The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Sat 30 Sep, 2017 09:29 pm
Trump is going to pick a fight on Twitter that he can't win and he may have met his match. It has been 9 days since Maria hit Puerto Rico and we fully expect people to die during a category 4 hurricane but more people are still dying 9 days after the hurricane due to the after effects then something is wrong. One thing for sure is the deaths toll is going to continue to rise. Trump's natural instinct is to look for a scapegoat and publicly blame them. Now Trump is blaming the victims of Maria for the poor recovery from the storm damage. This is the old magician's trick of misdirection. Trumps picks a fight with a local politician and the fight gets the attention instead of the problem.

Trump attacked the mayor of San Juan, Carmen Cruz, on Twitter saying she displayed "such poor leadership ability." Anyone that watched the news saw Cruz weather Maria in the shelter along with her people they also saw her going through the streets with a loud speaker telling 70,000 people to evacuate because a dam might break. Compare that to Trump's photo opportunities after the hurricanes were long over in Houston and Florida. The hospital ship that was vitally needed in Puerto was still in port in Virginia long after the hurricane was over. It took an additional five days for the ship to get to Puerto. Trump's excuse was the harbor needed to be cleared. Ships can be anchored offshore and boats can be used to transport to them. The people on respirators are dying because there is no electricity. The hospital ship should have been dispatched before the storm hit. When the harbor was cleared it could move in and not take an additional five days.

Now Trump is saying it is all about politics and fake news. The same old garbage. His right wing conspiracy theorists will say the hurricane was just staged by the main stream media to boost ratings. Besides the mayor Cruz is a democrat and the Democratic party put her up to criticizing Trump according to Trump. After all Maria was a product of global warming and Trump insist that is also fake news. We all know that Trump's rich friends can dump 400,000 tons of pollution into the air and it will have no effect whatsoever and that is why they want to eliminate the regulations so they put 400 million tons of pollution into the air we breath,

Reply Sat 30 Sep, 2017 11:56 pm
You know nothing about Latino people.

In several occasions, when natural catastrophes have happened and the US has sent help to the affected countries, the governments of those countries have monopolized the food, clothes and other goods for their own convenience. Records from survivors and witness of natural disasters in the 60's and 70's.

There are lots of cases, where the troops of those affected countries indeed delivered the food and other supplies to the far areas, at the cost of their women to return "the favor" with sex.

Yup, this is the kind of abuses perpetuated in past catastrophes in Latino countries.

Today, such kind of abuses are lesser due to the new technology (cell phones with cameras), but even so, when those political leaders see the opportunity to get richer by monopolizing the help at their convenience, they will manage to obtain profit somehow.

I watched the Mayor of San Juan begging for help, even crying.

And in her back there were walls of bottles of water and other supplies, an ironic scenario when she was claiming for help having such a help right behind her.

Look, when people has been taught to fight the challengers of nature, they will find the way to deliver food and water to the rest.

But, Puerto Ricans are people who want everything given in their hands and avoid any effort from their part.

Here, in the US, there are lots of examples how people organized themselves to help others when nature attacks with earthquakes and hurricanes. This is about courage inside the soul, the right attitude in front of a disaster.

Puerto Ricans are used to ask, "how can you help me" instead of saying "how can I help? when a disaster happens.

Hope Puerto Ricans start to recover fast from this sad situation, because their land indeed has been destroyed very badly. But crying like babies is not helping them at all, they must learn to work hard by themselves and make their island prosperous again.

First step is firing that Mayor of San Juan, because she is not encouraging the people to organize themselves and start reconstruction.

Puerto Rico was in bankruptcy before the hurricane Maria, and help must be made to reconstruct that island "as it was before the disaster", no more than that. They must work hard for themselves to rise up their economy.
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Reply Sun 1 Oct, 2017 09:08 pm

Were you born a racist or is it an acquired skill? I lived through the 50s and 60s when it wasn't just acceptable to be a racists it was cool to be one. Many of the same things that you are saying about Puerto Ricans were said about black people. I know all that I need to know Latino people they are people and the genetic code is nearly the same for people throughout the world with just small variances. Are there lazy black people? Sure. Are there dishonest black people? sure. Are there lazy Puerto Ricans? I am sure there are some that are lazy Puerto Ricans. Are there corrupt politicians who happen to be Puerto Ricans? You bet but many politicians are corrupt who are not Puerto Ricans. But there also many lazy good for nothing whites who would steal anything they can get their hands on.

