The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Mon 31 Jul, 2017 09:16 pm
Trump’s first instinct is to lie and if that doesn’t work lie some more. Now Trump is not only telling lies for himself but he is making up and dictating lies for his son to tell as well. It seems evident that Trump has never found a situation that he could not lie his way out of. It seems the meeting between Trump Jr. and the Russians that Trump had never heard of until after the story broke was to say the least another Trump lie. Not only was that a lie but Trump prepared the lies for his son to tell about the meeting. Only a narcissist can believe they are the smartest man on the planet and everybody else is a fool. Trump Jr. statement about the Russian meeting was dictated by Trump against legal advice. The statement was dictated on Air Force One as Trump returned from Germany after the G20 summit.

Once the lawyers found out what Trump had done and that the whole story had been made public they were shocked to say the least. Everybody in the Trump administration is worried about being placed in legal jeopardy because of Trump’s continual lying. Trump even lied about lying because at the time he was dictating lies for his son to tell he claimed later that he never heard about the meeting until after the press broke the story.
“Flying home from Germany on July 8th aboard Air Force One, Trump personally dictated a statement in which Trump Jr. said he and a Russian lawyer had “primarily discussed a program about adoption of Russian children” when they met in June 2016, according to many people with knowledge of the deliberations. The statement issued to the New York Times as it prepared a story emphasized, the subject of the meeting was not a campaign issue.

From an Internet article entitled: “Trump Dictated Son’s Misleading Statement on Meeting With Russian Layer” from the Washington Post.
We now know the meeting was about information on Hillary Clinton from the Russians and that several Russian attending the meeting. As for Trump when the going gets tough just tell more lies.

But relief is on the way a House of Representative member. Maxine Water’s reported that Vice President Pence is planning his inauguration he wants to be prepared when Trump lies his way out of office.
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Reply Tue 1 Aug, 2017 09:31 pm
When Trump isn’t busy lying it seems he is busy manufacturing “fake news.” Fox and Friends are really in the manufacturing business they manufacture false news. This particular news story was so fake it had to be retracted by Fox News. Considering what Fox News usually airs this really had to be one of the worst lies ever. The Washington Post has reported today that a lawsuit was filed by a source cited in the story alleging he was misquoted. The interesting part was Fox News knew the quotes were lies and President Trump instructed Fox News to keep the false quotes in the story.

The story started with a rich businessman who wanted to take some of the heat off of Trump and his Russian connection. Seth Rich, a Democratic Nation Committee employee was killed in an apparent armed robbery attempt in Washington. Ed Butowsky, a wealthy businessman approaches Rich parents and offers to fund an investigation into their son’s death being careful not to mention his affiliation with Fox News. Butowsky hires a private investigator who is also a frequent guest on Fox News. After the investigator, Rod Wheeler is hired they go have a meeting with Sean Spicer at the White House. After that Wheeler meets with Rich’s parents. Then Butowsky and a reporter at Fox News call Wheeler and tell him they have a source in the FBI that will say that Rich was mailing documents from the Democratic Nation Committee to WkiLeaks.

However when the story is aired the quotes about the FBI source is attributed to Wheeler. Wheeler had refused to have the story aired with the quotes in place but when Trump was contacted by Fox he told them to run the story the way it was. The idea was to make it look like it wasn’t the Russians working with Trump but a rogue Democrat National Committee staffers who was then killed to cover up his connection with WikiLeaks and frame Trump.

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Reply Thu 3 Aug, 2017 09:23 pm
There must have been a liar’s convention in Huntington today because Air Force One showed up. I am sure Trump would have won hands down. All week long they had to advertise on local red neck right radio and to peddle tickets and they could not even give the tickets away 200 tickets remained unclaimed when the event started. The event was hyped by saying an important announcement would be made but it was just another Trump lie. Early on Huntington rolled out the welcome mat for Trump by decorating the Civic Center with a huge sign giving Trump a great big Hollywood howdy, the traditional one finger solute in front of Trump’s name. The civic center crew had a big job trying to paint over the huge greeting.

