The Communist Origin of the Modern Conservative Movement VI

Reply Tue 11 Jul, 2017 09:07 pm
Red neck right radio was going nuts today it seems that Donald Trump Jr. admission into colluding with Russia to win the election has them pulling all the stops out to try and convince their audience that colluding with the Russian is just and everyday thing and every politician does it to win. You can tell there is no such thing as independent red neck radio host. If you listen to all three daytime red neck right radio hosts, Glen Beck, Rush Slimbaugh, and Sean Hannity, you will notice they all have the same talking points. Today they were trying to convince all their listeners with a forth grade vocabulary that the Democrats had been helped out in the last election by the Ukraine. While there is no doubt that foreign countries do try to influence our election there is a big difference between trying to influence an election and colluding with a foreign enemy who broke into the democratic national committee headquarters and the Congressional campaign committee and took the secret information housed their and began using to win election for Russian supported American politicians.

Israel is a prime example of a country that tries to influence the outcome of our elections. The prime minister did all but run a political campaign against Obama but it was done above board without collusion. Netanyahu did not plant a number of false stories accusing Hillary Clinton of running a child-molesting ring out of a pizza parlor. Trump himself publicly called for the Russian to steal Clinton’s email and make it public that is collusion. It was just Trump and the Russians against the world.

When Trump’s poll numbers tanked prior to elections it was Russians to the rescue. The red neck right radio audience was eating it up. What they did not hear was that the Ukraine was not colluding with the Democrats and the red neck right radio hosts were not claiming that there was collusion they expected their audience to jump to the conclusion that there was no difference between what Donald Trump Jr. did and what the Ukraine did. Today you could hear the desperation in Rush Slimbaugh voice and Sean Hannity was throwing everything up against the wall and hoping something would stick.
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Reply Wed 12 Jul, 2017 08:56 pm
It is past time to finally impeach Trump and now the impeachment charges have been formally filed against Trump. “Rep Brad Sherman, D California was the first to draft and circulate articles of impeachment last month. He formally introduced the measure HR 438, on the House floor Wednesday afternoon.” Charges include obstruction of justice, “use his authority to hinder and cause the termination” of an investigation into former national security advisor Michael Flynn, including “through threatening and then terminating, James Comey.” Reported the Los Angles Times today.

It is about time that Trump is impeached. Now the Republicans who control the House will circle the wagons in an effort to protect Trump. Since the Republicans have a large majority in the House they can prevent any impeachment bill from coming to the floor but each day more proof of the Trump campaign and Russians working hand in hand comes to light. What came to light today was that the Russians and Trump campaign had been working together for far longer than anyone suggested long before Trump had even announced that he was running Trump backers and the Russians were already hard at work planning Trump’s campaign. The information comes from the Wall Street Journal, which has traditional supported Republican candidates. The fact that even long time Republican publications are reporting damaging information on Trump shows that even elements in the Republican Party are desperate to get Trump out of office.

Trump is so erratic that he frightens both Republicans and Democrats. The faster Trump is impeached the better it will be for the Republicans. A limit should be set on the debate and a vote taken as quickly as possible followed by a hearing in the senate to determine the penalty which should be removal from office with the stipulation that he never be able to run or hold political office ever again.

When the investigation is done I suspect that the Russian and Trump collusion goes back to the beauty contest Trump held in Russia. Trump had already run for president twice before and the Russians knew he was interested in running for president a third time. Trumps first to presidential runs were miserable failures but with the Russians help a two time loser was turned into a highly polished turd.
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Reply Thu 13 Jul, 2017 09:17 pm
“Peter W. Smith, GOP Operative Who Sought Clinton’s Emails From Russian Hackers, Committed Suicide, Records Show.” The Chicago Tribune reported. Before he died Smith gave a detailed account of setting up a team of experts to work with the Russians in obtaining Clinton’s emails. Smith committed suicide by placing a bag over his head and attaching a hose to a tank of helium. One reason Smith gave for committing suicide was that his $5 million dollar life insurance was running out. I did not think that life insurance covered suicides.

Just like Trump, Smith was trying to recover Hillary’s deleted emails from Russian hackers. Smith committed suicide 10 days after he gave the story to the Wall Street Journal. When they needed help to win an election both Smith and Trump decided to look to the Russians for help.