Racisms starts with stereotyping when you no longer see individuals but group 3 million people into a negative stereotype. Stereotyping is an import skill developed by our ancestors as a survival skill when they saw one lion eat their brother they stereotyped all lions as dangerous and it helped them survive in that world. There may be some really nice lions out there but just because I saw a lion tamer put his head in the lion mouth I would not be inclined to do so.

There are good and bad people in all races. Stereotyping lions and other dangerous animals is a good thing stereotyping people only contributes to the problem.

Blaming the victim is not the solution not one Puerto Ricans asked for the hurricane to hit the island. In America it was popular to blame the victim of rape not the man that attacked her. It was the way she was dressed, her skirt was to short, her blouse was cut to low. We all know if she was standing stark naked in the street it would be wrong to rape her. Besides elderly women were often the victim of rape.

I have worked with many mayors and city managers and not one of them would have stayed in a shelter with their people comforting them and if there was to be an evacuation and a dam was in danger of breaking most politicians would not put themselves in harms way. If she is a US citizen we should run her for president.

The water that was in the background during the mayor's press conference was for 3 million people it wasn't fishes and loafs of bread. Today they showed that 4 people had to share one bottle of water a day 10 days after the hurricane hit. Have a nice day and remember stereotyping is a skill that should be used on dangerous animals not people.
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Reply Mon 2 Oct, 2017 09:33 pm
No other country in the world puts up with mass murders. Fifty-nine dead and another 500 injured in Las Vegas. It seems the shooter claimed a new record. The weapons used were weapons of mass destruction and anyone that doubts it need only look at the scene. The weapons were legally obtained according to one source meaning they were semi automatic to start with and converted to automatic weapons by the shooter. Most of semi automatic weapons were designed and manufactured as automatic weapons. Those sold at gun stores are semi-automatic because certain pieces were replaced from the automatic design to keep them from firing automatically. It is just a matter of purchasing the right parts and installing them in a semi-automatic and you have a full automatic and you too can go for a record.

On one of the morning news shows an expert said that the rounds being fired by the shooter were so powerful that one bullet could go through four or five people. Think how much ammunition a shooter could save if he could kill five people with one bullet. Because the shooter was on the thirty-second floor the angle of the bullets was downward and if the first victim was shot in the head the man standing behind him might be shot in the chest and the man behind him in the leg. With 500 injured it is obvious that in many cases the bullets hit more than one person and this might explain the extremely large number of injured.

Only one group celebrated today and that was the NRA (Gun Manufacturers Association) as their stock soars every time there is a mass shooting. Each time there is a mass shooting gun nuts flock to gun stores in such numbers to buy their dream guns that gun manufacturers stock goes up. It seems the gun nuts are afraid that their favorite weapon of mass destruction will be banned and they would have to do without. At some point we are going to have to put a stop to the gun manufacturers jumping for joy each time one of these shootings take place.

At one time most mass murders were young rebel without a cause type but now we are seeing even senior citizens decide that mass murder is for them. The Las Vegas shooter was 64 the Washington shooter was 54. The Las Vegas shooter seems to be an average Joe type without a cause or an ax to grind. He showed what a mass murder can do with a little planning and foresight. When senior citizens decide to kill we are all in trouble.
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Reply Tue 3 Oct, 2017 09:44 pm
The shooter in the Las Vegas massacre had modified twelve of his assault rifles with "bump stocks" a device that allowed them to fire 400 rounds a minute. This will explain the pause in firing as the shooter switched weapons. Between the 23 guns found at the hotel and the 19 guns found at his home he had over a $100,000 worth of weapons. You too can go to your local gun store and purchase buck stops for your assault rifles for $99. The device works using the guns recoil each time it snaps back it pulls the trigger again. Remember the bump stocks only work on assault weapons it won't chamber another shell in an ordinary rifle. There will be cries to ban the sale of bump stocks. But the bump stocks are not the problem the assault weapons are the problem. If the bump stocks are banned the assault rifles can still be modified to perform the task they were designed to do. The design mechanic of an assault weapon is to fire as many rounds as possible and that can always be exploited.