Senator Shelly More Capito from WV had decided to vote against the Republican healthcare scam after her phone was blown up from her constituents but she changed her mind and voted for it letting down WV. WV has a much higher percentage of people on Medicaid than other states and the Republicans want to gut Medicaid. No doubt she was paid off and she deplaned alongside of Trump from air Force One. The event was no doubt scheduled to announce the pay off she got but I guess the joke was on her. When you make a deal with the devil the devil always wins.

Muller’s investigation is get serious now as he has impaneled a grand jury to investigate the Trump-Russian collusion. The grand jury has far more investigative power to question witnesses and subpoena evidence. Muller has added experts on money laundering and organized crime to his staff. Trump says that he will put an end to Muller if the investigation goes beyond the ”election” but it looks like the genie is already out of the bottle. Trump’s numerous deals with New York most powerful crime families will now be aired in public and Trump will be just one of many who is headed off to jail. The Mafia Don’s will regret dealing with Trump as mush as Putin does.
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Reply Fri 4 Aug, 2017 09:50 pm
Trump has written about lying and how it helps you out in one of his books. Trump thinks that lying is perfectly all right and a way to gain an advantage over others.

“He has been lying his whole life, almost reflexively, and it’s almost as if he finds it more satisfying and easier than to speak with precision,” said Michael D’Antonio, a Pulitzer Prize winning reporter who later wrote a biography of Mr. Trump, “The Truth About Trump.” “When he was a kid, he lied about whether he hit a home run or not, and when he was a young man, he lied how tall Trump tower is—how many floors it is and the actual floors in feet--- and he lied about which beautiful women were interested in him.

“Mr. Trump has written about how he bends the truth when it suits his purposes, asserting in his book “The Art of the Deal” that a little hyperbole never hurts.”

From an Internet article entitled “Those Calls to Trump? White House Admits They Didn’t Happen” from “The New York Times”

Hyperbole is defined as an obvious and intentional exaggeration. Trump does exaggerate but mostly he just outright lies. After Trump lied about the call from the Boy Scout leader praising his speech the White House had to admit it was another outright Trump lie. The White House than tried to say it happened in a private conversation not over the phone.

The next Trump lie was that the President of Mexico called him and let him know that his tough enforcement at the border was paying off handsomely. Again no such telephone call was ever made and in fact the Mexican government said the actual deportations of Mexicans is down by 31%. In the last 6 months. Lying for any politician is an advantage but Trump takes to extremes.
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Reply Sat 5 Aug, 2017 09:04 pm
The Republican field for the 2020 presidential nomination is growing by the day. Usually no one runs against a sitting first term president as he is assumed to be his prerogative to run unopposed in the party primary. But it seems even thee vice president is planning to run for president in 2020. Do they know something we don’t? They seem to be betting that Trump will not run for reelection. Sixteen Republican hopefuls ran for president in 2016 and it looks like many of the same people will run again in 2020.


“If Pence does have his own ambitions about emerging as president after 2020, he would not be the only one in the Republican Party. Senators Tom Cotton and Ben Sasses as well as Ohio Governor John Kasich, who run unsuccessfully against Trump in 2016, similarly have an eye on the next election, the Times reported.

From an Internet article entitled: “Pence Denied 2020 Election Results” from “News Week”

I doubt if Trump makes it to 2020, I hope they have impeached the Soviet stogie by that time.