Everyday there is a new nail in Trump’s coffin revealed. Today we found out that Vice President Pence was also meeting with the Russian prior to being named vice President. No doubt the Russian wanted to interview him before they made their selection for vice president known to Trump. It looks like Paul Ryan will be president after Trump and Pence are impeached. One might remember that Chris Christie and Rudy Giuliani had the inside track on the vice president job but I guess they were not approved by Moscow.

The leaks on Donald Trump Jr. are believed to have come from the Whitehouse, as many people in the Trump administration believe Trump is erratic and unstable. Trump has not been able to stop the leaks coming from his own administration. Who would have access to Donald Trump Jr. private email account except a close insider?
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Reply Fri 14 Jul, 2017 09:11 pm
Like father like son. Trump Jr. is trying to tell even more lies than his father. Donald Jr. told Sean Hannity that he had revealed everything about his meeting with the Russian lawyer now we know that was a lie because two more Russians were present at the meeting. One was a Russian counterintelligence operative and the other was a translator. The counter intelligence officer admitted he took the damaging information about Hillary Clinton to the meeting. Maybe Donald Jr. could not understand the translator but he no doubt can read. Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner was at the meeting but in his January 18 application for a security clearance Kushner denied he had any contacts with foreign nationals. Kushner finally did update his security application in May revealing more than one hundred contact or calls from more than 20 agents for foreign countries. It seems Kushner forgot about those meetings with the Russians just like Jeff Sessions “forgot” about his meetings with the Russians.

But Kushner wasn’t done he had to update his security application a third time on June 21 and at this time he revealed his meeting with Donald Jr., Trump’s campaign manager Paul Manafort and the Russian counter intelligence operative. The law that prohibited adoption of Russian children was retaliation for sanctions put on Russia by Obama. So in effect this meeting was about having Trump remove the sanctions put on Russia for overrunning the Ukraine. So if Trump would remove the sanctions placed on Russia when he became president the Russians would supply Trump with damaging information against Hillary.

The Russians are now demanding that the American spy farms owned by the Russians be returned if they are not returned the Russians are going to but sanctions on America. The Trump administration badly wants to return those spy farms to the Russians so we can have “better relations with Russia” after all the next presidential race is only 3 years away and the Russians need time to prepare.

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Reply Sat 15 Jul, 2017 09:16 pm
There is a dangerous trend going on in America today. There were always conspiracy theories abounding in America but the vast majority dismissed them. When it was revealed that we had not landed on the moon but it was staged on a Hollywood soundstage few people believed it. Then it was revealed that the Holocaust never took place it was just a Jewish conspiracy to discredit the Germany but even fewer people believed that theory. But now faced with facts of the Russian break in and the numerous meeting between the Russians and the Trump administration a large portion of the American population is treating it like it was a staged moon landing on a Hollywood sound stage. The problem is obvious whereas a few people believed obvious fiction as truth, now a large portion of the American population is willing to disregard an ever-growing mountain of facts and be willing to disregard any future facts.

As the supporters of Trump are interviewed about the Russian investigation they mouth the words of the Rush Slimbaughs and the Glen Becks. When it comes to the rabid right a film of Putin handing over the stolen material from the Democratic National Committee to Trump and saying on tape here is the material that you requested would only change a few minds on the right. Rush would be on the next day saying it was staged and Trump thought he was making a movie.

If the Russians launched an invasion in New York and Rush Slimbaugh told his audience that the Russians were just here for a wild weekend a large portion of Rush’s listeners would believe him. When party loyalty overrides the ability to tell truth from fiction the whole country is in jeopardy. This is by far the worst crime that any president of the United States has ever been accused of and a good portion of America is treating it like a jay walking violation. Make no doubt about the Russians did invade America to steal information it may have been an electronic invasion but it was an invasion just the same. Trump has not taken one step to punish Russia or stop the next Russian invasion and the next election is less than a year off. In fact Trump has made it known he wants to put the Russians back in the spy compounds so they can work the election over here.
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Reply Sun 16 Jul, 2017 09:16 pm
I can still remember when radio talk shows were in fact radio shows where if you disagreed with the host you were allowed to state your case. The host might argue with you but you were allowed to make your point. You tuned into to hear an actual two-sided argument. I was a guest on one of these shows and the phone lit up 30 minutes before we went on air. I was there to discuss our latest union contract. When we went on air it was a city councilman who wanted to discuss the recent court ruling on the city residency requirement. He wanted to know if I lived in the city and I admitted I had recently moved out after living in the city for 38 years. The councilman had tried to have the residency requirement enforced and it was taken to court where the city lost. I thanked him for making it possible for me to move out. Now what passes for talk shows are 2½ hour lectures on the political ideology and on a good day the host will take a carefully screened caller who will spend most of his airtime complementing the host.