We had an assault weapon ban in America between 1994 and 2004 when it expired. It made "illegal the manufacture transfer and possession of assault weapons." The NRA (National Gun Manufactures Association) was able to stop the ban from being renewed. If the ban had been in place the Las Vegas shooter would not have been able to purchase the assault weapons he used in the massacre. As it stands now anyone can go into their local gun store and purchase the same weapons bump stocks and all. Out of 330 million people how many do you think have a score they would like to settle with society? A 1,000, 5,000 a 100,000. We all now realize that serial killers kill because they simply enjoy the act of killing and at any one time there over a hundred active serial killer in the United States. There can only be one explanation Las Vegas shooter motive and that he killed because he enjoyed the act of killing. We think of our brains as an integrated whole when in fact it is a number of specialized modules and one module can fail or become impaired changing the personality. Now as the baby boomers are aging and subject to mental changes many have an arsenal of assault weapons and you will find that you can't out run a bullet from an AR-15.
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Reply Wed 4 Oct, 2017 09:44 pm
Republicans for gun control? Can it be? It seems a Republican, Representative Carlos Curbelo FL plans to introduce a bipartisan bill to ban "bump stocks" like the shooter used in Las Vegas to kill 59 people and injury 535. At least one other Republican is supporting the bill. The National Gun Manufacturers Association must be fit to be tied, someone they put in office who wants to control guns. What is the matter doesn't this guy know that every gun nut in America will rush out to buy bump stocks for their semi-automatics? The profit for the gun manufacturers will be tremendous, their stock prices must be doubling as we speak.

It only takes one incident to change the way people think and this may be the straw that finally broke the camels back. Polls have shown the country has been close to a tipping point on gun control for several years in fact Congress's action or lack there of does not reflect the public opinion. The NRA strangle hold on Congress has prevented Congress from taking action. As it becomes obvious that public opinion is shifting the NRA will have to make compromises that they won't like.

One of the most troubling misconceptions I ran into is that most people believe that other people are just like them when in fact many people think quite differently than they do. Someone that is honest is an easy mark for someone who is not. We like to look for reasons for someone else's actions. It is easy to make justifications for someone else's actions it let's us hide from the ugly reality. I read over a hundred books about different serial killers looking for a reason and explanation and when I was finished the only possible answer was they were different from birth and it was obvious in childhood. Torturing small animals is a sign they enjoy seeing pain. In an incident reported on the evening news a stray dog stayed around a local Dollar Store in a small town. Everybody that came to the store fed the dog. He was known as the Dollar Store dog. When food was placed down they would call the dog and he would come. Someone put the food down in the middle of road and called dog so he would be run over. Those type of people are different they are psychopaths. "It is life's illusions I recall I really don't know life at all." We have lived under this illusion for way to long. Some people kill to save others and some kill in the heat of the moment but others kill because they like to kill. Trying to look for hidden motives in Las Vegas shooting is a wild goose chase. It called the pleasure principal we go towards things that are pleasurable and away from things that are not. The shooter had spent over $100,000 on his arsenal he was moving toward what was pleasurable to him. We are in more danger than what we would like to believe. If the shooter lost all his money gambling would that make it any better? We look for a rational ordered world and sometimes it is not. We fear disorder because it leads to unpredictability. Mass murders derive pleasure from killing.
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Reply Thu 5 Oct, 2017 09:39 pm
The Whitehouse plays out like the movie "Dumb and Dumber." Can you imagine Trump being upset because Tillerson called him a moron after he had left the room? After all I am sure it was meant as a compliment. I am sure Trump has been called far worse to his face. I don't look for Tillerson to stay much longer it is awful hard to work for a moron. Tillerson got it right Trump is a moron. When Trump watched the NBC news report that Tillerson had considered resigning and found out that Tillerson had called him a moron he was madder than a wet hen. How mad was he? He was 20 minutes late leaving for Las Vegas. Trump is known for holding grudges and he will not be able to get over it. Being called a moron would be like a heat seeking missile hitting his ego.