Trump constantly harped about Obama taking vacations and in first 6 months has taken far more vacations than Obama. Trump is on a 17 day vacation now but is denying it is a vacation, calling it a working vacation despite the fact he has been seen in a golf cart on his golf course. It has already cost the taxpayers more than $6 million to protect one of his other golf resorts.
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Reply Sun 6 Aug, 2017 09:31 pm
There appeared to be a ground swell of opposition against Obamacare when it was first passed but ask yourself why would anyone be against their neighbors having healthcare? One of the leading causes of health insurance rising cost was the growing numbers of people without health insurance. Just because someone does not have health insurance doesn’t mean they don’t get sick or are not involved in accidents. Their children are a lot like other children they get sick and need to go hospital. In a free market system if you can’t afford a television set you do without but healthcare is not that way if you can’t afford it someone else has to pay for it. Bad debt is a legitimate cost of doing business but the bad debt in the healthcare industry was major cause for the ever-increasing cost of health insurance. Obamacare by making health insurance mandatory would eventually help hold costs in check. So a system was in place that would help the average person but the outrage over Obamacare was manufactured by the rich.

The middle class had nothing to lose with Obamacare so who had something to lose? The rich, Obamacare put in place a 14.4% Medicare tax on the every dollar the rich made of course the middle class already pay Medicare tax on ever cent they make. So the attack on Obamacare was not a popular uprising as it appeared to be but well financed and very organized attack mounted by the extremely wealthy. What people don’t realize is the vast amount of money used to manufacture “the public’s opinion.” If you want to know what to think there are thousands of Republican “think tanks” that are funded by hundreds of millions each year and that most of that money is completely tax free as think tanks are nonprofit so when you give $5 million to a think tank it is tax deductible and of course the nonprofit does not have to pay tax on it either allowing the rich to get the maximum bang for their buck. It is high time that businesses that their primary business is to influence public opinion and political outcomes be considered just like any other business and “donations” should not be tax deductible and income should be treated as such. This was the divide and conquer method where people who will never earn $30,000 a year think they will be billionaires any day now.
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Reply Mon 7 Aug, 2017 09:22 pm
Very interesting. After the sanctions against Russia were passed by an overwhelming majority of both houses of Congress suddenly the Russian bots have started attacking Republicans.
“Russian-linked bots and trolls have caused a surge in the use of hashtag #ResignPaulRyan on Twitter over the last 48 hours, just as the Republican Speaker of the House was returning to his hometown of Wisconsin for a month respite from Washington. D.C.”

“The unusual boost in Russian bots attacking a Republican lawmaker was first observed by the German Marshall Fund’s Alliance for Securing Democracy, created after the 2016 presidential election to “defend against, deter, and raise the cost to the Russians and other state actors’ efforts to undermine democracy and democratic institutions.”

from an Internet article entitled: “Russian Bots are beginning to Attack Republicans.” From “Newsweek”

It looks like Trump and his Russian friends are going to make the Republicans pay for imposing sanctions against Russia. Russia now surely understands that just controlling one branch of our government is not enough they need to get control of Congress also. The Russians did not just break into the Democratic National Committee they broke into the Democratic Congressional Committee. It should be obvious that Congress is the next big Russian target. Now the Republicans are about to get a taste of Russian justice. The Russian bots have also targeted National Security Advisor H R McMasters hashtag #Fire McMasters.
But the Russian bots continue to praise Trump. “Trump thanked an apparent Twitter bot named @ProTrump 45 for a supportive message about presidency.

“The account, which was quickly discovered to be fake, pro Trump spam page, has since been suspended by Twitter.”
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Reply Tue 8 Aug, 2017 09:28 pm
“Nearly half of Trumps followers on social media appear to be fake or spam accounts,” according to Newsweek. This explains Trump’s appearance of being popular it is just as fake as everything else about him. Over the last 48 hours there has been surge by Russian bots using several hashtags including #Resign Paul Ryan, #TrumpTV, #Magnitsky, #Fake, and #ConfessYour UnpopularOpinion. A Russian invasion is underway and all Trump can say is it is fake news. Make no doubt it Trump benefited by all the Russian’s hard work during the last election and he is not about to go after his supporters even though they may be Russians.

“There are many different truths. There has to be a pluralism of truth.”

Nataliya Novikova, head of Russian propaganda site Sputnik Paris.