When Reagan eliminated of the “Fairness Doctrine” it allowed the talk shows to become political indoctrination vehicles. I enjoyed the radio shows that free exchanges of ideas. They took calls for the length of the shows. The problem that the last election showed was that we are becoming more and more like a few colonies of bees or wasps where a queen controls the colony. We have become lazy and no longer think for ourselves. We don’t question what we hear on radio or television as long as it comes from our colony but if comes from another colony we don’t believe anything no matter what the facts are. It is much easier to let some radio host tell us what to think and how to vote. People behave mindlessly because it is a path of least resistance.

This coagulation into opposing groups puts us on the verge of a violent future. The laws of nature cannot be ignored whenever two animals clash over the same territory a war ensues. The further we distance ourselves from facts and the more we retreat into self-serving fiction the bleaker our future becomes. Magical thinking has become the norm in recent years. If you don’t want to believe facts you can ignore them and if you want to believe the most outrageous lies you can but at some point there is a price to pay.
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Reply Mon 17 Jul, 2017 09:43 pm
Trump and Trump Jr. are accumulating frequent liar miles. They must be planning a really big lie. Trump told the news media that he was unaware of Trump Jr. meeting with the Russians until it was in the press but today we learned that Trump hired a criminal attorney to defend Donald Jr. eight days before the story about the Russian meeting came to light. When Trump was pressed about the meetings with Russians he admitted he might of known about the meeting but he did not know what it was about. Trump paid Don Jr.’ lawyer $50,000.

From Russia with love, when Russia cares they care enough to send us their very best well at least they sent the Trumps their very best. The man known as the “master of kompromat” and responsible for helping Putin become the leader of Russia was working Trump’s campaign. Kompromat is the Russian art of spreading damaging information to discredit a rival or an enemy. The master of kompromat, Mr. Chaika supplied a salacious video of a naked man in bed with two naked women. The man just happens to look a whole lot like Putin’s rival. Mr. Chaika authenticated the video.

Mr. Chaika was the source of the information that was to be given to Donald Trump Jr. at the meeting. I wonder whether it was a video of Hillary getting it on with Monica Lewinsky. It is so easy to manipulate videos or find look a likes. I can hear the outrage from the bible belt now. Whatever it was the information is going to come to light as it was also sent to a pro Russian congressman from California, Dana Rohrabacher. Rohrabacher positions on Russia mirrors Trump’s. When Rohrabacher was asked “if he considered using the information for opposition research against the Democrats in the presidential campaign he said it had never crossed his mind.” The information was handed to Rohrabacher while he was in Russia. The information was also posted on Mr. Chaika web site. Hold onto your hats the lies are going to come fast and furious. Two points to those who spot the most obvious Trump lies three points for the not so obvious lies. First one to score a hundred points wins a weekend with Trump.

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Reply Tue 18 Jul, 2017 09:12 pm
Trump has found something else to lie about. It seems Trump is using his standard MO claiming the second meeting with Putin at the G20 conference never happened that it was just “fake news.” The meeting took place at a dinner for the G20 participants and Trump said he had just a few words with Putin at the end of the dinner. The problem was that the dinner was between 8:30 and 10 PM but Trump arrived at 7:00 PM and didn’t leave until 12:00 PM. So if Trump had just a few words with Putin at the end of the G20 dinner they likely continued for at least 2 hours. If Trump is to be believed that he only had a few words with Putin they were the slowest words in history. Trump thinks he can do anything and lie about it and his followers will believe the most outrageous lies. Why do so many of Trump’s lies involve Russia or the Russian investigation? There is no doubt there were many people at the G20 dinner who know how long Trump met with Putin.