There are more leaks in the Whitehouse than in a sieve. It is like Trump lives in a glass house because everything that takes place in the Whitehouse becomes public. I don't believe that any other presidency has been as public as the Trump administration. It has to be bad management. Trump is no doubt sulking around the Whitehouse planning his revenge. Trump cannot just let things just roll off his back his ego won't allow it. He cannot pick his battles he must meet every challenge. This lets other control and manipulate him. No doubt the leaders of other countries have studied Trump's personality and know that they can manipulate him. Tillerson was right we have a moron in the Whitehouse.
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Reply Fri 6 Oct, 2017 09:46 pm
Trump said, "This is the calm before the storm." Many are wondering what Trump was referring to and smart money seems to be that he is referring to the revenge he is planning to take on Tillerson. Trump's Chief of Staff, General Kelly, talked Trump into not taking any rash action this year. Thus this is the calm before the storm. Trump watched the Tillerson press conference aboard Air Force One and was livid when Tillerson did not apologize for calling Trump a moron and didn't even deny that he said it. Trump wanted to fire him on the spot but Kelly dissuaded him from doing so.

Last week's Saturday Night Live had the Trump character listing the number of high level people who have left the Trump administration in the first 9 months of his administration and blaming it on the Sarah Huckabee Sanders character. Huckabee took the blame for firing the people. Tillerson will be added to that long list along with Flynn and Price whether it is now or sometime later but we may have to wait for the storm.

Trump is considering making CIA Director Mike Pompeo to replace Tillerson. It seems Pompeo is a friend of Trump's and brings him his daily briefing everyday. Since the search for a new Secretary of State is publicly underway one has to wonder why Tillerson has not taken the not to subtle hint? He has nothing to lose by resigning and nothing to gain by staying.
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Reply Sat 7 Oct, 2017 09:48 pm
Rush Slimbaugh cited numbers that showed that the number of guns are increasing and the number of mass killing are not keeping up with the increased amounts of guns. Rush's obvious solution to drive the mass murder rate down is to keep increasing the amount of guns on the streets. Rush pointed out of the 33.000 people killed by guns most of those are suicides. Of the murders most are young men killing other young men in gang and criminal activity.

Most people were surprised that the Las Vegas shooter owned so many guns. He had 23 guns at the hotel which is why he was so deadly he did not have to reload he just switched guns out. The barrel on an automatic will overheat after so many rounds and you would need to change the barrel. Twelve of them were full automatics converted with bump stocks along with 7 other weapons at the hotel along with him and he had another 24 at his house. Many are thinking he may be the exception to the rule but when gun ownership was checked it seems he is far from alone. In the last two decades since the National Gun Manufacturers Association has taken control of Congress 70 million guns have been added to private arsenals. There are now 265 million guns on the streets more than one gun for every adult in America. Half of those guns are in the hands of just 3% of America adults. Called "super owners" they have an average of 17 guns. So the Las Vegas shooter has a lot of company in the "super owners" and no doubt some of the "super owners" own far more than he did. Since mass murders began we have seen that many others super owners can't wait to imitate the original shooter we can look forward to many more shootings by super owners in the future.
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Reply Sun 8 Oct, 2017 09:34 pm
The percentage of Americans who own guns is decreasing from 25% in 1994 to 22% in 2016. The hunting culture is beginning to decline. It seems the newer generations shoot their deer on video games instead of in the woods. There was a time when most Americans hunted for food for their families not for sports and entertainment. Deer hunting is still big here in WV but now it is killing for fun instead of providing food for one's family. Many of the hunters simply take the deer they kill to a butcher who butchers the deer and gives them to the poor. The hunting culture is now more about killing for recreation it is just entertainment or is it?

Mass murders are on the upswing at the same time the number of Americans who own guns is declining. If the percentage of people who own guns is going down we should be on the way to solving the problem but yet it is getting worse. I believe the changing gun culture in America is responsible. The thrill of the hunt is the thrill of killing for killing sake. Man in fact is just another animal to kill. People who get hooked on gambling get a surge of norepinephrine. Gamblers are known to have a lower level of norepinephrine than the general population. Norepinephrine is secreted under stress, arousal or thrill. Gambling trips the reward mechanism. Studies fMRI showed that gambling caused similar reaction to that observed in cocaine addiction.