Truth will no longer be determined by facts but by a plurality on social media and that is exactly what happened during the last election. All the ugly facts about Trump were negotiated by social media under the influence of Russian bots like a lead cow in a stampede the Russian controlled the direction of the stampeding herd. Sounds like Kellyanne Conway “alternative facts” the Russian have schooled the Trump administration well. The Russian bots took a very active roll in the 2016 election on American social media many Americans thought they were engaging another human being on social media but in reality they responding to Russian bots. Most of these Russian bots have remained silent since the election until a few days ago when they became active and began targeting Republicans. The 2018 election is officially underway and the Russians showing us they are going to take and active part and Trump is not going to take any actions to curtail their actions.
“Why did rumors about a French presidential candidate’s sexual orientation take flight despite the country’s sexually liberated reputation? Blame it on the bots fake online accounts programmed to post messages automatically and mimic a real person identity.”

From an Internet article entitled: “ Where Are They Now? The Russian Bots That Disrupted the 2016 Election.” From the site “Think Progress”
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Reply Wed 9 Aug, 2017 09:15 pm
Now the time has come we may be facing the world’s first nuclear war. We are sitting on the eve of destruction. Though we dropped the atom bomb on Japan they had no atom bombs of their own to retaliate. The facts all indicate that North Korea either has or is very closing to shrinking a nuclear bomb to fit on a missile. Their last missile test went 2300 miles and can hit some of the United States biggest cities. They cannot completely wipe us out but they can inflict major damage. We know what just one atom bomb can do and 70 years of development have made atom bombs several times more destructive.

And who do we have in charge? Trump, the man that avoid military service like the plague. Trump’s major claim to fame was that he had absolutely no experience in government. So now are very lives are in the hands of a man who is extremely proud of the fact he has no experience. When was the last time a businessman had to wage a nuclear war? A recent poll shows that 61% of the American people don’t trust Trump when it comes to North Korea.

The leader of North Korea makes even Hitler seem sane. Kim Jong believes he is a god and so do his people. A god is immortal so Kim has no fear of atomic weapons because he knows he will survive. Since people believe that Kim is a god whatever he decides will be fine with them. The Asian people have carried a grudge since WWII when we dropped the atom bombs on civilians instead of military targets. It was only a matter of time until they would want to even the score and now we have Trump in charge. One thing for sure you cannot reason with a madman or a god. This war will bring us to the intersection of religion and a madman. Trump teeters on the edge of insanity himself.

Trump thinks he can intimidate a madman with his bullying saying that he can kill him a hundred times will not deter Kim from firing his missiles but that is all Trump knows. Trump got five deferments to avoid the draft why should he be in charge of the organization he refused to serve?
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Reply Thu 10 Aug, 2017 09:13 pm
Trump looked like a deer in the headlights today after he found out his campaign manager, Paul Manafort, house was raided by the Feds two weeks ago at 3AM. A search warrant can only be issued by a judge. A search warrant is only issued when a judge is convinced there is substantial proof that a crime has taken place. Trump spent most of his day trying to distance himself from Manafort saying that Manafort was only a volunteer who worked on the Trump campaign for a short while. Manafort was Trump’s campaign manager and was forced out because his obvious connections to the Russian government and Russian mob. It wasn’t that Trump wanted him gone it was that Manafort had become to hot. Trump’s open admiration of Putin combined with Manafort lobbying for Russian interests served only to put the spotlight on Trump overt Russian admiration.

Now Trump is beginning to realize he just can’t stop the Russian investigation and he has to wonder when the search warrant will be served for Trump Towers and for his Russian dealing son house. Search warrants have also been issued at banks around the world to trace Manafort business dealing. Now even Manafort business partner and his son-in-law have been pulled into the investigation. It is not only Trump but his family that are being drawn into this investigation. Trump has to realize he is a short timer.

Now we find out that if Trump decides to nuke North Korea there are very few options to stop him. The founding fathers could not possibly foresee the development of nuclear weapons and that there deployment would be controlled by only one man. When the military advisor are ordered to start a nuclear war they can resign rather than order the death of millions but at some point someone will pass Trump’s orders on. Congress cannot overrule Trumps orders to nuke North Korea. The other option… A lying madman now holds the fate of the world in his demented hands.