Rush Slimbaugh’s audience will believe that Trump only had a few words with Putin even if a hundred witnesses testify that the meeting went on for over 2 hours. Trump is going to do everything in his power to power to help the Russians even after they did everything in their power to help Trump get elected. Trump is beholden to the Russian and he behaves that way. It is obvious to everyone that Trump feels obligated to Russia. In Trump’s first meeting with Putin he made sure there were the fewest possible Americans at that meeting because he was afraid of leaks. If Trump wasn’t selling America out he would not be afraid of leaks.
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Reply Wed 19 Jul, 2017 09:33 pm
Nero played his violin when Rome was burning but now Trump has done him one better as Trumpcare was going down in flames Trump was playing in fire trucks and trying on cowboy hats on the Whitehouse lawn. Trump was pretending to drive the fire trucks. The Republican senators were miffed that Trump was not helping the republican effort to strip 26 million Americans of their health insurance. The fire trucks were there to kick off made in America week and Trump couldn’t resist climbing into the drivers seat. Maybe they will leave one so Trump can go out and play in it when he has the time.

The picture of Donald Trump Jr. on the Internet today had probably the biggest frown I ever saw. Don Jr. was quoted as saying; he wants “these four years to be over.” But it is no doubt too late for little Donnie.
Richard Painter, the chief White House ethics lawyer for George W. Bush, considers the action “treason.” “It is betraying your own country in the hands of a foreign adversary.” Painter tells PEOPLE, He notes that under the Bush administration, Don Jr. would have been in custody and bought for questioning. “I think there are grounds here on campaign finance violations alone that is illegal.” He says.

From an Internet article entitled: “Inside Trump Family’s Turmoil
Amid Russia Scandal: Don Jr. Is Miserable and Wants “These Four Years to Be Over”

It seems another Russian lobbyist attended the meeting with Don Jr. it looks like everybody might have been there but Putin himself. Trump has long been suspected of money laundering and now the only major bank in the world that still does substantial business with Trump after Trump’s string of bankruptcies in the 90s has been found guilty of money laundering. Deutsche Bank of Germany just paid $600 million for money laundering and they have agreed to hand over Trump’s detailed bank records so it can be determined if Trump has been laundering money. Trump may not have turned over his tax returns but the detailed bank records may tell us far more. Trump golden hair may go well with prison stripes.
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Reply Thu 20 Jul, 2017 09:08 pm
Trump knows what is coming next and has his lawyers are looking to see if he can pardon himself, his family and his aides. If you will remember Newt Gingrich had advised Trump to go ahead and pardon those who participated in his campaign even before they were indicted. It would be like a get out of jail free card for future use. Now with Donald Trump Jr. facing almost certain jail time for treason Trump is trying to figure out if he can pardon him. I don’t believe that you can pardon anyone for a crime they have not been convicted of yet sort of the cart before the horse. Trump junior trial is likely to drag on for years long after daddy Trump has been impeached.

One of Trump’s major points was that he would make a better president because he was a businessman not a politician. The problem Trump has found is that if you don’t know the rules of the game you shouldn’t play the game. When you are a businessman you can do business with anyone even Putin but when you become a politician there are rules when interacting with enemy states. Trump is about to lean the political game from the school of hard knocks.

It is Saturday night massacre time and Trump is looking to get rid of the Attorney General, Jeff Sessions. Trump has publicly stated he would not have appointed Sessions if he knew he would recuse himself from the Russian investigation. Trump would also like to dump the assistant Attorney General and the Special Prosecutor so he could put an end to the Russian investigation and the money laundering investigation. Trump has been hiding his finances for a very good reason and never dreamed the Russian investigation would lead to the FBI to investigating his money laundering. Is it any wonder that Trump wants to know if he can pardon himself? I will bet Trump is the first President in history to ask if he can pardon himself. Let’s hope he can’t and that he goes to jail for a nice long time.
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Reply Fri 21 Jul, 2017 09:18 pm
Trumps popularity is going down and somebody has to be responsible and it couldn’t possibly be Trump’s fault. Today Sean Spicer, Trump’s press secretary had to fall on his sword so he resigned. Trump is incapable of accepting blame where blame is do. Trump can’t imagine that it is anything that he is doing that causing his popularity to fall.

Each day we find more about the Russian investigation now we know that the Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, not only met with the Russian Ambassador but we also now know the subjects that were being discussed. US spy agencies intercepted the conversation during routine monitoring of Russian officials in the United States. Sessions has already testified under oath that nothing about Trump’s campaign was discussed at the meeting.