We know that the Las Vegas shooter was a big time gambler winning over $5 million last year. No doubt his norepinephrine levels were low and he was self medicating with gambling. All drug addicts chase a bigger and bigger high. Gambling was no longer providing enough of a thrill and he turned to killing to get an even bigger thrill. This brain chemical or lack there of may provide part of the answer as to why serial killers kill. They are just chasing a higher high. We now know that 3% of the population has 133 million guns and how many of them have found out that by killing animals they can alter their brain chemistry. The ultimate high for someone who enjoys killing animals may be killing a man. The Las Vegas shooters actions was the equivalent to the typical heroin addict killing himself with an overdose. Think how simple it is you don't need a drug dealer you just manufacture it yourself. The problem is there may be a 100,000 more just like him who own even more guns.
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Reply Mon 9 Oct, 2017 09:33 pm
We are all familiar with how dogs are trained. If you want your dog to roll over on command you give him a treat when he does the trick. Eventually the dog will roll over because expect to get a treat. People also have a reward system an internal reward system and instead of treats we are rewarded with drugs that alter the way we feel. Everyone has heard of runner's high where long distance runners prefrontal and limbic spews endorphins, home brewed opiates, are released when running. Running was an important survival skill for our ancestors who had to run game down or run away from predators. Thus our ancestors were rewarded with chemical rewards for running, I have been a long distance runner for 32 years now and while there was a local core group of about 45 to 50 people that ran years ago that figured has ballooned to thousands now.

Most recreational drugs are either imitations of drugs the body manufactures or drugs that mimic them. Those who are born with lower than normal levels of certain chemicals look for ways to elevate their chemical levels. Many people born with below levels of adrenalin choose professions that stimulate their adrenalin levels. My mom was head of intensive care unit. My daughter works the emergency room as a respiratory therapist. Emergencies where seconds count are common occurrences in both professions. The stress would lead to early death for many but for others it is all in a days work. My mom will be 90 soon and still mows her own lawn. I drove race cars for 20 years an enjoyed every minute of it.

So we know that brain chemistry is different for different people and it is a factor in drug addiction, alcoholism and gambling and it is not too much of a stretch to realize that killing was important skill that our ancestors needed to survive. Like running. killing may have been a chemically rewarded activity. Hunting has long outlasted the need to provide food but it is still a popular sport and the brain structure to reward killing still exists in at least some people today and the greatest prey is man. Serial killer like mass murders live to kill and for too long we have looked to their environment for the reason they are driven to kill when we should in fact be looking at their internal chemistry. I am sorry but because your wife left you or you lost your job are not rational reasons to kills 58 people. Those types of explanations are not explanations but justification for what we don't understand.
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Reply Tue 10 Oct, 2017 09:48 pm
A mss shooting is defined as a shooting where four or more people are shot. There have been 1,516 mass shootings in the last 1,735 days in America. Mass shootings in America occur in 9 out of every 10 days. If you ask most people they would tell you that mass shootings are over reported but from actual statistics mass shootings are by far the most unreported phenomenon in America today. I doubt there is one person in America who could tell you that they know of even 10 of those 1,516 shootings. The mass shooting problem in America is far worse than anybody could possibly imagine. The fact that the Gun Manufacturers Association (NRA) has used politics and the politicians they "own" to put 70 million more guns in the streets of America in the last 10 years is making the problem far worse.

We all know that in America we all have rights but we also know that our rights have limits. While you have freedom of speech we know that our freedom of speech doesn't extend to yelling fire in a crowed theater or libeling others. Freedom is not a defense to libeling someone. Our freedom does not extend to killing others because there is a law against it. In fact our laws were put in place to put limits on our freedoms. If the NRA had been involved we would have the right to yell "fire" in a crowded theater. The American system is proudly based on what a reasonable man would do but the gun laws show no sign of being based on what a reasonable man would do. This clearly shows the great influence of corporations over American political system. A mass shootings 9 out of 10 days does not happen in any other part of the civilized world. We don't have to tolerate it and there should be a monument in Washington similar to the Vietnam Wall with the names of all the victims of mass shooting in the past ten years. The monument should be located in Washington DC close to Congress where they had to walk by it each day and could see the enormous damage done by guns. We are hiding from problem and just because your local paper didn't cover all1,516 shooting doesn't mean they didn't happen.
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Reply Wed 11 Oct, 2017 10:01 pm
Trump is becoming increasingly unstable and now Trump says, "I hate everyone in the Whitehouse." "I've spoken with a half dozen prominent Republicans and Trump advisors and they all describe a Whitehouse in crisis as advisor struggle to contain a president who seems to be increasingly unfocused and consumed by dark moods." according to Vanity Fair. Senator Bob Corker' remark about "the Whitehouse being an adult day care center where someone must have missed there shift this morning" is probably the truest statement about the Whitehouse that any Republican has ever made.