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Reply Fri 11 Aug, 2017 09:14 pm
The signs says don’t feed the bears for good reason. A tourist did not heed the sign and got out of his car to feed the grizzle bears in Yellow Stone when he ran out of goodies to feed the bears they ate him next. Now it has come to our attention that the Trump ego is being fed twice a day by 20-25 folder of positive of things that someone has said about Trump or good pictures taken of Trump. The folders are called the “propaganda document.” Feeding Trump’s ego may be even more dangerous than feeding the grizzle bears. Trump gets a folder at 9:30 and another 4:30 there should be a sign in office not to feed his ego.

“Republican National Committee’s staffers keep tabs on various cable news shows, including CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News, as well as scouring for positive on line stories and social media posts.”

Sources told Vice that the team than forwards the material to the White House to include in the 20-25 page document, which is generally in Trump’s hands by around 9:30 am.”

From an Internet article entitled: “Trump Gets a ‘Propaganda Document’ Folder Twice a Day Filled With Screenshots of Positive News Stories, Admiring Tweets and Photos of Him Looking Powerful” from the “Daily Mail”


I have to wonder how many people it takes to feed the Trump ego. Things are getting so bad that the South has decided to secede again. It been more than a 150 years since the South seceded but at least now they have a good reason.
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Reply Sat 12 Aug, 2017 09:23 pm
The biggest gathering of the alt right in decades deteriorated into violence in Virginia today. The KKK, the Nazis, and the alt right nationalists came dressed for a fight and they got one. Why all of a sudden has the KKK and the Nazis gaining so much popularity? One word Trump, usually a politician avoids any endorsement from the KKK and American Nazi Party like the plague. If contributions are sent by the KKK and the Nazis they are returned so the politician will not be embarrassed when they are made public not Trump he was way down in the polls and he needed the endorsement of the Nazis, the KKK and the alt right. Trump refused to disavow any group that would support him. When Trump did not publicly disavow the hate groups this was taken as endorsement by the hate groups who used to recruit new members.

In the White House next to Trump sits one of the leaders of alt right leader movement, Steve Bannon, who believe that America should be a nation of whites. When Trump made a statement about the terrorist attack in VA today Trump was careful not to blame any of the terrorist groups involved, not only did he not blame them he refused to mention them by name. This will be a ringing endorsement of today’s terrorist’s attack by the hate groups and it will be repeated across the country. Hitler knew that there was noting like hate to manipulate people. Blind hatred once ruled America in the not to distant past. Crosses were burned in the yards of people color as recently as the 70s in the local area. “ Birth of Nation” released in 1915 cast the marauding, murderous, lynching KKK as national heroes. The film was originally going to be called the Clansman. Even the sitting president Woodrow Wilson praised the film. Robert Byrd the late senator from WV was a KKK member. The KKK was so powerful at one time that if you were not a member you were not likely to get elected without the support of the KKK.

It is easy to hate and spread hate but it is hard to reason.
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Reply Sun 13 Aug, 2017 09:02 pm
If Bill Clinton was called the first black president should Trump be known as the first Nazi president? I think that would be fair. One of the organizers of the event, Jason Kessler, tried to give a news conference before he was booed down by town’s people. He had to be escorted rapidly away by police as an angry mob had more then enough of him blaming the police and the government for the violence not the neo-nazis or the KKK. It was very obvious that neo-nazis and the KKK arrived intending to cause violence. Decked out in WWII helmets and shields. The Neo-nazis and the KKK never intended this to be a peaceful protest they intend to start a fight.

Trump refused to name the neo-nazis or KKK for the deaths in Charlottesville in his initial statement and was widely criticized by both Republicans and Democrats but Trump need not worry his words were praised by the neo-nazis and the white nationalists. Trump indeed deserves the title of the first neo-nazi president.
“WE HAVE AN ARMY!” the website posted to a live blog shortly 11 am, along with photos of people carrying Confederate flags and neo-Nazi paraphernalia. “THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF A WAR!”