“A former official that the intelligence indicates that Sessions and Kislyak had “substantive” discussions on matters including Trump’s position on Russia-related issues and prospects of U.S.-Russian relations in a Trump administration.

From an Internet article entitled: “Sessions Discussed Trump Campaign Related Matters With Russian Ambassador, U.S. Intelligence Intercepts Show.” From The Washington Post
It looks like Trump is not the only one who wants to fire the Attorney General. It is just a matter of whether he is fired by Trump first or arrested for treason.

Still red neck right radio insists that it is all fake news made up out of someone’s imagination. At some point in America there is going to have to be a law against using the public airwaves to spread lies. If government can show that some one like Rush Slimbaugh or Sean Hannity deliberately spread the lies that a reasonable person knew that they were lies, then after conviction for the offence they be incarcerated for no less than five years and no more than twenty-five years. Their lies are doing real damage to America. In addition they should be civilly liable for any and all damages cause by their lies. In just one day all of the red neck radio hosts would be jailed for lying.
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Reply Sat 22 Jul, 2017 09:37 pm
Trump can’t say, “fake news” often enough. He repeats it at every opportunity. Whatever it is if Trump doesn’t like it he calls it “fake news.” Even when Don Jr. admitted to meeting with the Russians Trump called it “fake news.” Even with Don Jr. supplying the emails Trump labeled it “fake news.” This is an attempt to create an alternate reality where facts don’t underpin it. When Kellyanne Conway told the public that there are “alternate facts.” These alternative facts existed despite actual pictures of the crowd size of inauguration crowds. Conway was speaking for the White House. This effort to create an “alternate reality” didn’t start with Trump it has been going on since 1980.

“Nobody in this country knows how to talk about class. America is like a giant manor estate where the aristocrats don’t know they are aristocrats and the peasants imagine that they are undiscovered millionaires. And American cultural elite, trained to think in terms of artificial distinctions like Republican and Democrats instead of more natural divisions likes haves and have-nots, refuse to grasp the meaning of the rage-storm headed over the wall.

From the book: “Insane Clown President”
You can clearly see the effects of the “alternate reality” in that paragraph. From the 80s on the taxes on the ungodly greedy were cut and cut again. If you argue taxes on the Internet you will come up against many people in the lower middle class who see themselves as rich even though their income is in the lower 20%. Taxes were cut not only at the federal level but state level also. In order to make up for the lost revenue regressive taxes were added. I always love to argue with those who just want a “fair tax” this is by far one of the most regressive taxes ever conceived. The flat tax is based not on income but what you spend. The middle class and working poor spend every dollar they earn but the rich spend only a tiny portion of their income. The tax would apply to a 100% of middle class income but less than 1% of the ungodly greedy income. When it comes to being rich you would be surprised who believes they are rich. It was those people who exist in the alternate reality that were responsible for making a progressives tax system regressive. When all federal, state and local taxes are taken into account our tax system is regressive yet the “undiscovered millionaires” are responsible for making our tax system regressive. Alternative realities are like termites they eat away at the infrastructure of our democracy.

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Reply Sun 23 Jul, 2017 09:23 pm
The bully has taken to the bully pulpit to try and force Trumpcare through. The new White House communication director has said he is going to take drastic actions to stop the leaks from the west wing. The only way that would be possible is chop off Trump’s hands. It didn’t stop Trump as he was tweeting earlier this evening. Trump is trying to intimidate Republican Senators telling them in his tweet saying that, “If the Republicans don’t repeal and replace the disastrous Obamacare, the repercussion will be far greater than any of them understand.” Next Trump will probably have his mafia friends call the senators and tell them that they know where your children go to school at. This is government New York style.

Trump calls Obamacare disastrous but Obamacare has resulted in 22 million more hard working American being insured. Trumpcare will result in 26 million hard working Americans losing their insurance. Will the real disaster please stand up? Anybody that can count know that Trumpcare not only sets America back ten years but makes it far worse than before Obamacare started. America is headed toward national care with a good portion of the population on either Medicare or Medicaid. There are currently over a 110 million Americans on Medicare and another 70 million on Medicaid. This means that nearly 2 out of 3 Americans already have government healthcare the only real argument is about the 1/3 of the population that does not have government healthcare. America realized in the 60s that healthcare for the elderly was unaffordable and started Medicare likewise we understood that healthcare was unaffordable for the working poor and started Medicaid so they could receive adequate healthcare.