Trump lies even in the face of overwhelming evidence he is lying just as he lied about the size of his inauguration crowd. There are several witnesses that reported that Tillerson had called Trump a "moron." Trump was not in the room when the remark was made but still insists it was fake news. Trump than wanted to remove NBC license to broadcast because they would not acknowledge Trump's lie as the truth. I was listening to Glen Beck this morning when Trump started tweeting and even Beck was appalled by Trump's remarks and pointed out that NBC did not have a broadcast license but their affiliated stations had license to broadcast. Beck pointed out if a president got to decide who would be permitted to broadcast news that the door would swing both ways and when a Democrat was elected red neck right radio would be banned.

Never have there been so many leaks from inside the Whitehouse and I am sure there have been many disagreements in previous administrations. Why now? These are not democrats that are responsible for the leaks these are Republicans who are scared to death of what Trump might do. The ground work is being laid for Trump's cabinet to remove him from office under the 25th Amendment. We don't have time to impeach him. Hundreds of thousands of people Trump's age are already in adult daycare across America it is an unpleasant fact but Trump is well within the age of senility of course not every senior citizen in that age group is in adult daycare but many are.

Trump can put us all in an early grave and it is reported by his advisors that he is consumed by "dark moods." Trumps describes the Whitehouse as political prison. Bannon warned Trump that he has a 75% of being removed from office by the 25th Amendment.
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Reply Thu 12 Oct, 2017 09:28 pm
Trump is showing his true colors lately, he is a dictator. The rule of law does not matter. The truth to Trump is whatever lie he can get away with. Trump is trying to destroy Obamacare by deny $7 billion in payments to the insurance companies. Trump and his allies have claimed that Obamacare was collapsing even though in some states the cost of insurance was actually going down and you never heard one Republican mention the states where the cost of insurance has gone down. Obamacare is the law of the land and the public is in favor of the law in spite of the $100s of millions spent by billionaires to convince the public they do not need healthcare. The ungodly greedy tried and failed to convince the public that no healthcare was better than healthcare. Trump does not care if 20 millions Americans lose healthcare all he cares about is making sure he doesn't have to pay a tax that he can't pay a smart accountant to beat.

The billionaires tried to win by buying the system when that didn't work they are trying to back door Obamacare. Trump's executive order will allow healthy people to form groups and buy health insurance for less. No pre-existing conditions is allowed in these groups which were originally temporary for a three month period. The key point of the Republican plan is the fantasy that the 20 million people that will lose health insurance would still have "access" to health insurance even if the cost of health insurance is more than their annual income. I was fortunate and had health insurance for 45 years but I never ever purchased on my own it was always provided by my employer. If I wasn't employed by a company that provided health insurance as part of a benefit package I could not have afforded it. Ask yourself how many people you know that are currently buying health insurance on their own? Health Insurance is simply out of reach for most of the middle class.

Health insurance has always been a luxury for the healthy as soon as you get really sick you lose your job and your health insurance. This is the system that Trump wants to return to.
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Reply Fri 13 Oct, 2017 08:57 pm
Trump has been known to hold grudges and he has a big grudge to settle with the NFL Trump wanted and NFL team but he did not want to pay the going price. This was just another of Trump's expensive and spectacular failures. Trump managed to buy a United States Football League (USFL) team. But Trump's ultimate goal was not to be an owner of a second rate league he intended to bully his way into the NFL whether they liked it or not. In the first few years the USFL operated out of season so they would not compete head to head with the NFL. The USFL could not get a TV deal to compete head to head with the NFL

Trump talked the other USFL owners to switch their season to go head to head against the NFL and file a anti-trust suit against the NFL. Trump is always long bullying and short on knowledge. Trump had already decided to sell the rest of USFL out and cut a deal with the NFL making his team an expansion team in the NFL. Trump got beat in court and the USFL was finished. Trump lost more than a $100 million on that deal.