From an Internet article entitled: “One Group Loved Trump’s Remarks About Charlottesville: White Supremacists”
From: The Washington Post

I think they also have a general for their army and his name is Trump.
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Reply Mon 14 Aug, 2017 09:00 pm
When Trump’s foreign policy was first assembled during the campaign their first objective was to meet with the Russians and Putin. Can you imagine that Trump wanting to meet with Putin. I bet they wanted to talk about adoption. Of course the Washington Post no doubt has the emails and you can bet the special prosecutor has a copy.
“The adviser, George Papadopoulos, offered to set up “a meeting between us and the Russians leadership to discuss US-Russia ties under President Trump,” telling them his Russian contacts welcomed the opportunity, according to internal campaign emails read to the Washington Post.”

From an Internet article entitled: “Trump Campaign Emails Show Aide’s Repeated Effort to Set Up Russia Meetings”

From “The Washington Post”
The emails clearly show that the Russian wanted to meet with Trump to find out what Trump could offer them in exchange for their help in the election. We all know that the Russians did their absolute best to help Trump win the election what we don’t know is what Trump promised the Russians.

Trump has now been sending emails to the special prosecutor to try to intimidate him. This alone would be obstruction of justice. Can you say obstruction of justice? Trump is going to get very, very familiar with that term in the near future.
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Reply Tue 15 Aug, 2017 09:31 pm
They say a picture is worth a thousand words and the picture of Chief of Staff, John Kelly, staring down at his feet tells the story of Trumps’ press conference. Kelly looks to be totally embarrassed as Trump takes up for the Nazis and the alt right. Yesterday Trump did mention the KKK by name but he avoided calling the KKK by name today and the former Grand Wizard, David Duke, praised Trump’s defense of the KKK.

The Republican Party has always been for states rights but what was overlooked in Charlottesville was that the local communities town council had already voted to remove the statue of Robert E Lee. The KKK, the neo nazis and the alt right came from all over the country to try and stop the lawful action of the local government. It should be up to local government to decide whether they still wanted to publicly worship as heroes men who believed in slavery to the point they would kill to keep people as slaves. It sets a bad example for generations to come and continues to romanticize the South’s struggle to keep the institution of slavery.

Dylann Root killed nine black people in a church online videos showed that he draped himself in the symbols of the civil war. In the old South black people were property their owner could do whatever he wanted with them. He could beat them with a whip or simply murder them if they misbehaved. The old South has been romanticized in movies and books for years but the realities were far worse than most of us can ever imagine. Being a slave would be nightmare that most of us could not imagine in our worst nightmares.

The neo-nazi say if the statues come down it will change history. The statues actually create a history that was never real to begin with. The statues are not statues of heroes they are statues of murders who wanted to keep the slave trade alive. It is high time that we accept that reality. There is a belief that anyone that fights in a war is a hero no matter what their cause. At some point you have to evaluate what cause a man was fighting for. Would we put up statues to Hitler because he was a war hero? There are no statues to Hitler or any other German general in America. We look at the cause that Hitler was fighting for we should apply the same to the civil war.
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Reply Wed 16 Aug, 2017 09:13 pm
Trump seems to have surround himself with racist and that should not come as a surprise to anyone who has looked into Trump’s background. That is simply who Trump is. The first federal case made against Trump was his refusal to rent to blacks of course Trump did have some slum property that he rented to blacks. To Trump it was important that the blacks realize they had a place and that it was not in his premium properties. The Federal government settled the case by requiring that Trump treat blacks like any other tenets. The racist in America knew who Trump was when they voted for him and other simply didn’t care.