The simplest solution is to change over the 1/3 who are not on government healthcare to Medicare which they are already paying for out of their check each week. We already accept the fact that private insurance did not want to insure the elderly because most of cost of medical care is in the last few years of life. Private health insurance companies want to insure healthy people with only a small chance of filing big claims. Until Obamacare came along they took extensive steps to make sure they didn’t insure people likely to have big claims. The cost of medical services is more or less fixed the only possible savings is cutting the middleman out. Insurance adds to the cost of medical care. No one needs health insurance to perform open-heart surgery.
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Reply Mon 24 Jul, 2017 09:39 pm
Trump has known for months that the Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, recuse himself from having anything to do with the Russian investigation March 2. That upset Trump at the time but he got over it. In the last few days it has again become a big issue with Trump. Why now? It became an issue when the special prosecutor began gathering Trump’s financial records. Trump has been able to hide his tax returns up till now but the special prosecutor has subpoenaed them for the Russian investigation. Trump has assembled a large legal team to defend him in his upcoming impeachment. Trump needs to know what the special prosecutor has so Trump’s legal team can begin working on his defense. This is why Trump is desperate to get Sessions out. He would much prefer that Sessions resign of his own accord. It would look better if he just resigned.

If Trump got a do over by appointing another hand picked attorney general he could fire the special prosecutor and put a stop to the Russian investigation for once and for all. This would stop the special prosecutor from getting all of Trump’s financial records at Deutsche Bank. The German bank is the only bank in the world still willing to loan Trump major amounts of money after a string of bankruptcies in the 90s. Imagine being only one bank in the entire world that would be willing to loan you a major amount of money. But this will make it much more convenient for the investigators because instead of having to chase records from banks all over the world this one bank’s records will tell the tale.

When someone goes into the local convenient store and tells the clerk they have a gun and demands money that person goes to jail for a long time. But when a Trump or someone like him scams thousands out of their life savings they just say what a good businesses man they are. Every time Trump bankrupted one of his business ventures there were thousands of others who lost their money. Did Trump feel sorry for any of these people who lost their life savings? Not even a little bit. Trump only feels sorry for Trump and he spends most of his time doing that.
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Reply Tue 25 Jul, 2017 09:44 pm
In a discussion between two senators that took place in front of a hot mike that they were unaware of one senator Jack Reed, Democrat from Rhode Island said “Yes,“ Reed replies “I think- I think he is crazy,” apparently referring to the president. “I mean I don’t say that lightly and as kind of a goofy guy. Senator Susan Collins, Republican from Maine Rhode Island, replied, “I am worried. Collins chairs the transportation committee and Trump wants to do away with the all the grants that help provide mass transit across the country so he can put another $54 billion down the defense rat hole. We currently spend more than 10 times the second highest spender on defense, China. With all that American know how we should be able to do the job with only 5 times as much as second place.

According to the Senators Trump does not have a clue about the budget and neither do the people working for him. There were laws passed that require and increase in defense spending to be paid for by taking money from the domestic side of the budget. If Trump gets his extra $54 billion to give to defense contractors many of the domestic programs will have to be eliminated. For instance you could eliminate PBS and the unemployment program to pay for the Trump wall but new spending has to be paid for. What many people voted for was somebody who had absolutely no clue of how to run the country. The fairy tale went that if somebody doesn’t have a clue as to what their doing and has bankrupted more businesses than anyone on earth they should be able to do a good job with government. The trouble with fairy tales is that they are only fantasies. Cinderella’s pumpkin never really turned into a coach it remained a pumpkin. It was a nice story but just a story. Trump was just another spoiled rich kid who used daddy’s money and daddy’s connections to bankrupt business after business. Trump like Cinderella’s pumpkin will never make a decent president it was just a fantasy that a lot of people chose to buy into.
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Reply Wed 26 Jul, 2017 09:39 pm
The Republicans have not been able to stop the Russian investigation so the next best thing is to try and cover it with lots of smoke. Red neck right radio has been pushing for an investigation of the democrats it doesn’t matter which ones just so long as there is an investigation of democrats. Sean Hannity was pushing for an investigation of Debbie Wasserman Schultz, she was the former head of the Democratic Party, who was forced to step down after she was found to be partial to Hillary Clinton over Bernie Sanders. According to Hannity Shultz has deleted some email and acid washed the hard drive. Everyday 100s of millions of Americans delete emails on their computer and unless they have been subpoenaed by law enforcement there is no problem. Since the email at the Democratic National Headquarters contains sensitive information that the Russians have already hacked into once and Trump asked the Russians to do break in again and get him more of the emails from Hillary the only way to keep the Russians and Trump from getting the information is to delete it.