Trump could care less whether people stood on their head during the national anthem or kneeled. He just saw an opening to get back at the NFL by getting fans and sponsors to boycott the NFL games. This has to be costing the NFL owners money and that is exactly what Trump was hoping for.
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Reply Sat 14 Oct, 2017 09:08 pm
They always say follow the money and that is exactly what the special prosecutor is doing. So far the Russian money trail the size of an interstate highway has been traced back to from Putin to Paul Manafort, Trump's campaign manager. Manafort got or his company got a $27 million "loan" from the Russians. This "loan" scheme is a favorite of money launders the money is "loaned" but never repaid. This method moves the money but it flies under the radar.

In addition Manafort and his companies have done an additional $33 million in "business" with the Russians over the last 10 years bringing the grand total to 60 million dollars. Was it a coincidence that Manafort was Trump's campaign manager and Trump had a pro Russian position? Was Paul Manafort Russia's pick for campaign manager? At some point in time Manafort became "too hot" and had to be removed as Trump's campaign manager.

It is an indisputable fact that there was a Russian connection between Paul Manafort and the Russians. Whether Muller can follow the trial any further remains to be seen but this may be the best chance of finding the truth.
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Reply Sun 15 Oct, 2017 09:54 pm
We now know that Paul Manafort has been laundering money for Russia but he is not the only one that Mueller is investigating for laundering money for the Russians Trump is suspected for laundering money for the Russians also. The money laundering involves one of Trump's signature properties, Trump SoHo a 46 story condominium and hotel. As is often the case with Trump one of his primary partners was a known mafia associate who had been convicted of assaulting a fellow stock broker with a broken margarita glass. It took a 110 stitches to put the man's face back to and he nerve damage. The man name was Felix Sater and this was not the worst part Sater has pleaded guilty to a $40 million stock fraud scheme called pump and dump that had obvious mob ties. This was not the only time that Trump used this man to defraud investors but tried to conceal his criminal background by misspelling his last name so investors could not discover his criminal background.

When Sater criminal record became know by other investors in the Trump SoHo project they had grounds to sue the Trumps and the whole family was involved in this project. The project was over budget and the condos were not selling like they thought. More money had to be found and the money came from Russia and Kazakhstan. This was 15 years ago and it is a know method of how Russian intelligence gets control of people. It is obvious that Russian Intelligence has been grooming Trump for a decade and a half. The SoHo project let Russia launder a lot money and this explains why Trump is so pro Russia. Trump never saw a lie too outrageous to tell and he will deny that he had any business dealings with Russia even when the special prosecutors has copies in his hands just like the pictures of the inauguration crowd Trump is such an egotist that he thinks his followers will believe everything he say but the Mueller may be a Republican but he was not born yesterday.

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Reply Tue 17 Oct, 2017 06:54 am
Meanwhile back at the adult daycare center, formerly known as the Whitehouse, Trump was running amok confounding his handlers. He was throwing a temper tantrum because the Republicans were unable to repeal the Affordable Healthcare Act. Trump decided to take it out on the most vulnerable, the children of the working poor refusing to pay $7 billion in supplements used to make health insurance affordable for the working poor.

Trump's keepers had tried many different strategies to keep Trump under control but still he ran amok firing anyone who challenged him. Every once and a while the handlers won by misdirecting his attention. Trump is easily distracted by any shinny object. If one of his handlers say look over there, there is a NFL player taking a knee during the National Anthem then Trump forgets all about "little rocket man" and focuses on the real enemy the NFL players. If Trump's handlers can continue to keep Trump's attention focused on the NFL players people who at least have some idea what they are doing can run the government while Trump is distracted.