Now the country seems shocked when Trump sides with the racists and believes that Robert E Lee was the same as George Washington. Washington is the father of our country and fought to free our country from England. Lee on the other fought to destroy our country so the rich plantation owners could continue to own slaves and kill them whenever they pleased. A hero is defined by what cause he is fighting for not just that he fought in a war. There are many German Americans but not one has pushed for monument to Hitler be erected. It is said that South lost war but won the culture and it is evident in that the Southern Baptist spread across America.

The Civil War was the war that abolished slavery in America if the southern heroes had won slavery would still be legal today in the South. We cannot separate the men from the cause they fought for. There were 360,222 Union troops killed by the so-called southern heroes so the rich could continue to own black people. Hitler did kill more but Hitler had better technology. The southern culture had a great influence on how the south was looked at after the war but as time goes on we cannot ignore the blood on the hands of the so-called heroes. We have a local red neck right radio host whose slogan is” The truth is always the truth even if nobody believes it.” But the converse is also true: A lie is still a lie even if everybody believes it. For way to long we have believed a lie.
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Reply Thu 17 Aug, 2017 09:07 pm
Trump says that, “there were good people on both sides.” Is there anybody in their right mind that agrees with Trump? Does your definition of good people include Neo-Nazis? Trumps publicly stated that Neo Nazis are good people or at least some of them are “good people.” Has your neighbor asked you to go burn a few crosses with him tonight? Would you think he was “good people” if he did? Trump is a known racist so he is likely to believe other racists are “good people” also. Don’t get me wrong some of the Neo-Nazis might appear to some as good people, they may coach the local little league team and may even go to church on Sundays but that does not make them good people. When these Neo-Nazis publicly state that they believe in free speech and will let people have free speech as they load them into the ovens is defines their character. What defines a good person is what he believes in. You cannot believe in segregation of the races and be a good person.

The stated reason for the Neo-Nazi and KKK demonstration in Charlottesville was to keep them from taking down the statue of Robert E Lee but after the terrorist attack by the Neo-Nazis the Civil War statues were taken down in many other cities so their demonstration was counterproductive and speeded up the removal of Civil War statues. Nobody wanted the KKK to come to their town so they removed the statues in the middle of the night.

There was an attack in Spain today with a van that killed thirteen people and injured 100. The attack in Charlottesville was indeed a terrorist attack. If the driver had been a Muslim the right would have called a terrorist attack in a heartbeat. Are we going to decide whether it is a terrorist attack by the religion of the attacker? In Charlottesville if it had not been that two cars prevented the Neo-Nazi from driving into the main street more people would have been killed. Does anybody believe that the Neo-Nazi and the Neo-Nazis that put him up to it did not intend to terrorize the counter demonstrators?
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Reply Fri 18 Aug, 2017 09:27 pm
Bannon says, “The Trump presidency is over.” If only that were true. What Bannon actually meant was that the rabid right’s agenda that Bannon had been pushing was purged along with him. Custer’s last stand or in this case Bannon’s last stand was to advise Trump to take up for the Neo-Nazis and the KKK. It was a disaster when Trump said there were good people in the Neo-Nazis and KKK after the terrorist attack in Charlottesville. Trump is perfect in his own mind, a true legend if there ever was one. When something goes wrong it can’t possibly be Trump’s fault in this case it was Bannon’s and he had to take one for the team. Trump canceled the manufacturing council after several CEOs dropped out over Trump’s support of the neo-nazis and the KKK. What is surprising is that only one member of Trump’s evangelical council has dropped out. Go figure, the CEOs are more of a moral force in America then all of the preachers combined.

