Paul Manafort are definitely aren’t secret agent material. It seems like Manafort keep notes on his phone and guess who has his phone now. I’ll bet there is nothing about Russian adoption and a whole lot about the how the Russians could help Trump during the election in those notes.
The noose is tightening little by little. Trump is like a fish on the line, he can run but he can’t get away. It is just a matter of watching him twist on the line.
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Reply Fri 1 Sep, 2017 08:55 pm
When Trump went down to Texas after the hurricane went through the first thing Trump did was brag about the size of the crowd saying there must have been a few hundred that came to see him. The brag about the size of the crowd he draws we have all heard before. Don’t worry that is just the sound of Trump masturbating his ego he does this almost constantly. Doesn’t he know that he will go blind? The twenty page folders of good things said about him that are handed to him in the morning and evening are used to help him continue to masturbate his ego. Sort of like a teenage boy’s copy of Penthouse. That is why Trump needs the campaign style rallies.

I don’t know how those who survived the hurricane could stand to hear Trump brag about the size of the crowd he drew. Trump’s remarks were out of place at the least. Trump demonstrated that he has no real empathy. When Trump was in Texas people were still dying and the only thing Trump was worried about was the size of his crowd maybe he should have went to one of the shelters where thousands were being sheltered that way he could have claimed that he had a crowd of thousands.

They said Trump donated a million dollars for flood relief. I seriously doubt that. If he did it no doubt came from the Trump foundation, a charity Trump set up but hasn’t give a cent of his own money to in years. Other people contribute to the Trump foundation and Trump use their money to settle lawsuits against him. The lawsuit would be settled for a sizeable contribution to a charity and Trump would use the foundation money. Otherwise he used the charity money to buy paintings of himself. If the million-dollar contribution is traced to a Trump bank account it is likely that it is black money from one of his billionaire backers as publicity stunt to help his sagging popularity. Trump once took the stage where the dignitaries that supported the charity were being recognized even though he had not contributed a cent. There he was on stage taking credit while the actual dignitary had to sit in the audience. No doubt this was good for Trump’s ego after all it is whatever gets him off.

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Reply Sat 2 Sep, 2017 09:06 pm
Trump made another trip to Texas for photo opportunities. In Texas Trump and his wife were shown loading relief supplies into a mini van. Dose anyone believe that Trump and his wife continued to load anything after the cameras were turned off? There were four million people in the county Houston was located in. These people were short both food and water and most of their necessities of life were destroyed by the flood. The airports would be absolutely vital to bring in supplies and Trump was tying up the airport so he could have a photo opportunity. The security for air force one requires a no fly zone while Trump was at the airport. Trump had already made his mandatory appearance in Texas on Tuesday and there was no reason for him to return.

Then Trump flew on Louisiana to a shelter where flood victims had been flown. He helped out by passing out lunches again this was another photo opportunity and I am sure he stopped passing out lunches as soon as the cameras were turned off. It is a shame to think that Trump was trying to benefit himself but that is exactly what he was doing. A fly over of the affected area was all that was necessary for Trump to access the damages. Making a second trip to make sure they got the scripted photo opportunities was just taking advantage of the situation.

Trump is looking to downsize is upcoming conference with Black Colleges. After Trump remarks about the KKK and Neo-Nazis being “fine people” he is bound to take a lot of heat from the representatives of Black Colleges. One way to cut down on the heat Trump will face is to cut down on the number of people who are able to attend. This will give the Trump administration the ability to pick and chose and those who have already publicly criticized Trump can be uninvited. I suspect a requirement to attend will be to refrain from criticizing Trump.
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Reply Sun 3 Sep, 2017 09:12 pm
Trump is bound and determined to start a nuclear war. He is a natural bully and has been able to push people around all of his life because of his money and lawyers. Trump doesn’t know any other way. North Korea successful tested a hydrogen bomb that is many times more powerful than the atomic bombs we dropped on Japan. Kim Jung Un no doubt already has a bomb with Trump’s name on it and likely has the means to get it to him. The fact that North Korea released pictures of the bomb small enough to fit in a warhead of a missile shows they are not bluffing.

Will we win a nuclear war with North Korea? No, no one ever wins a war there is only someone who loses less than the other party. In most wars the military of one country targets the military of the other not so in nuclear war in nuclear war the objective is to kill as many civilians as possible. There is no doubt that we could kill every breathing creature in North Korea but if even one of North Korea’s missiles makes it to the United States we can expect a death toll of 10 million in a high population area like Washington DC or New York and it is likely that between five and ten North Korean missiles will get through any of our missiles defense systems. We could end up losing a 100 million people because of the bombs and the aftermath. If you think that is winning I have a bridge for sale cheap.