After Trump's war with the NFL is concluded Trump handlers should focus on what the next big distraction for Trump should be. Maybe cheating on your golf game should become a national priority. Trump is a known expert in this area. Those who play golf with him say on a cheating scale of 1 to 10 Trump is an 11. Trump claims to have an average of 73 better then many golf pros. Trump is known to carry an extra ball in his pocket and drop it when he hits in the rough. After all cheating at golf is a national disgrace and at least as important as kneeling during the National Anthem and we just happen to have an expert in the adult day care center. Someone who would cheat at golf would have no problem lying and stealing, heck they might even collude with Russia to win an election.
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Reply Tue 17 Oct, 2017 09:13 pm
Trump first instinct is to lie and lie some more. Trump should realize when he starts lying that people are going to check to see what the actual facts are. When Trump is criticized the first thing he does is look for a scapegoat to distract attention away for his misdeeds or lack of deeds. Trump was recently criticized for not sending letters or calling the families of the four Green Berets killed in Africa. Trump immediately starts scapegoating the past two presidents. Trump than claims that he calls all of the soldiers families killed during his presidency of course when the facts are checked Trump is lying yet again.

There have only been 8 soldiers killed on Trump's watch and three quarters of their families have not received a letter or a call and the other two have probably not been tracked down by the press. But Trump will swear he called each and everyone and his followers will believe every lie he tells and claim the dead soldiers families are lying for political purposes. Trump scapegoating tells reports that Obama did not call General Kelly when his son was killed in 2010 but films show General Kelly and his wife sitting at Mrs. Obama table at gold star family breakfast at the Whitehouse.

Baby Bush had called or sent letters to all 3,200 families of soldiers killed between 2004 and 2008. Of all things for Trump to pick a fight about making a public spectacle out of the families who have lost their sons or daughters while in service to their country show how bad Trump's judgment really is. Trump simply can't take any criticism his ego can't tolerate it. The families of the four Green Berets will no doubt get their calls from Trump and letters ( Trump states the letters were written but not sent) but what about those killed six months ago? No doubt it was someone on his staff fault.
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Reply Wed 18 Oct, 2017 09:46 pm
Red neck right radio has been beating the Harvey Weinstein horse to death you would have thought they struck gold. It does not seem to matter that Weinstein was not a politician and their only claim is that he contributed money to Hillary and some other Democratic politicians. They're trying the guilt by association ploy. In other words if someone who sexually abused women contributes to your campaign you are guilty by association. Rush Slimbaugh replacement went them one better that sexual abuse of women was a political problem for the left that it was not a male female problem. It seems according to talk radio it is the political philosophy that is responsible for rape. If we could just eliminate liberals there would be no rape. This is a radical right talking point manufactured by the right funded think tanks. They are investing a lot of time and effort into this project.

How short their memory is as a long list of females accused Trump of sexual assault and in fact Trump publicly bragged about doing it. Trump also went to court over raping a 13 year old girl at a sex party with teenage girls and the host of the party was sent to prison while Trump's high paid lawyers got him out of trouble. This is an age old problem of differences in power when a man whether he is Democrat or Republican has a good deal of power over the women the first thing that occurs in the mind of a pervert is that he can use that power to get sexual favors. Things have been getting better but the problem persists. At one time the owner of a business would tell a single woman bluntly if you want to keep your job you need to put out. One of our local restaurant owners was summoned by the Human Rights Commission and told to bring his check book because he couldn't keep his hands off the help.

The Hollywood casting couch is famous you have young women starting out with nothing and Weinstein is a gate keeper to them becoming not just millionaires but multi-millionaires overnight, It is the perfect capitalist situation. He has something they want and they have something he wants. There are millions of women in America who want to be rich and famous and only a tiny fraction will make it. I can not imagine that the actresses had not heard of the casting couch and how the game is played. They had an opportunity to lay down ground rules up front but they did not want to take a chance of losing their part of the bargain. Women are as guilty as men in some cases. Gold diggers often take advantage of older men and end up with fortunes. The song says "All the gold in California is in a bank in Beverly Hills in someone else's name," and there are a number of enterprising women who want to change that. I am not defending Weinstein what he did was wrong but if we don't realize that there are women who would take advantage of the situation we are only seeing part of the problem, The ladies that are willing give the impression that the other ladies may be willing to trade also.

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