The preacher of a megachurch in New York, A. R. Bernard, was the one who dropped out. Bernard is black and when the KKK starts killing black people they do not discriminate. Bernard dropping out may have far more to do with self-preservation than morality. We know that when Trump admitted to sexually assaulting women the preachers stood beside him it made no difference to them that he was a sexual predator. Trump is also a known pedophile and still the preachers stood by his side. It was very obvious that being a moral example had nothing to do with the evangelical support for Trump it had to do with political power for the megachurchs. The churches were quite willing to sell their souls in a deal with the devil to inherit the whirlwind. “Members of the Committee on Arts and Humanities have announced they are leaving. It seems even the members of the Arts and Humanities have more backbone then the preachers. Of all those you would expect to stand up and fight hate the churches should be the first but they are the very first ones who compromise their values for twenty pieces of political gold.
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Reply Sat 19 Aug, 2017 09:18 pm
Another one of Trump’s advisor quit. It seems there is a very damaging article in the New Yorker about to come out about Carl Icahn’s conflicts of interest. Icahn was Trump’s advisor on deregulation and by recommending deregulation of the businesses he owned he would stand to make billions. Conflict of interest? You bet. Icahn is a corporate raider who bought up companies and dismantled them making billions for himself. One of our biggest local employers was purchased by Icahn and true to form he destroyed it. It had been in business since the early1900s and employed 100s now employees 3 people because if it were closed Icahn would have to pay for the clean up of the hazardous waste site.

The rich corporate owners have been pouring millions into politics to get rid regulations. The more regulations they can do away with the more money they make. In the rush to deregulate one corporate representative endorsed doing away with mining health and safety laws for miners as well as doing away with clean water regulations. He then ask wouldn’t miners like to make more money? He said if health and safety laws were eliminated the coal companies could raise their wages. This is a typical corporate attitude money is the only motive for anything. Miners die 40 at a time when safety regulations are ignored. You have to be alive to spend any increase in wages.

Icahn owns 82% of CVR Energy and the value of the stock had dropped by 70% because of a regulation requiring ethanol be added to gasoline. Icahn stock stood to soar under news that the renewable energy regulation would be eliminated.

There are thousands of regulations that corporate owner want eliminated. The Koch brothers like to use used pipe on their pipelines instead of buying new pipe. One of their used pipelines leaked and when the people on the neighboring property started their car they were incinerated. The Koch brothers explained they saved $7 million by using used pipe. The lives don’t matter to corporate America only money matters.
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Reply Sun 20 Aug, 2017 09:39 pm
Trump is going to address the nation tomorrow evening about the Afghanistan war. One possible solution being discussed is to simply contract the war out to an outfit like Blackwater. The owner of Blackwater donated so much money to the Trump campaign that Trump made his sister Secretary of Education. Betsy Devos is considered to be an out of touch billionaire. Republicans have long advocated shrinking the federal government. But their idea of shrinking the government is not to make it smaller but to contract out every government function they can. When the government contracts out the services end up costing much more than the government services they replaced but it makes the political donors billionaires. The republicans can point to fewer employees but when the contract employees are added in there are far more total employees. Trump has already proposed privatizing the air traffic controllers and that idea went down in flames.

The owner of Blackwater has already made billions for services in Iraq until some of Blackwater employees started killing the wrong people. Blackwater employees opened fire and threw grenades into a crowed town square full of people killing thirty-one and wounding thirty-five. They were charged with murder but the sentences were overturned on appeal. Trump’s answer is that free enterprise does everything better than government why not build a private war machine that way billions more can be funneled to his billionaire friends. When you arm and build a private army you threaten our way of life. Imagine if Trump is impeached and he refuses to leave office and uses his private army to keep him in place. Under baby Bush many traditional functions of the army were contracted out to political donors. Where the military always took care of feeding troops that job was contracted out to private contractors.

There are now several “global security firms” operating around the world. They are simply guns for hire. In America we have a history of guns for hire and private security firms that could and did gun people down in the streets. One of the most well known incidences was the Battle of Matewan where 12 Baldwin –Felts Detectives hired by the Stone Mountain Coal Corporation to evict miners from company owned housing. A confrontation between the local sheriff and the Baldwin-Felts ended up like the shootout at the OK Corral. Seven of Baldwin-Felts including Mr. Felts the owner of the firm died in the shoot out along with three of the town’s people. The Sheriff, Sid Hatfield was shot and killed on the courthouse steps. Private security in America was never quite the same after that incident.
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