At one of the most critical times history we have the unfortunate luck to have a loud moth bully as president. Trump has no diplomatic experience whatsoever and he thinks he can just use his loud mouth to intimidate Kim. Trump fails to understand that there really are brave men in the world who are willing to die for what they believe in whether it is right or wrong they are quite willing to die. All of Trump’s loud talk is just so much bad breath to Kim Jung Un. Trump is a confirmed coward who managed to get five exemptions from the draft. He can never understand anyone that would go off to war and sacrifice their life to defend a country. After Trump beat the draft in an interview he actually said that he believed that he had done his part by staying home and sleeping with many women without getting STD. Trump thought he was entitled to medal.
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Reply Mon 4 Sep, 2017 09:29 pm
Trump is trying to show how tough he is by putting a pistol to his own head and saying don’t push me or I’ll pull the trigger. Trump is threatening to stop trading with any country that trades with North Korea. There are over a hundred countries that now trade with North Korea including China, Saudi Arabia, Russia, India, France, and Mexico. Taylor Griffin, a former Treasury spokesman and White House staffer during the baby Bush administration said of the economic impact on the United States “apocalyptic is probably a good way to describe it.”

The shelves in America stores would soon be empty. The American auto industry would grind to halt because a lot of the parts are now made in Mexico. The wiring harnesses for all the GM cars are all now made in Mexico. There would be massive layoffs and unemployment in excess of 20%. Government revenues would fall drastically and the government would have no choice but radically raise taxes on those still working. This would
spark a worldwide recession.

This is what happens when you elect someone who has no idea what he is doing. Some of the best advice you can give anyone is think before you speak. They say you have two ears and one mouth for a reason you should listen twice as much as you speak.
Trump never thinks before he speaks or tweets. Trump believes he is the world alpha dog and that everyone else should just roll over but he is just another fool who got elected to political office. It didn’t make him any smarter or more moral than others. This is a whole lot like following Custer into Little Big Horn. When the first qualification for any political office becomes no qualifications we are in trouble.

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Reply Tue 5 Sep, 2017 09:24 pm
Trump has only been in office seven months and not only has he made a mess out of America but now even world unity has fallen apart. It is hard to believe that transplanting one idiot from New York to Washington DC could cause such a worldwide mess. Of course if you decided to have the janitor do brain surgery on you instead of a brain surgeon I suspect you might be a mess after he got through. Putin is now sharply criticizing Trump and wishing he had never got him elected. Putin is blaming Trump as much as he is blaming North Korea for the mess and Russia is no longer cooperating in the UN Security Council.
“All of this can lead to a global catastrophe and a great number of victims, he said, implying that Washington stance is as much to blame as Kim’s nuclear brinkmanship.”


There is one thing about bullying you can only do it for so long before you have to put up or shut-up. Trump is going to find out that everyone can make threats. A dog that barks but never bites is feared by no one but the dog bites may find himself in a fight to death. To be sure the whole world is upset and it is going to get worse. Trump is sending more powerful weapons to both South Korea and Japan, which upsets both China and Russia, as they will be in range of those weapons.

Japan confirmed that North Korea did indeed detonate a hydrogen bomb that was eight times more powerful that the bomb that destroyed Nagasaki. It will only take one bomb of that size to destroy an American city.
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Reply Wed 6 Sep, 2017 10:02 pm
I have not head Trump praising Putin lately and telling us how we should have better relations with Russia. I guess he may have given up on doing his best to benefit Russia. Now we are finding that the Russians was paying for misleading political ads on Facebook. It is illegal for a foreign country to run political ads. Day by day we are finding more and more Russian participation in our election. Trump would still say it is some 400 pounder in his basement responsible for all that Russian did to help him during the election. Eventually the America people will know the full extent of Trump’s collusion with Russia to win the election.

It must have been bring your daughter to work day as Trump did exactly that. It seems Trump daughter asked to go South Dakota today with him. Trump even let his little girl get up in front of the crowd and say a few words. I am surprised she could find time from scamming the public. She and her brother once went down to Mexico on one of Trump’s scams and told the people that were considering buy condos in a Trump Tower that was to be built. They told the perspective buyers that they were planning to buy condos in the building and they would be neighbors. Many people took the bait and bought condos only to find that the building would never be built and their money was lost. When they sued Trump they found out the building was never owned by Trump. He had just sold his name to some local developers. The building would be called a Trump Tower or some variation. But the building would bare the Trump name only as long as the developers continued to pay Trump millions for the privilege of using his name.