Hannity and the Republican think tanks hoped to use an investigation to obtain the confidential emails and cause a war between the Clinton wing of the party and the Sander’s wing of the party. Trump is calling for an investigation of Hillary emails even though the FBI has already investigated Hillary’s and cleared Clinton. Trump wants a do over now that he thinks he can control the investigation. Like puppets on a string the House Judiciary Committee has agreed to investigate Hillary and Comey. Comey basically cost Hillary the election and the Republicans are investigating collusion between Comey and the Clintons. Collusion for what? Cost her the election? It makes no sense. Fox News says Trump just wanted to move on and let Hillary go but now that they won’t let Trump’s collusion go Trump needs some cover and a high profile Hillary investigation is just what he needs.

This is to convince the red neck right there is no such thing as a Russian invasion going on. Make no mistake about it we were invaded by the Russian government and confidential information was stolen and weaponized and used to get Trump elected. The information stolen by the Russians from the Democratic Congressional Committee will be used in the upcoming congressional elections as the same people run year after year. But congress has done one thing they put more sanctions on Russia for stealing the last election for Trump. It carried by 98 to 2 in the senate and keeps Trump from returning the spy resorts to the Russians. It not that they don’t trust Trump it is they don’t trust Trump.
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Reply Thu 27 Jul, 2017 08:51 pm
The ball is in Trump’s court now the Senate passed the bill 98-2 to increase the sanctions on Russia for interfering with the last presidential election. The House had already passed the same bill 419-3. Trump can of course veto the bill but his veto will be overridden. What a Trump to do? Veto the bill calling it “fake news” or take a dressing down by Putin for being a weakling that cannot even get his own party to vote his way. Trump had made a promise to Putin that as soon as he became president he would roll back Obama’s sanctions on Russia. Now Putin may retaliate against Trump by leaking even more damaging accounts of Trump’s collusion with Russia.

This is the first major foreign policy legislation during Trump’s presidency and it clearly show that no one in the legislature trusts Trump. Trump’s popularity may be in the mid 30s but his popularity in the legislature is far lower. The fact that no one in the legislature trusts Trump has to renew your faith in human nature.
“Trump concerns include letting Congress stop any effort to ease existing sanctions on Russia. But White House communication director, Anthony Scaramucci suggested Trump wanted even tougher stronger sanctions.

From an Internet article entitled: “U.S. Senate Slaps New Sanctions on Russia: Putin Vows Retaliation” by Reuters
The White House believes everybody in America is a fool because Trump lobbied to weaken the sanctions all along but now the White House says Trump’s wants “stronger” sanctions. They think we start each new day with no memory of the day before. That bill stands as a rebuke for Trump and his policies.
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Reply Fri 28 Jul, 2017 09:12 pm
The Russians are having buyer’s remorse facing increased sanction from a new bill passed in Congress. The Russians called Trump “weak and ineffective” and of course they are right. Trumpcare’s defeat shows that Trump can’t even lead the Republican Party. He can’t even run the White House it is in a constant state of turmoil. The White House is reminiscent of Machiavelli’s account of two priests swinging by ropes from the church bell tower with knives stabbing each other. There are many members of the Trump administration with their knives drawn swing from the top of the White House. Among the combatants are Jared Kushner, Ivanka Trump, Steven Bannon, and Reince Priebus who evidently got stuck by too many knives and lost his hold on his rope. Trump is ultimately responsible for the disarray in his administration. Putting his family in his administration was a huge mistake as it disrupts the balance of power in the administration. Trump cannot point to a single significant accomplishment in his six months in office.