Now we have three active Hurricanes and one is the biggest ever in the Atlantic. The strength of the hurricane is determined by how warm the ocean is that spawned it. The temperature of the Atlantic is 1.8 degrees higher than normal and that temperature difference is what is making this storm a record breaker. The climate deniers made fun of how much a one-degree elevation of the earth’s temperature just one degree would make. The difference between a category one hurricane and a category five is not a factor of five but a factor of five hundred. The butterfly is flapping its wings and we will not like the results.
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Reply Thu 7 Sep, 2017 09:13 pm
Trump Jr. testified before Congress today that there was no collusion going on with the Russian while he was colluding with the Russians. Trump Jr. is in an indefensible position. The Russian had contacted him saying that damaging information on Hillary Clinton. Trump Jr. knew it would be wrong to collude with the Russians but chose to do so anyway. How do we know that? Trump testified that he never used the information but would have checked with an attorney before he used it. Trump Jr. knows that it is illegal to collude with foreign governments but he wants to draw the line in a different place saying that you can collude with a foreign power as long as you clear the use the information with your attorney. It is not how you play the game it is whether you have to play by the rules. Trump Jr. is about to find out who makes the rules.

Trump said he would have checked with his attorney before he used the information while most people would have checked with their attorney before they met with the Russians. If Trump Jr. had checked with his attorney before the meeting he would have advised him that it was illegal to meet with the Russians period. Trump Jr. testimony has proven above and beyond any doubt that the Trump campaign did collude with the Russians. Now the only remaining question is what are we going to do about it?
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Reply Fri 8 Sep, 2017 09:28 pm
The Republicans didn’t know what hit them when Trump made a deal with the democrats on extending the debt ceiling for only three months as opposed to the eighteen months the republicans wanted. Why would Trump do this? Trump wants the debt ceiling removed entirely. If the debt ceiling is removed Trump can spend the country into bankruptcy just like he did his casinos. The Republicans have made an issue of the national debt and have contended it is one of the most important problems facing the country. Even today some of the Republican congressmen from Texas and Florida voted against the disaster relief for Texas and Florida because of the effect on the National Debt.

Trump has four major things he wants to get done that are going to require 100s of billions of dollars. Trump wants to increase military spending by billions he also wants to build the wall between America and Mexico that will require 100s of billions. Trump also wants 100s of billions for infrastructure he also wants tax cuts will require 100s of billions so he can eliminate the personal deductions and give huge tax cuts to the richest people in America. Trump says that cutting taxes for corporations by half will result in higher wages for the employees. Here we go again with Trickle Down Economics. If you just give the rich more money they will pay their employees better. Some employees work a lifetime for a company and the only raise they ever see are when the minimum wage is raised no matter how many millions the company has made. Everyone acts like every business is a large factory that employees hundreds of employees and that is not the case. Some businesses have very few employees and one such business made $789 billion in three years. Did the owner hire more employees with the money? No he bought several mansions and threw himself a $3 million dollar birthday party and hired Rod Stewart and Patty Labelle to sing for him. He became enraged when Obama called him and his friends fat cats and called for an end to the carried interest tax cut which let him pay only 15% on taxes on nearly a trillion dollars. The fat cat then started pouring millions into politics to purchase politicians. They don’t like being called fat cats and now Trump will give them even bigger tax cuts so they can hire more rock stars for their parties.
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Reply Sat 9 Sep, 2017 09:29 pm
In racing we had a saying, “You can beat cubic inches but you can’t beat cubic dollars.” That seems to be just as true in politics as it is for racing. As we are seeing more and more money put into politics by the top .01 of 1% they are winning. Competitive people want to win and winning at any cost has become common on both the racetrack and in politics. When I started racing everybody built their own car from the ground up in their garage. Twenty years later you needed to buy a professional manufactured car and a professionally built motor for $35,000 to compete at your local track to win a $1,000 purse. Excess money ruined racing. It was no longer about competition but the outcome was determined by who had the most money. We all knew who had the most money before the race so why bother even holding the race. Excess money has done the same thing to our political system.

Hundreds of millions of dollars are being contributed to “charities” which are tax exempt and these “charities” then use the money to influence our political system. Has this dark money provided results? Most certainly.
“A 2008 study of the wealthiest four hundred taxpayers, showed they earned an average of $202 million and paid an effective income tax rate of less than 20%. Fully 60% of their declared income derived from capital gains. In other words, the effective tax rate on earning $202 million was lower than the tax rate paid by Americans earning $34,501 a year.”

From the book “Dark Money”
The income tax was originally levied only on the wealthy and now they have shifted the burden to the middle class. “You can beat cubic inches but you can’t beat cubic dollars.” But in this case we can go to the ballot box and vote against the interests of the ungodly greedy.
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