Trump can at least read the writing on the wall and the White House now says he will sign the bill putting more sanctions on Russia for interfering with the election. Putin has realized that Trump cannot deliver America on a silver platter and has decided to retaliate in a like manner seizing two American properties and expelling a like number of Americans. Putin thought that Trump would have dictatorial powers. Putin should have studied Trump’s business record closer because he would have found out that Trump always screws those in business with him. Putin believed that Trump could come in one day and declare that Russian would be the official language of America from now on and that it would happen but in America there is a true division of power between the branches of government this keeps Trump from handing America to the Russians.

In order for the Russians to control the upcoming Congressional elections it will require a lot of Russians hacking into email accounts and planting false news stories. The lost Russians will hurt Russian efforts. The sanctions required that 35 Russian spies be expelled. Putin is a dictator that rules by murdering his rivals. Trump would like to be a dictator that did the same and has appointed a number generals in his cabinet enough to stage a military coup if he had a mind.
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Reply Sat 29 Jul, 2017 09:13 pm
Trump now says he will end cost sharing payments to health insurance companies in an effort to kill Obamacare. Trump made the July payment but is threatening to end future payments. If Trump does not make the cost sharing payments premiums will go up and healthcare will be more expensive for everyone. For weeks we having been hearing Trump say that Obamacare is imploding but in fact Obamacare has worked for the last seven years insuring another 22 million people. What Trump is trying to do is kill Obamacare by cutting off the funds needed to subsidize it.

Non-partisans experts agree that Obamacare is not failing but Trump is making the health insurance market very unstable. In fact the cost of insurance went down in at least one mid western state but you’ll never hear Trump mention that. Obamacare is not perfect and adjustments will have to be made but that is not a reason to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Direct subsidies to purchase health insurance are only available to those with individual incomes between $12,000 and $30,000 all others are offered better insurance, lower cost premiums, reduced deductibles, and smaller out of pocket payments to eligible patients. These cost savings are made possible by federal cost sharing payments that Trump is threatening to end. Trump can than point to the increases in health insurance for the middle class and say see Obamacare is imploding. That what demolitions experts do to large building they set off explosives inside the building to make it implode and that is what Trump is doing.

The House of Representatives tried to stop the subsidies in 2014 by taking Obama to court and won the first round but the case is currently under appeal and won’t be heard until next May. Who is Trump going after? The middle class those with incomes between $30,000 and a $102,000 these are the people who will see at least a 20% increase in their insurance if he discontinues the cost sharing payments. The lower incomes will continue to get their tax subsidies. Trump needs to kill Obamacare so he can cut the taxes by 14% on the ungodly greedy. If he can’t eliminate Obamacare that tax will have to stay to fund Obamacare.
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Reply Sun 30 Jul, 2017 09:07 pm
When historians look back at the last half of the twentieth century they will need to answer the question of how the fringe groups like the John Birch Society were able to mainstream their radical ideas? The answer of course is big money and lots of it. Not only was it big money but it was tax-free money. There are many loopholes for the rich. The ungodly greedy are able to set up trusts. Say you wanted to leave $200 million to your children tax free with no inheritance or gift tax. The trust is set up for twenty years but the interest on the trust must go to “charity” for 20 years at the end of the 20 years the entire principal is tax free. This huge tax dodge was to benefit the community and help charities out for the public good. But any business that qualified as nonprofit could receive funds from these trusts, which have multiplied faster than a geometric progression since they were allowed.

The ungodly greedy like the Koch brothers found they could use these Trust to make political warfare. Not only were the principals from these trusts tax-free but the income could also be used tax-free to found and run conservative think tanks like the Heritage Foundation, the Cato Institute and others. This is how the ungodly greedy cut their taxes from 70% to 28% under Reagan these think tanks pushed presidents and congressmen alike. The ungodly greedy were making war on the middle class using the tax loop holes to in effect use the middle class’s money which would have been paid in tax dollars to finance their war. It would be like Russia making war on the US and the US paying for the war. This “charity” loophole allows the rich to pay not one penny of taxes on huge sums of money and still decide how that money is spent. It is time to end this loophole. What most people think of, as a charity is not what the rich think of as charity. They can found a political organization with millions of dollars and than continue to fund with tax-free dollars. The radical ideas of few like Charles Koch who was a John Bircher were mainstreamed with cubic tax-free dollars.
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